Author Archives: Planet Waves

The Day of Resolute Composure: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is Aug. 5
The Day of Resolute Composure | The 2019-20 Leo Astrology Studio is available for instant access | All Other Signs

New ideas seem to be flowing into your mind like fresh, cool breezes. You are likely to be more in contact than usual with your intuition, and better able to understand concepts from a multitude of vantage points. Take every opportunity to feed your inspiration actively, however. Make a point of going places you’ve never visited — especially if you’ve always wanted to. Soak in experiences that nourish your love of life and of beauty. There is always more to see and do.
— by Amy Elliott

Do you have a Leo Sun, rising sign or Moon? Your last couple years may have left you reeling trying to figure out which path forward is best. Hear Eric’s thoughts on expediting your post-eclipse process in your 2019-2020 Leo Astrology Studio reading.

Written in the Planets

Jupiter has been retrograde in Sagittarius for quite a while — since April 10, to be exact. In a week, on Aug. 11, it will station direct. At the moment, it is stationary — that is, barely moving at all (well, barely moving according to our perspective here on Earth; the planet has been moving in its typical orbit the entire time, and is now). We’re approaching a turning point in all that Jupiter and Sagittarius represent: expansion, far-reaching vision, pursuit of focused intention (like the archer’s arrow), optimism and so-called luck, seeing wider patterns, belief systems and so on.

You may wish to consider areas in your life where any of those themes have felt fuzzy, under review or in some form of retreat, as well as lessons from the past that have been magnified or tested in recent months. I’ll have more about Jupiter stationing direct and some related Sagittarian activity throughout the week, but that should get you started.

Meanwhile, Mercury is about to leave the degree where it stationed direct in Cancer. Today it repeats its exact square to the asteroid Haumea in Libra. As you begin to move incrementally forward on projects you’ve had on hold the last three weeks, consider what you’ve learned about your emotional responses in that time. You may be ready to birth a new way of expressing them, even if the process arrives via unusual channels.
— by Amanda Painter


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Planet Waves Daily Oracle for Monday, Aug 5, 2019

Today’s Oracle takes us to the Pisces daily for February 26, 2018.


Life is good when there are planets in Pisces, and at the moment you have the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Neptune and Chiron — the perfect set. Make sure you balance work with play every single day. You’re getting a lot done; but, as a Fish, your life has to be about pleasure and play as much as work.


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The Day of the Guiding Light: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is Aug. 4
The Day of the Guiding Light | The 2019-20 Leo Astrology Studio is available for instant access | All Other Signs

You may be feeling as if you want to break out of your current daily life and do something completely unfamiliar. This is likely to be based in deep-seated, intimate sensations connected with your development and healing on a fundamental level. Said another way, this is about something you need to grow toward, and behind it is an abundant well of energy waiting to be channeled. That’s where you come in: you set the direction, then steer into new and exciting territory with the wind at your back.
— by Amy Elliott

Do you have a Leo Sun, rising sign or Moon? Your last couple years may have left you reeling trying to figure out which path forward is best. Hear Eric’s thoughts on expediting your post-eclipse process in your 2019-2020 Leo Astrology Studio reading.

Written in the Planets

Is there some phase you’re trying to move through in a relationship, or a corner you’d like to turn in how you share your heart? Venus in Leo making a square to Albion in Taurus may describe the impetus to move some energy in that way. Think in terms of thresholds you’d like to cross and the doorways open to you, for another visualization of the steps you can take.

With the Moon in Libra, this is less likely to come through in an edgy way; there could even be a spirit of diplomacy, or wanting to be sure a sense of cooperation and teamwork are present. Venus in Leo can be bold and affectionate — though what counts as bold and affectionate for you will depend on your usual settings. Your dial may be turned up a lot or just a whisker at the moment.

The Libra Moon vibe stands in contrast to the Mars-Juno energy that’s been prevalent this past week. That conjunction in Leo is beginning to separate, but slowly. Again, the Libra Moon could help temper the more competitive side of this aspect in relationships, though the effect will vary depending on the people involved and the specific situation.
— by Amanda Painter


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Planet Waves Daily Oracle for Sunday, Aug 4, 2019

Today’s Oracle takes us to the Aquarius weekly for January 11, 2016.


Nearly anyone who succeeds defies the expectations of others, even the experts. Most of the truly innovative things that we now take for granted were thought of as silly, irrelevant or a false rumor (the airplane, for example). Many commodities that power society were first treated as useless waste products (gasoline, for example). Therefore, you don’t need the endorsement of anyone with special qualifications. Rather, cultivate faith in yourself, and the special contribution that you know you want to make. You see the problem clearly, and you can see the solution just as well. Now you must go through the process of working out the details, slowly and carefully. Make friends with people who will support you merely because they like you. So often this makes the world go ’round.


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The Day of the Dangerous Quest: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is Aug. 3
The Day of the Dangerous Quest | The 2019-20 Leo Astrology Studio is available for instant access | All Other Signs

If you want to make more of a positive difference in the world, this year’s astrology suggests you have the resources — whether it’s money, time, energy or ideas. You might need to use some discernment prior to making a firm decision, though do be sure to consider the opportunities offered you. Part of this exercise seems to be about finding your present vocation, and building on your self-confidence. Few things can do that like knowing you’re in a position to help someone, or several someones.
— by Amy Elliott

Do you have a Leo Sun, rising sign or Moon? Your last couple years may have left you reeling trying to figure out which path forward is best. Hear Eric’s thoughts on expediting your post-eclipse process in your 2019-2020 Leo Astrology Studio reading.

Written in the Planets

Mars and Juno make an exact conjunction in Leo today, though they’ve been moving in tandem for a while now. Primarily this constitutes a reminder to keep tabs on scorekeeping, one-upmanship, boasting and selfishness — especially with people of the opposite sex, and particularly in intimate relationships, though this could crop up anywhere things get a little competitive or ego-driven.

Ego is not a bad thing, inherently; a healthy ego is necessary to getting almost anything done, and to having a sense of oneself in the world. Yet when the ego feels threatened, it tends to get over-defensive. You may need to be the one to offer gentle reminders that help to keep things functional if a situation gets heated, and that could take extra effort.

On the other hand, there’s something about Juno and Mars in Leo that suggests the kind of assertion in love and sex that could fire things up in an enjoyable way. If you can throw some flames and your partner or prospect can serve it right back in the spirit of saucy competition, the playful rather than prideful side of Leo might come out.

Mars and Juno conjunct in Leo also speaks to me of something else: a very creative type of partnership, where the activeness of one person fires up the courage of the other. Or, perhaps, the type of inner frisson (caused by some metaphorical fission?) that accomplishes the same thing — with Neptune nudging things along in imaginative (if sometimes awkward) ways. Mercury being in the position it is suggests the continued need to ‘be real’, and to keep treading carefully with communication. Watch your assumptions, and notice the emotions behind them.
— by Amanda Painter


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Planet Waves Daily Oracle for Saturday, Aug 3, 2019

Today’s Oracle takes us to the Leo weekly for June 5, 2009.


Whether you realize it or not you are making a huge shift this week, turning a corner toward recognizing the true depth of your worth. But this will only come when you can resolve your own criticism of yourself that stands a tall wall in between you and the dream in your heart. You may be trying to be rational about this, but don’t forget every great dream that has ever manifested began with a leap of faith. If you can acknowledge your desire to be bold and take a chance on something you feel passionately about you are more than likely to see a way this can become a reality. You are entering a phase when the world is catching on to your gifts and what you have to offer. Perhaps it’s time you woke up to this too.


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The Day of the Versatile Signature: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is Aug. 2
The Day of the Versatile Signature | The 2019-20 Leo Astrology Studio is available for instant access | All Other Signs

You’ve gained a number of skills over time, and the year ahead will probably provide an opportunity to use them all. Changes are happening. Using your gifts wisely should help you steer matters in a useful direction, and navigate through any difficult areas or sudden plot twists. You have more versatility than you may think, and resources you can use even in the thickest of briar patches, if needed. You also possess a certain innate charm at this time, which might help open some interesting doors.
— by Amy Elliott

Do you have a Leo Sun, rising sign or Moon? Your last couple years may have left you reeling trying to figure out which path forward is best. Hear Eric’s thoughts on expediting your post-eclipse process in your 2019-2020 Leo Astrology Studio reading.

Written in the Planets

The Moon entering Virgo this morning could describe taking a slightly more cerebral or analytical approach to emotional issues and responses that have cropped up recently. In fact, solving problems and putting things in order might actually offer some emotional satisfaction, especially if doing so helps someone else as well as you. Just keep the lines of communication open — which generally means asking lots of questions and then really listening to the answers, or saying what you plan to do before you do it. Mercury is still stormy after stationing direct Wednesday night (and rules Virgo), so it’s a little early to try and charge ahead full-throttle.

Both Venus and Mars are in Leo, and both are making aspects that could translate to some level of relationship disruption or intensity. So a Virgo-style approach may help to balance any possible flare-ups, as long as everyone feels heard and empathized with. Flexibility is key here: remember that minds need not be set in stone, and even emotions are far more subject to our ability to choose them consciously than people often realize. Yes, you feel how you feel; but not all reactions belong in the drivers’ seat. Sometimes they’re just signposts telling us where we are and why, and point the way toward a new understanding of ourselves. If we’re willing to read them thoroughly, that is.
— by Amanda Painter


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Planet Waves Daily Oracle for Friday, Aug 2, 2019

Today’s Oracle takes us to the Pisces weekly for February 26, 1999.


The big news for Pisces, as you’ve probably heard, is that Jupiter, your guiding planet, has begun its journey across Aries, the first sign of the horoscope, and hence a whole new 12-year cycle. Translation: This is the springtime of your life, and just in time for spring, and just in time for your birthday, and just in time for the wildest overall year sincewell, I won’t say. However, rather than focussing no what you want, at first I suggest you focus on what you’ve got, because if you do, you’re quite likely to be jolted into a state of clear-headed optimism that will work quite well for you. In this inventory, I recommend you take stock of what you’ve come to possess, what you’ve achieved, who is with you now, and more than anything, what you value. While at times it may seem like a contradiction that it takes wealth to build wealth, don’t sweat it — you’ve got what it takes, if only you’ll look.


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