Author Archives: Amanda Painter

A Lunar Eclipse & Mercury Retrograde, One Heartbeat at a Time

Editor’s note: this is the full PW members’ edition, featuring your weekly horoscope by Amy Elliott for the eclipse, the Create feature, and more; Planet Waves FM is on a brief hiatus.

Dear Friend and Reader:

With the Sun in Leo as of Sunday, we’re in the midst of an eventful week — it’s possible you’ve been feeling some pressure, or a sense of uncertainty or restlessness. Earlier today, Mercury stationed retrograde in Leo; then, tomorrow (Friday), we get the second of three eclipses in a series. That will be a total eclipse of the Moon in Aquarius, conjunct retrograde Mars.

Leo and Aquarius eclipse image from Ritual Ritual.

The intensity has been visible in the news this week, and I encourage you to notice what emerges over the next two to three weeks, as well. Consider some of the following:

Wildfires in Greece have killed at least 85 people and injured approximately 200; meanwhile wildfires in the western U.S. are also causing havoc, including the shutdown of Yosemite National Park.

— The Trump administration is pledging monetary aid to U.S. farmers hurt by its escalating trade war — at the same time that the administration attempts to gut the Endangered Species Act and open more public lands to oil and mining interests.

— Despite today’s court-ordered deadline to reunite the families of asylum seekers separated at the U.S. border, the government admits that at least 900 children have yet to be reunited, and some 463 separated parents have been deported — even as their children remain in U.S. detention centers — thanks to confusing or intentionally misleading forms they were coerced into signing.

And in Sweden, a student-activist named Elin Ersson prevented an Afghan asylum seeker from being deported when she delayed an airplane’s takeoff by refusing to sit down. Despite being confronted by a few other passengers and the plane’s cabin crew, she continued to live-stream her action (the video has since gone viral, and I highly recommend watching the whole thing), keeping her phone recording her own face for the privacy of others on the plane, until she received assurance that the Afghani man had been allowed to leave. He is reportedly now back in Swedish custody.

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Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius and Mercury Retrograde in Leo

By Amanda Painter

With the Sun in Leo as of Sunday, we’re in the midst of an eventful week — it’s possible you’ve been feeling some pressure, or a sense of uncertainty or restlessness. Early today, Mercury stations retrograde in Leo (in fact, it’s probably already retrograde as you read this); then, tomorrow (Friday), we get the second of three eclipses in a series. That will be a total eclipse of the Moon in Aquarius, conjunct retrograde Mars.

Photo of the 2016 Capricorn Full Moon by Amanda Painter.

Photo of the 2016 Capricorn Full Moon by Amanda Painter.

Not everyone will be feeling this astrology the same way. For example, one friend of mine reported yesterday a series of “flip-flopped” events: things that would normally be upsetting or seemed on a track to get worse suddenly turned out okay or were actually blessings.

I, on the other hand, got a little “stuck” in a train of thought that was emotionally and energetically depleting on Tuesday.

So bear in mind that your mileage may vary. One person’s “energizing” is another person’s “exhausting.”

Whatever might be happening in your life, listen to your body, be willing to try something new to shift perspective, stay open to possibility, and keep your patience and senses of curiosity and humor at hand. They’re valuable tools all the time, but especially with astrology like we’re experiencing now.

The Sun and Moon are moving into opposition with each other across the Leo-Aquarius axis for the Aquarius Full Moon, exact at 4:20 pm EDT (20:20:15 UTC) on July 27. The lunar eclipse reaches totality about a minute and a half later, and will be visible in these areas. On Aug. 11, we’ll get the third and final eclipse in this series: a partial solar eclipse with the Leo New Moon.

As mentioned, Mercury stations retrograde in late Leo today, at 1:02 am EDT (5:02:18 UTC). It does so while in contact with other fire-sign planets.

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Leading from Within: Sun Enters Leo

By Amanda Painter

Today is the first quarter Moon, which marks the halfway point between last week’s partial eclipse in Cancer (the New Moon), and the second in our current series of three eclipses (which will happen during the Aquarius Full Moon). Sometimes these weeks between eclipses feel a little bit like an alternate reality, though this can be subtle depending on your circumstances.

Willard Beach, South Portland, Maine. Photo by Amanda Painter.

Willard Beach, South Portland, Maine. Photo by Amanda Painter.

Between now and next week’s eclipse (a total lunar eclipse), the Sun will leave Cancer and enter Leo. That occurs at 5:00 pm EDT (21:00 UTC) on Sunday, July 22.

Leo is the heart of this season (summer in the Northern Hemisphere, winter in the Southern Hemisphere). Ruled by the Sun itself, Leo is associated with themes such as courage, pride, leadership, public display and sociability. Yet, you’ve probably noticed there are two general types of Leos: the ones who seem to lead quietly — definitely in charge, but not flashy about it; and the ones who are garrulous, dramatic and always center stage.

I mention this because when the Sun enters Leo on Sunday, it will be within chatting distance with two of the most energetic planets in our solar system: Uranus in Taurus, making a square aspect; and Mars in Aquarius, making an opposition. Those are also the two most tension-producing aspects in astrology — which means they’re generating energy you’ll need to find constructive uses for.

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Entering the Eclipse Zone with Pluto

Editor’s note: this is the full PW members’ edition, featuring a special combination of July monthly horoscopes, a weekly horoscope, and daily horoscope by Eric for the eclipse, the Create feature, Planet Waves FM and more.

To read more about tonight’s eclipse, please check out Monday’s essay by Eric: The Moon, the Sun and (134340) Pluto.

Dear Friend and Reader:

Tonight is the Cancer New Moon, exact at 10:48 pm EDT (02:48 UTC Friday). But it’s not just a New Moon: it is also a partial solar eclipse. Not only that, it’s an eclipse opposite Pluto in Capricorn.

Time-lapse composite image of a partial solar eclipse on May 20, 2012, taken near Dog Beach / Huntington Beach, California. Tonight’s eclipse will only be visible in south Australia, and over the southern Pacific and Indian Oceans. Photo by jimnista via CC license.

Perhaps the most striking story I’ve seen in the news this week that illustrates this setup is the rescue of the 12 Thai student soccer players and their coach from the Tham Luang cave. Even though the rescue was completed on Tuesday, I’d say it’s still in the zone.

Pluto (lord of the underworld) in Capricorn (mountains) is absolutely subterranean. A New Moon is the darkest part of the lunar phase, yet it’s also the turning point when a new cycle begins. Cancer, of course, is a water sign — and the one most associated with taking care of others.

It’s also worth noting that Jupiter stationed direct in Scorpio on Tuesday: an image of the trapped (or ‘fixed’) water that had closed off the cave deep under the surface, and the good fortune involved in being able to emerge from it.

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It might look like they're about to step off the edge, but they're not. Photo by Amanda Painter.

Entering the Eclipse Zone with Pluto

By Amanda Painter

Tonight is the Cancer New Moon, exact at 10:48 pm EDT (02:48 UTC Friday). But it’s not just a New Moon: it is also a partial solar eclipse. Not only that, it’s an eclipse opposite Pluto in Capricorn.

It might look like they're about to step off the edge, but they're not. Photo by Amanda Painter.

It might look like they’re about to step off the edge, but they’re not. Photo by Amanda Painter.

Perhaps the most striking story I’ve seen in the news this week that illustrates this setup is the rescue of the 12 Thai student soccer players and their coach from the Tham Luang cave. Even though the rescue was completed on Tuesday, I’d say it’s still in the zone.

Pluto (lord of the underworld) in Capricorn (mountains) is absolutely subterranean. A New Moon is the darkest part of the lunar phase, yet it’s also the turning point when a new cycle begins. Cancer, of course, is a water sign — and the one most associated with taking care of others. It’s also worth noting that Jupiter stationed direct in Scorpio on Tuesday: an image of the trapped (or ‘fixed’) water that had closed off the cave deep under the surface, and the good fortune involved in being able to emerge from it.

Yet it’s Pluto’s associations with death, fear, and profound, soul-level change that really bring it all home. Think for a moment about the inherent metaphor: 13 people were ‘entombed’ while alive underground. They were brought back to the surface, but they will forever be changed in some way (likely in many ways) as a result of this experience. They can no longer be exactly who they were before — yet they still are who they are, and they are alive.

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In Your Face or In Your Flow

By Amanda Painter

There are seemingly opposite forces at work today, at least in terms of tone and temperament. On the one hand, there’s some astrology offering a relaxed and possibly empathetic or idealistic vibe; on the other hand, that could take a backseat to more confrontational and entrenched interactions, depending on your personality and social context.

Coriander flowers, with salpiglossis in the background. Photo by Amanda Painter

Coriander flowers, with salpiglossis in the background. Photo by Amanda Painter

If you’re in the U.S. and celebrated yesterday’s Independence Day holiday, how did things go for you?

I ask, because given the nature of typical July 4th celebrations (lots of people gathering together, fireworks, possible alcohol consumption, family cookouts, enhanced patriotic spirit) and given the high-stakes cultural standoffs that are receiving heated, emotional attention currently, your interactions yesterday will likely give you a clear indication of which astrological aspects you’re more tuned in to.

Which is not to say that today needs to be a repeat of yesterday. If you didn’t like what came out of your mouth or how others behaved toward you, you have an opportunity to make a course-correction today. It will likely take some introspection — which likely means disengaging from whomever might have set you off.

On the other hand, if you simply felt content to go with the flow yesterday and chill out, that could be a nice vibe to continue. Yet, you also have the option to take those good vibes and harness them to get something accomplished. That’ll take a conscious decision to motivate yourself, but you’ll likely find it to be worth it.

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After the Full Moon: Ceres, Mercury, Juno Change Signs

By Amanda Painter

Most likely, by the time you read this, today’s Capricorn Full Moon will be separating and its energy easing (it’s exact at 12:53 am EDT / 4:52:53 UTC this morning). If any situations came to a head or felt ‘stuck’ in your life in recent days, notice whether the pressure is starting to dissolve and you can find some resolution as the day progresses.

At the same time, Mars stationed retrograde in Aquarius only two days ago. We’re all still getting acquainted with what that feels like.

The waxing Moon viewed earlier this week through a screen window. Photo by Amanda Painter.

The waxing Moon viewed earlier this week through a screen window. Photo by Amanda Painter.

If any feelings of frustration or not knowing how to proceed have been lingering for several days, it might point to a longer-term inquiry that’s unfolding for you.

I’m also aware that the U.S. news is awash in ongoing conflicts from the world over — including, domestically, the crisis of children separated from their parents at immigration detention centers, with no clear plan or functional process to reunite them. We’ve also experienced a week’s worth of 5-4 Supreme Court rulings that call the meaning of “constitutional” into question. And the following news broke as I wrote this: Justice Anthony Kennedy, often the SCOTUS swing vote, announced his retirement, thereby opening the door for Trump to appoint a conservative justice.

In other words, there’s still a lot to feel edgy and overwhelmed by in this world. Yet in the next few days, we’ll also get some shifts in tone, at least astrologically speaking. These events might even enable you to tap into a sense of what you can do to help.

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Mars Shifts into Reverse, and a Full Moon Rises

Here we are, on the cusp of one of the signature astrological events of 2018: this Tuesday, Mars stations retrograde in Aquarius at 5:04 pm EDT (21:04:21 UTC). You might be feeling very curious about what you can (or want to) do right now, or too overwhelmed to take action on certain current issues; or maybe you desire to act but feel confused or frustrated in how to do so best in your particular social circles. Mars stationing retrograde in Aquarius can be seen to symbolize any of these possible states.


The August 2003 Mars retrograde, captured in a composite photo (digitally stacked images) to show the path Mars traces. The short dotted line just above the Mars loop is Uranus doing the same thing. Photo by Tunc Tezel via NASA/APOD.

Eric has written extensively about Mars’ impending journey backwards through early Aquarius and into late Capricorn, which will last for about two months.

You can read two of those essays here for in-depth discussions: Mars and Society: Retrograde in Aquarius, and Mars Retrograde: Background, and Deep Background.

Without trying to cover all of that ground again, I want to mention some of the big themes you’ll probably want to track in your life during these two months. These may include things like: your experience of asserting yourself socially; the ways in which you discover who you are through conflict with others; how you respond when your individuality runs counter to prevailing social rules, patterns and expectations; how you perceive and engage your sexual desire, especially related to shifting cultural norms and the ‘consent’ conversation; where you locate your creative will and sexual agency (do you claim it? Do you place that power in others?).

Insofar as the volition needed to make money relates to Mars, you might also pay attention to your motivation and sense of empowerment around your finances.

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