Planet Waves Daily Oracle for Tuesday, Feb. 17, 2015

Today’s Oracle takes us to the Aries weekly for Sept 10, 2004


There is more to life than work, but that is not true every day. Right now there is little more important than work, assuming you are taking care of your health –which in any case must get priority ranking. There need be no conflict between the two; balance is often the foundation of great achievements and I assure you that such are possible now. The danger you face is burnout, or driving yourself mad with details and a kind of urgency for control. Relax. You are working with enormous power, so discretion and awareness must precede any action by a measurable interval.

The Daily Oracle offers a horoscope selected randomly by our Intelligent Archive Oracle program, unique to Planet Waves. It’s also a database of my horoscopes going back to the late 1990s. You can use the Intelligent Archive Oracle to answer questions and give you ideas for how to handle problems and situations you cannot see through. This feature is available to our All Access and Core Community members. See this link for more information.

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