Category Archives: Horoscopes

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Oct. 10, 2019

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Oct. 10, 2019 (#1264) | By Amy Elliott

Aries (March 20-April 19) — Sunday’s approaching Full Moon in your sign is offering you particular insights into the nature of relationships, polarity and projection. Of the many wisdoms in astrology, one of the most profound is that regardless of which signs are more prominent, every single one of us contains the whole zodiac. This has certain implications for the concept that we are somehow not complete without another person. It also speaks to what you hold in common with partners and friends (and indeed strangers). If you’re tempted to think you’re completely separate from everyone else, and that specific traits belong to others and not you, remember that in reality we’re all expressions of the same cosmos. Always leave room for compassion.

A new season has begun, and there are big changes coming — also great potential. What do you need to know? The 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, will help you orient yourself through the months to come. Order individual signs here.

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Self-confidence goes up and down, and the challenges you’ve faced recently are probably enough that you still have some recovering to do. One trap you’ll want to guard against this week is that of comparing yourself with others. This is an easy and fast road to feeling less than great. You don’t have to be Greta Thunberg in order to make a positive difference: your mission is to be yourself, as well as you can. You also don’t need anyone’s approval. Release yourself from the confining idea of what you believe to be socially acceptable; start with what is irrefutably true about you, based on your own feelings, and work from there.

How do you find the strength to take some meaningful action in your life — on whatever level? In These Times, the 2019 Autumn Reading, is designed to help you find the answers on your own, through grounded, therapeutic support. Order individual signs here.

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Keep an eye on your thought processes, and take note if you’re expecting a series of events to follow a certain script. Doing this almost inevitably leads to disappointment. Experiment instead with taking the attitude that you’ll follow the best course you can see, and let it lead where it will. Further, let your creative ideas flow unrestricted. This can take practice, especially if you’re used to holding yourself in, though it helps if you foster a sense of openness toward the universe. That is, your willingness to receive what it offers you, and the intuitive impressions you sense from your environment. Create a space where you can let this flow without interruption or judgment.

If you are looking for a sane, calm space where you can think, reflect and prioritize during the next few months, the 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, offers just that. You can also order individual signs to reap the benefits of my therapy training and decades of astrological experience.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — You are already sacred, and you are already whole. That is the ultimate message of Sunday’s Full Moon in Aries. Cease to allow your view of yourself to rise and fall by the tides of public opinion — especially of those who don’t know you as well as they might think. Naturally it’s important to have an aim in life and a sense of purpose, to keep moving forward. Yet ideally this comes from within and is not dictated to by the petty whims or agendas of others, or any dampening effect they might have on your confidence. Your mission ultimately springs from the relationship between you and the Divine, in whatever form you experience it.

A new season has begun, and there are big changes coming — also great potential. What do you need to know? The 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, will help you orient yourself through the months to come. Order individual signs here.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — While you’re off exploring the heights of ideal worlds, or traveling to unknown regions of fancy, it’s worth recalling that you actually have a body, and it has needs. I know — how very mundane. Nevertheless, it’s true, despite all the achievements of digital technology in dividing us from our physical reality. That reality still counts. However powerful your mental stamina is, it won’t do to leave off important routines or health practices, and you’ll almost certainly benefit from checking in regularly with how you feel in the moment. One particular point of note is that you might need to watch your intake of recreational substances, including alcohol. Err on the side of caution.

How do you find the strength to take some meaningful action in your life — on whatever level? In These Times, the 2019 Autumn Reading, is designed to help you find the answers on your own, through grounded, therapeutic support. Order individual signs here.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Your ruler Mercury is about to enter its shadow phase, and you may already be feeling a little stilted or awkward, as if not quite finding your rhythm. This is especially likely if your confidence has lately received a knock. If so, remember this is surely temporary, and just persist as much as you can. Address any doubts that emerge relating to the concept of “deserving” or similar, by using instead the language of need, desire, want — without judging any of those things. In addition, when a seeming problem arises, look for the resources to solve it within you, or in your possession. You may well find you’re more capable than you thought.

If you are looking for a sane, calm space where you can think, reflect and prioritize during the next few months, the 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, offers just that. You can also order individual signs to reap the benefits of my therapy training and decades of astrological experience.

In These Times — 2019 Autumn Reading

How do we confront this dual problem of premeditated decay of society, and the inner issue of needing the strength to take some meaningful action? Where do we start? As in few other times, this calls for a response from a spiritual place: of deep caring and responsibility; the quest for honest connection above all else.

Planet Waves

It has called forth all of my knowledge, experience and wisdom to do this work. I have proceeded in the spirit of therapy, knowing that most people do not or will not go. That spirit first involves seeking refuge, becoming aware of your situation, ordering your priorities, and then making choices. But the single most important factor of therapy — and of old school spiritual mentorship — is not giving answers, but helping the client find them for themselves. What I have to offer you are 12 readings of approximately one hour each, which use astrology to address the matter: the one about how to orient yourself to make the most of the difficult and challenging times we are in.

All 12 signs are currently $111. I am keeping that price low to encourage having access to all of the work. Individual readings are $44 for the first and $22 for each additional.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — This week’s Aries Full Moon is likely to enhance your glamour and your inherent charm. You’ll sparkle in the social realm, and probably have more influence than usual with loved ones also. Enjoy the fun; just take care to keep it real, and to value honesty as an irreplaceable component in everything you say and do. Appearances fade, and disguises wither, yet integrity has a clarity and substance that’s stronger than any illusion, as are all things rooted in fact. That also works, by the way, for false negative impressions. Even if someone takes an unreasonable dislike to you — which usually occurs when people are envious or discontented — your true self will shine through solidly.

A new season has begun, and there are big changes coming — also great potential. What do you need to know? The 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, will help you orient yourself through the months to come. Order individual signs here.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — It may be wise to consider carefully before committing firmly to a particular course of action or theory. Take as much time as you need, and do as much fact-finding as you possibly can. Things might not be quite as they appear, especially if they appear irrefutable or beyond question. This imperfect world has ways of not conforming to clear-cut rules or utopian ideals. Let go once and for all of any notion that specific actions will guarantee a specific response, and instead focus on what is already true in the present. None of this is to say you should avoid risks completely. Rather, make sure your expectations are in line with what you see and know to be real.

How do you find the strength to take some meaningful action in your life — on whatever level? In These Times, the 2019 Autumn Reading, is designed to help you find the answers on your own, through grounded, therapeutic support. Order individual signs here.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Your imaginative powers would seem to be in full flow, and the approaching Aries Full Moon is likely to bring them to a peak. You currently have a knack for coming up with ideas that get to the heart of an issue. Don’t waste a moment of this precious time. Get yourself into a position where you can give free rein to your mind. Draw on all the resources you have, and all the experience you’ve gained. Make a note of everything that comes through, no matter how outlandish it might seem. It’s rare that discoveries appear in one gigantic eureka moment; they usually drip into being in far more mundane fashion, via lots of work and practice.

If you are looking for a sane, calm space where you can think, reflect and prioritize during the next few months, the 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, offers just that. You can also order individual signs to reap the benefits of my therapy training and decades of astrological experience.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — The forthcoming Saturn-Pluto conjunction in your sign is highlighted on Sunday by the Full Moon in Aries. This could be a useful period to focus your efforts, and make some decisions concerning the way forward. You are likely to get a glimpse of the conditions ahead, and may well be more sensitive to them than anyone around you, so be ready to impart any insights you receive. Above all, trust yourself. The challenges you’re facing may be unlike any others you have known, yet in a way these are shoes you’ve been growing into all this time. You are more than ready to take on this moment and become the person you know you’re capable of being.

A new season has begun, and there are big changes coming — also great potential. What do you need to know? The 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, will help you orient yourself through the months to come. Order individual signs here.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — In general, the course of development and healing is a slow path, and it’s easy to become impatient when the journey seems long or repetitive. Yet it’s likewise easy to forget how far we’ve traveled over time. You have changed a good deal, such that your younger self might find it hard to believe you could effect such a transformation. Yet here you are, with the lessons of your past experiences and trials behind you, and as time passes you are progressing still further. Your strength, steadiness and wisdom are reliable resources on which you can draw, and your presence is a comfort to all who perceive your true character.

How do you find the strength to take some meaningful action in your life — on whatever level? In These Times, the 2019 Autumn Reading, is designed to help you find the answers on your own, through grounded, therapeutic support. Order individual signs here.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — There is something of the visionary quality surrounding you at present, and your mind seems to be a fertile ground in which the shoots of your creative imagination can spring up and blossom. Make sure you give yourself enough space this week to nurture them. What might also be useful for you as the Full Moon approaches is to focus on bringing one or two specific projects forward, or certain ideas into concrete form. Prioritize any matter that involves keeping a promise you’ve made, and ensure you get anything like that out of the way before turning your attention to newer endeavors. Doing this will help you clear the route so you can go full throttle.

If you are looking for a sane, calm space where you can think, reflect and prioritize during the next few months, the 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, offers just that. You can also order individual signs to reap the benefits of my therapy training and decades of astrological experience.

Monday Morning Horoscope #197 for Oct. 7, 2019


Aries (March 20-April 19) — It’s often said that relationships are mirrors. I have about six different opinions on that subject, though this week, there will certainly be some mirroring going on in your personal, intimate and social encounters. Mars is in your opposite sign, and it will be coming face-to-face with Chiron in your sign. Note how others you meet reveal something about yourself. Someone may hold up an example in a way that feels provocative at first, then makes sense. There are times when it seems people present us with “missing” pieces of ourselves, and this is potentially one of them. Pay special attention to confrontations, or situations where desire is involved. Consider how you prefer to be approached when either someone has a critique, or someone shows interest. Notice what you prefer, and do not prefer; notice how you respond when you feel triggered. You may make an exciting discovery, and at the same time, experience a breakthrough. Get your full Aries reading by Eric here.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Someone you care about may be a little tweaked by their own response to you; they’re experiencing something a bit more intense than they may have anticipated. It’s one of those situations where they may not know whether to be attracted or repelled. You’re not accustomed to people having such strong reactions, though welcome to Uranus in your sign. This is the antithesis of your usual energy presentation, which is usually all about being understated, or rather, people perceiving you this way. Usually you are in full control of your image, though those days are behind you. One challenging life lesson (especially for sensitive people) is not taking personally how people respond to us, even if that response seems to be personal. Another aspect of your new dynamic is giving yourself permission to be more spontaneous, and to bring out your weird side. There is no point hiding it; it’s impossible not to notice. Get your full Taurus reading by Eric here.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — You may be tempted to guide yourself by public opinion, though that’s pointless. Assuming anyone even understands the public these days, it’s no way to choose your actions or to form opinions about yourself. You’re more likely to be responding to some inner restlessness that’s provoking you rather than anything outside of yourself. Consider that what is “out there” is based on something “in here,” and it may make more sense. This is particularly true where sexual attraction is concerned. It’s easy these days to say “that person is attracted to me,” whether out of some concern or just for the sake of gossip, but how do you feel? What is your response, whether to your own desires, or the quality of someone else? Sometimes you have to peel that back a few layers; at the moment, it will flash right at the center of your mind. Now, what do you do with this information? Get your full Gemini reading by Eric here.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — The Sun passing through Libra, your 4th house of home and security, will be square the lunar nodes. This is like a mini-eclipse, or what some call “Moon wobble.” It may feel like a little shakeup, facilitating you coming out of a comfort zone and trying something new or making a change that shifts your awareness. Notice the ways your home is and is not conducive to relationships, and perhaps make any adjustments you need to make. Other factors may precipitate an honest discussion where one is needed, which may turn out to be a lot more fun, or at least intriguing, than you were expecting. Your natural orientation around sex and relationships is not as conventional as you may think. You will be better served by being open about your curiosities and desires than by trying to downplay them. Remember, your role in life is not to make people comfortable. It is to be yourself, and be present for how others may respond to you. Get your full Cancer reading by Eric here.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Be mindful of your stress level, and get enough rest. Saturn and Pluto in your sensitive 6th house (work, wellbeing) may be leading you to push yourself and get it all done, though Saturn in particular says pace yourself. The old expression “take your time” really means “use your time well.” That includes stopping to rest, reflect and recharge, on a fairly regular basis. The thing about all this Capricorn influencing you is that the message may be coming across as the drive to over-focus on specific goals. Focus would be enough; returning to a task daily will get you a tremendous result in the end. Remember that it’s more realistic to plan the early stages of a timeline, and use the later dates as check-ins or benchmarks. If you’re involved in leadership at work, which is likely (and fairly typical for you), make sure the foundations are laid, and that efforts progress, then say something like, “And then let’s see where we are in three months.” Get your full Leo reading by Eric here.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Insecurities are so often paralyzing. I’m sure you’ve noticed this thousands of times over the years. There is, however, one of those seeming paradoxes in that we don’t tend to go beyond insecurities until we challenge them directly. I know it’s tempting to think, “I will find my confidence, and then I will try that!” However, most people who have succeeded at anything will tell you they gained their confidence by attempting to do things they sometimes failed at many times. Seen this way, you might say confidence entails the willingness to get it wrong, to mess up, to be a fool, to make a mess. Part of doing this well is learning to distinguish actual cautionary messages from anxiety and paranoia. This again takes experience. We now live in a world that tends to make experience seem too scary or dangerous to bother attaining. I’m here to tell you there is no substitute. Get your full Virgo reading by Eric here.

Your Electric Life and Other Poems: Instant Access

“I am absolutely impressed with my Libra birthday reading! It’s like Eric was talking directly to me. Everything he said is what has been happening. The last year has been a tremendous challenge in pretty much all areas of my life, but the birthday reading gives me hope that I really am on the right track.”

— S.R.

It’s not easy feeling safe these days; it’s not easy feeling like you belong anywhere, though astrology has some ideas for you. You’re invited to order the 2019-20 Libra Astrology Studio. This reading covers your process of grounding yourself in the wild world of the Digital Age. You need some physical reality, and my reading of your chart suggests where to look for it: primarily at home. I have much to say about stabilizing your relationships in the chaos of the internet, getting some traction in your career, and most of all, how to frame your own reality.

Your Electric Life and Other Poems is now available for instant access. Reading includes an hour-plus astrology session, a tarot session and a special astrology extra, Self and Society.

I’ve also created a preview video for this reading [you may watch that here].

With love,



Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — With Mars newly in your sign, you may feel ready to take on the world. For now, though, take it on gently. With this week’s predominant aspect being Mars opposite Chiron, pay special attention to your human encounters. You might check out the Aries horoscope for a description of this astrology; I will offer another here. As you go through this week (and your life), you may notice that some people put their injuries on display, while others lead with their strengths. I think both are attempts to say, “I am human.” Chiron teaches a specific kind of human alchemy: that of using one’s sense of injury, and one’s pain, as a means of concentrating strength. Note carefully where people are coming from: do they allow their pain or struggle to compel them to grow? Or is it more of an excuse? When someone presents themselves as strong, is that strength rooted in an understanding of the fragility of the human realm? This will help you consider the same matters for yourself. Get your full Libra reading by Eric here.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Take full possession of your thoughts and ideas. That is to say, they’re yours, so own them rather than deny in some way whatever it is you may be thinking, or assume it’s coming from somewhere else. It’s now vogue to claim someone “made” someone else think or feel a certain way, without a hint of irony. It’s true that other people may provoke, inspire, surprise, disappoint or intrigue you, but that’s not making you do or feel something. Anyway, your chart is bursting with what looks like an inventive, creative and fun idea. That’s yours to use, if you want it. Everything I just wrote works the other way too: if you have an idea that shakes people up, or is a little too real, there comes a time when that must be everyone else’s problem. Therefore, give yourself permission to say what you need to say, even if certain people get a little itchy and scratchy, or go into reaction. Get your full Scorpio reading by Eric here.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Since 2005, a small planet called Pholus has been in your sign. This is in the centaur class, similar to Chiron. Many planets, small and large, have come and gone from Sagittarius during the past 15 years, though Pholus stands out as one of the more meaningful, in terms of potentially describing your experiences. One property has been things tending to go out of control, or for you (or others) to have exaggerated reactions. Another is small causes leading to large effects. Another is your family seeming to be a factor in nearly everything. We’re now in the last weeks of Pholus in Sagittarius; its transition into Capricorn is nearly over. One thing you’ve learned is how to get a result. You may not always use your skill, or know the result you want well enough to get it. Yet you’ve acquired a collection of tools and resources that you get to keep — various practical souvenirs of the recent long phase of your life. Use them wisely. Get your full Sagittarius reading by Eric here.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Last week Pluto stationed direct in your sign; Saturn stationed direct there on Sept. 18. We are now on course for the Saturn-Pluto conjunction. Many things in the world around you began to come unstuck as this happened, and are gaining momentum fast. What about your own plans, your journey, your healing process? Are you finally experiencing some movement, or allowing yourself to get into the flow? I understand that you may be nervous. You are approaching a point of no return. So is everyone around you, though you’re probably feeling it more directly and personally than most. I will leave you this week with a question, one I’ll ask again a few more times. If you could change just one thing in your life, what would it be? Maybe you know intuitively; maybe you’ll have to think about it. Get your priority list down to one thing, and focus on that — no matter how difficult or seemingly impossible. Get your full Capricorn reading by Eric here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — The sensation of being stalked by anxiety is at epidemic proportions, though you seem to be releasing this feeling a little more every day. As you do, you may question some of the choices you’ve made in recent months, particularly when you allowed negative expectations and self-judgments to run your life. While fear and insecurity are persistent emotions, you don’t need to be their slave. This begins with wanting to not be run by them: that desire is imperative. Then you need to observe yourself, so that you get your own attention every time you find yourself submitting to making a decision or undergoing a bout of paralysis driven by anxiety. Then you go from there. What everyone who succeeds at this project is recognizing is that their feelings come from within them, not from an external source. Once you have a handle on this basic fact, you have a lot more power. Get your full Aquarius reading by Eric here.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — The cloud of Jupiter square Neptune (in full force from January through September) is gradually clearing. This is allowing you to be more realistic about your desires, your ambitions and your overall life plans. Please don’t be afraid to reassess anything you said you wanted to do this year, including some things you may have started and made an investment in. This will allow you to make some choices and direct your energy where you’re likely to be happier with your results. The emphasis of your chart is rapidly shifting to the 11th house, which is Capricorn. This is the house of “hopes and dreams,” your highest vision for yourself, your relationship to society and — notably — the money you earn from your profession. Jupiter, your traditional ruling planet, arrives there in a few weeks, after its current trek through late Sagittarius and a visit with the Galactic Core. Set some real goals for yourself. Not a lot — just a few. Set the rest aside. Get your full Pisces reading by Eric here.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Oct. 3, 2019


Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Oct. 3, 2019 (#1263) | By Victoria Emory


Aries (March 20-April 19) — Power is peace within. However much your attention gets drawn to what’s coming at you from ‘outside’, keep this deceptively simple axiom in mind. The more real you are with yourself, the more accepting of where you are in your process, the greater your capacity to act and respond in ways that serve both you and others. The marked shift into the second half of the astrological year becomes more palpable this week. For you, that’s likely to be felt in terms of your relational environment, professional development, and values, security and resources — yours, and those you share with key associates. A transition period is concluding in your professional sphere. Gradually, changes you may have contemplated for months should become easier to implement. Partners of whatever sort appear to be directly involved, and inventive solutions or compromise may be easier to arrive at than you realize. Remember: you are the hub of the wheel. To stay centered, dance with the music and breathe.

A new season has begun, and there are big changes coming — also great potential. What do you need to know? The 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, will help you orient yourself through the months to come. Order individual signs here.

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — The confluence of factors shifting into gear this week has Work-Life Balance written all over it. Demands on your time or on the job are set to accelerate, and you’re primed to accomplish as much as you can. This coincides with an uptick in your relational sphere. That might include increased communications related to work, while personal relationships also call for attention. You’re generally pretty good at going with the flow. But if you find yourself growing increasingly frustrated in days ahead, pause. Stuffing dissatisfaction will exacerbate the potential for nervous irritability or explosive encounters. Clarify for yourself what you want, and why you want it. If you feel conflicted between satisfying others’ expectations and the need to do your own thing, that’s a conversation worth having. You’re insightful and compassionate enough to respect where they’re coming from, even as your own needs are transforming. Cut through overwhelm by identifying priorities. Make sure self-care is among them.

How do you find the strength to take some meaningful action in your life — on whatever level? In These Times, the 2019 Autumn Reading, is designed to help you find the answers on your own, through grounded, therapeutic support. Order individual signs here.

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Joy is an essential nutrient, and you could use a supplement. Creative expression of some kind is one way to fill that requirement. Play in any form that stimulates your imagination and inner vitality, or a bit of romance, will do the trick. Here’s a permission slip, if you need one: it’s good for your nerves. Mercury’s recent sign change will sharpen your mind like a stiletto, and you may be extremely focused on mental work in coming weeks. That same influence also has the potential for generating anxiety, however. Treat yourself like a finely tuned instrument: don’t tighten the strings too much. Other aspects moving into position could exacerbate vague fears or feelings of constraint. Yet your inner child is ready and eager to help out; loosen the reins enough to let it. Remember what’s it’s like to feel special? Get out, see friends and have some fun — your body will thank you.

If you are looking for a sane, calm space where you can think, reflect and prioritize during the next few months, the 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, offers just that. You can also order individual signs to reap the benefits of my therapy training and decades of astrological experience.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — The wheel of this year has turned, and the volume in several areas of your chart will turn up a notch. With conscious awareness, you can leverage pressure to your advantage, but you’ll need to intentionally, and honestly, feel into what’s moving within the depths of your psyche. You could act out patterns or attitudes from the past without realizing it. These tie in somehow with weighty relationship issues that you know call for closure. On the mundane level, work that’s directed toward your living space will serve a dual purpose. One: channeling energy into improving your base of operations, and clearing literal clutter, can symbolically open a gateway toward emotional healing. Two: you’re entering a cycle of emphasis on self-expression. The more room you free up, physically and psychically, the more easily thoughts and creative impulses flow. Let yourself turn inward and regroup. A gentle regard for your private process will pave the way for improved relations all around.

A new season has begun, and there are big changes coming — also great potential. What do you need to know? The 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, will help you orient yourself through the months to come. Order individual signs here.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — The Observer Effect in quantum physics demonstrates that the mere presence of an observer affects that which is observed. The mind is not a wholly internal affair; it plays a role in determining what we perceive ‘out there’, and which trajectories we activate. Food for thought, as your mental forces are about to launch into warp speed. You might notice a dual focus clicking into gear. On the one hand, your day-to-day pace and need to express ideas is set for ‘Intense’. Work obligations may generate stress that you can minimize by weighing your honest, subjective responses. You’re not powerless in the face of demands, and your primary obligation must be to yourself. As busy as you soon may be, a period of intellectual withdrawal of some kind is also beginning. Working through elements of the past could play a role. Your words have amplified power now. Observe your inner response before speaking, to avoid a potential speedbump just up ahead.

How do you find the strength to take some meaningful action in your life — on whatever level? In These Times, the 2019 Autumn Reading, is designed to help you find the answers on your own, through grounded, therapeutic support. Order individual signs here.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Your analytical and expressive prowess is shifting into high gear. At the same time, your focus on values, resources and security will intensify. Discern your bedrock requirements as distinct from desires, and where they might overlap. It’s hard to write The Great American Novel while working 9 to 5. If creative projects you’ve had in mind have been shoved down the priority list, don’t discount what could be a soul-level need for artistic fulfillment. If you’ve been anxious about a relationship with a financial component, consider opening that up for discussion. Insecurities tend to fester and multiply when left unexpressed. Your ruling planet Mercury will be in the zone of your chart most conducive to its expression for nine weeks. A high-voltage current will accelerate your mental tempo, and you should be able to convey exactly what’s necessary, with profound impact now. Words are your tools. Use them wisely. Just don’t let nervous tension lead you to waste them on what you cannot take back.

If you are looking for a sane, calm space where you can think, reflect and prioritize during the next few months, the 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, offers just that. You can also order individual signs to reap the benefits of my therapy training and decades of astrological experience.

In These Times — 2019 Autumn Reading

How do we confront this dual problem of premeditated decay of society, and the inner issue of needing the strength to take some meaningful action? Where do we start? As in few other times, this calls for a response from a spiritual place: of deep caring and responsibility; the quest for honest connection above all else.

Planet Waves

It has called forth all of my knowledge, experience and wisdom to do this work. I have proceeded in the spirit of therapy, knowing that most people do not or will not go. That spirit first involves seeking refuge, becoming aware of your situation, ordering your priorities, and then making choices. But the single most important factor of therapy — and of old school spiritual mentorship — is not giving answers, but helping the client find them for themselves. What I have to offer you are 12 readings of approximately one hour each, which use astrology to address the matter: the one about how to orient yourself to make the most of the difficult and challenging times we are in.

All 12 signs are currently $111. I am keeping that price low to encourage having access to all of the work. Individual readings are $44 for the first and $22 for each additional.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Get ready for your close-up. This week of this season of this year has money riding on it. You’re emerging in a personal renaissance, and it’s time to step up, gather your courage and dare to ‘be for yourself’, to borrow from Hillel. For years, what you’ve relied on in terms of home, family or foundational security has undergone demolition. Complex gears shifting in your chart point to the essential need to initiate bold strategies for reconstruction. The evolutionary potential in this leg of your journey is greater self-confidence than you’ve ever known. The challenge is conquering old fear patterns and making peace with the past. Your tools are innovation, adaptation and unwavering commitment to your vision. Sustained emphasis on negotiating values and resources will call for your special blend of tenacity and diplomacy. Desire itself generates power and kick-starts creation. Let that momentum propel you. Jupiter’s light at the end of the tunnel will shine soon enough.

A new season has begun, and there are big changes coming — also great potential. What do you need to know? The 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, will help you orient yourself through the months to come. Order individual signs here.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Your tribe has a reputation for instinctively seeking the truth; picking up clues and following whatever dark and winding trails may lead there. To ‘pierce the veil’ holds power. And possibly danger. The sheer intensity of the experience is alluring enough. When the mystery is yourself, the stakes are even higher. Dynamics affecting your chart indicate your readiness to investigate seriously how you’ve constructed your approach to the world. This learning process has been ongoing; now you’re prepared for more advanced teachings. The mirror held up by your relational environment may offer surprises, in terms of how you identify yourself with reference to others. Cleansing the doors of perception can be a messy job. But you’re not the type to be satisfied with superficial answers. As your solar year wraps up, look with new eyes at attitudes and assumptions you’ve taken for granted. Your inner, psychic depths are active now. Remember to remember your dreams; they could be especially revealing.

How do you find the strength to take some meaningful action in your life — on whatever level? In These Times, the 2019 Autumn Reading, is designed to help you find the answers on your own, through grounded, therapeutic support. Order individual signs here.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — The quest to reconcile long-term goals with nuts and bolts necessities enters a new phase this week. Mercury, planet of cognition and expression, enters the most private inner sanctum of your chart, for an extended tour. A door to deeper self-knowledge opens. The more you “make the unconscious conscious,” the less at the mercy of external events you’ll feel. Motivations and imprints you’ve responded to without realizing it should be easier to grasp. Obviously, this is invaluable for charting your course. You might be more withdrawn for a while; inclined to keep thoughts to yourself. Just don’t withhold communication that’s actually necessary, as Mercury’s influence overlaps with a period of amped-up social engagement. This could be work-related, with groups or colleagues who share your ideals and can help further your objectives. Balancing the need for introspection with your drive to push ahead is the challenge. Remember, you’re playing the long game here: restructuring key facets of your material world.

If you are looking for a sane, calm space where you can think, reflect and prioritize during the next few months, the 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, offers just that. You can also order individual signs to reap the benefits of my therapy training and decades of astrological experience.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — To undergo a change of form: that’s been your task for over a decade. It’s confronted you with aspects of your psyche that most avoid at all costs. You’ve been challenged to rise from the ashes of self-concepts you’ve outgrown. Daunting stuff, but consider all you’ve been through as the path to your highest destiny. This week marks a turning point along that trajectory. An opportunity is at hand to examine more closely how you want to express yourself in the world, and to fine-tune your approach. You can achieve a great deal professionally now, and the more you work independently, the less friction you’ll encounter. You’re entering a high-visibility zone; what you say and do will be “on the record,” so bear that in mind. Inspired, creative solutions are possible, but you’ll need to play well with others to get there. An extended review of your overall goals, and the ideals behind them, also commences now. Don’t be afraid to seek counsel from those you trust.

A new season has begun, and there are big changes coming — also great potential. What do you need to know? The 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, will help you orient yourself through the months to come. Order individual signs here.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Astrophysicists say dark matter makes up 85% of the physical universe. But it’s invisible. We only can only measure its effect on what we see. That’s how the most influential astrology of our time impacts your chart. Massive tectonic plates are shifting deep underground, in the most buried regions of your psyche. But you might pick up clues about what’s transforming in there over the coming days. Most people aren’t especially conscious of how their beliefs shape their experience. But pay attention to any friction that registers with respect to concepts you encounter, such as challenges to your world-view or to your assumptions. This might arise in an educational setting of some kind. If an idea makes you uncomfortable but you’re not sure why, look deeper. Another note to listen for may come via your public role. Career-related plans, perhaps communications in professional settings, will dominate much of your attention for a while. Challenges between your public persona and radical changes at home could prompt awakenings.

How do you find the strength to take some meaningful action in your life — on whatever level? In These Times, the 2019 Autumn Reading, is designed to help you find the answers on your own, through grounded, therapeutic support. Order individual signs here.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — There is struggle, and there’s intent. Aspirations dear to your soul may have felt increasingly remote, but that fog is clearing and you seem to be waking up to an urgency to move forward. Conflict around financing your goals may register high on your emotional radar in days ahead. Dig deeper and you’ll discover that the matter is one of confidence. Where there’s desire, there’s power. That’s the flipside of fear. You’re well-positioned to question insecurities now, and to integrate what you discover. This will help you to dismantle patterns that have held you back. More than anyone, you understand the role of belief in creating experience. It’s time to air out your mind. Break up routines that keep your thought patterns locked into place. Inspiration is stalking you, so make yourself available. Feed your spirit: visit the bookstore or museum, or look into a subject that you’ve thought of but just haven’t gotten to. This prepares the ground for your work that lies ahead.

If you are looking for a sane, calm space where you can think, reflect and prioritize during the next few months, the 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, offers just that. You can also order individual signs to reap the benefits of my therapy training and decades of astrological experience.

Monday Morning Horoscope #196 for Sept. 30, 2019

By Eric Francis and Amy Elliott


Aries (March 20-April 19) — With Mars, your ruling planet, about to change signs on Friday, you may notice the temperature of your relationships goes up a little. People might seem more forward or assertive, and others may come right at you. Don’t worry, you can handle it, and I reckon you like it when people are direct. So don’t complain. Instead, honor their sincerity, and meet them with an equally honest response. There need not be all-out conflict, though you also don’t need to focus obsessively on avoiding it. Truth must come first. On the other hand, keep an eye out for any sense that your buttons are being pushed, or for any desire you might feel to provoke someone for its own sake. Where that is the case, it would be wise to step back and get a little perspective. Get your full Aries reading by Eric here.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Relationship partners may suddenly decide they have their own concept of “diplomacy,” though if you play along, you will learn something. Part of our problem — all of our problem — is that people pretend in order to appear polite. So when they get a little rude, it might be irritating, but at least we have an idea of what’s on their mind. You can respond by saying: Ah, I did not know you felt that way. Got it. You might also consider holding space for them to open up further, without judging them. Sometimes people need that release, and you’re in a position right now where you can offer real understanding, and perhaps real solutions. You don’t need to take on anyone’s emotional or spiritual burdens in order to help them. Just listening and being kind works wonders. Get your full Taurus reading by Eric here.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Mars is about to enter your zone of art, sex and overall creativity. But I have a question. Do you think sex is creative? Or is it like doing the dishes? Well, you might try to take the former approach and consider yourself an erotic art box, complete with pastels, pencils and a big can of red spray paint. Bear in mind that no app or virtual experience will feed your soul; you need the real thing. And to get the real thing, you will need to be vulnerable and take a risk of some kind. So decide what you’re willing to do, or want to do. Then size up if it’s really the right thing. This risk might be artistic, or emotional, or social. There are lots of ways to do that and still be “safe,” but you may have to challenge your idea of “safety.” For example, hang out with someone a little “dangerous” in the sense that your mother might not approve of them. Or make a “dangerous” painting of the kind that might get you called to the principal’s office. All this “safety” is getting boring. Get your full Gemini reading by Eric here.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — You may go on a cleaning binge this week, and if you do, you will love it. Libra is the sign that represents “home” for the very homeliest of signs, your own. So that means getting a grip on your physical space. While you’re there, you might purge your environment of all the stuff lying around given to you by people you no longer relate to or care for. Make a “donate” box, and be equally generous with the recycling bin. You’ll likely find that, once you get going, your efforts will take on a momentum of their own. In part, this is an emotional and spiritual detox. You’re divesting yourself of memories and traces of influence that might otherwise pull you downward and backward, and freeing up room to let in more of the light. Get your full Cancer reading by Eric here.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — You have a way with words, and now is the time not to mince them. If you’re writing, just interpose a delay between setting the words down, and pushing send. If you do that you can always dial it back a little, but in the first go, you will want to write such that your words peel paint. So fire it up and let yourself know how you really feel. Then read your words over and consider whether you actually feel that way. It can be tempting, when in the throes of strong emotions, to assume there is nothing deeper in them than what you can immediately see. In truth, just as you are a complex person, so there can be a number of layers driving any action. It’s good to know the contours of your mental landscape; and not just the topsoil, but the structure underneath. Get your full Leo reading by Eric here.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — It seems like everyone is always worried about money, even zillionaires who pour themselves $500 bottles of wine they leave unfinished. You have more modest priorities. But remember this: money comes from relationships. Someone always writes the check or makes the transfer into your account. You don’t print the stuff. So make sure you honor and respect the relationships from which you benefit, and try to give back in whatever way is accessible and appropriate, even if that’s only by expressing gratitude. This isn’t about a sense of obligation or reciprocality. It’s about doing what’s right and kind. Even if you think someone has everything and couldn’t possibly benefit from any gesture of yours, a friendly word costs nothing — and can be surprisingly helpful. Get your full Virgo reading by Eric here.

Your Electric Life and Other Poems: Instant Access

“I listened to the Intelligence audio for my sun sign (Libra) last night, and this content is extraordinary. Eric’s clients/subscribers often praise his ability to get to the heart of our astrological lessons, and it’s true. His ability to zero in on the import of what’s occurred in the past year and prepare us for 2019 is worth the cost many times over. One of the most spot-on and insightful resources available. Thank you!”

— Valerie B. Easley

It’s not easy feeling safe these days; it’s not easy feeling like you belong anywhere, though astrology has some ideas for you. You’re invited to order the 2019-20 Libra Astrology Studio. This reading covers your process of grounding yourself in the wild world of the Digital Age. You need some physical reality, and my reading of your chart suggests where to look for it: primarily at home. I have much to say about stabilizing your relationships in the chaos of the internet, getting some traction in your career, and most of all, how to frame your own reality.

Your Electric Life and Other Poems is now available for instant access for just $44. Reading includes an hour-plus astrology session, a tarot session and a special astrology extra, Self and Society.

I’ve also created a preview video for this reading [you may watch that here].

With love,



Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Mars has been lurking around your 12th house, the paranoid zone. Now it’s about to enter your sign, and that will turn up the “human blow torch” that you are. Libra has that marvelous quality of being able to go from cool to hot in one second, and that’s about to happen. Just make sure you know that you have emotional impact on people, so if you’re going to spin fire, ask your friends to stand back a few feet and take pictures. You will probably also find you possess a certain charm, which could influence people in ways you might not be expecting. With a little thought, you could turn this to the benefit of loved ones, by offering encouragement and moral support where it’s needed. Don’t forget to sweet-talk yourself also, should you need a boost — after all, you’ll be convincing. Get your full Libra reading by Eric here.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Soon your classical ruler Mars enters the area of your chart that most resembles a secret room in the psyche, accessible only by a hidden door. If at times you feel a little discomfited, bear in mind there may be something going on behind your immediate consciousness, and look within you for the source of the irritation. Proceed with special caution if you’re convinced an outside event or person is causing the provocation. It’s easy to project without realizing you’re doing it. Ultimately, you have control over how you think and act, even if you experience the occasional ruffled feather. You also have an opportunity to explore these regions of your mind that are usually behind a rather thicker veil. Pay attention to your dreams, and give your keen intuition a loose rein. Get your full Scorpio reading by Eric here.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — There are plenty of ways to bring good into the world. Not all of them involve the fate of thousands or millions, and very few win glory or renown. Many dharmic acts go unseen — such as a kind word, giving time and a sympathetic ear to someone who needs it, or sharing a meal with friends or loved ones. This doesn’t mean activism on a broader scale isn’t important. Rather, it’s possible to become so embroiled in the countless political battles, especially online, that we can forget how important it is to offer friendship, mentorship and compassion on an individual basis. What’s more, we have frequent and accessible opportunities to do so. You might consider where and how you expend your energy. If you feel compelled to act in a certain way, ask yourself: what will this accomplish? Get your full Sagittarius reading by Eric here.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — In essence, your current astrology is best described as a “get shit done” moment. This is true to an extent for everyone, given the impending conjunction of Saturn and Pluto, but in your case it may well be more pronounced. While it’s true that we’re immersed in a world of never-ending distractions, there’s only so far we can use this as an excuse for inaction or lack of discipline. At some point, we have to act like the grown-ups we are and relearn our ability to focus on what’s important. You can aid your efforts by getting into the habit of checking in continually with yourself: remember you are in a body and listen to it; frequently call your attention back to the present moment; and keep task lists where you can see them. Unswerving determination will help you further. Get your full Capricorn reading by Eric here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — What would you risk everything for? Such a question is well worth considering as Mars moves into your zone of ideals and higher aspirations, and it points directly to the principles you hold most fervently in the depths of your soul. That is the code you need to live by every hour, beginning right now. These are not the days when we can yield our consciences to the pressures of conformity or social conventions. Mars is calling you to set an example, to serve as a beacon showing others the way to their own truth; not through words or strictures, but through your actions. Don’t worry if you get some pushback; it means people are noticing and engaging with you. In any case, their reactions are not your problem. Get your full Aquarius reading by Eric here.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — A rather curious phenomenon that has emerged in recent years is the popularization of introversion as a concept. Given that many people are baring their souls to the public forum of the internet, the idea of being an introvert is receiving something of an ironic twist. The digital environment is contributing to constant overwhelm and fraying of nerves. You may feel stuck in what is effectively an unspoken social agreement to endure continual beeping, flashing and buzzing. Yet you don’t actually have to, and in the coming weeks you’d benefit from making a point of stepping back. Remember when we couldn’t get hold of each other all the time and yet somehow we managed? Spend at least some time away from electronic objects, or figure out which settings help to silence them. Get your full Pisces reading by Eric here.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for October 2019

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for October 2019 (#1262) | By Eric Francis

Aries (March 20-April 19) — You have both unusual magnetism and the ability to help others discover themselves. You possess something of what others need. Yet this can also work the other way; where Chiron is involved, it’s necessary to refine and focus the “do no harm” approach to existence and to relationships. This is not always possible, because people can make self-destructive choices even when you are at your loving best. Still, you will benefit from aligning your awareness with your psychic hygiene, and being fully present for everyone you encounter. You need to maintain your own sense of what people are ready for, and whether your communication is clear enough to sustain deeper levels of intimacy and sexual contact. One characteristic of people who enter your energy field is that they may be trying to define their reality their way. From your viewpoint this may be a “conscious” or “unconscious” process for them, though I suggest you err on the side of acknowledging the self-awareness of everyone you speak with. Listen to the words people say for clues as to how they want to exist within their reality, which includes you. It does not matter whether you agree or disagree with their position; whether they try to impose it on you or whether you pick it up in a passive way. Invest the energy and love into listening to people carefully. Figure out what they are saying about their state of being, and what they want from existence. You might be able to offer some of it; you might not. Regardless, your ability to bear witness to someone else’s reality will help you bear witness to your own.

A new season has begun, and there are big changes coming — also great potential. What do you need to know? The 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, will help you orient yourself through the months to come. Order individual signs here.

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — For the past year and a half, the big news is that Uranus has been in your birth sign; that is still relevant. At the moment, though, there is another point, which may be having a significant influence, and that is Vesta. This is something of a subtle influence that people often notice years after it’s been having an effect. The gist is that in collaboration with Vesta, you take the role of holding space for others. You become a kind of facilitator, yet doing so with minimal intervention. Basically, you hold space and allow, reflect and, to some extent, protect the journey that your fellow humans are on. By contrast, Uranus is rather bold about mixing yourself up in the affairs of others, or acting on your own behalf with little care how others might feel. So we have some contrast here, and two approaches you might take when investing yourself in any situation. Uranus will be around for years; you’ll have plenty of time to master it, and its art of self-reinvention. Vesta grants you the gift of assisting others in their self-reinventions, though with little or no direct benefit to yourself. That is the whole idea: to allow yourself to be a vessel of transformation for others. Yet this must be done with the utmost care, and without injecting that thing known as ‘ego’. What you are doing, more than anything, is allowing. This could be in the context of an intimate relationship, where it’s clear a partner wants privileges that go beyond your agreed-upon scope, or what makes you feel comfortable. You might offer yourself in service of someone’s artistic development. This is not necessarily a permanent state of being; rather, it’s a temporary privilege.

How do you find the strength to take some meaningful action in your life — on whatever level? In These Times, the 2019 Autumn Reading, is designed to help you find the answers on your own, through grounded, therapeutic support. Order individual signs here.

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — October ends with Mercury stationing retrograde in Scorpio, so let’s focus on that first. Along with much other activity, this takes place in your house of work and wellbeing. This is a well of strength and resources for you, and you’re about to have full access. Yet it represents an inner reality and not an outer one; it is something you are being invited to experience, though not necessarily to express. In essence, you are on a journey of self-discovery. This may involve making your way along a fine line where sexual expression meets your unexpressed inner sexual reality. In our society at the moment, we have a serious question regarding what to do when you have amorous feelings for coworkers. This calls for a delicate balance of sensitivity and awareness. Our robot-driven world has put us out of touch with how the social realm is the way into the deeper emotional aspects of life. Most of our social skills are deteriorating (if they ever existed in the first place). Where there are professional and political considerations, the thing you don’t want is for your hormones to take over. Rather, start with maintaining basic respect for the humanity of anyone you may care about. Ask them how they’re doing and perhaps how their day is going, with no expectation of any special response. Notice if you are seeking their approval in some way — investigate what that is about. If someone likes you, they might signal that to you and the conversation will develop. During the retrograde, don’t make any guesses. Meanwhile, your astrology indicates that you would be wise to wrap up old business this month. Clear the way for the future.

If you are looking for a sane, calm space where you can think, reflect and prioritize during the next few months, the 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, offers just that. You can also order individual signs to reap the benefits of my therapy training and decades of astrological experience.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — The planetary currents are drawing you deeper into your creative side, which for you includes lust and passion. Try to keep it light. Give yourself options. Emphasize feeling good, taking care of yourself, and exploring the aspects of your nature that can easily get sidelined in our busy world. You probably know what those things are. Dust off your paints or pastels, and dig out your sketchbook. Put new strings on your guitar or violin, or clear all extraneous material away from the piano. Take this as metaphor: make room for what makes you feel good, by which I mean space, time and emotional bandwidth. Reconnect with the part of yourself who is that sensual, creative person for whom the whole world has the flair of the erotic. Be alive and act like it, feel all the beauty, and allow yourself to be turned on for its own sake. In our current version of the world, this is considered a dangerous kind of vulnerability. So you will want to beware of any zombies roaming about, and casually walk the other way. Don’t make the mistake of trying to convert them into joining the living. Rather, observe who picks up on your vibe. Notice who comes over to play. Listen carefully for people who have their own relationship to “the rules,” and who have already determined that freedom is preferable to tyranny. With that as a standard, you will not exactly be overwhelmed with suitors or potential collaborators, though you’re certain to make one, two or a few friends you can groove with.

A new season has begun, and there are big changes coming — also great potential. What do you need to know? The 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, will help you orient yourself through the months to come. Order individual signs here.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Keep your focus on your health: good food, enough rest, and making sure that your work feeds you rather than depletes you. Yes, there is such a thing as work/life balance. But if you find yourself focusing on that too much, the time has come to question your work and why it’s not in the category of “life.” Your work has to be vocational. It must be a calling. It’s not enough that it be about responsibility or a sense of duty. Yes, those things are relevant as well, though you need an element of sacred honor — and you cannot fake this. As the next few seasons unfold, the question of vocation comes to the forefront of your existence. So where are you called to serve, and what are you called to do? And what is the origin of the message? Sometimes the phone rings, and someone has an assignment or wants you to do something. At other times, there is an event that shapes your life and sets you on a certain path. I think that at the heart of the concept of vocation is an inner summoning, coming in a form akin to a necessity like eating or breathing. That sounds compelling, though most people are shallow breathers and don’t eat especially well. Diet and whole breaths aside for the moment, your astrology is potent enough that you are probably hearing your inner voice speak loudly and clearly. If you’re willing to listen, you will get the message about your assignment or your mission. How you might go about it is another question, though that information usually flows from the commitment and not into it.

How do you find the strength to take some meaningful action in your life — on whatever level? In These Times, the 2019 Autumn Reading, is designed to help you find the answers on your own, through grounded, therapeutic support. Order individual signs here.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Honor your words and your ideas. This is seemingly a great notion in a time of deception, where not only truth but the most basic value of meaning is being blurred, lost or intentionally destroyed. For your own sanity, you cannot participate in this, and further, you are someone whose leadership is needed to help us go beyond the current state of anarchy. This will require a careful review of your own point of view, your vocabulary and the way that you connect words and ideas to meaning. The most basic question to ask yourself is, “Is this true?” The second is, “How do you know?” Then there is another more sublime dimension: “What is the speaker’s (or writer’s) intended meaning or effect?” Words and letters are abstract symbols, and are inherently meaningless. We attach much to them, and then, ultimately, reading is what you might call an educated guess. Yet when you are the speaker or the writer, you must work with an element of precision, based on your understanding of what you’re saying. For most people, even the most artful professional writers, the quality of writing comes through the process of revision. Therefore, take the time to write, read, rewrite, and reread. Share your thoughts in progress selectively and ask other people what they think you mean. Then listen to what they say. You’re up against two disturbing trends in society. One is the prevalence of programs, scripts and robots. The other is the use of words as weapons. You are doing something else; you are conveying nuance and feeling. This is a purpose of its own.

If you are looking for a sane, calm space where you can think, reflect and prioritize during the next few months, the 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, offers just that. You can also order individual signs to reap the benefits of my therapy training and decades of astrological experience.

In These Times — 2019 Autumn Reading

How do we confront this dual problem of premeditated decay of society, and the inner issue of needing the strength to take some meaningful action? Where do we start? As in few other times, this calls for a response from a spiritual place: of deep caring and responsibility; the quest for honest connection above all else.

Planet Waves

It has called forth all of my knowledge, experience and wisdom to do this work. I have proceeded in the spirit of therapy, knowing that most people do not or will not go. That spirit first involves seeking refuge, becoming aware of your situation, ordering your priorities, and then making choices. But the single most important factor of therapy — and of old school spiritual mentorship — is not giving answers, but helping the client find them for themselves. What I have to offer you are 12 readings of approximately one hour each, which use astrology to address the matter: the one about how to orient yourself to make the most of the difficult and challenging times we are in.

All 12 signs are currently $111. I am keeping that price low to encourage having access to all of the work. Individual readings are $44 for the first and $22 for each additional.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — The whole world and your experience of life may seem like one endless test of your confidence and sense of safety. Yet while this may be true, there is something else going on, which is about your emotional independence. That applies both in personal, intimate relationships, and how you interact with family and those you may live with. One of the primary sources of insecurity and instability comes directly through your contacts with others to whom you feel some sense of obligation. You also tend to use your partnerships to stabilize your sense of who you are, which seems natural enough — though that is part of your situation. Other people are rarely a good way to orient yourself; or, better said: you need inner reference points. The challenge is that you don’t usually find those moorings until you detach yourself from dependency on others. And the further challenge is that when you start to do this, others can rebel, because you’re likely to affect their sense of confidence and orientation as well. This is the problem with relationships that are based on maintaining the status quo, emotional security or one’s sense of identity. The good news is that certain key people around you are beginning to question this for themselves as well. So you may find common cause with them, and consciously expand your agreements to include more introspection, time apart, and the cultivation of new friendships outside of your shared emotional sphere. You are going through a kind of revolution, though you don’t need to revolt. You need to practice noticing how you feel, and honoring that all the time.

A new season has begun, and there are big changes coming — also great potential. What do you need to know? The 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, will help you orient yourself through the months to come. Order individual signs here.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — One quality of Scorpio is its tendency to be mired in the past, and then to forget that fact. While some rather potent astrology is dynamiting you out of that at the moment (including Uranus in your opposite sign Taurus), you’re in a place where a review phase is necessary. You might actually discover there are points of attachment in your personal history that you want to resolve and disconnect. This is not so much a demolition job but more your specialty, which is forensics. Note that this might be about actual bonds and relationships, and it might be loyalty to people through ideas that no longer serve you. There may be some notion that “my mother valued this thing or thought this way, so I must as well.” But it’s rarely so blatant. You will notice the condition in a subtle sense that you’re betraying the person, which comes with a little pang of guilt. The place to begin is with what you take for granted: what you assume is true, or what you notice from time to time but rarely question. The theme of the coming New Age of your life is mental and emotional independence from those who would only drag you down. Look at the results of what loyalty to the ideas of others has caused for you. This applies not only to relatives but also to those who you established in your mind as being somehow greater than human, or in some way infallible. It’s time to dial that back, and then update your files.

How do you find the strength to take some meaningful action in your life — on whatever level? In These Times, the 2019 Autumn Reading, is designed to help you find the answers on your own, through grounded, therapeutic support. Order individual signs here.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — All year long, Jupiter in your sign has been in a 90-degree, or square, aspect to Neptune. Jupiter has a 12-year orbit, and spends only one year of those 12 in Sagittarius. Usually this is as good as astrology gets for you, though there has been a challenge lately, which has been the angle to Neptune in Pisces. This has made it difficult to have any sense of standing on solid ground, or any real leverage toward meeting your goals. (Pisces has been affected in a similar way.) The square passed as of Sept. 21, and it was as if a spell was cleared, allowing you to be more realistic, and to see certain problems for what they are. The astrology is now tipping in the other direction, of gritty practicality and even urgent necessity. This will help you prioritize. But you don’t want to grind too deep into the bedrock for this. You have had a good look at your highest ideals from your experience of Jupiter-Neptune; you’ve had the opportunity to dream a little. Your task is now to put together the best attributes of your vision with just enough pragmatism to get the job done — without sacrificing either. This is one of the most basic forms of alchemy for getting anything done on the planet, particularly in this time of so much potential, and so many available creative resources. You will need to find the right mix, though there must be one — going only one way or the other will not suffice. Some things will work on one part vision and four parts business; others on four parts vision and one part business. Regardless, you must integrate the two.

If you are looking for a sane, calm space where you can think, reflect and prioritize during the next few months, the 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, offers just that. You can also order individual signs to reap the benefits of my therapy training and decades of astrological experience.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Consider the possibility that the coming season is one of the most significant of your life. Certainly, it is a time like no other. These next few months have you on the final approach to Saturn converging with Pluto in your sign. We would need to go back a long time, hundreds of years before the American Revolution or any modern government, to find this conjunction in Capricorn, where it is particularly significant. This is because Capricorn represents the underlying structures of society, what we think of as stalwart institutions, and the foundations of family. You are at a personal crossroads, where your choice of directions is to set yourself free from the grip of history, or to invest yourself further in it. Plenty who claim to be revolutionaries end up as supporters or subjects of the old order; it’s so commonplace as to be ordinary. If a radical feminist who spent years fighting the patriarchy suddenly announced she was getting married in St. Patrick’s Cathedral, most people would say oh, how lovely, and not blink an eye. Every cell in your body is urging you to make a choice that will advance your own cause, and set your life on a new course, as apart from your ancestors. You have decided over and over that many facets of your upbringing, your family’s culture, and the direction of society are not for you. Yet are you willing to take the personal risk to really test that out? You might ask yourself what you honestly have to lose. If you look at that carefully, you might say your sense of orientation. But that is already gone, and there is no turning back. There is only moving forward.

A new season has begun, and there are big changes coming — also great potential. What do you need to know? The 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, will help you orient yourself through the months to come. Order individual signs here.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — “Unconscious” is a strange term. It has a number of meanings in psychology, and others in pop spirituality. Generally, it means what is within the realm of denial, or what is subliminal to one’s own awareness, such as an unconscious motive. I am from a therapy tradition where the thing you don’t do is to deny consciousness. “What does he know? He’s just a kid/dog/houseplant/rock” is a question that deserves an answer. If one does not have an answer, what does one assume? That a kid or tree does not know what is going on? Right now, most of the activity in your chart is in a region that most astrologers would say describes the “unconscious.” That might include your relationship to your own motives and your own psychological workings. Can any of that really be unconscious, or just unacknowledged? The thing to do now and for the foreseeable future is to pay attention to this whole realm of what might lurk below the surface of your thinking. To do this, the main thing you need is to want to. If you are feeling restless, or angry or even just miffed, or feeling pushed, or wondering why you are making strange decisions, gently look inside of yourself to figure out what is going on. Notice what is coming through your dreams, and pay attention to how you feel when you wake up. It’s true that your mind is something of a cryptical envelopment these days, though it is your mind; we’re talking about you, not a thing apart from you.

How do you find the strength to take some meaningful action in your life — on whatever level? In These Times, the 2019 Autumn Reading, is designed to help you find the answers on your own, through grounded, therapeutic support. Order individual signs here.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — You have been working your way through a slog for the past nine months. Did you feel it? That was the sensation of what should have been within easy reach turning out to be a projection onto a cloud. Yet despite this, there are some specific goals you have persisted in moving forward. Notice what they are, and how you did it. You now need to shift the focus and method of your efforts. First, note the projects and intentions you have chosen to invest your efforts in through this challenging time. Size them up, and see if you can consolidate and prioritize. Determine what you want to do the most, and what you don’t need to do at all. That will help you set yourself in order, based on both your values and your experience. Then, start to draw the most direct lines between your artistic goals and sources of revenue that support both you and what you do (they are closely related). With the world, and the internet, in its current state, this is not necessarily an easy process. What you’re doing may not have been done before, though there are many elements that can draw on precedent and experience. You will have to apply them in new ways. As a Pisces, you are often the psychic or emotional probe into collective consciousness. Even though that can be overwhelming at times, you have talents and assets you can offer to support your own cause, mission or purpose; this is your main directive currently. To do so, you must know what that purpose is, and remember all the time.

If you are looking for a sane, calm space where you can think, reflect and prioritize during the next few months, the 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, offers just that. You can also order individual signs to reap the benefits of my therapy training and decades of astrological experience.

Monday Morning Horoscope #195 for Sept. 23, 2019


Aries (March 20-April 19) — You need to frame your reality in terms of how hurt, offended, or uncomfortable you feel. Chiron in your sign will, at times, have a tendency to emphasize the most challenging elements of your awareness. Then you may be inclined to “identify with” them. The thing is, you would need to have something better, more interesting or more useful to identify with, as an alternative. Or, you would need to get bored or annoyed with emphasis on the negative. On one level this is a matter of emotional attachment. On another, it’s a matter of framing. A close partner may have a better idea for how to understand your reality: a better, more humane frame in which to conceive of yourself. This may come through direct participation in the relationship, or you may be offered an example of a more compassionate way to think of your reality. It is time for an upgrade. Get your full Aries reading by Eric here.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — The way to evaluate everything is, first, based on its beauty and elegance. A sense of order and organization will serve you well. Mostly this will be visual, but ultimately how all your senses make you feel. Apply this to work, to physical environments and to people. Feng shui is about energy flow, and also about the organization and presentation of physical space. Notice this wherever you go, whatever you do, and in how you present yourself. This is about more than appearances. It is about more than the visual sense alone; I am talking about noticing your relationship to your environment, what it does to you, and what you do to it. The relationship is more dynamic (mutually influential) than you may recognize. You are emitting plenty of energy, thought and feeling, and you’re ultra-sensitive to your surroundings. Tune in and useful information will come to you. Get your full Taurus reading by Eric here.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — The Sun joins Mercury and Venus in your 5th house — the one about pleasure, play and adventure. Most people use the potential of this house for entertainment and diversion. I suggest you do something more substantial and nourishing, and do something creative that challenges you. If your chart means anything, your whole being is calling out for a way to express beauty and ideas. This is the opposite of being a consumer. Rather, the thing you will thrive on is some experience of changing the world in some small way, by expressing yourself. You still might be in the mood for domestic maintenance — digging in and cleaning, and that would be good use of this energy, as long as the result is a more beautiful place. But at the moment, the full spectrum of earthly delights is summoning your attention. Choose what you want the very most. Get your full Gemini reading by Eric here.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — You will feel more grounded, balanced and even-keeled when the Sun enters Libra on Monday. You will have many opportunities to tidy things up, resolve old business and tie up the loose ends. It will be much easier to make a decision that has been nagging at you for a few weeks. This is likely to be about setting yourself free of the small details and seeing (and feeling) the bigger scenario for what it is. The message of the planets, as I see it, is to think holistically. Consider your whole situation, the direction of your life, and what you want to create, and ask yourself what facilitates the creation of that environment. It’s important to recognize that the world seems to be descending into deeper chaos by the day, though most of this is mental and emotional rather than physical and tangible. Your reality begins and ends with you. Get your full Cancer reading by Eric here.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — If you have something to say, then say it. You’ve been thinking about it long enough. The open question is how you would express your thought or idea, and you have a lot of possibilities. If the matter is personal, then a one-on-one conversation is probably the most appropriate. Take a gentle approach, and one where you do one third of the speaking and two-thirds of the listening. If your statement is some a public or community comment or artistic expression, consider the best vehicle of expression. Think about how you want your message to be received. Consider the idea you are conveying but mostly, consider the way you want your recipient to feel when the message is delivered. Some feelings are best conveyed in paint and others in audio. Sometimes a photograph works, and sometimes video is better suited. Take up the role of the person receiving the message and test the different approaches. Get your full Leo reading by Eric here.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — You may feel like you have a lot of priorities to get in order, though that will be easier if you have a guiding principle. For example, if you want to have more free time, then you start by eliminating anything unnecessary from your schedule. If you want to have more money, you eliminate needless costs (of which there are many) and find ways to enhance your income. In both of these scenarios, there is a guiding principle around which you organize your decisions. Problems may arise when you have a conflict; for example, you want to do more and also have more free time. Notice when that is happening; you will be able to tell because you feel the strife within you. That’s the time to step back a little and do some meta evaluation. You might go to the level of need rather than of desire. Part of evolving spiritually means being able to make a determination between the two. Get your full Virgo reading by Eric here.

Planet Waves

Astrology Studio for Libra: Short Pre-sale!

It’s not easy feeling safe these days; it’s not easy feeling like you belong anywhere, though astrology has some ideas for you. You’re invited to the pre-sale for the Libra reading, which will be ready Monday evening. Therefore, the $33 pre-sale price will last about 24 hours. This reading will cover your process of grounding yourself in the wild world of the Digital Age. You need some physical reality, and my reading of your chart will suggest where to look for it: primarily at home. I will have much to say about stabilizing your relationships in the chaos of the internet, getting some traction in your career, and most of all, how to frame your own reality.

Pre-order price is $33. Increases to $44 Monday night and $55 on Friday. Reading includes an hour-plus astrology session, a tarot session and a special astrology extra, Self and Society.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — The Sun enters your sign Monday, at long last. This happens in a conjunction with the asteroid Bacchus (the Roman rendition of Dionysus). He is not just about grapes and wine; the deeper concept is liberation. So the question to ask in this season of your birthday is, what sets you free? Be mindful of the ways that relationships in particular do or do not liberate you. Do you find yourself entering a maze of confusion when you’re with someone, or are you lifted out of the labyrinth? We live in a time when people wear their injuries on their sleeve, but often don’t do anything about healing them. So one factor to evaluate is whether people are more attracted to their pain or to their healing process — and what your role is in either case. You might ask yourself the same question, in part based on what you see reflected back to you in your most intimate relationships. Get your full Libra reading by Eric here.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — You may be figuring out that the only thing you actually have power over is your mind — and even that seems to have a life of its own. And if that is true, you would be well-served to become more familiar with that quality, which is in truth your inner life. The more you emphasize others and what they do, the less you will feel in control of your experience. The more you draw your awareness inward, the easier it will be for you to coexist with everyone — especially with yourself. To that end, you may use any friction that manifests in your social or intimate interaction as a guide to your inner life. This is a kind of mind experiment. What role do you see people playing? Who do the various actors and actresses in your life represent? If you were writing the script, what would you have them say? Get your full Scorpio reading by Eric here.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — This week brings the Libra equinox, which is a rather bold invitation for you to re-emerge as a social being. On a subtler level, something else is happening: Jupiter has completed its square to Neptune (which happens about once every eight years, and rarely with Jupiter in your sign). This will result in a gradual clearing of the air, a potential increase in your ability to think straight. The could you have been surrounded by is some form of delusion, illusion or confusion, and you may have spent considerable time wondering how you even got there. That question is still worth a good think-through, but significantly, where to go from here is the more important matter. However, that starts with recognizing exactly where you are and what you are doing. Many people allow themselves to be confused or deceived because it seemingly offers a pass from confronting actual existence: your potential, your problems, your life. Get your full Sagittarius reading by Eric here.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — The planets in your sign are beginning to move in direct motion. Saturn has resumed forward progress; Pluto is soon to follow. Gradually, these planets will reach critical mass, culminating in their conjunction this coming Jan. 12. Said simply, the time has come to take action, in particular, to act on the decisions you made long ago. You have had time to work out your plans and to consider your options, and the bell is now ringing. Start with the most elementary practical matters first. Yes, there is deeper material; there are true matters of growth, and of making contact with the core layers of your being. Yet the practical choices you make will lead you out of where you do not belong, and to where you do belong. What counts as “spiritual” is not a separate matter. It is related to everyone and every experience. Soul is not a thing; it is not a destination. It is a process involving absolute honesty, and you are beholden to it whether you want to be or not. Get your full Capricorn reading by Eric here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — An inner shift is taking place; you may have noticed it. It might have felt like part of your brain squirmed into place; or perhaps you had a dream that symbolized some kind of release from bondage. Yet this is only the beginning; you have many more steps to take along this journey. You are working your way toward inner reconciliation, which might be said of the whole human race, though you are in a moment of special focus. The key to your freedom is refusing to accept that you are a victim of circumstances, particularly of your family. There’s plenty else to be victimized by, which is advertised on television and the internet, and you don’t want any part of it. That very thing is what got you and many of the people around you into the situation you are in. It may be that you are the first and perhaps only person in your immediate sphere who will be responding to this particular calling; you may face considerable pressure to accept your supposed lot in life. Get your full Aquarius reading by Eric here.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — You are beginning to see the light of day on a number of crucial issues that will in many ways shape your future. Yet you are the one doing the shaping, and before you make any decisions you cannot easily reverse, you must be as certain as you can that you’re seeing matters as they are. And you must be equally confident that you know your own mind, and your own feelings. But more than that, you must know what you want. That is the thing to focus on. I don’t mean this in some intermediate sense of the idea; I mean what you actually, ultimately, and sincerely want for yourself. You are in a rare moment of gaining awareness at the same time your horizons are opening up. Be aware that this may come with a measure of fear, which is (in our current environment) a “natural” response to experiencing your potential. Yet this is upon you, and the moment of decision is approaching. Meanwhile, it would be wise to bide your time and use it well. Get your full Pisces reading by Eric here.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Sept. 19, 2019


Aries (March 20-April 19) — If things are a little tense just now between you and someone close, take care to separate out facts from speculation. That is, treat what has actually been said and done as distinct from anything you might be guessing at. Figuring out where the line is drawn isn’t always easy, especially when strong emotions are involved, so use caution. In particular, notice when you could be projecting certain thoughts or motives, for which you have no clear evidence, onto a partner. Consider where this might ultimately come from.

It is in times of the greatest change that the most progress is possible — and we’re in such an era. If you need help getting a grip, the 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, could be the lifeline you need to align with yourself. Order individual signs here.

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — You’re in a busier frame of mind than usual, and appear to be especially focused on one specific purpose. Your first port of call is likely to involve preparing the ground. Consider what needs to be done, plan out as far as possible the details of how you’ll arrive at your goal, and start getting organized. It’s useful to make sure your path is cleared of any foreseeable snags that might otherwise trip you up. That includes arranging your time and surroundings so as to make the work you want to do more accessible.

The 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, consists of 12 astrology sessions that will help you see where the stress points are, and where you can direct your energy and resources for some peace of mind and the results you want to get.
Order individual signs here.

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Early next week, the Sun will enter the sector of your chart most closely linked with creativity and fun. You may find you are gaining in confidence, and thus more comfortable with the idea of taking your mind in a new direction. If you’re up for an adventure, seizing that particular opportunity may well be of enormous benefit to you. You’ve recently put in a lot of hours, and could probably use a change of scene. To begin with, try experimenting with moving routines around, or going to different places. Follow where your instincts lead.

Feel deeper peace of mind, balance and a sense of influence over your affairs. Using the techniques of spiritual practice, therapy and astrological counseling, the 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, will help you focus on yourself, your priorities and your needs. You can order individual signs here.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Remember that you are not merely a product of past events in your life, nor of the people you’ve encountered, beneficial or otherwise. Your character is informed by the choices you make. Understanding how you have been influenced by your history is certainly useful, in helping you rise above it; just as recognizing how you’ve reacted previously, and why, can assist you to make any changes that are necessary. However, your past does not define you nearly so much as your actions and decisions in the present moment.

It is in times of the greatest change that the most progress is possible — and we’re in such an era. If you need help getting a grip, the 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, could be the lifeline you need to align with yourself. Order individual signs here.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Your mind is a fertile ground in which a variety of interesting ideas can be induced to blossom and grow. You seem to be in the mood to take the seed of a thought and run with it, letting it develop as it will, and following the trail of curiosity like a child on a treasure hunt. This is likely to be an excellent time to pursue a new course of study, or just inspire yourself by experiencing people and scenes. Wherever you happen to be, practice soaking in the environment and being alive to what is going on around you, and keep a notepad handy.

The 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, consists of 12 astrology sessions that will help you see where the stress points are, and where you can direct your energy and resources for some peace of mind and the results you want to get. Order individual signs here.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Pay close attention to the state of your body and mind, in order to understand how you’re truly feeling. You may need to expend some effort to prevent old mental habits from reasserting themselves, or certain doubts from imposing on you. If you stay actively in tune with yourself, the chances are you’ll have a much more accurate picture of what is really the case, and where you are in the here and now. Your hard-won gains are still your own, and thanks largely to your grit in previous trials, you contain the strength of giants.

Feel deeper peace of mind, balance and a sense of influence over your affairs. Using the techniques of spiritual practice, therapy and astrological counseling, the 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, will help you focus on yourself, your priorities and your needs. You can order individual signs here.

How do we confront this dual problem of premeditated decay of society, and the inner issue of needing the strength to take some meaningful action? Where do we start? As in few other times, this calls for a response from a spiritual place: of deep caring and responsibility; the quest for honest connection above all else.

Planet Waves

It has called forth all of my knowledge, experience and wisdom to do this work. I have proceeded in the spirit of therapy, knowing that most people do not or will not go. That spirit first involves seeking refuge, becoming aware of your situation, ordering your priorities, and then making choices. But the single most important factor of therapy — and of old school spiritual mentorship — is not giving answers, but helping the client find them for themselves. What I have to offer you are 12 readings of approximately one hour each, which use astrology to address the matter: the one about how to orient yourself to make the most of the difficult and challenging times we are in.

All 12 signs are currently $111. I am keeping that price low to encourage having access to all of the work. Individual readings are $44 for the first and $22 for each additional.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — As we prepare to enter your birthday season, you may be feeling somewhat raw with the potency of recent experiences. Yet your newfound sensitivity is a useful gift amid the coolness and indifference in our present surroundings. The flame of your compassion burns brightly and draws toward it many who are hungry for warmth. One of the greatest joys of sharing your own is that the heat and light can only multiply. Another is the nourishing effect on you, as you connect with others at the heart-level.

It is in times of the greatest change that the most progress is possible — and we’re in such an era. If you need help getting a grip, the 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, could be the lifeline you need to align with yourself. Order individual signs here.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) –During this week, at least, you are likely to come up against the question of what comprises your most fundamental and personal spiritual tenets. This is on a plane far removed from those gushy memes frequently shared on social media. It’s also unlikely to be what prompts you to attend religious services or yoga class. Rather, it pertains to the deeply held faith you rarely, if at all, share publicly; the principles you cleave to in all weathers. What is the ultimate truth of who you are, when all the masks and layers come off?

The 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, consists of 12 astrology sessions that will help you see where the stress points are, and where you can direct your energy and resources for some peace of mind and the results you want to get. Order individual signs here.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Your friends are a vital part of your existence. Everyone’s friendship group is unique, and can represent many different facets of that person. Each pairing within it has its own history and reasons for developing. These may not be the disproportionately hallowed bonds of a monogamous partnership; yet their worth is incalculable. Cherish every member of your circle both as an individual, with all their depth and beauty, and as a reflection of yourself. Take opportunities to spend time with them, and to show them what they mean to you.

Feel deeper peace of mind, balance and a sense of influence over your affairs. Using the techniques of spiritual practice, therapy and astrological counseling, the 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, will help you focus on yourself, your priorities and your needs. You can order individual signs here.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Keep consolidating the progress you’ve made in recent weeks by handling your decisions with maturity, and recognizing what you have gained. You are to your former self much as a generation to its ancestors: you look at your environment with fresh eyes, and have almost an innate comprehension of what you need to do in order to move things forward. You can respect your past experiences and choices for having helped you reach the wisdom you now possess. Now it’s time to focus on the future, and altogether new territory.

It is in times of the greatest change that the most progress is possible — and we’re in such an era. If you need help getting a grip, the 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, could be the lifeline you need to align with yourself.
Order individual signs here.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Given the judgments often laid on us throughout our lives, it is understandable if we sometimes think of ourselves as less than we really are. This can include feeling as if there’s little point to working on our growth. Yet in truth the human mind is astonishingly flexible, and yours is no exception. You contain the capacity, as everyone else does, to develop your potential, expand your horizons and become the best version of yourself. These gifts are within everyone’s reach, however long the journey takes. Count yourself in.

The 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, consists of 12 astrology sessions that will help you see where the stress points are, and where you can direct your energy and resources for some peace of mind and the results you want to get. Order individual signs here.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Regardless of what other people expect of you, or however much they try to mold you into their rigid categories, they cannot change or shape who you are. Your personal integrity belongs to you. If you’re feeling any self-doubt, therefore, take comfort: you remain the sole scriptwriter for your character, and the only expert on all its richness, complexity and wonder. Those around you will see what they see, though remember this is a reflection of themselves. The center of your being is guarded by the light of the Divine as well as by you. Nobody else can reach it.

Feel deeper peace of mind, balance and a sense of influence over your affairs. Using the techniques of spiritual practice, therapy and astrological counseling, the 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, will help you focus on yourself, your priorities and your needs. You can order individual signs here.

Monday Morning Horoscope #194 for Sept. 16, 2019


Aries (March 20-April 19) — You seem to be blessed at present with unusually clear insights into where you’re headed and what you want. If you wish, you can pursue a fairly single-minded course and probably span a large distance in a short period of time. That said, it will be useful to double-check your route for any potential snags, especially where ethics are concerned. There may be more than one way to go about your business, and without capitulating to unreasonable demands, it helps to be considerate of other people’s situation and feelings. If in doubt, look for a scenario in which everyone wins. This approach will benefit you in the longer term. Get your full Aries reading by Eric here.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Over the last few weeks you seem to have had something of a wild ride emotionally. This may still be happening, though it would appear the more intense turbulence has settled down. What these experiences mean for you, only you can determine. At least in part, however, one thing that appears to be emerging for you is a new understanding of your influence within relationships of all kinds. You may have previously underestimated the weight of your word or your desires. You might have felt invisible or as if you were shouting into a void. Now you know you are in fact clearly seen, heard, trusted and loved. That is as it should be; just keep it in mind. Get your full Taurus reading by Eric here.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Recently you’ve been undergoing a process of inward change, though this hasn’t necessarily been recognizable as such. At times you’ve perhaps felt discomfort, as if suddenly discovering you’re wearing ill-fitting clothes or sitting on a hard surface. You might also have noticed differences in your environment; yet these are likely to have emanated from you, as opposed to happening of their own accord. What this effectively boils down to is that you’re having the emotional equivalent of a growth spurt, and your horizons are expanding accordingly. At some point, you will probably find you’ve adapted. In the meantime, be patient with yourself. Get your full Gemini reading by Eric here.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — It’s generally a highly useful rule of thumb in close relationships to be explicit about how you’re feeling. True, not all partners or friends welcome this approach. There seems to be an ongoing expectation instead to bury our real sensations in order to keep things smooth, or that significant others should be able to second-guess our mood if only we drop enough hints. Part of this is often based in the fear that we’ll be seen as selfish if we ask directly for what we want. Yet all that happens if you push aside something important to you is that resentment starts to build. A far healthier approach is to drop any pretense and just be honest about who you are. Get your full Cancer reading by Eric here.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — If you need it, cut yourself some slack. So much these days seems to be a mad rush, though at least some of the time the rushing takes place in a maze, and then it’s ridiculously easy to wind up facing three walls of privet hedge. If you get confused, I suggest you stop, check your bearings, and remind yourself what you’re aiming to do. Don’t be afraid to ask for help, or for a friend’s perspective, if you want either. You may feel like you’re expected to carry various loads for loved ones or colleagues, though you’ll probably be pleasantly surprised if you ask them. In any case, it’s important that you practice fairness to yourself, and be open to reaching out. Get your full Leo reading by Eric here.

Planet Waves
The Virgo Astrology Studio reading is now available for instant access. Here is a short sample. Eric discusses the Virgo New Moon, Neptune in your opposite sign, Chiron in Aries and more. We’ve also included Self and Society, Eric’s special reading on Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn. The Astrology Studio recordings make an ideal gift for loved ones.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Though the world might not yet observe the difference, within yourself you’ve come a long way in the past month. Your next step is to make those gains manifest in the external world, and build on them. This will first require you to cement your understanding of what has taken place: what you’ve discovered about yourself, and what it all means to you. Then you need to ensure you don’t forget it, and lapse back into old habits. One important facet of this is you now recognize more easily when other people’s changes of mood and behavior are about them, rather than about you. As a result, you have a far clearer sense of your autonomy, and can use it accordingly. Get your full Virgo reading by Eric here.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — You may well feel as if you’ve lately taken part in a mammoth wrestling match with your own psyche, and are only now emerging. While the experience perhaps felt draining, you have learned a good deal and are on much more solid turf. It appears you’ve succeeded in breaking through specific habits of mind that were getting thoroughly in your way. This should make forward motion a lot easier, along with your new gravitas and added maturity. If you’ve previously lacked the chutzpah to follow your own path regardless of permission or approval, that will likely be a lot less difficult. There are only so many damns one can give, after all. Get your full Libra reading by Eric here.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Certain matters that may currently appear confusing or lacking all the puzzle pieces might appear in greater clarity if you shift your perspective somewhat. Recently, you’ve begun to see how you can do that, and approach the issue from directions you might not previously have recognized. Yet you’ve had quite a lot of practice lately in understanding how things are sometimes far from what they seem, and in holding space for unusual possibilities. During the next few weeks, you’re likely to make significant progress in opening up your perspective. Keeping track of your thoughts will help. Notice when you change your mind, even in a small way. Get your full Scorpio reading by Eric here.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Subjectivity is often decried as a less valid method of looking at issues than objectivity; though in reality the former is all we have, and the latter may be impossible for humans to accomplish completely. Your reasoning about the world around you is almost certainly biased in some way. There’s nothing wrong with this; all you need to do is acknowledge said bias and make allowances for possibly being mistaken. When it comes to your own life, conversely, your primary knowledge of yourself is usually the best indicator, as are your instincts. Others might offer good and useful advice; whether or not you follow it is your decision alone. Get your full Sagittarius reading by Eric here.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Your ruler Saturn has begun the final leg of its journey to connecting with Pluto, which will happen in January. For you this is likely to be the culmination of many, many months during which you’ve developed a better knowledge of yourself than some people ever reach. True, you can still surprise yourself; yet all the same, you’ve gained an invaluable maturity, especially in terms of understanding your potential. You now need to ensure you retain your awareness and continue to act in accordance with it. The time has long since passed when you could afford to trip yourself up. Now you have far more important calls on your energy. Get your full Capricorn reading by Eric here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Pay attention to your instincts, which are currently finely tuned to an unusual degree. Check in with them often, and especially when you encounter any scenario that may be unfamiliar or potentially challenging. You are likely to be one of the earliest to know when something is amiss, or when an element of your surroundings has changed. This is even more the case when it comes to your wellbeing, particularly emotional. Notice any time you feel more liberated and happy, and likewise whenever you feel drained or under the weather. Use the patterns you see to direct your energy and resources in a way that’s optimally healthy for you. Get your full Aquarius reading by Eric here.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — One immensely useful tool for making relationships easier is tackling our propensity for projection. This is especially true if we are in the habit of idealizing partners: assuming that they possess specific qualities, or putting them on a pedestal. It is surely more helpful (and more accurate) to treat one another as rational, imperfect, equal human beings. The difficulty generally consists of letting go of agendas, owning up to the truth of your feelings, and recognizing that others have free choice whether to respond to you. Yet with sufficient effort and determination, it’s possible both to make rapid progress and to understand the substantial worth of this approach. Get your full Pisces reading by Eric here.