Monthly Archives: March 2012

Mercury on the Move

Posted by Eric Francis


But before we get into that — overnight Tuesday to Wednesday there was a positively huge coronal mass ejection, which is to say, an explosion on the Sun. The image below is an actual photograph of the event (taken from video shot by the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory). The Sun is illustrated by the small circle at the center; the solid blue ring is blacking out the zone that’s too bright to photograph, and the burst to the upper left is the ejection before it got very large.

Moonshine Horoscope for March 2012

Posted by Eric Francis


There’s no easy way to describe the differences in these positions; it takes practice with real charts to get the subtle points. However, you can think of the Sun as the expressive adult ego, the self we actively and most confidently are in the world. Think of the rising sign as the face we put on for the world, though there is a deeper quality of the future self we are trying to grow into.

The Personal is Personal: Nessus in Aquarius

Posted by Eric Francis


I propose that we need to ponder how and why Rick Santorum is doing so well in the Republican primaries. This week he tied Mitt Romney in Michigan, the state where Romney’s dad was one of the most venerated governors. Romney got a few more votes; Santorum won exactly half the delegates. He did so spending one-sixth the money that Romney spent, working with far less experience, a much smaller organization and a perfectly vicious message.

Pisces 2012

Posted by Eric Francis


Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Dec. 14, 2012 #930 | By Eric Francis You’re at one of the most meaningful professional turning points in recent decades, assuming you’re old enough to have been plying your trade for that long. What’s developing now is reminiscent of what was happening in 1995, or 2001/2002. This is a standout […]