Author Archives: Rob Moore

Rob Moore

About Rob Moore

Rob Moore is a published author and has a strong background in art direction and image work. Ever seeking to identify the truths recurring through his own life and that of others, Rob continues to express his findings via writing and imagery. Please visit to learn more.

When the Planet of Sex Hovers Overhead

Posted by Rob Moore


Has your sex life (or other Mars-related facet of life) been sitting as still as the red planet appears to be, as it approaches its retrograde station? Rob Moore contemplates the relationship between spiritual connection, sexual connection and other questions this week. Have you cut yourself off from a truly inspired answer in some part of your life?

Appeal Trumps Perfection

Posted by Rob Moore

"Masks and a Mirror" by Rob Moore.

As Eric has noted, Uranus can relate to glamour and Eris has a direct link to the iPhone’s launch. Rob Moore connects the dots between the Uranus-Eris conjunction, the delusion and disillusionment inherent in our obsession with filtered selfies, and the challenge of embracing ourselves as others see us and love us. What is great about you ‘as is’?

Everybody’s From Mars

Posted by Rob Moore

"Unfamiliar Territory" by Rob Moore.

Rob Moore describes a feeling he has been noticing from straight men with increasing frequency: a pull to either hug or touch in some way. It’s not so much a sexual pull as a calling out for pure and simple masculine energy and presence. In light of the upcoming Mars retrograde, it looks like a signal for some accelerated growth of our inner masculine.

Feeling, feeling, feeling. The good kind.

Posted by Rob Moore

The Here and Now by Rob Moore.

Riffing off of Eric’s recent suggestion to ‘feel your own presence’ when you enter a room, Rob Moore describes his experience learning to get out of his head and to truly feel in a way that allows emotional and physical sensation to guide the way instead of thought. As great as the analytical brain is, sometimes it gets in the way.

The Last Place We Think To Look

Posted by Rob Moore


Rob Moore, taking inspiration from the Moon’s recent conjunctions in Pisces and the internal orientation of the recent eclipse, considers the emotionally nourishing ways we can approach physical self-appreciation. He invites you to start with your navel — although his own journey years ago began somewhat lower, and out of medical necessity.

The Heart Wants What the Eclipse Wants

Posted by Rob Moore


Planet Waves has often described how eclipses can seem like portals through which we enter a new dimension of existence. Rob Moore recounts one such eclipse experience here, in which his sexual potential and truth comes into stark contrast with a certain relationship pattern — and truth wins out.