Monthly Archives: August 2012

Cue: Be One (or The Kuiper Belt Turns 20)

Dear Friend and Reader:

Astrology is based on the premise that the shape of the solar system reflects the shape of consciousness. If that’s true, the edge of the solar system would represent a boundary or edge within the psyche, a place where familiar territory ends and the unfamiliar begins. Over the years, this boundary has moved gradually outward. For as far back as anyone was looking at the sky, the boundary was Saturn, the most distant visible planet. The edge moved outward with the first discovery of a planet — Uranus, in 1781, and with that discovery, the age of science and industry had officially begun.

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Illustration of the Kuiper Belt by Don Dixon, which originally appeared in Scientific American in 2000. The outermost inner ring is the orbit of Neptune. The inclined orbit would be something like Pluto, though with a much longer orbit than Pluto actually has; in 2000 it would represent a possible discovery, though the shape and inclination are evocative of Eris. The Kuiper Belt is the cloud of small objects that surround the solar system. © by Don Dixon, all rights reserved.

Next came Neptune, which was finally observed to be a planet in 1846. Neptune for its part was a strange discovery — Galileo was the first to see it, way back in 1612, though neither he nor numerous astronomers who followed him actually understood what it was, even though they noticed it was moving. Such is the elusive nature of Neptune.

After its discovery in 1930, Pluto was the furthest known object orbiting the Sun. It was discovered by accident, when astronomers were busy looking for something much larger, something they’ve yet to find.

Over the years, different astronomers had theorized that there were swarms of small objects beyond Neptune, though by 1992, only Pluto had been found. Most astronomers accepted that it was the outer edge of the solar system. There didn’t seem to be a lot of interest in searching, either. There was no grant money available for the project; it was not as glamorous as studying the known planets. At that time, a lot of attention and resources were going into the Cassini mission to Jupiter and Saturn, as well as to Hubble space telescope projects that involved gazing out to the edge of the universe.

Jane X. Luu, then 29 years old, was doing postdoctoral work in astrophysics, collaborating with Prof. David Jewitt at the University of Hawaii’s observatory on Mauna Kea, Hawaii. They were researching small objects in our solar system, such as comets and asteroids. (One theory about this possible new region of space was that it served as a reservoir of comets.)

They had a question: why did space beyond Pluto seem so empty? In the true spirit of science — curiosity — they decided to look around.

“To us it was of scientific interest,” Luu recalled in an interview last week. “In terms of prestige, we had never wanted to study any planet. Grants are easy. Why study something that lots of other people study? We were going to do things that nobody else wanted to do.”

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The 2.2-meter telescope at Mauna Kea, University of Hawaii, where 1992 QB1 and the Kuiper Belt were discovered by Drs. Jewitt and Luu. Photo from the University of Hawaii.

So, they spent their time peering off into the edge of the solar system, looking for anything that was moving. Mauna Kea is an ideal ground-based observatory because it’s sitting on top of a dormant volcanic mountain 4,200 meters above sea level, where the skies are often clear, and where there’s minimal light pollution or smog. Plus, it’s a smooth mountain, so there’s relatively little atmospheric turbulence — the bane of astronomers everywhere. They were using the University of Hawaii’s 2.2-meter telescope, a dependable old beast that had been in operation since 1970.

On the night of Sunday, Aug. 30, 1992, just before 11 pm local time, they pointed the telescope toward the southeastern skies and focused on a faint object. In fact it was so faint, it’s amazing they saw it against the backdrop of the stars. Over the next 90 minutes, watching on a monitor connected to a digital image captor, they noticed that the object was moving — which meant that it wasn’t a fixed star.

Jewitt and Luu had discovered the first-known object orbiting our Sun beyond Pluto. After 62 years of being the presumed edge of the solar system, Pluto’s reign was very quietly over. However, it would take a long time for the news to spread. The object they discovered was not especially large, and these particular astronomers are not media hounds.

The discovery was given the provisional designation 1992 QB1 — a technical reference that notes when it was discovered, and that it was the 27th object found in the second half of August of that year, nearly all of them asteroids of various kinds. (The second centaur planet, Pholus, had been discovered earlier that year, and the third, Nessus, would not be discovered till 1993. Centaurs are small planets located inside the orbit of Neptune.)

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Dr. Jane X. Luu, astrophysicist and co-discoverer of the Kuiper Belt, now a senior scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Official photo.

1992 QB1 has a nearly perfect circular orbit, which means it’s very stable. (The stability of its orbit is evidence that this region of space is not the origin of comets — they probably come from a region further away.) QB1’s orbit is nearly parallel to the solar equator, which takes it around the Sun in just over 289 years. That’s about 39 years longer than Pluto takes to orbit, though Pluto has a wildly elongated path, which meets the plane of the solar system on a steep angle.

Because it was beyond Pluto, 1992 QB1 was also the discovery of what became known as the Kuiper Belt, named (or misnamed) for Dutch astronomer Gerard Kuiper. QB1 was the observation that demonstrated that there are indeed objects beyond Pluto within our solar system. If there was one, there would be more. There are about 1,000 known today, and Jewitt has predicted that there are as many as 70,000 — probably a conservative estimate based on an actual calculation.

Imagine the Kuiper Belt as a plane extending into space, similar to a ring of Saturn, though surrounding the Sun, out beyond all the larger planets. The discovery represented a radical step in the understanding of the solar system, though its significance isn’t fully appreciated. Among astronomers, many other discoveries get more attention (Eris, for example). Studying these small bits of planetary matter give us a glimpse into the early history of the solar system.

Among astrologers, 1992 QB1 seems to get the least attention of any minor planet. This is in part because the minor planets are not a popular topic in astrology, and even among astrologers who specialize in the new discoveries, QB1 leaves most of them without a starting point because it doesn’t have a name. The names of newly discovered planets almost always come from the astronomers (who don’t generally ‘believe in’ astrology, or think about it much). Yet astrologers depend on these names to help them suss out the meaning a new planet might contain.

Jewitt and Luu had proposed the name Smiley, after the fictional character George Smiley in the spy novels of John le Carré. Smiley is a kind of anti-James Bond — a quiet, disciplined espionage agent rather than one always running around with his gun drawn. But the name had been used on a main-belt asteroid honoring Charles H. Smiley (1903-1977), who was chairman of astronomy at Brown University. Jewitt and Luu did not propose another name, and they have no plans to.

When other bodies were discovered with orbits similar to QB1, they started to become known as the cubewanos, a pun on Q-B-1-ohs. This is some insurance that 1992 QB1 will always be its name. Once its orbit was confirmed and it got a place in the Minor Planet Catalog, its proper name became (15760) 1992 QB1. This always reminds me of Asteroid B-612 from The Little Prince.

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David Jewitt, co-discoverer of 1992 QB1 and the Kuiper Belt, now a professor at UCLA. Official photo.

Last week I asked Jane Luu if she would share some impressions about her now-famous discovery.

“A lot of people don’t like it, because it started all the trouble for Pluto,” she said. The discovery of QB1 led to many other astronomers looking for objects in the Kuiper Belt, and one of them — Eris, discovered in 2005 — led to Pluto being reclassified as a Kuiper Belt object. “They should think of it as a new frontier of our solar system. It’s just like exploration way back in the 1500s. It’s about mapping new worlds.”

I asked how they financed the project. “We did it by lying and stealing, the usual way things are done,” she said. “We didn’t get any money for it. We would get telescope time to do other projects, and we would use it to do this. We’re good astronomers; we publish a lot and we’re productive, so nobody could accuse us of wasting resources.”

The region of space that Jewitt and Luu discovered was named for Gerard Kuiper (1905-1973), who in his writings referenced the possibility of a swarm of objects in the outer solar system.

“Kuiper anti-predicted the Kuiper Belt,” Luu explained. “He said it would be gone by now. It’s near Pluto and he thought that Pluto was going to scatter everything away. It was all conjecture. He had no numbers to back up anything. He was just guessing.”

It seems ironic that someone who predicted that something would not exist got that thing named after him. “Most people would be happy,” Luu said. “He got something for nothing.”

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Four original photographs that led to the discovery of 1992 QB1. The images show the object moving slowly westward through the sky, indicated by an arrow.

To correct this, it’s sometimes called the Edgeworth-Kuiper Belt (or in England, the Edgeworth Belt, though you rarely hear this), adding the name of Kenneth Edgeworth, an Irish astronomer, economist and engineer. In the 1940s, he proposed that there would be a disc of icy bodies beyond the orbit of Neptune. “Edgeworth was obscure,” Luu said, “but he did not anti-predict it, like Kuiper.”

Why wasn’t the Kuiper Belt discovered sooner? It took 62 years from the discovery of Pluto, during a phase of history with increasingly spectacular telescopes. “These things were always out there, but people didn’t look for them,” Luu said. “People are not good at finding things they don’t expect to see. What you look for you will find. But sometimes it takes a bit longer than you expect, if it exists.”

Now, many of the most interesting new discoveries are found in the Kuiper Belt. Some are more of the nature of Pluto (called plutinos, with orbits around 250 years) and many others are of the nature of QB1 (the cubewanos, or classical Kuiper objects, with orbits closer to 290 years or longer). Plutinos are named for underworld deities. One example is Orcus, named for an Etruscan [ancient Italian, pre-European] underworld god who predates Pluto. Cubewanos are named for deities associated with creation and resurrection (Quaoar, a Native American creator god, is an example). There are other categories, which are sorted by how many orbits the smaller planet makes compared to Neptune. For example, Plutinos orbit twice for every time Neptune orbits three times. There are other categories with other resonances to Neptune.

Whatever the math involved, David Jewitt and Jane Luu proved one thing: that space is not empty beyond Pluto; there’s something there. For astrologers, so invested in what these things mean symbolically, this is rich territory. Or it should be, anyway. Most people’s consciousness stops at Pluto, if it even gets there, which is a significant limit, given the level of fear involved. One irony is that many astrologers don’t believe in the minor planets. Yet the discovery of QB1 led directly to the reclassification of Pluto as a minor planet, complete with a minor planet catalog number — now known as (134340) Pluto.

Beyond Pluto — Beyond the Edge

I’ve been developing my own impressions of QB1 since 1998, when I was given an ephemeris by centaur specialist Robert von Heeren, who I met when I was living in Munich. He didn’t share any ideas about QB1, just a folder with a stack of printed pages that contained the ephemeris he had calculated himself. [You can see Tracy Delaney’s version here, on]

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Pluto, illustrated by John Smith in 1709. He is shown kidnapping Persephone. Pluto is usually depicted naked and wearing a crown or helmet; the helmet makes him invisible to those he’s about to take.

For me it was news enough that something existed outside the orbit of Pluto. So let’s start there, since it’s a reference point. Each time a planet is discovered beyond something that’s been the long-established edge of the solar system, we experience a paradigm shift, both in our understanding of the planets, and how they work astrologically. History turns a corner. There also seems to be an extension of the presumed limit on human potential.

Mythologically, Pluto is the Roman god of the underworld. His temples were rarely visited by anyone; he was not a popular figure. As the lord of death, he was portrayed as a kidnapper, who traveled under a cloak of invisibility, a power granted by his helmet.

Astrology usually associates Pluto with the topic of “death and transformation.” Many would consider this a polite statement. Everyone who has lived through a Pluto transit consciously knows that they can be challenging. Indeed, they can be devastating, though we become deeper, more soulful people. As minor planet specialist Martha Lang-Wescott has said, we often miss Pluto transits when they’re over.

In history, I associate Pluto with what I call the Death Works era. The mechanized, chemical-infused death orgy known as World War I preceded the discovery of Pluto by about 16 years, though once Pluto was discovered, things really got cooking. Hitler came to power just three years later and turned genocide into an industrial process. When he was done, Stalin took over and outdid him with the gulag system and many, many more murders.

The rest of the 20th century was pretty much one long war; just naming a few, there was Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia and then Pol Pot’s genocide; there was the “Cultural Revolution” in China (the wide-scale enforcement of orthodox communism); there was a long massacre in Central America and a simultaneous one in East Timor; there were the genocides in the Balkans, there was Bush War I, and an ongoing, seemingly endless war in Africa. The 21st century began with the Sept. 11 incident, which was used to propagate wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. As Noam Chomsky wrote in The Culture of Terrorism, the way to impress Congress is to show them how many people you’ve killed; then you get funding to kill some more.

I don’t blame Pluto for this, though I think that Pluto represented for many people a limit on their consciousness. The limit involved (and for many still involves) the idea that death is the ultimate power, and could be used to get anything, or to gain any advantage. In this toxic belief system, death is the end, it’s the scariest thing, and whoever wields it can feel like God, or at least a god (and not such a creative one) for a while. Death and all the anxiety around it are often substitutes for sex, for love and for a conscious, willing sense of transition. Pluto can represent obsessive forces, and one manifestation is an obsession with death.

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Annalee Orsulich is a doula, who assists both the midwife and the birthing mom in the birthing process. Though it’s being mechanized by medicine, in truth childbirth is an unpredictable experience every time it happens; some of a woman’s worst fears and inhibitions can come up during a birth, as well as her greatest strengths — and it takes someone special to hold space for that. Photo by Eric Francis.

Psychologically healthier people have a more functional relationship to change, and to growth, other themes that Pluto represents. Yet even for them, the shadow side of Pluto can be frightening, because it involves investigating the spaces in ourselves that we’re taught to deny, and to be terrified of. Then gradually we integrate the fear of change, and the changes themselves. Through this process we evolve; we can learn to center ourselves in soul consciousness. Yet most people go kicking and screaming.

There has to be a better way. Chiron, discovered in 1977, did a good job of beginning that conversation of a better way; it was the first planet ever discovered that became associated specifically with the healing process. Chiron is also associated with holistic consciousness. Chiron, the “inconvenient benefic,” is gentler than Pluto, and it’s more consciously associated with healing and transformation rather than death and transformation.

Power in the style of Chiron is what you gain from going through your challenges consciously, and what you gradually accumulate as you address your sense of wounding, and develop the power to heal yourself (and possibly assist others). The gradual development of Chiron as an astrological tool was a big step on the way to what 1992 QB1 represents, which is a conscious, preferably willing, process of change. Chiron has taught us a lot about Pluto, and I think 1992 QB1 will have a similar role.

Researching the earliest notes I have on 1992 QB1, I found this comment in an article called Worlds Beyond Neptune, published on Planet Waves in 2003: “QB1 may have associations with the Phoenix-like process of arising into new incarnations within our current lifetime, which often happens as a result of near-death experiences or with the experience of ‘ego death’.”

There’s a lot here about letting go of fear, which is part of every healing process. QB1 shows us that there’s something on the other side of what we’re afraid of, and of the fear itself. Our prior model of the solar system seemed to be saying that there was nothing on the other side of Pluto, of death; last stop, game over.

When Pluto later came to represent what some astrologers call evolutionary process, its reputation improved slightly, though it still seemed to stand for an involuntary imperative. As many have noted, one reason why Pluto transits can seem so scary is the feeling of not knowing what’s on the other side — or fearing that nothing is there.

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The opposite of kidnapping: self-knowledge. I associate 1992 QB1 with processes that acquaint people with themselves, so that we’re less susceptible to being taken over by others. One aspect of this is what I call “coupling,” or getting to know yourself in an unusually intimate way. Photo by Eric.

This new discovery whispered that there was more, and that it was worth letting go of the fear, and I think that QB1 shows a way of doing that. In the chart, think of it as pointing the way beyond your perceived limits about death, which remains a thought so terrifying to most people that they cannot even consider it. Now in the metaphor of the solar system, we have something in the model that says there is more; that there exists something beyond this perceived edge, which we can access if we want.

As I began to explore that idea, I began to understand QB1 as representing anyone who would help people move through processes where this kind of transformation or release was happening. I associated it with those who help people be reborn at the end of their lives — that is, an advanced kind of hospice work. There are some practitioners actually doing this now — though the work is controversial, because it defies the medical establishment, the hospice industry and the funerary industry.

Midwives as well seemed to be involved in the process of birthing new people, and taking women over the transition into a new phase of their lives, which is often like a form of reincarnation. Midwifery is a profound service, and a sacred trust. Midwives guide women through what is in truth a near-death experience, and if it goes well, a baby is born and the mother is reborn.

I was also familiar with the work of Betty Dodson, who developed what she calls orgasm coaching: consciously helping women learn to orgasm (something more necessary than you may think). I began to associate QB1 with certain kinds of sexworkers, the ones who understood that they were doing a service to humanity through their work. This came into focus during a reading for a client in Paris who had 1992 QB1 exactly in her ascendant, and who was designing an evolved form of prostitution with a focus on helping people liberate their sexuality. There’s a need in the world for well-trained sexual surrogates, who would help people past their inhibitions, phobias and fears — and there are people who very quietly do this for others.

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Sex educator and orgasm coach Dr. Betty Dodson (second from left) teaching one of her bodysex classes, which she’s taught since the early 1970s. Betty is what I would consider a thresholder, someone who assists others in crossing inner boundaries and inhibition, facing the fear of their own sexuality. She has worked with tens of thousands of women and has produced books and videos that have reached millions. This image is from her new video.

What all of these had in common involved taking people over a threshold, so I started to associate 1992 QB1 with the thresholder. As I developed the idea in my fictional stories, the thresholder began to emerge as someone adept in all of these methods of healing and transformation.

Their actual role is to guide people into self-awareness, which is another way of saying into relationship with themselves. I call this process coupling. This is not about coupling with another person, but rather that of becoming acquainted with, and friends with, and lovers with, the inner alien with whom we live.

These ideas meshed elegantly with a subtle, egoless (nameless) planet orbiting silently outside the realm of Pluto, off to the edge of the solar system. Thresholders show us what’s beyond the edge, taking us into new territory and introducing us to the dimension that exists there. One day Dale O’Brien, familiar with my ideas, wrote to me and said the name is obvious. 1992 QB1 is your cue to be one.

It would make sense that 1992 QB1 was discovered on the first degree of the zodiac — the Aries Point. Aries is the sign of “I am,” though the Aries Point connects us to a collective reality. Indeed, 1992 QB1 relates to experiences, fears and inevitabilities that we all have in common. We all cross the threshold of the birthing process, then we do it over and over again. Many of us do it with help; assistance really is necessary here on Earth, with all its adversity.

If we look out at the current political landscape, it’s easy to see how this core, essential human material is harvested into a commodity, used against us, sold back to us or forced on us. This can only happen if we don’t take ownership of what’s within us; if we’re afraid to encounter the edge, and lack the faith that there’s something on the other side.

This is less likely to happen with those familiar with themselves, and who have taken the step toward meeting their inner stranger, that being who lives on the other side of a psychic boundary. You could say that QB1 represents the truth that there is life beyond the body, and beyond whatever you’re going through now.



Virgo Birthday Reading is Ready!

Hello Virgo Sun, Moon and rising folk — and happy birthday to Virgo Sun readers.

I have just completed your extended Virgo Birthday Reading: an exploration of your astrology over the next year, designed for those born with the Sun in Virgo as well as Virgo rising. If you’re not familiar with my birthday reports, I offer detailed, easy-to-follow readings based on many astrological factors — not just the Sun.

Planet Waves
Eric Francis.

They’re presented in studio-quality audio format, organized as three smaller readings — two sessions of astrology and one session of Tarot, using the Voyager deck by James Wanless.

You’ve entered a phase of your life with a deep emphasis on healing your relationships. The combination of Chiron and Neptune in your 7th solar house (Pisces) emphasizes going deeper into your human encounters, healing the residual pain of the past, and offers you an opportunity to gain more freedom of what you give and receive. I also go over the career-related material I covered in the Midyear Report, adding some additional thoughts.

The feedback that our listeners have sent in response to the birthday readings has been truly gratifying.

“Once again, Eric has over-delivered on his promise. These birthday readings are invaluable, I listen over a period of weeks and feel like I’m sitting with my strategist, my therapist and my friend. You can feel the thoughtful nature in his preparation.”

Another listener wrote: “Please let Eric know that I loved the report, that it was more specific than a tarot reading I had just for me.”

If you aren’t a Virgo, this reading makes a unique and thoughtful gift for your favorite person who is. This is a gift you can give to yourself or others with confidence. It’s designed to be motivating and inspiring.

Your Virgo reading includes two 35-minute segments of astrology plus a tarot reading using the Voyager tarot by James Wanless. The Voyager tarot lends itself to a vibrant, intuitive, visually centered take on the message explored in the astrology, and always includes some fun surprises. Your reading also includes the charts I used to create it, photos of the tarot cards, plus special discounts on other products.

All of this is just $19.95. You have unlimited access to the page, and you may purchase access at this link. Note, this appears on a Flash player, and we provide a downloadable archive so you can get it into iTunes if you have an iPod, iPhone or some other Apple device.

Happy birthday to all of our Virgo readers! I’d love to hear how this reading resonates with you, and wish you a passionate, transformative journey in the coming year.


Planet Waves

Pisces Full Moon Conjunct Chiron; Lunar Nodes Change Signs

In case you’re wondering what the minor planets feel like, we’re getting an example this morning as the Moon moves through full phase conjunct Chiron. That was exact at 9:58 am EDT. The Moon in Pisces conjunct Chiron is a unusual focus of creative, emotional or spiritual energy (depending on how you perceive it). No matter what, it’s a moment of catharsis and opening up to a new dimension within yourself; gaining a new perspective on your inner life. Something that might have seemed impossible or inaccessible may now feel within reach, perhaps after a long struggle.

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Full Moon at the Parthenon. Photo by Anthony Ayiomamitis.

This week we also experience the lunar nodes changing signs. They ingressed Gemini/Sagittarius in March 2011, and are now entering Taurus/Scorpio. The nodes assist us on our evolutionary path. They represent topic areas within ourselves that we encounter in real-life situations. The South Node shifting into Taurus is about working through deep attachments, blind spots and stuck areas — those places that we seem to resist letting go of the most.

The North Node shifting into Scorpio represents an encounter with the primal forces of relating to others — emotional and sexual bonding that we experience as true surrender. Though this is often unfamiliar territory, the North Node in Scorpio suggests being open to something you’ve truly never encountered before. The themes of attachment, bonding, jealousy and compersion become the places to explore under this astrology.

Looking at the immediate few days and the holiday weekend, the Moon is currently in Pisces and will be until it enters Aries on Sunday. Till then, use your discernment. Remember that something is not true just because you say it is, or because someone else tries to convince you that it is. Both Venus and Mars are currently in water signs (Venus in Cancer, Mars in Scorpio), so make sure you check in with what your emotional body is saying to you. The Sun and Mercury in Virgo offers an opportunity to consider things from a mental perspective, which I would consider essential under this astrology.

From early Sunday morning through the Labor Day holiday in the United States, the Moon will be in Aries. That’s to say that it makes a conjunction to Uranus, square to Pluto and a square to the hypothetical point Kronos. This is calling for some focus and maturity, rather than acting impulsively, or based on some sense of past injury. Use your mind as a filter for processing your emotions. Remember to pause, notice what you’re feeling, then think through your circumstances, before you take action — though in the end, what you’re feeling is likely to guide you. When you choose to let go, leave your inhibitions behind you.


Planet Waves

Top Ten Repeated Paul Ryan Lies

This week I’m turning over the POL microphone to someone more qualified — Juan Cole, who writes the blog Informed Comment. In this edition, he takes apart the biggest lies being told by pathological liar Paul Ryan. I am not a fan of Barack Obama, and sometime soon I will make a list of what I consider to be his top-10 betrayals of the American people — nearly none of which conservatives care about. That’s always the thing that gets me: there are a lot of problems that both “sides” could agree on, but I maintain that the differences between so-called liberals and so-called conservatives have little to do with politics. More on that as the election approaches. — efc

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Photo by Gage Skidmore / Wikimedia.

This year’s Republican campaign may be the most dishonest in history. A couple of weeks ago I listed 10 major falsehoods and gaffes of Republican VP candidate Paul Ryan. He repeated several of them in his Tampa speech, and added a few more. In honest political debate, when a candidate says something that is not true, he is confronted by journalists and the public, and either gives evidence that it is true, or backs off. Ryan continues to insist on repeating known falsehoods, to the extent that even Fox Cable News lamented his dishonesty.

Voters need to ask who Ryan represents. It is people who make a million dollars a year or more. Everything he says is intended to produce policy that benefits them, and which hurts working people. Millionaires don’t like having to pay for government-provided infrastructure, or health care for workers, and don’t like having to put up with unions. The rest of us like driving on roads without potholes, over bridges that don’t fall down, and not being bankrupted when we need an operation. Since most Americans would be crazy to vote for policies that only benefit our three million wealthiest, out of 310 million, Ryan tries to appeal to workers with religion (banning abortion). He needs to put together a coalition of millionaires and some religious workers in order to win. But even that wouldn’t be enough. He has to get people on his side who would be hurt by his policies. And that requires that he simply lie to them.

So here are some new lies he just retailed, along with a reiteration of my earlier refutation of points drawn from his stock speeches, which he put right back in his Convention speech.

Continue reading on Juan’s blog.


Planet Waves

Planet Waves

Major Minor Planet Feature in The Mountain Astrologer

I have a major feature in the new edition of The Mountain Astrologer. This is the October/November issue, though it’s available to digital subscribers to the magazine now. This is the first comprehensive article introducing the minor planets to be published in a mainstream astrological publication. It’s about 8,000 words long — a full treatment of the subject. In the article, I cover the history of the minor planets starting in 1801, and carry the story through 1992 QB1, Chiron, Pholus, Nessus, Hylonome, Borasisi, Eris and others. Here is a short quote from the article:

“One difference between the traditional and the modern planets is that you can see the traditional planets with the naked eye. I asked Rob Hand about this recently, and he said that the zodiac and the traditional planets “deal with normal consciousness. An invisible planet requires the expansion of consciousness in order to be seen. They cannot be seen by the normal senses, and that is very important.” As we discover and delineate these bodies, imagine that we are gradually expanding our awareness into the invisible, non-normal realms.

“In a sense, we are going beyond the veil of the senses and the usual shape of consciousness. This lack of tangibility may, at least partly, account for why the minor planets tend to be so controversial. And given how many minor planets there are, we are getting the hint that there is a lot going on beyond the veil — a very busy universe beyond the limits of the normal senses.”

To read more, subscribe to The Mountain Astrologer, which will get you access to the digital edition.


Planet Waves

Pisces Full Moon and 1992 QB1

The new edition of Planet Waves FM is ready. In this issue, I start with a brief rant about women’s reproductive rights and advocate for real sex education. I then describe the Pisces Full Moon, which is conjunct Chiron. That’s some full-spectrum emotional and psychic power — a rich event that will stoke your imagination. There’s a lot of Pluto and Mars pouring in as well, which is all about desire and going deep. After a song break, this leads to the second half of the program, which is about the discovery of the Kuiper Belt and 1992 QB1. I introduce the subject here, and will continue with coverage in Friday’s subscriber edition.


Planet Waves

Planet Waves monthly horoscopes provide a broader perspective that surveys the themes of the coming month and often, the weeks that follow. The September Monthly horoscope was published last Friday, Aug. 24. Inner Space for September was published Tuesday, August 28. The August Moonshine Horoscope was published Friday, Aug. 17. Please note that the longer monthly horoscope (published Friday, Aug. 24) is being incorporated into the Friday issue after the Sun has entered a new sign; Inner Space still publishes on Tuesdays.


Planet Waves

Friday, August 31, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #915 | Eric’s Zodiac Sign Descriptions

Virgo Birthdays This Week

You seem to be trying to resolve an impasse in a relationship, or perhaps the whole history of your relationships. I suggest you allow the momentum of the situation to carry you, rather than trying to push. You’re in the midst of a very different experience of life than a certain person, or people, close to you, and a good start would be to account for those differences. Yet what you have through this situation is an opportunity to reconsider what has happened to you in the past, which has led to many stories you’ve made up in order to account for that history. Go beyond those stories, and see if you can get to the underlying reality. Both of your parents are involved, though what you may discern is that you identify more closely with your father’s experience than that of your mother; this would be the time to really understand what she went through. If you can do that, you won’t have to relive it; you can focus on living your own life, and your own relationships, in the world as it exists today — not the fantasy we think the past should have been. Note to Virgo and Virgo rising readers: I have covered this in the birthday report for your sign, which you can read about above or order directly here.

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — After many months of delay, discomfort and frustration, you’re at a point where you can open up your energy, feel who you are and allow others to do so as well. Yet while Mars in Scorpio is offering you the opportunity to merge with others, I suggest you stay connected to your sense of who you are. One thing you’ve gained during the past year is a new sense of your own presence on the planet, and some clarity about how good it feels to remain centered. This is difficult to gain and easy to lose, so I suggest you be clear that, as good as it may feel to merge with someone else, keeping a focus on your inner awareness is a higher priority. Said another way, no matter what you may have with anyone else, spend some time alone, spend some nights sleeping alone, and invest energy into taking care of yourself. And if you happen to not have that kind of company and you want it, focus on being open to your desires, and on taking that sometimes scary step from fantasy to reality. What is reality? It’s something you experience, that you can describe.

Hello Aries — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).
Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — If you want more fulfilling relationship experiences, you need to be less rigid. That’s to say, loosen up and dare to experiment with what you don’t know. Opportunities to do this look like they’re arriving in abundance. You may be noticing how different other people are, and the diversity of possibilities. Yet what you may be feeling is precisely your way of adhering to what’s familiar. Think of this as being confronted by your own boundaries. It may make you nervous to even think of going past those self-imposed limits, though the first step in doing so is finding out what they are. While you’re doing that, I suggest you observe any self-critical or self-judgmental thoughts, particularly if they come in the form of concern over anything within you that you think is dark. Now for the expert-level spiritual maneuver: If you have a negative reaction to anyone or anything, can you see how it’s an extension of your fear of being that same thing? If you can acknowledge that much, you might notice that your fear is really desire.

Hello Taurus — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). If you would like to hear your Taurus birthday reading, please visit this link.
Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — You’re on the verge of a professional breakthrough, though you may not feel that way. You also may not recognize it when it happens. Indeed, you may have the sensation that you’re making far too little progress rather than taking a step forward, so I suggest you be extra vigilant about what you experience. I’ll give you three examples of how this might manifest; if none of them are specifically accurate, consider them metaphors. One is that your sense of weakness or lack of confidence manifests in an unexpected way. This might involve making emotional contact with someone you thought you had to impress. Another expression could be how revealing a vulnerability resonates with people you work with and deepens your relationship, opening up a sense of mutual respect. One other possibility is how being present for your own feelings, and unusually honest with yourself, stokes your confidence and allows you to do something you thought was unlikely or even impossible. To sum up, make friends with what you think of as your weaknesses, because they contain some of your greatest potentials.

Hello Gemini — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). Have you listened to your birthday reading? Click here for an hour of astrology plus a tarot reading by Eric.
Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — If there’s any tension between you and someone in a position of authority, check whether the playing field is level. Or rather, get an understanding of the ways in which it’s not level — in particular, noticing whether you slant things in a way that doesn’t work for you. You may not want to ‘play the game’, though does it really work to sacrifice your standing with people you perceive as being in a position of authority? How does that reflect on those who look up to you in any way? I suggest you consider carefully how your actions set you up for how you’re treated by others. Being rebellious is pointless at this time in your life; being inventive, innovative and most of all collaborative will work beautifully for you. One way to see how pointless top-down models of authority are is to see what it feels like when people rebel against you, then you recognize that you set that example. The way to be authentically powerful is to begin with respect: for people, for their feelings, for commitments, and most of all, for yourself.

Hello Cancer — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). To hear your birthday reading for the year ahead, please visit this link.
Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Focus on keeping an open mind, especially about what you tend to resist the most. When speaking, imagine that everything you say on any topic or any person is actually a statement about yourself. This will keep you tuned into your thought patterns and how they reflect your ideas about your own existence — and your potential. If you do this, you’re likely to make a discovery about yourself, which I could describe generally as something that’s extremely obvious that you hadn’t put together yet, even though you had all the information you needed. When you tell other people about this discovery, they’re likely to say that they knew this all the time and figured that you did, too. Note, this is not the revelation of ‘something bad’ about you. To the contrary, no matter what the topic, you’re likely to discover a reason to appreciate who you are, which anyway is always the theme of this time of year, though right now, at this time in your life, you’re in a special moment of transition.

Hello Leo — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). Did you miss your birthday reading? Click here to order an hour of astrology plus a Tarot reading by Eric.



Planet Waves

Hello Virgo and Virgo rising readers. I’ve just finished your 2012-2013 birthday reading. Click here to listen to your hour-long astrology reading plus Tarot.


Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — You’re at a turning point, and it involves understanding how you think. The time of ‘keeping secrets from yourself’ has long passed any usefulness you thought it had. You might well ask whether it’s even possible to conceal something from yourself; there’s a word for that, and that is ‘denial’. But let’s use the first, perhaps kinder, phrase. Right now everything hinges on how you handle this secret you’re keeping from yourself. By everything, I mean a lot more than you think is possible from a relationship to a single idea, fact or thought form. It’s functioning kind of like an energy dam, and once you clear up this misunderstanding with yourself, your energy is going to flow like floodgates have been opened up. If you can be honest with yourself about who you are and what you want, you may find yourself noticing that it’s distinctly possible to embody that much more easily than you thought. Self-awareness is self-becoming.

Hello Virgo — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).
Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — I suggest you make a list of all your unfinished business with everyone in your life who truly matters to you. You’re drawing to the close of a major phase of your life, as Saturn gets ready to leave your sign and enter Scorpio. This phase dates back to 2009, when Saturn first entered your sign. I’ve described it in the past as a time of coming to terms with yourself. If you were born in the early 1980s or the mid-1950s, it also coincides with a life passage called your Saturn return (no matter what Sun sign you were born under). The themes of these Saturn events include embracing maturity, grounding your life in a purpose, setting boundaries and dealing with what are sometimes called ‘authority issues’. Yet as a Libran, part of coming to terms with yourself means coming to terms with your intimate partners, and your philosophy of relationship. Notice whether you’ve outgrown anything lately; that’s the feeling of not being able to fit the person you are into the idea of what a relationship is that, for a while anyway, served you well.

Hello Libra — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).
Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Make sure your emotional approach to others is gentle, and not an ambush. Be aware of the intensity that others may perceive in you, but which you may not have noticed in yourself. Yet you might also question why you are carrying this energy. Your astrology suggests that you might be feeling fragmented, or lacking focus — though not lacking at all for drive. That sense of fragmentation, if you’re feeling it, could lead you to overcompensate with push energy or raw desire. You don’t need to do this. Your supercharged state is noticeable and attractive to others; I suggest you work on focus. Get clear what you want to do, and refine your agenda as you become aware of it. This will help you groom subtle inner conflicts out of your psyche, which in turn will help others feel you as a unified being working with a clear purpose. As a result, you will know intuitively to be less aggressive. Assertive is all you need, such as saying hello and cordially introducing yourself to someone you want to meet.

Hello Scorpio — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — If you’re feeling rebellious, I suggest you pause and ask yourself why. It seems like you’re in an agitated emotional state, something verging on panic, though it looks more like subtle panic, if such a thing is possible. An outer manifestation of this might be feeling cramped in a relationship situation, as if you’re overcommitted or feel like too much is expected of you. In truth, you’re the one placing the expectations on yourself. You may also have the feeling that you’ve revealed more about yourself than someone close to you has, though I suggest you consider carefully whether this is really true. While you have the image of ‘what you see is what you get’, your astrology suggests that you’re a lot more secretive than you want anyone to believe. Therefore if you think that someone you care about is not being forthcoming, make a list of all the things about yourself, your experiences and your desires you haven’t mentioned. It’s true that you’re entitled to your privacy, though that’s not really a valid path to intimacy — if that’s what you want.

Hello Sagittarius — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).
Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — If you’ve learned nothing else the past three years that Saturn has been in Libra, your house of career and reputation, it’s that you need to expand your horizons. Have you done that? Have you looked over the teacup walls of the thing that you used to call your career? What for you might seem like a wild experiment would feel to those around you like a basic wholesome idea. Therefore, you can afford to push a certain limit, which may be associated with how you identify yourself as a ‘responsible person’. You usually take this too far, and much of it is an image, anyway. If you set the image aside, you’ll see that you need a lot more room to maneuver. You might also notice that in truth, your responsibilities are a shared burden, though when you’re in a position of leadership, your most significant role is to provide some ethical guidance. Open up this discussion with the people around you, including (when appropriate) those you consider to be in a position of authority over you. You don’t simply do what you’re told; you do what everyone agrees is the right thing.

Hello Capricorn — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).
Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Everything comes down to self-esteem. I do mean everything. While it’s possible to paper over your self-doubts or a spiritual hole, that comes at a significant cost, and it doesn’t work forever. You are, however, in a rare opening where you can see how your respect for yourself will lead to actual confidence. It’s clear that there is plenty that you want to accomplish; you have some real goals, and you must know by now that you’re at the get-serious point where professional matters are concerned. The key to acting on those aspirations begins with monitoring closely how you feel about yourself, and understanding why you tend to count yourself out. A viable measure of this is how often you say the words ‘I can’t’ as opposed to ‘I can’. That’s a belief, and I suggest you investigate the roots of that idea. Your chart at the moment suggests strongly that you can accomplish anything you want, and there’s plenty that you want. Why make excuses, or argue for your weaknesses, when you can actually participate in the world?

Hello Aquarius — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).
Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — The Full Moon in your birth sign peaks on Friday. The Moon is conjunct Neptune and Chiron, the longterm visitors to Pisces, and resonating with Mars in Scorpio. This translates to a moment of deep transition and self-creation, which I am sure you’re feeling. I suggest you go through some of the doors to the future that you’ve left open for yourself; take a bold step into what you’ve already been creating for a while, and which you’re now ready to embody — even if you don’t feel ready. You’re at the stage where the thing you want, need and are indeed craving, is direct experience. If you need to, think of whatever you’re about to do as an experiment. That will at least relieve you of the idea that you have to already be good at something in order to do it. You’re at the point where you can be guided by your intuition and your imagination. Chiron is providing you with a constant beacon of awareness, though depending on who you are, you may have to resolve to go beyond a sense of failure or delay that may have affected you in the past. That story is over — and now you’re in a very different place.

Hello Pisces — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).

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Inner Space Horoscopes for September 2012

Planet Waves

For the Pisces Full Moon this week, here are some bodies of future Pensa MK1 guitars in the shop at Rudy’s Music on 48th Street in Manhattan. Rudy Pensa makes about two of each model every year in his luthier shop located a few paces away from this storage rack. You can see how the MK1 guitar looks in action on this video of Mark Knophler performing Sultans of Swing with Dire Straits. I played a few different models when I visited last week, and it definitely feels like you’re holding something special, like it was made personally by elves and infused with magic. Now back to playing scales! Photo by Eric.

Dear Friend and Reader:

September begins with the Sun in Virgo and ends with the Sun in Libra. Along the way we should have relatively clear sailing; astrology during the prior eight months of the year has been all kinds of turbulent. There has been this feeling of swimming against the tide.

The Pisces Full Moon is Aug. 31. The Virgo New Moon is Sept. 15, and there is an unusually powerful Full Moon in Aries on Sept. 29. That is the event to watch for — remember to check for details.

Note to Americans — this is your early reminder to register to vote. Even if you’re 100% cynical about the presidential election, find a reason not to be, and remember that there are numerous local elections that really matter, including ballot initiatives in your state.

The horoscope below is Inner Space for September 2012, based on the chart for the Libra equinox.


PS — The truly moving reviews of the 2012 Midyear Report, themed on business, work and financial matters, keep coming in. I’ve been amazed at the response to this report. It felt good coming through, like I picked up on a direct energy line for each of the signs and rising signs, though I wasn’t expecting the kind of deep responses that I’ve been getting steadily since the day it came out. A reader named Andrea wrote in, “Thanks Eric, your report is like talking with a good friend who has your best interest at heart. So clear, supportive and motivating. Brilliant!” Very nice to hear. That’s exactly what I was going for. Find out more here.


Planet Waves

Inner Space Horoscopes for September 2012 | Eric’s Zodiac Sign Descriptions

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — You may notice your sex drive coming back — or coming on strong, if it hasn’t gone anywhere. Either way, I suggest you stay in contact with whatever process you went through earlier this year, which in part involved some unusual healing experience, and which in part involved changing how you think. You learned something about yourself, something that may have presented you with a real challenge, and it involved the intersection of where your sexuality meets your mental and physical health. The emphasis has been on the well-being side of the equation; it’s now shifting in the direction of being more erotically adventurous. I suggest you review what you learned — and keep it in mind as you experience the adventure of the next four or five weeks.

Hello Aries — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).

Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — If you eliminate what is not true, you will be likelier to focus on what is true. The first thing to remember is that there’s a difference. The second thing to remember is that that difference exists whether or not you like it; though I think you’re far more likely to value and appreciate what is authentic once you have acknowledged its existence. For the next few weeks you’re likely to experience something approaching actual self-esteem, which is a rare psychological condition. I suggest you make a conscious effort to remember how this feels. Much of what you learn through the rest of this year and into 2013 is focused on this theme. There is no taking it for granted if you want to live a grounded, sane and content life.

Hello Taurus — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). If you would like to hear your Taurus birthday reading, please visit this link.

Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — There’s a question about doing relationships ‘right’ versus doing them well. Let’s consider the three Cs of relating: communication, compassion and commitment. Of the three, commitment is the least meaningful, and it happens the most easily on its own when other things are in balance. We could even skip commitment altogether and add in its place something rarely considered a value in relationships: creativity. That authentic synergy between people, what feels to some like mental chemistry and to others like a certain ease around erotic subject matter, is the tangible experience of creativity. That’s to say, all erotic experience is procreative, even if babies are not made. The question is what you create, or rather, what you want to create — and being realistic about whether the chemistry of any given situation can support that

Hello Gemini — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). Your Gemini birthday reading is ready! Click here for an hour of astrology plus a tarot reading by Eric.

Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — You’re accessing a deeper level of feelings, whether they emerge from within you, or you consciously reach down into yourself to access them. This will start slowly and then reach a peak toward the end of the month. Remember that any fool can be intense. It takes a mature person to guide intensity into something beautiful and useful. If you can do that, you will access a deeper level of your potential, which will serve as an invitation to much deeper pleasures to come. Maturity involves making choices; those choices are best guided by priorities that are in turn guided by your values. This is a fancy way of saying do what is right for you. However, since most people find that impossible, I thought I would break it down into a few steps.

Hello Cancer — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). Your Cancer birthday reading is ready! It includes more than an hour of astrology plus a tarot reading, and has been wildly popular (also great for Cancer rising people). Use this link to order.

Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — You appear to be making your mind up about a relationship or partnership. The question seems to involve how you can have greater independence and not sacrifice your need for bonding and contact with others. It’s one thing to contemplate this kind of thing in theory; it’s another to have experiences that demonstrate what’s possible — and it seems that’s what’s brewing in the not-so-distant future. In fact what you’re about to do might not have a vague shred of a hope as a concept, though it may turn out that it works very well in practice — once you believe it’s possible, and that will come through experience. It’s as if you’re stretching your potential into a new dimension you didn’t know existed; that, and people around you are more open-minded than you think.

Hello Leo — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). See below for a description of your 2012-2013 birthday reading, which is available now.

Planet Waves

Hello Virgo and Virgo rising readers. I will have your 2012-2013 birthday reading very soon, possibly tonight. I’ve finished recording the astrology sections, and the tarot section is all that’s left. Look for an announcement in your inbox soon.

Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Virgo is famous for being self-critical, though you may be wondering whether that translates into any form of self-improvement. If it won’t, you lack empathy. The way to teach yourself that is through empathy for others. This is the theme of your relationships for the foreseeable future (by that I mean through the end of the decade), and the sooner you figure that out, the happier you will be. Consider what it would be like to be in the position of everyone you encounter, particularly people who are different than you. As you persist in this experiment, you may notice that you have more in common with more people than you realized. If you live from that spot, you will develop a deeper level of empathy — for others and for yourself.

Hello Virgo — Eric will have your birthday report next week. He’s also written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link.

Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — The Sun is about to enter your sign, which is the beginning of your solar year — and the next four seasons promise to be one of the more extraordinary times in your life. You will discover the ways in which you fit into the larger scheme of existence, and you’ll see how many of the decisions you’ve made leave you free to do just that. That larger scheme is a work in progress right now, so I would remind you that you don’t have to ‘be settled’ or ‘know what you’re doing with the rest of your life’ in order to increase your participation in what you discover is most meaningful to you. In fact, feeling slightly unsettled, and a bit daunted by your own possibilities, would be a much more adventurous, and practical, way to greet your new year.

Hello Libra — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).

Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — This month and next, energy begins to collect in your sign. Mars has just arrived, which will be followed by the North Node, Saturn and then the Sun. These planets are conspiring to push you to a new level. This is not an extension of the metaphor of the frog in the pot of water that’s gradually being heated up. Because Mars is the first planet to make a move, the temperature is going to rise quickly, and will be joined by different shades of energy: the North Node’s intensely soulful quality; Saturn’s focus on commitment and structure; and the Sun’s gift of self-expression. Stay perky, keep busy with meaningful priorities and make sure you pay attention as you acquire each of these new tools. They are yours to work with. Rise to the occasion.

Hello Scorpio — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — I suggest you spend some time among friends and at social gatherings this month (though you usually don’t need someone to tell you this). With planets and a series of eclipses heading into Scorpio — the most mysterious angle of your solar chart — you’re likely to be more introspective than usual. This, in turn, may transform into a necessary obsession; you may become more curious about your inner workings than ever. As you take this journey, very few people will be able to accompany you, and you won’t know who they are until they actually show up. Ultimately in truth, this is something you will do on your own, though for the next month or so, it’s as if you have one foot in each world — inner and outer. That will make for some interesting contrast.

Hello Sagittarius — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).

Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — September 2012 is the last full month of Saturn in Libra. I suggest you do a review project, on the topic of responsibility, leadership and your reputation. Let’s go back in time to Oct. 29, 2009 — when Saturn first touched the shores of what’s called your 10th solar house — the one that addresses themes of authority in every form. Where were you then? How did you feel about who you are, and what you do? Did you have the self-respect to command the respect of others? I suggest you track what you’ve learned since that day, and take full ownership of it. I know there were ups and downs; that is life, though everyone knows that humans tend to learn more from struggle than from achievement. Make sure you learn from both.

Hello Capricorn — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).

Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — You’re likely to be getting one message after the next to get your professional house in order. You have a logical side, though you tend to be driven by your emotions rather than by your gift for strategy when it comes to your career. With Mars occupying that angle of your chart now, pathos and passion are in more abundant supply than cool, calm logic. Think of this as contrast. How does the pathos/passion approach work to advance your most important goals? Does it even help you figure out what they are? That would be helpful. In October, the sky shifts to much more focused issues of exactly how you’re going to do what you want to do, assuming you’ve made up your mind what that is. The truth is that you already know; it’s time to stop hesitating.

Hello Aquarius — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).

Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Whenever activity shifts to the water signs, that’s a good thing for Pisces. Mars has just arrived in Scorpio, adding some fire to the angle of your chart that blends mysticism, sex and your highest vision for yourself (truly a Pisces thing). More planets and points are on the way, as part of a journey that will last two years. These transits will put you into contact with a dimension of yourself that you often feel, though just as often have to express vicariously through some other activity. There are not many philosophers you can find who will tell you that your sexuality is a direct path to understanding who you really are, though I’m not alone in saying this — and from the look of your charts, you won’t be alone either.

Hello Pisces — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).

Welcome to Virgo (and Your Monthly Horoscope)

Dear Friend and Reader:

Wednesday afternoon, the Sun ingressed Virgo, beginning the third and last month of the season. This is always true of the mutable signs, Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces. At the end of each of those signs, the Sun begins a new season. Virgo is an earth sign, ruled by Mercury. Though many people are taking time off from work this time of year, the mental quality of Virgo is a great time to accomplish challenging tasks that require a high level of focus.

Planet Waves
Photo by Eric Francis for Book of Blue.

In German, the word for Virgo is Jungrfrau, meaning young woman — that’s a bit more literal and easier to understand than our word, which implies virginity. However as you’ll read, there is something of a mystery embedded in this sign.

I’ve said this a few times, though it’s worth another reminder: for the first time all year, the inner planets (Mercury, Venus and Mars) are in direct motion, and none of them are about to station retrograde. While our complex lives never quite facilitate the simplicity we dream of, it helps at least in the midst of complexity to have the inner planets moving forward, and eclipses out of the way as well (the next Mercury retrograde, and the next eclipses, take place in November, both of which will directly affect the U.S. presidential elections — more about this soon).

While it may be tempting to relax after the turbulence of the past seven months, I suggest you strike a balance between easing off and easing into some real accomplishments. Set your agenda carefully, and make sure you include your most significant goals.

Meanwhile, the Sun is opposing Neptune. That was exact earlier today, but we’ve been feeling it all week and it’s in full effect through the weekend. While the Virgo Sun is mentally focused, its meeting with Neptune in Pisces is calling for some imagination. It may also be inviting you to indulge in many of the things for which Neptune is famous: things that change your consciousness, art, music, cinema and intense fantasy. The Sun opposite Neptune can feel like a mystical kind of Full Moon, though more inspiring than agitated.

Just remember to keep a grip. When there’s a lot of Neptune in the picture, there’s a necessity for maintaining your integrity (tell the truth, drive sober, and don’t finalize important decisions till the aspect passes). This aspect has an idealistic streak, which will tend to overlook the details; give the details time to come into focus.

That will happen soon enough, as the Sun gradually slips into an opposition with Chiron in Pisces. That is exact on Aug. 30, and is a turning point in the tone for the Sun’s transit through Virgo. That’s how Chiron almost always works; it’s a moment of clarity.

Chiron (relatively new to its visit to Pisces, a sign it occupies for about eight years of every 51) has a strong association with Virgo (not exactly rulership, but rather in traditional terms, something that feels more like exaltation or natural resonance). Chiron is about a kind of hyper-awareness, and in Pisces, it represents a focused spiritual vigilance.

Planet Waves
Photo by Eric Francis for Book of Blue.

Sun opposite Chiron asks two questions: one is, what is the mode of expression of that vigilance? The Sun is about expression, illumination, creativity and a measure of glory in what we’ve accomplished. Chiron is holding up a powerful mirror to the Sun. Do you feel like you’re adequately expressing yourself? Do you want to go deeper into what you’re doing, expressing yourself from closer to your core?

What arises around the time of this opposition will help you see how you can do that, though beware that you may have to confront a sense of inadequacy as you do. Think of Sun opposite Chiron as the acupuncture needle that guides you to direct your energy with more focus and purpose. What I’m saying is that this will be easier and more pleasant if you maintain your awareness through the Sun-Neptune part of the trip, and don’t zone out into denial — to which Chiron invariably serves as an antidote.

As for Virgo itself.

In traditional astrology, it’s ruled by another planet — Mercury, which is always worth considering when we’re mulling over the meaning of this sign. Fred Gettings, in his excellent astrology dictionary, describes Virgo as a sign “deeply committed to the intellectual process.” Those of us who know and love Virgos are familiar with intelligent, clever, somewhat nervous people who can never seem to do enough. But this is not mental activity for its own buzz; there appears to be something inherently spiritual, transcendent of ego and dedicated to world service that is apparent in who many Virgos are and what they represent.

Virgos had best put these qualities to good use. They have a lot of energy to burn and have an inherent need to be of genuine assistance to the world. When they are fulfilling this role, they are generally quite happy and involved; when not, they can become annoying, particularly to themselves. Many astrologers feel that the keywords of Virgo are I Serve, and many born under this sign know exactly what they’re talking about.

Alice A. Bailey, in her 1951 book Esoteric Astrology, addresses some of what may be going on beneath this impulse. (Note, if you buy this book and try to read it and can’t figure it out, please write to me; it’s also worth a short ‘reader’s guide’ kind of article on how to work with it.)

“The sign Virgo is one of the most significant in the zodiac,” she writes in her introduction to this sign, “for its symbology concerns the whole goal of the evolutionary process, which is to shield, nurture and finally reveal the hidden spiritual reality. This every form veils, but the human form is equipped and fitted to manifest it in a manner different to any other expression of divinity and so make tangible and objective that for which the whole creative process was intended.”

I think the first sentence of that statement is pretty easy to grasp, but I had to read the second one a few times. Remember, she is writing from an esoteric or occult viewpoint, which takes the view that the physical world is like drapery hung over the inner life. One could just as easily reason that all of nature, including human nature, is the living expression of divinity at every moment.

Planet Waves
Photo by Eric Francis for Book of Blue.

She is saying, essentially, that every form in nature veils the inner life of spirit; that the soul is hidden within what we see every day. But there is something in the human form (represented by Virgo) that is in a position to make divinity tangible in a way unique in all the world (or universe), and which is the intent of the entire evolutionary process. This notion rates the human experience as the most important on the planet (debatable, and also a position held by some religions), but maybe if we took that seriously, we would be kinder to other living things and the planet herself. Humans really are in the position of noblesse oblige. Many humans claim that we’re special; certainly, much has been given to us. The concept suggests that “noble ancestry constrains to honorable behavior; privilege entails to responsibility.”

Next, she adds a bit of interesting, ancient data, which we don’t have any conventional way to verify. “The word Virgo itself is a descendant of and corruption of the ancient Atlantean root name which was applied to the mother principle in those far-off times. This Virgin was the founder of the matriarchy which then dominated civilization and to which various myths and legends bear evidence and which have come down to us concerning Lilith, the last Virgin Goddess of Atlantean times.”

In other words, the sign Virgo represents the feminine principle of divinity in its entirety. We might think of that as the spirit that animates mater-mother-matter, our entire earthly life, our bodies, and all we do and create within the material plane.

Bailey also associates Virgo with Mary, “who carries the [evolutionary] process down to the plane or place of incarnation, the physical plane, and there gives birth to the Christ child.” She adds that “Virgo is, therefore, the opposite pole of spirit and stands for the relation of these two after they have been brought together.”

In other words, Virgo represents the physical embodiment of spirit; the form into which the soul incarnates.

Everyone has Virgo somewhere in their chart, and thus, working in their lives. I would offer the idea that the urge or impulse to bring the divine force into our lives tangibly, as healing and service, that each of us encounters where Virgo is in our charts is the impulse to give birth to something intended to heal the world.

Let’s see where that takes us this month.



Planet Waves

Photo by Eric Francis / Book of Blue Studio.

Midyear Career / Financial Report Rings the Bell

Dear Friend and Reader:

I’ve been doing 12-sign audio reports for a couple of years, and we’ve never had one that’s had the kind of response the 2012 Midyear Report is getting. This is the first with a specific theme: I cover the relationship between employment, financial security and calling. This is the issue that I have been hearing about the most, and I am starting to receive many requests for private business and career consulting. It’s a perfect use of astrology to help people focus on their true calling, their true service and their creative passion.

Planet Waves

In this particular reading, I work with the possibility that you might be considering a career change, looking for work, or venturing into starting your own business. They are all related, and I study those relationships. I look carefully at the Uranus-Pluto square, the sign change of Saturn and many other key transits now, and present my findings in not just clear but motivating language and energy.

This reading is indeed a motivational talk, but one keyed carefully to your current astrology.

The report includes all 12 signs, so you can explore your professional life from several angles. The readings (recommended for your Sun, rising sign and career house) are each 45 minutes long. Response has been incredible. These readings felt strong and solid coming through, though I never expected a reader to say: “It touched me so deeply. Even thinking of it right now, after some time has passed, I have tears. I look forward to the info moving through me for many days to come.”

Another wrote, “I listened to the Virgo report last night; so astute, so in depth. Thank you, Eric. Always amazed at how closely your interpretations fit my life, as though you were writing for me personally.”

And another: “I just listened to the midyear report for my Sun sign only. In all the years I have been getting your reports (9 years or so) I have never heard one so right on! Thank you! I feel as though a huge weight has been lifted off my mind.”

This kind of response is truly an honor to receive.

You can order the 2012 Midyear Report at this link. Please let me know how it works for you.



Planet Waves

Uranus square Pluto: Whose Revolution, Exactly?

This week as the Sun ingressed Virgo, the sign of the goddess, the Republican party outdid itself, putting into the national platform the statement that it supports a constitutional amendment banning abortion — basically, a ‘right to life’ amendment. Its candidates for president and vice president support this position.

Planet Waves
We know where this can go: Margaret Atwood wrote about it in her novel The Handmaid’s Tale. It’s the story of a theocracy taking over the United States, which turns all pregnancy into a government-controlled commodity. In it, Handmaids are fertile women whose sole function is to bear children for the ruling elite. They dress in a red habit, and are produced by re-educating fertile women who have broken the gender and social laws. Owing to the need for fertile Handmaids, the government gradually increases the number of gender-crimes.

Also this week, U.S. Rep. Todd Akin of Missouri, the Republican candidate for senator from that state, claimed that pregnancy from rape is “really rare” because “if it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down.” His statement caused an uproar that has spread internationally.

It’s led even the most zealous members of his party to try to distance themselves from him, demanding that he drop out of the race, though he refused to, and a key withdrawal deadline passed this week. As we might expect, Akin is not going to pull out.

According to his reasoning, abortion even in the case of rape is not necessary, and should not be a legal right. What he meant by “legitimate rape” is actually “forced rape,” which is redundant. This, as opposed to a false claim of rape, or some other form of rape, all of which are deconstructed in this searing article that appeared Tuesday on Anyone who has to say “forced rape” understands neither rape nor sex.

Most contemporary abortion opponents, at least the ones participating in politics, believe that women should be legally compelled to carry to term a child conceived by rape or incest. This is another way of saying that women would have no control over who impregnates them or whose child they give birth to. Many believe that even if the mother’s life is threatened, there should not be an exception.

The way these views get traction is because most people do oppose abortion, as a personal option, and in principle — and most people understand that circumstances sometimes compel many people to go against their views and make a difficult choice. You might call that the mature approach to the issue, and one that leaves room for personal choice and values that we cannot foresee or that are deeply individual.

Republicans had to push back against Akin’s statement, trying to get him to quit his senate race; he refused to, allowing a critical deadline to pass on Tuesday. The problem here was that most of the people pushing back agree with Akin; they just don’t put it in such clear terms. Looked at one way, Akin is outing his colleagues, and their attempts to distance themselves are a big charade.

Let’s briefly key this into the current astrology and see how it describes this development. We’re in the midst of Uranus square Pluto, which spans from 2012 to 2015 with a wide margin on either side. This is revolutionary astrology, characterized by the square’s placement close to the personal-is-political Aries Point — an imaginary cross in the heavens that spans the first degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn.

Uranus in Aries can be militant and egocentric; Pluto in Capricorn is about fundamental changes to the structure of society. It is arriving with some collapse, some reform and a wild sense of uncertainty. Pluto in Capricorn also opens up the scars of the past: of family patterns and political oppression. Of all the signs, Capricorn is the one that most clearly describes legacy material, and Pluto is going deep into this territory.

Planet Waves
Birth scene from a 2003 opera version of The Handmaid’s Tale, produced by the English National Opera. Sam Meier, in her article for Policy Mic, notes its alarming resonance with Akin’s statements and the war on women by the American Taliban.

Uranus square Pluto is revolutionary, though we need to ask: whose revolution? Whose vision for society will be implemented? At the moment, the rear guard — the people who are doing everything they can to reverse a century of political and social gains by women — are the ones who seem to be taking control. Said another way, women are the latest focus of a power-grab, with intensity similar to what we saw directed at terrorists after the Sept. 11 incident.

Whether people who understand what’s going on — and in particular, women who understand what’s going on — rise to the occasion and address the real issues, remains to be seen. This is an intelligence test for women, and not just in the United States, because these views are spreading. But for now, it’s a kind of political IQ for American women.

Part of why this whole infection can flourish is because so many people have been denied real sex education, and instead have been subjected to Abstinence Only indoctrination. This is the program of religious zealots who are now taking advantage of the ignorance they have propagated.

It’s telling that the issues of rape and abortion have been conflated into one viewpoint that seems to support rape and not merely oppose abortion, but to criminalize pregnancy. Consider that if abortion is made illegal, then the termination of any pregnancy — no matter how it happens — becomes a potential crime scene. Virginia already tried to pass a law making it a crime for a woman not to report a miscarriage, presumably because it might have been an abortion.

This week, one of my readers wrote to me: “I live in a state in Mexico (Guanajuato) where there are women in prison because they have either aborted or miscarried and were unable to prove that it was through natural causes. In Mexican Spanish (at least), the word for an abortion and a miscarriage is the same, abortar. You have to clarify natural causes through the words espontáneo or no provocado.”

In the past, I have said that Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court decision that makes abortion a constitutional right (which is related closely to the right to use contraception), is the closest thing we have to an Equal Rights Amendment.

However, lately my views have evolved. I now believe it’s the only thing between women and the possibility of being prosecuted for murder if they have a miscarriage, or choose to abort a pregnancy, even one caused by a rapist. That would be revolutionary indeed — but I don’t think it’s your kind of revolution.


Planet Waves

Planet Waves monthly horoscopes provide a broader perspective that surveys the themes of the coming month and often, the weeks that follow. The September Monthly horoscope is below in this issue. Inner Space for August was published Tuesday, July 31. The new Inner Space (a short, concise monthly) will appear Tuesday, Sept. 4. The August Moonshine Horoscope was published Friday, Aug. 17. Please note that the longer monthly horoscope (what you have below) is being incorporated into the Friday issue after the Sun has entered a new sign; Inner Space still publishes on Tuesdays.


Planet Waves

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscopes for September 2012 | Eric’s Zodiac Sign Descriptions
Virgo Birthdays This Week

For those with a birthday in the vicinity, it’s going to be helpful to keep your relationships in perspective this year. You may have an inclination to be idealistic, though it could be so subtle that you don’t even notice it. One key to happiness is going to be finding a balance between expressing how you want things to be, and noticing how they actually are. You may be inclined to overlook certain issues, though those issues will resolve themselves more easily if you pay attention and keep the discussion going. Note carefully the influence of alcohol and other substances on your emotional environment. Moderation is key, as is understanding the way that substances might cloud your judgment. There are, in truth, no secrets that you can keep from yourself, and there are certain facts that are pressing for acknowledgment. I believe you’ll be much happier when you keep them closer to the surface, which will facilitate healing and keep denial to a minimum. Note to Virgos: I am nearly done with your birthday astrology and tarot reading, which focuses on relationships — and which I plan to have ready Monday. The reading will also work for people with Virgo rising.

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — There are people who insist that the best sex happens after a huge fight with one’s partner, and this is one description of your charts right now. We could however apply it to many areas of your life, and many different kinds of partnerships. The way the astrology is describing it, your MO seems to be resist until you decide to submit. While this is helping maintain your reputation of someone who is not afraid to stand up to authority (in whatever form it may take), I don’t think it’s helping your peace of mind. If you’re looking for some dependable success and/or a stable situation in a relationship, it would help if you expressed yourself in a way that invites collaboration. I’m aware of the sensation of giving up one’s individuality to do that. However, I would propose that it’s the best way to find your identity. Your astrology is configured in such a way that you are extremely, boldly and assertively yourself, and then in equal measure (on a half-moment’s notice) you’re able to have your identity disappear into a relationship. You can consider your rebellious moments as attempts to define your identity within a partnership. This would be a lot simpler if you didn’t view this process as standing up to authority but rather an experience of meeting another person on level ground. The boring part of this is that it’s not as dramatic or brimming with pathos. The sensation is more like a conversation across a table, which can go anywhere you mutually decide.

Hello Aries — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).

Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — You are seeking freedom, and it looks like you encounter the same obstacle over and over again. This is an attribute of your character, as it’s currently set up. Something has suddenly shifted over the past few weeks, where you’re aware of this obstacle in a new way, and more determined than ever to let it go. What you’re doing in these weeks of your life can serve as a foundation or entry point to the process. You have the potential to see and understand the issue in a new way. This will prove to be helpful if you remember what you’re learning. Unraveling whatever block, interference or past injury you’re working with may take a while — figure about 18 months from now, if you stay with yourself. What you’re working with goes back longer than you may recognize. To work it out in so short of a time will be a miracle, and your willingness is essential to that happening. I suggest one thing. What you think the problem is may be incorrect. What you think the solution is may not actually be the one. It’s essential that you consider your situation as a moving dynamic, and that you consider yourself a work in progress. I would share with you some lines of the poet T. S. Eliot, who understood a lot about the human condition. He wrote: “I have heard the key / Turn in the door once and turn once only / We think of the key, each in his prison / Thinking of the key, each confirms a prison.”

Hello Taurus — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). If you would like to hear your Taurus birthday reading, please visit this link.

Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — You may have a tendency to be overly reactive with partners, loved ones or colleagues this month — and the closer you are to the person, the more reactive you might be. Lurking underneath this is an expectation that people will be like you, or perceive the world as you do. And there is something else with how powerfully you can identify with people close to you, and how self-conscious that can make you feel when the identification no longer works. Underneath all of this is something about identifying with your mom, and part of the reason there is some struggle here is that you’re not her. Yet there is some bond that I suggest you look at; that may be how you respond to her sense of loss that you’re now an adult, or how she responded to you in the years when you were becoming an adult. I suggest you ask yourself an honest question: did she resist your becoming an adult? Did she strive to delay any aspect of your maturity? If so, I suggest you get inside this dynamic and understand how it still may be controlling your life. One angle to look at is the expectations you have on partners. Another is how you respond to drugs or alcohol in your environment. And there’s one last: do you ever feel like you’re concealing an iron fist inside a velvet glove? It may work for some things, though it’s not that helpful where intimacy is concerned. And there is another approach.

Hello Gemini — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). Your Gemini birthday reading is ready! Click here for an hour of astrology plus a tarot reading by Eric.

Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — You’re figuring out that you need more room for yourself — both outer space and inner space. You may think it’s taken you a while to understand this, but really, not as long as you might imagine — and you’re really ready. Over the next couple of months, your creative aspirations are going to take a step forward. This strongly implies you’re getting serious about desires that may have only seemed like fancy ideas in the past. If you’re feeling like you have to rearrange your home or office, or get into something bigger, that’s probably a real signal. Then there is the more elusive concept of inner space. That’s another way of saying: is there room in your life for you? If there is not, it’s time to start making some adjustments. This will begin with your positive priorities — not what you need to cut. I suggest you focus on getting clear what you want to do, and what your space needs will be. Then start clearing things out of the way. This will help you focus your efforts. If you start by clearing out your time, you may not quite know what to do first. So I suggest you set your agenda and then make room for what you know you want to do. The upsurge in your creative energy will have a way of displacing what’s not necessary, what’s redundant and what’s no longer serving you. Meanwhile, if you’re feeling cramped, consider that a good sign — evidence that you’re about to molt, as crabs must often do, though this is a big one.

Hello Cancer — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). Your Cancer birthday reading is ready! It includes more than an hour of astrology plus a tarot reading, and has been wildly popular (also great for Cancer rising people). Use this link to order.

Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Your mind is getting bigger, and it’s likely that your physical space will soon need to accommodate your growth. This may not happen tomorrow, though if you’re feeling antsy or restless, consider whether your home environment actually accommodates who you have become in recent years. Yet there is also something here about outgrowing certain long-held emotional tendencies that have shaped your psyche. As a child, this may have led you to a kind of submissiveness that you seem ready to let go of. That letting go may come with the feeling of getting a grip on your emotions, taking charge of your space, and recognizing that you’re the only person who can make sure that you’re not manipulated by others. What may be useful for you to know is that the way that’s most likely to happen is when others pick up on your passion and use that against you. With Mars becoming more active in your chart for the next couple of months, you may be able to observe how this happens — and figure out what you can do about it. While you’re considering ways you can make more space, along the same theme, I suggest you create emotional space for yourself. Space translates to time and peace of mind, though in the event that you move locations, make sure that some part of that structure belongs to you and you alone. Create a sanctuary that’s free from the influences and ideas of others, and this will become a living metaphor for your emotions.

Hello Leo — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). See below for a description of your 2012-2013 birthday reading, which is available now.


Planet Waves

Hello Leo and Leo Rising! I’ve finished your 2012-2013 birthday reading. This is composed of two 35-minute astrology sessions, plus a combined tarot and astrology reading. It covers all of the major astrology happening now — with an emphasis on recovering a childhood dream. I also cover the influence on your relationships, your home environment and your finances. Astrologically this includes Mercury retrograde in your sign, the Leo New Moon, the Uranus-Pluto square, Saturn in Scorpio and more — all in clear, easy to follow terms. This report is designed for those born with the Sun in Leo but is equally applicable for Leo rising. Visit this page to get access.


Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — During the past few years, you’ve learned a lot about what’s the most meaningful to you — and a lot about what you do with your money. The lessons and learning have come in many forms and have covered many topics, including the value that you place on relationships. Yet if you’ve been even vaguely responsive to some powerful astrology, the main thing you’ve gained is a new level of self-respect. You may not walk around every day humming about how good you feel about yourself, though you have built a foundation, and you’re standing on it. Think of that foundation as a conscious relationship to yourself. You may be noticing how many people around you seem to be standing on nothing at all, and who seem to lack any conscious relationship to who they are. If you’ve learned nothing else in the recent years, it’s that you must engage with yourself consciously, and that this inner encounter is the foundation of all your other relationships. It’s not merely the floor you walk on; it’s what holds up the floor. You’re embarking on a time in your life when your outer-world encounters with others are deeper, more provocative and call on you to possess actual maturity. Not everyone has the integrity that you have, and not everyone is interested. Others are in a learning process, and some will be profound teachers. When in doubt, come back to yourself, and remember that everything stems from the value that you place on your own life.

Hello Virgo — Eric will have your birthday report next week. He’s also written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link.

Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Saturn is getting ready to make its exit from your sign. It’s been there since right around Halloween 2009, and its arrival may have been attended by all kinds of fanfare. Saturn’s exit is a time for a review not only of that two- to three-year phase of your life; it’s time for a life review, centered on the theme of coming to terms with yourself. If you’re familiar with astrology, Saturn in one’s own sign is a little like the Saturn return: it’s a get-serious point, and an opportunity to leverage yourself to a new point of maturity. The way the world is currently configured, that’s always a miracle; and it’s rarely easy. We’re conditioned regularly to deny who we are, and to pretend we’re someone else. As for maturity, many places that concept seems to be a museum piece. To the extent you’ve progressed along these lines, count yourself fortunate — though first I suggest you take stock of everything that’s happened since this transit began. When Saturn changes signs to Scorpio in October, the theme shifts to self-esteem — another astounding deficit in our society, and where you will encounter a phase of enforced growth. These processes are always easier if you understand yourself and your agenda, and have a sense of what you need to accomplish. It’s always a bit more than you think — though today I would remind you that in the past few years you’ve come a lot further than you may believe.

Hello Libra — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).

Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Be mindful of your tendency to expect disaster in matters of the heart. Nothing else would serve to create that more dependably than negative expectations. This works differently from superstition or ordinary paranoia. For example, the fear that your house might burn down is not particularly incendiary. You can check your extension cords, the stove and candles. But similar fears projected onto a relationship can have a profound effect on the emotional dynamic. Your fear will tend to increase as passion, interest and vulnerability become more real to you. This is a situation calling for mindfulness, and for honesty. Yet the one thing that is not called for is control, which will only stoke your fears. And nihilism — expectation that all is for naught, so what’s the point anyway — is a form of attempted control (mainly, of your own emotions). Your fear level will drop as you set yourself free to have the experience. If someone in your life means a lot to you, be willing to go where the situation takes you. Be willing to share yourself in a way that’s more generous than you might ordinarily, and by share, I mean generosity without expectation. Withholding is yet another form of attempted control that will serve only to strip you of your influence. I would remind you of this: we tend to love who and what we take care of. When you subtract that from the equation, you’re trying to limit your own vulnerability, which is like trying to have sex in a Tyvek suit.

Hello Scorpio — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — You may notice that people around you are especially reactive to what you say and do — as if it takes exceedingly little to set them off. Even stranger, you may notice that their reactions bear no resemblance to anything you said, or anything you consciously think or feel. So what’s going on? Well, often intense reactions are both powered and assigned their theme by the one having the reaction. You might serve as a catalyst and then as a projection screen, though it will be helpful if you keep an arm’s length on anything people close to you are experiencing, without disavowing your responsibility. It’s as if you’re in an extended training program of learning how not to take things personally, while remaining accountable. As a Sagittarius you’re supposed to be aloof. Yet you get as emotionally invested as anyone else, and you’re in particularly deep these days. You might also be wondering why it is that certain people respond or react to you the way that they do, if for no other reason than promoting peace and harmony in your life. This is a great time for an inquiry into your ethics and your boundaries, and that would start as an inner journey — and your ancestors are involved. I suggest you investigate the different sides of your family as individual projects, going back as many generations as you can. You may think you’re the union of all these different clans, though their influences tend to operate a lot more independently of one another than you may think.

Hello Sagittarius — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).

Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Just in time for the equinox, Uranus makes its second of seven squares to Pluto in your sign. Translated into plain English, this is about getting a fire lit under your ass. The sensation may be like a restless emotional stirring that you just have to act on. However, I suggest you concentrate your energy and not make any moves in a lurch. Saturn, your ruling planet, is getting ready to make one of its relatively rare changes of sign; it ingresses Scorpio in October. You may want to make some decisions now, before that happens — the kind of moves that will shape your life and help you create your future.
Yet while Saturn is in Libra, you’re still working through unfinished business, and you’re still getting a sense of what you want. So I suggest you take this bit of astrological experience I am sharing to heart: wait until Saturn changes signs before making any significant structural changes in your life. Focus on completion, and on getting clear about what agenda you want to create for the next two-and-a-half years. You have considerable potential to develop your income — particularly from business-related activities. You’re likely to see a return on what you’ve worked so hard on during the past few years. Remember that your single most valuable asset is your reputation. Your second most valuable asset is your adaptability. And your passion not just for what you’re doing but for who you are is a close third place.

Hello Capricorn — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).

Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — You’re getting ready for some big professional moves — or depending on how you think astrology works, the universe is preparing to unveil some of its plans. As this experience unfolds, I suggest you place a high value on the role of collaboration. There is a prevailing view (seen in many political ads these days) that the only way to succeed is to ‘go it alone’ and succeed by the grit of your teeth. In fact, you always succeed by collaboration. This is more or less true for everyone, though it’s especially meaningful for you. As you engage in these collaborations, you have to walk a number of fine lines. Control is a theme, whether it refers to you seeking power over others or they seeking power over you. The other side of this is learning to engage energy in a meaningful and creative way, no matter who is the boss or who ultimately controls the resources. Then there is the question of who sets the agenda. Given certain facts of your chart, this has to be a transparent process, where the agenda — that is, the goals, and the values that inform them — are considered something of a sacred text. Most significant is that you have to be you in your partnerships. So make sure that as you enter into new ventures, there is room for who you are and who you’re becoming, and that you choose collaborators that you actually admire for their ethics and sensitivity, as well as for their achievements.

Hello Aquarius — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).

Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Who exactly is in your life, why are they there and what do you exchange with them? These have become significant questions the past few years that Saturn has been in Libra. You’ve had little choice other than to look at them closely, and do the growth work necessary to get some actual answers. You may have been through a long phase of paring down who you think of as a friend. You may have decided at some point that it would make a lot of sense to consider carefully who you engage with sexually, because so much happens in those encounters. Now as Saturn gets ready to ingress Scorpio, you’re about to begin a new phase of your life — and your relationship to yourself. I suggest you take this month as a review phase, and write a summary of your important relationships and what you’ve learned from them. This review could go back to mid-2009, when Saturn first ingressed Libra, or you could go back to 2007, when Saturn entered your relationship sign Virgo. I trust you’ve figured out that you have a responsibility to yourself that you must be vigilant about all the time. If you don’t rate that need as a priority higher than your responsibility to others, you will be of little help to yourself or anyone else. It is high time that you stopped allowing your tendency to share to be used against you, and interrupt the flow of situations where your loss is someone else’s gain. Existing on mutual terms is eminently possible, if you focus on that goal.

Hello Pisces — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).

The Folk Art of Therapy

Dear Friend and Reader:

For a few years I’ve been wanting to write an article about how to pick a therapist. I know that there are those for whom opening up a real discussion about their lives is burning in their soul. Others know they’ve been dealing with the same problems over and over for years. You may see the same patterns repeating in your relationships, your career, your family life or other aspects of existence, and you decide that it’s time for that to change.

Planet Waves
Photo by Eric Francis.

Helping people get into therapy has been one of the themes of my astrological practice. I believe in therapy and I think that in American society, so obsessed with denial and immaturity, it’s the one thing that nearly everyone needs, if they want to grow up and be not just functional adults, but also people who live fully.

Yet till now I haven’t felt comfortable writing the article. So in the interest of good therapy, I’ll start with my hesitancy.

First issue is that I’ve heard a lot of stories of unhelpful or even hurtful experiences. I’ve had a few myself. I’m aware that there’s a lack of trust looming around the whole issue of therapy. There is also a belief that it’s superficial.

Next issue is that when most people are choosing a therapist, they are in some kind of crisis, and that’s not necessarily the best time to be making such a critical decision. Yet it’s the time that it typically happens.

Another issue is that there exist a diversity of misunderstandings about what therapy is and how it works. For many people there is the perception that it’s supposed to be a magic or at least deeply mysterious solution. Images of the patient reclined on the couch in Dr. Freud’s office come to mind; he and he alone understands the workings of their unconscious — and the old man had a lot of problems (as do many contemporary therapists, who according to Alice Miller tend to come from abusive backgrounds).

Others treat therapy as if “going to talk to someone” is the ultimate admission of weakness — they are somehow not self-sufficient or intelligent enough to live their own lives. They want to go it alone. Lurking in the background here may be the idea that “I don’t want to go talk to someone because I’ll find out something I don’t want to know” or “they’re going to tell me I’m crazy.” (Often this translates to some form of, “I don’t want to deal with my problems.”)

Despite the existence of these reservations, I’m confident that good therapy is helpful and possible, though I am skeptical of how many people are actually qualified to do it. When I consider the diversity of innate and trained skills that it’s necessary to have, and the level of ethics required, and how bad the training can be, it doesn’t seem like there will be too many qualified candidates.

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Photo by Eric Francis.

When I knew that I needed therapy in my late 20s, I set just one firm guideline for who I worked with — that the person would not have a Ph.D. Twenty years later, I don’t believe that a Ph.D. is an automatic disqualification; I’ve met some fantastic psychologists who have actually earned their doctorates, and who are truly helpful, wise and compassionate souls.

Yet I can see I was onto a significant distinction: I was looking for someone who practiced the folk art of therapy, rather than the institutional or academic kind. I’ll explain the difference in a moment, with a reminder that there are people who are part of both worlds.

My reference to someone named Joe Trusso came from a guy named John, who was having a torrid affair with my then-lover Sabine. One night I went to have dinner with the two of them, and after a while John suggested that I call up Joe and talk to him. John was an illustrious (even notorious) character. I think what I may have trusted the most was that John understood something about me, and his recommendation was an outgrowth of that. I had nothing to lose by going in for a session.

Now, you probably wouldn’t ask your partner’s lover for a reference to a therapist, or to anything for that matter. However, you might get the name of someone by some means that seems unusual. A synchronicity might be involved. In truth, references are a pretty good way to get started shopping around. Ask people you trust if they have heard of anyone, and ask what they heard.

The key fact is this: however you may be feeling, you’re going to need to make an informed decision, you’re going to need to trust that decision for a while (say, for three sessions, till you have a feeling for how things are going), and then you’ll need to evaluate how you did. Even an informed decision is a roll of the dice, however there are common-sense ways you can skew the odds in your favor, which could be applied to any selection process for a healer or practitioner.

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Photo by Eric Francis.

If you don’t have a reference from a friend or another practitioner to work with, then open up the local community newspaper and see who is advertising. Pay attention to how you feel reading the ad and dialing the phone.

Is the person easy to reach? If you leave a message, do they call you back fairly soon? Do they answer your questions patiently? This is more than good business practice; therapists know that people often call them when in crisis, and they know that those first few minutes are a key time to cultivate trusting communication, and to offer a prospective client the chance to feel listened to and cared about.

When you pick someone you want to have a first meeting with, you might be inclined to tell them your whole story, which would be a good sign. But sometime during that first visit (or before), make sure you ask for a copy of their CV (curriculum vitae, a long-form resume that all professionals should have available). In my opinion, you’re looking for two things on their CV — the first of which are educational and professional experiences that qualify them for the service that they are currently offering.

Second, I suggest you look for diversity of interests. When I read Joe’s CV, it included therapy training in workshop format, educational experiences, teaching, educational consulting, plus some of his artistic and scientific endeavors. Among them was the fact that he’s a musical composer, with some of his notable performances listed. The topic of his master’s thesis was the magical powers associated with the shapes of musical instruments in indigenous cultures. This impressed me as intelligent and open-minded.

I think it’s far preferable to work with someone who is excited about life, and who challenges themselves to grow and explore existence. That’s the kind of example you want — and a therapist is very much an exemplar, not of a perfect person, but of an alive one. Such a person is more likely to relate to what you say and the unusual things you might want to do, and less likely to try to fit you into a box. The essence of therapy is to bring out the person you are inside, rather than have you be someone else.

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Photo by Eric Francis.

Most people will want to know the person’s credentials — you know, they went to Cornell or Harvard and have the following licenses, and that would be enough. However, whatever their credentials, I suggest you go with your feelings. Do they take an active interest in you and your life? Can you feel their empathy? What does your intuition tell you? These things are FAR more important than how many merit badges they have.

Let’s make a distinction between the academic/institutional approach and the folk approach to therapy. To the extent that therapy exists these days, much of it takes the academic/institutional approach — coming with the need to make a diagnosis, for example. Psychologists and social workers have this cryptic thing called DSM-IV, which supposedly lists everything that can possibly go wrong with a person’s mind. As the patient, you would need to fit one of those categories; your diagnosis gets a little code, and that code is used to collect insurance (for example, social anxiety disorder is DSM-IV 300.23). Some people also find it comforting to know what’s ‘wrong’ with them, at least in the theory of a psychologist.

Many practitioners who use the diagnosis model will either prescribe mood-altering drugs, or refer you to someone who will. I find it stunning, shocking and unbelievable that so many millions of people you see on the street are taking ‘anti-depressants’. In my opinion, mood-altering prescription medications are only necessary in rare cases, not for everyday depression or anxiety. There is considerable evidence that they make matters worse. And they are prescribed without actual scientific data (for example, indicating exactly what ‘chemical imbalance’ is being treated). The purported goal of this kind of therapy is to cure the patient.

Alternately, the folk art of therapy has a more down-to-earth approach. The therapy room is a place of refuge or sanctuary. That’s how it should feel when you sit down there — like a place off to the side of existence, protected from the demands of the world, and a place where you want to come back. If after the first session you feel better about your life and you want to come back, that’s a good sign. Then see how you feel after the second session. If things go well for a month or so, give the person a chance and reassess in six months. Remember that there may be ups and downs in your attitude toward the work — but that’s not a given.

In this approach, the therapist is a witness and mentor. They maintain a loving presence, though one that’s not attached to your outcome. This is the crucial difference between a friend (or lover) and a therapist: someone you’re involved with personally may have a diversity of biases and attachments to you; your therapist will see you more objectively, and when you walk out the door you’re free to live your life — and come back — without worrying about their opinion of you.

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Photo by Eric Francis.

One goal of this kind of therapy is accelerated maturation. It’s also about learning about yourself through an unusual kind of relationship that can become a model for other experiences. Your therapist should be the most supportive person in your life. This will teach you what a supportive person is.

There’s a deeper layer, though. I believe that ultimately, therapy is about the cultivation of trust. That is the thing learned; the missing experience had. This is saying a lot on a planet where trust is the rarest human element, and the thing most often abused when it’s found.

There is an idea going around that ‘talk therapy’ is superficial, and can only go so far, particularly compared to ‘energy work’. Without commenting on ‘energy work’, I will say this: trust is a core issue in life. Our cynical and self-judgmental attitudes are usually based on lack of trust, and this is almost always crippling.

The therapy relationship becomes the vehicle for that experience of learning trust, not in theory but in actual practice. That takes time, though it will proceed from a point of contact. That point of contact leads to the conscious observation that your trust in someone is growing, that it exists at all, or that some benefit will come from it. The relationship becomes an active demonstration that trust really is possible. One of the deepest learning experiences of therapy is looking for that trust in other relationships — and if you discover it’s not there, taking that fact to heart.

Trust leads to the ability to be vulnerable in a conscious and sincere way. Vulnerability without trust can have some catastrophic results. Most people struggle with trust and vulnerability. The therapy relationship becomes a place to experience those things that were largely missing, and to open up to the missing experiences, carrying what you learn over into other relationships. It’s pretty powerful contrast if you sit in your therapist’s office and have an intelligent conversation about your life, then you go home and feel like you cannot say a word to your parter about anything you talked about.

The best therapists have the flavor of part sage mentor and part peer. They become the authority in our lives which we aspire to be, and then get busy being. They can help supplant the negative or unsupportive influences of parents, whose authority we also aspired to, but who sometimes or often betrayed our trust. Your therapist must be someone who teaches you to respect and take care of yourself — by example, and through the relationship.

Your insurance, if you have any, may not pay for the person you find who takes this approach. That means you will have to pay for it yourself, something I’ve always thought was worth the expense even when I could barely afford food and rent. Therapy is the place you will begin to heal your pain, let go of the past and access your deepest potential. Once you find someone you’re willing to do that with, I suggest you not put a price on it. Do what you have to do to earn the money and write the check every week. You may discover that makes the experience all the more meaningful to you.


PS: I have covered the topic of therapy a few times before. One is an article called A Visit With Joe. I also have an article called In Canada, They Call it Therapy, which describes an astrology process I use with Chiron. I give more details on that process in this article, called When Astrology Listens.

Copyright © 2012 by Planet Waves, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Other copyrights may apply.

Some images used under Fair Use or Share Alike attribution.

Are You Curious About Mars?

Dear Friend and Reader:

This week’s astrology felt like the lid being lifted off of a steaming pot. The fourth inner planet retrograde of 2012 ended Wednesday morning when Mercury stationed direct. The odd kind of pressure you felt involved an aspect to Neptune. The feeling of Neptune is like something in the environment that you can’t see and can barely feel, but which has manifestations that start to appear in the corner of your eyes, that seep through your dreams or that you notice when they are gone.

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Photo by Eric Francis.

Seven months of nearly continuous retrogrades has been exhausting, yet has offered an ongoing opportunity for a careful review in all the most personal areas of life. When compared to the slow-moving outer planets, the faster-moving inner planets — Mercury, Venus and Mars — are not retrograde often. They’re also more emotionally palpable, so their sensation is more distinct. They can arrive with different dimensions of personal drama, introspection, new or unusual experiences, a review of the past, or past issues coming up for resolution.

All of these retrogrades have involved either Mercury or signs ruled by Mercury; Venus was retrograde in Gemini and Mars was retrograde in Virgo. This has inevitably brought up material about thought patterns and how we communicate what we’re thinking. It’s also been good fodder for more than a little confusion, flaky behavior and a sluggish economy. And if you remember the primary elections earlier this year, the debates seemed like talent night at the County Home for the Intellectually Compromised. The astrology was perfect.

I’ve seen an unusual level of sharing around sex and relationships, and if you don’t count the whole Chick-fil-A fiasco, I am noticing an unusual level of transparency in the air: a willingness to admit what’s true, if only a little. In other areas in the news, a common theme is a bold nakedness of motive and a refusal to even throw a veil over one’s conduct. The assumption is that nobody cares, and that anyone who does care is helpless to do anything. I know this wasn’t the 2012 that 150 different books predicted, though I’ve written many times that this opportunity is up for grabs — and it’s not over yet.

We’re still in the era of so many wars we forget which one we were concerned about. Domestic terrorism has re-surfaced as an issue the past three weeks. There are serious issues with the environment. I wish we didn’t have to pay attention to this mess; everything happening in the news has such personal impact that not paying attention to world events is like pretending that you won’t get wet in the rain if you ignore the weather report. I believe that making politics repugnant and making you seem powerless is done specifically to alienate you, and thus to get you to give up your power.

There is no way to be alive now and not be impacted by the events of the wider world. I know that a lot of people are news-averse. It would seem, however, that one of our missions at this time in history is to take care of ourselves and reach for happiness, at the same time we maintain awareness of the state of the world. This is a tense, seeming contradiction; paying attention comes at a cost to peace of mind, and is a real test of faith. If ignorance leads to anything resembling bliss, it will be fragile and disingenuous.

News reports of the past four weeks have been particularly harsh. There were two mass murders in the United States, with people being shot going to the movies or gathering for Sunday religious services. While some have argued that the relatively few people killed in these incidents doesn’t affect the murder rate, events like this influence our psychology, reaffirming the message — true or not — that there is no safe place. That extends to the notion that there is no such thing as civil life, that is, if you have to go out wearing a Kevlar vest.

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Photo by Eric Francis.

The other day someone sent me a video about how to survive a mall shooting. I hardly ever go to malls and I was cynical about the idea, though after I watched the video I felt better because it passed on some important skills and concepts. Talk about a sign of the times.

Neptune was involved in the Mercury retrograde we’ve just experienced, which can create some confusion about what is real — another sign of the times. One of the strangest things I heard was that people in that movie theater in Aurora, CO thought that the guy who came in to kill them was part of the show. He was dressed for the part and had all the right gear, and he came in right on cue.

One of the witnesses said something like, “We thought he was there for our enjoyment.” Then followed the biggest mass shooting in American history. Her comment is telling because so many people do watch shootings for ‘pleasure’, though we don’t seem quite up to recognizing that there’s a relationship between fantasy and reality. If nothing else, constant exposure to the discharging of weapons makes it difficult to tell whether something is pretend or not.

As for the shooting at the Sikh temple, or gurdwara, that might seem senseless (the word most often used to describe it). To me it’s perfectly logical. Remember that we’ve spent the past 11 years and about $1.36 trillion (debt financed — that’s the figure before interest is paid) killing people in the Middle East, many of whom have beards and wear turbans. I dread to think how many people have believed even for a day that “Arab terrorists” are really our problem; the Sikh temple shooter just took that distorted logic a bit further, and like many people was basing his assessment on appearances. This is about the war coming home.

The gun debate surfaces for a few days every time one of these things happens. People are wondering how it’s possible that a psychopath can buy an arsenal. There are good questions being raised about why we all need guns to defend ourselves, because there are so many other people with guns. Anyone who thinks they feel safer with everyone armed is insane, though there’s an obvious exception to that rule — guns are outright banned in Washington DC. Apparently they are not allowed where members of Congress hang out a lot, even though they like them so much, but they’re OK everyplace else.

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Photo by Eric Francis.

What is the most outrageous is the lack of leadership on the issue throughout the rest of the country. Nearly all politicians on every side of any fence treat the gun issue like the political third rail — if they touch it, they think they’ll fry.

We all hear how powerful the NRA is. Whose interests are they advancing? Their own membership is far more moderate than their guns-for-everyone theory; these people represent an industry that makes money every time one of these killings happens, because there is a rush to the gun stores. The most common thing all these crime scenes have in common is a weapon made by Gaston Glock, whose Glock 19 has been a hot seller lately.

In climate news, July was the hottest month for as long as records have been kept. There has been a drought across the United States that’s killed two-thirds of the corn crop. As we read last week, a former ardent climate change denier admitted that human CO2 emissions are in fact the problem, then recommended fracking as the solution. Fracking for its part destroys groundwater sources, pollutes the air and causes earthquakes — and it’s likely to be coming to someplace near you.

In other matters, there has emerged a kind of nakedness of motives coming out into the open. The presidential campaign has been reduced to how much money the candidates can raise (I’ve read that Romney raised $125 million last month, while Obama came up with $75 million). This money will all be spent brainwashing anyone who is not both blind and deaf. Well, to say brainwashing is a bit too kind. The war chests of these politicians will be used to wage war in our minds.

Meanwhile, certain voters (elderly, black, poor, students) are being blocked from participating in three key states: Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania, which will skew the remaining voters toward the Republicans. There may not be much difference between the political parties, though there sure does seem to be a push to eliminate those who might vote for Democratic candidates. If you want a clue what Mercury stationing retrograde on Election Day is about, let’s start with this. Blocking voters who tend to be Democrats has been going on in ever-bolder ways since 2000, and it’s astonishing that hardly anyone is speaking up about this.

One political story that’s gotten a lot of attention the past few weeks is the issue of Mitt Romney’s taxes. He’s only released one year of his tax returns. ABC News asked him whether there were any years in the past 10 that he paid less than his rich-man’s rate of 13.9%; he refused to answer. Had he paid more, he certainly would have said so. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has proposed that Romney paid no taxes at all for 10 years, which is actually possible if you have enough money, if you’re willing to push or break the rules, and if you can afford lawyers to defend your tax returns.

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Photo by Eric Francis.

What’s amazing is that anyone thinks this is trivial. One of the core issues of our day is tax policy: who pays how much in taxes, and who pays no taxes. Who bears the burden of society, and who benefits? One version of the story is that relatively poor people seem content to allow rich people to pay less because who knows, they too might be rich some day. Yet there are many reasons that people have to support those who would harm them, and you could analyze it simply as an abuse dynamic.

One of the more interesting things that happened this week was that yet another robot was dropped onto Mars — the Curiosity rover. This was the super-fancy version of the Mars iPod, with loads of on-board experiments, cameras and even a little oven, I guess to bake dirt and see what happens. Mars is the planet associated with war and violence, as well as with motivation, drive and desire. It’s the planet to look at when you want to understand why something is happening, in terms of the intent involved.

Curiosity arrived on Mars within hours of the shooting at the Sikh temple; they are strikingly similar charts. The synchronicity here is that we need to examine, experiment with and understand our propensity to violence. We need to find out what Mars is all about and that will indeed involve curiosity. It will also involve admitting that we live in a society that’s ruled by violence and money, and it may involve admitting that on the meta-structural level there is little we can do about that; however, whether we can or cannot influence this is something we’ll have to find out for ourselves.

It’s impressive that as we explore Mars, we get more and more pictures of a landscape devoid of trees, of lakes, of oceans and of any apparently living critters. Part of the fascination is with the barren landscape, as we watch our own forests burn and our glaciers melt. The investigation of Mars that we really need is to gain an understanding of what all this violence is about; what the fear is about; why we find it necessary to execute mentally retarded people — and why we put up with it.

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Photo by Eric Francis.

This may seem like too much to handle. It’s easy to shut down, and I have my moments regularly when I wish it would all go away, particularly when I tune into the unmitigated evil that’s now operating in plain view. I think that silence and denial will only make matters worse. Pretending in any way will only make things worse.

One of the central spiritual necessities of our times is maintaining awareness of the world at the same time we appreciate life, and this is not easy. The fact that there seems to be little we can do to effect change doesn’t help. But this isn’t about saving the world; responding with clarity is about something different — dharma: acting as if to hold the world together.

There was one other telling incident during this Mercury retrograde — New York Times photographer Robert Stolarik being beat up and arrested by the NYPD. Most of our problems in society right now are either rooted in or exacerbated by most people lacking access to actual sources of information, having no knowledge that such exists or confusing it with entertainment. Hearing that a New York Times photographer was beat up and had his cameras taken only makes it worse, scaring both independent and establishment reporters away from the very things they should be covering.

“My camera hitting anybody is an untruth,” Stolarik said, responding to the police assertion that he bumped or hit one of them with the lens of his camera. “They just get to say whatever they feel like saying and then charging me with whatever they feel like charging me with to justify their actions. They were violent toward me, and they were violent toward the media.”

“I always try to be reasonable,” said Stolarik, who was hassled by an officer on camera while covering the Occupy Wall Street protests last fall, when the campaign of violence against journalists began. “But there’s going to be a next generation [of journalists] to come up, and if we accept this type of behavior, what happens to that next group of people?’

This is what we need to be asking — about everything.



Planet Waves

We Can Work it Out: Venus and Mars On the Move

Venus and Mars continue to dominate planetary news. Venus recently ingressed Cancer after four months in Gemini. Doing so, it joined other planets in the cardinal signs, and this week makes an opposition to Pluto, a square to Uranus and a trine to Chiron. It’s also making a conjunction to an odd point called Kronos, which is saying skip the self-importance and pluck up some maturity; you will need it this week.

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This week, Mars in Libra makes a conjunction to Saturn. And Venus (the ruler of Libra) makes aspects to Chiron, Uranus and Pluto. That’s a lot of Venus and Mars for one week — should be interesting. Photo: Cassini Mission.

These aspects don’t describe a calm emotional ride; the ‘attachment’ principle of Venus is undergoing some kind of change, raising questions about jealousy, emotional and sexual freedom and where the human need for nourishment fits the picture. There is an opening, however: Venus trine Chiron is saying if you stay with your feelings, they will take you someplace; you will see the meaning in the deep experiences.

As this happens, we have activity in one sign that Venus rules — Libra. Mars and Saturn are about to make their long-anticipated conjunction. This describes pushing the boundary of a relationship, or the idea of relationships in general. It could also involve working out some longterm frustration. Expect something to come to a head, and if handled well, to blow over.

However, this isn’t as simple as just Mars and Saturn. We have two of the more significant new discoveries in the picture, right there in the same degrees of the cardinal signs. Eris is in Aries (Mars will oppose Eris this weekend). That is potentially violent, with a sense of acceleration and the need for self-control. The Saturn principle applies here: be conscious of your boundaries and the agreements you’ve made in the past. Varuna is in the picture, which is all about honoring those agreements. If you feel you have to renegotiate a commitment, do so openly, with clarity and compassion. Don’t just assume.

Just as this aspect is exact, the Moon passes through Cancer, making a conjunction to Varuna and squares to Eris, Mars and Saturn on Aug. 15. This is one to feel your way through as much as you need to in order to balance those feelings with some mental clarity (fortunately, Mercury is direct for this one). The Moon then enters Leo and makes a conjunction to the Sun — this is the Leo New Moon, exact Aug. 17 and opposite Nessus. More on that in next week’s lead article.


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Extreme Weather Caused By Global Warming — and Industry Scams

As if to underscore skeptic Richard Muller’s concession last week that global warming is entirely human-caused, The New York Times is reporting that many chemical companies are manipulating the carbon credit system to bank tens of millions of dollars a year in scammed profits — by making more pollution. Since 2005, manufacturers of gases used in air-conditioning and refrigeration have sharply boosted their production of a waste gas just to obtain the large number of credits they get for ultimately destroying it. The credits are then sold to other polluters.

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This is what global warming looks like, after a while. Photo of Mars by the Opportunity rover, January 2012; NASA/JPL.

Meanwhile, the recent spike in ‘extreme weather’ in the U.S. and worldwide can only be attributed to human-caused global warming according to James Hansen, head of NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies. Hansen’s study concludes that the odds of extreme temperature occurrences have grown from 1 in 300 through the 1980s to one in 10 today.

All this was announced during a week in which firefighters continue to battle 18 wildfires in Oklahoma, which has seen its highest temperatures since the Dust Bowl of 1936. In fact, the U.S. government has confirmed this July was the hottest month on record. Nearly two-thirds of the contiguous United States has been in moderate to exceptional drought, wiping out crops and driving up the price of basic staples. In response, President Obama unveiled an additional $30 million in federal aid this week to combat the nation’s worst drought in 25 years. Meanwhile in the Philippines, flooding from heavy rains has displaced 800,000 people, with 80 percent of the capital city of Manila affected.

Adding to the CO2 emissions this week was a massive fire at a Chevron oil refinery in Richmond, CA that left 900 people seeking medical treatment and tens of thousands ordered to stay inside with doors and windows closed. Chevron claims the situation is under control, but the truth is that fossil fuel processing and nuclear power are always one misstep away from disaster.

Richmond Mayor Gayle McLaughlin, a member of the Green Party, is seeking a full investigation into the blaze — but the problem is with the entire industry. It’s obvious, and there are solutions.


Planet Waves

Romney’s Not a Business; He Just Plays One on TV

Presumptive Republican nominee Mitt Romney, pressed as to why he’s not releasing more tax returns, justified his decision in an interview with Bloomberg Businessweek by saying: “I’m not a business.” It’s a logical statement but for one thing: almost exactly a year ago, he got testy with a heckler in Iowa and declared that, “corporations are people.” Romney revealed his double standard on Aug. 7, as stormy Mercury was preparing to station direct; the statement is already turning on him.

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Cayman Islands, “Home of the Off-Shore Tax Shelter.”

“We have a process in this country, which was established by law, which provides for the transparency which candidates are required to meet. I have met with that requirement with full financial-disclosure of all my investments, but in addition have provided and will provide a full two years of tax returns.”

His father as a presidential candidate set a precedent of releasing 12 years of tax returns, reminding voters that it’s easy to make one or two years look good. Perhaps Romney really didn’t pay any taxes at all for 10 years, as Harry Reid, the senate majority leader, said recently, putting the Romney campaign on the defensive.

Maybe Romney is just squeamish about his offshore tax havens and having to finally admit he’s a member of the financial elite, not just a regular Joe you’d like to have a beer with (as if we hadn’t noticed when he asked why that soda had foam on top). Neither characteristic qualifies someone to be fit to lead a country, however.

It’s not enough for a candidate to be non-threatening to your self-esteem, and hating money just blocks your own flow. We’re getting repeated reminders to look beneath the surface gloss, read between the lines and vote our deepest values. Quick — before the Supreme Court rules that offshore tax havens are people, too.


Planet Waves

Rap News Takes on the God Particle

Planet Waves
I am fan and admirer of Hugo Farrant, who plays Robert Foster (and others on Rap News). In this edition he shines some light on the Higgs Boson — the so-called ‘God particle’. It’s a lot of fun. This guy has a great face. Check it out here. — efc


Planet Waves

Planet Waves FM: Mercury Direct and Tantra Part 2

In this week’s edition of Planet Waves FM, I begin with a recap of the current astrology and news — Mercury direct, Venus in Cancer and the absurd chaos of the world — and then I re-introduce my guests, tantra specialists Patricia Johnson and Mark Michaels. You can hear part one of that interview here. There is a discussion and feedback about part one collecting at this link. You can reach Patricia and Mark via their website, Tantra PM.


Planet Waves

Planet Waves monthly horoscopes provide a broader perspective that surveys the themes of the coming month and often, the weeks that follow. The August Monthly horoscope was published Friday, July 27. Inner Space for August was published Tuesday, July 31. The most recent Moonshine horoscope by Genevieve Hathaway (for July) was published on July 3. Please note a change in the publishing pattern. For a few months we were publishing the monthly horoscope on Wednesday evenings, but that was proving to be too confusing. We have shifted the monthly to be incorporated into the Friday issue after the Sun has entered a new sign; Inner Space still publishes on Tuesdays.


Planet Waves

Friday, August 10, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #913 | Eric’s Zodiac Sign Descriptions

Leo Birthdays this week

This is the year to study up on nonviolent communication and conflict resolution. This is so strong in your charts that it could become your vocation or an important aspect of what you do professionally — though its first application is going to be more in your ‘everyday’ life — with your family, around your neighborhood, and at work. Mars and Saturn are conjunct in your house of language and communications, which is the sign Libra. There is something here about balance and fairness, and hearing all sides of the issue — especially when you or others have grievances. You seem to be breaking free of some old thought patterns, and they may be resisting; violent struggle is not the way. You will spend some time this year addressing the theme of attachment versus liberation; whether jealousy is a good idea, or something to resolve; and you have the chance to bring mature emotional intelligence into your thought process. To learn more, listen to your Leo birthday reading.

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — Whatever else you may have in mind, be careful to avoid a showdown. There are many ways to handle your present situation, and that would be the worst option. The best option is some form of diplomacy, which requires a healthy respect for authority. Part of that includes staying within your authority in any partnership or relationship matter, and not assuming privileges that you don’t have. Therefore, make sure you err on the side of humility for the next week or so; be deferential but not patronizing. You may start to get the feeling that the pressure is mounting during that time, and that’s your cue to take a breath, observe, and make sure that you’re taking things one conscious step at a time. Whoever you’re dealing with is feeling more vulnerable than you may be aware, and your gentleness and conscious choice not to push or bring matters to a head will be greatly appreciated.

Hello Aries — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).

Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — You may be getting the message that the time has come to focus your mind. One peculiar property of Taurus is that your intellectual talents often find themselves under the water of your powerful emotions. Resolving this is more a matter of maturity than it is of having (or not having) some innate gift. Over the next few days, you may feel what it’s like to be a mature thinker. It’s different from the usual tidal flow of your mind, or the cyclical ebb and flood of your ideas that you live with. Many factors over the past few years have guided you in the direction of the skills necessary to steer your mind a bit like how someone can use the wind and currents to guide a sailboat almost effortlessly. Remember that you actually possess the abilities that seem to manifest over the next few days, and you can access them at any time. The one thing you have to remember is that this doesn’t work as long as you let your emotions overwhelm your mind — and your mind being in charge is the point of maturity for which nothing else can substitute.

Hello Taurus — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed) If you would like to hear your Taurus birthday reading, please visit this link.

Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Mercury has finally stationed direct. I experienced it like the lid being lifted off a boiling pot; the drop in pressure and temperature was palpable. I trust that the transition has given you the opportunity to take notice of some basic facts that you may have been denying. You will now have the ability over the next three weeks to revisit your observations, and reconsider some of your decisions, as Mercury will make several aspects for the third (and last) time of this cycle. You may not reverse yourself, though one way to know if you’re paying attention is that you start to see things differently. Your perspective is different from what it was even two or three months ago, and as Mercury makes aspects to Chiron, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, if you’re really looking, the world around you will look and feel different. This is because you are making deeper contact with yourself. Be especially mindful, however, if you find yourself trying to convince yourself of anything.

Hello Gemini — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). Your Gemini birthday reading is ready! Click here for an hour of astrology plus a tarot reading by Eric.

Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — There is creativity and there is mature creativity; the difference is akin to that between infatuation and solid friendship. While you cannot fake or force maturity, you can access the parts of yourself that are the most centered, and where you’ve learned the most from experience. One clue that you’re there is that you will feel a focused sense of authority over yourself, rather than a push or quest to be someone or something. Another is that you will respond with sensitivity to the circumstances of others, no matter how difficult or painful they may be. That’s usually natural for you, though you might not want anything or anyone to harsh your mellow. The best way to do that is to transcend the source of drama within yourself. Returning to the theme of creativity: in a similar way, I suggest you draw from a deep spot, and resist any temptation to be casual or glib. The result will be something truly authentic that will change you and — perhaps just a little — change the world.

Hello Cancer — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). Your Cancer birthday reading is ready! It includes more than hour of astrology plus a tarot reading, and has been wildly popular (also great for Cancer rising people). Use this link to order.

Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Mercury just stationed direct in your sign, so you may feel like you’re coming to some conclusions about the many things you’ve had on your mind the past month or so. I suggest you think of them more as observations and studies-in-progress, because over the next three weeks, Mercury repeats for the third time a series of aspects that it’s already made twice since late June. The difference now is that you will feel less tentative about taking action in the places you know are calling for your attention — and there are a few. The difference is that you are likely to discover that your decisions actually take hold and move along the story line of your life. It’s also a lot easier to do, decide and breathe when your anxiety level is at low tide, and at the moment this is something you have in perspective. Everything you feel is energy; everything is an opportunity to make a decision.

Hello Leo — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). See below for a description of your 2012-2013 birthday reading, which is available now.


Planet Waves

Hello Leo and Leo Rising! I’ve finished your 2012-2013 birthday reading. This is composed of two 35-minute astrology sessions, plus a combined tarot and astrology reading. It covers all of the major astrology happening now — with an emphasis on recovering a childhood dream. I also cover the influence on your relationships, your home environment and your finances. Astrologically this includes Mercury retrograde in your sign, the Leo New Moon, the Uranus-Pluto square, Saturn in Scorpio and more — all in clear, easy to follow terms. This report is designed for those born with the Sun in Leo but is equally applicable for Leo rising. Visit this page to get access.


Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — It’s now safe to trust your intuition again. It may have felt like a defective product recently, though really it’s neither. However, Mercury and Neptune have not been able to agree about what is true, though they seem to be getting along a little better. As for intuition: in truth, this is your ability to be in harmony with yourself. Yet as some studies have pointed out, it’s also based on sensory clues and common sense. That doesn’t make it any less useful, or rare, and for you a key attribute of this gift is what some call ‘women’s wisdom’. This is a mix of what your body tells you, what has been traditionally time-honored, and knowledge of the natural world. The thing about intuitive messages is that it’s okay to sit with them for a while. You don’t have to act on them immediately, though some come with a recommendation for when it’s necessary to get busy. Take a little while to feel your choice — then proceed with gentle confidence.

Hello Virgo — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).

Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Venus, your ruling planet, has changed signs for the first time since April; this week, it ingressed the career, reputation and life mission angle of your chart, which is the sign Cancer. This is likely to be stoking up your ambitions, though I suggest that your boldest quest is going to be doing what you do with total commitment to creativity and passion. Remember that you have a professional life that runs in cycles: of interest, of dedication, of emotional contact with what you’re doing. Yet everything you want, reach for and accomplish has one thing in common: that would be you. I suggest that you get clear that your calling in life, and the work that you do, are not things separate from you; they are expressions of who you are — whatever you happen to be doing, or whatever you want to do. Over the next few days you may get some ideas how to take that journey deeper, and a clue about what you can accomplish using the miracle of collaboration.

Hello Libra — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).

Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Monitor your anxiety level carefully this weekend and for a week or so beyond. ‘Monitor’ means be aware of, and I say that because it may have a tendency to be operating in the background, where you are not noticing it. Fear that you experience may be projected onto a topic having nothing to do with your actual concerns. In light of this, I suggest you sort out what you’re really concerned about. When in doubt, apply the Course in Miracles lesson, “I am never upset for the reason I think.” This will be especially helpful if any anxiety reaches the level of paranoia. Whatever is showing up on the monitor display known as ‘consciousness’, behind the scenes, you are under some psychic pressure. It’s as if part of your mind is being squeezed, or perhaps more accurately, you’re trying to pass something through your psyche, and it’s encountering resistance. That resistance may feel like fear, which can show up in a diversity of forms. This process has two transition dates — Aug. 15, when Mars makes its conjunction to Saturn; and Aug. 23, when Mars enters your birth sign. Please remember those dates.

Hello Scorpio — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Be mindful of expecting others to make sacrifices for you — or for any inclination you may have to make a sacrifice for the sake of a relationship. I am not suggesting that you refrain from being generous, but rather that you notice when you have to give something up rather than offer it as a gift. You’re in a phase of your life when you’re exploring not just actual human encounters but also your concept of what a relationship is. I think that for you, the first question to ask is, “What is a friend?” This is not the kind of thing you ask yourself once and be satisfied with the answer you get. It’s something I suggest you ask yourself all day, every day for a while, and see how your answer evolves.

Hello Sagittarius — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).

Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — You’re at a critical juncture right now, and more is at stake than you may realize. I don’t mean for this to stir up any anxiety. I suggest you relax and loosen up enough to take your situation — and your potential — seriously. One thing that you must be mindful of is honoring the chain of command in any corporate or professional system. Without breaking ranks, you can work politically to build a consensus and get your way, and you do seem focused on a particular outcome. While you may not be in a position to take authority from others, you are certainly in a position to persuade them to use their authority. You just have to go about accomplishing that goal in a way that is savvy and which accesses your deepest professionalism. That said, you have more official power in this situation than you may recognize, and even if you are acting within the bounds of your jurisdiction, I suggest you work the territory smoothly and never for a moment seem to act like the boss.

Hello Capricorn — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).

Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Do your best to shift the circumstances of your life onto level ground. If you cannot do that, notice the ways in which the field is tilted, though when you respond to that, you must do so with a sense of fairness. There really is a question of ethics at stake, and your longterm reputation may hinge on your choices during the next week or so. The issue may surround your career plans, such as your intention to embark in a new direction. You’re likely to be feeling some pressure here — and that is the thing to be mindful of. Taking some form of radical action would likely be premature, particularly if it means severing a tie. When considering the right thing to do, the idea to work with is that less is more. Once Saturn reaches Scorpio in early October, you will have a lot better sense of where you’re headed, and that’s less likely to be infused with conflict or tension.

Hello Aquarius — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).

Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Much hinges on what you believe, in particular, whether you believe you’re successful. But there’s something deeper, which is whether you believe that your success — that is, your full expression in the world — is a good thing. You need to come up with at least that much confidence, though don’t spend your time rationalizing. Rather, feel what you do and who you are, and pay attention to evidence of the positive influence that you have on others. Feel the point of contact when some element of your creativity reaches someone, and ask yourself whether you and the world would benefit from that being multiplied. I recognize there is a question of the financial aspect and how that’s supposed to happen; for a number of reasons you may have the sensation of walking through a bog, then having to scale a wall. Stick to the human element: the contact point, or the element of your work that is relational. From there, the way forward will be clear.

Hello Pisces — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).

Leo 2012

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Dec. 14, 2012 #930 | By Eric Francis
The creative process is calling on you to take a chance and change the world. That’s what creativity does, and it’s what sex does. Or looked at another way, these aspects of life are about creating new worlds. Clearly it requires a measure of what some would call arrogance to do this. James Joyce associated being a novelist with playing God, because you control the whole universe of the story. Yet there is another perspective, preferred by many writers (including J.R.R. Tolkien) — what is created starts to take on a life of its own. Either of these situations calls on a high degree of ethics in the creative process. While it’s necessary to take risks, it’s also necessary to observe the law of unintended consequences. This is the responsibility piece of creativity, and while it’s necessary to pay close attention to this factor, you also know that there is only so far you can take it. You must use care and intention through the process, then at a certain point, you have to let the flaming arrow fly.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Dec. 7, 2012 #929

Numerous indicators in the astrology continue to remind you to pick the locks, open the windows and tear down the walls that separate sexuality and mysticism, or what some would call God. If you start from the point of knowing that the division is itself false, and was introduced into thought as a kind of virus, with an agenda, that makes things a lot easier. The division starts with any moral position on sex whatsoever. Let me state this another way: sex is not a moral issue, and anyone who says it is has a control agenda. Sex is an experience of pleasure, a way to learn about yourself, an experiment, a journey, a matter of personal choice, a mode of creative expression, a way to explore your connection to someone, a way to mirror yourself in someone, and an offering of yourself as witness, mirror and container. It is not a moral issue. Morality potentially enters where there is deception and where autonomy is violated, but there are more practical ways to work through these problems, should they arise. Meanwhile, a passionate mystical experiment is calling your name.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Nov. 30, 2012 #928

Your charts describe a creative explosion on the one hand, combined with the productivity of Stephen King on the other. The thing is, you will need to put these two seemingly different elements together. This is good astrology if you’re someone who tends to live a split life, for example, between your creative passions and your work responsibilities, or between your career and your kids. You have the energy and the focusing power to get it all done. So I suggest that you invest your time and energy into what matters to you the most, since the ability to work so much and so well, having so much fun, does not arrive every day. You will be better guided in your choices for where to direct your energy by using your intuition rather than following a preconceived agenda. In fact, part of what you will discover is the ways that you can change your work patterns to increase your efficiency. Under this kind of setup, seeming mistakes can count as happy accidents that teach you a better way to do things.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for December | By Eric Francis
Standing in for Weekly Horoscope #927

Nobody in this world should be excluded from healing, and in the end, nobody is. Yet you may need to balance your desire to include everyone with the understanding that some resist, some go kicking and screaming, and others have another agenda entirely. The most significant theme to focus on is your own healing agenda; if you’ve ever wondered when the perfect time would come to do this, you’re standing right in it, right now. Here are some themes as I see them: how do you handle your need to belong to the world around you? (Some options are: conforming, collaborating, communicating or coveting.) How do you relate to the past? (Some options are: destroy it, reinterpret it, regret it or learn from it.) How do you handle your obsessions? (Some options are: self-control, hyper-focus on your immediate environment, or eating your brain alive with anxiety.) How do you handle your violent tendencies? (Some options are: take them out on yourself, collect weapons, play sports, argue with everyone.) Most significantly, what is your concept of relationship? Does it include or exclude others? Are you basing your conduct on a commitment to freedom, or retreating into jealousy? The implication of your chart is that relationships are the most significant focus of your healing process right now, which will, sooner or later, include providing both an example and a safe space for others. In this regard you are far more influential than you may suspect.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Nov. 16, 2012 #926

As you take care of the details of your home, perhaps digging yourself out of some physical or financial disarray, I suggest you consider as deeply as you can what it really means for you to feel safe in the world. I say this recognizing that there are many people who have not felt safe for one minute since the day they were born. Others have grown up in the midst of so much turmoil that it’s difficult for them to have enough of a sense of what safety feels like to recognize it when it comes their way. Still others associate violation, pain or chaos with a kind of psychological ‘safety’ that’s really just a form of familiarity. There are a scant few people who actually know what it means to be held. Current aspects are inviting you to sort out where you are along this spectrum. You’re verging on a breakthrough of understanding what it really means to feel safe in your environment — particularly emotionally. I would remind you that part of this involves knowing where your boundaries are, and knowing when you’ve reached one of them.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Nov. 9, 2012 #925

There is no place like home, and home is a feeling as well as a place. The feeling these days is about clearing out space, both psychic and physical clutter of the past. Whether you start with three-dimensional space or emotional space, opening up one is likely to lead to the other. Cleaning closets is an emotional process, whether it be subtle or profound. When you’re moving energy on the inner planes, you may just find yourself cleaning out the attic or digging out the basement. In all respects, think of this as claiming back what is yours, and taking control over your environment. You may start to get the sensation that you’re looking for something specific, which you’re not certain even exists. It may be a physical object, a memory, a feeling or an idea — be open, and treat anything you’re doing as a simultaneous inner and outer exploration. Notice how you treat things or feelings that evoke negativity in any form. Pause before you ‘throw anything away’ with the conscious intention of seeking understanding and making peace.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Nov. 2, 2012 #924

You may be regretting a chance you took, particularly on an investment or some form of speculation, but I don’t suggest you judge too quickly. The effect in the end may not be the one you were planning, though you don’t yet know how it will work out. Just because you may be having regrets doesn’t mean that you were wrong, or that the effect will be negative. Any doubts you may be having are not an indication of an actual problem, though they may be an investigation to go back over your thinking and check for errors in the paperwork, a little like a proofreader or auditor. Make sure you collect your documentation and have a clear sense of where you stand before you call attention to any potential concerns. The planetary setup looks as if a creative opportunity will come from this process, though you will need to give it time and patience and not be guided by an emotional reaction. The less fear you allow to influence you, the more your creative mind can have its way with your situation.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for November 2012 #923

Is this a moment of settling down, or of upheaval? The astrology for your sign this month presents two distinct scenarios, and how you respond to it will depend on a number of factors, one of which I will call your density level. This isn’t a concept I’ve used in my column before, so I will explain. Think of increased density as contraction, fear, resistance, denial and the feeling of being stuck. Think of lighter density as expansion, a sense of flow, flexibility, alertness and the sensation that you have the ability to choose. Taken on a denser energy level, the astrology of this month could be jarring, threatening to your security and come with the sensation that changes are being imposed on you by outside forces. As you go to lighter, less dense levels of awareness, the astrology will feel more like being in the right place at the right time, putting down emotional roots, and taking the opportunity to make productive, necessary and long-overdue changes. Looked at in the best light, the approaching combination of astrological factors describes a time of distinction between the past and the present. You’re being set free from negative attachments, seeming obligations and a whole raft of family karma. This is an amazing opportunity for you, except for one thing. It’s entirely too easy to be attached to a low-density level. It’s easy to be attached to the past. Therefore, focus on raising your vibration — and keep your mind focused on a vision for the future.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Oct. 19, 2012 #922

It seems like you’re about to discover the truth about a family secret, something that’s potentially eluded you for years. This comes right around when you’ve made the decision to take charge of your personal affairs in a new way. You’ve always been one to assert leadership in your relationships and your ‘tribal’ surroundings, though not like you’re experiencing now. You appear to be making peace with how you’re emotionally motivated, which is at the seat of your ability to make and keep such deep commitments. Yet now, you’re doing something truly admirable, or you can if you want: intervening in the process of the generations going by. You have set a limit on something, with the purpose of opening up a clear space for something else. You know that these two things cannot coexist; just like being functional has a way of contradicting dysfunction. And, behold: truth contradicts secrecy.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Oct. 12, 2012 #921

You may have some idea that you think is going to wreak havoc on people’s minds, if they were to hear about it. This has another side to it: we’re starting to figure out that we live in a world where we’re being spied on. Can you imagine every time you send a text message or email that it appears on some computer screen somewhere, or is stashed away in a database for future review? In either scenario, we have to make peace with the idea that our thoughts all have a public dimension. One’s individual mind is the connection point to something more: whether it’s an individual listener, a community or ‘the public’ (whatever that means for you). I know this has the potential to make some people extremely self-conscious; others thrive on the potential that their thoughts might have a wider influence than your average gossip, and that someone actually might care. That, by the way, is a true fact.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Oct. 5, 2012 #920

People must do what they must do to work out their karma and their commitments to others. Plenty of it has nothing to do with you, though it can take some experience to learn how not to take any of it personally. Meanwhile, you must guide your life based on your own values, and at the moment, you know just what they are. It’s easy to get knocked off center or out of balance when others don’t show an interest in what means the most to you, though I suggest that the most direct way to making contact, and having that contact returned, is to keep your focus on what you want to be the core of your life, on what you truly value. Doing so can feel like an enormous risk — or perhaps at the moment, like an irresistible dare. I suggest, however, that if you’re going to take the chance, you not measure your success based on what others think. Measure your success based on what you think — particularly about your willingness to dare. At this phase of your life, it’s crucial that you affirm yourself, and step away from seeking the affirmation of others. Those who do offer their positive vibes of their own accord are your authentic friends.

Monthly horoscope for October 2012 standing in for Weekly Horoscope #919

Saturn’s ingress this month into Scorpio, your solar 4th house (security, home base, family) is about the use of space, and its relationship to your emotional grounding. Scorpio is a somewhat strange energy to have on your house of security, since it’s all about plunging into the deep dark waters of the psyche, and coming out a different person (something you do fairly regularly, and you’re safe knowing that you can). Seen another way, it’s the image of living with a swamp in the basement of your house, wondering if you’re going to get swallowed, or if the whole house is going to sink — and calling that shelter. Saturn making its way through this region of your chart for the next 10 seasons is about getting onto dry ground. It’s about shoring up your foundations and clearing out inner space. As part of this journey, you’re going to stabilize emotionally, which will be good for you and the people you care about. As part of this emotional stability, you will be doing an inventory of family influences from your early childhood, and making sure that you have them contained and confined to your own inner space — this way, you won’t pass them on to anyone younger than you are. One of the over-arching themes of this transit is learning how to feel safe. The combination of Saturn and Scorpio may conspire to do this in strange ways — but if you work with these influences, you will get the job done.

Friday, September 21, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #918

Keep going and you’re bound to get results. You may be experiencing mixed feelings about that idea, since you know that you’re exerting more energy than you need to. You may also be stalked by the feeling that ‘everything has to change, all at once’. While that’s going on, you may have the feeling that you’re mired in something that’s consuming your energy unnecessarily, though you don’t necessarily know what it is. You might feel at the same time like you’re pushing against an obstacle that seems like it’s outside you, but which is really part of your own emotional makeup. Yes, there is a lot going on at once. But it’s all one experience, and I suggest you step back and see your current circumstances for what they are. You’re in a truly adventurous dynamic with your environment. You’re changing it, and it’s changing you. You’re currently the one in the situation whose ideas can have the most positive influence. Therefore, stay on that level — of being open, and of respecting what comes through your mind and hopefully ends up being jotted down for reference and elaboration in the immediate future.

Friday, September 14, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #917

I know this sounds strange to say, however, feeding your doubts does not build your confidence. Understanding your limitations and working with them would be the counterpart to that. Confidence translates to faith in yourself. You know you’re working with confidence when you can stand up to a challenge, rather than worrying about whether you’re going to be able to get it done. Still, emotionally, you may be walking a fine line here. You may feel like every time you do something vaguely bold, you pay for it in insecurity and uncertainty. Note carefully the presence of any guilt that you may feel, or shame that may be associated with feeling ‘too’ ambitious. If you’re picking up any of this toxicity, I would propose that it’s associated with the feeling of exceeding a boundary or challenging someone’s authority. Look into that and remember, taking authority over your own life usually implies taking it away from someone else — even if you didn’t know they had it.

Friday, September 7, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #916

Your financial situation is now intimately linked to your creativity, and this may have you on edge. It’s always easier to assign success or lack thereof on external conditions, such as ‘the economy’ or whether your particular talent is the thing that people are paying for these days. That’s a consideration now, though it’s a relatively minor one. Even in ‘good times’ most people have to put their best foot forward, if they want to be rewarded for doing something that really matters to them. I don’t know anyone, no matter how talented, for whom this is not a delicate spot. Fortunately, your deepest personal resources — your intelligence, your ability to come up with ideas and your gift for communication — are directly connected to your revenue stream. Cast off the idea that you get paid a fixed amount for an hour of work. Consider that the quality of your ideas, and your gift for applying them to real-life situations, is what will translate into greater abundance, and satisfaction with your work.

Friday, August 31, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #915

Focus on keeping an open mind, especially about what you tend to resist the most. When speaking, imagine that everything you say on any topic or any person is actually a statement about yourself. This will keep you tuned into your thought patterns and how they reflect your ideas about your own existence — and your potential. If you do this, you’re likely to make a discovery about yourself, which I could describe generally as something that’s extremely obvious that you hadn’t put together yet, even though you had all the information you needed. When you tell other people about this discovery, they’re likely to say that they knew this all the time and figured that you did, too. Note, this is not the revelation of ‘something bad’ about you. To the contrary, no matter what the topic, you’re likely to discover a reason to appreciate who you are, which anyway is always the theme of this time of year, though right now, at this time in your life, you’re in a special moment of transition.

Moonshine Horoscope by Genevieve Hathaway, standing in for Planet Waves Weekly 914 for Friday, August 17, 2012

The past few weeks were a period of reassessment, as Mercury retrograde has been buzzing around your Moon (and it’s still close by). House cleaning of your inner space took you from cleaning out the cobwebs in the basement to refinishing the shutters in the attic. That’s a lot of ground to cover moving through the different levels of your emotional landscape. At times it felt like you were living in a Salvador Dali painting with doors in the walls and stairs that went to nowhere. You’ve been able to take stock of your emotional patterns and reactions, letting go of outdated responses. Quite a bit of space was cleared, making room for new methods of expression. Before you begin installing the new emotional fixtures, the work crew needs a short break. Spend the early part of the lunar month resting and recharging; sifting through inner layers drained your energy reserves. Mid-month an experience helps you turn an emotional corner from where you’ve been the past few weeks to where you are going. A new set of feeling patterns will quickly form in the spaces you’ve been uncluttering. This process will be accompanied by the feeling of snapping into place right after you wondered whether anything would ever fit. — By Genevieve Hathaway

Friday, August 10, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #913

Mercury just stationed direct in your sign, so you may feel like you’re coming to some conclusions about the many things you’ve had on your mind the past month or so. I suggest you think of them more as observations and studies-in-progress, because over the next three weeks, Mercury repeats for the third time a series of aspects that it’s already made twice since late June. The difference now is that you will feel less tentative about taking action in the places you know are calling for your attention — and there are a few. The difference is that you are likely to discover that your decisions actually take hold and move along the story line of your life. It’s also a lot easier to do, decide and breathe when your anxiety level is at low tide, and at the moment this is something you have in perspective. Everything you feel is energy; everything is an opportunity to make a decision.

Friday, August 3, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #912

Over the next few days, you have access to a power source that may seem like an infinite well of creativity. This is so potent you may want to approach it with respect. One way you can do that is to avoid acting on a rebellious impulse. And while I am normally an advocate of curiosity, I suggest that you monitor that particular thought form with care and caution as the week progresses. Your curiosity is so powerful right now that you have to handle it with the care of a laser. It’s a force that can activate all kinds of processes, including some that you may not find so easy to bring under control. Therefore, in addition to curiosity, I suggest you monitor your motives, and that you be clear what you want to learn, experience or discover. You also need to do something that’s exceedingly difficult for most humans, which is monitor when your judgment may be off, or when you may be working with incomplete information. When either of those conditions is true, pause.

Friday, July 20, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #911

What is the role of jealousy in your life? The question comes up right around when the Sun enters your birth sign this weekend. There seem to be two competing forces at work: the desire to include as many people as possible, and the desire to exclude whoever you don’t really like. Said another way, one energy source is guiding you to be open, loving and experimental and another energy source is saying, take control. These are incompatible, and you may be having some trouble figuring out which is the trustworthy one. If you set aside the subject matter and just sniff the energy, it will be a lot more obvious what to choose. Also, notice that you may be dealing with a prejudice about someone or something, rooted in a recent past experience. If you let that judgment go, you will find this situation a lot easier to understand. As for jealousy, how would you live if you and the people close to you were immune? Tell yourself the truth — what would you do?

Friday, July 6, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #910

Mercury has been in your sign since June 25, and it will be there through Aug 31 — longer than two months, owing to the fact that it’s about to be retrograde for the next 24 days. If I may suggest something bold, this is an excellent opportunity for you to use and develop your mind. You would be amazed how rarely this happens. If you are doing something and you encounter resistance, stop and use your mind. One thing to avoid right now is anything with the feeling of pushing a rock up a hill. If you want to accomplish something but you feel like you lack the confidence, stop and think. If you do, you’ll notice that you have more than enough experience to achieve what you want — if you remember to use what you know. The extent to which so many people forget or refuse to keep their mind in the ON position is astounding, and you will benefit handsomely from remembering.

Friday, July 6, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #909

The Sun is about to make one of its two annual square aspects to Saturn, and this is about focus and discipline. You don’t need to pour it on all at once; over the next week, gradually gather your energy and set a few clear goals. I suggest these goals be a little more ambitious than you think you can accomplish. I recognize you’ll be doing this at what is a pleasantly social time of your life, and you value the company of the people around you. That’s where discipline comes in — and not giving in to peer pressure (for example, someone randomly accusing you of ‘working too much’). In fact there is time for everything, if you keep your priorities in order. Meanwhile there are certain people in your environment who will be supportive and available to help, particularly with ideas they’ve thought through so well that you’ll both be surprised by how useful they are.

Friday, June 29, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #908

Have you ever been on one of those scales in a science museum that tells you how much you would weigh on the surface of another planet? Now imagine a more elaborate version of that same display that would allow you to feel what it’s like on another world. That’s what your astrology is giving you right now. Check for several distinct properties — there is less gravity. There is an unusual blend between dreamtime and what you previously thought of as reality. As a result, the energy field is less dense — which includes the realms of human psychology and your physical surroundings. Changes are easier to make; you have the ability to peer into and even through things that previously seemed opaque. The whole experience may pass by you as if it’s a dream; it’s up to you to pay attention and remember what you experience, which is in truth a demonstration of what is possible and indeed available all the time, if you tune your mind to the right perspective.

Friday, June 15, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #907

A combination of factors is suggesting it’s possible to increase your income while cutting your expenses. Part of doing this well is about seeing opportunities for what they are, and over the next few weeks some new ones will be coming into your life. Rather than assume that something is or isn’t a real offer, give it time and see what develops. Second, you are learning to be shrewd about your cash flow, and to do this I suggest you spend money on what actually gets results. That’s to say, if you focus on what actually benefits you, providing you with something vital, you will notice how much you spend on what does not benefit you. That’s the place to trim back. To do this may require more thought than you’ve given to ideas like ‘benefit’ and ‘provides something vital’, which generally does not include anything fashionable or for that matter, anything anyone else can even see. Note, dependable information is crucial now.

Friday, June 8, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #906

The chances are that by the time you read this, you’ll already be moving ahead with your plan. I suggest you treat this a little like surfing or hang-gliding: a somewhat dangerous but compelling activity that utilizes forces more powerful than yourself. That’s the thing to remember and respect — what you’re doing goes beyond your own personal power. In such situations, the thing to look for is how you can influence the developments rather than take control. Your influence is real, and it can be potent; control is an illusion, and it will likely backfire. Therefore, lean in the direction you want to go. Trace the trajectory of your recent movement, and see if you can figure out what direction that indicates you’re traveling. Think in terms of your immediate, intermediate and long-term objectives. Any correct choice you make now will have the quality of supporting all three.

Friday, June 1, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #905

Those born under the sign Leo (including rising and Moon) are almost all people who are admired and looked up to by others. You might still feel like lil’ ol’ you, yet there is indeed something about leadership and natural respect that you have as a gift of your birth. Do you fully appreciate how influential that is? One of the most significant crises on the planet right now involves leadership, particularly on the ‘unofficial’ or social level where you’re the most adept at it. The transit of Venus is bestowing you with the gift of charisma, though there is also something about communication skills and something even more — ethics. You have the ability to put into words what is right and what is not so right. And you have the ability to demonstrate something that the world needs to see: how to live in a way that eliminates jealousy and competition as a way of life. You can do this because you’re confident in yourself, but also because you know that if humanity keeps driving its train powered by these two nearly useless emotions, we’re going to come off the tracks.

Friday, May 18, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #904

You don’t have to be anyone you’re not. That’s the beauty of this moment. Who you are is not only adequate — it’s amazing. For the next few days, experiment with the feeling of having to live up to nobody’s expectations. You can be less visible, less vocal, even less helpful. This will help you center yourself, which will give you more energy to do whatever you want. One theme of the next few weeks (of utterly extraordinary astrology) is you finding your true relationship to the world around you. Many of the things that influenced you in the past are no longer valid or necessary. The world to which you’re forming a new relationship has never been a more frenetic work in progress — but there are patterns developing, and if you notice them you will be able to slip into the flow with much greater ease than ever before. To the extent that you’ve ever discounted the value of your intelligence, I suggest that’s the first thing that’s going to change.

Friday, May 11, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #903

You have some kind of professional opportunity that’s developing — and it looks like many people can benefit from what you do, or what happens to you. Please don’t make the mistake of doubting what’s possible. The truth is that anything is possible, and right now you’re a magnet for potential. One key is to think large, or larger than you might. I’m always surprised by how small many people’s concept of big turns out to be, so I suggest you amplify the scale of your idea by an order of magnitude. What works for you, and what always has, is to stay close to the core of what your life means, and what you want to express. What’s happening for you is not about success as usually defined by those with a mind for business. The theme is artistic integrity, contact with your values, and your natural role as a leader. What you’re leading with is your concept of what actually matters to you the most — so remember to put that first, foremost and perhaps, only.

Friday, May 4, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #902

Emotional fulfillment really is the challenge here in the Western world. Nearly every external influence we encounter is designed to stoke desire, often to the point where we don’t know what to do with ourselves once one of those desires is met by what might satiate it. I suggest you figure out what to do, if you’re wondering, or if you find yourself pursuing one ‘need’ after the next. Your solar chart illustrates the image of a life that, if not perfect, has many of the necessary elements for contentment. What you might need to do is assemble the ingredients in a mindful way, or at least notice their presence. Often the experience of reaching for more is about reaching for something in the past, which in truth you cannot touch. Yet what surrounds you now is a bold comment on what is possible. Compared to the state of affairs many other places on the planet, you are doing very well. The more open you are to receiving, the more you will feel that.

Friday, April 27, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #901

Before achievement is reached, a period of buildup occurs. Many times, work is done without necessarily fast advancement. That’s not a popular idea in a society where people line up to buy lottery tickets, but it’s a true fact. Real accomplishment is not instantaneous, but rather based on exponential growth. This type of progress appears to remain static for a while, though there is quiet multiplication going on behind the scenes. When the process reaches a threshold there is a burst of energy that moves events along quickly. Your projects, many which have appeared stalled, are approaching this point of acceleration. As the pace increases, maintain focus on the details. Harness the increased energy by applying it back to your work. Feed the tree, and remember your purpose. What you’re doing is producing work that has a long-lasting quality. — by Genevieve Hathaway

Friday, April 20, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #900

If you’ve been feeling unusual potential but don’t feel like you’ve had the ability to manifest it into something real, that is about to open up. In a word, the way to get from here to there is leadership. I can break this down to three ideas as they express themselves in your current solar chart: one is perspective. It’s essential that you have an overview of your environment, including what your colleagues and those ‘above’ and ‘below’ you are doing. Two is values. Make sure that what you’re doing is consistent with what you believe, and what you are willing to stand for. If you do this, you won’t have to worry about your reputation. Third is nourishment. In your current incarnation of leadership, you need to feed the tree without depleting yourself. Fortunately you have a lot to offer, particularly in the way of ideas and inspiration. If you find yourself blocked, pause and invent a solution. There is no limit to the information available, and you will be told everything you need to know.

Friday, April 13, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #899

The Sun opposing Saturn looks like you’re going through a test of your ethics. This comes on top of a long, careful quest to determine your true values; to figure out what’s actually important to you. The two are related. It’s one thing to figure something out in theory, and another when the time comes that you have to put your idea to work in a real-time situation. The scenario looks like you must make difficult decisions, having been confronted by a limit of some kind, be it your time, your energy or some external factor. Before you spend too much time figuring out what to do about that, I suggest you check for where you have additional resources that you hadn’t thought to apply to the situation. Most of the time (contrary to the messages of advertising) when you need something, you already have it. In this situation, though, that ‘thing’ isn’t a thing — it’s an approach to the question; you might think of it as applied science, as opposed to theoretical.

Friday, April 6, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #898

You may not have unlimited energy, but let’s not quibble over the details. You can compensate for when others fall short, and it’s a great thing that you have the mojo and the dedication to do that. Yet you’re still in the process of learning to do things entirely for their own sake. Your part in a plan or project is your part, without regard to who else has a stake or investment in the gig. The more you’re able to focus on your role, the more you’ll be able to develop your talent and the more strength you’ll have. In fact what you’re doing is integral to the entire enterprise, and you would be wise to focus on what you know are the most important goals — and to doing better work every day. You’re gradually approaching a kind of test or checkpoint, where your devotion and healthy respect for authority will come under careful scrutiny — most particularly by yourself. Keep your focus and mind your agreements. They really do matter.

Friday, March 30, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #897

You’re figuring out that you have to take initiative when it comes to manifesting the life you want, and one of the ways you can do that is to make space for it. I mean actual physical space: clearing out a room or a corner of your apartment; a table dedicated to something; striking the set on a prior project and leaving it empty for something new. You can do something similar with time: leave free time for yourself rather than scheduling everything down to the tenth of an hour increment. Open space and time represent potential, and I can tell you from experience that this can be intimidating. There is that sense of facing potential that can feel like confronting an abyss. Yet it’s exactly this sense of openness, a kind of blank page in life, that you need to help you create something new for yourself. That something is waiting to meet you, as long as it has the space available, and the time. This is not something to rush. Start slowly and build a little at a time, gradually letting it take over your life.

Weekly Horoscope # 896 for March 23, 2012

You are being liberated from a situation that has long had a grip on you, yet despite a certain advantage you have, you know that the key ingredient can come from you alone: courage. That involves giving up an attachment to something you are accustomed to, whether metaphorically or literally, as you experiment with your vision. Use fear to your advantage rather than being troubled by it; one way to do that is to recognize it’s an energy source that you can tap into. You may have your doubts but avoid being too judgmental of a situation or even yourself and your worth. You may never have all the answers, but if you are philosophical, keep perspective and summon your highest and best Self in any situation that unnerves you, you can find a way forward. And you can trust you are not alone on this journey — a partner who comes from a very different world is familiar with the territory, inviting you to a whole new world of possibilities. Be bold, spontaneous, optimistic, have faith and you can make unimaginable progress. — by Priya Kale.

Friday, March 16, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #895

I have a couple of experiments to propose for you, around the theme of money and value. Experiment one is take some cash out of the bank, if you can. Take out more than you would normally carry — as much as you can afford, or as much as makes you a little nervous to have. Carry it in your pocket and don’t spend it. Feel it as potential that you can use at any time for any purpose you want — but leave the possibilities open. Experiment two is to consider your value in any way besides monetary. Keep this as close as possible to the surface of your thoughts. Consider the influence of your ideas, the value of your time toward a goal, the value of your help to others and the appreciation that they may feel for you. Then, exert some of that influence. Make an idea known, that you might ordinarily keep to yourself. Help someone when you have the option not to. Contribute to a group project by adding your energy. As you do all of this, note the differences between money and value.

Friday, March 9, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #894

Others are far less inscrutable than they seem. The feeling that you’re looking at someone who has the capability to transform or change their appearance does not change the underlying substance of who they are. Take that as guidance to bring out the most authentic qualities you have, including your goals, and use every tool at your disposal to put your plans into action. Think through your highest goals, particularly in a professional situation. The seemingly most ambitious and valuable ones are those most likely to succeed; that’s the way your chart is set up right now. You may have to override some annoying inner message in order to think big, though it’s clear which one is true. If you want to give any nagging fears a voice, cut back on waste and do one last check-over of the details, thank your anxiety for doing its job and go back to arranging the world on the largest scale you can imagine. Your best plans aren’t really individual; many will benefit from your success, which I know you find appealing.

Friday, March 2, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #893

There’s no need to wrangle over a money issue. Your fiscal conservatism is at its most committed right now, to the point where I suggest you do what you can to avoid paranoia about money. At the same time, the values of others may seem extravagant lately when in fact they match your own values a lot more than you might recognize. I suggest you let key partners or loved ones have an influence on you that you can use to balance out any concerns you may have. However, this all goes deeper than money. You’re in an exceptionally beautiful moment to work out and let go of certain judgments about yourself that have contributed to some unhappiness in the past. These include various shades of being imperfect or not good enough. If you’re going to embark on a self-improvement campaign, you might start with cutting yourself some slack so you have actual space to make the changes that matter to you the most. You’re correct that impeccability is a meaningful agenda item, though how you get there matters.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope # 892, for Friday, Feb. 24, 2012

Deep surrender within a sexual or financial relationship is what the planets are calling for now. Yet this may be a situation in which you feel powerless, as if you’re swimming through shark-infested waters. Really it’s much better than that — the things swimming around are actually dolphins. There is wise counsel on hand now that can help you navigate your situation and what may currently feel like the dark night of your soul. But to trust that, you have to be willing to trust yourself and the experiences life is offering you. Your success and the gifts you have to offer this world are a direct result of your life experiences — so be grateful for these. You can lie to the world, but you can’t lie to yourself. And if you chase money, shallow desires, or try to hide from the truth, you will end up being disappointed. Seek and offer transparency, and most importantly be honest with yourself. Then you can decide the advice you want to take on board and the relationships that are worth going deeper within. Situations don’t make or break you; they simply reveal you and you can trust a situation is evolving. You have a chance to rebirth yourself now, and change the course of your future as you re-emerge with a true awareness of who you are at your core — an eternal being on a mortal journey. Keep the faith. — By Priya Kale for Planet Waves

Friday, Feb. 17, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #891

Over the next few days, the Sun is going to work its way out of Aquarius and into Pisces. Before it does that, it will make a trine (flowing 120-degree aspect) to Saturn. This is the story of working out a relationship issue, though you’re the likely partner to come up with the idea, and it may be the solution to a problem that nobody has noticed yet. Even if it seems to arrive at one ‘last minute’ or another, it’s not too late, as long as you notice what there is to notice and put the information to work as soon as you know about it. There is a risk that you’ll tell yourself this will be worth something tomorrow, and you’ll take care of it then. But what you’re about to get is specific information for a precise purpose and time. From there you can move onto subtler matters of emotions and what it means to connect with others. Once the Sun changes signs on Sunday, the premium on clarity and honesty with yourself goes up. The Sun conjunct Neptune suggests you may be trying to deny or idealize something. Balance that out with some realism.

Friday, Feb. 10, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #890

Your relationships are in a delicate spot, and you can help yourself immensely by being the person who defuses any tension and lets any seeming insult roll off your back. This may not be easy, because you’re almost as edgy as certain people around you — almost but not exactly. This is all going to come down to communication, which means being a specialist in understanding everyone’s motives: certain individuals around you, certain dynamics as they manifest in a group, and of course keeping a pulse on your own inner currents. Here is the thing to remember — life is more flexible than you remember it being any time in the recent past. Opinions are subject to change, facts are subject to reinterpretation and any situation you may encounter has many negotiable points. What will make that flexibility available is creativity: that is, imagination, seeing the possibilities, and knowing that any problem has a solution waiting to be discovered or invented.

Friday, Feb. 3, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #889

You seem to be grappling with a question about how others perceive you. You may think that you’ve inadvertently misled someone into thinking you are who you are not. Or, you may feel like someone sees something in you that you’re not sure exists. I would turn that around; imagine that the truth of who you are is transparent, and that the people closest to you are not only capable of seeing you for who you actually are, they want to do so. What you have is an opportunity for an unusually intimate and revealing exchange, which may or may not be sexual; you will know which way to take things, and that question — considered so urgent and pressing most of the time — will have little of its usual weight or urgency. You have available one of those rare moments when intimacy is the true source of energy, which leads to many possible expressions. The ‘lesson’ if you could call it that is how being authentically yourself is the most fruitful way to live, and the easiest, and the one most likely to lead to peace of mind.

Friday, Jan. 20, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #888

In a few days there will be a New Moon in your opposite sign Aquarius. This event is a reminder that you need to include more of you in your life. If you follow the teachings of Jell-o pudding, you can declare it “me o’clock” and have “time to yourself.” Yet the actual challenge seems to be about seeing every aspect of your life as something where you not only should be included but to which you are in fact integral. At the moment, however, this involves a lot of other people. When you’ve integrated yourself in that integral way, you may wonder what is left: what time, what space, what freedom to choose. I can tell you one thing from your astrology — you’re looking at the world with a blind spot in your vision. When that shifts, which it’s about to do, you will see that your involvements hold the key to your freedom. There will be an art to seeing just how that works.

Friday, Jan. 13, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #887

You may be obsessing about work, or a situation you care deeply about that you think is out of your hands. Rather than fret about what you can’t control — since worry never solved anything, or hardly anything — recognize how much you have to give and what you have the power to do. It really doesn’t matter what you do, rather how alive you feel each morning when you greet the day. Be conscious of what motivates and drives you, and let go of what is no longer working. The love and financial support you need is indeed present, but it will require you to move past pride or mental resistance and have honest conversations that deepen your trust. As long as you are not being blinded by shallow beauty, or being too rigid or picky, you can open yourself wider and heal something that has been irritating you for a long time.

Friday, Jan. 6, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #886

You need to strike a balance in a relationship situation between idealism and cynicism. That balance would come in the form of ‘none of the above’, which is to say, not trying to form a compromise between the two. Rather, a spirit of working from common ground, common values and a shared vision for what is possible will help you make the most of your situation. I suggest you give this at least a week or two to work itself out, as your emotions are currently under the influence of some form of projection. When Neptune leaves your opposite sign early next month, you will gain a more realistic perspective, and a lot more breathing room. To sum up, you have made a long series of compromises that it’s now time to begin reversing, though this will not happen overnight. It may take years, but it will help immensely if you know the specifics of what you’re working with, and what you have gained along the way.

When Little Planets Make Big Moves

Note to Readers: Today we had planned to distribute the Moonshine Horoscope, however, I had several projects backed up and didn’t have time to get to it. We will have that for you next week. This article is adapted from Monday’s blog post and covers this week’s exciting astrology. — efc
Dear Friend and Reader:

This is going to be an interesting week — astrologically and otherwise (however in astrology, “astrology” and “otherwise” are the same thing). The two most significant moves in the sky involve Mercury and Venus — the two known ‘major’ planets whose orbits are shorter than that of the Earth. Mercury and Venus are considered personal planets in that we often experience their effects viscerally, as emotions, sensory data and ideas. When they form patterns with slower-moving points, as is happening now, they can have dramatic effects.

Planet Waves
Chart for Mercury stationing direct on Wednesday. Note that its number value is similar to that of several other points shown — including Venus, Neptune and the lunar nodes. You read the chart by reading the numbers; I have selected a grouping where everything is working on everything else, in a way that’s obvious. The numbers tell a story, based on the motion and speed of the points involved.

Let’s start with Mercury stationing direct, which happens Wednesday at 1:40 am EDT. This is a planetary setup that is packed with tension, energy and potential. It’s in full color and suggests that a process underneath the obvious is gradually unfurling. The dharma piece is that the lunar nodes are involved; this is a potential point of action.

As you likely know, Mercury retrograde is associated with things (such as computers) acting weird, and people’s minds acting even weirder. All the usual suggestions apply: Don’t buy things. Back up your work. Do one thing at a time. This is NOT the time to update your software, or to fix minor problems that you can live with for a few days.

And pay attention. However, with this event, there’s a lot more.

When any Mercury retrograde ends or begins, Mercury stays in the same little zone of the zodiac for about a week (usually it goes whipping along). In the midst of going so slowly, it then switches directions, which has a charming way of fucking with the minds of the unwitting, the hapless and even, occasionally, the pros. This phase is usually called the ‘Mercury storm’ and it tends to be the most chaotic part of the retrograde. There are two for each retrograde — one at the beginning and one at the end. We are in one of them now.

Mercury is stationing direct in a close aspect to three other points: it’s trine the North Node of the Moon, and sextile the South Node (amplifying the communication power of Mercury); and it’s quincunx Neptune (a slippery-feeling aspect that could make it difficult to discern true from false). Neptune for its part is square the lunar nodes, meaning that everything hinges on sorting out truth from illusion. How much is everything? It depends on what happens this week (it’s only Tuesday and it’s been a heck of a week so far).

About three hours after Mercury stations direct, the Moon comes along, enters Taurus, and gives it a bump. If you set a hockey puck on the kitchen floor and push it, it will hardly budge. If you set it on slick ice and push it, it will take a little ride — and that’s what the Moon’s square to Mercury from Taurus feels like.

First, the cautionary part of the story. The upshot of all of this is to slow down and pay attention. Sunday evening I was noticing how many cars were being driven through a thunderstorm without the headlights on. In whatever the heck you’re doing, if you’re driving through the rain, slow down, turn on your headlights.

Planet Waves
Hail and farewell Venus in Gemini. Photo of the 2012 transit of Venus by Anthony Ayiomamitis.

That is a metaphor; it will help you avoid colliding with the dork who is simultaneously stuffing Chick-fil-A down his throat while speeding, tweaking his GPS and talking on the phone. Slowing down in the rain is a good idea because the road is slippery and your slower speed will increase your available reaction time in an emergency.

Then we have the creative part of the story. This is a fantastic chart for putting ideas into motion. It’s especially true for interesting, creative ideas that blend words and pictures, words and music, or all of the above. So if you’ve got something brewing, get it going. If you’re the camera type, keep yours on you at all times. This is the week that all those “iReporters” at CNN are going to do their best work while the gabbing heads can’t shut up about the stock market.

As for that second transit. Venus enters Cancer today at 9:43 am EDT. This happens a bit before Mercury stations direct, but the two events are close enough to be synchronous; that is, part of the same thing. Notably, they are in aspect, a subtle contact called a semi-sextile, which tends to bridge two opposing concepts (for example, Cancer is a water sign and Leo is a fire sign).

Normally, Venus changing signs is not a big deal (though it’s always fodder for daily horoscopes because it will be dependably interesting, you can see the theme, and it lends itself to writing a good story).

However, this Venus sign-change is special because 1) Venus has been in Gemini since April 3 of this year 2) where it was retrograde for six weeks during that time, 3) where we also had the big transit of Venus, the last such event till 2117 and 4) because Venus is ingressing a cardinal sign, aspecting the Aries Point, Uranus and Pluto.

We have the whole Venus in Gemini story coming to an end this week, and a new story begins as Venus jumps onto the cardinal cross and starts dancing with the Uranus-Pluto square. I cover that in Tuesday’s daily edition. And I’ll see you with a new subscriber edition Friday morning.


The Unforgettable Fire

Dear Friend and Reader:

Recently, a friend suggested that I visit Youko Yamomoto at the Gomen-Kudasai noodle restaurant in New Paltz. She told me that Youko was organizing a traditional Japanese dance event called Bon-Odori, and that the event had an anti-nuclear theme. It was one of those “you have to know this person” conversations, with the suggestion I try to speak at her event on Sunday, Aug. 5, which coincides with a solemn time of year in Japanese history — and that of the United States and in truth, the world.

Planet Waves
Hiroshima Peace Memorial, also called the Atomic Bomb Dome or A-Bomb Dome. Originally it was Hiroshima Prefectural Industrial Promotion Hall, one of the few buildings left even partly intact after the bomb fell over the city. Photo: Wikipedia.

On a rainy Saturday in mid-July I was in New Paltz and stopped in to meet her in her restaurant, where the Main Course used to be located. I learned that she had emigrated from Japan after spending part of her childhood living in Hiroshima, which was the first city struck by the United States with an atomic bomb on Aug. 6, 1945 toward the end of World War II.

Then three days later — as if to make a point — the United States bombed another city in Japan, Nagasaki. Between the two cities, at least 300,000 people were killed, whether instantly or of eventual radiation sickness. This does not include multigenerational effects of the radiation. These were the only times that atomic weapons have been used in warfare — and it was at the hands of the United States of America.

This is a topic that most people would prefer not to talk about. More often, we rationalize it by arguing how many American lives were saved. They’re days on the calendar typically remembered only if there’s a mention on TV or the newspaper, otherwise they pass like any other day. I am one of the people who remembers; Planet Waves publishes some commemoration every year, reminding our readers of what, though they may not consider it consciously, they definitely don’t want to happen.

In the course of her life, Youko had become an anti-nuclear activist, and her concern includes nuclear power. She was one of the few people I’ve ever spoken to who understands that atomic bombs and nuclear energy are the same thing. Both are based on splitting Uranium and Plutonium atoms, and both emerged from the same program — the Manhattan Project, which evolved into the Atomic Energy Commission, which we now know as the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC).

Nuclear power was not invented because it was such a great idea; it was invented as unemployment insurance by the scientists who were about to lose their jobs after the atomic bomb project was finished. There are no “peaceful atoms.” A nuclear power plant is a nuclear bomb going off in slow motion — that is, till it malfunctions. Then, the longterm effects are much worse than a bomb.

“We all grew up in fear of the nuclear bomb,” she said, “and now we live with fear of a nuclear meltdown.” Then she changed the topic to Indian Point, a nuclear power generator located just up the Hudson River from New York City. She expressed her commitment to closing down the plant, something that many activists have been trying to do for years.

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Estimates that Indian Point supplies a third of New York City’s power are grossly over-estimated, according to Clearwater. It’s more like 10%, which can easily be made up for through conservation and alternative sources. Photo by Daniel Case/City Limits.

There’s a joke that nuclear power plants are extremely sophisticated devices for finding earthquake fault lines. That would be true of Indian Point — it’s situated on two fault lines, one of which was just discovered.

One is the well-known Ramapo Fault, which passes less than a mile north of the plant. The other was discovered by researchers from Columbia University in 2008, running from Stamford, Connecticut, to Peekskill, close to where the plant is located.

This combination of fault lines, the age of the facility and its proximity to New York City, make it the most dangerous nuclear power plant in the United States. It’s also extremely profitable, generating profits ranging from $1 million to $1.5 million per day, per reactor (Indian Point has two reactors that are still functioning) — potentially up to $1 billion a year, selling energy at high rates to many customers in New York City and the surrounding region.

There’s a problem, however: there’s nowhere to run if there’s a meltdown. If you listen to people in the nuclear industry, that’s never going to happen — which is the whole problem with that industry. Journalism Prof. Karl Grossman from SUNY Westbury, the author of many books on nuclear weapons and power, calls executives of the industry “nuclear Pinocchios” who cannot open their mouths without lying, exaggerating about safety or denying any dangers at all.

Speaking of dangers, it’s emerged recently that the disaster at Fukushima Daiichi was caused not by the tsunami but by the earthquake that preceded it. There will probably never be a tsunami in Westchester, but sooner or later there will be an earthquake. And when that happens, there’s a lot that can go wrong. When a nuclear power plant is not generating power, it consumes power to keep both the fuel core and the spent fuel ponds cool. If outside power to the plant is cut, there’s a limited amount of time that backup cooling systems will work. Those systems could be damaged in the quake, and if roads are also damaged, extra diesel fuel may not be available to keep the generators running.

An earthquake is not the only thing that can cause such a problem. We live in a time with a lot of solar flare activity, and a burst of energy from the Sun can take out a huge swath of the power grid. Such an incident could cut many nuclear power plants off from outside power, damage computer equipment that runs the plant and create a multi-site problem. Note: this is not a local issue for New York. These plants exist everywhere, and the effects of a disaster can be far-reaching. In other words, when a nuclear meltdown happens in Japan, the infant mortality rate goes up not just on the West Coast of the United States, but also in Philadelphia. What happens to a nuclear power plant happens to the whole planet.

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Hiroshima before and after the bombing. American military engineers chose a “virgin target” — a city that had not been bombed — for the first use of the atomic bomb, to better understand its effects.

Here in New York, we have a special issue — we’re the most densely populated region in the United States. More than 8 million people live in New York City and an additional 10 million live in the surrounding areas. While evacuation plans have been described as “inadequate,” I think that “nonexistent” would be a better way to put it. All of Westchester would have to be evacuated, and the prevailing winds would likely carry the radiation right over New York City and Long Island.

Manna Jo Greene, who works with Hudson River Sloop Clearwater on its project to close down the plant, points out that many of the evacuees would head straight for our neck of the woods.

“If people think we live far enough away, remember that this is the most likely area where people will flee,” she said in a recent conversation. “We’ll be receiving vehicles that are coming from the hottest part of the hot zone, plus the drift that could come in this direction. The radiation is more likely to go south and east with the prevailing wind, but you will have millions of people fleeing in our direction. That’s something that hasn’t been thought about very much — how serious the impacts are on the receiving areas.”

Clearwater is using several strategies to get the two remaining units of Indian Point shut down when their licenses expire in 2013 and 2016, each after an approximately 40-year run. One problem that Greene is concerned about is how the spent fuel ponds are kept dangerously over-filled, “far beyond the design basis. These overcrowded fuel ponds can go into criticality and cause a spontaneous fire.” Criticality means that a self-sustaining reaction can start, but there’s no way to stop it. If the cooling water boils off, the rods can burst into flames, spreading many isotopes that concentrate in the spent fuel.

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Map shows how close Indian Point nuclear power plant is to New York City and Long Island. The prevailing winds blow toward the population center — south and east.

This is a real problem. Over in Japan, thousands of tons of spent nuclear fuel are dangling in pools above the melted-down reactors, with severely damaged Unit 4 being in the worst shape. In the event of even a modest earthquake, the fuel could fall or the water could leak out of the pool, and the whole disaster scenario could repeat itself.

As for preventing this at Indian Point, Greene wonders: “What the heck is stopping them from doing something that would make an extremely unsafe condition a little less unsafe?”

Once you’ve been subjected to nuclear logic for a while, you might notice that no risk is too enormous to ignore. Nuclear logic resembles a religious cult more than what you think of as a scientific institution. It’s a world where the dangers are either considered imaginary or the product of hysterical people. It’s a world where nothing can go wrong, and when it does, it was a freak accident where nobody got exposed to more than a few dental X-rays worth of radiation.

I recently spent a few hours with Prof. Karl Grossman, who is one of the most prolific anti-nuclear authors, in his home in Sag Harbor. He explained that for a while, public policy makers used to consider the potential for low-probability, high-impact events in their risk assessments. Now, he says, those potential worst-case scenarios are ignored as if they don’t exist.

That’s pretty crazy — putting the most dangerous machines ever created into the hands of people who spend their lives denying that anything can go wrong, who lie about it when it does, and then insist that they are perfect. And as we know, things do go wrong. The nuclear business is an ongoing minor disaster, which is like saying that they put out a lot of small fires in the hay barn, only it’s plutonium hay. Indian Point for its part has had a long litany of problems, and the place is starting to fall apart.

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The Enola Gay dropped the “Little Boy” atomic bomb on Hiroshima. In this photograph are six of the aircraft’s ground crew with mission commander Paul Tibbets in the center.

At the end of our conversation, I asked Grossman the story of how New Yorkers got rid of the Shoreham Nuclear Power Plant in the 1980s, after the plant had been built for $6 billion. It was completed in 1984, though public opposition to its operation surged after the Chernobyl disaster of 1986. Still, it’s difficult to get rid of such a massively expensive project once it’s completed and tested (making it more expensive to decommission).

“Essentially, it was stopped by any means possible,” Grossman said, requiring the cooperation of politicians, the media, citizens and lawyers, who took on the Long Island Lighting Company. LILCO’s problems began in the 1970s, in the wake of Three Mile Island, when new federal rules required that operators of nuclear plants have evacuation plans in cooperation with state and local governments. That was just the beginning, however.

“People worked to defeat pro-nuclear politicians. Shoreham was defeated by massive demonstrations and civil disobedience. In one, 600 people were arrested and thousands participated. It was defeated by an end-run around the federal nuclear juggernaut” using the state’s power of eminent domain to take control of the property. Grossman said that, “The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has never denied an operating license anytime, anywhere for a nuclear plant in the US” — and this was the challenge (as it’s likely to be for Indian Point).

Some clever local attorneys worked within the political system and created the Long Island Power Authority (LIPA), which would eliminate pro-nuclear LILCO (the local private power company) if it persisted with its plans for Shoreham. “Ultimately, LILCO gave up, turned Shoreham over to LIPA for a dollar for decommissioning as a nuclear facility. And it was decommissioned.”

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This picture taken on Aug. 21, 2010 — before the meltdowns — shows a fuel storage pool inside Fukushima No. 1 plant. Similar spent fuel ponds at Indian Point are as serious of a concern as are the reactors themselves. The spent fuel ponds can experience spontaneous criticality (an uncontrollable reaction) and they can also burst into a nuclear fire if the water drains from the tank.

Grossman said that getting rid of Shoreham also prevented the use of Long Island as a “nuclear park” that would have placed 11 nuclear power plants on Long Island. That is a miracle.

In the nuclear dilemma we face, we see the very worst attributes of human thinking: our ingenuity and industriousness combined with our inability to consider actual dangers or future consequences. Most of us don’t dare to look at this nightmare or its potential to burst into physical reality. To solve this problem we will need to summon the very best in the human spirit: foresight and the ability to stand up to authority.

Clearwater is a party to the Indian Point relicensing procedure, having filed what’s called an intervention in the process, stating its objections as part of the legal record. They are a small organization up against a corporate giant — Entergy, which owns the plant and operates many other power stations of every kind.

Clearwater is also working on first-responders — firefighters, EMS workers and hospital staff. They’ve distributed thousands of copies of a DVD about the dangers and the lack of evacuation procedures to first-responders.

And Youko Yamomoto, who runs a Japanese noodle restaurant in New Paltz, does her work every day as if her actions have the ability to make a change — and they do. She knows that having a traditional Japanese dance festival with an anti-nuclear theme is a modest effort, but she’s doing what she can.

That event, called Bon-Odori, starts at 1 pm Sunday, Aug. 5 in New Paltz, on the Blueberry Patch along Water Street. I will be speaking at about 4 pm, and if you happen to be in the Hudson Valley and can make it out to the event, I look forward to meeting you there.


Planet Waves
RIP Shoreham Nuclear Power Plant on Long Island, spitting distance from Manhattan. You sure were a terrible idea — and you were defeated by public outrage and common sense. Hear the story of how Shoreham was defeated in my interview with Karl Grossman. Photo by Paul Searing / Wikimedia Commons.


Planet Waves

Just a Few More Days of Mercury Retrograde

There are those Mercury retrogrades that seem like they will never end; we may be in one now, though the end is near — that happens Wednesday, Aug. 8. The most interesting phase of the experience has yet to come.

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Mercury stationing direct, on the left side of the diagram. The Sun is just past the Leo midpoint (marking a holiday called Lamas, when we’re halfway between the solstice and the equinox). The pink thing is Transpluto, a hypothetical point involved with the theme of self-criticism, working its way toward Virgo (it’s been in Leo since the 1930s) and finally at the right, Mars and Saturn get ready for a conjunction that’s exact on Wednesday, Aug. 15.

Mercury has been retrograde in Leo since July 15. It’s about to station direct in a quincunx to Neptune in Pisces, which is another way of saying “slippery when wet.” Speak the truth and when in doubt, don’t say anything.

Speaking of wet, we’re entering what’s called the Mercury storm phase, a turbulent phase when the little troublemaker has slowed down to a near stop (moving a small fraction of a degree per day). This stretches across both sides of the station — that is, it will last for about four or five days after Mercury goes direct on Wednesday.

Yet regardless of the storm, the moment Mercury goes direct can come as a relief, and it can come with a revelation of some kind. I suggest you apply this astrology in a practical way and be alert for a discovery, or seeing through the veil of deception or denial that may be hanging around like a fog.

I suggest that the moment you discover something that is not true, pause and figure out what just happened, going as far back into the past as you need to go in order to understand what’s happening. You may be “keeping a secret from yourself” (that’s called denial) or your mind may be distracted by some other factor.

In matters of business, contracts and purchases, I suggest you wait until Mercury stations direct, and plan for an extra couple of days till you really have a sense of what information is relevant, and which is not. Be cautious of errors in judgment associated with alcohol or other mind-altering substances. At the moment, this factor is more significant than usual, which is saying a lot.


Planet Waves

I’ve Got a Rocket in My Pocket

Planet Waves

Ever since the Cold War ended, the missile business just hasn’t been as exciting as it used to be — but it could be if government employees and contractors don’t stop watching Internet porn on the job. Last week, the Pentagon’s Missile Defense Agency issued a memo warning them to stop using their government computers to view and email web porn. This is the new kind of sex scandal — pictures and videos.

“These actions are not only unprofessional, they reflect time taken away from designated duties, are in clear violation of federal and DoD regulations, consume network resources and can compromise the security of the network though the introduction of malware or malicious code,” wrote the agency’s Executive Director John James Jr., in a one-page memo obtained by Bloomberg News.

Everyone wastes time surfing the web on work computers. Unfortunately, downloading porn if you work for the government could compromise national security. Porn sites are often infected with malware. An anonymous government cybersecurity specialist who spoke with Bloomberg News said that criminals and foreign intelligence services use them to gain access to and harvest data from government and corporate computer networks. Looks like the missile designers who spend their days and years figuring out how to murder vast numbers of people will just have to wait till they get home. But it’s got to be tough when your job is all about exploding phallic symbols.


Planet Waves

This Week In Politics: It Was Really Weird

Political psychosis reached a new depth this week. It must have been that plump Full Moon stirring things up. Wednesday, a provision in the Affordable Care Act took effect, requiring employers to cover contraception in health plans without a co-pay. In response, Rep. Mike Kelly, a freshman Republican rep from Pennsylvania, said, “I know in your mind you can think of the times America was attacked.”

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Green Party Presidential Candidate Jill Stein Arrested at “Occupy Fannie Mae” Protest in Center City Philadelphia. Photo via Philadelphia Weekly. See video and blog here.

“One is December 7 — that is Pearl Harbor Day. Another was September 11 — that was the day of the terrorist attack. I want you to remember August 1, 2012 — the attack on our religious freedom. That is a date that will live in infamy, along with those other dates.” Sure Mike, let’s check back in 50 years.

Then there was the currently developing Chick-Fil-A situation. As we speak, thousands — perhaps millions — of wing nuts are speeding to their local store to support the boss’s stance on same-sex marriage. The chief operating officer, Dan Cathy, believes only in “biblical marriage,” and has made his stance known in what may be the cleverest publicity stunt since, well, pick another really clever thing that got someone a lot of press.

Speaking on a talk show this week, Cathy said, “We are very much supportive of the family — the biblical definition of the family unit. We are a family-owned business, a family-led business, and we are married to our first wives. We give God thanks for that,” he said, adding, “We want to do anything we possibly can to strengthen families. We are very much committed to that.”

Jon Stewart pointed out that flocking to Chick-Fil-A to stuff their faces with fast food was finally a form of activism Americans could relate to, proposing that it was our version of a Gandhi-styled hunger strike. Meanwhile, same-sex couples were also flocking to their local Chick Fil-A for a kiss in; they will be making out in the midst of the Christians eating their sandwiches.

Jackson Pearce created a video that went uber-viral explaining just what “biblical marriage” is all about (see CREATE section below).

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Jan Ebeling, 53, competed in his first Olympics with Rafalca, a mare that is owned in part by Ann Romney. Photo by Victor J. Blue for the New York Times.

Mitt Romney continued to come under scrutiny for not releasing his tax returns. Some are speculating that Romney, whose net worth exceeds $240 million, paid no income tax for many years. He told ABC News that he would look into whether he paid a tax rate below 13.9% at any time in the past decade, then decided not to produce the information.

Meanwhile Romney threw his wife under a bus (in the political sense of that) by claiming that he had no plans to watch the family horse Rafalca (upkeep costs: $77,000 in 2010) compete in the Olympics. He said in an interview that the whole horse thing was his wife Anne’s business and that he really was not interested — a pathetic attempt to distance himself from what’s perceived as a sport a little too posh for the common man to relate to (along with car elevators in one’s summer home and being buddies with NASCAR owners).

And finally in some news that actually makes sense, Green party presidential candidate Jill Stein and her vice presidential running mate Cheri Honkala were arrested during an Occupy protest at the offices of mortgage company Fannie Mae on Banker’s Row in Philadelphia.

Arrested along with Dr. Stein and Ms. Honkala were labor lawyer James Moran and Sister Margaret McKenna of the Medical Mission Sisters, among others. The Poor People’s Economic Human Rights Campaign organized the protest to demand that Fannie Mae halt foreclosure proceedings against two Philadelphia residents — an all-too-common proceeding in the four years since the 2008 subprime mortgage crisis.

“It’s time for this game to end. It’s time for the laws be written to protect the victims and not the perpetrators,” said Stein. She noted that the Obama administration has only released 10% of the aid that Congress had promised to homeowners.


Planet Waves

Maddow Gives Air Time to Koch Brothers Fracking Advocate

Monday night, Rachel Maddow proudly hosted someone named Richard Muller, a scientist funded by the Koch brothers (petrochemical moguls who are also sponsors of the Tea Party and Romney campaigns). Muller, a former climate-change skeptic, has had an incredible revelation: global warming is real, and it’s being caused by humans. [See video here.]

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Prof. Richard Muller has come out of the closet and now believes global warming is real. It took him 20 years.

He came out of the closet in an op-ed in The New York Times. Maybe it took a lot for Muller to catch up with the past 20 years of climate science, or maybe his position is a ruse, but then live on the Maddow show, he proposed a solution: burn natural gas instead of coal. Where would we get that natural gas? Fracking, of course! Or as he put it, “clean fracking,” which does not exist and is unlikely ever to exist except in the hallucinations of PR people.

Fracking, or hydraulic fracturing, is a way of violently extracting gas from miles below the ground. In the process, it consumes tons of water, injects toxins into the aquifer, causes flammable drinking water and destroys communities.

Notably, her program has been sponsored by fracking propaganda ads for years, and continues to be, as recently as the Thursday night edition. The ads state outright that fracking — which is not mentioned by the name everyone would recognize — is safe and protects both communities and drinking water supplies. It’s fair to say this is an outright lie, given the problems that have been exposed about fracking over the past few years. For most people who get dragged in, it becomes a living nightmare that is destroying their lives.

Muller thinks developing “clean fracking” is the answer to lure underdeveloped countries like India and China off of their coal dependence. Muller — a physicist at UC Berkeley and former MacArthur Genius Grant winner — and his awakening were touted by Maddow as evidence of the impossible.

Maddow noted that Muller’s recent research through his Berkeley Earth Surface Temperatures (BEST) study was funded by the infamous right-wing oil gazillionaires the Koch brothers, making Muller’s findings on global warming that much more surprising. More shocking still was Maddow’s failure to call him out on his support of fracking — a yet-to-be-developed clean version or otherwise.

Instead of calling Muller out on his claims, Maddow jokes about developing fracking that does not cause earthquakes or flammable drinking water (she shows B-roll video of someone who lives near a fracking well whose kitchen sink bursts into flames when they strike a match next to running water).

We think it’s time for her to get an earful and drop ExxonMobil. Fracking is a destructive, toxic process; “clean fracking” is a red herring. We already know where we can get clean energy; we’re orbiting it. If you want to let her know that what she’s doing is bad for the planet and bad for her credibility — and amounts to selling her soul for what she calls “the best job in the world” (her own) — please write to her at


Planet Waves

Massive India Blackouts Become PR for Nuclear Power

Two massive blackouts in India this week cut power to 620 million people — half of the country. This was the world’s biggest blackout (and by some odd coincidence happened with Mercury retrograde). Power went out Monday, was restored and then failed again Tuesday. [See interesting video here.]

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Stuck on a train during the biggest blackout in history. I can read his mind; he’s thinking, I want to live in the shadow of a nuclear power plant.

Recent extreme heat (also seen in many parts of the world) had led to increased usage, and a later-than-usual monsoon season required additional energy needed to power irrigation. Indian Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh promoted his plan for a $400 billion overhaul of India’s power grid, which calls for increased generation from nuclear power.

About a third of Indian households lack electricity, and the blackout area included some of the country’s largest and poorest states. In Uttar Pradesh, with nearly 200 million people, only 36.8% of households have electricity; in Bihar, with almost 100 million, the rate is only 16.4% of households. But the blackouts also took out everything from streetlights to crematoria.

India has since restored electric power across the country, but a blackout like this points to the frailty of India’s economic and electric infrastructures in comparison to its ambitions. The American power grid, while better than India’s, has some serious problems; for example, it’s not a ‘smart grid’ that can distribute power where it’s needed the most.


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Jackson Pearce explains “biblical marriage” to anyone who thinks it’s about one man and one woman. Her video went viral and ended up everywhere from Maddow to Jon Stewart. Watch the video here. It’s fun.


Planet Waves

Planet Waves FM: What is Tantra?

In this week’s edition of Planet Waves FM, my guests — Patricia Johnson and Mark Michaels — talk about a topic of interest to many, but explained by few: Tantra. They explain that tantra is different from Kama Sutra, which is about sexual technique.

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Mark Michaels and Patricia Johnson in their teaching space. They live in Westchester County, NY.

Tantra is a cosmology, a way of approaching existence and a way of life wherein sexual energy is understood as flowing through everyone and everything. There are no strict rules to the practice, as you will hear; true tantra embraces everything.

This philosophy can inform our relationships, our ideas about life and death, and can provide some grounding as we seek to understand who we are.

I’ve waited a long time to bring on guests who are from the “sacred sexuality” angle of life, because until now I have not met people who I thought could relate the topic in a way that was down to earth, grounded in tradition and relevant in the modern world. I think I’ve found them… please let me know what you think.

My guests can be reached at their website, They are the authors of several books which are described on their website, they teach classes, do private work and host a social event in New York City once a month. This is part one of a two-part series, which will continue next week. Note that there is a substantive — and informative — discussion thread for this edition developing at a separate link.


Planet Waves

Planet Waves monthly horoscopes provide a broader perspective that surveys the themes of the coming month and often, the weeks that follow. The August Monthly horoscope was published Friday, July 27. Inner Space for August was published Tuesday, July 31. The most recent Moonshine horoscope by Genevieve Hathaway (for July) was published on July 3. Please note a change in the publishing pattern. For a few months we were publishing the monthly horoscope on Wednesday evenings, but that was proving to be too confusing. We have shifted the monthly to be incorporated into the Friday issue after the Sun has entered a new sign; Inner Space still publishes on Tuesdays.


Planet Waves

Friday, August 3, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #912 | Eric’s Zodiac Sign Descriptions

Leo Birthdays this week

Tread carefully, as if you’re walking on a wet floor. Be careful what you say; ideas could slip out of your mouth, or pass through the usually tight filters of your mind, that turn out not to make any sense. This is a year of figuring out what’s true for you and what is not, and I suggest you take this as a longterm devotion. This will be particularly true where joint financial matters are concerned. Take nothing for granted in those situations. It’s not that something is wrong; it’s that you have a vulnerability, and need to maintain extra awareness. I suggest that you be meticulous in all matters involving taxes, investments and financial accounting of any kind. This extends to understanding the agreements in your relationships, particularly the ones where sex is involved, or may become involved. Take things one step at a time and allow the truth of your feelings to come out in layers. To learn more about your astrology for 2012-2013, listen to your birthday audio reading, which I finished last week.

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — You need to find a creative outlet, or use one you already have. This could be to address some anxiety or concern that’s troubling you; or you may have an idea or desire brewing, though you’re not sure it’s worth acting on. Whatever the energy source, your solar chart says it’s time to get it out. Your doubts seem to be as active as your curiosity is, so there may be an element of daring or courage required. A straightforward reading of your current aspects describes acting on a fantasy or desire. This may be something you have to tease out of yourself, or persuade yourself to stop pretending you don’t want — though if you’re too persuasive you may end up talking yourself out of it. Lead with your curiosity, which means curiosity about yourself. If you have a playmate to explore with, be open about the fact that you want some help playing out the scene you’re envisioning, for your own sake. This may involve role play that casts you as someone other than who you’re comfortable being in ‘real life’ — but who you’re burning with curiosity to experience.

Hello Aries — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).

Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — You seem to be trying to work out the details of a decision, with no obvious options and a very high ideal in mind. I suggest you simplify matters, and focus your most basic goal. Then ask yourself what, exactly, you need to do in order to meet that goal. Once you have an understanding of this, it’ll be a lot more obvious how to proceed. If you find yourself bouncing back and forth between possibilities, or plans, that’s a sign that you need to focus your goals. There seems to be an overload of emotional energy clouding your mind, and for the next week or so you will need to sidestep this. The way to do this is by making step-by-step plans toward your minimal objective — not your ideal destination or the grand plan. Clarity is going to be key to this process. You will know you’re moving in the right direction when you start to feel a little insecure or outside of your comfort zone. That’s the feeling of energy moving into manifestation. Keep going.

Hello Taurus — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed) If you would like to hear your Taurus birthday reading, please visit this link.

Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — As a Gemini, it’s difficult for you to get your life, or your mind, onto solid ground — and the current astrology is throwing one curve after another. However, the place where you can anchor yourself is with your words. This is always true for one born under your sign, however, now that language is being reduced to either biased spin or two-sentence chirps, I can not say this more emphatically. For the next week, Mercury will be slowing to a station, holding a long, exact aspect to Neptune. This rare event is a personal message to gather your thoughts and your creative vision, and to focus your mind — in writing. I don’t care how little time you think you have. Stop several times a day and write in your journal, and/or your blog, and/or develop a short-term plan of action (preferably all of the above — and if you don’t have some way to express your ideas to the community, now is the time to create one). You will feel better, your mind will relax and you will orient yourself on a new flow of income.

Hello Gemini — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). Your Gemini birthday reading is ready! Click here for an hour of astrology plus a tarot reading by Eric.

Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — How are you feeling after this week’s Full Moon? There was, and still is, a theme of focusing your financial plans, and getting clear in any contractual or tax matters that you may be looking at. Taking action sooner rather than later will save you energy and effort. The interests of more than one person seem to be involved — check in with your relationship to a group, family or organization. Though you may be tempted to put the needs of others above those of yourself, this isn’t the week for that. I am not advocating unmitigated greed; I am suggesting that you keep your priorities in order, and make sure that your books are balanced and your financial house is tidy before you devote yourself to the needs of others. There would be one exception to this: you may be depending on the success of the whole group or organization for your own success, in which case I suggest you focus your priorities to that worthy objective.

Hello Cancer — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). Your Cancer birthday reading is ready! It includes more than hour of astrology plus a tarot reading, and has been wildly popular (also great for Cancer rising people). Use this link to order.

Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Over the next few days, you have access to a power source that may seem like an infinite well of creativity. This is so potent you may want to approach it with respect. One way you can do that is to avoid acting on a rebellious impulse. And while I am normally an advocate of curiosity, I suggest that you monitor that particular thought form with care and caution as the week progresses. Your curiosity is so powerful right now that you have to handle it with the care of a laser. It’s a force that can activate all kinds of processes, including some that you may not find so easy to bring under control. Therefore, in addition to curiosity, I suggest you monitor your motives, and that you be clear what you want to learn, experience or discover. You also need to do something that’s exceedingly difficult for most humans, which is monitor when your judgment may be off, or when you may be working with incomplete information. When either of those conditions is true, pause.

Hello Leo — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). See below for a description of your 2012-2013 birthday reading, which is available now.


Planet Waves

Hello Leo and Leo Rising! I’ve finished your 2012-2013 birthday reading. This is composed of two 35-minute astrology sessions, plus a combined tarot and astrology reading. It covers all of the major astrology happening now — with an emphasis on recovering a childhood dream. I also cover the influence on your relationships, your home environment and your finances. Astrologically this includes Mercury retrograde in your sign, the Leo New Moon, the Uranus-Pluto square, Saturn in Scorpio and more — all in clear, easy to follow terms. This report is designed for those born with the Sun in Leo but is equally applicable for Leo rising. Visit this page to get access.


Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — You’re in unusual territory in a relationship or partnership, and it may be difficult for the next few days to be clear who is really coming from what point of view. First, account for your own position and keep track of your own motives. That may not be easy, but it will be essential; the integrity of a relationship — and your part in that relationship — depends upon it. We are in a time of history when there’s not really an understanding of the word ‘honest’. This is related to the concept of honor, and that’s the very thing that’s at stake right now. I suggest you refrain from making any promises or commitments over the next few days, and instead emphasize maintenance of the ones you’ve already made. If you discover there are some things that you cannot come through on, you will have a few days early next week when you can have that discussion. Make sure you take responsibility for any over-commitment or misunderstanding on your part.

Hello Virgo — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).

Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — You’re beginning to emerge from a challenging time in your life, when it’s seemed that you could get very little right. I suggest you set aside that feeling — whether it’s true or not — and consider the ways in which you have come through a kind of initiation phase. Imagine yourself looking back on this time in your life from a distance of 10 years. Consider the before-and-after factor; what was your life about before this year, and what did it become in the years after? Well, you get to decide that second piece, though remember that you’re at the fulcrum right now. It’s easier to point yourself in the direction you want to go now than it will be, say, in five years. The first step is getting a sense of that new direction. I suggest you consider this on the basis of what you would do if you had exclusive authority over your life, along with what you’d do if you really felt comfortable in your own skin.

Hello Libra — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).

Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Are you really under as much pressure as you think? I suggest you get a handle on that question. At the moment you’re likely to be feeling an enhanced drive to succeed, or to stand out. Yet in your ambition you could easily make an error in judgment that will lead to anything but success. Therefore, over the next few days, it’s imperative that you choose your words carefully, and not make any moves prematurely. In other words, when in doubt, delay. You seem to be formulating a plan for a career move of some kind, which could work out brilliantly for you, if your timing is correct. Now is the time to clarify your plan, and the steps you need to take. Work on getting the language correct. There’s something about the enterprise I’m describing that feels like mixing oil and water — which may turn out to be metaphors for creativity and authority. Remember that seen one way, authority means authorship. And this brings us back to clear words and clear ideas, which must support your goals, or be set aside.

Hello Scorpio — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — You may be finding it difficult to get a read on where a colleague or partner is coming from — or to figure out where anyone is coming from, for that matter. I suggest you be wary of lofty principles and rules for living, and translate everything into basic ideas that you understand. If you cannot do that, the chances are it’s not especially important now. You might, however, keep tabs on what you don’t understand, because over the next few days, as Mercury changes directions, you just might figure it out — and wonder why you hadn’t seen the obvious. This is another way of saying give the people around you room to experiment with what they believe. Rather than agonize over whether you think it’s true or accurate, step back and let them go through their process. The more ridiculous you think someone’s opinion is, the more distance I suggest you give them. You will be surprised at the results, when they figure themselves out.

Hello Sagittarius — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).

Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — You want to think like a chess player when it comes to your professional aspirations. Clearly, you’re brewing something up, though it’s now time to think five steps ahead. It’s true that you cannot exactly predict the choices of others, though you do know their general tendencies. Over the next week or so, however, there’s going to be a shift in the planetary pattern — and the pattern of your life — that may have you rethinking your most important goal. The feeling will be of something ‘settling in’, as if you shift from the mental level of a topic to understanding how you feel about it. That information will make it easier to map out your game plan. As part of this, you’re likely to have a collaborator at some point soon, at least on the level of understanding your agenda. I suggest you open up your thought process, once you’ve identified someone as truly having your best interests at heart. The emotional grounding piece is the one they will be able to help you with.

Hello Capricorn — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).

Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — You seem to be wrestling with your faith in yourself. If you tune in to that quality, you may
notice that you’re angry about something. I just want to tell you — that’s okay. Anger is energy, and if you use that energy consciously, it can provoke you to have a spiritual breakthrough of some kind. You can then take that to the next level, which would be making a decision and acting on it. Starting in the autumn you will be amping up your career and your responsibilities. These next couple of months are the time to invest in your inner process — with a focus on a decision that you may feel has to be finalized in the next two weeks. I think you have longer than that, but within the first half of August I suggest you strive to understand what the issues really are. You’re weighing and balancing something, and you have to look exactly at what is on each side of the scale.

Hello Aquarius — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).

Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Work has not been easy the past few weeks, with Mercury retrograde in the house that covers that topic for you. You may have many backed-up projects, though I suggest you can ease off of the throttle for the next week or so while you do the most significant thing you can do — get clear. You need to be putting at least a third of your time and energy into recreation. By that I mean ‘recreating’ yourself, as well as taking some stress off of your mind and spirit. This may take some discipline (like closing the laptop at a certain time), though it will pay off because by having a fresh mind you will add to your efficiency. That’s the thing you want, and any plans you make from this point forward need to be thought through with that one concept in mind. What you give you tend to give from your spirit, and that cannot be measured accurately in worldly terms. Less effort does not translate to less value, less beauty or less of anything else.

Hello Pisces — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).