Tag Archives: Len Wallick

Big River — Sun conjunct Jupiter

By all appearances the Gemini Sun’s conjunction with Jupiter tomorrow at 12:11 am EDT will correspond to a lot coming together at once. That’s not surprising since a conjunction is when two or more objects come together at the same place on the zodiac. This is no ordinary case of celestial coalescence, however. This feels like long tributaries flowing into a big river.

Astrology by Len Wallick

Eric’s brilliant blog yesterday showed us the headwaters of the river. It’s not just the Sun and Jupiter, the two biggest objects in the solar system converging in one degree. It’s their location at 28+ Gemini.

As Eric’s research revealed, it’s rare for the Sun and Jupiter to conjoin at the penultimate degree of mutable air.

The two most recent precedents (1847 and 1930) symbolically connect the two previous centuries to perhaps the most prominent factor that distinguishes the astrology of our nascent one.

That’s because a disproportionate number of history-making events so far in the 21st Century (beginning with 9-11) have Gemini’s anarectic degree prominent in their astrology. Combine that with both the rapid advancements and regretful regressions that started during the Sun-Jupiter conjunctions of 1846 and 1930, and it’s a lot of history swelling into the river of your lifetime.

That’s what gives rise to the feeling of your life coming together like a big river. It does not stop there either. Other objects are also timing their aspects as tributaries.

At the same moment that the Sun and Jupiter achieve their location-sensitive hookup tomorrow, the Moon and Saturn will be conjoined to the degree in early Scorpio. Together the Moon and Saturn will be precisely (once again, to the degree) trine to Neptune in Pisces. The elemental implications of that simultaneous coalescence are nothing less than widespread and far reaching.

First of all, trines are about flow, of the unimpeded, full-on variety. Second, the monumental trine from the Moon-Saturn conjunction to Neptune involves water signs, where flow is a primal imperative. Finally, as powerful as that trine aspect implicitly is, it is but a trickle compared to its concurrency with the Sun-Jupiter conjunction.

Nearly everybody knows, at least intuitively, that the Moon is astrology’s complement to the Sun. The Moon combines with the Sun to complete it, rather than compete with it. Not everybody knows that Jupiter (expansion) and Saturn (containment) have much the same reciprocating flow of relationship. That is how, at the very least, tomorrow’s particular and unique dual conjunction of complements is contributing to the flow of a nearly unprecedented grand water trine.

A broadly aspected and yet functional grand water trine involving Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune will commence when Jupiter ingresses Cancer a week from today. Because it will last for more than a year, the grand trine will be without precedent in recent centuries, with the only previous occurrence since the Gregorian Calendar lasting less than two months in early 1967 — and look what flowed from that.

That makes tomorrow’s astrology the confluence where tributaries come together to flow into the river of your life. The first tributary is how the history of this century is deeply connected with anaretic Gemini.

The second tributary is how the two immediately previous occurrences of Sun-Jupiter conjunctions at that powerful place on the zodiac bring the immediately previous two centuries into the present, as if you have lived that long yourself.

The third tributary is how a simple water trine from the Moon-Saturn conjunction to Neptune will flow into everything that the Sun-Jupiter conjunction represents — and combine into a grand trine that will almost certainly make 1967 look like a creek you could jump over.

Which raises the question of how you will deal with the legacy of the ages coming together into the ‘now’ you must navigate. The answer is that you must grow into the challenge. The means to that growth is represented by yet another simultaneous aspect from Mars to Chiron.

Right now, Mars is bringing up the tail-end of the Gemini train, several weeks behind Jupiter and the Sun. Yet just as Jupiter and the Sun are conjoined tomorrow, Mars will be making its own contribution, exact to the degree, to the big river your life is becoming. Mars is making a square aspect to Chiron in Pisces.

Unlike trines, squares do not flow at all. There is no ease in a square, there is tension. In acting to overcome the tension, you tone up muscles that have gone soft, and stimulate the growth of muscles you did not know you had. The result is a you that you did not realize you could be.

If there is any one planet you could have in a square, Mars would be the first choice because it represents the energy you will need to resolve the aspect and grow on past it. Given the context of tomorrow’s astrology, Chiron is an excellent second choice.

That’s because Chiron’s trademark correspondence is to integration. With Chiron as part of the big picture of tomorrow’s big astrology, its role will be to promote your growth to be both the ample channel of history and its navigator.

Don’t think you are up to it? Please think again. There is a reason you are alive now. There is a reason you are reading these words. You are the reason, and the river. It is what you were born to do.

The energy will be there if you can apply it and act. The vision will be there if you can take responsibility for it by acting in integrity and growing into what you need to be. Let there be giants to stand astraddle the river flowing from the vast tributaries of history. Let you be among them to make history anew.

Offered In Service

Len is available for astrology readings. You can contact him at lenwallick [at] gmail [dot] com.

Let Us See — First Quarter Moon

The lunar first quarter at 1:24 pm EDT Sunday will find the Virgo Moon square the Gemini Sun. As with all first quarter phases, you will be able to see the square aspect yourself. Weather permitting, Luna will be visible at its highest point in the sky while at a right angle to the setting Sun. Distinguishing this particular first quarter, but not visibly, the Moon will also be conjunct the asteroid Sisyphus.

Astrology by Len Wallick

Given that the authoritative Dane Rudhyar referred to lunar quarter phases as times of crisis, and when you consider Sisyphus is named after a mythical symbol of unrelieved futility, you might feel discouraged. Let us see what we can do about that.

First and always, no aspect or set of aspects exists in a vacuum. To fully understand the astrology of any square, conjunction or combination thereof, it’s important to see things holistically.

Chiron is perhaps the single object most closely associated with holistic themes by modern astrologers. As Eric himself wrote over a decade ago, “Chiron functions as an integrating agent.” It is therefore worth noting that Sunday’s lunar first quarter will take place within hours of Chiron’s retrograde station at the same degree of Pisces that it last occupied during the final week of February in 1964.

Integrating Chiron’s turning point into a holistic perspective of the Moon’s concurrent square to the Sun and conjunction with Sisyphus, will thus integrate some lessons from history into the astrology.

For a lot of people, especially those who identified with the established order, it felt like a crisis the last time Chiron was where it is now. An outspoken young black man (who later changed his name to — gasp — Muhammad Ali) became both boxing’s heavyweight champion of the world, and the most popular American in the world outside the United States. Other Americans who prioritized errant nationalism over what is morally right found that to be very discouraging.

Looking back on the big picture now, we can see there was no reason to be discouraged that a man with a conscience should rise to dignify a largely unconscious nation. In both his courageous deeds and mellifluous words, he let us see that it was not futile, but morally correct, to resist an unconscionable war. He was not alone in how he let us see our way through that time.

By the end of February 1964, efforts by the power elite to discredit and exterminate the African-American art of rock-and-roll became a historical symbol of unrelieved futility as The Beatles returned to the UK after having conquered the USA. Yet, a holistic view of the past reveals The Beatles to be an integrating agent if ever there was one. Indeed, it is very possible that the revival of rock-and-roll redeemed the history of a discouragingly compromised nation.

After all, historical redemption goes beyond learning what not to repeat. It also teaches that how you see the present, and what you can do about it, will determine your place in posterity. It’s one thing to feel discouragement and futility, as might be the case with Sunday’s astrology. It’s another thing to succumb to it. Let us see what you can do about not succumbing this weekend, and you will have made a good start towards being part of the solution, and the future, rather than being part of the problems that will only become the past.

Offered In Service

Len is available for astrology readings. You can contact him at lenwallick [at] gmail [dot] com.

Big Things — Jupiter Opposite Galactic Core

Jupiter opposes the core of our galaxy for the first time since June 2001, shortly before 1 am EDT Thursday. At the same time, the largest planet will complete a mutable cross without historical precedent. The Jupiter-Galactic Core axis of the grand cross indicates big things are imminent.

Astrology by Len Wallick

Unlike 2001, the immense immanence implied is more eminent than infamous — thanks to the other half of the cross configuration. That comprises an opposition from Pisces to Virgo between Salacia and Makemake, which indicates what we may yet grow to become — and where that growth must take place.

The last time Jupiter was closing its Gemini tour with an opposition to Sagittarius’s Galactic Core, infamy was at at hand. Just over two months later, the world was purloined into the impoverishment of perpetual war.

Now, as Jupiter returns to reflect the center of our celestial neighborhood, it’s an auspicious time for you to reflect as well. As Jupiter’s year in mutable air reaches its last fortnight before ingress to Cancer on June 26, to whom will the remaining years of your precious life belong? Beyond that, how will you emulate Jupiter by growing into what you must be?

In astrology, square aspects provide the opportunity for growth. A mutable cross consists of four square aspects, connecting all four of the signs that share the same quality: either cardinal, fixed or mutable. The mutable cross that Jupiter is completing now implies growing out of old patterns and into new ones.

In reality, growth is never easy. The proverbial term “growing pains” is well informed and reflects how the square aspect of astrology expresses in your life. On Earth however, the alternative is incompatible with continued existence. Even mountains, when they cease to grow, ultimately cease to exist. Implicitly, the struggle of growth is your imperative to sustain. How to attain the necessary sustenance is implied by the mutable opposition that will be precisely (to the degree) perpendicular to the axis from Jupiter to the Galactic Center.

In the Pisces corner, wearing the wet trunks, will be distant Salacia. Currently, Salacia is literally distant, half again as far away from the Sun as Pluto, which was the outer limit of the solar system for decades. Through its nominal connection with Neptune’s spouse, however, Salacia’s role in Thursday’s grand cross is to provoke you to grow so as to close the distance between your life on land and its connection with (and probable origin in) the seas, both literally and figuratively.

In the literal sense, the seas of our planet provide a good deal of the oxygen you need to live, while also absorbing a significant amount of the carbon your living produces. In a figurative sense, the oceans represent the vast and mostly unappreciated legacy of the emotions that have motivated us, the intuitions that have guided us, and the psychic potentials that represent the probable direction in which our kind will most productively grow to evolve.

Already opposing Salacia from Virgo is an even more distant object, Makemake. Named after a dominant deity from the farthest removed vestige of human culture (variously known as Easter Island, Rapa Nui and Isla de Pascua) Makemake’s symbolic place on the mutable cross is to promote a growing appreciation of neglected hemispheres, both on Earth and in your skull.

The Southern Hemisphere of our planet (where Easter Island is located) is often not given its due in the world, partially because that is where the seas are most dominant over the land. More specific to the symbolism employed by astrology, however, is how Makemake’s association with a neglected hemisphere on our planet corresponds to a neglected hemisphere of your brain.

The currently dominant paradigm of human consciousness, intrinsic to cultures of the Northern Hemisphere, favors the left hemisphere of the brain. The left brain is the seat of linear thinking and the virtues conferred upon cold, mathematical logic. Your brain’s right hemisphere, home to alternative sorts of sense-making has, in recent centuries, been as deprecated as the Southern Hemisphere of Earth. Yet both places are where there is not only room to grow, but necessity.

So that’s how Jupiter’s last days through Gemini are taking form. In the Jovian opposition to the Galactic Center is the necessity for you, and all of us together, to become as big as events, rather than shrinking from or being swallowed up by them.

In the grand mutable crossing provided by the opposition of Salacia and Makemake is nothing less than the potential you should sustain, and the direction that you should apply yourself toward. You will know you have done it if you can grow to confidently count yourself among those who are in their right minds.

Offered In Service

Len is available for astrology readings. You can contact him at lenwallick [at] gmail [dot] com.

Out Of Sight — Gemini New Moon

The Gemini New Moon just before Noon EDT Saturday, like all New Moons, will be out of sight. It will not be the only such event in the astrology this weekend. If there is anything to the proverb “As above, so below,” the next several days will not be about appearances. Rather, you will be entering an auspicious time to observe and cultivate nascent developments to your inner life.

Astrology by Len Wallick

An inner life is a valuable resource. Like all resources, you need to be aware of it, and take care of it. That’s especially so now, on an implied threshold of cycles, shifts and crossings taking place out of sight above and below.

Above you, some new cycles are about to set in. Foremost among them is the start of a lunation — the period of time from one New Moon to the next.

Every lunation begins with the Moon moving between Earth and the Sun, out of sight in the solar glare. That phenomenon explains how New Moons are an appropriate time to begin new cycles of your own by simply being aware of the resources your inner life offers. Among them are contemplation, meditation and imagination. Simple awareness can in turn lead to appreciation. That’s a major inner shift, and it corresponds to a shift about to take place above you.

Out of sight above you, an important hypothetical point is on the threshold of a rare and major shift from one sign to another. The mean lunar apogee (otherwise known as mean Black Moon Lilith) enters Cancer about 6 am EDT Sunday.

In simple terms, mean Black Moon Lilith (abbreviated as mean BML) is the part of the lunar orbit farthest removed from Earth, whether or not the Moon is actually there. The “mean” part is not a nasty disposition, but an indication that the point is an averaged mathematical value. While an empty, abstract, averaged point may seem little more than imaginary, astrologers have learned to appreciate it as a resource.

Witness the “Swiss Ephemeris,” one of the most respected astrological resources in the world. With only 14 columns to work with, one of those columns (the one headed by a black lunar crescent on a cross) is devoted to listing the daily position of mean BML. That position changes slowly. So slowly, the last time mean BML changed signs (into Gemini) was on the historically meaningful date of September 11, 2012.

Mean BML last ingressed Cancer on August 3, 2004. For the mean lunar apogee now to cross over into Cancer, the sign ruled by the Moon, for the first time in nearly a decade is thus worthy of meaningful contemplation. What’s more, the timing is something to meditate upon as two positions on the zodiac closely associated with the Moon (mean BML and Cancer) come together less than 24 hours after the actual Sun and Moon have come together to initiate a lunation.

You would be justified in imagining two very different lunar cycles beginning at once, both enhanced and distinguished by their close concurrence. All the more so when you consider that the imagined event will be nearly concurrent with another point being crossed that is deeply appreciated as a milestone of astrology, even though it is also out of sight.

Just before 9 pm EDT Sunday, Mercury will cross the degree of Cancer to which it will return when its retrograde period (from June 26 to July 20) finally ends with a resumption of direct motion. In other words, Mercury will be entering its ‘echo’ (or ‘shadow’) phase just after mean BML enters Cancer and just before the Moon returns from being out of sight in the glare of a conjunction with the Sun. The close association in time implies a close symbolic correlation between all three events.

The echo/shadow phase is a period of about two weeks. During that period, as Mercury’s apparent motion decelerates before reversal, your own experience often corresponds to an ‘echo’ from the future. It is a time which frequently foreshadows what the approximately three weeks of retrograde motion will bring.

To have the foreshadowing that accompanies Mercury’s final fortnight of direct motion commence as two lunar cycles begin, and to have all of those beginnings take place out of sight, implies where your attention would be best directed over the next several days. Instead of the usual protocol of prioritizing what you see, you may want to initiate a new cycle of your own.

This weekend, you may want to initiate a new cycle of awareness. You may want to begin that cycle by shifting your focus from what you see on the outside to what you feel, and what you think, on the inside. You may want to cross over from prioritizing external resources and start appreciating internal resources. You may want to cultivate those internal resources, and develop them into what could ultimately be how you anticipate, and create, an outer life that is out of sight for you now.

If, as is the case with many people, your outer life leaves something to be desired, what have you got to lose? Instead of taking the weekend to simply indulge the usual distractions that take you out of your mind, try taking a cue from the astrology and explore what may have been, until now, out of sight.

Offered In Service

Len is available for astrology readings. You can contact him at lenwallick [at] gmail [dot] com.