Monday Morning Horoscope #184 for July 8, 2019

Posted by Amy Elliott


During the next few weeks you’ll want to consolidate the gains you’ve lately achieved in the face of what may have seemed like incredible odds. You might be tempted to keep pushing for more, or to revert to former habits; either of which could risk the ground you worked so hard to win.


Aries (March 20-April 19) — Currently you seem to be emerging from a long struggle with your past — whether represented by ideas or by actual people — into a new sense of your individuality, freedom and power. This will almost certainly feel daunting to a degree, at least to begin with, as all unfamiliar territory does. In part you can address that by recalling everything you’ve been through to get here. That took determination and guts. Now, you owe it to yourself to enjoy your hard-won gifts to the fullest, and take up your new opportunities boldly. The storm is over; leave it decidedly behind you, and step right into the sunshine. Get your full Aries reading by Eric here.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — You seem to be feeling adventurous or curious; ready to explore new ideas, a different mindset, or perhaps literally fresh turf. With Mercury having just stationed retrograde, this may also involve revisiting and reviewing theories you’ve held to in the past. Be sure to keep an open mind; be wary in particular of reacting against a position — that is, taking the directly opposing view out of repulsion. Even if what you’re left with is uncertainty, it would be wise to hold space for that, at least over the next month. Don’t reach a conclusion unless you have reason to be sure, and even then leave room for questioning. Get your full Taurus reading by Eric here.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — As you read this, your ruler Mercury either has just stationed retrograde or is in the process of doing so. This is almost always a useful reminder about why it does no good to trust absolutes, which human beings are in the habit of doing. Nuanced views are far more reflective of reality. Even if all the evidence seems to be pointing in one direction, now is not the time to draw firm conclusions — it’s highly likely that things are not quite what they seem. This is especially true where your self-confidence is concerned; your full array of talents and resources is likely to be far broader than you estimate. Get your full Gemini reading by Eric here.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — During the next few weeks you’ll want to consolidate the gains you’ve lately achieved in the face of what may have seemed like incredible odds. You might be tempted to keep pushing for more, or to revert to former habits; either of which could risk the ground you worked so hard to win. Now is not the time for big moves. Recognize the value in what you actually have, including your own abilities and learned skills; these in particular are precious resources. Be careful to use your time, energy and money wisely, and to avoid situations in which you risk feeling depleted or drained. There’s only one of you. Get your full Cancer reading by Eric here.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Pay attention to your mood this week, especially if you find yourself getting anxious or stressed, or feeling under the weather. Keep an eye on the demands others make on your time and energy. If you notice you’re being pulled in several different directions, that’s a clue you likely need to slow down and take it a little (or a lot) easier. Generosity and willingness to help are wonderful qualities, though supporting one’s own wellbeing is a crucial component, as is being able to enjoy what you do. You have an opportunity in the days ahead to restructure your daily life some. Make sure you are included in it. Get your full Leo reading by Eric here.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Mercury stationing retrograde in the most sensitive area of your chart is your cue to tackle some deep issues. This is very likely to involve your individuality and the boundaries you draw between yourself and the rest of the world; in recent times there has perhaps been a good deal of blurring, and you may feel like it’s a struggle to assert your autonomy, regardless of your actual circumstances. As an adult, however, the power to do that is ultimately in your hands and yours alone. Nobody else can clear the way for you, so be bold. You need to get used to taking up space. Get your full Virgo reading by Eric here.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — It may be necessary to revisit a recent change in your career path. If this means retracing some of your steps, or things not turning out quite as expected, don’t be too hard on yourself. You might feel frustrated, though this is an ongoing process. True, the recognition you’re growing toward has been a long time coming, and may well be overdue. However, this is partly about getting yourself into the right frame of mind, so that when the moment comes you can seize it accordingly. Until then, make use of the resources you already have, and keep focused on the work before you. Get your full Libra reading by Eric here.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Your charts describe a sense of impatience to reach for something you want, though at present it seems just beyond your grasp. There may be a waiting game, or one or two challenges to surpass, before you make it to your desired destination. As Mercury is in the process of changing direction, you might also receive new information over the next few weeks; this could lead to you altering course likewise, if only slightly. Now is perhaps a good time to examine how you feel, whether anything’s changed, or if there was an angle you missed. Even if nothing needs modifying, you will better understand the nature of what you’re seeking and why. Get your full Scorpio reading by Eric here.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Mercury retrograde often serves as a good general reminder not to rush into a specific course of action, though this is good advice at any time, and is especially so for you now. In particular, any feelings of panic or anxiety are highly unlikely to reflect the true situation, so it would help if you don’t let them govern your actions. Keep a clear head, and consult with others if you need to ground your ideas. Applying logic and strategic thinking should be useful. Be sure of your footing before you take any major steps, and don’t underestimate the value of effort, preparation and staying informed. Get your full Sagittarius reading by Eric here.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Being honest about how you feel can sometimes require an act of courage, especially if you’re embarrassed or worried about the consequences. Yet locking your emotions inside yourself rarely makes for an easier path. For sure, the current astrology suggests it’s useful to convey what you need to express with consideration, measure and compassion, though that is different from toning down the actual content of the message. You need to open up, particularly to loved ones; and if it’s assistance or care you’re seeking, also ensure you’re actually willing to receive it. Let people help you. Get your full Capricorn reading by Eric here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Recent experiences are causing you to re-evaluate certain aspects of your philosophy, which may turn into a little information-gathering project in the weeks to come. Part of this may arise from specific annoyances you encounter on a regular basis: the kind that have a tendency to add up if they’re not addressed. Asking yourself why you put up with these irritants may lead you on a trail of consciousness to pondering some rather larger questions. Let this process flow naturally at its own speed, and be careful not to shut down any apparent complexities or contradictions. The time for resolution will come. Get your full Aquarius reading by Eric here.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — You seem to be developing a lot of bold and interesting ideas, which are fueling the flame of your inspiration. Take steps to ensure they’re all recorded, and don’t dismiss any out of hand. Distillation and decisions will come later; for now, leave the microphone with the Muses and let them speak uninterrupted. You may have revelations during this time about matters that have puzzled you; again, give them room to sit and simmer, and avoid rushing to conclusions. Your mind is rarely this fertile; you need only keep it open and alert, and the waters of life and the creative force will flow in. Get your full Pisces reading by Eric here.

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