Tag Archives: Ixion

The Day of the Spark: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is June 19
The Day of the Spark | Order Your 2019-20 Gemini Reading | All Other Signs

Do not let push come to shove over joint financial, investment or taxation situations. Be proactive, and take steps to secure your best interests and protect your assets, now and in the long run. Proactive begins with having full knowledge of what are in truth your affairs down to the last detail, and ensuring that the numbers add up. The more you know, and the sooner you know it, the more likely you are to avoid confrontations and work toward mutually beneficial solutions.
— by Eric Francis Coppolino
Hear Eric speak about your year in-depth in your 2019-20 Gemini Astrology Studio Reading.

Written in the Planets

As Mars and Mercury in Cancer oppose Pluto in Capricorn today, they also start getting into range of Eris in Aries. Mars, Mercury and Pluto are all making squares to Eris. One interpretation: this looks like a reminder to notice whether any of your emotional reactions to authority figures are being fueled by feeling left out or pushed aside. Even if that does not describe the reality of the current situation, consider asking yourself if something similar from the past is being triggered or echoed by your responses.

The Gemini Sun is also opposite the Galactic Center and a centaur planet called Ixion. How you encounter things that are ineffable or spiritually complex, or the vast spectrum of humanity, or second chances to behave ethically, could emerge as themes today. It’s also possible that you may find yourself entertaining two very different perspectives on whatever it is you’re facing today. Can you recognize your role in the causes and effects of the circumstances of your life, and what it means to learn from those experiences?

Finally, note that we’re getting closer to the solstice: the Sun enters Cancer on Friday. And the day before that, on Thursday, Mercury enters its pre-retrograde ‘shadow’ or ‘echo’ phase. As busy as your mind — and therefore, your life — may be, it could feel helpful to look for this past month’s loose ends and start tying a couple of them up.
— by Amanda Painter

Did you know that Eric Francis has recorded new videos for all 12 signs, specifically investigating Mars interacting with some of astrology’s most influential planets this season? His Call the Astrologer readings are available individually or as a 12-sign set to share with your loved ones. Check out samples here and here.

Of Dreams and Everyday Miracles: Gemini New Moon

By Amanda Painter

The Moon is currently waning toward a conjunction with the Sun near mid-Gemini: the Gemini New Moon, which occurs on Monday, June 3. It appears to be a lunar event that may help to focus us on the more subtle ways our perception can work; such as how what’s on the periphery of consciousness in more than one way can offer keys to our greater self-understanding.

Black-lit hallway of the San Juan Water and Beach Club hotel, Puerto Rico. Photo by Amanda Painter.

Black-lit hallway of the San Juan Water and Beach Club hotel, Puerto Rico. Photo by Amanda Painter.

Specifically, I’m looking at two asteroids flanking the Sun and Moon in that chart: Magdalena (associated with Mary Magdalene, a disciple of Jesus of Nazareth) and Altjira (named after an aboriginal creator deity of the dreamtime).

Among the delineations I’ve seen for Magdalena are commitment to a group or collective cause, and an inner change in direction after intuitively noticing small signs or miracles in everyday life. Interpretations for Altjira include envisioning and dreaming, as well as some form of withdrawing or distance.

New Moons tend to be more internally oriented than Full Moons anyway, and signify one’s conscious awareness and unconscious aligning. With Magdalena and Altjira so closely involved, there’s dual emphasis on the suggestion to pay particular attention to your intuition, incidents of synchronicity, perfectly timed words and ideas offered by someone in a group or by ‘the collective’ (the collective unconscious?), the dreams you have while sleeping this weekend — even if they seem somehow distant — and how any of these things match what you envision for your life.

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The Day of Natural Appeal: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is May 13
The Day of Natural Appeal | Order Your 2019-20 Taurus Reading | All Other Signs

Know yourself, as far as you can, including the things you might not admit so readily. Be bold and uncompromising about it; you need this understanding in order to assert full control over the steering wheel of your life. For example, if you aren’t sure what you most deeply desire, how can you pursue it? If you conceal your abilities from yourself, how can you develop them? Seek out the truth fearlessly.
— by Amy Elliott

Written in the Planets

There’s considerable energy today supporting your need to do what must be done, thanks to a trine between the Taurus Sun and Pluto in Capricorn. It should be relatively easy to persist in getting beneath the surface of necessary changes. That said, it’s imperative to keep all actions completely above-board, ethically speaking; selfishness or excessive force are likely to come back to bite you down the road. Also, both Mars and Venus are in aspect to the centaur Ixion in Sagittarius, which brings in questions of amorality and second chances — especially in love, desire and sex.

If a situation feels similar to one from the past — particularly one in which you regretted any of your choices, or have learned valuable lessons from them — put that understanding into practice. The clearer you are about what’s truly motivating you (such as a wounded ego, or fear, or something missing from your childhood — as opposed to compassion, generosity or holding space for someone’s healing), the easier it may be to choose the option that serves the wellbeing of all involved.
— by Amanda Painter

Have you tried the Astrology Readings Channel?

Planet Waves offers readings for all the signs and rising signs. These readings are must-haves among a core group of people who love them, though perhaps you have not heard what Eric is doing. We’ve taken many readings from 2018 and put them on a 24-hour audio stream, which anyone can tune into. Whatever your sign, you will find it interesting no matter when you tune in. If you’re up late and want something soothing and informative to listen to, or if you’re curious about astrology, tune in here. No login is required.

The Day of Cosmic Comedy: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is April 16
The Day of Cosmic Comedy | Order Your 2019-20 Aries Reading | All Other Signs

Gather your energy and the passion you feel on a specific project and be ready to drive it forward to fulfillment. You will likely have a pretty clear final sprint; though if you find yourself hampered by any doubts, address those first and get them resolved. It would probably also help to tie up whatever loose ends might remain, as soon as you see them. The more thorough you are in covering these bases, the easier your path to the finish line.
— By Amy Elliott

Written in the Planets

Have you been thinking about a particular second chance lately? (For example, maybe one from the past, or one you wish to have.) Today Mercury, late in Pisces, is making its third of three squares to the centaur Ixion in Sagittarius; the other two were March 2 in direct motion, and March 9 in retrograde motion. You might check your calendar to see if you can detect any kind of through-line along this theme between then and now.

Ixion is a centaur, which means it’s associated with raising awareness. In this case, that could be awareness of how capable you are of acting in ethically questionable ways — and your ability to make a different, better-aligned choice. This entails thinking through all the possible implications and repercussions — no matter how inclined you are to gloss over ‘pesky’ details.

On a related note, Mars in Gemini is making a square to Nessus in Pisces; Mars is also warming up a square to Neptune. It appears there may be two sides (at least) to the stories of ‘what you really want’ and ‘where your boundaries really are’. Nessus is another awareness-raising centaur, one focused on things like boundary transgressions of various sorts, their generational ripples, and the ability to decide that enough is enough.

One excellent way to navigate this dynamic today may to articulate the different views you have on a situation, particularly the role your desire is playing in it and your options for taking action. This should help you to avoid repressing energy that could make things complicated if you stay in denial of it. Later this evening, Mercury leaves its post-retrograde shadow (or echo) phase and enters new zodiacal territory for the first time in two months.
— By Amanda Painter

Have you tried the Astrology Readings Channel?

Planet Waves offers readings for all the signs and rising signs. These readings are must-haves among a core group of people who love them, though perhaps you have not heard what Eric is doing. We’ve taken many readings from 2018 and put them on a 24-hour audio stream, which anyone can tune into. Whatever your sign, you will find it interesting no matter when you tune in. If you’re up late and want something soothing and informative to listen to, or if you’re curious about astrology, tune in here. No login is required.

The Day of Dignity: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is April 1
The Day of Dignity | Pre-order Your 2019-20 Aries Reading | All Other Signs

Keep your moral compass and your spiritual sensibilities as honed as you can get them. You may be on a special mission to help point the way for others, amid all the confusing stimuli of this age. Make sure you set aside enough time for yourself to meditate, reflect and/or cultivate your personal relationship with the divine, however that manifests for you. You deserve to have that space and those moments.
— By Amy Elliott

Written in the Planets

Vesta in Pisces is currently in a square to the Galactic Core (GC) and the centaur Ixion in Sagittarius. Although Vesta-GC looks like a need to integrate the ways you tend your inner flame with how you serve the greater good of humanity, Ixion highlights how that process can get complicated or corrupted. This looks like a great reminder to watch your boundaries — especially the subtler ‘spiritual’ or energetic ones, though they all count.

Do you know the difference between ‘holding space’ and transgressing it? When you’re excited about helping someone, are you able to stay clear about your motivations? (In other words, are you unconsciously being driven by unmet needs of your own, or some ego-related idea of what you can do?) It’s possible that any situation you encounter fitting this theme represents a ‘second chance’ of sorts to make a course-correction if you overstepped sometime in the past. Remember that asking if you have permission to give what you have to offer is a good way to stay accountable. This could increase in importance after the Moon enters Pisces later today.
— By Amanda Painter

Introducing the Astrology Readings Channel

Planet Waves offers readings for all the signs and rising signs. These readings are must-haves among a core group of people who love them, though perhaps you have not heard what Eric is doing. We’ve taken many readings from 2018 and put them on a 24-hour audio stream, which anyone can tune into. Whatever your sign, you will find it interesting no matter when you tune in. If you’re up late and want something soothing and informative to listen to, or if you’re curious about astrology, tune in here. No login is required.

The Day of Innocence: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is March 28
The Day of Innocence | Pre-order Your 2019-20 Aries Reading | All Other Signs

Get ready for a new phase of your life, or perhaps a change of direction. Before you take those crucial first steps, however, you’ll need to tie up some loose ends and clear some space for yourself to move more freely. Stay in the moment; proceeding thoroughly will probably get you to your goal faster than any attempt to sprint. Preparation is your friend. What you’re doing is worth the time you need to do it right.
— By Amy Elliott

Written in the Planets

Say a cheer: Mercury stations direct today at 9:59 am EDT (13:58:41 UTC)! Now repeat after me: I will keep checking my facts. I will continue to regard any ‘really good deals’ with skepticism, and do my research. I will reach for the phone if emails or social media get twisted up, and will try for face-to-face if phone calls aren’t getting through. These are words to live by for at least the next couple weeks, as Mercury slowly moves out of the part of Pisces where it has been retrograde, and gradually leaves the company of Neptune. If an unexpected puzzle piece comes you way today, add it to the puzzle but perhaps wait on declaring it ‘complete’. Reviewing your notes from the last three weeks could prove useful.

More than one current aspect pattern is offering a reminder to watch your boundaries. This applies both to incoming energy and outgoing energy or actions. A square between Vesta in Pisces and the Galactic Core and centaur Ixion in Sagittarius offers a reminder that when we get excited about helping, it can be harder to notice our underlying motivations. By all means, hold space where it’s needed and aim to serve the greater good; just check your ethics in the process. The idea is to act in a way that integrates lessons learned with what you offer the world. It’s not all that complex; we just are operating in a moment when all may not be as it seems — both within and without.
— By Amanda Painter

A giant Pinocchio balloon above the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade in Manhattan, probably during the 1930s. Photo by Walter Kelleher / NY Daily News Archive.

You’re Not Actually About to Float Away

By Amanda Painter

Are you feeling like a total space cadet this week? Or maybe like you’re beaming in somebody else’s daydreams? How many times have you absentmindedly suffered a minor injury / locked yourself out / thought it was a different day? Are your efforts at sensitive, empathetic communication just not landing anywhere near your intended target (especially online conversations)?

A giant Pinocchio balloon above the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade in Manhattan, probably during the 1930s. Photo by Walter Kelleher / NY Daily News Archive.

A giant Pinocchio balloon floats above the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade and its many handlers in Manhattan, probably during the 1930s. Photo by Walter Kelleher / New York Daily News Archive.

Is the world an ever-morphing mix of crazy-beautiful and scary-surreal?

Okay, I’ll grant you, that last sentence has been applicable for a good three years now — or perhaps for all time. But from my perspective, all those other questions appear to have been peaking in this last week — described by Mercury traveling in apparent retrograde motion in a tight conjunction to Neptune in Pisces.

Mercury makes its direct station today at 9:59 am EDT (13:58:41 UTC). It does so (cozied up to Neptune) while making a T-square to the asteroid Juno in Gemini and Ceres in Sagittarius.

This image just came to me as I was writing that sentence: that Juno and Ceres are kind of like a couple of handlers from the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade, each holding a line to one of those giant cartoon-character balloons high in the air. (I know, I know: wrong season. Just bear with me.)

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The Day of Beguiling Simplicity: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is March 24
The Day of Beguiling Simplicity | Pre-order Your 2019-20 Aries Reading | All Other Signs

Recognize that in living through many of your past experiences, especially the most seminal, you’ve come away with a gift: be that additional strength, wisdom, friendship or something else. These moments have helped shape the person you are today, and as you continue along your path, you can use them as beacons to light the way and help you acclimatize to the new territory. You have more of a grasp in this area than you know.
— By Amy Elliott

Written in the Planets

Can you spend today daydreaming, playing with art supplies (creative writing or anything visual/performance-based/musical/poetic also counts), or immersing yourself in your spiritual side? Any of those activities, practiced within clear boundaries, could be a fun and safe way to express the combined energies of Mercury and Neptune today. With Mercury retrograde, you might add to the list of ideal activities a review of creative or spiritual lessons that could apply to your current situation.

That said, Mercury-Neptune in Pisces, combined with some Aries-Cap square energy, describes the need to use discernment and a light touch today in all actions and communications. Check back with yesterday’s Written in the Planets for more detail on that score. There’s pent-up energy looking for a way out, mixed with a generally soft grip on things like mental focus; and the only person you can truly direct through this is yourself. A sextile between Venus in Aquarius and the Galactic Center and Ixion in Sagittarius may offer a second chance to serve the highest good through an act of friendship. To do so, however, you’ll need to stick closely to your ethics. That could be tricky right now; regular reality checks will be crucial.
— By Amanda Painter