Today’s Oracle takes us to the Scorpio weekly for May 18, 2007

A partner, close friend or loved one holds the key to an issue with which you’ve been struggling. For them, it’s easy; for you, it’s a challenge, but what you’re here to learn is how to accept the factor of ease and flow. This is about the movement of ideas, and that requires fluidity rather than fixity; it calls for asserting yourself rather than being passive. Given all you’ve been through the past few weeks, you may be feeling a little cautious about pushing too hard — and I don’t propose you do so. Rather, what you’re about to learn is the correct proportion of push energy, flow energy and receive energy is involved in a highly productive creative situation. You are a student right now, and you’re learning through direct experience.
The Daily Oracle offers a horoscope selected randomly by our Intelligent Archive Oracle program, unique to Planet Waves. It’s also a database of my horoscopes going back to the late 1990s. You can use the Intelligent Archive Oracle to answer questions and give you ideas for how to handle problems and situations you cannot see through. This feature is available to our All Access and Core Community members. See this link for more information.