Democracy Now! — Monday, April 4, 2016


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Hillary Clinton is asked some tough questions. Image: video still

Hillary Clinton had quite an interesting weekend. Video has emerged of a Greenpeace activist, Eva Resnick-Day, tackling her at SUNY in Purchase on Thursday about whether fossil fuel lobbyists are funding her campaign. This took place just days ahead of the Wisconsin primary, which is tomorrow.

Amy Goodman spoke to Eva and also Charlie Cray, research specialist for Greenpeace and lead researcher on the fossil fuel lobbyists’ contributions to the Clinton campaign. Here is some of the interview with Eva.

AMY GOODMAN: Explain what it was you exactly asked her and what she replied.

EVA RESNICK-DAY: Yeah, thank you so much. So the first part of my question seems to never make it into the news, and that was: “Thank you so much for tackling climate change. Will you act on those words and reject future fossil fuel money in your campaign?”

AMY GOODMAN: And what was her answer?

EVA RESNICK-DAY: Her answer was: “I have only taken money from employees of the oil and gas industry, and I’m so sick of the Sanders campaign lying.” And I don’t know if you could hear it, but in the video I also tried to interject, but wasn’t able to, “Also, fossil fuel lobbyist money.”

AMY GOODMAN: And explain what you mean.

EVA RESNICK-DAY: So, 57 registered coal, oil and gas lobbyists have directly donated or bundled more than $1.3 million to the Hillary Clinton campaign. And these lobbyists are people whose job it is to make connections with Senator Clinton to influence her policy going forward. And giving her money in the campaign, they’re clearly trying to find influence. And I don’t think that that is how democracy should work. It should be democracy for the people, not registered lobbyists.

AMY GOODMAN: And what is the pledge that you were asking her to sign?

EVA RESNICK-DAY: Yeah, so Greenpeace and 20 other organizations launched a pledge to fix democracy, asking all presidential candidates to reject future fossil fuel money from lobbyists in their campaigns and also to champion campaign finance reform and restore voting rights for everyone.

Also today, actress Rosario Dawson explains why she is backing Sanders; and Amy looks into the severe voting restrictions affecting tomorrow’s Wisconsin primary. While supporters say the law prevents fraud, critics note 9 percent of the Wisconsin electorate could be disenfranchised. She spoke with Ari Berman, voting rights reporter for The Nation.

We are honored to offer this broadcast as part of our affiliation with the Pacifica Network.

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