Category Archives: Horoscopes

Monday Morning Horoscope #162 for Feb. 4, 2019


Aries (March 20-April 19) — You may be wanting to deal once and for all with some conflict in your circle of friends that has apparently been plaguing you. Perhaps it’s tempting to seek out a quick and easy solution, so that you can move on. However, the New Moon astrology suggests things are more complex than they seem; that in order to exercise justice, you’ll need to take a closer look at the facts. It’s possible that everyone will benefit more in this case from kindness and willingness to forgive than from a rush to judgment. Stay calm, and don’t act until you’re completely sure. Get your full Aries reading by Eric here.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — During the next week things could progress pretty fast in terms of your career advancement or vocation. It’s possible that a specific small move may set off a chain of events that lead to swift changes, until your main work is substantially different — perhaps even unrecognizable compared to what it is now. The timeframe could vary, and you may not notice anything until after Uranus is back in your sign in early March. It’s also likely that the initial alteration has to come from within; probably in terms of casting off self-limiting ideas, and opening up to your true potential. Get your full Taurus reading by Eric here.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — The New Moon offers a solid opportunity for you to focus firmly on your highest aspirations, and carve a path toward them. Utilize everything you’ve learned about yourself, along with your courage and determination, and you can make big strides. One way in which you can especially benefit at this time is by listening — not to anyone who would enervate or dampen your spirits, but to your intuition and the rhythm of the cosmos, to the wise mentors in your life who have supported you, and to the little hints loved ones give that show what you mean to them. Get your full Gemini reading by Eric here.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — There’s a lot happening in the world just now, and keeping track of it all can get overwhelming fast. If you’re starting to take on rather too much stress, it might be a good idea to scale back your activities this week and stick to keeping things simple and clear. Above all, make sure you leave sufficient time in your schedule to relax and have a bit of fun. If an opportunity arises to meet someone on a human level, to be vulnerable or to share intimacy in any sense of the term, that will probably be worth taking up. Such contacts are rare and precious in these strange times. Get your full Cancer reading by Eric here.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — A New Moon in your opposite sign is generally an invitation to renew or refresh personal relationships. This will work best for you if you behave with ingenuousness, and give those close to you the benefit of the doubt as far as possible, even if you’ve been stung in the past. Every partnership of any sort depends on trust, and a willingness to allow people to be themselves on their own terms. Any need for control is usually founded in insecurity; if you’re tempted to hold back or to restrict someone, consider what that might be about. You’ll surely be happier if you can let it go. Get your full Leo reading by Eric here.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Amid your good intentions, keep an eye on any tendency to dig in your heels. Make it a policy this week to receive any advice you are offered respectfully and give it serious consideration. People are all too apt to become entrenched in specific beliefs and go on in their elected way, especially if they’ve invested emotionally or financially in a project. This isn’t about accepting undue criticism, doubt or discouragement; it’s much more to do with understanding when someone is trying to be helpful, and at the very least to recognize the intent, if not the content, of their message. Get your full Virgo reading by Eric here.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Do not underestimate the importance of play. It’s essential to let your hair down every now and then, to give yourself a bit of time off and enjoy the sense of refreshment and rejuvenation that brings, from which you can return to your responsibilities feeling a good deal lighter. Watch your alcohol intake, but otherwise feel free to indulge in some fun. Try to set time apart specially, if you have trouble finding it in your everyday life, even if you have to be firm: there’s a lot of intensity about and you may have been particularly sensitive to it lately. If so, you definitely need a break. Get your full Libra reading by Eric here.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Over the next few days you may be inclined to address a matter of unresolved family drama. It might be useful to remember that those involved will each likely have their own emotional responses to the situation, and to employ gentleness liberally. Likewise, be sure to apply it to yourself, and go for fair, equitable treatment all round. Avoid taking on the projections of others, or becoming a martyr to the problem, even if doing so appears to present a simple answer. Nothing in these scenarios is ever as simple as it seems. Be prepared to walk away if you need to. Get your full Scorpio reading by Eric here.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — If you want to learn a new skill of any kind, but especially in the creative arts, it generally helps first to study the masters in your field; then you’ll almost always imitate them before finally developing your unique style. The point is that you get a good foundation on which you can build experiences: gathering information initially is as much a key to producing quality material as practice, or enthusiasm. This is also perhaps true of the wisdom, so to speak, of our environment; we learn much unspoken detail through absorption. This can be restrictive at times, but also undoubtedly helpful. Get your full Sagittarius reading by Eric here.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — To a certain extent we tend to take our most basic resources for granted until they are suddenly no longer available: things like clean water, food, shelter and so forth. As the humorous redrawing of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs points out, the internet has itself become a necessity, an uncontained feed-line connecting our consciousness to the rest of humanity (almost like the Borg). It’s possibly a good exercise, now and then, to recognize what we are treating as if its supply were inexhaustible, and to be thankful for its contribution to making our lives easier. Get your full Capricorn reading by Eric here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — This year’s New Moon in your sign takes place at the very center of Aquarius, a special point in the zodiac known as a cross-quarter, which marks exactly halfway through the season and is thus of universal significance. You can therefore consider this event as a reminder of one important truth: you matter, and your presence in the world is sacred, without condition or caveat. You don’t need to prove anything to anyone, however others might try to convince you of the opposite. Remember that, and take up the space you need unapologetically and unswervingly. Get your full Aquarius reading by Eric here.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Much like retrogrades, activity in the inward-facing 12th house can sometimes feel frustrating, especially when all you want to do is push forward, or you feel under pressure to do so. If something appears to be hindering you, it’s very likely worth taking the trouble to investigate this more closely, and figure out exactly where the challenge is coming from and why. Use meditation or divination, or whatever method you might normally work with to make contact with the Akashic library. In the meantime, keep an open heart, and remember to be gentle with yourself. Get your full Pisces reading by Eric here.

Monday Morning Horoscope #161 for Jan. 28, 2019


Aries (March 20-April 19) — You must guard against being too aggressive this week. That’s not an easy thing to measure; it would be fair to dial back your self-assertiveness to statements that include “please,” “thank you,” and “I have an idea.” Mars, your ruling planet, is now passing through the most sensitive corner of the sky — it’s about to make a square to Pluto (described by lots of astrology texts as ruthless) and a conjunction to Eris (subversive, unpredictable). From these basic descriptions you can see why I’m suggesting you ease off and let your mere existence do the talking. In any situation that provokes you, put yourself onto a 48-hour delay, and choose a suitable time and venue for a civilized discussion that strives to gather information first, before placing any blame. This combination of factors calls for anger management, but it also calls for healthy modes of self-expression. Squares want action. Vent your energy in ways that are fun, helpful, and not especially dangerous. Hence, if you go to the gym, don’t try to set any records. Get your full Aries reading by Eric here.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Be a detective and keep a pulse on what’s motivating you. Don’t assume that the face value of any feeling is what you really have going on, or even how you really feel. You might ask others you trust what they think is influencing you, and take their feedback under advisement. Mars is passing through your 12th house. One of my readers recently got me on the phone and we had a chat about this zone, and she reminded me of an old (undated but sounds like the 70s) delineation: what you don’t know about yourself that everyone else knows. I love this because in reality, we don’t really have secrets (try as we may), and the 12th does describe a blind spot. Meanwhile, this can be a productive, interesting and even elevating week for you professionally, as Mercury meets the Sun in your 10th house of achievement. However, I think of the 10th more as the place of responsibility, so that would be a good place to start. Use your considerable talent as a communicator and you cannot go wrong, if you remember that all sides of the story count. Get your full Taurus reading by Eric here.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — This is a good week to influence hearts and minds, though it’ll work better if people come to you rather than you going to them. You’re under an interesting mix of aspects, which to one side indicate that people are drawn in your direction and are interested in what you have to say. In the other direction, there is potential for controversy, which you would be wise to sidestep, or gently brush off. Many people are set on hair-trigger at the moment, which means triggered by just about anything. If there is some portion of your life where you have public exposure, you will benefit from easing back on controversial topics and leaving those discussions to others. Direct your statements to basic human needs, and make sure that everyone in your circle of friends feels taken care of. But please avoid being a provocateur. Mars passing through the hot spot in the sky for the next week or so will have unpredictable results. Don’t let anything come to blows. Get your full Gemini reading by Eric here.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Persist gently with your professional plans, emphasizing responsibility above all else. Back off from ambition in any form, and strive to do a good job. If you’re “selling” or “marketing” yourself, the point to emphasize is that you have your priorities in order and that you can work well within an authority structure. Meanwhile, make sure that’s true. You cannot be over-careful this week and next when it comes to checking that your priorities are aligned with people who are making the decisions or holding the bag. If you are that person, make sure you seek the advice and counsel of those who are around you. Your chart is exceptionally well aspected this week when it comes to seeking the cooperation and collaboration of others, and also, offering help when and where you can. Again, though, this comes down to priorities. Make sure your basic needs are covered and that your resources are not too stretched in anyone direction; then there will be plenty to go around. Get your full Cancer reading by Eric here.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Get help where you need it. You’re not in this alone, whatever this might be. People care about you, they are aware of you, and will be open to assisting you. But don’t wait for anyone to offer; keep your plans open and available, and know what you can delegate, hand off, or collaborate on. It might be the dishes; it might be some heavy-duty project at work. Right now your best asset is your creativity, which means being a source of ideas. This will work best in a collaborative spirit. If you’re a fan of comedy, one of the reasons why really funny writing is that way is because people work on it together. The same holds for most music, and just about anything of a very high quality. Bring that method to everything you’re doing. Keep the discussion going. Immediately steal ideas better than your own. And follow what my godmother Aunt Josie would often say: many hands make light work (as long as someone intelligent is coordinating them). That would probably be you, unless there is someone better. Get your full Leo reading by Eric here.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Over the next week or so, you may find yourself provoking others out of curiosity about yourself. There’s a theory of communications that this is a kind of bottom line — that all conflict is about self-discovery. If you know this, you can apply the theory consciously and gently, rather than going into automatic mode. Also, there is such a thing as “working it out in the bedroom,” which means exploring tensions on the sexual level, where this is appropriate and possible. In fact most tension between people has a sexual origin, be it attraction, competition or jealousy in some form or another. But “civilized” people tend to push this below the level of full awareness, and that is where trouble can brew. Then, what seem to be unconscious motives and tensions can sublimate into conflict. It does not help that we live in a time when expressing desire and attraction is being shamed out of existence, though in the end, this comes down to respect, and to what men and women work out between and among themselves. Get your full Virgo reading by Eric here.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Your sign is famous for its diplomatic skills, and from the look of your charts, that’s a good thing. You will need to put those skills to use over the next 10 days. Remember that diplomacy is not about rolling over and taking it, or swallowing your pride, or suppressing your needs. It’s the skill of working out communication under tense circumstances. The first thing you must establish in any situation is that everyone involved is a good-faith actor. This translates to making sure that there are no hidden agendas involved, which of course you will need to do tactfully and with some expertise. One strategy you may use is giving people lots of room to vent. It would seem that someone nearby has a lot of feelings they want to get off of their chest, and the best thing to do is to stand aside and allow them the space to do so. You will learn everything you need to know if you listen. You will get a sense of where this person is coming from, and their motives, and quite possibly how insecure they feel. Then, eventually, you can respond. Get your full Libra reading by Eric here.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Now would be a good time for family- or household-related discussions that you want happen on civilized terms. You’re likely to be feeling grounded in yourself, and perhaps more willing to share your feelings than usual. The thing to beware of is confusing one issue for another, for example, work-related frustrations bubbling over into your personal environment. Therefore, figure out what’s really going on with you, what you need, and how you’re doing generally at expressing yourself. This really is the bottom line theme: you have a lot of energy you want to move, and you need to move it, not store it up for later. Think of all the ways you’ve wanted to express yourself. Drummer? Sculptor? Writer? Athlete? Orator? Something a little more ‘Scorpionic’? Name any and all that apply for you, and start doing at least two of them now — sooner, not later. You must make room for yourself and your desires in this world. When you do, you’ll find it rather easy to get along with the people in your life. Get your full Scorpio reading by Eric here.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Amidst much other cosmic activity, Venus will be moving through the late degrees of your sign this week. It’s going to pass through some challenging emotional territory — in particular, a square between Chiron (in late Pisces) and Ixion (in late Sagittarius). For this astrology, you must position yourself in the way that you’re least likely to be hurt by others. This is not about being defensive, but rather aware: of the people you’re close to and their history; of how you know they treat you; of your own tendencies to be treated in certain ways. You’re at one of those points where you can get caught up in the past, or see the past for what it is, and do everything in your power to point yourself toward the future. Of all the people in the world, you’re the only one who you can count on to change and to grow. It’s not that nobody else does. Rather, it’s that you are the only person you can dependably influence (and that is challenging enough). Therefore, use what power you have. Get your full Sagittarius reading by Eric here.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Mars making a series of aspects this week will challenge your confidence, which has been under some stress lately. Yet sooner or later you must gain basic faith in yourself, faith that cannot be so easily shaken. You tend to undermine your own self-assurance on a fairly regular basis. My take is that this stems from seeking approval from others as a kind of habit, and staking your self-acceptance on how they respond. This is the most important trend that you can reverse, in service of your peace of mind and your happiness. This issue is secondary to the problem of using the approval of others as a substitute for your own self-affirmation. You might place a ban on asking advice, or discussing your seeming problems with others. Take your own counsel. Work out for yourself what is yours to work out. Nobody else will ever make you confident or grant you confidence or say that you’re worthy of it (or however you may phrase it). It’s long past time to fully establish this process for yourself, as you will see this week. Get your full Capricorn reading by Eric here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — You know what you need to say, and you must say it in a way that comes across accurately. You may feel tempted to say too much, or to be overly assertive, when what you need is to be clear and precise. The power of your words alone will convey everything you need to say, and then you must trust that fact, even if you don’t get an immediate response. If you need something, ask for it directly, though make sure you differentiate needing from wanting. Take a self-contained approach, though also take steps to ensure that you’re in harmony with any larger purpose that involves other people or some collective mission. You have your role; everyone else has theirs; you are likely to be in a position to serve as a facilitator of communication. The precursor to this is knowing your stuff: having all the data you need, knowing who is coming from where, having a sense of who possesses what kind of intelligence, and then knowing when (and how) to act. Get your full Aquarius reading by Eric here.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — You will be able to make certain financial moves this week, though make sure you’ve thought them through carefully, and that you not act based on impulse. You must employ a combination of thoughtful strategy and intuition. On some level, this must involve a public relations method, appropriate to your situation and your concept of the public. That said, you have considerable power to take action related to improving your financial situation, a project that you’re likely to have been working on all year. Keep doing what you’ve discovered works, and then try an experiment or two in a similar vein. The most important thing you can do, though, is whatever you can to feel good. Get enough rest, eat some of your favorite food, and avoid scarcity consciousness by granting yourself a few extra privileges. And most of all, connect what you do to the value that it provides to others. This is a basic, demonstrable fact of existence; connect the dots. Get your full Pisces reading by Eric here.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for Jan. 24, 2019

Editor’s note: Planet Waves employee and astrology researcher Victoria Emory, inspired during Monday’s eclipse, wrote this week’s horoscopes for you. We’d love to hear what you think.

Aries (March 20-April 19) — The courage to create requires making friends with your vulnerable underbelly. If you can do that, a power surge of creative potential is available. The question is, to what extent does your confidence depend on approval from others versus from your own inner being? To quote don Juan, “The average man is hooked to his fellow men, while the warrior is hooked only to infinity.” Your quest for achievement in The World is furthered through a bit of vision questing over the next few days. When you’re right with your spirit, life becomes more than a commercial venture and a hell of a lot more satisfying. You’ve got a will fierce enough to work through whatever limitations you may be straining against, and those who can help you implement it are closer than you may realize. A teacher is available, perhaps internally, inviting you on an educational journey of some kind; a wise offer to accept. Breaking up your routine somehow will help that along, even if it’s a walk in the park or reading a book you’ve had in the back of your mind, but neglected. To use The Force right now, follow that trail. Get your full Aries reading by Eric here.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Take a look at how fear and desire factor in to your experience. If an oppressive or depressive sensation lurks in the shadows, it could relate to something you want but think you can’t have. Identifying the essence of a frustrated desire helps disentangle the symbol, the object, from what you actually seek. What’s the feeling you want, the quality? Real opportunities to attain whatever that may be exist, and you’re poised to enter a phase of your life in which limiting patterns will shake loose. Intimacy is a component here, connecting from the soul, emotionally as well as physically. Remember to remember your dreams. This is easier when you value the precious resources available through this often-neglected portal — especially true for you at the moment. It’s fair to say you’re enrolled in a master class of spiritual development, a program that will intensify over the next couple of years. The formidable power to pursue goals you’ve dreamt of is among the rewards. Get your full Taurus reading by Eric here.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Traffic at the intersection of Friends and Finances might have been intense recently, or that drama may have played out nearby, at the corner of Sexual and Platonic. Don’t let whatever noise resulted throw you off your game. Opportunities to make some excellent connections can be found over the next few days, so please don’t be shy. If a friend has spoken about introducing you to someone, give them a call; this pertains to both personal and professional interests. Whatever cards you’re holding along these lines, now’s the time to play them if you’ve hesitated to reach out to someone. Fertile conditions in the social sphere could help further important goals that are ripe for your attention. If writing is involved, or if travel is possible for you, dust off those ambitions. Your voice can carry further over the coming weeks, and find its way to those who want to hear it. It may be cold and gray outside, but this is not the time to shut yourself away. The warmth of your fellow creatures casts an especially empowering glow at the moment. Get your full Gemini reading by Eric here.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Trust has its rewards. One of them is the power to negotiate in ways that actually support your needs. ‘Strength through vulnerability’ requires trusting your primary relationship, the one you have with yourself, enough to honestly express what’s going on with you. Remember that a fortress is also a prison. If demands from all quarters have felt overwhelming, if ambitions feel somehow stymied by those to whom you’ve made commitments or who look to you for support, dare to open up about it a little. See what happens. You’re sensitive enough to know how to relate with compassion to the stress that others are struggling with. This approach will help summon what you require. If you need an assistant, or a job, or could use some guidance (who couldn’t?), the next few days are rich with opportunities in that regard. Don’t assume that wise counsel comes exclusively from those you consider higher-ups or authorities. Mentors come in surprising packages sometimes, and now might be one of them. Get your full Cancer reading by Eric here.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — An axiom to contemplate: “Play is the answer to how anything new comes about.” Here’s another: “Distance is a great goddess.” Psychologist Jean Piaget gave us the first, the second I heard at a retreat in the Joshua Tree desert. Last weekend’s lunar eclipse concluded a stressful 18-month cycle for you in which relationship issues of one kind or another played a starring role. Demands, duties and just taking care of yourself may have felt exhausting. It’s been an intense week out of an overwhelming year and a half, but you can get a bit of your groove back over the next few days if you plug in to a high-octane recharge that’s currently available. You know who your fans are, what your party looks like, what essential nutrient your spirit needs to shine. Make a play date. Get the paints out, or the instrument, or whatever creative outlet feels right. If you can’t schedule a terrestrial journey, explore some new terrain of the educational or spiritual variety. This is soul food for you right now; get it while it’s hot. Get your full Leo reading by Eric here.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — It’s time to come home. Your inner sanctuary and base of operations, where your roots draw nourishment from the earth so that your branches can bear fruit — deserves an upgrade. A drive to make fundamental changes may have welled up with some urgency lately. Right now, personal transformation and your literal living space seem directly related. Despite concerns connected to the values of those close to you, perhaps in the form of hard currency, this year family may be more supportive than you think. Tread gently in matters related to mutual financial interests for a couple of weeks, knowing a window of opportunity is open for constructive steps toward creating greater security. Home is an energetic as well as physical location, and if you’ve fallen behind in the self-care department, tend to it. Last weekend’s eclipse may have felt destabilizing, but it’s important right now to re-establish healthy routines. Needs for deep intimacy or for intense, transcendent sexual experience may also have surfaced recently, and run headlong into a frustrating buzz-kill. It’s okay. Savor the power flowing through those channels and remember that desire creates. Get your full Virgo reading by Eric here.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Say it. Write it. Deliver da letter. Indigenous lore holds that stories roam the land searching for the correct storyteller. Messages require a messenger, and right now one seems to be tapping you on the shoulder. The world wants to hear from you. You’re in a yearlong cycle in which your voice must be honored, your thoughts expressed; and at the moment that’s getting green lights all over the place. Even if no specific writing projects come to mind, this is the time to reach out to others and communicate. A vivifying surge can spark life back into relationships that have languished, leaving you inspired and energized. If you’ve wanted some advice, or have meant to get back to someone, pick up the phone or get together; both of you will be richer for it. It’s cold in the Northern Hemisphere, but there’s good medicine in getting out and about. If you do have creative ambitions in the writing department, The Force is with you. In the words of Maya Angelou, “There is no greater agony than to bear an untold story inside you.” Get your full Libra reading by Eric here.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — You know how to play the long game. Part of that entails pacing yourself so you don’t sacrifice health for the sake of duty, especially when the hours you’re putting in have included some pretty frustrating encounters. If that resonates, take a look at how your thought patterns may mirror recent tensions with others. Your mind’s a busy place these days — physical exertion of some kind would do wonders to calm that storm. If current efforts have been devoted toward work that isn’t as fulfilling as what you envision, if you’re feeling resentful, blow off a little steam rather than letting it simmer. Right now you’re building the base of your pyramid. Material needs are the foundation, and this year the wind is at your back, in terms of creating essential security. In fact, the next couple days are rich with potential in that regard. This is an excellent time to schedule presentations, apply for a job, or direct your formidable powers toward expanding resources. Get your full Scorpio reading by Eric here.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — “I breathe the fragrance myself and know it and like it / The distillation would intoxicate me also, but I shall not let it.” Walt Whitman is your spirit animal right now. If you need permission or inspiration to take advantage of the potentially thrilling electric current available to you at the moment, read Song of Myself. You’re in a cycle of self-discovery and liberation from outgrown concepts, with a green light to express and celebrate your unique gifts. If you’ve experienced a bit of tension recently between the need to let your freak flag fly and issues related to material security, that should be resolving. “There is a time for penance and a time for partridge,” said Teresa of Avila (your fellow fire sign and philosopher). This looks like more of a partridge moment — that is, a time for pleasure or ‘the good life’. Centaurs are known for both wisdom and lusty passions, and the sage and the beast in you can harmonize in some revitalizing ways these days. Don’t go overboard, obviously, but it’s important to savor the jewel-like moments that life offers, and I hope you’ll find a way to ride the wave that’s cresting now. Creative endeavors of all sorts, sporting activities and romantic encounters would be especially fulfilling. Get your full Sagittarius reading by Eric here.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Where you live is more than a physical location. Your deepest, secret self and private past feed directly into what your energetic ‘home’ entails. Recently you may have felt some intense stirrings on a less than fully conscious level; fears and anger that might seem irrational on the surface. Frustration and annoyances related to pressures you’ve been under maybe had something to do with your actual living space, as well. That immediate storm is dissipating. You may be more inwardly focused than usual for a couple of weeks; don’t strain against it. You can recharge your psychic batteries in ways that will directly serve your quest in the world. A generous well of wisdom and support is available to you on the subtle planes this year. Draw from it. Especially right now, you have opportunities to access intuitive intelligence that can inspire strategies to obtain what you’re striving for. Lines of communication are wide open from an inner (and possibly outer) teacher and guide, and deliberate actions to quiet your mind serve as acts of power this week. Make a point of remembering your dreams. Extend the invitation. Ask and you shall receive, but that does require asking. Get your full Capricorn reading by Eric here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Your solar year started off with a bang; a dramatic conclusion of an 18-month cycle in which your identity and how it relates to that of others has been tested and forced to evolve, in some overwhelming and challenging ways. Reverberations of the recent eclipse are still intense, but a new cycle has begun and right now it’s all about you. What you value, what you want to communicate, what initiatives you want to set in motion — who you really want to be. Use this time to re-boot, re-charge and re-focus. You know how to focus; you’re an expert. Make this a priority even amidst demands on your time that might feel frantic lately. Some furious activity, mentally and physically, might be distracting, but take a look at your long-range aspirations. The next few days are an excellent time to reach out to allies who may be able to assist you in furthering goals you’ve been dreaming about. It’s the perfect re-set for your year, so take advantage of some the good juju available as we speak. You might find collaborators just when you need them. Get your full Aquarius reading by Eric here.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — You’ve got an expansive vision for how you want to show up in the world. It’s imperative that you trust this vision and work towards it this year. Especially right now: with focused effort, the next few days may well bring evidence of some sort of reward. The recent eclipse brings to a close a cycle in which your evolutionary work has brought you face to face with matters of self-esteem, subconscious fears or wounding patterns — some of the darkest recesses of your psyche seem to have undergone a cleansing. Now you’re positioning yourself to bring your true powers to the fore, to manifest evidence of your creative genius for the world to see, in one form or another. Recent frustrations between your aspirations for the future and how you value yourself are dissipating. Let that be as dust in the wind — you know what you’re capable of. Use the next couple of days wisely; that wisdom involves disciplined effort combined with faith in yourself. This blend is a restorative brew to drink in deeply. Get your full Pisces reading by Eric here.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Jan. 21, 2019


Aries (March 20-April 19) — Our society has come to the point where it’s impossible to do much of anything without imagining how it might be perceived by some vast public, or one’s idea of the public. Yet it’s essential now that you conduct your creative or sexual experiments in the sanctity of your inner space. While in one sense that means not broadcasting everything you think and do, there’s a deeper level to this challenge: setting aside your notions of what others might think or how they might perceive you. I don’t mean to present a “don’t think about chocolate cake” kind of Zen koan. Rather, I’m here to encourage you to stay within yourself, and to go as deep as you can without coming up for the air of social approval. This is not the kind of thing you can do all at once. It is in part a growth process, though it’s also about the cultivation of a working method that allows you to work with your inner alchemy, and to inhabit a space within where you’re unfamiliar even to yourself. Get your full Aries reading by Eric here.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — You’re discovering that you’re more confident than you thought — if you can get past the occasional panic attacks. The two are related. Tapping into your inner power can stir up your deepest insecurities. When I say confident, I am not talking about being brassy, cocky or foolhardy. I’m talking about the willingness to dare, and a sense of urgency that you connect to the need to be sincere. This is not about impressing anyone; rather, it’s about connecting to a biological-level need to be vulnerable. Today’s eclipse in Leo may bring you right to that zone, where it might seem you have no choice but to take some kind of chance you don’t necessarily want to take, or which you’re not sure will succeed. That is the point: confidence means proceeding in the face of no external assurances, and perhaps without any precedent for having succeeded at such a thing. You’re being called to accomplish what you never have before, and it will help if you stay close to your edge. Get your full Taurus reading by Eric here.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — It’s essential that you step fully into honesty being not just the best policy, but the only one. Your words have meaning, they have impact on others, and they will either strengthen or weaken you. If you could see how this looks energetically, you would be impressed: how the essence of your words lingers around you, and either nourishes or depletes your integrity. This is entirely dependent upon your sincerity, which means more than good intentions. Consider the words you say. Consider the promises you make, no matter how seemingly small or casual. Going forward, a wholesome guide would be to commit to nothing to which you’re not fully devoted. Don’t sign any contract you’re not able and willing to comply with; make sure you understand entirely what you’re committing to. And if you need to be released from an agreement, make sure that a negotiated settlement — or at least a sincere conversation — is involved. You are well past the point where it’s appropriate merely to walk away. Get your full Gemini reading by Eric here.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Pay special attention to your finances, and don’t be distracted by people who are not fully invested in whatever mutual cause or project you may share. The world is in a hyperbolic state of drama right now; you can find it around every turn. Take conscious steps to eliminate from your life those who are inclined to make scenes or cause distractions, which these days will be nearly everyone. Your business is your business; your success is about you and how you express your talent and your value to the world. Stay connected to your sense of mission, to your purpose and to your highest priorities. If you can do this, I suggest that at the same time you honor how rare this is, and how delicate. While on the one hand you must remain vigilant of people and their agendas, that only gets you part of the way home. You must be vigilant about holding to your sense of direction, to your choices, and to what you know to be right or true. Get your full Cancer reading by Eric here.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Don’t let your personality get in the way of being who you really are. Your true being is not a collection of tendencies or traits, of likes and dislikes, or of your personal style. Rather, your deeper and innermost self is connected to what you’re doing on Earth. A series of eclipses in your sign (or rising sign) in the past two years has pushed this issue and stretched you in many new directions. Yet there remains the simple matter of getting out of your own way, and today’s eclipse of the Moon in your birth sign will help reveal how easy this can be. Let someone emerge from within you: someone perhaps unfamiliar, though one whom you will recognize when you feel their presence. Look at your relationships through fresh eyes, releasing what you believed yesterday about the people in your life. Invite new people into your world, to explore unfamiliar facts of yourself. This will challenge you to call forth the warmth and loyalty that are so close to the essence of your being. Yet there is one other thing you must summon and cultivate: courage. Get your full Leo reading by Eric here.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — If you’re filled with an ominous feeling of some kind, it’s just an eclipse in your 12th house. This is an invitation to pay attention to yourself, to your needs, to your innermost thoughts. The sense of the ominous is your own presence. One of your skills is the ability to keep secrets from yourself, and this is a moment where you will benefit from being totally open. For example, you want to know what you are dreaming, even if it’s weird. In truth, it’s the most direct method your inner mind uses to communicate with you. Integrating your dream life and all that it’s saying will help you be a whole person. There’s no need to blot it out or handle it with gloves and tongs. The same is true of your erotic reality. Go past any sense of embarrassment you may feel about your desires; brush it aside like a veil, and go right to your desires. You don’t need any barriers between you and yourself. And you don’t need to be who anyone expects you to be. Make peace with being in flux. Get your full Virgo reading by Eric here.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — You probably feel like you live in an earthquake zone, where nothing stays the same for even a day — particularly your feelings. You may feel insecure, and with that, feel like the appropriate response is to barricade yourself somewhere you feel safe. However, in earthquake zones, people tend to live in light structures that won’t hurt them if they fall down. Following that metaphor, a tent may provide a better place to retreat than a fortress — I mean this spiritually, and in some sense, physically. Experiment with being outside, even if it’s chilly where you live. This tends to be a time of year when people hunker down and go out unwillingly. Make sure you get outside every day, and if you already do, explore someplace new. That might mean getting off at a different subway stop, or driving home by a different route, or going into a store you’ve never been in. Stop unfamiliar places, get out and look around. And for the next few weeks, make a point of encountering people you’ve never met before. Get your full Libra reading by Eric here.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — You may need to make an important professional decision today, something that snuck up on you or that you had previously ruled out as impossible. Meet the confrontation with optimism and a sense of taking hold of your destiny. You have your options open. You have the freedom to choose new objectives for your life and, moreover, to choose who you want to be. This is not so easy for you, as one born under a fixed sign; so much seems so permanent, so intractable. Yet this is more about your ideas than anything else; in particular, your ideas about yourself. You might want to retreat to some place where you can hold onto some of those, because so much seems to be changing so fast. Yet that is the beauty of the moment, which you will perceive if you can step back from the over-loud discussions about nothing, and listen to what your inner voice is telling you. It’s not so complicated as it may seem. And you will know you want something because you keep coming back to wanting it over and over — then you must find out if you’re right. Get your full Scorpio reading by Eric here.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — The imminent eclipse of the Moon takes place in a region of your chart associated with your long-term plans, and your beliefs about existence. You can think of those as being the same thing: you will project into the future based on what you believe is possible. What happens over the next few days will represent actual learning, which is about discovering something is possible rather than thinking it is so. And with that information in hand and in mind, you are free to adjust your trajectory, honoring your revelation of some deeper truth about yourself and about the world. To the extent that you reassess your plans, and act on your new ideas, you are investing faith in what you have learned. What I am suggesting here is that faith is an investment. It’s not a thing or a thought — it’s a long process of integrating yourself with existence, in a fully aware way. You are being called to do this, as a gesture in support of yourself; in support of what you want to be real. Get your full Sagittarius reading by Eric here.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Now and for the long foreseeable future, your astrology describes you as being under considerable pressure. You may be living with the experience, coming from deep within your cells, that time is running out. Of course, this is true: for all living creatures, time is finite. The question is what to do with the time that you have, whether you choose to measure in hours, in days or in years. Recent events have focused you on using your time wisely and well — or at least you’ve been called to do so. At this stage of your life, it’s essential to draw some distinctions: such as between being busy and being productive; between agreeing to do something and being committed to it; between the appearance of being appropriate, and doing the right thing. The one clear direction your astrology is pointing you is toward your personal constitution, the code that you live by. Here in the age of image, you must understand what is truly right and wrong for you: what you do, and what you accept. Get your full Capricorn reading by Eric here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — You’ve had more than enough changes in your life the past few years, and are no doubt ready for some stability. We could well ask whether this is even possible in the world right now, with everything seeming to be in flux, and worse, so many people seemingly committed to their antisocial ways. Well, they can all do their thing. If you want consistency in your life, focus on the people who are already doing that, and take them as your mentors and as your guides. Learn from those who don’t need to be ‘made’ to do anything, persuaded or pushed. People act of their own accord, and that’s what you’re interested in: those whose accord is in accord with your accord. You cannot motivate anyone; you cannot change anyone’s mind; it’s questionable whether it’s even possible to teach except by example. Even then it can take ten years for someone to ‘get’ the lesson. The forthcoming eclipse in your relationship house is advising you to observe your environment carefully. Notice any new openings. Notice who comes toward you and who moves away. Get your full Aquarius reading by Eric here.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Amidst all the turbulence of the world, and the over-abundance of aspects and the second of two eclipses happening overnight Sunday to Monday, you are under some distinct astrology: Jupiter square Neptune. This particular aspect occurs every six years, though this one stands out as Neptune is in your sign (the modern ‘ruling’ planet) and Jupiter is in Sagittarius (classical ruling sign, though Jupiter also rules Pisces). Both are well placed, meaning strong, effective and available (this all translates to resources). Sally Brompton, my colleague at the New York Post, called the tune on this aspect in a recent daily column for Pisces. She said simply: you’re making important decisions right now, and you must stick to them. There’s no way to say this better. Delineations of this aspect that you might read elsewhere may not be especially keen on it, as it can have a nebulous quality; but this is your territory. Pisces is connected to the Earth just as much as to the ethers. Your job is to give form to your ideas — and for certain, to stick to your decisions. Get your full Pisces reading by Eric here.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Jan. 14, 2019


Aries (March 20-April 19) — Do not allow yourself to be led astray; at this stage in your life, there can be no such thing. If you find yourself making choices based on belief, or hope, pause and make them based on known facts. You do seem to have considerable responsibility on your shoulders at this time, though you are not alone. You can take on the weight of the world, or you can form bonds and associations with others that help you get the job done. That would seem to be your role more than doing all the work yourself, which will require cultivating the art of collaboration, engaging in negotiation processes, and sharing credit for any achievements. Yet you can still be a guiding force for any major work that needs to be done, whether in a professional context or that of your family. Even so, you also have the ability to mislead with “good intentions” or spiritual platitudes. Make sure that all actions are grounded in some practical necessity, and a confrontation with the facts. Get your full Aries reading by Eric here.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Keep your focus on the practical — what you need to get done, and why. Gradually, you will assemble the parts of a much larger picture. Use time to your benefit, and take the flexibility that you have. If you’re feeling squeezed, evaluate whether certain deadlines can be extended for a short time. Others may lend themselves to postponement. The moment you’re feeling stressed by deadlines, get out of your head, break down your schedule, and do a reality check with your colleagues and collaborators. It’s true there are certain pressing matters that must be attended to, including a few things you need to wipe off your slate. Be eager to resolve or dispense with any project or task that is toast, or that you’re ready to move on from. Greater accomplishments await you, and when the Sun changes signs to Aquarius in about a week, you will be engaging some bold new plans. Therefore, clear the stumbling blocks from your path. Get your full Taurus reading by Eric here.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — You must count on yourself to attain the goals you’ve set for yourself. Any help that comes your way will be nice, though you must be the editor-in-chief, the reporter and the production manager. Only you understand not just the brass tacks of the situations, but also the many commitments that are involved. Beware of anyone who talks a big game, or who makes a claim without having specific facts and figures to back themselves up. Do not be afraid to ask the hard questions, and to size up in cold terms who is committed and who is not, based on their behavior, and whether they back up what they have promised. Your chart suggests you’re at a moment of truth, where you must confront the reality of a situation you might prefer to overlook. Be willing to face the bottom line, and to move on from anyone who has proven to be unreliable or has let you down. In our times, we’re supposed to run in circles, hoping people will wake up. Save your time and energy. Get your full Gemini reading by Eric here.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Recent events connected to the Capricorn solar eclipse may have shaken you up and altered some of your plans, though you have made a fast recovery. Now, you must keep nearly all of your focus on financial issues, and safeguarding your long-term security. In many ways, you’re at the point of making a clean break from the past, and clearing your accounts. That is the spirit in which to proceed. While you’re doing this, you will have an opportunity to focus your priorities and ensure that what you’re doing is in tune with your most deeply held values. Make this a high priority: now is the time to refine your life plan and pull yourself into alignment (or closer alignment) with what matters to you the most. There will be opportunities for collaboration, including potential contact with investors. The right people to work with are the ones who are the most deeply connected to, and impressed by, your adherence to a life code that you live by every day. Get your full Cancer reading by Eric here.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — You must balance a long-range approach to the important questions in your life with taking care of immediate needs. This may seem impossible, as you toggle between one and the other, trying to gain some balance, or to integrate these two levels of priorities. For a while it may seem like you have to emphasize one, and give up the other, then run back to the other and so on. Eventually you will integrate the two processes. But you can start now. Obviously, immediate concerns must take priority over long-term, yet there is a way to take care of your day-to-day responsibilities that involves consciously setting yourself up for the future. This is about being aware of how every step you take in the moment sets you further on your path, or serves as a digression. So the way out of the toggle is the mindfulness to focus each choice and each task in alignment with your greater plan and your greater good. Tune in to your guidance; tune in to your vision; you will find your direction. Get your full Leo reading by Eric here.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Make sure everything passes the sniff test, particularly offers or proposals from others. Try things in the short run to see whether they might work in the long run. Meanwhile, you need others far less than you might imagine. At this stage, you’re like an artist working diligently in your studio, who does not need an assistant. The dregs of yesterday’s coffee will suit you fine, if it means not being interrupted. Only you understand what you really need to do, why you need to do it, and how to do it correctly. At a certain point soon, you’ll want to work with others, but don’t rush it. You are onto something, and in order to accomplish what you need to do, you are, in a sense, the content of your own work. You are the sculpture, the poem, the book, the painting, the project that you’re working on. Allow yourself to be obsessed. Check the mail every day and make sure your electricity doesn’t get turned off because you forgot to write the check. Get your full Virgo reading by Eric here.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Don’t allow yourself to be too distracted by family or partnership matters. Yes, that may be like saying “ignore the traffic jam on the Cross Bronx Expressway during the evening rush hour,” which you can in fact do if you break out a map and find your way around the bottleneck. Indeed, matters are not so urgent as they may seem, and the most helpful approach will be to keep your sense of humor handy. It will also help to take a natural approach to endings, and make a point of welcoming specific ones into your life. Certain situations have run their course, which you will soon see is a positive thing. However, these days it’s trendy to live in the past and cling to what you have. I would describe that as a bad habit, and one that blocks many other possibilities from your view. Thought of another way, clinging to the past gnaws away at your confidence. Keep your mind on the future and on your considerable potential and you will feel bold and assertive. Let things happen at their own pace. Get your full Libra reading by Eric here.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Be careful to regulate your finances carefully over the next few weeks. Don’t overestimate your cash reserves, and don’t take chances speculating. You will want to spend on luxuries, but you can keep it down to a dull roar and still have fun. Yet you need to watch the numbers carefully, including short- and medium-range income, your bank balances, and the pace at which you spend. Use credit with extreme caution (zero interest rate preferred). But the real matter seems to be making sure your immediate priorities are in line with your long-term vision for yourself. If you’re going to make an investment, choose from a list of things you’ve had in mind for a long time — more than a year or two. Now is not the time to be spontaneous but it’s a good time to gradually engage your more important plans, particularly if they involve putting you in a better position to produce whatever it is you make. That said, there is a very good chance you already have everything you need — so check before you spend. Get your full Scorpio reading by Eric here.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Check at every turn that you’re not deceiving yourself, whether consciously or ‘unconsciously’. The deception could be sly: such as feeling like you have more confidence than is appropriate, or like something is undermining your confidence. The one thing you must not do is set your expectations too high, whether for the amount of a return on effort, or the timeframe involved. The place to invest your energy is in the willingness to do the nuts and bolts work of getting your result. Do not expect anything to happen by itself, as if by magic. You know this from long experience, though you might be especially inclined to forget this week. Stick to a core set of priorities and focus on them. The current exact square between your ruler Jupiter and its close cousin Neptune requires you to be realistic about everything, particularly matters of scale. Get a small thing working well, then expand it. This is preferable to starting huge and having to cut back. Get your full Sagittarius reading by Eric here.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — You have a lot going on in your life, as if some process more complicated than you anticipated has been set in motion by the recent solar eclipse in your birth sign. The thing that’s essential to remember and put into practice is that this is about inner work. You may be inclined to focus on your image, which means how you present yourself or some facet of your appearance. This would be guiding your intentions and your focus in the wrong direction; the correct direction is toward your challenges. Yet there may be so much going on that it seems helpful to have a diversion of some kind. You have your options open socially, though I suggest you place yourself in environments where you can “come as you are,” with no changes to your appearance, no thought of impressing anyone, and a thoughtful atmosphere rather than one connected to partying. Yet this is still secondary. Right now it is your inner world that counts, not your outer one. Get your full Capricorn reading by Eric here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — You may feel like your mind, and your desk, is a very busy airport, where the traffic controllers are being expected to come to work for free. You will benefit from putting your feelings and your plans into writing. This will help you clear your mind and maintain your focus. You feel like you’re under more pressure than you really are. This is particularly true if certain fears seem to get your attention more than your potential does. You will benefit from staying on-task. This is an approach that seems to have fallen by the wayside of modern digital life: knowing the difference between being busy and being productive. For you, productive means maintaining your focus on what you need to do next, based on what project is due the soonest. However, for the more complex, long-range tasks, you will benefit from setting up the project well in advance, so that when you come to it, you will not be looking at a blank page. So take a look ahead at what is due over the next three months, and set up your workbench or your work files sooner rather than later. Get your full Aquarius reading by Eric here.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — This week’s contact between Jupiter and Neptune may be challenging for some, though for you, it’s providing remarkable assistance in focusing your vision. You will know when something is the right thing to do, or a particular direction is the right one to take. If it is, you will seem to be drawn in its direction, and if it’s not, you’ll feel like you’re bumping into an invisible barrier that’s preventing you from moving forward. Meanwhile, Venus joining Jupiter in the bold Sagittarius midheaven angle of your chart is reminding you to keep the human touch. It is you and not your accomplishments or goals that will speak the most credibly. Present yourself as you are. Stay positive, stay visible, and be bold about your vision for your life and for the world. It’s true that we are in some very strange times at the moment, though you are uniquely situated to be able to handle the weirdness, deftly and elegantly. Fear no one. Let them be a little intimidated by you, then reveal how friendly you are. Get your full Pisces reading by Eric here.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for Jan. 10, 2019

Weekly Horoscope for Jan. 10, 2019 (#1233) | By Amy Elliott
New sign glyphs are by Lanvi Nguyen.

Aries (March 20-April 19) — You have the chance to make some long strides this week in support of your ambitions, and it would seem the positive effects will be all the more robust if your decisions are taken with both fairness and wisdom in mind. In particular, ensure you do right by those who have helped you along the way. Give credit where credit is due, and offer help where it’s needed. As well as keeping things honest and ethical, this will show others that you can be trusted, and — perhaps most importantly — bolster your faith in yourself. Get your full Aries reading by Eric here.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — This week may bring something of a reckoning with your self-esteem, especially as it relates to your spiritual path or philosophy of life. Do you count yourself as a full participant in the world, entitled to the same rights and respect as everyone else? If not, this is an optimal moment to consider why that might be, and to realign some of your ideas accordingly. You have many gifts that others need to see and benefit from, including a groundedness and wisdom that is becoming increasingly rare in our current chaotic environment. Get your full Taurus reading by Eric here.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Though your sign is known for its abilities with wordplay, you also understand the importance of keeping one’s word once it is given. Indeed, this was accorded such significance by the ancient Greeks that even the Olympian gods in mythology, strong as they were, could be bound by their oaths if they swore on the river Styx. That included Zeus, who was characterized as otherwise having virtually limitless power. Choose your words with care, and don’t make any promises if you can help it. Show yourself by your actions instead. Get your full Gemini reading by Eric here.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — It can be tempting to give your allegiance entirely to another person, and allow their opinions to become the arbiters of how we feel about ourselves. Many people do this, though perhaps not consciously, forgetting that other human beings are precisely that, and as prone to fallibility as we all are. Trusting in oneself can take a lifetime of work, though it’s worth the effort to be independent of others’ authority, and to be the sovereign of your own life. Any desire you might have to give up that right needs to be reassessed. Get your full Cancer reading by Eric here.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Plenty of the everyday decisions we make have an ethical component, though because the consequences are not often very serious, we can be tempted easily enough to let things slide. This can occasionally create a slippery slope. While it’s useful to recognize that we all make mistakes, and certainly to avoid self-flagellation when we do, it also helps to make the right choices as often as possible. This week, you would be well served to keep as much as possible on the honorable side of that line. Get your full Leo reading by Eric here.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — There’s a popular theory (with a few variants) that we’re now in a parallel universe; however far-fetched this may be, it certainly does seem at times as if everything is inside out with the label showing. Yet while there has lately been much shaking and rattling, you do have autonomy over your life and the course you take. If you have specific plans, the chances are they’re still within your grasp, however long you need to get there. The world may not be especially consistent, but you can be, and determined with it. Get your full Virgo reading by Eric here.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Now would seem to be a great time to push for any big changes you consider necessary in terms of your attitude toward the past. Recent experiences might have knocked you sideways, but you may also have noticed a sense of inner strength, even at the time. Let that strength guide you onward; note your power to reorganize your life in areas where it could be overdue. One of the great blessings of challenging moments is in highlighting this very point, and helping us finally be rid of things we are better off without. Get your full Libra reading by Eric here.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — You already possess some natural curiosity, and could possibly find some uses for it in the days ahead. If you become intrigued by an idea, give yourself the space to let loose your inquisitiveness and sense of wonder, and then go digging. Consider no question taboo, or unworthy of an answer. So long as you keep a grip on your faculty for independent thought, that should arm you against any bullshit you encounter; another way is to check multiple perspectives, and sources other than the internet. Get your full Scorpio reading by Eric here.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — This week you may make some gains in terms of your resources, or will perhaps be able to put what you have to better use. If you find yourself with a surplus, whether of money, time or items, there may be people who could benefit from your help; try to take up any opportunities that make themselves known. It’s possible to be generous with one’s mind as well as material goods; to give people the benefit of the doubt, make allowances and find common ground where it exists, which it very often does. Get your full Sagittarius reading by Eric here.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Developing a just self-image can be tricky, because our opinions of ourselves are always subjective. The same is generally true of any outside perspective we might seek. This is why it’s so helpful to cultivate self-acceptance. In addition, if you worry that you’re not the person you think you ought to be, first notice that word “ought” and consider that you’re likely judging yourself unnecessarily — and, secondly, at least you care about what you manifest in the world. Far too many people cannot say the same. Go easy on the self-criticism. Get your full Capricorn reading by Eric here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — The present eclipse season will culminate with a lunar eclipse in your opposite sign: the last on the Leo-Aquarius axis for a while, marking the end of a phase. Following that, you may well find you’re able to step into a more active gear. In the meantime, though, you probably still have a lot of information to process. Try not to rush anything, even if you’re frustrated at the idea of yet more reflection. You’re laying the foundations for grappling with potentially significant changes, and it’s more important work than you might realize. Get your full Aquarius reading by Eric here.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — While the world seems to be dividing itself up by every possible permutation, and many of us are re-evaluating our values, ideas or whole identities amid the storms, you still appear to have a grasp on actual reality. After all, you have the gift of seeing through the illusion of separateness to what unites all living beings. You know that the majority of people simply want to live, laugh, love and dance, and can get along with most others quite happily. Wherever you get the opportunity this week, share your understanding. Get your full Pisces reading by Eric here.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Jan. 7, 2019


Aries (March 20-April 19) — With your ruler Mars now back in your sign, you may well be more comfortable in your own skin. Be wary, however, of feeling under pressure to perform relentlessly or carry out impossible tasks. You’re a human, not a machine, and quite apart from anything else you probably need time to process all you’ve learned recently. Things could get a little tense during the next week or two; you might be able to burn some of that as fuel, though be prepared to rein it in if you start to feel overloaded or stressed. Get your full Aries reading by Eric here.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Despite the rather spectacular New Moon and accompanying eclipse that’s just taken place, you may be feeling as if the old year has been extended somewhat, and you’re still waiting for the new one to materialize. Or perhaps the holiday mood is lingering, and you’re in no mind to give it up just yet. Either way, your taking a slightly easier pace into 2019 should present no problems. The seed of change is there within you; it simply needs the room and the right type of soil for it to grow, branch out and finally blossom. Get your full Taurus reading by Eric here.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — At times we all find ourselves in situations, whether of our own making or due more to outside circumstances, that feel like being stuck, or unsure what our next move should be. If that sounds like you this week, remember first that you can likely figure something out if you keep at it. You also have the option of asking people around you for help, so long as you know where you need to be. The one approach that won’t work well is simply waiting for someone else to take initiative and come to the rescue. You’re more robust than that, anyway. Get your full Gemini reading by Eric here.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — You may be facing something of a challenge this week figuring out where others end and you begin, despite the famous outer shell of the Crab. It’s worth it to remember that you are still a water sign after all, and then take steps to reinforce that boundary when necessary. This isn’t about freezing people out; rather, it involves understanding clearly your identity, your views and your values, as apart from those outside you. If you then offer devotion or service, for example, you are doing so in full autonomy — and that’s a beautiful thing. Get your full Cancer reading by Eric here.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — By now, probably a significant proportion of people who’ve made virtually impossible New Year’s resolutions have already broken them. To give up completely something you enjoy, absent any serious health issues, is like trying to wade through chest-deep psychological treacle, especially once the novelty wears off. That said, one thing you can definitely resolve on cutting out of your life this year — however long it might take — is any notion that you’re somehow ‘less than’. You are a rare and precious being, and deserve to feel good about yourself. Get your full Leo reading by Eric here.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Trying to get on with constructive work or a creative project in the age of the internet is a little like trying to catch a specific melody in a room filled with cacophonous noise. It’s all too easy to get lost or distracted amid the many websites clamoring for your attention and trying to keep you interested. This affects things like attention span in the long term as well. The allure isn’t easy to resist, but it’s decidedly worth trying if you want to make progress this week. As far as possible, give yourself the tools to shut out the noise and focus. Get your full Virgo reading by Eric here.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — It can be challenging sometimes to let go of the past; just now, in fact, you may be feeling a sense of frustration at certain aspects of your past apparently refusing to let go of you. There may be a delay, though it won’t be forever, and this is likely about ensuring that when you eventually do move on, you can do so completely, with a clear mind. You’ll probably benefit from setting aside any impatience and using the time to observe your emotional process as you review the relevant material. Let things happen at their own pace. Get your full Libra reading by Eric here.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Keep an eye on your nervous system during the current eclipse season, and be ready to find a healthy outlet to release any tension. This could well include expressing yourself in writing, if only for your own reference: you might feel as if you have nothing to say, and yet once the words start flowing they can take on a pace and a life of their own. In addition, it might help you to set aside some personal time, preferably in a relatively quiet space. There, if need be, you can safely avoid whatever turbulence may be occurring elsewhere. Get your full Scorpio reading by Eric here.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — You currently seem to possess an unusually clear understanding of where you’re headed, and a strong sense of your motivation, including the ideals you hold most precious. While your energy remains this focused, take every possible opportunity to stride forward and to accomplish what needs to be done. You may, of course, have moments when you feel doubtful of your aims or your capabilities; yet in reality, underneath it all, you know the answers. Keep your eye on the destination, and stay determined. Get your full Sagittarius reading by Eric here.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Hopefully you’re feeling mainly comfortable in yourself, and aware of your current purpose and direction. Possibly you’re still unsure at times, however; you may be concerned that something is lacking, or that you’re striving for what may prove impossible to reach. You might also feel crowded or hindered by certain obligations. Yet your sense of self is more than powerful enough to do away with these doubts, even if it’s located somewhere under the surface. Keep that strength within your sight, and use it as often as you need it. Get your full Capricorn reading by Eric here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Take it easy during the next week or two. By now you’ve become used to being out of your comfort zone in some way, and the experiences you’re likely to have in the present eclipse season will probably feel somehow like a summing-up of recent developments in this area. You may also find that you’re astoundingly well stocked in the intuition department. Keep tuned to your instincts, record your dreams, and look out for any hints the cosmos might be sending you. There could well be some useful information coming your way. Get your full Aquarius reading by Eric here.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Lately you’ve had a chance to enjoy some of the fruits of recent labor, and there may well be more to come. You’re still very much focused on your present mission, yet are aware that there’s room for both work and play — and certain forms of play are more enriching than others. The key is probably to get the most out of the time you spend, regardless of the activity you choose. Changing it up every now and then is one way to stay motivated, and to minimize the chances of distractions swallowing up your energy. Get your full Pisces reading by Eric here.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for January 2019

Monthly Horoscope for January 2019 (#1232) | By Eric Francis Coppolino
New sign glyphs are by Lanvi Nguyen.

Aries (March 20-April 19) — This year you will meet Chiron. You might have at some point in the last four seasons, though most likely you were addressing some urgent material from the past that took up most of your energy. Yet in the sense of experiencing a particular kind of activation, and an unusual challenge that compelled you to grow, or threw you into some kind of crisis, what you experienced was pure Chiron. What you are learning is how to distinguish yourself from others. This is mostly an internal process. You begin by awakening to the degree that you allow your ideas about yourself and your existence to be determined and even dictated by others. The early stages of this — which you may well have experienced — may include the consequences of being different, such as you might stumble into accidentally, by stating your opinion. The place you will want to study is the point of resistance, where your will meets that of “some other force.” The “other force” you’re encountering is a combination of your past conditioning and the current movements in society that might reinforce it. So you might look at this as a clear case of you against the world, or vice versa. That is how Chiron can seem, at times, because it’s so closely associated with standing out and standing apart. There’s another way to experience this dynamic, which is internal: expressing your self as contrasted with your not-self. The quest — and the urgency — to be real exists entirely within you. It has nothing to do with all those other people. Get your full Aries reading by Eric here.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Taurus is considered the sign of stability, of etiquette, and of determination. You reach for impeccability, whether with the passion of an artistic master, or the steadfastness of an oak tree that drives its intention to exist deep into the ground, and into the sky. Yet few see what you go through to maintain this state of being. To say the least, it’s not easy. I would remind you of what Alice A. Bailey said of your sign in the well-known but little-read work Esoteric Astrology. She describes Taurus as the blacksmith shop of the soul. It’s dark and smoky, hot and loud. Down at the core is not the elegant Aphrodite but the limping Hephaestus, whose mother threw him off of Mount Olympus due to his apparent imperfection. Then, as the metalsmith of the gods, he made all the weapons of the Olympians. He served a profound purpose, though it was in no way glamorous, or related to appearances. It was born of practicality and of honor; his singular role emerged from the agony of abandonment and misunderstanding. With Uranus entering your birth sign for the next seven years, you are now in a new phase of fashioning yourself, and the tools of your consciousness. Keep in mind that this is not a delicate or pretty process. There’s no pageantry and no accolades, and few who will even notice the progress you’re making — so that must come from you. Remember: you are not only constructing tools. You are developing the skills to do so. You will need to be patient, and accommodate the potential for change every single day. Get your full Taurus reading by Eric here.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — At this stage of your life, the focus of your growth is on your agreements. This includes the agreements you’ve already made, the ones you are about to make, and the legacy of those that existed in the distant past. You are also subject to the agreements that others make on your behalf, such as through various arrangements in marriage, business partnership and trusts. I suggest you develop your skill in contracts. Start by reading the ones you’re presented with, no matter how boring they may be. You might also read something in the genre of Contract Law for Dummies. Find someone in your life who has a knack for the topic, and work with a collaborator or two — someone who has no interest whatsoever in the outcome of the arrangement. That part is essential. Contract law is a cold art. There is one principle I suggest you hold above all others, which is knowing what is asked of you, and entering no agreement that you are not 100% confident you can fulfill. This applies to business arrangements, intimate situations and family business, with a special emphasis on the agreed time of delivery. And one other: every agreement you sign must have a reasonable exit clause. There will be times when, despite all of your precautions, you find yourself in over your head. And in those situations, you will need to be something of a ninja, keep your cool and make decisions. One thing to keep in mind is that this is all a group enterprise. You’re not in anything alone, though it’s also essential that you allow nobody to make your decisions for you. Hold people to the fire, especially where the facts and figures are concerned. Get your full Gemini reading by Eric here.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — In order for your life not to seem like an ongoing confrontation, you will need to study your environment. Translated, that means learning how to see what everyone else misses, and how to see what’s invisible. This will give you many, many advantages over those who simply don’t pay attention. You’re willing to defend yourself and your brood when you have to, though this is not your preferred way of life. Therefore, you must know people and know yourself. Study the landscape, and get a sense of what strategy others are applying in their dealings with you. You must surround yourself with people you actually trust, which means understanding what trust is, in the strange verging-on-insane world in which we are living right now. Notice who demonstrates their fidelity to you, and stick with them — and return the favor. Your real project this year is not defensive; it’s about setting your mind on tangible, useful and necessary achievement. Chiron is about to enter Aries, and will be there for another eight years. That’s your 10th house, which is about leadership, responsibility, and the authority you wield in the world. After many years of studying this house, the concept that threads the needle is responsibility. More than anything, this means taking charge of your own affairs. That will become a habit and then a pattern, all the while serving as an example for those around you. In many ways, you were born to lead; you are a natural pioneer, and you have the ideas to back it up. Therefore, I’ll say it again: know people, and know yourself. Get your full Cancer reading by Eric here.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — You’ve been through many unusual changes in the past two years, mostly centered around eclipses of the Moon and particularly those of the Sun in your birth sign. The question now is of restoring some stability to your existence. The place to focus your efforts and your energy is the work and wellbeing angle of your chart, which means some form of enhanced work/life balance, or work/life integration. There are two approaches, though I would suggest that what you’re doing is all about integration rather than balance. For you, life and work are not distinct entities. Work is so integral to your existence that it’s essential for any notion of living well. This will mean, in the coming seasons, working at what you find to be the most meaningful, and making the most of each day as it passes. There’s a word tossed about lately, I believe improperly: that is sustainability. This is not an especially helpful concept, since nearly nothing qualifies at the moment. You would do better with the notion of resilience. This is a working principle that can be applied from moment to moment, rather than something that exists only in theory. It’s the ability to recover from the expenditure of energy; this implies having some reserves — of energy, of cash, of time, and of other resources. Leave yourself headroom, rather than pushing your efforts to 10 or 11. Prioritize, and master the art of collaboration, so that you can shift the nature of your responsibilities and your efforts to accommodate your energy level and other demands. Consider time your ally, and be bold about making the changes you need to make. Get your full Leo reading by Eric here.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — There’s something within you that you urgently need to set free. This will inevitably call for you to let go of your concepts of what it means to be a proper adult, a well-behaved person or a responsible child. Those self-images and roles have come under some tension this year, as something else about you has been struggling to be born. You would serve yourself well to be a little less risk-averse. That means taking possession of your experiments; you will take your chances, or they will take you. The first thing to do is let your imagination run a little wild, and explore some of the possibilities. Then start bringing your body into the scene, and physically explore some of them: go somewhere unusual, do something you’ve never done, or have an encounter with a person you’re curious about, and take your time doing it. Every cell in your body is reaching for the child within you, who lives for how strange and interesting life is. As you do this, you will begin to shift your relationship to what you consider your responsibilities. You will recognize that you can let some of them go; others may seem to be taken from you — and it would be helpful if you gave them back from whence they issue, or delegate them to someone who likes them more than you do. One thing that the pressures of adult life do for you is to shield you from new experiences. This includes within your work, where you would benefit from boldly exploring aspects of your profession that you’ve never experienced before. Get your full Virgo reading by Eric here.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Over the next year, your primary job is to bring to a close every matter of your life that is ready to end. This end phase of what must conclude goes back a year, though certain matters have been on your agenda for up to a decade, and now is the time to write the final act. Part of what’s distracted you is your need for security; however, you may be in that situation where you’re struggling to make decisions, and that gets worse as the pressure builds. For this reason, I suggest you begin taking steps sooner rather than later. You may have a mistaken idea of what it means to make a decision, or what readiness is, and are likely to figure out that you were ready and decided long ago. You will not know that, however, until you actually move, which for you is the last stage of making a decision: to actually enter the territory, and then you recognize you complete your decision-making process by taking action. Said another way, taking action is how you finalize your decisions, and no amount of contemplation can get you there: only movement itself. Therefore, make a punch list of that which you know must end. That could mean personal arrangements, business arrangements, living arrangements, the storage unit: the things that influence your life every day and that you’ve said anywhere from 10 to 1000 times are done. Let them be done. Meditate on the phrase, “the end of the matter.” Write it on the wall, or tape it to your computer, and make it a way of life. Once you get started, you will want to keep going, and going, and going. Get your full Libra reading by Eric here.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — You may think it will be impossible to get your head together; to have some peace of mind; to have one voice that you communicate in. Yet a little focus will go a long way, as will some flexibility. Your mind is a living creature, not a machine. You will develop what you cultivate, and if you want clarity, then you need a way to grow it. I propose writing as a daily discipline; and further, that your approach not be precious but rather practical. This is not about the beauty of your words or the precision of your expression, but rather about clearing clutter, and making room for your real ideas. Henry Miller said that to find one’s writing voice, it’s necessary to write a million words. For you, finding your voice means thinking clear thoughts, and knowing where you stand with yourself. Life is rather different when you can do these things; when you’re not squirming around trying to decide what you really think and feel. This is also a process of learning how to be more honest with yourself, at which you have a C+ average most of the time. Such honesty is about breaking through the clichés of your own thoughts, and getting to the real material that’s beneath them. But you don’t know you’re down there till you actually arrive, and it can seem like a long, craggy slog for a while, until it’s not. From the look of your chart, it’s possible that being able to write is really, truly something you want to learn, like wanting to breathe. I would encourage you, and I would also remind you that for a while, moving words can feel like hauling rocks; and then you find that they are as portable as yoga blocks, and as soft and as colorful. Do the work. Do not stop. You will thank yourself. Get your full Scorpio reading by Eric here.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Make careful use of your technology. Ensure you are the one using it as a creative tool, and that it is not using you. This is challenging, because we tend to become like the tools we use; our minds shape and form around them. It can be painful to take up your tools, because they are sensory devices, sending you feedback that can be overwhelming. So, too, can thought itself. We are now well into the age of delegating the making of decisions to technological processes (falsely called “artificial intelligence”). What our society does not see right now is that our technology exists on the level of a religion. That is the part of the brain and of consciousness they occupy. We accept that they are miracles and that the gospel is true. You must keep your conscience about you in the coming years. Above all, this means making your own choices, and knowing the moment you deflect the responsibility to do so. Normally I might say that you can trust your own goodness, but this time I’m going to suggest that you raise it to question. Subject your intentions to scrutiny. Make sure you differentiate the emotional level of your consciousness from your mental process. You are more easily subject to propaganda on the emotional level, where it’s easier to be persuaded and to persuade yourself. Therefore, the planets in their courses are calling upon you to be a master of doubt. And if that is true, your most effective tool will be your curiosity, because it will lead you to the place of true intelligence: the desire to know and understand. Get your full Sagittarius reading by Eric here.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — You may have the urge to run from your responsibilities. You might ask yourself how you would feel if you did; just say screw it all, I don’t need this crap. Who are you living for, anyway? And what are you living for? The chances are that you’re trying to maintain several agendas or sets of priorities at once, and you need to figure out which one is really yours and yours alone. Yet this will take courage of a special kind, because you’re so accustomed to doing everyone’s bidding, even to your own detriment. You’ve learned a lot in recent months about your true priorities, though you may have had a difficult experience of seeing what happens when you go against the grain of what you think is expected of you. That’s what this is all about, Grasshopper: expectations. That word deserves to have a disgusting feel in your mouth; I will skip the metaphor but invent your own — something you really, really don’t want in your mouth — and connect it to that word, and that concept. You will do better to sweep the deck clear of all of your preconceived ideas about life, and then add them back one at a time, and ask yourself, one by one, if this really matters to you; or if it has that gross feeling of being tethered to someone, something, or some other time — purely as a consequence of your own thought process. Nobody else can free you of these things, but they can try to heap a little more on you. At a certain point you will need to decide what’s more important: your freedom or thinking you’re perceived as perfect. It’s time to give yourself a break. Get your full Capricorn reading by Eric here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — You can trust that whatever just happened will never happen again. You’ve released an enormous amount of pressure that was clouding your whole environment, and bending your reality — and now you can get down to what you really need to do. That involves ongoing inner work, though few people have a sense of what that means. Here’s a clue: it’s not about rehashing the past, and it’s not about denying the past. And it’s too complex to sum up in a tweet or two. Yet history is very much a factor, by which I mean the history of your family going back many generations. It’s no easy task claiming back your life from what seemed to have an invisible grip on you. Yet you’ve had a good 10 years in the process, and now the pace of changes is accelerating. I suggest you make peace with one basic fact, which is that much of what you’re dealing with is not really about you. You’re still responsible for it on some level, because it’s been passed down to you as some kind of inheritance, like an old house you’re not sure you want but suddenly you’re paying taxes on it and you have to fix the roof and all of that. There’s a plus side to all of this, which is you have material to work with, if only you will take a creative approach to the questions you face. Yet now, that facing will be inward, not into your thoughts or into your feelings, but directly at the cosmos from which you emerged, as strange and as turbulent as it may be. Borrowing a line from the eternal professor, Bob Dylan: “I have a brother or two and a whole lot of karma to burn… Isis and the Moon shine on me.” Get your full Aquarius reading by Eric here.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — You’ve been through the great initiation known as Chiron in Pisces. Well, technically, it ends the day the Sun enters your sign on Feb. 18. The time remaining presents you with a brief opportunity to look back and consider how far you’ve come since April 20, 2010. While you’re doing that, make a list of everything you need to complete, which will probably mean closure with certain individuals, specific creative projects, and matters of healing that date back to around the beginning of the transit. The growth process you were taken through involved the clarification of your emotional body. Depending on what day it was, this might have had the feeling of dropping a hook down the drain and dragging out all the weird gunk that was down there. Other days, you might have felt like you were pumping water out of a well, waiting for it to finally come through clear and cold. And at other times you were standing in front of an ocean, knowing that in truth it’s not the only thing in the world you actually respect — it just feels that way. With Chiron moving on to Aries, you’re on your own, in your relationship to your intuition and your creativity. You will need to be discerning, focus your mind, and know the difference between your prejudice and what you truly perceive. You will need to split the difference between instinct and fear. You will need to know when you can trust yourself and when you must pause and get additional data. These are tools that will help you on the way to aspiring to greater experiences and accomplishments than what you’ve known, though all depend — and depend entirely — on exercising your capacity to be honest with yourself. Get your full Pisces reading by Eric here.