Danielle Voirin’s Photo of the Day for 11.11.15

Love expressed on a Paris sidewalk.

Love expressed on a Paris sidewalk.

Paris-based photographer Danielle Voirin travels the world and documents her experiences in photographs. She takes street photography and photojournalism a shade beyond even art, to the level of mysticism. You may see more of her work on her website DanielleVoirin.com, or her alt website, DaniVoirin.com.

6 thoughts on “Danielle Voirin’s Photo of the Day for 11.11.15

  1. marie hawthorne

    Vital pervasive elusive and ubiquitous
    wisdom reflected dispels darknesses
    as its way of truth.

    Together the lion and the unicorn rest
    under the great shade tree
    once of thorn once of bud
    watching and waiting while
    the sacred and profane pass along.

    In unfolding tested ways
    known through the long thread of time,
    we dance the dance of ages;
    we who have waded through rivers of blood,
    we who have been washed by trails of tears,
    witnesses united in remembrance,
    the wheat beneath the wheel.

    Here offering our gratitude and appreciation
    for each instant that, with its grace,
    brings us to a universal calming flow.
    Give thanks.

  2. marie hawthorne

    Yes the profane is as ugly as the sacred is beautiful; and i feel anything but calm. But at least i can still feel – pain, sorrow, sadness, and an unspeakable grief. When will this end? What will it take?

    Danielle, sending you all my love, Nilou Marie.

  3. Pisces Sun

    In prayer and mourning with you Danielle and the people of your beloved country, France. May you find peace in pockets of joy where darkness could only abound; because fear can only be conquered by love and love find places to show itself and shine in this terrible time of anguish because it can never be taken from the French people.

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