Category Archives: Horoscopes

Thursday Night Weekly Horoscope for June 13, 2019

Thursday Night Weekly Horoscope for June 13, 2019 (#1250) | By Victoria Emory

Aries (March 20-April 19) — Any frustration, anxiety or irritation you may feel about an external roadblock is feeding off ancient roots that descend into the past. The more conscious you are of old patterns related to childhood insecurities and resentments, the more effectively you’ll be able to implement strategies for moving forward. As pressures mount leading up to Monday’s Full Moon, make every effort to tune into the strong signals broadcasting from your deepest, less-than-fully-conscious emotional stations. Let off steam privately, if necessary, with awareness and compassion for yourself. Genuine power draws upon sources that extend beyond ego identification. Force, on the other hand, pushes against, and sets up a depleting counter-force. Keep your eye on the long game.

Your hot new Mars-focused spring video readings are ready for instant access: purchase individual signs or nab all 12 here.

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Inner dialogue is like software; it’s a program that can be changed, regardless of what messages repeatedly scroll across your screen. The personal revolution heralded by Uranus in your sign requires some restructuring of your belief system and worldview. To become truly aware of core beliefs takes practice; start by listening to what could be some pretty annoyed inner voices right now, railing against restrictions on your freedom to pursue certain goals. It will be tempting to discharge tension by projecting your irritation outwardly, but whatever that voice is telling you, its purpose is to move you past limiting beliefs. The more creatively you approach this dynamic, the more you’ll enhance self-esteem and personal security.

Your hot new Mars-focused spring video readings are ready for instant access: purchase individual signs or nab all 12 here.

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — What do you need to feel safe; to feel good about yourself; to feel free? Your evolution requires real emotional honesty in answering these questions. You’ve reached a point where your self-worth and sense of security must arise more from your own innate talents and resources, less in terms of relationships, intimate or familial. Greater personal empowerment is the goal; creativity, conviction, and self-acceptance are your tools. This process will last for some time, though challenges this week could push your buttons mightily. Exercise diplomacy with others, and don’t be spooked by what may seem an insurmountable wall — you can go around it. Summon courage and patience; the reward is to become more who you really are.

Your hot new Mars-focused spring video readings are ready for instant access: purchase individual signs or nab all 12 here.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — You’re channeling enough force to initiate a personal renaissance, and to impress the world with your gifts more than you have in a long time. How you’re positioned in relation to others is the question. If partners feel like a drag on your speed, if your patience with perceived limitations has evaporated: pause. Your relational environment — personal or professional — is evolving; you’re reclaiming some power. The more you examine old insecurities or childhood imprinting, the more effectively you’ll navigate those sensitive waters. You’ll do yourself a favor by exploring some new terrain, literally or figuratively. Break up established routines as much as possible now. Educational, philosophical or spiritual endeavors will introduce essential fresh air you might not know you’ve needed.

Your hot new Mars-focused spring video readings are ready for instant access: purchase individual signs or nab all 12 here.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — There are times to forge ahead and damn the torpedoes, and times when that’s as helpful as banging your head against the wall. You’re a natural leader; you exert influence. Lately, however, your forces are less easily deployed, may backfire or could somehow undermine your intention. For what may feel like forever, just taking care of yourself amidst relentless demands on your time has been an act of power. You’re so used to rising to the occasion that you might not be fully conscious of just how over it you are. Vague anxieties or emotional turmoil are signals that a strategic retreat is in order. Focus on your wellbeing right now. Attend to both psychic and bodily needs, to re-set your mojo.

Your hot new Mars-focused spring video readings are ready for instant access: purchase individual signs or nab all 12 here.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Those goals you’ve been harboring for “the future”? Prioritize practical strategies and get that ball rolling, despite perceived limitations on your creative freedom. Heavy responsibilities may have weighed you down, but you’ve matured and honed your vision, and old baggage has sapped your focus long enough. Real opportunities to take concrete steps forward are available now. A ‘destiny window’ is opening soon, and your path of power involves actualizing some project that’s been long on the back burner. Continue refining the structure as you work, and let whatever frustrations you feel serve as grist for the mill. A confidence-boosting nudge from an insightful ally can help break the logjam; don’t hesitate to draw on that support.

Your hot new Mars-focused spring video readings are ready for instant access: purchase individual signs or nab all 12 here.

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — From ancient shamanism to modern psychotherapy, the practice of retrieving parts of the psyche that have been somehow lost or frozen in time has been an essential high art. To engage the world meaningfully, we need all of ourselves in the game. You have a calling. Your creative gifts must be made manifest. Accumulated weight from the past has held you back, and tension between feeling stuck and fulfilling your ambition requires strategy and sensitivity to release. Whether some old family or domestic situation, you know where your power feels trapped. Creatively dialogue with your own inner voices, rather than project that frustration onto others. Clear out your space; write down your thoughts. Your liberation is fundamentally an inside job.

Your hot new Mars-focused spring video readings are ready for instant access: purchase individual signs or nab all 12 here.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Don’t confuse your thoughts with reality, or even with the extent of your conscious mind. Mental habits can grow stale. A rigidity tends to set in, keeping you locked into patterns and attitudes that limit your potential. To own your true power, you must expand your belief system beyond the old confines of your established worldview. You need a vision quest. Remember your natural fascination with mystery and let yourself explore new territory; invite wonder and follow where it leads. The more creative play you bring to this journey, the less opening your mind to new perspectives will threaten your sense of security, or provoke unnecessary conflict. If challenging long-held concepts triggers anger, ask yourself why.

Your hot new Mars-focused spring video readings are ready for instant access: purchase individual signs or nab all 12 here.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — What’s your bottom line? Negotiations related to values and resources, likely involving hard currency, could devolve into a battle of wills — with a dose of confusion or guilt-tripping — if you aren’t clear with yourself about your own emotional agendas around security. Guard against defensiveness, and reach for patience if partners seem intent on chewing your last nerve. Your basis for self-worth and security is evolving; you’ve outgrown old orders, and the process will take time. You’re in primordial instinct territory here. Fear is the challenge; wisdom and power are the rewards. Your tools are courage, patience and fine-tuned psychological radar. We’re not talking Game of Thrones; compassion and love may be found. Just know thyself.

Your hot new Mars-focused spring video readings are ready for instant access:purchase individual signs or nab all 12 here.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — There’s a karmic element in relationship dramas you may encounter, and few concepts are more misunderstood than ‘karma’. Think of it as the magnetic force generated by intense emotional patterns, more than reward or punishment. We often confront reflections of our own denied feelings in others. Ideally, we manage to learn about ourselves and grow, as a result. You’ve been enrolled in a masterclass in Transformation, Power and Responsibility. It’s been a long, challenging ride. If relations seem combative, look within for any frustration or anger or fear you might have been sitting on, before digging in your heels or firing back. Strive for objectivity, flexibility and compromise, if possible. The wise warrior picks their battles.

Your hot new Mars-focused spring video readings are ready for instant access: purchase individual signs or nab all 12 here.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Your chart has the quality of a long-distance endurance runner right now. You’ll need both stamina and mental fortitude. Pace yourself, nourish your body and carve out down-time. Your identification with work and accomplishments may feel driven by an element of anxiety, or you might encounter more frustration and annoyance than expected. You’re actually building necessary foundations for a mighty new phase in your life that — consistent with the ‘long-distance’ theme — is a good eighteen months down the road. Keep the lines open to your intuitive inner wisdom and breathe. If co-workers get in your face, don’t take it personally; it’s not about you. Creative exploration looks fulfilling, but guard against overconfidence or confusion. Negotiate like a pro.

Your hot new Mars-focused spring video readings are ready for instant access: purchase individual signs or nab all 12 here.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — You’re loaded with enough fuel to ignite a blazing, creative fire right now. Feed those flames, for this is the hearth at the center of your greatest power this year. It’s been challenging to maintain focus on your true objectives; on some vision or project you’ve wanted to bring forth to the world. Lately that may seem so far back on the stove as to have grown cold. Do not lose heart; The Force is more with you than you realize. Be ‘in the world, but not of it’ for a while, and prioritize your own expressive talents. Fulfill obligations to your community without getting sucked into unnecessary dramas. Draw on the inspiration of your own private muse.

Your hot new Mars-focused spring video readings are ready for instant access: purchase individual signs or nab all 12 here.

Monday Morning Horoscope #180 for June 10, 2019


Aries (March 20-April 19) — Face any emotional challenges head-on this week. You have the option to deceive or obfuscate your way out of any uncomfortable situation. You can use smoke and mirrors and do a disappearing act, though you will still be left in the same basic position. What may seem confusing is that it keeps manifesting as someone else — either as their problem, or the seeming solution being in their hands. This is where you need to take ownership, and rely less on others. The more willing you are to take hold of your circumstances, particularly in domestic environments, the more you will find that your own original approaches come to you. One thing to track is the extent to which your emotional situation infuses your physical environment. This happens through both the filter of your mind and feelings, and the influence that your mood has on others. The more you notice when and how this happens, the easier it will be to get a handle on yourself. Get your full Aries reading by Eric here.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — It takes considerable maturity to understand that you don’t have to live the way others expect you to live, particularly where your most intimate relationships are concerned. Not only is there no ‘normal’, what is counted as such is usually forced onto people unwillingly. The ‘normal’ thing to do changes like the tides, the seasons and the fashions, even when life is less frenetic than it is today. Vesta in your birth sign is here to teach you to be bold about who you actually are, no matter what others may think. It’s nobody’s decision but your own who you love, how you love them, or why you do. How to conduct a relationship is entirely the choice of the people involved. There are many who are not suited for any ‘normal’ form of relationship that society seems to make mandatory, and if that is true of you, take full possession of your values. Every person on the planet has their own original sexual and emotional orientation. Get your full Taurus reading by Eric here.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Don’t defend your values; live them freely. Your solar chart is a study in what motivates you. Do you know what it is? Do you allow yourself to connect with your true drive? One thing you may experience this week is the desire to do just that, and some anger at yourself for not having done so in the past. Yet your astrology is all about what you choose now, based on what motivates you now. This calls for emotional independence from others, and keeping the past in its correct place, so that it does not bog you down today. You may experience a “clash of the cultures” between what was true for you in the past, and what is true for you currently. You might ask, however, whether your truth from the past had anything at all to do with you, or whether it was all about what your parents expected of you. When you really engage this discussion, it will seem like a confrontation of the first order. When you are past it, you will feel like you were just living your life. Get your full Gemini reading by Eric here.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Mars in your sign describes you as someone determined to do what you gotta do — and it’s high time you figured that out. Be prepared, though, for those with lesser imaginations, and less courage, to resist you. More significantly, be aware of your own psychological resistance that you may attribute to your family background or any element of your past history. While it’s true that there are plenty of zombies staggering about, as if we live in the world of the undead, you are alive. And being alive is not about shooting zombies or changing the opinions of your relatives (or your partner or boss or whoever might seem to have power over you). Being alive is about living. Most resistance that you feel is a facet of your own psyche, though this can be the most challenging substance to move. It helps if you know what you’re doing; your life is about you, not about them. Get your full Cancer reading by Eric here.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — It’s healthy to confront your deepest fears; this way you can decide if you want to do something about them, rather than have them run your life from behind the scenes. I suggest you do something bold, which is put your fears into words. Not on Facebook please. Not in email or anywhere near the internet. Use an old-fashioned notebook and give yourself an opportunity to cleanse your soul. Do this at the moment you’re having the experience, whether late at night, at your desk, while you’re eating, or wherever. There’s another side to this: articulating your deepest desires. Reach in and pull them out. Be bold — be truthful with yourself about whatever they are. The action of Mars this week is especially encouraging of a certain kind of raw honesty about your sexuality. Work your way past any shame, guilt and embarrassment to the point where you feel a breakthrough. Once again, your notebook is your best friend. No computers, no internet. Private. Get your full Leo reading by Eric here.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Burn off the fog, and be real about what you intend to do with the opportunities that are in front of you. You are not deciding “what to do with the rest of your life” but rather what to do with your opportunity to live, now. There are many distractions; conflict abounds on the planet right now, all around us, and within most people. The way conflict potentially manifests for you is on the level of your priorities. This will be the most pervasive when you don’t consider the question of what matters to you — that is, matters most, or at all. The problem of commitment does need to be recognized for what it is, since the implication is that you will devote yourself and, at the same time, let go of lesser priorities that don’t serve your real goals. The question to ask, though, is: in what ways do those lesser priorities serve you? Do they “protect” you from what you truly desire and need? Get your full Virgo reading by Eric here.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — You may be taken on something of an odyssey this week, though give yourself enough emotional distance to see any drama for what it is. The world is a setup right now — for triggers and disasters and disappointments, all of which amount to a tornado in the blender. You have genuine aspirations, and cannot afford to be distracted by all the world’s excuses. You believe in justice, which is not going to be litigated on Instagram. There are places you want to go, and you’re not going to get there in a movie theater or by watching Netflix. And more than anything, you are ready to take the risk of connecting to people with depth and meaning, which will necessitate courage. That is the whole point; there is no other way to meet the world honestly in our time in history than to be courageous, which means to have your heart open and be willing to take a chance. Get your full Libra reading by Eric here.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — You need some new ideas about your existence, and this week’s astrology is like an atom smasher that will create new elements, new subatomic particles and, possibly, a window into a new reality for you. Yet this will come at the “cost” of being willing to challenge your old ideas about yourself, and your life. In order to do that, it’s necessary that you encounter them directly. You will know you’re doing this because you experience their density firsthand. You may be so accustomed to this that it seems like part of the landscape, though developing planetary patterns are describing something unusual. If you feel in any way lost, or trapped, or hung up, or frustrated, you may experience an impact of some kind that shakes you loose. This impact is likely to come from your own mind: as an idea you have that “threatens” the mental security structures of the past, which have come to be the single greatest factor undermining your peace of mind. Get your full Scorpio reading by Eric here.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Handle a financial situation with care, caution and most of all awareness. There may be a great temptation to sign away your rights, or to take on a commitment that’s too big for you to handle. Be mindful of this. You don’t need to impress anyone. You don’t need to take additional responsibility for anyone other than yourself, and you could probably benefit from handing back to a good few people their responsibility for themselves. Be conscious of what you do for the sake of image: for how you want to be seen, or how you think people will judge you. Do not confuse private, intimate matters with public ones. Image is worthless unless it comports with your deepest, underlying values. This is where the conflict may enter. And if you find yourself in conflict, be real with yourself when you evaluate what it’s about. Get your full Sagittarius reading by Eric here.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Others may seem to challenge or provoke you, though you will experience that provocation on your density level at the time. Everyone knows there are days when we can allow something truly offensive to roll off of us, and other days when some minor social infraction is taken as a capital offense. That’s about your density level. There used to be this useful concept called “expanded consciousness,” which is another way of saying “opening up one’s mind.” You will have a series of opportunities to expand your consciousness and open your mind over the next few days, as Mars opposes a cluster of planets and points in your sign. Step one is to not take things so personally as we are conditioned to do these days. Avoid the “sport” of being offended, which is a hot item at the moment. Stay away from abstract concepts like social justice, and do the right thing in any situation where you find yourself. That would be plenty helpful for all involved. Get your full Capricorn reading by Eric here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Be mindful of your stress level this week. You don’t need to take anything new on, and there are many superfluous matters you can set aside. Focus on what matters, and give it what you’ve got. Remember your time, your labor and your ideas all have value, and that of the three, your ideas are the most efficient. That’s because they can save both time and labor. Start by investing your energy there. Take up the difficult questions. Do not be satisfied with simplistic answers; stretch your intelligence. Do all of your calculations in long form. Look at the history of any problem you encounter, and ask yourself a real question: is the problem being defined in a way that it can be solved? To this end, be mindful when you encounter futility in any form. You are probably not asking the question the right way, or not asking the right question. Set some clear goals for yourself; three will suffice, the better if they are in some way related. Then proceed mindfully. Get your full Aquarius reading by Eric here.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Stay focused on what you know matters: your core mission, and core principles. While you’re doing that, think in terms of what else you are interested in. Your astrology is describing an apparent conflict between what you want and what appears possible at the moment. It may seem to you that very little is possible, and that your dreams don’t carry much potency. Even if that is true, your creativity, your curiosity and your passion are concentrated and powerful at the moment, and that is the place to focus. Be gutsy about experimenting, and open-minded about evaluating the results of your various explorations and trial runs. Whatever may be going on in the world, your mind is the thing through which you filter everything you experience, perceive and feel. No matter what the world may look like, the place to focus your energy is on your own consciousness and what you do with it. Keep your paint wet, your knife sharp and your heart and soul hungry for more. Get your full Pisces reading by Eric here.

Thursday Night Weekly Horoscope for June 6, 2019

Thursday Night Weekly Horoscope for June 6, 2019 (#1249) | By Amy Elliott

Aries (March 20-April 19) — It would seem you’re gearing up for some kind of confrontation — whether with another person, or with yourself, or possibly both. Specific truths are making themselves felt and challenging your understanding on a particular point. The uncertainty you experience may be disquieting, though it’s perhaps better to sit with the feeling a while and not try to force a solution before its time. You will discover whatever is left to be found soon enough; then you’ll be ready to deal with the situation head-on. Doing this will likely give you a renewed sense of purpose and vigor: the ground beneath your feet should feel a lot more solid.

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Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Self-love is the root from which all other love grows. By self-love, I mean genuine and just appreciation of your gifts, and treating yourself with respect, not just as a result of those gifts and the way you apply them, but as a daily practice. Without this, we tend to need approval from others to bolster our happiness, which creates a dependency that’s never quite satisfied. This is like Tantalus reaching for the fruit always out of his grasp. Vesta is about to enter your sign, which will help focus the question of where you place your energies; whether you need to divert more power, for example, to stoking your creative inner fire.

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Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Your birthday season is likely to receive a nice boost as Venus enters your sign Saturday night ET. If you’re so inclined, this is an excellent time to head out, socialize and meet new people. You deserve to feel good about yourself and do what you love. This is also true on a deeper level, as you continue making leaps and bounds on your journey of healing and growth. We all have moments of doubt, though in general you can deal with any that arise by simply understanding how much you’ve achieved, and recognizing what it took to get there. Celebrate yourself and have some well-earned fun.

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Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Amid some recent tensions and challenges, you may well be in the mood for chilling out and reconnecting with your inner life, especially if certain people around you are creating some turbulence or perhaps bringing up old issues. Get away from such conflicts where you can. Spend time in any particular space you consider a sanctuary or where you feel at home. It’s possible you feel under some pressure to take sides in an argument, though it would be worth refusing to bow to any attempt at boxing you in. Don’t commit to any ideas you are not fully prepared to endorse for their own sake.

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Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — There is often a delicate line between evincing enough skepticism that you’re able to examine any position critically, and sufficient trust that you don’t dismiss anything you might encounter without due consideration. Just now you appear to be facing a decision on how far you might give a hearing to a specific concept. You could begin by resolving to keep an open mind for as long as there is uncertainty, and be careful to identify any preconceptions that may be hindering that; next, remember that research is your friend. Gather all the data you can that will help you make an informed choice.

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Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — You’re experiencing quite profound changes at present in terms of your aspirations, to the extent that you are in the process of removing some longstanding roadblocks and looking with new eyes at what is possible. Vesta entering your 9th house will open up your perception further, giving you perhaps a clearer idea than ever before of your capabilities. You’ll probably want to take it one step at a time, leaving plenty of space for reflection as well as action. That said, steady perseverance is also likely to be useful. Notice where your attitude has shifted decidedly from the past, which is a good measure of your progress.

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Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — You seem aware that a change is afoot; tension is crackling in the air, and you may have a sense of uncertainty. Yet there’s no need for any angst; the alteration is more than likely to show itself as a shift in your perspective, opening you up to new and interesting ideas. This is only frightening if you allow it to be, in the same way that learning anything from medieval history to paragliding can feel intimidating until you gradually gain confidence, and can look back on your early endeavors with pride in how far you’ve come. Think of this development as organic progress, and let it happen in its own time.

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Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — When you enter into an agreement of any kind with someone, do you know where your red lines are? This week you may be called on to consider that deeply. No commitment can be made without a sacrifice or compromise of some sort. Is the concession you’re being asked for reasonable and worth offering, or would it encroach on your autonomy, freedom or ability to be true to yourself? You might also review your own requests in the same light. Gaining the upper hand needs to be the least of your concerns here; what you’re aiming for is a cooperative scenario in which everyone receives something they need. Otherwise, why bother?

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Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Your attention is being drawn to the way you respond to others when they act in less-than-perfect ways, whether loved ones or people you hear about. How often do you rush to judgment? Given the cultural pressure to do so, we all need to examine ourselves carefully on this subject. The first thing to remember is that none of us is a model of etiquette all the time. Secondly, you may not know all facets of the story. It’s a good idea to gather all necessary information before making any decisions, and to keep your critical thinking faculties sharply honed.

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Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — As you almost certainly know by now, much of the big astrology of our era is focused on your sign, with the developing conjunction of Saturn and Pluto. At times, this may feel as if you’re carrying the weight of the world, or at least a significant proportion of it. You are not alone; many people are justly concerned by what is happening around them. Yet this too shall pass: astrological eras come and go, just as generations do, and human evolution proceeds along with them. All we can do, all we can ever do, is live our best lives, whatever that means for each of us. Be patient and kind to yourself.

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Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Showing one’s ideas to others is an important step in the creative process. Until that moment, whatever you’ve made is exposed only to your own worldview; as the audience widens, even if only by one person, there’s a risk that some criticism (hopefully constructive) will follow. Yet this is something that has to be encountered on the way to completion. Cultivate your patience and remember that others do not always articulate their points well, or know what they’re talking about. However, you may well receive at least one interesting idea you can apply. Be courageous.

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Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Notice any reluctance you might feel to let go of the threads of what is past, and to focus on the future. While things may not have turned out precisely as you planned, you currently have a pretty rare opportunity: to place your hand firmly on the shape at the potter’s wheel, and design it virtually exactly as you wish to do. At this point you are calling the shots in your life in a way you’ve not been able to do for a good while. Therefore, take the space to craft the life you envision in all its complexity and detail. It may involve one or two slips, though you’ll be learning all the time.

Your hot new Mars-focused spring video readings are ready for instant access:purchase individual signs or nab all 12 here

Monday Morning Horoscope #179 for June 3, 2019


Aries (March 20-April 19) — Make all of your words supportive. If you find yourself criticizing someone, dial it back, and invent a way to be wholly constructive in what you’re saying. With Mars so active in the sky right now, it would be too easy to take someone down a few notches without intending to do so. You have the power to be a positive influence on others, which will help you drive your own life in a beneficial and productive direction. The question I would ask is, are you truly engaged in what you’re doing, or are you going through the motions? The better question, though, is how do you feel when you start to make the kinds of choices that open up your experience and take you out into the wider world? How do you feel when you make any decision based entirely on your own desires, even if it’s something simple like stopping for ice cream on the way home from work? If you feel any guilt at all, note it carefully — and remember it’s neither necessary nor helpful. Get your full Aries reading by Eric here.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — You’re a person of considerable resources, though you’re not likely to feel that way unless you put them to work. By resources, I mean everything from your pots and pans to your personal talents and abilities to whatever wealth you’ve accumulated, no matter now modest. For our purposes, they all count equally. They are all part of your workbench, your toolbox, your bag of tricks. One key to success in life is knowing which tool or resource to use at which time. For some circumstances, your labor gets the job done. Other times, your ideas get the job done. Then there are days when you give someone your jumper cables as a gift because you’re in a hurry and they need to get their car started. One does not need to be among the rich, the mighty and the one percent to make the world a better place; in fact, you’re much better positioned as someone of ordinary means, a loving heart and sincere generosity. Get your full Taurus reading by Eric here.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — When you can, stick with people through the whole process of whatever you might be assisting them with. Offer any support you can, whether it’s verbal or financial. You will have many opportunities to engage with others, notably, in a time when we’re being taught to avoid and mistrust one another. Be aware that to offer a positive influence comes with some vulnerability. You have to open up in order to be helpful, which is probably why it’s not as popular as it might otherwise be. We tend to grow to love whatever we take care of, whether it’s a person, a plant, an animal or a project. Pay attention to any mixed feelings you might have, and see if you can work them out. It’s not healthy for you to both love and hate, or want to help and harm, or admire and want to compete. Others have far less power over you than you may imagine, though their influence will seem exaggerated if you give up your own. Whatever you are doing, you’re living your life, not that of anyone else. Get your full Gemini reading by Eric here.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Your inner reality is quite different from what you’re letting others perceive about you. It’s as if you’re living in two worlds at once — one that you experience inwardly, and one that you see and express outwardly. Yet your inner realm is the filter for everything you see and hear in the world around you. Therefore, pay attention to yourself first. Notice how you’re feeling, and pay attention to what kinds of pressures you seem to be under from day to day. Your chart is set up in an unusual pattern now, which is giving you the ability to push back on your environment in ways that are often out of reach for you. You’re in a position to have an impact, though it will help if you moderate your energy carefully, and think for the long run rather than a short-term gain. There will be moments when you will feel called to assert yourself; if you do, press gently, like you’re doing acupressure: direct, with awareness, and just enough emphasis. Get your full Cancer reading by Eric here.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — These could be some of the most interesting days of the season for you socially, as Gemini’s New Moon on Monday calls you out into the world and among the people. The planets describe you as someone who is curious about life and seeking new experiences and adventures. Therefore, get off your street, get out of town, go someplace new, and be among people you’ve never met. Yet at the same time, your solar chart has a pensive quality to it, as if you’re expecting some kind of confrontation or conflict to develop. It’s possible, though before it’s inevitable, you have a series of interventions you can take that will turn matters in a positive and fruitful direction. These opportunities will not be as dramatic or as blatant as throwing down or creating a standoff, but who needs that? You don’t have to agree with everyone you meet, though you can have fun disagreeing in an engaging way. Use your abundant charm and sense of humor to draw people out of their shells. Get your full Leo reading by Eric here.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Certain factors in your environment are creating a distortion that you need to be aware of. While it’s tempting, it’s not possible to take everyone and everything at face value. You must be discerning about who you trust and why, and for what purpose. It will be helpful and even essential that you not come to snap judgments about people or situations, and instead, allow the layers to come off or the fog to clear. Most people go through life making one assumption after the next, to a degree where it’s not even conscious. You may be planning some bold moves, particularly where your professional life is concerned; you’re being called to bigger and better things, and more ambitious achievements. As you respond to these influences, you will need to be careful that you’re really understanding the conditions of your surroundings. Do not guess, and know when you’re doing so. If you catch yourself speculating, dial that back and look for tangible facts that both support and subtract from your point of view. Be open to new information and new approaches. Get your full Virgo reading by Eric here.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Know what you’re taking on faith, and what you are taking based on the facts. This should be a hotter topic than it is these days, as half the world seems to be walking around in a fog of superstition and wishful thinking. You have important decisions to make, and both you and others are counting on your leadership. If you want to make good choices, you cannot afford to guess, to speculate, or to hope for the best — you need to know exactly what you’re doing and why. You need to tap abilities other than emotional instincts to govern your life, and to guide the people around you. You surely have those resources, though you need to access them consciously. It would help if you were more methodical in your decision making. For example, know the steps you need to take to arrive at a confidence level about any particular issue. That might include having certain reliable people you check in with; doing a web search on the topic, in a setting where you have space and time to organize your thoughts (i.e., not from a phone in an Uber); and stopping long enough to ponder a question from a few different points of view. Get your full Libra reading by Eric here.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Your relationships have been anything but stable lately, though you may not be fully aware of the benefits this is offering you. One of the more insidious problems of the way we’re conditioned to relate to one another involves having to be the same person every day, so that you don’t scupper the expectations of others. This tends to place people into roles, and if they digress, friends and partners are entitled to get upset because someone is “not being themselves.” Uranus moving through your relationship house is an ongoing shakeup, making both roles and expectations not just useless but destructive. In fact, every day is different. Every hour is different. People are constantly changing. Relationships and agreements are being negotiated ongoing. Give people room to evolve, explore, and present themselves to you as they are. Take the space to do the same thing. Follow your attractions and your curiosity. Be bold about asking yourself challenging questions and taking the adventure of finding even better questions. Get your full Scorpio reading by Eric here.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — You may feel as if someone is trying to reduce an important concept you have to an oversimplified statement. The question is whether there is a seed of perceptiveness or even truth to that statement. An even better question is whether someone else’s idea gets you thinking, and spurs additional reflection. It helps greatly if you’re not attached to your ideas, but rather see them as water in a stream, with ripples that add interest but which are also transient and temporary. It’s too easy to graft yourself to one concept or outlook to the exclusion of all others. The search for truth is in part about discovering what is not true, and also seeing parallels from another perspective — as the Deadhead J.J.H. put it, spiritual truth is about the many shores of one lake. Therefore, keep your point of view moving. Be bold about going deeper into the ideas of another person, and seeing where you come out on the other side. Very little in life is ever proven, and from our point of view, in bodies traveling in space and time, reality forever changes. Get your full Sagittarius reading by Eric here.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Keep yourself busy with important practical matters. There are plenty that you want to attend to, and with Gemini so active in the sky right now, it will be easy to get distracted. Therefore, set your priorities carefully, and take care of the most important ones first — those that are time sensitive, those that are more complex, those with greater impact on your life. If you find yourself getting distracted or caught in a bog, in delays or drifting aimlessly, stop and re-evaluate. Be sensitive to these mental conditions, and wake yourself up sooner rather than later. Your solar chart has a solid and dense quality at the moment, which may be reflected in your consciousness. And when your mind gets like that, you tend to escape into idle thoughts and fantasies. This may seem creative, but it’s the opposite of true creativity, which is an energy source harnessed and connected to something that changes the world a little. Keep your awareness on that linkage. Know when your vehicle is in gear and when it is in neutral. Get your full Capricorn reading by Eric here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Most of the action in your chart is in the 12th house — and the combination of factors (Saturn, Pluto, the Moon’s south node and the 12th) can add up to unseen and unconscious forces running your life. The whole issue with the 12th is that what’s happening there can be so easily dismissed, denied or ignored, if it’s even noticed at all. Monday’s Gemini New Moon takes place in an angle of your chart that’s almost as intriguing — the 5th house, which has many parallels to the 12th. Think of your life as a test. You express yourself, and then see what happens. You say something, and notice how people respond. You take a chance, and notice the results. Think of these things as experiments. Try not to be expecting of, or attached to, the results. You may feel like you’re under a lot of pressure right now, though most of that sensation is coming from the density level of your consciousness. Density equates with negativity, fear, and the expectation of bad outcomes. Expand your awareness and you will see more possibilities, and you will understand your particular place in the flow of events. Get your full Aquarius reading by Eric here.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — For the coming week, place your emphasis on improving your home. Organize your space, take care of what needs maintenance or repair, and purge yourself of what you don’t really need. Let this be a creative task. I know Marie Kondo and other schools of decluttering are all the rage right now. My impression is that Ms. Kondo is onto something when she says to keep what gives your heart joy and pass on the rest. Doing this is an experiment on two levels, the first of which is your own sensitivity. The second is using that sensitivity to move toward a goal, objective or purpose that you want. You are going to be doing a lot of questioning along these lines, and you can develop and refine your methods on seemingly small matters and then move on to the more encompassing ones. Your movement through the universe is propelled by the decisions you make, and in that regard they are all the same thing. The important thing is less the topic of the decisions and more your basis for making it. Start with one drawer or one closet. Get your full Pisces reading by Eric here.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for June 2019

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for June 2019 (#1248) | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Aries (March 20-April 19) — This month you will have a series of opportunities to confront your fears, particularly those associated with authority. This would count for whatever form authority may take, whether the most powerful corporate or government powers, or whoever lives with you in your bedroom. Yet if you do this in an aggressive way, you will only reap more of the same. Anger and attack thoughts lead to insecurity more than any other factor. They don’t even need to be expressed to have the effect of making you feel impotent or helpless; you are likely to take them out on yourself, which is the root of the problem. However, that can get to the point where you need to discharge the energy, and get it out of your own consciousness, which is what typically leads to directing it at others. This is where it’s necessary to pause, preferably before the temperature gets too hot or matters seem too urgent, which is now, early in the month. You have an opening to conduct a civil conversation, which is best begun when you have something to say. This may seem to take courage, where waiting until you’re frustrated, enraged or depressed does not. But this is not a reasonable tradeoff, as finding the inner strength to speak about what is troubling you can and usually does get a positive result. I suggest you do so sooner rather than later, and that you get to the underlying matter — not the relatively minor surface issue.

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Taurus (April 19-May 20) — You’re in a delicate space of figuring out how your sense of the way that others perceive you undermines your confidence and self-worth. It is true there is a connection between the value you think others put on you and the value you place on yourself. That link is entirely in your mind, and you begin to lose the moment you make the connection. The loss of energy comes, among other ways, in the form of thinking that if you can only change someone’s perception of you, you can change the way you feel about yourself. Yet this verges on hallucination; it is all in your mind. And this is particularly challenging when the opinion you think you’re trying to change, or that matters, is that of everyone. The place your antennae must perk up is the moment you stake your self-worth on anyone else’s point of view. I don’t mean the value of a product you make, which has a relationship to one marketplace or another. I mean your value as a person. Even the most successful public figures have a hard time with this one. And now we are all living in the hall of mirrors of the internet, and many of us are heavily invested in social media. It may seem a contradiction, though it helps to seek understanding of yourself through relationships — by which I mean real ones; honest ones; ones wherein your value is tangible, to you. Yet even that will only get you so far toward coming to an understanding with yourself that only you can reach.

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Gemini (May 20-June 21) — In several crucial ways this month, you will play a supporting role in the lives of others. This is rarely a situation that is in balance: a great many people are either hardcore givers or takers. I’m talking about something different: investing yourself in a situation or circumstance that is not exactly your own, and working for an outcome that you may not directly benefit from, but which you understand needs to happen. To my thinking, this is the ideal modality for helping another person: a combination of involvement and detachment that adds up to true commitment. The bottom line of any situation you’re in is taking control over your sense of purpose. There is something here about doing things for their own sake, even if you “have to” do them. Once you have taken over why you are doing something, you have claimed the most important element of your creative power. You can then convey this into your sense of mission for anything you do in life. You will have freedom from various trappings associated with money (issues around doing things only for pay, doing them for no pay, and many gradients in between). As for assisting others (or someone specific) in immediate and upcoming scenarios: your role is to do what you can. That means what you have the time and energy for, and what you make time and energy for, because you can. This is different from coming in and saving the day. It’s different from sacrificing yourself. Be mindful of your potential role recruiting the assistance of others, and serving as a positive example.

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Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Stay a few steps ahead of the many situations that are brewing in your life. Write the Boy Scout motto on your mirror, or put it on the home screen of your phone: Be Prepared. Your primary worldly and spiritual lesson at this time is that you are the leader of your own life. The way to not let anyone usurp or undermine your authority over yourself is not to hand it to them. This means choosing who you respond to, and how. It also means choosing the ways you confront others when that has to happen — and in this world, at this time, such is inevitable. Strategy guides, both ancient and modern, tend to recommend against going blow for blow. This necessitates clear thinking, and working with viable strategies. That, in turn, requires knowing your goal; knowing what you want — and then everything else follows from there. But you must hold your objective in mind. You determine the outcome you want (whether you get there or not), and you establish the steps on the way to getting there. Once you claim these crucial steps in the process of whatever you’re doing, you will find that it’s more difficult for others to hold power or undue influence over you. Therefore, keep making decisions. That is how you navigate through this world; it is your most awesome and sacred power. It is the difference between driving a car and falling asleep at the wheel. If you feel yourself getting drowsy and starting to nod off, or going into denial, stop, take a breath, take a nap, or eat lunch — and go back to making decisions.

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Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Keep a close pulse on your fears this month. The challenge here is that fear is something most people would rather not think about, so they tend to push it under the surface of consciousness. I suggest you do the opposite, which is to bring your fears to the surface, and use them as a guide to your awareness. However, there is an issue at the moment in that we’re being pelted with reasons to be afraid pretty much around the clock. They seem to come from across your phone, every news feed and, most of all, from inside your mind. That is the real source of fear; it is a thought. Then one has a series of responses to that thought. Some objects of fear, held in the mind, seem rational, and many make no sense at all. Yet they are all the same, in the sense that they are mental phenomena. While it may seem odd to take fear as one’s teacher, on this plane of reality, we have little other choice. When you hear spiritual teachers talk about “working with shadow material,” this is what they mean: to pay attention to “negative” emotions including fear, guilt, anger and shame, all of which are related. Do you notice these feelings? Do you judge them? And what do you do with them? Your options may seem like taking them out on yourself, or taking them out on someone else. Neither of those is suitable. There are other possibilities.

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Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Your chart describes high aspirations this month, though you will need to remember your manners. It will be easy to get into conflicts with friends and allies, and this does not help your personal or professional aspirations. What I suggest is that through June, you spend as little time in public as possible, and as much time doing the work you do the best. Your astrology contradicts that idea; the surface level has you out in public, moving and shaking. There will definitely be occasions for which you will want to get out, though caution in those environments is essential. Your emotional impact is far greater than you can conceive. People will respond to things you say in ways you did not imagine. Therefore, staying close to your actual work — the creative substance of who you are and what you do — will make much more productive use of your time. You want your work to have the impact and the influence, and it can, as long as you stay one step detached from its effects in your community. This is an important step in the life of any artist, writer, or person of social influence: to let your work speak for you, rather than you speaking for it. And before your work can speak for you, you must dig in and work out what you are doing, which can only come through a process of experimentation, revision and more experimentation. This process will drive your evolution forward, and it will have an influence that you may not see and can surely trust.

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Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Be mindful of your relationships with those who have authority over you. This might include anyone from your boss to the government to a relationship partner. Some facet of the corporate world could also count — an insurance company, for example. You will want to be at your diplomatic best at all times, and stay way ahead of any developing situations. In other words, where you see the potential for confrontation, work in advance to defuse the conflict. If you focus and listen, you will be able to unravel problems before they go out of control. And if you find yourself in the midst of a controversy, or some situation where you need to take charge, you will have plenty of intelligence to work with. The most vital issue you can consider is how you treat your adversaries. Public image is of the essence. Make sure you address them with the utmost respect, or at least the appearance of respect. Speak in understatements, and use inference. Let the facts speak for themselves, without needing to argue for them with too sharp of a point. In terms of the politics of the situation, it’s not clear who is on whose “side” at the moment, and it would be wise not to take anyone’s loyalty for granted. You will need to let people stand the tests of both time and stress, and remember that in all situations, actions speak louder than words. Demonstrated example speaks louder than theory.

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Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — In any negotiation process, make your expectations known, and inquire as to those of others. This is not a time to make assumptions, or to take anything on faith — and you will likely be inclined to do so. Therefore, be cautious. Take care to work out the conditions of the discussion in advance, on mutual terms. If you’re engaged in a conversation and you notice that the topic drifts outside of the agreed parameters, gently bring it back into bounds. This, too, is likely to happen. Persist in these methods any time something of value, or any commitment, is being worked out, even if it’s fairly small; there will be instances where the small points may count for more than they seem. What you are practicing is your words having meaning that is documented and therefore verifiable. If your words have meaning in this sense of the idea, then you are grounded in reality, and therefore have relevance. There are times when it’s necessary to take things on faith, or to ask people to take your position on faith, though this is not one of them. It’s the mental trend of our times to take everything on belief, with an emotional gust pushing behind it. Now and for the foreseeable future, your life policy needs to be a commitment to standing on the solid structure of thought and language. Not only are you vulnerable to being challenged, you could easily provide others the means to effectively challenge you on matters where it truly counts. Your strength is available in objective truth, not subjective opinion.

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Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Be mindful of how your emotions are influencing you. This will be a special challenge, because often you think they don’t affect you at all. And at the moment, that power is rather invisible and, in most other ways, difficult to discern. So you will need to look for indicators of your overall mood, beginning with how expressive you feel. Use this as the primary metric of your mental health. Do you find yourself holding thoughts and feelings inside, or can you easily express what you need to say? If you’re usually a creative person, how is that going? Are you writing, drawing, making music or moving your body as you usually do? Or do you feel caught in some invisible morass? Another thing to check out is how the people around you are conducting themselves. Are they being reasonable and truthful? Or are they acting out in some way? Make sure you’re using documented observations to make this assessment, to avoid being persuaded by any bias you may have. Meanwhile, if you want to be more involved with life, the thing to do is to stoke your curiosity. This will work in nearly any form: artistic, mental, erotic, intellectual. You will find it satisfying to read old books on psychology, by authors like Fritz Perls, Eric Berne, Alice Miller, and other classic writers. Above all, you need to cultivate understanding of your situation, your growth process and your creative process. This is an active endeavor, not a passive one.

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Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — You’re not in the mood to be provoked, though people seem to keep doing it. Or are they? Are they merely being themselves, which on certain days is a little too erratic and emotional for you? There may be two different things going on: how people are conducting themselves around you, and how you are responding. With both Saturn and Pluto retrograde in your sign, your attention is likely to be inwardly focused; the inference is that you are engaged in some deep growth work that must be done in a solitary environment. Yet it’s also a position of what you might call maximum density, and can indicate resistance or unwillingness to change or even budge. In that condition, any irritant from the outside is likely to seem worse than it really is. How you respond to your surroundings will be an indicator of your mental and emotional state. In any event, there is something that seems external that is trying to get your attention. You can think of it as an element of your own awareness, or some facet of yourself that you’ve disowned or cast away. It could be showing up as someone’s desire for you or your attention. Or it might be manifesting as someone being provocative, assertive or aggressive. What matters is how you respond to this influence: what you call it, and what you think it represents. Since it’s likely to be coming from a person, consider who this person is to you, and what their presence in your life means to you.

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Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Be mindful of your health this month, which will be directly related to your state of mind, or more accurately, your emotional state. You seem to be holding a lot in; that may be related to feeling like you don’t have a suitable way to express yourself, or you’re not noticing one that is available. With Saturn, Pluto and the Moon’s south node lingering around the most sensitive angle of your chart, it would appear that you’re trying to process something difficult and somewhat dark from the distant past. This has you extra sensitive, and other factors have you feeling like you’re pushing the limits of your emotional capacity. The best approach to this scenario is to find people around whom you can be easily conversant about your feelings and your overall situation. I suggest this be people who do not have a vested interest in you, or vice versa, as that tends to complicate matters and remove the objectivity that is necessary for a clear conversation. Consider the possibility that you don’t really know what you’re dealing with here, though the state of your body will be an indicator. Look to any form of irritation, inflammation or heat as a metaphor. Notice when a problem is cyclical. The nature of the cycle holds the clue to what the physical issue represents on the mental or emotional level, and also holds the most useful clue to how to resolve the problem on every level. You want a gentle approach that helps you unravel things gently.

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Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Keep your energy moving outward. That is the message of Mars in Cancer, and many other factors. How you go about it matters, though. Not everything will help. For example, confrontation in anything but the most ritualized form (such as martial arts, chess, or writing to a politician) will be counterproductive and serve as a drain on your energy. Being truthful in an understated way will be helpful, as it will ease your sense that the world has no integrity whatsoever; at least you can express yours. What you really want to do is what you can feel. Painting, drumming, daily personal writing, and any honest sex that you can get will all feed your soul. While your professional plans may seem to be moving too slowly or not at all, work in the background while Jupiter is retrograde (which ends Aug. 11). Set up the conditions for success: efficiency with time and money, learning to direct your energy, and working with modest goals that you can more readily attain. Now is the time for a total reassessment of your larger goals or visions for both your professional life and your overall existence. Don’t rush this process. It will take until around the autumn equinox to get clear about what it is you want to be doing and why; what you don’t want to be doing and why; and what possible means you might use to get to your goals. Keep in mind, though, that as you attain genuine inner clarity, many of those means will present themselves and be within reach.

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Monday Morning Horoscope #178 for May 27, 2019


Aries (March 20-April 19) — There comes a point in any endeavor, or in the formation of any theory, when the only way to gain further knowledge is to put the idea to the test by seeking out input from others. Certainly this entails risk. You need to have the courage to vocalize your opinion and receive input that may not be precisely to your taste or in line with expectations. There’s a chance, albeit minor, that someone will point out a fundamental flaw in your logic, and you’ll have to redo some of your thinking. Yet this is how we learn as human beings. Shelve fear, be brave and make your voice heard. Get your full Aries reading by Eric here.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — You’re on a path to greater independence, and already well on the way to your destination. You have set the wheels in motion, and you know by now that to turn around and retrace your steps would be to undo some significant progress; in other words, you can never quite return to your exact starting point, since you are now irrevocably wiser. This may feel daunting, but much like beginning a new job or walking in a new pair of shoes, you will most likely find yourself gradually getting used to the new conditions. Give it time, and be proud of how far you’ve traveled. Get your full Taurus reading by Eric here.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — When considering your identity and character, it may help immensely if you begin with your own individual experiences, however they might run counter to what you think you know. Avoid clichés, such as the worn-out old trope regarding the natives of your sign having more than one personality. The last thing you need right now is to be shoehorned into a tight-fitting box for the convenience of society. You are encountering new and interesting perspectives, and would benefit from giving them houseroom in your psyche. You are far more complex than you know; be wary of underestimating yourself in any way. Get your full Gemini reading by Eric here.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Be careful to avoid rushing toward a conclusion for the sake of certainty when it comes to a deep spiritual or emotional matter. Rather, keep your mind open to all options and all facets of the subject for as long as you can. Listen out for guidance from the cosmos, and be precise about what you know and don’t know. You’re getting into essentially uncharted territory, so refraining from assumptions and speculation is likely to be enormously helpful. Above all, don’t allow fears to get the better of you. Treat courage and chutzpah as necessary items in your toolkit. Get your full Cancer reading by Eric here.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Resist any attempts by social groups to hem you in, or to pressure you into accepting particular habits as carved indelibly in stone. Make clear that any favor or request you agree to once is not then an obligation for life, regardless of how reasonable some might believe that move to be. If certain associates are trying something like this repeatedly, you may want to think about whether it’s time to move on. You might also consider how far you’ve allowed others to encroach, and whether you perhaps need to reinforce your lines in the sand. Only you can make that determination. Don’t let anyone decide for you. Get your full Leo reading by Eric here.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Make as much of an effort as you can in the days to come to exercise all your imaginative powers, and demonstrate what you are truly capable of, especially where your career is concerned. Take care not to be constrained by any illusory or self-imposed limitations, including any that are ego-related. Rather, if faced with a challenge or a question that needs answering, simply go about trying to tackle it. If an opportunity arises to smooth the road ahead for your colleagues, take it up. While rewards for this conduct may not be immediate or obvious, nevertheless people will notice and remember. Get your full Virgo reading by Eric here.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Embrace your growth process, and be on the alert for fears around upsetting the status quo, or around security. These may include old patterns of thought. While your experiences over the last decade or so have made a lot of headway in reconstructing your ideas, we humans have a habit of clinging to what we know, even when it no longer helps us. If you’re feeling something like this beginning to emerge, look at it gently and with an attitude of kindness toward yourself. Untie any tangles slowly and methodically, which is really the only way that works. Get your full Libra reading by Eric here.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Someone you care about may act in ways that surprise you. You may find this refreshing and/or inspiring. If you’re feeling troubled, however, first recognize that the changes are highly unlikely to be about you; though if you’re wondering, you can always ask directly. As for someone acting in unexpected ways, it might be helpful to think of instances when you’ve needed to follow a new impulse that just felt ‘right’ to you, even if others could not have predicted it. It is an enormous privilege to see a person close to you growing into the next phase of their life. Offer your support unconditionally, and let their trajectory show you what can be done. Get your full Scorpio reading by Eric here.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Getting to know someone intimately takes time, and you may learn new facts about them years into your relationship. This can occasionally be a source of frustration, especially if you’re the type of person who’s an open book. Yet loved ones being a little reserved or circumspect need not be a cause for doubt. On the contrary, at present it may be useful for you to practice taking people at their word. In the absence of actual knowledge, make it a general principle to assume the best of those closest to you in particular, and to exercise general compassion. Give others the trust you would wish them to offer you. Get your full Sagittarius reading by Eric here.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Keep in mind the expression about best-laid plans. Remember that all the organization in the world cannot foresee every possible event, and you are in no way obliged to attempt any such thing. The goings-on of the world will more than likely continue to catch you unawares from time to time. This need not be a cause for concern. Just stay open to the potential for it to happen, and try to relax a little if you’ve drawn your emotional corset-strings somewhat too tight. Routines and rules are supposed to work for you, not against you; if they are taking on a life of their own, rein them in and reassert control. Get your full Capricorn reading by Eric here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — If circumstances in your environment are holding you back from exercising your creative or inventive faculties to the degree you want, look for ways you can adjust your surroundings to make them more amenable. Think of it like a puzzle to be solved. You might find a way to repurpose the space you are in, or change locations. Take your time making these alterations; the ideal situation you’re after is one in which additional disruptions are minimal, and that deserves care and thought. Make sure you are duly respecting what you know you need. There should be no compromises on that score. Get your full Aquarius reading by Eric here.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — With your attention still focused on your home and personal spaces, be sure to give your emotional wellbeing a sufficient-sized seat at the table when making decisions. Taking this into account more thoroughly doesn’t necessarily require a major overhaul of your plans. It might only involve retaining or disposing of certain objects, or rearranging a few furniture items in one specific room. Trust your instincts, and be creative; if you find yourself rejecting an idea or a desire out of hand, give it conscious consideration instead. Take the time to experiment, and keep the process open until you’re satisfied. Get your full Pisces reading by Eric here.

Thursday Night Weekly Horoscope for May 23, 2019

Thursday Night Weekly Horoscope for May 23, 2019 (#1247) | By Victoria Emory

Aries (March 20-April 19) — You’re on the hero’s journey, a path of initiation: a hands-on, guided tour through all that keeps you from embodying your most authentic self and greatest potential. Every step along the way involves a lesson learned through summoning the courage to honestly encounter and conquer fears and self-doubt. Although your mind and calendar will be quite busy for a while, make the deliberate choice to focus conscious awareness on the intense emotional activity bubbling up from within. Examine the relationship between defense and anger, between desire and what lies buried in the past. Ultimately, the hero emerges with the power to bring wisdom and healing to others. Remember that wholeness is not perfection. It’s infinitely more compelling.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — You may have considerable demands on your time, and can certainly get a lot done in coming days, but let yourself regroup and bask in some simple pleasures as much as possible now. Personal resources and security are likely on your mind, though if you’re experiencing disproportionate anxiety, feel into what old imprints related to self-worth may be ready for healing. Take advantage of opportunities opening up for fulfilling get-togethers with friends and colleagues; you’ll replenish your spirit and could further some long-term goals. Allow for some tactical confusion later this week, but the warmth radiating from Venus in your sign can attract positive encounters and strengthen existing alliances. Express your ideas with sensitivity but conviction.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Plug in to the life-giving force of our star, now directly focused upon you, to recharge your batteries. This is your time to take stock of what you want, what you need and what you truly value. Think in terms of where you want to go and who you want to go with, but home in on the essence of those desires, rather than trying to nail down specifics right now. Consider ideals, and direct your thoughts along developmental lines — how do you want to grow; what do you seek to learn? Just a tap on your mental steering wheel can shift any recent discouragement around resources and hopes for the future into the lane of possibility.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — You’re channeling the necessary power and courage to initiate projects or changes that serve your interests; though if launching an important venture, work on fine-tuning strategies for the next ten days or so, until the New Moon. In fact, ‘fine-tuning strategies’ is a primary theme in coming days. Negotiating matters close to home related to fairness, commitment and partnerships this week calls for emotional intelligence and diplomacy. As outwardly focused as you may be, it’s your intuitive wisdom that will guide you best in navigating those waters, so slow down enough to tap in. Observe yourself in both defense and offense modes, and strive for objectivity. Listen for prompts from your inner guidance as you regenerate your outer reality.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — “When fishermen can’t go to sea, they repair their nets,” is a good bit of runic lore to stick on your fridge right now. If you’re feeling frustrated, uneasy or vaguely insecure, tune in to any repressed anger or desires that may lie underneath. A trusted ally should be available over the weekend for some affirming communion or wise counsel, if you need it. Opportunities to strengthen professional relationships, perhaps tied to specific projects, open up next week, but allow for fluidity as you negotiate creative concepts and contractual issues. ‘Go with the flow’ may not be your favorite mantra, but trust the process and loosen the reins a little; whatever you’re working on requires time to come together.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Creative tension building between how you want to show up in the world, where you live, and important relationships — either personal or professional — may feel overwhelming, but not because you don’t know what you want. If at a loss as to how to resolve what seems like a dilemma, use your ideas: your creative work will ground you and strengthen belief in yourself, which is actually greater than you may realize. Visualize, write, tap the wires between your higher mind and expressive voice. You’re working through fundamental issues on what may feel like shaky ground, but give it time. Soulful, heartfelt exchanges as the month winds down can help replenish essential spiritual nutrients you’ve been missing.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Confidence can be hard won, but essential to that victory is identifying with your ambitions and putting yourself out there. If you’ve felt diminished by insecurities, relationship wounds or old baggage you’ve been sitting on related to your roots and family imprinting, recognize these as necessary tests along your path of power. Your inner warrior is preparing to take a stand, and bring to bear all the mental clarity and skill required to support you from within; independent of others’ approval or belief. Focus on your relationship to the community, what you wish to bring to the world. A deep well of psychic insight is available to you now to illuminate clearly whatever has held you back.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — The world is bigger than you think it is. More mysterious, vast and unlimited in what may be learned, on this extraordinary journey that is your life. This is also true of your inner world, and your psychic depths are particularly activated now. You don’t need much time or money to explore subjects that attract your spirit, but if your personal liberty feels shackled by drudgery or work-related uncertainties, look within for any issues around self-worth fueling that. Empowerment lies in freeing your mind. Deliberately breaking up habitual routines will help clear the path. Opening those channels is more important now than you know — mental burdens have weighed you down, and you were born to soar.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Consider the pearl: a precious jewel to the ancients, symbolizing wisdom of immeasurable value. It’s a gem grown through friction, irritation from a single grain of sand. Generative friction between your quest for freedom and concerns close to home, between confidence and material security, have been recurring themes along your path of knowledge this year. Relationships, personal or professional, will factor into this complex yet profoundly creative dynamic in days ahead. Allow others the liberty you prize so highly, and dance with whatever may feel confusing or frustrating as the situation develops. Your inner mystic will help pierce the fog and distinguish essential truths. Trust yourself and stay open. You’re seeking the pearl of great price.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Where there’s anger, there’s desire. And desire is the creative power of the universe, therefore sacred. If your relational environment has been contentious, look within for any frustration at thwarted desires you may be projecting outwardly. Recent conflicts might have triggered old wounds you’ve carried from the past; if so, let that awareness alone become a steppingstone to liberation. Your own creative powers are especially strong now, and growing. Take advantage of the string of green lights ahead for juicy, playful engagement to line up with circumstances that enhance self-worth and security. Allow for whimsy: switch your control dials to spontaneity for a while. Self-expression and a bit of joyful abandon are precisely what you need.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — “Art is the key to sanity,” said the late Louise Bourgeois; whether or not you consider yourself an artist, per se, play around with this idea. Play is the operative word: giving expressive voice to your inner experience, in the childlike spirit of imaginative freedom. Revolutionary changes on the deepest levels of your psyche may not register on your conscious radar, but creative exploration can prove self-revelatory now, and help relieve psychic pressures you’ve felt without knowing why. Projects you’ve envisioned involving your community need your inventive genius, but remain flexible as all the working parts will take time to come together. Think big, but don’t let idealism blind you to reality. Balance trust with discernment.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — You have big ambitions; you know what you need to bring out into the world to fulfill your soul; your expressive fires are stoked. A period of strategic withdrawal is necessary, however, in order to reconnect with yourself on the deepest level and prepare the ground. Give yourself permission to turn inward; attend to your actual living space and what you’ve stashed in your psychic basement. Unprocessed emotional history and physical clutter go hand in hand. Clear out as much as you can right now, to strengthen your base: the platform from which you’ll spring. The more you commit to this essential work, the more empowered you’ll be to navigate the next stages of manifesting your goal.

Monday Morning Horoscope #177 for May 20, 2019


Aries (March 20-April 19) — In order to confront a situation or problem that you want to resolve, you’ll need to relax a little and not be so judgmental of yourself. The expectations you place on yourself get in your way, particularly a kind of perfectionism that has no meaningful way to express itself in the world. Yet to “relax a little and not be so judgmental” may feel like a loss of some kind. That is true: the “loss” is giving up being emotionally aggressive with yourself. This is a choice, and then it’s a choice you make over and over again until it’s habitual and the natural way to proceed. Steer clear of anyone you consider judgmental, because they can have a way of taking on the role that you might ordinarily have for yourself, which will be a distraction. Remember at all times that you’re entitled to feel how you feel. That also includes if you don’t like how you feel, in which case you can take steps to shift your inner environment. Get your full Aries reading by Eric here.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Investigating a financial matter will take you someplace you were not expecting, into a new region of self-understanding. The topic may start with money, though you can follow the trail toward a spiritual matter that has been trying to get your attention for some time. By spiritual, I mean relating to the essence of your existence. You have, at the moment, the power to scrape away the beliefs about yourself that others imposed on you. This is part of a long process, though your tools are especially sharp and useful now. It’s not merely that many of those notions were untrue. Some were intentionally so, and it is the intent that you are after, because this will help you connect with and motivate the quality about yourself that you were being steered away from. Uranus in your sign is jolting you to experience yourself in new ways, and make fresh observations based on those experiences. Get your full Taurus reading by Eric here.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Everything will be clearer when the Sun enters your sign on Tuesday, though you don’t want to take that clarity too far. The answers you’re seeking may not be based on the real questions you need to be asking, and in that case, clarity can be a false friend. Therefore, if you find yourself in the state of mind where you think you understand exactly what is going on, pause, and see if you can suspend that thought. The other side of false clarity is sincere curiosity. People who are “absolutely clear” about reality tend not to be so curious; it would challenge their foregone conclusions. The kind of curiosity that would benefit you most would be about yourself. Here is a quote from a gem called The Book on the Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are: “Problems that remain persistently insoluble should always be suspected as questions asked in the wrong way.” Get your full Gemini reading by Eric here.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Mars in your birth sign is providing you with encouragement, motivation and energy. You may feel like you can take on the world, though for the next week or so this is something you’ll want to do gently and thoughtfully. Mars is provocative, compelling and difficult to control. With Mars in your sign, just your presence will have a way of pushing people, and getting them to notice qualities in themselves that they may not like. Mars is currently involved in a complex aspect pattern that is connecting your presence to every important facet of your life: your household and family; partnerships of all kinds; and your professional aspirations and reputation. This is a good time to maintain inner awareness, which will help you be more sensitive to the internal conditions of others. People close to you are going through deep transformations, and more is influencing them than you may imagine. Get your full Cancer reading by Eric here.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Now is the time to keep no secrets from yourself, and at the same time to share relatively little with others. There are many things you’re seeing, feeling and experiencing that would make for interesting discussion at parties, or social media posts, or emails to friends, though I suggest you maintain a policy of containment — particularly about creative ideas you have. You have much more brewing inside you than you may imagine, and you have not even made contact with a small fraction of it. The less you say to others, the more you will be able to keep your focus on what you need to do, and want dearly to do. The place you may want to open up is where you sense that someone you meet is a person of genuine depth; someone who seeks self-understanding. However, do what you can to let them do most of the talking. Open up mainly by listening. Get your full Leo reading by Eric here.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — The image in your chart is that if you let go a little, and relax into your feelings, you’ll burst into flames that will never go out. What if that’s true? What if submitting to your reality will start you on a journey you’ve never been on? Well, you may be feeling some inhibition at the same time: like there is some authority figure poised to unload on you if you’re too sincere, curious or creative. However, your astrology is rife with mixed feelings and crossed signals. Rather than trying to sort those out, listen as an observer, and then speak to yourself in a calm and supportive voice. Remember the child you once were, and how you felt about life, and all the things you wanted to do, but somehow could not. You are tapped into a deep source of energy, and energy must go somewhere. As always, the question is, will you direct it in a constructive or destructive way? Get your full Virgo reading by Eric here.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — You may have the notion that you must give up one of your most cherished goals, though you are really in a transformation process. Current aspects are driving you to rethink and update all of your priorities, intentions and aspirations. This is something you must do from time to time, and now is an excellent opportunity given how many elements of your life have changed during the past year. What I suggest you be careful of is letting other people set your goals for you. It could easily happen, on a sly or subtle level. Therefore, make sure that when you feel like you want to accomplish something, it’s really you that’s doing the wanting. Not, for example, a partner, or the lingering residue of a parent, or the seeming conditions of society. Think this through carefully. Look for evidence of what you truly want, including a track record of having reached for something several times in the past and still wanting to do so today. Get your full Libra reading by Eric here.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Pay attention to the ways in which your beliefs are driven by emotional reactions such as anger or resentment. Emotions place a dense filter over what you perceive as real, as valid, or as existing at all. And they are famous for being sticky; that is, prone to attachment. This colors your perception of the past, of the current moment and, based on the movement of Mars in your chart, your vision for your own life. The more intensely you’re driven by your emotions rather than an objective assessment of what is true, the more you will seem to collide with various factors in your environment: the will of other people, circumstances at work, and how you feel physically and psychologically, among them. For a clue, listen to the words you use. Pay attention to what feelings make you inclined to speak, and more significantly, notice what you don’t talk about. As you listen, notice whether it’s the past that is speaking through you. Then, see if you can find the present. Get your full Scorpio reading by Eric here.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — You’re poised to make a discovery about a close partner, which may have you feeling exuberant. Then it’s likely that your doubts will take over. Try not to let this happen, or at least, notice from the sidelines if it does. Your doubts are not reality; they are a level of thought or perception. You don’t need to call witnesses to prove your case. Your experience is the best teacher that you have, by which I mean your ongoing, unfolding observations about your reality rather than what you know from the past. This almost always presents a special challenge, which will compel you to pay attention: in particular, to what is said to you, and how it comports with what you think someone means. When in doubt about a person’s meaning, ask them to explain themselves, and then give them what is called the benefit of the doubt. Then, observe the relationship between their words and their actions, as carefully as you observe your own. Get your full Sagittarius reading by Eric here.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Much of the dense astrology of our times is originating in the sign Capricorn, and you may be particularly susceptible to it. For this reason, I suggest you find ways to vent your energy that are positive and that do not involve dwelling on yourself or your personal situation. You have many options open and available for creative expression and having fun — and express is the thing that you want to do. Look for friendly, interesting ways to direct your feelings, which allow you to stay connected to yourself (writing rather than bungee jumping; painting rather than watching a football game). Make sure that your hands and your heart are involved: that you’re shaping or touching a physical substance, and that you care about what you’re doing. Do your best to avoid lowering yourself to the level of certain conflicts that seem to be finding their way to you. You have better things to do. Get your full Capricorn reading by Eric here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — You may be living with a near-constant feeling of something irritating you: something you cannot give a name to, or put your finger on, but it’s there. It may surface in the form of anxiety, restlessness, or what you think of late at night. Your astrology describes the pressure as coming from activity in your neighboring sign Capricorn. Those familiar with astrology know this is a 12th house effect: something lingering or lurking in a psychological blind spot. In fact, you are going through an important series of inner shifts in preparation for rebirth into a new phase of your reality. You cannot rush this process; it’s necessary to take it one day at a time, for real. Remember this when you’re about to write a future commitment into your day planner or enter it into your device. Leave yourself as much room as possible to experience today’s challenges, goals and feelings today, and be open to what comes tomorrow. You don’t need to predict that. Get your full Aquarius reading by Eric here.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — This is one of the most exciting, challenging times in many seasons. Despite whatever obstacles you may seem to face, you have the creativity, the talent and the commitment to use them to your advantage. This must be a conscious choice, however. There are potential distractions in the environment: for example, engaging in any form of public debate. That will take you off of the path of your inner journey. Beware of any potential siphon of your energy, drain on your time, or source of needless conflict — particularly if it involves who you are or what you do. Focus your energy inside your home. The Sun is about to enter the most personal, inwardly focused angle of your chart, and an unusual conjunction to Mercury on the first day of the Sun’s new sign is saying that beautiful things are possible. If you have not done your spring cleaning, it’s time to wash the curtains and wipe down all the window sills. Get your full Pisces reading by Eric here.