Embraced by Far-Right Gov’t in Poland, Trump Claims Future of Western Civilization is at Stake

Links to today’s show transcripts:

Embraced by Far-Right Gov’t in Poland, Trump Claims Future of Western Civilization is at Stake
In a major speech in Poland, Donald Trump said Western civilization is at stake, as he warned about the threats of “terrorism and extremism.” He was cheered on by supporters of Poland’s right-wing government, who were bused in to the speech. Meanwhile, Trump is facing criticism after becoming the first U.S. president in decades to skip visiting the Warsaw ghetto uprising monument.

Tens of Thousands of Protesters Plan to Protest Trump at G20 Summit in Hamburg, Germany
Thousands of protesters are expected to attempt to disrupt the G20 summit in Hamburg Germany, where President Trump is headed. The protests followed actions earlier in the week, in which German police attacked protesters with water cannons as thousands gathered to protest against the summit and Trump. The summit is viewed by demonstrators as centered around exploitation of people and global resources. Global Justice Now has released a statement titled “Campaigners tell the G20: your model is broken, only radical reform can undermine Trump.”

Raqqa Is Being Slaughtered Silently: Syrian Citizen Journalists Document a City Under Siege
Trump’s scheduled meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin comes as thousands of Syrians continue to flee Raqqa as U.S.-backed militias intensify their assault on the ISIS-held city. Some 200,000 people have been displaced while U.S.-led airstrikes have killed hundreds of residents, in what U.N. investigators have called a “staggering loss of civilian life.” As many as 50 airstrikes were hitting Raqqa each day. U.S.-backed forces expect the fight to oust ISIS from its de facto capital to take at least three months.



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