Tag Archives: 1992 QB1

The Day of the Disconnected Unconscious: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is July 2
The Day of the Disconnected Unconscious | Order Your 2019-20 Cancer Reading | All Other Signs

Today’s total solar eclipse in your birth sign is offering you the power to make the changes you need to create in your life. Do not be nervous. Do not be daunted. Rather, see what choices you have, and make some decisions. The most significant among these is the one about being wholly and entirely committed to your own cause. Nobody can do this for you. Yet it seems you are moving yourself from within. This is quite literally inner movement, a shift, a realignment that brings you closer to yourself than you’ve been in many, many moons.
— by Eric Francis

Hear Eric describe the impressive eclipses involving your Sun sign or rising sign in your 2019-20 Cancer Astrology Studio Reading — now available for instant access.

Written in the Planets

Today is the Cancer New Moon and total solar eclipse. The New Moon is exact at 3:16 pm EDT (3:16:06 UTC); serennu.com lists the peak of the eclipse about seven minutes later. If you have not yet asked yourself what patterns you might like to shift over the next six to twelve months, this would be a good time to give that some thought. Better yet, what kind of energy can you put toward those intentions via some tangible action? The more you can frame your vision in positive terms — that is, what you’d like to cultivate more of, the gifts you’d like to offer the world, what you simply love doing — the better.

Note that this eclipse is occurring on the Cancer-Capricorn axis. This puts it into contact with the Saturn-Pluto conjunction that will be exact in January, and which we’re already experiencing. It’s possible that decisions and changes you undertake in the next couple of weeks may develop in particularly noticeable ways by then; for now, though, it’s likely that it is enough to be conscious of your present moment. Notice how the current is flowing in your particular bend of the river; this can make it easier for you to paddle with it rather than against it as you keep your eyes on your desired destination. (You can read more about the eclipse chart here and here.)

In today’s eclipse chart, the asteroid Vesta is in a conjunction in Taurus with an object named Albion (which used to be referred to as 1992 QB1 on Planet Waves). This suggests there’s some grounded persistence available that you can use to cross some kind of threshold — which may be sexual or body-related, or associated with your core values, or could also apply to your financial or material resources. Moving through this doorway may require you to actively make and hold space for it. Think in terms of a central point of orientation, rather than keeping it on the periphery.
— by Amanda Painter

Partial Lunar Eclipse: Dec. 31, 2009. Photo by Anthony Ayiomamitis.

Partial Lunar Eclipse: Dec. 31, 2009. Photo by Anthony Ayiomamitis.

New in the Special Readings Series
Magnum Opus on Eclipses, Now Through Late 2020

Eric’s new 90-minute discussion of all things related to eclipses, in any sign — with a focus on Cancer and Capricorn eclipses, from the current pair through 2020 — is available now for instant access. Part audio reading, part astrology class, it offers you a lot of help processing the solar eclipse on July 2 and the lunar eclipse on July 16, and features original music. Hear it as part of the 2019-2020 Astrology Studio for Cancer, or purchase the Eclipses Reading separately for only $33.

Cue: Be One (or The Kuiper Belt Turns 20)

Dear Friend and Reader:

Astrology is based on the premise that the shape of the solar system reflects the shape of consciousness. If that’s true, the edge of the solar system would represent a boundary or edge within the psyche, a place where familiar territory ends and the unfamiliar begins. Over the years, this boundary has moved gradually outward. For as far back as anyone was looking at the sky, the boundary was Saturn, the most distant visible planet. The edge moved outward with the first discovery of a planet — Uranus, in 1781, and with that discovery, the age of science and industry had officially begun.

Planet Waves
Illustration of the Kuiper Belt by Don Dixon, which originally appeared in Scientific American in 2000. The outermost inner ring is the orbit of Neptune. The inclined orbit would be something like Pluto, though with a much longer orbit than Pluto actually has; in 2000 it would represent a possible discovery, though the shape and inclination are evocative of Eris. The Kuiper Belt is the cloud of small objects that surround the solar system. © by Don Dixon, all rights reserved.

Next came Neptune, which was finally observed to be a planet in 1846. Neptune for its part was a strange discovery — Galileo was the first to see it, way back in 1612, though neither he nor numerous astronomers who followed him actually understood what it was, even though they noticed it was moving. Such is the elusive nature of Neptune.

After its discovery in 1930, Pluto was the furthest known object orbiting the Sun. It was discovered by accident, when astronomers were busy looking for something much larger, something they’ve yet to find.

Over the years, different astronomers had theorized that there were swarms of small objects beyond Neptune, though by 1992, only Pluto had been found. Most astronomers accepted that it was the outer edge of the solar system. There didn’t seem to be a lot of interest in searching, either. There was no grant money available for the project; it was not as glamorous as studying the known planets. At that time, a lot of attention and resources were going into the Cassini mission to Jupiter and Saturn, as well as to Hubble space telescope projects that involved gazing out to the edge of the universe.

Jane X. Luu, then 29 years old, was doing postdoctoral work in astrophysics, collaborating with Prof. David Jewitt at the University of Hawaii’s observatory on Mauna Kea, Hawaii. They were researching small objects in our solar system, such as comets and asteroids. (One theory about this possible new region of space was that it served as a reservoir of comets.)

They had a question: why did space beyond Pluto seem so empty? In the true spirit of science — curiosity — they decided to look around.

“To us it was of scientific interest,” Luu recalled in an interview last week. “In terms of prestige, we had never wanted to study any planet. Grants are easy. Why study something that lots of other people study? We were going to do things that nobody else wanted to do.”

Planet Waves
The 2.2-meter telescope at Mauna Kea, University of Hawaii, where 1992 QB1 and the Kuiper Belt were discovered by Drs. Jewitt and Luu. Photo from the University of Hawaii.

So, they spent their time peering off into the edge of the solar system, looking for anything that was moving. Mauna Kea is an ideal ground-based observatory because it’s sitting on top of a dormant volcanic mountain 4,200 meters above sea level, where the skies are often clear, and where there’s minimal light pollution or smog. Plus, it’s a smooth mountain, so there’s relatively little atmospheric turbulence — the bane of astronomers everywhere. They were using the University of Hawaii’s 2.2-meter telescope, a dependable old beast that had been in operation since 1970.

On the night of Sunday, Aug. 30, 1992, just before 11 pm local time, they pointed the telescope toward the southeastern skies and focused on a faint object. In fact it was so faint, it’s amazing they saw it against the backdrop of the stars. Over the next 90 minutes, watching on a monitor connected to a digital image captor, they noticed that the object was moving — which meant that it wasn’t a fixed star.

Jewitt and Luu had discovered the first-known object orbiting our Sun beyond Pluto. After 62 years of being the presumed edge of the solar system, Pluto’s reign was very quietly over. However, it would take a long time for the news to spread. The object they discovered was not especially large, and these particular astronomers are not media hounds.

The discovery was given the provisional designation 1992 QB1 — a technical reference that notes when it was discovered, and that it was the 27th object found in the second half of August of that year, nearly all of them asteroids of various kinds. (The second centaur planet, Pholus, had been discovered earlier that year, and the third, Nessus, would not be discovered till 1993. Centaurs are small planets located inside the orbit of Neptune.)

Planet Waves
Dr. Jane X. Luu, astrophysicist and co-discoverer of the Kuiper Belt, now a senior scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Official photo.

1992 QB1 has a nearly perfect circular orbit, which means it’s very stable. (The stability of its orbit is evidence that this region of space is not the origin of comets — they probably come from a region further away.) QB1’s orbit is nearly parallel to the solar equator, which takes it around the Sun in just over 289 years. That’s about 39 years longer than Pluto takes to orbit, though Pluto has a wildly elongated path, which meets the plane of the solar system on a steep angle.

Because it was beyond Pluto, 1992 QB1 was also the discovery of what became known as the Kuiper Belt, named (or misnamed) for Dutch astronomer Gerard Kuiper. QB1 was the observation that demonstrated that there are indeed objects beyond Pluto within our solar system. If there was one, there would be more. There are about 1,000 known today, and Jewitt has predicted that there are as many as 70,000 — probably a conservative estimate based on an actual calculation.

Imagine the Kuiper Belt as a plane extending into space, similar to a ring of Saturn, though surrounding the Sun, out beyond all the larger planets. The discovery represented a radical step in the understanding of the solar system, though its significance isn’t fully appreciated. Among astronomers, many other discoveries get more attention (Eris, for example). Studying these small bits of planetary matter give us a glimpse into the early history of the solar system.

Among astrologers, 1992 QB1 seems to get the least attention of any minor planet. This is in part because the minor planets are not a popular topic in astrology, and even among astrologers who specialize in the new discoveries, QB1 leaves most of them without a starting point because it doesn’t have a name. The names of newly discovered planets almost always come from the astronomers (who don’t generally ‘believe in’ astrology, or think about it much). Yet astrologers depend on these names to help them suss out the meaning a new planet might contain.

Jewitt and Luu had proposed the name Smiley, after the fictional character George Smiley in the spy novels of John le Carré. Smiley is a kind of anti-James Bond — a quiet, disciplined espionage agent rather than one always running around with his gun drawn. But the name had been used on a main-belt asteroid honoring Charles H. Smiley (1903-1977), who was chairman of astronomy at Brown University. Jewitt and Luu did not propose another name, and they have no plans to.

When other bodies were discovered with orbits similar to QB1, they started to become known as the cubewanos, a pun on Q-B-1-ohs. This is some insurance that 1992 QB1 will always be its name. Once its orbit was confirmed and it got a place in the Minor Planet Catalog, its proper name became (15760) 1992 QB1. This always reminds me of Asteroid B-612 from The Little Prince.

Planet Waves
David Jewitt, co-discoverer of 1992 QB1 and the Kuiper Belt, now a professor at UCLA. Official photo.

Last week I asked Jane Luu if she would share some impressions about her now-famous discovery.

“A lot of people don’t like it, because it started all the trouble for Pluto,” she said. The discovery of QB1 led to many other astronomers looking for objects in the Kuiper Belt, and one of them — Eris, discovered in 2005 — led to Pluto being reclassified as a Kuiper Belt object. “They should think of it as a new frontier of our solar system. It’s just like exploration way back in the 1500s. It’s about mapping new worlds.”

I asked how they financed the project. “We did it by lying and stealing, the usual way things are done,” she said. “We didn’t get any money for it. We would get telescope time to do other projects, and we would use it to do this. We’re good astronomers; we publish a lot and we’re productive, so nobody could accuse us of wasting resources.”

The region of space that Jewitt and Luu discovered was named for Gerard Kuiper (1905-1973), who in his writings referenced the possibility of a swarm of objects in the outer solar system.

“Kuiper anti-predicted the Kuiper Belt,” Luu explained. “He said it would be gone by now. It’s near Pluto and he thought that Pluto was going to scatter everything away. It was all conjecture. He had no numbers to back up anything. He was just guessing.”

It seems ironic that someone who predicted that something would not exist got that thing named after him. “Most people would be happy,” Luu said. “He got something for nothing.”

Planet Waves
Four original photographs that led to the discovery of 1992 QB1. The images show the object moving slowly westward through the sky, indicated by an arrow.

To correct this, it’s sometimes called the Edgeworth-Kuiper Belt (or in England, the Edgeworth Belt, though you rarely hear this), adding the name of Kenneth Edgeworth, an Irish astronomer, economist and engineer. In the 1940s, he proposed that there would be a disc of icy bodies beyond the orbit of Neptune. “Edgeworth was obscure,” Luu said, “but he did not anti-predict it, like Kuiper.”

Why wasn’t the Kuiper Belt discovered sooner? It took 62 years from the discovery of Pluto, during a phase of history with increasingly spectacular telescopes. “These things were always out there, but people didn’t look for them,” Luu said. “People are not good at finding things they don’t expect to see. What you look for you will find. But sometimes it takes a bit longer than you expect, if it exists.”

Now, many of the most interesting new discoveries are found in the Kuiper Belt. Some are more of the nature of Pluto (called plutinos, with orbits around 250 years) and many others are of the nature of QB1 (the cubewanos, or classical Kuiper objects, with orbits closer to 290 years or longer). Plutinos are named for underworld deities. One example is Orcus, named for an Etruscan [ancient Italian, pre-European] underworld god who predates Pluto. Cubewanos are named for deities associated with creation and resurrection (Quaoar, a Native American creator god, is an example). There are other categories, which are sorted by how many orbits the smaller planet makes compared to Neptune. For example, Plutinos orbit twice for every time Neptune orbits three times. There are other categories with other resonances to Neptune.

Whatever the math involved, David Jewitt and Jane Luu proved one thing: that space is not empty beyond Pluto; there’s something there. For astrologers, so invested in what these things mean symbolically, this is rich territory. Or it should be, anyway. Most people’s consciousness stops at Pluto, if it even gets there, which is a significant limit, given the level of fear involved. One irony is that many astrologers don’t believe in the minor planets. Yet the discovery of QB1 led directly to the reclassification of Pluto as a minor planet, complete with a minor planet catalog number — now known as (134340) Pluto.

Beyond Pluto — Beyond the Edge

I’ve been developing my own impressions of QB1 since 1998, when I was given an ephemeris by centaur specialist Robert von Heeren, who I met when I was living in Munich. He didn’t share any ideas about QB1, just a folder with a stack of printed pages that contained the ephemeris he had calculated himself. [You can see Tracy Delaney’s version here, on Serennu.com.]

Planet Waves
Pluto, illustrated by John Smith in 1709. He is shown kidnapping Persephone. Pluto is usually depicted naked and wearing a crown or helmet; the helmet makes him invisible to those he’s about to take.

For me it was news enough that something existed outside the orbit of Pluto. So let’s start there, since it’s a reference point. Each time a planet is discovered beyond something that’s been the long-established edge of the solar system, we experience a paradigm shift, both in our understanding of the planets, and how they work astrologically. History turns a corner. There also seems to be an extension of the presumed limit on human potential.

Mythologically, Pluto is the Roman god of the underworld. His temples were rarely visited by anyone; he was not a popular figure. As the lord of death, he was portrayed as a kidnapper, who traveled under a cloak of invisibility, a power granted by his helmet.

Astrology usually associates Pluto with the topic of “death and transformation.” Many would consider this a polite statement. Everyone who has lived through a Pluto transit consciously knows that they can be challenging. Indeed, they can be devastating, though we become deeper, more soulful people. As minor planet specialist Martha Lang-Wescott has said, we often miss Pluto transits when they’re over.

In history, I associate Pluto with what I call the Death Works era. The mechanized, chemical-infused death orgy known as World War I preceded the discovery of Pluto by about 16 years, though once Pluto was discovered, things really got cooking. Hitler came to power just three years later and turned genocide into an industrial process. When he was done, Stalin took over and outdid him with the gulag system and many, many more murders.

The rest of the 20th century was pretty much one long war; just naming a few, there was Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia and then Pol Pot’s genocide; there was the “Cultural Revolution” in China (the wide-scale enforcement of orthodox communism); there was a long massacre in Central America and a simultaneous one in East Timor; there were the genocides in the Balkans, there was Bush War I, and an ongoing, seemingly endless war in Africa. The 21st century began with the Sept. 11 incident, which was used to propagate wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. As Noam Chomsky wrote in The Culture of Terrorism, the way to impress Congress is to show them how many people you’ve killed; then you get funding to kill some more.

I don’t blame Pluto for this, though I think that Pluto represented for many people a limit on their consciousness. The limit involved (and for many still involves) the idea that death is the ultimate power, and could be used to get anything, or to gain any advantage. In this toxic belief system, death is the end, it’s the scariest thing, and whoever wields it can feel like God, or at least a god (and not such a creative one) for a while. Death and all the anxiety around it are often substitutes for sex, for love and for a conscious, willing sense of transition. Pluto can represent obsessive forces, and one manifestation is an obsession with death.

Planet Waves
Annalee Orsulich is a doula, who assists both the midwife and the birthing mom in the birthing process. Though it’s being mechanized by medicine, in truth childbirth is an unpredictable experience every time it happens; some of a woman’s worst fears and inhibitions can come up during a birth, as well as her greatest strengths — and it takes someone special to hold space for that. Photo by Eric Francis.

Psychologically healthier people have a more functional relationship to change, and to growth, other themes that Pluto represents. Yet even for them, the shadow side of Pluto can be frightening, because it involves investigating the spaces in ourselves that we’re taught to deny, and to be terrified of. Then gradually we integrate the fear of change, and the changes themselves. Through this process we evolve; we can learn to center ourselves in soul consciousness. Yet most people go kicking and screaming.

There has to be a better way. Chiron, discovered in 1977, did a good job of beginning that conversation of a better way; it was the first planet ever discovered that became associated specifically with the healing process. Chiron is also associated with holistic consciousness. Chiron, the “inconvenient benefic,” is gentler than Pluto, and it’s more consciously associated with healing and transformation rather than death and transformation.

Power in the style of Chiron is what you gain from going through your challenges consciously, and what you gradually accumulate as you address your sense of wounding, and develop the power to heal yourself (and possibly assist others). The gradual development of Chiron as an astrological tool was a big step on the way to what 1992 QB1 represents, which is a conscious, preferably willing, process of change. Chiron has taught us a lot about Pluto, and I think 1992 QB1 will have a similar role.

Researching the earliest notes I have on 1992 QB1, I found this comment in an article called Worlds Beyond Neptune, published on Planet Waves in 2003: “QB1 may have associations with the Phoenix-like process of arising into new incarnations within our current lifetime, which often happens as a result of near-death experiences or with the experience of ‘ego death’.”

There’s a lot here about letting go of fear, which is part of every healing process. QB1 shows us that there’s something on the other side of what we’re afraid of, and of the fear itself. Our prior model of the solar system seemed to be saying that there was nothing on the other side of Pluto, of death; last stop, game over.

When Pluto later came to represent what some astrologers call evolutionary process, its reputation improved slightly, though it still seemed to stand for an involuntary imperative. As many have noted, one reason why Pluto transits can seem so scary is the feeling of not knowing what’s on the other side — or fearing that nothing is there.

Planet Waves
The opposite of kidnapping: self-knowledge. I associate 1992 QB1 with processes that acquaint people with themselves, so that we’re less susceptible to being taken over by others. One aspect of this is what I call “coupling,” or getting to know yourself in an unusually intimate way. Photo by Eric.

This new discovery whispered that there was more, and that it was worth letting go of the fear, and I think that QB1 shows a way of doing that. In the chart, think of it as pointing the way beyond your perceived limits about death, which remains a thought so terrifying to most people that they cannot even consider it. Now in the metaphor of the solar system, we have something in the model that says there is more; that there exists something beyond this perceived edge, which we can access if we want.

As I began to explore that idea, I began to understand QB1 as representing anyone who would help people move through processes where this kind of transformation or release was happening. I associated it with those who help people be reborn at the end of their lives — that is, an advanced kind of hospice work. There are some practitioners actually doing this now — though the work is controversial, because it defies the medical establishment, the hospice industry and the funerary industry.

Midwives as well seemed to be involved in the process of birthing new people, and taking women over the transition into a new phase of their lives, which is often like a form of reincarnation. Midwifery is a profound service, and a sacred trust. Midwives guide women through what is in truth a near-death experience, and if it goes well, a baby is born and the mother is reborn.

I was also familiar with the work of Betty Dodson, who developed what she calls orgasm coaching: consciously helping women learn to orgasm (something more necessary than you may think). I began to associate QB1 with certain kinds of sexworkers, the ones who understood that they were doing a service to humanity through their work. This came into focus during a reading for a client in Paris who had 1992 QB1 exactly in her ascendant, and who was designing an evolved form of prostitution with a focus on helping people liberate their sexuality. There’s a need in the world for well-trained sexual surrogates, who would help people past their inhibitions, phobias and fears — and there are people who very quietly do this for others.

Planet Waves
Sex educator and orgasm coach Dr. Betty Dodson (second from left) teaching one of her bodysex classes, which she’s taught since the early 1970s. Betty is what I would consider a thresholder, someone who assists others in crossing inner boundaries and inhibition, facing the fear of their own sexuality. She has worked with tens of thousands of women and has produced books and videos that have reached millions. This image is from her new video.

What all of these had in common involved taking people over a threshold, so I started to associate 1992 QB1 with the thresholder. As I developed the idea in my fictional stories, the thresholder began to emerge as someone adept in all of these methods of healing and transformation.

Their actual role is to guide people into self-awareness, which is another way of saying into relationship with themselves. I call this process coupling. This is not about coupling with another person, but rather that of becoming acquainted with, and friends with, and lovers with, the inner alien with whom we live.

These ideas meshed elegantly with a subtle, egoless (nameless) planet orbiting silently outside the realm of Pluto, off to the edge of the solar system. Thresholders show us what’s beyond the edge, taking us into new territory and introducing us to the dimension that exists there. One day Dale O’Brien, familiar with my ideas, wrote to me and said the name is obvious. 1992 QB1 is your cue to be one.

It would make sense that 1992 QB1 was discovered on the first degree of the zodiac — the Aries Point. Aries is the sign of “I am,” though the Aries Point connects us to a collective reality. Indeed, 1992 QB1 relates to experiences, fears and inevitabilities that we all have in common. We all cross the threshold of the birthing process, then we do it over and over again. Many of us do it with help; assistance really is necessary here on Earth, with all its adversity.

If we look out at the current political landscape, it’s easy to see how this core, essential human material is harvested into a commodity, used against us, sold back to us or forced on us. This can only happen if we don’t take ownership of what’s within us; if we’re afraid to encounter the edge, and lack the faith that there’s something on the other side.

This is less likely to happen with those familiar with themselves, and who have taken the step toward meeting their inner stranger, that being who lives on the other side of a psychic boundary. You could say that QB1 represents the truth that there is life beyond the body, and beyond whatever you’re going through now.



Virgo Birthday Reading is Ready!

Hello Virgo Sun, Moon and rising folk — and happy birthday to Virgo Sun readers.

I have just completed your extended Virgo Birthday Reading: an exploration of your astrology over the next year, designed for those born with the Sun in Virgo as well as Virgo rising. If you’re not familiar with my birthday reports, I offer detailed, easy-to-follow readings based on many astrological factors — not just the Sun.

Planet Waves
Eric Francis.

They’re presented in studio-quality audio format, organized as three smaller readings — two sessions of astrology and one session of Tarot, using the Voyager deck by James Wanless.

You’ve entered a phase of your life with a deep emphasis on healing your relationships. The combination of Chiron and Neptune in your 7th solar house (Pisces) emphasizes going deeper into your human encounters, healing the residual pain of the past, and offers you an opportunity to gain more freedom of what you give and receive. I also go over the career-related material I covered in the Midyear Report, adding some additional thoughts.

The feedback that our listeners have sent in response to the birthday readings has been truly gratifying.

“Once again, Eric has over-delivered on his promise. These birthday readings are invaluable, I listen over a period of weeks and feel like I’m sitting with my strategist, my therapist and my friend. You can feel the thoughtful nature in his preparation.”

Another listener wrote: “Please let Eric know that I loved the report, that it was more specific than a tarot reading I had just for me.”

If you aren’t a Virgo, this reading makes a unique and thoughtful gift for your favorite person who is. This is a gift you can give to yourself or others with confidence. It’s designed to be motivating and inspiring.

Your Virgo reading includes two 35-minute segments of astrology plus a tarot reading using the Voyager tarot by James Wanless. The Voyager tarot lends itself to a vibrant, intuitive, visually centered take on the message explored in the astrology, and always includes some fun surprises. Your reading also includes the charts I used to create it, photos of the tarot cards, plus special discounts on other products.

All of this is just $19.95. You have unlimited access to the page, and you may purchase access at this link. Note, this appears on a Flash player, and we provide a downloadable archive so you can get it into iTunes if you have an iPod, iPhone or some other Apple device.

Happy birthday to all of our Virgo readers! I’d love to hear how this reading resonates with you, and wish you a passionate, transformative journey in the coming year.


Planet Waves

Pisces Full Moon Conjunct Chiron; Lunar Nodes Change Signs

In case you’re wondering what the minor planets feel like, we’re getting an example this morning as the Moon moves through full phase conjunct Chiron. That was exact at 9:58 am EDT. The Moon in Pisces conjunct Chiron is a unusual focus of creative, emotional or spiritual energy (depending on how you perceive it). No matter what, it’s a moment of catharsis and opening up to a new dimension within yourself; gaining a new perspective on your inner life. Something that might have seemed impossible or inaccessible may now feel within reach, perhaps after a long struggle.

Planet Waves
Full Moon at the Parthenon. Photo by Anthony Ayiomamitis.

This week we also experience the lunar nodes changing signs. They ingressed Gemini/Sagittarius in March 2011, and are now entering Taurus/Scorpio. The nodes assist us on our evolutionary path. They represent topic areas within ourselves that we encounter in real-life situations. The South Node shifting into Taurus is about working through deep attachments, blind spots and stuck areas — those places that we seem to resist letting go of the most.

The North Node shifting into Scorpio represents an encounter with the primal forces of relating to others — emotional and sexual bonding that we experience as true surrender. Though this is often unfamiliar territory, the North Node in Scorpio suggests being open to something you’ve truly never encountered before. The themes of attachment, bonding, jealousy and compersion become the places to explore under this astrology.

Looking at the immediate few days and the holiday weekend, the Moon is currently in Pisces and will be until it enters Aries on Sunday. Till then, use your discernment. Remember that something is not true just because you say it is, or because someone else tries to convince you that it is. Both Venus and Mars are currently in water signs (Venus in Cancer, Mars in Scorpio), so make sure you check in with what your emotional body is saying to you. The Sun and Mercury in Virgo offers an opportunity to consider things from a mental perspective, which I would consider essential under this astrology.

From early Sunday morning through the Labor Day holiday in the United States, the Moon will be in Aries. That’s to say that it makes a conjunction to Uranus, square to Pluto and a square to the hypothetical point Kronos. This is calling for some focus and maturity, rather than acting impulsively, or based on some sense of past injury. Use your mind as a filter for processing your emotions. Remember to pause, notice what you’re feeling, then think through your circumstances, before you take action — though in the end, what you’re feeling is likely to guide you. When you choose to let go, leave your inhibitions behind you.


Planet Waves

Top Ten Repeated Paul Ryan Lies

This week I’m turning over the POL microphone to someone more qualified — Juan Cole, who writes the blog Informed Comment. In this edition, he takes apart the biggest lies being told by pathological liar Paul Ryan. I am not a fan of Barack Obama, and sometime soon I will make a list of what I consider to be his top-10 betrayals of the American people — nearly none of which conservatives care about. That’s always the thing that gets me: there are a lot of problems that both “sides” could agree on, but I maintain that the differences between so-called liberals and so-called conservatives have little to do with politics. More on that as the election approaches. — efc

Planet Waves
Photo by Gage Skidmore / Wikimedia.

This year’s Republican campaign may be the most dishonest in history. A couple of weeks ago I listed 10 major falsehoods and gaffes of Republican VP candidate Paul Ryan. He repeated several of them in his Tampa speech, and added a few more. In honest political debate, when a candidate says something that is not true, he is confronted by journalists and the public, and either gives evidence that it is true, or backs off. Ryan continues to insist on repeating known falsehoods, to the extent that even Fox Cable News lamented his dishonesty.

Voters need to ask who Ryan represents. It is people who make a million dollars a year or more. Everything he says is intended to produce policy that benefits them, and which hurts working people. Millionaires don’t like having to pay for government-provided infrastructure, or health care for workers, and don’t like having to put up with unions. The rest of us like driving on roads without potholes, over bridges that don’t fall down, and not being bankrupted when we need an operation. Since most Americans would be crazy to vote for policies that only benefit our three million wealthiest, out of 310 million, Ryan tries to appeal to workers with religion (banning abortion). He needs to put together a coalition of millionaires and some religious workers in order to win. But even that wouldn’t be enough. He has to get people on his side who would be hurt by his policies. And that requires that he simply lie to them.

So here are some new lies he just retailed, along with a reiteration of my earlier refutation of points drawn from his stock speeches, which he put right back in his Convention speech.

Continue reading on Juan’s blog.


Planet Waves

Planet Waves

Major Minor Planet Feature in The Mountain Astrologer

I have a major feature in the new edition of The Mountain Astrologer. This is the October/November issue, though it’s available to digital subscribers to the magazine now. This is the first comprehensive article introducing the minor planets to be published in a mainstream astrological publication. It’s about 8,000 words long — a full treatment of the subject. In the article, I cover the history of the minor planets starting in 1801, and carry the story through 1992 QB1, Chiron, Pholus, Nessus, Hylonome, Borasisi, Eris and others. Here is a short quote from the article:

“One difference between the traditional and the modern planets is that you can see the traditional planets with the naked eye. I asked Rob Hand about this recently, and he said that the zodiac and the traditional planets “deal with normal consciousness. An invisible planet requires the expansion of consciousness in order to be seen. They cannot be seen by the normal senses, and that is very important.” As we discover and delineate these bodies, imagine that we are gradually expanding our awareness into the invisible, non-normal realms.

“In a sense, we are going beyond the veil of the senses and the usual shape of consciousness. This lack of tangibility may, at least partly, account for why the minor planets tend to be so controversial. And given how many minor planets there are, we are getting the hint that there is a lot going on beyond the veil — a very busy universe beyond the limits of the normal senses.”

To read more, subscribe to The Mountain Astrologer, which will get you access to the digital edition.


Planet Waves

Pisces Full Moon and 1992 QB1

The new edition of Planet Waves FM is ready. In this issue, I start with a brief rant about women’s reproductive rights and advocate for real sex education. I then describe the Pisces Full Moon, which is conjunct Chiron. That’s some full-spectrum emotional and psychic power — a rich event that will stoke your imagination. There’s a lot of Pluto and Mars pouring in as well, which is all about desire and going deep. After a song break, this leads to the second half of the program, which is about the discovery of the Kuiper Belt and 1992 QB1. I introduce the subject here, and will continue with coverage in Friday’s subscriber edition.


Planet Waves

Planet Waves monthly horoscopes provide a broader perspective that surveys the themes of the coming month and often, the weeks that follow. The September Monthly horoscope was published last Friday, Aug. 24. Inner Space for September was published Tuesday, August 28. The August Moonshine Horoscope was published Friday, Aug. 17. Please note that the longer monthly horoscope (published Friday, Aug. 24) is being incorporated into the Friday issue after the Sun has entered a new sign; Inner Space still publishes on Tuesdays.


Planet Waves

Friday, August 31, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #915 | Eric’s Zodiac Sign Descriptions

Virgo Birthdays This Week

You seem to be trying to resolve an impasse in a relationship, or perhaps the whole history of your relationships. I suggest you allow the momentum of the situation to carry you, rather than trying to push. You’re in the midst of a very different experience of life than a certain person, or people, close to you, and a good start would be to account for those differences. Yet what you have through this situation is an opportunity to reconsider what has happened to you in the past, which has led to many stories you’ve made up in order to account for that history. Go beyond those stories, and see if you can get to the underlying reality. Both of your parents are involved, though what you may discern is that you identify more closely with your father’s experience than that of your mother; this would be the time to really understand what she went through. If you can do that, you won’t have to relive it; you can focus on living your own life, and your own relationships, in the world as it exists today — not the fantasy we think the past should have been. Note to Virgo and Virgo rising readers: I have covered this in the birthday report for your sign, which you can read about above or order directly here.

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — After many months of delay, discomfort and frustration, you’re at a point where you can open up your energy, feel who you are and allow others to do so as well. Yet while Mars in Scorpio is offering you the opportunity to merge with others, I suggest you stay connected to your sense of who you are. One thing you’ve gained during the past year is a new sense of your own presence on the planet, and some clarity about how good it feels to remain centered. This is difficult to gain and easy to lose, so I suggest you be clear that, as good as it may feel to merge with someone else, keeping a focus on your inner awareness is a higher priority. Said another way, no matter what you may have with anyone else, spend some time alone, spend some nights sleeping alone, and invest energy into taking care of yourself. And if you happen to not have that kind of company and you want it, focus on being open to your desires, and on taking that sometimes scary step from fantasy to reality. What is reality? It’s something you experience, that you can describe.

Hello Aries — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).
Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — If you want more fulfilling relationship experiences, you need to be less rigid. That’s to say, loosen up and dare to experiment with what you don’t know. Opportunities to do this look like they’re arriving in abundance. You may be noticing how different other people are, and the diversity of possibilities. Yet what you may be feeling is precisely your way of adhering to what’s familiar. Think of this as being confronted by your own boundaries. It may make you nervous to even think of going past those self-imposed limits, though the first step in doing so is finding out what they are. While you’re doing that, I suggest you observe any self-critical or self-judgmental thoughts, particularly if they come in the form of concern over anything within you that you think is dark. Now for the expert-level spiritual maneuver: If you have a negative reaction to anyone or anything, can you see how it’s an extension of your fear of being that same thing? If you can acknowledge that much, you might notice that your fear is really desire.

Hello Taurus — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). If you would like to hear your Taurus birthday reading, please visit this link.
Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — You’re on the verge of a professional breakthrough, though you may not feel that way. You also may not recognize it when it happens. Indeed, you may have the sensation that you’re making far too little progress rather than taking a step forward, so I suggest you be extra vigilant about what you experience. I’ll give you three examples of how this might manifest; if none of them are specifically accurate, consider them metaphors. One is that your sense of weakness or lack of confidence manifests in an unexpected way. This might involve making emotional contact with someone you thought you had to impress. Another expression could be how revealing a vulnerability resonates with people you work with and deepens your relationship, opening up a sense of mutual respect. One other possibility is how being present for your own feelings, and unusually honest with yourself, stokes your confidence and allows you to do something you thought was unlikely or even impossible. To sum up, make friends with what you think of as your weaknesses, because they contain some of your greatest potentials.

Hello Gemini — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). Have you listened to your birthday reading? Click here for an hour of astrology plus a tarot reading by Eric.
Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — If there’s any tension between you and someone in a position of authority, check whether the playing field is level. Or rather, get an understanding of the ways in which it’s not level — in particular, noticing whether you slant things in a way that doesn’t work for you. You may not want to ‘play the game’, though does it really work to sacrifice your standing with people you perceive as being in a position of authority? How does that reflect on those who look up to you in any way? I suggest you consider carefully how your actions set you up for how you’re treated by others. Being rebellious is pointless at this time in your life; being inventive, innovative and most of all collaborative will work beautifully for you. One way to see how pointless top-down models of authority are is to see what it feels like when people rebel against you, then you recognize that you set that example. The way to be authentically powerful is to begin with respect: for people, for their feelings, for commitments, and most of all, for yourself.

Hello Cancer — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). To hear your birthday reading for the year ahead, please visit this link.
Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Focus on keeping an open mind, especially about what you tend to resist the most. When speaking, imagine that everything you say on any topic or any person is actually a statement about yourself. This will keep you tuned into your thought patterns and how they reflect your ideas about your own existence — and your potential. If you do this, you’re likely to make a discovery about yourself, which I could describe generally as something that’s extremely obvious that you hadn’t put together yet, even though you had all the information you needed. When you tell other people about this discovery, they’re likely to say that they knew this all the time and figured that you did, too. Note, this is not the revelation of ‘something bad’ about you. To the contrary, no matter what the topic, you’re likely to discover a reason to appreciate who you are, which anyway is always the theme of this time of year, though right now, at this time in your life, you’re in a special moment of transition.

Hello Leo — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). Did you miss your birthday reading? Click here to order an hour of astrology plus a Tarot reading by Eric.



Planet Waves

Hello Virgo and Virgo rising readers. I’ve just finished your 2012-2013 birthday reading. Click here to listen to your hour-long astrology reading plus Tarot.


Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — You’re at a turning point, and it involves understanding how you think. The time of ‘keeping secrets from yourself’ has long passed any usefulness you thought it had. You might well ask whether it’s even possible to conceal something from yourself; there’s a word for that, and that is ‘denial’. But let’s use the first, perhaps kinder, phrase. Right now everything hinges on how you handle this secret you’re keeping from yourself. By everything, I mean a lot more than you think is possible from a relationship to a single idea, fact or thought form. It’s functioning kind of like an energy dam, and once you clear up this misunderstanding with yourself, your energy is going to flow like floodgates have been opened up. If you can be honest with yourself about who you are and what you want, you may find yourself noticing that it’s distinctly possible to embody that much more easily than you thought. Self-awareness is self-becoming.

Hello Virgo — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).
Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — I suggest you make a list of all your unfinished business with everyone in your life who truly matters to you. You’re drawing to the close of a major phase of your life, as Saturn gets ready to leave your sign and enter Scorpio. This phase dates back to 2009, when Saturn first entered your sign. I’ve described it in the past as a time of coming to terms with yourself. If you were born in the early 1980s or the mid-1950s, it also coincides with a life passage called your Saturn return (no matter what Sun sign you were born under). The themes of these Saturn events include embracing maturity, grounding your life in a purpose, setting boundaries and dealing with what are sometimes called ‘authority issues’. Yet as a Libran, part of coming to terms with yourself means coming to terms with your intimate partners, and your philosophy of relationship. Notice whether you’ve outgrown anything lately; that’s the feeling of not being able to fit the person you are into the idea of what a relationship is that, for a while anyway, served you well.

Hello Libra — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).
Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Make sure your emotional approach to others is gentle, and not an ambush. Be aware of the intensity that others may perceive in you, but which you may not have noticed in yourself. Yet you might also question why you are carrying this energy. Your astrology suggests that you might be feeling fragmented, or lacking focus — though not lacking at all for drive. That sense of fragmentation, if you’re feeling it, could lead you to overcompensate with push energy or raw desire. You don’t need to do this. Your supercharged state is noticeable and attractive to others; I suggest you work on focus. Get clear what you want to do, and refine your agenda as you become aware of it. This will help you groom subtle inner conflicts out of your psyche, which in turn will help others feel you as a unified being working with a clear purpose. As a result, you will know intuitively to be less aggressive. Assertive is all you need, such as saying hello and cordially introducing yourself to someone you want to meet.

Hello Scorpio — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — If you’re feeling rebellious, I suggest you pause and ask yourself why. It seems like you’re in an agitated emotional state, something verging on panic, though it looks more like subtle panic, if such a thing is possible. An outer manifestation of this might be feeling cramped in a relationship situation, as if you’re overcommitted or feel like too much is expected of you. In truth, you’re the one placing the expectations on yourself. You may also have the feeling that you’ve revealed more about yourself than someone close to you has, though I suggest you consider carefully whether this is really true. While you have the image of ‘what you see is what you get’, your astrology suggests that you’re a lot more secretive than you want anyone to believe. Therefore if you think that someone you care about is not being forthcoming, make a list of all the things about yourself, your experiences and your desires you haven’t mentioned. It’s true that you’re entitled to your privacy, though that’s not really a valid path to intimacy — if that’s what you want.

Hello Sagittarius — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).
Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — If you’ve learned nothing else the past three years that Saturn has been in Libra, your house of career and reputation, it’s that you need to expand your horizons. Have you done that? Have you looked over the teacup walls of the thing that you used to call your career? What for you might seem like a wild experiment would feel to those around you like a basic wholesome idea. Therefore, you can afford to push a certain limit, which may be associated with how you identify yourself as a ‘responsible person’. You usually take this too far, and much of it is an image, anyway. If you set the image aside, you’ll see that you need a lot more room to maneuver. You might also notice that in truth, your responsibilities are a shared burden, though when you’re in a position of leadership, your most significant role is to provide some ethical guidance. Open up this discussion with the people around you, including (when appropriate) those you consider to be in a position of authority over you. You don’t simply do what you’re told; you do what everyone agrees is the right thing.

Hello Capricorn — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).
Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Everything comes down to self-esteem. I do mean everything. While it’s possible to paper over your self-doubts or a spiritual hole, that comes at a significant cost, and it doesn’t work forever. You are, however, in a rare opening where you can see how your respect for yourself will lead to actual confidence. It’s clear that there is plenty that you want to accomplish; you have some real goals, and you must know by now that you’re at the get-serious point where professional matters are concerned. The key to acting on those aspirations begins with monitoring closely how you feel about yourself, and understanding why you tend to count yourself out. A viable measure of this is how often you say the words ‘I can’t’ as opposed to ‘I can’. That’s a belief, and I suggest you investigate the roots of that idea. Your chart at the moment suggests strongly that you can accomplish anything you want, and there’s plenty that you want. Why make excuses, or argue for your weaknesses, when you can actually participate in the world?

Hello Aquarius — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).
Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — The Full Moon in your birth sign peaks on Friday. The Moon is conjunct Neptune and Chiron, the longterm visitors to Pisces, and resonating with Mars in Scorpio. This translates to a moment of deep transition and self-creation, which I am sure you’re feeling. I suggest you go through some of the doors to the future that you’ve left open for yourself; take a bold step into what you’ve already been creating for a while, and which you’re now ready to embody — even if you don’t feel ready. You’re at the stage where the thing you want, need and are indeed craving, is direct experience. If you need to, think of whatever you’re about to do as an experiment. That will at least relieve you of the idea that you have to already be good at something in order to do it. You’re at the point where you can be guided by your intuition and your imagination. Chiron is providing you with a constant beacon of awareness, though depending on who you are, you may have to resolve to go beyond a sense of failure or delay that may have affected you in the past. That story is over — and now you’re in a very different place.

Hello Pisces — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).

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Mercury Direct, Nessus and Your Cue to Be One

Planet Waves

Dear Friend and Reader:

In August, the sky starts to open up and the energy flows more freely. The obstacle course that we’ve been running since January morphs into the art studio / healing space indicated by the Leo-Virgo line, which the Sun is gradually approaching. If you’ve been having productivity or creativity challenges, prepare to focus and move forward. Granted, this is happening in August when most people would rather be taking it easy.

Planet Waves
Moon Rising. Photo by Anthony Ayiomamitis.

Before we get there, though, there are (as ever) some highlights worth mentioning. Currently, Jupiter in Gemini is square Chiron in Pisces. This is an aspect associated with those who devote themselves to social causes; the wisdom attribute of Jupiter and the applied healing / focus quality of Chiron join forces in a provocative way. Start with yourself first and work your way into helping the world. Make your contribution from a solid place. As my friend Scott Kalechstein once said (as if describing this aspect), “get the word in before you get the word out.”

The Aquarius Full Moon is Aug. 1. This is the Moon in Aquarius opposite the Sun in Leo. When you see a Full Moon on the first of the month, that hints that there will be a second Full Moon that month — and that’s called a Blue Moon. I have absolutely no interpretation of this whatsoever; it’s pure trivia. (The Pisces Full Moon happens Aug. 31 — more on that in a few weeks.)

In all sincerity this seems like a reasonable, easygoing Full Moon (it’s trine Jupiter in Gemini, for example, which looks like a relaxed mental and emotional posture). Aug. 1 is a Wednesday, though that would be a great day to plan an extended weekend and (at least here in the Northern Hemisphere) start your midsummer holiday.

Next up is Mercury stationing direct on Aug. 8. It’s been retrograde in Leo since July 14. That will begin the first extended stretch of 2012 with all of the inner planets direct. That condition lasts a whole three months, until Nov. 6, when Mercury stations retrograde on Election Day here in the United States. [I’ll come back to that one as well — let’s just say that event will give us a moment to pause and reflect on the meaning of elections.] If you recall, we covered this in the Top Five Events of 2012 audio series.

Take advantage of this phase of direct inner planets, by which I mean tackle your biggest projects during this brief three-month phase. Use the remainder of the current Mercury retrograde (through Aug. 8) to prepare yourself for what you need to accomplish with all the red and yellow lights suddenly turning green. Summer is a nice time to chill out, though I suggest you keep your focus on your goals and intentions.

Planet Waves
Photo by Eric Francis.

On Aug. 15, there is a conjunction of Mars and Saturn in Libra. There are a few ways to look at this aspect; I will sum up by saying that your sense of fairness is the thing to be working with as it approaches. This is not a time to cheat or to take advantage of anyone — it will blow back in your face. Keep your balance and use the energy of Mars-Saturn to develop your goals and as an opportunity to take action on an important professional matter. It might be a tense time in relationships; if someone is acting immature, deal with them on something other than their level.

We then have the Leo New Moon on Aug. 17. This is a special event, as the Sun and Moon will be opposite centaur planet Nessus. Nessus is the third centaur, with two layers of meaning. The first is about understanding the connection between cause and effect, and altering the cycle when necessary. The second is that it relates directly to themes of sexual healing, including the healing of abuse legacies (part of the reason I’ve introduced my four-part series on erotic themes on Planet Waves FM, which began with Wednesday’s edition). The essence of the New Moon opposite Nessus is cultivating an understanding of what is your material in a relationship and what belongs to someone else. Often we take on someone’s abuse legacy, or project our own into the partnership. This is a time to sort this out.

There is one more notable event in August — 1992 QB1 turns 20 years old. I keep mentioning this bit of space dust, which was the first planet ever discovered in an orbit beyond Pluto. That’s in a place called the Kuiper Belt, a vast region of space just past Neptune where there are millions of little icy and rocky planets orbiting our Sun. I promise you that you won’t read about this anywhere else, unless of course someone takes the lead from Planet Waves. I am planning a rousing tribute to 1992 QB1 in a late-August edition.

As you can see, 1992 QB1 is a planet with a temporary designation and no actual name. Dale O’Brien wrote to me and said, “It’s already named! Cue: Be One.” Now that’s an apple from the very tree I’ve been barking up since I heard about this point not long after its discovery.

Enjoy your horoscope, which I’m offering with a few other short features. I’ll see you Tuesday with the Inner Space monthly for August.


Midyear Report Forthcoming

I am now working on your Midyear Report, a 12-sign audio devoted to putting your calling, your cash flow and your career in the same place. Many people are trying to do this, some of them spurred by our challenging economy — which I think presents special opportunities for resourceful people with ideas and energy. Look for an announcement of that soon; it will come out after Mercury stations direct.


Planet Waves

Shades of Grey: 2012 Olympics Opens Friday

The XXX Olympiad — otherwise known as the 2012 Olympics — opens Friday night in London. The ceremony starts at 9:00 pm London time, which means it’s possible to cast a chart (for viewing purposes, please check your local listings for the time in your area). [View chart at this link.]

Planet Waves
The 2012 Olympics were almost in Paris. This neon sculpture of the Olympic rings was erected next to (not around) the Eiffel Tower in 2005, which I photographed while I was living there. Photo by Eric.

This is a slippery chart full of all kinds of cryptic messages. There is tension behind the scenes, on many levels. For example, the Moon is void of course when the games begin (though it makes aspects to minor planets, which paint a nice complicated picture). As well, the ceremony happens just a day before the Sun-Mercury conjunction (the halfway mark of Mercury retrograde). That’s a way of saying that the trickster is in the air, which Mitt Romney just demonstrated on his trip to London (see POL section below).

In our current world, I think that the Olympics are especially necessary. They’re an example of what can be created for its own sake, without the Air Force being sent in, and where the profit motive isn’t particularly successful. They are a testament to actual human achievement for its own sake; a statement of our potential. Woe be unto anyone who turns them into something cynical.

Where Mercury is a factor, it’s helpful to look at what’s happening in the Mercury-ruled signs, Virgo and Gemini. Virgo is on the 8th house of this particular chart (which means it’s associated with money, banks, sponsorship and partnership). Gemini is on the 4th house — (home base, security, father). Of the two the 8th concerns me the most; there’s something dishonest about this Sun-Mercury retrograde setup. We could be looking at some sort of news about the games being rigged — or for that matter, bungles involving news coverage itself.

The 8th in this chart also includes Libra, and there’s a conjunction brewing there — Mars and Saturn. But that conjunction doesn’t happen till after the games end, so this is a setup for something that develops during the games that finally comes out when that conjunction happens. There may be a delayed reaction.

My buddy Astrodem notes that the Aquarius ascendant for this chart has an interesting Sabian symbol — “A man who had for a time become the embodiment of a popular ideal is made to realize that as a person he is not the ideal.” Translation: stern caution about performance-enhancing drugs. One Greek athlete has already been disqualified.

I think it’s possible that we may see something never-before encountered from the Olympics — a sex scandal. I am aware that the Olympic Village makes the old Studio 54 seem boring as a party spot; those kids know how to carry on, they have a ton of energy and this is their big moment. Athletes and sex go together like the ingredients of a peach melba. (As of Thursday night, long after this was written, Stephen Colbert was already doing comedy about sex and Olympic athletes.)

Planet Waves
This newspaper headline appeared in Paris the day that London was selected to host the games — and the day that the 7/7 false flag attacks in Tube stations and a Metro bus happened there. That felt a bit ominous. Photo by Eric Francis.

Therefore, I hope this is not a sex abuse scandal (which would translate to some form of rape). There are some dark shades to this chart (Scorpio Moon square Nessus, and opposite the Black Moon Lilith). Where there is sex, there is shadow, and we’re looking right at it with that aspect. It would be lovely if we could relax and have the whole conversation — light, shadow, body, soul; this chart is an invitation.

Last, everyone who worries is wondering about terrorism. The thing that makes me nervous is that London winning the Olympic bid was announced on July 6, 2005, and when that made news the next day, we had the 7/7 bombings in London. That was a ridiculously false flag attack (that day the police were running terrorism drills in the same four tube stations as where the bombs went off). I am not so concerned about terrorism as I am about Terrorism, Inc. — that’s to say, some kind of staged event. However, as the games begin, I can say that I don’t feel that happening.

To the extent it’s possible, today or any other day, this is something we can help with. Holding the whole thing in the light is a real-life exercise in creative visualization. I believe the more chatter there is in advance, the less likely that something weird will happen. The element of blindsiding the public is the essential ingredient in false flag attacks; there has to be shock value or what’s the point?

Now as for all those fantastic athletes showing up from some 200 countries, who have prepared their whole lives for this event, nearly all of them in good faith — well, let’s see how they do.


Planet Waves

Greenland Turned to Slush in Four Days

It’s been a hot summer, with record temperatures, droughts and wildfires, being described as the worst since the Dust Bowl of the 1930s. The American corn crop looks like it might fail as a result of the weather, which is expected to push up food prices (chickens and pigs eat corn).

Planet Waves
Ice melt off in Greenland between July 8 and 12. This kind of thing has happened before — but has it happened in four days? Well, it just did.

Meanwhile, a massive ice sheet covering most of Greenland has melted over a record area this year, with the melt covering 97% of the ice in just four days earlier this month. This happened between July 8 and 12. While climate change deniers say this kind of thing happens every 150 years or so, they cannot say for sure how long it took — and four days seems pretty quick.

Though about half of the ice sheet normally melts during the summer months, the speed and scale of this year’s melt was extraordinary — the fastest in three decades of observation. One problem is that the melt off feeds on itself. Ice is white and reflects heat. When the ice melts, less heat is reflected and more ice is affected.

At its center, the ice sheet is nearly two miles thick. Melting even occurred at the Summit station, the coldest and highest place in Greenland. Ice core records show melting last occurred there in 1889. “When we see melt in places that we haven’t seen before, at least in a long period of time, it makes you sit up and ask what’s happening,” said NASA chief scientist Waleed Abdalati.

While this kind of melt off may happen every 150 years or so, it’s still alarming. The news comes just days after a massive iceberg, twice the size of Manhattan, broke off of the Petermann Glacier, one of the two main glaciers in Greenland. It’s the second time in two years that parts of the Petermann Glacier have broken off after an ice island four times Manhattan’s size cracked apart in August 2010.

Still, climate change deniers are on the march. One such website commenting on an expected rise of the oceans chirped, “An additional foot of sea level rise is about twice the amount the world has experienced since 1880. Our wealthier, more mobile, and more technologically advanced children’s children’s children should be able to adapt to it just fine.”


Planet Waves

Romney Slips on Mercury Retrograde; Bum Over Teapot in London

Mitt Romney began his international “charm offensive” with a visit to England with the perfect gaffe — telling NBC’s Brian Williams Wednesday that some of the challenges leading up to the games had been “disconcerting.” Romney’s resume includes overseeing the 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City, which he promptly outsourced to China.

Planet Waves
Mitt Romney’s astrologer forgot that Mercury was retrograde — or left that out of the reading as sabotage. Here, Mitt is outside the famous black door at 10 Downing, speaking with reporters. Reuters photo.

“The stories about the private security firm not having enough people, the supposed strike of the immigration and customs officials — that obviously is not something which is encouraging,” the presumptive GOP nominee said.

Apparently he had not been advised that Mercury was retrograde, therefore, to be quiet and just wave at all the nice people.

His remark prompted a reply from Prime Minister David Cameron. “We are holding an Olympic Games in one of the busiest, most active, bustling cities anywhere in the world,” Cameron said. “Of course it’s easier if you hold an Olympic Games in the middle of nowhere.”

In later comments Romney forgot the name of British Labour Party leader Ed Miliband. Even for Romney, he was in rare form. And it gets better.

After he stepped outside the famous doors of No. 10 Downing St., the current prime minister’s office, he admitted that he had been given a secret briefing with the head of MI6, the British intelligence agency. Aspiring U.S. presidents are not supposed to admit that they met with anyone in the organization, the existence of which was secret till 1994.

The Guardian asked, “Do we have a new Dubya on our hands?” Or as Howard Dean commented Thursday night on MSNBC, all that’s missing from this trip is a visit to the Cayman Islands.


Planet Waves

As News of the World Turns (and Pholus Keeps Going)

The Fall of the House of Murdoch continues in its illustration of the ‘small cause, big effect’ indicated by centaur planet Pholus in charts associated with this event. Two ex-editors of Rupert Murdoch’s News of the World — the original scandal sheet, profiting on the misery of others — face 19 charges related to phone hacking, including former top executives of the company. When we covered this last year, we demonstrated how Pholus feels like a runway reaction, and predicted that this scandal would keep going for a long time.

Planet Waves
Cover of The Guardian, one of Britain’s left-leaning actual newspapers, from 2010, breaking the story of how News of the World writers hacked the phone of slain teenager Milly Dowler. After publishing her parents’ anguished voicemails in the newspaper, they deleted the messages, leading her parents and police to believe she was still alive. This outraged England and sent the news across the Atlantic, forced the closure of the newspaper and has resulted in nine arrests.

Rebekah Brooks and Andy Coulson are among seven former members of the now-defunct British tabloid charged with conspiring to intercept communications. Between 2000 and 2006, the phones of 600 people were allegedly hacked into — with the erasing of voicemail belonging to murdered 13-year-old Milly Dowler’s phone leading to the paper’s closure in July 2011. Brooks, a former chief executive of the newspaper division News International, naturally denies the charges.

Coulson, formerly British Prime Minister David Cameron’s communications chief, also faces charges linked to the phone messages of Dowler and others. Check that out — the current prime minister’s former press secretary was charged criminally with hacking into the phone of a murdered girl, to sell more newspapers.

Last week Murdoch himself resigned from directorship of several subsidiaries of his News Corp, in a move announced as ‘corporate housecleaning’ in preparation for splitting Murdoch’s newspaper holdings from his entertainment enterprises. Included in that split is FOX News which will be kept with the entertainment division. Some speculate it’s more like a fire sale — and Murdoch and his top staff are holding the matches. While many are downplaying Murdoch’s resignation from his directorships as a public relations gesture, you can be sure it’s a lot more meaningful to him, stepping down from leading the companies he created as the world looks on in disgust.

As we wrote of this incident last year, “Something new seems to be escaping from a structure in a way that can never be reversed: the truth of what went on behind the scenes. With Pluto in Capricorn we have the energy of the unstoppable force, combining with Pholus in Capricorn (in the natal charts of Murdoch and News of the World) to wreak havoc on one of the world’s biggest companies and oldest, most established governments.” What we’re seeing is how the thing we rely on for supposed truth has become an instrument for disinformation and chaos. The consequences are only just beginning to clear out the whole toxic enterprise.


Planet Waves

Groundbreaking Gay Activist was Historian of Cinema

Planet Waves

If you have HBO or you can cozy up with a friend who does, don’t miss this documentary. It’s called Vito, and it’s about the life of early gay activist Vito Russo, also the author of The Celluloid Closet. He was the first historian of the depiction of homosexuality in cinema, about which his book was written (covering Thomas Edison’s early films up through contemporary cinema of the 1970s and early 1980s). The HBO documentary covers Russo’s life as well as providing many examples of his observations about the early history of film through contemporary times.


Planet Waves

Planet Waves FM: Pleasure, Play and Healing

Late Breaking News — I was at Canyon Ranch in Lenox, MA this week, teaching astrology. I gave two presentations — one on the development of the minor planets, and the other on sexuality and astrology. The links take you to high-quality recordings of the seminars. These are both designed for people without prior astrological training. — efc

Planet Waves
Author Sheri Winston.

This week’s guest on Planet Waves FM is Sheri Winston, author of Women’s Anatomy of Arousal: Secret Maps to Buried Pleasure. Our topic is pleasure, play and healing. Sheri is a gifted writer, teacher and guest and it was a real treat spending an hour hearing what she has to say. You can reach Sheri at her website.

I open the program with a recap of the news and a short summary of the astrology leading into this weekend’s Mercury-Sun conjunction, which is the peak of Mercury retrograde. I also cover the Sun’s aspects to Dionysus and Kassandra, which we’ve been writing about on this page as well.

Then we get into our conversation with Sheri, which I focus with my questions. As for Sheri’s philosophy, just to give you an idea — here is how she defines ‘wholistic sexuality’ on her website:

Wholistic Sexuality is about connection. First and foremost, your sexuality is about your connection with your Self — that’s your primary relationship.

Your Self includes all of you: body, mind, heart and spirit, past, present and future, genetics and environment — everything that makes you uniquely and completely you.

Your sexuality is about who you are, not who you do (or don’t) have sex with. Whatever you do or don’t do — you are a sexual being. Your sexuality is an inherent, inseparable and vital aspect of you.

I hope you’ll spend some time checking out her site, and I’d love to hear any feedback about my conversation with her in this broadcast.


Planet Waves

Monthly Horoscope for August 2012 | Eric’s Zodiac Sign Descriptions

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — There’s this concept from psychology that everyone would benefit from knowing about: projection. Projection is when you see your qualities, issues or challenges in another person. It’s called ‘projection’ because it’s like having a light on your forehead that shines your material onto them, rather than being anything that comes inherently from them. This kind of transaction makes relationships difficult because when it’s happening, it verges on impossible for anyone to take responsibility for what is really their own, and thus open the way to have two people make their way through the world as conscious adults. This month, I suggest you listen to any accusation or claim you might make about another person and ask whether it has something to say about you. If you find yourself in any form of conflict, pause and do what’s called ‘withdraw your projections’. Start with taking full responsibility for being in the situation, and take ownership of your responses to it. Give others the opportunity to do the same thing, without pushing them in any way to do so; your example is enough. You’re likely to discover that this reveals the conflict for what it is, and puts everyone in a position where it can be resolved. The problem with identifying projection is that it can be psychologically uncomfortable and vulnerable. It can feel weird to observe what you’re doing, much less admit it. It’s easier to go on projecting, which only pushes the conflict deeper.

Hello Aries — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).

Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Love is a gentle experience and needs to be handled delicately. When we say love and really feel it, I believe that most of the time what we really mean is trust. Trust is about being on level ground with someone, and sharing mutual respect. Much of what we call love exploits inequities between people. Though we’re told these are economic issues, I’ve observed that most of them are emotionally rooted. Whose needs are ‘more important’ than the other’s? Who is an inherently more supportive or generous person? Who can handle crisis better? I suggest that as August progresses, in matters of the heart, you go for the slow, conscious evolution process. Make sure that you’re proceeding with trust first and affection second. When your affection runs ahead of your ability to trust someone, that’s the moment to pause, because it’s the moment when you’re most likely to feel like you’re out of control, and thus respond in ways that don’t make sense (to you or to anyone). If your life emphasis is currently on a relationship, I suggest you take a couple of weeks and focus on your own inner emotional needs — the ones that can only be met by growth, not by the presence of another person. Be aware of the unusual intensity that may be gathering around resolving a childhood issue centered on the theme of trust (particularly in communication). This will be far easier to resolve apart from a relationship than as the focus of one — for example, I suggest you address it with a therapist or counselor rather than a lover or partner.

Hello Taurus — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed) If you would like to hear your Taurus birthday reading, please visit this link.

Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — You may be inclined to push your luck in a relationship situation. This could translate a few ways, and will apply equally to established situations, new ones or ones that you are reaching for. You may want the situation to develop faster than it’s currently moving, which could involve wanting someone to change or grow. You might be emphasizing the sexual aspect of a relationship when you’re not quite ready for that. You may be feeling frustrated and experiencing an impulse to break free, wishing it could be with someone rather than from someone. I suggest you get clear what you’re experiencing, then proceed to investigate the source of the feeling. The first question is, who is stuck? Who is experiencing inhibition? The chances are it’s equally distributed among the people involved. Take ownership of your part. I also suggest you account for anger. What might look like desire is more likely to be a form of resentment, and it’s likely to predate this situation — all the more reason for you to be well-versed in the deeper roots of what you’re experiencing. Last, I suggest you do a review of your relationship to risk. Go back about two years, and consider the kinds of chances you’ve taken, and why you’ve taken them. Do a little audit of how each of these has worked out, and why you think that is. The game of life is easier to play when you understand yourself, and when you stack the cards in your favor. What you learn this month will help you do both.

Hello Gemini — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). Your Gemini birthday reading is ready! Click here for an hour of astrology plus a tarot reading by Eric.

Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — You seem to be outgrowing something — your physical space, your emotional orientation, a job, a relationship. You may be stoked and impulsive to make a sudden change, though I suggest you take a balanced approach to your situation. The change you make has to be the right change, and at the same time, it’s essential to use a moment when you’re really aware of what you want to change. This is the balance that you must reach, which comes down to knowing your priorities and keeping a focus on matters of timing. You may not be able to act at a moment of frustration, and it would be unwise to do so. Yet a mature person can keep a focus on what they need to shift or rearrange in their lives, and look for an opportunity to do so. At the same time, the world is changing around you, and events that take place a bit later in the year, especially in October, may provide the ideal circumstances — or arrive with even greater changes that obviate the things you want to adjust now. That may seem like a long way off, though in truth it’s right around the corner, and you may be able to get a sense of the trajectory of your life when Mars enters Scorpio later this month. You will, at least, get a taste of the territory you’re going to be entering, and if you’re paying attention you will learn enough to see, and address, certain obstacles well in advance of when you actually encounter them.

Hello Cancer — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). Your Cancer birthday reading is ready! It includes more than hour of astrology plus a tarot reading, and has been wildly popular (also great for Cancer rising people). Use this link to order.

Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — The past few weeks have been an introspective time for you, and you may have gotten to know yourself in a whole new way. It seems you’ve made some deep commitments for how to proceed with your life; you’re willing to make adjustments. Flexibility is an excellent property for you to develop, yet it’s easy to have these experiences and then forget them. To remember, I suggest you begin making decisions based on what you have discovered to be true about yourself. That’s the best way to reinforce learning: to use values and self-discovery as a practical tool. This will come in handy mid-month, around the time of the New Moon in your sign, when you face what seems to be an especially significant choice. If you have the feeling that this is about a relationship, you’re correct, though really there are a lot more than two people involved. There is a family or a metaphorical family in the picture, and you have to be clear about how much emphasis to give their needs or their opinions. You might use Mr. Spock’s analysis — the greatest good for the greatest number of people. Or you might decide that what’s best for you is best for everyone by default, because you have to be happy. In any event, this seems bigger than it really is. If you’re feeling pressure, weigh and balance the two sides of the equation for a while and you will have the clarity you need. Trust that you’re well-aligned with your truth.

Hello Leo — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). See below for a description of your 2012-2013 birthday reading, which is available now.


Planet Waves

Hello Leo and Leo Rising! I’ve finished your 2012-2013 birthday reading. This is composed of two 35-minute astrology sessions, plus a combined tarot and astrology reading. It covers all of the major astrology happening now — with an emphasis on recovering a childhood dream. I also cover the influence on your relationships, your home environment and your finances. Astrologically this includes Mercury retrograde in your sign, the Leo New Moon, the Uranus-Pluto square, Saturn in Scorpio and more — all in clear, easy to follow terms. This report is designed for those born with the Sun in Leo but is equally applicable for Leo rising. Visit this page to get access.


Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Your solar chart looks like you’ve been having a beautiful experience of admitting to yourself what you really want, moving through often-impossible-to-access territory, as if you’ve been able to enter a dream consciously and ask all of the characters in that dream what they really think, and what they have to say about you. If your dream activity happens to be more prolific than normal or even if you’ve had one of those ‘big dreams’, make sure you write it down. It seems to me like you’re doing some of the deepest exploration of self-acceptance in many years. There is, however, a chance that this has felt like facing all kinds of unpleasant truths about yourself or your past: things that happened to you that continue to stress you out or knock you off alance, even if in subtle ways. The solution set remains the same: this material is coming up for review and awareness, and you’re situated perfectly to go into those places that you may have never accessed. If you seem to be stalking ‘the truth’ or if it seems to be stalking you, it’s not as dangerous or disturbing in reality as it may be in your imagination. In any event to resolve the material, or even to find out what it is, you have to bring awareness there. I will say this: what happened to you in the past matters, and it influences your life more than you may think. That is, until you do something about it.

Hello Virgo — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).

Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — When the time comes to break free from your shell, do it gently. Given the astrology of the past month — particularly, Mars in your sign after spending eight months in one of the most introspective angles of your chart — you seem determined not just to think independently but be independent. Yet going back longer than this, you’ve been struggling with the authority principle: you simply don’t want other people setting your limits, telling you what to do, or rearranging your boundaries for you. And, after spending a lot of time dealing with various shades of lurking fear, you’ve started to adjust the circumstances in your life to reflect this basic truth. As the astrology of August develops, you’ll discover that you’re not done making changes — though as you consider your situation, I suggest you reflect on two things. One is the extent to which you’re adjusting your inner psychological and emotional landscape rather than the world around you. You’re in a challenging maturing process that, at the moment, is compelling you to see that in truth you live your life from the inside out. It’s not always so obvious and there’s plenty of evidence to the contrary, though as you strive to set yourself free from someone or something, remember that most of what you’re liberating yourself from is from you. Second idea — that something is a past concept of who you are. The past is gone, though now you’re finally challenging one of its most enduring emotional artifacts.

Hello Libra — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).

Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Commitment is a dance, rather than a fixed entity. In our quest for permanence in a world that seems to change ever-faster every day, there’s an idea that commitment is about grafting yourself to someone or something in a way that will never change. When you dance with someone, you hold them intentionally but gently, and with enough flexibility to move, and to let go and rejoin in another configuration. I suggest that this is the way to think of your relationships. Remember too that there are two things happening: one is the relationship or arrangement, and then there are your ideas about it. Your ideas will tend to dominate your reality, often obscuring the actual experience they’re supposed to be describing. The good news is that your ideas are flexible, as are you — and that’s your most useful asset this month. Probing a bit deeper, you seem to be unraveling a question: what is your point of contact with another person? What’s the basis of the relationship? Is it a conscious healing process, or is it an obsession with wounding? Is it an experience of emotional exchange, or is it more like a projection? Often one of these will masquerade for the other. This phenomenon is something worth investigating, even if you think you’ve gone down that road before. Your ability to take command of your life, something you now seem determined to do, depends on your knowing and understanding the difference — and using the information consciously.

Hello Scorpio — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Your relationships are like seeing your reflection in one of those mirrors that magnifies whatever you’re looking at, which in this case is yourself. Relationships tend to reveal our inner nature to both parties. However, what we see reflected is usually mistaken for some property of the other person involved. Though this may have an element of truth, I suggest you do an experiment where you take full ownership of whatever personal material you’re presented with. Mainly I mean your responses to someone, the choices you make, the words you say, and the ways you feel about yourself — in the context of the relationship. I am proposing that you assume this is all about you — not about anyone else. In case you’re inclined to be self-critical (a quality of your sign that’s described only in the fine print), remember that who you truly are is a lot more than the tally of your faults and your assets. Who you are exists alongside those qualities, though you are not them, no matter how much you may feel like it. One of the happier challenges you have now is to relate to others as that ‘who you really are’ factor rather than all of the details — and when you do that, it’s what you will feel mirrored back to you. The key to this is not to get distracted by judgment of any kind. This may seem like walking across coals, though at the moment, you have plenty of support.

Hello Sagittarius — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).

Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Handle issues involving authority like you’re on the bomb squad. Rule one is, assume the thing is real. You don’t want to provoke any conflicts with anyone who has authority over you, such as traffic cops, the IRS or your boss. If you’re in a position of authority, carefully mind your ethics, your sense of fairness and most of all, your boundaries. If you practice a policy of holding the line, you will know where the line is. This is vital information if you find yourself arriving at a situation where you have to cross a boundary of some kind, exceed your authority or stand up to someone because the ethics of the situation demand that you do so. Do not do this casually or unconsciously. Rather, hold off on using this particular expression of power for when it’s clear that it’s your best (but not your only) option. That may happen once and once only in the next month. Meanwhile, if you feel anything like this brewing, I have one other suggestion. Additional information that may influence your thinking will emerge after Mercury stations direct on Aug. 8, and a second revelation is coming with the New Moon of Aug. 17. In the situation you’re in, knowledge is power, and you don’t have to impress anyone in order for that power to work. Your primary job is to know the facts, and to see the patterns develop as more information becomes available — which it will. Till then, bide your time.

Hello Capricorn — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).

Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Pay attention to everything in your life that seems to be running in a cycle. There are two kinds of cycles to watch for. One is when something keeps happening repeatedly, such as the sensation that you keep having a similar kind of experience because you don’t ‘get the lesson’. The second is when you’re involved in a series of events wherein one thing leads to another — and the buck stops with you. When you have experiences like this, it can be frustrating and distracting, though apropos of your current astrology, it can shake your faith in your ability to make long-term plans and carry them out. You might feel like you’re involved in a pattern that specifically makes believe that something you can envision and want to work for is unavailable to you. This is the time to challenge your beliefs, rather than feel like you’re limited by them. One indication that you might be up against a belief that you want to challenge is that you’re angry, though the anger isn’t directed at any one person. It’s more like being ‘angry at God’. This is another way of saying ‘angry at existence’, which I would say is a fertile state of mind — the kind of mental or emotional space where you know you want to make a change, but you may not be sure what change you want to make. Perhaps this question will help. You are someone who lives with a purpose, but do you have a mission?

Hello Aquarius — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).

Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Many have commented on the dualistic nature of Pisces — you know, the two fish swimming in opposite directions, though connected to one another. This property runs deep in you, though it has its origins in the angle of your chart occupied by Gemini, the angle involving security and your emotions — which aligns with the sign of the twins. For the past 18 months or so, you’ve been making special progress resolving various splits within your emotional body. As you’ve done this, you’ve encountered those inner divisions in a more direct way, with the purpose for this being recognizing your situation and doing something about it. Now, you’re starting to see that these divisions that dominated your life for so long are beginning to heal. Elements of your nature that seemed to oppose one another are now more harmonious. Your living spaces are starting to feel more like you want them to feel, and you’re more at home there — the most significant living space being your presence within your own skin. There’s a real gift here for you, as you embark on a time when you’re much more likely to be in harmony with yourself than at odds with yourself. You will save time and energy, it’ll be easier to determine what you want — and to pursue that specific thing. And there is most certainly something that you want, which is the feeling of a settled life and a true home. The more you feed your passion for this, the more realistic it will seem as a creative goal.

Hello Pisces — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).