This week’s edition of Planet Waves TV covers the Sun’s meeting with Uranus and Eris. And as Mars retrograde draws near (it begins April 17), Eric Francis also comments on what Mars is about — identity, motivation and desire. Mars retrograde turns these things that are usually statements into questions, and an opportunity for introspection.
Dear Friends:
This week we get the build-up to Mars stationing retrograde in Sagittarius, which happens next Sunday, April 17, at 8:14 am EDT (12:13:47 UTC). The retrograde period lasts two months, and this forms the basis of Eric’s 2016 Spring Reading, which we’re publishing soon.

The Mars Rover, doing what it does best. Where will your journey take you? Artist’s rendition from NASA/JPL-Caltech.
At around midnight on Thursday, the waxing half Moon will closely aspect Mars (that is: the Moon is square the Sun, and they both make an angle to Mars called a sesquiquadrate).
This might be regarded as a precursor to the actual station retrograde: a preparatory moment. The chart itself looks like an arrow is pointing at Mars, which is an astrological hint equivalent to waving the Red Planet in our faces with a huge klieg light saying “LOOK HERE.” So what are you actually looking at?
Well, that’s for you to decide. Here are some clues, though: What is your life calling? What is your deepest, most passionate desire? What really gives you enthusiasm and makes you get up and go? More to the point — what are you doing to get to that place you want to be?
A moment like this can be like an electric jolt, sending a surge of energy to wake up our brains. You might experience this as a sudden inspiration, a dream, an intuition, or simply a wish for something. Follow the trail of that inclination, and see where it leads. If it leads to you moving forward on your personal mission, you’re probably on the right track. (If it leads to you thoroughly enjoying life in all its beauty and glory, you’re definitely on the right track.)
Feel free to nudge your patron deities or guardian angels for advice — and pay careful attention to what they say. If you feel in a rut and tempted to remain there, you might like to have an honest conversation with yourself (and/or said beings) as to why. Obstacles can be good for you, but usually that’s in the context of getting them knocked down and building up your strength in the process.
Mars may be the god of war, but this week — as the purveyor of both desire and the energy to fulfill it — he can be the arrow that points you in the best possible direction.
— Amy Elliott
Hey, Eric. While this might seem ridiculous, I’d love to know the writer’s placement of whatever planet in discussion — ie: if you felt Ok with sharing your own mars placement, aspects, etc, I would appreciate that. This might seem too personal, but I’d like that info if you’re up for it.
ps: I’ll tell you mine … 🙂
Hi Mary — I’d say that’s up to each writer’s discretion. Sometimes I’ve seen various writers mention planetary placements in a column or a comment. But having had the experience of someone I don’t know personally (a former PW client) making rather judgmental pronouncements about a couple of my planets years ago, I’ve found it can be wise to choose my moments of disclosing such things carefully. The context of a conversation is often what signals to me whether I feel comfortable with it or not — though I cannot speak for anyone else.
Thank you, Amanda. That makes very good sense to me. I’ve got Uranus on my natal Mars (for real) and so I always look for the new/the now! … so impulsive, my mars!
I’ve also got Saturn sitting on the only thing happening in my 10th house and I’ve been chomping at the bit for such a long time, job-wise … arg. What you say speaks to me, Amanda. Loud and clear.
Thank you for sharing your insight(s)
Do you mean that what Amy Elliott wrote speaks to you loud and clear? She wrote the written portion of the blog post we’re commenting under. 😉
I know — too many “A” names at PW to keep straight!
Eric……………..God Love You…………….thanks for this…………..and it is great to have a DEMO from you….thanks again………..take care