Today is Friday, March 17, 2017
Hebrew date is 19 Adar 5777
Islamic date is 18 Jumada-II 1438
Mayan Tzolk’in Day is 4 Manik’
Mayan Long Count is
Julian Day is 2457830
Today’s Birthdays: Elisabeth Jacquet de La Guerre (1665-1729), Bayard Rustin (1912-1987), Nat King Cole (1919-1965), James Irwin (1930-1991), Robin Knox-Johnston (1939), Pattie Boyd (1944), Kurt Russell (1951), Cynthia McKinney (1955), Dana Reeve (1961-2006), Clare Grogan (1962), Rob Lowe (1964), Caroline Corr (1973), Stephen Gately (1976-2009), John Boyega (1992).
“The Earth reminded us of a Christmas tree ornament hanging in the blackness of space. As we got farther and farther away it diminished in size. Finally it shrank to the size of a marble, the most beautiful marble you can imagine. That beautiful, warm, living object looked so fragile, so delicate, that if you touched it with a finger it would crumble and fall apart. Seeing this has to change a man.”
— James Irwin
With tomorrow’s last exact Uranus-Eris conjunction in Aries, we get another reminder to expect the unexpected. As Amanda Painter describes in this week’s edition (and as a friend of hers demonstrates), the astrology is also suggesting you become more fully aware and present to how you can synthesize opposites. We may be in a moment of birthing a new understanding.
Moon Phase: Moon is in Disseminating (waning gibbous) phase and enters Last Quarter phase on March 20 at 8:58 am PDT / 11:58 am EDT (15:58:09 UTC).
Next New Moon is in Aries on March 27-28 at 7:57 pm PDT / 10:57 pm EDT (02:57:09 UTC).
Corresponding Full Moon in Libra is on April 10-11 at 11:08 pm PDT / 2:08 am EDT (06:08:02 UTC).
Moon Sign: Moon is in Scorpio and enters Sagittarius tonight at 8:00 pm PDT / 11:00 pm EDT (02:59:41 March 18 UTC).
Sun Degree: 27-28 Pisces.
Planetary Stations and Sign Changes
Moon enters Sagittarius at 8:00 pm PDT / 11:00 pm EDT (02:59:41 March 18 UTC).
Interesting Selected Aspects | Data by Serennu
— Uranus conjunct Eris at 11:44 pm March 16 PDT / 2:44 am EDT (06:44:14 UTC).
— Sun square Galactic Center at 5:14 am PDT / 8:14 am EDT (12:13:40 UTC), and Saturn at 2:47 pm PDT / 5:47 pm EDT (21:47:31 UTC).
— Mercury square Hylonome at 1:48 pm PDT / 4:48 pm EDT (20:47:44 UTC).
— Mars sextile Nessus at 7:02 pm PDT / 10:02 pm EDT (02:01:49 March 18 UTC).
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If Your Birthday is March 17
(The Day of the Aerialist) | Pisces Birthday Reading | All Other Signs
Your 2nd house — representing what you value — has been the site of era-defining astrology this past year. It’s possible that such things as your values and principles, your body, your most cherished possessions and finances or your self-esteem have been thrown into chaos, or have provoked unexpected developments. If you could travel out to a distant planet and look back at yourself, it might be easier to see this time as the beginning of a new cycle, which it is. Remember what you’ve learned as you head into the next year, and stay present in your potential to serve the greater whole.
Written in the Planets
Today is the third and final exact contact of the Uranus-Eris conjunction, which has been a wild ride to say the least (you can read a wealth of articles about it here). Yet a conjunction begins a new cycle between the planets involved — and for everybody on the planet. So you might appreciate it down the road if you take some time to be intentional with your actions today. A companion aspect further suggests that you take some responsibility for where you put your focus and for getting your facts straight. It might feel like a struggle in this warp-speed, disembodied digital age, but the dividends it will likely pay are priceless — even if they’re not all immediate.

Sign up for Eric’s brand new class: Karma, Reincarnation and Astrology. This class will take place by live teleconference on Saturday, April 1.
Today is my birthday, so thank you so much! I’ve always experienced the squares and conjunctions as prelude to change. It’s all good.