Tag Archives: Grand Water Trine

Mercury Direct and News from Japan

Dear Friend and Reader:

Mercury stations direct on Sunday, arriving with several days of extraordinary and rare astrology — a kind of once-in-a-lifetime event as Mercury in Scorpio holds a long trine to Neptune in Pisces, covered in greater detail below.

Planet Waves
On Sunday, we had a rare hybrid solar eclipse similar to this one that happened in 2009. The astronomy is illustrated above. The total eclipse on the left was photographed by Fred Espenak aboard a ship 2,200 km west of the Galapagos; Stephan Heinsius photographed an annular eclipse, positioned in Panama for the same event.

On the most basic level of this astrology, many aspects of life that were caught in weird entanglements or confusion may already be working themselves out. You may discover the missing information that you need to make some progress on matters that have seemed stuck. The ‘truth revealed’ aspect of Mercury stationing will be in full force this weekend as well.

These past few weeks of Mercury retrograde in Scorpio have arrived with a kaleidoscope of news that reminds me of the occasional headline summaries in Robert Heinlein’s novel Stranger in a Strange Land — the story of the Martian who came to visit the Earth, which scenario unfolds while all kinds of other weird stuff is going on. Reduced to a synopsis, the news starts to sound like a description of some wild future, when in fact it’s our present moment, right now, even if right now feels like shooting the rapids without a paddle or a life vest and in some cases, without the canoe.

It’s been humorous to watch how the top story during Mercury retrograde has been a $300 million website that did not (and apparently still does not) work. It’s charming how they launched the site just as Mercury entered shadow phase and the issues only got worse. The fact that just 248 people were able to register by the third day is a good reason to pay attention to astrology.

Along the way certain other facts have emerged (in harmony with ‘the truth revealed’ quality of Mercury retrograde), such as what a scam the individual health insurance market is, and how it’s possibly becoming an even bigger scam in the changing environment of the insurance business — especially as participation becomes mandatory.

Planet Waves
Current issue of The New Yorker spoofs the Obama Administration’s attempt to fix the Healthcare.gov website. But they seem to have got the idea from The Onion.

Pres. Obama’s often-repeated assertion that “if you like your plan, you can keep your plan,” came unraveled as many people got cancellation notices, and some got fake cancellations from their insurance carriers designed to get them to upgrade to much more expensive insurance.

Lurking under all of these questions of high finance, huge profits and who is going to pay for $20 Tylenol capsules is the question of what we need to do to actually be healthier. I’m not seeing this question being asked, in all this talk of supposed health care.

How much disease in the United States is the result of just a few factors — genetically modified crops, high fructose corn syrup (pure GMO corn by the way), hydrogenated fats, processed meats, artificial sweeteners, diets based on simple carbs (such as bleached flour) and, as a result, rampant malnutrition?

What would addressing the vitamin D deficiency do to knock down the epidemics of cardiac disease and cancer? (Apparently quite a lot, for very little expense.)

As some look to the government to save them from themselves, the question of one’s health is deeply personal. While everyone should have access to the medical system when they need it, that bears little resemblance to what prevents illness and helps us to be healthy.

What we are seeing is not exactly a national movement for wellness. So far, it’s been little other than a vast corporate (not government) takeover of the medical system with a lot of faux political controversy mixed in.

For example, what has been termed Obamacare was engineered not by the ‘left’ but rather by the right-wing Heritage Foundation. It’s not the progressive solution (the government actually intervenes, or single-payer) but rather the fascist solution (government turns control over to the corporations, which are vested with government power).

Next, in News from Inner Space

Whatever has been going on within the confines of your personal cosmos in these weeks may have had the sensation of swirling events that may still feel unresolved. You may feel like you’re in the midst of a surrealist film, the kind without a script.

Planet Waves
Saturn with auroras visible on the south pole seen by the Cassini Space Probe in 2010. At the time, Space.com reported: “Saturn’s aurora, a ghostly ultraviolet glow that illuminates the gas giant’s upper atmosphere near the poles, has a heartbeat that pulses in tandem with the planet’s radio emissions, scientists have discovered.”

There’s the sensation of ongoing reorientation, and the message that your transitions are happening whether you feel you’re ready for them or not.

Apropos of transitions, one week ago we arrived at the midpoint of the Uranus-Pluto square, the seven-stage aspect spanning from 2012-2015 (with a wide margin on either side) that has been defining what I’ve been describing as the 2012 era. This is an urgent, tense aspect between the planet of revolution and upheaval (Uranus) and that of evolution (Pluto), which is putting everything it touches under some strain and the necessity to reconsider its entire existence.

The fourth of seven squares happened Nov. 1, which has the feeling of a tipping point in the long experiment of social progress and the attempt to set things right that (from one point of view) characterizes our phase of history. Looked at differently, many are asking themselves what will wake up the population. The real question is what will get you out of your comfort zone and out onto the edge of personal progress, learning and challenging experience.

This past Sunday’s rare, combined annular-total solar eclipse in Scorpio vented some pressure, kind of like when your ears pop from the altitude, only reaching down to your soul and equalizing the pressure between levels of yourself you may have had no idea existed.

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The largest-known volcano in the solar system — the Olympus Mons, three times higher than Mt. Everest — is located on Mars. Photo: NASA.

The eclipse conjunct Saturn was and remains a reminder that while we are in physical bodies, time is a limited resource. What are you doing with the time that you have? What limits on banality are you setting for yourself?

Along the way, Mars and Chiron came to full opposition on Oct. 31, and because Mars has been slowing down a bit (just ahead of a monumental retrograde that takes place early next year in Libra), the opposition has lasted a while.

This is an aspect illustrating and calling for clarity and contrast; it represents the full expression of both Mars and Chiron, which work beautifully together, as both are in the warrior spirit. I could summarize its message as: get over yourself and do what you have to do. If you’re going to play the game, play it to win. Make your seeming disadvantages work for you.

Events of the past few weeks have represented one of the peak moments of our grand water trine, which consists of Jupiter in Cancer, Mercury, the Sun and Saturn in Scorpio, and Chiron and Neptune in Pisces. Water is that beautiful Sun-drenched stuff that surrounds your sailboat or extends along the beach, in which you can drown in a matter of seconds.

Mars in Virgo has provided the remedy to all this water: keep your focus. Make decisions based on real information. Work with precision. Use your energy wisely.

Then, Mercury Stations Direct

The next major event on the horizon takes place as part of the water trine, and it is impressive. This weekend, Mercury slows to a station in early Scorpio, making an exact trine to Neptune. Actually, there are two exact trines, one on each side of the station direct, with the three events each separated by about 24 hours.

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Sholem Aleichem crater on Mercury. Photo by MESSENGER spacecraft, 2008.

Mercury trine Neptune is one of the most clairvoyant aspects, particularly when Pisces and Scorpio are involved. Intuition is worth more now than ever. There can be a miraculous flow of creativity, intuition and empathic contact with others, including those in realms besides this one. Remember we are still in the ‘thin veil’ territory of Scorpio; Mercury trine Neptune is about as thin as it gets.

The first exact trine is Saturday, Nov. 9 at 4:35 pm EST. Then the station direct happens about 24 hours later, on Sunday, Nov. 10 at 4:12 pm EST. Then the second exact trine happens 24 hours after that, on Monday, Nov. 11 at 3:46 pm EST.

The overall result is an unusually long experience of an exact Mercury trine Neptune aspect, blended with the shifting perspective of the station direct. Normally this would last for a day or so; but due to Mercury’s minuscule daily motion as the station direct happens, we will have access to it for about six days, which began Thursday or so and lasts until Wednesday.

Then Mercury makes the last of three trines to Chiron — just as good, not as long-lasting. To sum up, in the ‘truth revealed’ tradition of Mercury retrograde and especially Mercury stationing direct, there is a hearty message of ‘seek the truth and you will indeed find it’. It’s not the unavailability of truth that makes it seem so elusive — it’s the unpopularity.

And Finally, News from Japan’s East Coast

Now for the freaky, surrealist story you may not have heard about. The problems persist at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in Japan.
As everyone knows, there was a massive quake and tsunami on March 11, 2011 that caused a series of catastrophic failures in nuclear reactors. [Note, we have compiled a list of articles, resources and astrology charts related to Fukushima.]

Planet Waves
Photo of the tsunami striking the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. The wall designed to hold back the sea was crumbled as the huge wave washed in. Photo: US EPA.

The three plants that were operating — units 1, 2 and 3, all experienced total meltdowns. That is, the reactors ran out of control, overheated and the blend of uranium, plutonium and many other toxic radioactive isotopes melted through the containment structure and have disappeared into the ground.

Yes, three massive nuclear reactor cores melted into the Earth, never to be recovered. If those cores keep melting, they have the potential to reach the deep aquifers that provide water to the 40 million people in the greater Tokyo area.

It is astounding to think that an electric utility lost three reactor cores, which are gradually boring a hole in the Earth on the way down to the water table.

This, however, is the lesser of the two problems. The more serious problem involves Unit 4, which was closed for inspection at the time of the incident and therefore did not melt down. But the containment structure was severely damaged by the explosion in a nearby reactor.

Each of these plants has something called a spent fuel pool. Nuclear fuel, whether new or spent, must be kept immersed in water at all times, so that’s where the old fuel is placed and, in the case of Unit 4 (because it was being inspected), where the new fuel was being kept.

Planet Waves
Fukushima Unit 4 was damaged by an explosion in an adjacent reactor. Offline at the time of the tsunami, a vast amount of fuel in its reactor pool is vulnerable to another earthquake.

There are more than 1,500 fuel assemblies in the Unit 4 pool, which is so fragile it cannot withstand another serious earthquake — and earthquakes happen frequently in that part of the world. These rods must be removed, one by one, by manually controlled robots.

TEPCO, in cooperation with U.S. engineers, are about to begin the process of removing the fuel from Unit 4’s pool. This is an extremely risky process, by which I mean that if it goes wrong (if the fuel assemblies are not immersed in water, if they touch, or if there is another earthquake), there is the potential for a far worse situation than we’ve already had at Fukushima.

Even spent fuel can reach criticality (the fission process can begin). This is similar to what happens when a nuclear plant is functioning, with one difference — a working nuclear core has control rods that can slow down the reaction. The spent fuel pool is like a reactor core without the control rods. If a reaction starts, it can run out of control.

The scene could become so radioactive that it cannot be entered by workers ever again, and also be emitting so much radiation and heat that even robots cannot function there. A mishap could quickly soak the West Coast of the United States and eventually all of North America in nuclear fallout.

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View into the the spent fuel pool of Unit 4, suspended in a fragile building 100 feet above the ground. All the fuel must be removed by manually controlled robots, which could take years.

The fuel is covered in zirconium alloy cladding, which is flammable and explosive. One small mishap can set off the entire pool, which could spread to a nearby common fuel pool, where 6,375 more spent fuel assemblies are kept.

Removal of fuel from Unit 4’s pool was originally scheduled for this month, after many months of preparation. It may still begin in November and is expected to take well over a year to complete, if it goes well. Decommissioning the entire site will take decades, if it’s ever complete.

Now, here’s a question. Have you read about this anywhere, or seen it mentioned on cable news, or network news? I have not. It’s as if the whole thing is not happening, except if you go looking for the information. On one level it’s available, and on another, the gatekeepers who could inform many people what’s happening are not doing so.

Instead, we got a propaganda film shown on CNN on Thursday night, called Pandora’s Promise, about how nuclear power might be the only thing that can save the environment.

They must be talking about some other planet.


Additional research on Fukushima: Chad Woodward, Elizabeth Michaud and Susan Scheck. Their work is collected here.


Planet Waves

We’ll be back after a word from our nuclear propagandists

Just as engineers at the tsunami-ravaged Fukushima nuclear plant get ready to move 1,524 fuel assemblies from the spent fuel pool, CNN aired a 2013 “documentary” called Pandora’s Promise by Robert Stone.

Planet Waves

The premise of the film is how alleged ecological activists have thought about it for a while and have come to the conclusion that nuclear power is good for the environment.

Its takeoff point is that we have to do something about global warming — and that something is to build a lot of nuclear power plants, so that we can power up every place from New Jersey to Namibia (spreading the gospel of cheap electricity to the developing world).

The “documentary” had so many problems (or rather, innovative design features) I am having trouble deciding where to begin analyzing them. I think, however, that the most serious was the point of view of its director, stated in a panel discussion hosted by Anderson Cooper, that as a result of nuclear power, “Nobody has died, nobody has gotten sick and according to the best science in the world, nobody ever will.”

Nobody? Ever? Right. He tried to make the case that everyone who responded to the 1986 Chernobyl disaster is fine (well, except for a few who are not, who don’t matter that much), and everyone who responded to Fukushima are all doing great. The American nuclear industry has an impeccably perfect record.

To put it politely, everything in this movie is a lie or delusion told by people who are seduced by the seemingly supernatural power of nuclear technology and who have succumbed to the dark side. Physicists explain how it’s fantastic in theory, skipping over what can go wrong.

Like the rest of the nuclear industry, the documentary does not address any worst-case scenarios, which must be ignored if the agenda is to persist. For example, what happens if there is a power grid outage with the plants shut down, and there’s no electricity to run the cooling systems?

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Three Mile Island, near Harrisburg, PA, became the visual symbol for all that was wrong with nuclear power. Unit One to the left is still operating; Unit 2 melted down and has not been used since the accident. Photo: Atomic Archive.

Nuclear power plants make energy when they’re on and draw power when they’re off. An energy ejection from the Sun could knock out a huge swath of the power grid. Then what? Not discussed; not mentioned.

What about a meltdown near a big city? You cannot evacuate Tokyo or the metro New York area; there are no plans to do so. Not mentioned.

The idea that the potential for a low-probability but catastrophic event has to be ignored is a central argument of my nuclear power mentor Karl Grossman, who documents how the atomic bomb and nuclear power are the same thing — a fact that the film went to some length to dismiss.

Among those featured were Stewart Brand, devoted pro-nuclear founder of the Whole Earth Catalog; Mark Lynas (a British climate change author and activist), Richard Rhodes (journalist and historian, and author of the Pulitzer-winning The Making of the Atomic Bomb) and Michael Shellenberger (alleged environmental policy expert), all of whom came to the conclusion that nuclear power is the only thing that can save us from global warming.

Helen Caldicott, a doctor and anti-nuclear activist, makes a cameo. Actual environmental advocates were portrayed as fear mongers who are the real problem. This is the ‘blame the messenger’ / An Enemy of the People argument that is getting so old I am surprised anyone falls for it, but hey, we’re talking about humans.

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What could possibly go wrong? Aftermath of 1986 Chernobyl disaster in the Ukraine.

Anderson Cooper’s panel, aired several times through the night, included Ralph Nader, whom Shellenberger accused of being the problem. He said that frantic ’60s- and ’70s-styled Earth Day-types — not radiation — were to blame for unfair public perception of the industry as dangerous. That, in turn, shut down development of new nuclear plants after the 1979 Three Mile Island accident (therefore, the industry could not be given a fair chance).

Watching Pandora’s Poison reminded me of my teenage conversations with my father, who was on the public relations team that tried to clean up after the Three Mile Island accident. Prof. Coppolino went on to be a nuclear power industry communications consultant. What I learned from my father is that the nuclear industry believes that its product is absolutely, perfectly, unquestionably safe.

“We don’t know what to do with the nuclear waste,” I once said.

“I’ll give you that,” he replied. Turns out that was extremely generous of him.

Pandora’s Promise would not go that far — they argued that the problem of nuclear waste was solved perfectly by above-ground, dry cask storage. All the waste generated by all the nuclear power plants in the U.S. so far would merely cover a football field. And hey, it’ll be perfect after a few millennia — except of course for the plutonium, which takes a little longer. Unless the fuel in some storage facility reaches criticality and an uncontrolled fire starts. Or unless someone bombs the place, or if there is a quake and the casks break or…

— Eric Francis


Planet Waves

Mercury direct; Jupiter retrograde

Mercury, which has been retrograde in Scorpio since Oct. 21, finally stations direct this Sunday, Nov. 10 at 4:12 pm EST. This means we’re entering the ‘storm’ phase now: the two or three days on either side of a Mercury station, when communication, travel and electronics can be especially problematic. Notice when you’re not fully focused on the task at hand.

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Jordan Pond in the mist, Acadia National Park, Maine. Photo by Amanda Painter.

Planets do not actually change directions — retrogrades are a trick of perception, giving the illusion of reverse movement relative to our position here on Earth. Astrologically, however, the days around a station carry some tension as Mercury, the fastest of planets, seems to slow down to a stop. It takes a while to pick up speed after its station; so should you, through at least the beginning of next week.

Imagine a large ship throwing its engines in reverse to stop and back up (or vice versa): the water churns. With Mercury in Scorpio, a water sign, that churning could very well stir up all kinds of surprising insights from our darker depths. There is often a sense of ‘the truth comes out’ when Mercury stations direct — as though after a three-week journey of introspection, the planet representing our minds finally releases its discoveries into full consciousness.

Mercury’s retrograde in Scorpio has likely focused you on themes regarding your sexual history; the role of denial in your intimate life or in how you handle your resources (including but not limited to money); secrets regarding sex or death; and what factors determine when you do or do not communicate these things to your partner(s).

If you have not been tracking these themes in your life over the last couple weeks, consider taking a few moments to think back to spot any patterns or trends. Doing so might help you notice subtler “a-ha” moments during the station direct.

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Chart showing the moment Mercury stations direct in Scorpio. Planets in aspect to Mercury include: Pluto and Venus in Capricorn (top of chart), in a loose sextile to Mercury; and Neptune in Pisces (far left), exactly trine Mercury. See glyph legend here.

Eric has described Mercury stations as “bring[ing] out a layer of awareness or understanding that can feel like pulling back a curtain on the obvious.” That pretty much sums up coming out of denial, a theme of recent weeks.

Mercury will station direct in a trine (aspect of ease) to Neptune in Pisces. A Mercury-Neptune trine emphasizes creativity, psychic awareness, and a poetic but practical type of idealism. Sounds like whatever truth is revealed to you Sunday can be used toward inspired or visionary purposes; pay attention to your dreams over the next few days.

Finally, it is worth noting that Jupiter stationed retrograde in Cancer Thursday — “trading places” with Mercury in a sense. Jupiter is the planet of expansion, and in Cancer, that quality is being applied to all things domestic and nurturing, and our emotions. Jupiter’s retrograde is long — lasting until March 6 — so we’re in for a four-month review of how we’ve been handling the things and people we’re charged with nurturing and caring for, including our material success.

Jupiter stationing retrograde is a caution against getting stingy (with money and with intangibles) for the next few months. First, however, the Mercury storm: be focused and careful with financial transactions and emotionally charged communication over the next several days.

— Amanda Painter
Note to Readers: News items below are written and edited by a team consisting of Anne Craig, Eric Francis, Amanda Painter, Susan Scheck and Carol van Strum, with research assistance by the Planet Waves staff. Special thanks to the Fact Checkers List, which goes over each edition on Thursday night — and to our main astrology fact-checker Alex Miller, and Amanda, who goes over all their suggestions. Our editions are also proofread and fact-checked by Jessica Keet.


Planet Waves

Hardcore Conservatives Not Celebrating Much These Days

New York City voters elected public advocate Bill de Blasio, the first Democratic mayor since David Dinkins left office in 1993, by a record-breaking 49 point spread. The race was widely considered a referendum on the past two decades of Republican leadership.

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Bill de Blasio and family at the Park Slope Armory YMCA after winning the New York City mayoral election. Photo: James Keivom / New York Daily News.

Outgoing Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg was perceived as a standard-bearer for the city’s wealthiest, and continued his predecessor Rudy Giuliani’s uber-authoritarian law enforcement tactics, such as stop-and-frisk, where pedestrians are detained, frisked and asked to empty their pockets. They are then arrested if they have a small amount of marijuana, which would have been legal had it remained in their pocket.

De Blasio campaigned against stop-and-frisk, and has promised a tax on residents making over half a million dollars a year that will fund universal pre-kindergarten.

Virginia residents chose the lesser of two evils and elected former Democratic National Committee chair and Clinton intimate Terry McAuliffe over Ken Cuccinelli by a two percent margin. Cuccinelli’s loathing for women and sexuality — he supported “personhood” bills that would have criminalized not just abortion but birth control, and had a curious obsession with Virginia’s anti-sodomy law — helped Virginians overcome any distaste for political insiders or lingering doubts about the Affordable Care Act, which the Cuccinelli campaign had hoped would swing votes their way.

And in an outcome that surprised no one, New Jersey’s governor won a second term over Democrat Barbara Buono. While hardly a progressive darling, Republican Chris Christie sounds moderate enough (and was seen in photos with Pres. Obama) to have aggravated the far right on numerous occasions. His win adds to speculation that he may be a contender for a spot on the 2016 Republican ticket — but he has problems in his past that could make that unlikely.

Numerous races that didn’t make it onto the national radar turned out well for progressive candidates and causes. Among other cheering tidbits, three out of four anti-fracking measures passed in Colorado, liberals swept city council races in Missoula, Montana, and the small town of Coralville, Iowa, resoundingly rejected a well-funded takeover attempt by Koch-funded Americans for Prosperity candidates.


Planet Waves

SCOTUS Refuses Attempt to Preserve Sodomy Law

Ken Cuccinelli II, Virginia’s attorney general and Republican candidate for governor defeated in Tuesday’s election, apparently shot his campaign in the foot with his effort to preserve an outdated sodomy statute. Virginia’s “crimes against nature” law — which bans oral and anal sex — became a tipping point for voters in his race with Democratic candidate Terry McAuliffe, who won.

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“Open wide and take it like a…” Virginia is for lovers after all. AP photo of Ken Cuccinelli.

All state laws of this sort, known as sodomy laws, were struck down by the U.S. Supreme Court in its 2003 ruling Lawrence v. Texas, which decided that private sexual conduct by consenting adult civilians is protected by the U.S. Constitution under the due process clause. Before 2003, 47 states, Washington D.C. and four territories had repealed their sodomy laws on their own, despite their being legal.

In October, the U.S. Supreme Court refused to hear Cuccinelli’s appeal of a lower court’s ruling that had struck down Virginia’s anti-sodomy law in March 2013. That decision had focused on a 2005 case convicting a 47-year-old man who had solicited oral sex from a minor. Cuccinelli and his supporters claimed the law was necessary to protect children from sexual predators.

However, the Virginia General Assembly has had 10 years to update the law so that it could be used to prosecute predators without conflicting with the 2003 SCOTUS ruling and the Constitution.

A claim by Cuccinelli that the anti-sodomy law “is not — and cannot be — used against consenting adults acting in private” is belied by a 2009 statement suggesting his true agenda: that “homosexual acts are wrong and should not be accommodated in government policy.” Said another way, he’s trying to reestablish the old assertion that homosexual = child molester.

Perhaps given the history of Virginia’s sodomy law, the lag in fixing the wording should be no surprise: in 1778, Thomas Jefferson drafted a law (rejected by the Virginia State Legislature) mandating castration as the punishment for men committing the act — intended as a ‘softer’ punishment than the death penalty.


Planet Waves

Pussy Riot Update: Siberian Silence

News that Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, one of two jailed members of Russian feminist punk band Pussy Riot, is being transferred to a new penal colony has been a mixed blessing — at least her loved ones know she’s alive. Two weeks of silence from prison officials about the 23-year-old had been raising fears of the worst among her supporters.

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Three members of Pussy Riot were originally arrested: (L to R) Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, Maria Aliokhina and Yekaterina Samutsevich. Samutsevich was acquitted. Photo: Sergei Chirikov /EPA.

Tolokonnikova and another member of Pussy Riot were jailed after they participated in a February 2012 protest against Vladimir Putin in a Moscow cathedral.

In September, she penned an open letter in The Guardian UK detailing the horrific treatment of prisoners in her Mordovian penal colony — considered one of the worst in Russia — and announcing her decision to wage a hunger strike in protest (see Planet Waves coverage here).

Tolokonnikova’s husband, Pyotr Verzilov, announced on Twitter Tuesday that a reliable source had confirmed she is being moved to a penal colony in a region of Siberia four time zones away from Moscow. He wrote that she is being transferred “as punishment for the resonance of her letter.”

Russia still transfers prisoners in secret, often by train and with an unknown destination. Depending on the number of stops at “transit prisons,” a transfer can take anywhere from two weeks to two months — all the while keeping a prisoner’s family in the dark. (Prisoner transfer is also often secretive in the U.S., but takes less time.)

According to Russia’s rights ombudsman Vladimir Lukin (as reported by Huffington Post via Interfax), prison officials claim her health is acceptable after having been put on an IV drip while on hunger strike; she is eating; and she is being accompanied by a doctor during the transfer. Tolokonnikova is set to be released in March.


Planet Waves

Washington GMO Labeling Law Referendum Still Uncertain

Most news outlets are saying the Washington State measure to adopt mandatory GMO labeling on food failed to pass in Tuesday’s election. Supporters are saying: Not so fast. If passed, it would become the second state to have a GMO law on the books, after Connecticut — which seeks to turn labeling into a regional affair.


Initial reports from the Washington Secretary of State said the initiative is trailing with 45 percent of the vote (55 percent opposed) with about 60% of the vote counted. However, Washington is a mail-in vote state, and final results may not be known for a week or more, with an official number due by Nov. 26. According to an email from Food Democracy Now, about 600,000 votes remain to be counted.

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State Senator Maralyn Chase shows the first election results of I-522 to Dr. Bronner’s Magic Soap CEO David Bronner CQ during the Yes on I-522 campaign party in Seattle’s Pioneer Square neighborhood. Photo: Erika Schultz / The Seattle Times.

The Yes on I-522 campaign is still optimistic. Those who live in Seattle and surrounding counties, who have supported the measure in polling, tend to mail their ballots at the last minute, and so election results are often late, said a spokesperson. They believe that these late votes will be enough to pass the initiative.

The initiative was first submitted in February 2013 by grassroots labeling advocates who had collected more than 320,000 signatures, enough to place it before the legislature. Since there had been no resolution in the legislature by April, when the session ended, the measure was placed on the ballot. A similar measure in California was defeated in the November 2012 election.

As in California, the initiative was hotly contested, with opponents — led by Monsanto, DuPont and the Grocery Manufacturers Association — throwing $22 million into the ring, three times the amount as did proponents Dr. Bronner’s Magic Soaps, Mercola.com and others. A complete list of supporters can be found here, and previous Planet Waves coverage here and here.

Connecticut’s governor signed the nation’s first mandatory GMO labeling law in June 2013, but it contains some conditions that must be met before it can go into effect: four other states must enact similar legislation, one of which must share a border with Connecticut, and the combined population of the Northeastern states that enact GMO-labeling laws must total more than 20 million in population based on the 2010 census.

The conditions were set to protect “local farming by ensuring that the regional agriculture market has adopted the new labeling system before placing an undue and disproportionate burden on Connecticut farmers that requires them to analyze and label products,” according to a press release from the Connecticut Governor’s Office.

In 2013 nearly half of U.S. states have introduced bills requiring labeling or prohibiting GMO foods, according to the Center for Food Safety. CFS has several model bills for those wishing to get an initiative started in their state. Contact them at office@centerforfoodsafety.org.


Planet Waves

You’re Only as Sick as Your Secrets

The allied nations and the American body politic have been dragged kicking and screaming into some family therapy, with 30-year-old Edward Snowden in the role of the courageous problem child — or rather the chess prodigy — who makes the family rethink everything.

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German Chancellor Angela Merkel shows her displeasure over the alleged tapping of her very official-looking cell phone by the NSA. Photo: Julian Stratenschulte / AP.

If you’re German Chancellor Angela Merkel, you can call Obama on the phone and tell him to quit listening to your phone calls. Ordinary folk lack that option, but a consensus seems to have emerged in the wake of National Security Agency whistleblower Edward Snowden’s disclosures about NSA practices: the agency overstepped.

Some of the mind-boggling breadth of the snooping-in-progress is simply the result of there being just so much more data out there to collect in the information age. Spying itself is nothing new.

From Merkel’s phone call to Obama to the about-face of Patriot Act authors (who are now sponsoring the “Freedom Act” in an effort to restrict warrantless wiretaps and mass data collection and increase transparency), a lot that was under the table is now squarely on top of it.

Last weekend featured much discussion of whether Snowden, currently granted “limited asylum” in Russia, should be granted clemency; not on the table, say U.S. officials. Snowden hasn’t requested it, although he has asked for the support of the worldwide community and, in a manifesto published in Germany on Sunday, says that the debate taking place proves he did the right thing.

Snowden reportedly took some 50,000 files when he left the NSA, and has released only about 1 percent of the information so far. A former NSA director told The New York Times recently that spymasters should lay all of their cards on the table and ‘fess up to everything Snowden could possibly say.

What’s unclear is whether any reform imaginable can ever fully restore the level of individual or international privacy presumed and taken for granted before the era of Homeland Security forming an alliance with the age of info-tech. Private corporations routinely partner with public agencies in “fusion centers” where the mission has shifted from counterterrorism to protection against “all hazards.” Apparently, we’re all “hazards” now.


Planet Waves

Planet Waves

Porno Sex Versus Real Sex: The Foodie Version

Much has been written recently about how easy it is to view Internet porn, and to what extent it is influencing the way people think sex is supposed to happen. Finally, here’s the perfect video (posted by Egotastic!) to put the super-human body parts and skills in porn into better perspective… using food. Laugh at the imagery, and take comfort in the statistics: chances are, you and your partners are perfectly normal. And tasty.


Planet Waves

Mercury direct, Sun conjunct Saturn and Monogold

Link to program.

As the Scorpio sky continues to deepen, Planet Waves FM explores the themes coming along with that — a conjunction of the Sun and Saturn Wednesday, introspective Mercury turning direct on Sunday and a recap of the eclipse cycle we just experienced.

Planet Waves
The incredible Monogold, musical guest on Planet Waves FM.

Closing up the first set, I look at the issues the world is facing at the Fukushima nuclear power station in Japan.

My musical guest is the magnificent, incomparable Monogold, who I saw play at BSP last Friday evening.

In Act 2, I continue my sexual advocacy rant, pulling back the veils one by one and getting a look at what is back in the shadows. Note to Scorpios — on Tuesday I recorded your astrology reading for the 2013-2014 solar year.
The reading consists of two sections of astrology and one of tarot, presented in patient, clear detail, light on the astro-talk and rich in psychological insight.

By the way — there’s now a second podcast on Planet Waves FM, featuring indie music. It’s centered at Backstage Studio Productions but you hear about all kinds of great stuff you might not discover otherwise. This week I host with my guitar teacher Dan Sternstein. Here is a direct link.

Behind the Veils of Scorpio – Reading by Eric Francis

Listen to 15 minute preview — and order.

This year has brought the most interesting Scorpio astrology that I ever remember. An unusual eclipse, Mercury retrograde and Saturn all in your sign — plus Pluto in the spotlight of history — I cover all of this and more in your birthday reading.

Planet Waves

Topically, I guide you through the process of aligning with your environment, creating clear agreements with others and the use of time as an ally rather than as something you might struggle with.

In the second section, I take the journey inward and guide you through the process of getting to know the most intimate aspects of who you are, and revealing your innermost secrets to yourself.

While that will be happening for you with or without an astrology reading, being in tune with your planets and knowing something about their message for you will make the process easier and open up the potential for greater creativity in your growth and evolution.

I also include a 30-minute tarot reading using the Voyager tarot by James Wanless, photos of your cards and the chart that I’ve used, access to prior years’ readings and a few other things as well.

Listen to 15 minute preview — and order.
Planet Waves

We are happy to offer once again one of our most popular products: the Planet Waves All-Access Pass for 2014. The All-Access Pass is for members who want access to everything we offer in a calendar year. In recent years our product line has grown considerably, and the response from our All-Access subscribers has been overwhelmingly positive. You can read about everything that’s included with an All-Access pass here. For those who can’t get enough Planet Waves astrology, it’s an unbeatable value. Plus, if you order now, we’ll include the rest of the readings that come out in 2013, and you’ll save $100.


Planet Waves

Your Monthly Horoscopes — and our Publishing Schedule Notes

The extended monthly horoscope for November  was published Friday, Oct. 25. Inner Space for November was published Friday, Nov. 1. We published Moonshine for the Aries Full Moon  Tuesday, Oct. 15. Moonshine for the Scorpio New Moon was published Tuesday, Oct. 29. Please note, we normally publish the extended monthly horoscope on the first Friday after the Sun has entered a new sign; Inner Space usually publishes the following Tuesday but for now it’s substituting for one Friday horoscope a month.


Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Nov. 8, 2013 #974 | By Eric Francis

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — If you have something to say, then say it. I understand you may be hesitating, but I suggest you not miss this opportunity, and that in support of that, you not give yourself excuses to chicken out. Yes, this is one of those situations where you don’t know the effect that revealing something intimate may have on a personal relationship. But you can surmise the effect of not doing so, which is to remain stuck or feeling like there’s no space for you to be yourself. In fact there is space, and you can test that out by being clear, straightforward and explicit, and not holding back any aspect of what you think, what you feel, or what you want. You risk flipping the whole situation from something that feels stagnant to something that actually turns you on.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.


Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — The ongoing revelation known as your life is about to teach you something about yourself. This is likely to fall into the ‘what you’ve known all along’ category but somehow missed or failed to take conscious note of. With Saturn making its way across your relationship angle, it’s essential to keep your eye on the bottom line, whatever that is for you. You know that stability and commitment are your basic foundations. What the stars are now saying is that in any structured relationship, there must be room to change, grow and exchange ideas that can actually influence the situation. You have a safe container. Now, the question is how far you will go to use it in a creative and evolutionary way. In other words: you have selected your relationship style for a purpose. Now is the time to put that purpose to use.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.


Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Any health issues you’re facing are likely to be stress related. Those are the ones that don’t show up on X-rays, blood work, urine tests, CAT scans or dog scans. They’re the ones that most doctors miss or cannot quite identify. If you’ve recently sought medical advice, you might want to seek a second opinion from someone who specializes in the mind-body connection; but more to the point, I suggest you personally look at the connection between what you are feeling and what you’re experiencing physically. This may involve your role in a sexual relationship. You may be over-exerting yourself in some way — that is, trying to impose your will on someone, or alternately, someone may be trying to exert their will on you. Time management could be a question; it’s become clear, if nothing else, that you must pace yourself, and that others must support you in that.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.


Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Your life will not spin out of control if you give yourself a little room to experiment. It may seem like existence has been denying you some of the deeper pleasures you desire, though it’s also true that on some level you’ve been avoiding them. This may be because you’re not in the mood to take risks, or because you’ve been pursuing what you regard as more practical matters. In any event, the weather and the tides are shifting, and you’ve been seeing signs of this on your personal horizons for a week or so now, perhaps longer. This is a deeper re-evaluation than it may seem on the surface, involving harmonizing your personal needs and desires, your desire to play and express yourself, and a spiritual dimension. As for the latter, Jupiter in your birth sign is reminding you that the whole concept of ‘spiritual’ is useless unless it leads to happiness and pleasure.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.


Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — You seem to be doing a pretty good job at avoiding being emotionally overwhelmed, despite having a number of excuses to feel that way. You have the ability to withdraw part of yourself into a secret location. I suggest you avoid that tendency, though, and move in the opposite direction — that is, stay close to the surface of your awareness. Be present for yourself and the people around you. Maintain some equilibrium between your inner life and your immediate environment. Said simply, you’re better off if you reveal to others how you feel, which may not involve explaining it in detail but rather with a simple statement and allowing yourself the space to be exactly as you are. This is not about there being no place to hide; it’s about opening the windows and allowing in fresh air and sunshine.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.


Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — There is little point trying to organize the mental details, an exact plan or trying to get control by collecting all of the information that’s out there. You’re probably feeling the inclination to exert your power that way, an impulse that can be better directed. There’s a very good point to knowing where you stand with yourself at all times, even if you don’t have words for it. In other words, the most vital information you can have is your own opinion, and what your intuition is telling you. You don’t need to know what everyone else thinks or what is motivating them; you merely need to know what is motivating you, and put that information to work. While you’re sometimes reluctant to trust your intuition if you don’t have some other form of data, you’re now in territory where your hunches can trump what seem like hard and cold facts. That’s the problem with them — their inflexibility. Notice that your intuition will keep you responsive to your feelings and your environment from moment to moment, updating you constantly.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.


Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — I suggest you respond to a burning desire rather than denying it or trying to pretend it’s not affecting you. You may have tried to compartmentalize this one many times, and it hasn’t worked. Now you get to burst out of those compartments, and it’s probably going to feel awesome. It could be awesome in that orgasmic way, or like when a shard of glass that got embedded in your skin years ago finally makes its way to the surface, tearing the skin to get out but it feels awesome because it’s finally getting out. Or as is most likely, a deep inner truth that you’re finally coming to terms with, which is arriving with an awesome sense of relief. It’s a beautiful thing to actually feel committed and passionate, and to put the two together. It’s awesome when you allow yourself to acknowledge the love that you feel.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.



Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) –Think of this moment as a focal point where numerous themes, issues and story lines both intersect and diverge. Everything you’ve done has led you to this point, and you can take your life many different directions from here. You may know this on one level, yet you seem poised to discover it on another. There is an image in your chart about bringing these two levels of awareness together — and stepping fully into what you know, including what you know about where you’ve been. There are some experiences you don’t want to repeat, and others that you want to explore more deeply; you’re also becoming aware of what you’ve never done before that you simply must experiment with. Most significantly, there are places you want to go, by which I mean with every cell of your DNA sending the same message, and I suggest you make plans to visit at least one of them within the next six months.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — At a certain point, you’re going to have to think of yourself as being something other than emotionally wounded. It’s true that you’ve suffered some injuries; everyone has, and you have a few that stand out in comparison to the people you know. It’s just that carrying around that idea makes something that happened in the past realer than it is, and realer than it needs to be. You may not be able to directly address the past situation; you may not be able to resolve it. But information is becoming available from another part of your consciousness which may show you two things: one is how you’ve put what happened in the past to good use, and I do mean very good use. The other is that while you may have some memory or personality matrix organized around this past event, you have in fact moved beyond it, and no longer need to define your personality or the trajectory of your life around this thing.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.


Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) –It’s not easy to take even a single step outside of the reasoning that love is good and lust is bad, which reasoning is based on the notion that there is some actual distinction to be made. Sure, checking out someone’s ass as they walk down the street is different from deep and abiding friendship. Yet that fact alone does not make one bad and the other good, or one fake and the other real. Both are natural, and for your purposes, what is natural is healthy and related to everything else that’s a fact of nature. At the moment your tendency is likely to be running in the direction of lusty passion, a sensation that’s going to grow stronger over the next few days. This is more likely to put you into the company of people you’re in harmony with.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.


Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — You can finally divorce your parents. It’s about time. The thing about some divorces (if not all) is they make it easier to move on and be friends. The thing about divorcing your parents is that this makes it possible for the kid who is grafted to them, or to an idea of who they are (or were), to step up and be an adult. It’s not easy to see the influence that unhealthy bonding with mother and father has, especially if that influence is everywhere. You have reached the point in your life when you know it’s time to be your own authority. That’s the only way to get over what some call ‘authority issues’. It’s not necessary to project authority onto others, then rebel against it. I would say that if you want to be happy, it’s necessary to claim the right to run your own life. It’s not easy but it is possible — now.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.


Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — If you knew how protected you are, you would worry a lot less. Yet you still have a layer of learning, or programming, that says you have to be vigilant every minute, and to discern, in advance, the influence that something will have on you. I would point out that vigilance and fear are two different things, and that you’re now at a different level of learning. You have mastered, or at least reached, an advanced level on certain skills, including problem-solving. While at one time you may have learned that it’s not a good idea to use your ability to get out of trouble as an excuse to be careless, you can now count on it a little more. Yet something else is working for you, which is a guidance system that it’s taken you years to cultivate. This is a form of vigilance operating beyond normal awareness, working in the background, and with considerable support from what you might think of as spiritual agency. You can trust it; events in the coming days will show you that.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.



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Mars in Cancer and the Grand Water Trine

Dear Friend and Reader:

Planets are concentrating in the water signs. At the moment we have Mercury (still retrograde till July 20) and Jupiter (plus the Sun) in Cancer, Saturn in Scorpio, and Chiron plus Neptune in Pisces. There’s an odd point called the Black Moon Lilith in Cancer, along with the North Node of the Moon in Scorpio.

Planet Waves
Water wall at Gurney’s Inn, Montauk. Photo by Eric Francis.

And that’s not all — later in the year, the next solar eclipse is going to be in Scorpio, as will the next Mercury retrograde.

This is a very watery extended moment; it’s truly unusual to have this much in the water signs, and nothing like it has happened for many years. I cannot think of a time since becoming an astrologer when so many slow-moving planets have been in the water signs at the same time.

Starting Saturday, we can add Mars in Cancer to the collection. This adds some substantial heat, energy and emotion (energy in motion) to the grand water trine; it’s a factor likely to make the aspect pattern a much more noticeable presence.

Mars will emphasize the other water planets; they will provide a resonance field for Mars to have its effects. In the sign Cancer, we embark immediately on questions of whether we feel safe or secure. True, those have been present to some extent with Mercury and Jupiter in Cancer, but Mars really pushes the question.

We do a lot of what we do supposedly to make ourselves feel safer. Yet no matter how many locks you have on your door, passwords on your computer, Net Nannies guarding your children from the dangers of the Internet, air bags, organic food, extra insurance and floating airline seats, do we really feel any safer?

Planet Waves
Photo by Eric Francis.

Mars is going to stir the pot on the question of whether you feel safe. This is a complicated question in our time of history, with the planet rigged with nuclear bombs, pesticides sprayed on our foods and continual reminders that the economy is a house of cards held up mainly by credit. The question of safety is really an interior one; it’s a matter between you and yourself.

The theme of relationships comes into the picture. In December, Mars enters Libra, and through much of 2014, Mars will be retrograde in that sign — focusing many questions on how we relate to others and whether we feel safe with them. Between now and August, Mars will be making a square to the degrees in Libra where the retrograde will happen — so we will get a preview.

Mars will make a series of aspects this summer, starting Saturday, that are similar to what we will experience when Mars is in Libra. The main difference is that now, we get to take the questions in the most personal way; with Mars in Libra they will manifest in interpersonal or relational ways.

This will be a time to do the inner work to sort out your deeper questions about what makes you feel safe and what threatens you. It’s an excellent time to notice all the ways you do things to feel safer that really get you nowhere — and the approaches to feeling secure that you don’t usually opt for.

This includes whom you choose to relate to, whom you choose to live with, and why.

Simply stated, you will notice things under this transit; small details will emerge in larger form; subtle fears will rise up and show you what they are. In my reading of the charts, these include the fear of being sincere, and not knowing what to do when others are sincere.

But if you stop and think about it, it’s not such a difficult question.



Planet Waves

Silent Summer: More Mass Bee Deaths Due to Pesticides

Within weeks of the discovery of up to 50,000 dead bees in an Oregon parking lot, a Nova Scotia newspaper has run a story about one beekeeper’s ongoing losses to his hives in Elmwood, Ontario, Canada. Dave Schuit, who lost up to 37 million bees in 2012 alone, is among those pointing a finger at neonicotinoids — a class of chemical insecticides used on corn.

Planet Waves
David Schuit shows some of the many dead bees in one of his bee yards. Photo: Torstar news service.

In the Oregon bee die-off, dozens of dead ladybugs, bumblebees and honeybees were found below linden trees that had been mistakenly sprayed with the pesticide Safari. Safari, made by Valent Professional Products, contains one of the types of neonicotinoids recently banned by the European Union.

The Ontario bee deaths appear to be a consequence of the planting of corn. Neonicotinoid pesticides are used to coat corn seed, and then they are planted with ‘air seeders’, which allows the dust to travel through the air.

Since 2004, the pesticide has been used on nearly all corn crops, according to the Grain Farmers of Ontario.

“Although there may be a pesticide more toxic to honeybees, I am not aware of one,” said Greg Hunt, a Purdue University entomologist who has studied how honey bees are exposed to the chemicals in Indiana. He explained to the Truro Daily News that exposure to four billionths of a gram will have a 50 percent chance of killing a bee, according to a 2011 study. Terrible odds if you’re a bee — or depend on the crops they pollinate.

This is an old story. If you want to know how old, read our coverage of Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring that we published last year.


Planet Waves

The Fox Guarding the Beehive?

Colony collapse disorder is a complex problem that has been decimating honeybee populations for years now, threatening our ability to grow food and the very balance of this planet’s ecosystem. One contributor to the bees’ decline is a parasite that feeds on the blood of bee larvae, called the Varroa mite.

Planet Waves

And who is dubiously coming to the rescue? Monsanto.

Scientists are looking into the possibility of using RNA molecules as a way of targeting the mites — the ones that could be causing the colony deaths — at the genetic level.

“It is a natural process in plants and animals that normally defends against viruses and potentially dangerous bits of DNA that move within genomes,” according to an article in the MIT Technology Review. Theoretically, RNA molecules could also be developed in a lab and inserted into organisms like the Varroa mite, via sugar water eaten by bees.

This is thought to be preferable to pesticides for two reasons: one, mites and bees are very close branches of the animal tree, so what kills mites will often kill bees. Two, there is concern that with so few pesticides targeting mites, resistance could build very quickly.

Planet Waves

Speaking of toxic resistance, Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide contains neonicotinoids, a class of chemicals proven to kill bees and suspected as the culprit in many recent mass bee die-offs around the world.

So aren’t Monsanto’s efforts here a little like trusting the fox to guard the henhouse? Greg Heck, a researcher at Monsanto, unwittingly laid out the economic gain at stake: “The specificity and precision of topical RNA interference could be used for other agricultural tricks, including perhaps making weeds once again sensitive to a Monsanto herbicide that they have developed resistance to.”

Gee, you don’t say. It is uncertain at this time whether regulators will allow the gene-silencing technique.


Planet Waves

The Generic Pharmaceuticals Catch-22

In an unsettling ruling that pits federal regulations against state law, the U.S. Supreme Court decided against the $21 million jury verdict awarded to a New Hampshire woman who suffered burn-like wounds over 60 percent of her body and is now legally blind after taking the generic version of a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug as directed.

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Karen Bartlett, whose lawsuit was just overturned, also suffered lung and esophageal damage and spent months in a medically induced coma. Photo: Cheryl Senter/New York Times.

Mutual Pharmaceutical Co., Inc. v. Bartlett sets a precedent limiting the ability for people to sue manufacturers of generic drugs that concerns many advocacy groups.

Karen Bartlett took sulindac, the generic version of Clinoril, to relieve shoulder pain. Her side effects are quite rare, but known: a form of Stevens-Johnson Syndrome, or SJS/TEN. But since Clinoril has been approved as safe by the FDA, the makers of sulindac were able to successfully argue that they were simply selling an identical version of the same drug, and therefore were not at fault.

“The manufacturer challenged the award, arguing that it was impossible for it to simultaneously avoid liability under New Hampshire law and comply with the FDA’s design and labeling requirements,” wrote Tejinder Singh on SCOTUSblog. The Supreme Court agreed in its majority decision.

This potentially leaves users of generic drugs with a legal grievance little to stand on in court.

“The decision expands the range of claims from which generic drug manufacturers are immune from liability, and in doing that, they go further along this road of creating an industry that has no accountability to consumers and responsibility for its products,” said Allison Zieve, director of the litigation group at Public Citizen, a public-interest organization.


Planet Waves

Texas, North Carolina and Wisconsin: The Fight for Women’s Health

Just two short weeks after Texas state senator Wendy Davis successfully filibustered for nearly 11 hours to block passage of harsh anti-abortion measures, the bill — which would ban abortion at 20 weeks post-fertilization, hinder access to the pill form of abortion and shut down nearly all of the state’s abortion clinics — is now heading back to the Texas senate. Governor Rick Perry had revived it by declaring a special legislative session.

Planet Waves
Sarah Slamen about to be dragged off by Texas state troopers on Monday, after being interrupted by Republican Senate committee chair Jane Nelson. Image: video still.

During committee hearing testimony on Monday, hundreds of people from both sides spoke including Katie Heim, who read a poem beginning, “If my vagina was a gun, you would stand for its rights.”

Also vocal was Sarah Slamen, who was hauled away by state troopers as she spoke.

Slamen thanked the Texas legislature for radicalizing hundreds of thousands of women and told one state rep, who’s an ophthalmologist, “We can give you all the children with chlamydia and herpes in their eyes, since we don’t have sex ed in the state.”

The Texas house passed the bill on Wednesday, sending it back to the state senate.

Meanwhile in North Carolina, more than 60 people were arrested at the 10th weekly “Moral Monday” demonstrations. Many wore pink t-shirts, protesting a series of anti-choice restrictions quietly passed by the state senate last week without a public hearing, attached to an unrelated bill.

The restrictions require that abortion clinics meet the standards of ambulatory surgical centers, effectively closing all but one abortion provider in North Carolina. Republicans in the state house attached similar anti-abortion provisions to a bill about motorcycle safety, prompting one state rep. to tweet, “New abortion bill being heard in the committee I am on. The public didn’t know. I didn’t even know.”

On the bright side, Democracy Now! also reported this week that, “A federal judge has temporarily blocked part of a new law signed by Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker that would require abortion providers to obtain admitting privileges at nearby hospitals.” Admitting privileges can be nearly impossible for abortion providers to obtain.


Planet Waves

Planet Waves

A snapshot of one Planet Waves staffer’s ages on three planets — and no, we’re not giving you any hints!

One for the Ages (or All Ages!)

When you were a kid, were you ever in a hurry to get to your next ‘special’ birthday? Now that you’re an adult, do you sometimes wish you could wind back the clock? Ever fantasize about visiting other planets?

The Exploratorium has created a neat page where you can put in your birth data and see how old you’d be on the nine major planets (yes, they’re letting Pluto stay on the list). Due to differences in rotation and revolution, the number of days in your age may vary wildly from the number of years old you are.


Planet Waves

Even More Getting Real: Fritz Perls and Lilith

In this week’s edition of Planet Waves FM, I interview Chani Nicholas, a San Francisco-based astrologer and scholar. However, before we go there, I give a tribute to Fritz Perls, co-founder of Gestalt therapy whose 120th birthday was July 8.

Planet Waves
Chani Nicholas.

Here is Tracy Delaney’s explanation of the astronomy behind the Black Moon Lilith, which are points associated with the somewhat erratic and unstable orbit of the Moon.

Our musical guest is Sloan Wainwright. I play two of her older songs — you can listen to her new CD on her homepage.

Here’s your link to become a member of Planet Waves FM.

One reader commented on the Cancer birthday reading:

“Just listened to my Cancer horoscope — best money I’ve ever spent… As always, I’m knocked for six by your extraordinary gift, your love and care — and this time there was an added sense of joy because we’re moving into a different era and leaving the hardships of these years behind, but taking with us the determination and resources that have been built up over this time. I LOVE your take on Mercury retrograde and the shamanic-type journey — makes so much sense and helps me open up to a pretty emotionally testing time right now. You describe so perfectly what I’ve been through and show me the wonderful things that are on their way, and already a sea change has taken place in my life, though it’s still not easy.”

Listen to the free preview here.


Planet Waves

Your Monthly Horoscopes — and our Publishing Schedule Notes

The extended monthly horoscopes for July were published Friday, June 21. We published Inner Space for July on Friday, June 28. We published the Moonshine horoscopes for the Cancer New Moon Tuesday, July 2. On Tuesday, July 15, we will publish the Moonshine horoscopes for the Aquarius Full Moon. Please note, we normally publish the extended monthly horoscopes on the first Friday after the Sun has entered a new sign; Inner Space usually publishes the following Tuesday.


Planet Waves

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, July 12, 2013, #958 | By Eric Francis

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — Find the courage and you can accomplish anything. It’s one thing to be headstrong, determined or pushy. It’s another to be brave. Unless you’re familiar with bravery, the distinction may seem like just words, though it’s not — there is a heartfelt confidence in courage; there is the trust that you’ll be able to meet your challenges and not be deterred by your hang-ups. As you discover this space within yourself, you’ll begin to pick up momentum and gather strength from what may seem like invisible sources within you. If there’s a sexual element to this, it’s about a craving to explore in physical reality what you might not even be able to speak about under ordinary circumstances. Your fantasies may lead the way; the courage aspect involves giving yourself permission to go new places with your body and your emotions, with authentic curiosity where this may lead you.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — One interesting thing about jealousy is that it’s laid on us like a law. Through social conditioning, fear and lack of understanding, it can seem like a gag reflex that’s not subject to any conscious control. You know that’s not true, despite what some people around you may be telling you. It remains your choice to give jealousy its own meaning, which is another way of saying deciding for yourself what power it will have over you. To do that, it would help to understand the nature of jealousy. There is one theory that it’s a veiled confrontation with death, through the potential loss of a relationship. I have another theory: beneath the veil of jealousy is the hottest passion that we’re capable of experiencing — not a flirtation with surrender but a direct encounter with it. You might find it strange at first that the thing you feared the most becomes a way to what you crave the most. In a word, that is healing.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — You may be ambivalent about what you want, though I don’t think you will be for long. Here is a clue. What you desire is not knowable by a concept in your head; you’ll gain access to it through a feeling in your body. It’s not what someone told you is important to you but rather what resonates in your blood and bones as urgent, necessary and true. You often display a strong protective urge for people close to you — that might emerge, though I suggest you direct that energy into taking care of yourself. Recognize your priorities — including the ones that have proven difficult to bring into focus, and the goals that have been difficult to manifest; choose the most important ones and take action. I think you’ll notice that you’re no longer trying to push something uphill but rather like it’s suspended in water. Take full advantage of a higher-than-usual efficiency between the energy you exert and the results that you get.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.

Planet Waves

The Cancer reading is now ready! Order for instant access.

Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — You may have no idea what draws other people to you, though you don’t need to understand in order for that thing to work. Indeed, it seems inevitable that it will, yet at the same time you’re likely to feel different, even like a different person. I suggest you keep your emotions closer to the surface of your awareness, be they anger, passion, love, frustration or determination. Transparency is good for you now; burying your feelings will create interference. You’re likely to be someone who was taught to take out your negative feelings on yourself. This was part of making sure you’re available as one constantly in the role of taking care of others. Let your feelings out into the open and notice what you feel. Rather than worry about what others think, observe the results that you get. You’re likely to make some unexpected (and what you might consider strange) discoveries.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — You have exceptional insight into the nature of reality right now — both your own and that of other people. It may not be in your nature to volunteer information where it hasn’t been asked for, though where it has been asked for is another question. If you’re in question about this, ask yourself exactly why you know what you know, and what purpose your powers of observation might be intended to serve. If your answer is that they are for you alone, I suggest thinking a little deeper. The service aspects in your chart are especially powerful right now, and you don’t need to be the personal beneficiary of your own goodwill. Indeed, it seems appropriate that you consciously take at least some action every day that is offered for the benefit of someone else with no thought of a direct payback. If you’re hesitating, I suggest you ask yourself what you’re holding onto.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Take some time and observe the dynamics among your friends. Your social environment is changing about as fast as you can keep up with it (probably a bit faster). It’s never been quite like this, and it is presenting you with nothing but opportunities. To see them for what they are will require thinking differently. To do that, it’ll help to see the world in a more creative way, seeing possibilities that others would overlook and most of all thinking bigger than you usually do. By bigger I don’t mean going from the 16-ounce size to the 24-ounce size; I mean by orders of magnitude. Go beyond ‘doing anything is really cool’ to seeing your limits and then seeing beyond them. I don’t think that these ideas are going to come directly from others, though you will see something in the patterns of how others relate, what they say and how their thoughts bounce off of one another.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — This is an unusual moment of achievement for you. By that I mean that despite any doubts you may have, over the next few weeks through the end of the year, you’re likely to accomplish at least three things you might have previously believed were highly unlikely or even impossible. Don’t worry about how you will get to your end goal. I suggest you not be especially concerned if you don’t even have one of those — rather, focus on your direction of travel. I suggest you take the trip one conscious, tangible step at a time. Look for modest, obvious objectives, and focus on doing what you do better rather than faster. Pacing is essential — there’s a lot of pressure from Mars about to come into play, which might feel like pushing you to pick up your speed. You will get your best results with a slow and steady pace despite any deadlines you might face. As you move through this territory, an obvious and very significant goal is likely to manifest for you, and you will know exactly what to do.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Your traditional ruling planet Mars is about to enter Cancer, joining many other planets in the water signs. Meanwhile, the mighty Saturn in your birth sign has recently stationed direct. Between these two developments you’re likely to feel that the universe is not only more cooperative but actually shows responsiveness to your creative power. Focus on the positive, including feelings, desires and images. If you have to vent some steam or some spleen, write an angry letter to God or go to your therapist’s office and let it out there — then move on quickly. This is one of those times when what you focus on will increase, which is why I am suggesting you focus on the positive. You can do that thing where you view problems as opportunities; you may notice that it’s strangely effective. That’s not a magical result as much as it is a creative one. If you’re confronted with a problem, take the occasion to solve it on a systemic level and let it point you to a greater achievement.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Some element of darkness, doubt or shadow will emerge with deep sexual or emotional passion. Therefore you don’t need to be surprised if and when it does — though it would help if you know how to handle yourself. Step one is don’t go into denial. Step two is don’t blame yourself or anyone, just stay with the feelings involved. Step three is remember that these feelings are flexible and therefore subject to change. The mind has a way of making what is now seem like it’s permanent — especially when it comes to emotions. Remember that the feeling body is associated with the element water. Water flows easily; it always seeks balance; it has a way of permeating anything. The only time that’s not true is when it’s frozen, which is unlikely — you’re likely to be feeling a healthy dose of heat over the next few days and I suggest you let it thaw anyplace chilly, and explore the results as you melt the stuck places in your soul.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Mars arrives in your opposite sign Cancer on Saturday, and that’s a message to get used to people having strong feelings about you. Since we live in a time when it’s considered appropriate to panic when someone looks at us, I suggest you open up and be ready for some strong reactions to your presence. Most of them will be positive; some you might need to deflect. But energy is energy, and it’s coming your way. Timing factors indicate clearly that this influx will come into focus between now and July 27, at which time it will not wane but rather increase. This is the time to be present in your environment and the extent to which you’re a focus of interest, rather than trying to hide in your room. What could possibly lead me to think you might do that? Perhaps it’s something in your chart; perhaps it’s something about our moment, wherein confidence is at an all-time low.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — You’re entering what may be the busiest month of your life so far. It will be up to you to make it one of the most productive. While you’re likely to feel the impulse to take immediate action, I suggest you take the next week or so and develop a plan, or at least a focused list of priorities. Some items on that list will lend themselves to movement now, and if you’re planning carefully you will notice that some will require preparation. And I think you will notice that one objective or goal stands high above the rest, and you are likely to know about it now. I suggest you organize yourself around your highest priorities and then work in descending order, coming back to that basic structure when in doubt. The thing to avoid is being driven by your emotions. Let them have their place — and make sure that your motto in these days of your life is ‘mind over matter’.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — I can remember no time in my work as an astrologer where the planets were more favorably aligned for Pisces than they are now. It would be fair to call this a visionary moment. Your two ruling planets, Jupiter and Neptune, are in excellent shape, placed in water signs; Mars is about to ingress your sympathetic water sign Cancer. Many other factors are adding up to something truly special. There is one factor that you alone can bring, which is the courage to take risks. I could rant endlessly about our society of wimps who are afraid to make eye contact or have a conversation in person, but I will skip that. The risks I suggest you take are mostly human — stating clearly what you feel, without glossing over the important parts; engaging people you’re interested in rather than waiting for them to come to you; and giving yourself direct permission to ignore the ‘rules’ and express yourself boldly. If you can do these things for yourself, you will open the way to miracles.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.

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Planets Diving into the Water (and Mars in Gemini)

Dear Friend and Reader:

How did you come out of the three-fer series of eclipses that ended last Friday night? The sudden release of energy left many people feeling frayed, others like a sack of potatoes, and others like they emerged from an initiation ordeal.

Planet Waves
Photo by Eric Francis.

To recap, we just lived through a partial eclipse of the Moon in Scorpio (a Full Moon) on April 25, an annular eclipse of the Sun on May 9 (a New Moon), and a penumbral eclipse of the Moon (a Full Moon) in Sagittarius on May 25.

Usually eclipses come in pairs; three is a substantial increase in the energy. There was also a reference to the past, with one extra eclipse along the Gemini/Sagittarius axis, which was so 2012. (Eclipses come in weird, interesting patterns, and are a topic of their own.)

We have all been through the paces. In the collective world, the proverbial poo hit the turbine with the Boston Marathon bombing on April 15 and the energy has barely relented since. The closest we’ve come to a break was last weekend’s Full Moon in Sagittarius passing by. That may have felt like climbing a high mountain, taking a look around and then falling asleep next to your backpack for six hours.

If you’re feeling stirred up, unsettled, or restless, I would not be surprised. This kind of astrology can provoke anxiety and depression. A Gemini friend said to me this week that it feels like the decline of civilization is making itself known these days. Whether he’s right or not, many people feel this way. A good few have given up, and others wish they could.

This is not an easy time in history to be alive. It’s lovely that most of us in the Western world live in dry spaces that keep out the rain, and might even have enough food to eat. Yet the spiritual and psychological strain at this time in history is unlike any other, and in truth it’s more than most people can bear.

Planet Waves
Photo by Eric Francis.

If the strain gets to be too much, the typical approach is denial. There’s never been a more opportune moment to practice blissful ignorance as a way of life — that is, until something deeper calls you.

That may be happening soon, if it’s not happening now. This week, the cluster of planets that’s been following the Sun all year begins to enter Cancer. There’s a lot of energy in that first degree of Cancer (where the Sun is when summer begins, which happens in a few weeks). Any time planets cross the spot where a season changes we get what I call an Aries Point effect — individual and collective realms converge into one. We feel world problems more poignantly. This will persist till those problems get our attention. It seems like one purpose of the hyper-extended nervous system of the electronic media is to make sure we have access to the full picture of what is going wrong with the world, the better to get capable people to respond.

Friday, May 31, Mercury enters Cancer, where it will be into early August. That’s in part due to a spell of Mercury retrograde that begins at the end of June, though we’re a bit ahead of ourselves on that topic.

In the next few weeks, Venus, the Sun and Jupiter enter Cancer. There’s a lot going on in the water signs this year, and what happens this month is central to that.

Saturn is in Scorpio through early 2015 and Chiron and Neptune are in Pisces for the long haul. All these planets about to ingress Cancer will complete a grand trine in the water signs. This is rare and beautiful astrology. It’ll be excellent for anyone with a strong water sign signature in their chart (Sun, Moon, rising or any strong planet in water signs). And as previously mentioned here and there, Mercury is about to make its second of three retrogrades in a water sign this year.

This ongoing arrangement may be challenging for those who are overwhelmed by the rising tide of their emotions, or who are not good at sitting with their own emotions. For those with strong water sign charts, you might feel like you really do belong on the planet, at least a bit more than usual.

Planet Waves
Near Sag Harbor, NY. Photo by Eric Francis.

In any event this is a time when it’ll be necessary to adjust to an extended moment when feelings really count and are more palpable than usual.

Remember that water signs imply that things may make less sense on the rational wavelength and more sense on the intuitive wavelength.

Once that grand water trine really takes hold in late June, with Jupiter’s arrival (and we’ll get our first taste of it this weekend), emotional patterns will tend to increase in momentum as if in a vortex. Therefore, make corrections as soon as you see something that needs to be addressed. Keep clarity with people. Put crazymakers as far away from the action as possible, which means don’t invite them into your house.

As Mars in early Gemini works its way into a square with Neptune, this is especially true. This aspect is potentially deeply creative, poetic and experimental — and also potentially self-destructive. See if you can stay on the creative side by giving yourself healthy outlets for your emotional energy.

Mars square Neptune is one of those aspects where I extend a substance use/abuse caution. Know when you’re doing things for fun and when you’re self-medicating (both have their moment). Know when enough is enough. There’s a calling here to embrace a spiritual level of experience rather than an escapist one. This aspect is an accelerant, but it can be directed inwardly as a kind of catalyst.

Planets in Cancer are a reminder to stay emotionally connected. Now is the time to get into the mode of slowing down a little and taking better care of yourself. Eat real food. Get actual rest. Get near some water. Don’t forget to drink some of it, too.


Editor’s Note: News briefs below are researched and written by a team consisting of me, Liam Carey, Amanda Painter, Susan Scheck and Carol van Strum. Jessica Keet and Chelsea Bottinnelli provide editing support. Our fact checking list includes Alex Miller and Len Wallick. Note, even if other writers are working, I make the last call on all astrology interpretations in the Friday edition. To get on the Thursday night fact checking team please write directly to me at dreams@planetwaves.net — efc


Planet Waves

Near Earth Asteroid Buzzing By; Sun Square Chiron

In other astrology news, Near Earth Asteroid (NEA) 285263 (1998 QE2) will pass 5.86 million km from the Earth on Friday, May 31 at 4:59 pm EDT. This is the closest approach of 1998 QE2 for this century, and it poses no impact threat since it’s currently at more than 15 times the Earth-Moon distance.

Planet Waves
Radar images of 1998 QE2 showing its binary point — a little Moon that orbits with the asteroid — one of many binary minor planets orbiting our Sun.

Yet this is the latest in a series of near-miss asteroid passes, which you might think of as a defining metaphor of our time in history.

The Moon is in Pisces, and will make a conjunction to Chiron later today (Friday). That happens just after last quarter phase, also today. The Moon will ingress Aries Sunday, June 2 at 2:33 am EDT.

Mercury and Mars have both changed signs; Mercury is now in Cancer and Mars is in Gemini. Venus will ingress Cancer on Sunday, June 2 at 10:12 pm EDT. Immediately after that, the Aries Moon passes through the Uranus-Pluto square, making a conjunction to Uranus and a square to Pluto.

The Sun is reaching the sensitive midpoint of Gemini — sensitive due to the presence of the Great Attractor in mid-Sagittarius (a massive energy source and gravitational point), and also due to the most commonly used U.S.A. chart having mid-Sagittarius rising.

The Sun will also be square Chiron through the weekend and into early next week. The combination of Sun in Gemini and Chiron in Pisces is suggesting that you go past the idea of your creative potential or what you want to do, and past the words you use to describe it, and actually begin a new experiment. You might not want to talk about it at all, since it’s too easy to talk away a good idea.

There’s also a caution to be aware of what you were told you could not do, or what example was set by early male caregivers, and what you learned from their own (potentially ‘failed’) quest to express themselves. Their burdens are not yours; their lack of confidence is not yours — that is, not unless you allow it to be so.


Planet Waves

Bachmann Exits Stage Right; Comey in the Wings to Head FBI Snake Pit

Michele Bachmann, former presidential candidate and congressional representative from an alternate universe, announced her exit from politics this week, at least as something besides a lobbyist. Known for her hilarious made-up facts about history, co-owning a We’ll Cure Your Gayness ‘therapy’ center and being investigated by five different law enforcement agencies for campaign finance issues, Bachman has been the Republican rodeo clown who distracts the attention from what is really going on around her.

Planet Waves
We’ll miss you, Michele. Photo: Daily Kos.

Speaking of, Obama seemed ready to nominate James Comey, the former number-two official in the Justice Department under George W. Bush, as head of the FBI. He would replace Robert S. Mueller III when he retires in September.

Unlike other federal agencies, the FBI director has a term limit (that’s because J. Edgar headed the agency for half a century under six presidents). Mueller has exceeded the 10-year term limit by two years.

Though a Republican (the ninth that Obama has left in place or appointed to a top-level position), Comey will probably face opposition in the Senate — get this, for new and novel — for his ties to Wall Street.

Comey has a reputation for standing up to Bush administration shenanigans (illegal wiretapping, in particular), which might be a useful character trait given that he would be stepping into an FBI that seems to be unraveling by the day. Already facing criticism for losing track of Tamerlan Tsarnaev before the Boston Marathon bombing, the question now is why one of Tsarnaev’s friends was killed in Florida last week during questioning by FBI agents.

The friend, Inbragim Todashev, was being interviewed by agents and state police about his possible involvement in a 2011 Boston-area triple murder when suddenly he ended up with a lot of bullets in him. There are conflicting reports whether he was armed with a pipe, a knife, a broomstick, reached for a sword or had no weapon at all. (Seriously? A broomstick? A sword? Is this Harry Potter or Dungeons and Dragons?)

FBI agents are not allowed to frisk questioning subjects when interviewing them inside their homes. While it’s possible that he could have had a knife, that doesn’t explain how he ended up with seven bullets in his body, including one in the crown of the head, according to his family.

Planet Waves
Chart for the FBI’s creation in 1908 reveals a grouping of Cancer planets to the right, showing the extent to which the agency is ruled by its emotions. To the left is a group of planets in Leo, including a Mars-Jupiter conjunction — this gives a flair for drama, pride and being driven by a kind of religious ideology.

Autopsy photos were sent to the Todashevs in Russia this week after the body was released, and Ibragim’s father held a news conference in Moscow Thursday showing the images and demanding an explanation.

An article in Thursday’s New York Times included this explanation of what happened: “The agent fired several shots at Mr. Todashev, striking him and knocking him backward. But Mr. Todashev again charged at the agent. The agent fired several more shots at Mr. Todashev, killing him. The detective in the room did not fire his weapon, the official said.”

I know what everyone is thinking. Those Russian kids are so badass you can shoot them six times with a Glock and they just keep coming at you.

The Times added: “Under the F.B.I.’s guidelines, agents can fire a gun at someone if they feel the person is a threat to them or someone else. The episode is being reviewed by a team of F.B.I. investigators who specialize in shootings and by the district attorney in Orlando, the official said.”

I just took a look at the FBI’s chart. You would think it would be ruled by logic and wisdom. In fact, the chart is dominated by the rapid-cycling, emotional sign Cancer. The agency has Venus, Mercury, Neptune and the Moon, as well as the lunar North Node and the hypothetical planet Transpluto in that sign. The chart reads more like the script to a soap opera than an episode of CSI.

But with a Mercury-Neptune-Moon conjunction, it’s no wonder that paranormal-investigating agents Fox Mulder and Dale Cooper are among its time-honored fictional heroes. Think of Cooper using information from visionary dreams to solve crimes in Twin Peaks (Moon-Neptune), or Mulder’s nonstop emotional “it must be true” histrionics in X-Files. All of these Cancer planets are currently taking oppositions from Pluto and squares from Uranus, which will keep life interesting for years to come.


Planet Waves

Another Political Prisoner for the U.S. Collection

The Obama administration is continuing its crackdown on political activists and whistleblowers. This week Jeremy Hammond, activist and computer security wunderkind, pleaded guilty to hacking into the private intelligence firm Stratfor, the FBI and other institutions, and to being affiliated with the hacktivist group Anonymous.

Planet Waves
Booking file photo of Jeremy Hammond; Cook County Sheriff’s Department, Illinois.

“I did this because I believe people have a right to know what governments and corporations are doing behind closed doors,” said Hammond, 28, in a statement. “I did what I believe is right.”

About five million Stratfor emails ended up on the whistleblowing website WikiLeaks, founded by Julian Assange, as a result of Hammond’s actions. Facing the possibility of overzealous prosecution (the likes of which contributed to the suicide death of activist Aaron Swartz earlier this year), Hammond took the guilty plea to avoid a potential maximum sentence of 30 years in prison.

Hammond now faces up to 10 years of incarceration. He has already served 15 months, including weeks in solitary confinement.

“Obama has, in relation to the Espionage Act, applied it to more people, more journalistic sources and journalists, than any — than all previous administrations combined, going back to the origin of that act in 1917,” said Jullian Assange in an interview on Democracy Now! Wednesday. “And that’s part of a new centralization of power in the United States.”

Assange continued, “The Pentagon, allied institutions like Stratfor, can’t keep up a perception of authority if bright young men, determined, courageous and moral, like Jeremy Hammond, are seen to have struck a blow against them and exposed their corrupt activities.”

Hammond, who was programming video games by age 8, has also been a peace activist from a young age and started his own computer security training website when he was 18. In his freshman year at the University of Illinois, he approached administrators of the Computer Sciences Dept., alerting them to a security flaw in their website and offering to fix it. They thanked him by banning him from returning the next year.

Speaking truth to power is never appreciated by the powerful — and the stakes are getting higher and higher as the U.S. government continues to consolidate power and money under the ‘national security’ umbrella.


Planet Waves

Fire Ignites to Burn Monsanto — and its GMO Seeds

Under the energies of a super-charged Full Moon and the third powerful eclipse in a month, Saturday’s worldwide March Against Monsanto reached farther and wider than its founder ever dreamed — yet major news outlets in the mass media brazenly ignored it. [We covered the astrology of the event in this blog post.]

Planet Waves
Protesters in San Diego, California, on Saturday. Photo: March Against Monsanto.

Founder Tami Monroe Canal created a Facebook page on Feb. 28 calling for a rally against the company’s practices, and watched as sign-ups spread rapidly across the Internet.

“If I had gotten 3,000 people to join me, I would have considered that a success,” she said Saturday. Instead, she said an “incredible” number of people responded to her message: more than two million, in 52 countries and 436 cities.

The group plans to build on the momentum of the march to get GMOs out of the food supply.

“We will continue until Monsanto complies with consumer demand. They are poisoning our children, poisoning our planet,” she said. “If we don’t act, who’s going to?”

This is a movement started, organized and reported on only by social and alternative media. The mass media coverage blackout backfired, as alternative-media reporters such as Anthony Gucciardi of Natural Society and protesters worldwide documented the march via cell phones, Facebook and Twitter.

“We have so much support from so many different groups coming out and standing up against Monsanto that it just goes to show there is a ‘sleeping giant’ of awake individuals who thoroughly understand the challenges we face as a nation,” Gucciardi said from Philadelphia. “One only needs to tap into that powerful energy of resistance to ignite a movement, like a match to a gasoline-drenched fire pit.”


Planet Waves

Forewarned is Forearmed — But Will Anyone Listen?

Residents of towns in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Iowa and Minnesota affected by fracking (hydraulic fracturing) and related practices sent warning letters — an unprecedented move — to Illinois lawmakers this week, detailing a tragic impending “public health disaster” if that state allows the controversial practice.

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An anti-fracking rally after a House Committee hearing at the Illinois State Capitol on May 21. Photo: AP/Seth Perlman.

They advised a moratorium “to take the time to visit areas with fracking, bring scientists and medical experts into the process, and undertake an environmental and public health study. If you allow fracking to go forward as planned, you will bring to your state the same horrific experiences we have suffered in Pennsylvania.”

Some of the text of the letter is below; you can read the entire letter here.

“The oil and gas industry promises that fracking is safe and that it will create jobs and bring your state riches, but Pennsylvania’s experience in the past five years tells a very different story. In short, water contamination has been widespread; our air has been polluted; countless individuals and families have been sickened; farms have been devastated, cattle have died, and our pristine streams and rivers have turned up dead fish; only a fraction of the promised jobs and revenue for the state have come to fruition; and our communities have been transformed into toxic industrial zones with 24/7 noise, flares, thousands of trucks, and increased crime. What’s more, the jobs have made many workers so sick that they can no longer work in the industry.”

Pennsylvania residents also released links to a “List of the Harmed“, with names of affected citizens and their ailments.

The Illinois General Assembly was set to vote this week on the state’s fracking bill, after a House Executive Committee hearing on it revealed that none of the committee members had ever visited a fracking site.

Meanwhile, General Electric Co. has invested $15 billion in fracking in the last few years, and is set to invest more. Think of that next time you need a new appliance, or choose investments for your portfolio.


Planet Waves

Syria: Another Proxy War, and a Volatile Chart  

What exactly is happening in Syria? The storyline in the mainstream media is that the government has been pummeling its citizens ever since the Arab Spring uprisings of 2011.

Planet Waves
Child with her toy truck and adult wristwatch stands on a pile of rubble in Syria.

Those uprisings were among the first hints that the Uranus-Pluto square (the 2012-era aspect) was about to happen, though as is often true with aspects between these two planets, the gains are short-lived and easily spoiled. As we’ll see in a moment, Syria’s chart describes how the country is a tinderbox waiting to burst into flames.

Among the developments this week: U.S. Sen. John McCain (R, AZ) made a surprise visit to Syria, visiting the rebels. His daughter tweeted that she wished she hadn’t found out about it on Twitter.

McCain has been pushing for more direct involvement by the U.S. in Syria, but the question is, why? Is it humanitarian concern for the rebels? Or is he part of a team angling for a side-door into a war with Iran? What about making sure Lockheed Martin, et al., stay robust with new customers and new projects? War is always good for arms traders.

The Obama administration is backing a European Union decision to provide weapons to Syrian rebels. The statement came after the European Union was unable to reach a consensus on a previous arms ban, which Britain and France were pushing to ease.

“We disagree with and we condemn the continued supply of Russian weapons to the regime, and this includes all class of weapons. And we’ve been clear throughout and very direct with the Russian government about that. We’ve seen how the regime uses those arms,” a State Department spokesman said this week.

Russia, meanwhile, is providing arms to the al-Assad regime, which the E.U. denounced this week, including selling anti-aircraft missiles to the government. Both Russia and the U.S. claim to support global talks on ending the conflict, but their actions send another message.

“For a long time after Vietnam our government was paralysed with doubt; we are seeing that process again in the wake of the catastrophic war in Iraq,” U.S. ambassador to Syria Fred Hof said this week. He’s correct in one part of that analysis: Syria seems to be a proxy war, just like Vietnam was. (A recent meme among hawks is, “We cannot make the mistake of hesitating like we did during Vietnam stop us from getting into some new exciting, expensive, endless, pointless war.”)

Syria’s Astrology is On Fire

Thanks to an astrologer and historian named Nick Campion, we have accurate chart data for most countries of the world (if you’re studying astrology, The Book of World Horoscopes will be essential in your collection). The French gave actual power over the Syrian government to local rulers on Jan. 1, 1944, probably at midnight. Ceremonial independence was a few years earlier; the actual transfer of power is what this chart is for. Here is the pertinent section of that chart with a link to the full chart here.

Planet Waves
One of Syria’s independence charts includes a conjunction of Mars, Vesta and Uranus, visible toward the upper right.

One of the most characteristic features of this chart is a triple conjunction of Vesta, Mars and Uranus in early Gemini. This is a rare triple conjunction to the degree, with all three points being about fire: Vesta’s central theme is fire, Uranus is like lightning or an electrical fire, and Mars is aggression or martial power, particularly when in aspect to Uranus.

All three planets are retrograde, suggesting that the energy has been directed inward as pent-up rage or aggression and could come unraveled at any time.

Mars has just ingressed Gemini and is about to walk right over that Mars-Vesta-Uranus conjunction. Gemini is a potentially volatile energy (an airy, mutable sign), and oxygen fuels fire. This is taking place in the 8th house, of transformation but also of crisis, death and tons of cash changing hands. Events could proceed rapidly over the next few days.

One other appearance by Uranus, hardly a cameo: it’s about to go over the 7th house cusp of Syria’s natal chart. That can be disruptive, and the shakeup can come from the outside. Where Uranus is transiting the 7th house cusp, it’s easy to have aggravating factors in the environment. Note, there are creative ways to take this transit, which would depend on things like cooperation, unusual diplomatic arrangements and welcoming outside points of view — but that’s unlikely while everyone is funneling bombs into the country.

There’s one other complication — Neptune, currently in early Pisces, is making a square to that conjunction. If this situation seems confusing and painfully volatile, it is. Neptune can be fuel for the fire, it can be sarin gas, it can feed religious mania or mania of any kind, particularly when square Uranus.

Neptune in a square to this triple conjunction of Mars, Vesta and Uranus is given to dishonesty, self-deception and self-destructive behavior. Let’s hope this doesn’t get blown out of proportion, especially because some arms traders want to make a few bucks.


Planet Waves

Planet Waves

Musical instruments made from guns, displayed with a series of collage paintings called Machine Music, in the Imagine and Disarm exhibits by Pedro Reyes at London’s Lisson Gallery. The paintings “present a utopian vision of a world in which heavy artillery has been converted into instruments of ‘sonic warfare’, with soldiers fighting in the field with musical instruments as their weapons.”

An Unlikely Orchestra

Mexican artist Pedro Reyes found a higher use for some of the illegal firearms ravaging his native country — many of which come from the United States. He’s turned them into musical instruments.

For Reyes the process of transforming weapons into objects of positive utility “… was more than physical. It’s important to consider that many lives were taken with these weapons; as if a sort of exorcism was taking place, the music expelled the demons they held, as well as being a requiem for the lives lost.”

The collection includes instruments created from firearms, including revolvers, shotguns and machine guns, which were crushed by tanks and steamrollers to render them useless. Played in concert, their cacophonous tones are reminders of the destruction they bred in their former incarnation.


Planet Waves

Planet Waves FM Was on Break — Call for Blue Studio Sessions

Eric is looking for guests on his Blue Studio podcast. These began last year as readers came forward to describe their life journey of sex and sexuality. Rather than having ‘experts’ do the talking, this is a sex program created from the ground up. If you’re curious email him at dreams@planetwaves.net with the subject header Blue Studio Sessions.


Planet Waves

Your Monthly Horoscopes — and our Publishing Schedule Notes

The June monthly extended horoscopes were published Friday, May 24. Inner Space horoscopes for June are published below in this issue. I recommend reviewing the previous month’s horoscope at the end of the month; you can see May’s monthly horoscope here.


Inner Space Horoscope for June 2013, #952 | By Eric Francis

We’ve had a lot of intense months lately; June promises to be an interesting one. Eclipses are out of the way for a while, which will help everyone sleep a little better. Planets are gathering in the sign Cancer, which is a reminder that we need to take care of one another on the planet, as much for everyone else as for ourselves. You want the people around you to feel safe and strong, and the small gestures you make honoring that fact will come right back to you. Jupiter enters the sign Cancer for a year right after the solstice. Then on June 26, Mercury stations retrograde for three weeks. This may come with the feeling of re-evaluation, and the need to tune up your emotional body so that you may focus on what you want rather than what you define as a need.

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — Get ready to make a stretch — of your living space, of your emotional capacity, of your ability to take care of yourself and others. You don’t need to be afflicted by the same ‘there’s never enough’ bug that so many others seem unable or unwilling to shake off. You can afford to feel safe, and you will only benefit from encouraging the people you love to understand that they too are safe. Humans are critters that belong in broods, tribes and caravans. Our society falsely promises benefit and gain by striking off on one’s own or ignoring the needs of others. Everyone needs some time to themselves, but that’s a different thing. Anyone who feels the pleasure of cooperation and the benefits of solving collective problems collectively is unlikely to go back to the old way.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).
Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) –You may think you know what you’re saying, but do others understand what’s on your mind? I ask not for their sake but your own. You need to feel understood. You also need to feel like you understand yourself, though over the next couple of months that’s likely to come in layers rather than to burst out of the ground like a gusher. I suggest you be patient with yourself, and express your uncertainty gently. If you do, what you may notice is the presence of a rare kind of confidence that has roots going deeper than any questions your mind could come up with. Therefore, if you ask a question, assume that it has an answer. If you see a problem, assume there is a solution. It may not manifest overnight, though it will help move things along if you keep adjusting your point of view. You will see different things from different perspectives.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).


Gemini Sun and Rising — a Reading for You

Dear Gemini Reader:

Last week I recorded your birthday reading for 2013-2014. It’s become the bestselling birthday reading of the year. I bring to life the truly beautiful astrology that you’ll be experiencing over the next four seasons.

Planet Waves
Eric and his astrology assistant Jonah, who has Virgo Sun and Moon.

I begin with a discussion of what every Gemini should know about his or her sign, and then I cover a diversity of transits that you’ve read about elsewhere but may not have put into the context of your life.

Jupiter is in your sign now, joined by Mercury and Venus. Soon planets will move into Cancer, the sign associated with resources, money and self-esteem — that is good news on all of those topics. I describe what it means to have your ruling planet Mercury retrograde three times in water signs — covering seven months of the year.

I talk about Pluto going through your 8th house, which is raising all kinds of questions about the role that structure plays in your relationships — and your desire to burst free and express yourself. I cover Saturday’s eclipse of the Moon in Sagittarius, your relationship sign.

I have created my 2013 Gemini reading specifically to help you tap into the very unique energy coming your way — energy with the potential to transform how you feel, think and relate. This is a truly helpful moment in your life, one that can make up for some of the challenges of recent years.

The reading will be accurate, informative and fun for Gemini rising and Moon as well. You can listen to a short audio preview here.

Your reading is now ready. If you’ve already purchased or are an all-access member, you should receive an email shortly. The price for this hour of astrology plus tarot reading (and bonus materials) is $29.95. You may order your Gemini birthday reading here.

I know you’ll love this reading. Please do check it out.



Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — How you feel about yourself determines what you think is possible. That in turn is the most dependable metric on what is possible, for you. Events this month seem determined to teach you what you have to offer, and the many ways your gifts and your efforts can be of service to the world. One thing is for certain: if you think you have nothing to offer, you must think again. It may take you a little time to figure out what your gifts are and what you can do with them, but that’s different than doubt or despondency. If you’re just not seeing the possibility, it’s likely that something is blocking your view. That something may be an outdated attitude or value about the meaning of work, or a negative emotional attachment that you can now, at long last, dissolve.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).
Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Stay as close to the edge as possible, for as long as you can. Keep your options open. You may be inclined to take the ‘safe’ route because the thing you want seems impossible, too challenging or too remote to be viable. You may feel like your deepest desire has gone missing. Please be patient, and appreciate the experience of uncertainty as much as you can, and remember that your main job right now is to keep the door open for the best potentials when they begin to show up, which could stretch out a few weeks from now. You will feel when they arrive; you’ll recognize them. My sense is that you will feel the tide is turning and know that you can move with it. What arrives is not a one-off but evidence that you have entered a new time in your life, one that will offer you many gifts that you merely need to open up and receive consciously.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).
Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — There seems to be so much you can’t do anything about, though what you have going for you is the ability to access what I will call spiritual help. Any mystery, any problem, any challenge, is inviting you to ‘offer it up’ to natural healing forces and ease your mind. One thing is certain: those forces are real, and they are willing to help you. Since you’ve got the responsibility to take care of so many people, count it as a good thing you have support. Yet you have more help than you may know. While it’s clear that you will need to help guide certain events in a positive direction, your leadership style would benefit from a major revision from anything your parents or early authority figures inflicted on you. There’s a new way to do things — and you’re bringing it into existence.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).
Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — As the month develops, you may feel like you’re swimming against the tide of social opinion, or perhaps more subtly, that you just start to feel different than the people around you. What I suggest is that you not try to prove yourself or allow any discussion to degrade into a power struggle. You have a right to be independent, particularly in your emotional response. Who is right or wrong doesn’t matter; what matters is that you’re at peace with yourself. If you recognize that there is only a limited extent to which anyone is entitled to an opinion about your life, this will be a lot easier. There’s also missing information, though you’re the one most likely to be ahead of the curve figuring out that the knowledge that’s coming will validate your hunch or point of view about what is right for you.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).

Planet Waves

Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Events that develop this month will be enough to focus your priorities on what you know matters — what you’ve said so many times is your top priority. You may start to feel like you have some catching up to do, yet I would caution against acting like you have to make up for lost time. Rather, work with the idea that what you’re doing and the choices you’re making now are right on time. Take the steps you need to prepare for the steps you’re about to take. Perhaps the most important thing to remember is how much you’ve learned the past year. Make sure that you consider what some call ‘both’ sides of every issue and what I would say amounts to taking a circumspect, open-minded approach, never being too invested in your own opinions.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).
Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — When you have faith in yourself, the universe will provide for you. Or rather, it will provide for you anyway but you may not notice that’s what’s happening. It’s your faith that will inform you and that, thankfully, is something you’re learning to make friends with. Here are some clues that this arrangement is working well: One is that you have enough of what you need. Another is that you have a vision for the future that you trust. Rather than being a vague hope or wish, your vision is something that you can see in a focused way, even if it doesn’t exist yet, and that you trust despite any questions you may have — questions I suggest you ask gently, and wait earnestly for the answers. You know more than you think, though to access the information you must listen and trust.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Relationships are about an exchange of something substantial, be it feelings, resources, ideas or effort. What happens this month will be enough to illustrate the point. You’re ending a phase of your life and beginning another where ‘too much of nothing’ is no longer enough. Once you’re clear about that, it’ll be obvious who is offering you something, without needing to understand the motive. This may be the exercise in trust that you’ve been planning to embark on for so long. Remember that it takes some trust to trust, and at first you may seem to have no special reason to do so. Not at least based on certain elements of your past — though there are others you may not have considered. And they are reminding you they exist. They’re reminding you there is something about yourself that it’s time to reclaim.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).
Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Suddenly you have more options than you know what to do with, or you will soon. As you consider these options, you may also be inclined to hesitate. But rather than do that, you have an opportunity to experiment, and to explore who makes you feel how. Relationships are not theoretical. They are not about pondering who or what might work, or how a situation might feel. They are about experience, and an experiment, and you don’t need to commit to more than that when you want to explore someone. You are not married after the third date, you don’t have to have sex, and the person is not your boyfriend or girlfriend. You can explore sex and you’re still not married. Rather than the social conventions, the thing to pay attention to is your own need for contact. Remember, this is more important than your need to bond. Start with contact and see where things go.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).
Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — What your life hinges on is your ability to state your needs and your desires. It would help if you could tell them apart, and have clear ideas what constitutes one or the other (clue, you will have very few needs, and a good few more desires). Knowing about this is not enough; being clear with yourself is not enough. You need to put this information to use. You may have been taught to ‘expect’ your needs and desires to be met, or to hope that doing so for others would result in someone showing up and doing that for you. Many things preclude that, including the aura of independence you put out, however what I suggest you do is tell people — the ones that matter — what your life is about and what role you want them to have. How they respond is up to them, though you’ll learn a lot either way.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).
Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — The more fun you have, the better you will feel. While on one level this is a serious time in your life with so much at stake, what matters more is your motivation to succeed. What some call luck will play a role in this; you’re about to have a rare collection arriving in your solar 5th house, including Venus and Jupiter. This is an invitation to take action rather than to wait for good things to happen. For a Pisces there is no better incentive to live well than play, creative exploration and sex. It’s not every day that you get an opportunity like the one you have now, and if career questions or business are on your mind, you will get better results from fun than from labor. Along a similar line of thought, working in a creative mode is more important than working hard.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two product



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The Most Interesting Month Since the Ocean

Dear Friend and Reader:

June will be a big month for the water signs. That’s good news for everyone, unless your only friend is a cactus (and they love water too, just not too much of it). Water is the most delicate element, essential to supporting life on our planet. It’s as basic as oxygen, and it’s drying out, being polluted and fracked out of existence. Yet when the astrology gets wet, I think that everyone is happier — and that’s what happens soon.

Planet Waves
This April 2006 photo taken by the Hubble Space Telescope shows a second red, oval storm to the left of the original Red Spot. Dubbed “Red Spot Jr.,” it is about the same diameter as Earth and was formed when smaller, whitish oval-shaped storms merged and changed color. At the time, scientists speculated that Red Spot Jr. is evidence for climate change on Jupiter. Photo: NASA.

Among the main events of the next few weeks is Jupiter moving from Gemini to Cancer, completing a grand water trine with Saturn in Scorpio and both Chiron and Neptune in Pisces. The Sun and other planets will be passing through Cancer as well, filling up our spiritual reservoirs.

Let’s start in the current moment and take the story more or less in order (note, all dates are based on EDT).

Eclipses of spring end with the Sagittarius lunar eclipse that happens Saturday, May 25 at 12:25 am EDT. This will be the last of the eclipses along the Gemini/Sagittarius angle — the unusual third eclipse in the current cycle is a holdover from the prior (Gem/Sag) cycle. Through 2014 the Taurus/Scorpio axis will host eclipses (along with the Aries/Libra axis); the next Taurus/Scorpio eclipse heats up in November.

June 2013 emphasizes the water theme of this year — a theme of making contact with one’s feeling body without being overwhelmed by it. That’s always the thing about emotions; with the other thing being the extent to which they are being corrupted by advertising imagery, clearly among the top spiritual issues of our time in history. When astrology emphasizes the water signs, you will feel more, and more deeply, and then at the same time be subject to manipulation.

The realm of feeling, of emotion, of body sensation, is different from the realm of intellect, concept and mental control. Indeed what happens on the level of water can subvert or perhaps submerge what we experience in the mental environment. It doesn’t need to — emotions and ideas can coexist, and if the forthcoming astrology is any indication, we need to figure out how to do that.

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Photo by Amanda Painter.

Mercury enters Cancer on May 31, where it will perform its retrograde maneuver between June 26 and July 20. It’ll remain in Cancer through its second shadow phase and then finally enter Leo on Aug. 8.

That’s a long time for Mercury to be in any one sign, especially a water sign; yet it’s also the second of three times that Mercury will spend more than two months in a water sign this year (the first was in Pisces earlier in 2013 and the third will be when it’s in Scorpio later in the year).

On June 2, Venus enters Cancer — still in a loose conjunction with Mercury. That conjunction will come back into focus later in the month.

June 8 is the Gemini New Moon, exact at 11:56 am. That’s synchronous with a sparky aspect, Mercury square Uranus, happening just a few hours later.

June 19 is also a special day — the Sun is conjunct Jupiter in Gemini. That won’t happen again till 2036. Yes, it should happen again in 12 years, but the Sun-Jupiter conjunction skips Gemini the next time Jupiter is in that sign. This is also our farewell to Jupiter in Gemini for this cycle.

On June 21, the Sun enters Cancer, which is the solstice. This is an Aries Point event; the Sun is square the first degree of the zodiac (i.e., the Aries Point), which means that we’ll all be standing at the intersection of the personal and the collective. That’s what this degree does, and it’s very sensitive. So sensitive in fact that the ingresses of Mercury and Venus earlier in the month may have a similar effect.

Planet Waves
Photo by Amanda Painter.

Because this is happening in the style of a water sign, experiences and events will have a deeper emotional influence than usual, and in addition to describing the emotional realm, water sign energy also reaches into what we think of as psychic — that is, behind-the-scenes communication.
It’s also good for empathy and understanding what others are going through by feeling it rather than needing to have it explained.

On June 25, Jupiter enters Cancer. This is yet another Aries Point event, as Jupiter will be square the first degree of the zodiac. This happens with the Cancer Sun trine Neptune in Pisces, and Mercury very close to stationing retrograde in Cancer.

Jupiter will remain in Cancer until it ingresses Leo on July 16, 2014. Plenty of water passes under the bridge between now and then, and fortunately we will have happy, old Jupiter to keep us company the whole time.

On June 26, Mercury stations retrograde, which will last through July 20, and as mentioned, Mercury ingresses Leo on Aug. 8.

This is a lot of water for one year, and a whole lot of water for one month.


Editor’s Note: News briefs below are researched and written by a team consisting of me, Liam Carey, Amanda Painter, Susan Scheck and Carol van Strum. — efc


Planet Waves

What Do You Believe In? Or Do You?

Saturday there’s an eclipse of the Moon in Sagittarius, the sign of faith. This is the Sagittarius Full Moon, and the sensation of the event building is a little like an approaching thunderstorm. The air is heavy with some odd psychic vibe, which it might be with a Full Moon but which is especially palpable when there’s an eclipse.

Planet Waves
This photo of a partial lunar eclipse is striking, but it is not the type of eclipse we’re getting Friday night into Saturday; that will be a barely perceptible penumbral eclipse. Photo by Anthony Ayiomamitis.

The Sagittarius part of the story describes a question, in particular a question about a belief. If you’re the deep type, it can take you to the level of what you have faith in.

This is the last of three eclipses of our current season — and the last of the eclipses across the Gemini-Sagittarius axis that date back about two years. We’ve just had two eclipses along Taurus-Scorpio, which is the new axis; this is the encore of Gemini-Sagittarius.

As such it may relate to an old question that’s coming up again. To me that question is: what do you believe in? The answer to this question has more influence than you might think. In many ways our beliefs are the filter through which we perceive very nearly everything.

The problem with beliefs is that they are often driven by security needs rather than by what we perceive as real, or as necessary. If you eat meat, you have to believe that eating meat is OK. If your husband is a staunch conservative, you may need to believe in conservative values in order to meet an emotional or environmental need.

My take on this eclipse is that it (that is, the circumstances it describes) may prompt you to question something you thought was true, or that you thought mattered to you. You may find yourself unable to believe in what you know is not true for you. If you follow that in (as they say in some kinds of therapy) you may find yourself with an actual question on your hands — a question of faith.

Planet Waves
Chart section showing the conjunction of Mercury, Venus and Jupiter in Gemini during the eclipse. Also shown (l-r): south lunar node, Mars and Pallas Athene in Taurus; Sun in Gemini; and far right, Black Moon Lilith. View the full chart here.

There’s a new idea on the horizon — in fact many of them, depicted by the triple conjunction of Venus, Mercury and Jupiter at the time of this eclipse. This conjunction gives some relief from the persistent questioning that’s been leading up to the Full Moon eclipse.

Yes it’s in Gemini, although clarity (Mercury), substance (Venus) and wisdom (Jupiter) are all available there in varying combinations.

One subject described by the chart involves what we do with persistent fear. That’s a fact of the times we’re living in, where What to Be Scared Of is being broadcast on every channel. Anyone who watches TV or follows news on the ‘Net was treated this week to a constant vision of a town shredded by a tornado.

With or without a topic to graft onto, many people are caught in some form of persistent anxiety, fear or panic, and spend a lot of their time dealing with it. Much of this fear stems from various efforts to control — the ones exerted on us, and the ones that we exert on the world, often out of necessity. When that control spins out of control, one approach is to escape, or to try to — and that’s exactly the pattern that Saturday’s eclipse is here to awaken us to.


Planet Waves

C’mon People Now: Another Fine Week in the Anti-Sixties

The IRS vs. Tea Party debacle reached a new point of absurdity (three heads have rolled so far, and IRS officials are taking the 5th) the same week we learned that U.S. drones had killed four American citizens and that a FOX News reporter was charged under the Espionage Act for saying something about North Korea — shortly after a tornado took out 1,200 homes, three schools and killed 24 people in Moore, Oklahoma — which was the same week that a British military officer was killed by cleaver-wielding, allegedly pro-Muslim ‘activists’ in London, and Pres. Obama took to the airwaves, saying it was getting on time to consider ending the War on Terror.

Planet Waves
Medea Benjamin, founder of Code Pink, speaks to Obama from the press area during his speech Thursday at National Defense University.

Just to refresh your memory about this week’s astrology, Uranus and Pluto on Monday made their third of seven squares. This is the ongoing 2012-era aspect, which lasts through 2015 (and in reality has effects spanning between approximately 2008 and 2018 or so).

This aspect is part of the same cycle of astrology that sparked off what we think of as the Sixties — that was the Uranus-Pluto conjunction. If you ever wondered how The Beatles got from “I Wanna Hold Your Hand” to “I Am The Walrus” in just three short years, that would be Uranus-Pluto.

Nearly 50 years later, those same two planets are now at first quarter phase, which can spark up change, progress and chaos similar to the conjunction. Similar, but different — the conjunction happened in Virgo, the sign of ‘I want to be the best nurse ever, squish my toes in the mud and adopt all the homeless kittens’.

The current square is happening from Aries to Capricorn — more assertive signs that (at least in public life, and sometimes in natal charts) are associated with ambition, aggression and at times, militancy.

Speaking of: Obama spoke Thursday at National Defense University (NDU), which I bet you’ve never heard of. It’s a Defense Department-operated college for conquerers. Its students and faculty must have taken it hard when Obama told them, “America is at a crossroads. We must define the nature and scope of this struggle [the War on Terror], or else it will define us. We have to be mindful of James Madison’s warning that, ‘No nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare’.”

Planet Waves
Medea Benjamin of Code Pink being ushered out of National Defense University after heckling President Obama.

He said it was time to close Guantanamo and lamented that inmates on hunger strike were being force fed (on his orders, which he didn’t mention). He spoke of our freedom and our liberty and lots of other beautiful things.

This speech is being hailed as historic, and Obama’s message was presumably sweet music to the ears of anyone who is opposed to the state of continual warfare that, depending on how you measure, goes back to 2001 or 1991 or 1964 or 1941 or 1492. But just as the nation was being lulled to sleep by the president’s honey-tongue promise to consider the possibility of potentially ending the permanent state of war, the voice of Code Pink founder Medea Benjamin intruded on the dream.

“Excuse me, will you speak out about the innocents killed by the United States? What about the hundreds of innocent people we are killing with our drone strikes in Pakistan and in Yemen and Somalia? I speak out on behalf of those innocent victims,” she asked.

Benjamin got into the room on the press list, and at least on three separate occasions interrupted the president.

Here’s a partial transcript, though for the full effect it’s really better to watch the video.

MEDEA BENJAMIN: Excuse me, President Obama —

OBAMA: So — let me finish, ma’am. So today, once again —

MEDEA BENJAMIN: There are 102 people on a hunger strike. These are desperate people.

OBAMA: I’m about to address it, ma’am, but you’ve got to let me speak. I’m about to address it.

MEDEA BENJAMIN: You’re our Commander-In-Chief —

OBAMA: Let me address it.

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Two things about this chart — first, the 10th house cusp is quite close to the mysterious next-to-last degree of Gemini, which strings together many of the strange events of the past 12 years. That’s the government angle — and the point occupying 28+ Gemini is the Black Moon Lilith, a kind of radical feminine energy that represents Medea Benjamin. Also, note the aspect between Jupiter and Eris. Jupiter is at 22+ Gemini and Eris is at 22+ Aries. That’s the steady, articulate, don’t miss one word, throw your body into the machine presentation that the world saw. But the key energy is Eris — the one-woman protest. Sometimes it works — she definitely got her message across.

MEDEA BENJAMIN: — you can close Guantanamo Bay.

OBAMA: Why don’t you let me address it, ma’am.

MEDEA BENJAMIN: There’s still prisoners —

OBAMA: Why don’t you sit down and I will tell you exactly what I’m going to do.

MEDEA BENJAMIN: That includes 57 Yemenis.

[Obama continued for a while, then she interrupted him again.]

MEDEA BENJAMIN: How about Abdulmutallab — locking up a 16-year-old — is that the way we treat a 16-year old? [Inaudible] — can you take the drones out of the hands of the CIA? Can you stop the signature strikes killing people on the basis of suspicious activities?

OBAMA: We’re addressing that, ma’am.

[By this time she’s being dragged out of the room by security, but she keeps speaking clearly.]

MEDEA BENJAMIN: — Will you apologize to the thousands of Muslims that got killed — will you compensate the innocent families? — that will make us safer here at home. I love my country. I love the rule of law. You are making us less safe. Keeping people in indefinite detention in Guantanamo is making us less safe. Abide by the rule of law. You’re a constitutional lawyer.”

If you’re wondering why I call our era the Anti-Sixties, it’s because Medea Benjamin staged a one-woman protest; otherwise there would have been no protest. Nobody else in the room spoke up. Nobody stood up. Granted, it was at National Defense University, not U.C. Berkeley, but we see a lot of these one-man or one-woman protests, while everyone just watches.

What’s interesting is that I would imagine that everyone knew exactly what she was talking about. I felt like I was hearing my own voice in the room, speaking truth to power.

It’s getting a little late to do the chart, but I would like to include it just so you can see it, and I will cover it soon. It’s a beautiful chart. I would point out one thing — the very top of the chart has the MC (10th house cusp) spearing right through that mysterious zone in the horoscope, very late Gemini, where we see the charts of many, many things that should not really be related but somehow are: Sept. 11, the Dec. 26, 2004 quake and tsunami, Wikileaks, Fukushima and a diversity of other events that I covered in the article Here At the Edge of the World. It’s the degree of the conspirators and the whisetleblowers as well.


Planet Waves

Occupy the 8th House!

Sometimes the themes covered by the 8th house in astrology can feel strangely diverse, now that western culture no longer practices giving brides dowries and women are allowed to own property. But a pair of stories this week illustrate just how cozy sex, money and banking really are — and just how hypocritical we are as a culture.

Planet Waves
Wouldn’t you give Chanel Preston a loan? Look at that sweet face! PR photo by Glenn Francis.

Over at DodsonandRoss.com, Carlin Ross — business partner of self-sex revolutionary Betty Dodson — shone some light into a new corner of banking industry bullshit. It seems that sometimes people working in the porn industry — which is legal — get turned down for basic banking services like business loans on ‘moral’ grounds.

“Chanel Preston went public when her bank opened an account in her company’s name then closed it the next day when she admitted working in the adult industry. You so know that someone in the bank pulled up her web cam site and they spent all afternoon watching clips before revoking her account,” writes Ross.

Ross also points out that banks are happy to do business with Fortune 100 companies like GE that have holdings in the adult entertainment industry, but choose only to go after the immediate producers. These same people somehow find nothing ‘morally’ wrong with corporations that pollute the environment or train people to kill.

Contrast Chanel Preston’s story with the rally outside the Justice Department in Washington, D.C., on Monday to protest the government’s failure to prosecute big banks for screwing millions of homeowners and basically causing a recession five years ago from which many people have yet to recover.

“A group of demonstrators with underwater mortgages helped barricade the Justice Department building’s front doors,” reported Democracy Now! “At least 17 demonstrators were arrested, but some managed to spend the night outside to continue their protest today.”

The 8th house is also the house of secrets, power, contracts and jealousy. How much more of this do we need to go through before we collectively figure out that sex is not a secret; banking should be about ethical exchange, not moral control; denying loans for porn stars is more about jealousy and repressed desire than any kind of high ground; and — most importantly — people have, and need to exercise, their power.

It’s time to Occupy the 8th House — and set it in order.


Planet Waves

March, and Be the Change You Wish to See

Tomorrow, a worldwide March Against Monsanto will take place to protest the biotech giant’s stranglehold on the worldwide food supply. More than 200,000 activists will gather in about 50 countries, with 400 global marches planned, according to marchagainstmonsanto.com.

Planet Waves

The reasons to march are numerous, compelling, and quite literally life or death. March organizers cite the fact that Monsanto’s genetically modified foods can lead to serious health conditions such as the development of cancer tumors, infertility and birth defects, and that they are extremely harmful to the environment. Neocotinoids — an ingredient in “pesticide cocktails” used on corn and other crops from which bees gather nectar — are widely believed to have caused the decline of the worldwide bee population. (Bees pollinate one-third of the worldwide food supply and are a critical link in the ecological food chain.)

Despite this, Monsanto is a favorite of the U.S. Congress and President Obama. They collectively passed the nicknamed “Monsanto Protection Act” that, among other things, bans courts from halting the sale of Monsanto’s genetically modified seeds. The company also benefits from corporate subsidies that organic and small farmers do not, and enjoys exclusive patenting rights over seeds and genetic makeup — in effect controlling the reproductive processes of nature.

“The rules of change, of activism, of consciousness, and of helping people are being rewritten by you and me, one connection at a time. The new revolution of good is coming from the grass-roots and making its way upward; this bottom-up effect is exactly what those who would like to see us silent are afraid of,” said Nick Bernabe of TheAnti-Media.org, one of the sponsors of the march.

If you want to be on the right side of history — and save the Earth and its creatures — you can find out where your local march is here.


Planet Waves

GMO Labeling Bill Clears Connecticut State Senate

A bill that would require food made with genetically modified organisms to carry labels cleared the Connecticut state Senate late Tuesday night, 35-1. Its prospects in the House of Representatives are unclear.

Planet Waves

“I’m concerned about our state going out on its own on this and the potential economic disadvantage that could cause,” House Speaker Brendan Sharkey said. “I would like to see us be part of a compact with some other states, which would hopefully include one of the bigger states such as New York.”

If the bill passes the House and is signed into law by Gov. Dannel P. Malloy, it would not take effect until at least three other states pass similar legislation. GMO labeling legislation is pending in more than a dozen states.

Although the federal government and food and biotech industries claim GMO foods are safe, there’s ample evidence in studies of long-term health issues to say they aren’t.

“This is a public health issue,” Senate President Donald Williams said during the debate. “The step that we are requesting, the mere labeling of food, is a very modest step … but it is a very important one so consumers can take action to protect their health and the health of their children.”


Planet Waves

Not At All the Way Your Mother Used to Make It

One part seaweed, two parts grass, half a portion of algae, and a handful of lupine seeds; set laser to layer, and press ‘print now’. Wait 30 seconds, remove each layer as it’s printed, fold into desired shape, and eat. Is this the way you’ll make pizza in the future? Possibly, if a NASA-backed project by mechanical engineer Anjan Contractor makes it through.

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3-D printer food made from mealworms. Photo: TNO Research.

Contractor’s company, System’s & Materials Research Corp, is designing a prototype 3-D printer that will produce edible ‘food’ products using carbohydrates, proteins and sugars.

The project was commissioned by NASA to explore ways to feed astronauts on long journeys through space.

Contractor also sees a utopian potential for this type of production: ending world hunger. He believes that food will become increasingly more expensive and that most of the world will need to change their concept of what food is.

“I think, and many economists think, that current food systems can’t supply 12 billion people sufficiently, so we eventually have to change our perception of what we see as food,” says Contractor.

What are the side effects of eating 3-D food produced by a printer? This is unknown. Since there is no prototype (Contractor is planning to produce this), there is no way to determine the ultimate benefits or detriments to human (or ecological) health.

This news reminded Planet Waves researcher Carol Van Strum of a fictional satire originally published in the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists in 1961 called, “The Voice of the Dolphins,” by Leo Szilard. In this story a think tank of dolphins comes up with a process in which algae can be grown anywhere and ends world hunger. The only problem with this development is an unintended side effect: it prevents conception in women. A moral debate ensues over the sin of contraception vs. the need to sustain life, with the Pope ultimately weighing in.

Just some food for thought before a project like this sinks its teeth into the collective.


Planet Waves

Planet Waves

If you like gathering friends for a ‘game night’, have school-age kids or teach, you can purchase your own Co-opoly board game here. The Toolbox for Education and Social Action offers a sliding scale for payment, in an effort to make the game accessible to everyone while still being able to pay their worker-owners. It also lets you determine how much you value the resource.

Winner Takes All? No — It Takes All to Be Winners

Mercury (money) and Venus (possessions and value) are conjunct in Gemini for this weekend’s eclipse, and close by is Jupiter, the planet of expansion. You could say there’s an undercurrent of ‘share the wealth’ in the air.

Enter the game Co-opoly, created by the Toolbox for Education and Social Action (TESA) in Northampton, Massachusetts. TESA is a worker-owned cooperative that builds educational resources for social, economic and environmental change movements.

Co-opoly is a genuinely fun board game (Charades! Drawing!) that doubles as a financial literacy tool and an introduction to how small-scale democracy actually works in a co-op to make sure everyone’s needs are met.

“One of the interesting things about Monopoly is that people often promote it as a good way to teach about financial literacy, even though the way you win is by obliterating all of your opponents and leaving them in economic ruin,” says Brian Van Slyke, a worker-owner at TESA, in an interview on Truthout. “The original version was called The Landlord’s Game, and it was used in the Great Depression as an underground game and organizing tool to teach tenants about how they were being ripped off.”

Slyke adds, “In Co-opoly, players come to understand that their interests and needs will not always align — but that they have to work together to survive.”


Planet Waves

Oklahoma Tornado and The Doors’ Ray Manzarek

In this week’s edition of Planet Waves FM I look at the chart for the tornado that hit Moore, Oklahoma, Monday night, developing some thoughts I introduced in a Planet Waves post I published that day. The chart is at that post.

I also look at the chart of Ray Manzarek of The Doors, who died Monday. Ray was an Aquarius with Sagittarius rising; Jim Morrison was a Sagittarius with Aquarius rising, and that can create a strong bond — they were clearly the nucleus of The Doors. Ray was a few years older than the other guys, and brought some grounded wisdom and maturity into the group.

I mention that Saturday, the day of a lunar eclipse, is the March Against Monsanto. Monsanto’s chart data is not published, though I’ve been working on an investigative feature since December and I am familiar with this chart and how it works. The eclipse falls opposite Monsanto’s Sun and right along its MC/IC axis — the meridian, an extremely sensitive point in the chart. So this is a great day for a protest against these scoundrels.


Planet Waves

Your Monthly Horoscopes — and our Publishing Schedule Notes

The June monthly extended horoscopes are published below in this issue. Inner Space horoscopes for May were published Tuesday, April 30. I recommend reviewing the previous month’s horoscope at the end of the month; you can see May’s monthly horoscope here. We published the Moonshine horoscopes for the Taurus New Moon on Tuesday, May 7. On Tuesday May 21, we published the Moonshine horoscopes for the Sagittarius Full Moon. Note that the longer monthly horoscope is being incorporated into the Friday issue after the Sun has entered a new sign; a new Inner Space is generally emailed on the following Tuesday.


Planet Waves

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for June 2013, #951 | By Eric Francis

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — Most of what we experience in life is shaped by how safe we feel. Those who feel safe also feel confident. They consume less energy on fear, and as a result have more to invest in creativity, productive work and loving experiences. What is interesting about experiencing safety and confidence is that it improves with practice rather than with external reasons or rationales to feel a certain way. It’s worth practicing, especially now that the planets are moving one by one into a position that makes it easier than it’s been in quite a while. When you tune your emotional body to a space of harmony and empathy, you get different results than if you are practicing competition or fear as your daily yoga. Events this month can take you on a journey into a grounded, confident space, and give you a model for how to feel stable there. With each passing event, you can go a little deeper into the calm assurance that you belong in your home, your community and in the world at this time. This is something you can commit to as a conscious choice, then gradually teach yourself and improve your skill, learning what thoughts, communication patterns and ways of connecting emotionally foster your sense of safety. If questions arise, they are most likely to focus on identifying and letting go of emotional thought forms that no longer serve you. Let them go and you will liberate space and energy for what is beautiful, good and true.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).
Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Seen one way, the focus of your life is on communicating your feelings, and slipping into a way of being where that comes more easily than you might expect. By ‘feelings’ I mean your point of view, your desires and the sensation of what it’s like to be alive. By ‘communicate’ I mean with others, though more significantly, with yourself. While I would not want to deny anyone consciousness, it often seems like we live in a world where many people have no idea what they feel, and I would say that most humans would be a lot better off if they did. You may, at first, experience the transits this month as magnification or exaggeration. If so, that’s an invitation to pay closer attention to the nuances and the cycles that seem to run your emotional experience. You still seem to have a disagreement with yourself over something, a potential grudge, judgment or inner dilemma where there may indeed be two sides of the story. If so, I suggest you get those two sides into a discussion, perhaps even a negotiation. Do your best to understand both points of view. Neither is strictly true; neither is incorrect; the two added together don’t tally up to the truth. Yet a new depth of understanding can emerge from an extended inner dialog, particularly if it’s gentle and emotionally grounded. This is as much about what is true as it is how you feel about it. Listen to your mind and your body.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).


Gemini solar return reading is now ready

Dear Gemini Reader:

On Thursday, I recorded your birthday reading for 2013-2014. In this reading, I bring to life the truly beautiful astrology that you’ll be experiencing over the next four seasons. I begin with a discussion of what every Gemini should know about his or her sign, and then I cover a diversity of transits that you’ve read about elsewhere but may not have put into the context of your life.

Planet Waves
Eric and his astrology assistant Jonah, who has Virgo Sun and Moon.

These include the presence of Jupiter in your sign now, and then Jupiter’s move into Cancer later in the month. I describe what it means to have Mercury retrograde three times in water signs — covering seven months of the year.

I talk about Pluto going through your 8th house, which is raising all kinds of questions about the role that structure plays in your relationships — and your desire to burst free and express yourself. I cover Saturday’s eclipse of the Moon in Sagittarius, your relationship sign.

I have created my 2013 Gemini reading specifically to help you tap into the very unique energy coming your way — energy with the potential to transform how you feel, think and relate.

The reading will be accurate, informative and fun for Gemini rising and Moon as well. You can listen to a short audio preview here.

Your reading is now ready. If you’ve already purchased or are an all-access member, you should receive an email shortly. We will leave the pre-order price of $19.95 available till Saturday morning, and then raise the price to $29.95.

I know you’ll love this reading. Please do check it out.



Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Jupiter leaves your sign this month, though it lands somewhere just as influential for you. You’re living through a phase where you have beautiful, idealistic goals, though turning them into concrete results may be challenging. You may be feeling restlessness in your current work because you crave doing something more meaningful. Jupiter in Cancer will help you establish your understanding of the value of what you do. That, in turn, will help you create or see the circumstances that will make it seem more practical, worthwhile and easier to share. If you live confidently in your understanding that you really do have a gift, that will be compelling to others. Yet what’s more significant is that you focus your vision. It’s one thing to have an ideal or a dream. It’s another to refine that into something specific, and to analyze it into a few beginning steps. You may feel that to do so weighs down the idealism angle, burdening it with practicality. But what we’re describing here is accomplishing something, not wishing you could do so. Therefore, I suggest you put at least one long-held goal or desire to the test of reality this month. I suggest you persist with your plans for 90 days; say, through the end of August, which will take you well past the end of the Mercury retrograde that starts June 26. If what you dream of and want to do is really worth doing, you will have a clue by then.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).
Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Jupiter arrives in your sign this month and until it does (on June 25), you may have the sensation that your life is dangling by a string. If you feel that way, trust that it’s made of nice strong fibers and that you’ll have enough of what you need to get you through to the next phase of your life. Jupiter in your sign is an authentic turning point, and it’s one you’ve been waiting for, potentially without realizing it was even coming. You could interpret this as your luck improving, though I think of it more as connecting to yourself, your community and your emotional resources. You might have the experience of seeing the obvious — solutions to problems that have persisted for too long, the strength to make decisions that will improve your life, and most of all, your presence in the world. You would think that walking around in a body would be more than enough to give you a clue you exist, but really this is about resonance with people who surround you. This same astrology will offer you some instruction on how important relationships are to you. That will come into focus as you start to see how much you mean to people and how much mutual benefit is possible. This is a reminder to focus on people to whom you have a real value and with whom you want to share. What you’re seeking is a real meeting. Where the depths of intimacy are concerned, almost doesn’t count.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).
Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Everyone needs a guardian angel, and you have a few. Who are they? People or spiritual entities? You’ll know better as you establish a relationship to them. What you may discover is that they’re sources of intelligence within yourself — what you may think of as your superconscious awareness. Some call this intuition; that’s close enough, though what you have developing now would be a particularly vivid form of it. As the month develops, you may find that this source of knowledge has more to offer you — far more than asking the opinions of others, for example, or watching public trends. Those external sources come with way more uncertainty than you need, and may be a distraction from admitting and acting on what you know to be true. One thing to remember is that your body speaks to you. The feeling you have thinking a thought is as meaningful or more meaningful than the thought itself; that’s your confirmation that you are onto something. This may guide you to trust countercurrents that may seem to violate prevailing (supposed) popular wisdom. These same aspects will help ease much of the anxiety you may be feeling, and provide you with a sense of confidence you don’t fully understand. That’s okay, and you don’t need to question it; just appreciate its presence. Whether these are actual angels, mentors or the ‘better angels of your nature’, the thing to do is listen to them, speak to them and thank them for their assistance. And don’t forget to ask when you need help.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).
Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Mercury, perhaps the most influential planet for Virgo, stations retrograde later in the month. As it moves in reverse (from our point of view on Earth) it will gradually form a perfect trine to Chiron in your opposite sign Pisces. In this we see an aspect that points to the bridge between friends and lovers. This reminds me of one of my favorite true jokes — when someone says they don’t have sex with their friends, I ask if they prefer to have sex with their enemies. Yet the intimacy suggested in this aspect applies to other facets of relating, perhaps highlighting what distinguishes a friend: in my view, the commitment to healing. I know there are many other definitions going around, and I would propose that this is not a word to use casually, but rather, to use thoughtfully. Your circle of friends is your circle of light. The people you call your friends are the ones with whom you share mutual support, and willingness to heal and grow. They are the people willing and openly offering to support one another. It may take you some time to apply this definition to the people around you and see who stands up to the test, though events this month will make it clear who qualifies. What will be more abundantly clear is that you do have friends, and one friend in particular who transcends all of the usual boundaries and is your companion on every level.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).

Planet Waves

Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Though this is not necessarily the easiest time for Libras, it’s certainly a meaningful one, and you’re likely to experience a series of breakthroughs on some of your longest-delayed projects or goals. As these happen, leave room to re-evaluate your goals. Question why you have a goal, not just what it is. When you get to the level of your motives, you could shift your point of view with one thought. What’s changed in recent years is that the appearance of doing something, or being known for it, has less importance than ever. That’s a big help, an authentic step on the way to sincerity. Go deeper into who you are and what your real purpose is. Many encounters you have with others are provoking you to do just this: to assert yourself, sometimes in the face of what blatantly contradicts your ideas. What you may discover as you do this is that everyone has something to teach you, or some gift for you, even if the transaction seemed confrontational. Keep your sense of humor, and you will spend your days collecting useful ideas like a bee collects pollen and in the process feeds the world. As you rise in your success — and make no mistake, your star is rising, despite any dubious quests and struggles you’ve been through, or what any other astrologer claims — have fun discovering how much you don’t know, and therefore, how much you have to learn. This is a core element of leadership.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).
Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Religion seems to have taken over both national and international politics, if one could go so far as to describe the crude ideological stampeding as religious. The resulting controversies are seemingly endless. Yet the need to express one’s faith is inherent in humanity, and it will always take some form, whether healthy or not. You may be feeling this calling now. From the look of your astrology, my observation is that it’s coming from a visceral level, not the level of ideas. You are beginning to feel your inherent truth, or to go deeper into a journey already begun, perhaps around 2001. Where this matter is concerned, the first question is who and what you serve. Bob Dylan was right: we all serve someone. It’s merely a question of whom, and for what motive. Your faith has the power to nourish others, something you’ve no doubt seen at work many times. Notice your ability to draw from a deep inner source, to allow yourself to be filled up, and then to offer what you have to the people around you. There is another way this could play out, though — by experiencing your generosity, you deduce that you have something to give, and in doing so, recognize that you’re in contact with the source of whatever that is. An image borrowed from Aquarius comes to mind — you’re now a kind of water bearer, though the urn is self-filling. Offer what you have to those who are thirsty. There are few better ways to learn compassion and humility.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — How you use your resources, or the ones to which you have access, says nearly everything about you. It’s the essence of how you relate to others, and what you might think of as your civic role. You instinctively know that humans only gain by putting together what they have, to benefit families, tribes, companies and nations. We need one another — and that is one of the most meaningful foundations of your understanding of life. Where the intent is to share and to be mutually supportive, it usually works well. I suspect that it pains you to see such waste, selfishness and the willingness of people to take advantage of what has been collectively accomplished. You may not be able to stop corporate crime, but you can be the person in your immediate environment who makes sure that resources are accounted for, kept safe and used wisely. Your chart looks like you’re about to be nominated quartermaster in chief for those you know; by one reading you could be coming into a windfall or an inheritance. By another reading you’re inheriting something from yourself, which may be measurable in money or observable as wisdom. In any event, you’re the steward of something that belongs not only to you but also to others around you. You’re being looked up to for your ethics and your ability to allocate this wealth wisely. You’ve been carefully ordering your priorities for years now. You know the right thing to do, and you have every reason to trust yourself.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).
Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — You’ve probably had enough of going it alone, or being willing to. Something seems to have stunned you to the awareness that it’s time to invite people into your life, and to be part of something larger. Yet the extended time you’ve spent in introspection has taught you a few things. You’ve learned so much about who you are, and moreover, you’ve learned how important it is to have that knowledge. Have you ever wondered how you lived without it? Really, you didn’t, but it was hiding on a deep level that would inform you in indirect ways. Now you’ve claimed what you know as direct self-knowledge, and this is offering you the confidence to meet the world on your own terms. There’s often a little gap that one has to cross over before doing that — perhaps something about the guilt of asserting yourself, perhaps about being seen as ‘selfish’, maybe the vulnerability associated with daring to encounter the world with what is true rather than a facade. I think you’ll find that your new approach is much easier, and more dependable. Who you are is something you don’t have to worry about, or think much about; who you are not is much more complicated, and consumes a lot of energy. Therefore, stick to who you are and what you want to share with others. Remember, this is more fun if you let go of jealousy, which means honoring the fun and pleasure others feel rather than trying to control it.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).
Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — If work has been less-than-perfect lately, I think you’ll be happy with what you create over the next few weeks, and how you approach the puzzle of your work environment. For you, what you do is just as important as where and how you do it. You could have the ideal job but if the working environment were not suitable for you, it would just not work. Now you can consider your plans with your environment as the first step in your thought process. Notice how where you work influences your ideas — the quality of light, the space around you and how your body feels. Regarding work, there’s one astrological detail that no Aquarius should be without. You need human contact and a real sense of whom you’re helping. Whatever field this may be in, the way you support others, and relate to others, needs to be more like how an ideal family would relate than what we find in the average workplace. You need real confirmation that your work is nourishing others who actually need you. This is an extension of the ‘humanitarian’ idea of Aquarius, though what I’m reading is Cancer on the 6th house — where Jupiter is about to take up residence. You have a lot to offer and the more you give, the more you’ll discover that you have. For your own peace of mind and encouragement, make sure that you’re offering your gifts where they are appreciated. You have options.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).
Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — I know it may sound silly to those who read old astrology books to suggest that Pisces people seek pleasure as their primary avocation; that’s what, in theory anyway, you do naturally. Yet that’s not my particular prejudice about Pisces; I tend to think of the last sign as signifying devotion to causes, to situations larger than yourself and to existence. When you offer your assistance, that’s not about feeling good for its own sake. Indeed, there are few signs that can persist through discomfort and delayed gratification like Pisces can. With your ‘ruling’ planet Jupiter changing signs this month to Cancer, your solar 5th house, you’re getting a clue that what gives you pleasure is the thing to focus on, at least for a full year till you get the habit down. This in turn will stoke your creativity, allowing you space to go in wholly new directions. If you want human companionship of the friendly erotic kind, that too is Jupiter in the 5th. In your chart that’s the story of something that feeds and strengthens most people — Pisces is the sign for whom sex is an inherently spiritual experience. Focus on the beautification of your home, starting from the kitchen out, and the food you prepare there. The way your chart is set up, everything you do along these lines will feed everything else, and you can get some energy cycling that feeds you and the people you love.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two product



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