Tag Archives: New moon

The Day Of the Human Portrait: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is July 31
The Day of the Human Portrait | The 2019-20 Leo Astrology Studio is available for pre-order | All Other Signs

Today’s powerful New Moon on your birthday signifies you coming more fully into your own — meaning your energy, your resilience, and your ability to make decisions. The year ahead is very likely to show how strong you can be. You can accomplish just about anything you wish to. All that’s required of you is to understand all this, and to keep going even if you have times when you’re not so confident. If someone tries to push against you, remember that only you can direct your life.
— by Amy Elliott

Do you have a Leo Sun, rising sign or Moon? Your last couple years may have left you reeling trying to figure out which path forward is best. Hear Eric’s thoughts on expediting your post-eclipse process in your 2019-2020 Leo Astrology Studio reading.

Written in the Planets

“Fasten your seatbelts,” warns Bette Davis’s character in All About Eve, “It’s going to be a bumpy ride.” That could describe today for you, though your mileage may vary. Quite possibly you’ll just keep flowing with the tides, doing what you do. But today’s astrology suggests that not only might you encounter some potholes or unexpected detours, but you might be the one creating them. Not as a matter of deviousness or malice — it’s more that acknowledging and speaking the truth about a problem, a need, a desire or an issue that has gone too long unsaid sometimes creates ripples, or meets with a lot of resistance and emotional reaction.

Here’s what’s up: the Moon enters Leo today at 9:18 am EDT (13:18:04 UTC), ahead of its rendezvous with the Sun for the New Moon tonight at 11:12 pm EDT (3:11:48 UTC Thursday). Then, just 46 minutes after the New Moon, Mercury stations direct in late Cancer (at 11:58 pm EDT tonight / 3:57:41 UTC Thursday).

So that mixes together the low-energy vibe of a New Moon with a high-energy, attention-loving sign (Leo), and adds the churning power and potential confusion of a Mercury station on top of it all. Can you tell whether you’re coming or going? Plus, Mercury is stationing direct square Eris in Aries, which amplifies the potential trickster effect. It also emphasizes the importance of doing what you can to express all of who you are — or to ‘get real’ — with a dose of humor if things get a little funky, or if unexpected info emerges. (You can read a little more about these themes here.)

Mercury stations have a way of revealing facts or insights that you didn’t know were missing, so listen closely today and tomorrow. This should go without saying, but definitely drive the speed limit — literally when on the road, and figuratively in your communication with others.
— by Amanda Painter


In These Times graphic

The Day of the Decision Makers: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is July 27
The Day of the Decision Makers | The 2019-20 Leo Astrology Studio is available for pre-order | All Other Signs

Venus entering your sign on your birthday is likely to invest you with unusual charm. You could well have opportunities to enter into unfamiliar circles and meet different people. This has the potential to enliven and broaden your mind significantly, as well as introducing you to some new experiences, which is often a boon in itself, especially if it involves offline interactions. There are irreplaceable advantages in getting to know people as people, without the binary code filter.
— by Amy Elliott

Do you have a Leo Sun, rising sign or Moon? Your last couple years may have left you reeling trying to figure out which path forward is best. Hear Eric’s thoughts on expediting your post-eclipse process in your 2019-2020 Leo Astrology Studio reading.

Written in the Planets

How do you tend to react when you’re feeling left out, overlooked or like everyone else is having more fun than you are? You do have choices in situations like that, though be aware that the more stress you are under, the harder it can be to see all the options. Those are the times when we human beings are more likely to let old triggered emotions from the past put blinders on our thought process — to our own detriment, and to that of our relationships.

It can be challenging, therefore, to turn toward possibilities that create new ways of expressing ourselves constructively; but they do exist. Speaking about where you’re at before the pressure gets overwhelming might give those closest to you a better chance to help you help yourself.

With the Moon moving into Gemini today, it could be easier to see the multiple sides of whatever story you’re encountering, whether it’s an inner script or external circumstances. Note that since the Moon is waning (the New Moon is Wednesday night into Thursday) your sense of interior space may be a place of useful focus, if you can find a few peaceful moments to tune in to yourself.

Venus enters Leo tonight, heading for a square with Uranus in Taurus, which Venus rules; the Sun is making the same aspect currently. If you need to be unexpectedly frank about how you feel this weekend, try your best to do so in person, and with the understanding that the other person might not get your full point at first, and may need time to adjust even if they do. Mercury is almost at a standstill; this potentially describes a lot of mental-emotional churning for everybody right now. From now through Thursday (at least), keep watch for when your focus wanders, and guide yourself back to the task at hand gently but firmly.
— by Amanda Painter


In These Times graphic

The Day of the Disconnected Unconscious: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is July 2
The Day of the Disconnected Unconscious | Order Your 2019-20 Cancer Reading | All Other Signs

Today’s total solar eclipse in your birth sign is offering you the power to make the changes you need to create in your life. Do not be nervous. Do not be daunted. Rather, see what choices you have, and make some decisions. The most significant among these is the one about being wholly and entirely committed to your own cause. Nobody can do this for you. Yet it seems you are moving yourself from within. This is quite literally inner movement, a shift, a realignment that brings you closer to yourself than you’ve been in many, many moons.
— by Eric Francis

Hear Eric describe the impressive eclipses involving your Sun sign or rising sign in your 2019-20 Cancer Astrology Studio Reading — now available for instant access.

Written in the Planets

Today is the Cancer New Moon and total solar eclipse. The New Moon is exact at 3:16 pm EDT (3:16:06 UTC); serennu.com lists the peak of the eclipse about seven minutes later. If you have not yet asked yourself what patterns you might like to shift over the next six to twelve months, this would be a good time to give that some thought. Better yet, what kind of energy can you put toward those intentions via some tangible action? The more you can frame your vision in positive terms — that is, what you’d like to cultivate more of, the gifts you’d like to offer the world, what you simply love doing — the better.

Note that this eclipse is occurring on the Cancer-Capricorn axis. This puts it into contact with the Saturn-Pluto conjunction that will be exact in January, and which we’re already experiencing. It’s possible that decisions and changes you undertake in the next couple of weeks may develop in particularly noticeable ways by then; for now, though, it’s likely that it is enough to be conscious of your present moment. Notice how the current is flowing in your particular bend of the river; this can make it easier for you to paddle with it rather than against it as you keep your eyes on your desired destination. (You can read more about the eclipse chart here and here.)

In today’s eclipse chart, the asteroid Vesta is in a conjunction in Taurus with an object named Albion (which used to be referred to as 1992 QB1 on Planet Waves). This suggests there’s some grounded persistence available that you can use to cross some kind of threshold — which may be sexual or body-related, or associated with your core values, or could also apply to your financial or material resources. Moving through this doorway may require you to actively make and hold space for it. Think in terms of a central point of orientation, rather than keeping it on the periphery.
— by Amanda Painter

Partial Lunar Eclipse: Dec. 31, 2009. Photo by Anthony Ayiomamitis.

Partial Lunar Eclipse: Dec. 31, 2009. Photo by Anthony Ayiomamitis.

New in the Special Readings Series
Magnum Opus on Eclipses, Now Through Late 2020

Eric’s new 90-minute discussion of all things related to eclipses, in any sign — with a focus on Cancer and Capricorn eclipses, from the current pair through 2020 — is available now for instant access. Part audio reading, part astrology class, it offers you a lot of help processing the solar eclipse on July 2 and the lunar eclipse on July 16, and features original music. Hear it as part of the 2019-2020 Astrology Studio for Cancer, or purchase the Eclipses Reading separately for only $33.

The Day of Emancipation: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is July 1
The Day of Emancipation Order Your 2019-20 Cancer Reading | All Other Signs

It is a fact of your reality that you have little choice but to be exactly who you are. Yet in order to do that, you need to know what you are not, and drop it like ballast from a balloon. There is some old story that is clouding your perception, and some old commitment that is blocking your ability to move effectively in the world. With a little thought, you will be able to determine what this is. Whether you have the power to let go of negative attachments — well, that, you will see. That would be good, since much better possibilities await you.
— by Eric Francis

Hear Eric describe the impressive eclipses involving your Sun sign or rising sign in your 2019-20 Cancer Astrology Studio Reading

Written in the Planets

You might consider today how your closest bonds and pairings support your creativity, your mind, your emotional wellbeing and your sense of yourself as a whole and interdependent (but not codependent) being. There are many ways this can happen; usually we look for our relationships simply to make us feel good — and that’s an excellent sign. Sometimes, though, our most effective relationships — even if short-lived — are the ones that spur us to reconsider what we’re doing, or to realign with what matters most to us, or to grow. And often growth comes about in challenging ways.

However you think about it, you might have an encounter today that helps you to see things from this perspective, or similar. It’s possible you’ve already had such an experience sometime in the last few days, as Venus in Gemini has moved into an opposition with the Galactic Core and the centaur Ixion in Sagittarius. Notice in particular what people are showing you about your power to choose.

If you’re seeing something that looks like a ‘second chance’, how might you prefer to choose this time? What might feel like a truer, more authentic, or more holistic way of relating? If you find yourself sliding into frustration or critical self-talk about your choices and tendencies, consider that a hint to look for the grace in the situation, such as gratitude that you’re able to see it at all. As a spiritual being having a physical experience, a little self-forgiveness can go a long way toward learning the lessons we keep repeating.

Later this evening, Mars joins Mercury in Leo, which suggests getting fired up in spirit and body. Then the Moon enters Cancer (at 9:24 pm EDT), on its way to tomorrow’s New Moon and solar eclipse. What intentions would you like to set for your next 6-12 months, and what can you do in the next couple days to put energy toward them?
— by Amanda Painter

Partial Lunar Eclipse: Dec. 31, 2009. Photo by Anthony Ayiomamitis.

Partial Lunar Eclipse: Dec. 31, 2009. Photo by Anthony Ayiomamitis.

New in the Special Readings Series
Magnum Opus on Eclipses, Now Through Late 2020

Eric’s new 90-minute discussion of all things related to eclipses, in any sign — with a focus on Cancer and Capricorn eclipses, from the current pair through 2020 — is available now for instant access. Part audio reading, part astrology class, it offers you a lot of help processing the solar eclipse on July 2 and the lunar eclipse on July 16, and features original music. Hear it as part of the 2019-2020 Astrology Studio for Cancer, or purchase the Eclipses Reading separately for only $33.

A boy from Honduras is shown being taken into custody by US Border Patrol agents near the US-Mexico Border near Mission, Texas, June 12, 2018. Photo by John Moore

Caring in Action: the Cancer Eclipse

By Amanda Painter

Dear Friend and Reader:

Eric wrote at the beginning of the week about today’s Sun-Chiron square, and the collective healing needed to our inner masculine/yang sides. Then I looked at the chart for the July 2 Cancer New Moon and solar eclipse, and started thinking about the daily assaults on our empathy and capacity to care that are being made by the daily news.

Demonstrators gather to protest against the separation of immigrant families at the border in Austin, Texas, on June 14,  2018. Photo by Amanda Voisard / Statesman.com via AP

Demonstrators gather to protest against the separation of immigrant families at the border in Austin, Texas, on June 14, 2018. A year later, things are no better. Photo by Amanda Voisard / Statesman.com via AP

And it all cascaded together in my perception of what amounts to the ongoing psychological and physical torture of immigrant children separated from their families and being held in detention at the U.S. border. I’ll get to the astrology in a moment.

I’ve been seeing a lot about this in my Facebook feed and my email inbox. The strongest recurring theme, however, is an overwhelming sense of paralysis: not knowing what we can do; wondering ‘why isn’t anyone organizing a mass protest?’; asking ‘who is organizing something I can join with?’; feeling completely at a loss regarding which actions will help and which might actually make things worse.

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The Day of Fluent Expression: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is June 3
The Day of Fluent Expression | Order Your 2019-20 Gemini Reading | All Other Signs

Today’s New Moon on your birth anniversary is a reminder that to leave the past behind you, it’s necessary to consciously work through what has been holding you back. We live in a culture that encourages denial, which is easy enough to slide into. Yet that denies the rewards of growth, and the benefits of experimenting with new ways to approach your circumstances. It has been said that problems are opportunities, which is only true if you make the choice to use them for all they are worth.
— by Eric Francis Coppolino
Hear Eric speak about your year in-depth in your 2019-20 Gemini Astrology Studio Reading.

Written in the Planets

Today the New Moon in Gemini is exact at 6:02 am EDT; it appears to indicate a busy, multi-layered fusion of your conscious awareness and your unconscious. Or, think of that as what you express externally and what you experience internally. Your intuition and incidents of synchronicity may be prominent, and worth attention. Same with perfectly timed words and ideas offered by someone in a group or by ‘the collective’ (including the collective unconscious), the dreams you had while sleeping last night, and how any of these things match what you envision for your life.

What are you noticing about something (or someone) you feel inexplicably drawn toward? Do you find it polarizing or triggering in any way at the same time? How many layers or angles to the issue do you see, and do you have mixed thoughts or feelings about it?

An asteroid called Magdalena, associated with Mary Magdalene, is very closely conjunct the New Moon. One possibility is that this represents a long-term commitment to a cause, or possibly even a person — though it may be the ideas or philosophy that’s as important as anything, especially if you’re in a position to offer heartfelt support. Saturn and Neptune are offering assistance in working toward your ideals — just remember not to take yourself too seriously in the process.
— by Amanda Painter

Did you know that Eric Francis just recorded new videos for all 12 signs, specifically investigating Mars interacting with some of astrology’s most influential planets this season? His Call the Astrologer readings are available individually or as a 12-sign set to share with your loved ones. Check out samples here and here.

The Day of the Problem Solvers: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is June 2
The Day of the Problem Solvers | Order Your 2019-20 Gemini Reading | All Other Signs

The message of your birthday chart is clear: wrap up old business, get your house in order, and plant seeds for the future. They will not take long to come to fruition, though they will be fed and fertilized by your vision for yourself. Consider what is possible, and have conscious faith in your potential. Be not overwhelmed by the size or complexity of the world; rather, make friends with these things. You may feel like you’re but a small part of the grand dance of the universe, though you are an essential element of all that is.
— by Eric Francis

Written in the Planets

The Moon enters Gemini today, on its way to a conjunction with the Sun tomorrow: the Gemini New Moon. Your mind may be as busy today and tomorrow as it has been, but it’s possible your thoughts will be directed more inwardly. That’s not to say you won’t talk to anybody; there simply might be more on your mind that goes unsaid.

Multi-tasking looks likely — along with social occasions with more than one goal, especially in terms of communication or a higher/broader purpose than just chit-chat. Even if those activities don’t have the kind of high-energy charge that you’d expect with a Full Moon looming instead of a New Moon, you may still experience a sense of busy-ness.

A square between the Gemini Sun and the centaur Nessus in Pisces brings up the question of duality, particularly where your thoughts and emotions are concerned. The idea with duality-themed signs (the twins of Gemini, the two fish of Pisces) is to find the point of synthesis — which is different from compartmentalization. Whatever you need to express or bring into fuller awareness today, whatever action you need to take to resolve some tension, see if you can do so without hiding or shutting down some other, seemingly conflicting, part of yourself. You are one you; which means all parts of you can coexist consciously. It’s possible this has not always felt the case, but it’s likely time to stop that type of thinking.
— by Amanda Painter

Did you know that Eric Francis just recorded new videos for all 12 signs, specifically investigating Mars interacting with some of astrology’s most influential planets this season? His Call the Astrologer readings are available individually or as a 12-sign set to share with your loved ones. Check out samples here and here.

Of Dreams and Everyday Miracles: Gemini New Moon

By Amanda Painter

The Moon is currently waning toward a conjunction with the Sun near mid-Gemini: the Gemini New Moon, which occurs on Monday, June 3. It appears to be a lunar event that may help to focus us on the more subtle ways our perception can work; such as how what’s on the periphery of consciousness in more than one way can offer keys to our greater self-understanding.

Black-lit hallway of the San Juan Water and Beach Club hotel, Puerto Rico. Photo by Amanda Painter.

Black-lit hallway of the San Juan Water and Beach Club hotel, Puerto Rico. Photo by Amanda Painter.

Specifically, I’m looking at two asteroids flanking the Sun and Moon in that chart: Magdalena (associated with Mary Magdalene, a disciple of Jesus of Nazareth) and Altjira (named after an aboriginal creator deity of the dreamtime).

Among the delineations I’ve seen for Magdalena are commitment to a group or collective cause, and an inner change in direction after intuitively noticing small signs or miracles in everyday life. Interpretations for Altjira include envisioning and dreaming, as well as some form of withdrawing or distance.

New Moons tend to be more internally oriented than Full Moons anyway, and signify one’s conscious awareness and unconscious aligning. With Magdalena and Altjira so closely involved, there’s dual emphasis on the suggestion to pay particular attention to your intuition, incidents of synchronicity, perfectly timed words and ideas offered by someone in a group or by ‘the collective’ (the collective unconscious?), the dreams you have while sleeping this weekend — even if they seem somehow distant — and how any of these things match what you envision for your life.

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