Tag Archives: Logos

The Day of the Charged Reactor: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is Sept. 29
The Day of the Charged Reactor | Pre-order pre-order the 2019-20 Libra Astrology Studio | All Other Signs

You’re well-positioned to tap your psychic reservoir, to activate the devotion necessary to further aspirations this year. You have direct access to both right and left brain intelligence, and the more you follow intuitive prompts, the easier you’ll navigate your way. A strong, yet subtle blend of rational strategy and spiritual commitment is a key resource now. Faith and discipline are necessary in equal measure. When in doubt, center your compass on the true north found in what can only be described as your heart. Therein lies wisdom. Your efforts have momentum behind them.
— by Victoria Emory

Do you have your Sun, Moon or rising sign in Libra? If so, your sign is directly aligned with the single most significant astrological event beginning 2020. Eric will walk you through the most effective ways to approach your year in the 2019-2020 Libra Astrology Studio, now available for pre-order.

Written in the Planets

Your idea of diplomacy — or of what’s fair, balanced and ‘nice’ — could meet a challenge today. What is the other person really after, though? Are they itching for a fight (because other people’s reactions make them feel seen, heard and important)? Do they have needs you have not considered? Is it possible you just don’t know them as well as you thought you did?

Sometimes we all just need to have our egos stroked, or to know there really is space for us in the world just as we are. But if seemingly ‘crazy-making’ interactions are frequent with someone, it’s worth paying attention to the pattern. Track what it’s telling you about your energy, their power, and the feedback loop between the two. Also be sure to notice if this pattern is happening in reverse: that is, if you keep meeting someone’s carefully worded (perhaps excessively so) communications with reactivity, passive aggression, or some kind of ‘poor me’ routine. What is really bothering you? And what is the need you can’t seem to get filled, yet can’t seem to ask for directly?

Mercury in Libra opposing Eris in Aries is the aspect at play. With the Libra Sun conjunct Logos, you may get a boost in discerning the reasoning and logic behind what’s up; you might even be able to express what you’ve figured out. Tact matters. Yet so, too, the ability to just come right out and say what needs to be said. With the sky leaning more toward indecisiveness or a preference not to be confrontational, however, that might take extra determination.
— by Amanda Painter

My readings offer a place of refuge, an opportunity to suspend self-judgment, and my careful reading of the charts. I offer you reasons to be motivated, and strategies for handling the strange complexity of society at this time. To this work, I bring all of what I have learned as a journalist, editor, astrologer, spiritual student and man of the world; and I offer it to you for an affordable price. Read more here.

Now available for instant access!

In These Times graphic

The Day of the Heartbreakers: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is Sept. 28
The Day of the Heartbreakers | Pre-order pre-order the 2019-20 Libra Astrology Studio | All Other Signs

The New Moon on your birthday signals opportunities to initiate a significant new cycle in your quest to realize ambitions. This leg of your journey may require adjustments related to financial interests or partnership issues of some kind. Express yourself with as much conscious awareness as possible. You can further your interests or instigate unnecessary conflict, depending on your agenda. Creative expression can open important doors, yet to maximize that potential will require your focused discipline. Social engagements likewise should work in your favor, and certain relationships with those in your immediate network could move to a whole new level.
— by Victoria Emory

Do you have your Sun, Moon or rising sign in Libra? If so, your sign is directly aligned with the single most significant astrological event beginning 2020. Eric will walk you through the most effective ways to approach your year in the 2019-2020 Libra Astrology Studio, now available for pre-order.

Written in the Planets

Today the Sun and Moon meet for the Libra New Moon, early in that sign (exact at 2:26 pm EDT / 18:26:14 UTC). The closest other object is the asteroid Isis — about as close as you can get. Named after a primary Egyptian goddess, one of the major Isis myths involves how she had to put the body of her husband Osiris back together. From this, we get astrological themes for Isis such as re-unifying, recombining, reconstructing, reconciling, synthesizing, and also feminine strength.

Cozied up in the same degree of Libra with the Sun, Moon and Isis are the objects Makemake and Logos. One possible delineation for Makemake is, β€œthe mystery of how things came to be the way they are.” Logos not only relates to words, but to logic and reason.

So there appears to be something in this New Moon β€” the dark, inward-looking lunar phase β€” about finding the tipping point (or the sweet spot) between the mystery of how things came to be the way they are, and the logic of how they have become this way, and using that space between to reconcile or synthesize the two. In other words, today could signal an opportunity for you to seek balance in your life through a new approach.

Consider what has and has not been working; meditate on what is becoming clearer and more real as Jupiter and Neptune continue to separate from their square. If you’ve been focused more on someone else’s glow or glare, this could be a good time to sort through your own responses — to them, and to yourself. Today may not feel super high-energy, but you could have an urge to enact steps in a plan — particularly if it feels like a second chance to ‘get it right’. There may not be any such thing as ‘perfection’, but the Golden Rule and cosmic law do offer solid ethical guidelines.
— by Amanda Painter

My readings offer a place of refuge, an opportunity to suspend self-judgment, and my careful reading of the charts. I offer you reasons to be motivated, and strategies for handling the strange complexity of society at this time. To this work, I bring all of what I have learned as a journalist, editor, astrologer, spiritual student and man of the world; and I offer it to you for an affordable price. Read more here.

Now available for instant access!

In These Times graphic

From the Sept. 20 Climate Strike; photo by Amanda Painter.

Libra New Moon: Tipping Points, Reconciliation and Relationships

By Amanda Painter

As I write this on Tuesday, the internet is blowing up over two things: 16-year-old Greta Thunberg’s impassioned speech to the UN, in which she spared nobody in her condemnation of leaders’ inaction to stem the climate catastrophe; and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi’s announcement that the U.S. House will open a formal impeachment inquiry against Pres. Trump. With the Sun on the Aries point — via the first degrees of Libra — and the Libra New Moon on Saturday still in that zone where personal and collective meet, this is fitting.

From the Sept. 20 Climate Strike; photo by Amanda Painter.

From the Sept. 20 Climate Strike; photo by Amanda Painter.

Libra’s hallmarks include balance, justice, initiative and — worth noting — the possibility for something to go either way. That’s the tricky thing about tipping points.

One would think that the tip would necessarily occur in the direction opposite to what has been experienced up until that moment. That might even be true for these two particular issues. Yet ‘the collective’ and the political machine seem to carry far more inertia than, say, personal tipping points.

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The Day of the Serial Epic: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is May 22
The Day of the Serial Epic | Order Your 2019-20 Taurus Reading | All Other Signs

Remember that you possess the right to an equal place at the table with your fellow humans. If you have something to say, say it clearly. If you have information to offer, share it. Too many are kept silent by a false sense of inadequacy, or fear of others’ reactions. By speaking out, you are giving an example of what can be done, and will surely inspire those around you. Take courage, and don’t hold back.
— by Amy Elliott

Written in the Planets

Mars in Cancer can be wonderfully protective; the thing is, that energy works its best when it’s used to protect loved ones in need of someone to stick up for them. When Mars gets into self-protective mode, it can be rather prone to overdoing it when those big crab claws come out. That brings us to today’s key Mars aspects: squares to Logos in Libra and Salacia in Aries (with a square to Chiron in Aries exact tomorrow). Squares manifest as internal tension, and respond well to taking action to address it.

Internal tension, given Mars’ current condition, could be a little tricky to handle. Consider also that sexual healing (a Chiron-Salacia theme) and how one conceptualizes one’s closest relationships (Logos in Libra) are pretty sensitive topics. Most people seem have something to feel defensive about in those departments. Yet, that sensation comes more from the pressures of family patterns and social expectations than from actually being ‘wrong’ in one’s desire, emotions, experience or relationships. What can you do today that’s expressive rather than defensive in any of these realms?

Do you know the difference? Think of it this way: being defensive is a way to push someone away without truly letting them know your pain, fears, worries or deepest desires. Expressing those feelings (in a non-aggressive way that can be received openly) tends to come with a feeling of vulnerability or risk — but can pay off big through increased intimacy with others and security in oneself.
— by Amanda Painter

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Planet Waves offers readings for all the signs and rising signs. These readings are must-haves among a core group of people who love them, though perhaps you have not heard what Eric is doing. We’ve taken many readings from 2018 and put them on a 24-hour audio stream, which anyone can tune into. Whatever your sign, you will find it interesting no matter when you tune in. If you’re up late and want something soothing and informative to listen to, or if you’re curious about astrology, tune in here. No login is required.