Editor’s note: this is the full PW members’ edition, featuring your weekly horoscopes, the Create feature, Planet Waves FM and more.
Dear Friend and Reader:
It’s Flag Day in the U.S.: a barely observed celebration of the adoption of the flag of the United States on this date in 1777 — which this year falls the day after a rather, shall we say, strangely energetic New Moon in Gemini. It also happens to be Pres. Donald Trump’s birthday.

The Portland Observatory gets all dressed up for Flag Day, but the light was terrible today. This shot is from Valentine’s Day 2017. Photo by Amanda Painter.
I don’t know about you, but I’m not doing too much flag waving these days. I find it hard to feel proud of my country when its so-called leader seems to be celebrating his birthday by cozying up to a known (and seemingly unstable) dictator (Kim Jong-un of North Korea); insulting perhaps our closest geographic, cultural and economic ally (Canada); and — even more horrifying — by continuing to mandate and approve the traumatic separation of immigrant children from their families, detaining them in facilities reaching capacity, and illegally turning away asylum seekers.
I’m not going to give Trump the honor of speaking about his charts; after all, Eric did that quite well in 2016 here (the lead essay there focuses more on Trump’s progressed chart for that time, but includes an image of his natal chart; scroll down that page, and you’ll reach a Planet Waves FM program with more on the topic).
Instead, I’m going to urge you (if you’re a U.S. citizen) to contact your U.S. senators and representatives. I’m just as guilty as anyone when it comes to falling into the trap of only voicing my outrage and asking officials to be accountable on social media. But they need to hear from us. Detaining children separately from their parents is barbaric; and as long as it’s happening and we’re not seeking out those who can stop it — demanding answers and that they figure out a way to change it — we’re complicit.
With Ceres in Leo making contact with other female-oriented bodies in the zodiac (Vesta in Sagittarius, Juno and Eris in Aries), maybe it will help you to tap into your mama lion to roar for these kids. After all, Venus just joined Leo and is approaching the lunar North Node, which relates to dharma. I can think of no higher dharma than making sure those kids are loved and protected.
I also suspect that doing so might reflect the more constructive side of Mars, slow and powerful, about to station retrograde in Aquarius on June 26: the individual standing up to a ruling group. Insofar as Trump is behaving like some renegade God of War, perhaps he’s embodying the shadow side of this stationary Mars — rebuffing the cadre of world leaders at every turn. I do wonder what the retrograde proper will bring.
What’s New with You?
As we emerge from yesterday’s Gemini New Moon and whatever you experienced with it, the theme of “new” appears to be carrying forward. Questions you might ask yourself include “Where in my life do I need something new?” and “What am I willing and able to do to seek, cause or attract it?”
Note that since this astrology is happening as Mars prepares to station retrograde in Aquarius on June 26, those questions could have a background quality of feeling like you’re standing in contrast to everyone around you. You may want to track that over the next few weeks.
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Crescent Moon two days after last month’s Taurus New Moon (and Uranus ingressing Taurus), viewed from the Kristin Linklater Voice Center in Orkney, Scotland. Photo by Amanda Painter.
Since the Gemini New Moon made contact with a variety of objects around the zodiac, notice whether you feel like you had to juggle or synthesize several very different encounters, influences or perspectives. How is that process going for you? Do you feel closer to clarity on a particular issue or further from it?
With Mercury — the planet of the mind — in Cancer as of Tuesday, and Venus — the planet of receptivity and relationships — in Leo as of yesterday evening, you might be noticing a slight shift in how you’re perceiving and responding to those around you.
Mercury in Cancer could be enhancing sensitivity (both empathetic and reactive); Venus in Leo tends to be compassionate, but with an inclination toward drama and a little more willfulness than is usually associated with Venus. Both of these planets are involved in aspects today and tomorrow that will likely emphasize these shifts in mental and emotional tone — as well as how you’re thinking and feeling about what kind of newness you need.
Venus in Leo squares Uranus in Taurus tonight into early tomorrow. This is a reminder to seek new experiences in relationships as consciously and intentionally as possible. The better you can do that, the less likely you are to push back against habits and routines in ways that provoke a fight.
Yet this idea of trying to be flexible and seeking excitement is always a curious prospect in the fixed signs (Taurus and Leo in this case; Scorpio and Aquarius are the other two). It’s a bit of an oxymoron on its surface, but it doesn’t have to be. One key would seem to be speaking up sooner rather than later. It’s possible to stay committed to a routine simply because it’s the routine, while chafing inwardly, until you finally explode and burn your bridges — but it’s not necessary.
A Venus-Uranus square can also be useful for getting an issue (such as what you need that is not being addressed) out into the open. That in itself can feel daring and like a new way of relating; as an added bonus, you might even find that the other person is excited to work things out with you, and the whole process could unfold into something new and unexpectedly satisfying.
Another option could be trying familiar things in new ways — like doing something you know you enjoy in a new place or at an atypical time. I suspect the more you can focus on pleasure and creativity, the more likely you are to find enjoyable ways to be flexible — rather than getting drawn into sudden upsets. That said, sometimes push really does come to shove. In which case, taking action with empathy, compassion and a desire for the highest good of all concerned may help you to move forward in constructive ways.
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Chart for earlier this morning, when Venus in Leo (bottom, next to the dark vertical line) exactly squared Uranus in Taurus (left, above the dark horizontal line). View glyph key here.
Mercury, for its part, is in an opposition to Saturn in Capricorn (exact Friday night into Saturday). Mercury-Saturn oppositions can be tricky, because they tend to highlight the theme of ‘separation’ that is inherent in any opposition: two bodies on opposite sides (of a circle, of an issue, of a relationship, of a conversation). And with Mercury in Cancer, the emotional component of that separateness could feel more present (as in, loneliness or similar).
That seems to be something especially worth watching for given our reliance these days on digital media to connect with others. It has separation built into its mode of connecting — unlike, say, walking to your favorite café and chatting with the baristas. Our cultural habits necessitate making a little more effort to connect face-to-face (or even voice-to-voice), but it’s not insurmountable. Often the only thing standing in our way is the inertia of habit.
Luckily, Venus square Uranus is offering some impetus to get over that inertia of habit. And if you feel mentally preoccupied, or you have a specific project you need to focus on, Mercury opposite Saturn could be quite useful for serious, practical, disciplined thinking. If you see something that needs correcting (especially in your immediate or domestic environment), this astrology is great for that. Make the correction — and then remember to move on to the next thing.
Remember, as mentioned, that all of this is happening with Mars barely moving in Aquarius as it prepares to station retrograde in less than two weeks. That makes it powerful right now. As you think about what it is you want and need to be ‘new’, consider the ways you can interact with others to achieve that in more effective ways (and in less effective ways, so you can see the contrast). I suspect you’ll come up with something.
Yours & truly,
Amanda Painter
Mars Retrograde: A Rare Example of Astrology
Dear Friend and Reader:
You might say this is the perfect time for Mars retrograde in Aquarius. The energy patterns that are represented in the collective, archetypal version of this vitally important sign have indeed grown overbearing. We need some change; we need a rearrangement of our personal contracts.
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Eric recording the Pisces Spring Reading video.
And most of all, there are many people who deeply need the opportunity to express themselves as individuals rather than as people whose only option is to follow the rules of the game. The whole purpose of growth, of the spiritual path, of self-actualization, is to be able to express yourself, as you are.
To that end, I have prepared a set of readings for you, in video format. Taking my friendly, positive and clear-headed approach, I work through Mars retrograde for every sign and rising sign. And while I am at it, I cover the many sign-changes of outer planets that we are experiencing now, particularly Chiron in Aries, Uranus in Taurus, and several points entering Capricorn at the same time.
The readings are available as a set, or as individual signs. We’ve prepared some sample videos — you can see them here.
Are You Curious About Astrology?
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Detail of the Leo Spring Reading chart, showing Mars retrograde on the right.
The astrology school thing is big business these days, often costing hundreds or thousands of dollars — and being of questionable use. One thing I do in these readings is I leave all my notes in the margin, so you know how I am figuring out what to say, using my colorful hand-drawn charts to describe my interpretation process.
If you are studying astrology on any level, you will have nearly 12 hours of video for the cost of one of my classes. I share my ideas so you can borrow, revise, adapt or outright steal them.
Long ago, Melanie Reinhart described me as a “master of applied astrology.” I took the compliment — but more so I took it as a challenge, specifically to focus on making astrology real for you, and helping you learn how to apply it to your life.
If you watch these readings, you will be much better equipped to interpret your own transits and aspects, as I demonstrate an easygoing method for doing so, one that does not require a lot of book knowledge.
You get an excellent discount if you purchase as a set, or as individual signs. We’ve prepared some sample videos — you can see them here.
Thank you for signing up, and for trusting me as your astrologer.
With love,
P.S. Don’t forget to watch our other sample videos: we have a compilation of cardinal sign previews, or you can watch the entire video on Chiron transits here.

Languages of Life
By Amanda Painter
Two years ago, the TOSTA2016 initiative brought together seven minority language communities of Europe’s Atlantic coast (Scotland, Ireland, Wales, Cornwall, Friesland, Galicia and the Basque Country) to celebrate linguistic and cultural diversity and to promote artistic creation.
As such, TOSTA2016 served as one of the travelling embassies of that year’s European Capital of Culture. (Each year, the European Union designates a city as a “Capital of Culture,” and that community then organizes a series of cultural events with a strong pan-European dimension.)
According to Scottish participant Sophie Stephenson, “As part of the project one visual artist from each community was hosted by one of the other communities where they undertook a residency in order to create a piece of work which would be exhibited at festivals in each of the places. There was also a Tosta band featuring members of the Basque Band Orek TX along with musicians and singers from the different countries.”
Yet, the real stars of TOSTA2016 are the marginalized, minority languages of the seven represented communities. These languages constitute living heritage that’s in danger of dying out, but which presently exists side by side in the minds and mouths of (relatively) small groups of people. As you watch the 13-minute documentary teaser (which is more like a mini-documentary), you’ll be treated to the languages spoken by these artists and cultural ambassadors — including an official TOSTA2016 song, sung on a boat by participants in their native languages.
TOSTA2016 and the mini-documentary represent some of the hallmarks of Gemini: doubling; speaking and thinking (in this case, in more than one language); the quickness of mind required to shift between listening to speech and reading subtitles. I wonder, though: do these languages stand to benefit from the global awareness offered by the internet? Or will the internet serve to further language homogenization and the eventual demise of minority languages?

This Week on Planet Waves FM
Gemini New Moon and the Question of Suicide
Dear Friend and Listener:
In this week’s edition of Planet Waves FM [play episode here], I look first at the Gemini New Moon; we have included the chart below.
Then I look at the New Moon in the context of the forthcoming Mars retrograde. That is about to become the thing that we notice the most. The ultimate Aquarius question of where the individual meets the group is coming into focus.
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Joe Strummer, Mick Jones and Paul Simonon of The Clash, with their drummer Topper Headon in the background, performing live at Warfield, San Francisco, in 1980. Photo by Michael Zagaris.
This is happening under the influence of the internet and other electrical media, which tend to make everyone and everything more tribal — all themes that apply to Aquarius.
Yet Mars is about to assert itself, and this will not be as easy as shouting down or blocking someone whose views you don’t like.
With the remainder of the program, I discuss suicide. I’ve been asked to do the death charts of Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain, who both took their own lives last week. I am, however, reluctant to use astrology to peer into the motives, or the pain, of someone I don’t know.
Instead, I take the matter in a personal form, and talk about you and me. And I look at how the problem of suicide masks the far wider problem of alienation, pain and loneliness.
My musical guest is The Clash, focused on two albums only — London Calling and Sandinista.
For those looking for my reading on the assassination of Robert F. Kennedy 50 years ago last week, please see this article.
Planet Waves FM is distributed without profit by Chiron Return, Inc., and is part of the nonprofit Pacifica Radio Network.
We are supported by your product purchases and contributions. Please become a monthly sustaining member.
Thank you for participating in what we do.
With love,
Deepen Your Presence and Connection: Get a Planet Waves Membership
Living in a world that’s moving so quickly, with what seems like 24/7 bad news, it’s understandable if you feel like you need to protect yourself from the onslaught. But there’s a way to stay connected to what’s going on around you and still feel inspired, motivated and able to be part of the solutions: with Planet Waves by your side.
Eric Francis brings to his work many years’ experience as an accredited investigative reporter, spiritual seeker and professional astrologer. When there is important news, he is able to provide integrated analysis that does something truly rare: offer a perspective on world events from a holistic viewpoint.
That uniqueness makes its way into everything Planet Waves offers: horoscopes, articles and much more. Signing up for one of our excellent-value memberships gets you access to an abundance of information, given with a friendliness and warmth sorely needed in these chilly times. Join us today and tap in to the Planet Waves magic.
Listen to Vision Quest on Live Stream
Planet Waves has an in-house music ensemble, called Vision Quest. We have a 38-hour loop of our music, which you can listen to any time. Included are finished pieces, rehearsals, live concerts, drum grooves, and spoken word recordings. I consider it a kind of musical divination. Click in randomly at different times of day and see what you discover.
Four Winds Almanac Now Includes Daily Horoscope
Planet Waves publishes a nifty daily astrology newsletter called the Four Winds Report. Designed as a fast read arriving early in the morning, we’re now trying an experiment — we’re including the daily horoscope for everyone.
Were it not for horoscopes, I wouldn’t be an astrologer. It was the Patric Walker daily that convinced me there was actually something to astrology, and I got my basic education studying his column each day in the New York Post.
I pack a lot of energy into each sign’s 50-word write-up. Part of the value of astrology is the timing, and daily allows for precision, as well as chronicling a narrative day by day.
Your almanac also includes information about Mayan astrology (long count and short count dates), several formats of the current date (including Hebrew and Islamic), a daily birthday reading, and special discounts on products and services.
Best of all, we take no outside advertising.

Monthly Horoscopes and Publishing Schedule Notes
Your extended monthly horoscopes for June were published Thursday, May 24. We published your extended monthly horoscopes for May on Thursday, April 26. Please note: we normally publish the extended monthly horoscope on the first Thursday after the Sun has entered a new sign.

Aries (March 20-April 19) — With your ruler Mars gradually approaching its station retrograde, you may be feeling somewhat more hesitant than usual. This is especially possible if you’ve been experiencing some tension recently in interactions with others. Provided you don’t have any immediately urgent decisions to make, it’s okay to sit with the uncertainty for a while. Answers will come at the appropriate moment; they are likely already written somewhere within your psyche. Let doubts flow right past you until they are safely out into the ethers. — by Amy Elliott
Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Even before Uranus entered your sign last month, you’d already evolved in some fundamental ways; and you are currently beginning, at least, to see the results of that. Hopefully you’re feeling all the better for it; though if you’re hearing objections from any quarter, make a point of not worrying about being accepted. It’s not possible or even desirable to please everyone. As you go through these changes, those among your acquaintances who are true friends will support you unequivocally. Stride forward: the future is wide open. — by Amy Elliott
Gemini (May 20-June 21) — The past month with the Sun in your birth sign has hopefully helped you establish your independence and autonomy more concretely. The chances are you’re already making certain relevant changes to your life, and gazing forward with a fresher outlook. Keep gazing, and keep hold of what you’ve learned, as we enter the new season. Some people will undoubtedly try to influence you. Don’t allow any human being to intercede between you and whatever you hold as the Divine. Instead, try to live as if setting an example; because you may be. — by Amy Elliott
Cancer Birthdays 2018:
On this Solstice Like No Other, What Do You Want?
“I felt deeply connected to much of the reading, both the current moment (turning point), and the historical energy (Pluto in Capricorn). Indeed it has been an intense and deeply revealing time in my relationship life.”
— Jennifer Cobb, Backstage Pass member, on the 2017 Cancer Birthday Reading
Dear Friend and Reader:
We’re almost at the Cancer solstice — which means we’re almost at your birthday! And this year, the cosmos has some special gifts for you, which you’ll hear all about in your 2018 Cancer Birthday Reading.
First of all, there’s a unique opposition between Venus and Mars on the solstice (June 21). But even more importantly, Mars will be stationing retrograde just five days after the Sun enters your sign — setting in motion an intriguing journey.
On top of that, the major planets Saturn, Uranus and Chiron are all in signs with direct and special relationships with your own. Life is on the move. And even though people always joke about those born under your sign moving sideways and retreating into a shell, the truth is 2018 is looking like your time to shine: Saturn, Uranus and Chiron are occupying some of the more public and relational zones of your chart.
As always, Eric will bring his insights to you in accessible language designed to empower, motivate and reassure you all at the same time. Sure, there may be challenges; but you of all people know that the awkwardness of growth always results in a fuller, more capable version of you.
“I have just listened to your Part 1 and Part 2 readings and I am amazed at how accurate it has been. Like you have a telescope watching me shed a skin and transform into a totally changed person in the last 10 years.”
— Pauline J.
You’ll get at least an hour of audio astrology (divided into two parts), access to last year’s reading, and an extended description of your sign — which you can access as many times as you like, for as long as you need — all for only $33. But please note: we offer the best price on these readings early. When Eric nears publishing it, the price increases.
I hope you’ll take advantage of the discounted price and pre-order your 2018 Cancer Birthday Reading soon. Here comes the Sun!
Yours & truly,
Amanda Painter
P.S. Eric designs these readings to be useful for anyone with Cancer rising or a Cancer Moon, too — not just a Cancer Sun. And it makes a beautiful gift for any of your Cancer loved ones.
Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Keeping to your commitments is really a version of honesty. This is, in fact, partly about knowing what you actually can commit to safely at a given moment; which requires a measure of self-awareness. Don’t allow yourself to be pressured into pledging what you might not be able to deliver; wait until you at least understand what’s being asked of you. Indeed, this is probably a good time to re-evaluate present plans, and use discernment in deciding which of them to carry forward, or not. Remember that you’re human, and have limits. — by Amy Elliott
Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — With Leo prominent in your chart you’re probably used to sparkling at least a little, and standing out among others. Venus now in your sign is lending you some extra-special charm, so that you can really turn up the spotlight. Be kind and respectful, and you’ll likely find it almost ludicrously easy to please people; though first and foremost this is really about having the freedom to please yourself. The two need not be mutually exclusive, even if you’re feeling a little rebellious from time to time. It’s important that you have the room to explore possibilities. — by Amy Elliott
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — You’re at something of a pivotal moment in your development, and it’s crucial that you focus on what is important, and not allow ego (yours or that of others) to interrupt you. Your ambitions should be at the forefront of your mind. Anything else, aside from necessary and humane duties, may be considered a distraction. Keep your inner compass pointed firmly northward, and re-focus quickly if you start slacking. This is no time to sideline your own plans in order to fall in with others; make sure anyone who thinks differently finds that out in short order. — by Amy Elliott
Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — You may be experiencing both a newly confirmed sense of purpose, and confusion as to how you might fulfill it. Figuring out where to start in practical terms, and how to manage day to day, might feel like an unresolvable puzzle at this moment. You can help yourself, however, by starting with a definition of your broad goals, and then working your way gradually toward fleshing out the bones. Keep in mind where you ultimately want to go, and you should find that you’re heading in the right general direction, complete with an abundance of tools. — by Amy Elliott
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — The astrology this week is offering an apparent opportunity to revise your understanding, at a fundamental level, of your capabilities — especially in terms of creativity. In order to take it up, you’ll likely need to suspend mentally any limitations you’ve put in place for yourself over the years. Try to evoke the childlike mindset we all possessed at one point in our lives, by considering for a moment that the possibilities might be endless, and by looking at the world with a sense of wonder and curiosity. You’re free to change more than you realize — if you want to. — by Amy Elliott
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Try to be kind and patient in your close relationships this week. Nobody should ever brook deliberate abuse; but most grievances between loved ones arise from much smaller things. Keep in mind that no-one is spotless, including yourself; a fact that is often forgotten during social media flame wars, where the slightest offense can cause one to be placed beyond the pale and ascribed the very worst of qualities. You’ll probably do best to avoid this form of absolutist thinking; instead, go large on mercy, forgiveness and reflection. — by Amy Elliott
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — This week, you might find yourself repeating a specific line of thinking, or a way of communicating, that stems ultimately from past challenges. If so, first off, try to plot out all the steps that get you to your conclusion, and review them carefully to ensure your ideas are following a logical pattern. If you need to, run it all by someone you can trust. Reducing everything to its component details should soon help you break through any particular trope that’s holding you back, and place it firmly in the trash can of history, before moving on. — by Amy Elliott
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) —
Everyone experiences hitches in self-esteem from time to time, or some form of doubt as to where they’re headed. If you should find yourself dealing with something similar, it might help you to make a list of everything you’ve accomplished recently, or over time. Seek the input of people who love and support you to make sure you don’t leave anything out. Next, make a second list, this time of everything you intend or wish to do. Then simply start doing it, one task at a time. What you manifest every day is your decision alone, and there’s power in that. — by Amy Elliott
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — You are a constantly developing entity. That means you are not your past; you are not who your parents or caregivers told you that you were, or wanted you to be. Likewise, you’re not a two-dimensional character created by a bad writer and serving one sole purpose, fitting neatly into a convenient box. You’re much more than that. For one thing, you’re a real, flesh-and-blood person, with all the attendant complexities and fascinating little diversions. For another, you’re inherently stronger by far than any potential challenge to your success. — by Amy Elliott
Don’t forget to take advantage of this special gift: Eric’s Daily Horoscope can arrive in your mailbox by 7 am ET, containing great astrological guidance for all 12 signs. You can sign up with our compliments, though we welcome donations.
Congress writes the law, federal agents enforce it. We shouldn’t stop respecting the flag because of congress, who is happy to blame the Presidents (take your pick). George Bush urged congress to work on this years ago but they refused. Educating constituents wouldn’t hurt either. Most people do not realize that Border Patrol Agents have the highest suicide rate in police work, and a lot of it has to do with the emotional impact of having to separate families or finding dead babies in the desert. Normal people do not subject their children to a possibly horrific death in the desert, and a lot of children crossing are not with their parents. Saving someone from being trafficked is a big deal, in my book. Taking care of the DACA problem is one thing, making it less desirable to cross the desert is another. There is a legal way to come into the USA, and I would remind everyone that Canada has much more stringent rules regarding this very thing than we do. Several Mexican people I know have complained that illegals do not want to pay taxes to Mexico, it is that simple. Or, they are crossing for other illegal reasons that we have turned a blind eye to for many years.
My brother worked with a man who had finally qualified for a work permit (green card), who told him that the restaurant where he worked made him sign his paycheck and give it back. The employees had to live on their tips. It is this kind of abuse we have excused and ignored for years. I don’t think any of this is about Trump. Congress has refused to do their due diligence for years and years. The last several presidents have had to make it up as they go along, putting on a temporary King’s Crown, issuing various kingly edicts. I don’t believe the law was ever supposed to be written in such a way, with the Supreme Court deciding if a thing is constitutional or not, only if challenged.
Patricia — for sure, Congress has made a mess of this. But Trump’s rhetoric is not helping to foster humane attitudes in the population at large. And ultimately we need that population to use their voices, their votes and (if they make them) their campaign contributions to push for humane, sustainable laws and regulations around immigration.
As for “not respecting the flag”: There is a lot about my country that I can respect and am proud of. But there’s an awful lot right now about my country that horrifies me. In as much as the flag is a symbol of the entire country and its current state — not simply its founding principles — I think it’s reasonable to have mixed feelings about it. And there are many, many ways to show love of country beyond the flag.
I’m not sure desperate people are ever “normal” people; by which I mean: true desperation can lead parents to do unusual things if they think it will save their kids suffering in the long run. I feel grateful that neither me nor my parents have ever been in a position of such extreme fear and desperation.
Yes, it’s true. But, I would be wary of allowing the rhetoric to get in our way since there is a real danger of the younger generations voting in a form of government that is anything but republic. They don’t appear to know how to read, if my newsfeed on FB is any indication. There is a management style that Trump is fostering, and I’ve seen it many many times through my working life, often with disastrous results; but, often it is effective – like now where the two Koreas have an opportunity to unite and create a dynamic model. Management comes down hard on employees with lots of threats, takes real action (like at the border) with an ultimate goal of enacting a change that might actually work. when they bring in nicer newer supervisors. Sessions said this at the very beginning, with a warning to Congress to change the laws since he intended to enforce the current laws. I’d look for him to be replaced with a softer personality once the law is changed with a path to citizenship in place. I might not like Trump, but he is effective. Another thing, remember how much everyone hated Richard Nixon? Everyone boos the baby boomer generation for destroying the environment, but guess what we worked toward? Nixon gave you the EPA, Earth Day, ended the war in Viet Nam, ended the draft, gave you The Clean Air Act, The Clean Water Act, Endangered Species Act, Détente, Federal Medicaid., SALT I treaty, Détente, and opened the door to business in China when politicians wanted nothing to do with them.
Addendum: “Trump, in a tweet on May 26, falsely blamed the Democrats and the law for forcing the administration to separate children from their families. There is no such law, and it’s the Trump administration’s “zero tolerance” policy driving the separations.”
… from the Portland Press Herald, in an article dated yesterday
I don’t see how ripping kids from their parents and locking them up is in any way helpful. These people are vulnerable. They’re taking these risks because the alternative is even worse. Today I read that Jeff Sessions personally overturned an application for asylum from a woman whose husband raped and beat her, opening up a path to deny asylum to more domestic violence victims. How is this even slightly reasonable or humane? The Trump administration is consistently dog-whistling to racists and xenophobes, leading to legal residents being racially profiled for speaking Spanish. How is that going to help make things better?
P.S. Among other things, the ACLU is filing a class-action lawsuit on behalf of these families. You can donate to them here:
I’m not saying I like Trump. but he certainly is effective. Oh, and Nixon lowered the voting age to 18. He was reviled by one and all, in spite of his work. Amy, what Amanda said is write to your senator. That’s what I have been saying all along, but aside from that, look for the good that is constantly arising. Some incredible things are happening.
Some incredible things *are* happening. But… I’m not ready to say that Trump is “effective” because of that. From what I can tell, if he’s effective at anything, it’s generally in spite of himself. I see no good intentions in him, which Nixon may very likely have had. I’m only seeing a lot of ego and projection from Trump, and a disconcerting inability to respond rather than react.
🙂 I hear you but I think we’ll wait and see. One day I think, oh ok – I get it. Then the next, I’m wondering how this could have happened. I still think we can take the people’s deep and dark anger back to congress and their total lack of imagination as much as anything. In your face doesn’t usually work in the long run, but taking people to their lowest point and then bringing them back is a bona fide management tactic. Oh I almost forgot, Nixon also signed the EEOC act of 1972, correcting mistakes in the earlier legislation. From that time forward, everyone had the equal employment protections under the law.
Right… but I don’t see how decimating the EPA — which, as you say, we have Nixon to thank — helps us. The environment takes a long time to “bounce” back, and regulations can be hard to put back once they’ve been dismantled. Same with Trump’s mandate that public lands be auctioned off to gas and oil interests ASAP, without public comment, environmental impact studies, negotiation with Native tribes, etc.
I realize Trump is having a possible “spiritual” effect of getting people to pay attention to the collective pus coming to the surface. But that does not mean he’s not causing serious lasting damage in the process.
I just think Trump is a wake up call, on one hand, and pointing out the inequities on the other. That pipeline belongs to Canada, and I saw a chart of the taxes Canada charges – huge tariffs on American goods – up to 35 percent on some goods, compared to zero to little that we have charged up to now. I’d like the EPA to be left alone too. Then, this morning I read John Kelly’s previous remarks about the separation of children from parents on the border early in the process. He said it was a temporary situation until the other issues resolve. So, basically, the whole thing is a plan to get the wall in place with a compromise for path to citizenship. It is a harsh way to get there. Congress could have worked together and overrode a veto, but they have no grit or guts, in my opinion.
Anyway, in addition to calling Senators and House Reps, the Southern Poverty Law Center also offer this for those who’d like to voice their concern over the dangerous precedent being set by denying “Miss A.B.” political asylum as she tries to escape brutal domestic violence that the police essentially condoned in her country of birth:
Call the DOJ’s main comment line at 202-353-1555.
Here is a sample script to help you make your call to the DOJ:
My name is [NAME] and I live in [CITY/STATE]. I am calling to tell Attorney General Jeff Sessions that I do not support his decision in the Matter of A-B. With this order, the Trump administration has turned its back on some of the most vulnerable people in the world. I demand the attorney general stop his anti-immigrant agenda. I, and many other citizens, stand against hate and xenophobia — and demand that the Department of Justice do the same.
“I realize Trump is having a possible “spiritual” effect of getting people to pay attention to the collective pus coming to the surface. But that does not mean he’s not causing serious lasting damage in the process.” So well, put, Amanda. I’ve been struggling with this myself with the new
fascist home minister here in Italy, Salvini – who is already doing untold damage.
Oh no! What’s going on over there?
Here ya go, Amy xx: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/jun/16/italy-bars-two-more-refugee-ships-from-ports
PS As you’ll see from the article, it’s not just Salvini who’s to blame, it’s a cynical and self-interested Europe. But Salvini’s draconian measures are having a shocking impact on those migrants travelling on these boats, many of whom have faced long imprisonment and even torture in Libya, from where the boats to Europe leave.
I have a question.
If you Knew systemic malfunctions were in a state of collapse, because they were dysfunctional, with a new stable and secure foundation ready to come into Being, what would be your perspective of events that brought the collapse on more swiftly?
Yes – I do get a sense of this , Sue – but right now there are a number of people suffering greatly because of this man’s actions – so whatever good may eventually come of it, the transition phase is deeply painful.
I agree Lizzy. Our actions from this time onward, give testament to the Value of all the sacrifices being made. “Sacre” meaning sacred and “facere” meaning to uplift. The upliftment of Humanity is requiring some heavy lifting.
Over the past 2 1/2 decades, We, as a collective, have resisted and refused to remain Heart centered. It’s taken one disaster after another for Us to focus on anything other than feelings emanating from our solar plexus and lower triad.
It has reminded me of getting chiropractic adjustments. The vertebrae is pushed back into place, making muscles roar. The muscles push it back out of alignment again. Since that is the place that has become ‘normal’. Lots of times it has required multiple adjustments for me, at least, before everything stays in alignment.
We’ve been in and are in, the process of getting “Quantum Chiropractic Adjustments”. That’s the best way I know how to describe it.
In order to get reluctant bulls to move, ranchers sometimes will use a bull prod. It delivers an electrical jolt to the rear end of stubborn bulls. This may very well be a signature of what we’re in for with Uranus in Taurus.
“Getting our asses in gear” is exactly what Amanda called for and rings True to the energy of Mars in Aquarius.
“The environment takes a long time to “bounce” back, and regulations can be hard to put back once they’ve been dismantled.” http://fortune.com/2018/06/13/antarctica-ice-melting-rate-tripled-in-last-decade/ – The pleasurable moment given by Amanda’s beautiful photo of the Crescent Moon didn’t last very long when the environmental news is so dire.
Just realized that the Earth is in the sign of its esoteric rulership, Sagittarius, and is now conjunct the Galactic Center/GC. Jupiter is the exoteric ruler of Sagittarius, now transiting Scorpio ruled esoterically by Mars, now transiting Aquarius . Jupiter is the esoteric ruler of Aquarius creating a mutual reception with Mars:
“Remember, as mentioned, that all of this is happening with Mars barely moving in Aquarius as it prepares to station retrograde in less than two weeks. That makes it powerful right now. As you think about what it is you want and need to be ‘new’, consider the ways you can interact with others to achieve that in more effective ways (and in less effective ways, so you can see the contrast). I suspect you’ll come up with something.”
Vesta is between the Lord of Karma -Saturn, and the Earth-dharma?. The Earth and Saturn are intimately connected as they resonate as Active Intelligence: ” “I realize Trump is having a possible “spiritual” effect of getting people to pay attention to the collective pus coming to the surface. But that does not mean he’s not causing serious lasting damage in the process.”
1 Peter 5:8: New International Version
Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.
King James Bible
Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:
From my observations, the Earth is a Self correcting ecosystem. The focus of our topic is our own benefit. Is this a Loving thing to be doing to ourselves?
There is a mirror in the relationship towards Mother Earth and towards women. As a man treats one, so will he treat the other. What I ‘see’ and celebrate, is that this relationship pattern is FINALLY shifting.
If I was somehow able to magically transport through time and produce a person who was born and lived 2000 years ago on this planet, they wouldn’t live very long. They couldn’t breathe the pollutants or tolerate the water. They would have no immunity to any of the diseases that our ancestors have survived over those 2000 years.
We change, we mutate, along with our environment. We are extremely adaptable and versatile and Necessity is the Mother of Invention.
Interesting idea, Sue. Would Christianity have emerged if Jesus had died of the ebola virus or Aids?
I tend to look at life from the perspective of someone from 2000 years in the future. What would they think of us? Would they even bother to time travel here? Coming from the cusp of the Age of Capricorn they would no doubt see a great need to enforce stability, conformity and order – even if it were capricious. Is Trump a great deal too far ahead of his time?
I like the cattle prod analogy for Uranus in Taurus. It reminds of events that sometimes happen in the back room of gay leather bars. The last time Uranus entered the sign of the bull Adolf Hitler began prodding his followers into insane levels of sadism, and it wasn’t until the U.S. entered the war – as Uranus entered Gemini – that it became clear he was not going to rule the world.
It’s always the same each time the serpent of fascism rears its poisonous head. Do you, as a democrat, stand tall and decry their ambition or do you keep your head down and hope not to attract unwanted attention to your underground activities? There is, I think, no simple and correct answer. Each of us must do what we feel is needed regardless of how effective our actions are or what the cost to our life and liberty might be.
“Each of us must do what we feel is needed regardless of how effective our actions are or what the cost to our life and liberty might be.”
Geoff, whenever you share the fruits of your pondering, I can always count on them being fascinating. You’ve been shifting consciousness all your Life. You’ve been sharing new ideas defining what Life can Be. Ideas that had never entered a lot of closed minds before.
Responses to these ideas were simply indications of whether the person knew their Soul had demanded a shift. It didn’t matter whether they, on a conscious or Personality level, had desired shifting. You did your job. I recognize you as one of our Spiritual Heroes of today.
Maybe picture a ball rotating clockwise? Picture slowing it down until it comes to a complete stop. Then picture it beginning to spin counter-clockwise. You’ve been a part of our braking system and it’s only because of people like you, that opportunities even exist today. You made the soil fertile for the seeds to be planted.
Which took putting up with a lot of shit. Now it’s time to wash ourselves off.
“Would Christianity have emerged if Jesus had died of the ebola virus or Aids?”
Jesus dying of aids. That’s funny. Might as well make him Black with a last name of Hernandez, too. Bible thumpers would be horrified. Have you ever played “Poke the Possum”?
What’s revealing to me is how much we have been programmed to focus upon the death aspect of Jesus, rather than the Life aspect of a Christ. If my purpose is to reveal Life beyond physical death, then I’m pretty much going to have to die, first. I suppose the manner of my death only matters in terms of public awareness.
To me, “revelation” means to reveal. 4000 years ago, we had the Revelation of Law. 2000 years ago, we had the Revelation of Love. And now we’re undergoing the Revelation of Responsibility.
I suspect 2000 years from Now, we will look back on these days and years, as when Humanity started shifting, redefining our Nature. Recognizing the tremendous Courage, Resolve and Sacrifice it took to accomplish.
I see a time when we are fully aware of our Responsibility in utilizing our Creative Freewill. We will understand how we reap as we sow. Instead of being victims of our own inner villains, we’ll be our own heroes. Instead of inter-dependent, we’ll be inter-connected. Pillars, instead of leaning sticks, as We all come alive to our inner Natures and Power.
Glen, all the devouring by lions, made me think of Daniel.
Thank you for your kind sentiments, Sue. They’re much appreciated and, I must say, both unexpected and deeply comforting (Uranus in Taurus?). Unexpected because no-one has ever made such remarks to me before, and deeply comforting because I feel that they were written by someone who doesn’t feel the need to die in order to prove their faith in life after death. My response to anyone who wishes to convince me of the benefits derived after death from following a particular religion is that I cannot understand why they do not kill themselves immediately since the after-life must be so much better than anything they can experience on earth.
As an Aquarian (or so I excuse myself), I do not feel there is any other reason for my presence on this planet at this time other than to record my experiences for the benefit of anyone who may come after and encounter similar situations. My life experience is mine, and these are the conclusions I have come to. If it resonates with you I am happy for your new-found awareness but, to quote Jefferson Airplane, it doesn’t mean shit to a tree.
It’s been a long-time contention of mine that anyone who doesn’t admit the possibility that Jesus was homosexual must, therefore, be homophobic. You can’t base a religion on love then hate some part of love which doesn’t meet with your approval. You don’t have to be homosexual to contract Aids – go to Africa and work with those suffering from it there.
My view, Sue, is that we are perhaps now beginning to encounter the Revelation of Knowledge rather than Responsibility. I feel that the Revelation of Responsibility is much more an Age of Capricorn attribute. First, we have to know what we are working with and protecting. The Age of Pisces has given us faith and hope. Now we have that grounded, if superficial, ability to survive on this planet we now need certainty rather than belief, as we explore, first, our local solar system and, later, our position within the greater cosmos. It’ll be a bit like Columbus discovering new worlds.
I loved your last sentence. Everything started for me when I realised that my writing about my experiences growing up gay was to help and guide youngsters who were going through a similar social psycho-sexual dilemma. But helping youngsters with sexual matters meant that I would, of course, be accused of paedophilia because obviously I loved kids. In the end I decided that the best analogy the Bible could offer me was Daniel in the lion’s den. Pluto is in Leo in the 8th opposite my Sun, and a Disney-like prince called Daniel was quite possibly the love of my life.
I rest my case.
Hi Sue; Eric did President Trump’s natal chart, and he has Leo rising in the 29th degree. Mars conjunct his ascendant from the Twelfth House of no boundaries. Amanda in her post “Wave that Flag (Or Not)” said this: “I’m not going to give Trump the honor of speaking about his charts; after all, Eric did that quite well in 2016…”
What I’m reminded of is how Kings’ in Old Testament would kill and murder children. Also, to quote the President’s daughter:
https://www.washingtonpost.com/…/trump-supporters-were-reminded-that- ivanka-once-denounced-roy-moore-a-special-place-in-hell/
Dec 9, 2017 … Ivanka Trump, daughter of President Trump, during the Global … “There’s a special place in hell for people who prey on children.
If only I could believe in heaven and hell, Glen. Then I could believe there was a special place that christian bastards who torture gay kids because of their sexuality would spend eternity.
“Hell”, by definition, is where the Love & Light of God has not entered. It’s the ‘Damn” gate that swings back and forth. It’s the Damnit Tree whose berries litter and make a mess of our inner landscapes.
It’s where Trump lives every day. It’s where abusers live everyday. It’s where most of us live on a temporary basis or moment to moment hopping back and forth between it and “Heaven”. ‘Where’ we are, is determined by one thing – whether our thoughts are Loving. If they’re not, then we’re in Hell. And by our own making.
Energy follows thought. Not the kind that comes out of a plug on the wall but a feeling energy. That’s why I always recommend to our own Hearts be True.
Geoff, it’s what you’ve done over your whole lifetime. No matter the costs and pain, you chose to Be True to your Self. You Honored your Self. You Recognized your Self. You remained True to your Self.
You did exactly what Daniel did. He didn’t kneel and kiss the ring of his King and that’s what got him sent into the lion’s den. How many years have you survived this lion’s den?
There were probably times when you attempted to “fly under the radar” or “lay low”. There was just something within you that couldn’t take it very long, and then you’d be back at expressing your Self, again. I’m seeing an inner part of You, a part whose Passion stirs you to Self expression. For far more reasons than maybe you have contemplated before. Like shifting the consciousness and thinking on our World and the mass consciousness of Humanity itself?
It makes me wonder how many lifetimes you’ve lived, bringing Light into Darkness? Doing the Aquarian thing, the Uranian ruled thing of stirring things up and causing changes? For which you experienced the consequences of persecution and most likely, all different forms of death? Over and over.
This would be your ‘Karma’, an energy pattern experienced or expressed before. Where bringing the Light of Knowledge & Awareness into the Darkness of Ignorant Minds equals “bad” or “going to Hell for this” or other form of punishment and persecution. Once burned twice as shy. Yet you keep doing it.
What I see is that is how much you have Honored your Life and your Self. I see how much you have Loved and do Love Life.
Life on Earth, Love it or Leave it. That’s what I say to those of various religions whose dogma negates Loving the Life I have been Gifted to Live, in favor of some future Life that comes after. Then there’s the droll “I’m here over and over in some sort of school and am looking forward to the day I graduate and don’t have to come back”. As if my body and person were some sort of prison holding my Soul hostage until the day it can finally be free of me.
Those that choose these authoritarian religions want an authority to tell them what to do and what to think. They have no Trust in themselves. Besides, if I only do what I’m told then I can blame the consequences on someone else. “So and so told me to do it!”
Trump’s actions triggered our Mother button. Living in the Darkness of his Mind means he isn’t smart. Activating our Mother button was a foolish thing to do when women are already stirred up. Unless this is THE button we all needed to finally stand up to this sort of monstrous lack of Love and Compassion being expressed and exhibited.
The children in Flint didn’t do it. The children in Puerto Rico didn’t do it. The children being killed in all our schools didn’t do it. What sort of shock does it take to get us on the move?
Ever since I became a Mother I’ve made it clear that anyone that treats my kids according to Old Testament teachings was going to get a cast iron skillet right across their heads. My daughter called me her “Momma Bear”. I was someone to be called upon when all else failed, an iron hand inside of a velvet glove, an inner strength that’s not often revealed but sets matters straight quickly. It comes from that part of me that does my thinking.
Who is the Thinker of your thoughts, Geoff?
Who is the Thinker of all the thoughts of punishment and pain?
That Thinker is called your Soul. It’s You. The You that’s always been there. It’s the You that is Conscious and Aware and says “I Am!”. It is Quantum. Which means You are, too. You are the Life force animating and manifesting your body, or form, for the purpose of Self expression on this plane of experience. We all are. Within that Soul are resources to be tapped. Talents, skills and abilities. Each a precious and valuable contribution to the Whole.
And need to be treated like it.
But we can’t give what we don’t have.
I don’t believe in Life after death. More like death is a process of Life. Life, is Self in Expression.
My perspective comes from Knowing and that is a state of experience. It’s a solid and stable foundation that comes from within. So it needs no outer support. What I Know, everyone else Knows, too. We just don’t Know we Know. It’s like flipping a switch, with Recognition comes Realization.
I Know enough to know that we don’t know what we don’t know. It terms of Awareness, it’s a LOT. We’re toddlers, just learning to walk.
Sometimes it works with a picture. Maybe picture a 7 layer guacamole dip? Now imagine sticking your finger in it. Your finger now exists on all layers. See all the smiles on the little atoms and quantum packets of light that all know you and your presence in their reality. On each layer you are known by a different name.
If you pull your finger up, so it doesn’t touch the bottom layer anymore, it doesn’t mean you and your finger don’t exist anymore. It just means you don’t exist from the perspective of the bottom layer, where you are no longer expressing yourself or have a presence in it, relating to it.
Any 3rd dimensional form can be measured according to a Standard Weight & Measurement set of tools. So what does that say about the depth of our thoughts and our feelings?
It gives me two choices. Since thoughts and feelings cannot be measured by any tool in a Standard Weight & Measurement set, either they don’t exist or they exist in another dimension. Which means I do, too.
The purpose of Life is to Live it!
Thank you for two deeply thought-provoking contributions to our knowledge of ourselves, Sue.
Firstly, I would agree that we have a very limited understanding of ourselves, and that – perhaps hopefully – this statement might be true at all times and forever. Were it not so, I find it hard to imagine what we might find to fill our enquiring minds with as we patiently wait for our Sun to go supernova in 5 billion years or so.
If I present seemingly wide-ranging ideas, observations and comments, they are not designed to entrap others into any particular philosophical, economical or political outlook. They are designed to make us think about our possibilities without prejudice but with the object of preventing us from making the same mistakes over and over again. It does seem to me that our greatest danger is that, through fear of originality and experiment, we will continue to inflict war and suffering on outcasts chosen by the dictates of fate and temporal inequality. We are, indeed, cosmic toddlers, but our baby footsteps now allow us to traverse our understanding, perhaps for the first time. Perhaps it took a small step into space to bring home the immensity of our evolutionary achievement. Three cheers for humans!
The concept of Mother is, I feel, currently at risk. Masculine science may make the role redundant. Genetic engineering in the laboratory may produce the exactly-required characteristics of human beings at any particular time.
I have never completely sided with the anti-GM stance of this thread. As humans, we have been employing GM since we stopped being hunter-gatherers and became farmers. We looked at our crops and knew that some plants preferred this habitat while others preferred something other and undertook various cross-pollinations to try to produce a plant that suited our exact environment.
It wasn’t until Gregor Mendel, whose initials, somewhat appropriately, are GM, discovered the concept of dominant and recessive characteristics in plants that we began to understand how, scientifically, we could better manage the production of our food. These days we call that process genetics.
This has, however, led us to the brink of apocalypse. Nowadays genetic research is capable of allowing us to “man”ufacture that which was previously assigned to God’s dominion. Consequently, we are now not so far from the ability to produce our genetically-improved offspring without reliance on the random breeding of living humans. Hooray, says evolution, this is what a New Age should be about.
It’s all very Brave New World. Are we brave enough to embrace it, or do we have to submit ourselves to more centuries of global domination by one discredited thought-form or the other?
Wishing us luck, Planet Earth.
You’re a very fine person Geoff, well grounded in Reason and Sensibility and Insightful enough to Understand that we need to learn from history or else we are doomed to repeat it. Wisdom is Knowledge applied effectively. We haven’t really gotten to this phase yet but are approaching it.
Knowledge based upon not-Knowing will never be effective, much less Wise. Like prisoners in Plato’s cave, no matter how great we become in associating shadows we see on the wall with events, the real light of day is outside the cave.
My reference to “Mother” had to do with the energies of the Divine Feminine, which has many aspects. If “Mother” were just a matter of physical birth, then it would be simple and easy. Just drop and run. Where all “test-tube” babies are born under the sign of Pyrex.
What I see in in our World right now are the effects/consequences of choosing to deny the Value of Nurturing. Emotional skills, coping skills,Self-Nurturing habits, etc. We don’t know how to Love our own Selves, much less others. Worst of All, we live lives without Meaning, without our Hearts being in them.
There’s one polarity expressing itself by running on pure emotions exempted from thought, while the other runs the other direction, creating a detachment, displacement or distance, and operating mainly in Intellect divorced from feeling.
Wisdom requires both smarts and Heart.
I see the Northern Hemisphere has been polarized in our heads, or the development of Intellect. I see the Southern Hemisphere as being polarized in Heart, or feeling. I see them coming together to create a World of Balance. Immigrants and refugees are Serving a Higher Purpose and need all the cooperation and support we can extend. The Higher Purpose is going to prevail. Cultures don’t need to clash; they can Merge.
We have experiences of both being “outcasts” in common. The reasons for me are not the same as the reasons for you. The effects are still the same – a distancing from ‘the group’ or the Society we live in.
I Know I ‘see’ things differently. Always have. My inner journey has been one of discovering ‘why’. The best I can compare it to, is the game of “connect the dots” but with no numbers to give guidance on how to connect them. I connect the dots in ways that are different than most and end up creating a different picture. It all comes down to what type of pictures do I want to hang on my wall.
Both of Us, like everyone here at PW, are sharing ideas. We are offering more choices to sample in the buffet of Life.
Very many thanks for your kind words again, Sue. I return your compliments and am honoured and delighted to receive the benefits of your worldly wisdom. I read somewhere today that we are now on the point of turning knowledge into understanding – a reference I think to the Qabbalah’s Tree of Life – and that understanding is the bedrock of wisdom.
I understood your meaning of “Mother” as referring to the Divine Feminine, and accept wholeheartedly your analysis that what we are seeing in the world right now is the result of a lessening in our value for nurturing. One of the problems that I encounter when I think of female emancipation in the workplace and society in general is that the traditional role of primary carer becomes a casualty, a by-product of liberation.
My personal concepts of motherhood can, of course, only relate to my own upbringing, and far be it from me to attach any blame for my misfortunes to my hardworking mother who was herself constrained by the class system in Britain. In 1914, at the age of 12, she passed the required examinations in reading, writing and arithmetic and was judged sufficiently educated to be employable. She became a between-maid in a country house and learned a strict routine that started at 6am cleaning and polishing the grates and ended late in the evening after dinner had finished and the utensils and crockery washed and put away.
What this taught her was the importance of routine in running a household, a lesson that lasted her a lifetime. I cannot fault the meticulous manner in which our household was managed but it seemed to me that the 15 minutes devoted to reading me a story in the evening – despite the loving cuddlesomeness of it all – was just another duty which must be competently completed, ticked off and deleted from the day’s duties. Even at the time this saddened me and if, by mischance, I should fall and cut myself, the time spent attending to the wound was a great disturbance to the the day’s routine and might be used as the reason why this function or that had not been accomplished as normal. She was a very intelligent woman, but I do feel that her sense of nurturing does, to a certain extent, foreshadow that of the career woman today. In which case, what progress have we really made?
My greatest regret would be that life does go round in circles – we never really advance any great distance before the wheel of the world returns us to our societal positions before any revolutionary movement had begun. Is it all designed to make us sharper, keener, stronger and more adaptable so that our evolution is continuous but not overtly threatened?
God bless you, Sue, and all writers, readers and contributors to PW. It’s a fantastic ride, even if it does sometimes feel like we’re on a ghost train.
Also, from President Richard Nixon: The National Sickle Cell Anemia Control Act: http://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=3413
Trump is no where near this man/President genius and/or brilliant intelligent.