Category Archives: Horoscopes

Monday Morning Horoscope #185 for July 15, 2019


Aries (March 20-April 19) — You might be ready for an answer to the eternal question: what will it take for you to set yourself free from certain overpowering conditions that seem to run your life? Be alert for an opportunity to see through the power that others appear to hold on you, and be eager to take back the reins. The first step in this process is always choosing to make your own decisions. The barrier to that step is sometimes invisible, sometimes veiled by denial, and more often blocked by guilt. To get yourself to that place of decision will take some special awareness and courage, particularly if you feel blocked by some sense of being wrong for wanting to make your own choices. Often that takes the form of worrying who you might hurt. For those who are serious about their growth and liberation, there’s just one remedy for that, which is to be honest with people who are in any way impacted by your decisions. Taking the position that you don’t have to explain yourself is usually a cop-out of some kind. Get your full Aries reading by Eric here.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — It’s not just that most of what we deal with in life is family baggage; nearly everything turns out to be. Yet it takes countless shapes, with people showing up in a diversity of forms representing parents, their spouses, siblings, early caregivers, and so on. There seems to be a blind spot here, and I suggest you look right at it, till you can see it. This is not about ruminating on the past, but more like looking at the balls on a billiards table and deciding what is your best shot. By shot, I mean your best angle on living your life without having to be responsible for the burdens others have laid on you. Many situations trigger people into responding as if they are as powerless as a child. That is no longer true; you have options, you have feet that walk, and your happiness is the responsibility of nobody but yourself. Yet there is something about being a child that you must reclaim: your sense of wonder at life, your curiosity, and your faith in yourself. Remember: it’s not about them, it’s about you. Get your full Taurus reading by Eric here.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — What seems to be a confrontation over joint finances or sexual fidelity is a metaphor for something much deeper. Be honest about the status of trust in any situation where it might apply. Is it there? Do you suspect anyone of lying or concealing information from you? Is someone using their monetary or sexual power over you? More to the point, are you allowing them to? And if so, do you have any understanding of why that is? There is a degree of comfort that comes from being powerless, though I suggest that at this stage of your life, it’s not the zone you want to be hanging out in. Getting entangled in the problems of others has a way of being a distraction from dealing with one’s own situation. Try to look through that window and see the wider world around you. At the moment, your solar chart cautions against being caught in past thought forms or self-concepts, as if you’re in a mental habit you cannot find your way out of. Now is the time. You owe this to yourself, and you’re good for the debt. Get your full Gemini reading by Eric here.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — This week’s eclipse of the Moon in your opposite sign Capricorn will help release you from any relationship situation that’s not serving your greatest good. I am inclined to say “the greatest good for all concerned,” though that might be a distraction from your necessity to actually take care of yourself. While there are certain relationship situations you absolutely must attend to, there are many, many others where you’re best leaving people to their own devices and their own problems. Be especially mindful of any situation that is not rewarding, that is disruptive, or that is demanding too much from you. Notice in your life who is a taker, and who is a giver. If someone is on the line, it’s fair to have one “come to Jesus” discussion where you give them the opportunity to wake up and participate in whatever your shared goals are. That, of course, would depend on having any. It’s time to see things for what they are, and to see people for who they are. Get your full Cancer reading by Eric here.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Events this week will lift the veil on a situation where your health and wellbeing are impacted directly. That might also include the revelation of a solution, though that will depend upon having identified and stated the problem in an accurate way. This may seem convincingly to be a situation outside your control, though there is always a degree to which you have an influence. It’s essential therefore that you identify your options and evaluate them carefully. This includes how you invest your time and energy, what you devote yourself to, and what you take on in the way of personal responsibilities. There can be no doubt that you are dealing with a situation calling for your full attention and all of your resources, and you must invest your energy where it’s truly needed. The correct approach or solution may come when you feel like you have no other options. And with all of those false approaches out of the way, you will see your way through. Get your full Leo reading by Eric here.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — You might feel that if you take a chance and express what you are feeling, or what you have to say, that you will explode in an unstoppable reaction. That fear is probably the thing stopping you from opening up and being real with yourself, in whatever context you want to take that. Whatever you may share with others (and you are under no obligation to), you must be honest with yourself. That is always the challenge, as denial is such a useful tool, until it becomes toxic and dangerous. You’re in a position where you may be the last person to figure out something very basic about yourself, and that’s simply not necessary. You know everything you need to know, if only you would be willing to admit that to yourself. Yet therein lies the rub. What would you do if you acknowledged the obvious? In any event, it’s high time you mastered the lesson that you can only be who you truly are. Get your full Virgo reading by Eric here.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — It will help if you confront directly something that you’ve been inclined to “process” or “work through” in a subtler way. You may feel like your options are limited, or that some force outside your control has you feeling like you simply cannot be safe on the planet — much less explore your passion or your curiosity. You must be aware that something is eating at your self-confidence, yet you may not be aware how old this feeling, or condition is. It’s being brought to the surface by aspects developing in Capricorn, including the earthshaking Saturn-Pluto conjunction and an eclipse of the Moon right near it. If your confidence has come from some sense of belonging with your family of origin, or any kind of conformity to the past, you’re likely to be feeling like you cannot find solid ground. Yet this same location in your chart (the solar 4th house) also represents endings. One interpretation is that you must complete or conclude something before you can begin something else. That is the order in which to take things. Get your full Libra reading by Eric here.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — It’s not easy for you to change your mind, even when there are compelling reasons to do so. We could say this of the human race in total, though Scorpio being an emotionally rooted fixed sign brings out this quality in an especially strong way for you. Yet there are now tectonic forces moving you to re-evaluate not just your opinion on certain key matters, but your entire orientation or point of view. At the moment, one of the main things standing in the way is pride. Some feel it’s not easy to admit that they were wrong about something, or did not understand something, or did not accept what was looking right at them. It does not help that one of the current ways of the world is to double down and power through any situation you don’t agree with. Yet that will not serve you, and it never has. When you make your life a matter of power, it turns out there is always going to be someone more powerful than you are. Truth works differently. Get your full Scorpio reading by Eric here.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Current aspects are working on two levels. One is financial, where your circumstances are insisting you take a more realistic view of your financial resources and what you do with them. The other involves self-respect, which is a persistently challenging topic for you. The difficulty comes from how this issue is internally mediated: the reference points must be internal, which makes it difficult to have sufficient orientation, metrics or basis to evaluate where you really stand with yourself. Yet I can assure you that any issue troubling you at the moment, whether involving finances, professional matters or your relationships, directly coincides with the level of respect that you have for yourself. That you are generally a positive person who can get through anything does not matter in this situation. We are not talking about survival here; we are talking about your growth and evolution. We are talking about attaining a new depth of self-awareness. Get your full Sagittarius reading by Eric here.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — This week’s eclipse of the Moon in your birth sign seems custom tailored to give you a window into what someone else is feeling or experiencing now. Your circumstances are such that you must devote considerable energy and focus to your own inner reality, and your challenges often seem so daunting you don’t know how you will ever resolve them. If you want to, you will. Yet let this week be about the people you care about. Seek both contact and understanding. Allow yourself to be a little more vulnerable than usual, and let them into your reality, and take their feelings on board. One of the current head-trips of our culture is that the only way to live is “every man for himself.” That might work on a reality TV show, where alliances last as long as it takes for personal survival to kick in, but that’s not about intimacy. It’s not about caring, and it’s not about love — but you are. Get your full Capricorn reading by Eric here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — You’ve been wrestling with inner demons for some time, and this has been exhausting. Yet do you have any better sense of the challenges you face, for all of the squirming around in the dust and the dirt? There is something fundamental you need to grasp about how you feel and what you’re going through at the moment. You can take heart that with Saturn, Pluto and an eclipse in your 12th solar house, you’re facing some of the most challenging astrology of your lifetime. Yet that means you need to truly bring your awareness to the matter, and stop acting as if everything involves something or someone outside yourself. There are definitely external factors, though they are minimal at the moment. Your whole being is calling on you to grow, to change, and to evolve into who you know you can be. And if you don’t know, you’re surely in a position to make a significant discovery this week. Get your full Aquarius reading by Eric here.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — No current fad or fashion reflects who you are. At the moment, it may seem like your whole life is what Marshall McLuhan called “anti-environment” — that which not only does not fit in, but which challenges prevailing norms. The special challenge, though, is that those norms are often invisible or unreachable by standard perception. To see them, one must draw inferences from careful observation. There’s no obvious “this is the way it is,” and therefore, there is no easy solution for how to respond. Bear in mind many factors in the prevailing environment are changing fast, and by the time you figure out that attitudes and values have changed, they are already changing into something else. This week’s lunar eclipse will give you a glimpse of where the trend lines are going. Or perhaps a glimpse combined with an intuitive sense of where you need to position yourself to ride the wave to a better next destination than where you are placed right now. Get your full Pisces reading by Eric here.

Weekly horoscope for July 11, 2019

Weekly horoscope for July 11, 2019 (#1253) | By Amy Elliott

Aries (March 20-April 19) — Certain conflicts are now decidedly behind you, and you may well feel freer and more like yourself than you have in a long while. Enjoy the sense of relief and release. During the next few weeks, it might still be worth going over the past and considering what your experiences have taught you. It’s important that you understand how your new situation is a development from the previous one, and that you are still the same person, grown wiser. What you have learned from recent events is a key component of this knowledge.

You’re invited to have a look at our new Special Readings page.

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Since your thoughts originate with you, try not to be afraid of them. If you feel like they’re leading into some deep, dark areas, do what you can to provide illumination. Write down what you experience and, if possible, tell someone you trust. The chances are that in the background of all this are some old devils attempting to take new shapes, and that once identified they’ll be far less fearful. You’ve almost certainly defeated them before, and are more than capable of doing it again; you’ve already proved both your strength and your tenacity.

You’re invited to have a look at our new Special Readings page.

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Be aware that you are almost certainly underestimating your capabilities, especially when it comes to achieving what you most wish for. Definitely avoid any temptation to assume the worst or to move the goalposts. Mercury is retrograde in any case, so the stage isn’t exactly set for major determinations of that nature. Instead, stick to the plans you already have in place, and keep any appointments or promises you’ve made. Doing what you know to be right should be one useful tool to help you restore your confidence.

You’re invited to have a look at our new Special Readings page.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — You seem to be developing a strong understanding of who you are at essence, and what you’re capable of accomplishing. You are navigating that sometimes-tricky boundary between yourself and the rest of the world. Mastering this can be a source of immense power and energy, and you are glimpsing this now; it’s important that you make no assumptions, especially regarding limitations. Many people are experiencing a crisis of self-esteem and feelings of disenfranchisement; you do not have to be among them.

You’re invited to have a look at our new Special Readings page.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — You likely have a sense of something preparing to come to a head: a phase of your life that you’re ready to let go of amid new challenges and interests. What is emerging probably still has some developing to do before you can see a clearly defined shape; this could feel unsettling, though there might also be an inspiring quality to the process, on which you can draw. Hold space for the tension and the uncertainty. You may benefit for now from focusing on what’s immediately in front of you; that should help keep your mind busy.

You’re invited to have a look at our new Special Readings page.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — It may be necessary for you to cultivate greater trust in your instincts, which in turn requires trust in yourself. While you may be feeling rather unsure just now, a part of your mind at least seems tuned in to exactly the frequency needed to receive valuable insights. This could be of considerable benefit to specific people in your milieu as well as yourself. Be open to what comes through, as far as possible, and try to address anything related to your self-confidence that’s bothering you, as this will help clear up the signal.

You’re invited to have a look at our new Special Readings page.

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — It would seem you’re gradually forging a vision of the next phase of your life, which is assembling one piece at a time. The gentle pace is necessary to allow you to take every facet into consideration. Once the final image is complete, you’ll know. During this process, you may benefit from keeping day-to-day events and routine tasks at surface level, dealing with them quickly and then leaving them behind. Anything that requires your special attention will be evident. Otherwise, give your mind room to work its miracles.

You’re invited to have a look at our new Special Readings page.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — First and foremost, remember you are worthy. Dare to aspire after what is good and beautiful, even if it seems too far to reach. Your desired goal may well be closer than you think. One idea that may help you at this time is getting to know the layout of the path between you and your destination; mapping out methodically all the windings, bumps and other changes you’re aware of. This might help make the work seem significantly more manageable. One step at a time may not be a sprint, but it’s still moving forward.

You’re invited to have a look at our new Special Readings page.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — When it comes to fulfilling an agreement or working on a group project, be sure you’re holding up your end of the bargain before questioning anyone else’s commitment. It may be wise for now to assume everyone has the best intentions. Ruts and delays can happen without anyone orchestrating them. Develop a sense of mutual trust, and review your own actions to be clear you’ve not missed anything. Now is a time for fact-checking and being actively clear in communications, so that nothing is left to the mercies of chance.

You’re invited to have a look at our new Special Readings page.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Like many others, you might be afraid that allowing your desires to be valid could mean a loss of self-control, or straying too far from the narrow path. Don’t be fooled by things like shame and embarrassment. Sexual desire in particular can be confused with actual unethical behavior, to the extent that people tend to shut themselves down before they’ve even got started. You have some perfectly healthy and reasonable needs to explore. Why not suspend self-judgment and try out one or two thought experiments, or even play a little?

You’re invited to have a look at our new Special Readings page.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — This could very well be a good week for “serious play,” not only in the sense of creative thought, but also as a way of connecting consciously with experiences that delight you. You may be inclined toward a more cynical or morose view than usual at present, and could probably use a pick-me-up or three in order to dispel that line of thought. Do some of your favorite things, and some altogether new; vary the day-to-day routine, especially if it seems dull. Everyone needs a holiday now and then. You’ve certainly earned one.

You’re invited to have a look at our new Special Readings page.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — There are those rare and special moments when we understand something of the answers to the more profound questions. We see the underlying patterns, like individual threads creating a beautiful tapestry. Recent events have started making sense to you, where in the past the significance has seemed foggy or vague. The picture is falling into place in all its vibrancy and wonder, and you now have a clear enough lens to take in the view. Let this revelation empower you to live fully in the light and express your most fundamental truth.

You’re invited to have a look at our new Special Readings page. 

Planet Waves

Monday Morning Horoscope #184 for July 8, 2019


Aries (March 20-April 19) — Currently you seem to be emerging from a long struggle with your past — whether represented by ideas or by actual people — into a new sense of your individuality, freedom and power. This will almost certainly feel daunting to a degree, at least to begin with, as all unfamiliar territory does. In part you can address that by recalling everything you’ve been through to get here. That took determination and guts. Now, you owe it to yourself to enjoy your hard-won gifts to the fullest, and take up your new opportunities boldly. The storm is over; leave it decidedly behind you, and step right into the sunshine. Get your full Aries reading by Eric here.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — You seem to be feeling adventurous or curious; ready to explore new ideas, a different mindset, or perhaps literally fresh turf. With Mercury having just stationed retrograde, this may also involve revisiting and reviewing theories you’ve held to in the past. Be sure to keep an open mind; be wary in particular of reacting against a position — that is, taking the directly opposing view out of repulsion. Even if what you’re left with is uncertainty, it would be wise to hold space for that, at least over the next month. Don’t reach a conclusion unless you have reason to be sure, and even then leave room for questioning. Get your full Taurus reading by Eric here.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — As you read this, your ruler Mercury either has just stationed retrograde or is in the process of doing so. This is almost always a useful reminder about why it does no good to trust absolutes, which human beings are in the habit of doing. Nuanced views are far more reflective of reality. Even if all the evidence seems to be pointing in one direction, now is not the time to draw firm conclusions — it’s highly likely that things are not quite what they seem. This is especially true where your self-confidence is concerned; your full array of talents and resources is likely to be far broader than you estimate. Get your full Gemini reading by Eric here.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — During the next few weeks you’ll want to consolidate the gains you’ve lately achieved in the face of what may have seemed like incredible odds. You might be tempted to keep pushing for more, or to revert to former habits; either of which could risk the ground you worked so hard to win. Now is not the time for big moves. Recognize the value in what you actually have, including your own abilities and learned skills; these in particular are precious resources. Be careful to use your time, energy and money wisely, and to avoid situations in which you risk feeling depleted or drained. There’s only one of you. Get your full Cancer reading by Eric here.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Pay attention to your mood this week, especially if you find yourself getting anxious or stressed, or feeling under the weather. Keep an eye on the demands others make on your time and energy. If you notice you’re being pulled in several different directions, that’s a clue you likely need to slow down and take it a little (or a lot) easier. Generosity and willingness to help are wonderful qualities, though supporting one’s own wellbeing is a crucial component, as is being able to enjoy what you do. You have an opportunity in the days ahead to restructure your daily life some. Make sure you are included in it. Get your full Leo reading by Eric here.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Mercury stationing retrograde in the most sensitive area of your chart is your cue to tackle some deep issues. This is very likely to involve your individuality and the boundaries you draw between yourself and the rest of the world; in recent times there has perhaps been a good deal of blurring, and you may feel like it’s a struggle to assert your autonomy, regardless of your actual circumstances. As an adult, however, the power to do that is ultimately in your hands and yours alone. Nobody else can clear the way for you, so be bold. You need to get used to taking up space. Get your full Virgo reading by Eric here.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — It may be necessary to revisit a recent change in your career path. If this means retracing some of your steps, or things not turning out quite as expected, don’t be too hard on yourself. You might feel frustrated, though this is an ongoing process. True, the recognition you’re growing toward has been a long time coming, and may well be overdue. However, this is partly about getting yourself into the right frame of mind, so that when the moment comes you can seize it accordingly. Until then, make use of the resources you already have, and keep focused on the work before you. Get your full Libra reading by Eric here.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Your charts describe a sense of impatience to reach for something you want, though at present it seems just beyond your grasp. There may be a waiting game, or one or two challenges to surpass, before you make it to your desired destination. As Mercury is in the process of changing direction, you might also receive new information over the next few weeks; this could lead to you altering course likewise, if only slightly. Now is perhaps a good time to examine how you feel, whether anything’s changed, or if there was an angle you missed. Even if nothing needs modifying, you will better understand the nature of what you’re seeking and why. Get your full Scorpio reading by Eric here.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Mercury retrograde often serves as a good general reminder not to rush into a specific course of action, though this is good advice at any time, and is especially so for you now. In particular, any feelings of panic or anxiety are highly unlikely to reflect the true situation, so it would help if you don’t let them govern your actions. Keep a clear head, and consult with others if you need to ground your ideas. Applying logic and strategic thinking should be useful. Be sure of your footing before you take any major steps, and don’t underestimate the value of effort, preparation and staying informed. Get your full Sagittarius reading by Eric here.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Being honest about how you feel can sometimes require an act of courage, especially if you’re embarrassed or worried about the consequences. Yet locking your emotions inside yourself rarely makes for an easier path. For sure, the current astrology suggests it’s useful to convey what you need to express with consideration, measure and compassion, though that is different from toning down the actual content of the message. You need to open up, particularly to loved ones; and if it’s assistance or care you’re seeking, also ensure you’re actually willing to receive it. Let people help you. Get your full Capricorn reading by Eric here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Recent experiences are causing you to re-evaluate certain aspects of your philosophy, which may turn into a little information-gathering project in the weeks to come. Part of this may arise from specific annoyances you encounter on a regular basis: the kind that have a tendency to add up if they’re not addressed. Asking yourself why you put up with these irritants may lead you on a trail of consciousness to pondering some rather larger questions. Let this process flow naturally at its own speed, and be careful not to shut down any apparent complexities or contradictions. The time for resolution will come. Get your full Aquarius reading by Eric here.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — You seem to be developing a lot of bold and interesting ideas, which are fueling the flame of your inspiration. Take steps to ensure they’re all recorded, and don’t dismiss any out of hand. Distillation and decisions will come later; for now, leave the microphone with the Muses and let them speak uninterrupted. You may have revelations during this time about matters that have puzzled you; again, give them room to sit and simmer, and avoid rushing to conclusions. Your mind is rarely this fertile; you need only keep it open and alert, and the waters of life and the creative force will flow in. Get your full Pisces reading by Eric here.

Monday Morning Horoscope #183 for July 1, 2019


Aries (March 20-April 19) — Confidence is an issue for almost everyone. One way or another, from some angle or another, whether too much or too little, or if you’ve never even heard of the stuff, it’s going to show up. For you, the position of Mars in your chart, or your transits, will be a distinguishing factor (there is late breaking news). A total eclipse of the Sun coming this week in your sensitive 4th house is also relevant. First things first: Your ruling planet Mars has finally left Cancer, where it was likely to have been provoking all kinds of irrationality and crazy-making, whether issuing from you, or toward you. That transit lasted from May till this past weekend, and had the theme “authority issues.” Really it was some kind of early childhood or past life playback. You know what happened; I do not. You know whom you’re still talking to, and who you’ve crossed off your list, at least for a while. All of that is superficial. There is one particular matter of an emotional nature that you need to draw to its final conclusion. You know what this is. Wrap it up and move on. It is time. Get your full Aries reading by Eric here.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — You may be involved in circumstances where you’re offering yourself in service to something for the greater good. There are people for whom this is a strange idea; I reckon it’s something you understand, for sure in theory, and with increasing experience from practice. You have the ability to facilitate progress for someone. The way this works, it will not come with a setback for you; that is true healing: it involves an increase or improvement all around. At the same time, you are making up your mind about something that has proven resistant and, at times, contentious for you — a source of conflict that may be reminiscent of your mother’s state of mind when you were much younger. A vent opens up for you, or a drain, and lets off pressure you’ve been carrying around and may have been building up over the past couple of months. Let it out. If any harsh words were spoken, you also have an opportunity to make amends. Get your full Taurus reading by Eric here.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Mercury retrograde season is upon us. The retrograde begins July 7, in Leo, your 3rd house of mind and message. One of the reasons that Gemini is what it is — almost all are good with words, are funny, and are perceptive in ways worth listening to — is that you have Leo representing your language and related cognitive functions. The forthcoming Mercury retrograde involves a series of Mercury-Mars conjunctions that began on June 18 (in Cancer), which peaks on July 8 (in Leo), and which resolves in early September (in Virgo). So whatever happens early in this Mercury retrograde, remember it’s part of a process that spans four months. This means you can afford to be patient. In fact, you cannot afford not to be, particularly where your words are concerned. Everything you write, share or publish must be on a delay: don’t just bust out and click “send.” It will also take you time to figure out what you’re reading, whether it’s a contract, a book, instructions, or personal correspondence. Slow down and pay attention. Get your full Gemini reading by Eric here.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Tuesday is the first total solar eclipse in your birth sign in nearly a decade. Eclipses each have their own distinct mark on consciousness, and much of that is what you might call “receptor mediated.” Your state of mind, your position, your density level, make all the difference in how you experience an event of this magnitude. Keep that in mind. Stay in a positive frame, as much as you can. Particularly through July 1st, 2nd and 3rd, focus on things you like to do, and want to do, because the power of the eclipse will multiply them. If you are struggling at all to be in a positive state of mind, remember all the times you’ve been wracked with anxiety but the thing you feared the most was nowhere to be seen or found. Therefore, use this time to make the world you want, even if for a few days. You know what you love. You know what you want. Align with yourself and make it real. Get your full Cancer reading by Eric here.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Mars is about to enter your sign, joining two other planets already there: Mercury, and one of the master asteroids, Juno. This is the astrology of motivation, of curiosity, and of deciding what way you want to go in life. Normally, the presence of Mars would be somewhat straightforward: you do what you want, need or must. But Mercury retrograde (which begins July 7) makes a conjunction to Mars on July 8, and this is probably going to ask more questions than it answers, for now. You must be very (and I do mean very) cautious about accepting any information as final, solid or accurate. Consider anything that comes your way to be a lead, a clue, or something potentially correct. You may be tempted to act fast on something you hear, learn or discover, and that in particular needs to be handled with caution. Use your motivation to keep asking questions. Go deeper; you cannot do “research” on your phone. You need a desk, a computer, a notebook and time to think slowly, carefully and thoroughly. This is not in style right now; it must be for you. Get your full Leo reading by Eric here.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Your sign is prone to anxiety, and you will want to monitor this now. You may be concerned about being in public, though that’s not the energy source. It’s your inner world that you need to track carefully; it’s your own thoughts that make you feel the most vulnerable. If you find yourself projecting your fear onto external sources, that is the time to pause, and intervene on your own behalf. Externalizing your fears only makes them worse, and by the way, this is a prevalent meme in society today. Many are freaking out about the “other,” in whatever form that may take, and not addressing the deeply personal material that is the heart of the matter. Speaking of heart, this takes place in Leo, the sign of the Sun, of the heart center, of courage, and of true value. Much of your struggle in life is that so often, these things seem so difficult for you to access. I have a suggestion: you are a person of ideas. Experiment with those. If you’re up late at night, do something creative. Understanding is another matter entirely. Get your full Virgo reading by Eric here.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — You’re about to experience an opening on the professional front. I know it’s been a rough couple of months, particularly where the more important aspects of work are concerned. By that I mean your higher goals, your reputation, your relationships to important people. You have made more progress than you might think. Your own sensitivity usually warns you off of being too assertive (which leads to your being subversive, and that is worse). You have begun to set things in order, which takes energy, focus, and confidence, even if you have to fake it every now and then. Tuesday’s solar eclipse in Cancer, your solar 10th house (associated with all of the above) is an invitation to refine your goals and objectives. While these are always a work in progress, you are at a rare moment of alignment right now, where you can thread the needle and pierce all the seeming layers of what stands between you and what you want. Essential to this process is letting yourself focus on daring possibilities that you know are right or you. In fact, one is enough. Get your full Libra reading by Eric here.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Mars crosses into the powerful 10th house of your solar chart Monday, which is full of vim and vigor and the energy of a soccer player smashing her second goal of the game. However, there is need for caution, as Mercury is about to turn to retrograde movement in just one week, and the effect is coming through right now even if you’re not noticing it. So you want to plan your moves carefully, and place them on hold pending additional information. Some cosmic or physical file is about to spill open in your direction right around July 7th or 8th, and you will want to save your best moves for then. If you act too soon, you will close off certain important options, or make decisions based on incomplete, incorrect or plainly irrelevant information. So stay in research mode, map out the power structure of whatever it is that you plan to invade or conquer, and make sure you know who is your friend and who is not. Till then, keep it buttoned. Get your full Scorpio reading by Eric here.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — This week’s events will be revealing in terms of whether you can handle the emotional complexities of one particular relationship. How much energy are you burning? How much effort are you expending? How much toxicity are you absorbing? How much do you need to know, before you know enough? This week’s astrology is a moment of truth. The future is beckoning you. You are being called to live a greater life than you are living now. Yet for you to do that, the past must not drag you down. There is much more to this situation than you may recognize, and it’s essential that you keep your senses and your wits about you. That might not be easy, as Jupiter square Neptune is serving as something of an anesthetic, making certain unrealistic ideals seem like they have more potential than they do. Your life is not about any of those other people. Your life is about you. Get your full Sagittarius reading by Eric here.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — This week arrives with the beginning of the first eclipse pair across the Cancer-Capricorn axis — the one you orient on if you have the Sun, Moon or rising in either of these signs. From your point of view now, the influences focus on what seem like inevitable changes in a relationship. Yet those changes also point to an opening; they describe a situation that is ready to take a step, whether that is some form of transformation, transition, re-alignment or goodbye. You have probably noticed how attached people are to partnerships that simply do not function, are wracked with constant drama, and which bear no resemblance to anything that could be reasonably be called loving. You may not be in such a situation, but the tendency of humans at this time is worth noting. The truth is, you need your independence. You need to define yourself some way other than through the person you’re with. You need to be you, and nothing else — embrace that possibility. Get your full Capricorn reading by Eric here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — I will repeat my caution about taking care of your health. That mainly involves two things: what you eat, and how you feel. If you want a good week where your efforts to get into a positive cycle with these things make a difference, this would be the one. Be aware that the pressure you’re feeling may seem “work related,” but really, it’s coming from a deep place and needs attention. The outer circumstances of your life are not the issue. It is the inner conditions, ones dating back many years, which require your gentle focus. That would begin by letting off some of the pressure you’ve been under for a while. And it also involves not letting close relationship partners mix it up with you, and you not mixing it up with them. Your life in recent months has been a study in anger management; how have you been doing? For the next few weeks, you will need to wear your long fuse. And make sure you have at least one person you actually trust with your fears and innermost feelings, who can serve as a reality checkpoint. Get your full Aquarius reading by Eric here.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Get it going. By which I mean, get yourself going — heat up that creative furnace, get the cauldron simmering, and dive in. Try to set this week aside, as much as possible, for the artist, the lover, the poet, the rocker in you. Take a little more time than usual to live as if you’re the artist you want to be, and who you know you are inside. That means some extra self-indulgence. It might mean a little extra derring-do on the sexual front, allowing yourself to be a bit more forward and approaching the person you want. If you’re with a partner, drop a few layers of inhibition and maybe answer the door naked when s/he comes home. That kind of thing. Do it right now — dust off your pastels, find your sketchbook, tune the guitar or put on new strings, and stock up on your favorite libation. There’s about to be a total solar eclipse in the very sweetest angle of your chart, the high-energy 5th house, which is about taking the risk of having some liberated, creative fun. Get your full Pisces reading by Eric here.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for July 2019

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for July 2019 (#1252) | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Aries (March 20-April 19) — The past month or two looks like your life has been the scene of nearly nonstop strife. In an odd way, you knew that this was centered with you, and yet there were others who seemed to be provoking you, making a compelling case for the energy coming from outside of you. All in all, I reckon you have at least determined that you’re sick of people holding power over you, at the expense of your ability to influence the events of your own life. Make a careful study of all that happened, and determine your exact role. This is more for your own forensics than anything else. As for what is ahead: events early in the month can conspire either to challenge your confidence in such a way that you feel compromised, or inspire you to take the creative risks you want and need to take, to assert yourself in a bold and courageous way. You are not the child who grew up in your family home; you are well beyond that, though it’s easy to get dragged back into your old insecurities, and the emotional manipulation of others. To create, and to create yourself, takes courage; nothing else gets the job done. Courage is an old French word that means coming from the heart. This is what it takes to be yourself in the current environment, where there are so many influences that say all you need is a little gloss and a little grease and you can fool the whole world. You want to fool nobody.

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Taurus (April 19-May 20) — There is a subtle message coming from your solar chart, which you may recognize. It involves your relationship with the technology you use, and how it changes how you experience yourself. By “experience yourself,” I mean your relationship to your own consciousness: your thought process, your memory, what you externalize that was previously only deeply personal material. In other words, what are you saying in online environments that you would never, ever have said 10 or 20 years ago — and why are you saying it? This is not merely about technology or devices; it’s about what they do to you, what they do to who you think you are, and how you relate to yourself and others. I reckon you are onto these issues to some extent, though I suggest you bring them to the foreground. The forthcoming solar eclipse is a factor that gives you unusual ability and added leverage to change your mind, along lines you know you want to. You face many questions about what to do with old, outmoded beliefs. Those, too, have a trend of controlling you in ways you have surely noticed by now. You might say the forthcoming astrology is a moment of truth, in a time when the truth is the only thing that rightly matters to you. Over the next month or so, you will be reclaiming many things about yourself that you seem to have surrendered, though your greatest fortune is held in your ability to be utterly and only real with yourself.

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Gemini (May 20-June 21) — One of the peculiarities of Gemini involves a lot of ebb and flood where your finances are concerned. There is constant fluctuation, and it’s not easy for you to create a stable situation for yourself. This is a matter associated with having the sign Cancer as your 2nd house or solar house, associated with your personal assets. But what is really fluctuating? An argument could be made that your perception of your value is what is rising and falling, and this drags your bank account along with it. Sometimes known as self-esteem, though I am partial to the term self-respect, since this is a matter of re + spect in the true sense of the word: to see again, and in this case, to see yourself “again” (meaning, maintain an awareness of who you are and what you have to offer). There is more, though: you need to work with the predictable elements of your life (in the spirit of a tide table), and know what is coming and when. Your cycles are not as unpredictable as they may seem, though you need to study the patterns. Here is the thing about commerce: it requires many other things that begin with the prefix “com” — community, communication (and mutual trust and friendship). If you are going to be competitive, you need to choose wisely and remember who your friends are. Yet there is one thing worth more than anything, which is your word. It must be your bond. It must be your gold standard, or else you have nothing.

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Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Events of the past two months (associated with Mars transiting your sign or rising sign) may have spun you around so many times, you don’t know if you’re dizzy or not. There was a little bit of everything: a trial here, a tribulation there; a confrontation here, a moment of truth there; a challenge here, a breakthrough there. Overall, this was about the quest to be persistent, consistent, true and correct. All in a day’s work for the astrology you’re under. Now comes something new: a total solar eclipse in your birth sign. This happens July 2. The most recent pattern of this nature took place in 2009-2010, and current developments may be reminiscent of that time. Anyway, here’s my theory about this eclipse, and the corresponding one in Capricorn two weeks later. This is a point of realignment for you. You have concentrated power to make adjustments to your innermost being, which will then ripple out into your relationships. Part of this process will be intentional, and an aspect of what you do will be intuitive. It will help from the outset to work with the idea that you want to use what you have learned. Some of what you have learned (in part, from a series of confrontations and also, more creative intimate encounters) is who you are and who you want, and need, to be. Eclipses also relieve pressure, and you’ve been under plenty. Let the momentum carry you; keep your hand on the rudder and your eyes ahead, constantly scanning from side to side.

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Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — There is either cruelty or communication. One will supplant the other. There needs to be a high standard for what constitutes an exchange of thoughts and feelings. The first thing to be cautious of is any form of scorekeeping. If you notice you’re working from a list of grievances, I suggest you put it away and listen. More than anything, track your own expectations for the relationship. Where do they come from? Are they grounded in reality, or are they based on presuppositions? You might take the exactly opposite approach: what can you offer to serve the situation? Note, the answer to this question is, itself, not predicted by much of anything except what is right. And it’s based on what the situation calls for, rather than what you think is appropriate. So therefore, it might turn out to be bringing more of yourself to the relationship, or less. To know that, you will need to listen, and listen to yourself. Meanwhile, whole new prospects in life are calling you: from the look of your solar chart, there is something new and unusual that you want to devote yourself to, with your time, your body and your soul. This is described by your astrology as something that is vocational or not necessarily profitable, rather than a career kind of thing. It’s the deeper calling than what is merely professional, and it will mean more to you. This does not insinuate it will not in some way support you financially, though at the moment, that’s beside the point.

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Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — The world you will see when you look around is a reflection of the one that you contain within you. This is almost always true; one spiritual aphorism I’ve often found helpful is that projection makes perception. However, at the moment, this message is taking a specific form. You are coming up against certain inner limits to your creativity, ones you would be happy if you transcended. There is a dichotomy described by activity in the two other earthy signs. Capricorn, which covers your most creative and dynamic house, is at maximum density, which may feel like you’re having an implosion of some kind. If you’re an artist in any sense of the word, this may be a challenging time for you, though I assure you that you’re capable of your best work now. You will need to go deep into yourself and take a risk with what you express, which means doing something where you feel like you’ve got something to lose. In Taurus, an alignment of Uranus, Vesta and Albion is pushing your horizons wider. You may be seeing tremendous potential — outside of yourself. That’s really a description of what you are personally capable of. It is, therefore, an excellent exercise to envision the world a better place; to recognize the excellent work of others; to imagine what is possible; to look all the way out to the horizon and be curious what’s beyond it. I would remind you that thanks to those little pocket computers, we tend to live hideously myopic lives. Stretch yourself out of this like it’s all that matters. You are not your IP address.

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Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — You are the person who frames your reality. That’s basically what you are: a walking, talking concept of existence, which you then experience. The spiritual books all drip with this idea, which can be annoying as all get out. However, Logos, a long-term visitor to your sign (a Kuiper object, part of the Logos-Zoe binary pair), says that you are the ground of consciousness you stand on. In order to demonstrate this, you will need to investigate your reality, and do some experiments. In particular, notice the way people, circumstances and events take on the significance you give them, which comes from you. Therefore, practice giving these things different meaning. You could start with the greatest purpose of all, an experience that offers you learning and the potential for growth. Most people you meet will be out to get ahead, or be out for themselves and themselves alone. Be vigilant against any trace of these things. Making progress in life is a good thing, though the kind of progress matters a lot. Your success must be meaningful. Your life is not your image or who you impress. I know this is a radical thing to say. It’s not about your bank balance or (borrowing from a Grateful Dead joke) whoever has the most tapes when he dies wins. You are a deeper person than your society and your social environment let you recognize. You are, at this time, being called into deeper relationship experiences, which are about going in, rather than up or over. When you are with someone you care about, turn your awareness inward. Feel, listen, share. Keep going.

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Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Recent activity of Mars in the past month suggests that (like your water sign cousin Cancer) you may have been through the wringer the past two months. It was something special to behold, and to experience: Mars making aspects to Chiron, Saturn, Pluto, the lunar nodes, as well as Eris, Logos, Makemake, Salacia, Quaoar and Pholus. (None of these are asteroids; they are all slow-moving modern planets. I will link a few articles at the bottom of the horoscope in case you missed them.) And what exactly did you go through? What did you learn about how you use your power? What did you learn about how you use language? Most of all, what did you learn about projection? By that, I mean assigning to others what is really in your mind and your feelings, a concept I suggest you do some quiet reading about, given the current state of your astrology. You have now changed modes entirely: you are in your ‘rock the world’ state of being. There are those times when you recognize your potential and you utterly groove on all that is possible if you apply yourself to your life purpose. However, I suggest you take it easy on the ambition and aspiration thing, and allow certain unfinished processes to play out. Now is the time to evaluate all of your goals, cross some old and outmoded ones off the list, and add one or two truly meaningful ones. During Mercury retrograde (the last three weeks of July), you will be reviewing some of the territory you crossed in May and June. Be careful and thorough about this. Make amends where necessary.

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Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — For someone as intent as you are on leading a self-determined life, you certainly get jerked around emotionally by others quite a bit. Never the twain shall meet, as the poet Kipling wrote long ago. Yet it is only experience that will teach you this. Early in the month, you may find reason to call into question a certain emotional connection that you have with another person. Based on recent past experience, this may not be an easy ride, and it may be calling on you to question the nature of your commitment. Remember that such is not something made for you; a commitment is something you make and uphold yourself. This is true on any day, at any time during any phase of the relationship: your commitments are your business. You can keep them, you can end them, but more than anything you must evaluate them. What do you give, and what do you gain? Who benefits? I do not mean to reduce the complexity of human relationships to what might seem like a cash transaction, but in the end, relationships are transactional: there is giving, receiving, gaining, losing and exchanging — of something. There are important factors in your astrology that currently make it difficult for you to see through the fog. Yet you have moments of clarity, which either arrive as the sudden dawning of awareness, or asking yourself a question so compelling that you have to stop and think about the answer. This is right about where you are today. Use this rare opportunity well.

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Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — At the moment, everything has to come back to you. Rather than assigning responsibility or accountability to any circumstance, relationship or situation, take it all on board. Your whole existence begins and ends with you; your participation in the world makes the world what it is, to you. So forget about all of them for a while, and consider the nature of the changes you’re going through. Granted, this includes Pluto, which has been likened to a caterpillar spinning itself a cocoon and melting, having no concept what it’s about to become. You are deep in that process now. It’s not possible to know, or even fathom the future. Yet you can trust your process. You can also trust that you’re in the demarcation zone between the past and the future, by which I mean your whole past and your whole future. This is the Saturn-Pluto conjunction, which plays out between now and Jan. 12, 2020. While there is no rushing this process, you can be grateful that it proceeds as gradually as it does. And by the way, you are not a caterpillar; you are a human with full sentience, the power of observation, the ability to respond, and the power of decision. Therefore do all of these things, each in its turn, and allow your process to unfold. One last thought: It is probable that certain events over the past two months have given you a clear idea of what you do not want. That is important information, though only if you use what you know.

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Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Two issues are up this month; they’ve been up for a while, but now, the bell rings. One is how, and whether, you take care of yourself, meaning your health, your rest, your nutrition — and your emotional wellbeing. Second, closely associated, is your association with aggression. This has been an issue in recent weeks, through much of the spring and longer, and it’s taken a toll on you and potentially your work-based relationships. You may be thinking that none of this was necessary, and if so, you’re correct. You’re under a lot of pressure right now. There is energy moving in your direction. You get to decide what to do with it. Do you direct it where you want, like a martial artist, or do you let it slam into you? There is a similar issue with your use of language, which is the forum for nearly all controversy these days. It will be helpful if you set all use of language in any potentially controversial situation on a 24- to 48-hour delay. Sleep on things for a night or two, including what you hear. You may develop a tendency to hear the things people say to you in the worst possible light, when really, they meant something else, or intended a different inflection of meaning. Therefore, slow down and contemplate your moves. You need to have a clear set of strategies, which you follow in a focused, disciplined and intentional way. You may need support. Get some advisors you trust. You don’t need to do what they say; rather, you only need to take it under careful advisement.

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Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — It has not been easy for you to get a grip this year, though you’ve accomplished more than you may think. Jupiter, your ruling planet (from classical astrology), is in its best possible position — in Sagittarius, in your 10th solar house, which is giving you a sense of your true potential. However, Jupiter is square Neptune in your own sign, which is making your potential about as easy to grasp as a greased eel. There is also a clarity issue (see Sagittarius for another take on that), which is to say it’s not easy for you to discern what is real and what is not; what you want and what you don’t; who is helpful and who is not. Here is a clue: you need very basic criteria for these things, which you apply sooner rather than later. However, the second half of the year tends to bring an upswing for you. The Sun has moved in your favor, and there’s about to be a total eclipse in the most daring, dynamic angle of your solar chart. This represents you being willing to take a chance on yourself of some kind; it represents an opening; and most of all, it describes you moving into one of those deeply intuitive phases of how you relate to your own creativity. Set your priorities carefully. You will have abundant energy going forward, which can only be drained by misunderstanding, pointless controversy or wasting your time on goals that are not specifically relevant to you. Therefore, focus your priorities. Know what you want and what you need, resolve to create that and that alone, and stand your full height as you walk through the world.

You’re invited to have a look at our new Special Readings page. 

Monday Morning Horoscope #182 for June 24, 2019


Aries (March 20-April 19) — Acknowledge what the men in your life have been through: your father and grandfathers, your partners, your sons. There is a level of struggle men carry that I observe is not fully acknowledged, and which is often ridiculed. The injury to men is really an injury to the male side of the psyche for all of us. This counts for individuals and for society. I propose it’s time to take this seriously. I propose it’s time to bristle at the mention of “the patriarchy” and all its ills, and consider how we feel about, and think about, and treat, the men in our lives. This may be difficult in our age of nonstop propaganda, but with a little awareness raising, you can do it. Notice in yourself any craving for the attention of men, and how you relate to that feeling — and how you relate to men in its context. It’s the male aspect of your own being that needs love, attention and healing — from you. Get your full Aries reading by Eric here.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Your role is to be of service. This is often confused with making a sacrifice, in a sense of the idea that’s not really helpful to anyone. When you offer yourself, the gift you are giving is something that must come through you rather than directly from you. There are several forms that may take, including an acknowledgement or confirmation being the thing that comes through. What you want to be vigilant about is guilt. It is unlikely to be related to the matter at hand, but rather a hangover from some distant situation that is lingering in your consciousness. The problem with guilt is how convincing it is. Yet its logic is always circular, or obverse: you feel this way, therefore you are wrong. If you can question that, you may start to peer through a veil that seems much thicker than it really is. Get your full Taurus reading by Eric here.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — One of the most significant themes of your life in this time of your history is understanding the power that certain others seem to hold over you. You can probably guess my next line: it is far less about them, and far more about you. Your emotional investments and involvements open the way for you to be what some call manipulated. And most of this comes through the process of your “self image” or “identity” (both of which are fictional). It will be through focusing your awareness on this process that you will set yourself free from this type of scenario, to the extent that it exists. I suggest you evaluate all situations where either sex or money, or both, are factors, and study the dynamics. There is one other thing. How do you present yourself to the public (however you think of that term)? Do you in any way manipulate who you are, to get a certain effect from others? Consider carefully. Get your full Gemini reading by Eric here.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — You are in the process of claiming back something about yourself — and it may be so old you have no concept of the underlying reality. That does not matter, as long as you notice that, step by step, you are claiming your right to exist. This may seem like a strong statement, though that is ultimately what it comes down to. This week’s contact between the Sun and Chiron is an invitation to express something about yourself, in an honest, bold and gentle way. Yet you will know you’re doing it when you feel the tension, the ache and perhaps the pain of emerging from that space where you are a child subject to the unquestionable power and will of mother. This manifests as authority in every form, particularly the kind that makes no sense, and is essentially authority without responsibility. Your quest at this time in your life is to find the sweet spot where you access both of those as one thing. Get your full Cancer reading by Eric here.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Mercury arrives in your sign on Wednesday, which indicates a message. Start by receiving one rather than delivering one. However, the issue here is seeing the message randomly in everything. So I suggest you ask when you need information — and only count that as a valid response. There’s a guy on my street who likes to blurt out random things to people. Once I sensed the wisdom in some of his statements, I took my own approach. Now when I pass him, I say, “George, what’s the good word?” and he says something to me. When I open a fortune cookie, I make a conscious inquiry, and take the printed message as a potentially valid response. I do the same things when I read a horoscope column. Are you following me? Count as a message what you ask for information about. Not every bumper sticker contains a meaningful synchronicity. Be conscious what you take in as valid. Get your full Leo reading by Eric here.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — The realm of what you consider spiritual is far, far from what you were told was such as a young person. It may be so remote and removed that you can’t believe there is any connection between what you now recognize as being of a divine nature, and what was in some way pushed onto you previously — but alas! There is more to Heaven and Earth than those muggles tried to convince you was true. Yet in some sense there was a scant element of reality, muffled by all the baggage that adults tend to pack around anything they don’t understand or don’t have direct experience with. For you, this phase of your journey is about experience. Your quest is the quest to experience the world through young eyes. Let yourself be motivated by curiosity and thirst for life. More than humans need goodness, or nonexistent purity, we need to rekindle our craving for what we don’t already know. Understanding is another matter entirely. Get your full Virgo reading by Eric here.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Ask yourself honestly: who supports you, and who does not? Let’s use a boring concept to illustrate the point: percentiles. If someone helps you 51% and distracts or harms you 49%, that is not a winning bargain. I would say that you’re still not in good standing if you’re helped 80% and distracted or harmed 20%. Helpful people are only that. They may not be perfect; we are all human. Yet loving intention, and the focus on doing the correct thing for the right reasons, are basic to what you are seeking. You are in a position to accomplish something beautiful, new and unusual in these days. Yet to do this, you must have the support of your environment; and for that to happen, you need to cooperate fully, and be honest with yourself about the role others play in your life. For the next few days, take a neutral, nonjudgmental stance, and observe carefully what others do when you have a need, or they have a commitment to you to fulfill. Get your full Libra reading by Eric here.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Make professional moves this week with care and caution, and focus on the human level. Listen carefully for signs of envy, jealousy or contempt — whether coming from you or someone else. If you notice any of these emotions coming from yourself, address them immediately. They are the result of values and expectations that are no longer valid for you (and in truth, never were). If you notice them from someone else, you will need to handle the matter gently, and in a way that does not require a blow for blow confrontation. Given that throwing down is currently the way of the world, and how the only thing that seems to matter is absolute power over other people, this will require you acting in a way that is contrary to your environment. Yet confrontation of the style I am describing wastes far more energy than it can possibly create, and runs contrary to your goals — which are in no way assured to be fulfilled. You will have to make that happen one small step at a time. Get your full Scorpio reading by Eric here.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — What do you really have to do, and why do you have to do it? This will take some careful and reflective pondering. To get a sense of the bottom line, you will need to think slower, rather than faster. And you will benefit from the use of a calendar, so that you may structure time in a conscious way, and make the most of it. Currently there is a distortion that is leading you to believe everything has to happen fast, and that you owe things to people when you really do not. Once you have a handle on time, then evaluate your actual commitments to people, whether professional, social or emotional. I would propose that you need to relieve yourself of at least half of them or more. This will be efficient, since there are likely to be certain people or situations taking up more than their fair share of bandwidth — your bandwidth. Be meticulous, persistent and focused in making the changes. Get your full Sagittarius reading by Eric here.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — You have just been through an odyssey you may not fully understand. This involved the passage of Mars through your opposite sign Cancer. Mars (nearly done with this transit) is the fast mover, playing off against several slow-moving developments in your sign. What happened over the past five or six weeks was a kind of test, designed to bring out the true nature of your underlying growth process. What exactly occurred during this time? Did it reveal any weaknesses, cracks, or points of immaturity that you need to address? Is there something from the past that you are now on notice you need to handle consciously and attentively? You have a finite amount of time to turn certain problems into solutions and opportunities. The first step is recognizing the problem so that it can be solved and turned to your advantage. Do not speculate. Get your full Capricorn reading by Eric here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Consider the possibility that you’re being driven by forces you don’t understand. To get that far, you would need to admit there may be something about you that defies your immediate comprehension, or that you have not noticed. Recent events at work, or related to your health (such as over the past four to six weeks), will give you a clue what this is about. You will need to do the detective work, and draw some inferences what might really be going on. That means “conclusions reached on the basis of evidence and reasoning.” Then, subject your inferences to a little skepticism, and verify you have them right; look for other potential observations or outcomes. Consider scenarios where you give yourself the benefit of the doubt, and ones where you give others the benefit of the doubt. Then evaluate both, and see which makes more sense to a reasonable person. Get your full Aquarius reading by Eric here.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — The Sun moving through the most creative, curious and boldest angle of your solar chart is encouraging you to go forward, to try again, to give it (whatever it is) your very best. The Sun is retracing the path that was just taken by Mars, making aspects to a great many planets on what is called the cardinal cross (where most of the energy in your chart is contained). This will shine light on past events, as well as reveal new strategies, ideas and approaches to certain goals you cherish. While you may be inclined to think of these as related to business, I suggest you recast that and consider them creative opportunities. Art does not mean that you get to relax and let things happen, or let the good things come to you. Rather, art is risky, and it takes three times more energy than the usual day-to-day of the planet. Do you have it in you? I reckon so — but we will soon see. Get your full Pisces reading by Eric here.

Planet Waves Horoscope — Solstice Edition

Planet Waves Horoscope — Solstice Edition (#1251) | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Aries (March 20-April 19) — In the end, as in the beginning, all you have is yourself. This may seem like a lonely proposition, though in truth it’s the only path to true companionship. Unless you see and recognize who you are, there is not room for others in your life, nor is there a suitable role for them to serve. You do not need self-esteem. You need to respect yourself, which means to respect the fact that you exist. That means to bear ongoing witness to the truth of your being. When you attempt to derive your value from someone else, you give away the only power you have. The temptation, indeed, the relentless pressure, to do this is not an accident; it is a setup for a society of weak and depleted people who do not recognize their own existence. In human terms, love is the recognition of freedom and individuality of one person offered to another, though you must have it to give it to anyone else.

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Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Uranus in your sign is merely a reminder you are a distinct person unlike any other. Taurus has a way of being obsessed with conventionality. This is a defense mechanism. It’s an odd way of “protecting” yourself from the truth of your own distinction, and of blending in with the scenery. After all, if you reveal yourself as different, that attracts attention, potentially negative. Yet if you want to be at peace, it’s necessary that you give yourself permission to be who you are. There is a seeming risk involved, which is that you won’t be acceptable to others. Yet that’s always true — nobody is everyone’s cup of tea. The alternative is actual loneliness: your true being trapped within an image, façade or costume, unavailable to share yourself with the world. As you crack through the layers, you will emerge as yourself, and certain people will recognize you. Some already do.

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Gemini (May 20-June 21) — There is no room for deception in your life, particularly emotional. Such is often sly, as if you convince yourself of something that you don’t even want to be true. Often this is about portraying an image, which is a social norm in a world where everyone is trying to be their own publicist rather than be themselves. What you present to others needs to reflect your true priorities, no matter how others may feel about it. And if your priorities do not match those of the people around you, then you need to either go it alone, or find a different scene. If you find yourself in some kind of internal argument about who you are, take a step back and consider what that is about. It’s not healthy; it’s a sign of anger, which could easily be driving you along, with you in the passenger seat. If true, that’s something to heal, not to live for, or even with.

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Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Mars has been in your sign for weeks, opposing the historic aspect pattern of our era: the Saturn-Pluto conjunction. If you are holding your own, and directing the course of your life, that bodes well for the future. If you are feeling out of control, or if you are involved in conflicts that are not moving toward resolution, then you simply must get a grip on yourself. Mars is now in a position where it will make a square — the most dynamic aspect — to Eris in Aries, your house of profession and reputation. Chiron is also there, calling the focus to this vitally important area of your life and your self-expression. The actions you take over the next few days will have a powerful effect on the flow of events. Sitting still is probably not an option; yet you must act with care, wisdom and courage. Enlist one or two of the deep thinkers you know — people who are not driven by fear.

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Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — You must stand up for what is right and what is true. Look about and see all the pretense, the sloganeering, the virtue signaling, the acting as if one cares. I am talking about the opposite of that: courageously advocating for someone who is depending on support and who may be having difficulty finding it. That person may be you. Standing up for oneself is not the typical thing to do; most people are more inclined to suffer injustice and indignity than they are to say something about it. Yet you must be cautious about proceeding indignantly, or subversively. Rather, be impeccable, above boards, sincere and clear. Be moderate and present your ideas or concerns in a respectful way. There is no room for games, nor for tolerating them. Conducting yourself in this way surely involves a risk, though it’s considerably less of one than refusing to speak when that is what is called for.

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Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — You must recognize when you’re looking into a fog or a hazy reflection, and instead, look honestly at the world around you. There is plenty going on — in the way of conflict, power struggle, and disregard for what is urgently necessary. It seems easier to stare into the haze in search of clarity, though in truth, it’s nothing but frustrating. And while it’s obvious that the world needs to change, the only place you can have any real influence over that project is with yourself. You are still in the middle of breaking through many layers of conditioning that conned you out of your rightful place as a creator, and creator of your own reality. You have the ability, the energy and the opportunity, though if you want results, you must focus on this one project, as an extension of everything that you do. You cannot be fully committed part of the time; commitment is a full-time occupation.

You’re invited to have a look at our new Special Readings page.

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — The Sun crosses the midheaven of your solar chart on Friday, which is going to turn up the light, the sound and the juice. You will be more visible and seen as one whose purpose is to offer guidance and leadership. That means manifesting as the very incarnation of Libra, which means as the perfect diplomat. The world is not in a reasonable state right now, and many have the idea that civil discourse is nonexistent. Where it does not exist, you are the one to bring it. You set the tone. You set the agenda. Most of all, you set the example. While there is no guarantee of success, the more you bring yourself to whatever needs to be done, the better chance you will accomplish that very thing, or something better. Nobody is happy about the state of the world — that is, here on the humble level of the ordinary non-multi-billionaires. And we are the only ones who will make it better.

You’re invited to have a look at our new Special Readings page.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — With Mars about to square Eris — the planetary sigil of our era of history — some tremendous power is about to be unleashed. You would be wise, however, to think of this energy field in terms of the vision, the values, and the sense of purpose that you can express. To say ‘express’ means you are going to keep some spin control, and to do that, you will need to be something of a minimalist. We live in the age of the terrorist, the dominant, the overlord. We live in the age of people doing things because they can. Your best option is to do something because it’s the right thing to do. There is someone close to you who is offering you an example of how to conduct yourself. The essence is that your actions need to transcend you. Your personal emotions, your anger, your animus, your sense of lack, all need to be far away from this situation. They have no place there.

You’re invited to have a look at our new Special Readings page.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Jupiter is in your sign, which is one of the greatest things that can happen to Sagittarius. However, you are living with the complexity of a square to Neptune, which happens only rarely, and even less frequently with your sign directly involved. So this is an odd condition, obscuring the benefits of Jupiter and making it difficult to see the way forward. Yet Neptune in Pisces represents your own emotional confusion. That, in turn, relates to some idealized notion you have, which may be linked to a domestic situation, your family, or your sense of your grounding. The short version of the message is that you need to be more practical about your affairs, and be honest with yourself about the meaning of your personal transactions. Not the perceived meaning or value, not what you wish was true, but the actual truth — and you know what it is. Dare to do the right thing for yourself.

You’re invited to have a look at our new Special Readings page.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Mars has been the agent provocateur of your life the past few weeks, as it’s made its way across the relationship angle of your chart. Yet you have a part in every transaction. I’m not saying that if a meteorite hits you on the head, it’s your fault because you were there (as they might say in some cultures). What I am saying is your state of mind has an influence on your environment, and represents more than half of what happens in your relationships. You’re in one of those states where anger and aggression come back to you like rapid-fire boomerangs. The astrology you’re going through calls for you to be fully informed about your life (including the planetary patterns), but more than anything, you need to groom your energy and make conscious choices about how you express yourself, and to whom. This is not a time to come on strong. It’s time to lead with sincere understanding, which requires listening, patience and thought.

You’re invited to have a look at our new Special Readings page.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Your space is the place where you must be free to be yourself. There can be no compromises here; no dealing with people who in any way mistreat you within your own four walls (and if you own a business, that’s included). You’re not here to make sacrifices for anyone; rather, you either give freely of yourself, or not at all. If you find that you’re in conflict, it’s essential that you find a way to work that out honestly, if not peacefully. However, it would be wise of you to go for both, and first, that means being honest with yourself. Where a particular matter involving a sexual or romantic relationship is concerned, you are running the risk of going over the edge with some form of self-deception. And you will never get a handle on conflict with others until you truly understand the nature of the inner conflict that you are carrying around at this time.

You’re invited to have a look at our new Special Readings page.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — To have what you want, you must be willing not to have it. Then, you will have the freedom to see all sides of the situation, consider other options, and recognize the will of others for what it is. At first this may feel like one of those paradoxes, such as where an airplane is in a stall, and the pilot must point it toward the ground in order to pick up enough airspeed to come out of an even more dangerous condition. Embrace the risk involved, whatever it may be. We are living under conditions when the only thing that can cut through the noise is sincerity. Not everyone is interested. Not everyone is listening. Others are more interested in drama and conflict. Yet if peace is your goal, you may feel like you’re taking a chance by saying or doing something that has the power to offend them. That’s OK. You are making space for the truth. There is such a thing.

You’re invited to have a look at our new Special Readings page. 

Monday Morning Horoscope #181 for June 17, 2019


Aries (March 20-April 19) — Knowledge is power, and you’ve certainly accumulated more than enough in recent times to take a stand for greater autonomy in your life, and take a fresh approach to your aspirations. You’re seeing potential in scenarios you once dismissed as improbable, if not outright impossible. This change in perspective is a sign of maturity: that you no longer need rely on the limitations others (or your inner critic) impose as if they’re somehow guardrails. Learning to let go of them and instead trust your own judgment is likely to be a major part of your current evolutionary journey. Get your full Aries reading by Eric here.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Your life during the current period may seem to be a series of continual restarts and new beginnings. No doubt this has its annoyances, yet it’s also potentially a source of interest and excitement: you get to take a fresh look at things constantly, from several different perspectives; to make mistakes and try again, which is an essential ingredient of growth. Just remember to keep your higher aims in mind, and to try to make the most ethically sound decisions, and you can’t really go far wrong. You have the power to forge this phase of your journey into any shape you want. Get your full Taurus reading by Eric here.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — As Monday’s Full Moon heralds the closing week of your birthday season, you may be eager to leap forward and on to the next phase of your life. Be aware of whether you might be trying to push the river, and not taking sufficient time to enjoy the pleasanter aspects of your present surroundings. In particular, it’s possible you’re looking for ‘progress’ in current relationships, which is usually best allowed to happen organically, if it needs to at all. Over-focusing on expectations for the future means you’re not looking at what you already have. Pay attention to the latter, and take it easy. Get your full Gemini reading by Eric here.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Given all the tension that’s been building lately, including Mars making powerful contacts from your sign, your self-protective instincts might well be going at full throttle. You may even be tempted to shut out just about everyone and create a cocoon until you’re good and ready to emerge. It’s natural to feel this way from time to time, and you could certainly benefit from taking some space for yourself this week. Avoiding confrontation while the environment is so electrically charged would probably also be helpful. Try to suspend judgment until the agitation has eased off somewhat. Get your full Cancer reading by Eric here.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — For some time now you’ve been tackling a specific puzzle in terms of your daily life, or of your general wellbeing. This week may bring some much-needed clarity, though you’ll need to review all the information to hand. What will probably help you significantly is asking yourself two questions: What is your ultimate aim? And what are your fundamental needs — that is, physical and emotional? This should strip matters down to the basics, and negate any unwanted pressures or distractions. Focus first on what is absolutely necessary to you; everything else can wait its turn. Get your full Leo reading by Eric here.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — In the past few weeks especially you’ve been making some major strides in terms of confidence and maturity. This week’s Full Moon describes an important confrontation with some aspect of your past: a particular state or habit of mind you’re finally ready to shake off for good and move on from, which amounts to a significant step for you in claiming your innate power. Doing this may feel bold and audacious, perhaps even presumptuous, though that is highly unlikely. Watch for any signs of guilt or shame, and be prepared to nip them in the bud. You are emerging into newfound freedom, as a butterfly from a chrysalis. Get your full Virgo reading by Eric here.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Mars in your 10th house suggests you may be a little restless in terms of meeting career goals. Perhaps your current position or duties don’t use enough of your broad skill set. However, it’s worth figuring out whether that is the actual source of your irritation, or whether you simply desire to move for the sake of motion. If you discern a lack of fulfillment, first consider your options, which are probably more numerous than you think. What can you do to improve your own situation? Assuming you have autonomy in your decisions is generally a good place from which to begin making them. Get your full Libra reading by Eric here.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Human beings are complex creatures and you are no exception; neither are your loved ones. In the digital realm, which we all now inhabit to some degree, everything’s either/or, black/white, for/against; that is, there’s no third option. There is no gray area, despite pretty much every issue in which we concern ourselves requiring some sort of nuance. This week’s opposition between your two ruling planets is encouraging you to buck that trend for all you’re worth. If you feel undecided or uncertain around a position, great — hold that contradiction in your mind, however uncomfortable it feels, and honor every facet of you. Get your full Scorpio reading by Eric here.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Monday’s Full Moon in your sign is helping illuminate how important it is not to yield your individual will entirely to a perceived common cause, or to external pressures. You may feel as if it’s all too easy to become lost in the labyrinth, especially of the digital world, but also of the various demands and claims by others on your time and thought. If you’re sensing this, try to step back enough to take in the whole picture, then make sure you’re giving precedence sufficiently to your needs and self-respect. Don’t be afraid to call for space whenever it helps you, and for as long as you require it. Get your full Sagittarius reading by Eric here.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — With the recent activity of Mars in your opposite sign, you’ve been experiencing a challenge to stand to your full height, and acknowledge your true capacity as a person. This means facing up to all your responsibilities and taking charge of the trajectory of your individual journey, even if that involves choosing a direction that seems risky or unconventional. You now know that in terms of using your gifts and aiming at your goals, there can be no compromises; and while fear may be natural, it just gets in the way. Go toward what you were born to accomplish, and don’t look back. Get your full Capricorn reading by Eric here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — You’ve probably been experiencing a good deal of disquiet in recent weeks. The tension will eventually subside, and a clear path should then present itself. In the meantime, using your skill at taking a broad perspective may bring some relief. This essentially means the understanding that you are inextricably part of the human race, and as such have fundamental capabilities, for example, free thought, learning and self-consciousness. Regardless of the restrictions we impose on one another, at root you are in control of your life. Keep that in sight, and exercise it as you feel the need. Get your full Aquarius reading by Eric here.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — It’s possible you are a little confused as to how assertive you should be in tackling certain issues, especially with Neptune in your sign fogging up boundary lines. Yet you have a number of resources to hand, one of which is imagination. You might discover potential solutions to a problem by playing out scenarios in your head, or on paper; your inventive abilities are running high just now. Then there’s good old-fashioned logic: weighing up the various pros and cons of each option, and making a determination based on the available evidence. Just make sure you’re clear on what your priorities are. Get your full Pisces reading by Eric here.