Planet Waves Daily Oracle for Sunday, Aug 4, 2019

Today’s Oracle takes us to the Aquarius weekly for January 11, 2016.


Nearly anyone who succeeds defies the expectations of others, even the experts. Most of the truly innovative things that we now take for granted were thought of as silly, irrelevant or a false rumor (the airplane, for example). Many commodities that power society were first treated as useless waste products (gasoline, for example). Therefore, you don’t need the endorsement of anyone with special qualifications. Rather, cultivate faith in yourself, and the special contribution that you know you want to make. You see the problem clearly, and you can see the solution just as well. Now you must go through the process of working out the details, slowly and carefully. Make friends with people who will support you merely because they like you. So often this makes the world go ’round.


In These Times graphic

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