Tag Archives: Pholus

Night of the Centaurs

Dear Friend and Client:

Our culture specializes in pent up and uptight, then exploding.

That’s how an archconservative political nobody can get an established, high-ranking uber-conservative congressional leader thrown out of office for allegedly not being conservative enough. Then he can claim to have started a revolution — the “antigovernment” one symbolized by the Gadsden flag, the same flag that was thrown over the body of a police officer murdered in Las Vegas over the weekend.

Planet Waves
Centaur, from a viral image.

It’s why in the United States we’ve had 74 school shootings since the Newtown massacre of December 2012, the one we wanted to be the last one. It’s how we can allow our political leaders to start wars that may never end, with implications they cannot control.

It’s why so many people seem unable to let off a little pressure without a lot of alcohol. It’s how that legacy gets passed from generation to generation with little consideration — barely enough thought to notice that it’s a problem, much less understand the effects of that problem.

It’s why the distinction between sex as an expression of love or of aggression is becoming increasingly confused. This, in turn, describes why so many people find relationships so challenging or indeed impossible. We get a picture of sex education being cut back, eliminated or banned in schools amidst an onslaught of porno and sex-for-marketing. Then we seem content to live with a notion of sex that allows for “it just happened,” mainly because so few people are able to speak about the topic honestly or even factually.

All of these have an astrological factor in common. Overnight tonight we’ll experience an unusual Full Moon in Sagittarius conjunct the centaur planet Pholus (discovered in 1992). It happens that Pholus, a close planetary relative of Chiron, covers many of these themes and influences all of them. The thematic relationship of Pholus to Chiron describes a healing mission.

The precision of this Full Moon is visionary. Located in Sagittarius, close to the heart of our galaxy, it’s the image of transcendent consciousness and aspiring to soul contact. It’s one of those rare events where Pholus actually might manifest as the factor that precipitates spontaneous enlightenment.

Planet Waves
Full Moon at the temple of Athena Nike on the Acropolis, Athens, Greece. Photo by Anthony Ayiomamitis.

Tonight’s aspect pattern describes a potential moment of clarity that will, for some people, burn an opening in the fog and confusion we so often take for granted. Yet planets in the centaur class are always edgy, and it’s a double edge.

They can injure or they can help immensely. It’s one reason why it’s necessary to gather so much awareness and clear intention around them, a side benefit that becomes a primary one.

With Pholus, alcohol is central to the myth, with all of its implications. This particular point has a way of showing up in charts for mass shootings. I noticed that for the first time with the Gabrielle Giffords incident in Tucson, my coverage of which included a detailed analysis of some very interesting centaur astrology. Mass shooting is also in the myth, which I describe in detail in the current edition of Planet Waves FM.

Pholus also describes a quality of energy, akin to the thrill of things going out of control. Our society thrives on the unleashed, on the sensation of something going viral or becoming ridiculously popular in a way that nobody understands.

It’s the runaway reaction, the bubble that will eventually burst, surfing from fad to fad.
As a culture we live with this energy all the time. It’s the pressure we’re under that keeps getting released but is never quite relieved. Buddhism would say it’s the essence of Western consciousness — the endless pursuit of nothing that feels like something.

Tonight’s exact alignment of the Gemini Sun and the Moon conjunct Pholus opens up a pressure vent, or a line of awareness directly through the chaos. There’s a catch, though. Pholus is conjunct a slower-moving point called Ixion, who was the first murderer of Greek mythology. In trying to rape Hera, the Queen of Heaven, he inadvertently became the father of all the centaurs except for Chiron and Pholus, who are of different lineages.

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Ixion, painted by Jules-Elie Delaunay (1828-1891).

Ixion represents the progenitor of the dark side of centaur consciousness, which is the dark side of human nature. Before we can reach the clear side of nature, it’s usually necessary to engage and confront the shadow side.

The Full Moon conjunct both Pholus and Ixion describes the drive toward love and light and cautions about trying to do this without first acknowledging the sources of pain that, like whatever Pholus represents, are passed down through the generations.

Tonight’s Full Moon has two other centaurs prominent in the aspect patterns. Last week I described the triple trine of Mercury to Nessus. We’re now experiencing that aspect with increasing prominence as Mercury retrogrades back toward Nessus. Here’s the operative fact: Mercury in early Cancer is aspecting the Aries Point — the juncture of individual and collective material.

The message here is that you’re not alone. Whatever you’re feeling, you can be sure that others feel it. Whatever you need to heal, others share that need with you. Whatever you want to experience, others share that craving. The idea that you are the only one is a trap; this blazing Full Moon is the time to reach out to others and come out of your isolation.

The Mercury connection is saying it’s not just OK to talk about this but also necessary to do so. I suggest you get this going while Mercury is in Cancer, and you can more easily access your feelings with words. The second exact trine — and the only one with Mercury retrograde — happens at about 1:15 am EDT Sunday. Mercury then retrogrades into Gemini at about 6:48 am EDT Tuesday.

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Milky Way, our home galaxy, streaks across the summer sky. Photo by Anthony Ayiomamitis.

There’s one last centaur connection — Chiron is prominent in this chart. Though the Gemini Sun has passed its exact square to Chiron in Pisces, the aspect is still strong enough to be effective. This describes a sense of injury associated with self-expression and with our perception of men.

Chiron is conjunct a slow-mover called Borasisi. It’s interesting that both Chiron and Pholus are currently conjunct important newly discovered minor planets. The Borasisi connection is a reminder about belief. What you believe is going to be the thing that’s true for you, whether or not it’s true in fact.

Belief is profoundly influential, and it often deceives. One theme to be aware of tonight, accented by so much activity in Sagittarius, is to notice what you believe, and ask yourself whether it’s really true. Belief is not validation, but it creates a miniature reality that sure can seem real.

There is an astonishing amount of energy moving right now. The Full Moon is picking up many planets clustered in late Sagittarius that I have not mentioned here. All of this is gathered around the Galactic Core, which is pointing the way to something much larger, more interesting and more meaningful than we’ve been likely to consider on Earth. It’s just that we’re unlikely to get there without first addressing what we’ve created here. This does not mean total immersion. It means, at least, some form of acknowledgement, and a decision to choose something else.

And to my eyes, this Full Moon is shining lots of light on how we can do just that.


Planet Waves (ISSN 1933-9135) is published each Tuesday and Friday morning in Kingston, New York by Planet Waves, Inc. Annual basic subscription rate: $99/year. Core community membership: $149/year. Editor and Publisher: Eric Francis Coppolino. Business Manager: Chelsea Bottinelli. Web Developer: Anatoly Ryzhenko. Copy Editor: Jessica Keet. Research, Writing and Editing: Planet Waves is produced by a team consisting of Hillary Ghee, Elizabeth Michaud, Amanda Moreno, Amanda Painter, Amy Silver, Carol van Strum, Len Wallick and Chad Woodward. Special thanks to the Fact Checkers List, which goes over each edition on Thursday night — and to our main astrology fact-checker Alex Miller, and Amanda, who goes over all their suggestions.



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Born in Australia, sculptor Ron Mueck’s creations show in exhibits all over the world; Reuters photo.

Almost Reality, Not To Scale

The Sagittarius Full Moon may be looming large, shining light into all sorts of nooks and crannies, but retrograde Mercury can still play the trickster as we try to make sense of what we see — as does London artist Ron Mueck. A former model maker and puppeteer, Mueck created Ludo the gentle giant in the 1986 movie Labyrinth; now he sculpts hyper-real statues of everyday people.

The ‘trickster’ aspect comes through with the scale of these pieces: most are either much larger or much smaller than real people. Yet his meticulous attention to skin tone and texture, shining eyes, hair and genuine pathos in facial expressions begs the imagination to suspend itself — at which point, entire worlds open within the viewer.



Planet Waves

Sagittarius Full Moon Conjunct Pholus and Ixion: A Proving Moment

Planet Waves

Planet Waves FM is presented without commercial interruption, sponsored exclusively by our subscribers and our Core Community members — that would be you.

In this week’s edition of Planet Waves FM, I look closely at the Sagittarius Full Moon conjunct Pholus and Ixion, exact just past midnight EDT on Friday.

In addition to analyzing the chart, I tell stories from the myths of Pholus and Ixion — which relate back to the stories we heard about Nessus last week. What is interesting about this pairing of planets is that Ixion was the forefather of all of the centaurs, except for Pholus and Chiron.

So in addition to the centaurs showing up prominently in this chart, we also get a visit from Ixion, one of their progenitors.

My musical guests are the Avett Brothers and Lucius, from this past weekend’s Mountain Jam festival in upstate New York. These are two extraordinary performing artists who took part in the 10th anniversary of the festival.



Planet Waves

Your Monthly Horoscopes — and our Publishing Schedule Notes

Your extended monthly horoscopes for June were published Friday, May 23. We published your extended monthly horoscope for May on Friday, April 25. Moonshine horoscopes for the Scorpio Full Moon published Tuesday, May 13. We also published an Inner Space horoscope for June Tuesday, May 27. Please note, we normally publish the extended monthly horoscope on the first Friday after the Sun has entered a new sign.



Planet Waves

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, June 12, 2014, #1002 | By Eric Francis

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — There are moments when it’s possible to open up to what feels like cosmic energy in a way that changes your life. There are things that feel like inspiration that are something else entirely. You will need to use your discernment if you notice any unusually intense flow of information, emotion or some form of light. Listen to what it’s saying and tune into where it’s coming from. That this might happen with the help of a cup of wine or such is less significant than the content of the message, such as the presence of any emotion other than love. Second thing to check is whether you can integrate what happens the next day. Do you feel inclined to put it to use when you’re in a state closer to ‘normal’ consciousness? The experience may exist in a world apart, such as a ritual, a dream, an erotic session or another state of mind. Bring it home to the big world and set it free.

Right now you can get the best-selling MARS EFFECT annual readings for half-price (only $39 for all twelve signs). These written and audio readings offer relationship and career insights throughout the year for your Sun, rising and Moon signs — and those of your loved ones. “After listening to it at least four times I always hear new aspects and I feel it helps me greatly in making sense of my very turbulent inner life” — Michelle, Planet Waves reader.


Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — The sense of potential you may be feeling is tempered by what seem like the limits and boundaries of reality. Yet is this an internal or external block? It seems to be outside you, yet it’s worth asking whether you’re encountering an inner limit. Notice how you allocate your energy. Is there some out-of-control aspect of your life? If this is another person with whom you share an intimate bond, notice whether your energy flows around them or into them. Note what energy is returning to you. The deeper question, though, is whether and to what extent you’re able to influence your own emotions. Notice where you tend to lose your ability to keep a grip. There are some situations where you’ll want to let go of all control, though I suggest you have an idea in advance what you want those to be.

Looking at your life and wondering how half the year went by in such a colorful blur? “Turn the dial on the kaleidoscope of life,” as one reader put it, and clarify your view with the MARS EFFECT readings, now available for half price: $39 for all 12 signs. See how the patterns align through the interrelated facets of your life (and the lives of those your hold dear) as you co-create the rest of your year and beyond.


Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Few people on Earth don’t struggle with self-esteem. This is a complex issue, in part because so many are challenged, and we don’t have many healthy models of what it means to respect oneself. Self-esteem is conflated with narcissism; which is only true to the extent that one is attempting to compensate for the other. On the other side of that coin are people who just don’t feel adequate and there’s no way even to fake it. Know where you stand on these matters. This means knowing where you stand with yourself. This can be tricky, because there are likely to be false messages involved. If so, account for those, and think carefully about the impact they have had on how you feel about yourself. The other thing to keep in mind is that you’re not alone. Many are on this quest seeking inner clarity and acceptance. You stand among them, and they among you. Remember, selflove comes from your self.

Attention, Geminis! Mercury is about to retrograde back into your sign, there’s a highly unusual grouping of planets working their way across your relationship angle, and the planet Chaos could feel like a creative stirring — or more like confusion. Focus your mind and get your bearings on your solar year with your 2014 GEMINI BIRTHDAY READING, available now for $39.95. Also included is a tarot reading, access to the recorded Q&A session with Eric, and more.


Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Is it possible to keep secrets from yourself? Why would you want to? Transits to your solar chart are taking you in the opposite direction — toward a space where you can admit anything to yourself. This may be true to the point where you will begin to encounter a diversity of ideas and feelings from the alternate side of your nature, sensations and memories to which you don’t normally have access. You’ll be shown these things to acknowledge, affirm, make peace with and ultimately, to integrate consciously. That you have two distinct sides of your nature is not something you’re always in contact with, and you may not have discovered the extent to which it’s true. Having your inner aspects in contact will help you concentrate your energy, focus your intent and run at full strength. As Mercury dips into the most introspective and unusual angle of your solar chart, I think you’re about to show yourself a few things.

Hello, Cancers! If Mercury stationing retrograde in your sign has had you feeling a little turned around, consider your 2014 CANCER BIRTHDAY READING to be a proactive, meditative, empathic alternative to hiding in your shell or turning the mood-o-meter up to 11. If you pre-order now for $24.95, you’ll get the best possible price on two segments of astrology, a tarot reading, access to a live Q&A session with Eric, and more.


Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Some of the most interesting stuff in the world is right in plain sight. It may be peering out from the other side of the mirror or one step off of the main drag into a little alley, but it’s right there. Nearly all of it, in fact. Most people aren’t nearly as sly as they seem. Indeed, they are rather transparent, and just good at turning one aspect of their nature in the direction of most who can see them. You seem to have plunged into another dimension of your world as a spy among the familiar, who are now turning up in all kinds of interesting colors and shades. Can anyone else see this? Look around for who can. You may not want to say anything if you see the gleam in their eye. As for yourself, this would be a fine time to put out for all to see something you’ve wanted to show off for a while.

“I thought those readings were meant just for me” is how so many MARS EFFECT customers have felt, it’s a testament to just how intimate, beautiful and uncannily personal these written and audio readings truly are. Now you can access all 12 signs for $39 (half price) — an incredible value for more than a year’s worth of insights into all facets of your life, and into the lives of those closest to you.


Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Success works in strange ways. Be open to unusual events that work to your advantage, even things others would prefer to avoid. That might include anything from your own insecurities to a flight being diverted and ending up in a city you didn’t plan to be in. You might not get along with someone and notice how that helps you out. You might meet your boss’s boss’s boss one day and discover that you hit it off. Without veering an inch toward superstition, you can consider everything you see and hear to be a potential message from the goddesses and gods, however you may think of them — preferably as your close allies and mentors. In that case you can welcome any sources of inbound information, and you can trust your perception and what you say about what you notice. The more candid you are, the more you will see who is really on your wavelength.

“OMG the Mars Effect — I don’t really have words yet. Finally I’ve won the Lotto!” — Planet Waves reader Gary. Your luck just got even better: the written and audio MARS EFFECT readings are available for half price ($39 for all 12 signs), making it easy to access winning insights for your Sun, Moon and rising signs (and those of loved ones) immediately.


Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — The question, as always, is “how is the sex?” Yes, there’s a con game going around where you’re never supposed to admit that; not long into any conversation sex is supposed to genuflect to relationship. While we all need, want and do sail the good ship Relate, that’s often a way up the ladder and out of the water on which it floats. Among the many aspects of sex to consider is what you love that you also feel guilty about. The reason does not matter — guilt is extremely creative at coming up with rationales to justify its own existence. If there’s such a thing as the ego, this is it. It may be the power aspect of a relationship that turns you on. It may be the age factor and it may be that you seek from another person what you really want to give yourself, and you’re letting that be OK for now. Now, as for my original question…

Right now you can get the best-selling MARS EFFECT annual readings for half-price (only $39 for all twelve signs). These written and audio readings offer relationship and career insights throughout the year for your Sun, rising and Moon signs — and those of your loved ones. “After listening to it at least four times I always hear new aspects and I feel it helps me greatly in making sense of my very turbulent inner life” — Michelle, Planet Waves reader.


Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — You have a perfect view of who someone is. If you pay attention you notice that this seems like peering into a mirror. The unusual thing is how different from how you feel the image in this mirror looks. You may be feeling old and looking at young, knowing it’s yourself. You may be feeling inflexible and looking at the very picture of relaxation. You may be feeling unworthy and know that you’re being embraced by love. You don’t have to trust this image or accept it as real, though it would be useful if you asked yourself, “what if what I’m seeing is real?” Just consider the potential and notice your response. One thing I would point out is that you may be harboring some fantasies of purity. Those could take a diversity of forms, including ideas of celibacy, virginity, relationship orthodoxy, or wanting to work out your issues with your parents before you get close to anyone. Go where it’s hot.

“I thought those readings were meant just for me” is how so many MARS EFFECT customers have felt, it’s a testament to just how intimate, beautiful and uncannily personal these written and audio readings truly are. Now you can access all 12 signs for $39 (half price) — an incredible value for more than a year’s worth of insights into all facets of your life, and into the lives of those closest to you.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Tonight’s Full Moon in your birth sign is an interesting specimen, and I’ve never seen anything so Sagittarian in my life. You could be inspired to go on the bender of a lifetime and throw yourself into that light-pulsing experiment where you come out the other end before you even went in. You might gallop through the forest and be standing before the ancestral cave where you can meet any relative going back countless generations. You may get called in one direction, keep going and find out that you’ve taken yourself to a place you only vaguely suspected existed. As I said, the ultimate Sagittarian moment. Give yourself some space and time to do something with it. You need more freedom and you need it soon — and as long as you’re paying attention you’ll be able to go wherever you want and land yourself safely on solid ground.

“OMG the Mars Effect — I don’t really have words yet. Finally I’ve won the Lotto!” — Planet Waves reader Gary. Your luck just got even better: the written and audio MARS EFFECT readings are available for half price ($39 for all 12 signs), making it easy to access winning insights for your Sun, Moon and rising signs (and those of loved ones) immediately.


Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Don’t worry if you feel like you’re going to explode. You probably won’t, though I suggest you find a way to let off some psychic pressure. Anything from art to orgasm to loud music will do, though definitely vent energy in the direction of creativity and/or pleasure. It would be useful to do this tonight, while the Moon is at exact full phase in a mysterious little (actually, enormous) dimension of your chart called the 12th house. Yet once the Full Moon passes, Luna herself will ingress Capricorn and be there through Sunday afternoon, so you get an extended moment of embodying movement, change and cracking free of whatever may have contained you. You do have the option to hold this energy down, which would be worse than a missed opportunity. The impulse to get drunk may be rather potent — that doesn’t count as creative either. Give yourself what you actually need and want. You know what it is.

Right now you can get the best-selling MARS EFFECT annual readings for half-price (only $39 for all twelve signs). These written and audio readings offer relationship and career insights throughout the year for your Sun, rising and Moon signs — and those of your loved ones. “After listening to it at least four times I always hear new aspects and I feel it helps me greatly in making sense of my very turbulent inner life” — Michelle, Planet Waves reader.


Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Whatever you say and do is likely to make a vivid and widespread impression on the world around you, so keep it relevant and classy. You have unusual insight into what people are going through, especially what they’re not admitting to, though remember — just because someone doesn’t admit something doesn’t mean they don’t know. We have a conditioned tendency to assume that someone does not know, that they lack intention, that they’re not really informed. This is called denying awareness. Instead of doing that, I suggest you look for evidence of awareness, both in the people you engage with or observe, and within yourself. This is a form of affirmation requiring some bravery, because denial has its motives and its uses. The more you unravel denial, the more you’ll see you don’t want it.

“I thought those readings were meant just for me” is how so many MARS EFFECT customers have felt, it’s a testament to just how intimate, beautiful and uncannily personal these written and audio readings truly are. Now you can access all 12 signs for $39 (half price) — an incredible value for more than a year’s worth of insights into all facets of your life, and into the lives of those closest to you.


Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Take control of your definition of success. Yes, control in any form is challenging, and it may be an illusion. Yet a clear definition of something would be one of the easier things to get some clarity on, as long as you remember that it’s an evolving work. The way this looks in the charts, you’re less likely to be trying to work something out conceptually and more likely to be describing something that you already understand, or that you can finally see clearly. The description matters because this is a fleeting moment. Granted, this subject feels palpable now, perhaps even vividly obvious. You have a rare perspective on the power of your reputation, which must at this point be able to pick up some of the labor that has always been left to you. Yet this particular point of view is in rapid motion, so I suggest you collect what you know in some form that you can access tomorrow, or in a year.

Looking at your life and wondering how half the year went by in such a colorful blur? “Turn the dial on the kaleidoscope of life,” as one reader put it, and clarify your view with the MARS EFFECT readings, now available for half price: $39 for all 12 signs. See how the patterns align through the interrelated facets of your life (and the lives of those your hold dear) as you co-create the rest of your year and beyond.

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Mercury, Weaving the Story of Nessus

Those children who are beaten will in turn give beatings, those who are intimidated will be intimidating, those who are humiliated will impose humiliation, and those whose souls are murdered will murder.— Alice Miller

Dear Friend and Reader:

Nessus, the third centaur planet (discovered in 1993), recently entered water sign Pisces. This is a slow-moving point that can go so far from the Sun that it extends into the Kuiper Belt, crossing Pluto’s orbit, and comes so close to the Sun that it goes inside the orbit of Saturn. Nessus is on its way there now. After spending nine years in Aquarius, it will spend 19 years in Pisces, which is pretty rad even in the context of eccentric centaur orbits.

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Photo by Eric Francis.

Nessus was last in Pisces during the turn of the 20th century, from around 1893 to 1911. And it was in Pisces during the American Revolutionary era, from 1772 to 1790 — spanning from just before the Declaration of Independence was signed to right after the Constitution was ratified. More about that in our Friday, July 4 edition.

Mercury has recently entered Cancer, a water sign, and it’s doing something interesting there over the weekend — stationing retrograde in the very early degrees of that sign. In doing so, it’s spending 19 days in early Cancer, holding a long trine aspect to Nessus, making three exact contacts — on May 31, another while moving retrograde June 15 and a third while moving direct on July 13.

The retrograde will take Mercury back into Gemini for a while (between the last two contacts) and then Mercury will move forward and return to Cancer, making the last trine (on July 13). Mercury moves pretty fast most of the time, so this is an unusual phase of rapport between the planet of consciousness and communication and a minor planet associated with some of the darkest themes that humanity must address on its path of growth and healing.

Nessus moving into Pisces has shifted the story from the theoretical realm of Aquarius into the intuitive, emotional realm of a water sign. The shift also represents that between an earlier discussion among an elite group (in Aquarius) to a wider public (in Pisces). The material of Nessus is challenging to speak about, especially in Pisces, where it may be veiled or take some as-yet unrecognizable form. Speaking about it must come from a place of feeling so as to remain clear and accessible, yet not boil over into aggressive or defensive emoting. That calls for awareness and a safe space to process one’s experiences.

To help clarify the themes of this unusual extended aspect pattern, I think it would be helpful to start with the myth of Nessus and see how its themes play out in the contemporary world — and the discussion that’s currently happening in the wake of the recent murders in Isla Vista.

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My tarot spread in the Grotto of Heracles, Isle of Delos, in May 2005. Read this article for more information about Delos and the spread.

Nessus is a centaur. What all the centaur myths have in common is a creature who is half-man, half-horse; and in the story, the centaur dies. On one level, all of the centaur myths are actually the stories of the death of the centaurs. In mysticism, psychology and astrology, we can use these stories as healing tools and define death as the process of change. So you might look at the death element as describing the transformation element of that particular centaur.

Notably, all of these myths were buried in the backs of libraries, most of them still in ancient Greek, until the first centaur, Chiron, was discovered in 1977. Then working together, astronomers, astrologers and translators recovered the stories and brought them into contemporary thought.

Thursday morning I picked up a 1958 book called Myths and Their Meanings, and the first thing I checked the index for was Chiron — the most famous of the centaur stories. The writer, a respected author in his field, got the lineage of Chiron wrong. His parents were Kronos and the nymph Philyra, not “a mortal named Ixion and a cloud.” (That is true of all the centaurs except Chiron and possibly Pholus, whose story may be an offshoot of the Chiron myth.)

The Nessus Myth: A Study in Revenge and Karma

Just about everyone is familiar with Heracles, the great hero of Greek mythology. He’s more commonly known in his Roman form, as Hercules. He represents the human quest in the world, often associated with the work of men. He had his 12 labors, and was constantly accomplishing them on one mission or another. In our superhero-obsessed culture, Nessus is important because his myth is the story of the death of Heracles. In other words, Heracles, the great hero of Greek mythology, who starts as Chiron’s student, meets his demise at the hands of Nessus.

Planet Waves
Heracles shoots the centaur Nessus, painted by Jules-Elie Delaunay (1828-1891). There are certain inaccuracies in this painting; I’ve read that Nessus is described as having a much darker skin tone.

This tells us a bit about the centaur myths: clearly, they are not well known, they’re not common fables or fairy tales and not taught in school. Yet they are some of the most significant side streets of mythology, which is a map to human experience and psychology. This is exactly how the centaurs work in astrology. They are not commonly known but somehow their experiences are familiar to all of us.

Here is the story: Heracles and his wife Deianira are escaping from a bad situation — where Heracles had single-handedly killed perhaps a thousand centaurs in a full-on war. The two of them came to the river Evenus. There, Nessus was the self-appointed ferryman, who carried people across the river. Heracles threw his club and shield across and then forded the river, and Heacles negotiated a deal wherein Deianira was to be carried across the river by the centaur Nessus.
There are several versions of the story. In one version, the fee that Nessus negotiates with Heracles is the privilege of carrying his wife across the river.

Here is where the story gets blurry, so for clarity I will quote the original translation, by J. G. Frazer:
“So Hercules crossed the river by himself, but on being asked to pay the fare he entrusted Deianira to Nessus to carry over. But he, in ferrying her across, attempted to violate her.”

There is one other significant point. In one telling of the story, Heracles’ marriage to Deianira was based on an arrangement with her dead brother. It’s possible that Heracles passed Deianira to Nessus, knowing he would abduct her, thereby getting out of his marriage. I say this because we know Heracles knew all he needed to know about centaurs. In addition to having been mentored by Chiron, he had just waged war on the entire race of centaurs, and knew their reputation as rapists and murderers.

Centaurs in the Ixion line (as Nessus was) are almost all portrayed as rapists. Heracles has just left the scene of his war against the centaurs, so he knows who he is dealing with. Deianira, meanwhile, is portrayed as a hapless victim of circumstance. But we know something from her name: its etymology translates to “destroyer of men.”

Seeing Nessus “attempt to violate” Deianira, Heracles shot Nessus in the heart with an arrow. The arrow was poisoned with the blood of the Hydra, whom Heracles had killed in an earlier scenario. That poison blood is how Heracles had just killed a thousand centaurs. Its also the poison that killed Pholus, and it’s what was on the arrow that inadvertently hit Chiron. (Those scenes unfold just prior to this one; the myths of Chiron, Pholus and Nessus are intertwined and all involve Heracles.)

Planet Waves
In his second labor, Heracles confronts the Lernean Hydra, a many-headed reptile-like monster so toxic that even its breath and tracks were deadly. Poets describe it as having more heads than any painter could draw; this one was illustrated by Gustave Moreau (1826-1898).

The Hydra’s blood was deadly, and Nessus was poisoned by the arrow. As he lay dying, the centaur gave to Deianira a vial of his toxic blood, or a mix of blood and semen (this is ambiguous in the versions and translations), and tells her that it’s a fidelity potion. He says she can use it on Heracles and it will ensure that he’ll remain faithful to her. Whatever happened between Nessus and Deianira, she trusts him enough to believe that this vial really contains a fidelity potion. In reality, he turns her into an unwitting contract murderer of her own husband — once again, hapless.

When she suspects that she might have a reason to use the potion, she spreads it on a tunic which she gives to Heracles to take to a tournament. After he had gone, some of the liquid fell on the ground and it frothed as the sunlight warmed it. Realizing it was toxic, she sent a messenger to warn Heracles, but the messenger arrived too late; the poison was taking hold.

“After killing 12 immaculate bulls as a sacrifice to celebrating the spoils of battle,” Melanie Reinhart wrote in To The Edge and Beyond, “Heracles had already donned the tunic.” As its poison ate into his flesh, he was in long agony, roaming the forest ripping trees out of the ground.

This fulfilled the prophecy of the Delphic Oracle, many years earlier, which said, “No man alive shall kill Heracles; a dead enemy shall be his downfall.” I have also heard this translated to he “will be killed by the blood of a dead enemy,” which has the flavor of one of those Delphic riddles. In this case it was two enemies — the Hydra and Nessus. Heracles, wanting a dignified death, returned to Olympus, where he asked to be burned on a funeral pyre — at which point he revealed the Delphic prophecy he had kept secret for years.

This myth raises more questions than it provides answers. Nessus would seem to be quite a conniver, but Heracles clearly should have known better than to hand his wife off to him. There are certain people who you know are just going to be trouble, and you avoid them — but he does not. In addition, Heracles was the mightiest of men, with divine powers — he could have carried his little lady across the river himself. But he did not. He passed her off — he passed the buck, as it were — to Nessus. And Nessus passes the buck right back to him — by way of his wife.

Stopping the Cycle of Abuse and Revenge

In this myth, we have a triangular situation between a man, a woman and a third entity. We have the theme of rape, and a question of whether there was a setup for that happening, or some nebulous form of consent, implied consent, payment or taking advantage of a situation. We have scenes of trusting untrustworthy people. We have a scenario where “bad blood” is passed on from one party to the next. All of these point to the theme of a cycle or chain reaction of abuse or revenge.

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An illustration of the Karpman drama triangle.

There are many contemporary themes in this myth. The bad blood could be seen as karma, it could be seen as the cycle of abuse, or it could be seen as a sexually transmitted infection (they may be related).

Questions of fidelity, ensuring fidelity and revenge for infidelity are as old as civilization. So too is the notion of a woman’s body as property. Matters of consent, of taking sexual advantage of women, matters of sex as a toll, are all part of our contemporary culture.

All of this is soaking in a society that both practices and preaches ignorance around sex and seems to reward hypocrisy above all else. I would add that the use of sex in commerce, that is, turning sex into a commodity, is one of our most serious problems we face as a society — and nearly everyone buys into it.

The Nessus scenario reminds me of something called the Karpman drama triangle, which is where we get our main concept of codependency.
The idea first appeared in a 1968 article called “Fairy Tales and Script Drama Analysis” by Dr. Stephen Karpman in Transactional Analysis Bulletin. The article sets up the familiar concept of a triangle between the persecutor, the victim and the rescuer. As Karpman says in his article, anyone can play any role at any time, adding, “There is no drama until there is a switch in roles.”

This can happen when a victim decides not to be victimized anymore — and often becomes a persecutor. Or a rescuer is victimized, not understanding that this was part of the script. Often, Karpman says, people play multiple roles in the drama simultaneously. The drama in the Nessus myth involves many changes in roles. In the end, everyone plays out some form of persecutor, victim and rescuer. [As an aside, I must thank my 4th grade teacher at PS 207 in Brooklyn, Mrs. Ursula Fennely, for teaching our class that Greek myths are highly accurate descriptions of the psychology of our society. She knew what she was talking about.]

Where Nessus is at work as an astrological factor, you can look for a complex web of interrelation, a sequence of events where one thing leads to another but the pieces of the story don’t necessarily seem connected. You may have to connect the dots and see the pattern for yourself.

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The concept of ‘victim’ is central to the thinking and structure of our society. In this advertisement, the right to have a gun is being advocated as the right not to be a victim, with the simultaneous risk of making someone a killer. Few people consider this.

Nessus has themes that feel like the return of karma that may have an extremely long trajectory, like a boomerang that takes the long way around the world. Yet actions have consequences, and causes have effects, and effects have causes.
Once you notice those relationships, you can almost always discover the source. Nessus is a helpful diagnostic tool in handling situations with these themes of betrayal, deception, murder, sexual abuse and sexual infidelity.

It works just as well to reveal something about where and how we’ve been hurt in the past, and how we’re likely to hurt others — and how we can heal that pattern and its resulting injuries. [Note, nearly all readers have Nessus in Taurus (1950s), in Gemini (1960s) or in Cancer (1970s). These dates are approximate and should be checked against an ephemeris.]

Yet in the current environment, especially the political one, Nessus seems to be reminding us of our need to stop the endless cycle of persecutor, victim and rescuer. As my Facebook correspondent Beverly Spicer put it, “Here in the West, we are stuck in the relative stagnation of unconscious behavior on a wild merry-go-round, riding first the horse of persecutor, then victim, then rescuer. But the carnival never stops. Real life begins when we say no to the ride on any of the horses.”

I think what is not exactly transparent here is that from the political standpoint, claiming the right to be the victim is the time of reckoning and revenge. One gets to be next in line for recognition, compensatory damages, protective laws, assured privileges and maybe the punishment of the persecutor. From a spiritual or psychological standpoint, the Karpman drama triangle is invoked. Victims become persecutors, rescuers become victims, and the cycle continues — creating ever more casualties and injured people ready to persecute.

Planet Waves
There is also the well-accepted idea that victims are entitled to special rights, and another that one has the right to be a victim. In the drama triangle, the concept of ‘right’ is associated with being a persecutor.

Another of my Facebook participants, Khai Macauley, a female-to-male transsexual (FTM), still in transition, wrote on my timeline Wednesday: “This can no longer be a question of fault and blame but what is possible and what you/I/we can create. Holding someone else accountable doesn’t create anything but another hierarchy.”

There has to be some concept of accountability or ownership, a new kind, because blame makes guilt and guilt makes attack. This is because attack is the projection of guilt. One way to describe the cycle ending is the end of projection of guilt. That is possible but
it’s tricky because the people on the new frontier, newly outside the cycle they may have been caught in and weakened by, have to be really, really strong in their love and forgiveness — because there is a shit storm of guilt flying.

The most touching thing Khai wrote was, “I have been many things to my biological family, the worst of which is crazy, but crazy because I’m ‘pretending’ to be male? Too far. But this is not just a personal journey. I am finding many men feel this way. And they are contorting themselves to try to find inclusion within a culture that only holds space for them as perpetrators.”

Mercury in Cancer, Stationing Trine Nessus

Mercury is now in Cancer, the sign of family, of feelings and of natural instincts. It’s also in aspect to the Aries Point, which is like common ground shared by both the most personal and the widest collective issues. Mercury has been picking up on the themes of Nessus in Pisces, and they have been rippling out into society — in ways both helpful and grossly distorted.

Mercury has been direct through its week-plus of slow motion in Cancer, and now it’s about to station retrograde. This represents a change in polarity for Mercury and it may represent the potential for a ceasefire in the ongoing projection of guilt.
There is something deeply emotionally introspective about Mercury retrograde in Cancer, and this can manifest as honesty with oneself about personal accountability and ownership.

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Photo by Danielle Voirin.

That ownership is not going to happen in a space of blame, of self or otherwise. It’s going to happen in a trusting space, where the whole truth is welcome. We have much to reckon with, and the whole revelation of truth will take time.

We live in a society that does not stop waging war on others and often wages war on its own people. The men who are forced to do this, and everyone around them, carry many injuries associated with warfare. Nearly all of us have an experience of constant psychic or emotional violence through exposure to images of war.

Today, we are “celebrating” the 70th anniversary of D-Day and the invasion of Normandy — if you turn on the TV you will see scenes of the bloodiest battle in modern history.

To some extent we are all complicit, even if only through paying taxes, by refusing to speak up, or by acting directly in support of what we know are illegal military operations. This has been going on for so many years few people remember anything else. It’s no surprise that the war has come home.

Everyone who has come through our culture has suffered pain, abuse and humiliation to some extent. Everyone carries some sense of injury — shame, guilt, fear, the sense of missing personhood and moreover, everyone has plenty to grieve. Due to gender polarization (pushed by religion, family, advertising and on-the-ground culture), injured personhood is polarized to “injured manhood” and “injured femininity,” yet in reality they are identical problems,
seemingly vindicated and then polarized by gender.

If we are going to get anywhere, we must make a safe space for everyone to feel vulnerable. That will only happen in a trusting environment. We might measure that as a common place where women don’t feel stalked and men don’t feel humiliated if they cry.


Planet Waves (ISSN 1933-9135) is published each Tuesday and Friday morning in Kingston, New York by Planet Waves, Inc. Annual basic subscription rate: $99/year. Core community membership: $149/year. Editor and Publisher: Eric Francis Coppolino. Business Manager: Chelsea Bottinelli. Web Developer: Anatoly Ryzhenko. Copy Editor: Jessica Keet. Research, Writing and Editing: Planet Waves is produced by a team consisting of Hillary Ghee, Elizabeth Michaud, Amanda Moreno, Amanda Painter, Amy Silver, Carol van Strum, Len Wallick and Chad Woodward. Special thanks to the Fact Checkers List, which goes over each edition on Thursday night — and to our main astrology fact-checker Alex Miller, and Amanda, who goes over all their suggestions.
Planet Waves

Planet Waves

“I see this image in my mind’s eye, now in 3-D, every time I imagine how my hand moves through space-time.” Researchers have been studying Jason Padgett’s brain, and he recently published a book about his experience with Maureen Seaberg called “Struck by Genius.” Image: Quantum Hand by Jason Padgett; more of his art can be seen here.

The Geometry of the Cloud’s Silver Lining

Mercury stationing retrograde can feel as though our brains have short-circuited, but there’s often beauty and insight to be found if we’re willing to pause long enough to see it in the midst of whatever’s not working. Very rarely when a real-life short-circuiting of a person’s brain occurs via injury, they discover an unusual artistic proficiency (called acquired savant syndrome); exactly that happened to Jason Padgett in 2002.

After receiving a severe concussion when two men beat him up, a silver lining emerged along the cloud of PTSD he was grappling with: the ability to see complex mathematical patterns in everyday objects, and to grasp the physics concepts behind them intuitively — then translate what he sees into incredibly precise, complex geometrical art.

“I see shapes and angles everywhere in real life” — such as the fractals in water spiraling down a shower drain, Padgett told Live Science. “It’s just really beautiful.”

A physicist saw Padgett drawing in a mall and suggested he consider studying mathematics. A self-described jock and partier who had “always cheated” in school, he’s now pursuing a degree in number theory despite his persistent PTSD and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Even with those hurdles, Padgett says of his new gift, “It’s so good, I can’t even describe it.”
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How advertising is destroying our society and our world, Mercury stationing retrograde trine Nessus, and the natal chart of performance artist Laurie Anderson

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Advertising is evil. With the help of UMass Amherst

professor Sut Jhally, I set out to prove this in this week’s edition of Planet Waves FM. But first I look closely at Mercury stationing retrograde in an exact trine to centaur planet Nessus — focusing the astrology of a discussion that’s been brewing on various Planet Waves forums all week.

I also cover the Sun square Chiron, which happens the day after Mercury changes apparent directions.

Then I look at the natal chart of performance artist, storyteller, musician and inventor Laurie Anderson. The page includes Laurie’s charts and several videos.

In addition, Planet Waves is currently hosting two discussion threads that continue our community-wide inquiry into gender roles and sexual consent. I cover this astrology in detail, though I would also refer you directly to those threads, in which you are invited to participate.

Discussion Thread on Sexual Projection, Control and Insecurity

Discussion Thread on Men’s Rights and Pickup Artists




Planet Waves

Your Monthly Horoscopes — and our Publishing Schedule Notes

Your extended monthly horoscopes for June were published Friday, May 23. We published your extended monthly horoscope for May on Friday, April 25. Moonshine horoscopes for the Scorpio Full Moon published Tuesday, May 13. We also published an Inner Space horoscope for June Tuesday, May 27. Please note, we normally publish the extended monthly horoscope on the first Friday after the Sun has entered a new sign.
Planet Waves

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, June 6, 2014, #1001 | By Eric Francis

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — You may want to choose your words carefully to convey an especially vital message, but find that this is just not possible. You may not have fully formed concepts for what you’re describing, and as long as the concepts are not quite coherent, there may not be words to follow them. But you can sketch, you can experiment and you can keep the focus on what you think and how you feel. I suggest that in any discussion, you set up the ground rule that what is said is subject to revision, which will acknowledge the discovery process that you and someone you’re listening to are in. You’ll need to hold the same space open for feedback. A few things will help — to speak in I-statements, to be conscious of your own frustration, and to monitor when what you are saying is actually painful or frightening. If you give yourself permission to feel, which means not judging yourself for feeling or for saying how you feel, this will be a lot easier.

Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Sharing is a difficult concept for many people to grasp. Sharing an intimate partner seems impossible for a good few as well. What if you consider your intimate partner(s) to be the property of existence — first of themselves, then of the world? What if your privilege of holding them was similar to visiting a national park, which is yours because it’s a collective holding rather than an individual one? It might be easier to consider yourself, rather than someone else, in this light. It would at least be worth the experiment. Our concepts of ownership of others are difficult to see, and they are damning. That’s a dangerous combination because there are implied effects of a cause that’s not easily seen, perceived or acknowledged. Yet it’s easy to feel when you’re inviting or embracing an openness to existence, one that is not based on property rights but rather rests on the gentle foundation of existence itself.

Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — There is a power source in your ability to embrace the fertile void. That could start with embracing uncertainty, of which there is plenty in the world, and plenty in your chart. Though this may take a little courage, it almost always comes as a relief to let go of false certainty, whatever may come next. What is likely to follow is contact with an intuitive level of knowledge, not quite instinctual but definitely centered on your body and on your feelings, that is easier to follow than the chaos of trying to sort things out again and again. Said another way, if you don’t try to ‘make things make sense’ but rather start from the position that they don’t make sense, you will feel your way to a level of perception that’s much more trustworthy than where you might otherwise be. I suggest you be highly conscious of the stories you tell yourself, and remember that is what they are. Remember that your stories are likely to become true, so that would be a good incentive to choose well.

Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Notice the subtle shifts in your perceptions, particularly your orientation on your inner and outer worlds. Your point of focus is shifting, which is about as much as I want to say, so that I don’t bias you but rather allow the potential for a clear experiment. What I will say is that you may soon become aware of things that you did not notice before, but which suddenly seem obvious, as if they were there all along. I suggest you not latch onto this clarity but rather keep moving with it and see where it leads you, in whatever sphere you are exploring. The one thing that might be challenging is the depth you’ll be called into, as you notice that you’re in the process of making a discovery you’ve had hints of but which may have eluded you for years. Not knowing has served a purpose. Now, knowing must serve a greater purpose, so that you will be motivated to find out, and to use what you learn.

Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Public discussion of private issues can be extremely distorted. Rather than avoid it outright, I suggest you observe the twists and compare them to what you know. There’s a pattern to the way sensitive matters are twisted; there is an agenda, and if you see that agenda for what it is, you will be doing yourself and the men in your life a huge favor. There is something that desperately needs to be understood for what it is. What’s complicating matters is that the issue has two distinct sides, and it’s wrapped up in some of the most taboo subject matter of our culture. You have a distinct line in on whatever this is — you can see and feel it for what it is, and can see through the apparent split or controversy over right and wrong. If there seems to be a paradox involved, you’re the person most likely to be able to see right through it. This will come as a benefit to everyone.

Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — In all matters requiring leadership or your relationship to authority figures, you’ll need to proceed gently, seeking clarity at every turn. I suggest however that this be emotional clarity, which is to say, tap into where people are coming from on the level of feeling first, make contact with that and then figure out where they are coming from intellectually. This order of flow is from the easier mode to the more complex one, though connecting on the emotional level will make everything easier to see. You may feel a strong temptation to do otherwise, especially since others may be expressing an argumentative tone or quibbling over facts that don’t seem to matter much; that is exactly what I suggest you not get lost in. I also suggest you sidestep any direct use of power and not give any specific instructions until you have more information than you have today. The nice thing is you can afford to be empathic, and to honor people for who they are, even if they don’t necessarily notice you.

Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — In order to slip into the ease of your situation, you must also slip into the unknown, which may be intimidating or feel like you would totally lose yourself in the process. You would, but it would be somewhat like losing the feeling of being tired in order to feel rested, or losing feeling stuck in order to feel like you’re free to move. The movement you seek at the moment may feel like an intellectual freedom, though in truth it’s the freedom to embrace your own process of emotional healing. Please go slowly if you’re tempted to insert ‘spiritual healing’; where I see you ready to do the deepest work is on the level of trust, which pretty much makes anything else possible. In order to trust your environment, you would have to trust yourself first, and that is what the unusual astrology of the next few days describes. Make your decisions gently and remember, you are writing or sketching in pencil, not with a tattoo pen.

Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Saturn in your sign is urging you to hold fast, while other factors are saying that you must dance with existence in a bold way, with the rhythm seeming to change from moment to moment. Yet you’re no longer dancing at the edge of a cliff, or under any threat to your existence. Your relationship to your fear has changed profoundly over the past six months, and this has changed your relationship to existence. Perhaps I may offer a point of clarification there. Imagine you live a life where you don’t fear that the universe or the world is a hostile place. It may not always be fully cooperative, but you know it’s not specifically hostile toward you. How would you live differently? At the moment you are being asked or feel compelled to change in some way that you know is profound, and that seems (correctly or not) like an either/or choice. How would this choice be different if you could proceed with trust in existence? Remember, fear ain’t what it used to be.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — You must feel like you’re headed to a new place, or to a new place in life, with some bold determination — and you can afford to proceed with confidence.
The fact that certain other people around you may lack cohesion or direction is not a reflection on you, and I suggest you not take it on, no matter how tempting that may seem. As the Moon rapidly builds toward full phase, exact in your sign on the 13th, you will need to keep your focus, slow down and make decisions more consciously. It will be increasingly important that you not be influenced, sidetracked or distracted by others, and the potential is definitely there. At the same time, as the days go by you will have the potential to be more reactive than usual, especially if you’re under the influence of alcohol. So between now and the 14th I suggest you be conscious, even scrupulous, about this. You are at a critical juncture in your life and I suggest you avoid setbacks and make every decision count.

Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — It’s finally come to the point where what other people think does not matter, and it’s got less influence on you than ever. Or certainly it can, while you take care of things that are absolutely not the business of anyone but yourself. One particular issue that may have been troubling you for ages is coming into focus, and you are in a position to do something about it. But to make full contact you have to pass through a kind of nonexistent barrier, similar to what used to be called the ‘sound barrier’. There is no boundary, just the fear of chaos, and the fear that your own sense of identity could be threatened by the healing process. I suggest you sit quietly with that and let the fear speak up even as you move forward. What you are seeking is also moving toward you, and when the meeting happens you won’t have to cross the whole distance yourself.

Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — You are in an extended experimental moment, and this is the time to keep your mind open. For you that translates to exploring different patterns of communication, different topics, and the willingness to embrace the unknown. There are many ways to express yourself, and you have a few that you don’t use often. These possibilities may feel more tumultuous than you might expect under the current astrology, since the unknown comes along with the unpredictable and unexpected and that raises the question of unprepared. Oh, and possibly being perceived as such.
I am, however, talking about words and ideas expressed and shared locally, not a spontaneous Broadway performance. Yet the fact of being known for what you express is indeed a factor that might be making you nervous. Be aware of an exaggeration effect with that; but what is not an exaggeration is how much you can learn from any experience of sharing anything you’ve created that has actually involved you taking a risk.

Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — There’s a way to experience the astrology of the next few days as a surge of confidence. There’s another way to experience it as everything coming unraveled. It might come across as fear of all the dark forces operating in you and the world, especially on the theme of sexuality, or it can manifest as a contact point with deep self-understanding. I would remind you that this is mostly a matter of perception, and that you have a choice in the matter as long as you see your options and consciously make a decision. The key will be this: if you feel like you’re losing control, don’t take that as a sign that you in fact are. Rather, take it as an invitation to focus, muster up your confidence and make a decision about how to proceed. There’s an emotional element to everything and I suggest you keep your focus there. This would be emotional with a direct connection to creative and sexual elements of who you are, remembering that these are a way to go deep into your primal nature.
You don’t have to be civilized. Aware and real will work beautifully.


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Backstreets of the Psyche

Dear Friend and Reader:

Sunday’s Aquarius New Moon is the next event highlighting a centaur planet — there have been several the past few weeks. Many others are on the way over the next week or so, and from what I can tell, many people are feeling something but they don’t know what.

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Someone walking in the streets of the Old City of Jerusalem at night. Guillaume Paumier / Wikimedia Commons.

The edginess, the sense of a critical personal turning point, the feeling of material coming up for healing — all of these are on the centaur wavelength.

You may be noticing a need to address the things you or others typically avoid; subjects you’ve tried to work through many times may be coming up for attention yet again.

White there is a tendency to pathologize or have negative associations with these planets, they often manifest as extra depth, passion or intensity. The common sensation is a kind of edgy unfamiliarity to the territory — great for creative expression, if you can focus.
Centaur awareness can be a little overwhelming — it can seem like there’s so much to do, you’ll never get it done. But if you set your intentions and devote yourself, eventually you will.

The moment you notice you want to take action or make a change is the time to start, or to re-dedicate yourself, to something you’ve wanted to do for a long time, or have been delayed in doing. This New Moon is like a crossroads and for many reasons, what you set into action now has a good chance of gaining momentum. I would however offer one caution: If you’re feeling any negative impact from this astrology, do your best not to identify with your sense of loss or of being hurt. Identify rather with the healer, the creator, the initiator. Shifting from one side of the equation to the other may be that simple.

Before I describe the astrology in more detail, here’s some background on the centaurs: what makes them centaurs is that they’re small bodies in our solar system that cross the orbits of the major planets. Think of these strange orbits where the centaurs lead us as back alleys of the psyche, slipping between the more familiar avenues. Anyone who has traveled outside the United States knows that when you leave the main boulevards, that’s where you find the truly interesting places and people — tucked in amongst the shadows.

For example, Chiron weaves inside the orbit of Saturn, and extends almost out to Uranus. As such it helps us negotiate between stability and change, between the old and the new. Pholus at its closest comes closer to the Sun than Saturn, and at its most distant goes beyond Pluto. Nessus at its closest comes closer to the Sun than Uranus, and at its most distant goes well past Neptune. These second two centaurs have a way of bringing what is usually invisible into plain view.

Centaurs take astrology deeper than the level of personality, into the realm of the soul. Chiron was the first in this group, discovered orbiting our Sun in 1977. It became associated with the healing process, raising awareness and what some call ‘human potential’. Note that since its discovery, there has been a proliferation of hands-on healing, a healthy food movement and other forms of holistic thinking. Many astrologers still don’t use Chiron, though the entire field has been advanced by those who write about it. It is largely thanks to Chiron that astrology is now even vaguely considered to be among the healing arts.

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Side alley, Mykonos, Greece. Photo by Eric Francis.

The second-discovered centaur was Pholus, in 1992. This brought in the themes of multigenerational experiences, the ‘small cause with the big effect’, and the runaway reaction. Pholus addresses alcohol and addiction as well. The third was Nessus, discovered in 1993, which deals with the cycles of karma and the place where one person takes responsibility for something wrong that has gone on for a long time. Nessus covers potentially inappropriate sexual contact, its legacy and what to do about these things.

Once you enter centaur territory, you leave the astrological tourists to their personality-level sightseeing and encounter the strange, compelling, at times necessary spaces of the mind. They live in the zones in the psyche where we carry ancestral, karmic and early-life issues.

There can be material present with overlapping themes — power and sex, injuries that result from a mix of intent, ignorance and neglect, or struggles that involve both social pressures and self-esteem. Centaurs can embody persistently difficult aspects of our lives; they can represent places where you put the most emphasis, and as a result, often concentrate awareness, talent and a sense of purpose — even though you might feel like you’ve made the least progress in those areas.

When using centaur planets, you reach the deeper levels of injury, struggle and therefore potential healing. It takes courage to go there, unless of course you discover you have no choice, which is right about where we are now. Part of the reason for that is because smaller, faster-moving planets such as the Sun and Mars are making contact with centaurs, which brings them into focus.

There’s a reason these planets are not especially popular in astrology, and why you’re not reading about them in most (or any) other places. Once the centaurs go into the chart, it’s easy for the astrologer to get in over his or her head. However, there are currently transits developing involving all three of the first centaurs, Chiron, Nessus and Pholus. In this article I’ll cover Chiron and Nessus and leave Pholus for another time.

Many Nessus Events in Early 2013

Nessus takes a bit over 121 years to go around the Sun, so it’s a slow mover, and for now it’s in Aquarius (where it’s been since around 2005). If you recall, two weeks ago Mars was conjunct Nessus, and last weekend Mercury was conjunct Nessus. We covered this in a series of subscriber editions and blog posts, and several editions of Planet Waves FM, if you want to go back and research what was happening with these events.

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An old street in Yangmei, a traditional town located on the Yong River in Nanning, Guangxi, China. Photo: Wikimedia Commons.

Sunday at 2:20 am EST, there is an unusual New Moon in Aquarius. The Sun and Moon are close to Nessus for this event, which is the first salient point. The New Moon is also square the lunar nodes — those things that point to the eclipses. The square means that we’re halfway between the eclipses of last (Northern Hemisphere) autumn and the ones of spring.

One image of the square to the nodes is seeing something that’s so obvious, it’s usually invisible. Another is a kind of spiritual toll booth through which you have to pass in order to get where you’re going. These properties also give the New Moon the feeling of an eclipse — a point of no return. This one may feel like a tipping point.

Given that it’s in Aquarius, it may involve the ways in which you respond to social pressure, including that of your family, your friends, the company you work for or any version of the public with which your life intersects.

Aquarius holds the often-challenging tension between conformity and individuality, though typically that tension is resolved by going along with the crowd. Nessus in Aquarius is presenting an ongoing point of crisis, as we figure out how dangerous it is to think along with the mob. It may work as a self-serving way of life for a while, but ultimately it contaminates everything. However, to care about this, you would need to access the part of yourself that’s not strictly self-serving.

The extent to which personal interest can cause problems for everyone was described in a new article in Rolling Stone by Matt Taibbi. He was reviewing a new book on the scandals of the bank bailouts, and how the Washington mentality led to a state of total corruption.

He wrote, “It’s a bizarre, almost tribal mentality that rules our capital city — a kind of groupthink that makes extreme myopia and a willingness to ignore the tribe’s ostensible connection to the people who elected them a condition for social advancement within.” In other words, to succeed, it’s necessary to show your bosses and colleagues that in order to fit in, you’re willing to betray the public you were elected or appointed to serve.

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The bottom of Rue Mouffetard, set in one of the oldest neighborhoods of Paris. Photo by Eric Francis.

“Most normal people don’t get to see what that place is like, because most of the rearview-mirror accounts of that world are written by people who somewhere along the line became infected by the Beltway disease,” Taibbi continued. “Only a few true outsiders make it out alive, and only a few of those write books.” In other words, the situation is so bad and the brainwashing so thorough that we don’t even hear about it.

To some extent, we all must confront this. It’s the individual surrendering power to the group, and the group taking power over everyone else. If you want an explanation for how the Nazis or Monsanto have influenced so many people, now you have a model. And if you’re looking to break free from this, you may have some distinct opportunities; you’ve been having them for a while.

There are three more Nessus events coming up — the Moon exactly conjunct Nessus on Sunday, the Sun exactly conjunct Nessus on Feb. 14, and then Venus conjunct Nessus on Feb. 22.

Conjunctions to Chiron

Chiron, the first centaur, is in early Pisces. This is providing both a spiritual crisis (in the style of Pisces) and a point of grounding (in the spirit of Chiron). Chiron in Pisces is a time to focus your inner orientation. Pisces is a reminder to balance the extroversion and activity of daily life with respect for your inner space, and your inner source of strength.

Our lives are usually so other-centered, activity-focused and socially involved that it’s possible to forget that you have an inner life. Many people have not even discovered this fact, or have momentarily but are afraid to return. Chiron in Pisces is presenting a constant, dependable call to look and feel within. It’s a reminder to have some solitary time every day if possible, and to honor your creative process.

Planet Waves
An old street with arches, near Agiou Fanouriou street, in Rhodes, Greece. Photo: Wikimedia.

If you don’t have one — if there is not something you can dependably do that helps you focus inwardly, process your experience and create something new — I suggest you find something that suits you.

As planets pass through late Aquarius, they enter Pisces, so each of these bodies that makes a conjunction to Nessus is now about to make one to Chiron. Neptune is also in the neighborhood, which is adding a mix of inspiration and denial. Chiron’s role is to focus inspiration into action and the denial into awareness.

At the moment of Sunday’s New Moon, Mercury and Mars are both very close to Chiron, as this triple conjunction comes into focus. One peak is on Monday, Feb. 11, when the Moon passes through early Pisces. Then Mars makes its exact conjunction to Chiron on Tuesday. When inner planets such as Mars and Mercury make contact with something more distant or subtle like Chiron, the result can bring whatever Chiron represents out of the background and into the forefront.

On the most basic level, this astrology is going to stir up emotional material; these are deep-feeling days, and depending on how they influence your chart, you will be called to pay attention to your actual needs rather than immediate gratification.

To some, this will feel like a spiritual crisis: that is, something relating to existence itself. Because Mars is involved, this can be a struggle to figure out what you want. You might be experiencing some movement related to your sexuality, as Mars-Chiron can indicate this potential. The question will likely surround your relationship to your desire nature.

While this is happening, Mercury conjunct Chiron implies seeing your relationship to your self-doubt. Mercury to Chiron can be the feeling of ‘knowing but not knowing’ or ‘being certain but not really sure’. This really is about your relationship to your intuition, your instincts and how they influence your mind. Pisces is calling you to focus inwardly for long enough to know what is really true for you. The message is to identify with your feelings and your body as much as your ‘self-image’ and your thoughts. In fact this group of Chiron aspects may present a serious challenge to your whole concept of ‘self-image’.

The questions being raised by these aspects take you beyond the ordinary and the familiar — as will the answers and the solutions. Remember that; and remember that the energy, love and focus that you invest now are worth more, because they will reach a deeper place within you.


PS, If you’re on Facebook (we know that some of you despise the thing) would you please ‘like’ the new Planet Waves company page? There are excellent discussions, frequent news updates and generally a fun experience of microblogging.

Planet Waves

Valentine’s Day Gift Offer from Planet Waves

It’s just shy of a week from Valentine’s Day. You may have noticed that Planet Waves doesn’t do this holiday in a traditional way, but we like to acknowledge and affirm any chance we have to spread love. So, in honor of the upcoming holiday, we’d like to extend a special offer for you to share Planet Waves with the people you love. We’ll be sending a separate email about this soon, but for a limited time you can give a year membership to Eric’s weekly and monthly astrology for only $49. Or you can order a three month gift membership for only $19.95.


Planet Waves

Your Weekend Almanac

At the time of this publishing, the Moon is in late Capricorn. It enters Aquarius at 2:16 pm EST today (Friday) and then conjoins the Sun at 2:20 am EST Sunday for the Aquarius New Moon.

Planet Waves
Chart section for the Aquarius New Moon conjunct Nessus (aqua ‘N’), with Venus in early Aquarius. Also shown: Neptune, Mars, Mercury and Chiron, all in Pisces. See glyph key here.

The Moon’s conjunction to Nessus is exact shortly after the New Moon at 8:27 am EST Sunday; the Sun’s conjunction to Nessus is exact at 1:12 am EST on Feb. 14 (Valentine’s Day).

The Moon enters Pisces at 4:19 pm EST Sunday, setting an intuitive, compassionate, creative tone for the end of the weekend and the beginning of the workweek. The Moon will conjoin Neptune, Mars, Chiron and Mercury fairly quickly once it enters Pisces, emphasizing many of the themes discussed in the article above as it slowly begins waxing again.

Mercury will conjoin Chiron in Pisces at 9:53 am EST on Sunday, Feb. 10. Mars does the same at 11:52 am EST on Tuesday, Feb. 12. (Mercury and Mars form a conjunction to each other in Pisces today at 12:57 pm EST.)

Also notable this weekend and beginning the week is Mercury’s square to Jupiter in Gemini at 7:07 am EST on Saturday, Feb. 9. This could equal an active mind trying to think in too many directions at once. Chiron will assist in keeping focus, though it’s likely to be most effective if you stay aware of your inner world rather than getting caught up in external distractions (especially where money is involved).

Mars will square Jupiter at 3:12 am EST on Sunday, Feb. 10. Again, external ambitions will benefit from keeping close tabs on inner desires. What do you really want, and is what you’re doing to get it actually helping or is your assertiveness crossing the line into aggressiveness?

Finally, Venus squares Saturn at 1:42 am EST Monday, Feb. 11. Watch out for selfish urges in money, love and sex. The goddess of love is a little cool and aloof in Aquarius right now, and Saturn is digging out the muck that’s been clogging up deep, erotic Scorpio. If you want a hand with Saturn’s digging, you won’t get it by keeping all the shovels to yourself. Give love to receive love — whether to another, or to yourself.


Planet Waves

Must We Keep Droning On?

NBC News this week published a secret Justice Department memo outlining the Obama administration’s legal rationale for assassinating U.S. citizens overseas, as well as who may take authority in making those decisions and the use of drone aircraft. The news could significantly shape the debates over Obama’s foreign policy as the confirmations process for his incoming cabinet unfolds.

“The report, by Michael Isikoff of NBC News, reveals that the Obama administration believes that high-level administration officials — not just the president — may order the killing of ‘senior operational leaders’ of al Qaeda or an associated force even without evidence they are actively plotting against the U.S.,” writes Sam Stein in a Huffington Post story.

“A lawful killing in self-defense is not an assassination,” states the Justice Department white paper quoted by Isikoff. That’s a broad definition of “self defense.” If you suspect your neighbor across the street of owning a gun, is it “self defense” for you to shoot him when he step out to get the morning paper, just to make sure he doesn’t shoot you at some point in the future?

This mindset was echoed by White House Press Secretary Jay Carney after he was asked about the U.S. assassination program:

“We have acknowledged, the United States, that sometimes we use remotely piloted aircraft to conduct targeted strikes against specific al-Qaeda terrorists in order to prevent attacks on the United States and to save American lives. We conduct those strikes because they are necessary to mitigate ongoing actual threats, to stop plots, prevent future attacks, and, again, save American lives. These strikes are legal, they are ethical, and they are wise.”

Legal, ethical and wise? What would the International Criminal Court have to say about that?

In related news, The New York Times reported that the United States has a secret drone base inside Saudi Arabia, first used by the CIA in 2011 to kill the Muslim cleric and U.S. citizen Anwar al-Awlaki in Yemen. Democracy Now! noted that the report came just two days before the Senate confirmation hearing of John Brennan as CIA director. As CIA station chief in Saudi Arabia, Brennan reportedly worked closely with the Saudis to get the drone base approved.

Finally, some good news: Charlottesville, Virginia, has become the first U.S. city to formally pass an anti-drone resolution. The resolution, though mainly symbolic, “calls on the United States Congress and the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Virginia to adopt legislation prohibiting information obtained from the domestic use of drones from being introduced into a Federal or State court,” among other provisions.

Advocates for the resolution know that it has no real ‘teeth’ — but the idea is to inspire enough other municipalities and states to do the same until a critical mass is reached that might actually carry political weight. That can’t happen too soon.

Need it Saturday? Have it Mailed in a Box

In what the LA Times has described as death “by 1000 cuts, and a GOP stab in the back,” the United States Postal Service has decided to stop Saturday mail delivery — although packages and Priority and Express mail will still be delivered. The change is scheduled to go into effect in August. The move will reportedly save $2 billion annually.

Planet Waves
‘Back when I was your age…’ Running pony logo used by the U.S. Post Office Department before the creation of the USPS.

While many people have stopped mailing checks and writing ‘real’ letters, and UPS and FedEx have taken a share of time-sensitive shipping, technology and competition are not the biggest culprits.

That dubious honor goes to Republicans in Congress who, in 2006, passed a bill requiring the Postal Service to fully fund future retiree health benefits for the next 75 years. And it had to happen within a 10-year period.

Under the guise of making the USPS run ‘like a good capitalist business’, Congress intentionally saddled it with a fiscal mandate no business could sustain.

“With all those unionized employees working for a quasi-governmental operation that competes with private sector enterprises, the Postal Service is an affront to those who hate government, hate unions and hate to think that there is anything that government can do better than the private sector,” writes David Horsey.

Luckily, there are still many U.S. citizens living in rural areas — no one but the USPS wants to serve them. Unfortunately, cutting six-day delivery — one of the Postal Service’s advantages — may only be another nail in the coffin. And even in many rural areas, Post Office hours have been cut in half (leaving employees without benefits) or ended entirely — leaving rural delivery contracted out to private carriers, and making package-sending an 80-mile round trip for residents.

Path to Citizenship or Gridlock?

Despite the fact that a Quinnipiac University poll released on Thursday found that 56 percent of voters think undocumented immigrants should be allowed to stay in the United States and eventually apply for citizenship, and despite the so-called Republican Senate’s “gang of eight” supporting a path to citizenship to be part of the immigration reform being hammered out right now, some lead Republicans are determined to block the path.

Rep. Raul Labrador (R-Idaho), considered one of the more pro-reform Republicans in the House, warned on Thursday that he won’t vote for a way for undocumented immigrants to gain citizenship, and neither will his fellow House Republicans. But not all are being so hard-headed.

“We have to remember the 11 million people who are here are people,” said Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) to reporters on Wednesday. Issa supports the “gang of eight” framework.


Planet Waves

Asking for Time Off? Play the Climate Card

Work less, play more — what could be better? Turns out, it’s not only better for us, it’s better for the environment, according to a new study released Monday.

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These horses have the right idea. Photo: 4028mdk09/Wikimedia Commons.

The study’s findings hinge mostly on the actions of the developing world — where most labor growth will occur in this century. If it adopts the “European” work model — working shorter hours and taking more vacation — instead of the “American” model, with its longer hours and shorter vacations, there could be a real reduction in global warming.

The “European” model could prevent as much as half of the expected global temperature rise by 2100, according to the Center for Economic Policy and Research, a liberal think tank in Washington, D.C. The reduction is attributed to lower carbon emissions.

As for the United States, “we can get a similar amount of work done as productivity and technology improve,” said economist David Rosnick, author of the study. “It’s something we have to decide as a country — there are economic models in which individuals get to decide their hours and are still similarly productive as they are now.”

However, he pointed out that the analysis is flawed: the study didn’t take into account the rise in telecommuting, or what a person does with all those free hours. Driving or flying to a vacation spot will still use carbon. But maybe if we’re less stressed out by work on a regular basis, the need to ‘get away’ will be less strong — and we can focus our extra personal energy into living in better harmony with the Earth.


Planet Waves

What to Wear on Valentine’s Day

If you dare to wear your heart on your sleeve, soon there’ll be a dress to match: the “Intimacy 2.0.” The fabric of this dress, still in prototype stage, goes transparent when the wearer becomes sexually aroused. It is made of leather ribbons and opaque “e-foils”, which change their opacity in response to heart rate.

“Intimacy 2.0 is a fashion project exploring the relation between intimacy and technology,” said Daan Roosegaarde, the dress’s designer. “Technology is used here not merely functionally but also as a tool to create intimacy as well as privacy on a direct, personal level, which in our contemporary tech society is becoming increasingly important.”

It’s not clear how anyone interested in genuine intimacy is more likely to find it by wearing this dress — rather than, say, initiating a frank and honest conversation about their desires. And the notion of true ‘privacy’ is losing its street cred the further we get into the digital age. But Intimacy 2.0 certainly gets points for upping the vulnerability factor — anyone wearing it better be ready to admit what’s going on for them.

If it’s the “irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired” (as Robert Frost once described love) that’s triggering the dress — and not, say, nervousness at being out in public in transparent clothing — being seen without one’s usual masks might do us all some good.


Planet Waves

Almost Equal: British Gay Marriage Gets Closer

Lawmakers in the U.K. voted to legalize gay marriage by a wide margin on Tuesday, though the bill still has several legislative hurdles to clear before it’s a done deal, including another vote in the House of Commons and a vote in the House of Lords.

“Today is an important day. I’m a strong believer in marriage. It helps people commit to each other, and I think it’s right that gay people should be able to get married, too,” said British Prime Minister David Cameron before Tuesday’s vote. He continued, “This is, yes, about equality. But it’s also about making our society stronger. I know there are strong views on both sides of the argument; I respect that. But I think this is an important step forward for our country.”

Whether or not marriage makes society stronger is up for grabs — though it certainly keeps certain industries healthy, from gown designers and wedding planners to divorce lawyers. (Although, interestingly, the British divorce rate has dropped over the last couple years.)

And the idea that marriage “helps people commit to each other” is questionable, at best; there’s a difference between being ‘devoted’ versus being ‘comfortable’ or ‘stuck’, though surely some people do find strength in their marriage vows to continue growing together through challenges as a couple. Either way, allowing people of all genders and orientations the option for their union to be legally recognized is a step toward social parity – especially in the areas of health and health care costs.


Planet Waves

Monsanto Ordered to Clean Up Dioxin Mess

A state judge has approved a $93 million settlement of a class-action lawsuit brought against Monsanto by thousands of residents of Nitro, West Virginia, and surrounding areas. The lawsuit accused Monsanto of dioxin contamination stemming from a 1949 incident at its former chemical plant in Nitro.

The settlement, however, is a pittance compared to the company’s profits. And Monsanto seems to have followed a strategy that has worked well for it in the past: keep litigating until the people suing them eventually die. That’s a useful strategy, given the life-shortening properties of Monsanto products and byproducts.

What became known as the “Nitro incident” involved a runaway reaction in a pressurized vessel used to make the Vietnam-era defoliant Agent Orange. The explosion caused a massive release of dioxin into the plant and the surrounding environment.

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Monsanto’s chemical plant in Nitro, WV, scene of a 1949 accident that led to the discovery of dioxin. Photo: Wikimedia.

It has a special place in Monsanto history for at least three reasons: first, in the aftermath of this event, dioxin and its stunning toxicity were first discovered. Second, Monsanto conducted experiments on Nitro workers, i.e., humans, in an attempt to understand its toxicity.

Last, three fraudulent retrospective studies were done by scientists controlled by Monsanto, which planted into the scientific literature the notion that dioxin is less toxic than industry previously thought. Those studies, which came out between 1978 and 1984, have never been withdrawn from the scientific record as flawed, even though this has been established by the courts and the EPA. These studies have appeared in such journals as Environmental Science Research and The Journal of the American Medical Association.

After the 1949 explosion, not only did dioxin contaminate fish in the area’s Kanawha River, but the lawsuit also alleged that contaminated dust “was carried by prevailing winds over the town of Nitro, surrounding communities and the plaintiffs’ homes and businesses.”

The approval by Circuit Judge Derek Swope makes the plaintiffs eligible for medical monitoring and property cleanup.

Dioxin, a chemical byproduct of the production of defoliant Agent Orange, has been linked to hormone disruption, immune system damage, birth defects, learning disabilities, endometriosis, infertility and suppressed immune functions. It’s the most potent cancer promoter known to science. Dioxin builds up in tissue over time, so even small amounts can lead to dangerous (and what are called cascading) effects.

Last February, Monsanto agreed to a 30-year medical monitoring program as part of the settlement, with a primary fund of $21 million for initial testing and up to $63 million more, depending on what levels of dioxin are found in residents, according to a local newspaper.

Monsanto also agreed to spend $9 million cleaning 4,500 homes in the area to rid them of dioxin-contaminated dust, notably, 63 years after the original incident. From observing many dioxin situations, though, it’s highly unlikely that “contaminated dust” can be removed from a structure.

The residents retain their right to future personal injury lawsuits if they develop illnesses that can be traced back to dioxin contamination, for as long as they’re on the planet to sue — and assuming they have a few decades and the money they would need to fight.

“These settlements allow the citizens of Nitro and the surrounding area to turn the page on this chapter of their history,” Swope wrote, gushing with optimism. “These settlements are in the public interest because a potentially hazardous situation can be addressed.”

To read more about the Nitro incident and its aftermath, read this article by Eric.


Planet Waves

It’s All in the Timing — and the DNA: King Richard’s Remains

After months of investigating a skeleton excavated in central England and testing its DNA, archeologists at the University of Leicester have confirmed that remains found in August are in fact those of King Richard III, “beyond reasonable doubt.” The results will undoubtedly get a peer review, but in the meantime history buffs and Shakespearean scholars face reconsidering how the last Plantagenet king of England, killed in the Battle of Bosworth Field, has been portrayed for over 500 years.

Archeologists had already matched up the curvature of the skeleton’s spine to Richard III’s scoliosis, and the wounds (some to the head, likely fatal, plus several “humiliation injuries” incurred after death) fit written descriptions of the body’s mistreatment before being laid to rest. The skeleton was discovered in what had once been Leicester’s Greyfriars friary, the exact location of the grave having been lost after centuries of demolition and rebuilding on the site.

Perhaps most arresting is that scientists were within a generation of never being able to confirm the skeleton’s identity. The two people used for the DNA testing — Canadian cabinetmaker Michael Ibsen, who is a direct descendant of Richard III’s sister, Anne of York, and another who wishes to remain anonymous — are both the last of their family lines.

On Monday, researchers announced that the remains would be reinterred in Leicester Cathedral, the closest church to the original gravesite. The memorial service will likely be held early next year.

Supporters of the fabled king, including the Richard III Society, hope the discovery will prompt scholars to reconsider the way he has been portrayed.

“Shakespeare paints a picture of Richard as a scheming, plotting villain always aiming for the throne, but if that was the case, why didn’t he kill the king?” asks historian John Ashdown Hill, author of The Last Days of Richard III. “That would have been the easiest way, but he served his brother loyally for over 20 years.”

Richard III might have offered his kingdom for a horse in his last moments on the battlefield; had his skeleton not been found for another 20 years, archeologists would have been offering the same for a single strand of hair to match it to — and facing many winters of discontent.


Planet Waves

Interview on the Centaurs with Melanie Reinhart

Melanie Reinhart is my guest in this week’s edition of Planet Waves FM. We cover Nessus in Aquarius, the discovery of the centaurs and the healing messages of these planets. We will be talking about the centaur planets and in particular Nessus in Aquarius, which has been big news the past few weeks. This is a breakthrough discussion on the understanding of the centaurs.

Planet Waves

Melanie is the author of Chiron and the Healing Journey, the most comprehensive book on Chiron, as well as Saturn, Chiron and the Centaurs: To the Edge and Beyond and Incarnation: The Four Angles and the Moon’s Nodes. She is a leading figure in contemporary astrology, and people travel from around the world to attend her classes and seminars. She’s a good friend of mine and has offered many interviews.

Chiron and the Healing Journey is now available as an eBook for kindle and other formats. Melanie is offering Planet Waves a substantial discount. Entering the coupon MM28X will give readers a 30% discount. The coupon is valid until the next Full Moon (Feb. 25).

Here is that movie Melanie references, featuring many centaurs — Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief.
I also mention an article about Gabrielle Giffords and Jared Loughner.


Planet Waves

Your Monthly Horoscopes — and our Publishing Schedule Notes

The February monthly horoscope was published Friday, Jan. 25. Inner Space for February was published Tuesday, Jan. 29. We published the Moonshine Horoscope for the Aquarius New Moon on Tuesday, Feb. 5. Please note that Moonshine horoscopes by Genevieve will now occur twice per month, for each Full and New Moon. I recommend reviewing the monthly horoscope at the end of the month. Please note that the longer monthly horoscope is being incorporated into the Friday issue after the Sun has entered a new sign; a new Inner Space is still emailed on the following Tuesday.


Planet Waves

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Feb. 8, 2013 #937 | By Eric Francis

Aquarius Birthdays This Week

If you have a birthday anywhere in the vicinity, you know this is a tipping-point moment for you, a point of no return. You may be reconsidering very nearly everything — including the direction of your life and where you want to go from here. Do not be distracted by any dark or fearful ideas you may have about yourself.

Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

They are not actually you, and their deeper source is more like ancestral baggage than it is some active experience or behavior. Access your passion and your desire for beauty in all its forms and you will provide yourself with a new basis for living, a new point of contact with yourself and the experience of authentic meaning. You are, in truth, being drawn to a much larger idea of who you are, and being invited to participate in the world in much deeper ways than you ever have before.

I recognize from your charts that you may have your moments of doubt and insecurity — just like children, just like the greatest artists, just like everyone. They may manifest in a form that seems larger than life, though that’s merely a reflection of your true creative power. Go past the doubt; go beyond needing a reason not to doubt, and simply dare to be who you are.

Note to Aquarius and Aquarius rising readers: Your 2013 birthday reading is ready. In every way this is different from your LISTEN reading (there is always so much to comment on in the astrology). It’s priced to be affordable — $19.95 for an hour of astrology and a tarot reading. Get instant access here.

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — In the cosmic scheme, your sign is the one designed to be about assertion and action. With Mars currently in Pisces, life may not be presenting you with clear direction; you seem to be lacking a tangible sense of where you are at the moment. This is an invitation inward. Yes, there are other influences that are heightening your desire for social contact, though I suggest you ask yourself whether these are offering you what you want, or presenting a distraction or worse, a source of needless drama. You may have the sense that you’ll find someone you want, someone you’ve been looking for, ‘out there somewhere’, though I suggest you question that theory at least long enough to see whether the one you’re looking for isn’t right inside you. One other point to consider this week: this is a time of completions rather than of beginnings. Yes, there’s a New Moon coming up — which you could say initiates a time of closure and resolution that extends from now until your birthday.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).


Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — You may be wondering how you’re going to handle all this responsibility; your astrology answers that in two words: organization and cooperation. The first word implies the second — an organization is a cooperative enterprise. If you feel like you’re pushing against something immovable, it will help if you invoke the collective mind and develop new ideas. This may not be straightforward, and you will need to be in a coordinating role. What you need to be doing is keeping track of all of the ideas and variables surrounding a particular seemingly intractable situation, and see the whole picture in composite rather than fixating on any small piece of it. From there, it will become clear that certain ideas are more useful than others. Make sure you evaluate the impact of every option. The law of unintended consequences is in full force and effect. Therefore, you need to think in multiple dimensions and anticipate the problems that any potential solution might create — and change course sooner rather than later.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).


Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Many factors are trying to call your attention to the ways in which it’s time to take control of your life. This is not going to be instantaneous, nor should it take ‘forever’. While you may be inclined to think you want to get your career in order, the matter at hand is much larger. This is about taking back authority over all of your affairs, though to do that, you will need to see the places where you’ve given up that authority, or had it taken from you — beginning with your parents. Along the way, you may vacillate between thinking you’re a force to be reckoned with and fearing that you have no power whatsoever. Both are distortions. You tend to think in absolutes; in this instance, seeing shades of gray and different hues of color will help you. I suggest you plan for a rethinking process as you make each decision. You will not be arriving at final destinations; stop first and see where you are and how it feels to be there. Then decide what to do next.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).


Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — There are those days when we seem to live in a world of the self-centered and superficial. It’s frustrating if you’re one of those people who practices self-awareness, because a little goes a long way, though it comes at a cost. And what cost would that be? Well, self-awareness is the antidote for hypocrisy, and not being a hypocrite puts one at a voluntary disadvantage. Anyway, for the moment, you will be encountering some people who cannot see past their own self-interest, and it will help immensely if you recognize them for who they are. You should have the information you need to sort this out fairly quickly after you meet someone. You then will have the option to forget what you discovered, or put the information to work. If someone is not interested in anyone or anything besides themselves, as evidenced primarily by their actions, then you cannot logically expect them to be of any help to you. This is not an accident; it’s a way of life, and I’m here to tell you that you have a different agenda.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).


Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — This weekend’s New Moon is encouraging you to see the widest possible picture; to think systemically. I suggest you do this as you solve every seemingly small, separate problem. Look up from what you’re doing and consider the total circumstance — the human as well as the technical; the psychological as well as the emotional. If you are noticing a world in crisis, it’s about the lack of faith in love, and the expectation of betrayal. The people around you need more emotional contact, though they may seem to be indicating otherwise. That contact doesn’t need to drain you, though there are several distinct stresses on your energy at the moment. Contact is just that — it starts with hello; with a basic acknowledgment of existence. It includes being somewhat consistent, even a bit persistent, making sure that others know that you care and that you have their best interests at heart. They may not seem appreciative, though I assure you that they are.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).


Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Certain relationship situations seem to be at a boiling point, and you may feel like people are transgressing your boundaries left, right and center. It’s up to you, therefore, to be the gatekeeper in your own life. The challenge here is about your emotional investment in those who might cross some line that you may not have clearly articulated. To speak up may feel like you’re betraying someone. This is a form of codependency not often called what it is, mainly because it’s considered normal behavior. It may be normal but it’s not helpful, particularly to you. I suggest that you get clear with yourself about what you want and don’t want. Then make sure that others know your position before they act on some other assumption. The key is before, not after, so I suggest that — though it might seem difficult — you get your situation sorted out. As for the betrayal piece, it’s not true — it’s a holdover from another era of your life. The only person you have to worry about betraying is yourself.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).


Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — In our society at our time in history, there is no aspect of sex that’s not touched or compromised by the abuse of trust or power. This is one reason why sexual situations typically become so complicated so fast. We can find ourselves involved with abuse survivors; we might find ourselves involved with perpetrators. Yet one of the core hypocrisies is that most of the time, we tend to see ourselves as neither. You can safely assume you’re somewhere in the system because you grew up in the midst of all of this. The typical way to deal with this situation is to ignore it, but you’re at the point where that’s no longer possible. The thing you may be feeling is that to confront this web of psychological and sexual intrigue, you have to take a chance — and if so, I would agree with that. All progress requires taking a chance. In this case, the chance is akin to H.G. Wells’ metaphor of how the one-eyed man in the land of the blind is considered crazy — because he can tell light from dark and night from day. It’s worth the risk.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).


Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Often the most interesting aspects of people can be found in the places they’ve been hurt. This is true whether they’ve dealt with the injury or not; it’s more convenient for everyone if they have. Hey, it’s more convenient for everyone if you have as well, and apropos of Scorpio, the question of the moment is where some aspect of ‘sexual’ intersects with some aspect of ‘spiritual’. Or more accurately, you’ll find it in the place where sexual has been ripped apart from spiritual. There is more in this split than you may recognize, since it’s actually about severing you from your creative power. It’s also about whether you have an inherent respect for life. Sex is not something to be consumed, tolerated or used as a bargaining chip. It’s the creative core of existence — and how you feel about sex is exactly how you feel about life. Therefore, I suggest you consider carefully how you feel about sex and why. This includes what you say and do not say, and why; what you do and don’t do, and why.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).


Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Sagittarius has one of the coolest and grooviest reputations of all the signs, though secretly, I believe this is one of the most reserved and even conservative signs of the zodiac. Part of this is how you tend to think — in fixed patterns and abstract ways rather than the tangible and the concrete. And those patterns and abstractions can easily get hung up on themselves. Every now and then you reach a point where you simply have to flex your mind in new directions. You might have to make a decision you’ve been avoiding until the last possible moment. You might have to face some unpleasant fact and then deal with it — and when these times come, you can be bold and decisive. That’s about where you are today. Sunday’s New Moon will help you go even deeper — you can address what we could call a systemic issue, some quality of how you tend to think all the time that you may not have given a name to yet. Now, it’s likely to be visible and in clear focus, to the point of being obvious.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).


Planet Waves

Note to Capricorn and Capricorn rising readers: Your birthday reading is ready. It’s a whole new thing, separate from LISTEN, covering different subject matter. It includes two sessions of astrology, a tarot reading, an extended description of your astrological sign, the charts and spreads used in the creation of the work, as well as access to last year’s reading so you can check for accuracy. You can order that here.

Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — For both of the Saturn-ruled signs (yours and Aquarius), self-esteem is the issue of the season, though there are subtle shades of distinction in how that will manifest. For you, there seems to be a titanic struggle to let go of an idea about yourself that is not true, and which is not working to further the course of your life. You need to know what that idea is, so you can change your mind about it. It’s likely to be something that you’ve always taken for granted, and which was supported, or implanted, by the people who were around you when you were much younger. There is some element of what you had to say or do in order to have their approval, which may have included going along with things that violated your conscience. You’ve reached the place in your growth where you cannot persist in thinking or doing anything that goes against your ethics, and that seems to be the focus of the moment — and it may feel like a kind of squeeze point.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).


Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Have your persistent self-doubt and self-questioning actually gotten you anywhere? They may have, though not as far as you think, and even if so, whatever purpose it had now seems to be served. Get used to the idea that self-improvement doesn’t necessarily improve you. What does? Let’s see — it looks like your passion for beauty is both helpful and in full bloom right now. Beauty might come in any form of art or music, talents I would be surprised if you would hear any astrologer ascribe to your sign. However, we both know you deeply value them, though you may not have come as far as counting yourself in. I suggest you do that. There are spiritual and psychological approaches to growth and healing, and if you ask me most of them are getting pretty old. And then there is the creative approach, which is always new, and which is designed to get your whole brain thinking, feeling and growing.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).


Planet Waves

Note to Aquarius and Aquarius rising readers: Your birthday reading is ready. I cover entirely new territory from what I did in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition. I review the ways in which Aquarius itself has been changing and evolving. I describe your process of discovering your sense of mission; of opening up your inner life; and relationships based on creative exploration first and ‘commitment’ second. It’s two sessions of astrology plus tarot, with an extended description of your sign coming soon — and access to last year’s reading so that you can verify my accuracy. You can get instant access here.

Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — This is a moment of passion, drive and clarity for you. Yet on a deeper level, it’s a moment of authentic alchemy and some truly mysterious transitions. Mars and so many other planets in your sign might be a caution not to overdo things, though I would say you would be better advised to use this moment to focus your intentions and your plans and get into action — now. You know what you need to know, including about yourself; you’ve done all the sorting out you need to do. Therefore, act on what you want. Make the changes you need, and don’t let anyone stop you. You have some unusual mojo going at the moment. I would, however, remind you of its real source — your inner life. As I emphasized extensively in your annual reading, the two fish of Pisces are the introvert and the extravert. This is a moment of contact with the world, of asserting yourself and figuring out that there is room for you here. The other side of this is honoring your interior space, the space where nobody else can really meet you. That is the real source of your inspiration and momentum. If you want the best guidance and the real facts, meet yourself there regularly.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).


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Notes from Virgo: Use Your Intelligence

Dear Friend and Reader:

At the recent United Astrology Conference, astrologer/activist Caroline Casey noted that Pluto has left Sagittarius, but it seems that nobody has informed world leaders of that fact. What I understood her to be saying is that the Pluto in Sagittarius vibe of obsession over ideology, fanatical religious ideas and true-believership is still going strong, even though Pluto started its transition into Capricorn in 2008.

Planet Waves
Front door of the Hermitage, Omega Institute. Photo by Eric.

Sagittarius is usually considered a sign associated with religion and beliefs, and under the influence of Pluto these became relentless influences, infiltrating every area of life. The 15-year Pluto in Sagittarius era (spanning 1995-2009) featured the consolidation of religious power in the United States, as well as the American Taliban vs. the Taliban in the ongoing religious crusade known as the ‘War on Terror’. Supposed ministers of Jesus preached the gospel of war to stoke up their conservative congregations.

What most astrologers don’t know is that there are many other slow-moving points still in Sagittarius. They don’t have the reputation of Pluto, because they were discovered more recently and because fewer astrologers use and write about them. One reason for this is that the newer discoveries are classified as ‘minor’ planets and are therefore considered suspect by most astrologers, particularly those who have not investigated them.

Current activity in Sagittarius offers a descriptive, useful picture of the insanity that we’re currently experiencing in politics, which is in effect a continuing takeover of government by religion. I wish this were an exaggeration, though you can see it everywhere you look. Just this week, President Obama revised the Democratic Party’s platform to include the term “God” and state that Jerusalem is the proper capital of Israel, according to the news website Politico.com. Note that the U.S. Constitution specifically prohibits what it calls a “religious test” for suitability for office; too bad the news hasn’t got out yet.

And the Democrats are supposedly the less religiously driven party. It was the Republicans who in the early 1980s turned fundamentalist churches into political clubhouses, and implemented abstinence-only indoctrination into public schools.

Planet Waves
Someone’s parody of God at his computer, based on Gary Larson. Now that He’s been included in the Democratic national platform, he will smile on the Earth and finally bless America. Then again, it could be the delete key.

This ban on sex education, resulting in propagated ignorance, has evolved into candidates openly campaigning to criminalize abortion, proposing laws designed to humiliate women who seek reproductive health care, and even to take down the Supreme Court’s famous 1965 Griswold v. Connecticut decision. That ruling prevents states from banning the use of birth control by individuals within their private spaces. Yes, there was a time recently when a state could ban the sale of condoms on some allegedly moral ground. In our system of law, one Supreme Court decision is a foundation for the next, and Griswold establishes the right to privacy — the foundation on which Roe v. Wade is built. If Griswold goes, so does Roe — and they know that.

It’s too easy to lose sight of the fact that these are values driven by religion, not by ethics, reason, science or good public health policy. Americans live in a country where freedom of religion is enshrined in the Bill of Rights, though that means the right to practice your religion without government interference — not the right of government to impose religious values onto the people. Indeed, that freedom from imposition is the very essence of freedom of religion. ‘Get your laws off of my body’ was in the Revolutionary era about ‘get your laws off of my soul’. This seems to be happening a little more every day, even though slow-moving Pluto has moseyed into Capricorn, where it seems to be delivering into government all the mojo that it collected while in Sagittarius.

As I pointed out last week, Pluto was at the center of a nearly century-long conspiracy to get astrology to use at least one minor planet: itself. Pluto was from its discovery in 1930 through its reclassification in 2006 considered a ‘major’ planet. We now know that it’s one of many objects (there are currently more than 1,000 known) in the Kuiper Belt, the region of space just past Neptune earning it a place in the minor planet catalog as (134340) Pluto.

And it turns out that currently, there are a bunch of those planets concentrated in Sagittarius, including (among others) a Pluto-like point called Ixion, as well as Chiron-like points (centaurs) Pholus and Hylonome. These are concentrated around a deep-space point I mention from time to time called the Great Attractor, which is like an enormous energetic catapult that has the main quality of polarizing things.

This combination of forces describes a real spiritual crisis. By that, I mean things like good and evil trading places, killing in the name of love, and politicians going up to the podium drunk with power, imagining they’re standing at the bully pulpit of the universe. Most of what they spout is some form of hatred of women, or of humanity.

Planet Waves
Jupiter and its early Earth-like moon Io photographed by New Horizons in 2008. The New Horizons mission is scheduled to reach Pluto in 2015, and will return the first detailed images of that system, which we have never seen in detail. Photo: New Horizons/NASA-JPL.

I bring this up now because the mid-Virgo Sun (along with Mercury) is making aspects to these points in Sagittarius. Virgo and Sagg are both mutable signs, so what happens to one happens to the other, though in a different way.

In our era, the Sun aspects all of these Sagittarius planets every time it passes through the middle of one of the mutable signs (which also include Gemini and Pisces). This weekend the Moon passes through Gemini, forming the last quarter Moon, so we will be getting the energy from two different directions.

Virgo is a sign associated with logic, reason and other forms of mental power. It’s also the sign of the goddess, that is, the feminine attribute of cosmic presence and wisdom. At the moment, this quality is clashing with what seems to be some pretty intense (though potentially subtle) conflict, centered just around the corner in Sagittarius.

Now, if you happen to be born with the Sun, Moon or ascendant in Sagittarius, you’re experiencing this on a personal level, and one possible manifestation is as a spiritual crisis. Spiritual usually translates to existential: a question about existence (often signified by your Sun sign or rising sign), which happens to be going around on a pandemic scale. You may not, however, be experiencing personally some of the darker manifestations I am about to describe as being part of events unfolding in Sagittarius, though you could be picking it up as legacy material (ancestral, karmic or associated with past lives).

On another personal astrology note, this configuration may have additional personal meaning if you’re born between approximately March 1-10, June 1-10, September 1-10 and November 1-10. Just remember, this astrology seems to manifest differently in the private realm than it does in the collective or political realm — though there is a connection between the two. For example, a spiritual weakness in an individual or mass of individuals can be exploited by someone looking to gain political power.

Let’s go over the points involved one by one. Ixion presents us with the factor of amorality. It’s the embodiment of the idea that there is no such thing as right and wrong. There is, of course, but Ixion acts as if these things don’t matter. I take this a level deeper; I think that Ixion reminds us that anyone is capable of anything. It’s just that some of us make more wholesome choices than others, or do the work of having personal ethics.

When you put Ixion into the spiritual or religious context of Sagittarius, the combination can be nasty, mainly because religion is supposed to be a study in morals. If the religion’s own moral law is that anything goes, all kinds of cruelty can be perpetuated in the name of God. This has often been true, particularly from what we know of the past 2,000 years — though the astrology we have today is a picture of our situation today.

Ixion is joined by two faster-moving (though still relatively slow, therefore potent) minor planets. One is Hylonome (pronounced hy-la-no-me), which sums up the plight of the victims of that cruelty. This centaur planet is also associated with the grieving process, as well as with situations where there is a total loss of individuality, usually when a woman’s identity is subsumed or offered to that of a man. The combination of Ixion and Hylonome feels like people’s own pain being used as a psychological weapon against them.

Then there’s Pholus. This is like adding a high-pressure element that forces the above out of a bottle and sprays it directly at humanity. Pholus also possesses a kind of value-neutrality; it adds emphasis, force and urgency — and a sense of immediacy, but adds nothing at all in the way of discernment or ethical principles (much unlike Chiron that way). Pholus is the ‘seize the moment’ factor that we see being used by these forces — the take any opportunity to get the point across, as long as the point gets you power, money or votes.

Finally, in the background of this, just a few degrees away, is the Great Attractor. This is a deep-space point located far beyond the edge of our own galaxy, and one of its main properties is to polarize people, emotions, events and so on. As if the Ixion-Hylonome-Pholus combination is not reactive enough, the Great Attractor ramps it up a few orders of magnitude, pulsing out of Sagittarius like it’s a matter of do-or-die.

Now does everything make a little more sense?

I didn’t think so.

What’s particularly disturbing is that all of this faux-morality is being pushed on people as the only issue that matters when there is a lot else that needs our attention. Yet it should not be such a big mystery why a program about obsession over the rights of a fetus comes along with denial of global warming, ignoring the mess in the prisons, supporting the death penalty and pretending government has no job. It’s all part of the same refusal to deal with reality. By the way — while I’ve spoken mostly of the United States, it’s not just here. If you live outside the U.S., look around; you may notice many of the same things happening, though perhaps with a little better PR spin.

Planet Waves
Chart showing planets in the mid-mutable signs. Some of the Sagittarius planets are at the top right of the chart, including Pholus, Ixion and Hylonome. The planets opposite those, in Gemini, are Jupiter, the Moon and Vesta. In Pisces, to the left, are Neptune, Chiron and Borasisi (another point related to religion and belief). Finally, in Virgo are Mercury and the Sun. The point in late Leo is Transpluto, about to enter Virgo after spending about 80 years in Leo.

Here in the States, religiosity is going to have a bigger impact than we think on the November presidential election. In the days before the election, Mars comes through the alignment in Sagittarius, stirring up these issues and getting ‘the base’ all fired up. Juno, associated with marriage, social justice and the bone of contention, is right there as well, and that’s likely to show up as the ‘defense of marriage’ (which means homophobia).

And Mercury stations retrograde in Sagittarius that very day, another indicator of the influence of religion on this particular election, amidst what looks like a total meltdown of the electoral process, as one of my astrology study buddies describes it. The thing is, for quite a while, religion has played a bigger role in government than most have noticed.

A few days ago, Sun Myung Moon died. While he’s widely believed to have been a cult leader, he was much more — with tentacles enmeshed in politics and business on many levels, who owned land in all 50 states and around the world, and who would do things like fund movements to legitimize the use of chemical toxins — all while claiming to be the messiah. His mass marriage rituals were pure stagecraft to perfect his image as cult leader. You could say that this is the role of religion, in many other contexts.

Novelist Alexander Chee summed up his game in an email to me this week: “He was, no doubt, a canny operator, and his opposition to North Korea is ironic: both he and Kim Jong Il claimed messiah-like statuses. So he was really a sort of anti-Communist reflection to Kim — the Moon as it were to his Sun — we see two Korean men trying to claim God on Earth status. In a strange way, Moon’s seemingly batty religious antics was the cover for a powerful political machine that was in turn a cover for a profit-making core that benefited him more or less alone — much the way North Korea is run.”

In an article I found this week, Salon.com described a 2008 “coronation ceremony” for Moon in the Senate Office Building that was attended by 12 members of Congress. Here is how Salon.com described the affair:

On March 23 [2004], the Dirksen Senate Office Building was the scene of a coronation ceremony for Rev. Sun Myung Moon, owner of the conservative Washington Times newspaper and UPI wire service, who was given a bejeweled crown by Rep. Danny K. Davis, D-Ill. Afterward, Moon told his bipartisan audience of Washington power players he would save everyone on Earth as he had saved the souls of Hitler and Stalin — the murderous dictators had been born again through him, he said. In a vision, Moon said the reformed Hitler and Stalin vouched for him, calling him “none other than humanity’s Savior, Messiah, Returning Lord and True Parent.”

To many observers, this bizarre scene would have looked like the apocalypse as depicted in “Left Behind” novels. Moon, 84, the benefactor of conservative foundations like the American Family Coalition — who served time in the 1980s for tax fraud and conspiracy to obstruct justice — has views somewhere to the right of the Taliban’s Mullah Omar. Moon preaches that gays are “dung-eating dogs,” Jews brought on the Holocaust by betraying Jesus, and the U.S. Constitution should be scrapped in favor of a system he calls “Godism” — with him in charge. The man crowned “King of Peace” by congressmen once said, according to sermons reprinted in his church’s Unification News: “Suppose I were to hit you with the baseball bat to stop you, bloodying your ear and breaking a bone or two, yet still you insisted on doing more work for Father.”

People actually fall for this shit — and I don’t just mean Moonies. I mean a lot of politicians around the world who played the game with Moon, and who will keep playing the game without him. Part of this game involves religion being a ruse, cloaking over the concentration of raw power and money. It just happens to be an especially powerful one — tapping into people’s deepest fears, their confusion and sense of mystery about life, and most of all, their guilt and their apprehension around authority.

At the moment, we have another influence: the Sun and Mercury in Virgo, which are saying: use your intelligence.



Planet Waves

Gemini Quarter Moon: Keep Your Mind On

This weekend is the last quarter Moon in Gemini. We’ll have an aspect between the Moon in a mutable sign and the Sun in another mutable sign (Virgo). Lots of mutable energy — particularly when both signs are naturally associated with Virgo — can make for nervous mental energy, as well as an explosion of ideas.

Planet Waves
Up close and personal: here are planets covering from 14-19 of the mutable signs — right in the zone where the quarter Moon is. This is called a 90-degree sort because the planets cover a narrow cross that touches Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces. Most of these are slow-moving points with a lot of impact. They’re similar to Chiron, Pluto or 1992 QB1. Though they provide rich fodder for interpretation and a way to measure the influence of a chart, most astrologers don’t bother with them. Calculation by Serennu.com. See full list here.

Indeed, from the moment the Moon ingressed Gemini Friday at 12:09 am EDT (that is, overnight Thursday to Friday in most time zones) the pace and volume of both words and ideas is likely to increase. The Moon makes many aspects while it’s in Gemini (where it will be till Sunday just before 1 pm EDT, when the Moon ingresses Cancer and a new story begins).

Part of why there are so many aspects being made by the Gemini Moon is that the Sun and Mercury are in Virgo, Neptune and Chiron are in Pisces, and there’s still a whole spaceship full of planets in Sagittarius. Most of them are smaller points orbiting our Sun that you probably haven’t heard of till now (Pholus, Ixion, Hylonome), which are begging some extremely pertinent spiritual questions.

And, over the next few days, both the Sun and the Moon will be making aspects to all these little troublemakers in Sagittarius. By spiritual questions, I really do mean obvious questions. I’m not splitting hairs here between the astral and the etheric planes, or debating whether crop circles can properly be called 7th dimensional phenomena.

No, I am asking whether something that’s cruel and manipulative can be called love, or said to be the product of spiritual evolution. I’m asking whether suspending any ethics in one’s own conduct can rightly be seen as a good example for anyone. And I’m asking what’s happened to what used to be a value about setting an example for those younger (and sometimes older) than ourselves.

I suggest you take extra steps to notice who around you is struggling, and what you can help with. I suggest you consider earnestly your own deepest questions or apprehensions about life, and respond to them in a way that’s compassionate and creative. Depending on how your chart is set up, you may be feeling some of this poignantly, whether it’s your own fear about unresolved material in your past, to the fact that you can no longer stand around and do nothing while criminals take over the whole planet, your company or your community.

Meanwhile, I suggest that if the problem is identified in a coherent way, then the solutions will come right along with it. Astrology doesn’t merely throw us paradoxes; every equation has many solutions, and I suggest you use this brilliantly intuitive, intellectually potent astrology to go from one to the other.


Planet Waves

Obama Accepts Nomination; Was Moon Void?

Things have an odd way of happening with the Moon void-of-course when Obama is around. For those not familiar with the term, a Moon void is the astrological equivalent of a foul ball. No matter how good it looks, if the ball sails to the right of the right field foul line, it’s nothing more than a souvenir.

Planet Waves
Eastern section (nocturnal side) of chart for Obama accepting the Democratic presidential nomination. This is the ascendant at the moment he accepts. The late Taurus Moon (you can tell it’s late because its number is so close to 30) is crossing its own South Node, as well as making a conjunction to what’s called the osculating apogee — a hypothetical point involving the Moon’s orbit. The Moon is also square another hypothetical point called Transpluto. So what we have here is a void-of-course Moon that’s making aspects to three non-tangible points, including two that are hypothetical. Is the Moon really void-of-course? It certainly seems to be guided, if only by subtle forces. See full chart here.

Technically, a Moon void is when the Moon has separated from the last major aspect to the latest planet in its current sign. Said another way, it’s late in degrees (close to 30, the number of degrees in a sign) and it won’t make any new aspects till it enters the next sign. This happens at least briefly every time the Moon changes signs (two or three times a week).

Most notably, the Moon was void when he took office at noon on Jan. 1, 2009. That came along with being sworn in a second time, if you recall Chief Justice Roberts’ making the late-night trip to the White House to re-cast the spell. There was also a Moon void on election day 2008; the Moon changed signs. And though I can’t think of examples off the top of my head, the Moon has been void at a few other key moments. I’ve associated this with the drifting feeling that the administration has had for long stretches of time.

So, I was not surprised to see the Moon passing through the last degree of Taurus when he accepted the Democratic nomination last night. The thing is, the Moon was done making aspects to planets, but it was conjunct its own South Node, as well as a lunar point called the osculating apogee (or Black Moon Lilith). Neither of these points are tangible and technically, according to the old rules of astrology, these aspects don’t count as aspects for the purpose of preventing a void Moon. [Note, I covered this aspect pattern in Thursday’s Daily Astrology post.]

Finally, the Moon was square another hypothetical point called Transpluto. This is a thing that exists in the minds of astrologers, astrology charts and a few scattered explanations here and there — and nowhere else. So we had the Moon in very late Taurus making aspects to three intangible points at the same time. To me, the implication here is that the ball is indeed in play, but that it’s being guided by subtle forces and that Obama, if he wins, is going to pass through a narrow opening.

The strange thing about the South Node is its association to the past. The Moon there describes some kind of old story — not four years old, but going much further back than that (the South Node can take us into past lifetimes). The story is influenced by things we cannot see.

One interesting quality of the Black Moon Lilith (the osculating apogee) is its association with what you can think of as the dark feminine — the psychological factors. I believe that of the two candidates for president, Obama is the one who respects women more. The Taurus Moon is strong no matter what (in its sign of exaltation). Yet we can see that it’s dealing with influences not available to normal perception.

I think that in the end, this election — to the extent that it’s really an election — is going to come down to women and the issues that affect them the most. Or so we can hope. Certainly there are plenty of them, though a lot of people seem like they’re in the mood to roll over and give up the rest of their power.


Planet Waves

A moment from Burning Man 2012

Planet Waves
Photo by Jim Urkuhart.


Planet Waves

Planet Waves monthly horoscopes provide a broader perspective that surveys the themes of the coming month and often, the weeks that follow. The September Monthly horoscope was published Friday, Aug. 24. Inner Space for September was published Tuesday, August 28. The August Moonshine Horoscope was published Friday, Aug. 17. Please note that the longer monthly horoscope (published Friday, Aug. 24) is being incorporated into the Friday issue after the Sun has entered a new sign; Inner Space still publishes on Tuesdays.


Planet Waves

Friday, September 7, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #916 | Eric’s Zodiac Sign Descriptions

Virgo Birthdays This Week

It’s essential that you understand how your experiences early in life have shaped you into the person you are today. In these years of your life, you’re closer to those experiences than you’ve been any time since they originally happened. You have the ability to see what it is that exists deep in your psyche as the source of your intensity. The goal of your life at this time is making sure that you don’t project your feelings, which include your insecurities and your passion, onto others. If you can interrupt that fairly typical human experience, two things can happen. You will be able to take full ownership of how you feel, and why you feel that way. And you’ll open up space for people you care about to express how they feel, which is different than what you presume they feel. Note, I’ve done a full treatment of Virgo birthdays at the Virgo birthday report.

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — This is a good time to consider your situation from a spiritual perspective. To do this you will need to explore not just the concept of ‘spiritual’ but also your relationship to the unseen world, and the way that your beliefs influence how you experience this. What I see in your chart is that there are some false beliefs that you accepted, or that were foisted on you, that bear no relationship to your true sense of God/the cosmos/your higher self. Well, none except that they stand in the way. So this process starts with an inventory of what you believe, which in turn can lead to an inventory of what you know. You can also make a list of all of the properties you believe God has, and then investigate how this contrasts with what you walk around telling yourself from moment to moment, or better still, what beliefs prompt you to take action. Here is a simple equation: What you act on is what you have faith in.

Hello Aries — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).

Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — It’s about time you made that decision to feel good about yourself, which translates to feeling like you actually belong on the planet. To do this, you’ve had to take a chance on something, though you’ve also had to be honest with yourself about some darkness that you’re struggling with. From the look of your charts, the moment you made contact with that honesty, you felt the potential to meet — or actually did meet — someone who was willing to match your energy, which has led to an experience of what seems like your real potential. If you keep doing this, which will feel like opening up a little more every day, you will see that the path you’re on is leading you in the direction of your true potential. Yet as you experience that, keep looping back around into the awareness of your deepest fears, your most distasteful attitudes and that part of you that just refuses to let go. The more you look right at these things, the more power you will have over them, and the less you’ll feel like a victim, whether of yourself or of anyone else.

Hello Taurus — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). If you would like to hear your Taurus birthday reading, please visit this link.

Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — You may be wondering what you have to give up in order to make someone happy, though I would ask whether any such arrangement can succeed at making anyone happy. I suggest you also do a little self-investigation and see where this is coming from. Everything has an origin, and this particular thought form is not an exception. One way to consider what you’re experiencing is an investigation of your relationship to authority. Any sense that something must be so, that is, the idea that anything is compulsory or will be enforced, relates to how you perceive authority. On this topic, there seems to be quite a bit of confusion coming through, seemingly from outside sources. If that’s true, I strongly suggest that you focus on your own needs, feelings and creative fire. Temporarily subtract everyone else and their agenda (or what you think their agenda is) from the picture, and see what you’re left to work with.

Hello Gemini — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). Have you listened to your birthday reading? Click here for an hour of astrology plus a tarot reading by Eric.

Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Current aspects provide the perfect environment for making substantial progress on anything that involves thinking, organizing and problem solving. If there are any writing projects you’ve been wanting to do, this is the moment not just to start but to fully engage yourself. You have access to at least two distinct levels of your mind, that I suggest you consider individually. One involves what you can think of as ‘everyday’ material, perhaps related to business functions and creative writing you would have others see. Another level offers you access to some of your innermost secrets, and this is readily accessible right now. If there’s something you’ve always wanted to say that you could not, or that you’ve struggled to get clear, try again in earnest now. I suggest you explore this particular dimension with no thought of the censors, and with no concerns that it might be read by someone else. The point of this experience is an unfiltered, direct expression of who you are and what you have to say.

Hello Cancer — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). To hear your birthday reading for the year ahead, please visit this link.

Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Your financial situation is now intimately linked to your creativity, and this may have you on edge. It’s always easier to assign success or lack thereof on external conditions, such as ‘the economy’ or whether your particular talent is the thing that people are paying for these days. That’s a consideration now, though it’s a relatively minor one. Even in ‘good times’ most people have to put their best foot forward, if they want to be rewarded for doing something that really matters to them. I don’t know anyone, no matter how talented, for whom this is not a delicate spot. Fortunately, your deepest personal resources — your intelligence, your ability to come up with ideas and your gift for communication — are directly connected to your revenue stream. Cast off the idea that you get paid a fixed amount for an hour of work. Consider that the quality of your ideas, and your gift for applying them to real-life situations, is what will translate into greater abundance, and satisfaction with your work.

Hello Leo — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). Did you miss your birthday reading? Click here to order an hour of astrology plus a Tarot reading by Eric.



Planet Waves

Hello Virgo and Virgo rising readers. I’ve just finished your 2012-2013 birthday reading. Check this link to listen to your hour-long astrology reading plus Tarot.


Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — You may be feeling like your whole childhood is in your face — your raw emotions, your cosmic questions, your expressive enthusiasm for life. Mommy, daddy, siblings, aunts and uncles, the babysitter — the whole lot of them — may be showing up like ghosts haunting your bedroom or your most sensitive inner spaces. This notion of the past occupying our lives is one that never gets enough consideration, though these specters and memories from ancient history can be looming presences. Sometimes you cannot see them; you can only feel them. At the moment, they may feel like fear — in particular, the fear that nobody in the world is actually trustworthy. You may be concerned that if you concentrate too much power and/or talent in your own hands that you too will cease to be worthy of faith. You may be concerned that if you’re too happy, others will be envious and take advantage of you. I suggest you figure out where these (or any similar) thoughts came from. I don’t think you made them up, and I imagine that you don’t want anything like this getting in the way of your happiness and your peace of mind.

Hello Virgo — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).

Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — One reason most people stay out of public view is insecurity. The mere thought of people being able to see them, or see the work they do, is enough to inspire nearly anyone to hide in the house. You don’t have that luxury now; you’ve stepped into a kind of spotlight, even if this is only among your closest friends and associates. You may be feeling some tension about what people find out about you, and how being noticed and observed will change who you are. When you’re making adjustments, I suggest that you err on the side of being a little more real. While cloaking yourself or retreating may seem to work to alleviate temporary discomfort, consider the longterm effects. Anything you choose to conceal now you may have to reveal later, and until you do, you’re likely to worry about it. Therefore, I suggest you be yourself — and get used to the feeling of gradually opening up and exposing yourself to the minds of others. You have more going for you than you think, though you have some progress to make developing your confidence in that fact.

Hello Libra — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).

Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Do you have this feeling that your life is balanced on one extremely delicate self-doubt? It could be anything, though I suggest you get out your microscope and see if you can find any traces of self-doubt that are influencing your life. I can name two potential (as in likely) categories: one is the lack of approval by a parent or parental figure (likely to be father), interfering with your sense of what you’re capable of, or whether you’re respectable. The second (and potentially more complex one) may involve doubts about whether you’re in fact ‘suitable relationship material’. If you’re working with that one, remember that it didn’t come from nowhere. You didn’t make up the criteria against which you’re attempting to reconcile your self-worth. However, you did take it on at some point, though if you want to let it go, it’ll be helpful to know where it came from, in part so that you can assess the credibility of the source. You’ve begun a phase of your life wherein you will be carefully considering your past tendencies in relationships, whether they serve you now and what to do about them. At the moment, some very telling information is available.

Hello Scorpio — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — You’re your own best ally and your own worst obstacle. I suggest you notice when you trip over yourself, and make a point of getting out of your own way. Part of how you do this is by going through your goals and working out any conflicts that may exist between them (such as time conflicts, priorities of what to do with resources, and getting clear in your thoughts about what’s the most meaningful thing to do first). I suggest you monitor the way that any delays are related not to something logistic but rather to an emotional hangup of some kind. You’re at a point in your life where asserting yourself in a bold way may seem dangerous. You may be wondering whether you’re perceived as a person of solid character. You may be thinking about what others think of your motives. I suggest you put that all out of the way and focus on staying clear with yourself, and knowing what motivates you and why. There is one other question, which is this: on what ground do you build your self-esteem?

Hello Sagittarius — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).

Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — It’s time to update your resume and portfolio. This counts if you’re the CEO of a multinational company, a sophomore art student or anything in between. I suggest you focus carefully on what you’ve accomplished since 2009. Speaking of that particular year, you may have done more than you think; it was not a ‘lost year’, as you may be inclined to think — though I suggest that you do a careful, month-by-month review and see what changed. Meanwhile, the process of updating your resume will provide a forum for you to track everything you’ve achieved and accomplished. The first draft of this list needs to be in long format, including such activities as helping others with their career or business ventures, any activity that raised your public profile, and people you met who had an influence in your life. Then, tighten it up for public consumption. I think there’s a good possibility that in this stretch of time, you ended one volume of your professional history and began another. Now, as you proceed, you need this organized inquiry into what you’ve accomplished as a foundation to stand on, and as a reminder of what is possible.

Hello Capricorn — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).

Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — It’s less than one month before your ruling planet Saturn embarks on its journey across Scorpio, your solar 10th house. That’s the one associated with responsibility (both personal and public), reputation and honoring your true calling in life. This is indeed the time to review your past goals, and consider what your new objectives are. Yet I suggest you focus, and be discerning. They just about all fall under the general heading ‘easier said than done’, so I suggest that you reduce your plans down to the ones that motivate you the very most. You will need the extra energy provided by the desire to do whatever you’re doing for its own sake. When the time comes, that always provides more drive than the obligation to do something. Also, I would share with you one rarely stated fact about success. When you do succeed, you’re going to be doing a lot of whatever you’re succeeding at. So choose from among those activities that you wouldn’t mind doing 12 hours a day for a while. Usually, that translates to what you want to do, rather than what you’re allegedly supposed to do.

Hello Aquarius — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).

Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — You have a reasonably clear view — and a clear understanding — of who someone in your life is, and what they represent to you. Listen carefully over the next few days as information comes out that provides additional depth and a sense of the life path that this person is on. Meanwhile, what I suggest you track carefully are the ways you notice you have some influence over both the person in question, and the ‘space’ that is created by the encounter, and how this interplays with your deeply personal interior space. Be aware that you need a room of your own, a place within yourself that belongs to you and you only. I mention this now because at the moment, you’re susceptible to some infiltration, right when you need the most influence over what happens within what I will call your sacred precinct. There are things that you can share all the time, there are things that you can share sometimes, and there are a few that are meant for you alone. Be aware of which is which.

Hello Pisces — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).

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Pholus the Centaur: Small Cause, Big Effect

Dear Friend and Reader:

In prior editions of this column I have mentioned Chiron, a planet orbiting our Sun that was discovered in 1977. Chiron, named for one of the wise (as opposed to rogue) centaurs of Greek mythology, addresses matters of holistic healing and is therefore directly related to homeopathy and all forms of alternative medicine. Around the time of Chiron’s discovery, many people were hearing of these modalities for the first time, and the trend has continued to the present day.

Chiron Files

In 1992 a second small planet was discovered orbiting our Sun and assigned to the centaur class — called Pholus. Named for another of the wise centaurs, Pholus has different properties from Chiron. Its action is quicker. There is often a connection to curiosity as an emotional state related to this planet, which can seem to drive events forward in an unexpected way. And of all the centaurs, Pholus is the one with the most distinct multigenerational effect. Wherever you see it working, get out the family tree to figure out what’s really going on.

Pholus can address issues of intoxicants or toxins, ranging from the ones intentionally hidden in food (high fructose corn syrup) to the ones that sneak in through various side doors (synthetic hormones such as dioxin or mercury, or Prozac showing up in the municipal drinking water).

One of the astrologers to do early work on this point, my friend Robert von Heeren, came up with one of the most brilliant astrological key phrases I’ve ever worked with. He said that Pholus is the small cause with a big effect. For example, Pholus can represent seemingly minor turns of events that set off bigger developments. It represents the catalytic agent (something used in a trace amount, but indispensable to the reaction). Pholus is often involved when circumstances run out of control, like when pressurized reactions breach the containment structure. It’s also making an appearance as a healing agent in the News Corp scandal.

In the medical art of homeopathy, it seems to be the perfect metaphor. One of the criticisms that people have of homeopathy is that “there isn’t any of the actual stuff in the remedy.” Were you to analyze a potency of arnica, you would not be able to find the arnica. What you get in those little white pellets is the energy picture of arnica. Yes, doctors around the world are rolling their eyes in their heads. But speaking of heads, if they bumped theirs on something, we all know that arnica would help ease the pain and speed the healing process.

Planet Waves
Samuel Hahnemann in 1841.

I think of homeopathy as being related to Pholus because it’s the perfect demonstration of the small cause with a big effect. True, that depends on the talent of the practitioner, but one nice thing about homeopathy is that generally the wrong remedy won’t hurt you because it’s not toxic. Samuel Hahnemann way back in the 18th century set out to invent a way to preserve the medicinal qualities of substances but without the negative effects. He was a German doctor who lived from 1775 to 1843.

Then as now, conventional medicine was toxic, and Hahnemann understood this. He considered it so harmful that he quit practicing medicine and supported his family of 11 children as a translator. At the time, he wrote:

My sense of duty would not easily allow me to treat the unknown pathological state of my suffering brethren with these unknown medicines. The thought of becoming in this way a murderer or malefactor towards the life of my fellow human beings was most terrible to me, so terrible and disturbing that I wholly gave up my practice in the first years of my married life and occupied myself solely with chemistry and writing.

Check that out — then as now, doctors were prescribing medicines with toxic effects that they had not studied, which were hurting the patients.

When he was working as a translator Hahnemann became curious about cases of poisoning. He wanted to know the specific symptoms of each case of toxicity he could find. His theory was that the substances that could cause the symptoms could also help resolve them. This was the root of homeopathy — the idea that like cures like. But for that to work safely, he had to invent potentization, which means liberating a substance from its toxic properties through the process of successive dilutions.

The result of this invention was a very small cause with a potentially fantastic effect: healing. When homeopathy works, it doesn’t just resolve the physical issue; the material can be resolved on the emotional and mental levels as well, something that ‘traditional’ medicine can barely conceive of. Yet if a medical theory doesn’t acknowledge the connections, how can it address them?

It turns out that Samuel Hahnemann has Chiron conjunct Pholus in his natal chart. This is a conjunction so rare that it only happens once every 110 years. This is in the sign Capricorn — one of the most dense and grounded signs there is (energetically speaking). It’s about the structure and nature of matter. It’s as if Hahnemann was tapping into the nature of matter itself in inventing his new branch of medicine. Capricorn is also about tradition. With Chiron and Pholus in this sign, you can be sure that he felt a calling to both honor tradition (like cures like is a very old concept) but that also he was in a position to directly alter the tradition of medicine.

This he did, and for that we who value homeopathic remedies are eternally grateful.

Yours lovingly,

Eric Francis

PS — Here is a link to an old article of mine — Astrology as Homeopathy. Think of homeopathy as astrology projected onto the physical world, rather than the celestial spheres. They are similar systems working in parallel, and studying one can open your mind to how the other one works.

Deep Sky Survey, and The Week of the Centaurs


Dear Friend and Reader:

It was excellent to have a week to dive into the 2012 charts full-on, in preparation for writing Revolution. Revelation. Reality Check. I’ve been studying these horoscopes for years, looking for clues, writing many articles along the way and putting my discoveries together into a coherent theory. (Those articles are gathered together in an e-book called Light Bridge: The 25-Year Span). This time around I burrowed into the minor planets, using the full set available from the Serennu.com ephemeris. Note: I will probably lighten my schedule at least two more times through the end of the year to facilitate completing the annual edition on time.

Nessus, Deianira and Heracles photographed from a Pompeiian fresco, captured in an albumen print, circa 1865. Photo courtesy of Theresa Luttenegger.

Month by month, I carefully tracked the entire year, looking in detail at the moment the Sun entered each of the 12 signs of the zodiac, concluding with the winter solstice of 2012 — the day the Mayan calendar turns over. One of the challenges of astrology is organizing a lot of data into something coherent. That requires some focus.

My next step was to do a recording focusing on the events within each sign, which is my starting point for each of the Reality Check readings. I’m sure you’re aware that what happens in any one sign affects every other one. In order to keep my focus on the most personal experiences as a starting point, I stuck close to home, which provided a reading of the 2012 movements on the most immediate spiritual/psychological level.

I’ve said a few times that the Uranus-Pluto square (two slow-moving planets meeting at a right angle) is the most potent focal point of 2012, extending until the end of 2015 with effects well beyond. When you look closely at the square, a theme pops out: group dynamics and how we respond to them.

Here is how this works: When Uranus and Pluto are exactly 90 degrees apart (which they will be through most of the decade), you can divide that angle in half and find what’s called the midpoint. Both planets focus into the midpoint like a laser. It is in Aquarius, the sign where individuality and groups take turns as the dominant themes. This forms a dynamic, where group consciousness intersects with the individual will of people. Group dynamics are one of those slightly hidden facts of life that we have to deal with all the time, whether in families, the office or the friends we might go out with.

Do you ever notice how you feel like a different person when you’re in a group, and how that changes depending on who else is there, the purpose of the group and other factors? This experience is one of the main places where we gamble our integrity: where we stand out, or sell out.

Now, here is the catch: Right at the midpoint, there is a slow-moving planet called Nessus (expressed in astrological notation as Uranus/Pluto = Nessus). Nessus is a centaur, which means that it stands right at the line between wounding and healing. It pushes events, emotions and thoughts to the edge, where we can get really uncomfortable. All centaurs have the quality of bringing the truth to the surface.

On the most basic level, Nessus is a factor in the psychological environment. You could think of it as an intimidation factor, and in Aquarius it’s going to show up as some extreme pressure to conform — or the fear of what might happen if you refuse to do so. It might also represent the experience of the group itself, such as when a number of people who are reasonably nice individuals can turn into a caustic group. A particularly horrific demonstration of this is the Penn State coverup of child sexual abuse. The values of the group (‘protect Penn State football’) became the values of each of the individuals within the group. In this case the group included the district attorney who apparently buried the issue, right up to the judge who let the accused coach out on ridiculously low bail.

While the 2012 astrology is progressive and revolutionary, there is a catch: standing up to group dynamics as an individual, and participating in healthy groups in a productive way. There will be no escaping this — one way or the other, we will have to confront this issue. One key theme of the 2012 readings is understanding how this works for each of the signs: where it is most likely to express itself, and what you can do about it. Given that we really are in a position where we have to get together to solve our problems, we must know how to work with this energy.

The Week of Pholus

Another centaur planet is in the news right now — Pholus. I’ve adapted the following from Monday night’s daily edition of Planet Waves. I am aware that early Tuesday morning, this astrology began to manifest (among other ways) as the police clearing Occupy Wall Street out of Zuccotti Park in New York City. (Occupations in Oakland and Portland, Oregon were also cleared out this week.) Apart from the certified miracle that the occupation/protest lasted two months, this is a turning point for the worldwide movement that will have far-reaching effects as this extremely persistent movement is radicalized even more, and adapts new tactics. I will have more to say about this in Friday’s edition.

Heracles & the centaur Pholus, Athenian red-figure kylix from the 5th century BCE, Antikenmuseum und Sammlung Ludwig, Basel.

This week, all week, the astrology is dominated by the centaur planet Pholus. You may have never heard of Pholus, but you’ve felt its effects many times. It’s the thing at work when a small decision or action has an unexplainable, cascading effect where one thing leads to another to some unexpected — and large — result. When Pholus is in the picture, it’s vital to use the energy in your favor rather than have it work against you. As with all the centaur planets (the first of which was Chiron), the key to this is awareness.

Awareness — that elusive thing. Every spiritual or therapy tradition has a name for it: mindfulness, raising consciousness, focus, paying attention, coming out of a trance. Then there is real life. We live in a world where it’s considered okay to drive a car through a crowded city while simultaneously listening to the radio, drinking coffee, smoking a cigarette and talking on the phone. Nearly everything around us is designed to distract us or put us in a hypnotic state.

This is the week to drive (and only drive) while you’re driving, eat when you’re eating and read when you’re reading. Even if you’re an extremely talented multitasker, keep things down to a dull roar and really pay attention, because this week your actions will have effects. You can prevent things from going in unwholesome directions if you know this, and you can remind yourself that small moves mean a lot.

It’s also the week to proceed with intention. Either work on developing your vision, or stick to the one you’ve got. Sagittarius, where most of this astrology takes place, is a visionary sign, and the aspects are calling for clear focus and making conscious choices, as if what you decide actually matters. The chances are it matters far more than you think.

Chiron, left, instructs Achilles in the arts of warfare in this undated classical image.

In a moment we’ll provide the technicalities about this astrology, in case you’re curious. Two more points first. One is that on many accounts, the sky is lit up with centaur energy. For different reasons, Chiron, Pholus and Nessus are all activated right now. Centaur energy is edgy; it can have us feeling on edge, which is sometimes a double edge. There can be confusion between healing and wounding; there can be unusual fear or psychological material coming to the surface. Situations can be unusually reactive. Prepare for this in yourself, and expect it in the people around you.

Second point: one of the planets involved in the setup describes the absence of moral or ethical boundaries. Be especially cautious of anyone who professes that there is no difference between right and wrong, that ethics are inconvenient or that it doesn’t matter if this thing we’re doing hurts someone. We are in an extended moment when things really do matter, and matter a lot more than we may think.

The technical description of this astrology involves Venus and Mercury reaching the middle of Sagittarius. At the moment there are many slow-moving planets and points right there. These include Pholus, to which both Venus and Mercury will be making conjunctions; the North Node of the Moon, which has a feeling of amplifying karma; and the Great Attractor, which amplifies everything that comes into contact with it. So if Pholus is reactive, Pholus together with the North Node and the Great Attractor is several orders of magnitude more potent. I covered an earlier version of this alignment in the article The Chaos Generator.

Then add one last thing — a slow-moving Pluto-like planet called Ixion is in the planetary picture this week, big time. What’s especially interesting is that Ixion is the common ancestor of all the centaurs except for Chiron and Pholus, but this week he shows up directly in planetary form. That’s the piece cautioning about suspending morality and warning that you or others might be tempted to do so. One not-so-little problem we face on this plane of reality is not understanding karma. That is to say, we don’t tend to understand the relationship between cause and effect. Our actions have effects and what happens in the world has a cause. But most people pretend this connection does not exist. If there was ever a week to consider the reality of karma, this is the one.

For Planet Waves subscribers, I will see you Friday with a regular edition including my weekly astrology forecasts.


P.S. For those with Scorpio Sun or rising — your birthday/rising sign report is done and available. We sent out a mailing last night — in case you missed it, here is a direct link.

The World in a Grain of Pholus

So leave me now the Moon is up
But remember all the tales I tell
The memories that you have dredged up
Are on letters forwarded from hell
— Joe Strummer / “Something About England

Dear Friend and Reader:

Every now and then, a significant global event affirms the theme of one of the recently discovered planets. By recently, I mean since the late ’70s starting with the discovery of Chiron — and I mean bodies within our solar system. Many people wonder how astrologers come up with the meanings of these things, these ice cubes and hunks of iron orbiting our Sun in odd patterns. We have many ways. Wide-scale public events where a particular planet appears prominently in the charts help confirm what we know, expand our understanding and create new dimensions of knowledge. I call these things ‘provings’, after a homeopathic term that basically means to test and experiment.

Cover of The Guardian, one of Britain’s left-leaning actual newspapers, from earlier in the month, breaking the story of how News of the World writers hacked the phone of slain teenager Milly Dowler. After publishing her parents’ anguished voicemails in the newspaper, they deleted the messages, leading her parents and police to believe she was still alive. This outraged England and sent the news across the Atlantic, forced the closure of the newspaper and has resulted in nine arrests.

One such event is developing right now, involving the second centaur planet Pholus: the unraveling of the Rupert Murdoch media empire, particularly the criminal conspiracy within his News International division that owns many newspapers in the U.K. This is the phone hacking scandal you may have read about elsewhere. It’s a complex story and it’s a bit exotic for our U.S. readers, so I will offer a summary before I get into the charts.

Just this week there have been nine arrests of current and former News Corp staff, including someone who had just served as the communications director to the current prime minister (the equivalent of our president). Hearing about the conduct of News Corp reporters, this week members of Congress from both parties called for a criminal investigation in the U.S., and as of Thursday the FBI was involved. News Corp, Murdoch’s company, is a Delaware corporation. Rupert Murdoch and his son, James, both hold U.S. passports.

The scandal takes place within England’s tabloid newspaper world, an environment so competitive and so vicious that it defies comprehension. An interesting element here is that newspapers still exist, for the moment: this issue will make many of them less profitable and speed their demise — though notably, it was a British newspaper, the The Guardian, that cracked the whole affair open. There is no equivalent market or environment in the U.S. In London you can walk up to a newsagent and have your choice of a dozen different papers with headlines screaming about the private business of nearly anyone, adorned with photos of naked or bikini-clad women, inciting controversy and harvesting human agony on an industrial scale.

Rupert Murdoch with his third wife, Wendi, in 2011. Murdoch has a prominent Vesta in his chart, which suggests that he is surrounded by young women. Photo credit: David Shankbone/Wikimedia Commons.

To visualize the product, imagine what would happen if The New York Post dropped acid with TMZ and The National Enquirer, aided by hackers, lawyers and corrupt private investigators, with unlimited resources, spurred and enabled by pure greed and the luxury of having no ethics at all. Then you might come close. We do have related problems here in the states, particularly Murdoch’s FOX News. More on that in a bit.

I have long maintained that the media, in particular what we call the news media, is one of the biggest spiritual problems of our times. By that I mean an existential problem on all levels, from consciousness to politics, influencing every thought we think and why we believe we’re alive. If we want to understand why society’s problems seem so intractable, imagine if there were more newspapers that told the truth about them, rather than covering up the issues. If we want to understand why so many people are so poorly informed, have bizarre opinions, absurd worldviews and believe in the politicians and policies that hurt them the most, we have the media to thank, all of it, including movies, TV and most books. We’ve all seen this over and over: a problem surfaces in mainstream news coverage, and then it disappears. We all know about issues that get no press at all. And we figure there must be a reason — such as the newspapers are protecting their friends in public office, or are somehow involved in what they’re making disappear.

If we want to understand why people are so caught in shame, blame, guilt and fear, we can attribute a lot of that to what we inject into our minds. True, people make the choice to watch, but it’s also true that television is pervasive and addictive, and that it feeds off of well-known human weaknesses, including the need for escape. The same is true of gossip journalism; if you’re emotionally injured, you might find a temporary palliative in watching others get shamed. Most of what we think of as news is so toxic and so contrary to any agenda that would help living things, it’s a small wonder that anyone gives it any credence — but we do. And typically we do because we’re trying to fill a gaping spiritual hole.

British tabloids exist in an environment like no other, where anything is ‘fair’ play. Photo: Creative Commons, via IB Times.

There has always been yellow journalism, but the digital age has expanded the possibilities for spreading carcinogenic ideas to something as dependably repugnant as a hazardous waste incinerator built next to a school. Most ‘news’ propagates an obsession with negativity, which comes in the form of fear, paranoia and divisive ideas that pit communities, regions and the generations against one another. At the dark soul of this industry is Rupert Murdoch, whose media holdings (the second largest globally, with reported revenue of $33 billion in 2010) have made him one of the most influential men in the world.

As he controlled the media market, working relentlessly toward a monopoly, Murdoch in many ways has seemed to have a stranglehold on ideology, doing his best to exploit the pre-existing pain in the human psyche and choke off any hope of progress. He has not entirely succeeded, but he’s done damage on a global scale, and direct damage to the political systems of the U.S. and the U.K. the extent of which we have yet to determine. Part of his game involves having a little something (as in a dirt file) on anyone who is anyone. If you challenged him, you could find yourself in the newspaper the next day. Right below the surface of what we’re seeing reported in the news is a vast criminal enterprise, a kind of blackmail and extortion racket, designed to amass power not just over a market but power over people and institutions.

Now it’s starting to unravel, with another series of stunning revelations every day.

The Prince’s Knee Injury Makes ‘News’

Since 2005, the British public has been learning, mainly through press reports in The Guardian, that a Murdoch Sunday scandal sheet, News of the World, was hacking into cell phones of royals, sports figures and entertainers, and spreading gossip found in their voicemail boxes. The first incident that came to light involves a story published in December ’05, when news of Prince William’s knee injury made it onto the pages of the tabloid. Prince William is heir to the throne of the United Kingdom, and his injury had only been known to his family and staff. Buckingham Palace suspected hacking of William’s voicemail and those of his staff, and called in Scotland Yard, which began an investigation. Not surprisingly, the investigation turned into a cover-up.

The Guardian from earlier in the year, stating that the hacking investigation was being reopened. On the cover is Murdoch and his henchwoman, Rebekah Brooks. She was the editor of News of the World through many of he newspaper’s worst ethical violations. Murdoch tried to protect her, but she resigned Friday facing a summons to testify before Parliament and a call for her resignation from a Saudi shareholder of News International.

About eight months later, in mid-2006, the author of the story and a (previously convicted) private investigator who worked for News of the World were arrested. Police seized computer files, recordings and other documents. In 2007, a special commission determined that there was no further evidence of wrongdoing.

At the time, a guy named Andy Coulson was editor of News of the World. Coulson resigned from his post when the case came to light and not long after, he became the communications director for Conservative (Tory) leader David Cameron, a member of Parliament. Two years later, the then-Prime Minister Gordon Brown learned that Murdoch and News International were dropping their support for him and the Labour Party, whom they had backed via Murdoch’s The Sun tabloid since 1997, in favour of Cameron and the Conservatives. Brown was ousted and Cameron became prime minister — giving a hint about Murdoch’s political influence.

The Sun is the bestselling daily newspaper in the U.K., and Cameron has had their support right through his candidacy, to his becoming prime minister and beyond. So this goes right to the top of the British government.

The story lay quiet for two years, and was re-opened in July 2009 when The Guardian revealed that Murdoch’s organization had paid £1 million to settle a variety of lawsuits that would have named other phone hacking journalists it employed. A News Corp statement responding to The Guardian’s story said, “all of these irresponsible and unsubstantiated allegations against News of the World and other News International titles and its journalists are false.” A top police official said, “This case has been the subject of the most careful investigation by the most experienced detectives… No additional evidence has come to light. I therefore consider no further investigation is required.”

But the story would not go away. It turned out that more than 4,800 people had their phones, voicemail and email hacked. Police had been regularly bribed for phone numbers of public figures, and even the schedule of Queen Elizabeth. Imagine envelopes of cash changing hands between so-called journalists and police on the queue at drive-through fast food restaurants. There were ongoing denials of wrongdoing from News Corp and various government officials. Yet in early 2010, the truth began to surface again, with a parliamentary investigation concluding that there must be a wider scandal than was originally indicated.

Current British Prime Minister David Cameron, who hired the former editor of News of the World, Andy Coulson, as his communications director. Coulson resigned in January and Cameron’s administration, with its ties to Murdoch, is now threatened. Official photo.

Along the way, it was revealed that among the many thousands of people who had their phones hacked were the victims and survivors of terrorism, including the 7/7 attacks that had devastated England in the summer of 2005. The Guardian’s investigation revealed that, “phone hacking and other illegal reporting techniques were rife at the tabloid.” Through 2010 and 2011 there have been many developments behind the scenes, including former News of the World editor Andy Coulson’s resignation as communications director for the prime minister this past January.

Then suddenly the story made it across the Atlantic on July 4 when The Guardian reported that News of the World had hacked into voicemails left for murdered schoolgirl Milly Dowler, who disappeared and was killed in 2002. During the six months she was missing, reporters working on the story had listened to, published and then deleted voicemails in Dowler’s cell phone. The deletions led her family and the police to believe she was still alive, and made more room for anguished pleas from her parents that were published in the newspaper.

Notably, the editor at the time this happened was Rebekah Brooks, who on Friday resigned as the head of News International, Murdoch’s U.K. newspaper division. The high-publicity trial of Milly Dowler’s killer had evoked tremendous sympathy from the British public, and this revelation broke the dam of outrage at Murdoch and his newspapers.

In the same burst of news, swirling around the solar eclipse two weeks ago, we also learned that News of the World had hacked into the medical records and bank accounts of then-Prime Minister Gordon Brown, sensationalizing the illness of his infant son in the pages of the newspaper. It was clear that any boundary between public and private, between what is truly intimate and what is made into political fodder, was nonexistent.

Then on Friday, July 8, Coulson — just six months after he resigned as communications director for the current prime minister David Cameron — was arrested for his involvement in the phone hacking scandal. His former boss, the very head of the British government, denied that he had any knowledge of what Coulson had been up to as editor of News of the World, though he was warned about it many times. This damages Cameron’s administration and he is viewed by many as a pawn of Murdoch.

Rupert Murdoch at the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting, Davos. 2007. Photo: Wikimedia Commons.

On Sunday, Murdoch closed News of the World after 168 years in print, hoping that would work as a kind of sacrificial offering. The man who would never back down gave up significant ground; News of the World was one of his few profitable newspapers. Then on Wednesday, Murdoch gave up his $12 billion bid to purchase the remaining shares of a satellite broadcasting system called British Sky Broadcasting (BSkyB) that he did not already own. Labour, Liberals and Conservatives in Parliament joined together and demanded that he back off of that deal. Later that day, the chief lawyer for News International resigned after 26 years with the company, the first senior executive to quit in the scandal. The lawyer, Tom Crone, is believed to have signed off on many of the more controversial articles that appeared in News of the World.

Then on Friday, July 15, Rebekah Brooks resigned as chief of News International, the British newspaper division, for her conduct while editor of News of the World. Murdoch had succeeded at protecting her through the scandal, but demands from the public, the Dowler family and one of News International’s biggest investors pushed her out. It’s unclear whether she will testify before Parliament next week, where she has been subpoenaed.

One last. A New York City police officer recently said he was approached by reporters for News of the World who were trying to get the contact information for Sept. 11 victims and their families. Immediately, several congressional representatives, including Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ), Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA) and Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D-WV) have called for investigations into whether the privacy of Sept. 11 families was violated.

“The limited information already reported in this case raises serious questions about the legality of the conduct of News Corporation and its subsidiaries under the [Foreign Corrupt Practices Act],” Lautenberg wrote. “Further investigation may reveal that current reports only scratch the surface of the problem at News Corporation.” Lautenberg, as senator from New Jersey, represents many of the families of Sept. 11 victims.

So there you have it: a vast criminal enterprise, scavenging on the suffering of parents missing their child, survivors of the most notorious acts of terrorism in the past decades, and a private company with deep tentacles into government and the police; both are already implicated in the cover-up.

Former British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, whose phone and medical records were hacked to exploit a medical condition of his infant child. Murdoch then turned against him and the Labour Party. Photo: Screen shot from BBC.

All of this was done for profit and power, with the end result being the parading of pain and suffering before the public and multiplying it by many orders of magnitude. When anyone would try to stop it, they could be thrown to the sharks; most said nothing out of fear that they would be assassinated in the newspapers.

Remember that the product of all this activity was supposed news. The public has gazed into this oracle for some orientation on what is important in life, such as: should we bomb and invade Iraq? Is a public option for health insurance a good idea? Should we kill Social Security? Are we safe from environmental toxins and radioactive fallout? In the United States alone, 100 million households have access to FOX News, nearly total saturation. Many people — including educated people who should know better — take its paranoid, delusional pronouncements as gospel. And we are now getting a glimpse of what has been going on behind the scenes.

The one thing that all commentators say about this story is, there’s no telling when, where or with whom it will end. The once seemingly invincible Murdoch organization is cutting off appendages to stem the damage. The allegations have spread to other titles in his News International group, including The Sun tabloid and far to the other end of the journalistic spectrum, the prestigious Sunday Times. Everyone involved in the British press knows that crimes were committed at many newspapers beyond Murdoch’s group, but he is the Godfather.

Pholus: The Process that Cannot be Stopped

You may be familiar with Chiron, a small planet discovered in 1977 orbiting in a path that weaves it between Saturn and Uranus. In 1992, a similar planet was discovered, and the centaur group was designated by astronomers. The new planet was called Pholus, one of the other wise centaurs (and possibly a direct branch off of the Chiron cycle of myths).

Pholus in the natal chart of Rupert Murdoch. It is the small florescent green planet close to the horizontal line, with the large number 5 next to it. Murdoch has Pholus rising in Capricorn — the sign of business and government. The nearby planet is Vesta, suggesting devotion to the cause of profiting on human suffering (and an obsession with young women). View chart.

The energy of Pholus feels like something leaking out of a pressurized vessel. It could be anything; in the myth, it’s a cask of wine, the scent of which draws a mob of rogue centaurs, who get involved in a war with Heracles. Many disasters ensue; it’s one of the most horrendous scenes in Greek mythology. The most important thing about the wine is that it’s collective property. That stuff that comes out — it belongs to everyone. And once the process is started, the genie doesn’t go back into the bottle. The wine, of course, is a symbol; it could be anything that causes a reaction.

Pholus represents processes of rapid transformation that can be provoked by seemingly minor things. Robert von Heeren, one of the first astrologers to delineate Pholus, gave it the key phrase, “small cause, big effect.” Its energy is highly reactive, unpredictable and can be grossly irresponsible. There is a connection to alcohol, including conduct inspired by being drunk.

In the chart of Rupert Murdoch, Pholus is rising; that is, it’s in the ascendant, right on the eastern horizon, arguably the most powerful spot in a chart. That makes it a primary factor in his personality. It’s placed in the sign Capricorn, which covers corporations and government. What better way to describe the sense of unleashed scandalous information, springing from a source that cannot be stopped, spreading war, havoc and a weird kind of intoxication? Think of FOX News going around the clock, spouting its seemingly endless stream of lies, laced with a toxic agenda. That’s how Murdoch manifests his Pholus in Capricorn. He also has Vesta nearby, illustrating his total devotion to the cause. That’s a property of Vesta — devotion. But it has several other noteworthy factors. One is a connection to sexuality, particularly the shame/guilt aspect (this is especially true in Capricorn).

Pholus in the chart of News of the World’s first edition, in October 1843, long before Lincoln was president. Pholus in this chart aligns directly with that in the chart of Rupert Murdoch, above. See full chart here.

In 1969, Murdoch purchased News of the World. It had been in print continuously since Oct. 1, 1843. Wikipedia’s editors sum up the newspaper’s mission: “It quickly established itself as a purveyor of titillation, shock and criminal news. Much of the source material came from coverage of vice prosecutions, including transcripts of police descriptions of alleged brothels, streetwalkers and ‘immoral’ women.” By 1950 it had become the biggest-selling newspaper in the world, with circulation of about nine million. This is astonishing given that the population of England was just over 40 million at that time. That is saturation on the level of FOX News in the U.S. — nearly every household.

On the day that News of the World first published, Pholus was in Capricorn; in fact it was sitting in the very same degree of Capricorn as Rupert Murdoch’s Pholus, though he would not be born for another 92 years. That happens to be one Pholus cycle, pretty much to the day. You could say there is an element of destiny at work here, or at least an alignment of purpose.

Pluto in the chart for the last edition of News of the World, on Sunday, July 10. Notice that Pluto (red guy) is in the same degree Pholus occupies in both the charts of Murdoch and News of the World. Full chart here.

Now for the current moment. Remember that the story developing so rapidly now first surfaced in 2005, nearly six years ago — but it didn’t go out of control until the past two weeks. On the day that News of the World published its last issue, Pluto in Capricorn was (and still is) exactly conjunct Pholus in the natal charts of Murdoch and the fated newspaper. You could say that Pluto is activating natal Pholus in both of these charts — and we are getting the full Pholus effect, rippling through the world of Capricorn: business and politics. There are many planets making aspects to Pluto — we keep describing this as the cardinal cross, plus Chiron in Pisces and Jupiter in Taurus. All those planets are fueling the fire ignited by Pholus in the charts for Murdoch and News of the World, and they will be for a while.

Notice how something new seems to be escaping from a structure in a way that can never be reversed: the truth of what went on behind the scenes. With Pluto in Capricorn we have the energy of the unstoppable force, combining with Pholus in Capricorn (in the natal charts of Murdoch and News of the World) to wreak havoc on one of the world’s biggest companies and oldest, most established governments. This is not a scandal in any conventional sense of the word; it’s the revelation of a massive criminal and political conspiracy, which has largely been fostered by something called the corporate veil. That’s an aspect of a corporation that protects individuals from liability created by the people who run the company. With the prosecution of 11 individuals so far (two in 2006 and nine in the past week), the corporate veil has finally been breached.

When other journalists commenting on this story say they have no idea where it’s going to end up, or who will become involved, they are describing the astrology perfectly.

An Age of Change: Uranus, Pluto and WikiLeaks

Pluto in Capricorn has certainly ushered in an age of change to the institutions of our society. The financial crisis that started in 2008, with the worst recession by far since the Great Depression of the 1930s, is illustrated by Pluto in Capricorn. We all have this sense that there are bigger changes in the works than the ones we’ve already seen.

Julian Assange, creator of WikiLeaks, is involved in releasing information that is damaging to corporations and government. He exists in what seems like a parallel universe to News Corp and Rupert Murdoch. Coincidentally, both are from Australia. Photo: Assange’s personal ad.

Through this era, we’ve witnessed the emergence of WikiLeaks, which has cracked the vessel of government and begun to get out the truth, in particular about the Afghanistan and Iraq wars. There are striking parallels between the WikiLeaks and News Corp situations. Both involve corporations, governments and the unsuppressed release of information that is damaging to them. Both are stunning commentaries on the gross abuse of political and corporate power. Yet one of the releases is being done to those institutions (WikiLeaks) and one is coming from inside the system. Both are revealing crimes against the people at large and doing severe damage to the reputations of those in power.

What is interesting is that, at least in the short run, an external assault on the system (WikiLeaks) seems less effective than when the system starts to self-destruct from within (News Corp imploding, though spurred by The Guardian newspaper). Yet both methods will have effects that are going on in a kind of living laboratory, and the results will take years to understand.

You can think of Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, as a kind of anti-Murdoch. Both are in the business of revealing hidden information, but Murdoch reveals what damages individual people, and Assange reveals what is damaging to big institutions, calling them to task for damaging people. (Notably, the chart for WikiLeaks has a powerful Pholus, exactly squared by the Moon.)

As Pluto makes its way through Capricorn, we will be seeing more of these damaging revelations, from many sources. Once Pluto gets going, it’s nearly impossible to reverse the process. Pluto in Capricorn is not just going to be about economic collapses. There is a restructuring of society taking place, we’re all watching it happen and many will be called to participate. If you have a copy of your natal chart, look at what’s in the early to mid cardinal signs for a clue as to how you will be taking part. (Murdoch has Pholus there; he’s unwittingly become part of the solution to the problems he helped create.)

There is a major crux point in that process, which is in June 2012, when Uranus in Aries makes its first exact square to Pluto for this cycle. This is the first axial alignment of Uranus and Pluto since the 1965-1966 conjunction that shook the world for more than a decade (what we think of as the Sixties). It’s a moment when personal consciousness (Uranus in Aries) meets up with the restructuring of society (Pluto in Capricorn.)

Protests in Wisconsin this year were the perfect image of the Uranus-Pluto square. Photo: UAFF.

The Uranus-Pluto square is close right now: as of today it’s less than two degrees apart, meaning that we are seeing some of the more interesting effects of the aspect start to manifest. We’ve been witnessing them all year, from Arab Spring to the protests in Wisconsin. One implication of this is that not only is Pluto conjunct the natal Pholus of News of the World and Murdoch himself, Uranus is making a square to that position. Uranus influences the speed of events and also the sense of a surprise. So when that first square makes exact contact next spring — pay attention because events will progress at a blinding rate.

Anything or anyone with important points (planets, the ascendant, etc.) aligned with the Uranus-Pluto square is set up for big transformations over the next few years. As we watch what happens to Murdoch, News Corp and its various actors, we will get a clue how big. Just a few months ago it would have seemed impossible that things could come this far, that so much would be revealed. Of course, we weren’t expecting the wave of revolutions across the Middle East and North Africa either, massive, rolling protests being another manifestation of Uranus-Pluto.

Yet what anyone looking to improve the world is looking for is structural change, and while we have yet to see much of that, it is inevitable. Awareness is the first step in the process, and right now that means being aware just how much influence Rupert Murdoch has amassed in the governments of the United States and England. His truth incinerator known as FOX News has helped create many wars, relentlessly exploited terrorism for profit, and built up the hate-inspired Teabag movement in the United States, a fundamentalist religious movement which is currently holding the government hostage over the debt ceiling issue. And women are being taken hostage. This year alone, 81 laws have been passed that in some way restrict access to abortion thanks to Teabag movement politicians getting into office.

FOX News involves itself directly in the U.S. political process. It is a breeding ground for potential presidential candidates, all of whom display a bitter resentment for humanity. Not surprisingly, the same sentiment emerges from what is revealed in the WikiLeaks files. Conservatism is not about conserving anything; it’s about fear.

The Change We Need: An End to Garmonbozia

When we think of the structural change associated with the current astrology, it might help to think on multiple levels of reality. Astrology itself is multidimensional. Do we really think that an undiscovered hunk of iron (Pholus in Capricorn, in charts many decades old) is physically influencing our reality? Or is there some kind of energetic influence?

“Bob, I want my Garmonbozia.” Michael J. Anderson as ‘The Man from Another Place’, a resident of the Black Lodge in David Lynch’s film “Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me.” Garmonbozia is human pain and sorrow, collected and consumed by demonic beings who manipulate events to cause, and thus feed on, even more pain. Such is the nature of News Corp and much of the mainstream media.

The concept of multiple levels of reality also hints at a relationship with the unseen world, what some call the spirit world. An illustration of this comes from one of the most reviled films in 20th century cinema — Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me. The film, considered by most to be as incomprehensible as reality itself, explores the relationship between the Black Lodge (a kind of nonphysical organization) and events in the town of Twin Peaks, which surround a series of murders. People in the town became possessed by the spirits of the Black Lodge, which harvested their pain and sorrow and created it into a kind of food they consume, which they call garmonbozia.

We think of enterprises like News Corp as spreading pain, warfare, shame and hatred, and then collecting money, which is true on the physical level. But rarely do we consider the spiritual damage these things perpetuate. There are factors at work on the energetic level, and one of them is the harvesting of that sorrow, converting it into the ability to cause more of it, and harvesting that. I cannot tell you exactly what entities are behind News Corp and Mr. Murdoch on the invisible planes of reality, but I know they’re there, thriving on what he seems to create, and I know who they work for.

Television, newspapers and plenty of Internet sites spew out human pain and then profit from it, but the results collect on another level as well. In this image, a woman who lost her son in a car accident is covering her mouth, suggesting that she is both grieving and ashamed. The story verges on pointless, but millions of people will relive her agony through video. Image: NBC TV.

As individuals, we feed the process as we focus our attention on the pain of others in a way that is unrelated to their healing or our own. We might think we’re being entertained or informed, when in truth we’re multiplying the negativity like an infected body multiplies a pathogen. Then we get drawn in and addicted to (which means controlled by) the multiplication and transfer of energy. There is a reason people watch FOX News or listen to Rush Limbaugh hour after hour. It creates the very psychic void it pretends to fill, much like the combination of excess sugar and salt in fast food makes it impossible to satisfy one’s hunger.

There really is no systemic way to address this deeply personal aspect of the problem. Each person has to make a choice to divest his or her energy and invest it in something else. This does not mean turning away from the whole situation; it’s precisely the lack of awareness, what you could call ‘unconsciousness’, or what some call ‘ignorance’ (the conscious choice to ignore something) that enables and invites the problem to begin with. Most of us from time to time notice how much we look away from something simply because we don’t want to deal with it — even though we know that looking away perpetuates the problem.

The very thing that we believe is designed to spread awareness and tell the truth — the news — has been taken over to spread disinformation and then benefit from the resulting chaos. It’s true, as the House of Murdoch is flushed of its demons, we are getting a dark look inside the media, and also a dark look inside our collective psyche.

Our job now is to raise awareness and make a decision. We are seeing the cost of letting other people do our thinking for us, and stated as simply as can be stated, it’s high time we think for ourselves.


Additional Research: Fe Bongolan, Tracey Delaney, Hazel Ferguson and Carol van Strum. Photo research by Sarah Bissonette-Adler. Additional editing: Jessica Keet, Amanda Painter.

Discuss this article here.


Something About England

By Joe Strummer & Mick Jones — The Clash

They say immigrants steal the hubcaps
Of the respected gentlemen
They say it would be wine an’ roses
If England were for Englishmen again

Well I saw a dirty overcoat
At the foot of the pillar of the road
Propped inside was an old man
Whom time would not erode
When the night was snapped by sirens
Those blue lights circled fast
The dancehall called for an ambulance
The bars all closed up fast

My silence gazing at the ceiling
While roaming the single room
I thought the old man could help me
If he could explain the gloom
You really think it’s all new
You really think about it too
The old man scoffed as he spoke to me
I’ll tell you a thing or two

I missed the fourteen-eighteen war
But not the sorrow afterwards
With my father dead and my mother ran off
My brothers took the pay of hoods
The twenties turned the north was dead
The hunger strike came marching south
At the garden party not a word was said
The ladies lifted cake to their mouths

The next war began and my ship sailed
With battle orders writ in bed
In five long years of bullets and shells
We left ten million dead
The few returned to old Piccadily
We limped around Leicester Square
The world was busy rebuilding itself
The architects could not care

But how could we know when I was young
All the changes that were to come?
All the photos in the wallets on the battlefield
And now the terror of the scientific sun
There was masters an’ servants an’ servants an’ dogs
They taught you how to touch your cap
But through strikes an’ famine an’ war an’ peace
England never closed this gap

So leave me now the moon is up
But remember all the tales I tell
The memories that you have dredged up
Are on letters forwarded from hell

The streets were by now deserted
The gangs had trudged off home
The lights clicked off in the bedsits
An’ old England was all alone


To discover how the developments of the next six months influence you personally, check out the Planet Waves 2011 Midyear Report by Eric Francis.

Planet Waves FM: Capricorn Full Moon, Rupert Murdoch, News Corp, U.S. Government Psychosis — and PHOLUS.

Today’s edition of Planet Waves FM looks up close and personal at the Capricorn Full Moon, which takes place Friday. (Don’t forget — you can receive our special edition on that event free by sending an email to thunder@planetwaves.net.)

Eric Francis, at the podcasting mill.

This has been a very, very interesting Full Moon. Just look around and notice for yourself.

The Sun and Moon align exactly with a slow-moving aspect we’ve been talking about — Varuna square Eris. The thing about your Varuna square Eris kind of aspect is 1) you can’t look it up in a book and 2) no matter how significant these newly-discovered outer planets are, the aspect is going to seem like it’s in the background right up until it’s lit up in the blazing light of the Full Moon — and that’s what’s happening right now. (Note, our readers recently took a throw at delineating this aspect in a special edition that you can read here.)

In today’s podcast, I look at the Rupert Murdoch / News Corp scandal, and the utter insanity going on in Washington DC in the form of the Tea Baggers (far right wing Republicans) pushing the United States government to the brink of financial default, which if it happens could set off a lot of problems. In the second half of the program, I look at how Murdoch’s chart lines up with that of News of the World, the weekly that he shut down Sunday.

Our musical guest this week is the acclaimed Emma’s Revolution, described by our friends at Z Magazine as, “Beyond progressive commentary, Emma’s Revolution examines issues of our time the way the media should.” Pete Seeger once said, “This record is part of the worldwide revolution which will save this planet… these songs you’ll find yourself singing for the rest of your life.” Gee whiz! Anyway you can hear them on Planet Waves FM.

For the old player and the full archive of my programs, visit the Planet Waves FM homepage. Our theme music, in case you were ever wondering, is called “Earth Calling,” composed and performed by Tino Izzo, represented by Chacra Music.


Weekly Horoscope for Friday, July 15, 2011, #867 – BY ERIC FRANCIS

Revised and Updated! Click for Eric’s Zodiac Sign Descriptions

Aries (March 20-April 19) — Certain events may seem to be pivoting around you, or your influence — and you may be wondering how things have gone so far. I suggest you ask another question, which is: how far can you go making use of this circumstance? You are likely to be learning something about the kind of impact you can have, saying or doing very little. I would persist in a policy of saying less rather than more, but choosing what you say well. Consult with others and work from a strategy. You may think you’re in a situation where you have to choose sides. How do you do that? Well, know your own agenda, and subject it to some scrutiny. Then see where your intentions align with those of the people in your professional environment. You may think you’re ahead of yourself; you may think that you’re into something too advanced for what you’re capable of. Remember your ethics at all times and you will do beautifully.

Click here to order your 2011 Aries Audio Birthday Report.

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — The world around you seems to be moving at full thrust, and you’re in one of your more sensitive moods at the moment. You’re in an amazing position to observe and express empathy for what’s going on around you. Yet the Full Moon in your fellow earth sign Capricorn is an invitation to take a step up in the world. It’s also an occasion to step out of the psychological box that you’ve inherited from your mother, who understood the world more in terms of the past than as something you can experience in the present or the future. You seem to be accustomed to going through this psychological material with a spoon, or with a garden spade on a good day. Now you can feel the experience for what it is, and that feeling can propel you to make decisions about what you want and how to be that will surprise you with how simple they feel, and in fact, how simple they are.

Click here to order your 2011 Taurus Audio Birthday Report.

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Remember that there is such a thing as right and wrong. I know that certain members of fundamentalist faiths blast the notion of moral relativism, or what you might think of as situational ethics. In truth, most of what we think of as right and wrong are indeed relative (such as it’s wrong to harm a dog, but you can eat lamb if you want). By right and wrong, I mean aligned or not aligned with your personal constitution. The problem you have is the same problem that everyone else has: it’s difficult to distinguish guilt from an ethical impulse. Maybe this will help you: Guilt judges you wrong before the trial. An ethical impulse asks a question, and then you get to answer the question based on your values. Listen to yourself; listen to the values you’re referencing when you make your assessment. This is a step-by-step process. It should take longer than a Gemini minute; more like a Taurus hour.

Click here to order your 2011 Gemini Audio Birthday Report.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — We’re in the midst of a Full Moon in your opposite sign Capricorn. The Sun in your birth sign suggests that this is time to experiment with role reversal. If you tend to be the passive type, it’s time to take action. If you tend to be more like a child, it’s time to be an adult. If you tend to be the kind of person who seeks security, it’s time to take a chance. The kind of astrology you’re experiencing is the kind that rewards action, conscious decisions and knowing continuously what crossroads you’re standing at. You are indeed standing at a significant intersection of possibilities, of potentials, and of influences. You may seem so overwhelmed that the only logical thing to do is stand back and watch. Yes, I do suggest you watch — but not while you’re standing back. Life is calling you to participate right now; don’t worry that you feel like you’re in over your head. That’s how it usually is, whenever something actually relevant is happening.

Hello Cancerians! I am doing your birthday report today. We will send a special mailing when it’s ready — and post it to the main PW blog.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Sometimes it’s meaningful to think of success as a mountain that you climb, though there are times that what once seemed high up descends to a place where you can reach it. People you may have thought were inaccessible or superior to you are now more obviously your peers. What seemed like it might be a great achievement is now seen as a practical matter. What you thought of as success you can now think of as doing things well. All of these changes are an attribute of what you might call a maturing process, though really what you’re discovering is that you have a place in the world. A bit of grace and poise are called for in stepping into that place; faced by so much to be angry about, you are the one capable of looking at the world with some peace of mind. When you communicate anything, remember that you’re relating from all of these points of progress, and are often speaking to those who struggle to have any faith in themselves.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Leo, please go to this link.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — You’re not the type of person for whom the ends justify the means. Your whole life is a story of process; you could certainly use being a little more goal-oriented, and this is a time when you can experiment with that boldly. Goals require action to be meaningful. It’s true, they can reside in your mind as an abstract concept for many years, though I suggest you think of a true goal as something you’re experimenting with and want to go further with. More than being an idea, it’s something that’s already in progress. You may have to be what feels like ruthless in moving obstacles out of the way, so that you have the space and energy to do what you want. It’s more your style to involve yourself in what is the most meaningful to you and gradually allow it to take over your life. And remember this: it’s unlikely that you have two goals. You really have one agenda that expresses itself many ways. Keep coming back to that and you will stay in alignment with your purpose.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Virgo, please go to this link.

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — There is a limit to how far purity will get you. Striving for impeccability is another thing. There is a limit to the value of being sentimental; there is no limit to the value of caring deeply, and that certainly describes you well. Now for the tricky part: accomplishing most goals requires a little detachment. Sure, it’s possible to froth at the mouth like a stock trader, or to lust after power and glory — those things work, but they don’t usually work when the actual objective, when the purpose involved, is an authentic or nourishing one. So focus on your authenticity, and on the process of cultivating nourishment. You have something that others benefit from, and it would be helpful if you made peace with that. In a sense, you’re being used for a purpose larger than yourself, and as long as you love that purpose, it’s one of the most exalted states that a person can attain. I suggest your mantra for these days be, ‘the greatest good for all concerned’.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Libra, please go to this link.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Remember that every work relationship is indeed a relationship. Each is a unique experience, and in truth one human contact is not ‘bigger’ or ‘more important’ than another — or at least that is the wise assumption now. Remember that none of these situations is an ornament for show; be especially mindful here if you have a partner whose position somehow reflects on your status or credibility. Maintain your integrity and stand on your own merits. The sky is volatile right now, but it’s rich with potential. You are obviously feeling some pressure with the Full Moon, and you may have a sense that if you make a mistake, you won’t be able to undo it. This is not really true. While you want to make your decisions consciously and carefully, August presents a kind of review phase wherein you can reassess certain elements of your situation and make useful corrections. The key is to stay in contact with your motives, and be honest with yourself about what they are.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Scorpio, please go to this link.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — You may be feeling provoked; you may even be feeling outraged about something. This may be enough to spur you into some kind of unusual action, and that could be a truly positive thing. I suggest that while you’re experiencing the sensation of feeling pushed or compelled to notice something, think back and ask yourself how many times you’ve noticed the same thing; how many times you’ve had the same sentiment, but less passionately. Who or what is spurring you to action now? The planets in your solar chart are in a dependable alignment that is designed to get results, with the one caveat being that you must stay in close alignment with your motives, your ideals and what you actually want to create. I strongly suggest you think in pictures, rather than just in words. Visualize what you intend; notice what is in the picture and what you want to add to the picture. Then notice when it takes on a life of its own.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Sagittarius, please go to this link.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — How much happier would the world be if we lived among sexually satisfied people? Think about it. Think of all the subverted energy that would be going to where it really matters; think of all the toxic aggression that would fizzle out and be replaced by fresh passion. Consider all the pain that would be replaced by the direct experience of healing. Imagine all of that hungry ghost yearning that is really sexual starvation, replaced by the desire to generously nourish oneself and others. Then imagine this multiplied by all of the people experiencing it, you among them. What would society feel like? What would your world feel like? What would it feel like to exist? You have many opportunities to open up, which means to relax and flourish. Whatever dark emotions, fears or inhibitions that may have bound you in the past are too weak to hold you back now. Your desire and passion are stronger than they are.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Capricorn, please go to this link.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Among my pet names for the zodiac signs, I have two for yours: one is Acurious, and the other is Aqueerius. They are related. These days, it’s weird to be curious. Part of why it’s weird is because the things that others think about doing, you tend to dive in and experiment with. I reckon that often, you do so knowing there are no guarantees — that’s very helpful. Experimenting, exploring, endeavoring to give your curiosity an actual place in the world are best left open ended, free from expectation. Who knows, the results might be a mixed bag; they might be a huge breakthrough; you might decide it wasn’t worth it, and move onto the next thing. The beauty is that you actually dared to find out. You stopped living in your head and took up a process of understanding the world through first-hand experience. Your charts are especially encouraging of this at the moment; can you feel it?

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Aquarius, please go to this link.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — This is the weekend to be as visible and social as you can be. Your relationship to the world is changing, as is the world itself. All of this is happening at a pace so fast, we feel it about as palpably as we feel the Earth moving beneath our feet — that is, not so much. One way to experiment with change is to get out into a social environment. The big Capricorn Full Moon is shining bright in your 11th house right now, which represents your circle of friends. Yet it’s also one of the houses that represents your vision for your life, and this house is the scene of many unusual changes these days. Looked at one way, the soil is being turned over for new planting. Looked at another way, there is an archeological dig going on, where you’re able to retrieve long-lost desires, ambitions, and a quest for freedom that has over many years been buried by the shifting sands of time. You have strong intuitive guidance right now, and many other factors working in your favor. Pay attention to who you meet, and notice how the world has evolved around you even from the place you remember it being just a few months or years ago. Be aware; get in sync. These are unusual days.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Pisces, please go to this link.