Tag Archives: Pallas

The Day of Material Inducers: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is July 15
The Day of Material Inducers | Order Your 2019-20 Cancer Reading | The 2019-20 Leo Astrology Studio is available for pre-order | All Other Signs

You are entering a state in which it’s near impossible to be conventional, or to please for the sake of pleasing. You’re evolving as a person. This may generate some tension between you and others; it’s possible to work with them through those moments. One way to defuse any conflict is to find the common ground. That said, you are not responsible for how those around you feel, and none of this should prevent you from your mission to live your dharma.

Hear Eric describe the impressive eclipses involving your Sun sign or rising sign in your 2019-20 Cancer Astrology Studio Reading — now available for instant access.

Written in the Planets

Notice how you’re feeling — really feeling — today. Can you tease out the threads of your emotions and sensations? As in: what seems to be new or related to a current situation; what feels like an echo from the past; what’s really a worry or fantasy based on a possible (but not yet manifested or real) future? If that seems too complicated or daunting, maybe just start with a basic exercise: can you name your emotions? Often they mix together, or one follows another so quickly we mistake them, and react in ways that aren’t as productive as they could be. Once you name them, you stand a better shot at tracing them to their source.

Why does this matter today? Because tomorrow we have a Full Moon in Capricorn (the sign opposite the Moon’s ‘home sign’ of Cancer), and it’s also a partial lunar eclipse. There are some intense factors in that chart, which describe a need to be aware of where you’re feeling intensity, conflict, confrontation or confusion in your life. By all means, notice what sparks joy in you, and see if you can at least touch on those activities today and tomorrow. In the process, you may discover that paying attention to some of the more serious dynamics in your various relationships frees up some space and energy for the more joyful, creative and visionary pursuits.

Also, if you’re formulating a plan, do you rely mainly on established rules, or do you favor your own experiential wisdom? Chances are those two approaches need to be integrated in some way today, as described by a square between the asteroid Pallas in Libra and Saturn in Capricorn. You might also notice whether the emotions of others factor into your process. Do their feelings mirror yours, or tend to crowd yours out? Keeping the ideas of negotiation and dancing in mind may help you to navigate any flare-ups with someone over the next couple days — particularly if you can own your emotions and responsibilities without taking theirs on.
— by Amanda Painter

Partial Lunar Eclipse: Dec. 31, 2009. Photo by Anthony Ayiomamitis.

Partial Lunar Eclipse: Dec. 31, 2009. Photo by Anthony Ayiomamitis.

New in the Special Readings Series
Magnum Opus on Eclipses, Now Through Late 2020

Eric’s new 90-minute discussion of all things related to eclipses, in any sign — with a focus on Cancer and Capricorn eclipses, from the current pair through 2020 — is available now for instant access. Part audio reading, part astrology class, it offers you a lot of help processing the solar eclipse on July 2 and the lunar eclipse on July 16, and features original music. Hear it as part of the 2019-2020 Astrology Studio for Cancer, or purchase the Eclipses Reading separately for only $33.

Fireworks or Fireflies? Mercury Stations Retrograde

By Amanda Painter

Mercury stations retrograde in Leo this Sunday, July 7, at 7:14 pm EDT (23:14:20 UTC). This means that we’re now in the ‘storm’ phase: the two to three days on either side of Mercury stationing retrograde or direct. Given the astrological location and cultural timing of this event, you’ll want to approach the next several days with increased awareness.

LED hula hoop in lieu of fireworks; photo by Amanda Painter

LED hula hoop in lieu of fireworks; photo by Amanda Painter

Eric has dubbed this the “Anger Management” retrograde, thanks to Mercury stationing in a conjunction to Mars: a fiery planet in a fiery sign.

With Mars relating to such things as desire, ambition and aggression, and Leo often shining through as pride or drama (though it can also manifest as more heart-based leadership), you can probably start connecting the dots. Add in the mental level represented by Mercury — and the ways that our attempts to communicate and be understood often fall short — and frustration levels can spike quite easily in such an astrological environment. Our increasingly digital landscape adds another layer of disconnect — subtleties get lost; buttons get pushed; egos flare up.

Mercury-Mars conjunctions, when working at their best, can describe great mental and physical energy, especially in a fire sign. You can tap this to accomplish much if you have a goal in sight, or an obstacle you need to overcome.

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The Day of the Popular Eye: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is June 1
The Day of the Popular Eye | Order Your 2019-20 Gemini Reading | All Other Signs

Today’s Moon-Venus meeting on your birthday is an invitation to let your light shine: to be seen for your beauty, without hesitation. Don’t hide yourself away; engage with the world on your own terms. The opportunities you have will be the ones that you take. You are the person who activates your own potential, by your choices and by your actions. Growth does not need to be fraught with resistance; there are, at times, easy openings to what you want, though you must be the one who consciously chooses to push the door open, or to set out in a new direction based on your own desire.
— by Eric Francis

Written in the Planets

Notice today if anything seems to point your thoughts toward the early origins of a particular belief. Beliefs tend to be emotion-based, and yet we generally articulate them in the language of fact and rationality. Mercury’s conjunction to the asteroid Chaos today in Gemini suggests multivalenced creative thought is possible, especially in a kind of primordial way: that state before things evolve into their full shape. Yet Mercury and Chaos are also square Borasisi in Pisces: a suggestion that your need to express these ideas (in speech, action or some form of creation) could be at odds with some long-held belief — one that may actually represent a fiction of some kind. What happens to your perspective on this belief in the process?

Meanwhile, Mars in Cancer is making a square to the asteroid Pallas in Libra. This could describe some kind of emotional reaction against a more ‘political’ or diplomatic way of relating to people that you think you’re supposed to use, especially to please them. In other words, pay attention to any need to push against someone or something in a way that indicates you’re not standing in your power as an adult. Can you express yourself directly, from a place of balance, without the full emotional charge? It’s not the same as being diplomatic, because you’d still be saying and doing what you really mean, but it’s less likely to scuttle out sideways like an angry young crab.
— by Amanda Painter

Did you know that Eric Francis just recorded new videos for all 12 signs, specifically investigating Mars interacting with some of astrology’s most influential planets this season? His Call the Astrologer readings are available individually or as a 12-sign set to share with your loved ones. Check out samples here and here.

The Day of the Observer: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is March 29
The Day of the Observer | Pre-order Your 2019-20 Aries Reading | All Other Signs

Make friends with your inner wild child, though do so consciously. That means be aware of the implications of your actions, and stay in control. The gifts of the passionate side of your nature involve knowing what you really, truly want, without any judgmental barriers or false shame. The more thoroughly you investigate your desires, the more likely you are to find the most profound ones, those that bring meaning to the quest of existence.
— By Amy Elliott

Written in the Planets

What happens to your best-laid plans when you’re facing someone with subversive or less-than-ethical behavior? Does crazy-making spur you to work harder at being equitable and balanced, or do you tend to get thrown off-kilter in your reactions? You may have an opportunity to review this dynamic today, as retrograde Pallas in Libra opposes Eris in Aries. Upping the ante — and potentially the emotional power issues — the Capricorn Moon sweeps through the aspect pattern early in the day. As it does so, it’s amplifying Pluto by conjunction, as well as the lunar nodes (which are in Capricorn and Cancer). If you consider how you’ve dealt with such people and situations in the past (or if you’ve ever been the attention-seeking chaos instigator, even unconsciously), are there other options you’re finally in a position to choose?

Keep in mind that Mercury, although now in direct apparent motion, is still slow and powerful and churning the sensitive waters of Pisces — all while conjunct Neptune, the master of illusions (and of higher love, on its better days). Continue your usual Mercury retrograde protocols for at least the next week. Writing down your rambling thoughts, unexpected insights and wildest fantasies could assist more than you’d expect in your efforts to get re-focused.
— By Amanda Painter

The Day of Artistic Sensibilities: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is March 1

Order Your 2019-20 Pisces Reading | All Other Signs

Growing into the person you wish to become is more often than not a lifelong process, and there will be the occasional stumble. Take it easy on yourself. The key is perseverance: you will make it through so long as you keep heading in the right direction. At this moment, you are likely to see that path clearly, and have the opportunity to progress substantially along it. All you really need to do is maintain your focus.
— By Amy Elliott

Written In The Planets

How flexible are your closest relationships (especially the more intimate kind) when it comes to new experiences? What do you need to get out in the open with a partner? In what ways are you itching to make a bold declaration, indicate your interest, or otherwise spark up your interactions? All of these questions (and their related offshoots) appear to be on the table today. So how can you answer them with action rather than just more thinking and imagining and wishing?

Even though Venus is in a relatively reserved sign (Capricorn) as it makes a square to high-voltage Uranus in the final, restless degree of Aries, it’s still prompting activity to ease some of the tension. By late morning (Eastern time) Venus will move into cooler, calmer ‘friend zone’ Aquarius — though it will still be within friction-distance to Uranus, and Uranus rules Aquarius. You might find that your need for stimulation shifts more to groups and acquaintances, rather than primary partnerships. Whether that’s true or not, keep tabs on what, exactly, you may be provoking in others (and whether it’s truly the reaction you’d prefer). Supplying a little extra warmth than you might automatically offer looks like a useful approach.
— By Amanda Painter