Tag Archives: Pluto

The Day of the Trendsetters: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is Oct. 3
The Day of the Trendsetters | Order the 2019-20 Libra Astrology Studio | All Other Signs

In the deepest regions of your mind, in the very core of your soul, resides a truth that is both powerful and fundamental. This is the essence of who you are, and its pulse is the music you need to listen for assiduously. When you dance to that internal beat, you are not rejecting the objective reality of the outside world. You’re falling in step with it, because you are working from the perspective of total honesty. In this time of pervasive illusion, there can surely be no approach more helpful.
— by Amy Elliott

Do you have your Sun, Moon or rising sign in Libra? If so, your sign is directly aligned with the single most significant astrological event beginning 2020. Eric will walk you through the most effective ways to approach your year in the 2019-2020 Libra Astrology Studio, now available for instant access.

Written in the Planets

You might want to watch out for crazy-makers in your immediate environment today. That is, people who can’t seem to be direct about what they want, or who act out primarily to get attention (or seem to). There are more productive ways to be included, and to feel like one has some power, importance and presence in a relationship, whether it’s professional, intimate, creative or some combination. But not everyone grows up with healthy models of how that works, and we all tend to act out our hurts from time to time.

With Venus in Libra opposite Eris in Aries today, you’re on alert that your elegantly balanced apple cart might get upset. You may need to negotiate how to right it (negotiation being a two-way, cooperative process). This aspect is also a reminder to notice if you start to slide into the Eris role — meaning, even if your buttons get pushed, it’s your job to remember how to use your words to describe how you feel and why. Getting passive aggressive won’t fly, and does not count as diplomacy.

Note also that Pluto stations direct in Capricorn today, heralding the final phase of movement on our way to the Saturn-Pluto conjunction in January. Things may start feeling increasingly real from here on out, especially as compared to the previous ten months.

At 4:14 am EDT (8:14:07 UTC), Mercury entered Scorpio. This suggests sharp thinking — and often even sharper tongues. Yet the depth of thought and enquiry possible with Mercury in Scorpio may be most useful, if you can harness the intellectual and intuitive power of this sign. Your new mantra for the foreseeable future: not every situation requires getting the final word at all costs.
— by Amanda Painter

My readings offer a place of refuge, an opportunity to suspend self-judgment, and my careful reading of the charts. I offer you reasons to be motivated, and strategies for handling the strange complexity of society at this time. To this work, I bring all of what I have learned as a journalist, editor, astrologer, spiritual student and man of the world; and I offer it to you for an affordable price. Read more here.

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Action and Resolution at the Quarter Moon

By Amanda Painter

Full Moons and New Moons tend to carry more weight in astrology writing. Yet this weekend’s first quarter Moon happens to connect with one of the more important aspects we’re building up to, as does another event this week.

What's in there? Mercury in Scorpio wants to find out. Photo by Amanda Painter.

What’s in the dark under that rock? Mercury in Scorpio wants to find out. Photo by Amanda Painter.

On Saturday, the Capricorn Moon squares off against the Libra Sun. That’s the quarter Moon, traditionally describing an opportunity to lean into projects and processes you can build some early momentum with.

Yet the Moon will also be conjunct its own South Node and the planet Saturn. The South Node can represent what is familiar, ‘comfortable’ and habitual in a way that does not help us to grow. You can also think of it as karma: repeated patterns that we’re trying to learn from, so we can move on toward a greater sense of lived purpose. Saturn, of course, holds the line of authority, responsibility, limits and restrictions. Its presence also connects this quarter Moon to the Saturn-Pluto conjunction in January.

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The Day of the Top Dog: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is Oct. 1
The Day of the Top Dog | Order the 2019-20 Libra Astrology Studio | All Other Signs

Regardless of your current forms of relationship, it generally helps to view yourself as a whole entity, independent of needing anyone else to ‘complete’ you. The human brain is a magnificent organ, full of wonders that even neuroscientists are still discovering. As a thinking person, you contain a rich, plentiful world of complex ideas, feelings and senses. Celebrate and honor all of that, and remember that loving yourself enhances, rather than diminishes, the love you exchange with others.
— by Amy Elliott

Do you have your Sun, Moon or rising sign in Libra? If so, your sign is directly aligned with the single most significant astrological event beginning 2020. Eric will walk you through the most effective ways to approach your year in the 2019-2020 Libra Astrology Studio, now available for instant access.

Written in the Planets

Notice the areas of your life where you’re craving some kind of deeper experience. It could come through as tension and frustration, or more like desire and curiosity — though the former appears more likely. What kind of emotional experience are you looking for — sexual or romantic intensity? Creative and artistic edge pushing? A deeper or more well balanced level to a relationship of some other kind? Any of these urges or sensations of discontent signal subterranean changes that you’re being called to acknowledge and respond to. This situation is described by Venus in Libra squaring Pluto in Capricorn, which indicates a phase of new growth is at hand.

With the asteroid Juno in Virgo opposing Neptune in Pisces, there’s another layer to the relationship dynamics at play today. How specific are you being with a partner about your needs and expectations, and are you seeing the reality of the situation? There’s a suggestion here of jealousy, but it may be based on an illusion, exaggeration or flat-out fantasy. It could also be that you’re responding to a partner’s focus on details (or even their nit-picking) with your own rosy insistence that everything’s just fine. Is it, really? Remember that seeing where things could improve is not an admission of failure; it’s an opportunity to negotiate a clearer agreement, and a way forward that better meets everyone’s needs.
— by Amanda Painter

My readings offer a place of refuge, an opportunity to suspend self-judgment, and my careful reading of the charts. I offer you reasons to be motivated, and strategies for handling the strange complexity of society at this time. To this work, I bring all of what I have learned as a journalist, editor, astrologer, spiritual student and man of the world; and I offer it to you for an affordable price. Read more here.

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The Day of Glaring Truth: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is Sept. 30
The Day of Glaring Truth | Pre-order pre-order the 2019-20 Libra Astrology Studio | All Other Signs

You are something of a natural in terms of mental exploration, and presently you may be experiencing more curiosity than usual. Yet there is only so much you can grasp from theoretical knowledge. If you want to understand how something operates, interact with it on a practical level, as far as is safe. Along the way, there may be an opening for you to bring your inventive abilities into play: that is, to fix a problem you see, or improve on a working model. This is likely to be useful all round.
— by Amy Elliott

Do you have your Sun, Moon or rising sign in Libra? If so, your sign is directly aligned with the single most significant astrological event beginning 2020. Eric will walk you through the most effective ways to approach your year in the 2019-2020 Libra Astrology Studio, now available for pre-order.

Written in the Planets

If you’ve been wanting to ‘go deep’ in some way, especially with another person, this could be a good day for it. For one thing, the Moon enters Scorpio this morning at 5:42 am EDT (9:41:37 UTC). That automatically signals a potentially immersive or compelling emotional tone, and describes an affinity for getting under the surface. With the Scorpio Moon briefly opposing Uranus in Taurus, this could translate into emotional responses to the unexpected that are a little more intense than usual.

Venus in Libra is exactly square the centaur planet Chariklo in Capricorn, and squares Pluto exactly tomorrow. On one level, this describes a need to seek emotionally or sexually heightened interactions. On another level, this may suggest that it’s time to acknowledge changes in a relationship. Can you hold space for your own mix of emotions and needs, and for those of the other person? Both are real, and both are valid. You may be able to avoid sliding into co-dependent behavior by using tools like active listening (paraphrasing what is said to be sure you’ve understood clearly) and “I” statements. Discerning true needs from strong desires and idealized expectations is also key.

Assistance with that process is described by a trine between Mars in Virgo and Vesta in Taurus. This looks like support for a less personal, truly service-oriented way of approaching some matter of desire, sex, healing or teaching. If you’re finding it easy to connect the details of a situation with some hands-on mental or physical effort and a sense of emotionally grounded purpose, this aspect may be what you’re tapping into.
— by Amanda Painter

My readings offer a place of refuge, an opportunity to suspend self-judgment, and my careful reading of the charts. I offer you reasons to be motivated, and strategies for handling the strange complexity of society at this time. To this work, I bring all of what I have learned as a journalist, editor, astrologer, spiritual student and man of the world; and I offer it to you for an affordable price. Read more here.

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The Day of Patient Practice: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is Sept. 26
The Day of Patient Practice | Pre-order pre-order the 2019-20 Libra Astrology Studio | All Other Signs

Opportunities to bring healing to old relationship patterns is a signature theme this year. The more willing you are to recognize your role, the more you’ll actualize this potential. Clues can be found in power dynamics, and any obsessive need you may feel to impress your point of view on others. It’s not always easy to observe your thoughts, but doing so is a key to unlocking facets of past imprinting that you’re ready to resolve. Your perception is particularly intense right now, and the more you turn that light inward, the freer you’ll feel.
— by Victoria Emory

Do you have your Sun, Moon or rising sign in Libra? If so, your sign is directly aligned with the single most significant astrological event beginning 2020. Eric will walk you through the most effective ways to approach your year in the 2019-2020 Libra Astrology Studio, now available for pre-order.

Written in the Planets

Today’s opposition between the Sun in Libra and Chiron in Aries may offer you a mirror of some kind today. Notice who arrives in your immediate sphere to show you some of your unresolved issues, perceived weaknesses or insecurities. This stuff could relate to your sense of purpose, identity and ability to take action, and could further trace back to what your father did or did not teach you about such things.

Chiron’s conjunction to Salacia potentially brings in the element of sex — especially facets of sex you prefer to keep ‘secret’, but which still form part of your holistic identity. Even if nobody else knows all about your desires and activities, it’s still a part of who you are and how you perceive yourself.

Whether or not the sexual identity theme emerges, pay attention to how you’re responding to those you encounter, particularly if any of these issues crop up. Are you seeing yourself in another person’s behaviors or attitudes? Is someone triggering reactions in you that you’d rather blame on ‘their shit’, but which actually illuminate something you need to address within yourself?

This looks like an important moment to move strongly towards honest self-expression in healing something. Just be aware that a square today between Mercury in Libra and Pluto in Capricorn could describe getting rather obsessive about a single thought; and that obsession — though fleeting — could manifest as trying to coerce someone to your point of view. Think inwardly instead. New depths of self-awareness are possible now, if you’re willing to look beneath your own surface.
— by Amanda Painter

My readings offer a place of refuge, an opportunity to suspend self-judgment, and my careful reading of the charts. I offer you reasons to be motivated, and strategies for handling the strange complexity of society at this time. To this work, I bring all of what I have learned as a journalist, editor, astrologer, spiritual student and man of the world; and I offer it to you for an affordable price. Read more here.

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The Day of Fine Appearance: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is Sept. 19
The Day of Fine Appearance | Order 2019-20 Virgo Astrology Studio | You can also pre-order the 2019-20 Libra Astrology Studio | All Other Signs

Pretty much anything is possible with enough devotion and passion driving you. The dream, the desire, are just the beginning; though they also provide the motivation to keep going when you need it the most. What’s important is that they are sincere. That is, you’re pursuing your own plans, rather than what you’re told or expected to follow. With enough determination, you can sculpt a whole new way of being from the raw materials of the present.
— by Amy Elliott

If your Sun, Moon or rising sign is Virgo, you are heading into a most unusual solar year, set up to do the thing Virgo is designed for: integrate the elements of your being, find your direction and purpose, and act on it. Eric lays it all out in your 2019-2020 Virgo Astrology Studio, now available for instant access.

Written in the Planets

Mars in Virgo making a supportive aspect to Pluto in Capricorn today describes the willingness to work for what you want. If you’re experiencing a Thursday slump to your workweek, or if you have a project that got bogged down recently, this could be a good day to re-start your engines. Is there anything you’ve been trying to do but have lacked the right opportunity for?

Note that the Virgo Sun is moving into a square with the centaur Ixion and the Galactic Core in Sagittarius (Chaos in Gemini makes it a T-square). What actually serves your highest good, and by extension the highest good for all? It appears that a sense of tension might exist around this question, namely in the form of feeling like there’s a second chance to get something ‘right’. Can you let yourself off the hook if you feel like you got it ‘wrong’ the first time?

Self-criticism, especially in the form of guilt or shame, can easily get in the way of one’s ability to feel ‘worthy’ of trying again. But it’s never too late to make adjustments to your inner compass, and to orient more closely on ethical choices. It still might not feel easy, but it’s always your birthright to choose differently for yourself — and to learn from your mistakes, heal, and grow.
— by Amanda Painter

My readings offer a place of refuge, an opportunity to suspend self-judgment, and my careful reading of the charts. I offer you reasons to be motivated, and strategies for handling the strange complexity of society at this time. To this work, I bring all of what I have learned as a journalist, editor, astrologer, spiritual student and man of the world; and I offer it to you for an affordable price. Read more here.

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Saturn Direct and Jupiter square Neptune — Or: What You’ve Learned Over Summer Vacation

By Amanda Painter

Saturn is now in direct motion in Capricorn, as of Wednesday; this begins the final approach to its conjunction with Pluto in January. On Saturday, Jupiter in Sagittarius and Neptune in Pisces will complete their last of three exact squares this year. Both of these events seem to ask: what have you been learning about yourself?

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Navigating an Impressionistic Sea

By Amanda Painter

Have you ever seen an image of an outrigger canoe? Attached to the main portion of the boat is a smaller hull (without seating) that sets out a ways from the primary hull. These boats were developed by early Austronesian-speaking peoples of the Southeast Asian islands for sea travel; the design — and its offshoots, such as catamarans — continue to be popular.

Photo by Amanda Painter

Fire engine abstract; photo by Amanda Painter

Something about this week’s astrology reminds me of an outrigger canoe.

Mainly, it’s that the Virgo planets opposing Neptune are receiving some stability from Saturn in Capricorn. The relationship from Virgo to Capricorn is a trine between earth signs: a relationship of harmony and support, but not great power.

In an outrigger canoe, all the power to move the boat comes from the people in the main hull, paddling. Nobody is paddling in the second hull; it has no seats for people. It’s strictly to help keep the boat balanced and afloat on ocean swells.

The outrigger part of the boat offers stability, but not a guarantee. As we know, the ocean is vast, deep and very, very powerful.

You could say the same about Neptune, particularly in Pisces. It might not be a ‘stormy’ placement. But it can describe a high probability of disorientation. Without landmarks or literal stars visible — such as on a dark, cloudy day — early ocean navigation (pre-compass and sextant) could be incredibly difficult.

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