Tag Archives: Jupiter in Cancer

Cardinal Grand Cross: A Matter of Trust

Dear Friend and Reader:

April 2014 is the month of the long-anticipated cardinal grand cross — what I have called the peak astrology of the 2012 era. The aspect pattern that’s exact on April 23 has been forming for many decades, a hologram swirling in the seemingly random movements of the cosmos awaiting its moment of emergence. That is about to arrive with both deeply personal themes and vast global ones.

Planet Waves
Simplified astrology chart for April 23, 2014. (Detailed chart here.) I suggest you print this chart and keep it next to you while you read the article, so you can follow along. The chart is for Mars square Pluto on April 23, 2014, illustrating the grand cross (the red square) and the grand trine (the green triangle). Note that Jupiter, the orange planet to the lower right of the chart, is the one common planet of both the square and the trine.

They share a common thread, and that is trust.

I know it’s not easy for non-astrologers to take too much technical explanation of a chart, but the meaning, beauty and outstanding quality of this alignment would lose much of its impact if you didn’t really have a sense of what it actually is. Plus, if you know, you can then explain it to others. I’ve included a custom illustration and I will do my best to explain it so that anyone can follow. I’ve placed a chart in the middle of the page and I’ll put the instructions for where to look in the chart [in bold and in brackets].

With just a little focus and patience, I think that the chart image will emerge. I suggest you print the simplified chart so that you can refer to it and take some notes as you read.

A grand cross (sometimes called a grand square) consists of planets at four equidistant points of the zodiac, which locates the Earth at the center as if in a crosshairs. The Earth is not shown in an astrological chart; it’s presumed to be in the middle of the wheel. Such patterns lose or gain astrological importance, power or influence (as you prefer) based on what planets are involved, how quickly or slowly they move, where the cross is aligned within the zodiac — plus any unusual factors that might be involved. By all of those measures, this grand cross gets high scores.

The four points of the cross fall in the cardinal signs (hence, a cardinal grand cross) and close to the cardinal points (the first degrees of those signs), those associated with the “four directions.” The four points involved all have the bold number 13 next to them, which is their degree location within their respective signs. Planets with the same degree number are said to be “in aspect.” This aspect is a giant square. [The square is easy to see by following the red lines in the middle of the chart. Note that the red lines all lead to planets that have a 13 next to them.]

The cardinal points are associated with peaks and balancing moments of the Sun’s energy as the seasons change (the equinoxes and the solstices). This grants extra emphasis — anything in the cardinal signs, or close to the cardinal points, picks up on the energy of the Aries Point, which is like a cosmic amplifier.

Planet Waves
Moss and pine needles trapped in thick ice, late winter on the Grandmother Land in High Falls, New York. Photo by Eric Francis.

Two of the planets involved consist of an aspect I’ve been writing about here for years, called the Uranus-Pluto square. That is a 90-degreee meeting of two very slow-moving planets whose current cycle began with the conjunction of 1965-1966, rippling out for years on either side — the whole business we refer to as The Sixties. That particular era was an extraordinary and extraordinarily complex time in history, in many ways similar to the times we’re living through today — with one difference: the optimism and passion of the Sixties has been replaced by a diversity of other emotions today, ranging from cynicism to hope to a kind of helpless bewilderment. Much of the idealism that does exist is either invested in ‘faith in technology’ — or it is ungrounded. This is, I believe, something we need to get a handle on.

First let’s look at the Uranus-Pluto square. Uranus is now in Aries [a blue H-like thing, toward the left, below the horizontal line]. When you think of Uranus in Aries, think of radical individualism that can express itself creatively, or get lost in the glamour of technology. Think revolution that can set people free or get caught up in self-aggrandizement. Think scientific innovation that can serve negative or positive interests for the community. Consider the ways that our culture is becoming the product of its own technology — which means that the technology is out of our control.

The second part of the Uranus-Pluto square is Pluto. Pluto is now in Capricorn [depicted as a red golf tee, to the upper left of the chart]. When you think of Pluto in Cap, think of systems breakdowns and the collapse of over-large, too-old institutions. Think of the banking crisis. Think of struggles for and obsession with power, doing it “because you can,” and the constant sensation that this all may be crashing down.

With Pluto in Capricorn, the evolutionary drive of Pluto is being applied to “the system” itself. This has been a long time coming. “The system” may seem indomitable but it’s much more fragile than you may think. On a really good day, various system collapses could get dysfunctional stuff out of the way, and give us an opportunity to build something new and positive in the cleared space. But those are two very different things — the destruction and the rebuilding. They call upon two very different kinds of commitments.

Planet Waves
Photo by Eric Francis.

Because these two planets move so slowly, they hold their exact 90-degree angle for about four years, which began in spring 2012 and which ends in spring 2015 (with a wide time orb on either side). This aspect comes with the sensation of the turmoil we’re witnessing in the world, the sense of living on the edge or over the edge, and the sensation of everything happening at once.

It also offers another quality that many other tumultuous aspects don’t necessarily have much of — the quest for liberation, and the potential to create it. Pluto drives growth and progress. Uranus drives sudden change. The two working together, combined with human awareness and creativity, can have beautiful results. They can also combine into something that is dangerous and unpredictable, such as revolutions that give rise to even worse regimes than before; activist movements that start off strong and end in apathy and defeatism.

The third point of the cardinal cross is Jupiter in Cancer [an orange glyph similar to a 4 to the lower right side of the chart]. Jupiter bestows protection (including, literally, protecting the Earth from impact with asteroids and comets), it magnifies anything it comes into contact with, and it can bring an exotic quality (such as foreign, otherworldly or mystical) into the scenario. Jupiter is a classical planet and it is exalted in Cancer — it’s the most strongly placed planet in the whole alignment. The other planets have significant impact; Jupiter is strong in its sign by the classical rules, and comes with the message, “This is home. Let’s make the most of it.”

Note, the United States’ Sun is at 13+ Cancer. That is to say, where Jupiter is now, the Sun was on July 4, 1776. For Americans, that Jupiter is a double reminder of what it means to be home, and to take care of home. There is also the implication that the United States will be involved in an unusual event this April.

Jupiter also has another role — a link from the grand cross to the grand water trine that also currently exists. Yes, we are in the midst of both a cross in the heavens, and a trine. The grand water trine means there are planets in aspect in all three water signs. [Those are illustrated by the green triangle in the middle of the wheel.] The other water signs are Scorpio, covered by Saturn, and Pisces, covered by Neptune, Chiron and Venus. The one point that the two patterns share, the cross and the square, is Jupiter.

Planet Waves
Photo by Eric Francis.

Notice how both red and green lines converge on Jupiter. Jupiter has access to all of the other planets in both patterns. It’s not exactly the hub of the wheel; it’s more like a command center set off to the side. A grand water trine means that it’s easy to get caught in one’s emotions, and for the whole society to get caught in an emotional “Bermuda triangle” and not be able to escape. We need to watch carefully for this kind of experience. It’s also easy for individuals to get caught in an emotional pattern and have the same basic effect. Think of Jupiter as home base, that is, the reminder that we are at home, and that we can use that to our advantage.

What makes April 23 the peak of the grand cross is that Uranus, Pluto, Jupiter and lastly Mars will be aligned to within one degree, at 13+ degrees of their respective signs [The degrees are indicated by bold numbers, and fractions of a degree in smaller numbers closer to the center of the wheel.] This is a remarkably close alignment, given that all four placements split a single degree. And it’s astonishing that this aligns with the U.S. Sun to the very degree.

Okay, now for the last element — Mars, the one that to me illustrates the matter of trust; and the point that applies the burst of energy to the pattern that makes it such a strong factor right now. [Mars is to the right, above the horizontal line, in red, looking just like you might expect it to.] When fast-moving inner planets like Mars get involved in slow-moving patterns, they tend to activate the pattern, push it to the forefront and make it personal.

Mars is a close-by world, often called a “personal planet” by astrologers since the feelings and qualities it represents are so accessible to all people (anger, motivation, sex drive, competitiveness and violent urges among them). Mars can be assertive, aggressive, lusty, driven, angry or violent, depending on the circumstances. It is the nearest, fastest-moving and most mentally accessible planet of the four that are involved in the cross.

Planet Waves
Photo by Eric Francis.

Mars is in Libra, the sign of beauty and balance,
of relationships and of the kind of sex we experience as elegant and beautiful. Libra is a sign associated with Venus. Mars seems out of place in this sign opposite its own (Aries); it is taking a long retrograde through a feminine environment, and appears to be compensating for this by switching its polarity (retrograde movement).

This is the very image of what some call “passive” aggression. There really is no such thing. The passive part of passive aggressive really means concealed or disguised. It is more like a sly attack, or the lurking fear of one. This is a slippery placement and it’s not easy to readily identify what it represents; one must really focus and do an inner investigation.

Mars retrograde in Libra illustrates the festering anger that is resident in many relationships, along with the resentment and hostility. Sometimes this is veiled and sometimes it’s blatantly overt. In any case many people live with anger as a seeming fact of life in their relationships. There is no easy way out of their situations, people seem to have power over them, and the nearly universal human quality of passivity leads people to feel they lack even the most basic influence over their lives.

This is the “yes means no” Mars; it’s also an image of ambivalence that is driven by a deeper underlying doubt.

Many of us also live with anger in other forms: at ourselves, at our parents, at the world situation, at God. Yet our culture lacks a vent for this anger, or for productive ways to process it, much less to turn it into another form of energy. What it tends to do is to erode trust. We might think we live in a cold and unloving world, but imagine how that would change if people trusted one another more readily.

Planet Waves
Memory of Winter. Photo by Eric Francis.

Part of what we specifically lack trust in is justice and fairness, two themes covered by the sign Libra. This runs in at least two directions — how you are treated, and how you treat others. Notice the cynicism that has pervaded our society in these years; but no matter how “well founded,” cynicism can never lead to trust. And trust is the one thing we need to work together.

Most of what we’re missing, I believe, is trust in ourselves. Self-trust is the foundation of all other kinds of trust because all of them come back to you trusting your decision to have faith in a situation. This has been injured so many times that it seems like trust is either impossible, or it is always going to be betrayed. Neither of these is true, but it will seem true if it’s the only option we have.

Mars retrograde is pushing these issues to the forefront. We stand at a point of decision. And in a few weeks that may seem deeply urgent. If you’re looking at the world, at your relationship or at yourself and wondering what to do, I would ask: what would it take for you to trust? What would you need, or need to do?

If I may make a suggestion, one of the things that characterizes our time in history is an extreme sense of seeking what we can get out of any situation. It’s true that nearly everything is connected to a monthly bill and we live with the sensation of being constantly exploited. There is another side to that, which is a society that sometimes feels like yellow jacket wasps in late autumn trying to extract nourishment from a brightly colored potato chip package.

I believe that trust is cultivated by exactly the opposite property: understanding what we can give to any situation. Trust and love are closely related; we tend to love what we nurture, whether it’s a child, a friend, a puppy or a home. One skill here is learning to properly nourish yourself, which will definitely help — but replacing this chilly quality of “what can I withhold?” with “what can I offer?” is going to help many ways, including proving that you really do have something to offer; something truly worthwhile — and that may answer one of your most nagging doubts.



After much thought, I’ve decided to spin off our environmental coverage, including Monsanto Watch and ECO, into their own free publication that will be distributed Friday afternoons. This will allow us to focus this coverage for readers who are truly interested, and to make it available to non-subscribers. We also anticipate having more interaction with the audience, who I presume follows much more of this news and seems to include some people working directly on the issues. To sign up for these free mailings, please use this link. You may also share it with anyone you want. If you want to reach the editors with an idea, local breaking news story, correction or other feedback, please write to eco@planetwaves.net.

Writing and Editing Credits: Planet Waves is produced by a team consisting of Hillary Conary, Eric Francis, Elizabeth Michaud, Amanda Painter, Susan Starr, Carol van Strum and Chad Woodward. Coordinating Editor: Elizabeth Michaud. Page assembled and coded by Anatoly Ryzhenko. Special thanks to the Fact Checkers List, which goes over each edition on Thursday night — and to our main astrology fact-checker Alex Miller, and Amanda, who goes over all their suggestions. Our editions are also proofread and fact-checked by Jessica Keet.
Planet Waves

Taking a Ride on the Aries Point

The Sun ingressed Aries Thursday at 1:58:59 pm EDT — that would be the equivalent of high noon standard time, with the Sun high in the sky. The Aries Point is the first degree of the tropical zodiac, that is, the orientation point from which all of Western astrology is reckoned. We are about to take a ride on the Aries Point for the next six or seven weeks, as the Sun passes through the Jupiter-Uranus-Pluto configuration, and Mars gets ready to join the action (see article above).

Planet Waves
My annotated chart for the spring equinox yesterday.

The Aries Point also has the property of an intersection between the collective realm and the individual; it covers all of the topics where matters that would seemingly be the abstract business of legislators show up in your living room, your kitchen or your bedroom. The truly interesting thing about “the news” is just how many events have called our attention to precisely this factor.

The Sun reaches the first point on the cardinal cross with the Sun square Jupiter on April 1. Then personal and world events really pick up and we will be treated to one of the most amazing, strange and perhaps tumultuous trips through the kaleidoscope. I believe there will be some scary moments as world leaders, many of them drunk on power and lacking common sense, pick up on the energy.

Personally, I foresee a time for big decisions and engaging with issues that have long been omitted from the discussion. I am especially intrigued by the placement of Mars in the sign Libra — the one opposite its home sign Aries. This looks like an intriguing therapy project of unraveling this annoying thing called projection. But for that to work it will be necessary to tread lightly on yourself, on others and on the Earth.

Before the Sun reaches the grand cross, however, it makes a series of aspects to a cluster of minor planets that are grouped around the early degrees of the cardinal signs. I go through these in some detail in Thursday night’s edition of Planet Waves FM, right at the top of the program.

I will go over a few selected highlights, however. One is Terpsichore opposite Apollo in early Aries/Libra. The Sun will pass through this today and over the weekend. Terpsichore is the muse of dance, the dance of life and with life and “dancing your way to God” and dancing between the raindrops.

Apollo is the one with the story about making the same errors over and over. So with this aspect we have the theme of how we dance with our own mistakes, and how we might find a way to dance our way out of them. I think everyone has experienced the frustration of Apollo at some time or another, many of us on a fairly regular basis. In the blend with Terpsichore is a clever way to say that life is not about perfection, it’s about movement and flow.

Planet Waves
Ophelia, illustrated in a photograph by Gregory Crewdson.

There’s one more grouping that I think is really interesting — Ophelia at 5+ Aries, Eros at 5+ Capricorn and Hidalgo at 8+ Capricorn. The Sun will pass through this configuration early next week, though there’s plenty of heat and light shining on it right now.

Ophelia, named for a character in Hamlet, is a point of overreaction based on the sensation of not being valued. Usually when this kind of sensation starts to cascade, it’s coming from a space of deep insecurity that is being projected into a relationship. The glyph for Ophelia is similar to that of Psyche and I believe there is a resonance. My take on Psyche is the sensation of an emotional injury that cannot be healed — not the reality, the sensation.

Eros pumps a lot of heart energy through this, and it can become distorted — especially when you run Eros through the “commitment is everything” filter of Capricorn. Yes, we are pulverized into thinking commitment is everything, but I would ask: commitment to whom and to what?

The last point is Hidalgo, one of my favorite asteroids. Hidalgo cautions against rebellion for its own sake. But mostly, Hidalgo cautions against going along with ridiculous social customs just because they are there. This would include mindlessly accepting, in any way, any pressure to be something or someone, or to do something, or to go along with something, that is not really about you; that you have not fully thought through.

With the way the planets are developing, you will most surely want to think, to feel and to reflect — take the time while you have it.
Planet Waves

Planet Waves

Video still from “Years” by Bartholomaus Traubeck; the knot to the left side of the wooden disk sounds about as dark and gnarly as it looks. A digital album of seven different tree-slice recordings is available for download at Traubeck’s Bandcamp site.


Singing Rings for Spring

For everyone anywhere on Earth, the Aries equinox is one of the two times at which the hours of day and night are equal (the other being the Libra equinox). If you live in the Northern Hemisphere, this means the first day of spring  (even if the weather hasn’t gotten the message yet) and the promise of a new cycle of growth.

Trees happen to document their growth cycles in the rings visible when a cross-section is cut from a log — a record of each year’s rainfall and other factors that looks, well, like a record. Artist Bartholomaus Traubeck has fitted a turntable with a PlayStation Eye Camera that ‘reads’ the rings in cross-sections of trees and transmits the data to a computer, where a software program translates the data into piano sounds.

The recordings resulting from the project, which is titled “Years,” are both haunting and inspiring; what might the music sound like if we could translate each year of our own growth into sound?
Planet Waves

Planet Waves

Moss, pine needles and leaves from the forest floor trapped in thick ice, late winter on the Grandmother Land in High Falls, New York. Photo by Eric Francis.


Spring Equinox and How Not to Give Away Your Power

In this week’s program of Planet Waves FM, I look at the chart for the Spring Equinox, and consider the planets gathered around the Aries Point. In the second half of the the program, I offer some additional thoughts on the charts for Flight 370. Finally, I share my ideas about how not to give your power away to healers, teachers and those in a position of authority.
Planet Waves

Have you ordered your 2014 readings by Eric Francis yet? The Mars Effect (our 16th annual edition!) has just published, and includes in-depth audio and written readings for your Sun, Moon and rising signs. We always receive a flood of positive feedback for these readings, and it shows just how meaningful they are. One customer wrote, “Every minute of Eric’s reading is worth gold.” We’re offering you a special package price of $79 for all twelve signs, available only to current Planet Waves members. Or you may purchase individual signs for $29.95.


Planet Waves

Your Monthly Horoscopes — and our Publishing Schedule Notes

Your extended monthly horoscopes for April are published below in this issue. We published your extended monthly horoscopes for March Friday, Feb. 21. Moonshine horoscopes for the Pisces New Moon published Tuesday, Feb. 25. Moonshine horoscopes for the Virgo Full Moon were published Tuesday, March 11. Please note, we normally publish the extended monthly horoscope on the first Friday after the Sun has entered a new sign.


Planet Waves Monthly for April 2014, #991 | By Eric Francis

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — You may be feeling confident, brassy and ambitious, though I suggest you monitor the world for your own reflection every time you turn around. You need feedback in realtime, and you need it from multiple sources. You have Uranus in your sign, which may be leading you to feel unstoppable. Jupiter in Cancer is offering a sense of safety while Pluto in Capricorn is suggesting that the sky is the limit. But your ruling planet Mars is in your opposite sign Libra. This suggests a more fragile and less easy-to-read situation than you may imagine, particularly as the energy heats up mid-month. Therefore, it’s essential that you tune into your navigation and feedback systems as soon as you can, so that you begin to notice the ways that the echo of your environment comes back to you. You may not think, or want to think, that this is somehow an expression of your own energy. The purpose of this feedback is not to judge it but rather to evaluate it. So before getting caught in your own opinion, notice the ways that shifting your approach to people and circumstances and altering your energetic posture actually gets a result. The nice thing here is while there may be some subtlety to what you’re perceiving and how you have to adapt, the feedback and the results should come quickly.

Looking for an in-depth astrology reading? Order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $79 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones). You may also order individual signs for $29.95 here.


Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — You are well-placed to experience this month’s grand cross event in a supporting role, as an observer and voluntary participant. Your ruling planet Venus is in Pisces, happy, resourceful and a safe distance from the fireworks. Yet there is another dimension to this month’s activity, which involves a solar eclipse in your birth sign on April 29. Eclipses in your sign are ‘before and after’ events, demarcation points that shift the way you think about yourself. The theme of this eclipse is your identity as a relationship partner. Among the reasons that might be challenging is that it’s not easy for you to shift any facet of your identity; you tend to camp out in what you know. Yet most of what we know about ‘being a partner’ comes from two sources: our parents, most of whom struggled to have a single clue about this, and the rest from social conditioning such as fairy tales, movies, television and then a whole heap of peer pressure. The beauty of an eclipse is that it’s a wildcard. Circumstances may seem to be operating outside of your control, yet in truth you have the full power of choice. Give yourself a break, observe what is right for you, and remember most people around you will be so invested in other matters they are unlikely to notice, much less judge, your conclusions.

Looking for an in-depth astrology reading? Order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $79 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones). You may also order individual signs for $29.95 here.


Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — You must keep your wits about you at all times, and be realistic at every turn. That means making no assumptions, which is a miracle in a world where so few people even know when they are doing so. Therefore, the first step is being aware when your perceptions are supported by actual data rather than by something you would like to be true, or by something that someone is trying to convince you is true. We are about to enter one of those ‘all is fair in love and war’ phases of social history where for a while it may seem like all bets are off and none of yesterday’s rules apply. As Graham Nash said, you who are on the road must have a code that you can live by. You need your own personal code, your way of life, that is distinct from anything that was ever imposed on you, and which depends on what you have learned from all your travels. Most of all your guide to living must be informed by the outcomes that you want, measured not so much in material things but rather in the form of ethics, cooperation, the value you place on your relationships and most of all, the value you place on the future. These are things that count, and the things I suggest you keep right at the front of your mind, every step you take.

Looking for an in-depth astrology reading? Order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $79 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones). You may also order individual signs for $29.95 here.


Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Your sign has a unique position amongst the many unusual developments of this month. The two main events are a cardinal grand cross (see related article) and a water grand trine. Yours is the only cardinal water sign — that is, the only sign directly involved in both configurations. The planet involved is Jupiter, currently in Cancer and very happy there. Jupiter indicates that you have plenty of resources to apply to what may feel like an increasingly demanding or complicated situation. You may be in a helping role — this may or may not be directly about your personal existence (in other words, it may reach far beyond). Yet despite your state of abundance, you will need to allocate your resources thoughtfully. You’ll need to take care of yourself before you take any responsibility for the many people who may be making demands on you. Be on the lookout for overreactions by others; stay away from drama queens and those who seem to exist without purpose. Focus on those who are being true to themselves and who are connected to the greater whole. Notice who is being self-serving, who is taking advantage of others and who is just taking up space. Notice, that is, so you can also identify who is in a supporting role. Help those who are making a difference.

Looking for an in-depth astrology reading? Order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $79 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones). You may also order individual signs for $29.95 here.


Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — It is time to step up and take leadership whether or not you think you are ready. For this to work, your idea of leadership needs to evolve. It’s not a supporting or coordinating role; those are the people that leaders need around them, and I suggest you get a few supporters and coordinators onto your team. Leadership is making sure the right thing happens at the right time. That will take cooperation, and so right up top of the concepts of leadership is the one who focuses a group effort. I know this is a quality more typically assigned to Aquarius, and I have noticed that many Leos have a heck of a time with the whole recruiting and delegating thing. However, putting that skill to work will be necessary if you want to use this extraordinary moment and achieve at least a few truly unusual things, even as the world seems to go mad. I recognize the extent to which this type of leadership may seem to involve a profound shift of orientation for you. Maybe it will seem more within reach if you think of it like how you want your family to run — as a fully cooperative entity. Teach young people all the time. Shift your emphasis from doing things personally to making sure that others do them as well as, or better than, you.

Looking for an in-depth astrology reading? Order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $79 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones). You may also order individual signs for $29.95 here.


Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Events of this month may seem like a huge spectacle, something that you’re destined to witness rather than participate in. It’s also possible that what you see will seem so close to home that you will fail to notice what is happening outside your immediate environment. I suggest you go beyond what seems to be directly personal and reach with your awareness into wider circles. Make contact with those who have a global perspective, those who are not caught in their own little reality bubble — that will help take you beyond the limits of your own perception. You may be feeling a bit boxed into your reality, as if you’re reluctant to change your mind about something. Yet everything you’re seeing, hearing and experiencing is howling and cheering for you to do precisely that, to get in tune with the moment. If you are feeling like “I don’t want to change my own mind; I would rather have it changed for me,” that is what will happen, but it won’t be the most pleasant or creative way to experience the current astrology. The more creative approach will include allowing others to gently lead you beyond what is familiar. Some of those experiences will come through your relationships and some will come as a result of them. Still, the idea is the same — embrace others who are willing to take you beyond yourself.

Looking for an in-depth astrology reading? Order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $79 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones). You may also order individual signs for $29.95 here.


Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Mars retrograde in your sign is about to take center stage. Mars represents a process that started long ago and over which you have little control; it seems to represent something that you must go through and experience at full intensity. Or perhaps it would be more appropriate to say that would be the best course of action. Yet several factors describe the way you might be inclined to take this experience in an unconscious way, acting out the past, or that of your ancestors. For you, there are two keys to this astrology. One is to remain fully present in your experience of what is happening. Find people who are willing to help you stay grounded and give you honest feedback, and moreover, who are able to provide a sense of context. The other is to maintain your compassion at all times. The theme of Mars retrograde in Libra is a dangerously slippery form of inwardly directed anger. Venus, the actual planet that represents you, is placed in Pisces, where you are being invited to see your life from a whole other perspective. The time has arrived to devote yourself to healing as a full-time occupation. If you want to do your part in helping resolve the global crisis and guiding humanity through its raging adolescence, your own healing process is the place to begin — and now is the time.

Looking for an in-depth astrology reading? Order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $79 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones). You may also order individual signs for $29.95 here.


Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — It would be easier to deal with fear if we could recognize it when we see it. Yet the problem with fear, and its first cousins guilt and anger, is that most of the time, we don’t recognize them when we see them, or feel them. They take so many forms, come wrapped in so many packages and dressed in so many disguises, we could be dealing with them all day and still not know it. And that is precisely what we do. Your job is to know when you’re dealing with these emotions, and when they are driving you. It is only this awareness that will protect you from being manipulated and manipulating others. Only this awareness will allow you to connect with more loving motives. At the moment, it seems like the entire ‘outer’ world we are witnessing is being driven by dark emotions and self-serving motives. At the same time many things seem wrapped in a blend of ambivalence and ignorance that could lead otherwise intelligent people to support the cause of (for example) fracking or genetically modified foods. Yet neither your most wholesome survival instincts nor your most sublime creative guidance will be apparent when you’re caught in the deceptive, slippery haze of fear, or guilt, or anger. And that is what you must now focus every skill and grain of wit into transcending. If there is a road to truth, it is surely the same one away from lies.

Looking for an in-depth astrology reading? Order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $79 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones). You may also order individual signs for $29.95 here.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — You seem to be central to many events and activities around you. Actually, this appears to be so true that the most significant thing you can avoid is losing yourself in the midst of all the excitement, the drama and the goings-on. Whether you recognize it or not, the resources that are being drawn on are your emotional resources. You might think it’s your creative talent, your money or your ideas; you might have those moments when you think it’s your sexual energy (and you would be getting closer). The thing you have, that which others want and think they need or are just drawn to without understanding at all, is your emotional pool. You might be saying, “The Only Astrology Book You Ever Need said Sagittarians aren’t so emotional,” though astrology books don’t really point to this quality about you. Yet it’s as real as you are, and it’s present right now, and I suggest you insulate yourself a bit and keep a meter on what you share with others, so that you have sufficient reserves of your own. In addition, it’s imperative that you set your own course in life without being distracted by those with whom you’re sexually involved or with whom you may share a bank account. This is a time when you must be absolutely free to make your own decisions, and make them without hesitation.

Looking for an in-depth astrology reading? Order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $79 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones). You may also order individual signs for $29.95 here.


Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Of the many messages I could deliver at the time of the grand cross, at the top of the list is to protect your reputation. Like a bookstore, reputations take years to build and can burn in minutes. There is no indication in your chart that this will happen, but many factors conspire to raise the probability level. Therefore I suggest you temper your ambitions for the moment and focus on maintaining what you’ve currently got going on. You have plenty of responsibility, and some of what you’re being required to do is sufficiently ambiguous as to require considerable thought. One potential risk is ending up taking responsibility for the actions of someone else, so I suggest you refrain, for the moment, from doing anyone else’s bidding, no matter how politically expedient it may be. There are also likely to be a few matters from the past that are coming up for closure, especially involving your professional activities. Take care of them. The planets in their courses are, as you know, holding out a vision of success, yet it’s vital that you allow this to unfold in due time, and that you skip no steps on the way to getting there. Soon enough, once you’ve passed unscathed through your current adventure thanks to your persistent vigilance, you will once again be able to throw caution to the four winds.

Looking for an in-depth astrology reading? Order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $79 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones). You may also order individual signs for $29.95 here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Despite the considerable fuss and turmoil of the world, you seem intent on grounding yourself in your home, with your partner, with your family or in your community (these, in some combination). That looks like the right idea at the right time. You are in a position to build your life from the center outward, similar to how a tree grows. You would have to be pretty tuned into nature to look at a tree and say, “Gee, I see it growing right now.” (Such is possible.) But you would have to be pretty out of it to look at the tree year after year and not notice that it’s filling out and becoming taller and stronger. Your professional activities are in a similar pattern of nearly imperceptible growth, but increasingly solid rooting. Your ruling planet Saturn is in your solar 10th house — perhaps its most functional place. The work of the 10th house is the slow building of one’s professional purpose, identity and image. Keep that process slow, and continue to make sure that your reputation is built on absolutely solid ground, making sure that every career-oriented contact you make has an actual emotional — that is to say, human — basis to the relationship. Take the time to slowly and meticulously orient around the goals that you hold the most dear to your heart. Then, work that blend of ‘make it happen’ and ‘let it happen’.

Looking for an in-depth astrology reading? Order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $79 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones). You may also order individual signs for $29.95 here.


Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Whatever may be going on around you, the waters deep within the Pisces sea can be clear and calm. They will be, if you remember to leave any trouble and turmoil at the surface. The spiritual reservoir of your sign is full right now, in part because the water trine that’s holding out a veil of protection over the world involves all three of the planets associated with your sign — Venus, Jupiter and Neptune. Yet this is also hinting that you will be in a vital supporting role to certain people around you, maybe to many people. It’s essential that you keep yourself nourished, rested and organized. Take the ‘self sacrificing’ thing about Pisces and set it aside — whoever invented that did a service to nobody. Your charts are about the pleasure you can experience, the creative expansion, the art and the music that you can experience, even amidst any strange and chaotic developments of the world. The thing to remember is that you don’t owe anyone anything, and that your life is a gift to yourself. If you live sincerely and in balance, you will be available to support others in unusual ways that sidestep many of the typical notions of what community or world service is about. The direct and rather bold message of your chart is that what serves you will serve others — a happy state of affairs.

Looking for an in-depth astrology reading? Order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $79 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones). You may also order individual signs for $29.95 here.



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Astrological Hurricane Season (and monthly forecasts)

Planet Waves

Barred spiral galaxy NGC 1300. Photo by NASA, ESA, Hubble Heritage Team.

Dear Friend and Reader:

It’s now hurricane season, a time of year when the conditions are correct for the formation of big, cyclonic storms. Hurricanes get their energy from the ocean’s warmth, and as the oceans have increased in temperature, more energy is available. You might describe the positions of the planets this way as well: the hotter they get, the more energy is available here on Earth.

The short version of the story is that the Sun is now moving through the Uranus-Pluto square — what I call the 2012-era aspect. We are also about to experience two powerful eclipses concurrent with Mercury retrograde in Scorpio. The combined result will be a sustained phase of planetary energy that will make itself known many ways.

In one sense the whole year has led to this moment — the extended moment of autumn 2013. In reality the setup goes back a lot further; let’s see if I can bring you up to date. (If you want further background, search for an article called The Road to Xibalba in the Planet Waves archives.)

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Hurricane Earl, from 2010, was a long-lived and powerful tropical cyclone which became the first major hurricane to threaten New England since Hurricane Bob in 1991. Photo: NOAA.

Around 2008, an aspect pattern started forming, which involved Pluto ingressing Capricorn. If you were following the astrology blogs at the time, it was just about the only topic going. Pluto is a slow-mover (the slowest-moving planet used by most astrologers, who will be catching up to the Kuiper Belt and Eris in their next lifetimes). Slow means influential; slow means that Pluto events last a while. Pluto means that nothing is the same after he’s come through town.

Speculation about Pluto in Capricorn goes back many years; it was perceived in advance as one of those really ominous transits, and now we are in the midst of it. Pluto in a sign helps define a whole era of time, concentrating and focusing change in the topic areas associated with the sign in question. Depending on where Pluto is in its orbit, it can take between 12 and 30 years to make it through one sign. It will be in Capricorn until 2023-2024.

The subject area of Capricorn is the structure of society. Corporations, governments, families and traditions all are covered by Capricorn.

Pluto is both creative and destructive. It brings change, and in the path of those changes there can be considerable progress. Yet the door can also open up for some serious negativity. One example was the Saturn-Pluto opposition of 2001-2002. A few astrologers predicted terrorism for this era; none that I am aware of predicted a world war lasting 12 years and counting.

The first year that Pluto touched the foothills of Capricorn, we experienced the financial collapse of 2008. I can still see the smirk on Henry Paulson’s face as he announced that the bailouts would begin, trying so hard to suppress his glee. I remember well John McCain suspending his presidential campaign, allegedly to solve the problem with his own bare hands. Financial institutions were collapsing in house-of-cards style, and the money was flowing freely.

Astrologers around the world muttered, “Pluto in Capricorn has begun.” (Banking policy spotters around the world muttered, “yep, I told you so.” They had.)

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One of the momentous institutional failures at the beginning of Pluto in Capricorn was American International Group, a vast insurance company. Many banks were bailed out; many that you have not heard of went under. Photo by Neil Irwin.

In 2011, another (somewhat quicker) slow-mover — Uranus — ingressed Aries. On that very day (March 11, 2011), within hours of the ingress, a tsunami and earthquake took out a chunk of Japan, causing a huge mess at several nuclear power plants, the most famous of which was Fukushima.

Astrologers around the world muttered: “Oh shit. Uranus in Aries. And oh. Uranus square Pluto. Here we go.” Those who follow global astrology no doubt noticed the connections of both transits to the Aries Point — the first degree of Aries, where all things political intersect with all things personal.

Everyone remembers 2011, the year the Uranus-Pluto square really began: the protests that spread through the Middle East and across North Africa; the protests in Wisconsin; and then that autumn, the worldwide Occupy movement began in a private park in New York City. Real people were taking their bodies to the scene of the crime and demanding action.

And you may remember, if you haven’t suppressed it, the agony of that first month after the meltdowns in Japan, as the truth slowly came out. People who understand nuclear power know that it’s perhaps the most personal-as-political thing there is if, for instance, a little strontium-90 lodges in one’s bones.

The Uranus-Pluto square has been working its way across the signs Aries and Capricorn, and will make a total of seven contacts. The next one is on Nov. 1. It is the midpoint of the cycle — the fourth of seven events. There will be another during the next eclipse season, on April 21, 2014; and then another on Dec. 15, 2014. The last will be on March 16, 2015. Then the energy of the aspect will slowly wane, though it can do so with considerable influence, even for another five years.

Every now and then (quite a bit, lately), other planets get into the aspect pattern, and bring its properties out into the open. For example, Jupiter is now in Cancer, making what’s called a T-square with Uranus and Pluto.

Recently Venus and then Mercury passed through Libra, completing a grand cross. Challenging events associated with Mercury’s passage through the aspect were the Colorado floods and the mass shooting at the Navy Yard. When that Libra leg of the cross is filled, it can be intense. Part of that is because the grand cross is the most powerful aspect pattern. Adding to the energy is the fact that there’s a little-known slow-moving planet, similar to Pluto, already in Libra opposite Uranus and square Pluto — Typhon, the namesake of typhoons.

Planet Waves
The Occupy Wall St. movement was a herald of the Uranus-Pluto square. Photo by Eric Francis.

The first thing that happens this autumn is that the Sun in Libra passes through the aspect structure. On Oct. 1, the Sun will square Pluto (that is deep, introspective and compelling changes that can take root on the soul level). On Oct. 3 it will make an opposition to Uranus (surprises, shocking developments, revelations, inventions), and over the next few days, a conjunction to Typhon (exact Oct. 6) (perhaps passing through the eye of the storm). On Oct. 12, the Sun will make a square to Jupiter, which tends to magnify things and also provoke decisions.

Even if these aspects were happening inisolation from each other, we would feel them. That they are happening concentrated within a few days means there is likely to be a global effect. You don’t need a crystal ball to guess what that effect might be — some lunatics in Congress are threatening to hold the United States, and by extension the world financial networks, hostage.

Their issue is that they don’t want the Affordable Care Act (also called Obamacare, invented by the rightwing Heritage Foundation, enacted by Congress, signed by the president and approved by the Supreme Court) to be any further entrenched. This autumn is the time that the health insurance exchanges open in all 50 states.

If you live in England or Canada or Sweden or someplace civilized like that, this must sound awfully weird — to threaten to push the country into default, and/or to defund and therefore shut down the government, because a small minority of legislators don’t like a law that provides health services for people. I wish I was making this up, then I could edit it and things would be different.

If that happens, we will certainly experience the Uranus-Pluto square full-on, in solar style. Note that the Sun, which is doing all the passing-through, in mundane astrology (the astrology of worldly affairs) represents the head of state. The fact that the head of state is going to have a wild ride for at least the first two weeks of October means that the whole government may be in turmoil.

Speaking of Oct. 1, that’s the day that Mercury enters what’s sometimes called shadow phase — the earliest measure of the Mercury retrograde effect beginning. The retrograde itself — the peak of the event, when Mercury appears to move in reverse longitude through the zodiac — begins on Oct. 21 and ends Nov. 10. The second shadow phase ends Nov. 27. This is definitely something to plan around. Follow the Planet Waves blog and Planet Waves FM and your member editions for ongoing details, which will be useful to keep up with.

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Typhon, the most fearsome monster of Greek mythology, was so terrible that it took Zeus himself to fight him. Now a planet by this name is part of the cardinal grand cross — Typhon, Jupiter, Uranus, Pluto — and in a moment, the Sun.

This is actually pretty good timing for most purposes in the Western world, since we leave Mercury retrograde behind around Thanksgiving, and well before the end-of-the-year madness reaches its peak. However, as this happens, Venus is warming up to one of its relatively rare retrogrades (Venus is retrograde least of all the planets). That takes place Dec. 21 through Jan. 31 (not including shadow phases). I will come back to that one next month.

Right in the mix of Mercury retrograde, making things especially interesting, is a pair of eclipses. Both are impressive in their own right. All eclipses come with a sense of acceleration, concentrated experiences and the feeling that fate is in operation. Eclipses are points of no return — and these two occur in the mix of much other astrology.

As for the eclipses — the first is the Aries Full Moon, which is a penumbral lunar eclipse. The Moon will pass through the outermost edge of the Earth’s shadow on Friday, Oct. 18. One of the most interesting features of the eclipse is that the Moon will be conjunct a major new discovery, Eris (the planet that got Pluto ‘demoted’).

Then as the Moon is waning, the Sun ingresses Scorpio on Oct. 23. About 10 days later on Nov. 3, we experience the corresponding New Moon event — a part-annular, part-total eclipse that is one heck of an impressive chart.

Planet Waves
Eclipse of the Sun in Scorpio on Nov. 3 is a combined total and annular eclipse, notably, conjunct Saturn. It also happens during Mercury retrograde in Scorpio. You can see the eclipse group of planets to the left side of the chart. They include Mercury, the North Node, the Sun, the Moon and Saturn. Juno, square the eclipse group, makes more than a cameo (potentially stealing the show), bringing in eternal themes of relationship and social justice.

The eclipse (a conjunction of the Moon and Sun) will be conjunct Mercury, the North Node and Saturn. That’s a lot of planets concentrated together, during what’s already one of the most profound times of year even when nothing special is going on.

It will be essential, in the midst of all of this, to keep your focus, to maintain emotional grounding, and to stay in balance — all of which will be easier said than done. When the astrology is acting up, a good astrologer can be helpful. Through this whole season, I plan to be working on my 2014 annual readings for all 12 signs and rising signs.

For the past few weeks I’ve been studying and casting charts for the next 12 months, and they are pretty special, even by contemporary standards. What’s interesting about the autumn of 2013 is that it closely resembles what will be happening all through 2014 — the peak year of the Uranus-Pluto square.

My annual will be called The Mars Effect. Having read this article, when I say that Mars will be passing through the Jupiter-Uranus-Pluto-Typhon configuration not once but three times, that will be meaningful — we are about to go on one heck of a ride. We are, as of this moment, embarking on what may be the most profound phase of the extended 2012 era; I would estimate this stretches from October of 2013 through August of 2014.

Confronted with this information, some astrologers will say hold on and some will say let go. I will say: stoke your vision, pay attention and look where you want to be.


This week’s news briefs were written and researched by Amanda Painter, Susan Scheck, Carol van Strum, Anne Craig and your friendly neighborhood news editor, Eric Francis.


Planet Waves

We are happy to offer once again one of our most popular products: the Planet Waves All-Access Pass for 2014. The All-Access Pass is for members who want access to everything we offer in a calendar year. In recent years our product line has grown considerably, and the response from our All-Access subscribers has been overwhelmingly positive. You can read about everything that’s included with an All-Access pass here. For those who can’t get enough Planet Waves astrology, it’s an unbeatable value. Plus, if you order now, we’ll include the rest of the readings that come out in 2013, and you’ll save $100.
Planet Waves

After the Fake Filibuster, a Game of Chicken

The rightwing fringes of the Republican party have been moaning for the past couple of years that candidates like McCain and Romney, despite unstinting support of big business and blustering on about American exceptionalism, simply weren’t conservative enough. The 2012 election cycle brought in a fresh crop of Tea Party-fancying congressional representatives, including the junior senator from Texas, Ted Cruz.

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Illustration from the Encyclopedia of Psychiatry under the term “narcissistic personality disorder.” Photo by Jonathan Bernstein.

If you recognize his name, that’s because he increased his visibility considerably this past week with a “filibuster” on the Senate floor lasting more than 21 hours, claiming that his intention was to bravely fight to defund the Affordable Care Act, known to most as Obamacare.

That was the first step in endlessly awaited health care reform designed to make medical coverage more accessible to more people. It’s the one thing that Obama has accomplished, and it seems that no matter how popular it is, Obama’s political enemies want to deny him a positive legacy.

As you may know, the federal government runs out of money in mid-October. To stay in business, it must pass what is called a “continuing resolution” (CR, in Beltway-talk), which extends the nonexistent budget. The federal government no longer uses a budget; it sputters along from CR to CR. The next one expires Tuesday, Oct. 1.

Last week the House of Representatives passed a 45-day CR that includes a condition: at the insistence of the Republican majority, funding the government only if the Affordable Care Act is cut off from resources. In other words, the majority of our representatives are willing to shut down the government if Obamacare is not starved of resources. Forget the fact that it’s been approved by all three branches of government, including a conservative-leaning Supreme Court.

So the Republicans, who now resemble anarchists, are planning a kind of holdup: they say they won’t approve a CR without also killing Obamacare. That in turn could force a government shutdown just as the Sun squares Pluto, setting off the rest of the grand cross — just as Mercury gets ready to station retrograde.

Friday, the Senate is scheduled to take up the House version of the bill, which will fail in the Democrat-controlled Senate. That means the country will still be without a CR, and the money runs out around Oct. 17. Most people are expecting pressure from the business community, meaning banks and financial markets, not the local tailor shop, to dissuade the Tea Partiers to allow the government to function. But that might not work.

Meanwhile, Republicans — eager for any influence they might have, and to do anything to make Obama look bad — have trained their guns on the rapidly approaching debt ceiling deadline. That is the limit on money the government must borrow to pay for things already purchased (wars, etc.).

Planet Waves
How Ted Cruz missed the irony of his choice of ‘fake filibuster’ reading material is a mystery: once the narrator actually tries the green meal, he likes it. Image: MSNBC.

That issue must be resolved by Oct. 17, when the debt ceiling must either be raised — as has been done more than 50 times in recent decades — or the U.S. government will be in default on its current financial obligations. Republicans are offering to avert this crisis provided that Democrats will agree to (among other things) approving the Keystone XL pipeline and delaying the implementation of Obamacare for a year.

In other words, the Republican position is: do it our way or we blow the place up. Default would have many repercussions, including messing with financial markets, banking, thousands of businesses and hundreds of thousands of employees who depend on federal paychecks; not to mention the millions of people who depend on the government being there.

Will the federal government shut down? At this point, it seems unlikely that Congress will manage to get its collective self together and prevent that eventuality by midnight on Monday. Even if it does shut down, various Obamacare provisions will continue to go into effect.

One thing we can all count on is a bitter fight on the debt ceiling issue as we approach mid-October.

The glaringly obvious fact that emerges from the Cruz performance is that, rather than a good-faith effort to govern, the end game was all about either one guy getting attention, or one guy taking the fall for what a lot of people want to do but don’t want to stand up for.
Planet Waves

Warren Revives Softer Draft Guidance for GMO Labeling

Senator Elizabeth Warren, a staunch consumer-protection advocate, is calling for the Food and Drug Administration to finalize a 12-year-old draft guidance in relation to the labeling of foods containing GMOs.

Planet Waves
Is a little GMO labeling better than none? Elizabeth Warren seems to think so.

GMO labeling supporters are not entirely pleased with this, since the guidance is voluntary and not as tough as the mandatory national labeling requirements they seek.

The guidance calls for food manufacturers, should they choose to identify foods as containing GMOs, to use statements that explain how the food was modified through genetic engineering and avoid the phrase “GMO free” for foods that have not been modified.

“The term ‘GMO free’ may be misleading for most foods, because most foods do not contain organisms (seeds and foods like yogurt that contain microorganisms are exceptions),” the guidance explains. “It would likely be misleading to suggest that a food that ordinarily would not contain entire ‘organisms’ is ‘organism free.'”

However, 85% of corn and 93% of soy grown in the U.S. in 2013 has been genetically modified. These ingredients are added to many processed foods sold here — a leading reason for mandatory labeling.

Cross-contamination — GMO seeds finding their way into non-GMO corn and soy fields — is common, and therefore a wild card in any food product containing corn or soy. Mandatory labeling would eliminate at least some of the mystery in what we are eating.

Update: The Monsanto Protection Act will not be part of a bill to avoid the government shutdown, due to opposition by Senate Democrats Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.) and Barbara Mikulski (D-MD), chair of the Senate Committee on Appropriations, as well as strong action against it by the public. Mikulski announced Tuesday evening that it will be stripped from the Senate version of the bill.
Planet Waves

Russia to Prosecute Greenpeace Activists for Piracy

Russia’s top investigative agency, the Investigative Committee, said Tuesday it will prosecute Greenpeace activists on piracy charges for trying to climb onto an Arctic offshore drilling platform owned by the state-controlled gas company Gazprom. Their ship, the Arctic Sunrise, was seized last week by the Russian Coast Guard in Murmansk, a Russian Arctic port.

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Greenpeace ship ‘Arctic Sunrise’ is escorted by a Russian coast guard boat, off the Kola peninsula in Russia, on Tuesday, Sept. 24, 2013. Photo: Efrem Lukatsky/AP.

Piracy carries a potential prison sentence of up to 15 years and a fine of 500,000 rubles (about $15,500).

Two activists tried to climb onto the Prirazlomnaya platform last Thursday and others assisted from small inflatable boats. The Greenpeace protest was aimed at calling attention to the environmental risks of drilling for oil in Arctic waters.

Investigative Committee spokesman Vladimir Markin said the activists posed a danger to operations on the oil platform. “Such activities not only infringe on the sovereignty of a state, but might pose a threat to the environmental security of the whole region.”

Greenpeace insisted that under international law Russia had no right to board its ship and has no grounds to charge its activists with piracy.

Russian president Vladimir Putin weighed in Wednesday at a forum on the Arctic, saying, “It is absolutely evident that they are, of course, not pirates. But formally they were trying to seize this platform … It is evident that those people violated international law.”

A spokesman for the Investigative Committee said the charges might be changed if new evidence emerges.
Planet Waves

Hunger Strikes: Pussy Riot, Guantanamo

Nadia Tolokonnikova, one of two incarcerated members of Russian feminist punk group Pussy Riot, has begun a hunger strike in protest of “slavery-like conditions” in a Mordovian penal colony. She is serving a two-year sentence for protesting Russian president Vladimir Putin with her band, who staged a “punk prayer” inside a Moscow cathedral on February 21, 2012.

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Pussy Riot’s Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, prior to being sent to Mordovia’s Gulag-like prison colony No 14. Photo: AP

Tolokonnikova wrote an open letter, published in The Guardian UK, describing how inmates are in charge of giving others beatings and depriving them of rights, under the approval of prison officials; work sewing shifts as long as 17 hours; and endure inconceivable filth in an atmosphere of antagonism, terror and despair.

“A threatening, anxious atmosphere pervades the work zone. Eternally sleep-deprived, overwhelmed by the endless race to fulfill inhumanly large quotas, prisoners are always on the verge of breaking down, screaming at each other, fighting over the smallest things. Just recently, a young woman got stabbed in the head with a pair of scissors because she didn’t turn in a pair of pants on time,” she writes.

According to her husband, Peter Verzilov, Tolokonnikova has also faced death threats in retaliation for a complaint she sent through her lawyer.

In May the other jailed member of Pussy Riot, Maria Alyokhina, went on hunger strike for 11 days to protest prison conditions; allegedly many of her demands were met. A Mordovia prison system spokesman has denied Tolokonnikova’s allegations.

Meanwhile in Guantanamo Bay, the U.S. military says it will stop reporting the number of prisoners on hunger strike when the official tally of striking prisoners has dropped below 19. The strike against indefinite detention began in February, with 106 out of the 166 prisoners participating at its peak, prompting Pres. Obama to address his failure to close the prison as promised. At this time, 18 prisoners are listed for force-feeding through inhumane nasal tubes.
Planet Waves

Ego, Sexual Expectations and Viagra: More is Not Merrier

For centuries, human beings have done foolish things to boost their sex appeal, sex drive and sexual ability — often carrying (or thinking they must meet) unrealistically high expectations. Once in a while, the pursuit of sexual prowess has tragic consequences, as two men recently demonstrated with their misuse of Viagra. [Read earlier Planet Waves coverage of Viagra here.]

According to The Daily Mail, which cites the Columbia Reports website, a 65-year-old Colombian man recently underwent the amputation of his penis after intentionally overdosing on Viagra in an attempt to impress his new girlfriend.

Planet Waves
Halloween is coming — but don’t eat a handful of these.

The man, from Gigante, Colombia (no joke), suffered an erection for several days before being forced to seek medical help (Viagra’s label advises seeking medical help for any erection lasting more than four hours). At that point, his penis was showing signs of gangrene; doctors chose to amputate to prevent its spread to other parts of his body.

He is now recovering physically (no word on his ego). A 25-year-old in Yemen was not so lucky last week.

The young man sought to impress his new bride by taking five Viagra pills at once on his wedding day. Upon his arrival home after the ceremony, he collapsed and died despite doctors’ attempts to revive him at a hospital.

By no means is this the first case of a man suffering heart attack or arrhythmia while using Viagra; the same effect the drug has on the nerve activity of the penis can also increase sympathetic nerve activity, which makes blood vessels constrict. And there are numerous other potential side effects.

That the death occurred in a man so young highlights a disturbing trend: young men taking erectile dysfunction drugs when they are not suffering from ED. In fact, one 2012 study found that young men using ED drugs ‘recreationally’ may actually be more likely to develop the condition, by creating a psychological dependence on them.

Pfizer, the maker of Viagra, warns quite specifically that combining Viagra with certain other medications, or using it in the presence of certain health conditions, can be dangerous. Pfizer’s website and labeling also advise that a man’s doctor may prescribe a lower dose if he is over 65.

But do the warnings need to be stronger? Even if they were, is it enough to sway a man who’s so desperate to be ‘enough’ for a woman in today’s world of non-stop sex in the media and Internet porn? People tend to think that ‘if a little is good, more must be better’ about everything from Tylenol to chocolate cake. Will we ever learn?
Planet Waves

We Can Save the USPS — If We Want To

The Carper-Coburn bill (S. 1486), which threatens the viability of the U.S. Postal Service by ending Saturday delivery and door-to-door delivery, plus laying off more than 100,000 workers over several years, has been the subject of congressional hearings this week. It has also inspired legislation meant to counter the brick-by-brick dismantling of the USPS by reimagining how the struggling organization could recapitalize itself through diversifying its services.

Planet Waves
With the sensible Postal Service Modernization Bills, Mr. ZIP could help you with your banking — and fund infrastructure — while keeping the USPS viable.

Representative Peter DeFazio (D-Oregon) and Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont) have brought The Postal Service Modernization Bills, a pair of companion bills, to their respective wings of Congress.

“Needs that the post office might diversify into include (1) funding the rebuilding of our crumbling national infrastructure; (2) servicing the massive market of the “unbanked” and “underbanked” who lack access to basic banking services; and (3) providing a safe place to save our money, in the face of Wall Street’s new ‘bail in’ policies for confiscating depositor funds,” writes Ellen Brown, president of the Public Banking Institute, in a Truthout article.

“All these needs could be met at a stroke by some simple legislation authorizing the post office to revive the banking services it efficiently performed in the past.”

Bipartisan support for founding a national infrastructure bank (NIB) over the last six years keeps meeting opposition to using tax money for such a thing (while never-ending wars get continual funding). But Frederic V. Rolando, president of the National Association of Letter Carriers, asks:

“[W]hat if we set up the NIB without using taxpayer funds? What if we allowed Americans to open savings accounts in the nation’s post offices and directed those funds into national infrastructure bonds that would earn interest for depositors and fund job-creating projects to replace and modernize our crumbling infrastructure?

“A post office bank … would not offer commercial loans or mortgages. But it could serve the unbanked and fund infrastructure projects selected by a non-partisan NIB.”

The idea has precedent: currently 1 billion people use the postal sector for savings and deposit accounts worldwide. With about one in four U.S. households counting as “unbanked” or “underbanked,” an NIB could serve as a true alternative to such extortionist options as prepaid debit cards, check cashing services and payday loans that keep people locked into poverty.
Planet Waves

It’s a Dangerous Job but Somebody Has to Do it Well

New York Times staff photographer Tyler Hicks hadn’t planned on working last Saturday morning, Sept. 21. He was picking up some framed wedding photos in a shopping center when the neighboring Westgate Mall in Nairobi, Kenya, exploded into screams and shouts and gunfire.

Planet Waves
People who had been watching a movie in the Westgate Mall being evacuated. Photo: Tyler Hicks / The New York Times.

You may know his name because he and three colleagues were held captive for six days by pro-Qaddafi fighters during the Libyan revolution.

Hicks ran toward the scene as everyone else was running away, and entered the mall through a service entrance with Kenyan security forces, photographing chaos with the little camera he had handy until his bride, fellow photojournalist Nichole Sobecki, got there with his Kevlar and pro gear.

By coincidence, then, the world ended up with a view of the attack’s early hours through the lens of a Pulitzer Prize winner. Long before the nearly five-day siege was over, Somali-based hard-liners Al Shabaab (“the youth” in Arabic) claimed credit. In a message released Wednesday, Al Shabaab blamed Kenya’s incursion into Somali and “Western states that supported the Kenyan invasion and are spilling the blood of innocent Muslims in order to pave the way for their mineral companies” for its attack.

The attack was carefully planned — Al Shabaab apparently rented a storefront within Westgate from which to plan and stage its bloodbath. This upended the conventional wisdom that AMISOM, made up of several African nations including Kenya and with substantial Western backing, was close to a decisive victory in the bloody Somalian conflict taking place against a backdrop of devastating famine.

Meanwhile, Kenyan military security forces were woefully unprepared for such an event, which is why it took days to bring under control. Counterterrorism planners said that this particular mall was such an obvious target, it was recently used for terrorism response training exercises.

Planet Waves
Photo by Tyler Hicks / The New York Times.

Al-Shabaab, which grew from a relatively small offshoot of a formerly governing coalition to claim the al Qaeda brand, is reportedly unpopular within Somalia. The hardline political Islamists have plenty of innocent Muslim blood on their own hands. Reports of the mall attack demonstrate an effort to spin the PR fallout in their favor by checking to see if victims were Muslim before shooting them.

Kenya has the largest Somali refugee population in the world. Over half the Kenyan population survives on less than a dollar a day, and youth unemployment is over 75%, creating fertile ground for Al-Shabaab recruiters who work through Saudi-backed Islamic youth centers and offer $500 a month.

Expatriate Somalis living in the United States reject the idea that Al-Shabaab would have any great success recruiting among American youth, despite reports they’ve made it all the way to Minneapolis. Still being sorted out are reports that there were several nationalities among the mostly young attackers; Interpol has issued an arrest warrant for Samantha Lethwaite, the widow of a man who was killed participating in a London terror attack several years ago.

As of Thursday, 67 civilians from a dozen different countries and five militants are confirmed dead, including children as young as five; 61 people are still unaccounted for as forensic teams from several nations sift the rubble. Eleven militants are in custody. Also on Thursday, fighting ramped up along the Somalian/Kenyan border.
Planet Waves

BlackBerry Sells Out, Goes Private, Stays In Business

It’s been a rough couple of years for RIM, makers of the iconic BlackBerry. At least it was rough before this week’s announcement that the company — called BlackBerry, after it’s smartphone product for the past year or so — would accept a $4.7 billion buyout. That offer came from Fairfax Financial Holdings, a Canadian consortium headed by Prem Watsa. The $9 a share proposition came Monday afternoon, following an announcement last Friday of layoffs and poor earnings.

Planet Waves
A tool, not a toy — try selling it to teenagers.

Watsa was a BlackBerry board member until August, when the company announced it was for sale and the “Canadian Warren Buffett” stepped aside to avoid conflict of interest. Fairfax already holds about a tenth of BlackBerry stock, and the deal would make the formerly public company private.

Rumors of a buyout had been swirling around the company since at least 2011, when RIM stock dropped by 80%. In the past year, government agencies including the Department of Defense, the FBI, and the ICE all announced that they were opening up their portable IT bidding — formerly an exclusively BlackBerry niche — to rival companies like Apple and Samsung.

When the Defense Department announcement came last October, BlackBerry’s vice president for government solutions whistled a happy tune to CNET, claiming confidence that BlackBerry would continue dominating the business and government sectors. The device that revolutionized the communications world back around the turn of the century still has diehard fans, who gather on a dedicated forum to talk “Crackberries.” Pres. Obama famously carries one. But even Obama for America, his campaign organization, spent a pile of money on Apple devices for its workforce.

Watsa has said that he believes in the BlackBerry and that taking the company private will allow for retrenchment and healing. On the Crackberry board, they’re not a happy group. Many claim that when it comes to sheer solid functionality, nothing beats a BlackBerry. But the company that’s long marketed its devices as tools, not toys, seems unlikely to survive without some re-visioning going down. Even the Navy wants apps these days.
Planet Waves

Planet Waves

Kaleidolapse moment frozen in time: if you’ve been to Barcelona, do you recognize that tower?

Turning the World Inside Out: Barcelona Kaleidolapse

A walk around Barcelona would be enough eye candy for most of us, but now there’s this: a Kaleidolapse of the city, turning church spires, trees, people and streets into a wild moving mandala.

Kaleidolapse is a visual technique that applies a kaleidoscopic effect to different shots taken with time lapse photography. The multiple moving images are symmetrically multiplied, giving them an abstract look.

The technique was developed by MyLapse, a Barcelona-based production company specializing in time-lapse photography. The creative team set a single mandatory criterion: “At some point in every shot anyone should be able to identify the site of Barcelona that was filmed.” If you need some help with that, click here for a list.
Planet Waves

Planet Waves

Sean Lennon and Charlotte Kemp Muhl — Ghost of a Sabre Tooth Tiger.

Equinox, New Moon and Sean Lennon

In this week’s edition of Planet Waves FM I cover the Libra Equinox, the Libra New Moon and a Libra rock star — Sean Lennon — and his Leo collaborator, Charlotte Kemp Muhl. I cover the approach of the Sun to the Jupiter-Uranus-Pluto-Typhon alignment on the cardinal cross — something that heats up for real over the weekend. My in-studio guest is Mike Amari, one of the truly bright minds behind attracting talent to BSP. (Read my coverage of BSP on Planet Waves here.) Meanwhile, Sean is playing this week at Backstage Studio Productions here in Kingston, NY. His performance group is called Ghost of a Sabre Tooth Tiger. Planet Waves FM is welcoming him to the neighborhood with an astrological tribute.


Planet Waves

Your Monthly Horoscopes — and our Publishing Schedule Notes

The extended monthly horoscopes for October are published below in this issue. Inner Space for October was published Friday, Sept. 20. We published the Moonshine horoscopes for the Pisces Full Moon Tuesday, Sept. 16. Moonshine for the Libra New Moon will publish Tuesday, Oct. 1. Please note, we normally publish the extended monthly horoscopes on the first Friday after the Sun has entered a new sign; Inner Space usually publishes the following Tuesday but for now it’s substituting for one Friday horoscope a month.

Planet Waves Monthly for October 2013 #968 | By Eric Francis

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — Others will have little choice but to deal with the fact that you cannot be anyone but yourself. Now, from one point of view, is it really possible ever to be anyone but yourself? Yet we all know how much faking so many people do. You’ve even done a little yourself every rare once in a while. You can count on opening your mouth and saying exactly what comes to mind, and trusting that the results will sort themselves out. I suggest you notice what you say to whom. Rather than being far flung and out of control, you’re being more precise than you may think. It just may take you some time to have respect for your own point of view, especially if you manage to send out some ripples or have a few objections sent your way. Pay attention to who says what; notice who is turned on by your outbursts of authenticity. The one thing that nobody can complain about is that you’re getting a lot done. I suggest you engage that fully, and focus an agenda of everything you want to get done for the rest of the year (assuming you’re on such a schedule) and set about doing it sooner rather than later. Get a solid start on every project; get your research and your facts together; make progress while there’s progress to be made.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — You could set free an enormous amount of passion, of creativity, of karma — perhaps all three. This is less likely to happen following a conscious plan on your part, but is more likely to follow the path of one thing leads to another. Taurus is often described as a reserved sign, and on the surface it may seem to be that way. Yet right below your exterior is an ocean of energy; you know it and so does everyone around you. In some ways it’s amazing that you manage to keep yourself contained — though for the next few weeks, I don’t suggest you try too hard. Rather, do what you can to sense where you’re experiencing a buildup of energy. Vital force is vital force, though it takes a number of forms, and can be directed many different ways. You might think you’re experiencing anger when you’re really feeling the drive to connect. You might think you’re experiencing fear when you’re experiencing desire. If you can pay attention to the content of your feelings below the form they seem to be taking, it’ll be easier for you to use your energy productively and avoid a mishap — such as directing your emotions in a direction that might not be appropriate. You still have the power of choice, and with it the ability to access wisdom — which will become stronger the more you use it.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Maintain your boundaries, especially at work. You may not be able to mind your own business but it will be helpful if you give the impression that you’re doing so. Rather than asking questions, listen to what people say. You’re likely to find that people voluntarily tell you everything you need to know. All you’ll have to do is assemble the pieces, though be aware that on any matter of real significance, this could take until the second week of November. That’s when the forthcoming Mercury retrograde ends. Mercury, as the planet associated with Gemini, has personal relevance to you. Apart from the usual de rigueur stuff about making commitments or major purchases, the movements of Mercury are closely related to information coming to the surface of consciousness. Because this Mercury retrograde is in Scorpio, that relates to what is concealed below the surface. The retrograde is about going deeper, though there will be bursts of revelation both around the 21st of this month and the 11th of next month. I suggest, therefore, that you not finalize decisions, plans or even opinions about pending matters until you’re fully informed. What is brewing looks important enough to take seriously. This astrology could represent an opportunity, the solution to a problem, or an insight about a health matter. Most notably, it represents the emergence of a currently concealed option you will be happy to have available.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Take advantage of unusual developments in your professional life to stake out new territory. Your chart has been pointing you in the direction of new horizons for a long time. By that I don’t mean a change of career but rather the exploration of your talent. I also mean establishing yourself on a new level as a respected member of your profession, and one known and valued for what you do. This is a sensitive phase, and rather than being about guaranteed achievement, it’s a time to preserve what you’ve gained, build on your achievements, and notice the specific opportunities that are available to establish yourself. You may notice some contrast between what you’re capable of and what others are capable of — which is not an invitation to be competitive. Rather, you’re at a phase of your work where teaching and learning are emphasized strongly. Stabilize yourself and build your confidence by both working with a mentor and taking one or two people under your wing. The process of developing your own talent will be greatly enhanced by engaging with the skills, ideals and approach to life that others use. Your professional success depends less on your standing out than it does on making yourself an integral part of what you do — what you might think of as your inner reputation as opposed to your outer one. As you’ll see, the two are related.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — You may think it would be wonderful if you could resolve that tension between dreaming big and wanting a perfect sense of security about the future. At the moment there is plenty of it — the bigger your vision, the less ‘safe’ and stable you may feel. Yet much as an electrical battery depends on those two polarities holding a charge, you are depending on this tension. In physics it’s called potential difference — with voltage. I suggest you work with the seeming contradiction between the way things are and the way things could be; between having your life be good enough and taking a risk to create something better. Much of this is in the realm of developing ideas that may ‘threaten’ your old ideas, or the mental patterns of the people around you. This, too, will present you with a form of tension that you can work with as a source of energy. At the same time, you seem to have no shortage of creativity and drive to move your ideas and plans forward. Here is the thing I would caution about: When you shake things up, that can come back to you as self-doubt, and in a weird way, as guilt. I suggest you proceed with the feeling that you’re entitled to express yourself as you are called to do, and to work with the formula “improvement is a form of necessary change.”

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Treat joint finances and ‘permanent’ commitments with more care than usual. I don’t mean hesitancy — I mean scrutiny. Inaccuracies that slip into the mix, whether intentional (deception) or seemingly unintentional (overlooking details) or careless (skipping over due diligence) will cause problems in the future, so there is an added necessity to proceed with impeccability. With Mars soon to be in your sign that would not normally be an issue, though an opposition to Neptune is saying that your mantra needs to be ‘reality check’. Check the facts, investigate your doubts; if everything seems perfect, get another opinion; if you find a problem, solve the problem and then find two others to fix. The heart of the matter, however, is how you handle negotiations with close partners. This is especially true if you don’t know they’re negotiations. However any time there is an agreement on the table, especially if it involves money, pause, remember that you’re actually in a negotiation-commitment process, and then invoke your ‘reality check’ mantra. You need to take your time discerning the motives of the people around you. Even if your intuition gives you good information, make sure that you back it up with evidence collected from observation over time. When you’re dealing with Neptune, which you are at this time in your life, taking careful, dated notes is one of the most useful ways to stay awake.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.

Planet Waves

Attention Libras (and those with Libra rising or Moon): To get the best price on your 2013 birthday reading by Eric Francis, pre-order now here. Pre-ordering gets you $10 off the published price, and we’ll email the access info to you as soon as it is ready.

Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — An eclipse in your opposite sign Aries will give you a new perspective on a relationship. It’s like a veil will be pulled back allowing you to gaze into the unknown. The underlying reality is different than the one you can see under normal circumstances. You have experienced plenty the past couple of years that you don’t fully understand, spread throughout a diversity of situations. They all have something in common, and this is what I suggest you look for when you have those momentary opportunities to peer beyond the facade of existence. What you learn will help you sort out the issue of what you seem to want versus what you seem to get. You will feel better taking even small steps in this direction; I can offer you a clue — what you (really) want is unlikely to be the standard scenario of a comedy ending in suburban marriage. You have something edgier in mind; something more creative; something with more potential. Along the way, I suggest you evaluate your experiences not on whether they add up to your fantasy but rather how you feel about yourself. Each experience you have with another person has a way of influencing your inner relationship. This has nothing to do with the storyboard of expectations — it’s all about the real chemistry that you share with others, which in turn shapes your life and your experience of living.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Consider any and every change you’ve avoided making the past few years. Consider everything that’s stuck in your life, the places you experience boredom, and the ways you want to break free. Make some notes on all the promises you made with yourself about what you would be doing by the time you reached your current age. Astrological influences are gathering that may incline you to catch up on everything, all at once. I don’t recommend that as a method. Saturn is still in your sign; as much as that is reputed by astrologers to represent something that will not move, in fact Saturn never stops moving, and is your most dependable longterm influence when it comes to making real changes. Saturn’s presence is about focusing your energy and directing your passion in a way that’s directly integrated with that elusive thing known as logic. If you set out to accomplish a longterm goal, you need to be willing to take the necessary actions on the days that you don’t feel like doing it; on the days when that particular goal is not high on your priorities. This is a form of discipline that’s not inherent in your emotionally dominated sign — though I suspect it’s a personal goal for you to be able to focus on this. You now have an incentive. I’ll remind you in a month, but please don’t forget.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — You seem to be pursuing some recognition or success, which you’re associating with money. Is this a valid connection? What if you considered the participation-visibility aspect of your work as one idea, and the business success as another? I know that the two are often conflated — for example, fame (a form of participation, based on acclaim) is associated with fortune (financial success). They’re not the same thing, on any level. Acknowledgement for what you do, and the opportunities that open up, is its own critter. Along with this you may include the integrity you put into your work, the message, and the ways in which you grow as a result of expressing yourself. Success in business is not assured from any of this, nor is it a matter of luck. It’s a matter of careful planning, conscious decision-making, a learning process and the careful choice of partners. Looked at this way, it’s clear why scrambling up these two kinds of success ladders doesn’t work so well. No matter how well-known a person is, no matter how well respected, that does not ensure or even hint at cleverness when it comes to handling money and business arrangements. And, sadly, skill with money is often associated with lack of integrity — that is not inherently true. Take these two sides of the equation separately and you will make a lot more progress — of the kind known as maturity.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — It will be a good idea to step back from the festivities, the fuss and the fireworks that develop later in the month and into early November. You’re focused on certain specific tasks right now, and you know you’re operating within the constraints of time and resources. Your astrology suggests you have enough of both, but not if you squander them on a drama that, in the end, you will discover had nothing to do with you. There are many ways to use the substantial astrology that’s rapidly approaching — astrology that will grant you visibility, the potential to meet new friends, and most of all, that will focus your sense of purpose. Therefore, start with purpose, which is similar to intent, and then rather brutally, evaluate every situation on whether you think it will advance your cause or work against it. As the next few weeks develop, this will be especially true of social situations, in which I would include parties, partying, going out and mindless diversion on the Internet. Alternately, the environment you’re in is very well suited for establishing your reputation based on real accomplishments, developing working relationships with people and carving out your special niche in the culture. Some of this is subject to serendipity and synchronicity; none of it is casual or haphazard. The temptation to be popular is more likely to work against you than it is to help. Therefore, keep your focus.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — You may be thinking: is this all some kind of test of character, or of my integrity? I don’t know if it’s a test, but you may be experiencing the consequences aspect of life more than you’re experiencing its promise or potential. They are all related. All consequences are results, and what they are results of is, precisely, some form of potential. This works for ‘good’ things and for ‘bad’ things. The law of cause and effect is in action all the time. The difference between a sleeping person and an awake one is consciously using causes (motives, intent, decision) to get an effect (a result of some kind). This implies becoming conscious of all the superstition that is used as a substitute for good, old-fashioned karma. You are moving into a time of increased power of manifestation — what some astrologers might call success, but I think it’s edgier than that. Your choices will get results, though those results are the product of something. You are also living with the effects of what you have created — and the astrology I’m describing will grant you extra power to make adjustments to what currently exists. This will be especially true if you develop your understanding of how things got to be the way they are. And once you arrive at that understanding, consider it a rough draft and go deeper. Cause and effect are never separate, which is an idea that could save the world.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — You would be amazed, if you could see the truth, the extent to which your choices today are based on beliefs that are many years or many generations old — and which are no longer applicable to the world in which we live. Some of these may masquerade as traditions, respect for the way things are done, morals, ethics and ‘fundamental values’. I suggest you put the lot of it up for evaluation. It’s impossible to question a belief unless you know you have it, so the first step is knowing what it is you think is true. Then take the next step and evaluate why you think it’s true. Question every assumption until it’s a habit, which may lead you to reject assuming anything at all. The very most important thing you can question is anything — anything and everything — taught to you by your parents. Questioning it does not make it, or them, or you, wrong — rather, it’s that once you start clearing the clutter, you will discover windows and doors, and the light and fresh air they allow into your awareness is known as a vision. I don’t mean this as a metaphor, but rather as a direct idea: what has the strongest potential is what you can actually see, and visualize, down to the details. Visualizations might ‘come to you’ or you might construct them like a draftsman makes a drawing. Either way or both — have at it.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.

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Beyond the Comfort Zone

Dear Friend and Reader:

This was one of those weeks when it takes a team to keep up with the news. Ours has been in high-focus mode. In our prior edition, we left off right before last week’s one-two solstice-Capricorn Full Moon. Then this past Tuesday, Jupiter entered Cancer for the first time since July 12, 2001. Mercury stationed retrograde Wednesday morning, about 12 hours later. It will be retrograde till July 20.

Planet Waves
Last weekend’s Capricorn Full Moon rises over New York Harbor. Photo by Julio Cortez / AP.

Much of our current astrology involves the eminently personal sign Cancer, where energy has been concentrated around the Aries Point and, consequently, many personal transitions and upheavals over the past few days.

Cancer is a comfort zone and quite a bit of astrology has been shaking up that little refuge. Yet Jupiter’s ingress indicates some significant improvements and a stabilizing factor, which will be more noticeable after the waters of transition settle down a bit.

The public realm has been a kaleidoscope of issues, a full-on example of the 2012-era phenomenon of everything, all at once. It’s too much for most people to handle, though the events make interesting patterns. It’s one of those moments when it’s hard to tell if the world is getting better, worse, both or all three at once.

This is a dramatization of the Uranus-Pluto square — the 2012-era aspect, now at a peak of energy.

In Texas this week, Republicans continued their assault on women’s reproductive rights, attempting to close nearly all women’s health clinics and in practical terms, all but ban abortion. Under the moral leadership of Gov. Rick Perry, who was a contender for the Republican presidential nomination in 2012, they have mounted a new offensive against women. And while Perry has led the charge to “respect life” and is speaking today at the Right to Life convention, on Wednesday evening Texas executed Kimberly McCarthy, its 500th prisoner since 1976 and its 261st on Rick Perry’s 13-year watch as governor.

Meanwhile, Republicans in the Texas senate tried to scam passage of the proposed law SB5, claiming the vote was concluded Tuesday before the midnight deadline rather than Wednesday after midnight. They were blocked by an actual 11-hour filibuster by Sen. Wendy Davis, then busted for trying to alter state documents, in part thanks to citizen reporters who live-tweeted the whole thing.

It was the perfect Mercury retrograde moment, happening about six hours before Mercury changed directions. The New York Times originally reported on its front page that the law “appeared” to pass, then the story disappeared. Perry, who says he’ll be back for another round, has among other things succeeded at reviving a comatose Democratic Party in Texas. He accused Sen. Davis of “hijacking the democratic process.”

And in comments late this week, he added: “Even the woman who filibustered in the senate the other day was born into difficult circumstances,” Perry said. “It’s just unfortunate that she hasn’t learned from her own example that every life must be given a chance to realize its full potential and that every life matters.”

Planet Waves
Just hours before Mercury stationed retrograde, The New York Times published this story on its front page — then the story disappeared and was rewritten.

The implication was, she should be glad she was not aborted as a fetus. [Watch the full video here.]

China is about to dump tons of chlorofluorocarbons into the air — the stuff that damages the Earth’s protective ozone layer (please see ECO). Pres. Obama, in a big speech, finally warned the nation about global warming and promised to do something about it, nearly five years into his term.

As far as we know, NSA leaker Edward Snowden is probably still in a Moscow airport after leaving Hong Kong last week, and is awaiting a decision on political asylum that he has sought in Ecuador. WikiLeaks got itself involved, and is providing him with legal resources, assistance securing safe passage and apparently contacts in Ecuador. That put WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange back into the news; he is still living in Ecuador’s London embassy.

In Florida, the murder trial of George Zimmerman is underway. He is the Neighborhood Watch guy who stalked teenager Trayvon Martin, then shot him at point blank range, claiming self-defense.

The list goes on and on — and includes four landmark decisions issued by the Supreme Court that came out this week, all of them on the general theme of ‘equality’. They all have their roots in the events of the Uranus-Pluto conjunction of the 1960s, to which we are energetically connected by the Uranus-Pluto square of our own era.

One of this week’s rulings involved the Voting Rights Act of 1965, which came at the end of what’s known as Jim Crow — a century-long era of institutionalized racism that persisted after slavery ended. We are still to this day working out the legacy of the global human trafficking industry, the slave trade from Africa.

In the summer of 1964, Freedom Summer to be exact, three civil rights volunteers — Michael Schwerner, Andrew Goodman and James Chaney — were murdered in Philadelphia, Mississippi, by local Klansmen, cops and a sheriff. There were many, many other schemes to block or intimidate poor southerners from voting, from “literacy tests” to “poll taxes,” and the murders were set in that context; they were a warning.

Pres. Lyndon Johnson and Congress responded by passing the Voting Rights Act, part of which required certain states with a history of racial issues to subject any proposed changes to voting laws to pre-approval by the federal Department of Justice.

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Pres. Johnson signs the Voting Rights Act of 1965.

This actually worked pretty well, but the Supreme Court this week voided that provision after 48 years, claiming that Congress didn’t really know what it was doing when it reauthorized the act in 2007, that times had changed, that racism isn’t so bad now, and so on.

The court, in one of its usual (of late) swing-vote-decided 5-4 rulings, now allows states with a history of racism to proceed with their voter discrimination projects unchecked.

This change comes after many recent election cycles where one of the top issues has been the attempt to block minorities from voting through various schemes such as voter ID laws, disallowing voting on Sundays and others.

To me it seems like the law needed to be expanded in scope (to places like Ohio and Pennsylvania) rather than be eliminated.
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who dissented from the majority, accused the court of “throwing away your umbrella in a rainstorm because you are not getting wet.”

In another decision, the court revised the way colleges and universities may organize their affirmative action programs, allowing the concept of diversity but saying that it had to be done in a race-neutral way. Since I no longer edit the New York Education Law Report and you’re probably not an admissions dean, I will spare you the details.

Beyond One Man and One Woman

The most celebrated decisions of the week involved same-sex marriage. As you’ve probably heard, the Supreme Court struck down the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), the first federal law to address marriage, and one that openly disparaged lesbian and gay people.

Passed during the reign of serial infidels Bill Clinton and Newt Gingrich, the law forbade the federal government from recognizing same-sex marriage. DOMA defined marriage as exclusively between “one man and one woman.” In 1996 when DOMA was passed, same-sex marriage was not legal in any jurisdiction. This was merely a prophylactic measure.

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It’s the height of irony that Gingrich and Clinton created the Defense of Marriage Act in 1996. Both are infamous for multiple affairs, and Gingrich for serial polygamy. Photo by Ruth Fremson.

DOMA’s proponents were trying to foreclose in advance on same-sex marriage, but they also took the initiative on polyamorous (also called plural) marriage. I’ve always thought that required some foresight, though as we will read in a moment, DOMA advocates had considerably more vision than many polyamorous people.

The DOMA case that made it to the Supreme Court was actually an IRS action: a lesbian whose partner of 40 years had died was forced to pay $350,000 in federal estate taxes that she would not have paid had her marriage been recognized by the federal government.

That is to say, she was taxed $350,000 for allegedly being single. But the real equal protection issue seems to be why people get paid that much money to be married, no matter to whom. Single people pay substantially more in taxes than married people, which seems to be a direct form of discrimination, affirms the business transaction aspect of marriage, and provides a false incentive to get married.

Minutes after the DOMA ruling, the Supreme Court also ruled on California’s Proposition 8 initiative, which in 2008 banned same-sex marriage in California. This initiative was funded and supported with considerable personnel by the Mormon Church.

The situation goes back to another public initiative from 2000, called Proposition 22, which also banned same-sex marriage, but was held to violate the California state constitution. So the Mormons came back eight years later with a proposition to amend the state constitution — that was Prop 8. [The super curious and judicial freaks may find a nice timeline here.]

The story of the litigation is so complex it would take me about 1,500 words to get it right — I will skip most of it. But I will sum it up.

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Wedding photo of Edith Schlain Windsor and Thea Clara Spyer.

Because of Proposition 8, Kristin Perry was denied a marriage license to marry her partner Sandra Stier. So they sued then-Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger to challenge the provision. But neither he nor anyone else in the state government was willing to defend such a ridiculous constitutional amendment.

The court system allowed the Mormon front-group inventors of Proposition 8 — Dennis Hollingsworth, the leader of ProjectMarriage.com, and a rival group, Campaign for California Families — to intervene on behalf of the state as the defendants.

After a trial, U.S. District Court Judge Vaughn Walker, in a truly brilliant decision, struck down Proposition 8 on Aug. 4, 2010 for being “unconstitutional under the Due Process Clause because no compelling state interest justifies denying same-sex couples the fundamental right to marry.”

What was interesting is that lawyers from both the conservative and liberal sides of the fence joined together to fight Prop 8. Lead co-counsel were Ted Olson, former solicitor general under George W. Bush, and “superlawyer” David Boies. In the famous Bush v. Gore case, Olson represented Bush and Boyes represented Gore.

The trial court decision was appealed, and the 9th Circuit appellate panel affirmed the trial court’s decision, holding that Proposition 8 served no purpose “but to impose on gays and lesbians, through the public law, a majority’s private disapproval of them and their relationships.”

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Vaughn Walker served as a federal judge in Northern California from 1989-2011 (retiring as chief judge).

This week the Supreme Court agreed, and then it threw out the whole case on the basis that the pro-marriage groups who were acting on behalf of state officials lacked standing to be involved — and told them never to come back.

While this ruling does not make it mandatory for states to approve same-sex marriage, Conservative Philosopher King Senior Associate Justice Antonin Scalia, who is no friend to gay people, gay rights or gay anything, said in a dissent that in effect, this ruling opens the way to same-sex marriage throughout the United States.

He even gave a simple legal formula that will help the proponents of gay marriage colonize even states that don’t recognize same-sex marriages.
Scalia, who angrily dissented from the majority, was in true form for this case. If you want to read some of the best quotes from his dissent, here’s a link from Mother Jones. Notably, when the court struck down sodomy laws in the 2003 Lawrence v. Texas case, Scalia predicted that it would lead to same-sex marriage.

Beyond the Nuclear Family

At a family gathering sometime in the early 2000s, I joked that same-sex marriage was great, but we would really be making progress when I was allowed to marry a man and a woman. This was part social satire and part coming out — and fortunately most of my family appreciates both aspects of who I am.

The “one man, one woman” part of the same-sex marriage ban has always struck me as funny.

The language seems to come from DOMA (though it may originate earlier, this seems to be the first time it appears in legislation). I’ve always thought that was proactive of the defenders of marriage, who must have heard of polyamory or at least polygamy. It’s even funnier that the Mormons are the ones who were so busy defending traditional marriage when everyone associates them with polygamy.

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The Schumard family, circa 1955 — an image of the American nuclear family, which replaced the extended family, which replaced the tribe. Photo: Wikimedia Commons.

Why not extend marriage to three women, two women and a man, two men and a woman or three men and a baby?

I think that DOMA and Proposition 8 both falling flat is an invitation to anyone who supports nontraditional relationships to claim a victory — and to claim some territory in public consciousness. It’s inevitable that the polyamory issue will come to the surface sooner or later, and that the gay rights movement paved the road on which it will drive, built the rest stops, wrote the driving manual and packed a picnic lunch.

I think that polyamorous is the new queer. If that is true, it’s on the way to being the new (or old) normal.

I asked my fellow thinkers in the poly movement for their impressions of how this week’s cases impacted polyamorous people.

“I feel overturning DOMA is a step in the right direction and I am thrilled for the many same-sex couples that will be positively affected by this decision,” said Robyn Trask, executive director of Loving More, an organization that advocates for alternative relationships.

“Is it a step toward plural marriage? I am skeptical as it is a complicated issue and begs the question: should marriage be regulated at all? I know many polyamorists would choose to marry more than one if it were legal and that, by the laws of some states, many are violating the law since co-habitation is in some states considered common law marriage,” she said, adding, “I think individuals should have the choice of who they love, how they commit and to how many.”

Trask believes that the matter is larger than same-sex marriage; it extends into the concept of what a family is — and that concept is changing.

“The right to family of choice is really what is at stake and that some legal protections should extend to people in multi-partnered marriage. Unfortunately too many of us in the polyamory community have been afraid to even bring up the subject, we are still afraid of job discrimination and other issues like child custody,” she said.

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Loving More magazine cover focusing on children in polyamorous situations — one of the main topics discussed by the poly community.

“Many people are in the closet and most are not willing to support an effort to demand equality and recognition of polyamory as an orientation and a viable choice in relationships and families. We as a movement are in our infancy with nothing acting as a catalyst to bring us together in a cohesive way. Too many of us simply stick our head in the sand and are not willing to take the risks needed to gain acceptance and recognition. We can’t even agree on the definition of polyamory and throw fits when someone dares to define it as loving relationships” as opposed to sex for its own sake.

I also heard back from Jessica Karels, the co-founder of Modern Poly, a polyamory advocacy and education organization.

“Historically marriage has been a financial transaction that secured alliances among families, in which a woman’s ability to produce legitimate heirs was among the items traded,” Karels said.

“Only in the past few centuries have people intentionally married for love, but it was only in the past century that women have started to ascend from property to partner in a marriage.”

“By keeping the nuclear family as the norm, we place the obligation of raising children on the biological parents rather than on the community that they will later benefit. Our culture enforces this model by limiting financial resources to mothers, especially single mothers.

“The United States is especially guilty of this, as we are the only first-world country that does not make paid maternity leave mandatory. Legislation to restrict women’s access to reproductive health care further enforces this system by forcing fertile women into motherhood lacking community support, or into a partnership based on financial need rather than wholly on love and commitment.”

Karels sees a potential evolution from same-sex marriage to a wider concept of family because it rearranges gender roles and outside help is required if the same-sex couple wants to have a biological child.

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“Recent steps towards marriage equality could have a larger cultural impact than we can imagine. Same-sex marriage, by its very nature, denies the traditional gender roles that are a part of the nuclear family model — the very same gender roles that have justified the oppression of women throughout history.

“A same-sex couple requires outside assistance in order to become parents — be it a surrogate mother, a sperm donor, or a mother giving up her child for adoption. In some instances, the adult who provided ‘biological aid’ becomes a member of the family of sorts and helps with caring for and raising the child. This triple-parenting based on need can lead to multiple-adult parenting based on choice and love — an evolution of family from nuclear to community.”

I will let Jessica have the last word.


Note to Readers — I have done a detailed reading of NSA leaker Edward Snowden’s natal chart on The Mountain Astrologer’s blog. It’s open to everyone. The comments are interesting, too.

Another Note to Readers — We will be on a holiday schedule next week. The Friday issue will be a horoscope only. I plan to do a reading of the U.S. chart on Planet Waves FM.

Another Other Note to Readers — Briefs below are written by Amanda Painter, Susan Scheck and Eric Francis with research by Carol van Strum, Len Wallick and others. Cam Hassard contributed a brief on this week’s wild politics in Australia that I will publish as soon as possible.


Planet Waves

Uranus-Pluto Square Going Strong; So is Everything Else

Over the next few days, the Sun passes through the Uranus-Pluto square. By that I mean that Monday, July 1 at 8:05 pm EDT the Sun in Cancer makes an opposition to Pluto in Capricorn, and then Thursday, July 4 the Sun makes a square to Uranus in Aries. These aspects have manifestations now.

The Uranus-Pluto square can seem to lurk in the background (but never that far in the background), then when other planets make aspects to it — as is happening generously these days — it takes more tangible, pronounced forms and emerges into the foreground. We will feel a wave of this when both the Sun and the Moon are mixed up with the square this weekend — when the Moon reaches last quarter phase in Aries on Sunday.

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Last quarter Moon on June 30. Link to full size chart here and our handy dandy glyph legend here. It’s not as complicated as it looks.

This is some deep, focused energy coming through the cosmos right now thanks to Sun-Pluto, culminating with a burst of ‘revolutionary’ astrology on July 4 — the Sun-Uranus square. Revolutionary also means restless, inventive, surprising and exciting — do something a little odd; if you have a choice of the posh party or the one where the artists and musicians are hanging out, hang out with the weirdos. You’ll have a lot more fun.

Mercury is retrograde as of earlier this week, and Jupiter is now in Cancer through next summer. Both are making lots of aspects. As I describe in detail in my Cancer birthday reading, Jupiter (currently activating the Aries Point) will be making aspects to nearly every major planet in the solar system in the next couple of months, starting immediately.

Mercury for its part will retrograde into a square with Eris today. That should be good for some fun.

Venus has entered Leo, and is working its way toward a conjunction with Ceres later in the week. Ceres, the first asteroid ever discovered and now the first ‘dwarf planet’, is a complex archetype that goes way beyond the usual ‘grain and grief’ reading that most astrologers ascribe to it.

At the least, we can say that Ceres is a manifestation of the goddess, the oldest of the Roman pantheon. While there is often a leap between the role of a deity and the delineation of an asteroid, it’s usually worth knowing the role that the figure played in culture.

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The Roman goddess Ceres. She is more complicated than she looks.

Ceres may be the oldest written Roman reference to divinity; involved with fecundity in all forms (grain, reproduction), initiation rituals, rituals upon returning to society after some form of absence or exile (presumably for initiation purposes, will find out more when I get to that chapter), working-class people of all sorts (plebes), upper class women and political propaganda. She ‘supervised’ a group of 17 other gods and goddesses. (I am learning this from the book The Roman Goddess Ceres by Barbette Spaeth, still in print.)

Ceres is not simple, she’s something truly special. One thing that planet spotters can do is watch for manifestations of this complexity when there’s something so spectacular as a Venus-Ceres conjunction in Leo, which is exact Sunday (and in effect for several days on either side of that).

Eros enters Gemini Friday — try that on for kinky love letters, erotic fiction and any form of sex where ‘twinning’ is the hot thing to do. (Can you spell 69? Can you recite the alphabet?)

Mars in Gemini is beginning to oppose the late Sagittarius centaurs, with Ixion and Pholus first on Friday. That could release a lot of energy — the phrase ‘drunk with power’ comes to mind, so watch out for those people and if necessary, leave work early, especially if you work for the Texas state government. Speaking of government, Pallas conjoins Chaos in Gemini Friday.

As for the Moon: currently in Pisces, trine Mercury and Vesta, on Saturday the Moon enters Aries at 9:06 am EDT — making contact with the Aries Point, squaring Jupiter, Black Moon Lilith and the Sun (all in Cancer). The last quarter Moon is exact at 12:53 am EDT Sunday, June 30.

And that is the current sky.

Note to Readers — We will be on a holiday schedule next week. The Friday issue will be a horoscope only. I plan to do a reading of the U.S. chart on Planet Waves FM.


Planet Waves

Monsanto GMOs: A Totally Toxic Soup

Recent scientific studies are coming down harder than ever on Monsanto’s standing claim that its herbicide and pesticide products are safe, naming both active and inert ingredients as deadly to public health.

Yet the Environmental Protection Agency is playing into Monsanto’s hands once again, by issuing a new rule raising the acceptable residue limits of the company’s glyphosate herbicide on food. Glyphosate is the herbicide in the company’s Roundup pesticide, linked to serious health effects in recent scientific studies.

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Parody of the Death card from the Tarot de Marseille, Monsanto-styled.

The herbicide has been shown to be an endocrine disruptor even at low doses and can have long-term effects on reproductive health, according to the National Institutes of Health. A June 2013 study said that glyphosate “exerted proliferative effects in human hormone-dependent breast cancer.” An April 2013 study by MIT scientists said the herbicide’s “negative impact on the body is insidious and manifests slowly over time as inflammation damages cellular systems throughout the body.”

The EPA is taking public comments on raising the glyphosate level until Monday, July 1. You can add your comment here. For the required field “Organization Name,” please enter “Citizen.”

New information is coming out about another pesticide ingredient. A study at University of Brasilia recently found that red blood cells suffer due to a bacterium commonly used as a pesticide in Monsanto’s crops, called Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt).

The number of red blood cells in rats exposed to Bt bacterium was not only lowered through the destruction of the cells themselves, but the toxins also disrupted blood clotting and caused organ degeneration and tissue damage. Levels of hemoglobin for oxygen were also significantly reduced.

“While Bt toxin does appear naturally in the environment, it does not normally occur in conjunction with soil, insects and plant surfaces, so the spreading of this bacterium through GMO is quite possibly going to create yet another super bug that can cause additional human deaths,” said an article in Natural Society.

Furthermore, inert ingredients in Roundup — which by definition are supposed to be harmless — have been found to amplify the toxic effect on human cells, even at concentrations much more diluted than those used on farms and lawns.

“This clearly confirms that the [inert ingredients] in Roundup formulations are not inert,” wrote the study authors from France’s University of Caen. “Moreover, the proprietary mixtures available on the market could cause cell damage and even death [at the] residual levels” found on Roundup-treated crops, such as soybeans, alfalfa and corn, or lawns and gardens.


Planet Waves

China Warned Over Huge Release of Refrigerant Greenhouse Gas

In what is being called a “climate bomb,” 19 factories — 11 of them in China — are set to stop incinerations of the HFC-23 gas used in refrigerants, because of a ban on trading of climate credits. The release of those gases through 2020 would be 15,000 times more damaging to the climate than carbon dioxide, according to the Environmental Investigation Agency.

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The view near a chemical plant in Quzhou, China, shows how severe pollution has become. Photo by Quilai Shen for a New York Times article about the UN’s CDM.

The factories have been receiving climate credits under the UN’s Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) for installing and operating incinerators to burn HFC-23 that is created during the manufacturing process, instead of venting it into the atmosphere. If the trading credits disappear, the manufacturers say it would no longer be economically viable for them to incinerate the gas.

A warning by the EIA in a report to be released on Monday will raise the pressure on China to ban such gases and end economic incentives for their production in multilateral talks.

The EIA said an investigation had shown that most of China’s non-CDM facilities were emitting HFC-23 already. “If all of these facilities [under the CDM] join China’s non-CDM and vent their HFC-23, they will set off a climate bomb emitting more than 2bn tonnes of CO2 equivalent emissions by 2020,” it said.

Releasing HFC-23 gases into the atmosphere is not illegal, despite the threat to the environment.


Planet Waves

Practice of FGM Grows in the United States

An eye-opening study claims that up to 200,000 American girls and women are at risk of female genital cutting, also known as female genital mutilation (FGM) and female circumcision, a procedure that many Americans perceive as an international issue.

The study by the nonprofit group Sanctuary for Families says that American girls and women undergo FGM here or through what is known as “vacation cutting,” in which young women in the U.S. are sent abroad or travel with parents or grandparents to their native countries.

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FGM survivors and advocates at a press conference held by Sanctuary for Families on International Women’s Day in March.

In January of this year the U.S. passed a law making it illegal to send young women out of the country for “vacation cutting,” but enforcement is difficult and prosecutions are rare even for FGM practiced domestically.

“People in the United States think that FGM only happens to people outside of the United States, but in all actuality, people here all over the country have been through FGM. Kids that were born in this country are taken back home every summer and undergo this procedure,” a 23-year-old woman from Gambia stated in the report.

Traditional practitioners are often secretly brought to the U.S. from other countries, and an entire group of girls may be cut in an afternoon. Pressure from families in the ancestral land and from community leaders here are largely responsible for continuing the practice on new American generations of women, according to Claudia De Palma of Sanctuary for Families.


Planet Waves

First Amendment versus Second Amendment?

In Louisiana, you can get a permit to carry a concealed weapon — but if you’re a journalist, you can get slapped with a $10,000 fine and six months in jail if you publish the name of anyone who does so. It’s the latest in what seems like a country-wide push to criminalize journalism.

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All those blue states issue permits to carry concealed weapons (some restrictions on use), along with the green states (no restrictions) and the yellow states (more restrictions). Only one state does not. As recently as the mid-90s most states did not allow or strongly restricted concealed weapons. Clearly the Second Amendment is in grave danger… Right?

On June 19, Louisiana governor Bobby Jindal signed a bill setting these penalties for anyone who publishes “any information regarding the identity of any person who applied for or received a concealed handgun permit” — unless that person has been charged with a felony involving a handgun.

Supporters of the bill were reacting in part to a New York newspaper that published a Google map featuring the names and addresses of local handgun permit holders this winter, citing that as evidence that a law was needed. In most states, including Louisiana, such information is confidential; Alabama is the only other state in which publication of concealed-carry permit holders’ names is illegal.

Carl Redman, the executive editor of the Baton Rouge Advocate and chairman of the Louisiana Press Association’s Freedom of Information Committee, commented that it’s very ironic that the very people who screamed the loudest about attempts to limit their Second Amendment rights are here eager to limit my First Amendment rights.”


Planet Waves

SCOTUS Rulings on Work Relationships

This week the Supreme Court of the U.S. also ruled on cases related to sexual harassment, discrimination and whether a discharged serviceman convicted of sexual assault would have to register as a civilian sex offender.

In Vance v. Ball State University, the Court “narrowly defined a worker’s ‘supervisor’ as someone who can change a person’s employment status, thus limiting legal protections for those harassed by superiors who lack such direct control,” according to Democracy Now!

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Courtroom sketch of Justice Ginsburg reading from her dissent in another case this week about racial discrimination, Fisher v. U. of Texas. Courtroom sketch by Art Lien/SCOTUSblog.

Justice Ginsburg, joined by Justices Breyer, Sotomayor and Kagan, dissented vigorously, writing that the majority decision “ignores the conditions under which members of the work force labor, and disserves the objective of Title VII to prevent discrimination from infecting the Nation’s workplaces.” Title VII is part of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

A separate ruling saw the Court backing tighter standards for workers trying to prove they have been the victims of retaliation after complaining about discrimination. In University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center v. Nassar, the majority decision was that Title VII only covers claims of discrimination (such as for employment on the basis of sex, religion or race, for example) not retaliation.

Again, Justice Ginsburg, joined by Justices Breyer, Sotomayor and Kagan, strongly dissented, calling on Congress to overturn both decisions.

Finally, in the context of the stunning revelations this spring of massive-scale sexual assaults in the military, including charges of sexual assault by officers serving on military sexual assault task forces, it seems like a no-brainer that anyone convicted of sexual assault in the military should also have to register as a sex offender as a civilian. The Supreme Court did in fact decide that a former member of the Air Force must do so, even though he has completed his military sentence for the crime.

On one level United States v. Kebodeaux is a narrow and unremarkable case. However Justice Roberts, even though he concurred with the decision, argued against the “generalized police power” that the ruling’s language points toward. Steven Schwinn on SCOTUSblog writes that, “… Kebodeaux, like Comstock before it, represents potentially vast congressional authority.”

In the grand scheme of relational justice in this post 9-11 world, that is something to keep an eye on as Uranus and Pluto keep shaking things up.


Planet Waves

Planet Waves

“Dance because you’re drunk at a big dance party with your friends and Michael Jackson is playing, not because ‘no one is watching.’ Everyone is watching. We’re at a fucking party. That’s how parties work.” Some timely weekend advice to go with the top section of the Inspirational Photo BINGO card.

Maxed Out on Inspirational Photos? Try BINGO!

Sharing inspirational quotes and lists and articles and images online is great… until you realize it’s making you crazy, since you’re a regular person who can barely keep your floors clean, let alone make time for regular chakra-clearing. The author of the blog “I Am Begging My Mother Not To Read This Blog” has created a great game for blowing off steam when you start to feel like you’ll implode with frustration from reading one more set of “25 things happy/peaceful/successful/healthy people do.”

It’s called Inspirational Photo BINGO, and it goes with her blog post titled, “Twelve Habits of Happy, Healthy People Who Don’t Give a Shit About Your Inner Peace.” You play by seeing how quickly you can fill the card by spotting saccharinely cliched images while reading ‘inspirational’ articles. Honestly, how often do you get to do pro-level yoga poses on a mountain overlooking a deserted tropical beach at sunset (which sounds great, but out of reach for most people)? And how many other ways can you think of to be authentic and happy and engaged with the world?


Planet Waves

Jupiter in Cancer, Mercury Retrograde, Edward Snowden — and Introducing the Phila-based Band Grandchildren

[Link to Edition] What’s not happening right now? Not much! This is a classic moment of everything, all at once — the spirit of 2012 — the imprint of the Aries Point, Jupiter changing signs, Mercury stationing retrograde, the Sun about to pass through the Uranus-Pluto square, Jupiter about to do so as well, and much else.

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The band Grandchildren.

The Supreme Court is issuing decisions on the most personal matters of our lives, the U.S. government is going nuts trying to get its hands onto Edward Snowden, Texas is trying to ban abortions and lots else.

I look at the current astrology, walk you through current events in an engaging way and follow the journey and chart of Edward Snowden as they both develop.

Here’s my current post on The Mountain Astrologer‘s blog, about Edward Snowden’s chart with a lively conversation brewing among people you don’t know from Planet Waves.

I also introduce the amazing Philadelphia-based band Grandchildren. The New Philadelphia magazine once described them as “full of amazing vigor, but also kind of detached in a way that’s hard to put your finger on. They don’t really seem to play their music as much as transmit it from some distant alien host, like a band possessed.”


Planet Waves

Your Monthly Horoscopes — and our Publishing Schedule Notes

The June monthly extended horoscopes  were published Friday, May 24. Inner Space horoscopes for June were published Friday, May 31. I recommend reviewing the previous month’s horoscope at the end of the month; you can see May’s monthly horoscope here. We published the Moonshine horoscopes for the Capricorn Full Moon on Tuesday, June 18. Moonshine horoscopes for the Cancer New Moon will publish Tuesday, July 2.

Note to Readers — We will be on a holiday schedule next week. The Friday issue will be a horoscope only. I plan to do a reading of the U.S. chart on Planet Waves FM.

Inner Space Monthly Horoscope for July 2013, #956 | By Eric Francis

We’re now under the influence of all three water signs. Jupiter ingressed Cancer on June 25, joining Saturn in Scorpio and Chiron and Neptune in Pisces. Mercury is retrograde in Cancer. That began June 26 and ends July 20. If you’re making plans or initiating a project, make sure you leave a few days’ margin after the retrograde ends to allow Mercury to come back up to speed and focus your thoughts. The Cancer New Moon is July 8. Mars enters Cancer July 13. Venus enters Virgo July 21, and the Aquarius Full Moon is July 22. That’s the same day that the Sun ingresses Leo.

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — You seem to be going back and forth on an issue that’s calling for a firm decision. The more decisive you try to be, the more it seems like there are two irreconcilable sides of the story, each with its own seemingly valid point of view. The more you try to please everyone, the more obvious it becomes that you’ll never be able to do that. I suggest you not burn yourself out doing this. You probably already know the reality of the situation, not from rationalizing or arguing one side of the case over the other, but because you simply know. What you’re really waiting for is the courage to take action, whether that means declaring an end to something, or committing to it more fully.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).
Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — It’s time to set boundaries with your family, which really means organizing your life the way you want. I suggest you identify the center of your life: the element about which you’re the most passionate, or the place where you most dependably tend the fires. Then ask yourself how you feel when you imagine your family — be it parents, spouse, partner or children — knowing that’s the thing you care about so deeply. Do you perceive support or reticence? Do you feel better about yourself, or do questions come up? How you think that others feel about you is a good picture of how you feel about yourself. It’s more complex than you may think, though you do seem determined to get to the heart of the matter.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).
Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — You’re at the most important juncture of the year when it comes to sorting your financial priorities, and getting clear about how to be more financially successful. I suggest that the first thing you do is recognize your potential. Your earning capacity has expanded significantly in recent weeks, and you need to be clear about that so you can take advantage of it. Yet there’s another ingredient that will help unlock your potential, which is sorting through everything you were taught about money as a child: whether it’s a good or bad thing, whether you deserve any and for what activities, the impressions that adult relatives made on you, and so on. This may be ancient history but it’s information that is useful and indeed essential to work with now.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).

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The Cancer reading is now ready! Order for instant access.

Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Jupiter has returned to your sign for the first time in nearly 12 years, and I trust you’ve already started to notice some of the pressure coming off, and your world expanding just a bit. Jupiter is providing you with a kind of cushion that will create some open space around you and deflect random objects, and give you access to additional resources. Now that you know this, I suggest you relax a little and see what happens. Try doing that Cancerian thing and eat real food, take care of the plants and get enough sleep every night. There has been a frenetic quality to your life the past few months, as if you’ve been driven by some kind of invisible psychic force. Take some time and notice how much you’ve accomplished. That’ll give you a clue of what’s to come. Note — I’ve just finished a fantastic Cancer birthday reading which looks in detail at Jupiter in your sign.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).
Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) –Match your actions to your innermost thoughts. From our earliest days we are trained to split our personalities: to say one thing and do another; to feel a certain way and act against our feelings; to violate our intelligence or intuition; and many other examples. One beautiful thing about the astrology of July is the close relationship between your deepest sentiments and your choices and actions. It would seem you have no interest in hypocrisy — only in acting from your values with the utmost sincerity. This is the course of action that will feel the best because it’s a reflection of who you actually are. All those options about choosing anything to the contrary are vastly overrated.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).
Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — You have no control over how you’re perceived. You have some influence, but in truth, people believe what they believe and they often see based on their beliefs. Meanwhile, you’re a person on a mission — and from what I can tell, you’re entirely sincere. Part of taking up anything larger than yourself, or acting in ways that benefit others, can be the perception that you have some other motive. I could go over all the rationales behind this, but you probably know them. I suggest that you not let anyone’s opinion of you, or their perceived opinion, influence your dedication. Persist for just a little while and soon enough the simple reality of the situation will be obvious to everyone.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).
Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — You tend to leave an impression on others that is more austere and conservative than you may think. There’s a certain reserve around your sign, a reticence to reveal too much, and your astrology is illustrating just such an inner discussion now. You seem to have some compelling reasons to stay silent — and some even more compelling reasons to reveal something specific about yourself. Which is the correct impulse? Well, which haven’t you tried? What are your concerns about consequences? Are they just fears, or are they realistic? One of the main qualifications for leadership is sincerity. Were you to choose that path, what would you want to reveal? Not be compelled to reveal out of some moral dictate, but want to reveal because you will feel better and stronger for doing so?

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).
Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — You may be spending too much time pleading your case or arguing for your cause than is necessary. That would include negotiation or studying various points of view. People in your life are more likely to do what’s right based on the fact that it’s actually so rather than based on any rationales that you may present to them. I would propose that if you accept and believe what you know to be true — especially what you know to be true for you — that others will be much more inclined to do so. If you find yourself debating anything, ask yourself whether you really believe it, and what basis you have for doing so. Be bold about questioning yourself — and about responding.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — You may find it easier to clear the hot air out of the room now that Jupiter is in Cancer — a sign that’s cooler, more inwardly seeking and oriented on feelings. You’ve learned a lot about yourself with Jupiter moving through your opposite sign. Its new placement is less about what is said and more about what is done. People demonstrate their feelings, their caring, their sincerity through their actions. Words can deceive easily and often do so; it’s more difficult to deceive with actions. Now you need to tell the difference, both in terms of what you do and what others do. Let your actions and the actions of others do all the talking.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).
Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — It’s been a long time since you were cut a break. You’ve been so driven and so restless in recent years, you might count it a miracle if anyone could keep up with you, or understand you, or feel the kinds of pressures and enforced changes that you’ve been going through on a fairly regular basis. Your relationships can now consciously provide a cushion of safety for you. Yet whether you see and feel this will depend largely on your emotional orientation. I suggest you relax a little. Give people the benefit of the doubt about whether they understand you or are capable of seeing your point of view. You don’t need to push yourself or others so hard. Get the feeling of being at home wherever you are, and you will feel like that a little more every day.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).
Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Yours is the sign of the water bearer, and that water has to come from someplace. Some of the sage descriptions of your sign encourage you to fill up your urn so that you have something to give to others when called upon to do so. Jupiter joining many other planets in the water signs is a reminder to pause, fill up and strengthen yourself. To do this, however, you will need to make a conscious choice to trust, and to question your many reasons not to trust. This time in your life only seems to be about the authority you have over your own life and to some extent your responsibility for others. It’s about relaxing into an exchange, and having the faith to receive what you need when it’s offered to you.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).
Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — It takes a lot to let go of control on this planet right now, whether it’s actual control or the illusion thereof. You have compelling reasons to do that, most significantly your peace of mind. But in order for this to be sincere, you need to replace control with something else. The one-word description of that ‘something else’ is faith — though that too may be challenging for you at times, and it’s nothing that you can contrive. What I suggest you replace it with is an experiment in how far your creativity can get you. If you see a problem, a puzzle or a conflict, try having faith that your creativity can turn it to something positive for everyone, then give it a try. Your results will speak for themselves.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two product

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On With The Show

Dear Friend and Reader:

The astrology we’re living through gets more interesting every week. Sometimes it seems like it’s ramping up exponentially — and starting now, it gets more interesting every day. As this happens we will be able to see with our eyes the most visually spectacular Full Moon of the year.

We will experience the following:

Planet Waves
Trapeze artists in circus, lithograph by Calvert Litho. Co., 1890.

Friday, June 21, the Sun ingressesed Cancer. That’s the Northern Hemisphere summer solstice, winter in the Southern Hemisphere. Consciousness spins on the axis of the solstices, which are the extremes of the longest day and the longest night. The Sun is now 90 degrees from where the zodiac begins, so this counts for an Aries Point event — along with everything else that’s happening.

The Aries Point, one of the great mysteries of astrology, magnifies whatever astrological events and objects that happen to make contact with it. World events seem personal and personal events fit a much wider pattern. Think of the Aries Point as the intersection where your life meets the bigger world. Aries Point events, which seem to come more frequently every year, are going to try to get our attention till we recognize we’re part of something larger and actually do something about it.

Saturday, June 22, Venus is conjunct Vesta in Cancer. This is a conjunction of a planet and an asteroid, which takes us to theheart of the matter where sex meets spirituality meets service meets purpose. Mercury, slow and powerful before it stations retrograde, is in a very close conjunction to both Venus and Vesta. The Sun is exactly conjunct a radical feminine point called the Black Moon Lilith. The sensation of this setup is going deep into the heart of your feelings; deep into the core of your erotic reality and how this relates to nourishing our essential humanity (the sign Cancer).

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Synchronized water ballet — viral image.

Sunday, June 23, there’s the Capricorn Full Moon just two days after solstice. When you put a solar/lunar event like the Full Moon on the Aries Point, the effect is multiplied exponentially. Also, this is the biggest Full Moon of the year, aligning with the Moon’s closest pass to the Earth within one hour (see illustration).

Tuesday, June 25, Jupiter ingresses Cancer for the first time in nearly 12 years. This is some of the biggest and best news of 2013. It’s not just that Jupiter is exalted in Cancer — that is, one of the planets most closely associated with that sign and most at home there. Jupiter does two impressive things as it passes through Cancer. One is that it makes a grand water trine, joining Saturn in Scorpio and Chiron and Neptune in Pisces; the other is that it will slip into the Uranus-Pluto square (the 2012-era aspect).

Wednesday, June 26, Mercury stations retrograde in Cancer. It’ll be retrograde until July 20, the day the Sun ingresses Leo. This is the second of three Mercury retrogrades exclusively in the water signs, which describes our very watery year (link takes you to Planet Waves subscriber materials on this topic). Not only does Mercury spend seven months in water signs, it does so along with slow-movers Jupiter, Saturn, Chiron and Neptune.

When you combine all this Aries Point activity with Jupiter, the result is likely to be noticeable, as in unavoidable — particularly since Jupiter itself will be activating the Aries Point.

Planet Waves
From PostSecret.com.

These days there is constant talk of change, and making the world better, and wanting to participate more, and do something more meaningful — but as you know, most of this is basically a combination of air and sound rather than anything substantial. While there are many factors that might seem to be blocking participation, I think that most of them are internal rather than external.

One quest of our times is learning how not to be so self-absorbed without losing ourselves at the same time. We are a culture that extols the virtues of narcissism, selfishness and competition. These same qualities are often projected into our ‘self-help’ and ‘spiritual’ endeavors. Often the result is being a supposedly perfect person, connected to the universe, aligned in mind, body and spirit — and then offering nothing back except for how wonderful we are.

Part of being so enlightened often means ignoring or not being able to handle anything on the level of politics, civics, the news or developments in the world. It’s an extremely disconnected form of spiritualism — perfect for a world where everything is a commodity and where often the goal is total fulfillment without taking any risks except maybe pulling a muscle in yoga class.

There is an obsession with having clean hands: not discussing anything controversial, be it what you really think about something in the news, what you really want from, or to do in, your relationships or who you really are in your sexual dimension. This is the illusion of purity — the only kind there is.

This is astrology that can get you wet, and dirty, and agitated, and sweaty, and excited and, most of all, INVOLVED.


News briefs below are written and researched by Amanda Painter, Susan Scheck, Liam Carey, Carol van Strum and me (Eric Francis). I write most of the astrology-based materials.


Planet Waves

Super Solstice and a Bold, Steamy July

Today is the Cancer solstice — the Sun ingressed the fourth sign of the zodiac earlier Friday (in U.S. time zones). As detailed above, pretty much the first thing that happens during the new season is a Full Moon. Happening on the third day of the season, this counts as an Aries Point effect. Think of that as standing inside a cosmic repeating station.

Jupiter will ingress Cancer on June 25 for the first time in nearly 12 years, joining Saturn in Scorpio and Chiron and Neptune in Pisces. This will complete an extended grand water trine that lasts well into 2014. Jupiter will also make a square to Uranus and an opposition to Pluto, beginning a new phase of what I’ve been calling 2012-era astrology.

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Capricorn Full Moon, set for Washington, D.C.

Mercury will be retrograde in Cancer beginning June 26 through July 20. We’re in the storm phase of Mercury all weekend, when the Mercury retrograde is the most noticeable — right before the station retrograde. I suggest you not try to do complicated data backups unless you take safeguards and really know what you’re doing.

If you’re working on plans or initiating a new project, make sure you leave a few days’ margin after the retrograde ends to allow Mercury to come back up to speed and focus your thoughts. If there are delays, maybe take care of stray details and preparations until Mercury stations direct in a few weeks. Sometimes it’s worth slowing down — it can save time.

As mentioned, Mercury spends seven months of 2013 in water signs. Mercury in any water sign favors intuition over rational thought, though it’s not an invitation to guess at everything or to allow yourself to be driven exclusively by your emotions. We have quite enough of that, inundated as we are with advertising that is little other than emotionally manipulative.

Fact-check your intuitive hints without second-guessing yourself. Simply assess the veracity of your perceptions and beliefs, and take note when you come across information that contradicts some expectation that you have.

On July 1, the Sun will oppose Pluto. This is an annual event and one of those deep aspects. It’s a time to focus your creative will. Make sure that if you encounter a power struggle of any kind, you handle matters gently rather than forcefully. This aspect has plenty of influence and a lot of momentum behind it. You will be convincing in half your usual word count and at a fraction of the volume. No matter what you’re doing, consider the growth angle.

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Full Moon at Sounion, temple to Neptune. Photo by Anthony Ayiomamitis.

On July 4, the Sun makes a square to Uranus — a revolutionary kind of aspect on a revolutionary kind of day. This is an aspect that might actually have a few sensitive people in a rebellious state of mind. I can see First Amendment advocates getting out all their pens, typewriters, mimeograph machines, photocopiers, printers and computers and displaying them in the backyard for all their friends to see.

The Cancer New Moon is July 8. That’s an exciting event, as it consists of a triple conjunction of the Moon, Mercury and the Sun in mid-Cancer, activating a world horoscope called the Thema Mundi.

Mars enters Cancer July 13, once again setting off the Aries Point (it then takes two more weeks to take the Uranus-Pluto square for a tumble). This placement adds more water, more heat and more of an instinctual quality to the astrology, and there was plenty to start with.

Mercury stations direct on July 20, and that’s the time to take your plans off hold and set them in motion.
Gather momentum as Mercury does — a little at a time, for about a week until you’re up to full speed in the rather extraordinary last days of the month.

Goddess Girl Venus enters goddessy Virgo July 21, and the Aquarius Full Moon is July 22 — that’s the same day that the Sun ingresses Leo. The month ends on a hot note — with a fully loaded T-square in the cardinal signs including Pallas Athene, the Black Moon Lilith, Jupiter, Mars, Uranus, the Moon and Pluto. The bold month of July 2013 does not go out with anything vaguely resembling a whimper.


Planet Waves

Everything’s an Interview

At press time, the entire universe is holding its breath wondering what the Supreme Court will say about whether lesbian and gay couples can marry.

Skipping a rant about how a sexual liberation movement became a family values movement, SCOTUS is expected to issue its decision on California’s Prop 8 case and the constitutionality of the Defense of Marriage Act early next week, just as Mercury stations retrograde and Jupiter ingresses Cancer. Yet the court has so many cases that it could extend its term into early July.

Planet Waves
Maybe same-sex couples will be able to get married by Elvis in Las Vegas. Photo courtesy of Viva Las Vegas Weddings.

Justices were seen shuttling in their private jets between Las Vegas and Santo Domingo, experimenting with various marriage partners to see if they could tell the difference.

As for the decision — my guess is that SCOTUS will hand same-sex marriage back to the states on a technicality and strike down DOMA. But the court is full of surprises, and judges once appointed as staunch conservatives have an odd way of becoming freaky liberals. Plus, there is a strong argument for same-sex marriage to be made on conservative terms. If only Monsanto would invent a Same Sex Marriage product, it would be approved in five minutes.

A new documentary is being released about how the investigation of how the explosion and crash TWA flight 800 was a total farce. Several top investigators have come forward and given their testimony for the documentary, including a top official for the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB). Why the coverup? The astrology suggests that had the truth got out, it would have been a big problem for Bill Clinton’s re-election prospects.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average lost 500 points in just two days, after the Federal Reserve decided to get out of the stimulus business.

In an editorial, The New York Times said Friday, “One plausible reason for the Fed’s announcement of the imminent end of its stimulative program is that it hoped to take some air out of asset bubbles that have inflated as a result of its prolonged easy-money policies. The stock sell-off seemed to prove the point. Assuming prices stabilize soon, the Fed’s statements could amount to a successful pre-emptive strike on nascent bubbles.”

Planet Waves
This is a person standing next to $1 billion in $100 bills. To see what $1 trillion looks like, go to this page.

New York Times reader comments are often better than the articles. One reader in San Francisco wrote in response to this editorial, “The administration had almost $1 trillion to focus on shoring up infrastructure, education and other national needs. Instead, it chose to give away that obscene amount of money on giveaways to special interests. Let’s not pretend that the stimulus was money well spent or that the public was eager to throw more good money after bad.” [Note, a trillion is a thousand billion dollars.]

The Guardian published new information from NSA leaker Edward Snowden about how the U.S. and U.K. spied on the G20 diplomatic summit in 2009, just as a G8 summit was beginning in London.

The NSA (the National Security Agency, an American spy shop, which is the biggest in the world) set up bugged Internet cafes that intercepted email, installed key logging software to spy on delegates’ computers, supplied 45 analysts with a summary of who was phoning whom around the clock and eavesdropped on world leaders — the diplomatic equivalent of Lance Armstrong winning the Tour de France.

Meanwhile, Apple said it received up to 5,000 requests from local, state, federal, galactic and intergalactic law enforcement officials between December 2012 and May 2013. The company, like all companies, is barred from revealing how many came from the FISA court (which we covered last week).

Planet Waves

The New York Times reported that the anonymity that research subjects are granted when they provide DNA may be at risk, as “the latest shock came in January, when a researcher at the Whitehead Institute, which is affiliated with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, managed to track down five people selected at random from a database using only their DNA, ages and the states in which they lived.”

Bank of America employees were told to lie to homeowners seeking refinancing, pretended to lose their documents, and forced them into foreclosure — and were given cash bonuses for doing so.

“In sworn statements added to a multi-state class action lawsuit against Bank of America last week, the employees describe regularly misleading homeowners seeking loan modifications and rejecting their applications for phony reasons. The employees allege Bank of America used the federal government’s Home Affordable Modification Program, or HAMP, to rake in as much federal money as possible before ultimately foreclosing on the homeowners the program was meant to help,” according to Democracy Now!


Planet Waves

I Would Like to Thank the Academy…

A top Monsanto executive won the equivalent of an Oscar for genetically modified food this week — a guy named Robert Fraley shared the World Food Prize with two other scientists. Fraley was the mastermind and driving force behind Monsanto’s move into genetic modification of plants. He is now the company’s executive vice president.

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Robb Fraley, executive vice president of Monsanto, about to be consumed by a batch of GMO soybeans that he helped create. Photo: Monsanto.

His name came up in the research for my article on the astrology of Monsanto, now on the cover of the new edition of The Mountain Astrologer [see press release here].

Fraley joined Monsanto in his 20s, promising to solve the problem of how to move genes around inside of plant cells. He had done post-doctoral research on liposomes, small fatty structures that are able to move freely through the membranes of plant cells. But the process didn’t work for moving around genetic material inside of plants. Still, Fraley turned out out to be a big asset for Monsanto.

Daniel Charles, author of Lords of the Harvest — the history of GMO foods that I used as background for my article — said that Fraley “had an instinct for power, how to acquire it and how to use it.”

One former colleague said that he “used to want to kill him” because he would visit every day and ask about the results of an experiment that would take two weeks, Charles wrote.

His “real skill proved to be organizing teams of scientists and driving them toward a common goal,” Charles wrote, adding that one former colleague described him as “the most driven man I’ve ever interacted with.”

He was a farm boy from Illinois who would “volunteer that bit of his biography to show his long-standing connection to agriculture,” but he had little hankering to be out on the land. Instead, he preferred cigars, beer, sports cars and shooting pool.

“The World Food Prize Foundation said the honor and the $250,000 cash prize would be shared by Robert T. Fraley, Monsanto’s executive vice president and chief technology officer, and two other scientists, Marc Van Montagu of Belgium and Mary-Dell Chilton of the United States,” The New York Times reported Thursday.

In response to the announcement, the Times quoted Eric Holt-Giménez, executive director of Food First, a food policy research organization in Oakland, California, who said the World Food Prize’s “growing obsession” with biotechnology “ignores the documented successes” of nonindustrial methods of farming.


Planet Waves

Fracking Puts Pressure on U.S. Water Supplies

A new study has found that some of the most intensive hydraulic fracturing (fracking) operations in the United States are in areas where water is scarce: in drought-prone areas or in areas where supplies are already stretched by other uses.

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Field distribution water tank used in the fracking process of natural gas well drilling in DeWitt County, Texas, complete with life buoy and “No Swimming” sign. Photo by Eric Schlegel.

Ceres, a nonprofit that works on sustainability issues, recently looked at 25,000 operating shale oil and shale gas wells. It found that 47 percent of these wells were in areas “with high or extremely high water stress” because of regular water use by industry and municipalities. In Colorado, for example, 92 percent of the wells were in extremely high water-stress areas, and in Texas more than half were in high or extremely high water-stress areas.

According to the American Petroleum Institute, the national oil and gas trade association, the “industry’s water use is small when compared to other industrial and recreational activities.”  Yet although fracking usually is just one or two percent of states’ overall water use, the Ceres study notes that “it can be much higher at the local level, increasing competition for scarce supplies.”

Making matters worse, those scarce water supplies near fracking operations are repeatedly found to have been contaminated by the chemicals used to extract the shale oil and gas — reason enough to make bans on fracking all the more urgent.


Planet Waves

Supreme Court: No Citizenship Proof Needed for Voter Registration

Illegal immigrants who want to vote in federal elections scored a victory Monday, when the Supreme Court said Arizona or other states can’t demand proof of citizenship from people registering to vote in federal elections unless they get federal or court approval to do so.

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Arizona residents who challenged a 2004 state measure, arguing that it discriminated against eligible voters, scored a SCOTUS win this week. Photo by: Joshua Lott/Reuters.

The justices said states cannot independently change the requirements for those using the voter-registration form produced under the federal “motor voter” registration law, according to an article in Huffington Post. They would need permission from a federally created panel, the Election Assistance Commission, or a federal court ruling overturning the commission’s decision, to do so.

Justice Antonin Scalia, who wrote the court’s 7-2 majority opinion, said federal law “precludes Arizona from requiring a federal form applicant to submit information beyond that required by the form itself.”

“Today’s decision sends a strong message that states cannot block their citizens from registering to vote by superimposing burdensome paperwork requirements on top of federal law,” said Nina Perales, vice president of litigation for the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund. “The Supreme Court has affirmed that all U.S. citizens have the right to register to vote using the national postcard, regardless of the state in which they live.”


Planet Waves

House Passes Abortion Bill; GOP Member Advocates Fetal Masturbation

The harshest anti-abortion bill ever to come before the U.S. House of Representatives passed this week. It would ban abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy, the point at which many anti-choice activists claim fetuses can feel pain.

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Rachel Maddow can’t quite believe she just heard what Rep. Burgess said — and that he’s in charge of the House Subcommittee on Health. Image: video still.

The vote was split mainly along party lines, 228 to 196. Last week the bill’s sponsor, Trent Franks (R-Arizona), ignited controversy with his claim that very few pregnancies result from rape — as if that is the only time a woman gets to have control of her body: after someone has already violated her.

President Obama has already vowed to veto the bill, and it is unlikely that the Senate will even bring it up for a vote. Similar bans exist in several states, however.

In response, Planned Parenthood has coined the term Gynotician: a politician acting like a women’s health expert by trying to force abortion laws that have little or no basis in medical fact.

One such ‘gynotician’, Rep. Michael Burgess (R-Texas) actually is a former OB/GYN. He voiced support for an even more extreme ban, saying that fetuses at 15 weeks “stroke their face. If they’re a male baby, they may have their hand between their legs. If they feel pleasure, why is it so hard to believe that they could feel pain?”

Major U.S. medical bodies have refuted the claim that fetuses feel pain before the third trimester.

So far there’s no word on whether Burgess is planning to recruit Betty Dodson to conduct masturbation workshops in utero — or whether female fetuses are allowed by law to masturbate, too.


Planet Waves

Physicians to Colleagues: Stand Against Guantanamo Forced-Feeding

Last week three doctors who teach at Boston University published an editorial in The New England Journal of Medicine calling for their medical colleagues in the military to boycott the forced-feeding of Guantanamo inmates who are on hunger strike. In addition, they are calling on all civilian doctors to actively support physicians at Guantanamo in taking a stand.

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Restraint chair used to force-feed Gitmo hunger strikers; a tube is snaked down one nostril and into the esophagus in what is reportedly a very painful process. Photo: Sgt. Brian Godette.

“Physicians at Guantanamo cannot permit the military to use them and their medical skills for political purposes and still comply with their ethical obligations. Force-feeding a competent person is not the practice of medicine; it is aggravated assault.”

When authorities order doctors to force-feed competent prisoners, physicians become “weapons for maintaining prison order.”

George Annas, one of the three doctors who wrote the editorial, said in an interview on Tuesday with Democracy Now! that Guantanamo doctors tend to be young residents, and must assume false names. They are incredibly isolated from civilian colleagues, which likely makes it that much more difficult to refuse military orders, even on ethical grounds.

Hunger strikes are the only meaningful tool that prisoners have in getting needs addressed while incarcerated. It is not a suicide attempt, but rather a statement being made under extreme circumstances, with the understanding that death could result.

The prison-wide hunger strike at Guantanamo has entered its 136th day as of June 21. According to lawyers, at least 130 of the 166 remaining prisoners at Guantanamo are refusing to eat in protest; 43 prisoners are currently being force-fed through tubes. On Monday, for the first time, the Obama administration publicly identified the 46 prisoners at Guantanamo whom it plans to hold indefinitely without charge or trial.


Planet Waves

“Ex-Gay Therapy” Coalition Disbands, Apologizes

It sounds like a story from The Onion, but it’s not: on Wednesday one of the most prominent coalitions of groups in the U.S. advocating “ex-gay” therapy announced that it is disbanding — and its president actually apologized to the LGBT community for all of the harm it has caused.

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Exodus International’s Alan Chambers with his wife, Leslie; he admits to pushing ex-gay therapy in years when he could not control his own same-sex attractions.

The board of Exodus International voted unanimously to shut down and disband. In an official statement, the group claims they want to form a new group devoted to helping churches to “become safe, welcoming, and mutually transforming communities.”

“Please know that I am deeply sorry,” wrote Alan Chambers, the group’s president, in a written apology. “I am sorry for the pain and hurt many of you have experienced. I am sorry that some of you spent years working through the shame and guilt you felt when your attractions didn’t change. I am sorry we promoted sexual orientation change efforts and reparative theories about sexual orientation that stigmatized parents.”

In recent weeks, there has been a seeming rush of stories involving ‘the truth coming out’ in dramatic ways. This fits the pattern, the vibe and the astrology to a ‘T’. And here’s something you don’t hear from the more conservative or evangelical religious sectors often: in addressing Exodus International’s final annual meeting, Chambers stated, “What that means is we’re not gonna control people anymore,” adding, “We’re not gonna tell them how they should live.”

Unfortunately, a splinter group called the Restored Hope Network does plan to continue its crusade of control and “ex-gay therapy,” along with many of Exodus International’s former local affiliates.


Planet Waves

Planet Waves

A scientist with a delightful French accent serves as your tour guide in “Cosmography of the Local Universe,” a 3-dimensional tour of a portion of the known universe. Warning: do not use the map for actual transportation purposes. The measurements lose some accuracy the further out you go.

NASA Unveils a Galactic GPS

A team of space scientists has taken sky mapping to a whole new level, with their new 3-D map of the visible universe. The map, encompassing 340 million light years — only a fraction of the known universe, which is believed to be at least 14 billion light years — was created from a collection of galaxy redshifts, observations of light emitted from galaxies as they move away from the Earth.

“In terms of moving — pardon the pun — pictures, this is by far the best I have seen among numerous motion pictures showing where we are at, literally and figuratively, in the biggest picture of all,” said Ian Steer, co-leader of NASA/IPAC’s Extragalactic Database project. You can watch the video, titled “Cosmography of the Local Universe,” here.


Planet Waves

Edward Snowden’s Birth Chart and Some Big Astrology

Planet Waves has obtained the birth data for Edward Snowden from the state of North Carolina, and I read the chart in this edition. I also cover the big astrology of the week — the Sun-Jupiter conjunction in the degree of the zodiac that strings together many odd events of the past 12 years (28+ Gemini), the solstice and the Capricorn Full Moon. At the end of the program I give some highlights from my cover story on Monsanto in The Mountain Astrologer.

If you’re a blogger or a journalist interested in the Monsanto story, here’s a page for you.

Just a clarification — I say there’s one Sun-Jupiter conjunction per sign per year; that’s not quite right — what I mean is: every year there is one Sun-Jupiter conjunction, in a different sign every year.

If you love Planet Waves FM and want to contribute to our programming, here’s the link to become a member of Planet Waves FM.


Planet Waves

Your Monthly Horoscopes — and our Publishing Schedule Notes

The June monthly extended horoscopes  were published Friday, May 24. Inner Space horoscopes for June were published Friday, May 31. I recommend reviewing the previous month’s horoscope at the end of the month; you can see May’s monthly horoscope here. The Moonshine horoscopes for the Gemini New Moon were published Tuesday, June 4. We published the Moonshine horoscopes for the Capricorn Full Moon on Tuesday, June 18.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for July 2013, #955 | By Eric Francis

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — It’s unusual that you can truly focus your energy inwardly, though that is where the planets are guiding you. Plenty of what you consider inward is rather worldly, involved with people, places and things. You now have an opportunity to subtract all of those external influences and go to a new depth of self-understanding. Take the time to do this in a meaningful way. You don’t need the opinions of others, and their presence is likely to distract you from the significant matters at hand. While you’re embarking on an extended phase where your most dependable source of wisdom will come from you, the present moment is especially rich with information and a new kind of curiosity. You have the chance to get to the bottom of some deep insecurities. Normally you address these by reaching out to the people around you, or distracting yourself with activity. Yet that never really answers your question. While you may not get answers over the next few weeks, you will be able to focus your deepest questions in a meaningful way and set an agenda for yourself. Good questions are more important than answers, because they will challenge you to be creative about your own most intimate thoughts. I will say this. You’re a different person when you feel safe and when you do not. Feeling safe allows you to get a handle on surface-level material, and thus go deeper. Yet that doesn’t happen very often, and now the door is wide open.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).
Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — In much the same way that homes of many earlier eras were designed to be oriented on the hearth or the kitchen, the way to organize your life is from the center outward. To do this you’ll first need to determine what the center is. I will give you a clue: it’s the place where the heat is coming from. It’s also related to the theme, activity or mission you keep coming back to, even if you’ve made other plans. Said yet another way, it’s where you reach for the sensation of home on our wild, unpredictable World Earth. This is a powerful spot in your consciousness. There’s a chance that your commitment and passion may be veiled by layers of emotional material — denial, guilt, shame or some form of uneasiness. None of those can stop you, and it would be helpful if you make peace with that and therefore take away some or all of the power that those feelings seem to have. You have a right to devote yourself to what matters, and I suggest being vigilant toward anyone who would try to deny you that, or who has done so in the past. This may be a complicated scenario, involving the influence of one or both parents, their relationship and certain factors in the family environment. Then there is the sex connection. How do you really feel about the sex that you offer to others as a gesture of service, of your own free will? You now have a bold invitation to claim that as your birthright.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).
Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Both Jung and Freud associated money with one’s relationship to one’s parents. They had different ideas but suggested that we look to unresolved material with mom and/or dad when it comes to understanding our relationship to money. Your astrology is saying as much this month. You seem to be on a quest to step outside the constraints that are imposed on children, who are powerless to manifest wealth of their own and must always depend upon their caregivers. Once those caregivers are out of the picture, we either find our independence or we end up putting others into that role, which in a society dominated by money amounts to the power over whether we eat or not; that is the power of life and death. If you wonder why people are so weird about money, and why they treat it like the only power they ever had, exploring this line of discussion may offer you some insight. There’s also the question of whether we feel we’re ‘worth’ anything — worthy of love, worthy of decent work, deserving of having an influence; that theme will offer you plenty, because the question is up for resolution. The thing to remember in all of this is that you’re not a child. You are an adult with a fair amount of influence over how you feel about yourself, and over your own prospects for success (and the two are intimately related). I suggest you commit yourself to not allowing any petty hangups to get between you and profound, meaningful, smashing success.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).

Planet Waves

Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Jupiter has entered your birth sign for the first time in 12 years, hinting not just at some relief from the out-of-control feeling that’s permeated your life for so long, but also opening the way to some significant breakthroughs. This is describing an atmosphere where many unusual successes are possible. Take a little time to get used to the new environment you’re in. Feel your presence in the world in a new way. As you decide what you want, remember how much you know, and put that knowledge to work. If you have any doubts they will be in the face of an abundance of information and opportunity rather than a lack. Everything is always possible, but sometimes certain unlikely things are right within reach, and you’re in one of those moments. One key is making sure that you set plans in motion at the right time. There is no rush. Initially, certain developments will come to you rather than you having to go to them. No matter how big or how promising your endeavor, consider the timing and the details carefully. Listen to your intuition and trust what it tells you. Mercury will be retrograde in your sign between June 26 and July 20. This is a natural moment to pause, to feel and to make some observations. Let the retrograde work itself out before diving into anything new and different. Important information is forthcoming around the 20th and you won’t want to leave home without it.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).
Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) –You are not clueless. Far from it, though you may be spending some days walking around feeling like there’s a lot you don’t know. That’s almost always true. What’s especially true now is that most of that information is available. It’s just that to access it, you’ll need to use some unusual measures, the kind that might not be considered empirical or scientific. One might be a sense of certainty that gradually works its way into your thoughts. Another might be discovering that you have the answer to every question you pose, as long as you stop and listen to yourself. Asking others or seeking information outside yourself might confuse you, especially if people you care about tell you that what you’re saying or thinking seems like ‘too much’. If there’s a ‘problem’ with being creative or having big ideas, it’s that there’s always someone with smaller ideas ready to tell you that yours are too extravagant. Therefore, be careful who you talk to about what you’re thinking, learning or discovering, because as powerful as it is, humans are susceptible to negative suggestions. Along the same line, I suggest you back off of being too encouraging or supportive of projects that are not truly your own, or that you do not at least have a significant personal investment in. Rather, be a source of inspiration and courage to the people you’re directly involved with, and who will trust what you think, feel and say — and who will value your significant contribution.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).
Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — The many changes that come into your life include you stepping out in a bold new way, taking responsibility for your community and helping co-create your world in some special ways. Yet at the same time you seem to want to hide, to be invisible, to make sure that as few people as possible know who you are. It looks like you want to be counted on but you’re not sure about the commitment. You might have the notion that you don’t really want any unusual responsibilities, or to take any special risks. Yes, Virgo is one of the astrological masters of the inner paradox. Fortunately you have a few weeks to work this out, and make a commitment to yourself before things get really interesting. Here’s the thing to bear in mind. The astrology that’s guiding you out of your shell is a lot more powerful than the aspects that are drawing you back in. Plus, the thing about hiding out and not committing yourself to things you’re passionate about is more about your childhood than it is about your present life. Remember that there were some people who were threatened by how bold you could be, and others who set the example of how to be that outstanding person. So if you feel the impulse to be less, ask yourself who you’re trying to impress. If you feel the impulse to be more, to be free and to be truly alive, remember who your examples were — and who they are today.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).
Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — It looks like you’re ready to make some impressive career moves. I suggest that you not count on luck, no matter how lucky you’re feeling. I know there is a time and a place to ‘not trust your own strength’, and I don’t want to get in the way of your relationship to your higher power. However, my reading of your solar chart says that this is a time to think for yourself, and that means making decisions. The very most significant among them is what you want to do with your talent. This is partly about what topic and field of life you want to be exploring, and more to the point it’s about who and what you want to serve. You’ve long outgrown your professional life being self-serving. Yes, on one level this is about your success and making your way in the world. Yet now you’re at the intersection where your higher calling is to work in the public benefit, in a way that’s genuinely productive for the planet and for the community. If something doesn’t meet those qualifications, it’s probably not going to feel satisfying. What you need in your work is the feeling of family — both working with one, and serving one. This is less like the ‘mom and dad’ kind of family and more like the cool uncle kind of family. The difference is that you have more freedom and you’re recognized for who you are rather than who others think you should be. And that is a big distinction.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).
Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Many developments — in astrology and life, which illustrate one another — will help you feel a lot better about the present, and guide you to focus on the future. It seems that the past has been heavier than usual in recent seasons since Saturn entered your sign. Saturn often brings the pressure to get right with yourself, and to find your true direction — something that’s not especially easy amidst the chaos of the world as we know it. Yet help is on the way. Saturn stations direct in your sign this month, offering you the opportunity to use what you’ve learned and avoid making the same mistakes twice. Jupiter ingresses Cancer on June 25, which will help you shift your orientation from involvements with others to considering what you want to do with your life. You need to feed your vision of what is possible, and vow never to allow yourself to be drawn into a situation that is defined by boredom, pettiness or the mere obsession with money ever again. In the weeks and months ahead you’re likely to discover that you have the capacity not just for a spiritual level of consciousness, but also to live as if that were the one thing that’s the most true about you. All together, you will be able to apply some healing balm to the places in your life where you have been aching. That may be enough to get you into a place where you’re driven by passion and curiosity and a risk worth taking.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Your ability to make contact with others runs in cycles. Yes, Sagittarius is supposed to be the one-pointed arrow of determination, though that has an unusual way of going off in unusual directions where the deepest layers of intimacy are concerned. You know what’s possible because you cycle there fairly regularly. Then you can enter some other realm, and what was possible then seems impossible and even strange to consider. Jupiter’s ingress into the house in your chart associated with intimacy and emotional contact will help stabilize this aspect of your life for a while. The cycles will, at least, slow down, or you’ll become aware of a much larger pattern that you sometimes lose sight of. One topic you can focus on is your capacity to receive. This is one of those edgy issues that many people struggle with in our nourishment-deprived society — and it can be frustrating when people are offering you something you want and for deeply personal reasons you don’t feel capable of taking it in. So, first, practice receiving. Accept what is offered to you without condition. Stretch your capacity to receive, which will challenge you to feel like you deserve the life that’s being sent your way. Notice how you respond when someone offers you the sex you want: observing that one facet of your emotional patterning will tell you a lot about yourself. One thing to be aware of: the more you open up, the more you will be drawn to bolder, deeper adventures. Get clear with yourself whether that’s something you really want.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).
Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — One theme of recent years is whether people can take your intensity. It’s not like you try to come on so strong — I would guess you’ve done a fair amount of toning yourself down, though to little avail. Pluto working through your birth sign coupled with Uranus cooking in the home and security angle of your chart, sometimes comes with the sensation that you live in a microwave oven. You need people in your life who have a large perspective. You need people whose wisdom exceeds the petty worries that so many obsess over, and that it’s so easy for you to obsess over. What’s dawning in your chart is the ability to recognize such a person when you see him or her. You might think that it’s impossible that you could ever have a meeting as equals with someone who can see life through a very large lens. I suggest you ask yourself why that would be, assuming it’s true. How do you respond when someone who is actually offering you something, someone who is generous and protective, shows up? In particular, the question of trust is one to focus on. You may be concerned that anyone who can offer you something can also take it away. That may be more power than you want to give over to anyone, though if you want to exchange with others in a meaningful way, you’ll need to address that question — which falls under the general rubric of trust. Now for the last question: when you have good reasons to trust, how do you respond?

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).
Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Being born under the sign Aquarius includes a sappy, sentimental side that can at times compete with your ability to turn nearly anything into an abstract concept. This would matter less were you not concerned which aspect of yourself is ‘right’ or the real you. Behind this little controversy is your awareness of a form of intelligence you can trust. It’s neither abstract nor sentimental; it’s equally emotional and intellectual but in truth it’s beyond both. That intelligence is telling you something now; it’s pointing you to a potential focus of devotion and sharing that may in many ways defy reason. When you follow this wavelength of wisdom, things tend to go well for you. You possess a depth of understanding that you don’t have to explain, a quality that others trust about you. But closer to home, this is something that you’re learning to trust about yourself. There’s a purpose to the social consciousness, the idealism and quest for applied intelligence of Aquarius, and that’s about the purpose of community: nourishment and healing. These are the areas of life where you seem destined to take on a leadership role. Humanity is a family, though it rarely treats itself as such. Your presence can get that quality moving wherever you go, particularly where you work. Do not be shy about setting the example. Even if it seems a little strange to people, count on the fact that nearly everyone is starving and thirsting for a world in which we actually take care of one another.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).
Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — I reckon the past month has been a nonstop frenzy with so much activity blowing through Gemini. However, with Jupiter’s move into Cancer (where it will spend one year), you’re being invited into some bold new adventures — ones that neither you nor I can predict. There will be many turns of the story of your life over the next 12 months, not just unusual ones but of a kind you’ve never experienced. It looks like you’re about to slip into the full stream of our weird, beautiful moment in time — that is to say, you’re about to be dealt into the game of life in a whole new way. I suggest taking two things along. One is your skill at pleasure-seeking. Rather than the mindless or diversion kind of pleasure, this is about bringing your passion to everyone and everything in our tired world. The other is the awareness that your wisdom and creativity are things that you can gamble on. You can take larger risks than you think because you have unusual spiritual resources to draw on. You always do, but Jupiter’s move into Cancer is one of the best things that can happen to a Pisces, especially the way the rest of the sky is set up. Remember that your life is not a matter of either/or at this point, of giving up one thing for another. This is a moment when you can have it all, though I suggest starting with what you want to create the very most.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two product

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The Most Interesting Month Since the Ocean

Dear Friend and Reader:

June will be a big month for the water signs. That’s good news for everyone, unless your only friend is a cactus (and they love water too, just not too much of it). Water is the most delicate element, essential to supporting life on our planet. It’s as basic as oxygen, and it’s drying out, being polluted and fracked out of existence. Yet when the astrology gets wet, I think that everyone is happier — and that’s what happens soon.

Planet Waves
This April 2006 photo taken by the Hubble Space Telescope shows a second red, oval storm to the left of the original Red Spot. Dubbed “Red Spot Jr.,” it is about the same diameter as Earth and was formed when smaller, whitish oval-shaped storms merged and changed color. At the time, scientists speculated that Red Spot Jr. is evidence for climate change on Jupiter. Photo: NASA.

Among the main events of the next few weeks is Jupiter moving from Gemini to Cancer, completing a grand water trine with Saturn in Scorpio and both Chiron and Neptune in Pisces. The Sun and other planets will be passing through Cancer as well, filling up our spiritual reservoirs.

Let’s start in the current moment and take the story more or less in order (note, all dates are based on EDT).

Eclipses of spring end with the Sagittarius lunar eclipse that happens Saturday, May 25 at 12:25 am EDT. This will be the last of the eclipses along the Gemini/Sagittarius angle — the unusual third eclipse in the current cycle is a holdover from the prior (Gem/Sag) cycle. Through 2014 the Taurus/Scorpio axis will host eclipses (along with the Aries/Libra axis); the next Taurus/Scorpio eclipse heats up in November.

June 2013 emphasizes the water theme of this year — a theme of making contact with one’s feeling body without being overwhelmed by it. That’s always the thing about emotions; with the other thing being the extent to which they are being corrupted by advertising imagery, clearly among the top spiritual issues of our time in history. When astrology emphasizes the water signs, you will feel more, and more deeply, and then at the same time be subject to manipulation.

The realm of feeling, of emotion, of body sensation, is different from the realm of intellect, concept and mental control. Indeed what happens on the level of water can subvert or perhaps submerge what we experience in the mental environment. It doesn’t need to — emotions and ideas can coexist, and if the forthcoming astrology is any indication, we need to figure out how to do that.

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Photo by Amanda Painter.

Mercury enters Cancer on May 31, where it will perform its retrograde maneuver between June 26 and July 20. It’ll remain in Cancer through its second shadow phase and then finally enter Leo on Aug. 8.

That’s a long time for Mercury to be in any one sign, especially a water sign; yet it’s also the second of three times that Mercury will spend more than two months in a water sign this year (the first was in Pisces earlier in 2013 and the third will be when it’s in Scorpio later in the year).

On June 2, Venus enters Cancer — still in a loose conjunction with Mercury. That conjunction will come back into focus later in the month.

June 8 is the Gemini New Moon, exact at 11:56 am. That’s synchronous with a sparky aspect, Mercury square Uranus, happening just a few hours later.

June 19 is also a special day — the Sun is conjunct Jupiter in Gemini. That won’t happen again till 2036. Yes, it should happen again in 12 years, but the Sun-Jupiter conjunction skips Gemini the next time Jupiter is in that sign. This is also our farewell to Jupiter in Gemini for this cycle.

On June 21, the Sun enters Cancer, which is the solstice. This is an Aries Point event; the Sun is square the first degree of the zodiac (i.e., the Aries Point), which means that we’ll all be standing at the intersection of the personal and the collective. That’s what this degree does, and it’s very sensitive. So sensitive in fact that the ingresses of Mercury and Venus earlier in the month may have a similar effect.

Planet Waves
Photo by Amanda Painter.

Because this is happening in the style of a water sign, experiences and events will have a deeper emotional influence than usual, and in addition to describing the emotional realm, water sign energy also reaches into what we think of as psychic — that is, behind-the-scenes communication.
It’s also good for empathy and understanding what others are going through by feeling it rather than needing to have it explained.

On June 25, Jupiter enters Cancer. This is yet another Aries Point event, as Jupiter will be square the first degree of the zodiac. This happens with the Cancer Sun trine Neptune in Pisces, and Mercury very close to stationing retrograde in Cancer.

Jupiter will remain in Cancer until it ingresses Leo on July 16, 2014. Plenty of water passes under the bridge between now and then, and fortunately we will have happy, old Jupiter to keep us company the whole time.

On June 26, Mercury stations retrograde, which will last through July 20, and as mentioned, Mercury ingresses Leo on Aug. 8.

This is a lot of water for one year, and a whole lot of water for one month.


Editor’s Note: News briefs below are researched and written by a team consisting of me, Liam Carey, Amanda Painter, Susan Scheck and Carol van Strum. — efc


Planet Waves

What Do You Believe In? Or Do You?

Saturday there’s an eclipse of the Moon in Sagittarius, the sign of faith. This is the Sagittarius Full Moon, and the sensation of the event building is a little like an approaching thunderstorm. The air is heavy with some odd psychic vibe, which it might be with a Full Moon but which is especially palpable when there’s an eclipse.

Planet Waves
This photo of a partial lunar eclipse is striking, but it is not the type of eclipse we’re getting Friday night into Saturday; that will be a barely perceptible penumbral eclipse. Photo by Anthony Ayiomamitis.

The Sagittarius part of the story describes a question, in particular a question about a belief. If you’re the deep type, it can take you to the level of what you have faith in.

This is the last of three eclipses of our current season — and the last of the eclipses across the Gemini-Sagittarius axis that date back about two years. We’ve just had two eclipses along Taurus-Scorpio, which is the new axis; this is the encore of Gemini-Sagittarius.

As such it may relate to an old question that’s coming up again. To me that question is: what do you believe in? The answer to this question has more influence than you might think. In many ways our beliefs are the filter through which we perceive very nearly everything.

The problem with beliefs is that they are often driven by security needs rather than by what we perceive as real, or as necessary. If you eat meat, you have to believe that eating meat is OK. If your husband is a staunch conservative, you may need to believe in conservative values in order to meet an emotional or environmental need.

My take on this eclipse is that it (that is, the circumstances it describes) may prompt you to question something you thought was true, or that you thought mattered to you. You may find yourself unable to believe in what you know is not true for you. If you follow that in (as they say in some kinds of therapy) you may find yourself with an actual question on your hands — a question of faith.

Planet Waves
Chart section showing the conjunction of Mercury, Venus and Jupiter in Gemini during the eclipse. Also shown (l-r): south lunar node, Mars and Pallas Athene in Taurus; Sun in Gemini; and far right, Black Moon Lilith. View the full chart here.

There’s a new idea on the horizon — in fact many of them, depicted by the triple conjunction of Venus, Mercury and Jupiter at the time of this eclipse. This conjunction gives some relief from the persistent questioning that’s been leading up to the Full Moon eclipse.

Yes it’s in Gemini, although clarity (Mercury), substance (Venus) and wisdom (Jupiter) are all available there in varying combinations.

One subject described by the chart involves what we do with persistent fear. That’s a fact of the times we’re living in, where What to Be Scared Of is being broadcast on every channel. Anyone who watches TV or follows news on the ‘Net was treated this week to a constant vision of a town shredded by a tornado.

With or without a topic to graft onto, many people are caught in some form of persistent anxiety, fear or panic, and spend a lot of their time dealing with it. Much of this fear stems from various efforts to control — the ones exerted on us, and the ones that we exert on the world, often out of necessity. When that control spins out of control, one approach is to escape, or to try to — and that’s exactly the pattern that Saturday’s eclipse is here to awaken us to.


Planet Waves

C’mon People Now: Another Fine Week in the Anti-Sixties

The IRS vs. Tea Party debacle reached a new point of absurdity (three heads have rolled so far, and IRS officials are taking the 5th) the same week we learned that U.S. drones had killed four American citizens and that a FOX News reporter was charged under the Espionage Act for saying something about North Korea — shortly after a tornado took out 1,200 homes, three schools and killed 24 people in Moore, Oklahoma — which was the same week that a British military officer was killed by cleaver-wielding, allegedly pro-Muslim ‘activists’ in London, and Pres. Obama took to the airwaves, saying it was getting on time to consider ending the War on Terror.

Planet Waves
Medea Benjamin, founder of Code Pink, speaks to Obama from the press area during his speech Thursday at National Defense University.

Just to refresh your memory about this week’s astrology, Uranus and Pluto on Monday made their third of seven squares. This is the ongoing 2012-era aspect, which lasts through 2015 (and in reality has effects spanning between approximately 2008 and 2018 or so).

This aspect is part of the same cycle of astrology that sparked off what we think of as the Sixties — that was the Uranus-Pluto conjunction. If you ever wondered how The Beatles got from “I Wanna Hold Your Hand” to “I Am The Walrus” in just three short years, that would be Uranus-Pluto.

Nearly 50 years later, those same two planets are now at first quarter phase, which can spark up change, progress and chaos similar to the conjunction. Similar, but different — the conjunction happened in Virgo, the sign of ‘I want to be the best nurse ever, squish my toes in the mud and adopt all the homeless kittens’.

The current square is happening from Aries to Capricorn — more assertive signs that (at least in public life, and sometimes in natal charts) are associated with ambition, aggression and at times, militancy.

Speaking of: Obama spoke Thursday at National Defense University (NDU), which I bet you’ve never heard of. It’s a Defense Department-operated college for conquerers. Its students and faculty must have taken it hard when Obama told them, “America is at a crossroads. We must define the nature and scope of this struggle [the War on Terror], or else it will define us. We have to be mindful of James Madison’s warning that, ‘No nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare’.”

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Medea Benjamin of Code Pink being ushered out of National Defense University after heckling President Obama.

He said it was time to close Guantanamo and lamented that inmates on hunger strike were being force fed (on his orders, which he didn’t mention). He spoke of our freedom and our liberty and lots of other beautiful things.

This speech is being hailed as historic, and Obama’s message was presumably sweet music to the ears of anyone who is opposed to the state of continual warfare that, depending on how you measure, goes back to 2001 or 1991 or 1964 or 1941 or 1492. But just as the nation was being lulled to sleep by the president’s honey-tongue promise to consider the possibility of potentially ending the permanent state of war, the voice of Code Pink founder Medea Benjamin intruded on the dream.

“Excuse me, will you speak out about the innocents killed by the United States? What about the hundreds of innocent people we are killing with our drone strikes in Pakistan and in Yemen and Somalia? I speak out on behalf of those innocent victims,” she asked.

Benjamin got into the room on the press list, and at least on three separate occasions interrupted the president.

Here’s a partial transcript, though for the full effect it’s really better to watch the video.

MEDEA BENJAMIN: Excuse me, President Obama —

OBAMA: So — let me finish, ma’am. So today, once again —

MEDEA BENJAMIN: There are 102 people on a hunger strike. These are desperate people.

OBAMA: I’m about to address it, ma’am, but you’ve got to let me speak. I’m about to address it.

MEDEA BENJAMIN: You’re our Commander-In-Chief —

OBAMA: Let me address it.

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Two things about this chart — first, the 10th house cusp is quite close to the mysterious next-to-last degree of Gemini, which strings together many of the strange events of the past 12 years. That’s the government angle — and the point occupying 28+ Gemini is the Black Moon Lilith, a kind of radical feminine energy that represents Medea Benjamin. Also, note the aspect between Jupiter and Eris. Jupiter is at 22+ Gemini and Eris is at 22+ Aries. That’s the steady, articulate, don’t miss one word, throw your body into the machine presentation that the world saw. But the key energy is Eris — the one-woman protest. Sometimes it works — she definitely got her message across.

MEDEA BENJAMIN: — you can close Guantanamo Bay.

OBAMA: Why don’t you let me address it, ma’am.

MEDEA BENJAMIN: There’s still prisoners —

OBAMA: Why don’t you sit down and I will tell you exactly what I’m going to do.

MEDEA BENJAMIN: That includes 57 Yemenis.

[Obama continued for a while, then she interrupted him again.]

MEDEA BENJAMIN: How about Abdulmutallab — locking up a 16-year-old — is that the way we treat a 16-year old? [Inaudible] — can you take the drones out of the hands of the CIA? Can you stop the signature strikes killing people on the basis of suspicious activities?

OBAMA: We’re addressing that, ma’am.

[By this time she’s being dragged out of the room by security, but she keeps speaking clearly.]

MEDEA BENJAMIN: — Will you apologize to the thousands of Muslims that got killed — will you compensate the innocent families? — that will make us safer here at home. I love my country. I love the rule of law. You are making us less safe. Keeping people in indefinite detention in Guantanamo is making us less safe. Abide by the rule of law. You’re a constitutional lawyer.”

If you’re wondering why I call our era the Anti-Sixties, it’s because Medea Benjamin staged a one-woman protest; otherwise there would have been no protest. Nobody else in the room spoke up. Nobody stood up. Granted, it was at National Defense University, not U.C. Berkeley, but we see a lot of these one-man or one-woman protests, while everyone just watches.

What’s interesting is that I would imagine that everyone knew exactly what she was talking about. I felt like I was hearing my own voice in the room, speaking truth to power.

It’s getting a little late to do the chart, but I would like to include it just so you can see it, and I will cover it soon. It’s a beautiful chart. I would point out one thing — the very top of the chart has the MC (10th house cusp) spearing right through that mysterious zone in the horoscope, very late Gemini, where we see the charts of many, many things that should not really be related but somehow are: Sept. 11, the Dec. 26, 2004 quake and tsunami, Wikileaks, Fukushima and a diversity of other events that I covered in the article Here At the Edge of the World. It’s the degree of the conspirators and the whisetleblowers as well.


Planet Waves

Occupy the 8th House!

Sometimes the themes covered by the 8th house in astrology can feel strangely diverse, now that western culture no longer practices giving brides dowries and women are allowed to own property. But a pair of stories this week illustrate just how cozy sex, money and banking really are — and just how hypocritical we are as a culture.

Planet Waves
Wouldn’t you give Chanel Preston a loan? Look at that sweet face! PR photo by Glenn Francis.

Over at DodsonandRoss.com, Carlin Ross — business partner of self-sex revolutionary Betty Dodson — shone some light into a new corner of banking industry bullshit. It seems that sometimes people working in the porn industry — which is legal — get turned down for basic banking services like business loans on ‘moral’ grounds.

“Chanel Preston went public when her bank opened an account in her company’s name then closed it the next day when she admitted working in the adult industry. You so know that someone in the bank pulled up her web cam site and they spent all afternoon watching clips before revoking her account,” writes Ross.

Ross also points out that banks are happy to do business with Fortune 100 companies like GE that have holdings in the adult entertainment industry, but choose only to go after the immediate producers. These same people somehow find nothing ‘morally’ wrong with corporations that pollute the environment or train people to kill.

Contrast Chanel Preston’s story with the rally outside the Justice Department in Washington, D.C., on Monday to protest the government’s failure to prosecute big banks for screwing millions of homeowners and basically causing a recession five years ago from which many people have yet to recover.

“A group of demonstrators with underwater mortgages helped barricade the Justice Department building’s front doors,” reported Democracy Now! “At least 17 demonstrators were arrested, but some managed to spend the night outside to continue their protest today.”

The 8th house is also the house of secrets, power, contracts and jealousy. How much more of this do we need to go through before we collectively figure out that sex is not a secret; banking should be about ethical exchange, not moral control; denying loans for porn stars is more about jealousy and repressed desire than any kind of high ground; and — most importantly — people have, and need to exercise, their power.

It’s time to Occupy the 8th House — and set it in order.


Planet Waves

March, and Be the Change You Wish to See

Tomorrow, a worldwide March Against Monsanto will take place to protest the biotech giant’s stranglehold on the worldwide food supply. More than 200,000 activists will gather in about 50 countries, with 400 global marches planned, according to marchagainstmonsanto.com.

Planet Waves

The reasons to march are numerous, compelling, and quite literally life or death. March organizers cite the fact that Monsanto’s genetically modified foods can lead to serious health conditions such as the development of cancer tumors, infertility and birth defects, and that they are extremely harmful to the environment. Neocotinoids — an ingredient in “pesticide cocktails” used on corn and other crops from which bees gather nectar — are widely believed to have caused the decline of the worldwide bee population. (Bees pollinate one-third of the worldwide food supply and are a critical link in the ecological food chain.)

Despite this, Monsanto is a favorite of the U.S. Congress and President Obama. They collectively passed the nicknamed “Monsanto Protection Act” that, among other things, bans courts from halting the sale of Monsanto’s genetically modified seeds. The company also benefits from corporate subsidies that organic and small farmers do not, and enjoys exclusive patenting rights over seeds and genetic makeup — in effect controlling the reproductive processes of nature.

“The rules of change, of activism, of consciousness, and of helping people are being rewritten by you and me, one connection at a time. The new revolution of good is coming from the grass-roots and making its way upward; this bottom-up effect is exactly what those who would like to see us silent are afraid of,” said Nick Bernabe of TheAnti-Media.org, one of the sponsors of the march.

If you want to be on the right side of history — and save the Earth and its creatures — you can find out where your local march is here.


Planet Waves

GMO Labeling Bill Clears Connecticut State Senate

A bill that would require food made with genetically modified organisms to carry labels cleared the Connecticut state Senate late Tuesday night, 35-1. Its prospects in the House of Representatives are unclear.

Planet Waves

“I’m concerned about our state going out on its own on this and the potential economic disadvantage that could cause,” House Speaker Brendan Sharkey said. “I would like to see us be part of a compact with some other states, which would hopefully include one of the bigger states such as New York.”

If the bill passes the House and is signed into law by Gov. Dannel P. Malloy, it would not take effect until at least three other states pass similar legislation. GMO labeling legislation is pending in more than a dozen states.

Although the federal government and food and biotech industries claim GMO foods are safe, there’s ample evidence in studies of long-term health issues to say they aren’t.

“This is a public health issue,” Senate President Donald Williams said during the debate. “The step that we are requesting, the mere labeling of food, is a very modest step … but it is a very important one so consumers can take action to protect their health and the health of their children.”


Planet Waves

Not At All the Way Your Mother Used to Make It

One part seaweed, two parts grass, half a portion of algae, and a handful of lupine seeds; set laser to layer, and press ‘print now’. Wait 30 seconds, remove each layer as it’s printed, fold into desired shape, and eat. Is this the way you’ll make pizza in the future? Possibly, if a NASA-backed project by mechanical engineer Anjan Contractor makes it through.

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3-D printer food made from mealworms. Photo: TNO Research.

Contractor’s company, System’s & Materials Research Corp, is designing a prototype 3-D printer that will produce edible ‘food’ products using carbohydrates, proteins and sugars.

The project was commissioned by NASA to explore ways to feed astronauts on long journeys through space.

Contractor also sees a utopian potential for this type of production: ending world hunger. He believes that food will become increasingly more expensive and that most of the world will need to change their concept of what food is.

“I think, and many economists think, that current food systems can’t supply 12 billion people sufficiently, so we eventually have to change our perception of what we see as food,” says Contractor.

What are the side effects of eating 3-D food produced by a printer? This is unknown. Since there is no prototype (Contractor is planning to produce this), there is no way to determine the ultimate benefits or detriments to human (or ecological) health.

This news reminded Planet Waves researcher Carol Van Strum of a fictional satire originally published in the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists in 1961 called, “The Voice of the Dolphins,” by Leo Szilard. In this story a think tank of dolphins comes up with a process in which algae can be grown anywhere and ends world hunger. The only problem with this development is an unintended side effect: it prevents conception in women. A moral debate ensues over the sin of contraception vs. the need to sustain life, with the Pope ultimately weighing in.

Just some food for thought before a project like this sinks its teeth into the collective.


Planet Waves

Planet Waves

If you like gathering friends for a ‘game night’, have school-age kids or teach, you can purchase your own Co-opoly board game here. The Toolbox for Education and Social Action offers a sliding scale for payment, in an effort to make the game accessible to everyone while still being able to pay their worker-owners. It also lets you determine how much you value the resource.

Winner Takes All? No — It Takes All to Be Winners

Mercury (money) and Venus (possessions and value) are conjunct in Gemini for this weekend’s eclipse, and close by is Jupiter, the planet of expansion. You could say there’s an undercurrent of ‘share the wealth’ in the air.

Enter the game Co-opoly, created by the Toolbox for Education and Social Action (TESA) in Northampton, Massachusetts. TESA is a worker-owned cooperative that builds educational resources for social, economic and environmental change movements.

Co-opoly is a genuinely fun board game (Charades! Drawing!) that doubles as a financial literacy tool and an introduction to how small-scale democracy actually works in a co-op to make sure everyone’s needs are met.

“One of the interesting things about Monopoly is that people often promote it as a good way to teach about financial literacy, even though the way you win is by obliterating all of your opponents and leaving them in economic ruin,” says Brian Van Slyke, a worker-owner at TESA, in an interview on Truthout. “The original version was called The Landlord’s Game, and it was used in the Great Depression as an underground game and organizing tool to teach tenants about how they were being ripped off.”

Slyke adds, “In Co-opoly, players come to understand that their interests and needs will not always align — but that they have to work together to survive.”


Planet Waves

Oklahoma Tornado and The Doors’ Ray Manzarek

In this week’s edition of Planet Waves FM I look at the chart for the tornado that hit Moore, Oklahoma, Monday night, developing some thoughts I introduced in a Planet Waves post I published that day. The chart is at that post.

I also look at the chart of Ray Manzarek of The Doors, who died Monday. Ray was an Aquarius with Sagittarius rising; Jim Morrison was a Sagittarius with Aquarius rising, and that can create a strong bond — they were clearly the nucleus of The Doors. Ray was a few years older than the other guys, and brought some grounded wisdom and maturity into the group.

I mention that Saturday, the day of a lunar eclipse, is the March Against Monsanto. Monsanto’s chart data is not published, though I’ve been working on an investigative feature since December and I am familiar with this chart and how it works. The eclipse falls opposite Monsanto’s Sun and right along its MC/IC axis — the meridian, an extremely sensitive point in the chart. So this is a great day for a protest against these scoundrels.


Planet Waves

Your Monthly Horoscopes — and our Publishing Schedule Notes

The June monthly extended horoscopes are published below in this issue. Inner Space horoscopes for May were published Tuesday, April 30. I recommend reviewing the previous month’s horoscope at the end of the month; you can see May’s monthly horoscope here. We published the Moonshine horoscopes for the Taurus New Moon on Tuesday, May 7. On Tuesday May 21, we published the Moonshine horoscopes for the Sagittarius Full Moon. Note that the longer monthly horoscope is being incorporated into the Friday issue after the Sun has entered a new sign; a new Inner Space is generally emailed on the following Tuesday.


Planet Waves

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for June 2013, #951 | By Eric Francis

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — Most of what we experience in life is shaped by how safe we feel. Those who feel safe also feel confident. They consume less energy on fear, and as a result have more to invest in creativity, productive work and loving experiences. What is interesting about experiencing safety and confidence is that it improves with practice rather than with external reasons or rationales to feel a certain way. It’s worth practicing, especially now that the planets are moving one by one into a position that makes it easier than it’s been in quite a while. When you tune your emotional body to a space of harmony and empathy, you get different results than if you are practicing competition or fear as your daily yoga. Events this month can take you on a journey into a grounded, confident space, and give you a model for how to feel stable there. With each passing event, you can go a little deeper into the calm assurance that you belong in your home, your community and in the world at this time. This is something you can commit to as a conscious choice, then gradually teach yourself and improve your skill, learning what thoughts, communication patterns and ways of connecting emotionally foster your sense of safety. If questions arise, they are most likely to focus on identifying and letting go of emotional thought forms that no longer serve you. Let them go and you will liberate space and energy for what is beautiful, good and true.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).
Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Seen one way, the focus of your life is on communicating your feelings, and slipping into a way of being where that comes more easily than you might expect. By ‘feelings’ I mean your point of view, your desires and the sensation of what it’s like to be alive. By ‘communicate’ I mean with others, though more significantly, with yourself. While I would not want to deny anyone consciousness, it often seems like we live in a world where many people have no idea what they feel, and I would say that most humans would be a lot better off if they did. You may, at first, experience the transits this month as magnification or exaggeration. If so, that’s an invitation to pay closer attention to the nuances and the cycles that seem to run your emotional experience. You still seem to have a disagreement with yourself over something, a potential grudge, judgment or inner dilemma where there may indeed be two sides of the story. If so, I suggest you get those two sides into a discussion, perhaps even a negotiation. Do your best to understand both points of view. Neither is strictly true; neither is incorrect; the two added together don’t tally up to the truth. Yet a new depth of understanding can emerge from an extended inner dialog, particularly if it’s gentle and emotionally grounded. This is as much about what is true as it is how you feel about it. Listen to your mind and your body.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).


Gemini solar return reading is now ready

Dear Gemini Reader:

On Thursday, I recorded your birthday reading for 2013-2014. In this reading, I bring to life the truly beautiful astrology that you’ll be experiencing over the next four seasons. I begin with a discussion of what every Gemini should know about his or her sign, and then I cover a diversity of transits that you’ve read about elsewhere but may not have put into the context of your life.

Planet Waves
Eric and his astrology assistant Jonah, who has Virgo Sun and Moon.

These include the presence of Jupiter in your sign now, and then Jupiter’s move into Cancer later in the month. I describe what it means to have Mercury retrograde three times in water signs — covering seven months of the year.

I talk about Pluto going through your 8th house, which is raising all kinds of questions about the role that structure plays in your relationships — and your desire to burst free and express yourself. I cover Saturday’s eclipse of the Moon in Sagittarius, your relationship sign.

I have created my 2013 Gemini reading specifically to help you tap into the very unique energy coming your way — energy with the potential to transform how you feel, think and relate.

The reading will be accurate, informative and fun for Gemini rising and Moon as well. You can listen to a short audio preview here.

Your reading is now ready. If you’ve already purchased or are an all-access member, you should receive an email shortly. We will leave the pre-order price of $19.95 available till Saturday morning, and then raise the price to $29.95.

I know you’ll love this reading. Please do check it out.



Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Jupiter leaves your sign this month, though it lands somewhere just as influential for you. You’re living through a phase where you have beautiful, idealistic goals, though turning them into concrete results may be challenging. You may be feeling restlessness in your current work because you crave doing something more meaningful. Jupiter in Cancer will help you establish your understanding of the value of what you do. That, in turn, will help you create or see the circumstances that will make it seem more practical, worthwhile and easier to share. If you live confidently in your understanding that you really do have a gift, that will be compelling to others. Yet what’s more significant is that you focus your vision. It’s one thing to have an ideal or a dream. It’s another to refine that into something specific, and to analyze it into a few beginning steps. You may feel that to do so weighs down the idealism angle, burdening it with practicality. But what we’re describing here is accomplishing something, not wishing you could do so. Therefore, I suggest you put at least one long-held goal or desire to the test of reality this month. I suggest you persist with your plans for 90 days; say, through the end of August, which will take you well past the end of the Mercury retrograde that starts June 26. If what you dream of and want to do is really worth doing, you will have a clue by then.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).
Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Jupiter arrives in your sign this month and until it does (on June 25), you may have the sensation that your life is dangling by a string. If you feel that way, trust that it’s made of nice strong fibers and that you’ll have enough of what you need to get you through to the next phase of your life. Jupiter in your sign is an authentic turning point, and it’s one you’ve been waiting for, potentially without realizing it was even coming. You could interpret this as your luck improving, though I think of it more as connecting to yourself, your community and your emotional resources. You might have the experience of seeing the obvious — solutions to problems that have persisted for too long, the strength to make decisions that will improve your life, and most of all, your presence in the world. You would think that walking around in a body would be more than enough to give you a clue you exist, but really this is about resonance with people who surround you. This same astrology will offer you some instruction on how important relationships are to you. That will come into focus as you start to see how much you mean to people and how much mutual benefit is possible. This is a reminder to focus on people to whom you have a real value and with whom you want to share. What you’re seeking is a real meeting. Where the depths of intimacy are concerned, almost doesn’t count.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).
Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Everyone needs a guardian angel, and you have a few. Who are they? People or spiritual entities? You’ll know better as you establish a relationship to them. What you may discover is that they’re sources of intelligence within yourself — what you may think of as your superconscious awareness. Some call this intuition; that’s close enough, though what you have developing now would be a particularly vivid form of it. As the month develops, you may find that this source of knowledge has more to offer you — far more than asking the opinions of others, for example, or watching public trends. Those external sources come with way more uncertainty than you need, and may be a distraction from admitting and acting on what you know to be true. One thing to remember is that your body speaks to you. The feeling you have thinking a thought is as meaningful or more meaningful than the thought itself; that’s your confirmation that you are onto something. This may guide you to trust countercurrents that may seem to violate prevailing (supposed) popular wisdom. These same aspects will help ease much of the anxiety you may be feeling, and provide you with a sense of confidence you don’t fully understand. That’s okay, and you don’t need to question it; just appreciate its presence. Whether these are actual angels, mentors or the ‘better angels of your nature’, the thing to do is listen to them, speak to them and thank them for their assistance. And don’t forget to ask when you need help.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).
Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Mercury, perhaps the most influential planet for Virgo, stations retrograde later in the month. As it moves in reverse (from our point of view on Earth) it will gradually form a perfect trine to Chiron in your opposite sign Pisces. In this we see an aspect that points to the bridge between friends and lovers. This reminds me of one of my favorite true jokes — when someone says they don’t have sex with their friends, I ask if they prefer to have sex with their enemies. Yet the intimacy suggested in this aspect applies to other facets of relating, perhaps highlighting what distinguishes a friend: in my view, the commitment to healing. I know there are many other definitions going around, and I would propose that this is not a word to use casually, but rather, to use thoughtfully. Your circle of friends is your circle of light. The people you call your friends are the ones with whom you share mutual support, and willingness to heal and grow. They are the people willing and openly offering to support one another. It may take you some time to apply this definition to the people around you and see who stands up to the test, though events this month will make it clear who qualifies. What will be more abundantly clear is that you do have friends, and one friend in particular who transcends all of the usual boundaries and is your companion on every level.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).

Planet Waves

Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Though this is not necessarily the easiest time for Libras, it’s certainly a meaningful one, and you’re likely to experience a series of breakthroughs on some of your longest-delayed projects or goals. As these happen, leave room to re-evaluate your goals. Question why you have a goal, not just what it is. When you get to the level of your motives, you could shift your point of view with one thought. What’s changed in recent years is that the appearance of doing something, or being known for it, has less importance than ever. That’s a big help, an authentic step on the way to sincerity. Go deeper into who you are and what your real purpose is. Many encounters you have with others are provoking you to do just this: to assert yourself, sometimes in the face of what blatantly contradicts your ideas. What you may discover as you do this is that everyone has something to teach you, or some gift for you, even if the transaction seemed confrontational. Keep your sense of humor, and you will spend your days collecting useful ideas like a bee collects pollen and in the process feeds the world. As you rise in your success — and make no mistake, your star is rising, despite any dubious quests and struggles you’ve been through, or what any other astrologer claims — have fun discovering how much you don’t know, and therefore, how much you have to learn. This is a core element of leadership.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).
Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Religion seems to have taken over both national and international politics, if one could go so far as to describe the crude ideological stampeding as religious. The resulting controversies are seemingly endless. Yet the need to express one’s faith is inherent in humanity, and it will always take some form, whether healthy or not. You may be feeling this calling now. From the look of your astrology, my observation is that it’s coming from a visceral level, not the level of ideas. You are beginning to feel your inherent truth, or to go deeper into a journey already begun, perhaps around 2001. Where this matter is concerned, the first question is who and what you serve. Bob Dylan was right: we all serve someone. It’s merely a question of whom, and for what motive. Your faith has the power to nourish others, something you’ve no doubt seen at work many times. Notice your ability to draw from a deep inner source, to allow yourself to be filled up, and then to offer what you have to the people around you. There is another way this could play out, though — by experiencing your generosity, you deduce that you have something to give, and in doing so, recognize that you’re in contact with the source of whatever that is. An image borrowed from Aquarius comes to mind — you’re now a kind of water bearer, though the urn is self-filling. Offer what you have to those who are thirsty. There are few better ways to learn compassion and humility.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — How you use your resources, or the ones to which you have access, says nearly everything about you. It’s the essence of how you relate to others, and what you might think of as your civic role. You instinctively know that humans only gain by putting together what they have, to benefit families, tribes, companies and nations. We need one another — and that is one of the most meaningful foundations of your understanding of life. Where the intent is to share and to be mutually supportive, it usually works well. I suspect that it pains you to see such waste, selfishness and the willingness of people to take advantage of what has been collectively accomplished. You may not be able to stop corporate crime, but you can be the person in your immediate environment who makes sure that resources are accounted for, kept safe and used wisely. Your chart looks like you’re about to be nominated quartermaster in chief for those you know; by one reading you could be coming into a windfall or an inheritance. By another reading you’re inheriting something from yourself, which may be measurable in money or observable as wisdom. In any event, you’re the steward of something that belongs not only to you but also to others around you. You’re being looked up to for your ethics and your ability to allocate this wealth wisely. You’ve been carefully ordering your priorities for years now. You know the right thing to do, and you have every reason to trust yourself.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).
Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — You’ve probably had enough of going it alone, or being willing to. Something seems to have stunned you to the awareness that it’s time to invite people into your life, and to be part of something larger. Yet the extended time you’ve spent in introspection has taught you a few things. You’ve learned so much about who you are, and moreover, you’ve learned how important it is to have that knowledge. Have you ever wondered how you lived without it? Really, you didn’t, but it was hiding on a deep level that would inform you in indirect ways. Now you’ve claimed what you know as direct self-knowledge, and this is offering you the confidence to meet the world on your own terms. There’s often a little gap that one has to cross over before doing that — perhaps something about the guilt of asserting yourself, perhaps about being seen as ‘selfish’, maybe the vulnerability associated with daring to encounter the world with what is true rather than a facade. I think you’ll find that your new approach is much easier, and more dependable. Who you are is something you don’t have to worry about, or think much about; who you are not is much more complicated, and consumes a lot of energy. Therefore, stick to who you are and what you want to share with others. Remember, this is more fun if you let go of jealousy, which means honoring the fun and pleasure others feel rather than trying to control it.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).
Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — If work has been less-than-perfect lately, I think you’ll be happy with what you create over the next few weeks, and how you approach the puzzle of your work environment. For you, what you do is just as important as where and how you do it. You could have the ideal job but if the working environment were not suitable for you, it would just not work. Now you can consider your plans with your environment as the first step in your thought process. Notice how where you work influences your ideas — the quality of light, the space around you and how your body feels. Regarding work, there’s one astrological detail that no Aquarius should be without. You need human contact and a real sense of whom you’re helping. Whatever field this may be in, the way you support others, and relate to others, needs to be more like how an ideal family would relate than what we find in the average workplace. You need real confirmation that your work is nourishing others who actually need you. This is an extension of the ‘humanitarian’ idea of Aquarius, though what I’m reading is Cancer on the 6th house — where Jupiter is about to take up residence. You have a lot to offer and the more you give, the more you’ll discover that you have. For your own peace of mind and encouragement, make sure that you’re offering your gifts where they are appreciated. You have options.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).
Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — I know it may sound silly to those who read old astrology books to suggest that Pisces people seek pleasure as their primary avocation; that’s what, in theory anyway, you do naturally. Yet that’s not my particular prejudice about Pisces; I tend to think of the last sign as signifying devotion to causes, to situations larger than yourself and to existence. When you offer your assistance, that’s not about feeling good for its own sake. Indeed, there are few signs that can persist through discomfort and delayed gratification like Pisces can. With your ‘ruling’ planet Jupiter changing signs this month to Cancer, your solar 5th house, you’re getting a clue that what gives you pleasure is the thing to focus on, at least for a full year till you get the habit down. This in turn will stoke your creativity, allowing you space to go in wholly new directions. If you want human companionship of the friendly erotic kind, that too is Jupiter in the 5th. In your chart that’s the story of something that feeds and strengthens most people — Pisces is the sign for whom sex is an inherently spiritual experience. Focus on the beautification of your home, starting from the kitchen out, and the food you prepare there. The way your chart is set up, everything you do along these lines will feed everything else, and you can get some energy cycling that feeds you and the people you love.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two product



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Water Sign Theater

Planet Waves

Daybreak in the path of annularity, in Valencia, Spain, looking southeasterly at the Mediterranean Sea — about an hour or two before a solar eclipse on Oct. 6, 2005. Photo by Eric Francis.

Dear Friend and Reader:

What is it about 2013 that makes its astrology distinctive? In a word, water. That means a year of exploring the nuances of, and the existence of, emotion, empathy and intuition. If you’ve ever wanted to take up photography, painting, music or filmmaking, now is the perfect time.

The Asian year of the Water Snake begins in a few weeks, which accents the Western astrology perfectly (more on that closer to the event). Over the past few years, there has been a gradual accumulation of planets in water signs, calling attention to corresponding issues with actual water on our planet. I’ll come back to those — let’s start with the feeling realm, which is where we benefit most from water placements.

Planet Waves
Mostly harmless, non-poisonous water snakes waiting in the wings for their cue — or rather, cuddling in a rock formation along the Coxing Kill on the Grandmother Land in Ulster County, NY. Photo by Eric.

To those with strong water sign charts (for example, Sun, Moon or rising sign in one of the water signs Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces), the world feels a little more like home when there are planets in those signs. There is space and a kind of invitation to open up the emotional spectrum, and to feel ourselves, one another and existence itself.

Everyone else benefits too. Our society is made of earth, wind and fire; water is the scarce element. Every now and then, an architect throws in a little fountain. We ignore water until Lower Manhattan is reclaimed by New York Harbor.

Meanwhile we are constantly interacting with material objects, electricity, data, money, ideas, concepts, paper, metal and machines that burn fuel flying across the sky and speeding across the countryside. How much time do we spend with water? Let’s see, 10 minutes in the shower, 10 minutes doing the dishes and an extra 15 minutes chatting by the water cooler. Water is the missing element in most of our lives. We live in a kind of desert.

My old friend Be’jamin once said the world is divided between those who drink water and those who do not. Those who do are in the minority. Note, Diet Pepsi is not water, it is hazardous waste. Smart Water is neither. That said, it’s gratifying to see so many people starting to tote around non-BPA-type jugs of water wherever they go (if you’re one of those people, you might want to read up on the non-BPA controversy). Plastic bottles don’t just pollute the world; they inject your body with a kind of chemical called phthalates — basically, toxic hormones used in the formation of plastic that are pissed out in a few weeks but are constantly refreshed because there’s always more plastic to eat from.

The thing that really needs to be refreshed is water itself. Because the planet is a closed system, we have to do our best to add water to ourselves, detox and contain the contamination when we can. And, of course, make a lot less of it.

Rising Tide, 2010 to Present

Over recent years, planets have been moving into water signs. As happens with water, the tide rises slowly and steadily. It’s now about to come to a crest. But let’s take the story back a few years.

In 2010, Chiron began its ingress to Pisces, which started things off. That is Chiron for you — leading the way. (Well, Uranus had been in Pisces for six years prior, but that wasn’t very watery; it was like a hot tub with a short circuit).

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Fishing boat reflected in Montauk Harbor. Photo by Eric.

Just prior to that was the Jupiter-Chiron-Neptune series of conjunctions in Aquarius, which got us used to the concept of water. Jupiter’s year in Pisces (early ’10 through early ’11) plus Chiron changing signs offered some contact with the reality.

The very day that Chiron ingressed Pisces for the first time, the Deepwater Horizon oil platform exploded. We watched for 90 agonizing days as crude oil gushed into the Gulf of Mexico. Chiron will be in Pisces through 2018-2019, and is a constant reminder to take care of the oceans, lakes and rivers. However, it’s never really clear how to do this, since the problem comes from industry. Fighting industry, its lawyers and its scamming environmental consultants is never easy, but we all have to participate in the old heave-ho that will be necessary to set things right. Every product choice, indignant phone call to customer relations and public meeting in your community counts, as does doing what you can personally.

Neptune, a watery blue planet named for the god of oceans (and earthquakes) began its ingress into Pisces in 2011, completing that ingress in early 2012. Many people waited patiently day by day for that one, especially those with Pisces Sun or Pisces rising charts. Rockie Gardiner, in one of the most touching Sun sign horoscopes I’ve ever read, described Neptune in Aquarius for Pisces people as a journey so long you might not believe it would ever end, or have any sense of scale that might lead to a feeling of progress.

Meanwhile, Uranus left Pisces with a bang in March 2011. I mean several bangs, starting with an earthquake and tsunami followed by multiple reactors in the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power station exploding and melting down, and then spilling unknown, though vast, quantities of radiation into the air, the ocean and the groundwater.

It’s fair to say that the combination of Uranus in Pisces and Neptune in Aquarius was not good for water: through these transits, hydraulic fracturing became all the rage. This is a process of gas extraction that consumes millions of gallons of water per gas well, and leaves the Earth and groundwater contaminated with many toxic chemicals — all to do what solar or wind energy could do more cheaply and cleanly.

In October 2012, Saturn ingressed Scorpio for the first time since the early 1980s. This is providing some stability to the planets in Pisces. Chiron and Neptune give us more water and more awareness of the feeling level of existence. Saturn is here to help keep that yin energy in balance, and also help dredge out the territory deep at the bottom of things. I think of Scorpio (fixed water) as representing underground deposits of water, fossilized seas, inland brackish or high-pH lakes, riverbeds, bogs and shipping channels.

Planet Waves
Montauk, NY. Photo by Eric.

In human consciousness, the Saturn in Scorpio factor brings up the theme of emotional maturity. Oh, that thing! It’s about learning to have some modicum of boundaries around our feelings, some sense of containment. We are said to live in a society where yang energy is out of balance — our aggressive, competitive and warlike society.

Just as strong a case can be made that we struggle with emotional stability and maturity. That people are not encouraged to grow up is a problem. That there are so many constantly refreshing sources of instability is an even worse situation. One of these is the persistent habit of manipulation, which if you ask me is an act of interpersonal warfare. Saturn in Scorpio is a reminder to cool down this factor; to mind your beeswax and not use secrecy as a way to concentrate power (really, that’s it’s only purpose).

Saturn in Scorpio is the territory where sex meets the emotions — the hormone drive, hormonal cycles, the deep emotional need to connect sexually in a way that’s not merely physical, and any time we exchange or merge DNA. Saturn in Scorpio is here to help us dredge out these channels. They are so cluttered with emotional discharge it’s amazing anyone knows what they feel.

There is big problem with ignorance around sexually transmitted infections, which is a form of passing around karma through sex. Saturn is saying: wise up, grow up and get a grip.

We also face a significant problem of hormone pollution. Everything you consume that has touched plastic (including cans, which are plastic-lined), and many, many other products, contain hormonally active chemicals. Then there are untold millions of people consuming hormone birth control and discharging it into the public waterways.

In many areas of the United States and other countries, there are just nine short steps between what you flush down the toilet and what comes out of your kitchen faucet. (Four of the steps are for sewage processing into effluent that’s ‘clean’ enough to discharge into a river; there is the brief time in the river; and there are the four steps to turning river water into ‘clean’ drinking water.)

The sewage per se is the last thing we need to worry about; the problem is the contaminants, such as the drugs and in many places, PCBs at the bottom of riverbeds. PCBs are a form of liquid plastic that was used through most of the 20th century and which still finds its way into nearly everything [for too much information, see my PCB website]. They are hormonally active chemicals, like every pesticide, dioxin and most heavy metals.

Personal story — I was recently looking at a house for sale in a nearby town; my friend reminded me that the town drew its drinking water from the Hudson River, which is the nation’s largest Superfund site thanks to GE’s ongoing PCB discharges. I called the town; there are indeed PCBs in the municipal water. There is no safe level. To find this kind of information out, you have to know what you’re doing. I did not buy the house, though one of my trusted PCB mentors explained how to get the chemical out of the water, if I wanted to.

Planet Waves
Fountain in lobby of the Museum of Erotic Art, Paris. Photo by Eric.

I often wonder about the effects of all of this hormone pollution on our behavior and the ways in which we interrelate, which are so dependent on hormones and pheromones. I wonder about how much of the gender anarchy that’s so popular now is fueled by toxins on the parts-per-billion level. For years I have been proposing that there is a behavior problem with these contaminants.

Now, that turns out to have some validity. A recent retrospective of prior studies associates reduced lead rates with lower rates of violent crime. The researchers looked at every other social or economic explanation for the trends they could think of — and it turns out that lead is the probable culprit in unexplained, wide-scale violent behavior.

We can only wonder what the thousands of other chemicals are contributing to planetary insanity, as well as the political madness that is swallowing all common sense and reason. [Please see ECO section below for more information.]

One vision I would offer for Saturn in Scorpio is coming to terms with this issue, both as an environmental pollutant and as an emotional pollutant. How many people do you know who suffer from some endocrine disorder? Common ones include endometriosis, diabetes, thyroid problems, pituitary disorders and obesity (often undiagnosed as a hormonal issue).

Saturn in Scorpio is calling for awareness — and for a kind of purge. Do you know the sources of hormone pollution in your diet? Do you consider things like high fructose corn syrup as one of them? What about the hormones present in milk and meat? It’s time to get a grip on these issues.

One other not-so-minor point: Scorpio is associated with jealousy and possessiveness, and all the dramas that often ensue from there. Of all emotions, I think jealousy is the one that (suitably) people are the most covetous of; it’s treated like an entitlement. I would say more people feel entitled to be jealous than feel entitled to be happy. This is not serving anyone’s creative, constructive or loving purpose.

Saturn in Scorpio is going to push the issue, which has a first cousin — the truth about the sex we want, the sex we actually get and our whole history. Most of this is left out of the relationship discussion, which is convenient until it is not so convenient at all.

Clip and Save — More Water in 2013

That’s just the background! In mid-2013, Jupiter joins Saturn, Chiron and Neptune in the water signs, as it ingresses Cancer. By July and August, there’s an impressive lineup in Cancer, which brings the water issue to the most personal level. That’s the dimension of home, nourishment and the choice whether to nurture ourselves and those around us.

Planet Waves
Fountain at Place Monge, Paris. Photo by Eric.

Cancer is about the most tangible level of actual human feelings. Yes it has the intuitive dimension, but really it’s where feelings come home to the gut level, the bosom and maternal instinct. I would propose that this is about a reconsideration of how and whether we take care of ourselves, our families and those we say we love.

What is the balance of giving and receiving in your life? What are your motives to share, or to express your needs? Can you discern a need from a desire?

Mercury ingresses Cancer on May 31, where it stays through Aug. 8 (more on that in a moment). Through nearly all of the month of June, Venus is in Cancer.

Meanwhile, Jupiter ingresses Cancer on June 25, a few days after the Sun does. It’s there for about one year. This is the faster-acting piece of the grand trine — Jupiter spends just a year in Cancer; and when it shows up it will be accompanied by several other quick-movers passing through this sign.

Mars enters Cancer on July 13, where it stays through Aug. 27. So through Northern Hemisphere spring and summer, there will be a rather impressive grand trine in the water signs, involving the following planets: Mercury, Venus, Mars and Jupiter (all buzzing around in Cancer) as well as Saturn, Chiron and Neptune. If you count times when the Sun and Moon are in water signs, all of the traditional planets will be part of that grand trine for part of the year.

There’s one more fun thing to consider: every time Mercury is retrograde, it will be in a water sign. Indeed, during the retrograde phase it will not leave the water sign it’s in — that is, it doesn’t dip into the neighboring sign.

The Mercury retrograde beginning Feb. 23 is exclusively in Pisces (Venus, Mars, Neptune, Chiron and the Sun will also be there). The one beginning June 26 will be exclusively in Cancer. It will be joined by the Sun, Mars, Vesta and Jupiter. The one beginning Oct. 21 will be exclusively in Scorpio, joined by the Sun, Saturn and the North Node.

Planet Waves
Flooded cement mines in Marbletown, NY. Photo by Eric.

Okay, that’s a lot of water. This is coming from someone with about 10 water placements in my natal chart, depending on what you count, and it still feels like a lot of water. The meta theme here is that it’s time to connect with the truth that we are beings made of water, with feelings attuned to water, which flow like water.

We need to nourish our bodies with water, and take care of the Earth’s limited supply of fresh water. And it’s time to imbibe those forms of watery creative expression, and tune into the ‘psychic’ or intuitive realm — which will be coming through more distinctly (that’s a topic deserving of another article). Water is the medium of intuition. Imagine that all water resonates with all other water. There are no secrets and no point trying to keep them. Sooner or later, anyone aspiring to a more spiritually grounded life figures this out.

There is one last event that I’ll mention and cover in detail later in the year: the solar eclipse of Nov. 3, 2013 in Scorpio. This eclipse is the full activation of the grand water trine — and notably, it happens concurrently with a grand earth trine. In a sense the whole year, and all of its steadily increasing water energy, is focused on this event.

Think of it as an enforced moment of reckoning (the eclipse is conjunct Saturn; that’s the enforced part). This will be preceded by many opportunities to voluntarily come to terms with how we feel — beginning with the fact that we feel. This is the kind of thing it’s necessary to remind people of in 2013. This is not the time to hold back, it’s the time to express and explore the deep element.


Planet Waves

Dear Annual Edition Customers:

This is my last weekend writing the 2013 annual. As of today, it looks like I will wrap up Sunday night and we will have your readings to you Monday night.

These readings include written reports about 3,500 words long (10 pages single spaced) as well as two 40-minute audio readings per sign. They work for your Sun sign and rising sign (I highly recommend getting both, or all 12, as you really get a more complete picture the more you read and listen to).

Subscribers still may purchase all 12 for the price of three; or you can purchase the signs individually for $19.95. Each of these signs takes me about 10 hours to complete, and my research goes back to July. That’s a lot of astrology for twenty bucks. You will love it, but do let me know if you do.



Planet Waves

Today (Friday) at 2:43 pm EST is the Capricorn New Moon. That’s the alignment of the Sun and Moon in Capricorn and the start of a new lunar month. Capricorn is a reminder that the Sun is still square a tropic by the same name, and that here in the Northern Hemisphere we’re in deep winter.

Planet Waves
The Moon, with the limb of Earth near the bottom transitioning into the orange-colored troposphere, the lowest and most dense portion of the Earth’s atmosphere. Photo by the Expedition 28 crew aboard the International Space Station / NASA.

Today’s New Moon is intriguing because its closest aspect is to a newly discovered planet, Eris, the one that got Pluto ‘demoted’ back in 2006. The aspect is a square — maximum tension. It’s as if there’s some energy lurking behind this New Moon, as if something is trying to burst out and crack through the world like an egg.

Mercury is in the picture; that’s a suggestion to think consciously about what you’re experiencing and to communicate it directly. However, with Eris in the picture, you might be inclined to push that a bit hard — so do your best to apply a little diplomacy.

In addition to this tension, there’s some wistfulness in the air. This New Moon is conjunct an asteroid called Requiem. There may be some longing for what might have been, what was lost or what went unexpressed. It may be possible to let that go; events or developments over the next few days may conspire to help you do that.

This New Moon has the sensation of an ending and a beginning. I think it needs to be handled carefully, in emotional terms as well as practical. Take it slow, and I suggest you let things develop for a while before taking action. There is plenty going on behind the scenes, and some of it starts to emerge Friday and into the weekend.

If things seem to get out of hand, that is, if there’s chaos or crazy making in the environment, I do suggest that you step back and observe, till you actually understand what’s going on.

One reason to slow down and process is that Venus, newly in Capricorn, is square Uranus in Aries (exact Jan. 12 at 11:12 pm EST). Venus square Uranus can bring surprises: surprising magnetism (which may or may not be reliable) and also sudden emotional upsets in relationships. In general, Venus in Capricorn offers a sense of strength and patience for working through fear and jealousy in love.

Planet Waves
Simplified chart section showing the Capricorn New Moon (Sun and Moon conjunct), joined by Mercury nearby (green glyph with horns). Pluto (red golf tee) and Juno are conjunct in Cap; Venus (blue ‘female’ symbol) is square Uranus (blue ‘H’) in Aries. Eris (red oval with an arrow) in Aries is square the Sun and Moon.

That will be the end of this equation to work if a relationship experiences some volatility this weekend. Squares call us to take action, true; but it’s also a form of action to devote yourself to getting a handle on your emotions and stabilizing them before reacting out of hand. Think of it as a ‘time out’ for your heart, one that keeps you in touch with the foundations of a relationship even if momentary decisions, words or actions feel inflammatory.

With Juno also in Capricorn and conjunct Pluto (exact Monday), the area of relationships is feeling some pressure from both sides of the Uranus-Pluto square. Note when the issue of jealousy arises in your relationships, and how you react to it.

What we think of as marriage (represented by Juno) is supposed to do something, which it does not do: provide a framework for commitment. So what is your framework for commitment? What actual agreements do you make, and why? What expectations do you have on marriage and marriage-like relationships? Are you living your parents’ or grandparents’ ideas of relationship more than your own? This happens a lot and I do mean a lot. How many people get married because it will make their parents and their grandparents feel better?

Do you know any examples of healthy, creative relationships personally? How many people can you name that have the kind of relationship you want — people you know intimately?

All of this and more is up for consideration now. Venus square Uranus can provide the spark for change, but it may take a deeper level of emotional maturity and stability to use that spark constructively, rather than destructively. Juno conjunct Pluto is laying out the blueprints for where the renovations to the ‘house of marriage’ are most needed — but getting caught up in a jealous pique won’t contribute to efficient work. If you’re going to rebuild a relationship with all this energy in Capricorn, you need to be able to see the past for what it is and let it go — just take the time to measure twice before you pick up your saw.


Planet Waves

FBI, DHS Were Spying on Occupy Movement

Gee whiz, it turns out that the FBI and Homeland Security have been monitoring the Occupy movement all along, treating it as a terrorist threat. Are you shocked? This little revelation also demonstrates that the government felt that the movement might actually be effective — otherwise they would have no reason to mess with it.

Planet Waves
National security threat: the Fox News guy with the cardboard mic and camera dressed up like Michael Moore was one of my favorite features at Occupy. He was a threat to the government, which spent money spying on him. Photo by Beth Bagner.

Yes, the “mic check” thing, the guy pretending to be Fox News with his cardboard TV camera, the free library, the kids camped out in the park — that’s the new Osama bin Laden.

This is an old story. Malcolm X warned his followers that in any political meeting, as many as one in three people in the room could be an agent. That seemed ridiculous until the FBI’s COINTELPRO program was exposed a decade later.

That was the federal program designed to disrupt and destroy the activist movements of the Sixties.
Or as stated in the more poetic language of the FBI, the goal was to “expose, disrupt, misdirect, discredit, or otherwise neutralize” the activities of these movements and their leaders. This was done through a variety of tactics, including infiltrating the most private relationships of movement leaders.

Hardly any young (or even old) activists know this copiously documented story. They don’t know how to protect themselves from surveillance or disruption, or what forms those things might take. Most people don’t believe it’s really possible, despite the many similar stories that have come out during the past 10 years (for example, the NSA and CIA capturing all phone calls and Internet communications of private citizens).

Author and activist Chris Hedges has been reporting on this issue. In a recent column on Truthdig, he tells how Shannon McLeish, a Floridian who is active in the Occupy movement — and perhaps hundreds of thousands like her — are being monitored at peaceful protests by federal agents and police, who record personal information about them. She discovered references to herself by the FBI on documents recently obtained by the Partnership for the Civil Defense Fund.

Planet Waves
Yes, waking up is a threat to the government. DHS and the FBI want you to press the snooze button. Photo by Beth Bagner.

“These documents show that the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security are treating protests against the corporate and banking structure of America as potential criminal and terrorist activity. These documents also show these federal agencies functioning as a de facto intelligence arm of Wall Street and Corporate America,” said Mara Verheyden-Hilliard, executive director of the PCJF, quoted by Hedges.

Hedges believes intrusions such as these against law-abiding citizens “are part of the plan to make us fearful, compliant and disempowered. They mark, I suspect, a government attempt to end peaceful mass protests by responding with repression to the grievances of Americans.” He continues, “We are much farther down that road [to corporate fascism] than many of us care to admit.”

What exactly does this mean? It means that you’re less likely to participate in a protest of any kind, fearing that you might be spied on. It’s your right to do so; the Constitution explicitly states that the right to protest shall not be abridged by the government — which means the framers of the Constitution understood that such protest was necessary. The right wing lunatic fringe is correct: the government is waging war on the people.

I researched the chart of the Occupy movement to see where we could find this. It’s right there for anyone to see. The 8th house is the one that deals with your ordinary kinds of secrets (money, power, sex and so on). That house has Gemini on the cusp. Mercury, the ruler of Gemini, can be found right in the 10th house of government.

But this also works the other way. The Occupy movement was exposing corporate secrets, particularly those about the influence of money, and using that as a means to gather some power over the corporate system.

The moral of the story is that to be an activist, you have to be well-informed, brave and intelligent. You have to be willing to be spied on, and you need to be able to deal with it and to notice when it’s happening. If you know someone involved in activism, buy them this book about COINTELPRO. Remember, the Internet raises the stakes considerably, but this is the government we’re talking about. They are not geniuses of innovation. They just have that combination of a budget, the hunger for power and no conscience.


Planet Waves

Don’t Miss This!
Lead Levels Associated with Violent Crime

First, let’s claim a victory — by whatever miracle, the United States banned lead in gasoline and most industrial products. I don’t know the story, but common sense and science prevailed. Second, a new retrospective has been published that associates peaks of lead pollution with peaks in violent crime.

Planet Waves
The perfect metal; the perfect poison.

The retrospective looks at several countries and many cities and has concluded that violent crime peaks 20 years after lead levels peak — suggesting strongly that exposure to lead as an infant leads to violent criminal behavior. This is not merely one study; it’s a review of many studies, their results and their methods, which attempts to disprove the results but ultimately finds them to be true.

I’ve been ranting for years about the potential behavioral and emotional effects of environmental pollutants. I even got an article in The Ecologist about how hormonally active PCB and dioxin levels were messing with sexual instincts, behaviors and even anatomy.

As the world goes increasingly insane, we need to question the role that the brew of supertoxins in which we are soaking is playing in that. The political crisis, the economic crisis, the inability of countless millions of people to get a grip on their lives or to have any workable boundaries: all of this can be influenced by hormone pollution.

This new retrospective says, we need to look closer — and remember, lead WAS banned from most uses in the United States. There is no longer lead paint (in homes and businesses), plaster or gasoline. Now it’s time for a chlorine ban. Repeat, now it’s time to get rid of chlorine. That one move will solve a lot of our problems.


Planet Waves

Planet Waves

Overlay of the Kepler star field against a photo of the Milky Way. The Kepler spacecraft is focused on an area bordered by two of the brightest stars in the sky: Vega, which is part of Lyra (the harp) and Deneb, which is part of Cygnus (the swan). Together with Altair (in the constellation Aquila, the eagle) these stars form the summer triangle. Image: NASA.

What Are Those Stars Saying?

Listen up, and listen closely: this webpage for NASA’s Kepler mission to look for habitable planets around stars other than our Sun is not that exciting to look at, admittedly. But it offers a chance to hear the sounds of distant stars.

More accurately, the page features links to sound files that are the “sonification of light curves” of some of the 100,000 stars being observed by the Kepler spacecraft. According to NASA, “The light curves contain certain frequencies of brightness variation that are akin to sound waves, but the frequencies are not audible to the human ear.”

In the sonification process, those frequencies are scaled to a range that we can hear. Get out your headphones, and check out the funky sounds made by stars ‘winking’ at us as a sister-planet passes by.


Planet Waves

Cap New Moon, Old Dick Nixon

In this week’s edition of Planet Waves FM, I go over the Capricorn New Moon chart as well as commemorate the 100th birthday of Richard M. Nixon. If you’d like to see Nixon’s chart, here’s the page in Astrodatabank.


Planet Waves

Your Monthly Horoscopes — and our Publishing Schedule Notes

The January monthly horoscope was published Friday, Dec. 21. Inner Space for January was published Friday, Dec. 28. The December Moonshine Horoscope was published Tuesday, Dec. 18. I recommend reviewing the monthly horoscope at the end of the month. Please note that the longer monthly horoscope is being incorporated into the Friday issue after the Sun has entered a new sign; a new Inner Space is still emailed on the following Tuesday.


Planet Waves

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Jan. 11, 2013 #933 | By Eric Francis

Capricorn Birthdays This Week (for Cap rising as well)

A New Moon in your birth sign this week is a reminder that it’s time to leave the past behind, though you may still be processing some sadness or regrets about things that have happened before — including in the distant past. Rather than pressuring yourself to feel or not to feel a certain way, I suggest you stay with yourself and inquire within about what it will take to be ready to move on. Be open to what comes back; take the steps that you get in reply to your inner query. Meanwhile, you really do seem to be ready to take a leap forward, and this is all about confidence. That is the thing to study, to observe and most of all to practice. I know that confidence can seem like some kind of innate gift that’s bestowed only on the rare few. It’s like any other skill; it can be broken down into steps, understood in a clear way and most of all, improved through a course of repeated, realtime experiments. After a while you will see your faith in yourself was much stronger than you imagined. So you may as well take advantage of that now. NOTE — there will be a Capricorn birthday report, substantially different from LISTEN, the annual reading. It will take me another week or so to record that. — efc

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — Remember to mind your politics. You are in rare form in many other ways — unafraid to stand out, bold about expressing your ideas and willing to take charge. Yet what you need is to employ your political skill. That means politeness, following basic policy and applying a little polish to your presentation. You are in a visible position of leadership, though I suggest you focus your efforts on fostering cooperation. You will have to take some initiative but if you remember to do all those things beginning with ‘pol’ you will find that your charm and positive attitude get you further than letting anyone know who is boss. One other not-so-subtle point — be aware of emotions like envy, jealousy and the desire for control. Leave that to other people and be aware that these emotions are in the environment. What they all have in common is a competitive edge; that is the thing to identify in any form that it arrives, to let go of and to find viable options for.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).


Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — What we think of as marriage is a religious concept. Then by some miracle it ended up a civil instrument, influencing taxes and under the jurisdiction of the state courts. I am aware that there are ways of thinking of partnership and even marriage unrelated to any of these venerated institutions. I would ask what role any have in the exchange of human emotions or organizing a household. You’re in a phase of questioning many other values that have percolated through to you via religion, though you may never have recognized them as such. It is time. They all have one thing in common: controlling behavior and concentrating wealth in the hands of the church, in both cases using guilt as the lever. The matter can be reduced to one short inquiry: what would you do in a world where guilt held no value? Would you need in some way to be reined in? Or would you conduct yourself ethically anyway, and still have a good time?

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).


Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Now is the time to renegotiate certain contracts and agreements that no longer serve their purpose. Therefore, I suggest you go over every agreement that you’re currently subject to, assess its reason for existing and see if that reason is being fulfilled. Some of these may be pretty old, you may have forgotten others, and some, you may not even be aware you’re subject to. Here is a clue: is something or someone ‘driving you crazy’? Is there a source of chaos in your life? Something putting pressure on you that you seem unable to get out of? See if you can trace this back to some kind of commitment or agreement that you made. Go back to the moment of that transaction and look at the exact language, whether in writing or what you recall having said. Research or remember what was said to you, in terms of what promises were made. Did you hold up your end of the bargain? What about the other person or organization? Once you have that information, you will have plenty to work with. The concept of a relationship is taken too seriously, and the reality of a relationship not seriously enough.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).


Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — You are in extraordinarily rich relationship territory; your bonds with others are deepening and the potential exists for one particular person to join you in entering unusually deep caverns within yourself. I suggest, however, that you embrace these developments with a spirit of welcoming change rather than courting permanence. It’s not that the people you encounter now will not last; to the contrary, one or more may prove to be around for quite a while. I suggest that you stay in the present and keep the energy moving, allowing the elements in the environment to form new compounds, and the sensations in your body to lead to a new depth of emotional sharing and contact. Your concept of a partner or lover is changing, as is your desire for language to describe the experience and to share your feelings with others. These are matters more practical than mystical, particularly the language piece. Listen carefully, say what you mean and get your conversation partner to propose what they think you mean. Certainty of understanding is rare; you can come close now.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).


Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — It’s time for some deeply ingrained patterns to change, particularly involving the work you do. You have a leverage point right now; key elements of the system within which you operate are at maximum stress. As designed, the system cannot take the pressure it’s being subjected to. But don’t wait for things to ‘get better’ to make the changes that you need to make; the whole point is to redesign things to accommodate — or better yet, eliminate — the kinds of tension that you’ve been experiencing lately. Several factors are involved, including communication, how resources are allocated and understanding the nature of commitment as it exists within your environment. Speaking personally, you have to get out of two modes: one is “this is how it’s going to be because this is how it always was” and “we need a rigid structure or set of rules to solve this problem.” In truth what you need is flexibility — on everyone’s part, though you’re in the leadership role when it comes to setting that particular example.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).

Planet Waves



Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Loosen up a little and you will be a lot happier. You need a more playful outlook; I think naughty is the word. I suggest you stop asking if you’re ‘in integrity’ and realize there is only so much that can go wrong, under your present plan; the world will not end if you have more fun. Yet you may have to consciously set aside attachment to the fun you didn’t get to have, that you opted out of or that ended way too early. I know it’s difficult not to have some feelings for what you sincerely regret, though it’s likely to get in the way of what you can experience now — and there is plenty being offered to you. What all those opportunities for fun have in common is the need to take some kind of chance. I don’t mean walking along the ledge of a skyscraper, though it may feel that way sometimes; I mean an emotional risk, such as entering a vulnerable situation where you have the potential to get hurt. Yes, it could happen, but it’s less likely if you’re conscious of your environment. It’s the vulnerability that will allow in the sense of contact and pleasure.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).


Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — I suggest you stay close to home the next week or so, close to a place where you can pull in and retreat. You seem to be processing some unusually deep feelings, though they’re coming through with the approximate ease that water moves through the bedrock of an aquifer: dependably, though slowly, requiring time and patience. The material includes a review of your as-yet unmet emotional and relational needs; there is something about the past that’s holding you close and about which you may have some regrets, including regrets about how you treated someone when you were feeling neglected. At the same time, you may notice that your curiosity is going in new directions. You may think that it’s your brain acting up, though I would propose that this is an actual physical inquisitiveness that is calling you to explore. You may not feel ready now, though if you’re patient with yourself and don’t try to escape from the past, you’ll discover renewed freedom to try some truly interesting experiences.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).


Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Something is much simpler than it seems. But to see that, you must think it through for yourself and not be swayed by the opinions of others. I suggest that you skip the part about analyzing everyone’s motives and see what the situation looks like in its most elemental form. If you had to script it into a play for shadow puppets, how would it look and sound? Who would the characters be? I think, probably, it would look like some family scene that you decided you were tired of long ago. You seem to perceive yourself as an irritant in a group environment, as the one who stands out or is different, and a) gets hassled for such and b) always feels like you’re the one who might have to go, so that everyone can settle down. That’s the scenario to let go of; it’s no longer true and seems to be entirely a replay of old tapes. In reality, under the current astrology you seem to be the one wanting to be the adult in the room, which is a good thing — as long as you recognize the difference between adult and parent.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).


Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — You may feel under pressure to make some big decisions, particularly of a financial nature. I suggest, however, that you wait until the end of the month (when Jupiter stations direct) before finalizing anything, particularly involving an investment or banking matter. You have more to learn about where partners or significant others are coming from, and what you learn will influence your decision. Meanwhile, it would help if you turned your sense of pressure into a sense of opportunity: in this case, you need to restructure your affairs in some way, which will have a benefit over time. There is an intimate connection between money and the structures that surround it, which takes many forms (including relationships). I suggest you make a commitment to have no guilt about doing what you need to do in order to make your affairs run more smoothly. And, though I will mention it again, take the next few weeks and see if you can deduce what close partners or associates really have on their mind.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).


Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Accept the past in its current form and recognize that there is little you can do to change it, or to mitigate its effects. Yet if you take an attitude of ‘let it be’, you may find that more peace of mind comes to you than you could ever have if you try to rewrite history, pretend certain things didn’t happen or get stuck on your regrets. If you allow it to be so, the past will start to make sense in a way you had not considered before. You stand at a new moment in your life, though you will recognize this in a more palpable way if you embrace what is present for you now, and notice that you have many new options for how to live. This calls for shifting your perspective, along two orientations. One is your relationship to attachment. It’s no longer possible for you to be stuck in the way things were in the past, or to use epoxy and jealousy to graft yourself onto anyone. Second is your relationship to stating your basic emotional needs. Resolve to speak up and state them clearly, in language that another mortal can understand without the help of a detective.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).


Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Your mission is to foster cooperation without worrying about your popularity, and without going out of your way to make enemies. In other words, the people around you are not going to work together so well because they like you so much; and they are not going to work together because they hate you so much. They’re going to do it because it’s the right thing to do and because everyone’s life will be easier. Therefore, you have to be gentle in your approach to leadership, and recognize that you have a real measure of authority before you ever open your mouth. However, I suggest you tune into certain facts of the underlying psychology — both your own and that of the circumstances around you. It seems to be driving everything, and you may be the only person in the environment who has the ability to perceive what’s going on, including being able to suss out the sexual politics that are involved and are, as usual, significantly influential.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).


Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — You may or may not consider yourself ‘marriage material’ though I would propose (pardon the pun) that this is an excellent few weeks to explore your partnership potential. You have your own ideas about what a relationship is, and you may think that few others share those ideas. There are people in your circle of friends who are starting to catch up with you; these may include former partners and those you know through some aspect of work. Anyway, my point is: for the next month, experiment with the idea that your ideas about relationships are right for you and that other people have been learning from your example. There is a kind of collective transformation in progress right now, and it’s likely to manifest in your life as opportunities for contact that you thought were unlikely or impossible before. The challenge for you will be to leave behind the pain of what has not worked; any past struggle with rejection; and any prejudices you still may hold about what other people think about how you live. There is a lot that others have not been saying. Love, listen and learn.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).


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