Tag Archives: weekly horoscope

Planet Waves Daily Oracle for Friday, July 22, 2016


Eric is about to begin creating the new 2016 Midyear Reading, BALANCE. Covering Jupiter in Libra and other forthcoming astrology, this exciting reading will carry you well into 2017. Seize your chance to get all 12 signs for the bargain price of $47. Grab your copy today. Image from the 2012 Blue Marble by NASA GSFC.

Today’s Oracle takes us to the Aquarius weekly for July 6, 2012.


Your faith in yourself seems to inflate and deflate like a balloon, though at the moment it’s building rapidly. I suggest you focus this through your work, and by that I mean the next phase of your work that’s unfolding. Now, ‘work’ may be the wrong word here; the feeling is more like an erotic craving to do or accomplish something, as if your happiness depends on it. So this isn’t work in the sense of effort, but rather connecting a deep desire to the focus you need in order to accomplish it. Don’t worry about whether you can do it; the thing your happiness actually depends upon is your willingness to take the chance. The conditions are such right now that you have the combination of raw desire, a good idea and the discipline to go at it every day. Try this for a while and see where you end up. Remember that creative impulses need a lot of guidance on this plane of reality, which includes deflecting any opinions contrary to what you want.

The Daily Oracle offers a horoscope selected randomly by our Intelligent Archive Oracle program, unique to Planet Waves. It’s also a database of my horoscopes going back to the late 1990s. You can use the Intelligent Archive Oracle to answer questions and give you ideas for how to handle problems and situations you cannot see through. This feature is available to our Galaxy, Backstage and Core Community members. See this link for more information.

Weekly Horoscope for July 21, 2016

Weekly Horoscope for July 21, 2016, #1109 | By Amy Elliott

Aries (March 20-April 19) — Look before you leap. Undoubtedly you’ll have heard that concise bit of wisdom before; this is a good moment to pay it particular heed. If you experience some impulsive emotion that feels a bit like rage, it would probably be worth taking the time to analyze that, or to express it constructively through your favorite creative medium — whether that be painting, blogging or something else — rather than acting it out immediately. Consider carefully the needs and responses of those around you as well, and you’ll be on course to realize the important truth nestled in the swirl of emotion. It’s there, and it’s ready to speak. — by Amy Elliott. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — One of the things working with Eric has taught me is that healing — whether physical, emotional or at the soul level — fundamentally begins with nourishment. This doesn’t just mean eating properly, although that’s a vital component. It’s also about doing little things to care for yourself such as taking a bath, reading a book or hanging out with friends. As your sign is ruled by Venus, that also makes you deeply sensitive to beauty in nature and art. If you find yourself needing to tap that specific well this week, I suggest you go for full immersion. You don’t have to ask permission. Those treasures are yours to love and enjoy. — by Amy Elliott. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — There’s a reason they say nobody’s an island. If you have a particular project on the go this week and are perhaps scratching your head, don’t be too proud to ask for help. In fact, it’s quite likely that someone you know will have the very answer you seek, whether you bring the subject up consciously or happen to be discussing something entirely different. So keep your eyes and ears open; a moment of serendipity could be all you need. Moreover, if you seem to be getting bogged down in routine, you can easily find inspiration again through taking a break or switching things up. Do what you enjoy, and you’ll be doing it right. — by Amy Elliott. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Living is a process, and to embrace it fully means a devotion to the pursuit of truth. It’s all too easy for the human mind to get stuck on a particular recurring theme. Old or deep emotions might be acting like quicksand for you this week. If so, you can pull yourself free by consciously turning your thoughts elsewhere. Get together with friends, for example; or apply your wits to studying something completely new. Notice what this teaches you about your beliefs and values; you may discover exciting, previously unexplored conceptual territory. — by Amy Elliott. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

Planet Waves

Photo by Greg Willis.

Best of the best. Very deep and thought provoking material. He always hits a deep chord. — Kristy Pokorny

Any work produced by Eric Francis is almost invariably followed by a comment like Kristy’s — words that show just how powerfully his unique and perceptive ideas inspire our readers.

Eric’s 2016-17 Leo Birthday Reading is your opportunity to use some of that insight to kick-start your solar year. Mars will soon re-enter Sagittarius, your house of creativity and doing what you love. If you’re looking for that spark of motivation, or just want to discover the potential in the year ahead, this reading in audio and video could be just what you need.

Pre-order your birthday reading by tomorrow (July 22) to lock in the bargain price of just $19.97.



Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — The feeling of being refreshed and renewed that comes with your birthday season might be especially potent for you this year. If that’s the case, feel free to ride the wave, bearing in mind the usual caveat about considering carefully any significant risks you might be drawn to. Pay generous attention to any opportunities for developing your career or public life. What you’re particularly looking for here is a chance to move toward increased fulfillment at the soul level; this may include withdrawing from a situation that has somewhat of the opposite tendency. Be ready, and seize the moment when it comes. — by Amy Elliott. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — This time of year can serve to enhance your capacity for reflection, and for exploring the deepest recesses of your complex and rather beautiful mind. Your instincts are likely to be firing on all cylinders, particularly in terms of understanding and relating to loved ones and new friends alike. Listen to the wisdom of your gut. Notice also what your dreams might be telling you, and write them down if possible. This could be a chance for a creative breakthrough; so make sure your living space is arranged to give you maximum support, and then dive into your depths. — by Amy Elliott. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Sometimes it’s necessary to ground yourself before undertaking any new project. This is by no means a bad thing. Inspiration can be as much a product of the everyday as of the unusual. This week, count the blessings you already have, and allow yourself the freedom to enjoy them. If you are able, spend some time with your social group; preferably in person rather than on Facebook. There is an unequaled pleasure in a real face-to-face conversation. Not only will this nourish you emotionally; you are likely to be all the readier when Jupiter arrives in September to rock your world. — by Amy Elliott. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — This could be the perfect moment for cultivating your relationships, in every sense of that adaptable word. There are many ways to enjoy the delights of other beings in your life, and to bless them in turn with your own gifts. One thing that’s especially beautiful about human contact is that with each person in our multifaceted lives, we develop a form of love that’s wholly unique to that partnership. That makes it possible to love without reserve or restraint; and, as the song goes, the world surely needs it right now. Luckily, you have plenty to give. — by Amy Elliott. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Is adventure calling? Feel free to answer; only, while you’re traveling in the glorious realms of imagination, be sure to pack proper supplies and bring along a high-definition camera. This isn’t simply so that the envious folks back here on Earth can get a piece of the action. If you have what appears to be a divinely inspired idea, keeping some form of recording equipment on hand — and also tracking your progress methodically — will likely help you shape your moment of contact with your ingenuity into something concrete, lasting and thoroughly satisfying. — by Amy Elliott. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Many now subscribe to the view that there is a divine presence within all of us; some believe it consists of all genders. Right now, the goddess part of you is surfacing. You can welcome her and cultivate her acquaintance by giving yourself some extra love and pleasure. That could mean sex; in which case the more time, space and exploration or experimentation you can indulge in, the better. You might also spend a bit of time out in your preferred patch of wilderness. When encountering others, too, do all you can to make the experience life-enhancing and nourishing. Your goddess-self will thank you. — by Amy Elliott. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — When was the last time you really had fun, as in belly laughs or full-on bliss? If you’re pining for that now, by all means indulge in some relaxation. It’s not necessary to go for what’s truly risky or chaotic simply for the sake of being that. In fact, it can be surprising how well the smaller pleasures in life can answer your needs. Don’t go to the opposite extreme, either, by rationalizing away your desire for a good time; we all need to kick back. If you’re really stuck for a recreation recipe, ask someone close to you for ideas. Then simply serve and enjoy. — by Amy Elliott. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — The extraordinary journey of development you’ve been on lately may receive a nice boost this week. Make sure you grasp any opportunity with the firmness it deserves. This could involve, for example, a revision of old habits that seem to be holding back progress — if that’s true, now is probably a good time to jettison them and pursue more productive methods. Additionally, try to maintain focus and don’t allow yourself to be led off into tangent land. You need to preserve your energy, especially emotional, so that you leave enough space in your head for the Muse to enter. — by Amy Elliott. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

Planet Waves Daily Oracle for Thursday, July 21, 2016


Pre-order your Leo 2016-17 Birthday Reading today for the best price.

Today’s Oracle takes us to the Capricorn weekly for Aug. 5, 2005.


Love has its good moments and its less than good ones but they all tell a story. In your own life that story can afford to move at a lot quicker pace and the soaking you’ve taken in the past can be offered back to the atmosphere. Deep inside the heart of a Capricorn is the soul of an Aries and that means you have the power and the willingness to take initiative — as long as you’re absolutely certain it’s the right thing to do. I’m just an astrologer but I’m telling you if you vaguely suspect it’s the right thing then it is.

The Daily Oracle offers a horoscope selected randomly by our Intelligent Archive Oracle program, unique to Planet Waves. It’s also a database of my horoscopes going back to the late 1990s. You can use the Intelligent Archive Oracle to answer questions and give you ideas for how to handle problems and situations you cannot see through. This feature is available to our Galaxy, Backstage and Core Community members. See this link for more information.

Stating the Ominous: Silent Spring at 50

Note to Readers: This morning I heard on NPR that today is the 50th anniversary of Silent Spring by Rachel Carson. I’m not sure where they got that information; Planet Waves commemorated that anniversary in June 2012, but in case you’re curious, here is our article on Rachel’s book, which started the environmental movement of the 1960s. –efc

Dear Friend and Reader:

Saturday, June 16 was the 50th anniversary of the publication of Silent Spring by Rachel Carson. This is the book that not only started the modern environmental movement; it defined the notions of the ‘environment’ or ‘ecosystem’ as we think of them today. Though it’s difficult to believe, prior to Silent Spring, those concepts did not exist in public consciousness.

Rachel Carson, circa 1962. From the Rachel Carson Papers. Yale Collection of American Literature, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University.

Today, most people have heard the book’s title, though I’ve been asking around and so far I have not found anyone younger than I am who knows what it’s a reference to.

A marine biologist and avid birder who became a naturalist author, by the time Silent Spring was published, Carson had already written three bestsellers and had won the National Book Award For Nonfiction with her 1951 book The Sea Around Us. Her writing career grew out of working for the publications office of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, where she was editor in chief.

Following up a longstanding interest, she began to focus her efforts on pesticides in the 1950s. This was the era when chemistry was going to solve every problem and save the world from the evils of nature. But Carson was suspicious, and had been collecting data about potential problems since before World War II. Her research resulted in Silent Spring, which exposed the dangers of broadcast spraying of insecticides and herbicides, principally DDT.

The military, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and various industries were busy pouring tons of the stuff onto cities, towns, suburbs, farms and wilderness areas, telling everyone that it was perfectly safe. In one propaganda film, a British public health official is trying to convince an African chief and his tribe that DDT isn’t toxic. At the time it was being used to kill malaria mosquitoes. He has the chemical sprayed onto a bowl of hot cereal, which he then eats. But the chief refuses to accept that the insecticide is safe. (See the sixth film in the queue, “DDT So Safe You Can Eat It.”)

Continue reading

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Sept. 11, 2014

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — You’re being invited to go beyond your known borders in a bold and adventurous way. You seem to have had more than enough with being confined in a partnership or contractual situation, and you’re figuring out that you have much broader horizons than you’ve acknowledged any time recently. You are under no obligation to live the way you lived in the past, following rules that you followed in the past. Yet rather than throw anything (or everything) to the four winds, I suggest you at least state your position clearly to whom it may concern. You do not need permission from anyone else, though you will benefit from the integrity that comes from speaking your truth and not leaving anyone guessing, blaming themselves or blaming you. Of course you cannot control that entirely, but you can have a positive influence and keep your karma positive.

Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — What matters is not the form of a relationship but rather the creative fire that it contains. You may have lost sight of that recently, though you are now being reminded of what is so often neglected. This takes more devotion than most mortals are willing to invest into their journeys with others, and consistency that is rare to find. Yet I suggest you remember that ultimately this is not about a relationship; it’s about you, your integrity and your commitment to life. Unusual, unexpected things happen when you take the chance of asserting your soul, though it’s best not to expect them but rather allow your clarity of purpose to be its own reward. Keep your focus and remember to stay true to yourself first, and to what you want, second. From this space, when passion takes hold, it does so in a much more reliable way.

Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Next to self-esteem, I think that trust is the most pressing issue facing Western society. Indeed, this may be a global issue, though I think of it more as a problem of those who have the option not to trust and still make it through the day, which is our story here in the lavishly wealthy part of the world. One thing people tend not to trust is when someone desires them, or makes a direct approach of some kind. If that happens over the next few days, will you meet the person face to face, or will you bob and weave, and avoid the encounter? Remember, you are required neither to make nor accept any promises. You only need to trust enough to learn more. I suggest you go through a few layers of experience rather than allowing yourself to be turned off at the first meager question or appearance that does not fit your idea of who someone is supposed to be. Stay around long enough to find out.

Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Now is the time to get serious about a health issue, or your overall state of fitness. Move gently through any resistance, which may come in the form of inertia — or fear. You may experience some confusion early in the process, but that will give way to recognizing the integrity of what you are doing. Remember that there is no physical situation that is not connected to some underlying spiritual and/or emotional state, so know what your real goal is. A similar scenario will hold true for work-related matters. This is the time to motivate yourself to do your very best work. The challenges you meet will be more than compensated by a boost to your self-esteem every time you get a job done well. So don’t waste any time doubting. Be confident in your talents and trust your motivation. Meet any doubt with a positive attitude and sense of adventure, and be eager to see what is around every corner.

Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Creativity is delusional. That’s the whole idea. It’s not supposed to make perfect sense or be practical. It’s a kind of impassioned fantasy, or journey begun with an unknown destination. One vital element of creative exploration is that you allow it to be pointless, seemingly for its own sake, or for a diversion. Then refinement comes later; that requires a different kind of discipline, a shift in viewpoint and ongoing review. Yet that is not the heart of the matter, the thing with no substitute. The core is allowing yourself that space of freedom from some worldly intention other than to allow your ideas to flow. It’s true that some artists and musicians get lost in this aspect of the work, and never get to the refinement stage. For now, don’t worry about that. Other aspects suggest you will focus that level of activity, and that you will be able to connect this to your vocational or business plan.

Virgo Birthday Reading Just Published: Free Audio Preview

Dear Virgo Sun or rising:

Summer may be winding down, but your solar year is only just beginning. Eric has just published your Virgo birthday reading — and a free audio preview. Actually this is a bit more than a preview — it’s a 15-minute mini-reading that gives you many details of what you get in the full product. Eric’s birthday readings work beautifully for your rising sign as well, so if you’re Virgo rising, you’re invited to take advantage of some helpful, eloquent and spot-on astrology.

Your reading includes a live question-and-response session with Eric (date TBA), archived in case you cannot make the live event. These conference calls have been a productive and fun way to learn about astrology and how it affects us. You also get access to last year’s reading to check Eric’s accuracy, and to review the past few seasons. In addition, your reading includes an extended written sign description.

The current price is now $49.95 and gives you instant access to your reading. If you’re not a Virgo, this will make a beautiful, lasting and valued gift for any Virgo in your life.

Yours & truly,

Amanda Painter


Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — You must be cautious of the self-critical qualities of Virgo for the next few days, lest they undo something that could work out brilliantly for you. If you find you’re taking yourself apart in any way that feels unpleasant or like it’s the return of an old habit, pause and shift the narrative. The problem with self-criticism is that you can pawn it off on yourself as some form of improvement. However, that is rarely true, and when it is true, it will last for about five minutes maximum before you take constructive action or engage in a healing process. But there is something suspect about any self-judgment that comes up for you now, especially if it arrives in the form of needing to be more spiritual, or needing to focus more. The real themes of your chart are keeping an open mind and encouraging forgiveness, of yourself and of others. This is a fine line to walk — keep your eyes and ears open.

Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Don’t get too caught up in plans and strategizing — plenty more useful information is about to emerge, timed approximately with the Sun’s arrival in your sign in just over one week, followed by a magnificent New Moon. You may, however, be obsessed with one particular plan that seems like exactly the right thing to do, and it may be. I suggest, in that case, that you make a generous list of everything you don’t know and keep all of that in mind. As long as you know you don’t know, you will be on solid ground. Remember that idea: the key to knowing is to know when you don’t know, and to the best extent you can, to know what information you are missing. Then be patient, and pay attention to what comes your way. Once you structure your learning process, you magnify its power, and make more efficient use of the information that comes to you.

Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — I’m here today to remind you of something the magnificent Lois Rodden, one of the great astrologers of our lifetime, once said to me. Mercury, she said, is often considered the money planet (mainly since it’s associated with merchants and commerce), but for money, the planet you really want on your side is Mars. The reason for that is because making money requires motivation and focused intention. Mars is about to ingress Sagittarius, your house of available resources (the 2nd house), and that will provide just those elements. Yet there is one caveat — that your mode of creating resources be connected to your soul-level mission, or what most people would think of as your true values. I’ll say this another way. You’re about to get a serious boost in your money-creating power and for it to work well for you and for everyone else, focus that energy on doing the right thing. You know what it is.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Mars ingressing your sign on Saturday will, at least, demonstrate that your worst fears were not true. At best, you will focus your goals with new commitment and determination. While Sagittarius is associated with many things, remember that its deeper meaning is the one-pointed determination to follow your highest calling and to get the job done. Sagittarius at its best brooks no distraction, no competition, no compromises. Mars, which itself carries the symbol of focused determination — the same arrow that appears in the Sagittarius glyph — emboldens that whole program of getting the job done. On the physical plane and especially on our planet, you need this kind of strength and focus to cut through the nearly limitless bullshit that is flying around, and to avoid the many diversions that prevent most progress. You certainly have an adventure ahead — though one with a clear purpose and as much assurance of success as is possible. Choose your direction. Go forward, and keep going forward.

Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — People respect you in a way that you may not fully understand. Yet you may be receiving the message that you must set an example for others. Remember that such an example does not imply that you must be pure, or practice chastity, or deny that you have feelings and attachments. I suggest you focus the experience of your full humanity into what you offer the world, and draw strength from having no fear of controversy whatsoever. It is true that at this time in your life, you are creating an ever-greater impact on the world around you, and part of how you’re doing that is through focusing your sincerity. This is not an option. It’s not a frill. It’s an evolutionary imperative, and at its core is your ability to be real with yourself at all times. So accept no excuses, and grant yourself no casual exceptions. Progress is at stake –- of a rare kind, available in this moment.

Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — You seem to be finding your voice, in a way that is close to your heart — in your community. There are many ways to define community these days; this would seem to be the one that you consider your spiritual home, or your primary tribe. You have been unusually reserved, cautious or conservative in recent times of your life, and you are now being invited to step into a far more visible role, standing up for some cause, commitment or mission that you may have been reluctant to speak about in the past. You may feel vulnerable doing this, though I assure you that you are standing on a deep foundation, and that unlike most people, your leadership is grounded on the strength of your moral authority. I don’t say this lightly and I suggest you not take it lightly — and not let that stop you from going past your previous limits and taking a genuine risk for what is truly a worthwhile cause.

Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — I have never seen the word “achievement” in any textbook description of Pisces, which demonstrates why we need better sources than those books. Yet this quality — of aspiration, motivation, determination — is written all over the charts of Pisces because you have Sagittarius in your 10th house of reputation, profession and authority. Mars is about to cross the cusp of that house, and that is putting you in the mood to accomplish great things. This you will do, if you remember your highest goals and put integrity above appearance. Take no shortcuts to success, and make sure that you’re available and accountable for your decisions. There’s an element of this that may conflict with your image as a sensitive, empathic person. In truth there is no conflict between these elements of who you are, but just in case, the solution is to focus on the quality of your work, never compromising, and making sure you push the opportunity to have that work seen by as many people as possible.

The War Goes On

Dear Friend and Reader:

I caught the rerun of Pres. Obama’s Wednesday night speech on MSNBC at about 3 am Thursday. By then it was already the 13th anniversary of the 9/11 incident, and I was watching the announcement of a new phase of a war — the perfect commemoration.

Planet Waves
Pres. Obama announces a new phase of war on Wednesday, Sept. 10, 2014. This was on the eve of the 13th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks — timing that seems well planned for emotional impact.

Part of my consciousness was still in the dreamtime as I watched. I observed as Pres. Obama began as he usually does, calm and measured, and I followed his logic thinking he was being pretty convincing, at least for the first couple of minutes.

Even when I am observing something I think I might not like, I try to keep my mind open and suspend judgment. So I gave him a chance to persuade me.

Then as his speech proceeded, I noticed that something seemed to unravel. Though he spoke for only 13 minutes, he seemed to go on without end. Imagine the feeling of crossing a bridge, but as you cross, the bridge stretches out farther and farther ahead — that is how it felt.

I listened as he offered endless rationalizations for why he was leading the United States into another war with an amorphous terrorist threat allegedly developing more than 10,000 kilometers away. He did not mention that only two Americans have so far been killed by this new enemy.

The topic was outlining his strategy about something called ISIL, ISIS or the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, described as a morph of a terrorist organization and a vast bureaucracy (stretching across the Iraq-Syria border, and potentially as far south as Greece depending on who you believe). The Islamic State, sometimes called a caliphate, allegedly spans from a ‘national’ level down to various local authorities.

“Our objective is clear: we will degrade, and ultimately destroy, ISIL through a comprehensive and sustained counter-terrorism strategy,” Pres. Obama said. He compared them to cancer cells and vowed to get every last person involved.

ISIL terrorists/bureaucrats are reputed for their professionally videotaped beheadings, crucifixions and various attacks on local populations. We keep being told they are outfitted with large amounts of American equipment that was left behind after troops were withdrawn from Iraq, giving them something in common with the Ferguson, Missouri, police department — lots of Army surplus gear.

Planet Waves
Images of alleged ISIL or ISIS warriors are frightening to children and other Americans, especially if we’re told they will soon be here. Most Americans seem to support fighting them. Photo via Iran View website.

Obama went on. “Moreover, I have made it clear that we will hunt down terrorists who threaten our country, wherever they are. That means I will not hesitate to take action against ISIL in Syria, as well as Iraq. This is a core principle of my presidency: if you threaten America, you will find no safe haven.”

Gradually the scene started to feel, and appear, surreal. I kept looking into Obama’s face on my television and the presidential facade become transparent. His voice became thin and unconvincing. He seemed meeker and smaller than an ordinary man. He looked like someone, not really the president but vaguely resembling him, put in front of the audience as a spokesman for something or someone else. Then suddenly I could barely recognize him.

When he ended with, “God bless our troops, and God bless America,” I felt like I flashed back to seeing George W. Bush and they morphed into the same person.

That he announced this new military effort on the eve of the anniversary makes it difficult to miss the irony, or the synchronicity, or the reminder, or the careful planning, associated with the 9/11 anniversary — the same incident that in 2003 was falsely used to start another phase of the endless war with or in Iraq. Only now the United States will also be fighting in Syria, which has been a bloody mess since Arab Spring.

New York Times writer Peter Baker put it eloquently when he said Thursday, “After years of trying to avoid entangling the United States in another ‘dumb war’, as he called the 2003 invasion of Iraq, Mr. Obama is now plunging the United States into the middle of one of the world’s bloodiest, most vicious and fratricidal conflicts,” by which he means Syria.

Planet Waves
Remember Dubya?

In the morning, I flipped on the TV again to check out coverage of the 9/11 anniversary and early on was greeted by pomp and pageantry. MSNBC has a tradition of rerunning its original coverage from that day, which always surprises me when they do that. It surprises me because that old footage reveals so much.

Last year I watched astonished as NBC news reporter Pat Dawson described explosions in the World Trade Center right before the towers collapsed. Albert Turi, chief safety officer for the New York City Fire Department, heard these explosions and proposed that morning that there were explosives planted in the towers.

Today on the original footage replay I heard NBC’s chief Pentagon correspondent Jim Miklaszewski describe an explosion, not an airplane crash, into the building where his office was located. He described the acrid, pungent smell that soaked the air, which he compared to the strange smell you get when a flourescent light ballast burns out. Others had described a smell similar to the explosive cordite.

The reason these contemperaneous reports are signficiant is that they contain forgotten information that is today considered the stuff of conspiracy theories. It is accepted dogma that there was a plane crash at the Pentagon despite the obvious lack of wreckage or any damage reminiscent of such a crash.

In late 2002, NPR reporter Steve Inskeep personally told me he was called to the scene of an explosion at the Pentagon and saw no evidence of an airplane crash when he arrived about 10 minutes after it happened, with the Pentagon facade still standing intact.

It’s considered absurd by most people that explosives were used to bring down the towers, or that the plane crash at the Pentagon was staged — or not an airplane but a missile. Yet for clues, all you have to do is go back and listen to what was being reported before the spin machine took control and the name Osama bin Laden was floated as the perpetrator.

Planet Waves
NBC News reporter Pat Dawson speaking a few blocks north of the World Trade Center site on the morning of Sept. 11. Watch the video here.

I have covered the problems with the official version of the 9/11 attacks many times. You can read about this in Were It So, The Gingerbread House, History, Turning on a Phrase, and Not Just a River in Belgium.

Between these four articles you will get a sense of the problems with the official version of events. If you have not consciously gone there before, it’s not easy to wrap your head around. In the article Not Just a River in Belgium I transcribe interviews with several psychologists who particpated in an excellent documentary prepared by Architects and Engineeers for 9/11 Truth, produced by people who design and build skyscrapers. You can watch a shortened version of their documentary Explosive Evidence here.

Do a little research and you can see Larry Silverstein, the owner of World Trade 7, admit on a PBS special that the building was intentionally demolished. I have saved two DVD copies of this documentary purchased directly from PBS.

You can hear New York City firefighters who were there at the time describe molten steel in the wreckage of the Twin Towers. In an ordinary jet crash there is nothing hot enough to melt steel, much less make it flow like lava.

It’s easy to find a plan prepared by a bunch of future Bush administration people who predict “some catastrophic and catalyzing event, like a new Pearl Harbor” early in the 21st century, which will lead to a multi-front war. But as one friend who prefers the official version of events wrote to me, “I am not sure of the relevance unless you are insinuating the possibility of either inside info or complicity, both of which are so preposterous as to be beyond laughable.”

Planet Waves
For about half an hour on the morning of Sept. 11, 2001, the Pentagon showed only fire damage, and a hole through several layers of the building’s ring structure. You can see no evidence of an airplane crash, and no wreckage from a jet liner. Then the facade collapsed.

I have listened to what plenty of 9/11 truth advocates have to say. Perhaps the most interesting thing any of them have done is to interview psychologists to help us understand why people have this kind of reaction.

In the documentary Explosive Evidence, you get to see a lot of scientific evidence as to why steel-framed skyscrapers don’t just fall down at near-freefall speed even if they are badly damaged.

Then they let us hear from people who can help explain why people are so resistant to these ideas. I will quote from my transcript of the film, previously quoted in Not Just a River in Belgium. You can hear the audio from this section of the film in this edition of Planet Waves FM.

Robert Hopper, another clinical psychologist, added: “Many people respond to these truths in a very deep way. Some have a visceral reaction like they’ve been punched in the stomach. To begin to accept the possibility that the government was involved, it’s like opening Pandora’s box. If you open the lid and peek in a little bit, it’s going to challenge some of your fundamental beliefs about the world.”

Dorothy Lorig, a counseling psychologist, put it this way. “If we can think of our world view as being sort of our mental and emotional home, I think all of us will do just about anything to defend our homes, to defend our families. So I see that with people, and I saw that with myself when my brother tried to talk with me about it. Don’t mess with me, don’t mess with my home, don’t mess with my comfort with how things are.

“About a week later, I read a lengthy article by Prof. [David Ray] Griffin about why he believes the official account of 9/11 cannot be true. It was a very well-researched article. It was in my office at the time, I sat there and I felt my stomach churning. I thought maybe I was going to be sick. And I leaped out of my chair and ran out the door and took a long walk around the block, around several blocks, and just broke down.”

Lorig continued, “I understand now that what was happening was my world view about my government being in some way my protector, almost like a parent, had been dashed, and it was like being cast out into the wilderness. I think it’s the closest way to describe that feeling. And I sobbed and I sobbed, felt the ground had completely disappeared beneath my feet, and I knew at some point during the walk that I knew that I was going to have to become active in educating other people about this. That for me to retain any sense of integrity I was going to have to take some action. I couldn’t just let something like this go.”

She gets both sides of the problem — accepting any of these ideas changes your world view and compels you to take action. You cannot just let it go. You cannot see the world the same way after you start to consider the evidence of what may have happened. This is the whole point.

There’s also something about whether you trust your intelligence or trust authority, even if what you’re told makes no sense. You don’t need to be an expert to see the problems with the official story, you just need to look. As I have written before, this is not about accepting a conspiracy theory. It’s about debunking one.

Planet Waves

If you are curious about what the astrology says about this, here is a clear, short and simple article I wrote some years ago that explains the chart for the 9/11 incident.

You may wonder why it’s necessary to consider any of this. I think it’s as simple as making a sincere effort at understanding the truth, and not being obedient to what we are ordered by authority to believe, especially at the point of a gun. Remember that the 9/11 attacks have been used to justify vast rollbacks of our precious American freedom, including implementing the surveillance state that for years has been tracking our every thought.

I don’t think it was a coincidence that news of the Next War was dropped on us on the eve of the 9/11 anniversary. From a public relations standpoint, it was perfect timing, and it fit the same pattern of using the pain of this blight on our lives and on American history to falsely justify yet more murder and death, conducted in your name, supposedly to protect you from something that has never actually threatened you. And something that was created by the last war commenced under the same pretext.

We may not have the power to do anything about this, though we certainly have the power to choose what to accept into our minds. Spiritual growth involves the cultivation of discernment, mature thinking and developing a tropism for the truth. If the concept ‘freedom’ has any meaning at all, I would say that it begins here.


Planet Waves (ISSN 1933-9135) is published each Tuesday morning and Thursday afternoon in Kingston, New York by Planet Waves, Inc. Annual basic subscription rate: $99/year. Core community membership: $199/year. Editor and Publisher: Eric Francis Coppolino. Business Manager: Chelsea Bottinelli. Web Developer: Anatoly Ryzhenko. Copy Editor: Jessica Keet. Research, Writing and Editing: Planet Waves is produced by a team consisting of Fe Bongolan, Brendan Merritt, Amy Elliott, Judith Gayle, Kelly Janes, Elizabeth Michaud, Amanda Moreno, Amanda Painter, Casey Smith, Carol van Strum, Len Wallick, Lizanne Webb and Chad Woodward.



Planet Waves

Fire on Fire: Mars ingresses Sagittarius

Mars enters Sagittarius Saturday at 5:57 pm EDT, after about a month and a half in Scorpio. Sagittarius is a fire sign — and Mars is a fiery energy. If Mars in Scorpio was the slow burn, or the sense of dropping deep into the erotic magma at your core, Mars in Sagittarius is about fanning that heat out into the world.

Planet Waves
Smoke tornadoes as ‘the man’ burns at Burning Man 2012. Where will your adventure lead you? Photo by Amanda Painter.

It’s about letting something ignite within you that can translate your more idealistic desires and sense of soul-purpose into some tangible adventure. You’re being invited to go beyond your known borders in a bold and adventurous way — whatever that boils down to for you.

But the realization of a sense of purpose in life can feel terrifying. Because once you own that, you begin to run out of excuses for not getting down to business living it. What if the sky’s message is that the current adventure ahead of you has a clear purpose and as much assurance of success as is possible? Will you choose your direction, go forward, and keep going forward? Do you trust what you want?

Note that as soon as Mars enters Sagittarius it will be closing in on a square to Neptune in Pisces.

Mars square Neptune is partly a caution to be honest with yourself and wary of self-delusion in your motives — that is, to be wary of ‘wants’ that are really just distractions. It’s also a reminder to keep careful tabs on your alcohol and drug use. On a more metaphysical level, Mars-Neptune is a good reason to keep your energetic/psychic boundaries strong and to stay in clear psychic integrity.

But Mars square Neptune has incredible creative potential, too. And in a sense, creativity is delusional. That’s the whole idea. It’s not supposed to make perfect sense or be practical. Any relationship into which you channel your creative fire, regardless of its label (work, love, play, etc.), is about to get a real lift.

As it does, you may very well find your voice in a way that is close to your heart. Not in the pages of your journal or the confines of your imagination, but out there — in your community.

Amanda Painter with Eric Francis



Planet Waves

Planet Waves

Don’t be fooled by the derelict remnants of the house in the background; wholeness, not the apocalypse, is at hand — if you’re willing to see it. Image: video still from “Why I Think This World Should End.”

The Path Towards a New Beginning

By Amanda Painter

As Mars enters Sagittarius this weekend, prodding us toward adventure in the wider world and perhaps the more lofty philosophical or spiritual pursuits that sign can represent, check out the work of Missouri rapper Prince Ea.

Ea came to my attention this week by way of his video of what no one wants to say about Ferguson, which has gone viral on Facebook. From there, I found his spoken-word piece “Why I Think This World Should End.” Don’t get hung up on the unlikely title; Ea’s message is love of the universal variety — the kind we only recognize when we shift our gaze away from external differences and look deep within ourselves.

As he says in his video:

Robert Kennedy once said that
Few will have the greatness to bend history
But each of us can work to change a small portion of events
And in the total of all those acts
Will be written the history of a generation
So yes, the world is coming to an end
And the path towards a new beginning starts within you
Planet Waves

Live, Call-In Pisces Full Moon Edition of Planet Waves FM

This week’s edition is a replay of Monday night’s live call-in edition, which took place during the Pisces Full Moon. There are no musical breaks, just a lot of dialog between me and PW FM listeners. We touch on many subjects, from astrology, to relationship choices (including a long discussion of what polyamory is and is not), a personal injury lawsuit, how to use Chiron and the coming lunar eclipse in Aries.



Planet Waves

Your Monthly Horoscopes — and our Publishing Schedule Notes

Your extended monthly horoscopes for September published Friday, Aug. 28. We published your extended monthly horoscopes for August Thursday, July 24. We also published your Inner Space horoscope for September Tuesday, Sept. 2. Moonshine horoscopes for the Pisces Full Moonpublished Sunday, Sept. 7. Please note, we normally publish the extended monthly horoscope on the first Friday after the Sun has entered a new sign.



Planet Waves

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Sept. 11, 2014, #1015 | By Eric Francis

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — You’re being invited to go beyond your known borders in a bold and adventurous way. You seem to have had more than enough with being confined in a partnership or contractual situation, and you’re figuring out that you have much broader horizons than you’ve acknowledged any time recently. You are under no obligation to live the way you lived in the past, following rules that you followed in the past. Yet rather than throw anything (or everything) to the four winds, I suggest you at least state your position clearly to whom it may concern. You do not need permission from anyone else, though you will benefit from the integrity that comes from speaking your truth and not leaving anyone guessing, blaming themselves or blaming you. Of course you cannot control that entirely, but you can have a positive influence and keep your karma positive.

Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — What matters is not the form of a relationship but rather the creative fire that it contains. You may have lost sight of that recently, though you are now being reminded of what is so often neglected. This takes more devotion than most mortals are willing to invest into their journeys with others, and consistency that is rare to find. Yet I suggest you remember that ultimately this is not about a relationship; it’s about you, your integrity and your commitment to life. Unusual, unexpected things happen when you take the chance of asserting your soul, though it’s best not to expect them but rather allow your clarity of purpose to be its own reward. Keep your focus and remember to stay true to yourself first, and to what you want, second. From this space, when passion takes hold, it does so in a much more reliable way.

Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Next to self-esteem, I think that trust is the most pressing issue facing Western society. Indeed, this may be a global issue, though I think of it more as a problem of those who have the option not to trust and still make it through the day, which is our story here in the lavishly wealthy part of the world. One thing people tend not to trust is when someone desires them, or makes a direct approach of some kind. If that happens over the next few days, will you meet the person face to face, or will you bob and weave, and avoid the encounter? Remember, you are required neither to make nor accept any promises. You only need to trust enough to learn more. I suggest you go through a few layers of experience rather than allowing yourself to be turned off at the first meager question or appearance that does not fit your idea of who someone is supposed to be. Stay around long enough to find out.

Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Now is the time to get serious about a health issue, or your overall state of fitness. Move gently through any resistance, which may come in the form of inertia — or fear. You may experience some confusion early in the process, but that will give way to recognizing the integrity of what you are doing. Remember that there is no physical situation that is not connected to some underlying spiritual and/or emotional state, so know what your real goal is. A similar scenario will hold true for work-related matters. This is the time to motivate yourself to do your very best work. The challenges you meet will be more than compensated by a boost to your self-esteem every time you get a job done well. So don’t waste any time doubting. Be confident in your talents and trust your motivation. Meet any doubt with a positive attitude and sense of adventure, and be eager to see what is around every corner.

Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Creativity is delusional. That’s the whole idea. It’s not supposed to make perfect sense or be practical. It’s a kind of impassioned fantasy, or journey begun with an unknown destination. One vital element of creative exploration is that you allow it to be pointless, seemingly for its own sake, or for a diversion. Then refinement comes later; that requires a different kind of discipline, a shift in viewpoint and ongoing review. Yet that is not the heart of the matter, the thing with no substitute. The core is allowing yourself that space of freedom from some worldly intention other than to allow your ideas to flow. It’s true that some artists and musicians get lost in this aspect of the work, and never get to the refinement stage. For now, don’t worry about that. Other aspects suggest you will focus that level of activity, and that you will be able to connect this to your vocational or business plan.

Virgo Birthday Reading Just Published: Free Audio Preview

Dear Virgo Sun or rising:

Summer may be winding down, but your solar year is only just beginning. Eric has just published your Virgo birthday reading — and a free audio preview. Actually this is a bit more than a preview — it’s a 15-minute mini-reading that gives you many details of what you get in the full product. Eric’s birthday readings work beautifully for your rising sign as well, so if you’re Virgo rising, you’re invited to take advantage of some helpful, eloquent and spot-on astrology.

Your reading includes a live question-and-response session with Eric (date TBA), archived in case you cannot make the live event. These conference calls have been a productive and fun way to learn about astrology and how it affects us. You also get access to last year’s reading to check Eric’s accuracy, and to review the past few seasons. In addition, your reading includes an extended written sign description.

The current price is now $49.95 and gives you instant access to your reading. If you’re not a Virgo, this will make a beautiful, lasting and valued gift for any Virgo in your life.

Yours & truly,

Amanda Painter


Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — You must be cautious of the self-critical qualities of Virgo for the next few days, lest they undo something that could work out brilliantly for you. If you find you’re taking yourself apart in any way that feels unpleasant or like it’s the return of an old habit, pause and shift the narrative. The problem with self-criticism is that you can pawn it off on yourself as some form of improvement. However, that is rarely true, and when it is true, it will last for about five minutes maximum before you take constructive action or engage in a healing process. But there is something suspect about any self-judgment that comes up for you now, especially if it arrives in the form of needing to be more spiritual, or needing to focus more. The real themes of your chart are keeping an open mind and encouraging forgiveness, of yourself and of others. This is a fine line to walk — keep your eyes and ears open.

Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Don’t get too caught up in plans and strategizing — plenty more useful information is about to emerge, timed approximately with the Sun’s arrival in your sign in just over one week, followed by a magnificent New Moon. You may, however, be obsessed with one particular plan that seems like exactly the right thing to do, and it may be. I suggest, in that case, that you make a generous list of everything you don’t know and keep all of that in mind. As long as you know you don’t know, you will be on solid ground. Remember that idea: the key to knowing is to know when you don’t know, and to the best extent you can, to know what information you are missing. Then be patient, and pay attention to what comes your way. Once you structure your learning process, you magnify its power, and make more efficient use of the information that comes to you.

Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — I’m here today to remind you of something the magnificent Lois Rodden, one of the great astrologers of our lifetime, once said to me. Mercury, she said, is often considered the money planet (mainly since it’s associated with merchants and commerce), but for money, the planet you really want on your side is Mars. The reason for that is because making money requires motivation and focused intention. Mars is about to ingress Sagittarius, your house of available resources (the 2nd house), and that will provide just those elements. Yet there is one caveat — that your mode of creating resources be connected to your soul-level mission, or what most people would think of as your true values. I’ll say this another way. You’re about to get a serious boost in your money-creating power and for it to work well for you and for everyone else, focus that energy on doing the right thing. You know what it is.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Mars ingressing your sign on Saturday will, at least, demonstrate that your worst fears were not true. At best, you will focus your goals with new commitment and determination. While Sagittarius is associated with many things, remember that its deeper meaning is the one-pointed determination to follow your highest calling and to get the job done. Sagittarius at its best brooks no distraction, no competition, no compromises. Mars, which itself carries the symbol of focused determination — the same arrow that appears in the Sagittarius glyph — emboldens that whole program of getting the job done. On the physical plane and especially on our planet, you need this kind of strength and focus to cut through the nearly limitless bullshit that is flying around, and to avoid the many diversions that prevent most progress. You certainly have an adventure ahead — though one with a clear purpose and as much assurance of success as is possible. Choose your direction. Go forward, and keep going forward.

Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — People respect you in a way that you may not fully understand. Yet you may be receiving the message that you must set an example for others. Remember that such an example does not imply that you must be pure, or practice chastity, or deny that you have feelings and attachments. I suggest you focus the experience of your full humanity into what you offer the world, and draw strength from having no fear of controversy whatsoever. It is true that at this time in your life, you are creating an ever-greater impact on the world around you, and part of how you’re doing that is through focusing your sincerity. This is not an option. It’s not a frill. It’s an evolutionary imperative, and at its core is your ability to be real with yourself at all times. So accept no excuses, and grant yourself no casual exceptions. Progress is at stake –- of a rare kind, available in this moment.

Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — You seem to be finding your voice, in a way that is close to your heart — in your community. There are many ways to define community these days; this would seem to be the one that you consider your spiritual home, or your primary tribe. You have been unusually reserved, cautious or conservative in recent times of your life, and you are now being invited to step into a far more visible role, standing up for some cause, commitment or mission that you may have been reluctant to speak about in the past. You may feel vulnerable doing this, though I assure you that you are standing on a deep foundation, and that unlike most people, your leadership is grounded on the strength of your moral authority. I don’t say this lightly and I suggest you not take it lightly — and not let that stop you from going past your previous limits and taking a genuine risk for what is truly a worthwhile cause.

Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — I have never seen the word “achievement” in any textbook description of Pisces, which demonstrates why we need better sources than those books. Yet this quality — of aspiration, motivation, determination — is written all over the charts of Pisces because you have Sagittarius in your 10th house of reputation, profession and authority. Mars is about to cross the cusp of that house, and that is putting you in the mood to accomplish great things. This you will do, if you remember your highest goals and put integrity above appearance. Take no shortcuts to success, and make sure that you’re available and accountable for your decisions. There’s an element of this that may conflict with your image as a sensitive, empathic person. In truth there is no conflict between these elements of who you are, but just in case, the solution is to focus on the quality of your work, never compromising, and making sure you push the opportunity to have that work seen by as many people as possible.


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Belief, Hope, Faith: Full Moon Conjunct Chiron-Borasisi

Dear Friend and Reader:

Monday’s Full Moon in Pisces is one of those gems of astrology, as beautiful for its celestial poetry as for its significance as a moment of spiritual opening.

In honor of this event, I’ll be hosting a live, call-in edition of Planet Waves FM beginning at 8 pm EDT on Monday, Sept. 8. The exact Full Moon aspect will happen during the program. Consider this a Full Moon ritual and celebration for the Planet Waves community. Everyone is invited — you may read the sign-up details here.

Planet Waves
Full Moon rises over the Acropolis
in Athens, October 2011. The large structure, under renovation, is the Parthenon (completed 438 BCE), which was in ancient times not a temple but rather seems to have been a storehouse for treasures. Photo by Anthony Ayiomamitis.

The Pisces Full Moon is sublime, carrying an inherent mysticism that even atheists and skeptics will feel. The Moon loves Pisces, and the Sun’s presence in Virgo fully activates the personal integration process that I described in last week’s edition.

The Full Moon will be conjunct both Chiron and Borasisi in Pisces, which are in a slowly-developing conjunction of their own (that rare event, which happened last in 1949, is exact in 2015 and 2016 but it’s very close now). Chiron is a centaur object with an orbit just over 50 years. Borasisi is an object in a region just beyond Pluto, with an orbit of 292 years. Discovered in 1999, Borasisi is an early discovery in the Kuiper Belt. It was named for a deity in the Kurt Vonnegut novel Cat’s Cradle, which is largely a commentary on the lack of ethics in science.

A Moon-Sun event illuminates whatever it touches, and in this case it’s making contact with an aspect that carries a theme of healing our capacity for faith. Chiron in Pisces would be enough to suggest this theme, though with Borasisi we add the specific theme of what we believe and why. (I wrote a detailed article about Borasisi in March 2011.)

What do we hold as truth, and on what basis? Why do people so often believe what is not true, and disbelieve what is true? What is the difference between belief, hope and faith?

These are deep questions, and they will filter through consciousness intuitively as this Full Moon peaks. You might consider any topic with these ideas as your background against which to ponder them.

One of the crisis points of humanity, now and many times in the past, involves the issues of belief, hope and faith. Where a person puts their faith, they offer their power. If you put it in science, you give your power to science. If you put it in money, you give your power to money. If you trust your own inner creative source, your own connection to the All There Is, you invest your power there. This Full Moon is saying notice where you make your investment.

With Chiron so involved, there is an invitation to be open to your faith in yourself, in particular your faith in your ability to heal yourself. Chiron is also a reminder that this whole topic is one of the deepest injuries to which humanity has been subjected, often by interests who profit from the absence of (or conscious destruction of) organic, intuitive faith — and there are many.

Planet Waves

Regarding the psychic climate of this Full Moon, expect plenty of energy coming through. Somewhat like a homeopathic remedy, the Pisces Full Moon seems to have its roots on the subtle planes, which will then broadcast through to the temporal plane. This may be a pleasant rush of information, or the sensation of being overwhelmed in a way that you cannot really describe.

Full Moons always come with a cresting of energy, though Moon-Chiron has a bristling quality, a palpable sensation. People with this aspect in their natal charts possess an intensity that is difficult to describe, which others often feel as a charismatic quality when the person walks into the room.

Another feature of this Full Moon is an exact trine to Juno in Cancer. This wonderfully complex, sometimes annoying, always meaningful asteroid describes values about marriage and marriage-like relationships. Its underlying quality is the need to express one’s needs, feelings and expectations before they turn into resentment.
The flow of energy opened by the Moon-Juno trine will make this easier.

The Full Moon and Juno are trine Saturn in Scorpio. Be aware that emotional patterns are likely to clone themselves and reproduce, so make conscious choices about how you feel and how you respond to your feelings and those of others.

On the Virgo Sun’s side of the Full Moon, there is a conjunction of the Sun with asteroids Photographica, Child and Toro. I am not sure what to make of this conjunction (and I don’t want to speculate). I will say that Photographica, often literally involved with photographic imagery, adds to the questions above with what do you believe, when you see it in a photograph?

I would add one other bit — photos can play a profound role in the healing process. I have covered that in a Planet Waves article available in the archives. You may have a productive experience looking at childhood photos of yourself this weekend, and asking yourself where that little kid went. He or she is still right inside you; this is an invitation to make contact.

Planet Waves
Chart for the Pisces Full Moon. The Moon is located
in the top left side of the chart, looking like a gray crescent. It’s exactly opposite the Sun, a yellow circle. Chiron is next to the Moon, as is Borasisi.

There are two other features of the current sky worth mentioning. One is that we are currently under a grand fire trine. The trine consists of an Aries cluster (Uranus, South Node, Eris), Jupiter in Leo, and a Sagittarius cluster, the main feature consisting of
many newer discoveries, including centaur Pholus.

This is an opportunity for accessing sustained fiery energy, something that is rare to find. The thing to watch out for, given all the factors involved (especially Pholus and Uranus), is that energy running out of control. Fire is useful only when it’s contained and directed, otherwise it becomes destructive. This grand trine is illustrating the out-of-control militancy that we are seeing in some parts of the world, and it’s worth asking what, if anything, can bring it under control.

Finally, Mercury and Venus changed (or will change) signs this week. Mercury ingressed Libra on Sept. 2 and Venus will ingress Virgo tomorrow (Sept. 5). Both of these sign changes add the potential for a thoughtful, analytical quality to what is otherwise a somewhat volatile sky.

Note that Mercury and Venus occupy one another’s signs of rulership. Mercury is associated with Virgo and Venus with Libra — their current placements are what is called mutual reception.

Here’s how I translate that. If your thinking seems caught in a pattern that does not allow you to draw conclusions or even useful inferences, try reversing your logic. Switch positions, consider the situation from someone else’s point of view, or think your steps through in reverse.

Where Venus and Libra are involved, consider how you’re being influenced by appearances.

Where Mercury and Virgo are involved, consider whether you’re overemphasizing the details, or overlooking them.

One key here is to think actively rather than passively. Humans have a tendency to want someone else to do the work of thinking for them. As much as we may say we don’t want to be told what to do, we love to be told what to do because it seems to alleviate the burden of thought.

Mercury and Venus are saying: think for yourself. Perceive your reality your own way, and make your choices based on what you observe, what you learn and what you know.

I am looking forward to hearing your experiences of this astrology in Monday’s live call-in edition of Planet Waves FM (check this link to sign up). Also of note, many readers sent in their ideas about Virgo as a point of integration, some of which I read on the air in the current edition of Planet Waves FM. There is more information about the Full Moon in this edition, as well as my description of (and some advocacy for) homeopathic medicine.

The Planet Waves horoscope below is based on a reading of the Full Moon chart for the 12 signs and rising signs.

With love, your astrologer,

Planet Waves (ISSN 1933-9135) is published each Tuesday morning and Thursday afternoon in Kingston, New York by Planet Waves, Inc. Annual basic subscription rate: $99/year. Core community membership: $199/year. Editor and Publisher: Eric Francis Coppolino. Business Manager: Chelsea Bottinelli. Web Developer: Anatoly Ryzhenko. Copy Editor: Jessica Keet. Research, Writing and Editing: Planet Waves is produced by a team consisting of Fe Bongolan, Brendan Merritt, Amy Elliott, Judith Gayle, Kelly Janes, Elizabeth Michaud, Amanda Moreno, Amanda Painter, Casey Smith, Carol van Strum, Len Wallick, Lizanne Webb and Chad Woodward.



Planet Waves

Planet Waves

As Eric suggests above about thinking for ourselves, the fictionalized Chomsky says of Hobbits: “One would think that they could, easily enough, find out about all of the things that happen in the world.”

Mercury in Libra Weighs the Unseen Side of LOTR

By Amanda Painter

With Mercury newly in Libra, relationship communication, diplomacy and a desire for balance or justice is likely at the forefront of your consciousness. And as you know, there are at least two ways to look at any given situation — usually several.

Taking this to the extreme, a pair of writers on the McSweeny’s website named Jeff Alexander and Tom Bissell have imagined a dialogue between linguist and social theorist Noam Chomsky and the late radical historian Howard Zinn, in which the two scholars provide unused DVD audio commentary for J.R.R. Tolkein’s The Fellowship of the Ring. The result, as you might imagine, turns the socio-political dynamics of the narrative — and traditional audience/reader understanding of its meaning — on its head.

Below is a short excerpt specially chosen for Mercury in Libra.

Chomsky: It’s just so complicated, the webs of relationships.

Zinn: Now Frodo, son of Drogo, agrees to take the ring to Mount Doom. Something tells me that no one in Mordor calls it Mount Doom.

Chomsky: And everyone baits Frodo into this. “You are our agent, going on a suicide mission. You have to do it for the Motherland.”

Zinn: So is Frodo the Mohammed Atta figure in this story?

Chomsky: He’s a fanatical true believer. And crazy. Obviously, totally insane.

Zinn: And listen to what Aragorn tells Frodo: “You have my sword.”

Chomsky: So militaristic.

Zinn: Notice that no one says, “You have my diplomatic skills.” I think the only real diplomat of Middle Earth is Gollum. He’s the only one who makes any meaningful, cross-cultural exchange with any of these people. Being a torture victim at the hand of the Orcs, and his attempted strangulation of the Hobbits.

Chomsky: I think of Gollum as more of a deluded madman, one more sinned against than sinned.

Zinn: There’s room for argument.



Planet Waves

Of Virgo and Pisces — and the Pisces Full Moon

In this week’s edition of Planet Waves FM, I look closely at the relationship between Virgo and Pisces, focused on the Pisces Full Moon that happens on Sept. 8. This includes a discussion of how the Full Moon is conjunct both Chiron and Borasisi. In the second half of the program, I read your commentaries about Virgo as a point of integration. These are some brilliant ideas from Planet Waves subscribers who have apparently been contemplating the Virgo question for a while. My musical guest is Sheila Chandra.



Planet Waves

Your Monthly Horoscopes — and our Publishing Schedule Notes

Your extended monthly horoscopes for September published Friday, Aug. 28. We published your extended monthly horoscopes for August Thursday, July 24. We also published your Inner Space horoscope for September Tuesday, Sept. 2. Moonshine horoscopes for the Aquarius Full Moon published Saturday, Aug. 9. Please note, we normally publish the extended monthly horoscope on the first Friday after the Sun has entered a new sign.



Planet Waves

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Sept. 4, #1014 | By Eric Francis

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — You need an outlet for all this energy. It has to be something that matches your imagination, and this in turn is likely to be a bit much for the people you’ve been associating with lately. It looks like most of the people around you are running about 15 degrees cooler than you are. Said another way, you may not find many others who are willing to take the creative or social risks you want to take, so I suggest you not let anyone hold you back, or persuade you that you’re being a little too wild. You may be, for their tastes, but not for what your soul is calling you to express or explore. You may need a little self-coaxing to openly admit what you want, and a bit more to act on it — though I suggest you move with the current momentum of your imagination, while that momentum is carrying you.

Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Marriage is not the solution to everything. If there is such a solution, that would be trust, and it seems obvious that trust is what people are seeking when they invest themselves in relationships that are designed to be ‘permanent’. Yet it’s easy not to trust, and to give oneself reasons not to trust, even in the seemingly most secure situation. Where do you stand on this subject? One way to measure that is by considering carefully what you say and what you don’t say to the people you consider your intimates. You seem to be of two minds about this — sometimes willing to be totally transparent and at others feeling like this is inconvenient, or an unnecessary risk. You don’t need to overanalyze this. If you have something on your mind, say so, and if you have a question, ask directly. In fact, make a wish.

Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — The forthcoming Full Moon streaks across the sky in the angle of your chart involved with achievement and reputation. It’s a direct invitation to be bold about who you are and what you do, and to keep those two things as aligned as you can. I suggest you eliminate the concept of ‘career’ from your vocabulary and instead replace it with the concept of your vocation. A vocation is a calling, and there has rarely been a time when a calling was summoning you more boldly. Are you listening? Can you hear it? Can you see the signs leading you to the place you want to be? Or are you afraid that what you want to do is too good to be true, or too adventurous to be possible? Perhaps it might be for most people on most days, but not for you, at this time in your life.

Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — There’s just one thing left to do, and that is to have faith in yourself, in your dreams and in your potential. Well, there’s just one other thing to do, which is to take action while you are feeling inspired and bold. It’s way too easy to wait for the wave of confidence to pass. It’s also way too easy to allow yourself to be motivated by frustration, which has its place, though as you’ve seen over the past few months, there are much more preferable ways to get yourself going. Next week’s Full Moon in your fellow water sign Pisces is inviting you to dream big. This means not allowing yourself to be limited by what you considered out of reach in the past. Consider what you would do if you didn’t believe in any limits at all, and then move precisely in that direction.

Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Go beyond secrecy and taboo in any form. The more secrets you let out of the bag, the more fun you will have. There are two reasons for this. One is that keeping information to yourself is like wearing a brick around your neck. The other reason is that all of the really enticing stuff we have to share is usually kept behind the veil of secrecy, where it doesn’t get a chance to flourish. The Pisces Full Moon takes place in one of the most intimate angles of your chart. You will get a chance to see that intimacy means openness and transparency. To get the benefits of this event, it would be helpful to lean into the side of revealing more rather than revealing less. If you find yourself revealing one fact or feeling, that is the one to reveal. You will feel better, and unplug those places where your energy has been getting blocked.

Virgo Birthday Reading: Pre-order Pricing Still Available 

Dear Virgo Sun or rising:Summer may be winding down, but your solar year is only just beginning. Eric will have your Virgo birthday reading available next week — making this the perfect time to pre-order for the best possible price. Eric’s birthday readings work beautifully for your rising sign as well, so if you’re Virgo rising, you’re invited to take advantage of some helpful, eloquent and spot-on astrology.

Your reading includes a live question-and-response session with Eric (date TBA), archived in case you cannot make the live event. These conference calls have been a productive and fun way to learn about astrology and how it affects us. You also get access to last year’s reading to check Eric’s accuracy, and to review the past few seasons. In addition, your reading includes an extended written sign description.

The current price is now $34.95, still discounted below the final sale price of $49.95 once the reading is published (within the next week). If you’re not a Virgo, this will make a beautiful, lasting and inexpensive gift for any Virgo in your life.

Yours & truly,

Amanda Painter


Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Imagine a world with no concept of ‘other’ or of opposition, a world where you are in harmony with everyone and everything around you. This may be difficult to conjure up on a planet where just about everyone and everything seems to be in some state of competition or conflict with something else, though I invite you to use your imagination. How might that feel? Now consider the possibility that each day that you live is a step that you take on the way to getting to that place of integration. In truth such a state of existence begins within your mind, not as something you impose on yourself but rather as something you observe about yourself. What’s beautiful about the next few days is an opening through which a rather unusual light shines, and you get to see yourself reflected in it.

Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Pleasure, imagination, curiosity — these are some of the most potent healing tools available to us. Yet to be effective there needs to be some soul presence, or a conscious idea of seeking self-knowledge. I am not talking about entertainment. For many people the opening into the healing dimension may as well be a sealed door expertly polished into marble to make it seem like it’s not there. However, it is most certainly there, and you already have confirmation that such a dimension exists and that you can indeed access it, even if you cannot predict when. Right now the astrology is aligning in a way that makes this dimension closer than ever, and that increases your ability to feel your way to it. Just remember that you know you’re responding to something that is real, and to which you have direct access, if you need it.

Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Monday’s Pisces Full Moon happens in what you might think of as the pleasure center of your solar chart — the 5th house. Most of what passes for pleasure in Western society is really an effort to avoid pain. There are several ways you can tell the real thing from the counterfeit version. One is the presence of curiosity about yourself, and it’s an intensely pleasurable curiosity. It’s the kind of feeling good that goes deeper into previously unknown, or forgotten, regions of who you are. Another is the desire for freedom. That can translate to craving the unknown, which is a specific kind of liberty. This will teach you something about pleasure anxiety, which is really a form of self-control rooted in a ‘need’ for what is absolutely familiar. Take an extended moment and allow your existence to be a mystery and an adventure. You are being invited into an unusually deep inner space.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Creativity must have an emotional source. It can feed you intellectually, and feed your quest, but the drive to create is body-level, akin to the need to breathe, or your response to pain. Actually those are fitting metaphors for the creative process, as it does involve an in-breath and out-breath of experience, and some of the world’s greatest creative works have served artists, musicians and writers as a way to process loss. For you, creativity helps you build your inner home. When you tap your gifts, you create a space of safety for yourself, and you can then move into that space and live more confidently. You might think of that as a kind of healing cave, from which emerge many resources and jewels you can share with those you love and care about.

Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — These years of your life have been some of the most driven and urgent ever, arriving with one enforced change after the next. Yet there is another way to evolve, which is to relax into what is possible. You don’t need to resist yourself, and you certainly don’t need to dwell on your worst fears. You can find that space inside yourself where you have no concerns at all about whether you’re accepted by others, or have a place in society, and when you get there, you may feel like you’re taking a warm bath for the first time. There is a way of being where you can, at least for a while, step out of any judgment, which is more likely to feel like stepping into self-embrace. If you feel a tinge of guilt, don’t fight it; keep going; you are headed in the right direction. It will rinse off of your skin like soap.

Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — What is it that makes you human? I would propose that it’s a self-reflective quality — the awareness of your own awareness, which leads to consciousness of your own existence. Because everyone has a unique emotional makeup, that consciousness might emphasize pain, or pleasure, or love, or anger, or desire, or the desire to create. Humanity is the capacity to be aware of such a feeling and to respond to it. As the Pisces Full Moon lights up the dimension of your horoscope associated with your inner resources, and the feelings you have for yourself, I suggest you let the awareness of any emotion, thought or desire remind you of the fact that you exist. After awareness, the next stage of evolution is the ability to respond to what you feel, and to consciously create a desired state of experience. You are closer to that self-creative state than you’ve ever been.

Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Speaking of human, what is it that makes you a Pisces? What is the confirmation of your inner knowledge that you were born at the right time? Is it your love of nature, of sex, of music, of sensory experience in any form? Is it your unquenchable longing for cosmic connection, to yourself and to other people? Is it the love of sacred plants? Whatever it may be, this weekend (and Monday) is the time to go fully into that experience, with no expectations — give yourself the gift of a full-on experiment and see where that takes you. With the Moon conjunct Chiron and with Neptune right in the neighborhood, that could well be anywhere — or anywhere you want. For reference, the Moon ingresses Pisces Sunday at 7:47 pm EDT (23:47 UTC) and reaches full phase Monday at 9:38 pm EDT (Tuesday at 1:38 UTC). See you there!


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Weekly Horoscope for Friday, August 22, 2014

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — There’s no point holding on, or stuffing your feelings down, and there is no point pushing another person. There are what seem to be competing forces in your psyche right now — one is saying you must break free, or get control. Another is saying that you must devote yourself to healing. Either way, you need to vent some energy. You need to express your life force. And it’s vital that you not allow what you perceive as the constraints of a relationship to stop you from doing that. Nobody owns you, nobody can and they never will. It’s possible to convince yourself that they do, and that you don’t really have any choices, and that may be a core belief that you need to address. Equally, if you feel blocked by not having anyone to share with, it’ll help if you go beyond that perceived obstacle and get real about sharing with yourself.

Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Push could come to shove in a relationship, though I suggest you consider the possibility that none of this is about you. In other words, what is happening with a partner or love interest is all about them, and not about you. I don’t mean to imply that they don’t care, or that you don’t matter. I do mean to say that you are not really the subject of their situation, no matter what it may seem. However, because so much of relating to other humans involves projecting onto others, and introjecting what others send our way, the boundary between what is mine and what is yours can get extremely fuzzy. You can try to sort things out, or you can refer to astrology, which says: don’t take on what is not yours — and at the moment most of what you’re witnessing fits that category.

Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Don’t panic. I mean, OK, you can if you want. If you insist. If you think it would be fun. But would it? If there is a crux of your fear, it’s an especially harsh level of criticism that you may be inflicting on yourself. However, you don’t look like the original source of the data. It looks like you’re carrying around the self-inflicted emotional torture gene, and it’s acting up. While you don’t have to blame anyone, it might help to notice where this is coming from. To you it may seem as natural as holding a spoon, and it may indeed have been passed along to you from the person who also taught you how to eat. You seem to be burning up so much energy that you could make yourself unwell. I suggest you commit to expressing every drop of your energy in a positive and creative way. Don’t ask how, just do it.

Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — If you’ve been experiencing some kind of emotional or sexual blockage, you may be feeling a drive to work it out and open up. If you have not identified the theme as sexual, it’s worth considering, because the astrology illustrates that vividly. It may, however, be something on a level deeper than you’re accustomed to going. That is the nature of healing — it happens in layers. We are all, as in all of us, the inheritors of the sexual pain, mistrust and frustration of the ages. For many centuries, sex has been used against the human race, as everything from a weapon of war to a tool for social control. Society’s current insistence that sex be a commodity is not much of an improvement; it’s the same old drama. Know that you’re unraveling something larger than yourself, but that at your core, you are yourself, with your feelings and your desires — and that is all you need to be.

Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Life is a game of truth or dare, or rather, truth and dare. When you admit the truth, you’re more likely to dare. This is an emotional level of alchemy. The reason the truth is so daring is because it demands action. The way this shows up in your chart, the first bold step is admitting how you feel. That will take a lot of pressure off of you, especially if you feel like the walls are closing in, or if you have no space to admit to your desire. It seems as if decisions made long ago, especially those related to your home life, are confining you. And that alone may be frightening. Yet it would be less frightening if you would practice some emotional flexibility. Here is a clue — that would feel like losing control. It’s not, exactly; what you would be losing is the illusion of control, and gaining access to a connection to flow and movement that allows you to actually steer your boat down the river.

Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Self-critique is not the answer to everything, nor is endless mental rationalization. You are entitled to feel how you feel. It’s neither right nor wrong. If you don’t like how you feel, you have two choices — one is to understand the cause and do something about it; another is to change your mind. You can do the second without doing the first, though I would say that’s unlikely. In the end, you will just have to change your mind. The problem with the analysis of cause is that it can be biased, and in this scenario, the bias is likely to be against you. The thing to remember is that you were not born in a vacuum. You entered the world through multiple strands of DNA, into one or more pre-existing family situations, and with your own personal karma. While it’s true that things were done to you, in order to get to the next level, you will have to go beyond blame. Accountability is another thing, and that requires documentation, multiple viewpoints and a balanced analysis. Mostly it involves owning what is yours, and letting go of what is not yours.

Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — When people are afraid to look within themselves, usually this is associated with the darkness they expect to be there. Sometimes it seems like the whole world is in reaction to this one perceived fear — that the inner world is a kind of nightmare. But what if the opposite is true? If you feel any aversion to looking inward, consider that what you’re afraid to see is the light that’s within you. It may be that the veil of self-blame is just that, a scrim that blocks your inner view, onto which all kinds of scary imagery is projected. You may find that obstacle especially frustrating over the next few days, to the point where you’re ready to tear it down and see what’s actually on the other side. You can trust one thing, at least — there is another side, and what’s there is different from the movie projected onto the screen.

Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — You know you want to let go. You seem to be holding on as a matter of will, but deeper down you know that what you need to do is let go of all the resistance in your body. This is not about letting go of your commitments, or of your desire for some consistency in your life. Rather, it’s an invitation to honor the truth that life not only involves change, it is based on change. This is true for everything from the development of an individual fetus to the evolution of a species to how we will respond to the biosphere crisis. Perhaps the single most useful, most beautiful and most potent human attribute is adaptation. You don’t want to give up this power; you want to work with it as closely as you can. Change is imminent, and the truth is it can serve you very well, if you participate as its creative partner.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — You may be wondering when your luck will run out. You’re not there yet, and you have a long way to go. What I suggest you consider is when your fear will run out. You seem to have reached a limit of how much you can worry, how concerned you can be, how averse you are to taking the kinds of chances that you really want to take. It would seem that your even greater fear is allowing yourself to actually feel. This story is older than you, and it may be as old as civilization, so you don’t have to take it so personally. For sure there is a family story involved, and I suggest you note the relatives whose emotions either ran below the freezing point or never seemed to drop below the boiling point. Yet what is indeed personal is that your own need to feel is exceeding your resistance. And in one burst, you may experience anything from pain to guilt to raw desire of a kind that you are often reluctant to admit to. Start with yourself. Then consider the virtue of living out loud.

Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — You may find yourself in a position where you need to take an unpopular position. That may be the right thing to do. I suggest however that you consider what, exactly, you’re pushing back against. Do you really need to assert yourself against anyone or anything outside yourself, or do you just need to do your thing? It depends on what your goal is, which is partly about your circumstances. For example, in order to make a statement, you don’t need to defend your right to free speech; you just need to say what’s on your mind. That strongly implies that you have a right to do so, and you don’t need to make that extra point. It seems that you want to find your distinct place in society. Therefore, do what you must, do what you want, and don’t explain yourself until someone tries to stop you.

Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Others seem to repeatedly make the same mistakes, and there’s nothing you can really do about it. You cannot get control over them. What you can do is take charge of your life. But rather than do this in an abrupt or aggressive way, I suggest you take the motivation you’re feeling now and convey it into a longterm commitment. You know what you have to do. You know that ultimately you are responsible for your own existence. Even if there are outside factors influencing you, the quest of individual consciousness and volition seems to be about relating to them in a tangible way. That, in turn, requires a high level of awareness, and the willingness to stand up for yourself. Yet where that happens first is in your own life. It may involve a revolt against those who conditioned you to be submissive to them, at the expense of your own intentions. But remember — this is an inner revolution, not one conducted on the phone or in the streets.

Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — You must have faith in yourself no matter how much your confidence annoys other people. Yet for that to work, you must maintain an unusual level of self-awareness. For many people that is tricky enough. yet there’s one more element involved. You need to observe your environment with precision, while not taking on the burdens of others, or the issues they try to lay on you. And one more. It’s essential not to project your material onto others. The way to accomplish all of this is to maintain a high level of inner focus while you maintain a circumspect view of the world around you. Account for your viewpoint, then notice how many other viewpoints there are. Don’t confuse the two. Just because you’re correct does not mean that someone else has to be wrong. Just because something appears to be true does not make you wrong. True confidence goes beyond all of that, which is why it can be such a source of aggravation to those who cannot go there. You know you can. You know it’s time. And you know that faith trumps hope any day.