Monday Morning Horoscope #196 for Sept. 30, 2019

By Eric Francis and Amy Elliott


Aries (March 20-April 19) — With Mars, your ruling planet, about to change signs on Friday, you may notice the temperature of your relationships goes up a little. People might seem more forward or assertive, and others may come right at you. Don’t worry, you can handle it, and I reckon you like it when people are direct. So don’t complain. Instead, honor their sincerity, and meet them with an equally honest response. There need not be all-out conflict, though you also don’t need to focus obsessively on avoiding it. Truth must come first. On the other hand, keep an eye out for any sense that your buttons are being pushed, or for any desire you might feel to provoke someone for its own sake. Where that is the case, it would be wise to step back and get a little perspective. Get your full Aries reading by Eric here.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Relationship partners may suddenly decide they have their own concept of “diplomacy,” though if you play along, you will learn something. Part of our problem — all of our problem — is that people pretend in order to appear polite. So when they get a little rude, it might be irritating, but at least we have an idea of what’s on their mind. You can respond by saying: Ah, I did not know you felt that way. Got it. You might also consider holding space for them to open up further, without judging them. Sometimes people need that release, and you’re in a position right now where you can offer real understanding, and perhaps real solutions. You don’t need to take on anyone’s emotional or spiritual burdens in order to help them. Just listening and being kind works wonders. Get your full Taurus reading by Eric here.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Mars is about to enter your zone of art, sex and overall creativity. But I have a question. Do you think sex is creative? Or is it like doing the dishes? Well, you might try to take the former approach and consider yourself an erotic art box, complete with pastels, pencils and a big can of red spray paint. Bear in mind that no app or virtual experience will feed your soul; you need the real thing. And to get the real thing, you will need to be vulnerable and take a risk of some kind. So decide what you’re willing to do, or want to do. Then size up if it’s really the right thing. This risk might be artistic, or emotional, or social. There are lots of ways to do that and still be “safe,” but you may have to challenge your idea of “safety.” For example, hang out with someone a little “dangerous” in the sense that your mother might not approve of them. Or make a “dangerous” painting of the kind that might get you called to the principal’s office. All this “safety” is getting boring. Get your full Gemini reading by Eric here.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — You may go on a cleaning binge this week, and if you do, you will love it. Libra is the sign that represents “home” for the very homeliest of signs, your own. So that means getting a grip on your physical space. While you’re there, you might purge your environment of all the stuff lying around given to you by people you no longer relate to or care for. Make a “donate” box, and be equally generous with the recycling bin. You’ll likely find that, once you get going, your efforts will take on a momentum of their own. In part, this is an emotional and spiritual detox. You’re divesting yourself of memories and traces of influence that might otherwise pull you downward and backward, and freeing up room to let in more of the light. Get your full Cancer reading by Eric here.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — You have a way with words, and now is the time not to mince them. If you’re writing, just interpose a delay between setting the words down, and pushing send. If you do that you can always dial it back a little, but in the first go, you will want to write such that your words peel paint. So fire it up and let yourself know how you really feel. Then read your words over and consider whether you actually feel that way. It can be tempting, when in the throes of strong emotions, to assume there is nothing deeper in them than what you can immediately see. In truth, just as you are a complex person, so there can be a number of layers driving any action. It’s good to know the contours of your mental landscape; and not just the topsoil, but the structure underneath. Get your full Leo reading by Eric here.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — It seems like everyone is always worried about money, even zillionaires who pour themselves $500 bottles of wine they leave unfinished. You have more modest priorities. But remember this: money comes from relationships. Someone always writes the check or makes the transfer into your account. You don’t print the stuff. So make sure you honor and respect the relationships from which you benefit, and try to give back in whatever way is accessible and appropriate, even if that’s only by expressing gratitude. This isn’t about a sense of obligation or reciprocality. It’s about doing what’s right and kind. Even if you think someone has everything and couldn’t possibly benefit from any gesture of yours, a friendly word costs nothing — and can be surprisingly helpful. Get your full Virgo reading by Eric here.

Your Electric Life and Other Poems: Instant Access

“I listened to the Intelligence audio for my sun sign (Libra) last night, and this content is extraordinary. Eric’s clients/subscribers often praise his ability to get to the heart of our astrological lessons, and it’s true. His ability to zero in on the import of what’s occurred in the past year and prepare us for 2019 is worth the cost many times over. One of the most spot-on and insightful resources available. Thank you!”

— Valerie B. Easley

It’s not easy feeling safe these days; it’s not easy feeling like you belong anywhere, though astrology has some ideas for you. You’re invited to order the 2019-20 Libra Astrology Studio. This reading covers your process of grounding yourself in the wild world of the Digital Age. You need some physical reality, and my reading of your chart suggests where to look for it: primarily at home. I have much to say about stabilizing your relationships in the chaos of the internet, getting some traction in your career, and most of all, how to frame your own reality.

Your Electric Life and Other Poems is now available for instant access for just $44. Reading includes an hour-plus astrology session, a tarot session and a special astrology extra, Self and Society.

I’ve also created a preview video for this reading [you may watch that here].

With love,



Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Mars has been lurking around your 12th house, the paranoid zone. Now it’s about to enter your sign, and that will turn up the “human blow torch” that you are. Libra has that marvelous quality of being able to go from cool to hot in one second, and that’s about to happen. Just make sure you know that you have emotional impact on people, so if you’re going to spin fire, ask your friends to stand back a few feet and take pictures. You will probably also find you possess a certain charm, which could influence people in ways you might not be expecting. With a little thought, you could turn this to the benefit of loved ones, by offering encouragement and moral support where it’s needed. Don’t forget to sweet-talk yourself also, should you need a boost — after all, you’ll be convincing. Get your full Libra reading by Eric here.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Soon your classical ruler Mars enters the area of your chart that most resembles a secret room in the psyche, accessible only by a hidden door. If at times you feel a little discomfited, bear in mind there may be something going on behind your immediate consciousness, and look within you for the source of the irritation. Proceed with special caution if you’re convinced an outside event or person is causing the provocation. It’s easy to project without realizing you’re doing it. Ultimately, you have control over how you think and act, even if you experience the occasional ruffled feather. You also have an opportunity to explore these regions of your mind that are usually behind a rather thicker veil. Pay attention to your dreams, and give your keen intuition a loose rein. Get your full Scorpio reading by Eric here.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — There are plenty of ways to bring good into the world. Not all of them involve the fate of thousands or millions, and very few win glory or renown. Many dharmic acts go unseen — such as a kind word, giving time and a sympathetic ear to someone who needs it, or sharing a meal with friends or loved ones. This doesn’t mean activism on a broader scale isn’t important. Rather, it’s possible to become so embroiled in the countless political battles, especially online, that we can forget how important it is to offer friendship, mentorship and compassion on an individual basis. What’s more, we have frequent and accessible opportunities to do so. You might consider where and how you expend your energy. If you feel compelled to act in a certain way, ask yourself: what will this accomplish? Get your full Sagittarius reading by Eric here.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — In essence, your current astrology is best described as a “get shit done” moment. This is true to an extent for everyone, given the impending conjunction of Saturn and Pluto, but in your case it may well be more pronounced. While it’s true that we’re immersed in a world of never-ending distractions, there’s only so far we can use this as an excuse for inaction or lack of discipline. At some point, we have to act like the grown-ups we are and relearn our ability to focus on what’s important. You can aid your efforts by getting into the habit of checking in continually with yourself: remember you are in a body and listen to it; frequently call your attention back to the present moment; and keep task lists where you can see them. Unswerving determination will help you further. Get your full Capricorn reading by Eric here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — What would you risk everything for? Such a question is well worth considering as Mars moves into your zone of ideals and higher aspirations, and it points directly to the principles you hold most fervently in the depths of your soul. That is the code you need to live by every hour, beginning right now. These are not the days when we can yield our consciences to the pressures of conformity or social conventions. Mars is calling you to set an example, to serve as a beacon showing others the way to their own truth; not through words or strictures, but through your actions. Don’t worry if you get some pushback; it means people are noticing and engaging with you. In any case, their reactions are not your problem. Get your full Aquarius reading by Eric here.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — A rather curious phenomenon that has emerged in recent years is the popularization of introversion as a concept. Given that many people are baring their souls to the public forum of the internet, the idea of being an introvert is receiving something of an ironic twist. The digital environment is contributing to constant overwhelm and fraying of nerves. You may feel stuck in what is effectively an unspoken social agreement to endure continual beeping, flashing and buzzing. Yet you don’t actually have to, and in the coming weeks you’d benefit from making a point of stepping back. Remember when we couldn’t get hold of each other all the time and yet somehow we managed? Spend at least some time away from electronic objects, or figure out which settings help to silence them. Get your full Pisces reading by Eric here.

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