Gemini Reading 2015


Article on the True Meaning of Gemini

Welcome, Gemini, to your 2015 – 2016 birthday audio by Eric Francis.

The report, which is also valid for Gemini rising and Moon, includes two segments of astrology and a third segment of tarot, using the Voyager Tarot by James Wanless.

The report covers one year from birthday to birthday. Read Eric’s description of your sign here.

Play part one:
Play part two:
Play part three:
Mercury Rx reading for Gemini:

Thanks for your purchase. Please let us know what you think, if you have a moment, by writing to





For more information about how Eric’s tarot Celtic Wings spread works, there is an article about it here (along with a spread generator).


Tarot #2.

Tarot #1.

Tarot #3.

Tarot #2.

Tarot #4.

Tarot #3.

Tarot #5.

Tarot #4.


2 thoughts on “Gemini Reading 2015

  1. Susy

    Good and Evil

    A snake finds its end
    in its beginning
    making a circle of life

    Changing skins as it goes
    rubbing its head in the dirt
    or on a rough stone

    Scratching and scraping
    so much work to peel
    off that previous incarnation

    Have to feel
    that tightness, need and dread
    have to let it grow till it cracks

    Can’t peel too fast or too soon,
    it’ll bleed

    Once I was a victim–
    that was a thick skin
    resistant to shedding

    Once I was
    a snake that feared
    shedding its victim skin

    Tight, hot, uncomfortable, at least
    it was knowable, and it
    was how I was known and how I was used

    I couldn’t peel it off too fast or too soon for fear
    of bleeding

    This snake’s shadow exists as both
    victim and perpetrator and something more
    This snake has spit poison and been crushed

    This snake has been burnt alive and drowned
    This snake is legless and winged,
    This snake can crawl and fly,

    This snake knows the difference.

    Susy Crandall

    Breathe and Be

    Breathe and be

    with it

    Find it

    in that space



    your body

    Feel it

    feel it

    sting and burn

    its ache and agony


    your desire

    to deny it

    to squirm

    to hide from it

    or push it out and away

    Choose instead

    to make a larger space

    a larger space

    where you can

    fit too

    Go in there

    and curl up

    beside it

    Take it

    in your arms

    Ask it

    no questions

    expect no



    hold it

    feel it

    Feel it recline

    feel it open

    into the space

    you made for it

    feel it cry

    with relief

    feel it’s arms

    wrap around you

    feel it’s head

    on your


    its tears

    on your chest

    Feel it.

    Susy Crandall

  2. Susy

    PS, I am Cancer with a Gemini moon and what’s interesting is I have a brother who is Gemini and when we were children we were called the Twins although we were not. I always wanted my brother to be a comedian because he was so funny.

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