Tag Archives: New moon

The Day of the Heartbreakers: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is Sept. 28
The Day of the Heartbreakers | Pre-order pre-order the 2019-20 Libra Astrology Studio | All Other Signs

The New Moon on your birthday signals opportunities to initiate a significant new cycle in your quest to realize ambitions. This leg of your journey may require adjustments related to financial interests or partnership issues of some kind. Express yourself with as much conscious awareness as possible. You can further your interests or instigate unnecessary conflict, depending on your agenda. Creative expression can open important doors, yet to maximize that potential will require your focused discipline. Social engagements likewise should work in your favor, and certain relationships with those in your immediate network could move to a whole new level.
— by Victoria Emory

Do you have your Sun, Moon or rising sign in Libra? If so, your sign is directly aligned with the single most significant astrological event beginning 2020. Eric will walk you through the most effective ways to approach your year in the 2019-2020 Libra Astrology Studio, now available for pre-order.

Written in the Planets

Today the Sun and Moon meet for the Libra New Moon, early in that sign (exact at 2:26 pm EDT / 18:26:14 UTC). The closest other object is the asteroid Isis — about as close as you can get. Named after a primary Egyptian goddess, one of the major Isis myths involves how she had to put the body of her husband Osiris back together. From this, we get astrological themes for Isis such as re-unifying, recombining, reconstructing, reconciling, synthesizing, and also feminine strength.

Cozied up in the same degree of Libra with the Sun, Moon and Isis are the objects Makemake and Logos. One possible delineation for Makemake is, β€œthe mystery of how things came to be the way they are.” Logos not only relates to words, but to logic and reason.

So there appears to be something in this New Moon β€” the dark, inward-looking lunar phase β€” about finding the tipping point (or the sweet spot) between the mystery of how things came to be the way they are, and the logic of how they have become this way, and using that space between to reconcile or synthesize the two. In other words, today could signal an opportunity for you to seek balance in your life through a new approach.

Consider what has and has not been working; meditate on what is becoming clearer and more real as Jupiter and Neptune continue to separate from their square. If you’ve been focused more on someone else’s glow or glare, this could be a good time to sort through your own responses — to them, and to yourself. Today may not feel super high-energy, but you could have an urge to enact steps in a plan — particularly if it feels like a second chance to ‘get it right’. There may not be any such thing as ‘perfection’, but the Golden Rule and cosmic law do offer solid ethical guidelines.
— by Amanda Painter

My readings offer a place of refuge, an opportunity to suspend self-judgment, and my careful reading of the charts. I offer you reasons to be motivated, and strategies for handling the strange complexity of society at this time. To this work, I bring all of what I have learned as a journalist, editor, astrologer, spiritual student and man of the world; and I offer it to you for an affordable price. Read more here.

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The Day of the Ambiguous Hero: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is Sept. 27
The Day of the Ambiguous Hero | Pre-order pre-order the 2019-20 Libra Astrology Studio | All Other Signs

This is a year to clear the decks and wrap up old business related to your past, your family, or your base of operations. Future aspirations need an open floor-plan in which to unfold. There’s a lot going on just beneath your conscious threshold that may register as a subtle feeling of pressure, or vague anxiety. You should find that the more you clear out and bring closure to pending situations, the less oppressed you’ll feel. Old imprints around partnership history likely play a role in what calls for resolution. Your communication skills can serve you extremely well, and go a long way toward laying the groundwork for the new cycle that lies ahead.
— by Victoria Emory

Do you have your Sun, Moon or rising sign in Libra? If so, your sign is directly aligned with the single most significant astrological event beginning 2020. Eric will walk you through the most effective ways to approach your year in the 2019-2020 Libra Astrology Studio, now available for pre-order.

Written in the Planets

With the Virgo Moon waning toward tomorrow’s New Moon, energy levels could be a little low. It’s a ‘tidy up loose ends’ kind of day, with a suggestion that attention to details and organizing could suit best. Same with helping someone else in such tasks if there’s nothing pressing that needs attention on your own agenda.

With the Moon briefly opposing Neptune in Pisces and squaring Jupiter in Sagittarius, notice if you feel any emotional, energetic or mental ripples reminiscent of the Full Moon two weeks ago. That was a highly charged event.

Full Moons and New Moons generally signify peaks and moments of closure on a unifying theme or cycle of activity anyway. Yet there may be a little something extra from two weeks ago that surfaces today — specifically so you can analyze it with a clearer head and emotional body, and then release it more fully. Venus in Libra making its own slightly itchy aspect to Neptune suggests that continual small adjustments still need to be made in a relationship situation. Think in terms of rebalancing a long-standing fantasy with a newly emerging (or freshly recognized) reality.
— by Amanda Painter

My readings offer a place of refuge, an opportunity to suspend self-judgment, and my careful reading of the charts. I offer you reasons to be motivated, and strategies for handling the strange complexity of society at this time. To this work, I bring all of what I have learned as a journalist, editor, astrologer, spiritual student and man of the world; and I offer it to you for an affordable price. Read more here.

Now available for instant access!

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From the Sept. 20 Climate Strike; photo by Amanda Painter.

Libra New Moon: Tipping Points, Reconciliation and Relationships

By Amanda Painter

As I write this on Tuesday, the internet is blowing up over two things: 16-year-old Greta Thunberg’s impassioned speech to the UN, in which she spared nobody in her condemnation of leaders’ inaction to stem the climate catastrophe; and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi’s announcement that the U.S. House will open a formal impeachment inquiry against Pres. Trump. With the Sun on the Aries point — via the first degrees of Libra — and the Libra New Moon on Saturday still in that zone where personal and collective meet, this is fitting.

From the Sept. 20 Climate Strike; photo by Amanda Painter.

From the Sept. 20 Climate Strike; photo by Amanda Painter.

Libra’s hallmarks include balance, justice, initiative and — worth noting — the possibility for something to go either way. That’s the tricky thing about tipping points.

One would think that the tip would necessarily occur in the direction opposite to what has been experienced up until that moment. That might even be true for these two particular issues. Yet ‘the collective’ and the political machine seem to carry far more inertia than, say, personal tipping points.

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The Day of the Rock: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is Aug. 30
The Day of the Rock | The 2019-20 Virgo Astrology Studio can now be pre-ordered | All Other Signs

Your birthday this year is accompanied by a rare New Moon, which denotes a new level of emotional maturity, and possibly an unprecedented sense of completeness within yourself. This is an achievement well worth celebrating with relish. It means you’ve come a step closer to perfecting that art which many people need a long time to master: that is, getting out of your own way. Now you have a much clearer path to your goals, and can move at greater speed.
— by Amy Elliott

If your Sun, Moon or rising sign is Virgo, You are heading into a most unusual solar year, set up to do the thing Virgo is designed for: integrate the elements of your being, find your direction and purpose, and act on it. Eric will lay it all out in your 2019-2020 Virgo Astrology Studio.

Written in the Planets

This morning’s Virgo New Moon is a special one: the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars and the asteroid Juno (with a few other minor points and objects) are all lined up in early Virgo — loosely opposite Neptune in Pisces. Along with the New Moon itself (which is a conjunction of the Sun and Moon), Mercury and Juno also make an exact conjunction today. Normally, we think of New Moons as the quiet, internal part of the lunar cycle, and Full Moons as the ones about high-energy interpersonal situations.

Yet, while this event definitely has its internal facet, there’s a description here of the many ways we sometimes project our internal ‘stuff’ onto others — often as a way of avoiding dealing with ourselves. You might carefully notice today where your attention is drawn. Are you focused on ‘a relationship’ or on the experience of a partner?

Or do you feel able to guide your attention back to yourself: your present circumstances and vision for the future, your most immediate healing needs and growth challenges — as opposed to getting stuck in some story about the past? You might also consider any inner voices stirring up tension, given that Ceres in Sagittarius is square the New Moon. Which ones are the internalized voices of those who would hold you back, by insisting that you not change? Which ones are the echoes of teachers, mentors, and fellow adventurers-in-growth who might spur you on and inspire you to continue becoming all you’re capable of being? There are cycles ending, and cycles beginning currently. See each of them for what they are.
— by Amanda Painter

It is difficult to feel good these days; it’s challenging to focus on your growth and self-care, or even to relax. We are pulled out of ourselves constantly, and often distracted from our core purposes. IN THESE TIMES, the Planet Waves autumn reading, will help.


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The Day of Structured Action: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is Aug. 29
The Day of Structured Action | The 2019-20 Virgo Astrology Studio can now be pre-ordered | All Other Signs

It would appear you’re approaching a turning point in your personal journey, which involves you learning to understand yourself possibly more thoroughly than ever before. Part of this might relate to accepting facets of yourself you’ve potentially avoided acknowledging in the past. The experience may feel like an initiation, or a moment of sudden enlightenment; regardless, it’s thanks to groundwork you’ve laid assiduously paying off. Don’t forget to honor yourself duly for your efforts.
— by Amy Elliott

If your Sun, Moon or rising sign is Virgo, You are heading into a most unusual solar year, set up to do the thing Virgo is designed for: integrate the elements of your being, find your direction and purpose, and act on it. Eric will lay it all out in your 2019-2020 Virgo Astrology Studio.

Written in the Planets

Early in the day, Mercury joins the throng of points in Virgo — one of the two signs it rules (the other being Gemini). Mercury in this sign is said to describe stability of mind, and thinking that’s practical and logical. Yet that tends to work best when you have something tangibly productive, creative or analytical to focus on; this type of mental energy needs a job to do beyond idle daydreaming. So what projects have you had on the back burner, and what would be the first steps to reviving them?

With Mercury in Virgo also indicating strong communication and critical faculties, it’s also not a bad idea to watch out that ‘constructive criticism’ actually includes the constructive part. Or, you know, lean more toward asking questions about how and why something is the way it is, rather than offering unsolicited opinions.

On a somewhat related note, Venus is making aspects from Virgo that suggest the usefulness of learning to recognize the guilt trips others may try to lay on you. When it comes to prior agreements, there’s a difference between honoring your word and subjecting yourself to co-dependent or other unhealthy treatment. Abuse does not require your loyalty; your most sacred promise is to your own healing and wellbeing, from which place you can support that of others. Later this evening, the Moon enters Virgo on its way to tomorrow’s New Moon conjunction with the Sun. What smaller parts of your life’s whole could stand some reorganizing, realigning or integration?
— by Amanda Painter

It is difficult to feel good these days; it’s challenging to focus on your growth and self-care, or even to relax. We are pulled out of ourselves constantly, and often distracted from our core purposes. IN THESE TIMES, the Planet Waves autumn reading, will help.


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Welcome to the Movie Theater of Your Mind

By Amanda Painter

I was meditating this morning on the chart for Friday’s Virgo New Moon (which is exact at 6:37 am EDT / 10:37:01 UTC) to see if a new angle on it might emerge. And an image did come to me: people collected together in a movie theater, watching a film being projected onto a screen.

Cropped still from Alfonso Cuaron's 2018 film Roma.

Cropped still from Alfonso Cuaron’s 2018 film Roma.

It surprised me how tangibly the scene came through, and how appropriate it was, with an unusual collection of Virgo points clustered together opposite Neptune in Pisces.

For example, all of the ‘personal planets’ — the ones that describe our most basic traits and urges — are in early Virgo: Mercury (the mind, communication), the Sun (ego, conscious self-expression), the Moon (emotions, the unconscious), Mars (drive, ‘masculine’), Venus (receptivity, ‘feminine’). Along with them are the asteroid Juno (relationship needs), a hypothetical point called Transpluto (narrow focus, learning wholeness and integration) and a few other minor objects named for ancient deities with all-too-human characteristics.

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The Day of Language: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is Aug. 28
The Day of Language | The 2019-20 Virgo Astrology Studio can now be pre-ordered | All Other Signs

You could well cover a lot of ground in the months ahead with regard to your emotional healing. The main thing to bear in mind, perhaps, is that safeguarding your wellbeing and promoting your own happiness are not only reasonable but important practices. Stay in touch with your intuition, and pay attention to your dreams. Don’t fight down aspirations, or even flights of fancy; instead, follow them along the winding tracks of your mind and take note of the places where you land.
— by Amy Elliott

If your Sun, Moon or rising sign is Virgo, You are heading into a most unusual solar year, set up to do the thing Virgo is designed for: integrate the elements of your being, find your direction and purpose, and act on it. Eric will lay it all out in your 2019-2020 Virgo Astrology Studio.

Written in the Planets

You may want to figure something out all on your own, rather than accept instruction from another; or maybe the adventurous advice someone offers is at odds with a current plan or analysis you’ve been working on. These are just a couple ways today’s Virgo Sun square Ceres in Sagittarius could manifest. It’s also possible that the details you’re focused on aren’t quite squaring with the broader vision you’ve been using to feed your spirit.

Whatever the situation and however you choose to navigate it, bear in mind that there are times when we reject the nurturing we need simply because it does not match how we see ourselves. Maybe file it away, but consider revisiting later what’s offered to you today? Perspective can shift over time, and sometimes does so quickly under certain circumstances. This week’s Virgo-intensive sky might describe just such a situation, given its emphasis on focusing inwardly to incorporate various facets of yourself. With the Sun conjunct Mars and trine Uranus, there’s mental and physical energy you can draw upon for this process, even though the Moon is waning.
— by Amanda Painter

It is difficult to feel good these days; it’s challenging to focus on your growth and self-care, or even to relax. We are pulled out of ourselves constantly, and often distracted from our core purposes. IN THESE TIMES, the Planet Waves autumn reading, will help.


Read more here.

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Photo by Amanda Painter.

Three Leo Aspects and Mercury Direct in Cancer

By Amanda Painter

Mercury stationed direct last night in late Cancer, just after the Leo New Moon. It will take a few days for Mercury to sort itself out, though, and it’ll be another couple of weeks before it clears where it was retrograde. So your patience and sense of humor could still be handy companions for a while yet.

Frisbee players and a wee onlooker at Higgins Beach, Scarborough, Maine. Photo by Amanda Painter.

Three Frisbee players and a wee onlooker at Higgins Beach, Scarborough, Maine. Photo by Amanda Painter.

Partly this is because Mercury will stay in the same degree where it stationed for a few days — it takes a while to get back up to its typical apparent speed — which means it’s in extended contact with Eris in Aries and Haumea in Libra, forming a T-square.

Another factor in the overall astrological environment is a square between Venus in Leo and Uranus in Taurus, exact tomorrow, and a couple of other Leo aspects. I’ll get to those in a moment.

For now, has anything of particular interest emerged for you yesterday or today? As in, did you discover or realize something about yourself, or did someone tell you a key piece of new information, or did your intuition about a situation get confirmed or contradicted?

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