Down to the Wire: Of Bombs and Elections

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As we go deeper into this most unusual, challenging and potentially troubling phase of history, intelligence is the thing we need the most. That is the theme of the 2019-2020 annual edition of Planet Waves, now available for pre-order.

Hey Scorpio — the astrology segments of your 2018-19 Scorpio birthday reading by Eric are now available for instant access. Order today to lock in the current price.


Dear Friend and Listener:

Last week, I ended the program with the song “Bombs” by Faithless, having no idea what was about to happen.

In tonight’s Planet Waves FM, I reach out to all Scorpios and others who are feeling this Venus retrograde as some extreme experience of struggle, discomfort or weirdness. There’s no rush; I take my time with that one.

In the second segment, I look at the news of the past week, which included a kind of hoax bomb campaign, a synagogue shooting, the president spouting his toxic word soup like Linda Blair spewing green pea soup in The Exorcist — and most significantly, how to cope with this kind of dark intensity nearly all the time. You did not sign up to be a war correspondent, but you may feel like one.

I look at the chart of Neil Young, the consummate Scorpio (with an Aquarius Moon), and we feature some of his songs to illustrate who this truly unusual person is (chart is below, at full scale).

Planet Waves FM is published by Chiron Return, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation, which is part of the Pacifica Radio Network. We are supported by your generous contributions, large and small, which are starting to add up each month and cover the costs of the program.

Thank you for your support. All contributions are fully tax-deductible if you live in the U.S. If you want to be a major donor and sponsor an entire project or staff member, you’re welcome to contact me directly.

Chiron Return’s projects include Planet Waves FM, The Gemstone File resource for activists and reporters, and the forthcoming Investigative Reporting from the Kitchen Table. The first class will be announced as I finish the annual edition (likely in late winter) and will be called “Reading the News.”

Thanks for tuning in.

With love,

Planet Waves

Planet Waves

There’s no turning back — and we need just one thing

Dear Friend and Reader:

Life would be easier if more people used the full capacity of their minds. That goes for all of us. As we go deeper into this most unusual, challenging and potentially troubling phase of history, intelligence is the thing we need the most.

That is the theme of the 2019-2020 annual edition of Planet Waves. How can we tap into our ability to find creative solutions to problems? How can we envision, design and create a better future than the one we seem to be heading for? How can we handle our personal growth in a way that is sensitive and efficient?

I’m getting ready to record and write the 21st annual edition of Planet Waves. I will be setting aside all but the most essential other work to write what amounts to an astrological adventure novel.

The answer is intelligence.

For the past 20 years, I’ve been offering annual readings that bring top-quality astrology direct to you for an affordable price. Recent editions, THE ART OF BECOMING and THE BOOK OF YOUR LIFE, have been remarkable bestsellers and helpful to my clients.

Tonight is the initial purchase offer for INTELLIGENCE, my 21st annual reading, published by Planet Waves. This letter contains important information about the discounted pre-order phase, which will be relatively brief compared to previous years. This is in part to avoid excessive email, to save staff effort, and to allow us to focus on what promises to be a truly exceptional annual edition.

Tonight we are offering a discounted purchase for all 12 signs, for Backstage Pass holders, Core Community members, and Horoscope Lover subscribers. For Galaxy Pass holders, the annual edition is included. Full price for all 12 signs, once the written portion is complete, will be $222. We are offering INTELLIGENCE at a substantial discount to readers of The Mountain Astrologer (see our ad on page 2).

Unlike in previous years, I plan to deliver RESET 2019, the first section of the reading, by New Year’s Eve. Additional sections will follow in January and February, and there will be updates throughout the year. I will use written, audio and video formats, and the reading will feature an original soundtrack by Vision Quest.

Continue reading on the INTELLIGENCE homepage


Scorpio Birthdays and Rising 2018-19:
Your Audio Reading is Ready!

“The Scorpio reading is absolutely amazing (my Venus is in Scorpio). I actually felt it was pretty accurate given my love life.”
— Emily Rose

Dear Scorpio (or Scorpio Rising) Reader:

Eric succeeded in recording the two astrology segments of your 2018 Scorpio Astrology Studio reading Monday night. This means that when you order, you’ll get instant access to at least an hour of his expert inspiration, motivation and trouble-shooting for your next 12 months.

With Venus still retrograde in your sign, and Jupiter about to leave Scorpio and move into your 2nd house, the timing could not be better.

And when you order now, you’ll lock in the current price. When Eric records your tarot reading at a later date, the price will increase a final time.

We used to call these “Birthday Readings.” But so many people have let us know how well they work for their rising sign or Moon sign (or, like Emily above, their Venus sign) Eric decided to change the name. Don’t worry — it’s still some of the most personally relevant astrological guidance available online.

I wish you an enlightening and transformative year,

Amanda Painter

P.S. If you know and love a Scorpio, this reading makes an amazing gift.

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