Today’s Oracle takes us to the Pisces weekly for February 26, 1999.

The big news for Pisces, as you’ve probably heard, is that Jupiter, your guiding planet, has begun its journey across Aries, the first sign of the horoscope, and hence a whole new 12-year cycle. Translation: This is the springtime of your life, and just in time for spring, and just in time for your birthday, and just in time for the wildest overall year sincewell, I won’t say. However, rather than focussing no what you want, at first I suggest you focus on what you’ve got, because if you do, you’re quite likely to be jolted into a state of clear-headed optimism that will work quite well for you. In this inventory, I recommend you take stock of what you’ve come to possess, what you’ve achieved, who is with you now, and more than anything, what you value. While at times it may seem like a contradiction that it takes wealth to build wealth, don’t sweat it — you’ve got what it takes, if only you’ll look.