Planet Waves TV #8A :: Capricorn Full Moon

Planet Waves is running a membership drive.
Read more in Solstice Fire and the Art of Service, by Eric Francis.


In this week’s edition, I cover the Capricorn Full Moon, Venus conjunct Jupiter and Mercury square Chiron. Planet Waves is running a membership drive. Please sign up as a Core Community member — or get a reading. We have many to choose from, unlike anything you’ve ever seen or heard on the Internet. You will love our work, and you’ll be supporting Planet Waves FM. Here is the letter I mentioned, which has many membership options: Solstice Fire and the Art of Service. Here is a catalog of our latest readings, with many excellent offerings. Great for astrological window shopping.

3 thoughts on “Planet Waves TV #8A :: Capricorn Full Moon

  1. Michael Mayes

    Yes, astrology is a sensory experience, in the body. It can be intellectual, but that gets boring, and gets one only so far in applying knowledge. Once again, the current astrology is about action. I feel in my body, compelled to act, to get things done, and move forward. Still though, as Len suggested in his latest offering, I’m letting things develop at an ‘organic pace’. I feel the need to be grounded, but I want to achieve writing this comment. So, in the future looking back, I can relate this feeling to the moon being in Capricorn.

  2. Barbara

    Eric………….thanks for this pc………….you are a wealth of knowledge…..always learn something new from you……..appreciate your treatment of that which is felt………….thanks

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