
Mercury, Venus and Chiron on the Move

This week we reach turning points in Mercury retrograde, the recent Venus retrograde and Saturn square Chiron.

First, a reminder to take part in our spring reading event, INVOLUTION: The Revolution is Within. This covers how all the current astrology influences your mind, feelings and growth, reaching out to the Great American Eclipse of Aug. 21.


Fractal. Image: codewiz.org.

I’m planning to begin recording video this week, aiming for Fantasy #1, which is to have this done before Beltane. In a way similar to The Book of Your Life, your 2017 annual reading, I’ll be working under Mercury retrograde conditions, which may be challenging, but it produces an excellent result.

Mercury retrograde at its most productive compels originality and pushes a person to see the world from other viewpoints than normal. This is particularly true as it’s changing directions — and especially when it’s doing so conjunct one or more of the high-amperage outer planets — in this case, the Uranus-Eris conjunction.

As Mercury retrograde wraps up one week from Wednesday, I’ll also be in final preparation for my May 6 class, timed for Beltane: Astrology, Relationships and Sexuality. It may not be as much fun as Beltane sex in a forest or on the beach at dawn, but I will do my best.

The idea of this class is to get underneath society’s (and astrology’s) usual (less than hopeful) ideas about sex and relating to other humans, and see how many fresh ideas come out of the chart. The zodiac has a place for everyone; this is not a matter of “one size fits all.” I’ll have more on that in a letter soon. You can sign up here.

First Venus; then Mercury; then a comment about the Saturn-Chiron square, exact Sunday, April 30, with the intensity focused all week.

Venus stationed direct on April 15, in a conjunction to Pisces. As of today, it’s still slow and powerful, making its way across the last degrees of the zodiac. You can think of the very end regions of Pisces as a seeding area for a forthcoming Venus cycle. This is a time to listen, feel and envision the love that you want in your life. It’s also a time to consider reaching out to those you care about, including people you haven’t seen or heard from in a long time.


Fractal. Image: codewiz.org.

On Friday, Venus re-enters Aries (where the retrograde began back in March), meaning that we’ll have Venus conjunct the Aries Point for a few days. That’s a wakeup call: to notice what’s going on in collective reality around you, and in the lives of individuals close to you. This is the time to seek common ground. If you don’t know how that feels, perhaps you’ll have a discovery.

Next, Mercury will be making a series of exciting moves. This is the retrograde that began in Taurus two weeks ago and has now worked its way back to Aries. Thursday into Friday, Mercury reaches an exact conjunction to Uranus, tucks itself into the Uranus-Eris conjunction, and hangs out there for about five days as it stations direct. This is an unusually exciting moment of Mercury direct.

My translation: let everyone else do all the screwing up.

Now that you know this astrology is blowing through town, you can step back, watch the fireworks, and watch people miscalculate their moves based on not knowing they’re missing information. You can safely assume there’s something you don’t know, and you would be well-rewarded if you drag out certain discussions rather than try to push them to a head. As A Course in Miracles suggests, you will be told everything you need to know.

Last, Saturn is about to reach the peak of its square to Chiron. This has been going on for months, and technically it lasts out to November. However, the second of three squares is the most influential one, in my view.


Fractal. Image: codewiz.org.

It would seem as if Chiron holds a key to unbolting and uncorking your feelings. This may be a case of trying to be spiritual before you’ve been real. Now you get a chance to get real and see all the ways in which it leads to some peace of mind.

Saturn and Chiron don’t conflict. But when they’re in a square pattern, you need to figure out a way to get through the boundary. It may be there for a reason, and that reason may have served its purpose.

Usually this aspect is all about authority issues and conflicts with parents. Stay out of disputes with authority figures. With Mars in Gemini, it will be unwise to argue, fight, or go blow for blow. Instead, bide your time, and gather all the information and allies that you can. Once you’re fully informed, you will know exactly what to do and how to do it.

One last reminder: if you want to be in my astrology and sexuality class on Saturday May 6, or sign up for INVOLUTION: The Revolution is Within, now’s the time. Save me all the extra writing letters and everyone getting emails.

Much appreciated and See You There!

2 thoughts on “Mercury, Venus and Chiron on the Move

  1. Glen Young

    We have a special guest blowing through town here in RVA (Richmond, Va), Carole King is giving a show from April 25-30, at the Altria Theater. She calling it “Beautiful.” BroadwayInRichmond.com

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