Yearly Archives: 2012

Scorpio 2012

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Dec. 14, 2012 #930 | By Eric Francis
No matter how complex you are, or what you’ve been through, you’re in an excellent position to have true companionship. This may come in the form of new friends or openings with long-standing friends and/or lovers. You have the option to open nearly any conversation with anyone, and by that, I mean the discussion of real subject matter. There is only one little condition, which is that you be willing to be forthright and vulnerable. Your sincerity is the elixir that opens up the portals to a deeper place. Your willingness to investigate and question your values is what makes it safe for others to do so. And you do have questions, as far as I can see — questions about what is really important to you; questions about why you’re alive; questions about the nature of existence. It’s usually easy to gloss these questions over; it’s easy, most of the time, to pretend they don’t exist. But not now. The questions are there, they run deep, and you will benefit from going deep with others into their true nature; into your true nature.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Dec. 7, 2012 #929

To get out of the mental knot you seem to be caught in, you need to think beyond yourself. This may be difficult for a few days, because there is currently a kind of exaggeration effect in your astrology where changing your mind can feel like giving up everything. Or, you may have this idea that once you come to terms with one specific thing about yourself, or a particular fact of your life, there will be a cascade effect and one thing will lead to another as you gradually go out of control. You’re probably right about that. All it takes is one realization about yourself, one moment of truth, to get you to make a series of necessary changes that have in fact been long overdue. This particular psychological configuration is why so many people spend much of their time being ‘stuck’.

Planet Waves Inner Space Monthly Horoscope for December

You can afford to be generous with yourself — that is, generous offering who you are and what you have. Among the life lessons I would actually file under the category ‘spiritual’ is the one about not knowing how much you have until you share it, and this is what your charts have developed into as 2012 draws to a close. Challenge the feeling that you must withhold from others, or keep what you have to yourself. Listen to the voices of your parents instructing you in this particular way of life. You have many examples of how this does not work, though few dare to draw from the well of their soul and offer themselves to others in the spirit of something bigger than we think the world has to offer. This will teach you how abundant you are — and how much life has to offer you and everyone.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Nov. 30, 2012 #928

I can barely begin to imagine the ways the current astrology is manifesting for you, though the sense I have from your solar chart is that you’ve never felt stronger or more determined to participate in the world as a functional adult. That’s just fine, as long as you keep your sense of humor. That is your key to the humility that will remind you that you’re human, and keep your Scorpio water moist and humid rather than having it all evaporate. I suggest you spend as much time as possible on The Onion’s website and make sure you catch a few episodes of Stephen Colbert, someone capable of raising sarcasm to the level of inspiration. There is another side to humor, pointed out by Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche, who notes that humor means taking things lightly rather than with a heavy heart. I think that these days, cultivating both forms would serve you well, particularly in writing. I always consider a bit of well-wrought comic relief, irony or a satirical eye evidence that the author was actually awake whilst typing.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for December | By Eric Francis
Standing in for Weekly Horoscope #927

The time has arrived to distinguish you from your ideas about yourself. You may not be the first kid on the block to succeed at this, so don’t expect a keg party in your honor. Yet what is likely to happen is that by experiencing yourself differently, you will see the world differently. This is most of the issue, right? The willingness to see, to envision and to experience the world as different (particularly, as different from the one that our parents imposed on us)? Yet to embark on this requires consciously embracing instability, uncertainty and the unknown — not the flavors of the month these days. Both your ‘ideas about yourself’ and ‘yourself’ are powerful concepts, though they are different kinds of concepts and need to be distinguished from one another. For some, this is about sorting out the appearance of something from the underlying reality — the press release from the contentious meeting where it was written, and where much else was said. For others, this is about distinguishing where you are now from where you want to be in the future. And for others, this is a question about how the past weighs on you, and may drag you back to a time and place that no longer exists. All of this would be much easier, were you willing to take the risk of rejection. That implies having little to no influence on what people think of you. Then, you could be honest with yourself, and proceed on that basis alone.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Nov. 16, 2012 #926

You may feel like you don’t understand yourself, or like you have so far to go before you do. If that’s what’s going on for you now, I suggest you take it as a reminder of how far you’ve come. Yes, your questions are real, and they may seem to lead to more questions rather than simple answers (or any answers at all). Yet while you’re doing this, some things are available to you that are not available to others who do not get so deeply involved with the mysteries. One thing is that your self-inquiry provides you with energy that will fuel your passion and your art. You are capable of being free from the kinds of judgments that ensnare so many people. Perhaps most significantly, you can groom this into curiosity that gives you a truly interesting life. If there’s a catch, here it is: this all becomes valuable and life-affirming to the extent that you put it to use. Guide these feelings into some tangible means of expression, thought or relating. For the next few weeks, writing may lead you to some deep spaces. Be generous with yourself.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Nov. 9, 2012 #925

Teasing is not a way of life — and if you find that you’re going in that direction, you might want to reconsider. By teasing, I mean offering anything to yourself (particularly an emotional or erotic experience) but not coming through; using your appeal to lead anyone on, for some ‘other purpose’; or any situation where your presentation and your intention do not align fully. I suggest you avoid teasing yourself with what you want, a kind of drama that reenacts a family situation (playing out in your own head) about what you’re ‘supposed to be’, versus what you actually want to do. You may be trying to lure yourself with promises, or with various benefits from a proposed compromise, all of which are likely to leave you just out of reach of fulfillment. I suggest you take a more straightforward approach to your desires, and those of others. If you set an ethical code, “Someone’s desire is not an opportunity for me to focus power,” you and the people you care about will be a lot happier. There’s another side to this — your desire is not an opportunity for someone else to focus their power over you.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Nov. 2, 2012 #924

You may feel like some big change is imminent, and very likely, you are correct. You can think of this as a test of your flexibility and resilience. By now you know the ways that you tend to get rigid, especially on the emotional level of your consciousness. However, your methods of trying to contain, control and suppress your feelings are getting old, and it’s time to question your motive for trying to do so. The more you’re able to flex, the better you will be able to make the transition you are by now facing. Meanwhile, you need to be extremely conscious with money — and that means honest. Look at self-serving tendencies with a skeptical eye; it’s not the virtue that it’s sometimes made out to be, and I suggest you be especially mindful if you find yourself rationalizing anything or diving into spendthrift tendencies. Your money has to be a spokesman for who you are and what you value. Consider every transaction a vote in support of what you want to create for yourself.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for November 2012 #923

On Nov. 13, there’s a total solar eclipse in your birth sign, the first in more than nine years. Though there are numerous other factors influencing you this month, this by far is the most significant. Eclipses are about shifts in continuity, sometimes subtle, sometimes radical. I would say they represent ‘change’, but these days that’s a meaningless word. It’s a special kind of change, involving things that have gone on so long you’ve taken them for granted. This could include emotional patterns, certain facts about your sexuality and most significantly, the ways you communicate with yourself and others. Your charts present an image of you passing through what would normally be a ‘veil of forgetfulness’, only this time, you remember who you are. Not only that, you remember the support, love and trust that surrounds you, much of it coming from far beyond the Earthly realm. Yet in the aspect of your life that’s located here on Earth, one implication is that you’re experiencing the drive to rebuild your integrity. It may be painful, at first, to consider the ways that your words and actions have not been in alignment — then after a while, you’ll figure out that every time you discover one of these fractures is an opportunity to make amends with yourself and by extension, with others. It will help if you come to terms with the fact that, for many years, not everything you’ve believed was true. And that, you will discover, is very good news.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Oct. 19, 2012 #922

Structure is no more an impediment to your dreams than a car prevents you from driving someplace. Yet to have the freedom that a car offers, it took focus, ingenuity and dedication on the part of inventors and engineers — and the driver had to get access in the form of buying or borrowing one. You’re in approximately the same place with your life right now: you cannot have the freedom of expression you dream of without some structure and discipline around your goals. Daydreaming may feel liberating, but it’s really a distraction, and a form of boredom. Yet it seems that the moment you get close to the point of embracing some firm path or pattern and applying it to what you desire, fear takes over the equation. You may change your point of view when the Sun ingresses your sign Monday. Notice how much you get done next week, and remember how good it feels.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Oct. 12, 2012 #921

You may be starting to figure out how isolated you’ve felt (and for how long), now that you are getting a little relief. At least you feel some substance to your presence in the world; for too long you existed like a ghost, even at times feeling unable to take up physical space, or willing to admit that you exist. You may also be feeling a new sense of responsibility to yourself, which involves rising to a level of authenticity that you’ve been uncomfortable with for quite some time. The question is, what exactly were you hiding, whether from yourself or from anyone else? My sense from your solar charts is that you’ve been holding a certain edge to protect you from getting in too deep. This makes any emotional risk feel like putting all your chips onto the table. But unlike in a poker game, you might want to ask yourself whether you have more to lose by holding back your feelings, or by expressing them. Often the laws of spirit run contrary to the laws of the material plane — and you are in just such a situation.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Oct. 5, 2012 #920

The question is not what others believe about you, or what you think they believe about you. As you’re figuring out, it’s what you believe about yourself. While it’s possible that you may be having your doubts about something, be mindful if you hear yourself protesting too much. Do you really have something to defend? Do you need to establish how different you are from someone else, or everyone else for that matter? One question your charts are sketching out is: how do you know when your perspective is narrow? Let’s say you feel broad-minded, though in truth you’re not quite there. How would you know that? One way would be to question nearly everything you say, think and feel, or at least subject it to some scrutiny. Ask yourself, “Is that really true?” And rather than taking the answer, notice how long it took you to come up with that answer. Assessing whether an idea or perception is valid can take a while. I suggest you hold off judgment for as long as you can, and let the information filter in.

Monthly horoscope for October 2012 standing in for Weekly Horoscope #919

You are approaching one of the boldest ‘get serious’ moments of your life, a process spanning nearly three years. When you get to the other side, you’ll have acquired additional self-knowledge, privileges and responsibilities of adulthood. This is about Saturn in your sign, which arrives on Oct. 5 and departs in early 2015. I’ve described Saturn in your Sun sign (or in your rising sign) as an extended phase of coming to terms with yourself. Said another way, this transit is about becoming your own inner authority, something that few people ever do — and which is much likelier with Saturn in your neighborhood. One sad story of our society is people refusing to grow up; other people continue to have authority over their choices and even their opinions. Saturn in your sign can feel like authority figures or seemingly more powerful people imposing themselves on you. This is a reminder to take authority over all of those aspects of your life, and many more where you anticipate this kind of involvement by others. There are structured and organized ways to do this. Many people have described therapy as a kind of ‘re-parenting’ process, at the end of which you’ve taken over the role previously delegated to them. This is what I’m talking about, in whatever form works for you. You have to answer to some authority — whether you provide it, or whether someone or something outside yourself shows up and imposes it on you. The choice is yours.

Planet Waves Inner Space Horoscope for October 2012

Saturn’s ingress into your sign opens an extended phase of what one astrologer once described to me as ‘coming to terms with yourself’. That’s a kind of reconciliation, an understanding, and an exploration of your potential and your limits. Though they’re not usually considered compatible ideas, your potential and your limits are closely related; they’re aspects of the same thing. You might think that your limits are a description of your outermost potential, though I think that they show you what you can, and will, go beyond. Therefore I suggest you look at everything as an opportunity. When you reach a spot where you think you cannot go any further, that’s the place to reach beyond. Use your intelligence, use your determination, use your desire — use everything to your advantage.

Friday, September 21, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #918

Your charts describe the way in which you’re striving to be, or at least to experience, the opposite of what you are now. This looks like a healthy expression of your creative imagination. It’s also a viable way to explore the tension that you’re feeling, which is a kind of inner standoff between two different emotional realities. It’s as if you feel entirely like one of them in one moment, and entirely like the other in the next moment. Which is really you? How can they both feel so vividly true? Consider the possibility that you contain parallel realities. They can coexist like separate dimensions, each of which is valid when you’re in it. Rather than trying to reconcile them against one another, be fully in each of them as you experience it. This will feel a lot better than trying to compel yourself to reconcile them. Both are valid, even if one seems to exclude the other. Be fully where you are and what you’re feeling in every moment and understanding will come.

Friday, September 14, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #917

You have every advantage now — particularly if you know what you want, and focus on that. It seems that a high priority is making a particular relationship work, or getting that relationship started. My impression, however, is that you’re figuring out that your most important relationship is to yourself. That means living differently, especially given Scorpio’s famous desire for involvement with others. Though you’ve been here before, this is likely to feel like a radically new orientation for you, as you shift your identity away from ‘relationship partner’ and in the direction of ‘whole person’. If you’re doing this sincerely, then you will likely be experiencing some sensation of being in unfamiliar territory. However, this is not the time to say ‘I tried being myself, but it didn’t work, so I went back to whatever I was before’. Rather, it’s time to stick with the feeling that you need to stretch, and ultimately, to let go of something, in order to be 100% you.

Friday, September 7, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #916

Do you have this feeling that your life is balanced on one extremely delicate self-doubt? It could be anything, though I suggest you get out your microscope and see if you can find any traces of self-doubt that are influencing your life. I can name two potential (as in likely) categories: one is the lack of approval by a parent or parental figure (likely to be father), interfering with your sense of what you’re capable of, or whether you’re respectable. The second (and potentially more complex one) may involve doubts about whether you’re in fact ‘suitable relationship material’. If you’re working with that one, remember that it didn’t come from nowhere. You didn’t make up the criteria against which you’re attempting to reconcile your self-worth. However, you did take it on at some point, though if you want to let it go, it’ll be helpful to know where it came from, in part so that you can assess the credibility of the source. You’ve begun a phase of your life wherein you will be carefully considering your past tendencies in relationships, whether they serve you now and what to do about them. At the moment, some very telling information is available.

Inner Space Horoscopes for September 2012

This month and next, energy begins to collect in your sign. Mars has just arrived, which will be followed by the North Node, Saturn and then the Sun. These planets are conspiring to push you to a new level. This is not an extension of the metaphor of the frog in the pot of water that’s gradually being heated up. Because Mars is the first planet to make a move, the temperature is going to rise quickly, and will be joined by different shades of energy: the North Node’s intensely soulful quality; Saturn’s focus on commitment and structure; and the Sun’s gift of self-expression. Stay perky, keep busy with meaningful priorities and make sure you pay attention as you acquire each of these new tools. They are yours to work with. Rise to the occasion.

Friday, August 31, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #915

Make sure your emotional approach to others is gentle, and not an ambush. Be aware of the intensity that others may perceive in you, but which you may not have noticed in yourself. Yet you might also question why you are carrying this energy. Your astrology suggests that you might be feeling fragmented, or lacking focus — though not lacking at all for drive. That sense of fragmentation, if you’re feeling it, could lead you to overcompensate with push energy or raw desire. You don’t need to do this. Your supercharged state is noticeable and attractive to others; I suggest you work on focus. Get clear what you want to do, and refine your agenda as you become aware of it. This will help you groom subtle inner conflicts out of your psyche, which in turn will help others feel you as a unified being working with a clear purpose. As a result, you will know intuitively to be less aggressive. Assertive is all you need, such as saying hello and cordially introducing yourself to someone you want to meet.

Moonshine Horoscope by Genevieve Hathaway, standing in for Planet Waves Weekly 914 for Friday, August 17, 2012. Edited by Eric.

Much of your emotional-body experience is dictated by your personal philosophy. In other words, you feel what you think is true. This viewpoint ties back to childhood; attitudes adults dictated as ‘good’ or ‘bad’ were based on verbal and physical clues designed to make you feel a certain way. During your early life, you learned to hide your feelings as a result of negative responses from adults. Those emotions became buried deep, and now you only touch the tip of the iceberg when you connect to them. To go deeper, try to remember some of those experiences. You don’t need to work them out as much as you need some clue that there is a matter of depth involved, and that the depth may point you to the past. As you do this, it’s vital to remember that how others responded has more to do with them than you. But you didn’t know that at the time. Now, however, you’re getting help with shaking loose the conditioning which led to these buried and crystallized feelings. As this material becomes accessible, acknowledge how it does not dictate the manner in which your present emotions will be received by future partners. This will take some courage. You have not fully sat with these emotions for a long time. — By Genevieve Hathaway

Friday, August 10, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #913

Monitor your anxiety level carefully this weekend and for a week or so beyond. ‘Monitor’ means be aware of, and I say that because it may have a tendency to be operating in the background, where you are not noticing it. Fear that you experience may be projected onto a topic having nothing to do with your actual concerns. In light of this, I suggest you sort out what you’re really concerned about. When in doubt, apply the Course in Miracles lesson, “I am never upset for the reason I think.” This will be especially helpful if any anxiety reaches the level of paranoia. Whatever is showing up on the monitor display known as ‘consciousness’, behind the scenes, you are under some psychic pressure. It’s as if part of your mind is being squeezed, or perhaps more accurately, you’re trying to pass something through your psyche, and it’s encountering resistance. That resistance may feel like fear, which can show up in a diversity of forms. This process has two transition dates — Aug. 15, when Mars makes its conjunction to Saturn; and Aug. 23, when Mars enters your birth sign. Please remember those dates.

Friday, August 3, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #912

Are you really under as much pressure as you think? I suggest you get a handle on that question. At the moment you’re likely to be feeling an enhanced drive to succeed, or to stand out. Yet in your ambition you could easily make an error in judgment that will lead to anything but success. Therefore, over the next few days, it’s imperative that you choose your words carefully, and not make any moves prematurely. In other words, when in doubt, delay. You seem to be formulating a plan for a career move of some kind, which could work out brilliantly for you, if your timing is correct. Now is the time to clarify your plan, and the steps you need to take. Work on getting the language correct. There’s something about the enterprise I’m describing that feels like mixing oil and water — which may turn out to be metaphors for creativity and authority. Remember that seen one way, authority means authorship. And this brings us back to clear words and clear ideas, which must support your goals, or be set aside.

Inner Space Monthly Horoscope for August 2012

If I had to describe your phobia-du-jour, these days it seems to be that we don’t live in a fair world. Well, that’s true, though the thing to consider is how you can access justice. That word means fairness, and it has as its root the same concept as adjustment. Therefore, if you’re feeling fear, think in terms of what you can adjust. This will require you to see two or more sides of any situation that you’re in, and be able to reason each one through; said another way, it’s good to be able to argue both sides of the case. Yet then there’s the issue of these emotional spikes you may be having, which can seize you at odd moments. When you get to one of those places, stop and reflect. You can go a long way by being willing to change, and to accept change.

Friday, July 20, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #911

Your current situation is presenting you with a test of your leadership abilities. That translates to putting to work a skill set that includes communication, negotiation and psychology. The first step is going to be sorting out the motives of everyone involved (including your own). Then you need to go one level deeper and understand the insecurities of everyone involved (including yours). Basically, there’s a risk of those insecurities taking over the situation, unless someone can see through that and sort things out. That would be you. Now, you won’t be any good at understanding the motives and the insecurities of others unless you understand your own, so that’s the place to start. You also need to be the one who holds the overall goal clearly in mind. One last thing — for the foreseeable future, beware of the involvement of alcohol in the workplace, and among anyone in the company after work. Pay attention to this. Clarity is not optional.

Friday, July 6, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #910

You can turn the mental or emotional pressure you’re feeling into a brainstorm. The psychic radar known as astrology looks like you might be stressed, even to the point of panic attacks. Don’t be fooled by the subject matter: remember that energy is energy, and the first skill of the Scorpio Jedi is directing all energy into a constructive, creative or healing force. By all energy, I mean everything from passion to anxiety, from desire to curiosity. The key is going to be remembering this when the energy manifests in some form you would not prefer — and keeping your head on. Meanwhile, I would maintain a good vibes posture. Walk away from arguments. Remind yourself how safe you are (and if you’re not, make a decision), and remember that the light you hold around yourself shines out into the world.

Friday, July 6, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #909

The sky is the perfect setup for fantasy scenarios — that is, as long as they don’t involve Cinderella and Prince Charming. Recent changes in the astrology are opening the door for you to explore fantasies that transgress what you normally do, or deem acceptable. A partner, lover or friend may be considering the same kinds of experiments that have been running through your imagination. One question is: who should lead the way? I will say this: the astrology strongly suggests that women or those with a strong feminine orientation are feeling particularly bold, though not saying much about it. If that’s you, I suggest you speak up. If you’re in a position to influence someone else, set up the situation so they can state what they want openly. The free will factor is important, as conscious choice is going to be the basis of feeling safe and secure enough to act on some truly unusual and adventurous desires. The key through all experiments is keeping communication open.

Inner Space Monthly Horoscope for July 2012

You’re having an influence on a number of situations much larger than you, though at this point you might not see how that is working. The astrology suggests you have the ability to tip the scales on situations that are hanging in the balance. Yet there’s a larger matter at stake, which is your ability to maintain a sense of the interests of everyone involved. In a sense, you’re the guardian of justice, and I suggest you only devote energy and attention to outcomes that are authentically fair. You have the ability to sway things any way you want, though the karmic stakes are a little higher than you’re accustomed to. If you’re not fair with everyone in your life, you will discover how unfair people can be to you — which is silly, considering how much you both have to offer.

Friday, June 29, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #908

By now you’ve figured out that you feel better, and get along better with people, if you take a less critical attitude. You’re an analyzer by nature. There’s a way to do that gently, which includes keeping your sense of humor, and refusing to assume the worst. Yet there is something else I truly hope has come across, and it’s not too late. Where you see the need for improvement in the world, you can actually devote your energy, your love and your resources. Yes, this involves taking a chance, and it involves being willing to extend some extra focus. Yet the real ‘risk’ is shifting from a negative orientation on the state of the world to a positive one. You have little right to expect the world to become a better place (however you define that) unless you’re willing to put yourself into that project. It’s pretty easy to identify the ways that provide mutual benefit, and I suggest that you mediate on the concept, ‘the greatest good for all concerned.’

Friday, June 15, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #907

We’re now just weeks away from the Uranus-Pluto square — the 2012 aspect. As I’ve written, this is part of the cycle that set the theme of the 1960s (from approximately ’62 to ’74), and if you were born then, this is a special time in your life. One difference between then and now is that astrologically speaking, a lot more people know what’s happening. Another difference is that what to do is a heck of a lot less obvious today. We can no longer depend on a simplistic analysis of global problems or think that sticking daisies in the barrels of rifles is going to end the wars. You have a cosmic assignment: changing your mind about many things you’ve taken for granted nearly all of your life. Your old modes of thought no longer serve you, and the pressure has been mounting to make some long-overdue decisions about the course of your life. You may have a grandparent who was a better example than your parents or other authority figures. You, however, have more (and better) options than he or she did.

Friday, June 8, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #906

Precision is the key, particularly when you’re among friends, or in public, or projecting your thoughts into any public forum (the Internet included). I mean precision of thought, speech and action, which are directly related. What you say has impact, and it will be attributed personally to you — so be mindful of being even vaguely aggressive or critical. Instead, make a point of being helpful and constructive, pointing out what is good about the world and the works of humankind (such as your friends and colleagues). If you must point out anything wrong, save it for the calmest one-to-one discussions you can create. I suggest, however, that you do triple-diligence when it comes to collecting your facts and understanding the circumstances behind anything you perceive. Meanwhile, I truly suggest you put your energy into visioning what you want to create in your own life. That’s not about all those other people — it’s about you.

Friday, June 1, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #905

One of the most interesting things about the way that Scorpio’s solar chart is arranged is that the sign Gemini falls on the 8th house. Let’s take those concepts one at a time. The 8th is about surrender in all its forms: death, orgasm, deep commitment, the movement of wealth between people and generations, and many kinds of situations over which we seem to have no power. It’s also the place where some of the best things in life come into our sphere of reality — and now you have a truly rare, magnificent event there. This signifies an inheritance that is not the result of death but rather the result of life itself. One expression is about feeling what a profound gift your relationships are. Yet another is actually experiencing in a direct way how meaningful you are to others. On one level you know this — and on another you waste too much time on your doubts and your insecurities. You don’t need them; they are not real, and you have a much more valuable emotional asset that is making itself known to you.

Inner Space Monthly Horoscope for June 2012

You have two possible modes of action right now — quietly, from the background, and boldly, from within your ideas. Yet they have one thing in common: the less you assert yourself, the more influential you will be. Even when you’re directly offering an idea or explicit instructions, lay back a little and let people come to you; allow them to feel the effects of your presence. Another way to say this is, you don’t have to do much, or anything at all. Plenty is in motion around you. You’re having a profound influence on your environment from several different angles. They almost all involve processes you set in motion a long time ago. If you’re going to do one thing boldly, this is what I suggest: evaluate one particular contractual situation carefully, and make sure that everyone benefits.

Friday, May 18, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #904

You seem drawn into a situation where you will need to let go of some of your own priorities and work with those of someone else. There’s a way to do this without giving up your power, which is about working with the common interests you share with the people in this situation. There are plenty — and there is also the potential for everyone to benefit substantially based on those mutual interests. In actual fact, life is not a game of “every man for himself.” If it was, we would not build towns, cities, universities or farming cooperatives. But there is a commitment involved. In this case you may feel that you’re making that commitment to a certain person or maybe even to an idea, or a values system. In truth what you’re doing is committing to your relationship to existence. That’s a little like saying you’re reaffirming your promise to live your life fully, only it’s a lot bigger.

Friday, May 11, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #903

One of the rules of our society involves what I will call mandatory exclusion. For example, imagine you’ve been single for a while, and you meet someone you like. Then the next day you meet someone else that you like. There would seem to be some unwritten law that says you can only choose one of those people, to the exclusion of the other. Into this mix is often added guilt and shame in a diversity of formulations. Now, let’s consider your here-and-now reality. You are curious, or so it looks from your solar charts. Your imagination is on fire. You may be so consumed with desire that you doubt your ability to think clearly, and thus to make a good decision. Here is an idea to consider: You have the right, and the ability, to experiment without making a ‘permanent’ commitment in the process. This is, however, less about the expectations of others and more about what you’re willing to allow yourself to experience and feel.

Friday, May 4, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #902

In order to be in a relationship with someone, it’s necessary to be at peace with who they are, which covers many levels of existence. It’s also necessary to be at peace with what their existence reveals about you, which is another way of saying being comfortable in your own skin. That said, I would propose that you be careful and aware in any situation where you have a long list of misgivings. The solution to everything is not to fix it or work it out or make it better. Sometimes the solution is to recognize that there’s an incompatibility, and use that as your new starting point. And, sometimes you will actually find yourself in a situation where you can know that there is a connection that can develop. Remember, though, that the first step is to get over your own insecurities, which I know is a tall order on this particular planet at this particular time. Yet events this weekend seem custom-designed to help you do just that — and then make a decision about where you really stand.

Inner Space Monthly Horoscope for May 2012

What has seemed like an impasse in your life the past few months is about to burst into more movement than you’ve experienced any time lately. You may feel like you’re exceeding your speed limit or some unspoken agreement that seems to limit your happiness. No such agreement is binding you today — though it may seem like one is, if you worry too much about how others perceive you. This is a message you’ve been getting over and over again — focus on people, not what you suspect their concepts might be. If you have a mission to accomplish or a role to play, the opinions of others matter not — the only thing that you need to concern yourself with is feeling confident you’re doing the right thing. You should know — you’ve thought about it long enough.

Friday, April 27, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #901

A close partnership is currently offering you much in the way of stability and nourishment. The challenge for you is slipping into a state of receptivity. Ask any therapist and they will tell you just how many people struggle with receiving, because receiving implies being open. I suggest you think of this less in terms of being vulnerable and more as allowing someone to walk with you. This is a simple idea. Your emotions are a complex layered web that often seem too murky and interwoven for you to be able to separate and explain. Don’t let this overwhelm you. Start small — your partner or someone you care about is not looking to see the entire web of your emotional sphere at once. Begin with the uppermost level, the piece you understand most clearly. This will provide you with the confidence you need to relinquish a measure of control over the outcome. — by Genevieve Hathaway

Friday, April 20, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #900

Do you want your relationships to be easy, or do you want them to be real? I suggest that you see things in terms of these two options, at least initially. By real I don’t mean difficult; challenges usually show up in the context of denial or resistance rather than by a conscious embrace of what is so. However, I suggest you notice the way that you tend to make other peoples’ issues into your own problems. Being real also means being real about knowing where the edge is between you and somewhere else, and knowing when it’s appropriate to cross over that line. Clearly you are being drawn into a deep situation of some kind, if only by your curiosity. The place where a warning should go off is when you find yourself adopting problems that simply are not your own, on the excuse that you love someone. The thing to focus on is creative purpose and a kind of calm, centered passion about life itself — not the relationship.

Friday, April 13, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #899

Expect people to treat you differently. That’s to say — you can release them from their past opinions of you, which is a burden that both they and you carry. The nature of the burden is that when people are locked into their old ideas of who a person is, that leaves no room for who they are in the present moment. We all know how much people seem to walk around with their minds made up about everything and everyone. You have the power, at least, to create a liberated zone where this is possible. Inside that space, you will notice that you have the freedom to set some new goals for yourself, and to admit some new desires, ones that in the past you feared might have conflicted with what others thought your life was supposed to be about. This is the liberation you need the most: to be able to define your purpose, irrespective of what all those people in the past might have thought, and shorn of any perceptions of others of who you’re supposed to be today. This may feel daring, but it’s not as dangerous as you think.

Friday, April 6, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #898

Your sexual desire nature these days is coming more from your femme side than your macho side, though it’s no less fierce for being receptive. Indeed, you may feel like the ocean that will never fill up. I think it’s fair to wonder what you’re supposed to do with all of this desire: what’s the point? What’s the purpose? The answer to that question would seem simpler were what we think of as ‘erotic’ not perceived as something separate from everything else. What you’ve been experiencing the past few weeks is curiosity about yourself; you have learned a lot, and what you can explore now is what it’s like to express yourself. Don’t worry — neither your life nor Western civilization will collapse if you venture into more daring territory. To test the waters, proceed with words and ideas first — spoken to other people, not just in your own mind.

Inner Space Monthly Horoscope for April 2012.

Mars — the oldest of the Scorpio planets — finally stations direct this month, and I trust that by now you’ve figured out who your friends are, and who they are not. You’ve had a few false hopes dashed, and have replaced them with some practical plans to do the things you want the most. If you haven’t arrived at that step, make a list of three things you’ve always wanted to do, and plan to do them this year. I suggest that you get to at least one of them by the time this month is over, and the other two by the end of June. Get some momentum going. The key to wish fulfillment for you is to be specific. Know what you want, in particular. Forget about why you want it — that may be the thing you discover last.

Friday, March 30, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #897

One key theme of your life right now involves what you believe, and why you believe it. You seem to be figuring out that many people live inside a cage of their own assumptions, which you have discovered in the process of gradually escaping from such a place. Yet the process of freeing yourself is ongoing, one illusion at a time; one belief at a time. Today’s subject is glamour, or the art of appearances. Or rather, the art of false appearances, which are rooted in false beliefs. And: what are they? Have you been figuring out how they influence you? Yet there’s a much better question with a deeper answer. What is false is generally designed to conceal what is true, and what’s true is your friend. As you peer through the mists and wash away the layers of what is starting to look obviously, ridiculously untrue, you’re discovering something about yourself. It’s starting as an idea — and it’s about to evolve into a decision and ultimately into action. Yet while you’re here, I suggest you look for the motives for the cover-up.

Weekly Horoscope # 896 for March 23, 2012 — by Priya Kale

A situation in your life or at work is pushing your boundaries, or it may be your health that is a concern right now. You may fear you’re going to run into trouble, but the fears in your head are often far worse than the reality of a situation. You can either chase your passion or let your fears chase you. You can theorize something forever and drive yourself crazy about the best way forward. But at some point you will have to learn through experience. What is unfolding now is asking you to let go of expectations (especially negative ones) as you move toward your most optimistic vision. There is a solution staring you in the face, but it may not be what you expected. To recognize and seize it, let go of your beliefs or thinking you know how things work. Be curious, open minded and willing to learn and experiment a little. As alone as you may feel at times in your experience, you are not. There are loyal partners and people on hand willing to help and support you. Trust a process of change as you consciously reach for solutions, and you can make great progress. This is your lesson in learning to take each day as it comes and live life on its own terms. — by Priya Kale.

Friday, March 16, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #895

You must be thinking: there has got to be some kind of conspiracy. You keep meeting the same kind of person, who has the same basic problems. The world of demented relationships, denial, pills and attempted glamour stretches from the trailer parks to the suburbs of every city to Hollywood, in an unbroken line of connection — unbroken, that is, except for your need to break free. There is a force deeper and more powerful than the prevailing sickness of our culture that is drawing you deeper into your core. You might think of this as a quest for your inner healer, the aspect of your psyche that knows you so well, and that knows how to turn struggle into strength. I’m not sure you’ve heard it in those words, but I think that this is the essence of healing. There’s a reason so many spiritual texts say that all things work together for good; I would propose that they must be worked, together, for good — and that what serves your healing will ultimately serve the healing of the people around you. We see every day how humans can be an adverse influence on one another; it’s time to consider how we can build a community of mutual witness and positive example.

Friday, March 9, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #894

The thing to go for is not acceptance or approval — it’s the full indulgence in your creative process. There is no audience, or you don’t need one; what will serve you best is the spirit of experimentation. Imbibe experience as if it’s a form of nourishment. Embrace your mistakes as turning points that can send you in new directions you never would have noticed otherwise. While you’re exploring, you may notice there’s a critical voice in your mind, that seems to be shining on you like a projector, complete with soundtrack. However, I would propose that if you notice the critics in your mind, remember that’s exactly where they are. You cannot necessarily silence them, but what you can do is make a conscious choice what voices you listen to. Meanwhile, others around you are available to offer their full support — not as an audience but as peers and potentially as collaborators. Their perception of you is more likely to be the accurate one. I doubt you could think of any ulterior motive they could have, other than to endorse your happiness and affirm your existence.

Friday, March 2, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #893

I suggest you not push the health campaign, workout routines or dieting right now. What you need is balance. At the moment there’s no escaping the amount of work you have, but at least you’re into projects that you can use to bring out the best in you. At the moment to balance that you need the right amount of the right food, and just enough physical activity to let off any mental or physical tension you may be carrying. However, I suggest you not stretch too far in that direction; the pull will be too much for now. Rather, listen to the signs that your body is sending you; pay attention to the foods it’s asking you to eat and make sure that your physical space is clean and orderly. That will save a lot of energy and help your efficiency. I also suggest that you invest plenty of energy getting the opinions of others — and that you not take too much credit for what you get done. Point out the contributions of everyone else. Work in a spirit of service, and thank everyone for their shared effort and influence.

Inner Space Horoscope for March 2012

This can be a really interesting, as in gorgeous, month for sex — though it will help if you remember the difference between giving and receiving. Yes, they are closely related and some people ‘get’ pleasure from that of others, but there are still differences in the energy flow when you offer and when you open up and receive. The difference can resemble that between inviting yourself to someone’s house, or extending a gracious invitation. It can be as daring as being available to explore someone’s fantasy with them, setting aside your own scenario and playing the role that is the most fun for them. As for receiving — there is a certain generosity in truly embracing what another offers you, and that is something I suggest you cultivate. For you, in a similar light, there is no such thing as ‘too generous’.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope # 892, for Friday, Feb. 24, 2012 | By PRIYA KALE

A New Moon in your 5th solar house — the house connected with taking chances, and with pleasure — is asking you to dive into your heart to discover the magic lurking in there. This may feel like a huge risk, but neither love nor creativity ever came without its risks. And in truth you have more to gain than anything you fear losing. Creatively, sexually and romantically this is a renaissance, allowing you to rediscover yourself like no other time in your life. A partner is with you every step of the way and the more you can let go of your fantasies or illusions of love, the more you are likely to discover this is indeed the real thing. A relationship has more to teach you about yourself and life in general than you realize. And the more you are able to dissolve your fears, the more you will see the relationships that you can trust and have time and again proven their worth to you. Be honest with yourself and you can emerge refreshed, renewed and healed, ready to face a new day, creating your experiences of life daily. You may not be able to bottle something up and hold on to it forever. Life was meant to be lived and in truth — all you have is now. If you can surrender to how you feel in the moment — this is the kind of sublime experience that will last for eternity. As the Beatles sang, “In the end the love you take, is equal to the love you make.” Dare to dive deep. — By Priya Kale for Planet Waves

Friday, Feb. 17, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #891

Your life has presented you with many ideas and possibilities lately, though often falling short of the best possibilities actually materializing. That said, your imagination has been venturing into some daring territory and you seem to allow yourself to consider some of the saucier possibilities, at least in theory. As the Sun enters your fellow water sign Pisces over the weekend, you’ll either have opportunities to go beyond merely thinking or imagining, or you’ll feel more compelled to actually experiment. You’ve yet to discover whether what you feel in potential and what you can actually manifest will have much in common. There’s always a difference — we’re talking about two different realms, one of which is a lot more dense than the other, and where there are actual consequences of action. Just as with your imagination, it’s a good idea to open up to what you’re not expecting. That’s the one significant contact point between ‘fantasy’ and reality.

Friday, Feb. 10, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #890

One theme of this season is discerning what you think from what is true. Thoughts are powerful in that they have the power to subsume the mind. Whether you believe in ‘manifestation’, thoughts are creative, and they can also be destructive. It’s not a coincidence that the most destructive ones are those that are not true, by which I mean, the ones that are based on fear, attack or have no basis in verifiable reality. Yet one challenge you face is discerning those thoughts from what is real for you. The easiest way to tell the difference is going to be by the results. What leads to a creative outcome was a creative thought; what leads to conflict was a destructive or deceptive thought. To use this method of discernment you’ll need to track your mental process, through the actions it leads to, and then observe what happens. Think of this as observing yourself, which is a vital skill any time, but especially with Mars traveling retrograde for the next few months.

Friday, Feb. 3, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #889

Many have noted the difference between the sexual experience we have in a fantasy and the one we have in reality. What happens in actual 3-D reality is different than what happens in fantasy mainly because more than your intent is involved, and there can be physical effects, influences or consequences of the actions taken — much less likely in the imagination. That said, most people don’t even bother to try their fantasies, and then on the rare occasion when they might, there can be a setup for disappointment if it does not live up. This is one reason why I suggest trying every fantasy at least three times (three-way sex, same-sex experience, s/m experience, etc.). Once is not enough to get the feeling; things can go wrong, and you or someone else might be nervous. Everything takes practice and acclimation. I mention this now because Neptune in Pisces is about to stoke your fantasies big-time, and Chiron in Pisces is saying that this comes down to experience — real experience based on real curiosity.

Friday, Jan. 20, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #888

You think people are a lot harsher toward you than they actually are. I mean, I’m not there; I’m just reading your astrology, and I’ve known a few Scorpios here and there. It seems that you might project a certain ‘critical factor’ onto your friends, assuming that you’re being judged or scrutinized when this is not true. I suggest you test the theory in a somewhat oblique way, which is to be encouraging of everyone around you. Affirm what they want, what they do and what they accomplish. You don’t have to be sugary about this — saying yes, and taking opportunities to lend your actual, physical, material support, will teach you a lot. I am suggesting that you personally take action to reverse the dynamic that you may perceive in your environment. Notice when you give support or affirmation and when you withhold it. Notice the role that jealousy plays in your interactions with others. Most of all, notice how good it feels to say yes.

Friday, Jan. 13, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #887

What do you believe? And why do you believe this? And what are the ideas surrounding success and failure you need to let go of? You’ve been obsessing about something, and the time has come for you to pull your head out of the sand and face the truth. This may scare you, but in truth reality is a lot sweeter than you think or fear. Financially as well as within a domestic relationship or situation, you have more support than you realize. Consciously let go of expectations and assumptions, especially the negative ones. If you speak for what you know to be true, you can reclaim your power in a situation, freeing you from a worry, bringing you the security you’ve yearned for. Hint: that sense of security originates with you. As you feel safer, you will experience the world as a safer place, where love feels more natural. You will be more likely to notice what you want rather than what you don’t want.

Friday, Jan. 6, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #886

You may be noticing an odd sensation in your life, as your ruling planet Mars slows down to a retrograde. This may feel like the soundtrack is out of alignment with the frames of the movie, or like the air (or your mind) is getting a little thick. I suggest you take the cue and slow down. This is not the time to blaze forward, but rather, for a careful reassessment. Mars retrograde lasts between Jan. 23 and April 13 — which will give you a chance to look back on the past two years, and moreover, to prepare for the astonishing events of mid-2012. Take this opportunity to work out any hangups, disagreements or conflict over the most important thing you can do with your mind — deciding what you want. Remember, you don’t have to make all your decisions at once. You have some time, and I suggest you use it consciously.

Storm Warnings

Dear Friend and Reader:

My original plan for this week was to write an interpretation of the chart for the assassination of John F. Kennedy, prior to the Mercury retrograde election on Tuesday, but then the storm intervened. I will get to Sandy and the election in a moment. First, let’s make contact with this event, which influences everything where the concept ‘presidential’ comes into our awareness.

Planet Waves
Jack and Jackie by Richard Avedon.

About five or six weeks ago, I got curious and took another look at the JFK murder chart (something that all serious astrology students encounter, sooner or later), and I finally figured out what’s going on. I’ve probably cast this chart five times before; this time I used a set of traditional rules, and a lot of experience covering crime scene charts, and the scenario came into focus like the kangaroos jumping out of the seemingly random pattern in the Magic Eye books.

Reading the chart this way has changed my view of the world, tying together much that I’ve encountered before in the study of history and the conduct of the U.S. government, particularly when it comes to making wars. I have not been able to get the thing off my mind, and I can practically see it when I close my eyes. [Here it is, in two formats.]

The assassination chart describes the structure of our government, and why (as a result) we need to adjust our expectations of what a presidential election is about. Instead of doing a full reading, I’ll summarize and, if time permits (and my readers are interested), I will come back to the issue in a few weeks around the time of the 49th anniversary of JFK’s death. Here are the basics.

The chart is organized in two main layers, depending on how you ask about what happened (this is a significant point if you’re studying astrology or any other form of divination — the form of the question determines how the question is answered). This organization of the chart fits the multiple scenarios we always hear about, including the possibility of parallel murder plots and a wide diversity of potential motives, many of which serve as diversions.

If you ask the question, “What is the nature and cause of death?” (a question of the 8th house) you arrive at what I’ll call the political layer of the chart, which describes the outer drama of the assassination, set in the context of the glamour of the Camelot era.
You see a vision of Jack and Jackie (Venus and Mars in Sagittarius, high up in the chart). There is the image of the dead president, looming over the chart as the Sun (a universal symbol of the king) in the last degree of Scorpio — a dead man walking.

Lee Harvey Oswald makes his cameo appearance as the ‘official assassin’, who was — incredibly — murdered while in police custody within 48 hours of being arrested. We never got to hear from him, there was no trial, and he was never convicted.

He shows up as Mercury conjunct Vesta in the 10th house (of government) as a government agent of some kind. Mercury here also points to the official explanation, the highly implausible one about a lone gunman operating outside of any conspiracy. This is the theory that gets all the attention.

Planet Waves
In this section of the JFK assassination chart, you can see the obvious level, on top — the dead president indicated by the Sun in the last degree of Scorpio, as well as several planets in Sagittarius. This is the political level of the chart. And we see the less obvious level, to the left of the chart. Note that Saturn, which rules the 12th house of secret enemies and the 1st house (ascendant or rising sign) is concealed in the 12th. Even the question has a veil thrown over it. For the full chart, check this link.

The whole scenario, cast this way, promptly points to a big pot of money; a lot of money was at stake. (In particular, this is government money; it’s represented by Jupiter, which rules the 10th and 11th houses of the government and its tax revenue.) Under this scenario, the killer was a government agent and the motive was money.

The political level of the story seems to go cold there. It’s like a huge, flashy distraction, centered on the fire signs. Mercury so prominent in the chart suggests, “This event was designed as a message.” The intent of the murder was to explain the way things are, to anyone who might be interested.

If you ask the question, “Who is the secret enemy?” you get a different scenario. That’s a question of the 12th house, the house of what is concealed. The 12th is similar to the 8th in some ways, though while the 8th is subject to taboo (the eschewing of a topic everyone knows is there), matters of the 12th are often subject to total denial. The 12th can work like a world apart, or a parallel universe. In this chart, that is especially true; all of the affairs of the 12th in the JFK murder chart are contained within the 12th house itself — there’s no leak. (However, through the aspect pattern, there are connections between the two seemingly different levels or scenarios.)

Let’s focus on just the 12th; see if you can follow this. You can find the 12th house as the slanted line just above the dark, horizontal line in the diagram above. You can see the squiggly orange Capricorn symbol near that line, on the outside of the circle, with the ’19’ and ’46’ next to it.

This tells us that the chart has Capricorn on the cusp of the 12th, so for more information, we look to the ruler of Capricorn (notice, there is logic to reading a chart). That is Saturn (who would represent the ‘secret enemy’ and the associated conspiracy), which is concealed in the 12th, out of sight and out of mind. It’s as if most people have no idea that whatever is represented by this house or its ruler even exists. [Note to astrology students: among charts with a strong 12th house, I divide them into two categories — ones with the 12th ruler in the 12th (more difficult to spot the real issue), and ones with the 12th ruler somewhere else in the chart (easier to spot the real issue). This chart falls into the first category.]

The chart has Aquarius rising. The ruler of the ascendant, critical to any chart, is also Saturn (the traditional ruler of Aquarius). It too is in the 12th, hidden away. The planet ruling the rising sign can represent the question itself, and even the correct question is concealed from view or normal consciousness. Saturn, Capricorn and Aquarius are involved in the 12th house; this looks like an elite secret government, associated with corporate power. That’s what the signs and the planet involved describe, based on the established rules of astrology.

One last thing. The 6th house is the one associated with the military (that’s partly how it becomes the house of ‘service’ in modern terms). In this chart, the 6th house has Cancer on the cusp, so the Moon is the representative of the military and we find it in the 12th as well. The military is in bed with the secret enemy, a covert government organization.

One other last thing. Pholus, a centaur planet, is conjunct Saturn and the Moon. Pholus represents the runaway reaction. Whatever killed Kennedy is about to go out of control. In essence, the assassination of Pres. Kennedy was a military coup d’etat. To understand this, it helps to have some historic background.

Ike’s Farewell Address

This starts to sound less ‘tin-foil hat’ if we go back to the farewell address of the president who preceded Kennedy, Dwight Eisenhower. Three days before he left office, Eisenhower, a Republican who was suspicious of the infinite expansion of government, gave a farewell address, one that to this day is considered historic (though it’s rarely referenced when it matters the most).

Planet Waves
Dwight Eisenhower, as a five-star general. He had his issues but he deserves our respect for warning us about the military-industrial complex.

Eisenhower described the nature of the government as it had emerged in the years after the end of World War II, and as it was likely to develop in the future. He had grave concerns about this, which, incredibly, he articulated to us.

In this speech, he openly cautioned the American public about the existence of what he called the military-industrial complex, an emerging massive, permanent ‘peacetime’ corporate arms industry wedded with government and the military.

He warned that this juggernaut was different from anything that we had ever seen or dealt with in the U.S. before, such as during World War II or the Korean War. He explained that “three-and-a-half million men and women are directly engaged in the defense establishment. We annually spend on military security more than the net income of all United States corporations.”

Eisenhower, a five-star general (a lifetime appointment, and a rank no longer used), described the military-industrial complex as the “conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry” that was “new in the American experience. The total influence — economic, political, even spiritual — is felt in every city, every statehouse, every office of the federal government. We recognize the imperative need for this development. Yet we must not fail to comprehend its grave implications.”

He warned, “In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.”

Planet Waves
Photo of a draft of Dwight Eisenhower’s farewell speech, given on Jan. 17, 1961, in which he warns about the military-industrial complex. He wrote the speech with his brother Milton. It took a year to write and went through 21 drafts.

Meditate on that for a moment. “The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.” These are not the words of a groovy beatnik handing out leaflets in Washington Square Park; it’s Ike, one of our most respected presidents and masters of the American military; the only general to hold the presidency in the 20th century.

He continues: “We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together.”

This “conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry” is exactly what we’re looking at when we peer into the 12th house of the JFK assassination chart. This is the “secret enemy.” There were many people who wanted to see JFK dead, for a diversity of reasons. For example, there was a radical right wing of American politics in the 1960s, and they did not like his socially liberal policies. Yet in my reading of the chart, the military-industrial complex is the center of the conspiracy to kill him. Who the specific killer was does not matter; the motive does.

The Motive: Operation Northwoods

The Kennedy brothers, Jack and Bobby, were as suspicious of communism and as hateful of Fidel Castro as anyone else in their time. When they took office, however, they presided over a military leadership that was quietly slipping over the edge in its anti-Communist paranoia, much of it focused on Castro. This was a kind of hysteria that doesn’t even come close to our meager fears of terrorism today.

The Joint Chiefs of Staff, the president’s top military advisory council with all branches of the military represented, was determined to conquer Cuba and get rid of Castro. According to the book Body of Secrets, a well-respected history of the National Security Agency (NSA), they proposed an increasingly insane series of plans to start a war with Cuba, which included bombing the Guantanamo Bay Navy base (a kind of adverse possession on the Cuban island, now infamous) and blaming Castro. This whole series of plans was known as Operation Northwoods. (I first covered this topic on Planet Waves in 2002, which you can read here.)

Planet Waves
Fidel Castro was a huge problem during the Kennedy administration, but ultimately the plans of military leaders to start a war with Cuba were so insane — and outright treasonous — the Kennedy brothers refused to even consider them.

According to declassified documents obtained under a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request (as well as classified documents the author was given by mistake) the Joint Chiefs proposed bombing Miami, with the inevitable deaths of U.S. citizens, and then blaming Castro, so they could “sell” the war to the American public. These are known as false-flag events — military actions done by one country and blamed on another, commonly used to start a war (or as Jesse Ventura has suggested, every war).

The chiefs proposed setting up a drone aircraft, disguised as a student exchange charter flight, and having the plane fly over Cuba and then self-destruct, right after issuing a false mayday call, claiming to have seen a Cuban MiG fighter jet right before it was “shot down.” Note, they had drone technology half a century ago. The plan called for having a passenger list of fake American citizens who would have been killed in the non-incident, who would be used to evoke grief and outrage and justify the war. This was planned as a 100% fraudulent, fake, phony, trumped-up excuse to get into a war with a neighboring country, staged at taxpayer expense by the nation’s top military leaders.

And in the most insane, treasonous and absurd plan of all, the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the United States of America proposed to sabotage the historic flight of John Glenn, the first American to orbit the Earth, killing the astronaut and blaming this on the Cubans — all so we could go to war.

The Kennedy brothers, who I remind you hated Castro and lamented “the Cuba problem” as much as anyone else, finally told their military chiefs to bugger off. They recognized these plans as being unconscionable acts of treason, and probable signs of mental illness. (This was parodied by the mentally unhinged General Jack Ripper in Dr. Strangelove, who starts a nuclear war on his own.) The Kennedys told the Joint Chiefs they would be doing nothing of the sort. The next year JFK’s head was blown off. The night his brother won the California primary, he too was shot.

What happened after JFK was killed? Months later, the Vietnam War was started — on the excuse of an Operation Northwoods-like event called the Tonkin Gulf Incident, a staged, minor incident that was used to get permission from Congress to deploy unlimited military resources to Vietnam. A war thus began, and continued clear through the next half century, under a diversity of names: Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Nicaragua, El Salvador, East Timor, Iraq, Afghanistan, Iraq again, the seemingly endless War on Drugs, and numerous covert wars and actions that don’t have names that we know.

Muslims are the new Communists. ‘Al Queda’ is everywhere. Everyone is a potential terrorist. Now, many forces in the U.S. political establishment are pushing for a full-on war with Iran. Grave consequences indeed.

Planet Waves
Pres. Obama signs the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), something that should concern all of us. By my analysis, any president would have signed it, knowing they could wind up dead if they did not. However, the president, post-JFK, knows that it’s his job to do what the military leaders want.

A lot of money has been made on these wars by banks, arms traders, provisions suppliers, technology firms and various contractors — at least as much money as global misery has been created. It was one thing to ask who killed JFK in 1963, or why. It’s another thing at this late stage of the never-ending war, pushed by the military-industrial complex, with the Operation Northwoods papers being used as the apparent playbook.

On Dec. 31, 2011 at 10:03 am in Honolulu — on a Saturday, a holiday and far from Washington — Pres. Obama signed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which expands the battlefield of the War on Terror into the domestic United States, allows American citizens to be considered enemy combatants, and permits the military to arrest and imprison citizens, incarcerating them offshore with no judicial process — things that are both unconstitutional and that violate American political tradition. Yet though this has been widely reported, there has been nearly no protest by the American people against this law, which read realistically, establishes a military dictatorship.

Obama, recognizing the controversy, promised not to use these provisions of the law while he is president. But if it sounds insane, implausible and entirely unnecessary, just remember — Obama has a boss. And it’s not a nice boss. And the American people are not exactly putting up a fuss.

As Chris Hedges — who has in fact resisted NDAA by filing a lawsuit against Obama — wrote, “The uniformity of opinion is reinforced by the skillfully orchestrated mass emotions of nationalism and patriotism, which paints all dissidents as ‘soft’ or ‘unpatriotic’. The ‘patriotic’ citizen, plagued by fear of job losses and possible terrorist attacks, unfailingly supports widespread surveillance and the militarized state. This means no questioning of the $1 trillion in defense-related spending. It means that the military and intelligence agencies are held above government, as if somehow they are not part of government.” (There’s another description of the 12th house in the JFK murder chart — a government above the government.)

Why did Obama sign this? It doesn’t sound very “yes we can” to me. It seems to be all about honoring the wishes of this covert military level of government. One of my readers recently said she has long wondered if they take every new president, sit him down, show them the film of the JFK assassination and ask, “Any questions?”

Remember that when you vote. Remember that when you ever decide to have high expectations of any politician, particularly on the federal level. And if you’re wondering why Democratic presidents have so much in common with Republican presidents, part of the answer can be found in the understanding that they both answer to the same boss.

From One Storm to Another

Speaking of voting, we’re about to have the first-ever presidential election in American history on the day when Mercury stations retrograde. We at Planet Waves have been researching this for a year; here is a fairly comprehensive article on the topic.

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The Casino Pier roller coaster in Seaside Heights, N.J., sits in the ocean after the pier was destroyed by Hurricane Sandy. Photo by: Michael Reynolds.

Mercury stationing retrograde on Election Day looked like the election was going to be disrupted, and it has been. Much of the Northeastern United States is a mess; at presstime, about 72 hours before the main day of voting, millions of people — and many polling places — remain without power. New York City is crippled; many parts of New Jersey are destroyed. There is significant damage and flooding as far west as Ohio.

All of this, and the retrograde hasn’t even begun yet. There is an especially turbulent phase surrounding the station retrograde from Nov. 2 through Nov. 6, when Mercury is moving at its slowest daily motion. This is called the Mercury storm, when Mercury is moving the slowest during the whole retrograde cycle. These are psychologically the most challenging days of the retrograde.

At the center of the storm is Election Day — the final day of voting, and the day that the majority of Americans go to the polls. It’s also the day we’re supposed to learn the winner. This happens under the influence of the retrograde; so too will all of the tallying, legal challenges and recounts.

The only other time Mercury has stationed on the day of a presidential election was when it famously stationed direct Nov. 7, 2000, in the last degree of Libra. That’s when Al Gore got more votes and Cheney and Bush took office, commonly understood to be a stolen election.

What happened in the past does not necessarily predict the future, though this scenario is indeed nerve-wracking. By now every astrology fan or scholar is familiar with the debacles that can happen when Mercury is retrograde — especially right around the station.

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Sea water from New York Harbor floods the Ground Zero construction site, Monday, Oct. 29, in Lower Manhattan. Many subway tunnels were flooded with salt water for the first time as well. Photo by John Minchillo / AP.

In light of this, a storm warning is in order. I cautioned last week about Ohio, the state on which the whole election seems to hinge. There is the potential for wide-scale voter fraud based on the fact of who manufactured and maintains the voting machines in Ohio — all people associated with the Republican party, its candidates or companies held by the Romney family. There are other critical states, but Ohio has this special issue — and by nearly all analyses, Romney needs Ohio to get the most electoral votes.

There are likely to be a diversity of other debacles or SNAFUs associated with the station retrograde; at the least, it will be a cliffhanger of a day, and it’s also possible that the election process may extend for a while. Yet most people will have no idea that the sensation of stress, weirdness and uncertainty is associated with Mercury retrograde.

As I’ve mentioned, Mercury makes a series of squares to Neptune, a caution that the truth will take some focus, effort, time and patience to discern. The effects of this event may blindside many people. There are likely to be issues with vote tallying, news reporting and the certainty of the outcome. The whole election may end up in court, and we may see some strange turns of events, including a few reversals and false endings. Due to Mercury retrograde, any attempt to steal the election may itself fall flat. Due to the Neptune squares, we may never know what actually happened.

What this is going to do is make the election personal. It already is — we have a candidate who wants to dismantle FEMA and make sure that our daughters have no choice but to get abortions in the back of a van, or face potential prosecution for a miscarriage. We have another candidate who, among other things, has signed NDAA into law (though of course, Congress had to pass the law first).

The effects of this election are personal, and so too is the necessity for action. What unfolds may seem like a “mishap” or “strange development” and it may seem plausible as such. Heck, a hurricane seems plausible — though I’ve been warning that this seems like a manipulated weather event. No matter how nefarious things actually are, there will be people who refuse to acknowledge the possibility of intent. Remember that there is no effect without a cause. To see the truth you will need to look deeper than the surface.

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Katrina on the Jersey Shore — Aerial view of the damage caused by Hurricane Sandy to the New Jersey coast, taken during a search-and-rescue mission by the New Jersey Army National Guard. Photo by: Master Sgt. Mark Olsen / US Air Force.

If there is an attempt to steal the presidential election, we will all need to speak up, just like we didn’t in 2000 — and look what happened. The next year was 9/11, followed by two vicious, pointless wars that lasted nearly a decade.

I was appalled at how little spine was shown by both Al Gore and the American public (though Gore may have been given an offer he couldn’t refuse). Quoting George Bush, “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, won’t get fooled again.” If we are ‘fooled’ again, this one is on our karmic tab. If we give up our freedoms, and our right to participate in the political process, we now do so freely, with full knowledge, and to our own peril.

What exactly can you do? The first thing is vote, though that’s just one small gesture of sincerity, and one that will give you an emotional investment in the process. Second, we need you to pay attention to what you see and hear, in physical reality as well as in the media.

Here are a few suggestions, if you’re willing to help out. First, listen to a diversity of news sources — your old standbys, and some different ones. Listen to how the story morphs and evolves. Listen for details, and conflicts in the facts — then document them.

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Former punk rocker and free speech advocate Jello Biafra.

Learn how to make screen grabs and actually make a visual copy of anything that seems interesting, as well as copying the text and recording the URL. Keep these things together. Pick an issue or two and focus on that, tracking the story day by day.

Listen for conflicts, note the things that seem odd or unusual, or situations that seem explained away, and anything else that your intuition says is potentially significant or strange. Observe how you feel through the whole process of doing this — which you may need to do for days or weeks. Then use your blog, your social networking tools, your email and in-person conversations to express to others what you’re noticing, in real time. You’re invited to send your information to me — we will make good use of it in our coverage.

I hope I am wrong, and that this election goes smoothly. Then we can invest our energy in actually taking care of society and influencing politicians to do the right thing — which they will rarely do, unless held to their commitment and their solemn oath. If you don’t want them answering to the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the only alternative is that they answer to us. This may sound idealistic, but really — is it so far fetched? And do we really have an alternative?

If the election turns out to be a huge mess, it’s not all a ‘bad thing’ — we will have a positively awesome opportunity to learn, to get involved and to take ownership of the process, even if in small ways.
As Jello Biafra has suggested many times, we must become the media. We now have the means to do so.

Dwight Eisenhower once said: “Politics ought to be the part-time profession of every citizen who would protect the rights and privileges of free people and who would preserve what is good and fruitful in our national heritage.”

He knew what he was talking about.


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Planet Waves


Planet Waves

Sensitive Moon, and Mercury Stations Retrograde

The Moon is currently in Gemini, and ingresses Cancer Saturday at 3:43 am EDT. Through the day Saturday the sensitive Cancer Moon will take a ride through the Uranus-Pluto square, the 2012 aspect, first making a square to Uranus and then an opposition to Pluto.

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This is actually a first quarter Moon, however, the last quarter is Tuesday, Nov. 6, at 8:35 pm EDT — the same day that Mercury stations retrograde. Photo by Anthony Ayiomamitis.

Venus is also on the cardinal cross, in Libra, making an opposition to Uranus and a square to Pluto. So this hints at a deep and emotional weekend, with two planets associated with sensitivity, receptivity and feeling in aspect to the outer planets. There are a few ways to look at this, one of which is that we need to bring our emotional bodies out of the past and into the present.

Yet the aspects to Pluto suggest that this will involve addressing deep feelings of isolation. There is a moment Saturday evening when the Moon, Venus and Pluto align in aspect that looks like it’s craving nurturing, compassion and companionship — and could represent an emotional breakthrough about why these things often seem so difficult to attain. Many, many forces of our culture serve to push people into isolation, even when we’re surrounded by others.

In the same aspect pattern, the Moon’s conjunction to Ceres in Cancer, as well as its trines to Neptune and Chiron in Pisces (all on Saturday), describe how it’s possible to open up emotionally rather than feeling like it’s necessary to shut down. While Moon square Venus can describe a feeling of craving contact, or resisting contact when it’s offered, the trines to the Pisces planets open up the flow of feelings.

Moon-Ceres offers an image of offering, sharing and inclusion, and the trines to Neptune and Chiron say that this is possible. Remember that we live in a society that is based on division, exclusion and supposed individuality, and many in places we are forgetting how to share, express empathy or draw others into our space.

The Moon ingresses Leo Monday at 3:39 pm EDT, and soon after makes a square to Saturn in Scorpio — an aspect that looks like a push against any remaining stuck emotional energy, and suggests being serious and focused in business.

Then on Tuesday, Mercury stations retrograde in Sagittarius at 7:03 pm EDT, just as the polls close in many Eastern states. The Mercury storm is from Friday through Nov. 6, when Mercury is moving at its slowest daily motion. We’ve covered the influence on the election a few times.

On the personal level, Mercury is stationing retrograde in Sagittarius while Mars is there. This looks like Mercury changing directions is questioning the extreme beliefs of Mars. There’s quite a bit of re-evaluation, and consideration of what is true, in this retrograde cycle, as it includes a series of three squares to Neptune. Mercury is suggesting that you figure out what you really think in layers, and to assemble the pieces. If something comes comes in one nifty package, it’s probably not the truth you’re seeking.


Planet Waves

In Storm’s Wake, Prominent Conservatives Praise Obama

Many have been questioning the effect of Hurricane Sandy on the presidential race. As the storm took over the news, Mitt Romney and his running mate Paul Ryan disappeared from view, and Obama emerged visibly, merely due to his job responsibilities.

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Obama with New Jersey’s governor Chris Christie on Wednesday.

New Jersey’s Governor Chris Christie, who was the keynote speaker at the Republican National Convention this summer, had nothing but praise for Obama this week, when the president came to New Jersey to tour the devastation. Christie, obviously exhausted, gave the impression that Obama was a sight for sore eyes.

“I cannot thank the president enough for his personal concern and his compassion,” said Christie, after the two men completed their helicopter tour of the New Jersey coastline. Christie said the affected areas needed clean drinking water, restored power, and children back in school. “I discussed all of those issues today with the president and I’m pleased to report that he has sprung into action immediately to help get us those things while we were in the car riding together.”

Christie’s comments are a slap in the face to Romney; in addition, the New Jersey governor, who has been one of Romney’s most important surrogates in this election, said he was “not interested” in touring the destroyed parts of his state with the Republican candidate. This is a significant political move on Christie’s part because he’s either assuming that Romney will not take office, or he’s willing to take the punishment if Romney does become president.

Thursday, Michael Bloomberg, the mayor of New York City, offered his endorsement of Obama, after saying earlier in the year that he would not endorse for the presidential race. Bloomberg, a former Democrat and Republican and now an independent, mainly praised Obama for dealing with climate change as a real issue. He made his comments after significant damage was caused by the storm to Manhattan, Queens and Staten Island.

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Colin Powell endorses Obama on CBS This Morning. Well, not this morning — one morning last week.

“The devastation that Hurricane Sandy brought to New York City and much of the Northeast — in lost lives, lost homes and lost business — brought the stakes of next Tuesday’s presidential election into sharp relief,” Mr. Bloomberg wrote in an editorial for Bloomberg View.

“Our climate is changing,” he wrote. “And while the increase in extreme weather we have experienced in New York City and around the world may or may not be the result of it, the risk that it may be — given the devastation it is wreaking — should be enough to compel all elected leaders to take immediate action.”

And last week, one of the country’s most respected Republicans, former Secretary of State Colin Powell, endorsed Obama on CBS News, speaking with Charlie Rose and Norah O’Donnell:

“When took over, the country was in very, very difficult straits. We were in one of the worst recessions we had seen in recent times, close to a depression. The fiscal system was collapsing. Wall Street was in chaos, we had 800,000 jobs lost in that first month of the Obama administration and unemployment peaked a few months later at 10 percent. So we were in real trouble. The auto industry was collapsing, the housing market was start[ing] to collapse and we were in very difficult straits. And I saw over the next several years, stabilization come back in the financial community, housing is now starting to pick up after four years, it’s starting to pick up. Consumer confidence is rising.”


Planet Waves

Only a Few More Days… If Things Go Well

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Abigael Evans making her plea. Video still from

Burned out on election campaign coverage? Four-year-old Abigael Evans is so emotionally done with the whole circus that a recent NPR report on “Bronco Bama” and Romney had her in tears in a video posted by her mom.

In an apology to Abigael, NPR’s Mark Memmott wrote, “We must confess, the campaign’s gone on long enough for us, too. Let’s just keep telling ourselves: ‘Only a few more days, only a few more days, only a few more days’.”

Good thing no one told her about Mercury’s station retrograde on Nov. 6, or even Sesame Street‘s Elmo might have a hard time tickling her into a good mood, since coverage of whatever transpires on Tuesday will likely be in the news a while longer.


Planet Waves

Global Warming, Nuclear Power and Sandy

The connection between Hurricane Sandy and global warming has been conspicuously absent on most mainstream cable news programs for most of this week, though alt-media outlets such as Democracy Now! (which has been broadcasting from other parts of the country while its stations are without power in Manhattan) were calling the tune before the storm even made landfall in the U.S.

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You can see a larger version of this cover here.

But the brashest, most in-your-face coverage has come from Bloomberg Businessweek (owned by New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg). The magazine’s red cover features a flooded New York street and the headline, “IT’S GLOBAL WARMING, STUPID,” in bold, underlined all-caps.

“Our cover story this week may generate controversy, but only among the stupid,” tweeted Bloomberg Businessweek editor Josh Tyrangiel.

Similarly ignored has been the potential threat from compromised nuclear reactors. Though several news outlets have reported on the shut-downs of several nuclear plants in Sandy’s path, there has been virtually no media conversation about what happens when a ‘superstorm’ (or earthquake, or what-have-you) compromises the ability to keep reactors and stored nuclear waste cool and contained. Have we all forgotten Fukushima already?

“The storm also forced three nuclear reactors offline: Nine Mile Point unit 1 near Syracuse, New York; Indian Point unit 3 just north of New York City; and the Salem plant’s unit 1 on the Delaware River in New Jersey. Meanwhile, officials declared an alert at Oyster Creek in New Jersey,” reported Amy Goodman on Democracy Now! Wednesday. Just as the inability of New York City’s infrastructure to handle a storm surge was just a matter of time — and was no secret — so too may be our inability to handle damage to nuclear reactors in the U.S.


Planet Waves

Looking for a (Friend/Lover/LTR/Playmate) for the End of the World

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Image: Buzzfeed via Ok Cupid.

There’s just something about natural disasters that seems to bring out people’s neighborly urges — especially if one’s neighbor is hot and single. Or maybe it’s our post-modern apocalyptic obsession getting the better of our biology, spurring our desire to save the species from annihilation with some good, old-fashioned procreation? Of course, some girls (and guys) just wanna have fun — in which case any excuse is a good excuse. Buzzfeed has compiled a list of 18 last-minute personal ads posted in search of love (or just a little sexy fun) in the New York area as Hurricane Sandy set to raging. Most of them are written by men, but don’t be fooled; people of both genders get bright-eyed and bushy-tailed in these situations (though apparently less-severe storms lead to more babies). Anyone care to start a betting pool on how big the mini-baby boom will be in about 9 months — and how many of the babies will be named “Sandy?”


Planet Waves

Hindsight and Tunnel Vision(s)

Is disaster hindsight most frustrating when it points to something that could have been done, or rather to a perfect preventative measure that was impossible to implement? In January, the Department of Homeland Security successfully tested a huge inflatable plug designed to hold back pressurized water in transit tunnels, still in development for use in protection from terrorist attacks.

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Tunnel plug fully inflated. You can watch a video of its inflation in a test tunnel with water here. Photo: West Virginia University.

Project managers say the plug has another reliability test scheduled for next week, but is still two years from full manufacturing and marketing to highway and transit authorities. The DHS development team told CNN the plugs — which must be custom-fit to individual tunnels — could have prevented flooding in many of the tunnels under the East River, but not in porous subway tunnels and other infrastructure.

“There are lots of solutions that become obvious following a disaster of some type,” said terrorism expert Brian Jenkins, director of the National Transportation Security Center at the Mineta Transportation Institute in San Jose, California, in response to being asked whether DHS should have moved faster on this project.

“To a certain extent, security is almost always reactive, because it’s hard to justify the costs of deploying technology for things that have not occurred. And once they do occur, it’s almost impossible to resist spending the money on the technology to prevent a reoccurrence.” He added, “That’s the axiom. It’s a sad one, but that’s the reality.”

Well, it’s reality as he’s claiming it to be — but we don’t know what’s in his files. We don’t know what these guys are sending to one another in their encrypted memos. That would be the reality.


Planet Waves

Sandy Rains Cyber Tricks, Not Treats

As if the astrology for Hurricane Sandy were not enough to raise questions about reality, intent and cause and effect, some people are using the wonders of technology and the Internet to mess with our understanding of just what happened this week. If you play on Facebook, there’s a good chance you’ve been duped by one of the fake photos of the storm and its aftermath that popped up almost instantly (including one just before the storm hit).

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Some fake Sandy photo creators can’t be bothered with trying to fool anyone.

Websites including The Atlantic and others are sorting the real from the fake. And note, there are different kinds of fake: real photos actually taken elsewhere at another date; actual photos taken of New York or New Jersey at a previous date; completely fictional images or Photoshopped montages (such as a still from a feature film); and images that combine two or more of the above.

Even more insidious were the actions of Shashank Tripathi, a hedge fund analyst and campaign manager for a Republican candidate for Congress. Tripathi, under the username “ComfortablySmug,” began tweeting flat-out lies about the storm’s impact and officials’ responses while Sandy was still raging.

Amidst the chaos and fear, many of these rumors were unwittingly spread by Twitter and Facebook users (two more than 500 times). Some even got picked up by major news outlets and reported, including by CNN. Among the lies: that the New York Stock Exchange was flooded; Con Edison shutting down all the power in Manhattan; and that Governor Cuomo was trapped in Manhattan. Tripathi has since posted an apology and says he takes responsibility for his actions. He has resigned from his position as campaign manager for Republican Christopher Wight.

“The Manhattan DA is taking this very seriously,” said New York City Councilman Peter Vallone, a Democrat, who suggests that Tripathi’s tweets were akin to shouting “Fire!” in a crowded theater. “I hope the fact that I’m asking for criminal charges to be seriously considered will make him much less comfortable and much less smug.”


Planet Waves

Planet Waves
Disaster Rescue — for ProfitWe were wondering what it would be like if Mitt Romney’s plan to privatize FEMA were put into action. FEMA is the federal agency that paddles out to get you if you’re stranded on your roof. There are never any specifics in Romney ‘plans’, so we decided to speculate. How would you turn FEMA into a private, for-profit institution? Everyone would be required to purchase rescue vouchers prior to a disaster. When private rescuers arrive, you would need to present your voucher, or you would be left behind. Rescue voucher by Sarah Bissonette-Adler.


Planet Waves

Hurricane Sandy: What Exactly Happened?

In a series of three Planet Waves FM webcasts this week, I covered the impact of Hurricane Sandy, looked at the chart and inquired whether this was an event manipulated by scientific means. The first was a special Taurus Full Moon edition of Planet Waves FM, broadcast Monday during Hurricane Sandy.

The second was the regularly scheduled edition, posted Tuesday night. Later that evening I participated in a Nightlight Astrology teleconference. In my segment of the discussion, which you can listen to here, I covered the astrology of Sandy making landfall, as well as some gender issues associated with the election.

Below is the chart for Hurricane Sandy making landfall, and if you’re one of those minor planet freaks, here is the list, courtesy of Tracy@Serennu.

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Hurricane Sandy makes landfall. I cover this chart in the edition of PW FM.


Planet Waves

Your Monthly Horoscopes — and our Publishing Schedule Notes

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscopes provide a broader perspective that surveys the themes of the coming month and often, weeks that follow. Inner Space for November was published Tuesday, Oct. 30.

The November Monthly Horoscope was published Friday, Oct. 26. I recommend reviewing the monthly horoscope at the end of the month. The October Moonshine Horoscope was published Tuesday, Oct. 16. Please note that the longer monthly horoscope is being incorporated into the Friday issue after the Sun has entered a new sign; Inner Space still publishes on Tuesdays.



Planet Waves

 Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Nov. 2, 2012 #924 | By Eric Francis

Scorpio Birthdays This Week

If you were born with a birthday anywhere in the vicinity, or if you have Scorpio rising, this is the year that you learn the importance of integrity when it comes to money. You will need to sift through the subtle ways you deceive yourself about your finances, part of which includes the issue of making sure that you spend your money in ways that align with your values. Yet to do this, you will have to investigate what those values are. You may be mixed up in the affairs, ideas or theories of someone else — including in the form of a relationship or partnership. This raises another issue: what is the role of money in your relationships? How does it influence the balance of power? Take some time, use your awareness and you will make some real discoveries, and maybe even some real decisions. Note to Scorpios — your birthday reading is almost ready. I will have it by later this afternoon. We will send out an announcement, so check your email. You can also check our main blog and the Planet Waves Facebook pages.

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — What is someone close to you going through? More than you may imagine. And this may be more than you want to address if somehow your actions are being associated with any problems or instability that someone close to you is facing. Your actual level of responsibility remains an open question, so rather than coming to conclusions I suggest you check back over the past few days (or longer) and investigate the ways you might be accountable. Take responsibility for what you know is yours, which includes making different choices. That’s both a gesture of integrity and of goodwill. However, this situation goes deeper; there are other influences, some of them involving pain from old psychological scars. It may take someone you care about some time to identify the cause of their pain; the best way you can support that process is by not seeking attention, not offering ‘spiritual solutions’, and generally keeping your suggestions to yourself. Instead, pay attention to what is going on for you. Investigate your own past — there is likely to be a parallel situation in your own life, and you will benefit from taking care of it.

Hello Aries — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). If you would like to hear your Aries birthday reading, please visit this link.


Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — You may feel like you’re caught in something much larger than you are, dealing with forces more powerful than yourself — and with no obvious way out. Take this as an opportunity to figure out just where your true strength is seated: that would be in your initial choice to respond, and specifically how you respond. If you have faith in your ability to make decisions, and if you remain open-minded enough to do so, you will feel stronger and learn a constructive life lesson. There is an idea you’re being challenged to dismantle: that you are subject to life, rather than being a participant in it. I suggest that you proceed through this experience consciously, and slowly, not making snap judgments or saying anything that you cannot take back. You’re not being asked to break a commitment, but rather to evaluate it carefully — in particular, to see whether it supports your growth and is expressive of your true values. There is a denial factor you’re working through; this may involve an exception to a rule that you now have a valuable opportunity to reconsider.

Hello Taurus — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). If you would like to hear your Taurus birthday reading, please visit this link.


Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — There’s no predicting the way a partnership matter will turn out in the end, though one thing is clear. It will take some focus to sort out the truth. As well, you will have to use scrupulous honesty to sort out your own involvement, and to assess the accuracy of your perceptions. Until you do that — and it may take weeks, rather than hours or days — I suggest that you refrain from saying or doing anything that might complicate the situation. Now is the time to pull back and observe, and most of all, observe yourself. You may believe that others are presenting you with an uneven playing field or a moving goal post. Yet it seems to be you who must focus your real objectives, desires and needs, and be realistic about whether your current circumstances can provide you with anything that might fulfill them. For a while, I suggest you consider anything you might say about someone else to be true for you. That will have the gradual effect of ensuring that you will say less, and that when you do, you will speak carefully, clearly and with a true measure of objectivity.

Hello Gemini — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). Have you listened to your birthday reading? Click here for an hour of astrology plus a tarot reading by Eric.


Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Humans excel at keeping secrets from themselves; this is called denial. At the moment, all sorts of alarm bells may be going off, cautioning you to affirm your truth rather than ignore or minimize it. You will hear them if you are listening. They may manifest as fear, insecurity or even as panic episodes. You may also be speaking to yourself in physical symptoms (potentially relating to your lungs or thighs), or a sense of nervous restlessness. Any of this might be easy enough to push back under the surface of consciousness, though instead of doing that, I suggest you listen to what your mind and body may be saying to you. Stuffing the messages down will not help, while letting them out may be challenging or even painful at first — and then come with a great sense of relief. There seems to be some emotional issue that you’re struggling to face, but which is looming on the horizon as some destination you will inevitably reach. It’s not as bad as you think — and in truth, the actual confrontation is with yourself, not anyone else.

Hello Cancer — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). To hear your birthday reading for the year ahead, please visit this link.


Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — You may be regretting a chance you took, particularly on an investment or some form of speculation, but I don’t suggest you judge too quickly. The effect in the end may not be the one you were planning, though you don’t yet know how it will work out. Just because you may be having regrets doesn’t mean that you were wrong, or that the effect will be negative. Any doubts you may be having are not an indication of an actual problem, though they may be an investigation to go back over your thinking and check for errors in the paperwork, a little like a proofreader or auditor. Make sure you collect your documentation and have a clear sense of where you stand before you call attention to any potential concerns. The planetary setup looks as if a creative opportunity will come from this process, though you will need to give it time and patience and not be guided by an emotional reaction. The less fear you allow to influence you, the more your creative mind can have its way with your situation.

Hello Leo — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). To hear your birthday reading for the year ahead, please visit this link.


Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — You may be figuring out that you now have to focus on one goal, and hold yourself to it firmly. You may also be figuring out that any struggle to do that has been emotional rather than pragmatic. You have the knowledge, skills and experience you need; that’s not an issue. Your crisis of confidence is clearly the thing to pay attention to, and this is an emotional situation. Actually, it’s likely to be your psyche calling attention to a condition that has been responsible for bouts with instability over the years, and which it’s now time to outgrow. If you make a list of all the times your emotions influenced your thought process, causing you to overreact, withdraw trust or even turn on someone you care about, you will see what I am talking about. You can look at this as an emotional habit that it’s now time to work through. This won’t happen overnight, though you can go a long way by coming to terms with an opinion or orientation on relationships that would not stand the test of truth. You may be facing in its direction right now, and you’ll see it if you open your eyes.

Hello Virgo — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). To hear your birthday reading for the year ahead, please visit this link.

Planet Waves



Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — If you’re the master of yourself, you will be able to negotiate and navigate your way through an interesting maze over the next week or so. Indeed, the situation seems like the perfect setup for you to rise to the occasion and demonstrate your self-confidence and faith in yourself. I suggest you worry less about how you are perceived and instead focus on bringing your true self into your encounters with others: that is, no facade, no masks, no white lies — and at the same time, be realistic about who others are. Guide yourself to treat others in kind, as they treat you, and appreciate these opportunities for a sincere exchange with unusual people. You have an opportunity to get to know yourself, and to be confident in the person who you normally keep a few layers in and who wants more than anything to be expressed in the world. Conducting yourself this way can come with moments of loneliness or isolation, though if you encounter them with an open heart, you will move through them into a space of clarity, strength and passion.

Hello Libra — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). To hear your birthday reading for the year ahead, please visit this link .


Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — You may feel like some big change is imminent, and very likely, you are correct. You can think of this as a test of your flexibility and resilience. By now you know the ways that you tend to get rigid, especially on the emotional level of your consciousness. However, your methods of trying to contain, control and suppress your feelings are getting old, and it’s time to question your motive for trying to do so. The more you’re able to flex, the better you will be able to make the transition you are by now facing. Meanwhile, you need to be extremely conscious with money — and that means honest. Look at self-serving tendencies with a skeptical eye; it’s not the virtue that it’s sometimes made out to be, and I suggest you be especially mindful if you find yourself rationalizing anything or diving into spendthrift tendencies. Your money has to be a spokesman for who you are and what you value. Consider every transaction a vote in support of what you want to create for yourself.

Hello Scorpio — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).


Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Events over the next week or two will give you the opportunity to experience the world from the viewpoint of someone else, which is rare indeed, particularly for you. Too often you assume you know what others are thinking or feeling, when your perspective could easily be motivated by convenience. What you observe will have the power to change your mind, which you’re capable of doing, though at the same time you may be clinging to a certain position or opinion as if your life depended upon it. Actually, your happiness depends on seeing that there are alternatives. One thing you’re good at doing is having a sense that you live in the wide world — though this will either inspire you to feel extremely powerful or deeply insignificant. I won’t even say that the truth is somewhere in between; neither of these are useful points of view. People close to you have feelings, and some have deep feelings — a fact that can sometimes make you pretty nervous. Embrace this truth, and you will find yourself experiencing less alienation and more harmony.

Hello Sagittarius — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).


Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Beware of ambition — or any tactics that might indicate you’re driven by any motives that might lead you to suspend your ethics. We live in a time when it’s popular and even accepted that people will throw their conscience to the four winds if that’s what it takes to win the game. You are now walking a razor’s edge where you must emphasize fairness and sincerity as your first responsibility, particularly if you’re in a position of leadership. Neither is this the time to kiss the ass of anyone in authority. It’s time to align your choices and your actions with what you really value. Any attempt to put image over substance could backfire. Therefore, devote yourself to quality, to sincerity and let your actions speak louder than your words. Pay attention and you will notice that your inner world is calling you more loudly than your desire for outer success, and if you attend to this seemingly subtle level of awareness, and stay clear and in alignment with yourself, you will not have to worry about succeeding in the world.

Hello Capricorn — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).


Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — You may be finding it difficult to shine when you’re standing in someone’s shadow, yet the shadow may represent a figure from the past. Who might that be? Is it an idea about, or a memory of, one of your parents? Is it the fear that some authority might be imposed on you if you step out into the light? That would indeed be a shadow fear — and it may be the core of the matter. What would happen if you stepped into a position where you were actually visible, and fully responsible for your actions? This is what it’s like to be in an actual position of authority, and it’s why most people prefer to avoid that position. In exchange for this, they also get to have others in positions of authority or very strong influence over their lives, often feeling less powerful than nearly everyone. The time has arrived for you to confront all such feelings. You’ve reached a point of enforced growth where you must be your own most persuasive authority. Much of doing this involves addressing some longstanding issues within your own psychology — and now you can.

Hello Aquarius — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).


Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Take advantage of a challenge or tricky situation at work — something that seems like a disadvantage, uncertainty or problem — and use it to pivot the flow of events in a direction that works for you. To do this you may have to use some of your Pisces skill at walking through walls and penetrating various psychic barriers, though I suggest you persist. You can choose how visible or invisible you need to be for any circumstance; this is the time to bring any and all of your talents to bear, in a time when others may be struggling to have any sense of direction at all. Keep your sense of mission and your sense of humor and this will be easier and more fun. I also suggest you remember this. You may feel as if you have a message of some kind to deliver. But this is not anything separate from you; you are the message, and I suggest you embody this fact fully, with every cell in your being. This is not a time for abstractions; it’s time to live in the moment, know your goal and get the job done brilliantly.

Hello Pisces — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).


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The Morning After Sandy — Eyes on the Election

Cousins, Clients, Fellow Critters —

Planet Waves

Greetings from Kingston. We have weathered the storm and as of a little while ago all of our servers are back up and running. Good thing for miracles. Today we’ve got your regularly scheduled Inner Space horoscope for you.

That said, would you please help us out with some election-related coverage? If you’re anywhere in one of the affected states, would you please keep an eye on any news relating to the presidential election, or local elections, in your state? Please send it to:

Nothing is too trivial. I am interested in what you think, what your neighbors told you, and anything vaguely interesting that you see on the Internet or in the local press. We’re also interested in unusual weather patterns over the past week, wherever you are in the world. This kind of networking is how we found out about the thunderstorm in Dubai yesterday.

Note, I have done a special edition of Planet Waves FM that covers the chart for Sandy making landfall. It’s quite the chart, and I will have more to say about it through the week and in Friday’s edition. Here is the version with the chart on the Planet Waves blog.

Stay in touch!

With love,

…and our intrepid crew at Planet Waves


Inner Space Horoscope for November 2012

Dear Friend and Reader:

This month opens up a new mini-era of astrology, characterized by three super-interesting and potentially world-changing events. The first is that Mercury stations retrograde on Election Day — the first time it’s ever done so on the day of a presidential election. Mercury will be retrograde from Nov. 6 through Nov. 26. Next is a total solar eclipse in Scorpio on Nov. 13. That’s new, at least going back nine or so years. All eclipses are moments of celestial speedup. This event will stir up all kinds of deep, inner secrets, desires and emotions. Take the ride with awareness. Finally, there is a Mars-Pluto conjunction timed with the Gemini Full Moon of Nov. 28. This is quite a combination; you may find yourself saying to others things you never, ever dreamed you would say.



Planet Waves

Your Monthly Horoscopes — and our Publishing Schedule Notes

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscopes provide a broader perspective that surveys the themes of the coming month and often, weeks that follow. Inner Space for November is published in this issue. The November Monthly Horoscope was published Friday, Oct. 26. I recommend reviewing the monthly horoscope at the end of the month. Inner Space for October was published Tuesday, Oct. 2. The October Moonshine Horoscope was published Tuesday, Oct. 16. Please note that the longer monthly horoscope is being incorporated into the Friday issue after the Sun has entered a new sign; Inner Space still publishes on Tuesdays.


Planet Waves

Planet Waves Inner Space Horoscope for November 2012 | By Eric Francis

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — It’s been written that a clever person learns from his or her own mistakes, and that a truly wise person learns from the mistakes of others. You need to do both. You also need to learn from your successes, though to do that, you’re going to need to remember what they are. A beneficial exercise would be to bear in mind everything that you said you wouldn’t do again, and notice when you’re going in that direction. You’re approaching the point of a key decision that you could reverse; however, you will carry this one forward. Yet before you get there, you will get a series of ‘advisories’ from within yourself, and from your environment. Pay attention; this will be useful information in advance, though not in retrospect.

Hello Aries — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). If you would like to hear your Aries birthday reading, please visit this link.


Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — You may feel that the circumstances of a relationship are now decidedly outside of your control, though if that’s true, I suggest that you pay close attention the ways you really do have influence over your life. The most significant of these is to make decisions, in a conscious and ongoing way. To make decisions, you need a basis for doing so, and that basis would be: does this help me, or does it hurt me? If you see things in such elemental terms, it will be easier to decide. If you notice that something both helps and hurts you, it would count for the latter — since what is helpful is actually helpful, doing no damage at all. Confusion around this is precisely the trouble that so many people struggle with. You don’t have to.

Hello Taurus — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). If you would like to hear your Taurus birthday reading, please visit this link.


Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Before you declare a crisis or go into survival mode, consider the various factors of your situation carefully. You need to do this from four points of view, in order to get the whole story. The things to consider the most carefully are your goals — that is, what you want. If you persist with that, you’re likely to discover that these are more specific than you thought at first. Putting them into language and perhaps documenting some as sketches or photos will demonstrate that. Before you go into survival mode, consider how well you’ve survived up until now. That’s an indication that you need a lot higher, more interesting and in sum, more beautiful goal than merely keepin’ on keepin’ on.

Hello Gemini — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). Have you listened to your birthday reading? Click here for an hour of astrology plus a tarot reading by Eric.


Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Who do you say you love, and why? I suggest for a while, you put a moratorium on the use of that word, since it may be at the root of the biggest misunderstanding in human history. Rather, stick to trust, and make sure you have a tangible basis for that notion. Once someone violates your trust, even a little, it’s time for a discussion and for reconsideration. In that discussion, it’s essential that you listen, then speak your truth, and then listen again — in that order. While you’re at it, listen to yourself, and make any decision you make mostly on the basis of what you have said rather than what anyone else has said. You know your own truth, and it’s time you listened.

Hello Cancer — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). To hear your birthday reading for the year ahead, please visit this link.


Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — This is one of the most significant times of your life for putting down roots, going deep into your feelings and making peace with the past. Yes, all of the above in one series of events, which has been underway for a month or so already. The transits you experience this month are not a passing phase or trend. They’re what I call threshold events, which take you from one place to another. You may be feeling like you’re living with an unusual sense of vulnerability and transparency (even by your standards). It’s clear that you’re likely to encounter certain feelings or facts from your past that are not pleasant, but these moments present an opportunity to be vividly clear with yourself about who you are and what you want — and the emotional pitch you want to set for your family.

Hello Leo — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). To hear your birthday reading for the year ahead, please visit this link.


Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — The best thing you can do is figure out the way your emotions are influencing your mind, and until you do that, avoid making important decisions. I suggest you focus on small decisions, to get the hang of making them, in what may seem like a new and unreliable psychic environment. Imagine you’re having a dream, but you’re not sure that you’re really dreaming. You decide to do a series of tests to see whether various actions you take get a predictable result. As you ride the aspects of the next month, including Mercury retrograde touching some of the most sensitive angles of your chart, keep doing those little tests of what is true for you. If you proceed with caution, listen carefully and refrain from pushing yourself, you’ll learn everything you need to make a series of brilliant decisions in the near future.

Hello Virgo — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). Did you miss your birthday reading? Use this link to order an hour of astrology plus a tarot reading by Eric.


Planet Waves



Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Questions about the ways you value yourself, and express that value to yourself, are about to reach a new depth. If you haven’t read one of my self-esteem rants (or even if you have), I will state again that this is the biggest problem on the planet, and you’re now in a position to address that problem in a constructive way. You may have one of those moments (or a series of them) where you think: good gods, what would I have done, if only I placed a higher value on myself? If I respected myself more? I have news for you: there is still time. Opportunities to treat yourself correctly abound, and in truth, this is a journey you’ve already committed to. As a starting point, just make sure that you choose people who treat you with love and respect.

Hello Libra — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). To hear your birthday reading for the year ahead, please visit this link .


Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — This is the month when you finally get clear about what you think, and how you think — and discover that the only logical step is to do something about it. There are several connection points that I can describe clearly. One is connecting with your passion. Your charts are all about drive, which seems to shift one day from something abstract (spiritual comes to mind) to something more like four-wheel-drive. You are the driver, and you are sitting on considerable power. Yet to make the best use of it, you must blend it with equal parts pleasure, and regard for the greatest good for all concerned. When in doubt, that must be your default position; you’re now involved in something that’s a lot bigger than you are, and you must remember that.

Hello Scorpio — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).


Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — How far do you want to go, and how fast? You seem to be going at the speed of sound, at least, though traveling faster than someone’s voice can carry makes it difficult for information to catch up with you. You also seem committed to a certain point of view, though you can be sure this viewpoint could use verification, particularly given the recent discovery that you were either deceived about something, or deceiving yourself. You’re trying to figure out whether this was a misunderstanding of some kind, which is part of the fog that has rolled in lately. I suggest you be more attentive to your own motives and ‘subconscious’ choices, because you’re responsible for them in any event.

Hello Sagittarius — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).


Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Are you learning from your mistakes? That’s probably the most relevant question anyone can ask themselves, on our particular planet. (On other planets where creativity is emphasized over survival, it’s a less pressing issue — but we have a lot of learning to do here.) I suggest you start with the mistake you seem to make the most often. I have a hint that it involves who you choose to love, and moreover, why you choose to love them. The aspect of ‘why’ is more significant than ‘who’, since the ‘who’ changes but the ‘why’ does not — or at lest, not lately. Basically what it looks like you’re doing is taking your deepest doubts about yourself and dramatizing them in a relationship. These doubts could have better use, for example, in a healing context.

Hello Capricorn — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).


Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — What you may have said recently about your talents or professional abilities may be coming home to roost. It’s essential that you tidy up the loose ends on anything that might not have been fully true, particularly regarding a goal that you expressed without fully thinking it through. You may, however, feel that doing so would compromise your authority in some way. In fact, the veracity of your words, stated intentions and their alignment with your emotions is the very basis of your authority. You are in a phase of your life where there is absolutely no wiggle room for the truth, as in none at all. Something is either true or it’s not, and you need a high standard.

Hello Aquarius — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).


Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — You seem to be working out a paradox between who you are professionally and who you are ‘as a person’. The solution to the paradox is that you’re the same in any case. This shifts the question to why you feel like there is, or should be, a difference — which is a different topic. If you proceed from the basis of sameness, the way forward will be a lot more obvious. Also, you seem poised to connect with the passion that is behind the choices you make, particularly regarding what to pursue as a goal. Though you may go through a few possibilities before figuring this out, in fact you are driven by the desire to help others, though that has a few layers of motivation as well. As long as you keep asking sincere questions, you will not be deceived.

Hello Pisces — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).


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Ohio (or: the Election Gets Personal)

Dear Friend and Reader:

We keep hearing that the election may hinge on the results of one state — Ohio. There are several close states, but for a number of reasons, Ohio stands out.

Planet Waves
On the Electoral College campus / L.M. Glackens. From the Library of Congress. This is a joke; there is no campus and the college never meets as a group. But it picks the president.

FiveThirtyEight, a blog project of The New York Times, has been running computer simulations of the many permutations of what might happen during the presidential election — specifically within the Electoral College, which it covers as its primary focus. (There are 538 votes in the Electoral College.)

Earlier this week, they ran 40,000 different combinations of scenarios based on the latest poll results, and half the time, the results in Ohio picked the winner.

Right on the other side of all the stagecraft and the debates, the billions spent on the campaigns, the 24-hour cable news analysis or outright fictionalizing, is an often-overlooked fact.

Beyond the battle over reduced polling times, voter roll purges and other attempts to block participation in the election is the reality that the United States has a representative, or indirect, electoral system, in which the loser of the popular vote can win or ‘win’ the presidency.
That’s what happened in 2000 (when Bush lost the popular vote and took office), and what nearly happened in 1968 (when Nixon won the his first presidential election by just half a million votes, and the Electoral College was nearly abolished as a result).

In the Electoral College game, some states are more meaningful than others — particularly the ones where the polls show the state could go either way (sometimes called a battleground state, a swing state or an undecided state). You’re probably getting sick of hearing about Ohio as being one of these. There are scenarios wherein a candidate can lose Ohio and win the electoral vote, but Ohio does seem key (especially for modern Republicans, who always win Ohio when they win the presidency), and I want to start this week by offering three reasons to pay extra attention to what happens there.

First, there are two different voting machine scandals that come back to Ohio, one involving a company that the Romney family essentially owns (through a series of subsidiaries), and the other involving an Ohio-based company called Diebold.

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Your stuff is safe with us! One of Diebold’s original products.

Voting Machine Scandal One involves a Romney-held private equity fund called Solamere, which invests in H.I.G. Capital, which in turn invests in Hart Intercivic, the nation’s third largest voting machine manufacturer. (This is the electoral equivalent of the expression, “Freedom of the press belongs to those whose subsidiaries have one.”)

Numerous Solamere/H.I.G. staff are represented on the Romney campaign, including its two top finance people. Hart Intercivic machines are used in two Ohio counties — one of which includes Cincinnati, home to two million voters.

Voting Machine Scandal Two involves good old Diebold. This company was big news in the 2004 election, when Wally O’Dell, then its CEO and a fundraiser for George W. Bush, famously wrote in a solicitation letter to mega-donors: ”I am committed to helping Ohio deliver its electoral votes to the president next year.” (Those electoral votes were in fact delivered. O’Dell was later forced out of his own company during the federal investigation of an insider trading scheme. Researching this article, we noticed that there is a disturbing pattern of execs of voting machine companies being involved in various fraud scandals.)

Diebold is now two companies, one called ES&S and the other called Dominion — and between them, they control the rest of the voting machines in Ohio, particularly, those lovely touch-screen, tree-friendly machines that leave no paper trail and where no actual recount is possible. Basically, all of Ohio’s voting machines are in Republican hands.

Next, by now you’ve probably heard that Ohio’s Republican-held office of the secretary of state, which controls voting hours, has been attempting to curtail access to the polls in a way that’s designed to block communities that predominantly vote Democratic. Jon Husted, the secretary of state, has tried to block early voting, including the “Souls to the Polls” program where black voters go from church to their voting places — but the federal courts have repeatedly stopped him.

Planet Waves
Delivery Man: Wally O’Dell, high-level fundraiser for Bush and then-CEO of Diebold, promised to deliver Ohio’s electoral votes for Bush in 2004 — and he did. Photo from

Along with this, there’s a dirty tricks campaign going on that would have been a real knee-slapper for Nixon and his boys, if only they could have peered into the future. My favorite (so far) was putting the wrong election date on voter literature in a county where Obama won in 2008 by a close margin.

So far that’s two reasons — and we know that Ohio has had electoral problems in the past.

As I’ve written before, Mercury stations retrograde on the night of the election, an event typically associated with technical problems, reversals of various kinds, inaccurate reporting (news, data), miscommunication, delays and a general state of confusion. Between the Republican-possessed voting machines and attempts to cut back voting hours, the setup in Ohio is spooky enough even if nobody means any harm, and nauseating if someone has a plot brewing. The atmosphere of any Mercury retrograde — though this one in particular — is the perfect festering pool for fraud.

Part of why I say that the retrograde that begins on Election Day is especially murky is because this Mercury retrograde involves three squares to Neptune. The first is on Monday, Oct. 29, with Mercury in the first shadow phase. Then there’s another one during the retrograde on Nov. 13, then the last one is Dec. 11, during the second shadow phase. Mercury square Neptune makes it extremely challenging to discern the truth. The series of three Mercury-Neptune squares means that as the facts and fact pattern emerge they will be in layers, blended with layers of deceit — and anyone trying to navigate the territory must use extreme discernment.

The Natal Horoscope of Ohio

The last reason to be concerned about Ohio is that bells are going off in the natal chart of that state — and I mean warning bells. Mercury retrograde presents a kind of climatic condition that affects everyone, everywhere. But when you focus on the astrology of Ohio itself, the place looks like a crime scene — or at least the scene of an attempted theft of the election.

Planet Waves
The chart above is the statehood chart for Ohio, cast for March 1, 1803, set for the old capital. You can see Neptune in the ascendant on the left side. Neptune is the blue trident on the left, which aligns to within a fraction of a degree of the ascendant, indicated by the dark horizontal line. View more detailed charts here.

The first thing to know about Ohio is that the state has Scorpio rising, and there is a planet exactly in the ascendant (the rising degree, aligned with the eastern horizon). That is Neptune, the planet of illusions, deception and denial. True, Neptune is also associated with beautiful music, dreamy fantasies and spectacular cinema, but it’s drawing on the same basic properties in both its toxic and creative expressions.

When a person or an entity has a planet very close to the ascendant, it can take on the identity of that planet. People with Neptune rising tend to have fuzzy boundaries, right down to the locks on their doors not working correctly. They are easy to infiltrate. Events that take place with Neptune in the ascendant can have the property of ‘the truth is never known’. This situation blends properties of both.

Neptune was retrograde at the time Ohio became a state, meaning (in this case) that its presence and effects are veiled (which can involve being perceived as ‘this was an issue in the past, but not today’). There is added potential for duplicity. This is astrology calling for some grease cutter, an audit team and a few alert investigative reporters on the scene. In fact, in Ohio and many other places, things are so bad that the ACLU and other civil rights organizations have called on UN inspectors to observe the election. We need them. Neptune has a way of camouflaging itself, and the best disguise is the denial of someone looking straight at something.

This placement — retrograde Neptune in Scorpio, exactly rising — gets some emphasis right in the wake of whatever happens on Election Day. There is about to be a total eclipse of the Sun conjunct Ohio’s Neptune, just two degrees away from Neptune and the ascendant. Think of that as pointing to that Neptune, ramping up its power and creating a kind of vortex into which we could get vacuumed.

The total solar eclipse happens in Scorpio on Nov. 13, a week after the election. Regardless of the Ohio chart, if the results are not agreed to by that time, then the lack of certainty could persist for quite a while. Eclipses have a wide orb of influence, with effects long before and long after they actually occur, and this eclipse so close to the election adds gravitas to whatever happens. Eclipses have an Aries Point-like quality: they often come with an intersection of personal and collective events. What happens to Ohio happens to all of us.

Planet Waves
Black voters stood in line for hours to vote in Columbus, Ohio, in 2004. This line doesn’t look bad, but it actually extends twenty miles, almost to the next county. Photo: Chris Hicks.

Meanwhile, the coming Mercury retrograde directly involves the Ohio chart. There is an axis in the chart where Mercury gets hooked right in, and around which everything seems to turn — the axis of the chart that involves governmental affairs, called the meridian (the 4th/10th house axis).

Envision Mercury flying along like a Frisbee and then the cool looking dude with the tan sticks his index finger up, and catches it, spinning at full speed, and does a little dance. This is how the Ohio chart snags that Mercury retrograde, many times over, because Ohio has a lot of points concentrated there close to the 4th house cusp.
For example, among the points that Mercury retrograde will make squares to three times include Ohio’s natal Mercury; its Part of Fortune; and its lunar nodes. Mercury will come close to squaring Ohio’s Pluto and 4th house cusp at the start of the retrograde — and finally reach Pluto on Dec. 15, by which time things may seem finalized, for good or ill.

Mars in the Atlantis Degree

There is one last thing about the Ohio chart that I want to point out, relating to a theme that you may remember from my earlier coverage of Sept. 11 false flag attacks, WikiLeaks, Fukushima and a number of other events. I covered this in an article last year called Here at the Edge of the World.

Planet Waves
The degree that shows up too often — the Moon (gray crescent, top right of chart) at 28+ Gemini in the 9/11 chart. This degree shows up too often in too many weird events, including Fukushima and the natal chart of Ohio.

This involves a single degree of the zodiac — 28+ Gemini. This one degree ties together many of the strangest, most scandalous historic developments of our lifetimes — and one organization that has consistently tried to expose the truth. (WikiLeaks has this degree rising.)

I call it the Atlantis Degree because it seems to show up with a reminder about how our technology is creating us more rapidly than we are creating it. There is a fixed star right nearby, called Betelgeuse, which Bernadette Brady associates with things going very well.

This seems to include disturbing things, as we’ve seen so many times, and which William Lilly associated with what he termed “rare engines of war.” As my colleague Tracy Delaney quipped when she told me about that, “Pretty good, considering that neither jet liners nor skyscrapers were invented in the 17th century,” when Lilly wrote his astrology textbook. She was referring to the accuracy of his delineation, given that this fixed star shows up in a conjunction with the Moon, in the chart for the 9/11 incident.

As mentioned, the Ohio chart has Scorpio rising. Scorpio is ruled by Mars. Mars appears in that degree in the Ohio chart. And it appears in the 8th house of secrets, shared resources, money and sex. In many respects, the 8th is the house of all things scandalous, and Mars sitting there gives me chills. It has a violent, two-faced quality, and the word rape comes to mind first, and denial comes to mind second.

Notably, that Mars is trine Ohio’s natal Mercury in Aquarius (which is itself retrograde) to less than half a degree. Mars and Mercury work together in this chart, and to my senses, they are up to mischief. And now, every time the forthcoming retrograde Mercury makes contact with Ohio’s natal Mercury, it’s also talking to Mars in the Atlantis degree of Gemini.

Mars is the planet of maleness, of warfare and of aggression. In Gemini, it will conceal its real agenda, behind a second agenda. With the air signs involved, the use of language and law are involved. And as it turns out, this is an election all about maleness and warfare, as well as the use of the law, in particular, by men.

Next week I will deal with the military issues involved in the U.S. government and in this election in particular. Today, taking a hint from that Mars in the Ohio chart, I want to conclude with a commentary on the gender issues in this election.

More Politics of Rape

Earlier this week, Mitt Romney endorsed a Tea Party-backed Senate candidate named Richard Mourdock, who is running in Indiana [see video here]. Romney touted him as the potential 51st vote against government health care (even though ‘Obamacare’ is a corporate health care program). Rachel Maddow said that Mourdock was the only candidate for Senate endorsed by Romney in this election cycle, so he stands out a bit. The very next day at a debate against his opponent, Mourdock said that he was against a woman’s right to have an abortion, even in the case of rape — because the pregnancy was a “gift from God.”

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Indiana Republican Senate candidate Richard Mourdock said Tuesday when a woman becomes pregnant during a rape, ”that’s something God intended.” See the full video here.

“I struggled with it myself for a long time, but I came to realize that life is that gift from God. And, I think, even when life begins in that horrible situation of rape, that it is something that God intended to happen,” Mourdock said [see video here]. He struggled with it? Are we to assume he got pregnant?

Mourdock became the second GOP Senate candidate to wax philosophical about rape and pregnancy in recent months. Rep. Todd Akin, running for U.S. Senate from Missouri, said during a television interview in August that women’s bodies have ways of preventing pregnancy in cases of what he called “legitimate rape.”

“If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down. But let’s assume that maybe that didn’t work or something: I think there should be some punishment, but the punishment ought to be of the rapist, and not attacking the child,” he said. I am sitting here wondering by what logic, or precedent, a fetus has more rights than a sovereign citizen — unless one does not count women as such.

As if it’s not enough that abortion rights, which are long-settled case law, are somehow a central issue in this campaign (Romney has promised to sign the so-called Personhood Amendment if it lands on his desk) and as if it’s not enough that even the right to birth control is coming into question (Romney has promised to do his part to have the Supreme Court’s Griswold v. Connecticut decision repealed), now we have to hear about rape on a regular basis. Rape is about an attacker taking total control over the victim, in truth, one step shy of murder. Until recently, it was subject to the death penalty in many American states. Now it’s being associated with a “gift from God.”

The official platform of the Republican party states its opposition to abortion under all circumstances, including in cases of rape and incest. The official platform! I have been reading comments like “This is how Jim Crow guys in the south were during the Sixties — very loud,” implying that this kind of misogyny is a kind of death rattle for their point of view. I am not buying that argument, at all. I am not willing to take that chance. There are too many forces pushing in the same direction, and to me this seems more neo than retro.

However you may feel about voluntary medical abortion, making it into a crime presents a problem: abortions and miscarriages happen spontaneously, and would be subject to criminal investigation and prosecution as potential murders. The central question here is, should women have autonomous dominion over their bodies, or should every pregnancy be government property, subject to investigation? In essence, this is a discussion about making every uterus a potential crime scene.

It’s easy to cast this as opposition to something distasteful, painful and often considered a necessary evil. It’s easy to cast it as a moral issue, and blame God. There really is no secular, scientific or medical argument in opposition to a woman’s right to choose the destiny of a pregnancy, especially early in the term — all of the arguments are religious, or emotional.

American political discourse has degraded to the point where it’s now considered legitimate to claim, in public, that women have no rights whatsoever over their bodies, or their reproductive destiny. If you have studied any feminism at all, you know that for women, reproductive rights are the same thing as human rights. And now we are even hearing politicians advocate for the parental rights of rapists. I really wonder why there is not a bigger outcry. Is it because this seems too weird to be true? Or is it about a conscious giveback of both rights and their corresponding responsibilities?

For the past three decades, many American children have been subjected to abstinence-only indoctrination in public schools, which is basically a taxpayer supported campaign of ignorance and shame. This is the perfect state of mind for such a vicious, actually insane conversation to flourish. And, one would think, anyone who wanted to see fewer abortions would be in favor of family planning and conscious pregnancy prevention. But that’s not the way things are going — which puts women in an extremely dangerous double bind.

The slide or even downward spiral of how women are treated, and how women assert themselves in society, is a complex scenario and I think that each of us would be wise to take the inquiry inward, and into our relationships as well.

We have to look at this in the context of the conscious assault on the rights of women, as well as the voluntary abdication of those rights; the dumbing down of the population via abstinence indoctrination; the proliferation of sexual imagery; and the rise of homophobia, which also influences relationships between the sexes as well as intrapersonal relating. That is to say, all of this influences our most intimate situations, and how we feel about ourselves.

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Natasha Richardson as Offred in the 1990 film adaptation of Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale, the story of a totalitarian theocratic society where women have no rights. See trailer here.

There are other contexts to consider, including the hormone chaos issue (plastics, pesticides, PCBs and other chemicals acting as hormones), which is potentially influencing any and all things sexual through contaminated food and air.

Women’s issues are often presented as ‘special interests’, which is part of the scam. The more pressing issues of our day seem to be the planet heating up, the power of the arms industry, total corruption, the abuse of technology and corporations thinking they have the rights of humans, enabled by the courts. Yet these all may be byproducts of the condition of human rights, and deep at the core, this is about the treatment of women, by both men and other women. What I am saying is the first human rights issue is how we treat one another — and this seems to involve gender more often than not.

Sex and gender issues are not boutique items. I believe they are the center of the cyclone. If the prevailing, real-life story of the human race is one sex oppressing the other, that’s going to reflect in every other way, influencing everything that happens on the planet — including how we treat the Earth.

The central political question of our day, in my view is: To what extent have women and men learned to recognize one another as people? To what extent have we learned to recognize ourselves as people? The political is indeed as personal as it gets.


Additional research: Amanda Painter, Susan Scheck. Photo research: Sarah Bissonnette-Adler.


Planet Waves

November: Mercury Retrograde and Scorpio Eclipse

Two events dominate the astrology of November — Mercury retrograde and a total eclipse of the Sun. There is also a corresponding lunar eclipse, though it’s a penumbral eclipse, which some would say is not particularly strong; but to me this gentle eclipse looks like a special opportunity. Let’s take these events one at a time (and I suggest you review the October stars piece from last month).

Planet Waves

The Mercury retrograde that begins Nov. 6 is a particularly interesting one. Apart from the fact that it begins on the day of a U.S. presidential election, Mercury makes a number of challenging aspects. Fortunately we have astrology so we can see them in advance. These include a series of three squares to Neptune — one during the forward shadow phase (the weeks leading up to the station retrograde), one during the retrograde and the last during the second shadow phase, with Mercury again direct.

Mercury square Neptune can be slippery. It is difficult to discern the truth under the influence of this aspect. It is therefore essential that you not act on what you know or suspect to be incomplete information. Also, I suggest you raise your standard to pausing and seeking additional information if you should know something; you are responsible for both what you know, and acting on that information.

When in doubt, the thing to do is pause. Lost opportunities during these aspects are unlikely to have been opportunities at all — and if they were, they will still be there in late December or early January when things settle down. One potential issue is that decisions made under these influences can have substantial staying power, mainly due to the involvement of a total eclipse of the Sun, which will have a pattern-setting property (eclipses almost always do). Therefore, get in the habit now of making sure that you’ve got your facts right, and pausing if you fear that you do not. This might not be the time to act on a suspicion, but it’s definitely time to pause for more information.

Planet Waves

The first Mercury-Neptune square happens Monday, Oct. 29, just two hours ahead of the Taurus Full Moon. (The Full Moon is exact Monday at 3:49 pm EDT.) We are under the influence of the square and the Full Moon now, and there is considerable momentum (in part because the Sun is in Scorpio and in part because we are close to one of the cross-quarters of the year, in particular, an old holiday which we how commemorate as Halloween).

The second Mercury-Neptune square happens two weeks later, very close to the total solar eclipse of Nov. 13. So the first two Mercury-Neptune squares are combined with lunations, meaning that emotional pressure is likely to influence your already slippery intellectual process. Emotion is not subject to reason and, while it may be good at guiding you in certain circumstances, you cannot expect a rational result, especially under this astrology. Therefore, do a kind of ‘therapy check’ when making decisions — question one is, how do I feel? Question two is, what are the facts? Beware of wishful thinking and selective inattention.

The last Mercury-Neptune square is Dec. 11, when Mercury is direct but before it’s entered new territory after the retrograde. This is the moment that may come with the feeling of, “I should have known.” Therefore, starting now, I suggest you take it slow and recognize that you are responsible for what you do not know.

Planet Waves

As for the usual “don’t buy, don’t sign” influence happening during part of the holiday shopping season, I recommend buying modest gifts, and if possible, doing your holiday shopping once Mercury has stationed direct on Nov. 26 (give it a few days). Yes, there will be residual influences hanging around, though they will be easier to handle after the station direct and after the stormy phase close to the end of the retrograde settles down. You don’t need to fall for the compulsive behavior associated with holiday shopping. It really is the thought that counts.

Last, here are a few thoughts about the eclipses. The total solar eclipse in Scorpio is the first eclipse in Scorpio for nearly a decade (eclipses run on a nine-year cycle). Eclipses stir up the psychic territory, wherever they are — and Scorpio is challenging for many people because it brings up taboo subject matter: sex, desire, death, money and all the various shades of secrets associated with these things.

Saturn is also in Scorpio, in a sense compelling that discussion. I suggest you have it sooner rather than later, though due to Mercury retrograde, please do not expect “the truth” to arrive in a neat bundle. If ever the truth be known, it’s usually something we put together from many points of view, with the occasional revelation.

Planet Waves

Last, there is a penumbral eclipse of the Moon in Gemini on Nov. 28. (This is also the Gemini Full Moon.) For this eclipse, Venus, Saturn and Mercury are all in Scorpio, so there will be plenty to talk about — under the influence of a talkative Full Moon. By this time, you may notice that it’s become a lot easier to handle taboo topics. Here is the message of this eclipse: You are what you talk about. Therefore, choose your subject matter, your point of view and your language carefully and consciously.

Changing how you feel can begin with changing your mind, and that often starts with how you choose to describe your experience. Listen to yourself.

All photos by Anthony Ayiomamitis.


Planet Waves

Lawrence O’Donnell: Third Party Worth a Vote

A rare instance of a major network anchor championing third parties in a presidential election — and an equally rare instance of real journalism on television — graced MSNBC Wednesday night courtesy of Lawrence O’Donnell.

Planet Waves

O’Donnell pointed out that Larry King, the moderator of a third-party debate in Chicago Tuesday night, reminded the nation that the two major-party candidates have refused to address America’s failed War on Drugs and other significant issues that four third-party candidates were more than willing to tackle. All but one said they would legalize cannabis.

O’Donnell then called out the blatant corruption of the U.S.’s two-party system, and slammed the public, the media and even Mitt Romney for not holding Obama accountable for signing the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). NDAA — which none of the third-party candidates would sign — allows the government to detain, interrogate, prosecute or just make people who it suspects to be terrorists (including American citizens) to disappear without a trial of any kind. With such an outburst of truth to power, O’Donnell may qualify.

The next third-party presidential debate will be between candidate Jill Stein and Gary Johnson on Oct. 30, streaming live on Free and Equal.

It’s Not Easy Being Green (Party)

Dr. Jill Stein, Green Party nominee for president, has filed a lawsuit against the Commission on Presidential Debates, Democratic National Committee and Republican National Committee, together with the Federal Election Commission and Lynn University.

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Jill Stein (far right) and Rocky Anderson (second from right) in their virtual debate with Romney and Obama. Image: Democracy Now!

Stein, who along with running mate Cheri Honkala has been barred from participating in the official debate process, claims that the organizations named in the suit have deprived her of her constitutional rights to due process, equal protection and free speech, as well as her statutorily protected civil rights. The lawsuit, which was filed Monday, also sought to enjoin the last CPD presidential debate from taking place that night.

Unlike the League of Women Voters, which ran highly transparent presidential debates for nearly a decade, the CPD allows ‘secret contracts’ between the two main parties that specify things like which moderators and topics are allowed. If you’re curious how Stein and Justice Party candidate Rocky Anderson handle the same questions Obama and Romney faced Monday night, you can watch an expanded version of the debate hosted by Democracy Now!

CIA Whistleblower Meets Saturn in Scorpio

Retired CIA agent John Kiriakou, who served from 1990 to 2004, pled guilty this week to leaking classified information. Kiriakou is best known for describing the torture of al-Qaeda operative Abu Zubaydah in a 2007 ABC News interview.

Kiriakou renounced the waterboarding of Zubaydah that he had previously condoned, saying that it was not something we should be doing, “because we’re Americans, and we’re better than that.”

The news of Kiriakou’s plea and sentencing arrived with the Sun’s conjunction with the asteroid Arachne, which has been bringing light to our interconnectedness as well as webs of secrets. With Saturn, which rules Capricorn (institutions, structure, government) also in Scorpio taking a conjunction from the Sun, we’re getting a reminder of how our government deals with secrets when they’re leaked (depending on who leaks them; remember Valerie Plame?). Kiriakou admitted via plea bargain to a single count of revealing the identity of a covert officer, which carries a potential sentence of up to 30 months.


Planet Waves

The Solution to Pollution is Commodification

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Satellite view of Chesapeake Bay. Image: NASA.

Much like how some industries have figured out how to abuse the carbon credits system to pollute more and profit, the financial market has turned toward public resources such as water as a way to make a buck off of environmental measures.

“Market-based ‘solutions’ to the problem of pollution are based on a system of credit accumulation that allow polluters to amass the ‘right’ to pollute and trade that right as if it were a commodity,” reports Food and Water Watch. By creating a market for pollution, these schemes actually promote it.

For example, in 2010 the EPA established a Total Maximum Daily Load, or TMDL, for nitrogen and phosphorus pollution discharged into the Chesapeake Bay. Unfortunately, market-based offsets that polluters can use or trade are more likely to increase pollution to the Bay. The EPA and the Obama Administration are promoting the plan as a model for other waterways. Food & Water Watch has joined with Friends of the Earth to file a joint lawsuit challenging the legality of pollution trading under the Clean Water Act.


Planet Waves

Scorpio Sun Shines Light on Abuse at the BBC

The Sun’s ingress of Scorpio continues to illuminate the sexual, financial and death-related taboos we keep in the darkness. The BBC, one of British television and radio’s most-respected institutions, is being rocked by a sex abuse scandal that came to light a while ago, but has really come under full steam with the current astrology. Jimmy Savile, the U.K.’s celebrated version of Dick Clark who died last year, is at the center of an ever-growing web of revelations accusing him of sexually abusing girls and boys.

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Inquiries into the BBC’s knowledge of Jimmy Savile’s abuse of minors is the biggest scandal the organization has faced in decades. It points to a culture of sexism and secrecy in one of Britain’s most highly-trusted social institutions.

Savile, a DJ and television host for the popular “Top of the Pops” and his children’s program “Jim’ll Fix It,” allegedly used his BBC programs as easy access to the kids and young teens he abused and coerced into silence. Police have identified upwards of 200 potential victims, whose accusations span several decades. Other suspects connected with the alleged abuse are under investigation.

An obvious theme in the story is how Savile used his enormous fame and popularity to gain power over his victims, who assumed they would never be believed. This is common to almost all situations of sexual abuse, and a major reason why survivors often do not come forward until many years later — if ever. Particularly disturbing is the fact that Savile, who involved himself in children’s charity events, was allowed access to a number of hospitals — including a high-security psychiatric hospital where he worked as a volunteer and had keys to the wards.

The BBC is now the subject of two independent investigations combing through internal communications to determine who knew what when. As with the abuse at Penn State, there are indicators it was not completely secret — and the money the BBC was making off of Savile surely influenced those in authority.

Last year, the BBC’s flagship current affairs program “Newsnight” had begun an investigation of Savile but dropped it. It remains to be seen how far the web extends of people turning a blind eye at the BBC. As the light of the Scorpio Sun shines into these old, dark corners filled with pain, Chiron in Pisces is offering the tools of awareness, acknowledgement and documentation in the quest for healing. It’s a long road, and Savile is not alive to take responsibility for his actions. But this is a start.


Planet Waves

Wait — Who Said What?

In a seeming moment of reversal the 21st-century American ideological landscape, a well-known TV ‘conservative’ and his supposedly ‘liberal’ counterpart took surprising stances on the killing of civilians in drone strikes overseas, noted the FAIR website. On MSNBC’s Morning Joe television show, right-leaning Joe Scarborough criticized the idea that the loss of life (sometimes called collateral damage, and less politely, murder) incurred with drone strikes is ‘clean’ warfare. Meanwhile, Time columnist Joe Klein, oft-identified as left leaning, was shockingly content to paint the collateral deaths of young people overseas as taking out ‘bad guys’ in the making.

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Drone aircraft launches missiles on a beautiful day.

Klein, impressed that drones can kill ‘cleanly’ using just a joystick in California, met with Scarborough’s indignation:
“You have four-year-old girls being blown to bits because we have a policy that says, ‘You know what, instead of trying to go in, take the risk, get the terrorists out of hiding… we’re just going to blow up everyone around them’.”

At least Scarborough gets that indiscriminate killing is not okay on some level. Klein, on the other hand, replied:

“The bottom line, in the end, is: Whose four-year-old gets killed? What we’re doing is limiting the possibility that four-year-olds here are going to get killed by indiscriminate acts of terror.”

Whose four-year-old gets killed is the bottom line? Is he serious? This is more than just bad foreign relations. It’s chillingly devoid of empathy.


Planet Waves

Planet Waves

Promotional photo for The Yes Men Are Revolting.

The Yes Men Launch Kickstarter for New Film Project

The Yes Men, famous for their social-justice hoaxes that champion people and the environment while ‘punking’ big, unethical corporations, are making another movie, their third. (Their most recent was The Yes Men Fix the World.) And they need our help. They’ve launched a Kickstarter campaign to fund a documentary aimed at inspiring and equipping us with what we need to get involved in creative, revolutionary acts. How Uranus square Pluto, no? [Eric donated his astrological services to help them select the best time to launch the Kickstarter campaign.]

They write on their Kickstarter website, “Energized by our involvement with the Occupy movement, we came to realize our true role in social change. Now, we’re hatching our most ambitious plan ever: a human-staffed platform to help every inspired viewer of our film — or anyone at all — get active as well. This ‘Action Switchboard’ taps our 100,000-person database, as well as some much bigger lists, to create fun, meaningful, movement-building projects around the issues we all care about.” With pledge levels starting at just $1, they’re making it easy to be a bright light among many shining through the dark.


Planet Waves

Planet Waves FM :: Sun in Scorpio — and Ohio

Planet Waves

This week’s edition of Planet Waves FM covers the Sun in Scorpio, including the Sun’s conjunction to Arachne and trine to Neptune in Pisces. I describe the inner nature of the sign Scorpio, and its relationship to Pisces.

At the end of the first segment I discuss the case of Amanda Todd, the Canadian teenager who killed herself two weeks ago after being sexually stalked on the Internet for years.

After a song break, I discuss the (Scorpio rising) chart of the state of Ohio, and the factors in that chart which might influence the Nov. 6 election in the United States.

Here is your program in the Old Player. Note, you can download a compressed file of the program on the Old Player page, which also includes a full archive of Planet Waves FM going back to 2010. More recent programs are collected in the category listing at the top of the blog frame.


Planet Waves

Your Monthly Horoscopes — and our Publishing Schedule Notes

Planet Waves monthly horoscopes provide a broader perspective that surveys the themes of the coming month and often, weeks that follow. The November monthly horoscope is published below in today’s issue. The new Inner Space will come out this coming Tuesday. I recommend reviewing the monthly horoscope at the end of the month. The October Monthly horoscope was published Friday, Sept. 28. Inner Space for October was published Tuesday, Oct. 2. The October Moonshine Horoscope was published Tuesday, Oct. 16.

Please note that the longer monthly horoscope is being incorporated into the Friday issue after the Sun has entered a new sign; Inner Space still publishes on Tuesdays.


Planet Waves

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for November 2012 | By Eric Francis
Scorpio Birthdays This Week

Beware of what you think you know. Beware of the words “I think.” They may be the best indication that you are not really thinking at all. This is a large moment in your life, and I suggest that rather than being eager to make changes, you focus on learning about yourself and letting that information gradually influence the course of your existence. One thing to guard against is the emotional influence of others. This may come in a diversity of forms, such as people trying to impress you with how stuck they are (it’s not really true) or how enlightened they are (easier said than done). If you find yourself in a power struggle of any kind, it’s likely to be a red herring: what seems to be the issue is not really the one, so look beneath the surface. You may not know what the issue is for a while, so take the next month to gently observe matters and see what you learn. If you’re trying to figure out where others are coming from, learn what you can about their relationships to their parents; I could say the same for you. Note to Scorpios: I didn’t get to your birthday reading this week, so it will be next week for sure. Look for an announcement in your inbox.

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — The time has come to go beyond belief. In fact, I suggest that the moment you find yourself ‘believing’ something, that’s the time to question it. By this, I mean ask yourself a series of questions, check every fact, and persist in going deeper, over an extended period of time. You’re about to encounter a situation where this kind of mental rigor will be essential both to your happiness and your financial wellbeing. The setup is essentially that you’re headed for making a decision that seems good at the time, only to doubt yourself, only then to find out that you have regrets. You can avoid this whole thing by pausing and getting the facts now. I recognize that this kind of attentiveness can be off-putting to others. Having information is a form of power, and refusing to go blithely on belief, or simply to accept others at their word, can be off-putting. You might feel guilty for challenging others. The most important thing you can do, besides having some healthy skepticism, is to be polite. Persist in seeking specific facts and numbers, which will take a few more weeks (into early December or a bit longer). Meanwhile, if you’re moving forward about anything and you still have your doubts, slow down the move. Build in some delays, and hold your cards until your knowledge starts to reach a tipping point. That’s a moment of truth, and it’s better when this happens before you’re committed to something you can’t get out of easily.

Hello Aries — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). If you would like to hear your Aries birthday reading, please visit this link.


Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Whatever else may be going on in your life — and there is plenty — I suggest you keep your emphasis on your wellbeing, such as maintaining a balance between your work and your personal life. The most intimate aspects of your existence are likely to be compelling, as you rethink your involvement in a certain agreement based on factors you’re unlikely to have considered before. The practical aspect may seem to compete against the emotional aspect, though you’re making progress when you see them as the same thing. It’s essential that you become a highly conscious decision maker, which may be challenging amongst so many unusual factors, events that somehow seem fated, and doubts about your past choices. I suggest you develop the skill of knowing when you’re in denial. Each time you figure it out, consider that a moment of awakening. From there, your first objective would be to remain awake, so you can use your awareness to help you guide your life in a wholly positive direction. One additional challenge is the sense of mystery that may be pervading everything. There are the usual questions, such as where am I and how did I get here? These have answers. The most pressing questions involve you and what you want. You’ve taken some strides on this particular issue; you’ve figured out some of what you don’t want and discovered a few things that make you happy. Yet you remain the most persistent mystery in the room. Sit with that one; don’t rush yourself.

Hello Taurus — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). If you would like to hear your Taurus birthday reading, please visit this link.


Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Maintaining one’s independence is challenging in relationships, especially in a world where we seem to have two options — taken and not taken. Taken often involves signing a 100-page contract, and not taken can come with the sense of being a non-person. You’re finally seeing the futility of this, yet there doesn’t seem to be an easy way out of the paradox. It would be a cruel world where intimacy came only at the expense of a hostage situation, though for too many people this is what happens nearly all the time. You seem intent on going beyond this limited reality, or what could less politely be described as an emotional trap where your own needs and desires are used as bait. If you’re seeking your freedom without the corresponding sacrifice of closeness, make sure you notice those moments when freedom seems like a dangerous, unstable state of existence. Those are your best indication that the door is actually coming unlocked. Usually, an overwhelming sense of responsibility and the daunting prospect of failure, contribute to the sense that the fewer options one has, the better. Lately, however, you’ve become aware of a fact that verges on metaphysical: you are a distinct entity in the universe, responsible for the course of your own existence. You may be feeling it as a struggle for survival, and I assure you that your quest is precisely that. Don’t let anyone convince you of what is not true, but more to the point, don’t convince yourself.

Hello Gemini — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). Have you listened to your birthday reading? Click here for an hour of astrology plus a tarot reading by Eric.


Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — If you find yourself going deeper than you feel safe in an erotic situation, remember one word: healing. That will help you focus, and it will give you a basis of both purpose and communication. You can pretty much assess everyone and everything on the basis of their affinity with this concept — including yourself. There’s the phase of this experience where pleasure itself is a kind of necessary balm. Yet the experience continues from there. The whole experience is a vehicle to take you deeper into a kind of hidden realm, which may involve dealing with certain matters that (for example) your parents did not address and which were passed on to you. Yet there is something deeper than your immediate lineage that you’re about to address, and that is part of the reason why you may be feeling out of your depth (particularly around the time of a total solar eclipse on Nov. 13). You seem to be dealing with something much larger than yourself, and if you know that, you will both not feel so overwhelmed and you’ll also have a line of approach to the territory. You seem to be involved with a situation that started with the intent for one thing, then in a series of steps you didn’t know you were taking, became something else, as if you encountered a kind of emotional or psychic undertow. To proceed from here, you will need to take one step at a time, making one decision at a time, based on the best available information you have.

Hello Cancer — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). To hear your birthday reading for the year ahead, please visit this link.


Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Is this a moment of settling down, or of upheaval? The astrology for your sign this month presents two distinct scenarios, and how you respond to it will depend on a number of factors, one of which I will call your density level. This isn’t a concept I’ve used in my column before, so I will explain. Think of increased density as contraction, fear, resistance, denial and the feeling of being stuck. Think of lighter density as expansion, a sense of flow, flexibility, alertness and the sensation that you have the ability to choose. Taken on a denser energy level, the astrology of this month could be jarring, threatening to your security and come with the sensation that changes are being imposed on you by outside forces. As you go to lighter, less dense levels of awareness, the astrology will feel more like being in the right place at the right time, putting down emotional roots, and taking the opportunity to make productive, necessary and long-overdue changes. Looked at in the best light, the approaching combination of astrological factors describes a time of distinction between the past and the present. You’re being set free from negative attachments, seeming obligations and a whole raft of family karma. This is an amazing opportunity for you, except for one thing. It’s entirely too easy to be attached to a low-density level. It’s easy to be attached to the past. Therefore, focus on raising your vibration — and keep your mind focused on a vision for the future.

Hello Leo — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). To hear your birthday reading for the year ahead, please visit this link.


Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — This month we return to a theme that’s arisen periodically over the past few years: your relationship to your ancestral past. You do seem to be here on a mission, though it’s difficult for you to separate your particular calling from the views of so many others who have imposed their intentions on you. Some of this is from the distant past, some of it’s from your family of origin and much of it is filtering in from various teachings you’ve been exposed to over the years. At the moment you seem poised to do something daring, and that you haven’t quite done before: go beyond all of that theory, and reach your awareness into the core of who you are. You don’t need these other influences, they no longer serve you, and to the extent that anyone thinks they need you to do their bidding, they’ll get over not having you as their agent. Here’s the thing: on the way to finding out something that is absolutely true for yourself, you will go through a process of discovering what’s not true — and that may be a little unnerving, especially as you realize the negative influences they’ve had. Remember you’re doing this in a time when there’s a prevailing philosophy that ‘there’s no such thing as the truth’. There’s another notion that the truth is whatever someone can get someone else to believe. As you’ve no doubt noticed, these become excuses for many to abandon integrity. You have a different agenda.

Hello Virgo — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). Did you miss your birthday reading? Use this link to order an hour of astrology plus a tarot reading by Eric.


Planet Waves



Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) –You will need to be impeccable with money and resources for the rest of the year. This includes making no commitments you’re not sure you can keep, or that you even suspect you might not be able to keep. You’ll also need to preserve what you have as a conscious act. As you do this, a lot of information is going to come your way. There will be certain specific facts that prove to be useful, though the thing to look for is the overall pattern. This will take some time to develop, and you may find yourself wading through plenty of murky water before you arrive at several moments of clarity. Take these one at a time, and watch the pattern of what you learn from these developments as well. Any sense of needing to rush is entirely artificial. Rather than resisting the urge to push forward, devote your energy to learning, and in particular, learning about the way in which resources are as important as money, or more so. ‘Resources’ includes your skills, your reputation and your ability to relate to others. It would also include your relationships with resourceful people, and all those who care about you and have demonstrated over time that they are willing to lend support to your cause. The communication piece — listening, and learning to speak in a clear, focused way — may be the most significant of all. In a sense, it’s the key to everything else, and the most meaningful tool for establishing both your credibility, and your creativity.

Hello Libra — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). To hear your birthday reading for the year ahead, please visit this link .


Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — On Nov. 13, there’s a total solar eclipse in your birth sign, the first in more than nine years. Though there are numerous other factors influencing you this month, this by far is the most significant. Eclipses are about shifts in continuity, sometimes subtle, sometimes radical. I would say they represent ‘change’, but these days that’s a meaningless word. It’s a special kind of change, involving things that have gone on so long you’ve taken them for granted. This could include emotional patterns, certain facts about your sexuality and most significantly, the ways you communicate with yourself and others. Your charts present an image of you passing through what would normally be a ‘veil of forgetfulness’, only this time, you remember who you are. Not only that, you remember the support, love and trust that surrounds you, much of it coming from far beyond the Earthly realm. Yet in the aspect of your life that’s located here on Earth, one implication is that you’re experiencing the drive to rebuild your integrity. It may be painful, at first, to consider the ways that your words and actions have not been in alignment — then after a while, you’ll figure out that every time you discover one of these fractures is an opportunity to make amends with yourself and by extension, with others. It will help if you come to terms with the fact that, for many years, not everything you’ve believed was true. And that, you will discover, is very good news.

Hello Scorpio — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).


Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — As the days go by, the forces of society increasingly draw people outside of themselves. Whether people are gazing into little rectangular crystal balls, obsessed with fashion, obsessed with romance, chasing sex or success or fixated on something they despise, in our current era, the prevailing direction of flow of consciousness is outward. For you, the pull is in the opposite direction — into yourself. This may be happening to a degree that is unsettling, though the result will be to make you a more settled person. It’s true that there are still externals to distract you. Yet your inward draw is much stronger, and it’s likely to increase in intensity over the next few weeks until it gets not only your attention, but your full devotion. Of particular concern are resolving any ways you’ve been living a double life, which could include any tendency to exclude people close to you from awareness of what you think or do. Yet there is something else going on, which is being real about your tendency to compartmentalize and hide information from yourself. This kind of detachment can allow you a measure of temporary freedom, and helps you suspend awareness of certain ethical or emotional responsibilities. However, you’re no longer in a position to pretend that these emotional influences or factors don’t exist, or to make believe that you don’t know what you know and feel what you feel. It doesn’t matter how popular you are. What matters is that you’re real with yourself and with others.

Hello Sagittarius — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).


Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — In retrospect, you may decide this was the month you actually woke up and figured out that you’re alive, and that you’re here to live your life, your way. One element of this is the discovery that it’s simply impossible to please everyone, and a miracle when people actually recognize who you are. The message coming through from life and from the planets is: don’t bother trying to please anyone, and recognize and appreciate who you are. Acting on this intention will introduce a shock to your psyche, making you more alert and calling several people around you into focus. Then, you’ll get to have a different kind of conversation. When you feel a real level of trust, take the opportunity to push the boundary of who you are — and by that, I mean not only to stretch but to exceed your comfort zone. The idea is to be realer than you’re accustomed to being, even to the point where it feels a little dangerous. Yet I suggest you do this in a contained environment, not live on YouTube. Perhaps the most significant aspect of this journey is an experiment in revealing what you would have been reluctant to reveal before, or indeed, what you would have never considered. You cannot be comfortable with yourself if you’re not comfortable being yourself and allowing others to see who you are. While you might think that you would feel confident before making any such revelation, your growth will proceed in the other direction.

Hello Capricorn — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).


Note to Aquarians — The answer to last week’s riddle about the secret ingredient to success is that it’s almost always a group effort. Depending on others can be a delicate line to walk — we tend to do it a little too much, particularly in a codependent form. However, professional success is almost always a kind of conspiracy, involving various shades of subtle and substantial help from many people, which you are responsible for coordinating. I suggest you draw consciously on the assistances of others, remembering that while nobody does it for you, nobody really does it alone either.

Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — It was the astrologer Patric Walker (1931-1995) who handed John Lennon the beautiful line, “Life is what happens while you’re busy making other plans.” This is a fair reading of your chart these days, particularly as regards your professional life. It’s true that some people are born knowing what they’re ‘supposed to do’, set about doing it, and succeed brilliantly. Most of the time, the process is an extended experiment, and devotion to one particular path or intention can be altered by a casual conversation at a party, a chance meeting or an opportunity that seems interesting. In those moments, it seems to be the hand of fate that’s guiding you, though what you call it doesn’t really matter — only that you notice when it’s at work. Through this month, there are two forces or factors guiding you. One is your traditional approach to success: set goals, work hard, be dependable. The second factor is the sensation of providence moving in your direction. It’s essential that you recognize this when it happens; it may not come in a form that you recognize, and in truth, everything that happens to you this month is part of a conspiracy to guide you to where you belong, and where you want to be. For this to work, you’ll need to let go of your desire to control your direction or the specific outcome, and muster up just a little faith in yourself. A little goes a long way.

Hello Aquarius — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).


Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — As the Zen Room of the zodiac, your sign often spawns individuals naturally inclined to live in the moment. This is more neutral than it seems, facilitating pleasure-seeking or spiritual growth, self-absorption or devotion to service. Yet you’re now feeling the need to develop your longterm plan, and to put certain deeply cherished goals into action. Your solar chart suggests that you’re tired of wondering what is possible, or what the universe is willing to cooperate with, and are intent on finding out for yourself. This will take a combination of discipline and risk-taking, which is exactly what this month’s aspects offer. Yet the most meaningful chance you will take is expanding your beliefs about what is possible. It would be best if you could set the whole question aside, focus on your vision and go one step at a time for as long as it takes to get where you want to be. To do this, you need to blend persistence with something even more challenging: believing in yourself, and what you want. And there’s one other factor. To fully embrace your mission, you must accept being different. This includes the potential for standing out, for challenging people, for being thought of as weird, and recognizing that some people will not agree with or approve of what you’re doing. Your spiritual and creative quest is not a popularity contest. However, being willing to take these risks might make you very successful in the end.

Hello Pisces — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).


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These Men Have Issues: Meet the Natal Horoscopes of Obama and Romney

Dear Friend and Reader:

Once I read an article in an astrology magazine about how to figure out who is going to win an American presidential election. “The person with the worst chart wins,” said the author, who had been paying attention for a while. Astrology, a vastly complex subject, often seems best suited for teaching in one-line quips.

I don’t want to predict who will ‘win’ the election, mainly because the process seems so heaped on with agendas, puppetry, muppetry, dishonesty, evasion, paranoia, Big Bird being served for Thanksgiving dinner and, most of all, way too much money, that I doubt there will be an actual winner. After a fuss, someone will take office, and sadly, the public seems to be the party that loses at every turn. That said, it’s now that time in the election season to look at the charts of these candidates. Before we go forward, I would like to give my official astrology disclaimer, paraphrasing our Terms of Service.

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Barack Obama is seen with his step-father Lolo Soetoro (L), his sister Maya Soetoro and his mother Ann Dunham (C) in an undated family snapshot released by his campaign in 2008.

Astrology is not the truth. It is a form of personally applicable mythical fiction. Astrology is a story, which I am basing mostly on the charts of these two men, in accordance with my skills and intuition, and which to a lesser degree I’m basing on my knowledge of them as public figures. These are living people, which entitles them to a measure of respect, and they are public figures seeking vast amounts of power over our lives, which entitles us to examine them with careful scrutiny.

Before I read the charts, let’s do a birth data check. When doing natal astrology, it’s essential to have good data, or to know when you don’t. Such a big deal has been made of Obama’s birth certificate that we know his time better than any candidate, ever. He was not born in Kenya. He was born in Hawaii when it was not only an island but actually a state. His data gets the highest rating: AA (which means birth certificate in hand), even if Donald Trump doesn’t like it.

As for Romeo, his data gets an A rating, the second highest, by our profession’s most respected collector of birth data, the late Lois Rodden. (An A rating can mean ‘from memory’, because either he was wearing a watch when he was born, his mom told Rodden, or it was reported in the newspaper.) So: we have two candidates with good birth times, which helps us do an actual comparison of the charts.

Let’s start with Obama. [View both charts side by side here.] There’s only one thing I respect about him, which is an aspect in his chart. Obama’s regal Leo Sun is opposite a very weird minor planet: Damocles, named after the guy from the Greek legend.

I say weird because this little planet has an elongated (way elliptical) 40-year orbit, and it spends nearly all of its time in Aquarius. It then races through the other signs in a very short time, and then is back in Aquarius for what seems like forever. It was named for a slave (or courtier, in some tellings of the legend) who was envious of the magnificent fortunes of the tyrant he served. So the tyrant said, OK, you want to be king? Have a seat on my throne. Sitting there, he noticed a sword that dangled all the time by a single thread, usually over the king’s head but now his — and the thread could snap at any moment.

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Mitt Romney, his sons Tagg and Matt, and wife Ann in the 1970s. Photo released by the Romney for President campaign.

Obama has his Leo Sun so precisely opposite Damocles that it really does feel like the sword hanging over his head by a thread (the opposition is exact to a quarter of a degree). To me this gives new meaning to the line, “Either his brains or his signature would be on the contract,” from the scene in The Godfather. This is the famous scene where the guy is made an offer he cannot refuse. Obama lives under this pressure all the time, which is why I think he would do something like sign the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) even if he didn’t want to.

You (as in you) can claim you wouldn’t sign a law that allows U.S. citizens to be arrested as enemy combatants, but then, you’ve never sat underneath that sword. You don’t have to think: I can do something noble, and my kids will grow up without a father. Well, maybe I’m giving him too much credit. He may be serving his role just as he expected to, and just as he promised he would.

Astrology depends on these things called houses, which tell us the environment where certain events happen. One is called the 8th house, important in astrology for many reasons (most often, a map to financial matters), though in part because it sometimes describes the nature and cause of death, and one’s relationship to the topic of death.

Obama has Mars there. He fears and indeed may expect a violent death, and he’s likely to be easily swayed by that idea. He doesn’t need it explained to him. He passes this fear off as a kind of intellectual construct, but it looks like he’s easily manipulated by the silent knowledge that he could end up like so many other politicians who refused the offer.

Obama has had a deeply troubled past — worse than we know about. He was subjected to some kind of extreme psychological cruelty as a child, and it haunts him constantly. The aspect is the Moon in the 4th house, conjunct Nessus, the centaur associated with these kinds of issues. The 4th is the house of emotions, security and family of origin. Obama is the living incarnation of The Drama of the Gifted Child, and he probably thinks he’s our therapist. He is also tapped into some deep, ancestral cruelty — a pattern of abuse that goes back generations, like a family tradition.

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Obama family, official White House portrait by Pete Souza.

There is also a security and comfort factor here. It’s as if he was so often subjected to a morph of psychological and emotional abuse that he feels safe in a danger zone, which I guess should be a prerequisite for any president.

One problem, however, is that the aspect involves his Moon in Gemini, which under such stress has a way of splitting him in half; the psychological word is ‘dissociative’. This is a typical response to extreme abuse. What it does is give him the ability to subvert his feelings and his intuition, and to work with two separate sets of ethics, almost as if he’s two different people. One is obvious to see; the other, you have to look for carefully, going outside the mainstream media for your information.

He is extremely good at cultivating his friendly, neighborly PR image, but the split shows up, for example, in something I read on Alternet this morning: “Perhaps the most damning fact about Barack Obama is that his administration has indicted more than 100 people for distributing medical marijuana — and not prosecuted a single major Wall Street executive for fraud.”

This becomes a serious problem when we consider other aspects to his Sun, and nearby Mercury. Both are square Neptune (tense, 90-degree angle), which is not inherently given to honesty. In fact this is often a situation where the person must do a lifetime of learning and growth to learn what honesty even is, why it matters, what it means to be real with yourself, and why you want to be. There is an integrity problem here. Obama is a talented liar, helped by the fact that he’s the kind of guy who believes his own PR.

Obama was also born in the evening, moments after sunset. This puts many factors of his chart on the relationship side of the wheel, in the west, sometimes called the zone of projection. (He has a Leo Sun with Aquarius rising.)

Charts like this can produce people who will morph into whatever they perceive others need them to be, to get the approval they need. By itself, this can be worked with, but with so many other factors suggesting integrity problems, the bottom line is we have no idea who this person really is. This shows up in shadow form with the conservatives who cling to their ‘birtherism’, trying to claim that Obama is not American, or not loyal to the United States. They are seeing shadows and making up stories.

Planet Waves
Mitt and Ann, on prom night.

Do we ever know who a public figure is, having had no direct personal experience with the person? There are always limits, of course, but some people are more transparent than others. And some are less. Obama is impressively opaque, though he seems transparent.

Let’s consider Mitt Romney. The first thing I see when I look at his chart is that Venus is the highest planet. This is his charm, if you can call it that; he’s charming in that B-rate actor playing a presidential candidate kind of way. This planet is placed right on his ‘presidential angle’ — the 10th house — and it’s what makes him Big Boss Man.

This guy is certain that he was born to be big. He cannot help it; it’s in his karma. He just knows for super duper sure that he’s cut of that old-fashioned presidential timber (and that part of his ‘destiny’ is that women are going to help him get there).

Venus, a planet involved with emotional receptivity and emotional intelligence, is in Aquarius. In her classic work, Secrets from a Stargazer’s Notebook, Debbi Kempton-Smith described this as a person who acts like an $80 robot from Sears. She wrote this in the 70s, I guess back when Sears sold toy robots. (Who knows — they still may.)

Have you ever seen that YouTube video of Romney campaigning for Senate in Massachusetts about 20 years ago? The one where he walks into a diner, and everyone is sitting around eating? “This is terrific! What’s going on here today?” As if he’s never seen people eating, he bumbles around: “Look, a room full of humans. What are they doing? Oh, they are consuming foodstuffs. Hello, consuming humans! I mean ‘fellow humans’ haha. What does your foodstuff taste like? Hello! I am a politician.”

It would be painful to watch, were it not so damned strange. I’ll come back to Venus in Aquarius — his whole chart pivots around this one placement. Note, if you have it, it doesn’t automatically make you a robot; you might just be a little like Mr. Spock. You might be able to feel your feelings; just make sure you can feel those of others, and you’ll be fine.

Romney was born with the Sun in Pisces, along with a cluster of other planets — Mercury, Ceres and Mars among them. Pisces is the sign of illusions; it changes constantly and evades accurate perception. Mercury happened to be retrograde in Pisces when he was born, which is like a long discussion with yourself, where you don’t necessarily tell the truth, and which can break into a full-on convoluted internal argument that nobody seems to win. It’s also about marching to the beat of a drummer that nobody else can hear.

Planet Waves
Natal chart of Barack Obama. Damocles is indicated by the black capital D on the left side of the chart, which is exactly opposite the Leo Sun. He also has Aquarius rising, and a Gemini Moon. One thing that both candidates have in common is Gemini; Mitt Romney has it rising. Nessus is conjunct Obama’s Gemini Moon, in light blue, at the bottom center of the chart. See both charts side by side at this link.

The first thing I think of when I see this Pisces cluster is “pleasure seeking.” I know we think of Romney as “business guy,” but really he is Mr. Lifestyle. He wants you to know it, and he wants it to be visible. He can’t be humbler about his car elevator because he so desperately wants you to know he has one. What good is a car elevator otherwise?

This excess factor is confirmed by his powerful, very exact Scorpio conjunction of the Moon and Jupiter. This describes both sex and money: he can never get enough, no matter how much he has. How he goes about this doesn’t matter; it’s meeting the goal that does. This aspect screams with entitlement, as if he personally inherited the world. Maybe he was a Mormon on another planet, did very well for himself, and got the Earth as his reward.

Now, back to that Venus. I said that it’s the highest planet in his chart — the most elevated in the sky. That gives it a lot of what the old astrologers called ‘accidental dignity’. It makes him an elitist, the kind of guy who can only relate to others he perceives to be of his class. Even though Venus isn’t terribly happy in Aquarius, it’s particularly strong in Romney’s chart.

Strong — and under siege. It’s at one point of a cross — a fairly rare aspect called a grand cross. (This is four planets spread at 90-degree angles to one another.) To one side is the planet of psychological abuse (Nessus, which is also strong in Obama’s chart). For this guy, love is a bitter pill. To another side is Chiron, an aspect structure that I could write a book about, however, we see it demonstrated plain as day in his values about women, which are both conflicted and controlling.

And then Venus is opposed by a rare conjunction of Saturn and Pluto — chilly, detached and yet intense. There is a real drive for power here, and it’s all about him. I think we are looking at a sexual hypocrite to the highest order of magnitude. Washington D.C. is famous for this, though I think that Mitt Romney stands tall in this regard.

He impresses me as a three-hooker kind of guy. At least in his dreams, he needs the three most beautiful, best-dressed and (most of all) most expensive call girls in town. Then he needs them to do all manner of delightfully perverse things to him, simultaneously, for hours on end, till they finally start to get sleepy. That’s when he reminds them to vote for him, and invites them to church the following Sunday.

Planet Waves
Mitt Romney’s natal chart, with Gemini rising, and a Pisces Sun. His Moon-Jupiter in Scorpio conjunction is on the right side of the chart, below the horizontal line. Venus is the blue planet toward the top right of the chart (next to the glyph with the circle and the X, which is the Part of Fortune.) He has Nessus in the 12th house (left side of the chart, above horizontal line, in light blue). It’s square his natal Venus, which illustrates his suspicion of women. Chiron (an orange key) is exactly opposite Nessus. Saturn and Pluto are at the bottom of the chart, skewed to the left. Link to both charts side by side.

Think of this as a consumerist form of polygamy. It’s also not sex for the sake of love, or human contact, or venting steam — which he seems unable to blow off in any event (the pressure just builds and builds). It’s sex for the sake of power, and getting over on people — just like he lives the rest of his life.

Romney gives me the impression of being 100 psi of scandal pumped into a 10 psi tire. He seems on the verge of exploding, and my impression is that sooner or later he will. True, his 8th house Juno in Sagittarius looks like he’s Mr. Monogamous Marriage. It can also say, “My wife is chattel, hence, all women are chattel.”

This looks good from the outside, because the family image he portrays plays right into a scenario most people think they can relate to. It’s vital to remember that politics is as much about image as your average television commercial.

We get a more concise statement of his true spiritual values in his 9th house Pholus in Capricorn (think Rupert Murdoch and News of the World). He can conceal all kinds of unusual things (including psychological distress, which may be medicated) in that Capricorn 9th, while maintaining the appearance of propriety. Mormons, particularly of his age, are conditioned to repress their sexual energy to an extreme degree, and when that happens it can have some strange manifestations. In my perspective, what is happening behind the scenes would actually be shocking to most people. Whether or not he takes office, this will come out in one form or another. If he does not take office, eventually there will be that, “My God, this guy could have been president” moment.

His 10th house Venus in Aquarius, aspected by Nessus, Chiron and the Saturn/Pluto conjunction, has him pulled in four different directions all the time. He ‘doesn’t know who he is’ because he’s split four ways down the middle; it’s like he’s drawn and quartered psychically. But he’s learned how to juggle this, and the man knows how to have fun. Especially in public office, which he wants more than anything in the world, and which in many ways he is simply not compatible with. I don’t think that a Romney presidency would end well, especially for him. This man has enemies, and most of them are Republican.

Which chart is ‘worse’? I think Obama has suffered more and, despite his political and psychological problems, I think he’s closer to his humanity. And I think that most people can feel this, mostly in the form of expecting more humane conduct from him. Just remember: Mercury stations retrograde on election night, so there really are no guarantees, including the outcome of whatever administration takes office on Jan. 20.



Planet Waves

Sun Enters Scorpio Monday; Kisses Saturn Hello

The Sun enters the fixed water sign Scorpio on Monday. The fixed signs are the ones that come at the peak of the season. In Northern Hemisphere spring we have Taurus, in summer, Leo and in winter, Aquarius.

These are the signs that host the cross-quarter days — the high Sabbaths of the Pagan calendar.

Planet Waves
Old drawing of Saturn in 1666, by Robert Hooke.

Scorpio time is a reminder that Halloween is near, which is our contemporary version of Days of the Dead. Costumes and parties are fun. I suggest that you plan to make a trip to a cemetery and visit the graves of your ancestors. Dust off their pictures and remember who they were, and who they are to you today. Call on their support — they may prove to be helpful and will be grateful that you’re paying attention to them.

When the Sun ingresses Scorpio, it will join Saturn, which arrived earlier this month. This will be the first of just three Sun-Saturn conjunctions in Scorpio, before Saturn moves on to Sagittarius in 2015. So these are rare and special events, which will help us better understand the nature of this transit.

To my thinking, Saturn in Scorpio means getting real about the three things that Scorpio represents most prominently. One is sex. Another is death. Last is the exchange of resources and karma between people. These conversations happen in layers, which tend to be layers of increasing honesty, with the intent to heal what you encounter as you go deeper into yourself.

These three topics are among the most important to humanity, and the most taboo. The combination does not go well. When we ignore it, we end up with situations like the suicide of Canadian teenager Amanda Todd, who killed herself last week after being stalked and blackmailed on the Internet. It’s not enough to be ‘against bullying’, or ‘against slut shaming’, both of which led to her death.

There must be a creative and healing angle, and this is what the Sun+Saturn in Scorpio is describing. Existence is not a criminal conspiracy, and you are not a criminal. Therefore you don’t need to feel like one. Yet to get out of the emotional sink of shame and victimhood, it’s necessary to speak out about your truth. Mercury in Scorpio is making that option available. No matter how heavy the topic may seem at first, it will be a lot lighter once you get it out into the open air and daylight.


Planet Waves

Who’s Afraid of a Third-Party Candidate?

Green Party presidential nominee Jill Stein and running mate Cheri Honkala were arrested Tuesday as they tried to enter Hofstra University, in Hempstead, New York, for the presidential debate. They were held for eight hours, handcuffed to chairs. The Commission on Presidential Debates, controlled by the Republican and Democratic parties, has barred Stein (and other third-party candidates) from inclusion, despite Stein and Honkala’s presence on the ballot for 85% of U.S. voters.

Planet Waves
Green Party presidential candidate Dr. Jill Stein and vice-presidential candidate Cheri Honkala as they get arrested on the Hofstra University campus just before Tuesday’s Presidential debate. Image: Democracy Now! video still.

“We’re here to stand ground for the American people, who have been systematically locked out of these debates for decades by the Commission on Presidential Debates,” said Stein, as she was confronted by a Hofstra official and police officers. “We think that this commission is entirely illegitimate; that if democracy truly prevailed, there would be no such commission, that the debates would still be run by the League of Women Voters.”

From 1976 through 1984, the League of Women Voters ran fiercely transparent, non-partisan Presidential debates that included qualifying high-polling third-party candidates and rebuffed attempts by Democrats and Republicans to craft secret contracts limiting aspects of the debates, publically announcing when such tactics were being pushed. Debate contracts, which may specify allowed questions and moderators, have become standard practice under the CPD, headed by a pair of partisan lobbyists for large industries.

On Wednesday, Democracy Now! expanded the televised presidential debate to allow Stein, Constitution Party nominee Virgil Goode and Justice Party candidate Rocky Anderson to answer the same questions; CNN also aired a debate between Stein and Libertarian Party nominee Gary Johnson. One question for Romney and Obama: if you two are so different from each other, why are you so afraid of letting third-party candidates in the room?


Planet Waves

Another Carbon-Credits Scheme Gone Wrong

On Monday, in the midst of a grand water-sign trine linking Saturn in Scorpio, Neptune and Chiron in Pisces, and Ceres in Cancer, The Guardian U.K. reported that California businessman Russ George dumped about 100 metric tons of iron sulfate into the ocean off Canada’s western coast. George’s ‘geoengineering’ venture sparked an artificial plankton bloom as part of a risky attempt to create carbon credits for profit that violates two U.N. conventions.

Planet Waves
Yellow and orange areas show relatively high concentrations of chlorophyll in August 2012, after Russ George’s iron sulfate dump. Photo: Giovanni/Goddard Earth Sciences Data and Information Services Center/NASA.

The bloom, which stretches nearly 10,000 square kilometers, is supposed to absorb carbon dioxide — a controversial technique quaintly called “ocean fertilization,” which scientists warn could irreparably harm ocean life and possibly even speed up global warming.

The head of the local indigenous Haida Nation says the community would have rejected the dump, which occurred in July and had been called a “salmon enhancement project,” had they known of the potential for harm.

The story perfectly illustrates the whirlpool effect that can come with a grand trine. Neptune highlights George’s intentional lies to the Haida Nation (and their willingness to believe them); Chiron in Pisces continues to alert us to the wounds we inflict on our oceans — right down to their very structure (Saturn — which in Scorpio points to the money issue); Ceres illustrates our (threatened) ability to reap nourishment from the sea — an integral part of our home (Cancer).

Coinciding with this news is the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration’s announcement that September 2012 was the warmest September on record, the 331st month in a row with a global temperature above the 20th-century average.


Planet Waves

Amanda Todd: Worthy of Love, not Shaming

On Wednesday, Oct. 10, 15-year-old Canadian teen Amanda Todd was found dead in her home. Her apparent suicide is receiving widespread attention due to her story of being mercilessly cyber-stalked, bullied online and in school, and physically assaulted by classmates.

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Amanda Todd. Photo: Wikipedia.

About a month before her death, Amanda posted a video to YouTube in which she tells her story via flashcards, hoping to inspire other teens struggling with bullying. Her own life turned inside out when, a year after chatting with a man online with her friends when she was 12, she finally acquiesced to his request for a photo of her breasts. After that, he threatened to show all of her schoolmates and teachers the photo — and he followed through, repeating his actions when she moved schools.

An article on Huffington Post this week eloquently came to Amanda’s defense when Facebook pages and Tweets began appearing that continued to shame her even after her death, calling her a slut and saying she deserved to die.

Amanda’s story is sparking important conversations, but it all needs to go deeper. ‘School bullying’ and ‘cyber-bullying’ only scratch the surface; same with those who ask, “where were the parents?” Technology has far outpaced society’s ability to navigate it with consciousness and empathy, and parents — many of whom are just as brainwashed by social media as their kids — often have no idea how to equip their children with the tools (and boundaries) they need.

On an even more fundamental level, these events point to how ill-equipped most of us are simply to deal with our own ‘stuff’: jealousy, control issues, projection of what we fear onto others, our own emotional/psychic injuries and abuse, and ingrained double standards around women’s sexuality.
Eric wrote on his Facebook page this week:

“The sex/slut piece brings up another dimension, which is that it’s impossible to call someone a slut without that person coming from a place of shame. Shaming someone for allegedly being a slut is the projection of shame.”

Planet Waves
Video still from Amanda’s YouTube message to the world.

Later in the discussion, he wrote: “There’s also something about jealousy and control. I think that the bullies cannot imagine a girl having any fun that they’re not also entitled to. It’s not that Amanda WAS having fun [well, she was trying to, and got in way over her head] — it’s the perception that she has the ability to, and the jealousy/control issues around that potential, inherent in ‘slut’ shaming.”

It is clear that there’s a need for better sex education, and in some places, any sex education at all. This issue is not merely about bullying; it’s about bullying on a topic that is itself festering with untended injury.

On this theme, Eric posted: “Speaking as one who has gone out on a limb to offer different and what I think are humane sexual values, that offer a breath of liberation from shame and shaming oneself, I know how fast it’s possible to get shamed and bulled for doing just that. So if I have to fear for my job or receive angry letters in order to extend a potential for new values, where does that leave someone with less guts?”

Or, imagine being 12 or 15 years old. Everyone has made bad choices at that age, probably since the dawn of time. Until recently, the consequences of those choices were generally localized. Now, the whole world can know about them with a few mouse clicks. What is this doing to kids’ psyches? When do they get a break from the torment once it starts? One mother emailed Eric, saying:”What the hell can we do about this? I’ve seen how teenage girls treat one another these days, they’re like a bunch of psychopaths, and that’s no exaggeration. I’ve also seen that there is literally NO SOLUTION when your child is being bullied, it either stops or it doesn’t, anything you try to do has no effect at best, and usually makes it worse.”

From Enron to Iraq to Mitt Romney, the culture of bullying seems to be growing — as is a culture of sexual ignorance in which Internet porn has taken the place of sex ed for many kids. Porn has its place in adult sexuality, but it’s way too narrow a view of sex to be educationally sound. And when that is the only source of sexual ideas and imagery, it propagates an ‘otherness’ and anonymity that does little to foster inward reflection or empathy, and instead enables tremendous projection (of fears, desires, shame, etc.) onto others.

Planet Waves
One month ago, Amanda wrote, “I hope I can show you guys that everyone has a story, and everyones [sic] future will be bright one day, you just gotta pull through. I’m still here aren’t I?”

Ultimately, both Amanda’s struggle and the conversations around her suicide sadly illustrate last week’s astrology perfectly. Eric wrote on the Planet Waves blog just before her death, that the Sun conjunct Psyche describes “the struggle for soul contact, having faith in oneself, or even acknowledging one’s own existence. … Said in a more complex way, Psyche is the state of mind that might lead you to believe that you’re psychologically injured and that there is no way out.”

Amanda Todd, whose first name means “worthy of love,” found a way out. But there are other ways out of pain, far more creative, productive ways that involve allowing that love in. It can take tremendous support, perhaps from entire communities when things get bad enough. And it means we need to take these conversations out of the shadows long enough and seriously enough to get down to the roots of the multifaceted issues at play here. We can do this, and we need to. If Amanda could go on YouTube to tell her story and stand in her truth, even for just a month, we can continue the conversation she has started.

Stay tuned for a special edition of Planet Waves FM, in which Eric plans to discuss Amanda Todd’s birth and death charts. — Amanda Painter


Planet Waves

Personal Data-mining Aims at Public Shaming

The Western world may be millennia past public stonings (which still occur in parts of the world) and centuries past the Salem witch trials, yet public shaming via social media seems to be the new vogue even in politics.

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…and so do your porn preferences, favorite toohpaste, and gay friends.

A report by Mother Jones reveals that both the Romney and Obama campaigns are going to unprecedented lengths to digitally mine personal data to turn out voters Nov. 6. Building on its interview with Mother Jones reporter Tim Murphy, Democracy Now! noted that:”The information collected includes everything from religious ties, interest in pornographic sites, product preferences, financial status, social media affiliations and whether a voter has gay friends.

“That information is then used to shape the approach of unsolicited phone calls from campaign staffers to the voters, based on how they have been analyzed. Some voters will even be pushed to vote by being publicly ‘shamed,’ when the campaign publicly divulges how frequently they and their neighbors have previously voted in the hopes that public disclosure will spur them to action.”

When will we learn that bullying in any form is not okay?


Planet Waves
Planet Waves

This is stuck on the cover of the notebook I used for the 2005 annual edition, during the 2004 election, complete with coffee stains. It’s by one of my favorite political cartoonists, my fellow SUNY Buffalo alumnus Tom Toles of The Washington Post. He worked at the student newspaper, The Spectrum.


Planet Waves

Felix Baumgartner jumps from 24 miles up in the atmosphere.

Planet Waves FM :: Felix Jumps! & the Candidates’ Charts

In this week’s edition of Planet Waves FM, I cover Felix Baumgartner jumping from 24 miles high — and compare this to the chart of the Wright Brothers’ first historic flight at Kitty Hawk. Here are charts for both Felix jumping as well as the first flight. I also cover the charts of Barack Obama and Mitt Romney, discussed in the above article, though with additional impressions and details. Our musical guest is Sloan Wainwright. You can hear additional music by Sloan at this special edition of PW FM.


Planet Waves

Your Monthly Horoscopes — and our Publishing Schedule Notes

Planet Waves monthly horoscopes provide a broader perspective that surveys the themes of the coming month and often, weeks that follow. The November monthly horoscope will be distributed with the edition of Friday, Oct. 26. It’s always worth reviewing the monthly horoscope at the end of the month! The October Monthly horoscope was published Friday, Sept. 28. Inner Space for October was published Tuesday, Oct. 2. The October Moonshine Horoscope was published Tuesday, Oct. 16.

Please note that the longer monthly horoscope is being incorporated into the Friday issue after the Sun has entered a new sign; Inner Space still publishes on Tuesdays. A recent weekly horoscope (#918) covered the Libra equinox in detail.


Planet Waves

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Oct. 19, 2012 #922 | By Eric Francis

Late Libra Birthdays

If you focus your energy and ambition, you will discover that your self-doubts are not only unfounded, but also that they only cover over your perception of your talent. It’s essential that you offer yourself only to situations where you feel an authentic sense of emotional commitment, proceeding with dedication that is not just an idea, or about some immediate passion, but rather coming from a deep place of contact. That’s your assurance that what you’re doing will be mutually beneficial and nourishing. You may still not be having the easiest time where personal relationships are concerned, though you have developed a skill of being able to do a bit more of the adapting to the quirkiness of others — and for a while that will ease the way. Still, you must learn to make demands on people to respect your needs, your growth process and your individuality. That will be easier as your longterm project of cultivating true self-respect develops, but still, that extra step of holding others to a standard of fair treatment is something that you will have to learn and that may not come naturally to you. Note to Libra and Libra rising readers: I have prepared an extended reading for you, which you may access here.

Early Scorpio Birthdays
The Sun enters the sign Scorpio Monday, making the first of three Sun-Saturn conjunctions (there is another one, next year). This is a roundabout way of saying that Saturn is in your sign, and if you’re born early in Scorpio, it will be making a conjunction to your natal Sun all year. Sun-Saturn is one of those ‘enforced growth’ kind of transits, encouraging you to stabilize your emotions, to come to terms with the past and ultimately, to be your most dependable source of authority. The Saturn principle says, “Run your own life and others will not be able to run it for you.” Living this way requires a commitment, more indeed than most people choose to embrace; they would rather have someone else tell them what to do. (This, by the way, explains most of politics and why people don’t take a greater role in what influences their lives so profoundly.) Many other factors in your chart are encouraging you to deal with the past rather than avoid it, and if you are willing to do that, you will discover that you possess a kind of dissolving power that both allows you to resolve what is no longer serving you, and grants you an unusual creative ability to envision a new life for yourself. This will not happen overnight, but if you devote yourself to it daily, you will get results sooner than you think. Note to Scorpio and Scorpio rising readers: I plan to have your birthday reading done next week.

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — Why oh why is sex such a secret? I know enough about the history of sex to be aware it’s been this way for a while, and across many cultures. The topic of what people do naked, or think about doing, or want to do, almost always has a taboo over it. Yet the conspiracy, the cover-up, the dishonesty and the impulse to power that we see in our society certainly have a special place in the trophy room of history. Right now it would seem as if you’re trying to contain something about yourself, something you’re concerned others, or someone in particular, might discover. Though this may have an answer that seems obvious, what exactly is your concern? What do you think will happen? I suggest you spend the weekend getting clear about what exactly you’re fearful of. I also suggest you ask how you would respond if someone close to you had a similar concern about your discovering something. Once the Sun changes signs to Scorpio Monday, you will feel how good it is to let the light into dark places.

Hello Aries — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). If you would like to hear your Aries birthday reading, please visit this link.


Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — The Sun ingresses your opposite sign Scorpio on Monday, which indicates a shift of tone in your relationship life. Things could go one of two ways from here: toward greater depth and understanding, or toward separation. My impression is that events will proceed along a path that seems organic; emotions, like water, tend to flow with the psychic landscape. There’s a larger story involved, however, and it involves your longterm needs for clarity in your relationships. Clarity is a form of understanding, and in our current version of the world, it’s natural to experience that as vulnerability. There is also something about the nature of exchange. I believe that many people withhold generosity because to give to someone is to set up the conditions for loving them; I’ve seen over and over that we love who and what we take care of. I know it’s supposed to go the other way, and sometimes it does. The question is no longer what you can get, but what you can give. It’s no longer who belongs in your life, or not; the question is why or why not.

Hello Taurus — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). If you would like to hear your Taurus birthday reading, please visit this link.


Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — It’s essential to know what you want from your relationship experiences, and what you want to offer. The emphasis is now on exchange. It’s also on taking certain factors seriously that you have neglected before: particularly the essential element of sexual healing that is such a strong theme in your relationships. It’s usually easy to pretend this one doesn’t exist — though not with Saturn in Scorpio pushing this to the point of immediate necessity, particularly since the Sun is about to arrive on Monday. It’s time to note certain facts of existence, and begin making decisions about how to approach them. Until then, I suggest you take advantage of a rare aspect which will help you find people in your environment with whom you’re in affinity. This will work on nearly any subject, though you have an opportunity to put it to use to make contact with others on this singularly avoided topic — the necessity for sexual healing. This theme will extend into your circle of friends as well as your family. If you’re feeling inhibition, get over yourself, and do what you know it’s time to do.

Hello Gemini — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). Have you listened to your birthday reading? Click here for an hour of astrology plus a tarot reading by Eric.


Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — It can take some perspective to figure out how much damage religion has done to you — especially if you don’t think it’s done much damage at all. In my view, the most serious problem with religion is the way that it takes control over the most sensitive matters of the human experience: for instance, sex, death, cosmology, values about money and who is allowed to relate to whom. This is all packaged up as God’s will. The question of the hour is, how would you have your life be, if all of those rules were suspended? What would you believe, if nobody told you what to believe, or tried to enforce your views with guilt? By the way: the presence of guilt in any area of life is clear evidence that religion has been through the territory. That any of these aspects of life could be made into a moral issue is evidence of the same thing. I’m aware it can feel destabilizing to challenge any of this, and often guilt is the first emotion to rush in. This time, however, I suggest you greet it with some healthy skepticism.

Hello Cancer — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). To hear your birthday reading for the year ahead, please visit this link.


Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — It seems like you’re about to discover the truth about a family secret, something that’s potentially eluded you for years. This comes right around when you’ve made the decision to take charge of your personal affairs in a new way. You’ve always been one to assert leadership in your relationships and your ‘tribal’ surroundings, though not like you’re experiencing now. You appear to be making peace with how you’re emotionally motivated, which is at the seat of your ability to make and keep such deep commitments. Yet now, you’re doing something truly admirable, or you can if you want: intervening in the process of the generations going by. You have set a limit on something, with the purpose of opening up a clear space for something else. You know that these two things cannot coexist; just like being functional has a way of contradicting dysfunction. And, behold: truth contradicts secrecy.

Hello Leo — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). To hear your birthday reading for the year ahead, please visit this link.


Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Many people have fantasies of writing down their deepest secrets, and a second layer of wanting others to read them. You would be amazed the dance that people do with themselves: writing under fake names, hiding things on their computers, writing things and then burning them, as well as experiencing all kinds of fear about what would happen if [whatever]. The planets are now aligning in such a way that’s facilitating your being unusually honest with yourself about these intriguing aspects of your life. You have room to explore, to go deeper than you ever have before, and to feel the strength of expressing your vivid truth to yourself. If you encounter fears, blockages or apprehension of any kind, I suggest you keep going, because the best stuff is going to be on the other side of those seeming barriers. Then comes the question of sharing. You might fear that if you’re truthful with anyone, a conspiracy against you will erupt. You are right about one thing — there is a conspiracy, and it’s known as LIFE.

Hello Virgo — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). Did you miss your birthday reading? Use this link to order an hour of astrology plus a tarot reading by Eric.


Planet Waves



Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Do you want a relationship, or do you want some opportunities to experiment and explore? Over the past couple of years, circumstances have guided or pushed you in the direction of the unknown. You may be feeling like you’re on an edge of some kind, and I would not be surprised if you’re feeling a little more fear than usual. If so, consider this. There seems to be some aspect of yourself that you’re reluctant to reveal to others, while at the same time you know this is the most meaningful thing about you. It’s also likely to be an attribute of yourself that would help you connect with others in a nourishing way, were you able to be open about it. Consider the last couple of days of the Sun transiting your sign to be a kind of incubation phase, while you make contact with whatever this element of yourself is. Get used to the fact that it’s there. Then once the Sun enters Scorpio on Monday, you will feel the beauty and value of what you possess.

Hello Libra — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). To hear your birthday reading for the year ahead, please visit this link .


Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Structure is no more an impediment to your dreams than a car prevents you from driving someplace. Yet to have the freedom that a car offers, it took focus, ingenuity and dedication on the part of inventors and engineers — and the driver had to get access in the form of buying or borrowing one. You’re in approximately the same place with your life right now: you cannot have the freedom of expression you dream of without some structure and discipline around your goals. Daydreaming may feel liberating, but it’s really a distraction, and a form of boredom. Yet it seems that the moment you get close to the point of embracing some firm path or pattern and applying it to what you desire, fear takes over the equation. You may change your point of view when the Sun ingresses your sign Monday. Notice how much you get done next week, and remember how good it feels.

Hello Scorpio — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).


Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — You may be making one discovery after the next about what is going on in the depths of your psyche. This is at once liberating, pleasurable, painful and daunting, or perhaps these sensations are coming in waves and various combinations. Most of all, it’s necessary, particularly in an era when the most powerful psychological force is denial, which is another way of saying ‘keeping secrets from ourselves’. Now, there are a few factors to be aware of at this juncture. One is that the deeper you go, the more you may encounter a new kind of loneliness. As you keep going, you’re then likely to discover a new kind of self-presence, which you have, in the past, had a tendency to cover over by involving yourself with others. Now, no other person can get in the way of your relationship to yourself, and further, I strongly suggest you select people to be with on the basis that they not only ‘support’ but actively encourage you in your relationship to yourself. Here is the catch: there’s a degree to which they must be left out of that very process, which means that jealous people are not your friend. Far from it.

Hello Sagittarius — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).


Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Your charts are rather emotionally potent at the moment (an understatement), and I suggest you ask yourself whether you’re feeding on intensity for its own sake, or you actually have something to express. You seem to be seeking peak experiences, which isn’t unhealthy in and of itself — the question is the content of those experiences, what they offer you, and what their influence is on the environment of your relationships. Are you creating a diversion of some kind, or are you reacting to pressure within you that you don’t know how to handle? It’s possible that there’s an exaggeration effect going on; you’re perceiving others as being overly serious, and they are perceiving you as failing to see the virtue of self-control. If so, there’s some truth to the equation. I would ask, however, what is underneath all of this emotional intensity. What is driving you? What’s the source of your restlessness? You may just be reacting against gaining the emotional discipline you know you need to cultivate.

Hello Capricorn — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).


Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Is there a mystery to success? There certainly seems so. Intelligence, a good plan and hard work are sometimes enough, though often there’s a necessary missing factor. I suggest you contemplate what that factor might be over the next few days, as the Sun gets ready to cross the midheaven of your solar chart. There is an answer to the riddle, and it’s pretty easy. It will be a lot more meaningful coming from you than from me, so I’m going to wait a week before telling you my theory. I will give you a clue, though — it involves something about the supposedly inherent nature of your zodiac sign, perhaps the quality most often noted by astrologers. Meanwhile, you seem to be confronting some issues about whether you’re a ‘popular’ person or not. There’s some actual fear involved in this equation, and I suggest you keep the discussion with yourself on that level, rather than the popularity level. It’s clear, though, that if you’re in harmony with yourself, others will feel much more in harmony with you — or you will simply move on when they are not.

Hello Aquarius — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).


Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — It’s time for humanity to stop falling for the toxic lie that there is something ‘unspiritual’ about sexual feelings, and the ways in which we may share them with others. This struggle is the result of moralism, not spirituality, and anything that’s moralistic is far from the realm of healing, spirit or love. You’re someone who is not only naturally inclined to see the organic relationship between what humans think of as eros and what they think of as divine; you are the one who lives this connection, perhaps more readily than anyone you know. Saturn in Scorpio is setting an agenda that it’s now time for many others to enter this territory. On Monday, Saturn will be joined by the Sun, adding light, heat and sanity to a situation that is slowly driving many people insane. On Earth, it’s also one of the most corrupt aspects of life, which accounts for so much death and destruction. Your role is to live steadfastly in the space that sexuality is among the highest orders of spiritual truth. Be bold and sincere. Err on the side of openness and freedom. To do this you will need to access your deepest strength and your commitment to life. In doing so, you will be aligning yourself with a source of energy and wisdom that can and will nourish you for the rest of your days.

Hello Pisces — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).


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Moonshine Horoscopes for October 2012

Planet Waves

The very thin crescent immediately after the New Moon. Photo by Anthony Ayiomamitis, Sounion, Greece.

Note to Readers from Eric: These horoscopes, written by our global correspondent Genevieve Hathaway (who is now in Australia), are based on your Moon sign. To look that up, enter your birth data into It helps to have your birth time but it’s not necessary in most cases. I suggest you also read your Sun and rising signs.

Yesterday was the Libra New Moon. We covered that in last week’s issue. This was a profound New Moon, making contact with many of the newly discovered planets — opposite Eris, square Varuna, and trine Nessus. It’s likely that a lot of inner material came up and that it will continue to do so for another couple of weeks, till you really figure out what the events of the New Moon were pointing to when the Taurus Full Moon arrives on Oct. 29.

Thank you, Genevieve, for the horoscopes. Readers — we will see you Friday with a regular issue of Planet Waves. Please note that due to a ‘calendar quirk’ in my writing schedule with a local magazine I work with, Chronogram, the issue may publish a few hours later than usual. But we will try to avoid this. — efc

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — Dreams tell us a story about ourselves; a tale allowing access to some of the deepest levels of our psyche. Yet at times, the meaning contained within these accounts comes across as unclear, like you were sold a box of cereal without the special “surprise-inside” decoder ring to decipher the message on the back of the carton. Currently, your dreams are particularly potent, containing much in the way of useful information surrounding deep emotional material. Think of the decoder ring as combining objectivity with your intuition. As your subconscious moves through the layers of your psychic body you will make contact with this deep material, which may include wounds of a sexual or desire-based nature. What you access does not just apply to your current lifetime, but goes back generations. I suggest keeping a dream journal on your bed stand. Record the details of your dreams, and also how you feel about them (especially how you feel waking up from any particular dream that you remember). Information written down allows for objectivity — enough distance to connect the dots and bring the larger message into focus. Once this picture starts to take shape, you will be able to apply your intuition in regards to the most effective method for healing. — by Genevieve Hathaway.

Hello Aries — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). If you would like to hear your Aries birthday reading, please visit this link.


Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — As Saturn moves through early Scorpio, look for questions of partnership to arise. As one of the gods of change, Saturn brings with it lessons of claiming our own authority, including selecting who we invest our time and energy in. How we locate ourselves as children in relation to the parental dynamic often carries on through adulthood. It plays out in partnerships until the pattern is consciously addressed and new, authentic methods of relating adopted. As relationships come into question, look to see if you can spot your parents’ influence; this is a clue to go deep and access with full honesty whether it’s aligned with who you are. A number of relationships may be revealed to be not as healthy for you as you may have thought, and you would benefit from cutting them loose. This is a process about getting clear on what you want and who you truly want to invest time and love in, and then taking action to enact change. I suggest you view change as a necessary ingredient for progress, instead of as a loss. A number of supportive relationships will be entering your life, but first you must clear the decks of those who are taking up space without nurturing and enriching you. — by Genevieve Hathaway.

Hello Taurus — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). If you would like to hear your Taurus birthday reading, please visit this link.


Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — You give a lot of yourself to what you do for work — placing your energy and passion on a daily basis into your work projects. Without meaningful and challenging tasks, feelings of unhappiness and being unfulfilled can arise. You are entering a period of re-evaluating the daily structure of your work. This may manifest as feeling apathetic about projects into which you’ve invested quite a bit of time, energy and love. I suggest you view these developments as a reassessment of what suits you and what doesn’t — a re-arranging of the day-to-day structures of work rather than scrapping projects. As you consider what changes to make, I propose you investigate the level of curiosity involved in every aspect of your work. Curiosity is an active process involving inquisitive thinking. Your curiosity needs to be engaged as a daily exercise in all that you do for you to feel good investing in any task. The concept implies a mix of exploration, experimentation and flexibility. A good starting point for re-examining your work environment and tasks is whether they nurture and provide space for you to fully employ these modes of operating with room to take risks, be creative, and apply your intuition. — by Genevieve Hathaway.

Hello Gemini — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). Have you listened to your birthday reading? Click here for an hour of astrology plus a tarot reading by Eric.


Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — In ancient Sanskrit there is a simple greeting used all the time, the meaning of which carries great impact; the word is namaste. It means, “the Spirit within me salutes the Spirit in you” — a recognition of the presence of a sentient, feeling being within the body of a person. You have quite a bit in common with this Indian word. For you this concept manifests in the form of instinctual empathy, the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. Interwoven in the concept of empathy is the idea of the simple act of recognizing the conscious essence inside another human being, just as namaste acknowledges the spirit within. In an ever-increasingly superficial world, daily existence has been reduced to 140 characters on Twitter, major life milestones announced over Facebook, and couples breaking up via text messaging. Applying the energy and love to understand and consciously recognize an individual brings a deep, positive impact to those you interact with. You impact more people than you realize, passing on this perspective of empathy to many of the folks you help, who in turn spread the message even further. — by Genevieve Hathaway.

Hello Cancer — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). To hear your birthday reading for the year ahead, please visit this link.


Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — The next few years for you are about cultivating emotional stability — what that looks like to you, how you get there, and making the necessary changes. You possess plenty of emotional depth, sometimes too much, to the point where you can get lost in it. Emotional stability means erecting a solid ground inside of you; a place of reference you can always go internally that gives the feeling of grounding, solidity and confidence. This means defining your inner space as distinctly yours, separate from any family influences. It also means claiming your space to exist, and claiming it as genuinely you. During this process, you may run into family patterns you never recognized. I suggest, no matter how sticky or murky the situation gets, that you consider what you are sorting out as a commitment to yourself, which means proceeding with diligence and dedication. Move through the ground you cover consciously, even applying some radical honesty when necessary. This may mean rehashing old territory with close partners, restating conversations from a new place of complete honesty. Don’t get too wrapped up in another’s view; instead keep the focus on your own inner journey and the place you are moving to. Finding your own solid sense of security will in turn benefit those around you. — by Genevieve Hathaway.

Hello Leo — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). To hear your birthday reading for the year ahead, please visit this link.


Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Scorpio in the area of your chart involving communication brings a need to feel and listen before you speak. You have a sharp wit and an even sharper tongue, especially when feeling emotionally threatened. Ultimately, you wish to support people, to be of service. Being of service to others means feeling through any impulsive states to your more spiritually grounded feeling-body, while also offering others the grace to be imperfect. As Saturn moves through Scorpio for the next few years, you will undergo a re-evaluation of your communication methods. This is about expressing empathy and grace as conscious choices. I suggest you avoid spending too much time on self-criticism when you are less than perfect in an interaction. Progress won’t be achieved through negativity toward yourself. Rather, letting go of old ways means allowing in the new. That doesn’t happen in a vacuum; be willing to try something new, and then make small adjustments to steadily craft a method of communicating that brings a larger compassionate component. When you are working from a grounded place of service, the results you wish to achieve will seem more tangible; but more importantly you and those around you will find greater emotional support with each other. — by Genevieve Hathaway.

Hello Virgo — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). Did you miss your birthday reading? Use this link to order an hour of astrology plus a tarot reading by Eric.


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Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Over the next few weeks take the time to clarify details in relationships, even if that means seemingly having the same conversation a number of times. New information will become apparent in each discussion, moving both parties closer to a genuine understanding of the other person’s position. Honesty and operating from a position of focused thinking will bring progress in each discussion. I suggest you be extra vigilant not to set aside your own needs in favor of some perceived balance through giving the other person all that they want. Trust that the other person you’re working with also wants the greatest good for all — and that doesn’t mean you setting aside your needs. Any differences between you and the other person come down to perception and personal boundaries. A compromise is available where both parties’ boundaries are respected and both individuals feel their needs are met. Applying this dedication to fully defining and detailing the landscape between you and a partner will bring greater trust in a partner’s honest intentions and their shared commitment to getting the details of communication right. — by Genevieve Hathaway.

Hello Libra — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). To hear your birthday reading for the year ahead, please visit this link .


Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — With Saturn entering the sign of your Moon you’re beginning a period of time focused on choice. Notice how the choices you make support stepping into ownership of your authority over your needs and emotions — or whether the decisions you make (or don’t make) give that power to someone else. Choice implies both discipline and focus. It’s an opportunity to make a decision based on integrity; which can also be thought of as being whole and undivided, or in line with what you value. At the most basic level, this is about honoring who you are, and your needs. Part of what it means to be your own authority is claiming your space to be you, not altering how you are to please others or protect a part of yourself. The potent combination of Chiron and Neptune moving through a fellow water sign, Pisces, will provide plenty of assistance in breaking down systems and patterns that have blocked you from fully owning your power of self-governance. This process will both help you claim your power, and also let you reorient to what it means to be vulnerable. Acceptance of vulnerability gives strength and opens the door for connection with other people, both important components of experiencing genuine happiness on a daily basis. — by Genevieve Hathaway.

Hello Scorpio — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).


Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Passing through the sign of your Moon is a fiery little spark plug of a minor planet called Pholus. With another high-energy planet, Jupiter, tracking through your opposite sign Gemini, your astrological landscape is illuminated for miles. You can think of this energy as the energy of the Sun bottled to run your hometown; it would take only a tiny amount to power it for a year. If you opened up the full power of the Sun, you’d fry every circuit and electrical device. You have to keep the dosage small and directed. Your emotions currently carry that kind of power, and it’s essential to apply intention, vision and discipline with precision as you express them. Proceed consciously, especially in your relationships, for the next few weeks. Process your emotions, rather than reacting to how they make you feel. Like a pendulum, your strongly energized feelings could cause situations to swing widely in opposite directions. The key is to apply just a little nudge, then a minor course correction if that little push turned out to have too much force behind it. Small steps, always working from a point of a loving vision, will make the greatest impact. — by Genevieve Hathaway.

Hello Sagittarius — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).


Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Human beings developed as social animals, dependent on the larger group and community for survival, both physically and emotionally. This group nature can be seen in people’s fear of being kicked out of their tribe if they are authentically themselves. As Saturn enters Scorpio this month, disconnects between your community’s values and your own personal values will become increasingly apparent and unsatisfactory to live with. Those values that resonate within you on the deepest, most instinctual level are your core beliefs. I suggest you not throw them aside no matter how many times those around you may have dismissed or disagreed with them. A clue that values are authentic is when they are free of guilt, shame or fear. Over the next few years, you will be consciously selecting your community based on this set of beliefs; looking for a group of people who support and share those values that are part of your list of ‘non-negotiables’. This is not about being rigid in what you believe, but rather about honoring your needs and ideals and making choices that align with supporting those beliefs. When your community fully supports you being 100% you, much in the way of emotional nourishment will become available in the form of acceptance. — by Genevieve Hathaway.

Hello Capricorn — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).


Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — I propose that for you, for a career to be satisfying it needs to resonate on a soul level. I don’t mean a job that is ‘fun’, rather that it provides an orientation point for accessing a deep sense of connection to the larger world. As Saturn begins its long journey across Scorpio, you are beginning a distinctive phase in your professional life; a period of time where the work that you do will matter to you and to others. Being ‘a butt in a chair’ or just doing a task for a paycheck won’t cut it. Even if you try, you won’t be able to maintain the illusion of it working for long. You are beginning what is not just a new phase, but a new start, implying that the past won’t dictate what you build or even who you are in the future. Past experiences can be useful in some instances; though in the coming weeks and months I suggest you meet the idea of your career with a fresh new outlook, not making any assumptions or judgments from past situations. Instead, let your work evolve organically by following your inner Geiger counter of curiosity and passion to guide the choices you make and chances you take. What is on offer is not just a career that lets you engage the larger world with impact, but also provides you with deep emotional, spiritual and intellectual nourishment. — by Genevieve Hathaway.

Hello Aquarius — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).


Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Currently, the water signs are in a mutually beneficial dialogue that funnels right into you and your sense of creativity and vision. Many of the necessary pieces for the creation of art are being interwoven into your approach — discipline, focus, conscious choice and an element of nourishment from the process. You bring creativity and vision to the table. From this mix, much in the way of timely and important art will be created. All that’s required is taking the step and giving it a try. I suggest you leave any doubts regarding the worthiness of what you make at the door, no matter what opinions are voiced. Your vision and how that vision manifests is needed by the world. With Neptune and Chiron moving through Pisces, and Saturn now in Scorpio, the world is shifting into a place that fits you just a little bit better. People will show up who are receptive to what you are offering — your vision and the resulting art. The first step is to translate it from inside of you to a tangible, physical form. Then work both the local and global methods of spreading information and building connection. Tap your local community to share your art and utilize the great connection experiment that is the Internet to share with people all over the world. What nourished you through the creation process will resonate with many people — and in turn nourish them through the enjoyment and emotional exploration art provides. — by Genevieve Hathaway.

Hello Pisces — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).


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Libra New Moon — Opposite Eris

Dear Friend and Reader:

Amidst much other astrology that’s about to send the world spinning even more than it is, on Monday we have the Libra New Moon. That’s the annual conjunction of the Moon and Sun in Libra, though this is no ordinary New Moon: it’s exactly opposite a planet — Eris, the planet that in 2006 rearranged astronomy and led to the supposed ‘demotion’ of Pluto.

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Malala Yousafzai is in critical condition after being shot by a Taliban gunman in Pakistan on Tuesday. Photo: BBC.

Libra is an unusual sign, having two rather different planets associated with it: Venus (its ruler) and Saturn (which is exalted there). Libra at its best is a perfect morph of both: the attractiveness, emotional affinity and creativity of Venus, melded with the structure, firmness and resolve of Saturn. If as some say Libra struggles to make decisions, these are the two sides of the equation that it might be worth considering, and integrating.

This New Moon is face to face with Eris (illustrated in the chart below). Discovered in 2005 and named in 2006, Eris is an object approximately the size of Pluto, but with an orbit more than twice as long — and also extremely elongated, meaning that at certain points in history, Eris moves so slowly that it can spend more than a century in one sign, which it’s doing now, in Aries.

Eris is the most distant known planet from the Sun at the moment. Due to its highly elliptical orbit, Eris is even further away than Sedna, despite Sedna’s orbital cycle being about 20 times longer than that of Eris.

Named for the Greek goddess of discord and chaos, Eris often does have this quality when you study it in news charts. It can also represent the sly move, subterfuge and the covert long-term plan for domination. Its motto in such cases is “by any means necessary,” regardless of whether the goal itself is necessary.

In personal charts, Eris seems to be about the factor of identity chaos that we’re experiencing here in the postmodern world (that’s to say, the modern world, with the rug pulled out from underneath logic). We spend a lot of time wondering who we are these days, going through identity crises, transforming ourselves and collecting business cards for the various things we might identify as.
We’ve all met the person who is the bank vice president, the Reiki master, the doll clothing designer and the house organizer. That’s a reminder that Eris is in Aries.

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Libra New Moon opposite Eris. The Moon and Sun, comprising the New Moon, are toward the right side of the chart, and Eris, in red, is toward the lower left side.
All three points have the number 22, which means they are in an exact alignment. When there’s an event such as a New Moon that makes contact with a newly discovered point, we learn something about how that point expresses itself. Also shown is Mars square Chiron (see SKY section for more about that).

Off in the other direction, the Moon and Sun making a conjunction in Libra is the picture of the perfect little relationship, the one everyone says they want; the one that allegedly helps us resolve the whole question of who we are. There’s an idealistic quality, there’s the sensation of balance, the Moon and the Sun are together — and because Libra is involved, it does something that we expect relationships to do: it looks good from the outside.

Yet there’s the added factor in this chart: the New Moon is opposite Eris in Aries, as in exact to the degree, putting these two concepts into a confrontation. Remember that Eris is a relatively new addition to astrology, so it’s necessary to be open minded.

In an article in the current issue of The Mountain Astrologer, I describe the process of figuring out what new planets mean. I give numerous examples of what I call “proving moments” — events where the newly discovered point is involved in something like a New Moon or a Full Moon, especially when there is an unusually tight alignment (two degrees or less, for example). When this happens, it’s possible to witness the expression of the deeper nature of the newly discovered point (and by newly, I mean within the past 20 years or so) reveal itself. [If you’re curious about one example, consider that the Fukushima nuclear disaster happened one week after a New Moon conjunct a little planet called Borasisi.]

We are about to have just such a proving moment with Eris. What we witness over the next few days will be expressive on some level of what Eris is about. In fact what we’ve been witnessing over the past week is offering some insight, though if you recall from Tuesday’s edition, an asteroid called Psyche has been very active as well, lending itself to an atmosphere of healing crisis in personal relationships, deep self-doubts and the quest for authentic faith in ourselves and one another. I thought that the Sun-Psyche conjunction would be potent though I was surprised to see just how much crisis came along with it.

Eris, for its part, can describe (or seem to precipitate) a breakdown of the known order of things (in philosophy this is sometimes called postmodernism — a well-established trait of Eris).

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In this photograph released by the Pakistani government on Oct. 9, 2012, Pakistani army doctors give treatment to injured Malala Yousafzai, 14, at an army hospital. She remains in critical condition and has been given a 70% chance of surviving.

Among the salient events in the news that describe a kind of morbid social disintegration was the Taliban in Pakistan attempting to murder a 14-year-old school girl named Malala Yousafzai. She got international attention when at age 11 she began writing a diary for the BBC.

She had openly stated her desire to be a doctor, and then once she had figured out the significance of social issues in her country and the world, a political leader (stating that she wanted to help solve the problems of Pakistan). She did something dangerous, which was advocate for the rights of girls to get an education and have a career.

In one entry from 2009, she wrote, “I felt hurt on opening my wardrobe and seeing my uniform, school bag and geometry box. Boys’ schools are opening tomorrow. But the Taliban have banned girls’ education.”

On Tuesday, a Taliban gunman boarded her school bus, asked for her by name, and shot her in the head and the throat. She is now in critical condition after surgeons removed a bullet from near her spine, still unconscious and breathing with the assistance of a respirator. The Taliban has reportedly issued a series of statements trying to justify its actions on the grounds that she’s spreading secular thought, and has vowed to kill her if she recovers. Her father’s life is also under threat, since he has encouraged her to be outspoken and pursue her dreams.

In other news, Turkey has been bombing Syria this week, in retaliation for shells from the conflict inside Syria landing on the Turkish side of the border. And Turkey on Wednesday intercepted a passenger airliner that it claimed had illegal cargo, heightening tension between the two countries. Some cargo was removed and the jet was allowed to take off again several hours later. We need to monitor each and every one of these situations as Mars makes its way across Sagittarius (international factors) and many sensitive points now located there.

Steroids and More Steroids

In the United States, as of Thursday, 138 people have come down with meningitis after receiving injections of contaminated steroids produced by a specialized pharmacy (called a compounding pharmacy) in Massachusetts.

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It’s all about muscles, even for a vice presidential candidate. This is one photo in a series of Paul Ryan that was released by Time magazine this week.

The federal Centers for Disease Control blamed nurses and dirty needles for the outbreak — in five states simultaneously — in an obvious attempt to protect the drug maker. Outbreaks of the rare, potentially deadly illness have now been reported in 11 states. These steroids were used mainly to relieve pain and inflammation.

Speaking of steroids, then there’s the other kind. The Lance Armstrong doping scandal has removed whatever credibility bicycle racing had left. Armstrong was recently stripped of his seven Tour de France titles for using drugs that made him bigger, stronger and faster. But apparently he pushed the whole U.S. team into involvement with the conspiracy.

The U.S. Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) this week released 1,000 pages of testimony establishing that the American pro-cycling team, sponsored by the U.S. Postal Service, ran a vast scheme to cheat with multiple team members using drugs, over an extended period of time.

According to a statement released this week by the USADA, the file “includes sworn testimony from 26 people, including 15 riders with knowledge of the U.S. Postal Service Team (USPS Team) and its participants’ doping activities. The evidence also includes direct documentary evidence including financial payments, emails, scientific data and laboratory test results that further prove the use, possession and distribution of performance-enhancing drugs by Lance Armstrong and confirm the disappointing truth about the deceptive activities of the USPS Team, a team that received tens of millions of American taxpayer dollars in funding.”

An article in Thursday’s editions of The New York Times described in lurid detail how Armstrong was the central organizer of the American team’s doping practices, and bullied other athletes, including the top cyclists of their generation, to participate. The Times reported:

Kristin Armstrong, Armstrong’s former wife, handed out cortisone tablets wrapped tightly in foil to the team at the 1998 world championships.

Riders were given water bottles containing EPO as if they were boxed lunches. Jonathan Vaughters said the bottles were carefully labeled for them: “Jonathan — 5×2” meant five vials of 2,000 international units each of EPO were tucked inside. Once when Vaughters was in Armstrong’s room borrowing his laptop, Armstrong injected himself with EPO and said, now “that you are doing EPO too, you can’t go write a book about it.”

This one statement offers insight into just how they planned to keep this under wraps. Every time I read about Armstrong’s use of steroids, I have the same question about what exactly caused Lance Armstrong to get testicular cancer. Shooting steroids is one possible explanation, since sex gland cancers are often attributed to hormone imbalances. Given his use of the drugs, it’s a miracle he was able to keep his cancer in remission. And it will be interesting to see what federal prosecutors do with this case.

In another kind of sports-related scandal, Jerry Sandusky was sentenced to 30 to 60 years in prison for being a serial rapist of young boys. This was an unofficial but apparently sanctioned part of the Penn State athletic program.

I don’t believe that this is justice being served. That is not really possible, though other criminal and civil cases are pending. Sandusky did damage to countless young people, and demonstrated how difficult it is for those under attack to get the attention of authorities when powerful people are involved in the abuse, or covering it up.

The core issue here is trust. The people who survived his antics will have a hard time trusting anyone, and survivors everywhere are getting a glimpse into how, when everyone ignores your plea or you’re afraid to come forward, it’s so easy to blame yourself for what happened.

Romney’s Hormone Chaos

One last bit from the news. Tuesday, Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney told The Des Moines Register’s editorial board that “there’s no legislation with regards to abortion that I’m familiar with that would become part of my agenda.” In other words, he told an outrageous lie that he was not planning to sign any anti-abortion legislation (something that he’s promised to do, and never to do, on many different occasions).

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During his 1994 race for U.S. senator from Massachusetts, Romney said he was pro-choice. Today he claims to want to overturn Roe v. Wade (which only the Supreme Court can do) and also to ban women from having access to birth control. See the full video here.

Two hours later, the Romney campaign was walking back his earlier statement. “Gov. Romney would of course support legislation aimed at providing greater protections for life.”

This is the stock in trade of his campaign: say whatever is convenient in that moment, then it’s broadcast, and then that position is reversed later that day. Even if you think that politicians are duplicitous, this is just over the top. (We’ll see how this works when I do the charts of both major candidates, probably for next week’s edition.)

Romney has in the past stated that he supports a woman’s right to choose what to do about a pregnancy (it’s hard to be a politician who is not pro-choice in Massachusetts). He then said he would sign a law banning abortion, and at other times said he would sign ‘personhood’ legislation that would ban in vitro fertilization, the IUD and hormonal birth control, and that would establish the definition of life as beginning at conception.

He has said that he believes the Supreme Court should overturn Roe v. Wade, the 1973 decision allowing women access to abortion. He’s also said he would “get rid of” Planned Parenthood.

Now for the surreal twist: Romney’s post-debate bounce in popularity came largely from single women. Greg Sargent wrote this week, “Mitt Romney beat Obama in the debate for a simple reason. Unmarried women — a critical piece of Obama’s coalition — did not hear Obama telling [them] how [he] would make their lives better. By contrast, they did hear Romney telling them he’d improve their lives.”

Planet Waves political analyst Astrodem wrote to me this week, “Multiple pollsters are confirming that almost all of the movement came from women — especially single women. As I said before, we’re going to cover a lot of ground in the campaign, but it’s ultimately going to come down to who wins the single ladies.”

I guess if you’re going to win over young women who vote, you have to create confusion about where you stand on reproductive issues — especially if you’re sworn to banning reproductive rights for women.

The problem here is that many people are confused, and sometimes I think, in love with their confusion. After all, if you’re confused, you don’t have to commit to anything; you can claim to be at the mercy of chaos. This is not what some call creative chaos; rather, it’s the chaos that’s at the root of all forms of disease.

New Moon opposite Eris as a Personal Message

Let’s consider the same planetary event using the astrology as a personal reference point, and then investigate whether it’s really so personal after all.

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Idealized views of relationships conflict with the complexity of an individual’s inner world. They seem to take on a life of their own, denying that humans tend to grow and change. We need a model of relationships that accounts for this basic fact of existence.

I’ve proposed that the Moon-Sun conjunction in Libra represents an idealized view of relationships. Libra is one of the signs that most vividly describes relating to others (it’s the sign opposite Aries, which is about self-focus). What we’re seeing, though, is that prefab views on relationships are not working so well; people behave differently from how the rules say they’re supposed to. In fact the rules seem to be a cover-up of actual behavior.

And that’s coming under special focus now. Eris in Aries is a factor that stirs up chaos within the psyche, the sensation that “I don’t know who I am, this is so confusing, who am I, what do I want.” One typical way to try to resolve that is to shift one’s identity into a relationship, and ‘find oneself’ there.

Yet Eris is saying that you have to be yourself, and that it’s not possible to use a relationship to substitute for that. The usual chameleon-like attempts to ‘be the person’ you think your partner wants you to be are not going to work so well under the stress of this opposition, and you may start to figure out that they’re not going to work at all, if they ever did. You might call Eris in this context “the thin line beyond which you really can’t fake.”

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A person’s mind and emotions — like postmodern art — don’t necessarily make sense any way but their own. “Untitled Combine,” 1963, by Robert Rauschenberg (1925-2008).

However, when this method suddenly stops working, that can leave you feeling like you don’t know who you are — perhaps with the sensation of vertigo. That sense of not knowing can be profoundly unsettling and disorienting. Removing the false foundation can lead directly to feeling like you don’t have any foundation at all.

This is part of why, in my view, many people stay in relationships that don’t support their growth. At least they are supported on the level of ego identity, even if it comes at the expense of their independence and freedom. Notably it also saves many people from the responsibilities of independence and freedom.

Things can get really weird when one person or the other in the relationship reaches the point where they can no longer remain static. If one person’s identity is ‘founded’ on that of another person, both people can become unstable when either one of them starts to grow. Often there’s a reaction — to suppress the growth. Eventually, that’s likely to fail, and then there can be a collapse, meltdown, drama or crisis.

Many people have spent their lives going from relationship to relationship, trying to establish their stability there, yet at the expense of their growth and evolution.

And it looks like this particular pattern is what comes into focus with Monday’s Libra New Moon opposite Eris in Aries. I said earlier that this is a proving moment, when we get to observe what’s happening to us personally, and watch the world around us for information about Eris and what it represents. I’ve made a few observations here that I trust you can take into consideration and still study yourself and your environment for more information.

This is a big moment for Eris, and an ongoing big moment for the world, as we approach the Mercury retrograde election and the final weeks before 12/21/12.


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Planet Waves

Megawatts Flowing into Mars Square Chiron

I’ve mentioned the Libra New Moon above, which happens in an exact opposition to the minor planet Eris. That alignment is at 8:02 am EDT Monday. A few hours later is another unusual aspect — Mars square Chiron. This is connected to the New Moon two ways. One is that Eris is in Aries, which points to Mars because of the Mars-Aries connection; and in mythology, Eris and Mars are siblings. Uranus is also in Aries amping up the New Moon and running additional power through that Mars.

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Mars, God of War by Diego Rodriguez de Silva y Velazquez (1599-1660); in the Museo del Prado, Madrid, Spain.

One other point before I describe the Mars-Chiron square: Mars has a lot of additional energy pouring into it from Scorpio, the other Mars-ruled sign — which is currently hosting Saturn and Mercury. Imagine all this energy from Aries and Scorpio flooding into Mars as it makes a square to Chiron.

The square between Mars and Chiron represents two focused, potent forces applying to one another in a high-friction dynamic. Mars is in Sagittarius; Chiron is in Pisces, both being energetic, nervous, mutable signs that are looking for movement. Both are also connected to spiritual matters. With this aspect, it’s as if each pushes on the other with equal force. But it’s not a face-off; it’s a square, which is going to get movement one way or the other. This is a “something’s got to give” aspect, which can manifest as a block or the feeling of ‘holding it in’ before that something gives way.

Mars square Chiron is one of the ultimate ‘stuck’ aspects. People with this natal placement can glow with energy, but often they don’t know what to do with it, or are scared to do anything with it. They can carry so much static charge that your hair stands up with you get near them, but they struggle to discharge the energy.

This can manifest as overt creative and sexual blocks (including in some an odd phobia around sex), and a crisis over how to direct their will — which is complicated by the fact that they carry so much energy. Over time, this aspect can be the foundation for solid integrity, but it can take a while to get there. This can be true of all squares, which can come with the process of going back and forth between one planet and the other until finally integrating the two.

When the event is a mutual aspect (two planets in realtime, contacting one another like Mars and Chiron are now) the back and forth can arrive in the buildup and the moment of choice emerges when the aspect happens.

Now imagine the whole world feeling this way, going through the struggle on a cultural level. This does indeed describe conditions on the planet as they frequently manifest, though the current astrology pulls the whole thing into focus. The New Moon is a potential discharge point for this buildup. If you’re a control freak, there may be the feeling of things going out of control. If you’re flexible and are good at directing your energy, you may feel the ability to manifest extremely high focus, unusual guts and do anything you need to do.

Be aware of your fear level, and do what you can to summon your courage. This combination of aspects is a rare opportunity to shape your life in a conscious way. The warrior power of Mars, Chiron and Eris, combined with the sense of justice provided by Libra, is a magnificent blend of possibilities. Add one other factor of Juno in Sagittarius — the quest for social justice, and relationships that have this as their goal — and we have a moment when it might seem like anything is possible.


Planet Waves

All’s Fair in Love and Ohio

In U.S. voter restriction news, Ohio Secretary of State John Husted filed an appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court Tuesday in his continued attempt to end early voting on the final weekend before Election Day.

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Several federal judges have struck down Husted’s efforts, most recently last Friday. If Husted is successful, the appeal will disenfranchise upwards of 100,000 voters in November. Husted claims that all voters in Ohio already have 230 hours before Election Day in which they can vote, and to be ‘fair’, all Ohio counties must offer the same voting hours.

“This is an unprecedented intrusion by the federal courts into how states run elections and because of its impact on all 50 states as to who and how elections will be run in America we are asking the Supreme Court to step in and allow Ohioans to run Ohio elections,” Husted said in a press release.

Husted’s ‘fair’ election hours would end up reducing voting hours in primarily Democratic counties, which want to hold final-weekend voting hours; Republican counties would rather not. Another shocker: African-American churchgoers comprise a significant number of voters casting ballots on the final Sunday before Election Day.

Note to Politicos: I watched the Biden-Ryan debate last night with some interest; I thought Biden was whiny and defensive, and that Ryan seemed confident, and that the media would call the debate for Biden. I don’t have more to say about that now, but we’ll be focusing on the U.S. presidential election starting next week. PS, if you want to know a little about Biden, check out this old story from The New York Times. — efc


Planet Waves

All the Pretty Horses

In a striking illustration of this past week’s Mars-Neptune square and its potential to manifest as a violent lie, ProPublica broke a story indicating that the U.S. Bureau of Land Management has been selling surprising numbers of wild horses to a Colorado man who may be sending them to slaughter illegally. The astrology is sadly fitting: Mars is making the square from Sagittarius, a sign represented by an archer that is half man, half horse (a centaur) — and Mars is also squaring Chiron, the centaur and healer, in Pisces.

Planet Waves
A helicopter is used by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to gather wild horses in the Conger Mountains near Border in Utah on September 7, 2010. Photo: Reuters/Jim Urquhart.

On Monday, Democracy Now! host Amy Goodman interviewed reporter Dave Philipps, who broke the story. Philipps is investigating whether the BLM is ignoring the activity of Tom Davis, a high-volume buyer of the horses rounded up each year for population control.

Due to a drastic slow-down in adoptions and purchases (rules for which stipulate the horses may not be sent to slaughterhouses) plus the horses’ longevity, more wild horses are now in holding corrals than exist in the wild — all on the government’s (the taxpayers’) dime.

Tellingly, Davis has tried to raise money to build his own slaughterhouse — asking Ken Salazar’s brother, John Salazar, head of the Colorado Department of Agriculture, for help in getting a business grant; he declined. Davis claims to have sold many horses to Mexican film companies; yet Mexico is a top producer of horsemeat for human consumption internationally. The location of the nearly 2,000 horses he has purchased since 2009 is a mystery apropos of Mars in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces: there is a suspect, but no body.

“They never question me too hard. It makes ’em [the BLM] look good if they’re movin’ these horses, see?” says Davis. “Every horse I take from them saves them a lot of money. I’m doing them a favor. I’m doing the American people a favor.”

Spoken like a true patriot of Neptune’s shadow side.


Planet Waves

Planet Waves

A forestry worker holding up a weather balloon to guide an Agent Orange-spraying airplane gets doused and dosed with the stuff as much as the foliage. Agent Orange contains the supertoxin dioxin. This kind of casual contact was common practice in a number of industries. Image: video still from Orange Witness.

Can I Get a Witness?

Andrew Nisker, award-winning producer and director of Garbage! The Revolution Starts at Home, was horrified after meeting severely disfigured children whose parents or grandparents had been exposed to Agent Orange in Vietnam. Upon discovering North American workers who had used Agent Orange to defoliate roadside culverts and railway corridors were also being sickened — as well as home gardeners who had used it — Nisker decided to tell the fogged-over story of Agent Orange.

“Like the truth commissions held in South Africa after the downfall of apartheid, Orange Witness is a film/platform for those who were exposed to Agent Orange to tell their stories,” writes Nisker on the film’s website. “To hopefully inspire others to start to tell their own stories and eventually pressure industry and governments to deal with the impact it continues to have on our health.”

Orange Witness premieres at the Planet In Focus Film Festival on Oct. 13 at the TIFF Lightbox theatre in Toronto; it is also available for private and not-for-profit screenings here. Carol Van Strum, one of Planet Waves’ expert researchers on environmental toxin issues, provided research for the film.


Planet Waves

Planet Waves FM :: Minor Planets, Ohio and the Election

In this week’s edition of Planet Waves FM, I offer a look at my recent article in The Mountain Astrologer, which is the first comprehensive survey of the minor planets in an astrology magazine. I read from the article, describe some of what it says and tell you how to get your hands on a copy. I also look at the current sky and planetary positions, and the Libra New Moon opposite Eris. Finally, I take a look at the chart for Ohio, currently the state to win if you want to be president, and the chart for the election itself. All in all, a fine edition of Planet Waves FM.


Planet Waves

Planet Waves monthly horoscopes provide a broader perspective that surveys the themes of the coming month and often, the weeks that follow. The October Monthly horoscope was published Friday, Sept. 28. Inner Space for October was published Tuesday, Oct. 2. The September Moonshine Horoscope was published Tuesday, Sept. 18. Please note that the longer monthly horoscope is being incorporated into the Friday issue after the Sun has entered a new sign; Inner Space still publishes on Tuesdays. A recent weekly horoscope (#918) covered the Libra equinox in detail.


Planet Waves

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Oct. 12, 2012 #921 | By Eric Francis

Libra Birthdays This Week: A Moment of Bold Transparency

If you have a birthday anywhere in the neighborhood of Monday’s New Moon (say, give or take four days on either side), you understand that your life is at a point of not only a new phase, but a total revision of your perspective, especially where relationships are concerned. ‘Relationship’ means the self relating to another, and that’s only possible if you know who you are. To know who you are, it helps to see through the facade you put up — and with the New Moon opposite Eris, that’s now eminently possible. Indeed, this gives you laser (I originally typed lawyer) like ability to focus on the issues and penetrate into your own bullshit and the bullshit of others. Then, you have the option to act on that power: to be real, to express your creative desires, and to collaborate with others in a new and satisfying way. Meanwhile, in this new phase of your relationships, you can expect to attract people who are stronger, and who aspire to actual integrity, but who you might feel are inaccessble. It will be worth the process of getting to know and understand them. Give it time, set your expectations aside, and don’t be deceived by appearances. Note to Libras and Libra rising people: I’ve recorded an hour of astrology for you that describes your birthday charts. The reading also includes a tarot session. Find out more at this link.

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — You have unusual access to the secrets of loved ones and partners. You may simply be aware of what they’re thinking and feeling, as well as what they’re not saying. Or, certain factors may be conspiring for them to divulge long-concealed information to you. The question is what you do with that information, since it evokes the concept ‘knowledge is power’, and provides a certain basis for decisions that you didn’t have before. I suggest you keep your options open and not make any decisions that would be difficult or impossible to reverse. Trust is the thing you want. As part of that you can trust your own influence over your most intimate circumstances, including where emotions, money and creative potential are at stake. One reason to bide your time is that you’re still in the process of coming out of denial about certain facts of which you’ve been in denial, and the tables may turn soon enough, requiring you to depend on the goodwill, compassion and fairness of others. What you put out will come back to you.

Hello Aries — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). If you would like to hear your Aries birthday reading, please visit this link.


Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — It would appear as though someone wants to marry you, and I suggest you pause and reflect before deciding whether you want to marry them. This may be literal or figurative; the ‘marriage’ in question could be a business partnership, a spiritual partnership, the merging of an idea — or actual nuptials. One of the first things to investigate is whether everyone involved in the situation is being real with themselves, and with others involved. Check the theme of ‘availability’ from every angle you can think of. Then I suggest you account for any exaggeration on your part — whether this involves your feelings, or overlooking certain key details because you’re having so much fun. There is one other factor. While you obviously cannot respond to what you don’t know about, you can make room for the potential that you’re working with incomplete facts. Over the next week or so you’re going to learn a lot, and what emerges will be useful information.

Hello Taurus — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). If you would like to hear your Taurus birthday reading, please visit this link.


Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — You seem to be struggling to understand someone else’s point of view, in light of recent unexplainable decisions they have made which have impacted your life. I think you already know where they’re coming from, and what you’re really trying to do is make sense of what appear to be contradictions between what they’re saying and how they’re treating you. This is not a situation you have to obsess over, and you could do yourself a favor by taking what you’ve learned to heart and moving on. Sooner or later, however, you’ll have to deal with your own difficulty trusting. There are days when it seems that every time you take a chance, you face some unexpected consequences. You would be surprised how much of this situation could be addressed by initiating a personal policy of direct communication. Make clear statements, ask when you have a question, and take account of what you learn. You’re acting as if you have secrets to keep, or as if your own motives are under a veil of some kind, when this is hardly the case.

Hello Gemini — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). Have you listened to your birthday reading? Click here for an hour of astrology plus a tarot reading by Eric.


Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — You would have no need to feel secure, were you not in some way feeling threatened. It’s a lot easier to figure out what will make you feel safe if you’ve addressed the nature of what you believe makes you unsafe; in fact you might decide that there’s no threat and that you need nothing at all. Reassess your situation sooner rather than later, because you’re investing a lot of energy into avoiding something that’s not actually a problem, and potentially creating a situation that could become one. Describing your solar chart another way, you seem to be obsessed with structure, as if you want to put a container around something that would otherwise be free. There is an alternative, which is to open up communication on the theme or topic that you think needs to be confined. These probably feel like opposing impulses within your psyche, and that may be causing you some conflict. Once you open up communication, first with yourself and then with anyone germane to the discussion, your sense of conflict will ease back.

Hello Cancer — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). To hear your birthday reading for the year ahead, please visit this link.


Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — You may have some idea that you think is going to wreak havoc on people’s minds, if they were to hear about it. This has another side to it: we’re starting to figure out that we live in a world where we’re being spied on. Can you imagine every time you send a text message or email that it appears on some computer screen somewhere, or is stashed away in a database for future review? In either scenario, we have to make peace with the idea that our thoughts all have a public dimension. One’s individual mind is the connection point to something more: whether it’s an individual listener, a community or ‘the public’ (whatever that means for you). I know this has the potential to make some people extremely self-conscious; others thrive on the potential that their thoughts might have a wider influence than your average gossip, and that someone actually might care. That, by the way, is a true fact.

Hello Leo — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). To hear your birthday reading for the year ahead, please visit this link.


Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Keep your focus on your own finances and your own resources, and make sure that the confusion of others doesn’t cloud your thinking. You’re more independent than you think, or than you let on to yourself. No person is actually self-sufficient; we all depend on an exchange of resources. Yet in this particular instance, you run the risk of giving up your power to someone who may not have a plan, and who in the worst-case scenario may be a kind of crazymaker. Therefore, keep your business to yourself, focus on what you want to accomplish, and reveal facts to other people only on a need-to-know basis. You have some significant opportunity on your hands right now; you have enough of what you need, in terms of material assets, to bring your idea to life. Part of your quest is seeing that fact, and part of that is not thinking that other people are necessary for you to take your initial steps. Include others only when absolutely necessary.

Hello Virgo — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). Did you miss your birthday reading? Use this link to order an hour of astrology plus a tarot reading by Eric.


Planet Waves

Hello Libra and Libra rising readers. I’ve just finished your 2012-2013 birthday reading. Check this link to listen to your hour-long astrology reading plus tarot. If you’re a Virgo and you missed your birthday report, it’s still available at this link. All other signs, please check our audio store for your birthday reading.


Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) –Monday’s New Moon in your birth sign indicates not just a new chapter but also a new volume in your life. Yet you seem to be ready to move forward less trusting of intimate relationships than you have been in the past. This coincides with a commitment to get to know yourself better, including plumbing down into the shadowy world of self-esteem. One thing to remember about ‘relationships’ the way they are generally arranged is that they tend to be designed to help us avoid the deeper questions involving how you feel about yourself. Relationships even become a substitute for self-esteem, but you’re long past having another person in your life just to prop you up. Yet you will pay a price for that privilege, which is focused, steadfast devotion to the cause of who you are. That will involve admitting what you feel comfortable with about yourself, and what you don’t like as much. When you feel the strength of admitting your weaknesses (beginning with yourself), you will feel a lot better being authentic in the presence of others.

Hello Libra — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). To hear your birthday reading for the year ahead, please visit this link .


Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — You may be starting to figure out how isolated you’ve felt (and for how long), now that you are getting a little relief. At least you feel some substance to your presence in the world; for too long you existed like a ghost, even at times feeling unable to take up physical space, or willing to admit that you exist. You may also be feeling a new sense of responsibility to yourself, which involves rising to a level of authenticity that you’ve been uncomfortable with for quite some time. The question is, what exactly were you hiding, whether from yourself or from anyone else? My sense from your solar charts is that you’ve been holding a certain edge to protect you from getting in too deep. This makes any emotional risk feel like putting all your chips onto the table. But unlike in a poker game, you might want to ask yourself whether you have more to lose by holding back your feelings, or by expressing them. Often the laws of spirit run contrary to the laws of the material plane — and you are in just such a situation.

Hello Scorpio — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).


Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — The sky would be the limit, if you would take off your blindfold and see that it’s there. You could run far and fast, if you would only notice that your shoelaces are tied together — and untie them. You could assert yourself and get what you want, if you would notice the way that you are clinging to what you think makes you secure, mistaking it for integrity. One thing I’ve noticed working as an astrologer is that many people are in love with what holds them back. There is a human tendency, which I don’t really understand, to value the things that ensure we’ll never aspire to be more than we are. I suggest you investigate the ways you may be doing this. This includes noticing how and when you count yourself as the underdog, and also when you believe that this puts you at some disadvantage. In reality, the primary conflict you’re in is with yourself. I suggest you own that fact and leave others out of your struggle; this way, they will be available to support you.

Hello Sagittarius — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).


Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — You need to act on a career-related matter despite your emotional reservations, and despite the fact that it might not be a perfect situation. Your own hesitancy is most of what’s getting in the way of your judgment; were you to take a more objective look at the situation, you would probably agree that it’s set up to work in your favor. There may also be someone influencing your judgment, primarily by their subtle refusal to acknowledge your influence, talent or your power over your own life. This, and you’re famous for your perfectionism where professional engagements, plans or ambitions are concerned. I suggest you set aside the notion of ‘perfect’ and substitute ‘practical’. Then ask yourself whether what you’re considering, or being offered, bears any resemblance to what you’ve said over and over again that you really want. If it does, I suggest you trust that the details will take care of themselves — and that you have a distinct advantage as the underdog in the situation.

Hello Capricorn — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).


Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Saturn has crossed the potent midheaven of your solar chart. That’s the angle associated with your highest goals, your reputation and your career. You have Scorpio on this angle, which suggests that you tend to take a secretive approach to the territory of your work; you might focus on the power aspect of success; and rarely are you trusting of others really wanting to help you. None of this sounds particularly Aquarian, I know. What I’m describing is far from visionary, inclusive or progressive. As you know, one of your roles on the planet is to bring these advances where they did not exist before. The challenge in doing so is opening up space within yourself for them to exist, where in the past they had no place. In other words, it’s now up to you to support open dialog, act on the basis of what you want to create rather than what you want to control, and most of all, to extend a measure of trust in environments where you might have presumed that impossible. You might think you’re not strong enough to do this — yet to ascertain just how strong you are, you’ll need to experiment.

Hello Aquarius — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).


Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — There seem to be significant opportunities on the table right now; the astrology looks like some kind of investment, merger or collaboration is brewing. I have to say, this looks pretty good; yet where such arrangements are concerned, there is always the need for two things. One is to make sure that any arrangement is in alignment with your most deeply held values. Are you being true to yourself? Are you noticing any resistance? Second, it’s essential that you pay attention to the details. Certain parties in the equation may be exaggerating the facts, so I suggest you be a skeptic and not take anything on its face. Make sure that the field is level, and the way to do that is to know what you’re talking about. This is one situation where the facts are on your side. So make sure you know what you need to know. Take command, but make sure you do it in a subtle way — and in that same subtle way, make sure you persist, keep your focus and get what you want.

Hello Pisces — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).



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Sun-Psyche — and a short period comet outburst

Planet Waves

Short-period comet 168/P, currently very close to the Sun. It was discovered by American astronomer Carl W. Hergenrother, who first noted the comet using the facilities of the Catalina Sky Survey in 1998 (its previous visit was in 2005). 168/P is now 65.5 million km away from Earth. Photo by Anthony Ayiomamitis.

Note to Readers: Occasionally I write a blog post that seems to describe the moment. A version of this appeared on yesterday’s Daily Astrology & Adventure. — efc

Dear Friend and Reader:

This week the Sun is in a long conjunction with Psyche, one of the top 10 most massive asteroids in the main belt between Mars and Jupiter. First noted way back in 1852, it was the 16th asteroid ever discovered, hence it’s properly called (16) Psyche.

Planet Waves
Vashon ferry. Photo by Eric Francis.

Thematically, it’s also one of the most interesting, and describes much of our spiritual condition at this point in history: the struggle for soul contact, having faith in oneself, or even acknowledging one’s own existence. As a point of background remember that the Sun-Psyche conjunction happens in Libra, so there will be a relationship focus.

Said in a more complex way, Psyche is the state of mind which might lead you to believe that you’re psychologically injured and that there is no way out. (It also relates to head injuries.) We have a lot of this going around lately — for example, many people carry a psychiatric diagnosis, mainly as a prerequisite for being prescribed some form of medication.

A good few people have taken this path believing that they don’t really have a viable option; we need to get through the day, keeping above water. The obvious question, though, involves the long-term healing prospects. Too often, meds are given outside the context of therapy, and come with the idea that the person will need them for life. Is this really true? Have you considered your options? What are your medium and long-range plans? If you’re experiencing depression or anxiety, at a certain point you will actually have to address the underlying causes. The question Psyche is asking is whether you believe that’s possible.

More often, Psyche can represent the feeling of being unable to connect with the deeper part of yourself, or struggling for faith in yourself. This often manifests in relationships as choosing people who somehow reflect that lack of faith, who seem psychologically or spiritually injured, or where there is a ‘locked-in’ experience of codependency in the relationship.

This leads to a question: what do you identify with in others? Their creativity? Their ability to nourish you? Or their sense of wounding? The answer to that will give you a clue where you are, in relationship to Psyche. An asteroid called Hebe is also in the aspect (a few degrees away, in mid-Libra), which emphasizes the questions of codependency, and the role of alcohol and meds in the relationship. Also, consider any situation that is triangular in nature (many relationships are). Who is the ‘third person’ and what is their role?

Planet Waves
Sunset over Vashon. Photo by Eric Francis.

Mercury and Saturn have recently ingressed (entered) Scorpio, which brings up the theme of secrets. Saturn in Scorpio, among other things, is a long investigation into the secrets you keep and why you keep them. It’s about the role of concealing and revealing information within relationships, and the associated theme of power. Saturn is in an exact trine to Neptune.

There’s a little joke in here — with such strong contact between Scorpio and Pisces, with Neptune directly involved, you can safely assume that everyone has access to any information they need. There comes a point in spiritual development where it’s suddenly obvious that secrecy not only doesn’t work — it doesn’t exist, except as a little mind game.

If you’re looking for a path to healing in the midst of all this, Mercury in Scorpio is trine Chiron in Pisces. There is a way to have the conversation, if your commitment is to healing and reality.

That is one option; there are others. There’s one last aspect afoot — Mars is currently in an exact square to Neptune. Here’s another aspect that pushes the boundaries of integrity. There can also be a self-destructive tendency with a Mars-Neptune square. It has an aggressive quality, so beware of someone pushing an agenda onto you. Note the sensation that ‘something doesn’t feel right’ and when in doubt, delay. The truth WILL come out, and you’ll see it if you want to. Notice when you’re doubting yourself or your judgment. Really — pay attention to that one.

As for the Comet

In the midst of much other interesting astrology, we have a comet on the radar. I don’t have a direct interpretation — except for one word: emphasis. It reached its closest point to the Sun about 8 days ago and is now in full bloom — the heat of the Sun melts off a bit of the comet, making it seem large and bright.

Planet Waves

Anthony Ayiomamitis, our resident astro-photographer, writes:

“A very pleasant surprise this week with the periodic comet 168/P Hergenrother in Pegasus. More specifically, this periodic comet, which returns to the inner solar system every 6.923 years, was at perihelion a few days ago (Oct. 1, 2012) and is now in outburst (post-perihelion). This comet has a sizable nucleus and is quite bright with a magnitude just over magnitude 10.

“The attached animation and time series show the comet moving through the Great Square of Pegasus (and heading north). Seventy-four one-minute exposures were captured over 90 minutes (accounting for download times) with a sub-selection used to construct the two attachments with an interval of seven minutes between frames.

“This periodic comet reaches perihelion at 1.426 AU while aphelion is at 5.839 AU. The comet was discovered and is named after American astronomer Carl W. Hergenrother who first noted the comet using the facilities of the Catalina Sky Survey in 1998 (the previous visit was in 2005). The comet is currently at 65.5 million km away from Earth.” [Learn more at this link.]


Attention those with Libra Sun or Libra rising (and those who love them): the 2012 Libra Birthday Reading is still available, and makes a great gift (for a loved one or yourself!). Please use this link to order.

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