Category Archives: Breaking News


EXCLUSIVE: Mueller Report Much Worse Than Anyone is Saying

Attorney General William Barr is keeping the Mueller report on Russian election interference under wraps — for a good reason.

Planet Waves has obtained a copy of the 773-page document, which details Pres. Donald Trump’s involvement with foreign interference in the 2016 election.


Robert Mueller led the investigation.

The interference in the election was indeed foreign, and Trump was directly involved — but it was not the Russians who were the problem. In fact, in more than 100 contacts between the campaign, the transition team and the Kremlin, Russian officials were doing what little they could to help stop an alien takeover of our planet, the report says.

"The Russians acted valiantly to help save the Earth and the United States of America," the report said in the introduction. "They were only helpful, and continue to be supportive to this day. They are doing what they can."

One year into his investigation, Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller III determined that, "Though it may seem preposterous, Donald Trump only appears to be in human form. In fact, he is a native of Taphao Kaew, a planet orbiting the star 47 Ursae Majoris, 45 light years from Earth."

"Who would have imagined?" Mueller asked during an exclusive Planet Waves interview. "The Big Dipper, of all places."

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Pope Francis Beatifies Catholic Justice Antonin Scalia


VATICAN CITY — Pope Francis today beatified the late Antonin Scalia, who died Saturday in Texas at age 79. According to Roman Catholic canonical law, a deceased person can be beatified if they have one documented miracle to their credit.

“He had many,” said Pope Francis, speaking from the Vatican balcony, where millions had gathered below. “There were a good few. He was already a saint in the minds of the people, even when alive. Kind of like Amma.”

Scalia’s incorruptible body will lie in state in a glass case under the rotunda of the Supreme Court beginning Wednesday for 1,000 years, until Feb. 18, 3016, according to a statement from the court.


Despite the fact that he was out shooting quail the previous day, no foul play is suspected.

Scalia needs just one more miracle to be canonized, which was expected to be shortly. Until recently, it took three miracles to become a saint, but there is now a 33% discount, on which basis St. John Paul was canonized recently.

“If Trump gets elected, that would count as a bona fide miracle,” said Archbishop Timothy Dolan of the New York Archdiocese. Ruth Bader Ginsburg, reached for comment Sunday, said she agreed.

Scalia — a native of New Jersey who grew up in Queens, played stickball and married his elementary school sweetheart — had nine children, none of whom ever smoked marijuana. As of Sunday, a cathedral was being built in his honor on a vacant lot where his former elementary school was located.

And in Trenton, 500 units of affordable housing were bulldozed Saturday night to make room for a memorial plaza in Scalia’s honor, according to Gov. Chris Christie’s office.

“It remains to be seen whether Scalia will have been more dangerous in his body or out of it,” said Chuck Schumer, the senior senator from New York State.

Meanwhile, a mob had gathered outside 30 Rockefeller Plaza, where NBC Universal is located. Upon investigating the situation, they turned out to be all the video archive researchers reporting for work on Sunday at the Rachel Maddow Show.

Reince Priebus, chairman of the Republican National Committee, today announced that all further Republican debates would be suspended till further notice, to make room on the airwaves for the TV specials honoring the life of St. Scalia.

“The RNC will never have a chairperson,” Priebus added.

Planet Waves wins prestigious 2015 Worstie award for very worstest website design on whole Internet

STOCKHOLM — has received the prestigious Worstie award for the worst website design of the year, it was announced yesterday. Since word of the award went viral, traffic to the site has soared, and Planet Waves, Inc. stock more than quadrupled in value, going from $2.48 a share to $11 a share in overnight trading.


The quirky website, which cannot decide whether it’s really about astrology, politics, sex or Chiron, edged out aggressive competitors including, and, for the honor of being the world’s very worst website, based on composition, look and feel.

“This award has nothing to do with content,” said Dyno Nobelski, chairman of the panel of judges who bestowed the honor. “If it did, Planet Waves would not have done so well. They excel in original content, fact checking, and even art,” he said. “Who the heck has heard of an astrology website with fact checkers? What is this, Der Spiegel?”

Nobelski added, “Fortunately, they are terrible at everything else. We were really impressed by the shitty color scheme used by the designers, as well as overall mayhem, a sense of cluttered disorder and ridiculousness reaching into every corner of the work. This was an extremely thorough job.”

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Battle of the Stars: Astronomy v. Astrology World Tour

Official promotional poster for the Eric Francis-Neil Tyson debate series.

Official promotional poster for the Eric Francis-Neil Tyson debate series.

Here is the Neil Tyson segment from Planet Waves FM of Sept. 1, 2015 [link to full program here]

Use this link if you’re listening on an iOS or mobile device. Download MP3.

Who is right? Astronomers or astrologers?

Who is closest to the truth, those wacky medieval prognosticators who lure their clients into giving up control of their lives, or the enlightened, erudite scholars of outer space?

This question will finally be settled in the 27-campus Battle of the Stars, featuring Neil DeGrasse Tyson and Eric Francis Coppolino.

The tour begins Friday evening at Columbia University in New York City, and will proceed through the spring in North America, with the final stop being the University of Toronto.

Who knows more about Pluto, astronomers or astrologers?

Who knows more about Pluto, astronomers or astrologers?

The tour will continue on to Europe through the summer, where students are so intelligent, they insist on going to college even in the warm weather. The series will conclude this August in Prague on the anniversary of the demotion of Pluto.

The co-moderators of the event will be Nancy Reagan and Dr. Robert Hand, who have worked together for many years as client and astrologer.

“I’m so excited,” Mr. Coppolino said in a statement issued by his publicist’s press agent’s representative. “I can’t wait to explain to Neil what a dwarf planet is. I read his book about Pluto and there were a few mistakes.”

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New Study: Smokers Live Longer than Nonsmokers

Science News Service

LONDON — A new study published today in The Lancet, the leading British medical journal, has found that smokers outlive nonsmokers — by nearly five years on average. The study’s findings were so unusual that even cigarette manufacturers were skeptical even though the study seems to be valid.

A new study conducted by leading British and American researchers proves that smoking is good for you.

A new study conducted by leading British and American researchers proves that smoking is good for you.

The study, which followed a group of 10,000 smokers for 20 years, contradicts decades of established science, which had previously determined smoking to be a leading cause of disease and death. It was funded by the National Health Service and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention — with none of the funding coming from tobacco companies. Half of the smokers were in the United States and half were in Europe and Great Britain.

“The psychological effects of smoking, and certain social patterns among smokers, appear to outweigh the physiological dangers,” said Dr. Morton Fumar, one of the scientists who led the study over the past two decades. The research team consisted of top oncologists, psychologists and an anthropologist.

Time spent relaxing, breathing deeply, taking a few minutes away from work and socializing with peers, has been shown to increase the lifespan of smokers by an average of 4.7 years, the study proves. These factors outweigh the presence of dioxin, radiation, carbon monoxide and 589 other carcinogens found in cigarette smoke.

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Arizona Legislature Passes Anti-Onanism Law Requiring Medical Approval for Ejaculation; Men Outraged

PHOENIX, AZ (AP) — In an emergency session Saturday night, the state legislature adopted a new law requiring men to obtain medical approval prior to ejaculation. All men would need to collect the signatures of two doctors prior to ejaculating, demonstrating that there is a “reproductive necessity” to the event — specifically, a human egg awaiting the sperm.

A human ovary is now required for all ejaculations in Arizona. Is this the beginning of an anti-ejaculation trend?

A human ovum is now required for all ejaculations in Arizona. Is this the beginning of an anti-ejaculation trend?

Gov. Jan Brewer is expected to sign the bill into law this week. In the United States in 2014 alone, 468 laws were introduced attempting to regulate the female body. This is the first time a state legislature attempted a law regulating the male body.

“Every sperm is sacred,” said State Senator Otto Spunk (R, Bisbee). “Life begins at ejaculation. This is clear from the Bible, from when God punished Onan for spilling his seed on the ground. We will have none of that in Arizona. It is nothing less than murder to have living spermatozoa burning up in the desert heat.”

“Everyone can see that sperm are alive,” said State Rep. Nancy Christian (R, Sedona). “Ejaculation without conception stops a swimming tail. In fact, quite a few of them.”

According to the law, called the Sperm Conservation Amendment, which was included in a new draconian anti-immigration law, ejaculation must be required for reproduction. Any man who wants to ejaculate must produce proof of an ovulating female as his receptacle, or he will be denied permission.

This precludes the possibility of ejaculation using birth control, masturbation or through some kind of homosexual act. Blow jobs would also be forbidden, and are specifically punishable by a year in prison. Use of a condom could get a person a year in the slammer, and mere possession of a condom will be considered a misdemeanor.

“Blow jobs are a form of cannibalism,” said the Rev. Milton Smith, the medical consultant to the legislature. “It’s like swallowing 300 million people, more than the population of the United States.”

Around the country, men were outraged by the new law. The National Organization for the Organizing of Men (NOOM) issued a statement which read, “It’s a man’s right to ejaculate anytime he wants, anywhere he wants, for whatever reason he wants. The government cannot say this is for reproduction only.”

At press time, NOOM was organizing a pro-ejaculatory rights protest outside the State House. At the organization’s headquarters Sunday, men were making picket signs that read, “A SPERM IS NOT A BABY,” “GOD INVENTED EJACULATION” AND “KEEP YOUR LAWS OFF MY SPOOGE.”