Planet Waves Daily Oracle for Monday, Jan. 19, 2015

Today’s Oracle takes us to the Sagittarius monthly for Sept. 23, 2007


A theme that developed last month persists: take care of the details. You also need to know which details matter and which do not. So the other bit of stardust advice is don’t get too carried away. You need to do what you must to keep the kind of control that can only come with awareness; and you would be wise to recognize just how much awareness you already possess. I don’t mean to talk circles here. The short way around the tree is to say, pay attention to the extent that you can be mindful of what matters, and let go of the rest. You are in a building phase right now, where all you touch can turn to gold. Touch gently, but make actual contact; make sure your handprints are where they belong. The point is, by the time the astrology of 2007 peaks in your birth sign later in the autumn, your mind will once again be on the very large picture and you will not have time to handle the small stuff. You have time now; time to use efficiently, and that efficiency is an investment that will pay you back handsomely.

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