
Earth Signs Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn: Please Add Your Suggestions for the Vision Quest Annual Reading


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Dear Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn,

This is a space for you to tell us what you’d like to see in your sign reading of our 2016 annual edition, Vision Quest.

What is going on in your life that you’d like to see addressed? What do you most want out of 2016?

How was your experience of Cosmophilia, the 2015 annual? In case you have not yet seen your reading or would like to be reminded, Eric has now removed the password for that edition. Here are the direct links:


We invite you to leave your thoughts and feedback in the comments.

With love,
the Planet Waves Editors


14 thoughts on “Earth Signs Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn: Please Add Your Suggestions for the Vision Quest Annual Reading

  1. alittlebird

    Hi Eric and all,

    I have a Virgo Sun, and am still listening to my 2015 Birthday Report and Cosmophilia Readings, as they continue to inspire and support. Thank you Eric and all for your talent and devotion in bringing us these reports.

    For Vision Quest 2016, I would love to hear you speak more about strategies dealing with Neptune in our 7th House, how to fully embrace Jupiter while still in Virgo, and also how to appreciate the North Node moving into Virgo.

    To be candid, I am only responding to try to be of support in YOUR process. I really have no expectations for the upcoming Vision Quest Reading. I trust you’all implicitly to speak about what is most important.

    Love, AmY

  2. Amanda Painter

    Taurus Sun here, representing. 😉

    What if we’re not 100% sure we truly worked the Jupiter-square-Saturn energy fully earlier this year to push creative/career ideas ahead? How can we make the most of Jupiter in Virgo, without getting too caught up in the trees and forgetting to see the forest?

    And we all know how prone Taurus is to inertia (esp the kind that’s at rest and will tend to stay at rest). How tricky is Saturn square Neptune for those of us who like a little leisure and daydreaming? Is Pluto’s continued bulldozing of Capricorn something earth signs can harness?

  3. Sherry-Lee

    Hi! I’m a Capricorn with a Scorpio moon and Libra rising, so with Pluto and Saturn swapping each other it’s been wild… your Cosmophilia report was totally resonant at the beginning of the year and reviewing it now was equally affirming.

    What you were talking about with a new sense of family dynamic and shift- my career has shifted and I went back to school and have spent the last year studying social work and getting honours through the BA program leading in– my field placement is in a First Nations agency that advocates for indigenous families and I feel like I found my family… I am seeing a very powerful trajectory for my life and it comes through a very new type of creativity and is intrinsically tied to both justice and writing… you pretty much nailed it for me. The Shiva like force came through and everything was and is possible.

    As far as what I’d like to see for next year? Man… well, more of the same please…
    Honestly, I just sat here trying to figure out if there was anything I felt you could add but no– your narrative style is totally engaging and powerfully intuitive. You covered all the bases of relationships, sex, career and general energies with great balance. Thanks for your work.

  4. Amy Elliott

    Greetings all from a triple-Earth native…

    I guess I’m somewhat peculiarly placed with regard to this edition, as I have a natal Saturn-Neptune square. It would interest me very much to hear how the upcoming one will relate (if at all) to mine (Saturn in Virgo, Neptune in Sagittarius; many others born in 1979-80 will also have this aspect, to some extent).

    I’ve had an unusually intense year, somewhat repeating themes of 2008, when I first began to open the can of worms known as my history during my first Saturn return. As Saturn is now applying to square that position, I’d guess the beautiful planet is of special importance here. (Note to interested readers: a seven-year cycle is almost certainly Saturn-related in some way.) Anyway, hopefully I can make use of this transit in some way to make progress and feel generally better. I’m also interested in Saturn square Chiron, into which Saturn square Neptune will eventually evolve.

  5. Penelope

    Dear Eric
    I see myself more as a native of the mutable cross which Sun in Virgo, rising sign Gemini, Moon and Chrion in Pisces. The energy of the earth is something that I’ve only recently been able to consciously tune into and to me it is much a more subtle energy than some of the other elements.

    I keep wondering whether we’ve reached a time of reckoning in relation to climate change and feel the our governments will not do enough to curb our damage to the planet.

    Personally I’ve started a not for profit organisation with 5 others to promote the use of glass in art and architecture. Some of our goals include getting diploma and degree courses back in colleges to ensure the skills aren’t lost.
    For me it’s also to have the conversation about creating a beautiful, functional built environment thereby fostering a sense of community and connectedness.

    I think my vision for 2016 follows on from your narrative for 2015, we’ve established that we belong here and now we’ve got to work together to create a harmonious, diverse and sustainable society.

  6. babybarracudess

    Capricorn here. I have pretty much crossed late 2014-now off of my timeline. I lost my daughter a little over a year ago, and am in the grip of something indescribable. I have a family, I work, I go to church, I volunteer, I stay busy and I smile. I feel that if I stop the constant movement, if I were to be still for moments, that something deeply terrible will happen. I write to her when I cannot sleep. I dream of angels. I read constantly. I am so lost that I cannot even find myself, yet no one can tell. I would really like to know if the planets are going to help ease my storm, or if the maelstrom will continue. You are amazing by the way.

  7. Stacy Bergener

    I was able to listen to Cosmophilia for the first time today and was struck by how apt the reading was to what is unfolding in my life. Yet if you asked me what is unfolding I couldn’t really tell you or pin point it. All I know is that there is an amazing amount of crumbling going on – sort of a who knew all this could happen phase.
    I was finishing up a certificate program in 2003 that I started in 2001 only to be told that I wouldn’t be able to work in the field without a Masters. So I applied to a program and was accepted. So far so good…………..until I got an email telling me the acceptance was a computer error. In shock & looking for answers as to what to next I came across a group that offered Vision Quests that lasted a weekend. So off I went . As I sat out under the stars crying for a vision and answers none were forthcoming until the break of dawn and then the answer was a simple “WAIT”. It’s not exactly what I expected and I’m not sure I really understood, but as time has passed and things started falling apart more and more I realize that the “WAIT” was a message that too much hurry ( 3 planets in Gemini) was causing stress and that things needed to REALLY fall apart which started in earnest in 2008. I’m just starting to really see how much of who I thought I was is a projection and this year has been a year of shedding the truly unnecessary. It will be interesting to see what happens when Uranus hits Taurus, I have Uranus in Cancer in my first house so it would be interesting to see what you could say about prep work for 2018. I guess I’d like some insight as to whether the planets are making us more fearless – that the vision quest is for fearlessness.

  8. Cheryl Corson

    Hello from Taurus Sun/Virgo rising (Aquarius moon). 2016 may bring me closer to favoring one of my two businesses over the other. I practice landscape architecture and, since 2013, teach other professionals how to pass the licencing exam in an online format. An exciting online teaching opportunity has presented itself which would be much larger in scope, involve partnering with several agencies and organizations, and working with software developers. Doing that would entail turning down some design work. My Gemini mid-heaven is cool with two businesses, two houses, two websites, etc. But perhaps there’s a limit to this splitting? Thank you for all you and your team do! I can’t remember what life was like before I discovered Planet Waves.

  9. evangelysta

    I didn’t purchase the annual and only looked at my signs (Capricorn Sun, Virgo Rising ) this last week. What reached out and grabbed me by the ears was the urgency, necessity, and legitimacy of the inner space that seems ever-expanding and seeking my attention. I don’t know when it exactly started calling my name (you say it may have been with Pluto ingressing in 2008) but I can only say that I have struggled to justify the amount of time I want to spend exploring my heart-mind connection. Until last week when I read Cosmophilia for Capricorn.

    Then, add to that the Virgo call to live whole-heartedly across the Two-Missions Problem, and I’m suddenly wondering how I will ever recognize myself again.

    And so, you ask: what is it that I might be hankering to hear about for the coming year? First, know that I WILL be purchasing my sign this time. While I was ripe for Cosmophilia only this November as I searched for new messages since my father passed away in October, I know too that I am ready for more reflection on the Pluto transit and Saturn in Sagittarius. Personally, I am working on a dissertation about capitalism and utopia: t seems that it ALL is inner work for manifesting the most subtle insights in a massive form. It would seem that I am birthing some truly monsterous ideas that do not yet have legibility or recognition. I struggle to talk about what I think and write about and so, retire frequently to my spiritual/intellectual workshop to formulate and recast. But how will I trust to bring my creatures into conversation with others? And how can I keep the headaches at bay?

    So, I’m here, reaching out and letting you know that Cosmophilia is working on me as I work on trusting myself and developing faith for work (vs. faith IN something or someone.) The more practical advice for working and playing with the subtle energies and ideas, the better for my lets-make-this-matter earth self.

  10. Tracy Coffie

    Hi, Capricorn sun, Taurus rising, total layman on astrology. Regarding Cosmophilia, I loved the broad themes, and those gave me a point of reference throughout the year. (“Is this what’s really going on?”) and a vantage point from which to view outer reality which deepened the inner. This may be superficial, but dates would help, too. As days go by, I notice that my perspective shifts on whatever is happening, and I often wonder if a planet has moved. Just a thought.
    love your writing by the way, it is often evocative of archetypal themes and reminds me that there is so much more than what meets the eye.

  11. Eric Francis

    Dear Eric,

    Thank you for inquiring my opinion on next year’s Vision Quest 2016 annual edition of Planet Waves. After reading and listening to some of the sign readings for this year I see how difficult it would be to improve on this. I love the music before, after, and sometimes during the middle of your readings. I love how you make each reading sound as if you are speaking directly to the individual listening. I am a visual learner; therefore, I really appreciate the art and written part of each reading.

    If I had to add to this I might suggest an overall summery of the year. For example, a focus on the planets in the signs as to how they may manifest in the world as a whole, and/or a monthly overview of what to expect as a whole (For the month of Scorpio for example: Oct. 22-Nov 21) you could include with the Birthday readings.

    I usually listen to about four or more different signs to get the most out of my chart, and my experience in life is that others have an influence in my life that isn’t included in my chart. It is beneficial for my own progression, as well as others’ to understand what everyone else is or maybe experiencing. Sure I could get this out of listening to all the signs’ readings, but, as you know, this is time consuming.

    My 10th house Sun opposes my 4th house Moon–my career and family have always seemed to be in opposition with each other. I have found it easier to make my family my career, but I still have the urge to be autonomous and earn money/fuel my fire in other ways. By knowing what they are experiencing, through astrology, helps me navigate time for myself that maybe least disruptive to them.

    I look forward to learning more about myself and others through astrology. I really enjoy all that Planet Waves has to offer. The staff is great and I really appreciate your straight forward, tell it like it is approach.

    Peace, Love, and Happiness 😉


  12. Roberta

    Hello Eric, I’m a Taurus Sun and just finished listening to your intuitive and accurate look at 2015. When you said that this journey had started way back in mid 2001/2002, I could only say ‘yes.’ My path began changing with the fall of the World Trade Towers (which I witnessed) and has morphed into my role as a transformational healer for my clients. That’s not what I call myself but those were your words and speaks to the essence of what I do. How’s that for accuracy? 🙂

    What would be most interesting for me would be to know what specific aspects you’re talking about as you go through your reading. I’m aware that the confusion factor would be increased, so what would address my curiosity might not be a great idea in practice. Suffice it to say that these readings just as they are present an in-depth, insightful look for anyone who reads them. Thank you for your work and for this wonderful look into Cosmophilia!

  13. sheri

    Hello Eric!

    I’m a 12th house Sun Capricorn, Cap Rising, Taurus Moon.

    Last years Cosmophilia was so right on for me – particularly the emphasis on Pluto and the unavoidable need to take a leading role in the larger current of change. Which has, indeed, been the major theme for me since 2008-09.

    And, for the most part, I do feel I’m doing the work that I should – but I for 2016, I’m wondering about life balance. My internal life, which has always been central to my identity, is taking a big hit. The collective is crucial, but I’d like to have a little more of the personal in my life too.

    Taking a longer term look – the prospect of Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn is making me a wee bit nervous.

    Thanks, again, for being a unique voice in astrology – looking forward to Vision Quest!

  14. Alison

    Dear Eric,
    I listened to Cosmophilia a few months ago and again yesterday and am astounded at the accuracy and brilliance of your reading (as, always). I am a big ol’ Virgo- Virgo Sun, Rising, Moon, Venus and North Node-whew! and have been in deep transition (and confusion) the last few years. I laughed aloud with relief and joy when you described Virgo’s need for at least two career paths. I have never been able to just do one thing and, in some very dark moments a couple of years ago, Googled “research on people who have too many interests” and found Barbara Sher and her thoughts on “scanners” and Emilie Wapnick and her site Puttylike, who calls people with the need to pursue multiple interests and career paths “Multipotentialites.” Her TED talk is wonderful and worth a watch.
    Then, upon listening to Cosmophilia, I understand that this is my nature, my inner wiring, as Emilie calls it, and accept this aspect of myself finally. Thank you for further clarification.
    In the last 4 1/2 years I have passed through what I fondly call “the tunnel of fire” and emerged rather exhausted and with no sense of where I want to go and no attachment to who I once was. This strange detachment from my former passions and sense of self has been terrifying at times. However, as a practitioner of chinese medicine, I know that this is the underworld place of healing and transformation and there is no hurrying the process along. I realize that I’ve been hanging on to my old self/life by a pinky and that, only if I really let myself fall into the unknown, will I emerge anew. But this place of no vision is absolutely uncomfortable. Your readings are soothing, grounding and remarkably spot on, especially in times like these. I very much appreciate you and your work.
    I look forward to Vision Quest and I know that your clarity will help stoke my clarity.
    Thanks, Eric.

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