Tag Archives: Aries

Tropical flora on Grand Cayman; photo by Amanda Painter.

Working and Communicating with the Libra Full Moon

By Amanda Painter

Are you feeling both determined and frustrated this week? The sky is not only building to a Full Moon in Libra on Saturday, there’s some additional astrology that may be testing the balance between what you desire, what you feel obligated to do, and what’s actually reasonable to try to accomplish.

Tropical flora on Grand Cayman; photo by Amanda Painter.

Tropical flora on Grand Cayman; photo by Amanda Painter.

The good thing about this kind of setup is that when there is friction or opposition from others, it can actually help you get clear on your priorities.

When everything is easy and everyone is mellow, it can be harder to get focused or fired up for what needs to happen. That said, even if you think you know what you want, current aspects suggest it’s wise to try on different perspectives, to listen closely to what others are expressing (including reading between the lines), and to move ahead with a measured pace.

The chart for this week’s Full Moon speaks to all of these factors, in multiple ways. Exact at 8:37 am EDT on March 31 (12:37 UTC), it has the Moon in early-mid Libra opposite the Sun and retrograde Mercury in Aries.

Straight away, Mercury both retrograde and so close to the Sun (they form a conjunction on Sunday, marking the midpoint of the retrograde), signals that checking one’s perspective is wise. Particularly in Aries, are you sure you are seeing beyond yourself and what you want?

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Aries 2012: Awakening to Awareness and Purpose

The astrological year began March 22 with a high-energy New Moon just after the Aries equinox. Mercury is retrograde in Pisces until April 4. Mars is retrograde in Virgo until April 13. As these planets station direct, the pace of events will increase rapidly. Indeed, April is the month that we really discover that it’s 2012. The pace doubles in May and again in June, so enjoy the relative calm and more than anything, point the vessel of your life in the direction you most want to go. You may not have much influence over the amount of energy but you have all of the influence over your intentions and your desires. Look in the direction you want to travel. If you can’t see the horizon, climb up on something high, and bring your binoculars. Look where you want to be.

Dear Friend and Reader:

This past weekend during the Sun-Uranus conjunction in Aries, I recorded the 2012 birthday reading for Aries. It came through loud and clear and is now ready for you.

Planet Waves
Album cover for Paul McCartney’s 1971 album, Ram.

As you know, Uranus — the planet of invention and invoking the future — is in your birth sign, close to the beginning of its long journey. What does this mean for you? Uranus in Aries reminds me of what used to be called self-actualization — the process of growing into your potential. There’s also something about creating your dreams, as Uranus bestows the gift of invention and an ability to envision the future.

Meanwhile, Pluto in Capricorn has been moving through your 10th solar house, which is offering a sense of grounding in a sense of mission — in a world that is rapidly changing. You’re perfectly situated to take advantage of these changes, because you can feel them intuitively. Your spirit is guiding you to evolve in a way where your talents meet the challenges and opportunities presented by the many turning points that we’re all facing. Those who have planets aligned with the Uranus-Pluto square are going to pick up more of the energy of that aspect, through the entire 2012 era (2011-2016) — and as someone with strong Aries in your chart, you definitely qualify.

The astrology of the moment is calling on you to be an independent person guided by your sense of mission — rather than someone who seeks your identity in others. This is not easy, though the course of your growth is calling on you to be strong in your purpose, and as such you will reach closer to what you know you’re capable of and also be an inspiration to others.

Your recording is presented in three parts — two segments of astrology, lasting over an hour in total, followed by a tarot reading. I use tarot to give a different perspective (images tap different parts of the brain and different levels of intuition). The report includes the charts and a photo of the spread, which uses the Voyager Tarot by James Wanless. We’ve also included access to last year’s Aries report, so you can review (and check the accuracy of what I said a year ago). Note, I also recommend this report for people with Aries rising — and those with the dauntless Aries Moon will find it motivating and inspirational as well.

Here is a link to purchase the report for $19.95. If you have an All Access Pass, check for an email — you already have access to this product.


Eric Francis

PS: You might be familiar with at least one song off of the Paul and Linda McCartney album shown above — Uncle Albert / Admiral Halsey — one of the truly memorable post-Beatles moments.

PPS: Just a reminder in case you missed my interview with music producer Rob Fraboni (Dylan, The Band, The Rolling Stones) from Sunday on Planet Waves FM — here is a link to that podcast.


Planet Waves

Inner Space Monthly Horoscope for April 2012. | Eric’s Zodiac Sign Descriptions

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — Consider this a beginning, and pay attention to the conditions of your mind and in your environment. Make careful notes about your plans and your expectations. This is all in the spirit of applying conscious guidance to the flow of your affairs. What you have going for you is a simultaneous abundance of energy and ideas, as well as some really useful leverage points to make changes that have been overdue for a long time. Yet you need a guiding principle, which would come in the form of having an overview and some sense of where you are, what you want and where you’re actually headed. This is not the time for making impetuous decisions without any thought of the consequences. Yet if you focus and work with a solid basis for your decisions, nearly anything is possible.

Revolution. Revelation. Reality Check. has been published and is available. It is still available at the special subscriber discount price for all 12 signs, or the order price per sign. This year’s annual offers an extended written report plus 90 minutes of audio for each sign and rising sign. You will love it.

Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — The next couple of months contain many opportunities to shift your relationship to the past. At first it may seem like the past has an unusual amount of influence on you now, but what you’re seeing is something that’s always a factor. What is changing is an awareness factor — in particular, seeing how over-focus on the past divides your attention, as well as leads you to invest precious energy in circumstances that don’t exist. Yet it’s necessary to see this before you let it go. It’s necessary to see and notice any inner division before you can work it out. Where you go from there is another question entirely, but one thing is sure: if you’re honest and forgiving first with yourself and with others, many interesting options will open before you.

Revolution. Revelation. Reality Check. has been published and is available. It is still available at the special subscriber discount price for all 12 signs, or the order price per sign. This year’s annual offers an extended written report plus 90 minutes of audio for each sign and rising sign. You will love it.

Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Mercury is retrograde through April 4, and the few days surrounding that date may come with some turbulence, particularly in leadership situations or your professional life. Two suggestions may help you navigate these waters. Don’t push; rather, turn gently, and feel the movement of the currents around you. Second, insist on total honesty with yourself, and settle for no less from the people around you. In the spirit of ‘not pushing’, you may simply need to disregard the views of anyone who you discover lying. Or you may need to gently call them out. If the situation involves someone in a position of authority, be clear, be direct in a gentle way, and note how the perception of your authority or responsibility is influenced by your actions, though without that as a specific goal. Summing up in two words: Listen carefully.

Revolution. Revelation. Reality Check. has been published and is available. It is still available at the special subscriber discount price for all 12 signs, or the order price per sign. This year’s annual offers an extended written report plus 90 minutes of audio for each sign and rising sign. You will love it.

Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — If you’ve ever wanted to advance your career, or launch a major new project, the time is approaching. Through April you have a series of gateways that are related to an idea or revelation you had in late March. This may not be a new idea, though what I see is that you’ve finally figured out how to put the pieces together into something that’s quite original for you. It’s crucial that you implement your plan in stages between now and late June. Don’t try to do it all at once; start with the basics, or with one solid core element, and gradually begin to refine and modify as you build. You can expedite matters by working within a small group, if that group is focused clearly on your goal, and understands it well enough to help with the refinements.

Revolution. Revelation. Reality Check. has been published and is available. It is still available at the special subscriber discount price for all 12 signs, or the order price per sign. This year’s annual offers an extended written report plus 90 minutes of audio for each sign and rising sign. You will love it.

Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — A fog that has long shrouded your life has lifted, and you now have the benefit of being able to see far into the distance. As you look out at the horizon you may notice that your imagination is stirring to life again. That would come in the form of seeing first clear sky, then some intangible forms taking shape, and then a kind of animation. The idea here is to visualize what you want to happen. Visualize something different for yourself. Fully claim the power of inner seeing, and the influence that has over what actually manifests in your life. You’re now free in a way that you were not free before: in a way that liberates your spirit from day to day; free to move around and more than anything, free to see both yourself and the world from many different points of view.

Revolution. Revelation. Reality Check. has been published and is available. It is still available at the special subscriber discount price for all 12 signs, or the order price per sign. This year’s annual offers an extended written report plus 90 minutes of audio for each sign and rising sign. You will love it.

Introducing the Planet Waves 2012 Spring Report by Eric Francis

Spring 2012 is the wildest season I’ve ever seen in 18 years of doing around-the-clock astrology [listen to short audio preview here]. It fits the 2012 pattern of ‘everything, all at once’, even making that sound like an understatement. I am working on the report even as we edit this issue, and it’s coming out beautifully — every sign is coming through loud and clear and distinctive.

Planet Waves

We have retrogrades of all three inner planets involved — Mercury, Venus and Mars. There is a rare Venus transit of the Sun — an exact conjunction of Venus and the Sun that you will be able to see if you have a clear view during daylight hours (you will need special equipment to protect your eyes). There are eclipses of the Sun and the Moon. And then, just four days after the Cancer solstice, we have the first exact square of Uranus and Pluto.

In honor of putting all this action to work for you, I’m preparing a special Spring Report for all 12 Sun signs and rising signs, as well as an introduction to the astrology that will be useful to everyone. This is a package of all 12 signs for one price. I’m designing it so that you can actually put many of the signs into use — for example, Virgo will be able to use the Gemini report as a career reading. Pisces can use Virgo’s report as a relationship reading, and so on. I give suggestions at the end of each sign, and will do a detailed description so you can get maximum use from this product.

All 12 signs are now available for $24.95. The report is getting rave reviews from people who pre-ordered, including these words from a customer named Donna: “OMG — thank you thank you thank you — just spent this morning listening to my [Spring Report] info, and am so blown away by the accuracy (and relief!) in this experience. Thanks so very much for your part in supporting this work and for showing up in the way that you do!”. Here is the link to order. Thank you, and enjoy.


Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — You’re drawing near the end of a long phase of review, in particular, of the whole matter of desire. This is a controversial subject and I trust that when you wandered into this project, you discovered that it’s a region where healing is necessary. Much of that has come in the form of understanding the role of guilt in your life; as you know, its effects are toxic, but there’s just so much of the stuff that we might think there’s no escape. There is a way out, and it comes with a decision — one that you may have been holding off on making, despite all that you’ve learned. Think of your desire as the irrefutable truth. What you do with it is another question, but I think you’ll find some authentic peace in simply letting it be what it is.

Revolution. Revelation. Reality Check. has been published and is available. It is still available at the special subscriber discount price for all 12 signs, or the order price per sign. This year’s annual offers an extended written report plus 90 minutes of audio for each sign and rising sign. You will love it.

Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Venus begins its journey across Gemini this month — where we will all experience the Venus transit of the Sun in early June. That’s two months away, but it’s an event so rare that you’re likely to be feeling the energy rising now. The theme, for you, is healing a false split in your mind. At some point, what was considered ‘spiritual’ may have divided off from what is considered ‘unspiritual’. Usually this kind of moral divide involves love and sex, which is constantly cast in an aura of impurity. However you may have decided in the past that this is not true, you’re now at the point where you can embody the message fully, and then continue with your life from a new place of confidence. Affirm with the full power of your faith that love is all that matters, and proceed as if that alone is true.

Revolution. Revelation. Reality Check. has been published and is available. It is still available at the special subscriber discount price for all 12 signs, or the order price per sign. This year’s annual offers an extended written report plus 90 minutes of audio for each sign and rising sign. You will love it.

Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Mars — the oldest of the Scorpio planets — finally stations direct this month, and I trust that by now you’ve figured out who your friends are, and who they are not. You’ve had a few false hopes dashed, and have replaced them with some practical plans to do the things you want the most. If you haven’t arrived at that step, make a list of three things you’ve always wanted to do, and plan to do them this year. I suggest that you get to at least one of them by the time this month is over, and the other two by the end of June. Get some momentum going. The key to wish fulfillment for you is to be specific. Know what you want, in particular. Forget about why you want it — that may be the thing you discover last.

Revolution. Revelation. Reality Check. has been published and is available. It is still available at the special subscriber discount price for all 12 signs, or the order price per sign. This year’s annual offers an extended written report plus 90 minutes of audio for each sign and rising sign. You will love it.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — You’re at the point where your plans are starting to materialize, and maybe even bear fruit. But I suggest you make an offering of pleasure, in the spirit of Beltane (which for everyone else is around May 5 but for you is all of the coming month). I suggest you do things that celebrate your abundance: a gathering or two of your true friends and supporters, an investment in your career (such as a new piece of gear) and an update of your business plan. There’s one other — in the spirit of Beltane, I suggest you offer at least one experience of erotic pleasure to the Earth, the Universe or the Goddess (however you think of it) as a fully conscious affirmation of where you want your life to be going. Celebrate healing, freedom and most of all, the fact of being alive.

Revolution. Revelation. Reality Check. has been published and is available. It is still available at the special subscriber discount price for all 12 signs, or the order price per sign. This year’s annual offers an extended written report plus 90 minutes of audio for each sign and rising sign. You will love it.

Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Leadership implies service. When the service aspect is removed, obsession with power rushes into the space, which is precisely not what you want. There are at least two levels to what you offer the world. One comes from the visible aspect of your position: what you’re expected to do, and what you observe needs to be done. The other is subtler, even covert. It’s what you do for others because you can make it happen. You’re the one who decides whether any such action is ethical, and whether you’re willing to face any consequences (the first question is the more important one). Then you act because you can. This may involve assisting someone through an obstacle they could not get past on their own. This may give you an idea — how to do this for more people.

Revolution. Revelation. Reality Check. has been published and is available. It is still available at the special subscriber discount price for all 12 signs, or the order price per sign. This year’s annual offers an extended written report plus 90 minutes of audio for each sign and rising sign. You will love it.

Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — You may not feel like you’re making the progress you want — as if part of you wants to lurch forward while some other part of you is holding off. I suggest you resolve the tension by deferring to the voice that is hesitating. I can see something in the charts that you may not be able to see from your viewpoint in the world — which is that there’s a doorway you can go through. Visualize yourself in a dark room, so dark you cannot see where you are. But you have other senses: you can feel the surfaces around you. You can make a sound and estimate the size of the space. If you proceed slowly and thoughtfully you’re more likely to find your way out — and that is what your astrology is suggesting you do now.

Revolution. Revelation. Reality Check. has been published and is available. It is still available at the special subscriber discount price for all 12 signs, or the order price per sign. This year’s annual offers an extended written report plus 90 minutes of audio for each sign and rising sign. You will love it.

Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — One of the boldest themes in your chart right now is how you acquire and use resources. This includes money, though I am using a word that expands the idea to any available materials which you can put to work for a creative purpose. One feeling connected to this experience is that of drawing energy, ideas and funding from a broad base of support. Another is a stark reminder to apply those resources in ways that are authentically representative of who you are and what you want. This is indeed the time to vote with your wallet, but the thing you’re voting for is yourself. Think of every dollar, quid or euro you spend as an affirmation of what you truly believe. If something doesn’t stand up to the test, don’t make the investment.

Revolution. Revelation. Reality Check. has been published and is available. It is still available at the special subscriber discount price for all 12 signs, or the order price per sign. This year’s annual offers an extended written report plus 90 minutes of audio for each sign and rising sign. You will love it.

From Aries to Taurus, and the Mercury Storm

Dear Friend and Reader:

Next week is monthly horoscope week. These are published after the Sun has entered its new sign.

With the Sun about to move from the sign of I Am (Aries) to the sign of I Have (Taurus), we’re at the cusp of the two concepts. Yet the imaginary line between them (and their corresponding realities) is not clearly defined. In our materially oriented society, there’s plenty of overlap between being and having. Were there not, you could never sell someone a car based on its supposed prestige value. We have this idea that what we have defines who we are. It’s easier the other way.

Planet Waves
Photo by Eric Francis.

The Sun enters Taurus Wednesday, yet for the full 30 days of that transit there will still be lots of activity in Aries; both signs are going to be fully turned on at the same time. Potential expressions of this range from self-obsession that implodes on itself, to being able to concentrate our energies with unusual focus. This is a great time to practice moving through life with a higher-confidence, more self-aware version of yourself.

Aries and Taurus represent yang and yin energies respectively, so an unusual degree of balance is possible — along with some excellent opportunities for total lack of balance, and the quest to bring things back into some equilibrium. That journey will be full of surprises. Though many factors are present in the current astrology, Uranus on the Aries Point is still the strongest of them. It’s a reminder to count on the unexpected, and to be ready to make the most of it. One sign that you’re actually alive is the ability to be spontaneous.

Speaking of turning points, surprise developments and making the most of ordinary changes — Mercury stations direct on Saturday, April 23 after a 24-day retrograde. These retrogrades take so long, and yet they seem to go by so quickly. We’re now entering the ‘storm’ phase of the retrograde cycle — the last few days when the movement of Mercury (relative to the Earth) slows down right before the reversal of apparent direction. These last few days approaching the station-direct can be some of the most challenging and interesting days of the whole process.

If you haven’t yet applied this bit of astrological hygiene, now is indeed the time to pause in making new commitments, decisions, purchases and joint arrangements. Pause means until after the weekend, or as far into the other side of the echo phase as you can. The echo phase (sometimes called the shadow phase) is a timespan wherein Mercury is re-crossing (in direct motion) the degrees where it was just retrograde, working over the same ground again. This gives us a chance to reconsider what we’ve learned and observed, and get things right the second (or third) time.

Planet Waves
Photo by Eric Francis.

Mercury exits echo phase and enters new territory on May 11, in an exact conjunction to Jupiter. That is a clue: keep your options open for as long as you can.

Looking at the immediate future, the moment that Mercury stations direct has some interesting properties. One of them is that the truth about a mystery can reveal itself. Mercury just has this odd quality of things shaking out of the ethers right around the time that it stations direct. I would use an orb of about two days on either side of the exact station Saturday morning (that’s for US time zones; early afternoon across the UK and Europe, and late Saturday in Australia). But these events can be remarkably precise. You don’t need to do anything except keep your ears open, and know what you don’t know. That is, be aware of missing information, such as when there is an information gap. Then, when you get information, make sure you use what you know.

Given that Mercury is in Aries, this information may come in the form of a self-discovery; in any event, it’s likely to be information that benefits you directly, or reveals something about you that’s pivotal.

As I suggested in Friday’s edition, Mercury in Aries may represent something about our self-concept. This is the sometimes-flexible, sometimes-stuck concept of who we are that we live with and mistakenly identify as our ‘self’. With so much moving, and so many planets in Aries, one valid interpretation of the charts is to keep that concept as open as you can. Rather than getting stuck in a concept of who you are, you can consider your experience of ‘self’ an experiment. You have many options, and you’re free to choose who you want to be. It helps a lot if you go deeper than a concept to decide; we each contain the idea of who we authentically are, and that is a helpful place to go for information.

Catch you with a new podcast Wednesday, and a new edition Friday.


Eric Francis

Check this audio announcement for information about Eric’s new e-book, Light Bridge: The 25-Year Span.

Planet Waves

Light Bridge: The 25-Year Span by Eric Francis is the story of irrevocable change told through the lens of astrology, history and self-awareness. This is a carefully selected set of articles and essays by Eric written since 1987, which take you through the transition of the millennium into 2012. The essays are a continuing meditation on the experience of confronting global changes from long before anyone was certain they would really happen. It begins in a spiritual community in 1987 and comes to the present day, including a look at the astrology of the 2012-2015 era. Included are Eric’s best essays on sweeping world changes, relationships and maintaining some sense of one’s inner life in the midst of it all. The book, available as a printable PDF, is 174 pages and is illustrated by Carol McCloud. It’s just $14.95. It’s the perfect companion to Light Bridge, the 2011 annual edition of Planet Waves. Purchase your copy here.


Me, Myself and I: Note from Aries

Dear Friend and Reader

The Moon reaches full phase in Libra this weekend. A Full Moon dependably shakes up the emotional and psychic energy, and at the moment there is plenty shaking. With many planets in Aries, including Mercury retrograde brewing like a vat of cider, we’re likely to be feeling a bit extra shuffled with an urgently curious, confused and polarized sensation.

Planet Waves
Photo by Eric Francis — Book of Blue.

I would remind you how much we’ve been processing all year. It’s like we’re living a month or two every week, and yet time seems to be going by so fast nobody can keep track of it. I’ve been trying to figure out this seeming contradiction for a while, to no avail yet. In practical terms, I suggest you check in for potential exhaustion/depletion and take action to address that. We have all been processing a lot.

I would remind you that we had an indication this would be a very strange year when we started seeing news about birds falling out of the sky in late December and early January. Everyone remember that?

Full Moon in Libra means the Sun is in Aries; the Moon and Sun are always in opposite signs for this phase. Aries is a yang sign — it’s all about action, what we think of as ‘male’ energy. Aries makes statements, takes territory and charges forward. Two of the hottest, most fiery planets of the lot are now in Aries — Mars and Uranus, along with Mr. Hot and Dry himself, the Sun. Jupiter is there, as are Eris and retrograde Mercury.

If Aries is the sign of the self, then all this activity is boldly declaring: who the heck am I?

There’s so much going on in Aries and it’s all so very potent, and now the Moon is going to come along and hold a mirror up to it from Libra. The currently installed mirror is Saturn, which is not so reflective, and it’s retrograde. This may have us feeling like despite all of the self-awareness stuff in Aries, a concept of a relationship seems to be holding us to who we were yesterday. Not just a relationship per se, but rather a concept of who we are supposed to be for the purpose of our relationships, such as an identity designed to meet expectations of acceptability.

Planet Waves
Photo by Eric Francis — Book of Blue.

The Moon is silvery and glistens, and it resonates with feeling. In Libra, it will be giving us a kind of projection screen onto which we can sort out all of these feelings and ideas that spend so much time in our heads. This is a fleeting glimpse. The Moon is a fast moving object, so it never keeps one perspective for very long. What we can easily observe this weekend will be obvious only briefly.

While this is happening, Pisces is soaking us in soul juice. The most yin sign, cool and moist, Pisces is about introspective awareness, dreaming, feeling and receiving. It’s the sign of doing bong hits and then painting, making music or writing in your journal till it gets light out. Then your phone rings and it’s your old lover, the one you really dig. You meet up, go for a walk and then crawl into bed. Pisces is now home to Chiron and Neptune, increasing the presence of this sign in our lives. This may be arriving as a rising tide of inner awareness, clairvoyance or dream activity. Strong Pisces is an invitation to accept anything and everything about ourselves.

Have we considered how much better life might be if we didn’t spend so much energy convincing ourselves how pure we are? That’s a form of fear. I am not saying that radioactive rainwater isn’t starting to tumble on roofs across the United States and many other parts of the world; I am saying that we have options other than being uptight. Further, I’m suggesting that uptight is so normal we don’t even know what it is anymore. It seems to offer some proof of purity. This is not a recipe for happiness; it’s a form of torture. Self-knowledge would go a long way to helping that cause. One sure way to self-knowledge is curiosity. It works just about every time. Curiosity is the distinct feeling that you cannot control what you’re about to find out, and you like it that way. Now, turn that on yourself.

I’ve noticed something in the charts lately that I thought I would share with you. A few times before I’ve referenced a book called Esoteric Astrology by Alice A. Bailey. The most recent time was an article last spring called The Greatest Aries Point Show on Earth.

Esoteric Astrology proposes alternate sets of planetary rulers for the signs. Just about everyone knows that if you’re an Aries then your ruling planet is Mars. That’s the kind of thing that makes it into The New York Post horoscope. However, Bailey proposes that there are two other ruling planets for all of the signs. These alternate rulers work on different levels than the traditional one, and help you think of the sign a different way.

Planet Waves
Photo by Eric Francis — Book of Blue.

Mars as the ruler of Aries drives desire. That, however, tends to become a kind of self-centered ego presence; it’s a notion of self wherein the existence of anyone else seems questionable. Mars in Aries is notoriously insecure. The ‘me’ consciousness of Aries can be so insecure that it gets lost through polarizing into relationship to someone else. In so doing, it can lose its distinct identity, disappearing into that relationship. I mean, think of how often we subvert our own desire for the sake of a relationship.

What is called the esoteric ruler, for Aries, is Mercury. We normally associate Mercury with Gemini and Virgo. Mercury in Aries is a picture of self-awareness, that is, the presence of the mind in the sign associated with self. It’s less about what the mind, or the self, can do, and more about what it perceives. Taking Aries in its Mercury expression, your awareness tells you that you’re an individual perceiving the world from your own point of view. That includes your thoughts and your ideas. On a good day, Aries is associated with originality, and I think we see this described in the Mercury association. What’s also interesting is that Mercury is androgynous, and it can be a relief to have a gender-balanced planet connected to Aries.

Bailey then proposes an additional planet for each sign, what she calls the hierarchal ruler, and for Aries this is Uranus. The quality of the hierarchal ruler is available on a level that’s usually beyond awareness. It’s like those parts of your computer that only programmers are supposed to know about. Uranus does not rule any sign in traditional astrology, though in modern astrology it’s come to be associated with Aquarius. Associated with Aries, it serves like a guiding principle that you can detect if you’re truly devoted to evolving consciousness. It’s like the version of self you get when you see behond yourself.

At times we experience Uranus as inspiration, as initiative and as the power to really stand out and achieve something original. Uranus connected to Aries can offer a sense of self that is connected to the whole rather than merely being ‘an individual’. It will offer confirmation that your presence on the planet is truly unique in the sense that everything created out of the infinite is unique.

Here is the interesting part: All three rulers of Aries are currently in that sign. Mars is trekking across for a while; Mercury is making an extended visit because it’s retrograde there; and Uranus arrived recently for a seven-year spell.

It’s also noteworthy that for the moment, the Sun is present, and in traditional astrology the Sun is the exalted planet of Aries. So we have every planet associated with Aries right in that sign.

Planet Waves
Photo by Eric Francis — Book of Blue.

One possible interpretation: every dimension of self is available right now. We are free to access ourselves on any level we want. All our options are open.

This will take some enhanced inner awareness to notice. It helps to declare the freedom of self. It helps to crave self-knowledge.

Here are a few more thoughts:

Mars is saying it’s healthy to want what you want — and to know what that is. Desire has been so co-opted by advertising and social conventions that for many people it seems difficult to discern. Ever ask yourself that question, ‘What am I supposed to want?’ And often ‘what we really want’ or even the feeling of seeking that is corrupted by guilt. Here is a clue — if you desire something and then you feel guilt, that suggests you’ve figured out what you actually want. Address the guilt not as a sign that you should not have that, but rather that there is some interference coming from someone who has tried to control you. The presence of guilt is usually the relic of a control mechanism, not a sign of being wrong. When we’ve done something ‘wrong’, usually we respond with sadness or remorse.

Mercury is saying it’s healthy to inquire about who you are. The retrograde adds the hint that self-awareness is indeed introspective. There is a hint here that there is self-concept at work, as much as self-awareness. The key is to get beyond self-concept, and start asking questions that are framed in such a way that they yield information. The thing about self-concept is that it’s 1) often confused with self and 2) it often comes from others who project it onto us, particularly when we’re young. Mercury retrograde may be taking you on a trip through a sequence of old self-concepts, so that you can let them go and find something that is a little more useful to you now.

Finally, Uranus is asking a few different questions. One is, where do you look for inspiration? What lights you up and motivates you to do something beautiful? There’s also the question, what tribe do you identify with? I mean really identify with, in the sense that you can really be yourself when you’re among them, or at least that you’re drawn in with the desire to give it a try.

One last thing: the lunar apogee is in Aries, and it will be for a while. It’s currently conjunct Uranus. That suggests that the fears that come up, including the actions of the inner censor, will be revealing. It’s not so much that the inner censor is a bad thing, as much as it is something we will get plenty of good information from observing. What exactly gets blocked, and who does it feel like is doing the blocking? If you follow those clues in, they will inevitably lead you to the very thing they would obscure.


Eric Francis

Check this audio announcement for information about Eric’s new e-book, Light Bridge: The 25-Year Span.

Planet Waves

Light Bridge: The 25-Year Span by Eric Francis is the story of irrevocable change told through the lens of astrology, history and self-awareness. This is a carefully selected set of articles and essays by Eric written since 1987, which take you through the transition of the millennium into 2012. The essays are a continuing meditation on the experience of confronting global changes from long before anyone was certain they would really happen. It begins in a spiritual community in 1987 and comes to the present day, including a look at the astrology of the 2012-2015 era. Included are Eric’s best essays on sweeping world changes, relationships and maintaining some sense of one’s inner life in the midst of it all. The book, available as a printable PDF, is 174 pages and is illustrated by Carol McCloud. It’s just $14.95. It’s the perfect companion to Light Bridge, the 2011 annual edition of Planet Waves. Purchase your copy here.

Planet Waves

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, April 15, 2011, #856 – BY ERIC FRANCIS

Eric’s Zodiac Sign Descriptions

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — If you focus on one specific goal now, you’ll have a better chance of accomplishing much else besides. Choose what you want to do the most, the thing you want to express, initiate or complete, and pour your energy into that. It is the sensation of applying your creative power directly to an idea that will connect you to your inner source. You may not personally feel all that focused; in fact you may be getting a sense of just how multifaceted you are, and be experiencing various challenges collecting yourself in one place. Setting a seemingly external goal will allow you to access a level deeper than the confusion you may be feeling, and demonstrate that you can draw out your creative power and use it to make something happen. Yet it will help immensely if your motivation is desire, blended with a touch of obsession.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Aries, please go to this link.

Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — The Sun is about to enter your sign, and in these last few days before that happens you may be feeling particularly edgy. For example, I see an image in your chart of being angry but not understanding why; uncertainty about whether you’re making progress; and an exaggerated sense of your (often typical) feeling of shortcoming. I have an idea: try to not take it seriously. Watch it go by without letting it take over your mind or your identity. The whole sensation may be exaggerated, so this provides the opportunity for a useful mental exercise in detachment. There is plenty in your environment rich in scent, color and feeling. You will be surprised how quickly your mental drama evaporates when you tune into the sensory world and indulge in the rich nourishment you find there.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Taurus, please go to this link.

Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — You may find yourself in a complicated social situation this weekend, though the complexity originates from some form of misinformation, gossip or deception. Jealousy appears to be at the root of the issue, and it is toxic. Once started, whether haplessly or by intent, the matter might threaten to run out of control. Now I have a question for you: when will the world, the people of the world, and you, get sick of this kind of nonsense? This really is a conscious choice, when it happens. That choice will often come with the simultaneous discovery that not only is something else possible, but also necessary or inevitable. One way of being shuts down creativity; the other opens it up. One way of being is about tearing apart the fragile tapestry of society. The other way is about weaving integrity and sincerity into our social interactions. The choice is yours, and people are watching your example.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Gemini, please go to this link.

Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Play along with how things are going for you professionally, including the various mix-ups and the contradictions. Make your moves slowly, based on available information, and as you make each decision keep the door open for the next opportunity. For example, I suggest you not make any ‘permanent’ agreements that would prevent you from making another commitment in a couple of weeks. Don’t get lost in the temptation to think that you’re not getting your message out, or that you’re not visible. Actually you’re being noticed more than you think; you’re in a blind spot where you can’t quite see that. So keep your performances sharp, check your facts and proceed at what seems to be the natural pace of things. Once things start coming to fruition after Mercury has stationed direct on the 23rd, you will be happy you did — and you’ll see the connection to doing things well these very days.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Cancer, please go to this link.

Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — You may feel so caught up in the moment that you cannot even think of making long-term plans. Yet if you’ll notice your thought patterns, you’re actually in a reassessment of your plans, and as you determine that certain things are not working, you’re likely to discover some things that you know will work for you rather well. I suggest that you focus on removing from your agenda that which doesn’t suit you; the obvious benefit of that will be having the sensation of room to move, and a clear enough space to leave you free to include new ideas. Once this process picks up energy you will discover that there is a lot of energy behind you, and that will provide a sense of both power and freedom to make decisions that anytime sooner you might have feared would upset not only the apple cart but the whole fruit and vegetable aisle.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Leo, please go to this link.

Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — You may be tempted to renege on an agreement or break a commitment during the next few days. If you’d be doing this because of a sense of injured pride, or if you’re angry about something, I suggest you cool off for a while before you make a move. Once you get your mind in order and the situation sorts itself out in a week or two, you will see that you were upset over what will seem like nothing. You may decide that you gave up some excellent opportunities in the process. Making a decision from a calm place is not the same thing as selling out. Being true to your promises is not the same thing as being a slave. Being authentically who you are does not mean asserting your individuality with a tinge of rage blended in. Indeed, you don’t even need to ‘be yourself’; you already are yourself.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Virgo, please go to this link.

Check this audio announcement for information about Eric’s new e-book, Light Bridge: The 25-Year Span.

Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — You seem to be in an emotionally heavy or cluttered situation that you want to rid yourself of. I suggest you figure out what that’s made of. Once again I would point you to the emotional source of any seemingly physical disturbance; you are under some pressure, and you may be reacting to a new presence in your environment. The question to ask yourself is whether you consider it a helpful or toxic influence, and why you come to the conclusion that you do. You will need to make this assessment rather than pretend you don’t care, though the good part is that you have some new tools at your disposal for contemplating this kind of subtle question. One of your lifelong missions is to learn how to respond to your own feelings, and by that I mean make decisions and get some control over your environment.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Libra, please go to this link.

Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — This weekend’s Full Moon has the look of an event that starts unsettling or uncomfortable and then slips into a more emotionally grounded and satisfying state. The discomfort is likely to start as a sense of pressure, but the odd part is you’re not likely to notice that pressure till it’s already started to pass; it has a ‘what was that?’ kind of feeling to it. What you may not have figured out yet is how much you have available in the way of emotional resources that were not there a few months ago and for that matter had gone missing for a long time; and now a new well has opened up. You may feel hesitant about tapping into that depth; you may not have trust that it’s there, including the fear that your imagination is going to run out on you right when you need it. Nothing of the kind, Scorpio.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Scorpio, please go to this link.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — I think I may have already written the horoscope about those happy creative accidents; you know, the seeming errors that lead to the stroke of genius. Even if so, I’ll say it again, a different way: take a chance on being wrong. Try the idea that you think might not work, but which seems appealing anyway. You might reverse your position spontaneously or based on a frustrating experience; if so, go with it and see what happens. True, there are risks, but the rewards of tapping a deeper level of creative mojo make it more than worth the risk. By deeper level I mean closer to who you are. You may be figuring out that your identity is a creative process, and that your creative process is intimately about who you are. The quality to follow is that slight sense of risk, taking everything on a dare.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Sagittarius, please go to this link.

Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Your insecurities may be at an all-time high, coupled with moments of feeling like you’re on emotional steroids. They are the same thing; this is one of those ‘the brighter the light, the darker the shadows’ moments. You have a few choices, one of which is to take the manic ride, enjoy the high and then deal with the anger and guilt you might feel on the other end; or ground out (literally, sit on a big rock somewhere and make some skin contact with the thing); or work out (something aggressive, but be careful of your head and neck). You’re likely to confuse mental and emotional impulses right now. I would say focus your mind and your feelings will follow. Focus your mind on what? I suggest you write an autobiographical essay about the most troubling aspect of your childhood. Tell the story — leave out the judgments and stick to the plain facts.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Capricorn, please go to this link.

Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — What is original? There is such a thing, but it’s not what most people think. One helpful version of original is applying an existing thing or idea to a new situation or problem. Another is seeing a longstanding problem a new way, and the shift in perspective advances your thought process in an unexpected way. Another kind is considering what the world perceives as a problem, and figuring out a way to turn it into a benefit or resource. Would any of those possibilities fit your current situation? One thing I suggest is that you’re pushing too hard against a seeming obstacle. If that is true, then a version of original that would help you quite a bit is the kind where you figure out you were looking at an easy solution all along, and you just happened to notice it was right there.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Aquarius, please go to this link.

Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — One of the top issues of your chart at the moment seems to involve finances, but the question is really one of resources, and in truth it’s not so much a question as it is about conducting an assessment. I sometimes call this a resources inventory. The more you stoke the awareness of what is available to you, the less you will emphasize what is not available. The more you will then utilize what you have rather than strive to acquire more. That said, you do seem to be in a tight spot; however this argues well for focusing on the positive, which by the way includes people who affirm themselves and their purpose. Anyway, this whole endeavor is likely to yield some surprising results, and the discovery that the whole amounts to far more than the sum of the parts. Or to borrow another old expression, it’s not what you have; it’s what you do with it that counts.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Pisces, please go to this link.

Check this audio announcement for information about Eric’s new e-book, Light Bridge: The 25-Year Span.

Solar Fire, Electric Fire, Cosmic Fire

Dear Friend and Reader:

In her influential 1951 book Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey describes several kinds of fire — and looking at the current charts, we have them all happening right now. You can probably feel the vibes.

Planet Waves
This is an actual photo, not a cover of a science fiction novel. Two parhelia, the technical term for sundogs, flank the Sun above Stockholm, Sweden. Sundogs form when water freezes in the upper atmosphere, and the flat, six-sided ice crystals float down with their faces parallel to the ground. During sunrise or sunset, each crystal can act like a miniature lens,refracting the light into our view. Photo by Peter Rosen.

Solar Fire comes to mind as the Sun approaches the sign Aries. Here in the Northern Hemisphere, spring is stirring restlessly to life. The relentless snowstorms have eased off, and the Sun is showing his face every now and then. It’s always amazing how quickly autumn turns back into spring. Equinox is when night equals day all around the world, and the Sun enters the first fire sign. Symbolically, Solar Fire is about the full experience of life and the expression of the soul. Bailey describes it as the path of discipleship.

We are now in a phase of increasing solar activity. We’ve been experiencing coronal mass ejections and our electrical systems are particularly vulnerable to bursts of energy from the Sun. I think this is the message that even people who would have never considered doing so consider themselves to be spiritual disciples, which means above all entering on a path of discipline.

As for Electric Fire, Bailey describes this as the individual person identifying with the monad — the spiritual source of everything. We see this illustrated in the image of Uranus about to enter Aries. We get the fire from the sign involved and the sensation of ‘electric’ from the planet involved. Uranus in Aries is about self-awareness and individual awakening, but thanks to this odd energy vortex called the Aries Point — the first degree of Aries — there is a node that affects nearly everyone. It’s where the individual and collective realms intersect. As was said in the 1970s, ‘the personal is political’. When one person wakes up, it’s easier for other people to wake up — and pretty soon it becomes a culture-wide wave of energy.

Uranus is working its way into a square aspect with Pluto in Capricorn. Uranus square Pluto is the heart of 2012 astrology. This aspect is the essence of revolutionary astrology, and if you can’t tell from glancing at the newspaper, the revolutionary spirit is coming back to the world. We experienced similar astrology in the mid-1960s, which woke up not only political activism but also brought surges forward in music, science, technology of all kinds, art and literature.

There was also a fairly massive confrontation — when the people rise up, there is usually something to rise up against. Most of that rising up is more like arising, awakening, and throwing off the long slumber of consensus reality. Uranus in Aries will guide many people into personal awakenings. I am sure it will come as excellent news to many that waking up is the central theme of our new decade.

Planet Waves
Dark filament of the Sun. Dark structures like this one, made of cooler plasma suspended above the hotter, brighter plasma of a solar active region, are unstable and erupt often. When they do so, the dark filaments look bright against the background of space. Photo from NASA’s Astronomy Picture of the Day.

Bailey also offers a concept of Fire by Friction. This is basically what the human who is aware only on the personality level experiences. We have some of that in Saturn in Libra. This is about relationships being tested by necessity or duress, people making choices or taking actions that reveal who they really are to their partners, and feeling the need to get real as the effects of not being real.

In addition to being a manifestation of conflict, Fire by Friction can be extremely pleasant, and is often the very thing we seek out in sexual dynamics. If we do, it’s just a good idea to know what it is and a little about how it works, what some of the results might be — and what else is available.

Last idea: Cosmic Fire. That is illustrated by Chiron in Pisces. Chiron is a fiery energy, full of intention, determination and warriorship. This is a fairly new planet, discovered in 1977, that is the harbinger of the holistic age. For those who love a spiritual or healing approach to astrology, Chiron is your planet.

When we mix Chiron with Pisces, we experience the cosmic energy of that sign becoming focused in a way that we can actually use. Chiron will be in Pisces for the next eight years, so it’s going to become an essential ingredient in our lives. That Cosmic Fire gives us the power to burn off the fog of denial, and it suggests that we can consciously value truth as an option to intentional deception.

On Thursday Mars made an exact conjunction to Chiron, bringing two fiery energies together, and raising the awareness of both. This had some interesting manifestations in the world — as you may have noticed. I’ll cover a few of them in the next article.

God does not need to be an abstraction; God is existence. Chiron is about conscious awareness. Pisces is calling on us to notice the many beautiful facets of existence that we usually miss, and to notice the ways we can thrive on the power of love.

Yours & truly,

Eric Francis

Light Bridge by Eric Francis is available. It includes extended-length 2011 readings for all the signs and lots of interpretation of the transits I’ve described here. While I’m offering these as 2011 readings in truth they are seven-year readings that look at all of the longterm events I’ve been writing about, several of which are in effect until the end of the current decade. More information is on the Light Bridge website.


Mars conjunct Chiron in Pisces

Dear Friend and Reader:

There is an aspect happening right now. Tell me if you can feel it: Mars conjunct Chiron in Pisces. I don’t know if there’s any unusual suspense in the air or it’s just my imagination — but it seems to be going around. This is an aspect that involves awareness of and healing the male side of the psyche, and one’s experience of oneself as a man. In a girl or woman it’s also identified with her experience and perception of men. In an astonishing, to-the-day manifestation of this aspect, Pres. Obama on Thursday instructed the federal government to stop defending the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act, opening the way for federal recognition of same-sex marriage.

Planet Waves
Photo in Krakow, Poland by Eric Francis.

Like just about everything that involves Chiron in Pisces, this is happening for the first time since the late 1960s. In case you’re following the other aspect I’ve been writing about that has a potent ’60s resonance, that is Uranus square Pluto; that is reminiscent of the Uranus-Pluto conjunction that happened to occur in the mid-1960s. Synchronously, that was the most recent time Chiron was in Pisces. So two longterm events are developing right now that have a direct line of energy back to approximately 1960 to 1968.

As for the current aspect, Mars conjunct Chiron: Both of these are warrior energies. Both are yang or male energies. They are set in a vibrational field (a sign) that is distinctly yin or female in nature — Pisces. Note that this conjunction can happen in any sign, though its location will be determined by where slower-moving Chiron is located. Just a few weeks ago Chiron entered Pisces to stay for the next eight years.

Even without Chiron’s influence, Mars is a challenged planet in our era, that is, in the modern world. Men are genetically prepared to be hunters and defenders of the brood, and instead they’re frequently turned into either office workers, or people who are paid to commit various forms of injustice. There is very little defending the brood that happens and there is nearly no hunting; one can purchase a sausage and egg sandwich. The wars that our brilliantly trained fighters are sent to do are the bidding of corporations in mercenary wars. Indeed, the war in Iraq started under a Mars-Chiron conjunction in Aquarius, which I wrote about at the time.

Here in the United States, we have a lot of guns, and a lot of gun deaths. I would call that some frustrated Mars energy. Apart from the deaths there is an obsession with possessing and carrying firearms. This year we’ve seen one glaring example of this problem with the mass shootings in Tucson in early January. Yet sadly this kind of incident has become something that happens on a fairly routine basis.

Meanwhile, wholly organic sexual desire is gradually being criminalized. We have a very, very serious rape problem in the world, and we have an even more serious problem with the extent to which that perpetuates distrust of the men who would never do such a thing. Still, sex is constantly conflated with violence, and pornography is the least of it. The most pervasive images come right on prime time cable television and in feature movies. Yet healthy desire can be treated like the bomb squad ought to be called in.

Planet Waves
Mars conjunct Chiron set for Kingston, NY.

Many get this scenario projected at them with various forms of “men are pigs” and “all men want is sex,” accusations which always involve some form of self-denial on the part of the person making the accusation. All projections have an element of denial, which masks the real issues underneath. For example, anyone who says “men are pigs” has a level of gender rage they’re not addressing.

I could go on with examples of how Mars is under stress in our society, even without the influence of Chiron. We could talk about what happens to most desire: it’s turned to shopping. When we bring in Chiron, we start to focus the issues. Mars in aspect to Chiron can add an injured quality, and also begins to resolve the wounding by making it conscious and available for healing.

That is the nature of Chiron: to raise themes, issues and circumstances to consciousness so they can be addressed. While there is often a long struggle around situations involving Chiron, there is also the gradual focusing of power. I don’t mean the ‘sense of empowerment’ but rather the actual awareness that one can direct one’s energy and focus one’s life. In the case of Mars, that’s about focusing the will, the desire nature and shadow material involving desire.

By shadow material, I mean fear, guilt, shame, attack thoughts and any of the disturbances surrounding them. Denial, which often covers those emotions, is also shadow material and a defense against other painful emotions. One of the benefits (some would say drawbacks) of the awareness-raising property of Chiron is that it brings these things to the surface and they must be addressed in a way that is often accompanied by psychic pain. It is, however, productive pain in that it can describe the nature of what hurts, and why, and open the way for healing.

Planet Waves
Detail of Mars conjunct Chiron, which was exact at about 4 am Thursday. Mars is the red glyph that looks like the thing on the men’s room door; the next planet over is an orange key and that is Chiron. Notice how they have the same location — 1 degree and 4 arc minutes. Notice the many other planets clustered around them, which amplifies the energy and offers other dimensions of the aspect to consider.

There are many ways an injury connected to Chiron can manifest, and often the person with the aspect will get to make some decisions about how to work with the energy. Mars-Chiron aspects, in any case, are about reconciliation with one’s desire nature. And that nature often is mired in shame, which is invoked when one outwardly expresses desire. As the shadow is processed, the underlying emotion becomes more available in a clear state.

Thursday’s aspect was the first meeting of these two planets while in Pisces. The most watery water sign brings in the emotional dimension. That’s where this is happening: it’s on the feeling level, and we all know how much shame many men have there. Pisces is an essentially feminine energy field, some say the most feminine of all. You could spin a lot of themes off of this, such as the sense of emasculation that so many men feel, and for which they feel compelled to overcompensate. We might consider the root of homophobia, which is a kind of shame around one’s feminine or passive side. This includes many potential situations and it certainly includes sexuality. Personally I think that male desire is being exhausted on the cultural mandate that men are, traditionally, the ones who must exert that desire as a conditioned response to equally conditioned female passivity.

Thursday — as I mentioned earlier — the Obama administration decided to stop defending the constitutionality of the Defense of Marriage Act, a law which essentially prohibits the federal recognition of same sex marriages. This is a step away from the obsessive homophobia of our society, much of which is projected by men at other at men. Homophobia has many roots, one of which is fear of self, and another of which is the fear of letting go of control in sexual situations.

I think that male desire needs a chance to relax, to accept the femininity inherent within its own nature. This aspect is an invitation for everyone to give men a chance to be themselves, rather than who they are ‘supposed to be’ or ‘made out to be’. Women need to be given space to express desire outwardly, but I think closer to the point, they need to give themselves that space and take the chances they typically expect men to take. And we all need to give ourselves room to ease off of our belief in, and our obsession with, weaponry and war as the solution to anything.

Remember that thing about ‘boys don’t cry’? That’s where it starts, and after enduring so many centuries of that — then being handed a gun — we surely do have our healing journey set out for us.

Yours & truly,

Eric Francis

Related: The Onion enters discussion of Mars conjunct Chiron.

Planet Waves

Attention Light Bridge Subscribers: Light Bridge written readings are now available to those who pre-ordered. If you have not signed up yet, you may do so here. Everyone is invited to read the articles on the Light Bridge blog, which will update periodically. Customer reviews of Light Bridge are collecting here. Don’t miss the free audio introduction to the project that explains how I created these seven-year readings. To everyone: thank you for your patience while we completed the written phase of Light Bridge.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for March 2011

Eric’s Zodiac Sign Descriptions

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — This month it looks like you discover something about yourself that you knew all along and figured out on at least 100 other occasions but somehow it is suddenly real and makes perfect sense. The sensation is something akin to suddenly discovering who you are, which was the person you knew you were all along, and are somehow now miraculously remembering. Let’s not let anyone try to convince us that human consciousness is something that more resembles what we think of as a trance than the mind standing at attention. For many, the trance is like a movie, which has this odd script where every other line is, ‘I’m confused’. Confusion is often a method of denial; it literally means “mix or mingle things so as to render the elements indistinguishable.” Now the time has arrived to unconfuse yourself, which means to see yourself for who you are. You are bigger than your fears. You have more courage and perseverance than you thought you did. And your craving to be free is real. The restlessness you’re feeling is not something you want to medicate away, talk yourself out of, or pretend does not exist. It’s not merely spring fever, though that’s a good way to describe your whole life. Rather, what you’re feeling is your soul calling you to wake up to your beauty and the beauty of life, no matter how weird things currently are on the planet — and no matter how scared anyone else may be.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Aries, please go to this link.

Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Your dream life may be going a bit wild lately. How that looks astrologically is that potent planets are either in or edging up on Aries, your solar 12th house. This is what psychologists refer to as the ‘unconscious’ or the ‘subconscious’. Jupiter, which arrived last month, is turning your hidden world into a kind of bold cinematic enterprise. Uranus, which arrives on March 11 to stay for seven years, turns it into a kind of action thriller, full of surprise twists. No matter what someone’s natal sign, Aries can act as the seat of identity. For you this comes through an area of your chart that is half veiled in the dreamtime — and that has not seen too much in the way of sustained new energy in many years. What is being stirred up is not merely your dream life, but rather your awareness of yourself on many deeper levels than you usually encounter. You’re not having a temporary visitation but rather are embarking on an ongoing encounter with your deeper self. This will only be shocking or strange if you don’t know such a thing exists. Your dreams, fantasies and artwork are drawing you deeper into yourself. So too is your social contact, particularly involving groups. You may not realize it yet, but everything has changed in your relationship to the social world, an evolution which at first will feel like a newfound gift for successfully being exactly who you are.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Taurus, please go to this link.

Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — If you are making a professional move of any kind, the thing to choose among your many options is the one that you both want the most, and where you feel you may not be ready, qualified or willing to be noticed. Often, the thing people would succeed brilliantly at works out to be the very thing they avoid. On this theme, you are in one of the great moments of your life. It’s not going to go away any time soon, but neither will it last forever. You are at a beginning, which is the time to make sure that you set your priorities and your goals in a meaningful way. Those goals can and probably will change, but they provide a point of focus. Consciously working toward something is a way to concentrate your energy. You can unravel a longtime question here by directing your energy in a way that creates something positive and helpful — to you. Creative energy is potential; it has to be activated through awareness and conscious action. The transit I’m describing is Chiron embarking on its eight-year transit of your 10th solar house — the one that covers matters of achievement, reputation and direct involvement with the world. This is a society-wide issue today: a small number of people abuse power, and many others think they have none. Now is the time to claim yours.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Gemini, please go to this link.

Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — You’re at this rare and glorious moment of bursting free. It may come on all at once: you get this feeling that it’s time to explode through the glass ceiling of existence and feel the sunshine, sky and fresh air all around you. This directly involves the work you do. You may be in a position where you’ve compromised your abundant freedom, individuality or creativity to the point where you want to activate the landing slide and escape with a few cold ones. However, you have better things in store for yourself. With both Jupiter (expansion, knowledge and reputation) and Uranus (invention, revolution) at the top of your chart right now, this is the time to do what you do in an original way that is as much about having fun as it is about succeeding. You could say that a sense of liberation around your work is the first way to define success. As this story unfolds over the next few years, you will have many opportunities to reinvent yourself — though I will say that some will feel so bold as to be a bit frightening, and some are going to come along and reinvent you. The world may not be ready for everything but it’s ready enough for what you have to offer, and these very months are an unusual moment for you to take space that is rightly yours, attended by what you might describe as a wild wind of fortune.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Cancer, please go to this link.

Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Make a list of the places you want to go, and pick the one you want to visit the very most. Choose a time, research the location, figure out the best places to stay (or find people you can stay with) and GO. One journey will lead to another, which will lead to a new concept of who you are. You may have travelled for growth and adventure in the past — you have the ‘find yourself on the road’ kind of chart. Now you’re in a ‘find yourself on the road’ time of life. If you do want to travel, there is something to be said for doing so spontaneously. When your life circumstance permits, go where you want to go. If your company reorganizes and you find yourself with your days free, put gas in the car and break out the map — in that order. The adventurous transits that take hold of your awareness have other expressions. One of the most vital is about exploring some field of knowledge that really turns you on. Visit the biggest or, alternately, the most specialized library in your area (a fantastic day trip — go alone). Consider opening your home to a guest from far away; there are programs for doing that, from student exchanges to grownup exchanges. Focusing on travel, knowledge and meeting even vaguely exotic people will remind you how young you are, why you’re alive and moreover that you’re alive.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Leo, please go to this link.

Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — You are beginning a new adventure in your relationships. I’m going to guess you are taking that as good news. Let me explain why it’s such good news. You have long been howling to the universe for an organizing principle in your human encounters. I have this button stuck to my Sun visor that says, “Being Weird Is Not Enough,” which I am sure you could apply to many of the people you’ve met the past few years. Some of them weren’t just weird, but many gave you the feeling that there was just going to be no dependable point of contact; which in turn pushed you into some reactionary states. Many factors that seemed like permanent institutions the past several years have changed. You seem determined to maintain an identity that exists apart from your relationships — this is a huge relief. And what was an erratic energy is being replaced by a sense of focus, purpose and attention to the underlying emotional material of human contact. I suggest, though, that you be highly discerning who you connect to and how. I don’t mean resistant or defensive; I mean perceptive. Associate with people who speak your language. Listen for the purposes that motivate their choices. Pay particular attention to people who are different and good at it: mavericks as opposed to rebels. Most of all, welcome the people who honor the fact that you are an individual and respect you for devoting your life to being so.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Virgo, please go to this link.

Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — There are many aspects to sex, including two essential ones that are usually forgotten or pushed back beneath the water — the reproductive part, and the dark side. You like sex to be interesting, with some ideas behind it. I assure you these things, though typically avoided, certainly are. You may find the deepest core of your pleasure right in what you or others shun the most. You’re also likely to discover the things that have in the past seemed to take your most daring pleasure from you, or sour it when you get what you want. If you’re able to get as close as you are, you certainly deserve to get the rest of the way. My suggestion is that you move your emotions, fantasies and experiences into the emotional and physical material you are the most embarrassed by, or avoid the most. Embarrassment is a veil that conceals something you’ve been striving to understand. On one level it says ‘turn back’ yet experienced another way, there’s a distinct lure, and that has a purpose of both healing and pleasure. These are closely related in a culture where we always seem to be claiming back something that was taken from us following a larger agenda. There are things that you may feel or experience that you want to share with others. I suggest you do so judiciously, and initially invest in finding out what people know rather than telling them what you know.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Libra, please go to this link.

Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Someone close to you is going through something, which is reshaping your concept of what a partner is. Other factors in your chart are suggesting that you’re experiencing a reshaping of your own concept of what you want from relationships. Given your orientation on relationships, this is a significant change, and it’s only beginning. It may seem like you want adventure first and your partners need deep emotional healing first. Assuming that you’re involved in a relationship, I suggest you consider the personal validity, to you, of everything that your partner says they need, or everything they’ve gone through. You can also experiment with the idea that who and what you are will work for them. Meanwhile, I would call your attention to a childhood event involving someone with whom you were intimate that initially shaped your idea of ‘the other’. This may have been a first time (or very close to it) experience that made a deep emotional impression and set your expectations. There was a secondary effect, which was to establish how your being in relationship to one person shaped your relationship to your circle of friends: how you’re perceived, how you perceive yourself, and whether you think you fit in. There is complex sociology to one-on-one relationships, and this has a direct effect on your sense of emotional security and your self-esteem. When you understand this and keep it where you can see it, you will feel a lot better.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Scorpio, please go to this link.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — I would not be surprised if you go through moments where your confidence is soaring and others where you feel absolutely uncertain about the way you seem to have chosen. The thing is that the confidence and the doubt both feel so real. You don’t know what to believe. Which is authentic? Let’s pretend for a moment that they are on an equal plane, of equivalent value. They are not, but let’s experiment. Which of the two would guide you forward, into your dreams and your desires? Obviously the confidence would. So you can live boldly with intervals of doubt, or you can cower in the shadows annoyed by some intervals of having a vision for your life. Which would you choose? Now, the truth is they are not equivalent at all. You’re living a case of ‘the brighter the light, the darker the shadow’, which is my way of telling you that you’re burning bright at the moment — and you will be for quite a while. This is a new reality for you; for many years, you internalized your power, cultivated an inner connection and often checked yourself when it came time to step boldly out. In the past 12 months that has been changing rapidly and in this very season you may be discovering there is no place to hide. You don’t need one; be grateful of a dry roof, food to eat, something to offer the world and someplace to go.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Sagittarius, please go to this link.

Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — What an unusual space you’re in — like you are riding on a horse made of lightning, at the same time the capacity for absolute focus has taken hold of your mind. You have more energy available and you’re able to do something with it. Yet in this space it’s essential to send yourself positive messages. The most significant will be to affirm your intelligence and the relevance of your perceptions. You may be depending on those faculties now more than you have any time recently, and you may think that there are many other ‘better minds’ who could do what you do better. Any such thought is merely a self-esteem trap. The thing to remember about your mind is that it works differently, intuitively and creatively. This is true whether you think of yourself as ‘creative’ or ‘intuitive’. When you feel the difference between you and others, specifically in terms of thought patterns, that is the most meaningful difference. You’re also able to perceive a larger world with more colors and nuances, and those around you who cannot perceive those things can lead you to doubt yourself. So, you could say that the question of this era in your life, and the central growth (or healing) focus (as you choose) is: what’s it going to take for you to trust your senses and the mind behind them? The answer that comes to mind is experience, yet the truth is, you already have plenty of that.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Capricorn, please go to this link.

Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — You have the opportunity to resolve an emotional issue that has plagued you for a long time and has been getting your attention lately. I’m aware that healing processes take a long time, which is how long you’ve been at this. You’re inclined to take an analytic or goal-centered approach to healing matters, and when that doesn’t work you take a spiritual approach. The way into this one is to go directly for the feeling. Exactly how does the pain or struggle feel? The information you’re seeking is contained in the sensation of the struggle. It doesn’t translate easily into words or concepts, which is why you haven’t been able to work your analytical magic. It’s down there like an ocean current, invisible from the surface. When you notice yourself in the experience, stop whatever you’re doing and do two things: one is record the experience. Be descriptive, making notes of what prompted you, and any sensory descriptions that come to mind. The next time it happens, do it again. Then, be mindful of any associations to the past that come to mind. They may be totally irrational or delusional, to the point where they feel stupid or silly. That’s the thing you’re after. Go right to that ridiculous, senseless thing and once again, feel the feeling. Make the associations, let it all percolate, and see what you learn.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Aquarius, please go to this link.

Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — On the Planet Waves website there’s this thing called the Oracle. It’s a database containing every horoscope I’ve written since 1998. When you ask a question, the Oracle randomly selects one of those horoscopes, providing answers that can be a little spooky. Just now I typed in a two-word inquiry — “integrity check” — and got back a weekly from 2003, when Uranus was entering our sign. This month, eight short years later, Uranus is on its way out. Just last month, Chiron transitioned from Aquarius, where it’s been for five years, into Pisces. Here’s what Mr. Oracle said: “I get up in the morning, sort out the reality of my existence, arrive at my desk and notice that it’s covered with Tarot cards — again. I wonder: am I concerned about the future? Well, why not. This is a very futuristic moment for Pisces. We are at the one-month mark before the first ingress of Uranus into Pisces. Uranus is one of the slow-movers; it takes about seven years to traverse a sign and thus marks an era (this was the chat room era). That Uranus is entering Pisces is one thing. That it is leaving Aquarius, your solar 12th house, is quite another. The 12th is home to all kinds of anxieties, mysterious nameless fears that make most people quite restless. Uranus is an agitator, an exciter, a revolutionary. The change from one sign to another will not be subtle. For the moment, easy does it, and read those cards with an open mind.”

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Pisces, please go to this link.


Eric Francis, the founder and editor of Planet Waves, is an astrologer and investigative journalist. He was working in his first job as a municipal newspaper reporter when he discovered that his editor also owned an astrology bookstore. This began a long relationship between astrology and journalism, which has taken Eric through the pages of many newspapers as a horoscope writer, including the Daily Mail and the Daily Mirror plus numerous other venues. Today, Eric covers global turning point events through the lens of astrology. He is a specialist in newly-discovered planets.