Short Monthly Horoscope for February 2016


Aries (March 20-April 19) — Love always has conditions, and it’s easier if you understand them. To keep things simple, I suggest you have just one: that you be loved for who you are. For that to be possible, you must not only stand boldly in your truth, you need to speak up about what is most important to you. Don’t expect others to read your mind.

Planet Waves is about to publish Eric’s audio readings for the year, part of the Vision Quest project. This includes an astrology reading and rune divination, all with original art and music. Learn more here.



Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Many factors are guiding you in the direction of deeper commitment in a close partnership. You must, however, make sure that you’re ready for what you’re being offered. Be sure you don’t make promises that you’re not sure you can keep. At least for the moment, practicality must trump romantic ideals, and then truly beautiful things are possible.

Planet Waves is about to publish Eric’s audio readings for the year, part of the Vision Quest project. This includes an astrology reading and rune divination, all with original art and music. Learn more here.



Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Follow your intuition on a career matter. Listen to what you’re telling yourself. While you’re doing that, it would be wise to stay three drinks behind the crowd at any work-related event. You must be clear in your understanding of people and not second-guess your perception. Remove any silly reasons to doubt yourself and you’ll find your way to confidence.

Planet Waves is about to publish Eric’s audio readings for the year, part of the Vision Quest project. This includes an astrology reading and rune divination, all with original art and music. Learn more here.



Cancer (June 21-July 22) — You don’t need to pursue anyone; merely be aware of who is focusing on you, and initiate the conversation you want to have. Invest your energy in understanding how people feel about you. Notice how your potential opens up or seems to close down with any person you’re engaging. Keep company with people around whom you feel good about yourself.

Planet Waves is about to publish Eric’s audio readings for the year, part of the Vision Quest project. This includes an astrology reading and rune divination, all with original art and music. Learn more here.



Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — You’re a taskmaster right now, and can get months of work done in just a few weeks. Just make sure that some of what you’re doing is devoted exclusively to the activities you want the most. Duty and responsibility are important. It’s equally vital that you have a fulfilling life. So send some of that ‘get it done’ energy your own way.

Planet Waves is about to publish Eric’s audio readings for the year, part of the Vision Quest project. This includes an astrology reading and rune divination, all with original art and music. Learn more here.



Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — You may feel driven to the point of obsession. This seems to be an entirely healthy impulse, though you may think that you’re going over the top. Nothing of any consequence has ever been invented during the 9-to-5 workweek. You must proceed at your own pace, in your own time, for your own motives. Then you’re bound to achieve great things.

Planet Waves is about to publish Eric’s audio readings for the year, part of the Vision Quest project. This includes an astrology reading and rune divination, all with original art and music. Learn more here.



Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — You will make some excellent decisions about money this month, especially if you stop and consider exactly what you’re planning. The sign of a workable choice is that it solves several problems at once and doesn’t create any new ones. So use that analysis for every option and it will soon be obvious what’s the right thing to do.

Planet Waves is about to publish Eric’s audio readings for the year, part of the Vision Quest project. This includes an astrology reading and rune divination, all with original art and music. Learn more here.



Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — You don’t need to exert force; gentle persuasion will get the job done. Merely be clear what you want and what you’re willing to offer. Your own confidence and presenting yourself without a shade of hesitancy will entice others to see your viewpoint, and once they do that, they’ll see how sensible it is. Explaining yourself in writing will be particularly compelling.

Planet Waves is about to publish Eric’s audio readings for the year, part of the Vision Quest project. This includes an astrology reading and rune divination, all with original art and music. Learn more here.



Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Recent developments are leading you to take a more structured and serious approach to life, though it’s essential that you maintain your flexibility. You can afford to take everyone’s different point of view under consideration, then make up your own mind. Most excellent ideas really are a group effort, especially as they develop. Take charge of this process and you’ll get genius results.

Planet Waves is about to publish Eric’s audio readings for the year, part of the Vision Quest project. This includes an astrology reading and rune divination, all with original art and music. Learn more here.



Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — There’s a lot you’re willing to say, and there seems to be plenty you don’t want to reveal, or don’t know how. I suggest you mind your need for privacy, though err on the side of saying too much rather than too little. People are interested in what you have to offer, and both you and they will benefit from a real conversation.

Planet Waves is about to publish Eric’s audio readings for the year, part of the Vision Quest project. This includes an astrology reading and rune divination, all with original art and music. Learn more here.



Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Take leadership, and do it now. Set things right from the beginning. Admit that you know more than nearly anyone else around you, and remind yourself that you have the guts to take action. If you’re clear about these things, you’ll be of true service to those around you. They will benefit from your guidance and ability to make clear decisions.

Planet Waves is about to publish Eric’s audio readings for the year, part of the Vision Quest project. This includes an astrology reading and rune divination, all with original art and music. Learn more here.



Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — You’re now able to collect on everything you’ve been learning for so long. It’s as if all of your knowledge and experience are concentrated in one place, easy to access and ready to use. Yet you’re also connected to people in a way that you’ve never been before, as if you already know everyone you meet. Use these powers wisely.

Planet Waves is about to publish Eric’s audio readings for the year, part of the Vision Quest project. This includes an astrology reading and rune divination, all with original art and music. Learn more here.

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