Planet Waves TV: Eclipse in Pisces Conjunct Chiron

In the new Planet Waves TV, I cover Friday’s eclipse of the Moon in Pisces. This is a truly beautiful eclipse in that it really brings in a grouping of elements in Sagittarius: Mars, Pholus, Quaoar and the Galactic Core. So this version of TV is rich with information about the minor planets mentioned, and gives a good look at an under-appreciated topic, the center of our Milky Way galaxy — our homing signal.

4 thoughts on “Planet Waves TV: Eclipse in Pisces Conjunct Chiron

  1. Jay

    just watched your video…they are really helpful. really important. offer alot of insight and direction. knowing so much is going on right now in the sky (from what you point out) i was just wondering about Chaos? You mentioned you would get to that but circumstances didnt make it happen…for some reason i can see/hear Chaos giggling behind some dark cloud or rock being all sneaky…in any case just was wondering about good ol’ Chaos… ..and no matter what…sure appreciate all that you are doing and pointing out and emphasizing in this “Chaotic (sorta/kinda) Time”…

    1. Amanda Painter

      Jay —
      I’m not sure what Eric’s answer would be, but my take on Chaos is that, in its positive manifestation, it’s the creative, primordial “soup” from which the universe emerged — and in Gemini we might think of that as our imagination, or any facet of our thinking that let’s us see creative potential in our situation.

      Of course, in Gemini, I could also see it in a more shadow manifestation as having chaotic thoughts and not really knowing which way to take them in the midst of all the emotional tension this week.

      Although I did not mention asteroid Chaos by name in my column today on PW (to try and keep things more succinct), it was absolutely something I was describing in a couple spots.

      Anyway — we’ll see if Eric has a different take on it in this eclipse chart!

      1. Eric Francis

        I think that we’re teetering on the line with Chaos in the picture — the fertile kind of chaos and the kind that threatens to go out of control. It is after all in Gemini. The thing to remember is the creator god bit –

        This writing is from somewhere around 2000. It was from an era in PW history where publications were not dated…kinda crazy…

        Chaos was the supreme Greek creation deity — the forebear of the primary gods including Gaia (Earth) and Eros (the love that softens hearts). A Cubewano discovered in 1998 with an orbit of just over 311 years, its theme is potential made manifest and the hidden order of reality. Its presence reminds us that the cosmos or creator is the source of all life and existence, and is our ultimate destination beyond the end of time. We return whence we came; we are infinitely connected with our own origins. In the psyche it’s the process of giving names to the unnameable so we can enter into relationship, and becoming a vehicle of creative expression so we can become like our source. Chaos is a personal access point to the fertile void, the space-out-of-mind that is the richest creative source available. To those attempting the uncreative use of power as a control method, Chaos can bring the condition for which it’s known in modern usage.

  2. Heather

    Yes Eric, an excellent point regarding the fact that anger does exist in the current eclipse in Pisces conjunct Chiron, and it’s many actors!

    As usual, its not anger itself that has been given a bad rap, it’s what yo do with it, will you ‘peel the onion’ in a positive way or as per most unconscious beings do, which is to act in negative fashions hitting the ‘replay’ button i.e. reacting rather than responding.

    Relationships and their ‘accepted’ cultures need a huge overhaul, having lived thru just about every version of dark and negative matter than one could possibly deal and live with. Chiron conjunct my sun (2nd house) in Capricorn none the less, yep a real slap in the chops.

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