Tag Archives: Pallas Athene

The Day of the Popular Eye: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is June 1
The Day of the Popular Eye | Order Your 2019-20 Gemini Reading | All Other Signs

Today’s Moon-Venus meeting on your birthday is an invitation to let your light shine: to be seen for your beauty, without hesitation. Don’t hide yourself away; engage with the world on your own terms. The opportunities you have will be the ones that you take. You are the person who activates your own potential, by your choices and by your actions. Growth does not need to be fraught with resistance; there are, at times, easy openings to what you want, though you must be the one who consciously chooses to push the door open, or to set out in a new direction based on your own desire.
— by Eric Francis

Written in the Planets

Notice today if anything seems to point your thoughts toward the early origins of a particular belief. Beliefs tend to be emotion-based, and yet we generally articulate them in the language of fact and rationality. Mercury’s conjunction to the asteroid Chaos today in Gemini suggests multivalenced creative thought is possible, especially in a kind of primordial way: that state before things evolve into their full shape. Yet Mercury and Chaos are also square Borasisi in Pisces: a suggestion that your need to express these ideas (in speech, action or some form of creation) could be at odds with some long-held belief — one that may actually represent a fiction of some kind. What happens to your perspective on this belief in the process?

Meanwhile, Mars in Cancer is making a square to the asteroid Pallas in Libra. This could describe some kind of emotional reaction against a more ‘political’ or diplomatic way of relating to people that you think you’re supposed to use, especially to please them. In other words, pay attention to any need to push against someone or something in a way that indicates you’re not standing in your power as an adult. Can you express yourself directly, from a place of balance, without the full emotional charge? It’s not the same as being diplomatic, because you’d still be saying and doing what you really mean, but it’s less likely to scuttle out sideways like an angry young crab.
— by Amanda Painter

Did you know that Eric Francis just recorded new videos for all 12 signs, specifically investigating Mars interacting with some of astrology’s most influential planets this season? His Call the Astrologer readings are available individually or as a 12-sign set to share with your loved ones. Check out samples here and here.

The Day of Artistic Sensibilities: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is March 1

Order Your 2019-20 Pisces Reading | All Other Signs

Growing into the person you wish to become is more often than not a lifelong process, and there will be the occasional stumble. Take it easy on yourself. The key is perseverance: you will make it through so long as you keep heading in the right direction. At this moment, you are likely to see that path clearly, and have the opportunity to progress substantially along it. All you really need to do is maintain your focus.
— By Amy Elliott

Written In The Planets

How flexible are your closest relationships (especially the more intimate kind) when it comes to new experiences? What do you need to get out in the open with a partner? In what ways are you itching to make a bold declaration, indicate your interest, or otherwise spark up your interactions? All of these questions (and their related offshoots) appear to be on the table today. So how can you answer them with action rather than just more thinking and imagining and wishing?

Even though Venus is in a relatively reserved sign (Capricorn) as it makes a square to high-voltage Uranus in the final, restless degree of Aries, it’s still prompting activity to ease some of the tension. By late morning (Eastern time) Venus will move into cooler, calmer ‘friend zone’ Aquarius — though it will still be within friction-distance to Uranus, and Uranus rules Aquarius. You might find that your need for stimulation shifts more to groups and acquaintances, rather than primary partnerships. Whether that’s true or not, keep tabs on what, exactly, you may be provoking in others (and whether it’s truly the reaction you’d prefer). Supplying a little extra warmth than you might automatically offer looks like a useful approach.
— By Amanda Painter

A Little More of Everything

Dear Friend and Reader:

First, for those following the George Zimmerman trial and wondering how he was acquitted, I’ve covered that in this week’s edition of Planet Waves FM. While I look at some of the astrology associated with the verdict, mostly I provide a legal analysis. In the same podcast I also cover the astrology that I’m about to describe in an easy-to-follow audio presentation.

Planet Waves
Photo by Chelsea from her recent visit to Iceland.

We are in one of those concentrated moments that’s in tune with the 2012-era theme of everything all at once. In truth, it’s a spectacular moment, featuring some of the most passionate astrology I’ve ever seen. At the same time, the next few days call for proceeding with awareness and precision, doing your best not to over-react, and being clear with others. Don’t assume they understand you, or that your message has come across.

Politely verify everything, which also includes verifying how your words match with your feelings and your intentions. Because we’re in a grand water trine, that’s a reminder to guide yourself away from unhealthy or obsessive emotions if you encounter them. The grand trine will have a way of multiplying what you’re feeling, so do your best to emphasize the positive, to nourish yourself and to feel good.

Along these lines, most of the United States is in a massive heat wave. Drink water. Pepsi is not water. Smart Water is not water. Coffee is not water. Tea is not water. Juice is really not water. Only water is water.

The main event, the one that we’re most likely to be feeling, is Mercury stationing direct in Cancer on Saturday, July 20. Mercury has been retrograde since June 26. That was about three weeks ago. I know it simultaneously seems like a lot longer and like it was five minutes ago.

All the usual cautions apply: pay attention when handling technology and finances; avoid signing agreements till at least Tuesday if possible. The thing that is shifting is how you feel about what you may be committing to.

The real benefits of this event are emotional and intuitive. The Mercury station provides an opportunity to solve anything that seems like a persistent problem, though from an entirely new point of view.

Planet Waves
Photo by Chelsea.

Remember that there is an emotional angle to everything; resistance will be best met on the level of feelings, which is to say, gently.

The really beautiful thing about this Mercury station (change of directions) is that it’s happening in an exact trine to Chiron in Pisces. This opens up the flow of feelings, ideas and communications.

Mercury usually moves quickly; that is its specialty. The exception is during a station, when for a couple of days it slows down to the speed of an outer planet, thereby gaining emphasis and power. In this case that strength is enhanced and focused by the spiritual healing properties of Chiron, which will open the way to a real conversation about what you feel, what you need, what is influencing your life, and anything else that is deep and challenging to discuss.

There’s an ease factor in this trine, which offers encouragement to actually open your mouth and speak, and open your ears and listen. Most of all, listen to yourself. This is astrology approaching a description of perfect intuition. In the style of Pisces and the water signs, let it percolate; feel what you discover. Let your learning process be a full-spectrum experience. Notice the meeting place of your mental knowledge and your intuitive or spiritual knowledge.

We then have a series of planetary sign changes. On Saturday, an important asteroid called Pallas Athene changes signs into Cancer. Monday, Venus changes signs to Virgo. These are two more changes that combine emotional and mental levels of intelligence. That is the theme of the weekend, and it comes up many different ways.

Venus in Virgo is a reminder that there’s no such thing as purity. If you’re not a virgin, don’t try to pretend you are; you are a full adult. The notion of purity throws one of the biggest wrenches into the human experience, denying the creative power that comes with a sense of uncertainty. Feelings may be messy, unpredictable, strange or interesting — that is their nature.

The purity trap takes many forms, mostly in the intellectualizing of emotional experiences, obsession with control and the notion that sex is too messy to really deal with in a conscious way.

Planet Waves
Photo by Chelsea.

Denial often substitutes for purity — and it’s not the answer. Focus and awareness are the answer, which would lead to conscious choosing of your experience and what you want to share.

Pallas in Cancer reminds me of a recent New York Times article claiming that university-age women are seeking sex without the emotional complications of relationships. It’s like responding to the desire to nurture someone with your presence by handling them with tongs and asbestos gloves. The question to ask is, what’s the appropriate degree of commitment or emotional closeness for the situation that you’re in?

Then Monday at 11:56 am EDT, the Sun changes signs to Leo. This happens just a few hours before the Aquarius Full Moon, which is at 2:15 pm EDT. These events may arrive with the sensation of everything coming to a head. As part of this process, the Sun and Moon change signs within a few hours of one another. That describes a situation that may be changing rapidly, and which may be confusing in the process — but which has a dependable outcome.

The key here is not to push your need for certainty where it’s not appropriate or not possible. Know what you want, be clear what you expect from others, observe the known facts and be aware when you’re missing information. Focus on relating to others in a clear way. If they are acting foggy, help the situation by drawing information out gently, without attachment to what it might reveal. Your Buddha nature is strong enough to do this.

The sky and the situations that it describes are moving quickly, so I suggest that rather than grasp for certainty, guide yourself gently and consider everything a work in process — especially you.


Note to Readers: This week’s news sections, below, are by Amanda Painter and Susan Scheck with additional research by Carol van Strum. –efc


Planet Waves

Winning — Fractivism Style

Energy companies Hess Corp. and Newfield Exploration Co. have run out of patience, officially pulling out of gas-drilling leases in northeastern Pennsylvania and effectively ending future hydraulic fracturing (fracking) operations in the area. The Delaware River Basin Commission had imposed a three-year moratorium on gas drilling in 2010 on the Marcellus Shale in the Delaware watershed, citing the need to develop regulations to protect the environment.

Planet Waves
Filmmaker Josh Fox walks along a stream running through his property in Milanville, Pennsylvania. Photo: Michael Rubinkam/AP.

The companies sent a letter earlier this month to the Northern Wayne Property Owners Alliance, which had negotiated a master lease on behalf of more than 1,300 families and businesses. At $3,000 per acre, the landowners’ group said its members received about $150 million several years ago, and another $187.5 million would have been due had the companies been able to develop gas wells.

The property owners’ group has threatened to sue the commission over the moratorium.

Yet environmentalists are celebrating, for sure. Josh Fox, director of the documentary “Gasland” that graphically depicts the horrors of fracking, was overjoyed and made this statement on Facebook:

”I can’t believe it and I can’t stop crying. The companies that leased 80,000 acres in my township, in the upper Delaware River Basin, are LEAVING. CANCELLING ALL THE LEASES. WE ARE FREE. THANK YOU ALL, FRACTIVISTS. THANK YOU EVERYONE FOR THIS AMAZING VICTORY. WE WIN! AND WE WON’T STOP UNTIL WE WIN EVERYWHERE. I’m speechless. This proves that people, organized and passionate, can actually win sometimes. In the grand scheme of things, this is a small victory, but it’s HUGE. It’s the Upper Delaware river.”


Planet Waves

A Neonicotinoid Correction

Last week in MONSANTO WATCH, Planet Waves mistakenly reported that Monsanto’s Roundup weed killer contains a chemical in the neonicotinoid class. Roundup, introduced by Monsanto in the 1970s, is glyphosate, an enzyme-based chemical that kills plants. It has nothing to do with neonicotinoids, which kill insects, not plants.

Planet Waves
Bees can be exposed to neonicotinoids at low concentrations from corn pollen and windblown soil that lands on other flowers, and are exposed to much higher concentrations from contaminated talc that escapes from seed hoppers around planting time. Photo courtesy of Purdue entomology extension.

Neonicotinoids are a widely used class of insecticide that have come under fire as one of the culprits in mass bee die-offs in North America, Europe and around the world. Other factors in what is known as “colony collapse disorder” include mites and viruses, but scientists are still struggling to understand the phenomenon better. There has been a sharp increase in bee mortality over the last ten years or so.

In Switzerland, for example, “50 percent of colonies were lost in the winter of 2011-12, compared with about 10 percent in a normal year,” according to Peter Neumann, a biology professor who studies bee health at the University of Bern, in the New York Times article linked to above.

In April the European Union voted to approve a two-year neonicotinoid ban (covered by Planet Waves here, in the ECO section). The Environmental Protection Agency in the U.S. is currently reviewing its conditional registration of some neonicotinoids, due to “uncertainties about these pesticides and their potential effects on bees.”

Companies that make neonicotinoids include Bayer CropScience in Germany and Swiss biochemical company Syngenta — both large companies with significant lobbying power in Europe.

In the U.S. neonicotinoids are used on virtually all of the massive Midwestern corn crop, as well as most soybeans. There is documentation of bee deaths coinciding with corn planting in nearby fields. And since 2003, at least one neonicotinoid, clothianidin, has been widely used as a seed treatment on GM corn — most of which is Monsanto’s.

On July 12, 2013, Rep. Earl Blumenauer, Democrat of Oregon, introduced the Save American Pollinators Act in Congress. If passed, it would suspend the use of four neonicotinoids, including the three recently suspended by the E.U., until their EPA registration review is complete.


Planet Waves

Politics Really Does Make Strange Bedfellows

The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) announced this week that it is representing nearly two dozen organizations as diverse as the Calguns Foundation (a gun ownership advocacy group), Greenpeace, Human Rights Watch, TechFreedom and the Council on American-Islamic Relations in First Unitarian Church of Los Angeles v. NSA.

Planet Waves

The core of the lawsuit is that the National Security Agency’s dragnet spying violates First Amendment rights, which include the freedom to associate and express political views as a group. Phone records can show what groups people belong to or are interested in, their political interests and religious ties.

“… [F]ear of individual exposure when participating in political debates over high-stakes issues can dissuade people from taking part,” said Cindy Cohn, EFF’s Legal Director.

“That’s why the Supreme Court ruled in 1958 that membership lists of groups have strong First Amendment protection. Telephone records, especially complete records collected over many years, are even more invasive than membership lists, since they show casual or repeated inquiries as well as full membership.”

The plaintiffs seek an injunction to stop the NSA’s “Associational Tracking Program,” which gathers and stores a staggering amount of phone records from U.S. telecommunications companies. EFF is also engaged in another long-running suit against the NSA over surveillance programs.

The First Unitarian Church of Los Angeles has a long history of working to protect people jeopardized by their political views, including Hollywood actors and writers blacklisted during the 1950s by McCarthyism, and refugees from Central American civil wars in the 1980s.

“The principles of our faith often require our church to take bold stands on controversial issues,” said Rev. Rick Hoyt.


Planet Waves

U.K. Approves Marriage Bill for Same-Sex Couples

The U.K. government’s controversial Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Bill received Royal Assent on Wednesday and same-sex couples will now be legally entitled to marry in England and Wales. The first unions are expected to take place by summer of next year.

Planet Waves
Shortly after Queen Elizabeth gave her royal stamp of approval on same-sex marriage in the U.K., this image went viral — and Andy Borowitz had fun with the situation to great satirical effect.

Religious organizations will have to “opt in” to offering weddings, with the Church of England and Church in Wales being banned by law from doing so.

Equalities Minister Maria Miller said the passing of the bill was “clear affirmation” that “respect for each and every person is paramount, regardless of age, religion, gender, ethnicity or sexuality.”

Not everyone was happy with the bill’s passage, however. Conservative MP Sir Gerald Howarth, one of the bill’s opponents, said it was “astonishing that a bill for which there is absolutely no mandate, against which a majority of Conservatives voted, has been bulldozed through both Houses. I think the government should think very carefully in the future if they want the support of these benches. Offending large swathes of the Conservative Party is not a good way of going about it.”


Planet Waves

A Bad Day for Slut-Shaming

The Daily Mail — like other U.K. tabloids — makes it its mission to sensationalize every baby bump, accidental panty-less crotch shot and sexual dalliance by the rich and famous. It’s a media economy that runs on shame. But what happens when a tabloid target refuses to play the game by the old rules?

Planet Waves
Amanda Palmer performing at Glastonbury, attention-seeking breast under cover. Photo: WENN.com.

The Daily Mail met its match recently when it rambled on about punk-cabaret singer and performance artist Amanda Palmer, after her bra rose up during her set at the famous Glastonbury Festival in June. Palmer was largely ignored by the British media, but the Daily Mail slapped her (or, rather, her anatomy) into its headline: Making a boob of herself! Amanda Palmer’s breast escapes her bra as she performs on stage at Glastonbury.

The rag clearly had no idea who they were tangling with. Her letter to the editor — written and performed here in three-quarter time, makes it quite clear she is perfectly happy to own all of herself with pride and creativity, no matter who happens to see it:

Although there are millions of people
Who will accept the cultural bar where you have it at
There are plenty of others who are perfectly willing
To see breasts in their natural habitat
I keenly anticipate your highly literate
Coverage of upcoming tours
Dear Daily Mail
Up Yours!

Could it be that with the Internet and the NSA reminding us how little is truly ‘private’, we might all get to a point where our bodies and our sexuality no longer count as ‘dirty little secrets’? Really — how much longer must it take?


Planet Waves

Planet Waves

“You forgot horse riding, Richard.” No one does a smiling, dry-as-a-bone deadpan like the British — especially when describing “the blood coursing from our uteri like a crimson landslide.”

No Such Thing as a Happy Period?

When Richard Neill’s humorous rant about U.K. maxipad maker Bodyform appeared on its Facebook wall, claiming they lied in ads making women’s periods seem all goodness and light, it received 84,000 likes. Other companies might be embarrassed — not Bodyform. The company took it all in good fun and replied with a brilliant and hilarious video, owning up to the claim.

Yulia Kretova, brand controller for Bodyform, said: “We found Richard’s post very amusing and wanted to continue the positive dialogue around periods that this generated … Breaking down the taboo around Bodyform and periods has always been a challenge, and I hope that we have started to address this.”


Planet Waves

Planet Waves

Guitarist Jason Okamoto is our musical guest.

Mercury Direct, Full Moon and the Zimmerman Verdict

In this week’s edition of Planet Waves FM, I cover the intriguing astrology coming up this weekend and into Monday — Mercury stationing direct on Saturday, followed by the Sun ingressing Leo, the Aquarius Full Moon and Mars conjunct Jupter (in other words, a lot). Then I talk about the Trayvon Martin case. Our musical guest is Jason Okamoto. Here’s your link to become a member of Planet Waves FM.


Planet Waves

Your Monthly Horoscopes — and our Publishing Schedule Notes

The extended monthly horoscopes for July were published Friday, June 21. We published Inner Space for July on Friday, June 28. We published the Moonshine horoscopes for the Cancer New Moon Tuesday, July 2. On Tuesday, July 15, we published the Moonshine horoscopes for the Aquarius Full Moon. Please note, we normally publish the extended monthly horoscopes on the first Friday after the Sun has entered a new sign; Inner Space usually publishes the following Tuesday.


Planet Waves

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, July 19, 2013, #959 | By Eric Francis

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — Since the last time Jupiter was in Cancer, we’ve become surrounded by a ‘national security state’, designed to defend us against enemies who don’t really exist. Everything about your chart is suggesting that you consider the theme of your need to defend yourself, why you might need to do so, and against whom. What I see going on is that you’re trying to integrate some aspect of yourself that you’ve been in denial of, some wild, expressive aspect of who you are that looks like it’s been buried in your psyche despite your being an Aries. You don’t need to defend yourself; I suggest that you express yourself. The question is, do you feel safe enough to do that? If you don’t, the answer is not more resistance, or pushing back against anything that seems to threaten you. The way forward involves courage. It’s closer than you think.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Always remember: It’s not really lovemaking if you fold your clothes first. As a Taurus, you have your own ways of taking risks. One involves thinking through every detail of your plan until there is absolutely no chance for spontaneity. Another involves not thinking at all. There are many spaces to explore that are far less frustrating and more fulfilling than these two polarities. At this point, it’s enough to know that you want to do something, and to be aware that there’s a risk involved in everything — especially matters of the heart. Make peace with the risk factor as a conscious choice. Then it’ll be easier to make contact with the creative factor: your ability to think on your feet in any situation. Trust that and you’ll worry less and have considerably more fun.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Keep your focus on money, but more to the point, keep your focus on what is important to you, and how it factors into every facet of your life. I am often amazed at the extent to which
people omit the importance of their own values, whether in their relationships or in the work that they do. Often this is because they’ve been overpowered. There seems to be some matter involving the way your parents influenced not just your attitude about money but also your ability to act on what is the most meaningful to you. Mercury stationing direct this weekend looks like a revolution, where you not only throw off the influences of people who have no business running your life and could probably not care less about what you actually feel; this is a revolution driven by a discovery of your passion and the resulting drive to be free.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Many planets are focused on your sign right now, painting a scene that shows you unearthing long-denied aspects of your being. The feelings involved are encrypted on some of your deepest psychological levels. They represent the very things that make contemporary people the most nervous — our deepest desires, our fears, our needs, the pain we’ve denied, what we feel ashamed of and every other shade of shadow. Yet these very feelings are where we hold the power that we so often say we want to make contact with. One aspect of your astrology is magnifying all this and making it clear what you’ve been holding onto. Another factor is an opening for a dialog with yourself: the ability to be vividly honest. Worry not what other people might think. This is not about your relationships; it’s about healing and growing into your relationship to yourself.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.

Planet Waves

Leo readers: you can read a little more about your 2013-2014 birthday reading here — or go straight to this page to take advantage of the $19.95 pre-order price. That’s a savings of $10 on an hour of astrology plus a tarot reading by Eric Francis.

Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — The Sun enters your sign in grand style this year, just hours before Monday’s Aquarius Full Moon. Until then you may feel like you’re in some kind of psychic or emotional morass. Struggling or resisting is not going to help; I suggest you conserve your energy, find the most efficient ways to do things, then actually follow the plan. Avoid anything that seems to be taking too much effort; it’ll be easier once Mercury has stationed direct (Saturday), the Sun has ingressed your sign and the Moon reaches full phase (Monday). That means planning for modest achievements until then, taking the care to analyze your methods and your approaches and to actually notice where your energy is going, where it’s being wasted and where it’s getting results. This is extremely valuable information.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Sometimes when I write about being clear in one’s communication, I forget how much people struggle to express themselves, how daring it can feel and how fogged over so many minds are. I forget how little effort many people put into listening, even when something directly impacts them. I put all this to you right now. If you want to get anywhere, you must be clear with yourself; you must be clear with others; and you must listen to what is said to you, without making up any stories in the absence of real understanding. This may require you to have extra patience, to insist that others both be clear and have patience, and that you be willing to know what is actually true for you and for others without going into any form of denial. In our world that is asking a lot. But it’s not a lot if it’s the only thing standing between you and progress.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — There is something specific on your mind. I don’t reckon you’ve figured out what it is yet, but it’s there, and it’s nagging you to pay attention. Looked at one way, you’re trying to keep a secret from yourself. Yet it looks like something that you dearly want to reveal — not just to yourself but also to others. You seem right on the verge of discovery. But here is the catch. Just as fast as you discover what this thing is, you might forget, or you might decide that it’s too personal or private to consider for long, or to dare even considering revealing to others. Yet that does not make it any less important, helpful or meaningful. I suggest that the moment you discover what this is, write it down. If you wake up in the middle of the night, write it down. If you’re driving on the highway, stop and write it down. Then read it and elaborate and make sure that you remember.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — More than anything I see you struggling to have a wider perspective. If you want to do that, you need an accurate assessment of how wide or narrow your current perspective is. Since that measure is subjective, and since you’re in your own mind, this is not necessarily easy to deduce. So I suggest you do a little comparison-shopping. Set aside, for a few minutes, any tendencies toward jealousy; that just gets in the way. Then consider the viewpoints of people you know for sure have a broader, deeper, more creative approach to life than you do. Consider people who apply more imagination than you do. Notice what they’re doing and how they’re doing it — then consider your own life in that kind of style. If you start to feel panicky, that’s a hint that you’re going in the right direction.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — If you’re going to explore your passion, your desire or your need to surrender, choose someone who is either a match for your energy or who has a lot more mojo than you do. Then, bring yourself fully into the situation. Allow yourself to participate. Set aside the approach-avoid routine, for which you’re so notorious; remember how long you’ve waited to let go of all this energy that you’re holding onto. In case you’re tempted to keep holding on, I suggest you ask yourself how that’s serving you — even if that ‘service’ is negative. There’s a long list of possibilities, and it would be excellent if you were really familiar with this material. There are many more reasons why you will be happier if you uncork the bottle and let yourself breathe, feel and spill over your brim.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Are there enough influences in our society designed to make us all paranoid? I suggest you filter them out for the next few days, and invest your energy in people and activities that cultivate positive responses in you. You will need to use some discernment in order to do that, because not everyone who seems positive really is. You will be able to tell who is life-affirming by your emotional response. Yet you may also discover as you do this just how much negativity there is: how much fear, how much hostility, how much corruption. What you’re faced with is a spiritual question, in particular, of how you want these things to influence you. The external factors are there. Your mission is to determine what power you have over how you respond to your environment and who and what you allow closer to you. Discernment is the key. This will require vigilance and care, and moreover, a commitment to love and life.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) –Wise old astrology books remind Aquarians to fill their urn before trying to ladle out the water to everyone else. This is spiritual healing 101 — take care of yourself so that you can take care of others. There is some good logic to this, including the fact that when you’re nourished, prepared and alert, you will be more helpful and less at risk of hurting anyone in the process of assisting or serving them. That is the message of your charts now. Get yourself oriented in your physical space, which seems to have undergone some changes lately. Make sure that you have whatever provisions you need. Get your work organized to the level where at least you know what you need to do and approximately when you need to do it. This will create some boundaries to work within. Over the next few days, make sure you take plenty of time to yourself. Set aside obligations to others. Get rest and drink water.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) –This is the boldest and most confident I’ve ever seen the charts for Pisces. Therefore if you’re not feeling good, you need to make some adjustments, by which I mean basic adjustments. One of them is to set aside your fears. As a Pisces you’re more aware than anyone that all things are possible, though at this point you can afford to consider the better possibilities and the highest potentials. The word confidence means ‘with faith’, and I suggest that you find that within yourself. It won’t be difficult, and one success will build on another. If you’re not the outgoing type, now is the time to practice that. Go to the point where you feel a little pushy or like you’re winning people over with your charm and the force of your personality. Trust that your ideas probably are the best ones in the neighborhood, and remind yourself every now and then about all you’ve accomplished. The best is yet to come.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.

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Mars and Pallas Square Neptune: Big Brother is Listening

Planet Waves

Newspapers from the morning of June 7, 2013, revealing the massive government data mining program that includes all major Internet services, three major phone carriers, credit card transactions and more.

Dear Friend and Reader:

As part of Saturday’s New Moon festivities, Mars and asteroid Pallas Athene, conjunct in Gemini, are square Neptune in Pisces. This is an aspect that looked like it would have some political implications, though I was hesitant to predict what. It did not look friendly.

Mars square Neptune is a complicated aspect that can have deceptive and self-destructive tendencies. However people born with this aspect can also have a talent for seeing through hypocrisy — George Orwell, author of 1984, stands out among them. That was the book where we first read the phrase, “Big brother is watching you.”

Planet Waves
Chart for the National Security Agency has a Mars-Chiron conjunction in Capricorn — just like Monsanto — and the Moon square Saturn and Neptune. The NSA is a top-secret agency more powerful than the CIA. It was initially founded to assist with Cold War spying and in 2001 was turned loose on the American people.

Pallas Athene adds a distinctly political dimension to the chart, as she’s a master strategist and the warrior-lawyer of the Greek pantheon; but Pallas is also square Neptune, raising a question over the legitimacy of motives and tactics used by the government. Put it all together and what do you get?

Thursday, The Guardian revealed that the National Security Agency was collecting phone records of millions of U.S. Verizon customers by the authority of a top-secret court order. The data, the government claims, is being used in an attempt to profile people to determine whether they are probable terrorists.

This isn’t merely a matter of spying on people for its own sake. In another story reported this week by NBC News, it was revealed that such profiling is enough to get someone killed by a drone attack, known as a “signature strike” based on someone’s alleged terrorist signature (covered below).

The NSA is a massive spy agency founded in 1952, originally given the mission of decrypting foreign communications. For example, during the Cold War, its boats would hover in international waters off the coast of Cuba, listening for communications between Havana and Moscow, translating the messages out of their encrypted code and giving the information to the CIA. The organization was so secret that its existence was not known till five years after its creation.

Since the Sept. 11 incident, it’s been turned loose on the American people, mostly under the authority of the PATRIOT Act. We’ve heard about this program a number of times before, but not under the authority of Pres. Obama, who famously said when he was a senator that the American people don’t want federal agents poking around their private lives.

The Guardian obtained a copy of the court order requiring Verizon to give the NSA phone call information on an “ongoing, daily basis,” reporting on calls within and directed outside the U.S. “The document shows for the first time that under the Obama administration the communication records of millions of U.S. citizens are being collected indiscriminately and in bulk — regardless of whether they are suspected of any wrongdoing,” The Guardian reported.

Then just hours later, the story got worse. The Guardian and the Washington Post published stories revealing that the NSA has been tapping directly into the three major telephone networks — AT&T, Verizon and Sprint, spying on nearly every American.

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Nondescript-looking Room 641A was referred to in an internal AT&T document as the SG3 Secure Room, located on Folsom St. in San Francisco — where for years private Internet traffic was intercepted by the government. The program has been revived under Obama in a much broader format.

The same news reports, based on interviews with individuals close to the agency, said that the NSA can also extract data directly from the servers of Microsoft, Yahoo, Google, Facebook, AOL, Skype, YouTube and Apple, as well as a small service called PalTalk that is used mostly in the Middle East.

In addition, data from credit card transactions is also being mined, and a service called Dropbox would soon be tracked as well.

This effort turns ordinary services we all use all day into instruments to spy on people’s most imitate lives — that is, people who are not even suspected of a crime. The companies all denied involvement in the program, and government officials defended it as necessary to protecting the American people from terrorists. That, as we’ve seen over and over again, has become the excuse for anything and everything.

What is different about the program is that under the Cheney/Bush administration, it was done without the authority of a court. Under Obama, it’s been done in a way that’s colorable under the authority of law. That is to say, it can be justified because forms were filled out and certain procedures were followed — though the effect is the same, and the American people were not told.

According to media reports, the secret Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (known as the FISA court, created in 1978) grants orders to carry out the program every 90 days. The court, which consists of federal judges chosen by the chief justice, was created in the wake of domestic spying revelations under Richard Nixon, a program called COINTELPRO. The FISA court, however, approves every warrant that’s put in front of it to sign.

The whole scenario came out after The Guardian, a British newspaper, published an article about an April 25 FISA Court order giving the government unlimited authority to obtain the data from Verizon for a specified three-month period ending on July 19. “The court order expressly bars Verizon from disclosing to the public either the existence of the FBI’s request for its customers’ records, or the court order itself,” The Guardian said.

Planet Waves
Under COINTELPRO, the spying program that helped end 1960s activism, an FBI agent suggests that the pregnancy of actress Jean Seberg, allegedly by a member of the Black Panthers, be publicized in an effort to cheapen her image before the public. COINTELPRO was supposedly ended in 1971.

Ari Fleisher, the former White House press secretary under George Bush, said that Obama was carrying out Bush’s fourth term. Some would say he’s completing Nixon’s second term.

Most media reports claim that the content of communications is not being read — only the frequency, the identity of the correspondents as tracked by the phone number and even location information based on GPS readings from the calls. But this contradicts what has long been known about such programs.

For example, the NSA has been exposed in the past for monitoring the contents of phone calls of people not suspected of terrorism. James Bamford, the author of two books on the NSA, described details of the domestic spying program in 2005 on Fresh Air with Terry Gross.

While we’re considering the civil liberties implications of these programs, I suggest we consider the spiritual ones. It’s a form of psychological warfare to instill the feeling that a person has no privacy. These programs are reported to be so thorough that they can monitor the drafts of emails being written in services like Gmail, so they can actually see correspondence that is not sent, and observe a person’s thoughts in the process of writing something.

You might think that you have nothing to fear because you haven’t done anything wrong — though if that’s true, why not submit to a weekly police search of your dresser drawers? It is traumatizing to have your private life investigated, and as such I would rate this all as a form of domestic terrorism.

We need to remember that the kind of information being collected by the NSA and the FBI is often used against activists, from peace groups to environmental organizations. Just about everyone understands that what we hear about is only the very surface layer of what is going on; what’s revealed is often a kind of cover for the much deeper layers of a surveillance program.

It’s also worth remembering the words of James Madison: “If tyranny and oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy.”

Drone Attacks: Who Do We Kill?

On Wednesday, Richard Engel, NBC’s chief foreign affairs correspondent, exposed documents revealing that the U.S. military does not always know who it’s killing in drone strikes. Engel made his revelation on Wednesday’s edition of The Rachel Maddow Show and then on Thursday’s edition of NBC’s The Today Show [see video here].

Planet Waves
Sr. Airman Brandon Bryant (Ret.) describes what it’s like to kill people using a drone — he knows because he’s done it more than 1,000 times.

What is more frightening is that under current policy someone can be killed if they have the “signature” of a terrorist based on who they talk to, associate with and what places they frequent. This has nothing to do with their actual conduct.

Engel reviewed classified documents detailing 114 drone strikes in Pakistan in 2010 and 2011. The documents reveal both what is known and what is not known about the strikes. The terrorist affiliation is listed, such as “Al-Qai’da” or “Foreign fighters.”

Yet in all 114 strikes, the military admitted to killing just one civilian. A category for “other militants” contained many reports of killings, but it was not clear who they were. Up to 22 were killed in one strike.
U.S. policy allows drone pilots to kill people for having a “terrorist signature” — that is, based on who they visit, or what phone numbers they dial.

Engel also interviewed a former Air Force drone pilot named Brandon Bryant who describes what it was like to use drones to kill more than 1,000 people.

“I didn’t think I’d ever have to pull a trigger,” the former pilot said, describing when he was recruited into the Air Force. “I knew that people would be dying but I wouldn’t be — at least I believed that I wouldn’t be — the direct [cause] of someone’s death.”

“You know how people say that drone strikes are like mortar attacks [or] artillery. Well, artillery doesn’t see death. The artillery doesn’t see the result of their actions. It’s really more intimate for us. We see everything. We [see] before action and after. And so I watched this guy, I watched him bleed out. I watched the result of, I guess collectively it was our action, but ultimately I’m the responsible one who guided the missile in.”

He said he had “serious doubts now” that the man was actually a combatant, “but I didn’t doubt those voices in my head.”



Planet Waves

Use Your Intuition; Check Your Facts

The Gemini New Moon is upon us. This is, thankfully, the first solar-lunar event in quite a while that’s not an eclipse. Yet it’s no ordinary New Moon for reasons I’ll explain in a moment. The upshot is that decisions you make now can influence your life for many months. It’s necessary to use your intuition, though there are factors that might specifically interfere with doing so. So slow down, and cross-reference between what your intuition says and what the facts seem to be describing.

Take all the time you need. There will be key matters that you can delay for a month or two; others will require action sooner. Make sure you sort out the difference. Under the current influences, it’s essential that you verify your facts before making any decision you think is based on intuition or instinct.

Planet Waves
Chart for the Gemini New Moon. The Mars-Pallas conjunction is at the very top of the chart, square Neptune, below the horizontal line on the right. View glyph legend here. The New Moon makes aspects to Chiron and Pholus, as described in the accompanying article.

The Gemini New Moon is exact Saturday, June 8 at 11:56 am EDT. At the same time, planets are gathering in the water signs, which is a growing emphasis on the emotional level — something that can be the most trustworthy or the very least dependable, depending on your relationship to yourself.

Mars, Pallas Athene (one of the first-discovered asteroids), Jupiter and the lunar apogee (a kind of radical feminine point) all join the Moon and Sun in Gemini for this event. All year a cluster of planets has been following the Sun, though it’s starting to fan out a little as Venus and Mercury have pulled ahead and are now in the sign Cancer. So this New Moon is a new alignment compared to what we’ve had all year — for one thing Jupiter in Gemini is involved, which can have an exaggerating effect. All this Gemini is also a reminder to consider many sides of an issue consciously.

And the Sun and Moon have entered a region of the zodiac where there are some centaur planets hanging out — the New Moon is opposite Pholus in Sagittarius and square Chiron in Pisces. Centaurs are not asteroids. They act with the full influence of planets, only the particular topics are not the ones usually covered by astrology.

Anyone who encounters the centaurs will usually use the word ‘intense’ to describe how they feel. But saying intense is like describing dinner as hot, when there are many subtler descriptions (vegan, organic, take-out, Indian, etc.).

So, getting into the particulars for a moment: Sun/Moon opposite Pholus might have the sensation of something about to go out of control. It’s therefore a moment to practice a higher degree of awareness than you might ordinarily. Walk around the world like you’re at Omega Institute, in a fully conscious engagement with life.

When Pholus is involved in a major aspect pattern like the New Moon, that’s the time to be conscious of anything related to alcohol. In our society that is often the ‘out of control’ factor, and it’s always a consideration when Pholus shows up. There are other cautions on this topic in the chart, which I will get to in a moment.

When planets are square Chiron, there may be the question ‘when are things going to get better?’ The answer (where there’s a square involved) is when you take action. We do a lot of waiting around on this planet, which is understandable given the resistance that can sometimes arise where decisions are concerned. While it’s often helpful to spot the right opportunity or not try to swim against the tide, sometimes it’s necessary to do what you must do when you must do it.

Planet Waves
Mediterranean Sea at daybreak, Valencia, Spain. Photo by Eric.

The chart has a cautionary note, however. In astrology, precise aspect patterns speak more clearly than the fuzzy ones, and there happens to be an impressively tight aspect involving Pallas Athene, Mars and Neptune. Both Pallas and Mars are warrior-like planets; Pallas was born in full armor and Mars is the god of war. When these are square Neptune, there are questions about the use of aggression.

This aspect can be taken many ways, though I would boil it down to a few basic points. One is to be honest with yourself. Mars square Neptune can come with some self-deception, in a volatile environment. Make sure the choices you make are actually helpful; stop yourself if you have reason to believe they are not. There is also the alcohol theme showing up again; if you make any decisions under the influence of a substance, or based on any emotional drama you may have been through, I suggest you pause and reflect.

There’s no need to act in a lurch. Other factors indicate that it’s essential to know what you’re feeling before you make a decision — and a Mars-Neptune square could mess with your intuition. There’s a lot of action in the water signs right now, and they are encouraging deeper contact with the emotional realm.

In our world of schedules, constant interaction with computers, the influence of advertising and many, many substances that are designed to shut down the subtle senses, those senses are exactly what you need; they are what’s being emphasized by so many planets in water signs (Mercury, Venus, Saturn, Chiron and Neptune, to name the big ones).

That’s a lot of momentum. Both grand trines and the water signs carry momentum as powerfully as the tide. Navigating on water is different than what you do on land — you need more lead time; you cannot stop or turn instantly; the water itself will guide your movements and you need to be aware of that influence.

It’s therefore necessary for mariners to plot their course well in advance, which means referring to the weather, to the charts and to the compass. There’s little room for guessing.


Planet Waves

Monsanto: An Eclipse and a Crack in the Teflon

On May 25, Monsanto Co. experienced a lunar eclipse on its 10th house cusp — the government angle, where its Sun is also placed. This coincided with the first-ever global anti-Monsanto protest the same day. Though the mainstream media tried to suppress the news, word got out through social media, alternative media and the Web.

This seemed like a charming symbolic expression of the astrology, especially given the international nature of the protest and that the eclipse, Monsanto’s midheaven and its Sun are in Sagittarius. That, however, was just the beginning.

Planet Waves
Illustration by Lizanne Webb.

The next week, the world learned that an Oregon farmer had discovered wheat growing in his field that he hadn’t planted, and that didn’t respond to Monsanto’s Roundup brand herbicide. Multiple genetic tests determined that the wheat had been genetically modified to resist the chemical. The grain turned out to be a Roundup Ready variety developed and tested by Monsanto 12 years earlier, but which was never put on the market.

Stranger yet, the kind of GMO wheat that had been tested in Oregon was a spring-planted variety, but the rogue plants found were a winter-planted variety. So there’s this mystery not only about how the GMO seeds or pollen spread, but also why this isn’t the same type of wheat that was tested there. Where did this stuff come from, and what was it?

While Monsanto was busy telling everyone that the wheat posed no hazard, Japan was busy canceling a 25,000-ton order from a Portland grain shipper, and The Oregonian newspaper reported that South Korea and the European Union had called for new testing of American wheat.

A few days later, Monsanto announced that it was pulling its genetically modified-food lobbyists from the European Union, and won’t apply for any new permits to plant GMO seed, having met too much resistance in both the approval process and from the public.

“As long as there’s not enough demand from farmers for these products and the public at large doesn’t accept the technology, it makes no sense to fight against windmills,” said Monsanto’s German spokesperson, Ursula Luettmer-Ouazane.

Then this week, a Kansas farmer sued Monsanto in federal court for allowing its genetically modified strain into the non-GMO population. The “plaintiff has been harmed by any and all Monsanto GE wheat because it has impacted wheat exports and the price of wheat,” the petition states.

Monsanto is a company that has seen very little in the way of consequences for its many harmful actions. There have been a few examples over the years — this week we saw several.


Planet Waves

Female Desire Gets a Fresh — and Truthful — Look

The Wild Woman is alive and well, and scientific proof — in case you needed any — is hitting bookstore shelves near you.

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Ladybugs like to do it and so do ladies! Video still from the Swiss documentary “Microcosmos.”

What Do Women Want? Adventures in the Science of Female Desire, by journalist Daniel Bergner, uses groundbreaking sex research to upend cultural stereotypes of gender sexuality. It reframes female desire, supported by evidence of female lust and sexual initiation all over the animal kingdom — including among humans.

“Bergner, and the leading sex researchers he interviews, argue that women’s sexuality is not the rational, civilized and balancing force it’s so often made out to be — that it is base, animalistic and ravenous, everything we’ve told ourselves about male sexuality,” according to an article in Salon.com.

Bergner writes: “Women’s desire — its inherent range and innate power — is an underestimated and constrained force, even in our times, when all can seem so sexually inundated, so far beyond restriction. Despite the notions our culture continues to imbue, this force is not, for the most part, sparked or sustained by emotional intimacy and safety. One of our most comforting assumptions, soothing perhaps above all to men but clung to by both sexes, that female eros is much better made for monogamy than the male libido, is scarcely more than a fairy tale.”

When asked by Salon.com what male readers might think of these findings, Bergner related one editor’s thoughts: “He said it had scared the bejesus out of him.” Would the braver male souls out there please raise their hands?


Planet Waves

Trial of Bradley Manning Finally Under Way

On Monday, the court-martial of accused Army whistleblower Bradley Manning finally began. He faces more than 20 charges, including violating the Espionage Act and aiding the enemy. He pled guilty to 10 lesser charges of misusing classified material earlier this year.

Manning has been in custody for more than three years — time that has included torture related to his being in solitary confinement for significant stretches of time. He was arrested on May 26, 2010, for the release of approximately 750,000 classified U.S. diplomatic cables and Army reports, plus two videos of military airstrikes to the website WikiLeaks.

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Video still with identifying markings from the “Collateral Murder” video released by WikiLeaks, showing the two Reuters employees with a group of Iraqis in Baghdad. The video was given to Wikileaks by PFC Bradley Maning.

Of the two videos, the July 12, 2007, Baghdad airstrike is the most well-known, published by Wikileaks as “Collateral Murder.” The video contains images and audio of the shooting deaths of two Reuters employees, their cameras mistaken for AK-47s, with a group of Iraqis. Two children in a van were also wounded when their father tried to rescue survivors; the father was killed.

Army prosecutor Captain Joe Morrow accused Bradley Manning of aiding the enemy, claiming that Osama bin Laden accessed some of the cables after their release by WikiLeaks. The prosecution is working to establish close ties between Manning and WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.

Manning’s defense lawyer, David Coombs, said that Manning “believed [the leaked] information showed how we value human life.” Coombs added, “He was troubled by that. He believed that if the American public saw it, they too would be troubled.”

As Glenn Greenwald of Salon.com pointed out in 2010, “Shining light on what our government and military do is so critical precisely because it forces people to see what is really being done, and prevents myth and propaganda from distorting those realities. That’s why the administration fights so hard to keep torture photos suppressed, why the military fought so hard here to keep this video concealed (and why they did the same with regard to the Afghan massacre), and why whistleblowers, real journalists and sites like WikiLeaks are the declared enemy of the government.”

The thing is (as Greenwald also notes), these gruesome incidents are not unusual. This is what war is — and that is why the government is working so hard to break Bradley Manning. It’s why we need to understand that this trial is not about a traitor; it’s about what we allow government to do in our name.


Planet Waves

Supreme Court OKs Expanded Use of DNA Swabbing

A divided Supreme Court ruled 5 to 4 that police can collect DNA samples from people they arrest for a “serious crime.” However, privacy advocates are alarmed because the unprecedented ruling does not define what a “serious crime” is, and that police might use it to justify sampling people who have not committed a crime at all.

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It looks so simple — but what does it mean to have this much personal info in the hands of authorities? Photo: PA.

The case centered on a Maryland law used to take a DNA test of a man arrested for a felony assault. The test matched DNA in a rape case six years earlier that had previously gone unsolved. So far, 25 states have passed laws that are similar to Maryland’s.

Advocates of the law cite DNA as “the fingerprinting of the 21st century” and say it could solve numerous cold cases and prevent other crimes from happening, because the police would have a database of potential suspects. However, Justice Elena Kagan — one of the dissenting justices — equated that with searching one’s house without probable cause, which is illegal. ‘Probable cause’ means that law enforcement agencies have a solid reason to believe that a crime has been committed.

“This is a general rummaging through our genetic blueprint to look for evidence of unknown, completely unrelated crimes, with no reason to think that the person who’s been arrested for maybe a minor offense has committed any other crime,” said Michael Risher of the American Civil Liberties Union.

“It’s an incredible broadening of the government’s authority to stick its fingers into our bodies, seize our bodily tissue, seize the DNA profile, and put it in an enormous criminal database, with no suspicion to think that that’s going to uncover any crime,” said Risher.


Planet Waves

Who Says Fairies Aren’t Real?

Planet Waves

Photographer Yume Cyan has captured a series of stunning, magical photos of fireflies in the wooded area near Nagoya City, Japan, over the last month or so. Keeping the shutter open on a low aperture allows Cyan to capture the insects painting with light — and then they spark imaginations. You can see more of Cyan’s photos in larger sizes at 500px.com.
Planet Waves

A Bad Week for Monsanto, the Grand Water Trine,

The Gemini New Moon and Bradley Manning

In this week’s edition I cover the strange developments in the Monsanto story — the global protest the day of an eclipse, followed by the revelation of GMO wheat growing in Oregon, Japan canceling its order for all U.S.-grown wheat as a result, and then Monsanto pulling out of Europe. In this edition I also cover the grand water trine, the Gemini New Moon and the conscience of Bradley Manning.


Planet Waves

Your Monthly Horoscopes — and our Publishing Schedule Notes

The June monthly extended horoscopes  were published Friday, May 24. Inner Space horoscopes for June were published Friday, May 31. I recommend reviewing the previous month’s horoscope at the end of the month; you can see May’s monthly horoscope here. The Moonshine horoscopes for the Gemini New Moon were published Tuesday, June 4.


Planet Waves

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, June 7, 2013, #953 | By Eric Francis

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — You must be impeccable in speech and language: in what you say or write or communicate in any way. This is not a time to ignore your doubts about whether you really mean what you’re saying, or whether you’re capable of fulfilling a promise. When in doubt, say nothing. Statements made with the intent of expediency — that is, white lies intended to help you get ahead — could be the most damaging, and may have significant repercussions in the near future. Though you may not have the intention to deceive anyone, this astrology can also cover situations where you’re not working with full information, or have inaccurate data. Therefore, it’s necessary to check what you hear from others as well as it’s necessary to understand someone’s motives for putting you up to something. Be vigilant, be clear, and ask questions till you absolutely understand any situation you’re in.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).
Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — You’ve come through many situations where you could have given in to others’ insistence that you not trust yourself, but stood your ground. You may be in a similar situation now, where friends or associates are trying to convince you of something; it could be anything. The thing to be alert for is pressure of any kind that has the effect of negatively influencing your self-confidence. You might want to be cautious about taking praise too seriously as well. You don’t need the opinions of others, and you don’t need to judge your own performance, either. What matters is that you bring sincerity and integrity into what you’re doing, and that you be accountable for any errors you make. That means consciously engaging your learning and self-correcting process. The opinions of others matter far less than we’re led to believe, and life is not a popularity contest. Impeccability matters a lot more than popularity.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).


Gemini Sun and Rising — a Reading for You

Dear Gemini Reader:

Your birthday reading for 2013-2014 has  become the bestselling birthday reading of the year. I bring to life the truly beautiful astrology that you’ll be experiencing over the next four seasons.

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Eric and his astrology assistant Jonah, who has Virgo Sun and Moon.

I begin with a discussion of what every Gemini should know about his or her sign, and then I cover a diversity of transits that you’ve read about elsewhere but may not have put into the context of your life.

Jupiter is in your sign now, joined by Mercury and Venus. Soon planets will move into Cancer, the sign associated with resources, money and self-esteem — that is good news on all of those topics. I describe what it means to have your ruling planet Mercury retrograde three times in water signs — covering seven months of the year.

I talk about Pluto going through your 8th house, which is raising all kinds of questions about the role that structure plays in your relationships — and your desire to burst free and express yourself. I cover Saturday’s eclipse of the Moon in Sagittarius, your relationship sign.

I have created my 2013 Gemini reading specifically to help you tap into the very unique energy coming your way — energy with the potential to transform how you feel, think and relate. This is a truly helpful moment in your life, one that can make up for some of the challenges of recent years.

The reading will be accurate, informative and fun for Gemini rising and Moon as well. You can listen to a short audio preview here.

Your reading is ready for instant access. The price for this hour of astrology plus tarot reading (and bonus materials) is $29.95. You may order your Gemini birthday reading here.

I know you’ll love this reading. Please do check it out.



Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — This weekend’s stunning New Moon in your birth sign is a reminder that anything is possible and that everything is negotiable. Make sure you know what you want, because as the next few days unfold, you may find yourself in a position where you can create those very things. Yet to make this happen you’ll need to focus your intentions as clearly as possible. You may be inclined to compromise, which is something that might at some point need to happen in the physical world. I suggest that you not even vaguely consider compromising on your desires, your intentions or your idea of what is right for you. Rather, that’s the very place to stick to your true desires. If you’re feeling guilt, notice it and set it aside. If anyone tells you that you’re dreaming, tell them they’re right.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).

Planet Waves

Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — You may get a series of opportunities to resolve situations or psychological issues that have long troubled you. The sensation of doing so may be like pushing on an invisible wall. It starts to give way, and as you push you start to wonder when it’s going to finally stop — but it doesn’t. You might apply some positive thinking to a scenario that has resisted that very thing in the past, and discover that it’s working. None of this is an accident. You’re ready not only to confront the conflicts in your own psychology, you’re ready to let them go. You know there’s something about your nature that makes you the embodiment of opposites. I don’t mean being a walking contradiction, even if you feel like that some days. What I mean is that a theme of your life is integrating elements of yourself and the world around you that only seem to oppose one another but are in truth part of the same thing.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).
Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Be cautious with financial transactions, from basic ones to the most complicated. Much hinges on whether you understand the details, and whether you put the information to good use. To put it mildly, plenty is at stake, and there is the opportunity for significant gain or loss. Therefore, slow down and take each step consciously. Know what decisions you can (or need) to put off until you have more information. In truth you’re in an exceptionally strong position and you have all the right ingredients to succeed at whatever you’re doing. Your part is to maintain the impeccability factor. That includes being fair to the people around you, maintaining the appearance of propriety. At this moment it’s every bit as important that you be standing in your integrity as it is that you present yourself as doing so. Be conscious of any double standards you may have, and remember that what you say even casually will echo outward. The Universe has ears.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).
Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Check whether your tendency to commit to multiple projects or professional endeavors is really working for you or the people you serve. This is the time to get your priorities in order. You may have a tendency to make decisions based on political expediency, that is to say, less on the basis of truth and more on the basis of what will grease the wheels, close the deal or please people in power. The other side of that kind of transaction is that someone else can lose in the process, which is usually considered a form of collateral damage. This is exactly what you want to avoid, because what happens now will have implications in the future, for good or for ill. This can be a time of tremendous achievement for you, if you do what is right. That does include what’s right for you — just make sure you keep your promises, and pause on making any new ones you’re not sure you can fulfill.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).
Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Your long-range plans may seem to be conflicting with certain immediate desires. The question you might want to ask is, in this world how practical is it to plan your life years in advance? This might be a time to experiment with the idea that your immediate goals fit into a larger plan, and you don’t need to have that scheme fully mapped out for everything to hang together. You have some excellent opportunities in front of you right now, and others will notice your commitment and aura of success if you allow those qualities to gently come forward. You don’t need to push anyone or anything. There’s a strong wind at your back right now. What I do suggest is that you be realistic about whether you really want any opportunity that’s offered to you in the coming days. The question is not ‘what am I doing with the rest of my life’ but rather, ‘where might this work with my life plan?’ or even better, ‘how does this feel?’

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).
Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — You may be negotiating some important transactions now, and if so, I suggest you be careful and take each step consciously. One tool you can work with is timing; in particular, knowing how long you can delay in order to get the information you need, or to work out the agreement as you want it to be. If things don’t seem to be working out as you want now, you can afford to wait at least one month to put them in order. If the opportunity disappears between now and then, it was probably not going to be helpful. One potential reading of the current astrology is that there are facts you may not be aware of, or may be overlooking, in service of your strategy or agenda. You need to bring the practical, discerning side of your nature into action right now, rather than your idealistic side. The moment calls for a microscope, not a kaleidoscope.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — I reckon there is plenty going on in your life right now, and that you’re not sure about some of it. By not sure, I mean that your intuition may be nagging you about something or someone. There may be a situation that seems to be all promise and little payout. Or you may have concerns about where your own emotional desires and needs fit into the scenario. I suggest you honor your doubts and give the situation a little more time. You’re about to enter a whole new emotional landscape when Jupiter, the Sagittarius planet, enters Cancer in a few weeks. You may need to exercise what feels like extreme patience till then, though it will be worth it. You’ll be on more solid emotional ground, and you’ll discover what it is you were concerned about.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).
Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — I suggest you observe how relationship situations develop over the next few weeks before you put all your emotional eggs into one basket. There may be situations that look promising. Have fun with those people. Remember though that while the first days or weeks of an encounter are meaningful — beginnings always are — you’ve learned from much past experience to watch how things develop, and to allow them to do so. The question is: who can handle who you really are? You’ve also learned not to try to tamp down your energy or put a cloak over your passion. That requires allowing people to have their responses to you. What matters most is that they do feel you and you feel them, no matter what the longer-term prospects are. As you get better at this, you’ll begin to attract people who can handle you at full strength.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).
Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — If you’re feeling like you’re bursting with creative and sexual energy, you’re right on time. In many ways your happiness depends on your ability to express yourself, so if you’re delaying for any reason, I suggest you feel some ideas moving, pull the cork and let some of the energy out. The thing about any creative endeavor is that it requires taking a risk. Often that risk is what you might do with potential ‘failure’. That’s exactly the psychology you want to fly into like a headwind. There’s also the small matter of having so many options. This is the time to experiment. One beautiful thing about our modern world is that one need not merely be a painter or a violinist. Very nearly everything is mixed media. As you explore, you’ll discover that there are several specific things you want to get good at — and you will.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).
Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — A rare alignment between Mars, Neptune and Pallas is suggesting that reality is like soft clay in your hands right now. So now is the time to sculpt your life in the way that you want. You will continue to have opportunities to do so, but this is the true formative moment. Therefore, take your time and redesign your life the way you want it. This will invariably involve how you use space, how you project yourself into the world. The astrology is suggesting that you work from the inside out: feel the heat within you, then let that shape the layers of your personality, your decisions and what you do with your time. A helpful metaphor might be to consider the hot molten core at the center of the planet that shapes the continents, and which sometimes erupts and lava flows over the Earth, forming new landmasses and changing the shape of mountains. Yet this natural force will be responsive to your plans and ideas. Said another way, anything is possible.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two product


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Bursting Free: Solar Eclipse in Taurus

Dear Friend and Reader:

Yesterday we began our experience of a solar eclipse in Taurus. The nice thing about eclipses is that their effects last a while. Some astrologers say a few months, many say six months, though as I do lots of world horoscopes, I’ve noticed that the eclipses have effects that can last many years. So think of this as a beginning.

Planet Waves
An opening into the East Woods on the Grandmother Land in High Falls, NY. Photo by Jenna Dern.

This eclipse looks like it has the potential to be an especially long-lasting one. On Tuesday as I was doing my Planet Waves FM webcast about yesterday’s eclipse (which also includes a reading about the young women who escaped captivity in Cleveland Monday) I started to wonder when was the last solar eclipse in Taurus. In theory, it should have been about nine years ago.

That’s because eclipses move in an approximately nine-year cycle, following these points called the lunar nodes. Solar eclipses should follow the nodes, but sometimes they skip signs. I’ve seen this twice before. By my reckoning (using this reliable tool programmed by my friend Tracy), when the lunar nodes (which travel as an axis) passed through Taurus and Scorpio in the early 2000s, there were no solar eclipses in Taurus.

Therefore, the most recent solar eclipse we experienced in Taurus was during the prior nodal cycle, on April 29, 1995. There also was a solar eclipse in Taurus in the same degree as the one that happens later Thursday on May 10, 1994.

Gee, that eclipse in 1995 was 18 years ago. Why is this delay significant? Eclipses represent an evolutionary process, helping us move from one place to another. They are the most dependable events for helping us to shift continuity, let go of past habits and attachments and enter new territory.

When a type of eclipse has skipped a sign, it suggests there’s been a kind of delay or pause in the evolutionary process in the area of our lives that sign represents. It might mean ‘stuck’ and it might mean ‘extra long gestation process’ on a particular theme. Further, this suggests we have some catching up to do, with which we’ll have some help from yesterday’s significantly potent Taurus New Moon eclipse (which was exact Thursday, May 9 at 8:28 pm EDT).

Planet Waves
Rocks along the Atlantic Ocean near Portland, Maine. Photo by Eric.

This eclipse is conjunct two asteroids, to the degree: Pallas Athene and Lilith. Both Taurus and Pallas Athene are exemplary at maintaining appearances. They can create an exterior that’s impeccable, and often necessary for many kinds of social situations. Lilith, the ‘original woman’ from Medieval mythology, is what exists beneath that appearance. I read Lilith as ‘the woman within’, the one who won’t be subjugated by expectations or social circumstances.

Opposite the eclipse is Psyche in Scorpio — another image of what is under the surface: deep motives, and an element of pain, which emerges from a crisis of faith. Psyche asks the questions about how we could be loved, and whether we’re worthy of it. That’s not a statement but rather a question to resolve.

To one side of the eclipses there are squares coming from Diana and Icarus in Aquarius. There’s an element of protection (Diana, goddess of the hunt, who stands guard over young women) and an impulse to escape (Icarus, the guy caught in the maze who flew too close to the Sun).

To the other side of the eclipses is Dionysus in Leo, one of the most important mythological figures in all of ancient Greek lore. He’s described as the god of the grape harvest, of wine and of ritual madness and ecstasy. He represents another side of the impulse to escape — from the bonds of rationality.

I think the core aspect among these asteroids is Dionysus square Pallas: the inner impulse to liberate and shed the thick armor of personality, and Pallas, who in many ways embodies that armor (in which she was born). There is tension in this square, and it’s being emphasized by the eclipse (all of these aspects are within a one-degree orb of the eclipse).

Planet Waves
Photo by Eric Francis.

The theme is that something in you wants to burst free. It’s not satisfied to live for appearances, for how proper you are, how predictable, how willing to subvert your own natural desires.

This has been going on for a while, as if it’s been gradually building. You may think it’s merely an impulse to escape. I would say it’s an impulse to evolve, to make contact with the inner person you contain and allow him or her to have a voice, to experience their feelings and to have a place in the world.

Yes, other people will have to deal with it, but in fact, they always do.

This sensation might come with the feeling of bursting free, though it’s not a matter of all or nothing, but of taking sincere steps, which include taking the risk of letting people know who you are and how you feel. Remind yourself that you have nobody to impress; you’re living your life and it’s not for anyone else to tell you whether that’s right or wrong, nor for you to judge yourself based on what someone else might think.

If events conspire to make that happen a little faster than you might have expected (which can happen where there’s been a long delay, or when you’ve never tried something you really want), I suggest you go with the flow of the cosmos. She has you held in her wisdom, and knows that you were born to love and live as you choose.

Other factors in this eclipse suggest that potent spiritual forces are at work to help us get where we want and need to be. Offer your cooperation and they will return the favor.



Planet Waves

More to Astrology than Eclipses

As the dust settles around Thursday’s solar eclipse — the first in Taurus since 1995 — there are other interesting aspects in the neighborhood. The Sun is now in the last decanate (10-degree span, or ‘face’) of the sign Taurus, which phase is ruled by Saturn. This is a message to tidy up your energy and focus your efforts on your highest priorities.

Planet Waves
Planets are starting to fan out after the eclipse in Taurus. Here, you can see the Moon, Venus and Jupiter in Gemini. From the top reading the chart counter-clockwise, Eris, Mars, the South Node, Pallas, the Sun, Mercury, Venus, the Moon, Jupiter, the Black Moon Lilith or lunar apogee, Vesta and Ceres.

The Moon ingresses Gemini on Friday at 5:21 pm. Tonight the Moon is conjunct Venus, newly in Gemini, at 8:49 pm EDT.

One of the nicest features of the solar eclipse was that the ruler of the eclipse had slipped out of Taurus and into Gemini, making the event more mentally accessible.

The Moon will make a conjunction to Jupiter Sunday at 9:32 am. This could support a weekend with the potential for easygoing conversation and a break from the heaviness of the world.

In the mix, Mercury will be conjunct Pallas in Taurus Saturday at 10:33 am. There’s another interesting aspect between a traditional planet and an asteroid — Mars will square Juno Saturday at 12:29 pm EDT. Both of these aspects suggest that your best strategy will be stating what you need and what you want rather than expecting anyone to figure it out.

The Moon ingresses Cancer Monday at 5:57 am EDT. Venus moves into a square with Neptune Monday at 4:47 pm EDT, hinting that figuring out what you feel is a process.

Don’t take any potential ambivalence as a sign that something is wrong; both Gemini and Pisces are dualistic, mutable signs, and there are a lot of potentials for how you might feel and why you might feel that way. Take your time figuring it out.


Planet Waves

Solar Eclipse News Roundup

It’s been an interesting few weeks leading into the first solar eclipse in Taurus since 1995. The eclipse, which happened Thursday, was conjunct the asteroid Pallas Athene, highlighting politics and also seeming to crack the facade off of what we see in the world around us.

Planet Waves
Jodi Arias was convicted of the 2008 murder of her boyfriend and potentially faces the death penalty, which she says she wants.

Among the stories we’ll remember were the Boston Marathon bombing, which resulted in a major American city being put under martial law for one day. There was the explosion of a fertilizer plant in Texas and the collapse of a factory in Bangladesh killing more than 1,000 people. There was a miracle in the factory collapse story after a woman was found alive Thursday after 17 days under the rubble.

Barbara Heist, a woman who walked out of her own life one day 11 years ago in Pennsylvania, turned up in Florida, and three girls who had been kidnapped were freed from captivity this week, after being missing since the early 2000s — a profound example of human endurance. Ariel Castro was arrested for kidnapping and rape, and could facd the death penalty — which is unlikely to happen, as prosecutors will do what they can to avoid putting the victims through testifying at a trial.

Jodi Arias was convicted by a jury of first degree murder in the 2008 slaying of her boyfriend Travis Alexander. She stabbed him 29 times and then shot him. The jury is now deliberating whether she should get the death penalty, which she has said she wants, describing death as the ultimate freedom.

Republicans continued to be obsessed over the Obama administration’s handling of the Benghazi incident last September, though this seemed more like a pre-emptive effort to derail the probable presidential candidacy of Hillary Clinton, who was secretary of state at the time. It seems like both sides in this matter are deceiving the public, with Republicans exploiting certain facts and the Obama administration unable to admit what was really going on behind the scenes.

Mark Sanford, the former governor of South Carolina, defeated Elizabeth Colbert-Busch, the sister of Stephen Colbert, for a seat in that state’s 1st congressional district. Sanford is the guy who explained his disappearance while governor by claiming he was hiking on the Appalachian Trail when he was really having an affair in Argentina. Sanford resigned as governor and as chairman of the Republican Governor’s Association, only to be re-elected to his old seat in the House of Representatives.

Planet Waves
Mark Sanford said this week that his winning the election was an experience of ‘grace’, after one of the more memorable falls from grace in recent years. AP photo.

The Palisades Nuclear Power Plant was shut down after water was found leaking for the second time into Lake Michigan. “There is no impact on the health and safety of plant employees or the public,” a spokesman for the plant’s owner said.

Eight men were charged in a $45 million international bank heist, one of the biggest bank robberies ever, which involved hacking into credit card data files to raise withdrawal limits, then stealing the cash from ATMs all over the world.

Yet among all of this news, what else happened? Most of what we experience as news is distorted by the echo chamber of the media itself. For all of our 24-hour news coverage, we hear about the same stories over and over again. They at least make an interesting gestalt to describe some manifestations of the eclipse. Yet it often seems that unlike in the 1960s, when we experienced similar astrology as we have now, we don’t see the breakthroughs, the points of progress, the reasons to celebrate, quite as much.

That may be an illusion caused by the fact that bad news gets the ratings, and the ratings sell Subarus.


Planet Waves

U.S. and Russia Look to Syria as Uranus-Pluto Square Approaches

After two years of brutal civil war in Syria, the U.S. is talking about increasing aid and, with the help of Russia, trying to get the two sides of the conflict to negotiate. Secretary of State John Kerry and his Russian counterpart, Foreign Minister Sergey V. Lavrov, engaged in discussions in Moscow on Tuesday; Kerry telephoned European leaders from Rome the next day to begin setting the stage for a series of conferences between Syria’s government and the opposition — hopefully to begin within a month.

Planet Waves
Secretary of State John Kerry will have to do more than pray at this stage of the game. Photo: AAP.

All parties are working to “effect a transition government by mutual consent of both sides, which clearly means that in our judgment President Assad will not be a component of that transitional government,” said Kerry as he met Jordanian Foreign Minister Nasser Judeh this week.

In the meantime, the Pentagon has drawn up new contingency plans based on the possibility that Syria breaks apart. According to the Wall Street Journal, proposed plans include a buffer zone in Jordan for working with an overflow of refugees and for delivering weapons and aid to Syrian rebels. Until recently, the Pentagon saw the collapse of Syria as a remote possibility; at this point, volatile regional spillover is looking more likely.

The conflict in Syria began during the Arab Spring uprisings in 2011, which signaled the warm-up of the Uranus-Pluto square. The next exact contact of Uranus and Pluto — era-defining forces of upheaval, revolution and evolution — is May 20.

“The Syria message was loud and strong,” said a senior diplomat briefed on Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel’s trip to the Middle East last month. “Everybody’s scared. And nobody knows what the hell we are going to do there.”

In recent weeks, leaders of Arab nations have traveled to Washington, D.C. to speak directly with President Obama, “asking the U.S. to play a ‘midwife’ role.” True to the season, something is being birthed in the region, but so far it has been a long, painful and violent process largely ignored by western leaders until relatively recently.

Recalling the governmental clampdowns on social networking during the Arab Spring protests in Egypt, Google reported this week that Syria was cut off from the global Internet. The last shutdown on a similar scale in Syria occurred last November.

The Electronic Frontier Foundation notes that it is unknown whether Tuesday’s Internet shutdown was from an infrastructure cut, or a deliberate silencing of online communication. Digital media have been a critical tool connecting Syrians with the rest of the world.


Planet Waves

Elizabeth Smart: You Will Always Have Value

Amidst the news of the three young women in Cleveland who have finally found freedom after about a decade of imprisonment and rape, another former victim of abduction and rape is getting attention for speaking out. Elizabeth Smart, who was held captive for nine months in 2002 in Salt Lake City, Utah, when she was 14, gave an address this week on the role abstinence-only ‘education’ played in keeping her from trying to escape her captors.

Planet Waves
Sex or no sex, you have worth, and it’s always greater than chewed gum — even gum with the face of Jesus on it.

Speaking at a forum on human trafficking at Johns Hopkins University, Smart described the effect of hearing a school teacher compare those who engage in pre-marital sex as being like a piece of chewing gum:

“I thought, ‘Oh, my gosh, I’m that chewed-up piece of gum, nobody re-chews a piece of gum, you throw it away.’ And that’s how easy it is to feel like you no longer have worth, you no longer have value,” Smart said.

“Why would it even be worth screaming out? Why would it even make a difference if you are rescued? Your life still has no value.”

That may be the most insidious aspect of the ‘abstinence-only’ message, even beyond the lack of information about how adolescents’ bodies work and how to prevent pregnancy and STIs: behind it all is the message that having sex makes one worthless. Smart’s sense of no longer having any inherent value as a person proved to be an incredibly powerful mental shackle even when her captors took her out in public.

Smart, who is now in her mid-twenties, runs a foundation to educate children about sexual crimes. “You will always have value,” says Smart, “and nothing can change that.”

It’s a perfect message to broadcast and celebrate in a week with so many planets, plus a solar eclipse, in Taurus; a sign all about values, worth, the physical body, sex, passion and possession — especially your self-possession.


Planet Waves

GMO Labeling Bill in Vermont Almost Law

The Vermont House Judiciary Committee on Tuesday approved a bill requiring labeling of food products containing genetically modified organisms.

Planet Waves

If it passes the House, as expected, the Senate will likely take it up in January, since the legislative session ends this weekend.

Last year, Monsanto threatened to sue the state of Vermont if lawmakers passed a GMO labeling law. They claim that state GMO labeling is unconstitutional because federal law (in this case, FDA regulations) preempts state law.

However, federal law allows states to pass laws relating to food safety or food labels when the FDA has no prior regulations or prohibitions in place, as is the case with GMO labeling.

There are more than 200 state food labeling laws in effect right now in the U.S., including a GMO fish labeling law in Alaska, laws on labeling wild rice, maple syrup, dairy quality, kosher products, and laws on labeling dairy products as rBGH-free.

Rep. William Lippert, chairman of the Vermont Judiciary Committee, told his colleagues on Tuesday that the public interest in labeling is worth the risk of a lawsuit.

For once, we have a case of a politician listening to the will of the people, and not to Monsanto.


Planet Waves

No End in Sight from Power-Plant Pollution

Palisades Nuclear Power Plant in southwestern Michigan was taken offline Sunday after operators discovered a leak from a water tank. Nuclear Regulatory Commission officials estimate 79 gallons of “slightly radioactive water” flowed into Lake Michigan over the weekend, according to Michigan Radio.

Planet Waves
Palisades Nuclear Power Plant. Photo: U.S. NRC.

Despite this being the second time in less than a year that the tank has leaked — and despite not knowing how radioactive the water is — officials said there is no immediate risk to the public.

A Republican-appointed regulator was being investigated last year for trying to stop an NRC probe into safety concerns at Palisades, according to the Huffington Post. NRC Chairman Gregory Jaczko toured the plant in May 2012, while “a significant leak of potentially radioactive water was pouring into the control room.”

After Jaczko ordered an investigation, Commissioner William Ostendorff allegedly “shouted at the top agency investigator, Cheryl McCrary, in front of several NRC employees,” and told McCrary the inquiry would be a waste of resources, said the article.

The hands-off attitude continued this week on the Democratic side, when the Environmental Protection Agency confirmed it has no plans to issue new limits on carbon dioxide emissions from existing power plants. In a letter to Senate Republicans this week, the Obama nominee to head the EPA, Gina McCarthy, said the agency “is not currently developing any existing source greenhouse gas regulations,” according to Democracy Now! The EPA delayed proposed emissions limits for new power plants just last month. All wealth may come from the Earth, but the EPA and many leaders don’t seem to get what that really means.


Planet Waves

Only YOU Can Stand Up For What You Believe In

Planet Waves

Feel like showing how much clean water, healthy forests and free speech mean to you? Check out the designs of Lopi LaRoe, a Brooklyn, New York, screen-print artist and activist responsible for an altered Smokey the Bear meme that has the National Forest Service growling.

Depicting the iconic bear wearing a hat that says “NO FRACKING,” and with the slogan “Only you can prevent faucet fires” below him, LaRoe has radicalized a national symbol.

The t-shirts, bags and patches have “spread like wildfire,” according to LaRoe (haha) and sparked a cease-and-desist letter from the Metis Group, which acts as legal counsel for the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Forest Service division. They claim Smokey is the property of the U.S. government (not public domain), and that messing with his image could “confuse the public.”

An article by Peter Rugh at Waging Nonviolence suggests they’re more concerned that she could bring attention to the fact that the Forest Service is considering approving fracking leases in the George Washington National Forest, which is near another national forest where highly toxic fracking fluid has been linked to the deaths of 150 trees in West Virginia. What would Smokey do?


Planet Waves

Solar Eclipse in Taurus, Featuring Many Asteroids — and the Cleveland Captives Set Free by Heracles!

The new edition of Planet Waves FM covers the powerful solar eclipse we experienced on Thursday, with effects that will reverberate for many seasons, even for years. This is the first solar eclipse in Taurus since 1995.

Planet Waves

I go over the chart of the eclipse, including taking a look at the minor planets that align with it. It’s a beautiful collection, including Pallas, Psyche, Hermes, Dionysus and the protector of young women, Diana.

I also read the chart of the 911 call made by Amanda Berry, the woman who was missing for more than 10 years. She was set free by Charles Ramsey, who turns up in the chart as Heracles. The chart describes a chilling crime scene, though a story with a happier ending than anyone (including a psychic) would have predicted.

Our program is sponsored this week by the Invocation of Spring report, which is a study in relationship dynamics. This report serves all 12 signs — with readings of about 35 minutes each, and can be used for your Sun, Moon or rising sign — or those of partners or love interests.

We also have the Taurus birthday reading available. You can listen to a tasty sample of both the astrology and the tarot segments at this link. This is an inspired, motivational reading that will guide you if you’re a Taurus Sun, Moon or rising.

Our musical guest is the folk group Girlyman, featuring their excellent musicianship and harmony vocals. Some members are working on a new record, which you can hear about at this link.

Here are the charts and more information about the eclipses.


Planet Waves

Your Monthly Horoscopes — and our Publishing Schedule Notes

The May monthly extended horoscopes were published Friday, April 26. Inner Space horoscopes for May were published Tuesday, April 30. We published the Moonshine horoscopes for the Scorpio Full Moon and eclipse on Tuesday, April 23. On Tuesday, May 7, we published the Moonshine horoscopes for the Taurus New Moon.
Note that the longer monthly horoscope is being incorporated into the Friday issue after the Sun has entered a new sign; a new Inner Space is generally emailed on the following Tuesday.
Planet Waves

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, May 10, 2013 #949 | By Eric Francis

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — How can you value yourself if you’re afraid to show the world who you are? The two concepts form a direct contradiction to one another. I suggest you monitor your thoughts carefully for any hint of ‘restrain yourself’ or ‘don’t say how you feel’ and notice whether these impulses are connected to the issue of worthiness. It’s true from one limited point of view that there’s an appropriate time for everything. The question is what side of the line of appropriateness do you choose to err on? You can practice conservatism as a veiled form of living in fear, or you can err on the side of expressing yourself in that moment when you might be pushing boundaries. You’re safe doing this as long as you’re actually coming from what you truly value. In the process, you’re just as likely to discover that what you thought was true for you no longer is. This implies conducting your life as an experiment, which in turn hints at not knowing the outcome in advance.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).
Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — This may be a time in your life unlike any other, and I do mean in some profound ways. I am also speaking in the longterm — you’ve just experienced the first solar eclipse in your birth sign since 1995, suggesting that you can move long-stuck energy, and bring desires to fruition that have potentially been brewing all that time. Yet to take advantage of the moment and its opportunities for growth and celebrating life, it’s necessary to go beneath the image you wish to portray to the world and offer the substance you’re made of. This can be challenging if past experiences of revealing yourself have ended badly — and who hasn’t had some of those? One thing to keep in mind is that people in your environment are making contact with some of their deepest insecurities. They may or may not be revealing that; they may be more or less aware of what’s happening. Pay special attention to sexual situations that seem to provoke the fear of intimacy, or some form of jealousy. There’s more potential for healing in those situations than you may imagine.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).

Hello Taurus Sun, Moon and rising sign folks! Your Taurus 2013 birthday reading is ready. I cover Saturn in your opposite sign Scorpio, as well as the current eclipses, and what it means to have so many planets in your sign, rising sign or Moon sign at this time of year. I speak to you for an hour about your relationships, your quest for independence and what looks like some special motivation to grow and become. It’s a beautiful reading, recorded with a warm, intimate feeling. You may listen as many times as you like, or download it into iTunes or another MP3 player. The tarot reading reading includes photos of the spread, the chart and access to last year’s reading if you want to check my accuracy. You can order your birthday reading here for just $24.95.

Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — The current astrology has you on a tour of the unknown, uncharted, unacknowledged regions of your psyche. This is likely to come with some form of the message that there’s a lot you don’t know about yourself. Few people are comfortable with that feeling, but when you’re there, you’re there. Yet sincere not knowing is the state that usually precedes sincerely finding out. If you work with this equation over the next few weeks, you’re almost certain to make some discoveries that will help you guide your life in the direction that you’ve been called for a long time. You’re unlikely to have certainty in advance that the choices you make are right. Indeed, you seem to be going through an encounter with your own doubts. You need to go beyond your opinions or your feelings to do this. Rather, document your observations, particularly those of a spiritual or self-realization nature. At times you may find yourself in a dreamlike state, and you may forget things that you see and experience. When the time comes to know and remember, you will be happy you’ve left yourself some notes.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).
Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — It’s a frightful thought for most people to have their innermost self or innermost thoughts known to others. Think of all the effort that goes into putting up various veils, decoys and disguises. Consider all the thought that goes into being polite, stating things in oblique ways and even learning how to tell creative white lies. Now imagine how much energy all of this image-building creates — and tune into the feeling of how all you really want to do is be real. You may be bursting to express what is true and what is most valuable to you. I suggest you take this as a moment when you can initiate that, or step up your efforts and be more bold than usual. You may find this idea helpful. Your solar chart suggests that it’s obvious to others who you are, so you don’t need to worry about anyone finding out something new. The question is your relationship to who you actually are. Avoidance or denial will consume your energy; sincerity and willingness to be clear and vulnerable will concentrate and focus your energy.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).
Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — It’s worth considering the differences between the perception of success and actual achievement. It’s also worth considering the relationship between them — there is one. People seem more inclined to bet on who they think looks like a winner, vote for who looks like president or invest in a company with a strong image. The pattern in yesterday’s solar eclipse describes you integrating the two ideas — what you’ve accomplished and presenting what you’ve accomplished in a way that focuses attention. The chart also includes the description of a longterm project coming to fruition financially; one of the things described involves the financial rewards of your work. This is something that can grow and develop over time, on every level: economic, creative and also social. The social piece is integral to everything, since both outreach and fostering cooperation are essential to almost any venture or project that is focused on people, and these factors are especially strong. I suggest you work them consciously, because what you focus on will have a tendency to increase.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).
Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — You’re being invited into a new universe of possibilities, and to get there, it’ll help significantly if you leave a number of old beliefs and mental habits behind. Many of these look like some of the stereotypical self-critical Virgo issues, though as anyone born under your sign knows, that’s neither a myth nor a legend. Be aware of all beliefs that would qualify as hostile to yourself. These have had a way of turning into a religion, and you need a better one of those — one that’s worldly and practical and that has your happiness and success as its primary goal. Speaking of religion, I’ve often noticed the extent to which people underestimate the impact of religion. This can include what came by osmosis (from various sources, ranging from grandparents to movies to the Boy Scouts). I suggest you pay attention and inquire whether any vaguely negative or self-hostile thought doesn’t have its roots in a religious notion, whether you consciously chose it or not. It’s time for a mental purge of all such influences, which will help you discover what they’ve been hiding from your view.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).

Planet Waves

Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — This is a time of resolving your old commitments and entanglements, and moving on to a life that may take you far from anywhere you’ve ever been before. I suggest you summon your sense of adventure and your faith in yourself and get ready to make a series of moves. Don’t waste your time delaying on resolving what you know you’re through with. Make a list of the remaining points to address or work through and set a short schedule for doing so. You are being called beyond those prior attachments, commitments and ideas of who you need to be to others. This may include being drawn to other parts of the country or the world, and beginning what looks like it could be the adventure of a lifetime. This may feel like expressing another aspect of yourself entirely, a hidden side or some parallel reality that you might not have expressed under more typical circumstances. Yet if ever there was a rare moment in your life, this is it.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).
Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Give partners or loved ones a chance to meet you on their own terms — and see if that’s acceptable to you. There’s a good chance that when someone you care about or have an interest in finds their own way in life, it will have some significant overlap with your ideas or your plans. Yet a key element in this scenario is that whoever we’re talking about comes to whatever conclusion or decision they are going to make on their own, rather than under your influence. Part of what they’re experiencing is feeling too influenced by others, and wanting with every cell in their body not to feel that pressure. As for your own involvement, it would be healthy of you to diversify a bit, and to explore a concept of relationship that does not insist on a high level of attachment or even involvement. Our marriage-obsessed culture tends to do things backwards, like set a goal of a ‘permanent’ partner rather than exploring a process of seeing who you trust, who you like and what you have in common.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — It’s important to know how much is enough, which includes enough work, enough attention to your health, enough time or effort spent on something and enough emphasis on the idea of relationships rather than the reality. No sign description of Sagittarius that you’ll ever read would say, “These people are good at living a balanced life,” though it’s clear that one of the inevitable longterm projects you’re involved with is one of balance. The way the scale is tipping right now, some balance in the direction of what actually makes you happy would serve you well. This would include being alert for what aggravates, irritates and eats your energy. I suggest you also be alert for what you have not completed, and set about the task of wrapping things up with that person or aspect of your life. At the moment, everything in your chart is guiding you in the direction of closure. You’re about to have access to a lot of energy — I do mean a lot — and you don’t want to waste it dragging behind you anything you don’t really want or need.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).
Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — I’ve described this week’s solar eclipse as moving heaven and Earth — and that is certainly true for you. Eclipses have long-lasting effects; this one isn’t over. It actually just began, and what’s interesting is that there hasn’t been a solar eclipse in Taurus since 1995 — an unusually long time. So this signifies setting free an awesome amount of energy in the creative zone of your chart — your solar 5th house of play, art, pleasure and sex for fun. Since it’s also about children, you might want to monitor changes in their lives if you have any, though let’s stick to you. You could say that this eclipse is about letting go in all of the places where you’ve tended to hold back. As you let go, you may notice that some deeper themes or issues come up. Creativity, love, passion and pleasure all tend to bring up everything unlike themselves. So as you explore your more expressive side, leave some room for what comes up for healing — and the energy to address that.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).
Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — You may think that you have to get your life in order, or feel perfectly secure, before you dare to express yourself creatively. However, that’s a setup for not expressing yourself much at all, since it’s rare that our lives are in perfect order (and besides, creativity thrives with at least a dash of chaos or challenge). It’s worth questioning these kinds of if/then statements: if I’m healed, or perfect, I can do this or that. Often the healing or the ‘perfecting’ comes in the process of creation, or of somehow taking action. Said another way, creative and sexual experiences are part of the normal flow of life, not the outcome of some special effort, or state of deserving. The confidence you seek you will find through taking chances, not by waiting until you’re confident to take a chance. There may be some obvious signs that this is true, for example an alluring opportunity that you might try if you felt up to it, but which you can still try, even if you’re not sure.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).
Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — We’ve all heard the term “Think globally, act locally.” The idea is reputed to come from a Scottish town planner and urban theorist named Patrick Geddes (1854-1932). Geddes also gave us the idea of a ‘region’ and coined the term ‘conurbation’, which describes a metropolitan area where towns and cities seem to overlap. These are all themes that relate to how Thursday’s solar eclipse aspected your chart. In a sense, it’s about claiming the space you occupy, though it’s more of the regional space: your community and local slice of the orange on which you live. It’s also describing your relationship to your neighbors and the people in your community, encouraging you to invest your energy locally to the greatest extent possible. There’s likely to be a beautiful result if you do. One other thing — this is the year when you take concrete steps to improve your quality of life, specifically in the spaces that you occupy. This happens every now and then, though the conditions are perfect for creating more space, better space and better use of space. That, in turn, is about creating harmony between your life and your world.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two product



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A Fire in Aries; Be Cool, Don’t Just Act Cool

Dear Friend and Reader:

With the recent equinox, the sky continues tipping from water sign Pisces into fire sign Aries. The spring season began in the Northern Hemisphere Wednesday, with the Sun joining Mars and Uranus in Aries. This is the beginning of the astrological year — the metaphorical clock resets to midnight.

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Nautilus stairway at the old 59 Rivoli artists’ squat, in downtown Paris. Photo by Eric Francis.

This is being followed close on its heels by an unusual Full Moon on Wednesday, March 27 at 5:27 am EDT. The Full Moon is a Moon-Sun opposition stretched across Aries and Libra. The Moon is on its own in Libra, though it’s meeting the Sun, which is conjunct Venus, Mars and Uranus.

This setup is a reminder not to let yourself get knocked off balance by your environment, or by people you perceive as overpowering you in some way. Your environment (which means people and circumstances) is offering you options, and to a real extent it’s showing you a reflection of yourself (illustrated by the Full Moon reflecting all those planets).

It’s worth recapping that Mercury stationed direct last Sunday afternoon (March 17), ending a three-week retrograde phase. That retrograde is still working itself out, and it will be for about two more weeks as Mercury re-traces the degrees where it was just retrograde (this is sometimes called the second shadow phase, or second echo phase).

Some people are more sensitive to these Mercury retrogrades than others, whether psychologically, emotionally or through experiencing those odd events like computer crashes, lost keys and missing envelopes. There were a lot of planets in Pisces during this retrograde; that gives some people the feeling of emotional resonance and others the feeling that they’re drowning. Mercury will remain in Pisces until April 13, when it joins the rapidly developing Aries grouping.

Speaking of: Venus was the most recent planet to move from Pisces to Aries. Venus is happy in Pisces (the two have a natural affinity) and it needs more love than it’s often willing to offer in Aries (the sign of Mars, so there can be some tension). It’s a prickly spot for Venus, but with the promise of a conjunction with Mars in early April, there may be some fiery action in the sex department at that time. Do your best to find the balance between going after what (or rather who) you want, receiving what is offered by a partner (or someone who is not one yet, but whom you’re interested in), and remembering to be extra-conscious of the other person’s experience (known as empathy) — and what you can offer them in return.

We are entering a phase with a lot of Aries happening, and empathy really is the name of the game.

Now, as for why the planets in Aries are big news. As you may know, there is currently a generational aspect happening — Uranus in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn. These are two slow-moving points that are meeting in a major aspect for the first time since 1965-66. What we think of as the Sixties was mainly the combination of three major factors: a conjunction of Uranus and Pluto; Chiron in Pisces; and Neptune in Scorpio.

Planet Waves
Brooklyn’s beloved Cyclone roller coaster, the oldest, meanest, fastest (and safest) wood and steel contraption in the business. It occupies one city block in Coney Island. Photo by Eric Francis.

We now have the first Uranus-Pluto (major) aspect happening since the Sixties. Chiron is back in Pisces. And Neptune is in a water sign. Let’s stick to Uranus and Pluto. They are early in cardinal signs — Aries and Capricorn. Their square aspect is a five-year (or more) project, of which we’re now in the middle. These longterm aspects heat up when other planets get involved, and now a lot of other planets are about to jump into the mix.

Friday, Mars makes a conjunction to Uranus. Soon after on March 26, it’ll make a square to Pluto. That’s going to add a lot of energy to what is already a high-potency alignment, which is lurking just below the surface, waiting for something to come along and do just that. This tells a story in natal charts. In my old series Born in the Sixties, I describe how aspect patterns of certain birth charts emphasize the astrology of that era, and certain ones play it down. Anyone born under the current astrology is going to have Uranus-Pluto emphasized for their whole lives because there are so many planets involved, just as certain people born in the 1960s do.

At the same time, the Sun will move through Aries, form a conjunction to Uranus on March 28 and a square to Pluto on March 31. Venus will do the same thing (on the same days as the Sun — the Sun and Venus are moving in tandem right now), and then Mercury will do the same next month (April 20 and 21). So, over and over again, inner planets — the ones we feel and see — will be making conjunctions to Uranus and squares to Pluto.

This is a series of events that can change the world, and can also wake us up to how much the world has changed before our eyes in just a few years. The thing is, we may see what seems like a ew years’ worth of changes in a matter of weeks. It’s impossible to predict what this will bring, though there is likely to be some ‘personal is political’ effect in the world. When astrology like this heats up, many people get the urge to participate.

Planet Waves
Fire spinning in Krakow, Poland. Photo by Eric Francis.

For some, it’s like you spent four years studying in the library, then the spring of your senior year, protests break out on campus and you want to participate — and you may feel like it’s too late. If you experience something like this, remember that social movements are not a thing, they are about people. So go outside, and meet the people who are involved. Do your part to make what you’re witnessing into something that is personal and immediate. In many ways this is the story of our our whole era in history. We have the opportunity to take chances on what is happening now — or to let the era slip by.

And while the Uranus-Pluto square, the defining aspect of our time in history, seems to last for a while, it will go by faster than you think. Now is your moment to dare; now is your moment to make a difference, in your own life and that of the larger culture.

As for the personal being personal: do your best to stay cool and keep your head through this astrology. This is the time to be cool, not just act cool or ‘play it cool’. Cool means reflective, aware and clear. It means being aware of time and timing, and knowing when you’re ready to make your move. There will be moments when passion is called for — you will know them when you’re in them. Even then, make sure you’re aware of your emotional temperature at all times.

Mars and Uranus, which are conjunct today, describe a clash between personal and community interests — therefore, orient yourself on cooperation and don’t try too hard to stand out. Be real, be yourself, and notice (and feel) what’s going on around you. Do your best to be part of what you say you belong to. Offer yourself a little more generously than you think you need to, or are being asked to.

Everyone will feel better.


Planet Waves

This is a 12-sign audio report about relationships and sex. Each of the signs gets half an hour of attention — half the length of a long podcast. You can listen to your Sun, Moon or rising sign, and those of people you care about. Visit this link to pre-order.

Planet Waves

Lunations of April Rock the World

New and Full Moons this April are potent astrological events that will continue the fiery theme that has been brewing through late March. One by one, planets have been transitioning from Pisces to Aries, tipping the feeling and experience of the astrology from water to fire. The New and Full Moons of April also bring us into the first of two eclipse seasons in 2013.

Let’s start with the Aries New Moon. That takes place April 10. For this event, there are six planets in Aries, five of them concentrated into a narrow band of sky with the new planet Eris at the center. You could call this the Eris New Moon. We’ll have a ‘proving moment’ for Eris (discovered in 2005, named in 2006), when we get another example of how this planet works. Sometimes a New Moon close to a newly discovered planet will bring a revelation about what that planet is here to show us.

Aries New Moon conjunct Eris

Let’s run through what’s in Aries as of the New Moon on the 10th. Uranus is in there, about to make its third of seven squares to Pluto (that happens on May 20).

Planet Waves

Then, we have that grouping of five planets right around Eris — the Sun and Moon to one side, and Venus and Mars to the other side.

Eris is the sensation of ‘all chaos, all the time’. It’s the times we live in. I trace this back to the Sixties, though it’s been ramping up exponentially year by year since then. Eris describes a state of global chaos as well as a personal sense of being overwhelmed. It’s also about the persistent question ‘who am I?’ Yet one is fortunate to be in a position to ask that; typically, it’s experienced as confusion. And there is plenty of that going around lately.

Young people in particular have little in the way of structure they can hold onto, and if they do, they are also witnesses to a world that seems to be falling apart day by day.

The twin conjunctions on either side of Eris seem to represent two possible states of relating. To one side is the Sun and the Moon — an image of mother and father, or a traditional concept of relationship. To the other side is a conjunction of Venus and Mars, which is at least a meeting between two peers. However, in this equation Venus is in Mars’s sign — it’s out of character. And while Mars rules Aries, it’s not always feeling so confident there.

This describes many modern relationships where men and women are out of character, or where people of the same sex are sorting out gender roles. So it’s a little of the old and the new, side by side — with a kind of chaos membrane between them. In reality, human relationships have more in common than social activists would like us to think. We are all people, alive at the same time, participating in the same society, doing our best to meet our emotional needs and offer what we can to others.

Scorpio Full Moon – Partial Eclipse

The Aries New Moon is followed by the Scorpio Full Moon of April 25. The Sun ingresses Taurus on April 19, and soon after is followed by the Full Moon. Planets will be ingressing Taurus through the month, and by the time of the Full Moon, Mars, the Sun, Pallas Athene, Venus and the South Node will be collected there.

Planet Waves

The Scorpio Full Moon has two different feeling tones. One is indicated by the concentration of personal planets in Taurus — including Venus and Mars. That has a passionate feeling to it; a desire for physicality and connection.

The Sun is conjunct Mars, which lends passion and drive, as well as a need to express energy physically. I think this will be meaningful to honor, despite the possible distractions. That is the whole point of focusing passion — to be able to keep your focus sufficiently to power through the noise, static and obstructions of the world.

Taurus also has a mental quality that evades the very physicality that it represents. It can be lost in fantasy or lost in an idea of how things should be, or should have been. The mental quality of this event is hinted at by Venus conjunct asteroid Pallas Athene. Pallas was the goddess born directly from her daddy’s head, in a full suit of armor, ready for action. That seems to color her whole delineation — the notion of nonsexual birth, from dad, seemingly as the product of his mind. Just imagine her bursting out with her helmet and spear.

Pallas therefore has a distinctly mental quality. We have an image of getting lost in one’s head, doing too much to plot strategy or striving to impress others with one’s intelligence. Pallas has a theme of daddy-pleasing, something we do more of than we think. In many ways the world is a story of daddy worship, from fussing over the pope to thinking the president runs the country to adherence by nearly everyone to patriarchal ways of organizing society — even though we know there are alternatives.

For this event, Mars is opposite the Moon. And the Moon is conjunct Saturn. These two aspects lend a reflective, heavy and at times frustrating quality. Fortunately this chart is an eclipse, and that’s suggesting a theme of letting go of that which is frustrating. It may be necessary to take things from the mental level to the emotional level in order to work this out. It’s not always obvious when your mind is tied up that your real situation is emotional in nature, which could imply physical — emotions tend to be closer to the body than is the mind.

This eclipse is the first of three. It’s followed two weeks later by an annular eclipse of the Sun in Taurus. That happens May 9, in the season of Beltane. And then May 24-25, there is another lunar eclipse on the Sagittraius-Gemini axis. I’ll have more about those charts a little closer to the events.


Planet Waves

House of Representatives Needs Better Drugs

The House of Representatives Thursday approved a group of measures that would keep the government running through September, but which preserved the ‘sequestration’ of federal money designed to starve all the programs that Republicans don’t like. That is not a partisan statement — this was the third version of the Paul Ryan budget, the same Paul Ryan who lost the election last November.

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I beg you, please. Michele Bachmann pleads for the repeal ofObamacare. Screen shot from C-Span.

The bill “underfunds key elements of the president’s health care law, as the administration builds up health insurance purchasing exchanges. And it makes permanent four formerly temporary gun-rights provisions just as Senate Democrats prepare a final push on gun control legislation,” the New York Times reported Thursday.

[Meanwhile, the Senate this week failed to pass a ban on assault weapons; Democratic leadership withdrew the measure, saying it didn’t have the votes to carry.]

The Republican budget law passed by the House Thursday is supposedly designed to balance the budget, but Ryan himself two weeks ago admitted that his budget was more of a philosophical statement. Still, that didn’t stop the House from approving it. It has not gone to the Senate, and it would never pass there, so the House vote is a kind of token gesture.

“We want to balance the budget. They don’t,” Ryan said Thursday. “We want to restrain spending. They want to spend more. We offer modernization, reform, growth and opportunity,” he continued. “They want to cling to the status quo, more taxing, more spending, more borrowing.”

What you have here is a longterm issue — the national debt — being treated like an immediate problem. It would be like waking up one day realizing that you’re $150,000 in debt and need to pay it off all at once, rather than just paying your mortgage on time.

Ryan’s proposal depends on repealing the Affordable Care Act to balance the budget,
which this week the Republicans tried to do for the 34th time. Michele Bachmann, the wannabe presidential candidate, introduced yet another law to repeal the ACA, saying, “That’s why we’re here because we’re saying let’s repeal this failure before it literally kills women, kills children, kills senior citizens. Let’s not do that. Let’s love people, let’s care about people. Let’s repeal it now while we can.”

Don’t miss the video of Bachmann’s diatribe on the House floor Thursday. It’s really worth 33 seconds of your time.


Planet Waves

Assault Weapons: Losses and Wins

Unsurprisingly, Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein’s proposed ban on assault weapons was too tough a sell for NRA-cowed Democrats in the U.S. Congress. Had it already been part of the gun-control package moving forward (which is undefined at this time, but could include universal background checks), it would have taken 60 votes to remove it.

At least, that was Feinstein’s argument; that voting it out of a package would be harder to do than passing the entire package in the wake of the Newtown, Connecticut massacre late last year. Senate majority leader Harry Reid saw things differently, explaining to reporters that the necessary votes just weren’t there.

“I’ve worked 40 years on these issues — guns. I’ve seen so much violence,” a shaken and frustrated Feinstein told reporters Tuesday. In 1978, while working as the San Francisco County supervisor, Feinstein found the body of Harvey Milk after he and Mayor George Moscone were shot by Dan White. In 1994, following a mass shooting at a San Francisco high-rise, she successfully pushed for the Federal Assault Weapons Ban. That ban expired in 2004.

Meanwhile in Colorado, home of last summer’s movie theater shooting rampage in Aurora, there is more gun-related success and sadness. Earlier this week, Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper signed legislation enacting gun control laws with some actual teeth. Ammunition magazines will be limited to 15 rounds (not exactly paltry); background checks will be expanded; domestic abusers must surrender their guns; and online concealed-carry permits will be banned.

Almost as if to prove some kind of point, on the eve of the gun law signing ceremony an unknown assailant shot and killed Tom Clements, the head of Colorado’s prison system. Clements had answered the doorbell; police there do not believe the shooting was random. No shit.


Planet Waves

UPDATE: Monsanto Protection Act Moves to Obama’s Desk

Food Democracy Now! announced late Thursday that Congress passed the Continuing Resolution spending bill, HR 933, that contains the dangerous Monsanto Protection Act (Section 735) we reported on last Friday. Section 735 strips the important concept of “judicial review” from our courts and allows GMO crops to be planted while appeals to stop them are still being heard.

The bill now moves to President Obama for his signature. If you want to stop the bill from becoming law, here’s a petition to the president.

Grocers Say No to GMO Frankensalmon

Retail grocers representing some 2,000 individual stores and food chains, today said they would not carry AquaBounty Technologies’ GMO salmon, regardless of the FDA’s future decision on its approval. This is the first organized grocer boycott of the genetically engineered [GE or GMO] salmon.

Planet Waves
What kind of salmon is this, real or Frankensalmon? We can’t tell from the outside but it makes a big difference. Photo: Wikipedia.

Retail chains including Trader Joe’s, Aldi, Whole Foods and regional chains Marsh Supermarkets (with stores in Indiana and Ohio) and PCC Natural Markets in Washington state, plus co-ops in Minnesota, New York, California, and Kansas have joined the “Campaign for Genetically Engineered (GE)- Free Seafood.”

“GE fish only advances if there is a market to buy it. Today’s announcement of a huge number of seafood retailers stating their refusal to buy the fish shows that FDA approval won’t be the last word on this important debate about what consumers want their future fish to be,” said George Leonard, a scientist with Ocean Conservancy who testified before Congress on the GMO salmon.

Concerns include whether the salmon is safe to eat and potential escapes from the farms where they are raised. The offspring of wild salmon that crossbreed with them could be exposed to unknown genetic consequences, harming the species and contaminating them as a food supply.

The Campaign for Genetically Engineered-Free Seafood is being led by consumer and environmental groups, including Friends of the Earth, Center for Food Safety, Food and Water Watch, and Consumers Union.

No other genetically engineered fish is on the market, but according to the Center for Food Safety “at least 35 other species of GE fish are currently being developed around the world, including trout, catfish, tilapia, striped bass, flounder, and many species of salmon.”


Planet Waves

War on Iran Delayed Til 2014

In a rather ambiguous announcement, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has stated that it will probably take Iran about a year to manufacture a nuclear weapon, if they decide to do so. President Obama — making his first trip to Israel as president of the United States — seemed to concur that this was enough time to wait before taking military action against Iran, saying:

“We prefer to resolve this diplomatically. And there’s still time to do so. Iran’s leaders must understand, however, that they have to meet their international obligations. And meanwhile, the international community will continue to increase the pressure on the Iranian government. The United States will continue to consult closely with Israel on next steps. And I will repeat: All options are on the table.”

It’s a nice little mitzvah for Israel right before Passover, what with Obama citing an “unbreakable bond” with the country and vowing to extend billions of dollars in annual U.S. aid. The two men displayed a friendly, avuncular joking relationship during the press conference, and Chuck Todd of MSNBC got in four questions when he’s only allowed one. Clearly these world leaders were feeling pleased with themselves.

But if you read between the lines, it sounds rather like Netanyahu and Obama have agreed to delay war on Iran until at least 2014. And, glaringly, Obama has made no mention of the illegal Israeli settlements on occupied Palestinian land.

Obama is now touring the West Bank for talks with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas. We’ll see if he notices the new tent camp aimed at stopping the expansion of West Bank settlement that a group of activists erected ahead of his visit. Said Palestinian lawmaker Mustafa Barghouthi, “It is [Obama’s] duty to see the Israeli apartheid system and the system of segregation that his ancestors suffered from.”

It remains to be seen whether Israeli forces will raid the camp now, or after Obama leaves.


Planet Waves

Small Cause, Big Effect?

The operator of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant said Wednesday it believed a rat was the cause of an extended blackout that disabled the plant’s cooling system this week — a disturbing reminder of how very little it can take to bring on catastrophe.

Tokyo Electric Power Company’s engineers found the charred body of a rat inside a faulty switchboard. They believed it had short-circuited the switchboard, perhaps by chewing on the wires.

The power failure began Monday, cutting off the flow of cooling water to four pools used to store more than 8,800 nuclear fuel rods. All of the affected pools were expected to be cooled by Wednesday, according to a New York Times article.

Last week Fukushima and the people of Japan (indeed, people around the world) marked the two-year anniversary of a triple meltdown at the plant in March 2011 after a huge earthquake and tsunami knocked out cooling systems.

“The spent fuel pools have been a particular source of concern because they contain far more radioactive material than the three reactor cores that melted down two years ago, forcing the evacuation of 160,000 people,” the article said.


Planet Waves

Planet Waves
Part of “Modern Movement,” the latest installment in museum security guard Todd Balthazor’s comic strip, “It Is What It Is.” Todd is a security guard at the Walker Art Center in Minneapolis.

When Life Imitates Art Imitating Life…

A recent New York Times feature on the secret lives of museum security guards introduced one Todd Balthazor to the world beyond Minneapolis: art school grad, cartoonist, on-the-job yoga practitioner and cultural satirist.

“I’m stretching all the time,” said Balthazor. “You have to do that, or else you are going to stiffen up. We have some elderly workers, and they just walk like trees.”

He also keeps his sense of humor and his drawing skills limber by drawing the cartoon It Is What It Is, based on his encounters working at the Walker Art Center in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The Walker features the strip on its blog about twice per month. Hopefully that’s more often than Balthazor has to resort to memorizing museum visitors’ outfits and holding his breath to stay mentally sharp, surrounded by people ‘photo bombing’ major artworks for their hipster Facebook profiles.


Planet Waves

Equinox, Iraq War and the Founder of Monsanto

In this week’s edition, I cover the chart for the Aries equinox and the forthcoming aspect Mars conjunct Uranus in Aries. Then I look at two anniversary charts — the beginning of the Iraq war 10 years ago today, and the death of John F. Queeny, the founder of Monsanto, 80 years ago Tuesday.

In the Iraq war discussion, I mention how this scam grew out of a bigger fraud, which was the Sept. 11, 2001 incident; here’s a recent article from the member archives studying that event.

I also mention an International Astrology Day celebration hosted by Kepler College, the only college in the U.S. devoted to astrology.


Planet Waves

Your Monthly Horoscopes — and our Publishing Schedule Notes

The March monthly extended horoscopes were published Friday, Feb. 22. Inner Space for March was published Tuesday, Feb. 26. We published the Moonshine Horoscope for the Pisces New Moon on Tuesday, March 5th. Note that the longer monthly horoscope is being incorporated into the Friday issue after the Sun has entered a new sign; a new Inner Space is still emailed on the following Tuesday. The Moonshine horoscopes for the Libra Full Moon will be published Tuesday, March 26. Your April Monthly Horoscope is below in this issue.


Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for April 2013 by Eric Francis
(standing in for weekly horoscope #943)

Early Aries Birthdays (and Early Aries Rising)


You have more change in your chart than a bootblack has coins in his pocket, but what will it take to make lasting progress? Remember that change comes from you, not from anyone else and not as a magical factor of any relationship. The planets hold incredible promise at the same time they make it difficult to know what you want. Current aspects suggest it would be good for you to pause and decide what is right for you, before you make any spontaneous decisions. True, that’s not very Aries, whose motto is often leap before you look, think or know you’re leaping. Sometimes that works for you — but you have so much energy and leverage right now, it would be wise to use your considerable human intelligence. Set an agenda for yourself, which you take one step at a time. No matter what, the planets are promising you an exciting year ahead, with many surprises. You don’t need to invent excitement — it’s coming your way. Note to Aries readers: your birthday reading will be ready next week. Please check your email for an announcement when it’s available.

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — I suggest that you not get ahead of yourself. You may feel that there’s nothing you cannot accomplish, but certain recent events may also demonstrate that there’s no guarantee that impulsive decisions actually work out to your benefit. When life is moving unusually fast, and when there are so many unpredictable factors that it seems impossible to use logic and scheduling to solve your problems, you may be tempted to throw all organization to the wind. This is the time to pause and ask yourself what it really is that you’re doing, and why. Have you thought this through? Well, it’s not too late, though you may have to slow down and take the pulse on a relationship or partnership that seems to have taken on a life of its own. The astrology is suggesting that the most challenging thing is listening. That includes you listening to others, and them listening to you. Yes, it seems elementary that such a basic level of exchange could be missing in a situation so significant in your life, though I suggest you check this carefully and make sure that you and those close to you are truly willing to hear one another out. Doing so will not threaten anyone’s existence, importance or role. What a sincere (and extra-length) exchange of feelings or ideas will do is to re-incorporate the human element into this endeavor, before you encounter challenges that depend entirely on that one very thing. In a word, that would be trust.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).


Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — You may want to put on a logical face and take a reasonable approach, though it seems to be passion that’s driving you and direct physical experience that you’re seeking. It’s as if there is a storm blowing inside of you, and the wind, thunder and rain want to escape from you any way they can. You don’t have to let this out all at once; it would be helpful if you could actually tune into what you’re feeling, and consider what some of its possible sources are. Astrologically, here is how it looks: It’s as if you’ve been living a fictional version of your identity, and the real thing is starting to rise up in rebellion against the facade. This involves the roles you’ve been given, or assigned to yourself, such as with your family and in your relationships. By one reading of the chart, there’s a lot to say about the ways in which you’ve tried to impress your father with what a good person you are. The real you has no such political motives. Your relationships don’t need to be based on any kind of a purity standard, but rather on what is mutually good for those involved. If you find yourself seeking someone’s approval, that’s the time to go to a new level of maturity. You would be wise to consider the influence and impact of your relationships on the community that surrounds you. If you’re inclined to say, “what relationships?” or “what community?” then please look more closely.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).


Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Focus on getting along with people — especially if you want things to go smoothly at work, and especially if you want to accomplish the great things that you feel destined to do. I would interject with a question: do you consider yourself to be in a position of leadership? Is it possible that you are, but are in denial about that fact? Leadership has formal manifestations, such as they call you the ‘team leader’ or the CEO. And it has informal manifestations (such as being the one who does the dishes in the break room, facilitates communication among those who might not ordinarily get along, or sets a good example in other ways). Now, your leadership role may lean toward the informal, which would actually be easier. You are in a position to blend your concept of rebellious with everyone else’s concept of what works. Said another way, you’re the one who may have the kind of weird idea that turns out to be the perfect solution to the riddle everyone has been staring cross-eyed at for six months. You are in the perfect position to reconcile both sides of the equation (such as practicality and innovation; doing what is legal and understanding what the law does not cover; getting the right result for the money that’s available). From the look of your chart, I would describe you as the master of resolving the unsolvable paradox. Just remember — many people love to be stuck. Know who they are and don’t waste any time banging your head against them.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).


Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Get clear on what you want to accomplish. Your goals may have changed recently, and they’ve certainly changed since you last made big changes in your life. By big I mean really big — the kind you thought you could never make. At this stage in your life, you’re likely to have a whole new vision, though you may be living under the results of the prior vision. The difference now is that you have something to lose, and some of that is worthwhile and serves you well. Keep your mind on the continuity factor, at the same time ensuring that you’re not a slave to the past. Be sensitive to what works and what does not work in your life. Be aware of what you want and what you do not want. One thing is clear: this is a time in your life when you’re ready to have more responsibility than you’ve ever had, and when you’re ready for it. Part of the benefit of living with a sense of duty is that it’s compelling you to assert yourself. That, in turn, is compelling you to know yourself well enough to take authority and get the results that need to be gotten. Remember, we live in a world where few people want to take responsibility for anything outside what immediately impacts them. That’s why the planet is in the state it’s in. You have a different path in life. It may be more challenging, but it’s a lot more meaningful.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).


Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — The age-old traditions of superficial, self-centered and boring won’t work for you this month. They never did, but they are currently at an all-time low ebb. Therefore, you can plan on events that take you deeper, that involve you with others, and that are genuinely interesting. As you do, you may encounter the temptation to distract yourself with appearances, glamor and the desire to ‘be known’ for something. I suggest you succumb to nothing of the kind. Do what you do for its inherent value, rather than some secondary result. This leaves you plenty of room to focus on excellence, and to remember that a meaningful attribute of your karma is to focus groups of people into conscious coordination. As you do this, one thing to be aware of is anyone who does not want things to work. Some people on the planet have a not-so-funny way of reacting negatively when energy starts to focus in their proximity. They can be jealous when people succeed, seemingly not needing them. The first thing to do with anyone exhibiting this kind of attitude is to notice, and notice soon. There are a few ways to handle this kind of value; one is to include the person and keep him or her busy. Help them feel needed. Or, you can find a constructive use for their competitive spirit. Ask everyone involved what they need and what their expectations are. When you get your answer, set goals and make adjustments.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).


Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — You have learned a lot about how other people perceive you, and you’ve learned just as much about how you perceive them. Have you got the message that it’s all just perception? One thing that’s clear is that being able to perceive from multiple viewpoints is better than perceiving from just one. A moving point of view is at least a reminder how tenuous the senses and one’s opinions can be. Yet you’re always better at least paying attention, and being sensitive to the perspectives of people close to you. You’re likely to have many occasions this month to use what you’ve learned all through this year. You’re also likely to forget what you learned, so I suggest you pause and think carefully if a relationship situation, financial deal or some matter involving any form of shared resources heats up. You’re likely to perceive those involved as being impetuous and self-centered, and you may be right. But to get past that, you will need the information that you’ve learned and the strength that it gives you. True, it’s a subtle form of strength, but knowledge is indeed power. If someone is asserting their will on you, or playing a kind of hardball competitive game, you’ve really got two choices. One is to go blow for blow. The other is to use your mind, study and understand the situation in a whole way, and begin negotiating. You have the ability to turn the whole scenario not just in your favor but also into a situation where everyone comes out ahead.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).


Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — What can you do to place yourself onto some solid emotional ground? You have to live with the situation you’re in, at least for a while; this is not one you can easily evade, run from, or redesign to suit your fancy. And why would you want to? There are so many ways you’re benefiting, and you both understand and want the power of commitment. It would be healthy to account for the ways that you contribute to any emotional situation in your life. Indeed, I suggest you list yourself as a direct co-creator in any and all of your relationships. I know that there’s a way they seem to be thrust at you. I know you don’t understand how or why some things happen. However, taking a passive approach is only going to accentuate that feeling. The more you step up, the more you will feel like you’re able to influence your various life situations. I am not suggesting that you try to take control. I am not suggesting (as you may be tempted to do) that tit-for-tat or “an eye for an eye” is an appropriate response, even when you’re treated unfairly. I am saying claim your space, stand in your responsibility and be true to yourself and to those with whom you’re journeying. That might include asking for what you need, expressing gratitude to those who have helped you or having a dialog about how to improve circumstances for everyone.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).


Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Recent events may have left you feeling heavy or uncertain about existence. I often wonder how anyone manages to be optimistic or positive, given the prevailing state of the world. Still, your chart is urging you to make sure that others know you care about them. Having faith in your ability to help will strengthen your faith in humanity. The other thing I suggest you do is remember that your creative spirit is alive and flourishing. By this I mean you are feeling passionate about your desire to engage fully with life, and whatever has been happening has had the effect of guiding you to do so with greater strength. I suggest that you make your choices for how to invest your mind, your senses and your hands based on what you want now — not what you wanted in the past. Be aware of a tendency to live in your memories, or to gravitate toward the feeling of nostalgia. A little of that may serve you, but not much more. There is so much that the present moment is offering you that it never has offered before. If you can look beyond your ‘latent past impressions’ of everything around you, you’ll see that this is a perfectly unique moment of existence for which you are ready and, I suspect, willing. Many people on this planet struggle with one thing only, which is letting go of the past. With a little courage, there’s no need to fight.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).


Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — As a Sagittarius, you have a reputation for being one of the most daring signs of the zodiac. I would say from my experience as an astrologer, that’s more packaging than product — except for now. By now, I mean in recent years, and I especially mean now as in this month. Every possible factor is encouraging you to be bold and do what you would not normally dare to do. Start with what you want to do the most, and which is available to you. Could this be as simple as calling up someone you like and letting them know that? Could it be taking up someone’s offer for an adventure, romantic or otherwise? Going down the list of possible reasons you might hesitate, one of them shows up as ‘something in your past’ that you’re afraid might come out. This feeling might be so subtle you haven’t given it a name, though if you’re feeling like you cannot bring yourself to do something and you don’t know why, you will benefit from investigating invisible influences. For example, do you feel like you have a commitment to someone (from the past) which is preventing you from being fully in the present? Is there some lingering unresolved matter, potentially involving a sexual relationship, that is weighing on your conscience? You may think that this is some kind of permanent installation in your psyche; I assure you that if you want to be free in the moment, you actually can resolve it and move on.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).


Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — You may not know where to focus your energy, or where the main issue is. Your perception of what you’re working on may keep changing, evading your understanding. Yet you know there has to be an energy source when you’re feeling so much, and to such extremes. First off, I suggest you investigate your environment for any factor that aggravates or even annoys you. This may be a challenge if you feel like someone has coated every surface in your house with hot pepper oil, or like there’s a high-voltage quantum wave machine down in your basement. There will however be certain factors that you can identify and address. I also suggest you experiment with removing two or three foods that are not serving you (or anyone). To give one example, high fructose corn syrup is an irritant, a toxin and it burns too hot for your current constitution (which at the moment is dominated by fire sign Aries). Your chart suggests that food or some ingredient in what you eat may be related to anything that currently troubles you. Deeper in, however, I would propose that there’s some kind of emotional matter that’s influencing your self-image. Are you feeling like you’re getting old? Do you feel like others don’t take life as seriously as you do? Is the memory of some authority figure weighing on your spirit? Self-image is a complicated issue to work on. In the end, how you see yourself comes down to a choice.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).


Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — You seem to be struggling with some persistent doubt about yourself, which may work out to be a positive thing. I say that because if you’re grappling with an issue, you’re less likely to be in denial about it — and denial was very likely how you addressed it in the past. Now you have another challenge: framing any issue in a way that actually has the potential for progress. If you’ve described something the same way for a while and you’re not getting results, I suggest you take a different approach. For example, if you’re asking ‘how do I solve this problem’ and that’s not working, maybe ask, ‘why do I need this problem?’ Then once you address the need, the situation will change. Speaking of needs, this would be a great time to learn how to express yours. That may involve finding language; it may involve deciding it’s OK to speak up; it may involve facing the fear of rejection from someone close to you if you dare to write yourself into the story. Actually this has a lot to do with relationships, and what you were told your role was supposed to be. That relates to what you expect (and were told to expect) others would do for you, and be for you. Reality is always different from theory, especially where the BS that we’re fed about relationships is concerned.
Commitment does not mean commitment to another person, but rather a shared devotion to a higher principle than oneself.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).


Planet Waves

Hello Pisces! So many planets in Pisces means this is a brilliant moment for you, and your 2013 birthday reading looks at this astrology carefully. Chiron, the planet of healing, Neptune, planet of inspiration, and Mercury retrograde are all included. You now have the ability to develop a gift for business and financial success, if you focus your creative talents and work cooperatively with others — and I explain how to do that effectively. This reading is two 40-minute sessions of astrology, a tarot reading and an extended written description of your astrological sign. I’ve also included access to last year’s reading so you can review the past 12 months and check my accuracy. Here is a link to that affordably priced reading — which is like an extended, personal meditation on your life. You will love it — promise.

Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — It’s not all about money, though you don’t need someone to tell you that. What you do need is someone to remind you that money is a legitimate pursuit, if connected to what you consider to be a worthwhile goal. I suggest you work with that equation, and make sure that your values about money and how it is attained are clear. You have what you need to break new ground in this area of your life; you no longer need any form of the idea that money is somehow unspiritual, uncreative or evil. It is a form of highly versatile energy that can be converted into anything. Yet confidence around money has many precursors, one of which is your sense of your own presence in the world. That is likely to be running strong right now, though you may also feel unstable if you focus too much on that sensation. This is a kind of paradox that many people face on the way to tapping their strength — there’s a lot of vulnerability involved; there is a risk involved; there is the possibility of failure. You might get to a point where you’re absolutely confident of what is important to you, and then that’s scrambled by one thing you learn, or one experience.
Yet you may notice that one thing is consistent beneath the surface, which I would describe as initiative. You have a pioneering spirit, and there are few times in your life, if any, when it’s been stronger than it is today. Lead on.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).


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