Category Archives: Monday Morning Horoscope

Monday Morning Horoscope for Oct. 3, 2016


Aries (March 20-April 19) — You are entering new territory in your professional life. If it seems like you’ve been doing the same old routines this year, Mars moving across the achievement angle of your chart will be refreshing. One thing to be mindful of is being too proud of what you’ve accomplished, such as when presenting yourself to potential employers or clients. Rather, exhibit a calm, quiet confidence. Take the attitude of “I do my best to get results.” Next, you must understand the politics of every situation you’re involved with. Who holds the power? That’s a good place to start. Know who you’re dealing with. Over the next couple of weeks you must be careful not to be seen as if you’re staging some kind of overthrow or revolt. It would be too easy to get on the wrong side of people in authority, and equally easy to work with them to get the result they want.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Old beliefs do not give way easily. The cost for that is living in the past. It’s one thing to seek information from what’s happened before, and to respect elements of wisdom gained through experience. But it’s another thing to inhabit the past, and this is often done through outdated beliefs. It’s now time for some updating. Scan your mind as you go through the day, and notice when you’re making a decision based on a belief that you have not updated recently. Now is the time to do a query, and determine what is currently true based on new information, and then respond. All of this demands that you not be lazy, which is asking a lot in the days of tap on the glass twice and sushi manifests at your door. Challenging and revising beliefs is work, but it’s only the preparatory step. The creative step is replacing them with a vision of what you want instead.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Be mindful when conducting any negotiations, particularly if they involve contracts, matters of taxation or negotiating about finances in partnerships. You appear to be motivated to get a fair outcome, but don’t move too quickly. If you feel the discussion is proceeding in a way that is unfair or in which you’re lost in the maze, ask for time to get your facts right. Use your energy on inquisitiveness rather than fighting or resisting. And remember, this is not a matter of how hard you work, or having to earn something extra by your service. This conversation is at the stage of brass tacks; it’s now far less about opinion and almost entirely about power. To keep your power, you must be armed with facts and figures and keep your presentation chilled to just above freezing. People must deal with reality. Emotions get in the way.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — The recent New Moon served as yet another invitation to take better care of yourself. By now you understand that this is not just a good idea; it’s the only idea. However, you don’t want to do that by neglecting work, which will just raise the tension. Rather, free yourself from work by being the master of your priorities and your time. This means making conscious decisions about what to focus on, and choosing to avoid the biggest time-waster of all: conflict. This would also hold true in your personal relationships. Others may be in a feisty state. It may be personal, it may not be; though you can help the situation by staying a step ahead of people on any shared responsibilities that you may have. As for the fun side of this astrology, people are likely to be more assertive about their desire. You may find yourself with one or more suitors, and with your options open.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — You seem to want to get a lot of work done, but you might ask yourself what has already been accomplished — by others and by you. This will save you plenty of work, as it seems the bulk of what you’re trying to do has already been done. You might do a little research and determine the thing that nobody else can figure out how to do. There would seem to be something, which might have been considered impossible or too difficult to accomplish. You might know exactly what this is. You might need to figure it out; and once you do, you’re likely to discover that it’s not so difficult after all. Well, the passage of time, changing conditions and a new mental approach may be what’s helping the difficulty unravel. Be mindful if a task is taking too long; that will mean you need to reassess whether it’s necessary, check your method or find someone who knows more than you and get some information.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Mars has entered your fellow earth sign Capricorn, and that’s an invitation to adventure: creative, sexual, romantic or involving a business enterprise. It could be all of the above, since that’s what we want when we’re really living. All year long, Mars — the ultimate planet of self-expression — has been lingering in some of the most private corners of your chart. Moving into Capricorn, your solar 5th house, Mars is inviting you to hang loose and explore, experiment and take some chances. You might not like to admit this, but you tend to have a conservative nature; you’re more adventurous on the inside than on the outside. Now is the time to bring out those qualities and have some fun. To do this, you’ll need to go past the point of your own discomfort. That might mean coming out of your safe zone. It might mean taking the risk of being known for what you have to say. Or it might mean taking a more assertive role with someone you fancy.

Open the Door to Your Life with Your Libra Reading

Dear Friend and Reader:

How do you invoke the ‘luck factor’ of a Jupiter transit? For starters, you have to be willing to do your part. Think of it like opening the door so that a fresh breeze (or a dear friend) can come in.

Planet Waves
The open door of the Hermitage at Omega Institute. What door will you open? Your Libra Reading will have clues. Photo by Eric Francis.

That door is the door of opportunity; something that often opens best when a person has done a little groundwork to prepare, takes the time to listen to their intuition and then acts.

Do you need some assistance seeing the doors in your life and knowing the best way to open them? Jupiter in Libra is offering you beautiful potential this year! How will you use it? Are you ready for it?

Eric will describe solid ways you can make the most of Jupiter in Libra — and much more this year — in your 2016-17 Libra Birthday Reading.

In two segments of audio and a video tarot reading, Eric will guide you through the subtle nuances, complex puzzles and in-your-face ‘big stuff’, motivating you to navigate the next 12 months with grace and chutzpah.

Best of all: if you pre-order your Libra Reading for just $19.97 today, you’ll lock in the lowest price we offer.

Note: Your birthday reading is distinctly different from BALANCE: the Midyear Reading. While that was a 12-sign project focused on paired signs, your birthday reading goes into greater, more focused depth, describing longer-term influences on the Libra experience from several directions.

You could pay $100 for a reading elsewhere and not get a fraction of the practical insight offered in Eric’s audio-video readings. So go ahead: pre-order your reading, open the door and turn your opportunities into something with lasting value.

Yours & truly,

Amanda Painter

Planet Waves Astrology Editor


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — You’re approaching an important decision. It might seem like the decision is approaching you, though this is something you’ve been thinking about for a long time. Whatever it may involve, the key is to choose from a place of strength rather than one of weakness or lack. Once you commit to this, it will be easier than you think. Your main strength involves your resiliency. A lot has changed in the past month, and you’re working with newly accessible resources, ideas that are coming to fruition, and confidence that can only come from actual trials and tests. If you’ve made it this far, you have not just passed those tests; you’ve emerged into a new phase of your life. You are a bigger person than you once were, and it’s time to step into the new scale of your existence. Remember at all times: you actually have something to offer. You possess knowledge, understanding and a sense of potential that’s about to be realized.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Mars has spent much of the year in your sign, connecting you with who you are on an emotional level. The rest of the year, Mars has been in Sagittarius, reminding you of your spiritual goals and your rather unworldly values. This has been a real test: of your integrity, of your willingness to live the truth of what you believe and, most of all, your willingness to let go of the past. Much of that has been conducted through ‘inner work’, and now that work is moving outward into your most intimate relationships, particularly with neighbors, colleagues and siblings. You simply must live the truth of who you are, rather than wish you could. You need to gain confidence that can only come from experience. To gain this experience you’re going to need to violate some protocols, and get past what you perceive as the expectations of others. You might not need to be bad, but your goal cannot be to be good; it must be to be real.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — It’s time to take action on the money thing. Once there was an astrologer named Lois Rodden, one of the best and most productive of our era. She said to me once, “Most astrologers say Mercury is the money planet. They are wrong. It’s Mars, because making money takes motivation, and that’s what Mars is about.” Mars has now entered the financial angle of your chart. This, after 10 months of retrograde and dancing around in your sign and in Scorpio, as if wondering what the next thing to do really is. Well, now the thing to do is business. You have a keen instinct for finances. You merely need to get past a kind of over-caution that’s not really befitting your swashbuckling soul. Yet you’ve been learning that the careful and reserved side of your nature — especially around money — must be balanced by boldness and imagination, and that’s the story of your life right now. Whatever it is, don’t wait for it to come to you. Go to it.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Mars ingressing your sign this week will have you feeling like your old self again, though in an entirely new way. The main message of this event is that it’s time to unplug fear as a primary force in your psyche. The fear might be there, but you have better sources of information. By fear, I mean anything from vapid anxiety to letting your idea of the worst-case scenario drive your decisions, from the insecurity that’s followed you around for so long to guilt about what you want. You’ve made some unusual choices this year; some have worked out, and others you’re still wondering about. You might count up the cost of what you’ve lost because you were afraid of something that never happened, and was not going to happen. You might seriously reconsider any decision you made based on the fear of some abstract prospect, on guilt, or on any form of denial. Here’s the plain truth: you’re bigger than all of that, not to mention better.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Your motivation comes from inside you. You know this, you forget it, then you remember, then you forget. Now I’m reminding you. Something has just shifted around this area of your life, and you seem to have a newly lit fire under your ass. Here’s the deeper message: you need to make structural changes in your life. This is less about cleaning your desk and more about moving your office to the right part of your house for maximum efficiency. It’s less about sorting your paperwork and more about inventing a file system that suits your actual needs. Less about getting more clients for your current business than it is about revising your business model or plan. Structural changes will generally relate back to physical changes to your environment; alterations to your work pattern; fully conscious decisions about how you organize your time; and in particular, seeking and removing blocks to your progress. Don’t just turn stones over. Get them out of your way.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — It’s time to make your presence known: to announce your existence and your ideas to whom it may concern or, for that matter, to whom it may not concern. You’ve certainly not been lying idle these past seasons, but you would benefit from being considerably more assertive about what you’re doing. By that I mean to the public, whatever you consider that to be: beyond your immediate circle of friends and clients. Do not be in any way daunted by naysayers, complainers or those who judge. It’s easy for you to take people’s negativity on board. That’s their problem, not yours. Assert who you are and what you do. Consciously seek out collaborators; people who helped you in the past may be available to help you again. Those who may have had less interest in the past may take an active interest now. This is one of those times in your life when it’s really worth having another try at things you wanted to do but could not quite break through.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Sept. 26, 2016


Aries (March 20-April 19) — You are saucier than you let on. In fact you’re quite good at this, though it tends to get in the way of your fun. Imagine yourself at your wildest and most outrageous. Then see if you can move 10% of the way in that direction. That would be just enough to get you out of your familiar safe zone and into some territory where you feel different and get different responses from people. You won’t be committing to much, or risk losing control, but what you’ll have is the experience of exploring an edge of your personality. That’s where the action is, when you want to feel fresh and alive and like you’re taking a chance on living. You’ll also notice different people than you’re usually aware of, by which I mean that even if you troop around the same neighborhood all week, stepping outside your usual bounds will cue you into the existence of people you’ll be very happy you noticed.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — You may feel that if you give too much of yourself, you won’t be able to stop. That would be ideal, actually. That’s the point you find out what you’re made of. This will be a discovery — that is, figuring out how much you have to offer in so many different facets of what you do. One thing that might be productive is taking down the dividers between work, play and creativity. These partitions not only consume energy; they block the flow of creativity. Over the past year, you’ve learned a lot about just how much originality you possess. It’s time to fully claim that and use it as the main fuel that powers your mind. You’re beyond the stage where getting things done is adequate. You’re ready to be brilliant all the time, and there’s just one way to do that: keep your mind on and engaged and ready for adventure.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Jupiter and the Sun are now joining forces in the boldest and most adventurous angle of your chart. That’s an invitation to push the limits of what you think is possible. You have a special challenge ahead of you, which will come with unusual rewards if you step up to your potential. It takes a special state of mind to look at a blank page, or to listen to the silence, and imagine something into being. Yet that seeming blankness is speaking to you now. Ideas are bubbling forth from everyone and everything, if you would only listen. You will also need to take the risk of creation, which means letting your ideas out and then giving them a chance to develop. Don’t rush this process; attend to it like the plants on your windowsill: looking after them daily, giving them light and water, and encouraging them to grow. Light and water includes fun and passion. Keep your energy moving.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Everyone knows that old Woody Guthrie song ‘This Land is Your Land’. Here’s a new version of that for you: this world is your world. It’s time for you to take up a little more space on the planet, to stretch into the world and, in a sense, to be at home everywhere. This may involve something that’s a bit taboo these days, which is living with a sense of entitlement. I don’t mean this in the arrogant sense of the word, though you may feel as if you would be stepping with a little extra swagger. The state of mind I’m describing is being willing to occupy physical space and mental bandwidth. Expand your sense of being, and your ideas, and perhaps speak more loudly and clearly. Take control of the various environments in your life, whether it’s your home, your office, or deciding where you want to sit in a restaurant. It’s time for people to move over and make some room for you.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Be generous with praise and compliments, and with sharing your knowledge. You have a lot to say, and it’s time you said it. You have some genuine areas of both expertise and experience. However, you will need to focus what you know and what you’ve accomplished into a form that is relevant for others. This will involve reinterpreting what you know, and in a sense transforming, focusing and making it accessible. Yet if you can do this, you can actually feed yourself using your ideas. This would include any form of business activity on the internet, and many forms of creative work or consulting. The thing is, you need an angle. What you have possession of is like a library, or a mine full of ore. Now you must extract the useful ingredients and fashion them into something valuable. Once you’ve done that, connecting with those who will benefit is the easy half of the gig.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — The great god Mercury has resumed direct motion in your sign; Mercury retrograde is over. You may be breathing a deep sigh of relief, as this retrograde has practically kidnapped you and taken you on a wild ride for the past month. You may have experienced a diversity of misadventures and unexpected turns, and invested some energy in things that turned out to be questionable. Yet one thing is clear: you learned something you never would have learned any other way. By learned, I mean you discovered that something was possible, which you may have deemed impossible before — or, more likely — never even considered. Not only is it possible, it will take considerably less effort the next time you do it, and you’ll get better and more efficient as time goes on. Always remember: you know you can do it.

Planet Waves
Jupiter is now in your sign, prompting you to reach far and aim high. Eric will show you how to maximize this opportunity in your 2016-17 Birthday Reading. Pre-order your copy here for the best price.

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — This week’s meeting of the Sun and Jupiter in your birth sign is nothing short of a glorious invitation to live, to live fully, and to live well. It’s also about your newfound ability to make solid and tangible what was, before this time, wispy and lacking form. You now have some firm, fertile soil to sink your roots into, and to grow tall in. You can think of Jupiter in your birth sign as an opportunity to redefine yourself — how you experience and perceive yourself, and how you want others to experience you. You can magnify the elements of your character that you want to emphasize: such as talents or skills, or things you might not feel you ordinarily have the privilege of expressing. Think of any aspect of yourself that you love but tend to hide. You might think of this as a giant coming-out party. It’s time!


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Venus is now in your sign, and you’re like honey to the bees. Jupiter is in Libra, an angle of your chart that’s a well of imagination and fantasy. The thing is, you can now make your fantasies and desires real easier than usual. You have the influence and the charisma. Start by acknowledging them to yourself. Do so boldly and graphically, including some details. Then determine which people you might need to get into the act. The thing to remember — and it’s crucial in all facets of life here in the digital age — is that fantasy is different from reality. There’s a necessary step you take into a denser and seemingly less fluid experience when you go from imagination into physical reality. Therefore, be patient, and gain practice. Experiment with people you trust. Try something three times before you decide whether it’s really for you. Once is not enough.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — If you’ve been struggling to increase your professional income, now is the time. This will come with the enhancement of your professional stature. You’ve spent much of the last two years doing the real work: building your skills and your reputation. Of course, you can always be better at what you do; and you will get better with the doing. However, you’re at a point in your journey where it’s time to collect on what you’ve accomplished. If astrology is a true indicator of your environment, you will be supported generously. What you need to do above all else is to step into your new stature. You need to be the person you are becoming, only not in the sense of putting on a costume but rather of transforming yourself from the inside out. This will take commitment and practice, especially when you’re in public or among friends. Stand at your full height and walk with confidence.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — You’ve come a long way in a short time. Suddenly, that is apparent. You are getting a taste of what it’s like to be recognized and appreciated for what you do. There would seem, however, to be something else that you’re seeking, a different kind of success or reputation. What is this about? I reckon you’re not quite sure yet, and that you’re consciously searching for something. That something is not a thing; it’s yourself. While it’s possible to seek and find some elements of yourself through some activity — which is exactly what you’re doing — this is a journey that you’ll need to take deeper. It will help to avoid any form of false certainty about who you are. And it will be a difficult temptation to resist. Yet the equation is simple: what you do does not define who you are. Who you are is the bottom line.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Celestial activity this week will lighten up your vibe and remind you that there is a world beyond what you know. The challenge you face now, and for the next few months, is to allow aspiration and the love of what you do to motivate you, rather than fear. This will take some imagination, and a real measure of daily discipline. You may not be able to detach yourself completely from the possibility of negative outcomes; they do exist, in potential. But you can use them to your advantage through a time-honored method known as engaging with shadow. In other words, rather than suppress difficult feelings like shame and fear, admit that they exist, and explore them consciously. This will free up energy, which you can then use for whatever you want. Holding down your feelings burns up life force. Perhaps take this as your mantra: the way out is through.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — The past month or so has presented some significant challenges in your relationships. There have been great moments of promise, which have been interlaced with misunderstandings. Yet you must admit that the ground beneath you has shifted in a positive and helpful direction, thanks in part to your recent intimate encounters. What it will help to remember is that relationships and partnerships of all kinds are built on common values, desires and interests. Yes, to some extent, opposites attract — though there’s only so far that goes; even opposition contains elements of mutual contact that make it workable. It’s essential now that you spend time with the people around whom you feel good. Though it’s easy to build relationships on commitment, obligation and continuity with the past, you’re beyond the point where you can accept anyone in your life besides those you know and feel in your heart you want, and to whom you are willing to offer yourself.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Sept. 19, 2016


Aries (March 20-April 19) — You may feel like it’s taking you 10 hours to get an hour’s work done, or a thousand words to cover what you might ordinarily clear up in a sentence. I suggest you back off on the effort and focus on inner clarity. It’s tempting to want to get things right in relationships, and with work relationships sometimes it’s essential. However, most of what you get done these days, you’re going to accomplish despite other people rather than with their assistance. That’s likely to shift when the Sun ingresses your opposite sign Libra later in the week, and Mercury resumes direct motion after its three-week retrograde. Once that happens, you will need to prioritize carefully rather than trying to catch up with everything in one day. Figure it will take you about one week to get back up to speed. Focus on what is the most pressing or timely, and then tidy up the less important tasks as you go.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — You will only act on one condition, which is your own willingness. It’s important that you not be fooled by some other idea, or try to fool yourself. This puts you into control of your own life, to the extent that such is possible. You might, then, focus on willingness as your primary way of relating to life. Whatever may be motivating you, that means working with what you want, or with whatever goal you want to achieve. Presumably, if you want the goal, you will be willing to take the steps to get there. Those will invariably involve some tasks you like more than others, and some that you prefer less than others. They are all part of the same process, as is working with some people you fancy more and some you fancy less. What matters is that you understand what you want to happen, and what it will take to accomplish that; and understand that reaching the goal means not resisting any step along the way — or else changing your goal to suit your needs.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Mercury is about to change to direct motion this week just as the Sun enters your fellow air sign Libra. You may have the urge to accomplish every task that’s been bumped off your to-do list the past three weeks. You might suddenly feel that anything is possible. I suggest, however, that you begin your catch-up process close to your most basic emotional needs, your physical body and your living space. Then it will be easy to branch out from there. It will serve you better to work from the inside out, because without you being aligned inwardly, it’s difficult to manifest your intentions or desires in the outer world. One question you might face is what to do in the case of seemingly conflicting desires. This is why knowing yourself, feeling centered and understanding your priorities is so important, and why it’s the place to start.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — The past few weeks have been mentally agitating, though that does not appear to have dimmed your enthusiasm. You may have exerted quite a bit more energy and worry than you care to. With Mercury returning to direct motion and the Sun moving in your favor later in the week, you’re more likely to get a grip. Overall the astrology is delivering one message, which is that the central priority of your life must be your life, rather than your work. However, work is an essential part of life, so this re-prioritization is likely to require many subtle changes in your way of life — though now is the time to make them. The first among those adjustments is making sure that all of your relationships are founded on a degree of genuine mutuality. This must begin with the people closest to you. To make it happen, you might need to think your way out of a box. But it’s only a box.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — When the Sun changes signs this week, you may start to give yourself a break from worrying about money. Cash flow is meaningful but understanding your priorities is more important — and that’s the place to start. Once you determine what really matters, you might be surprised to see how much else does not matter. It’s been easier than usual for you to obsess over the small details lately, because there have been so many of them, coming at you so fast. For the next few weeks, you have the perfect opportunity to work through essential or desired tasks left incomplete, or those that have been forgotten. It will still be easy to get distracted by trivial worldly concerns, so you will need to keep prioritizing as a conscious act. These days that’s an essential skill, with so much mental overload. Yet do it long enough and you’ll get the hang of it, and get back into the flow.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Mercury changes to direct motion in your sign this week. On one hand this will come as a relief, like an invisible pressurized bubble bursting. On the other hand, this retrograde phase has been keeping you focused on something — possibly to the point of obsession. Whether it’s a constructive activity or not I don’t know, but this looks like the kind of thing you can really make work for you. I suggest you take advantage of it while you can, which means for the full week or so that Mercury seems to be standing still. What that means is that you have an opportunity to complete some deep or introspective journey into yourself, and then to pivot on short notice. This will allow you to respond to a shift in your intentions by making actual changes, some of them on the structural level. Use this moment well, because it’s truly unique in all the world, and it has your name on it.

Planet Waves
Jupiter is now in your sign, prompting you to reach far and aim high. Eric will show you how to maximize this opportunity in your 2016-17 Birthday Reading. Pre-order your copy here for the best price.

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — The Sun is about to join Jupiter in your birth sign, which will emphasize what an unusual time this is in your life. By unusual I mean beautiful, and with your potential making itself known to you. The thing with potential, though, is that you must consciously choose to make it into something, and then take action. Feeling what you might do, and how much you want to do it, is a good start; now comes the addition of intention and dedicated effort sustained over time. The time factor is one of the most significant issues of our era; the immediacy and instant gratification of our culture (mostly driven by digital consciousness) makes it difficult to think about anything coming to fruition in the long run, such as over the course of a year or so. This is an impossibly long span of time to consider for most people, though if you can focus that much energy and concentration, it will be just enough time to accomplish what you want to accomplish.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — You seem like you’ve been wanting to burst and keep total control at the same time. You cannot do both, but you may be able to choose when and where you want to let it all out. The thing not to deny is that you have all this energy running through you, and it’s lighting you up and pumping your heat and giving you all these impulses what to do. Once you make friends with your drive and desire and core-level need to express yourself, you will feel more balanced. Yet the thing to do is to actually get your energy moving and to direct it in intentional ways, focused on what you really want to express or create. It would be too easy to blow off all your energy in a way that’s not especially constructive or creative. It will be almost as easy, and much more fun, to focus and do something productive, pleasurable and real.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — The concept ‘spiritual’ is often described as a kind of Zen state of mind in a hushed space filled with calm and quiet, and a little tree, and a meditation cushion. Then it turns out that the many people we respect the most, the ones who have the courage to challenge authority and to make changes in society and to let their energy have an impact on the world, are doing a whole other kind of spiritual — the one that’s about the fire of actual spirit coursing through their heart and soul. That’s what you have going on right now. It’s as if you’re channeling the energy of the cosmos into every cell in your body. There is intelligence coming through in this experience: about what you want and do not want, about how to make decisions and how to conduct yourself. You can afford to let go into this experience; it’s far better for your integrity than holding yourself back.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — If you’re honest you will admit to yourself that some of your perceptions of life, and some of your expectations, have fallen short of realistic. I’m not advocating for limiting yourself or curtailing your dreams in any way. Rather, I’m suggesting that you take some time to do a reality check. Saturn, the planet associated with your sign, is calling on you to look at yourself and your life from a new angle, one that shows you something you’ve been missing. Here’s a suggestion: it’s easier than you may think to meet people on common ground. You don’t give up any part of yourself by finding a point of agreement or of cooperation. Rather, you will only enhance your life by sharing your desires, your passion and your drive for success. Life is not an all-or-nothing exercise. Your reality overlaps those of the people you care about in many different ways.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Whatever challenges you may be facing in your immediate time and place, you’re being called to take the long view of your life. Even if you’re doing brilliantly and are both happy and successful, it’s time to expand your view of yourself and your purpose. Rather than planning for the future, you might imagine yourself in 10 years looking back at yourself now. What ideas or advice would your future self have for you now? What obstacles that look so challenging today would seem minimal if seen from a greater distance? And what opportunities do you have available that are obscured today, but which seem obvious if seen from a different vantage point? Try a few exercises like that, and stretch your ideas about who you are and what you’re capable of. With the perspective offered by astrology, it’s obvious this is far more than you may think.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — It’s up to you to set a positive tone in your relationships. More than anything that includes leaving the past behind. Humanity is in the unfortunate state of seeming to drown in its own karma. Many people cannot seem to get out of the past long enough to catch a glimpse of the light of day. You cannot allow this to dictate the course of your life, or of your relationships. Yet this is not a matter of wishful thinking, of hope, or of optimism. Rather, it’s about calling yourself to be fully present and maintaining your awareness of the present. Along the way, you must let go of many insults and injuries that have been cast about, which date back as long and as far as you remember. If you can do this for a little while, the return of happiness, shared space and productivity will demonstrate that it’s the best way to live.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Sept. 12, 2016


Aries (March 20-April 19) — Your relationships are not a question of who can do what for whom. Rather, think of them as creating a mutually supportive environment. The difference may seem subtle, though what I’m suggesting is more offering, and more giving, and less taking, and less in the way of expectation. Fairness is the necessary primary value. This is not about some form of exact exchange. You may give more than you receive in some situations, but that’s your contribution to the greater good. You are certainly being offered more than you might expect in other situations, and about these things you would be wise to be gracious and receive with a spirit of genuine appreciation. There exists a question of what to do if you’re feeling anger. I would propose that this is about something much older than your current circumstances, and you would be wise to address it as such.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — You must consider what your point of hesitation is. This seems to be influencing a creative project or sexual relationship; perhaps the place where the two meet. What exactly are you not trusting? What idea or fear is preventing you from offering your complete trust? Consider the relationship between trust and vulnerability. They are different facets of the same thing. To trust you must be vulnerable, and being vulnerable is painful unless you are in a position to trust. I suggest you take the discussion, whether with yourself or with someone else, on this level. You seem to be aware that there’s some risk involved in what you want to do. The question is how to approach that with an open heart and an open mind. You will get the most positive results by treating everything as an experiment.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — An artist is someone who is aware of their environment in the moment, and who carefully considers the impact of their words or other creative expression. An artist can be in any field, no matter how technical or seemingly ‘non-artistic’. You’re being called to just such awareness now: to bring yourself and all of your talents into everything you do, but more than that, to understand what you make as being inherently relational: that is, with every breath you breathe, with every mark of a pencil on a page or letter that you type, you are connecting to someone. And in connecting, you’re having an influence and creating an effect. As a matter of your highest ethics and what some call dharma — acting as if to hold the world together — you must consider the impact of what you create. This is best as a matter of day-to-day habit. Your true talent will flourish when you do.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — If ever there was a ‘feather your own nest’ moment of your life, this is it. As one born under the sign Cancer, it’s easy for you to put the needs of others ahead of your own. You do this as much because you need to as because you want to. However, it’s time to reverse this process for a while, and to make a focused effort on taking care of yourself. The first place this translates to is your living space; the second, to any other facet of living that helps you feel more confident and secure. One clue that I can offer you is to focus on the beauty of your living environment. Freshen things up; clear out the corners; bring in what makes you feel alive, such as your favorite colors and textures. When you follow your own aesthetic sense, you feel more spiritually connected. Your relationships go more smoothly. It’s easier for you to relax and open up. That’s all excellent incentive.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Most people don’t know what they believe — and this is a luxury you cannot afford. Not only do you need to know what you believe, but also to discern whether it’s true. Pay attention to what you say every time you utter the phrase ‘I think’, which really means, ‘I believe’. Have you verified whether it’s true, or whether other points of view might expand your thinking? You need to establish yourself as your own fact-checker. You might also be mindful of when you impose your beliefs on others, and back off from that. It would be altogether wiser of you to really understand your own thoughts and ideas rather than exporting them in some way. This will help you develop your considerable intelligence, deepen your maturity and tap into all that you’ve learned. If you present yourself to the people in your life as someone who questions yourself, nobody will need to question you.

Planet Waves
Late summer landscape in Washington County, New York. Photo by Eric Francis.
The audio segments of your Virgo 2016-17 Birthday Reading are available for immediate access, and the video Tarot reading will follow soon. Get hold of some excellent guidance from your favorite astrologer to navigate through this eclipse season. Order your birthday reading today.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Your world is still vibrating with last week’s total solar eclipse in your sign. It’s now undeniable that you’re fully involved in a process of not just transformation but of claiming some deep aspect of who you are. Here is something to consider, while you’re on the way to doing that, which is the source of your anger: The most toxic anger is what a person takes out on themselves, often in the form of guilt. Yet there are other manifestations, and I suggest you watch them all. It’s possible you’re figuring out that someone has kept you in the dark about an important matter. You might have some idea that you have to cool down before you assert your opinion or make a decision. However, I would say that you need to use your points of leverage, and you have one coming this week. Just bear in mind there are some old issues that are coming up, having nothing directly to do with your current situation. Be clear with yourself about that.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Jupiter enters your sign this week. Without carrying on too much, this is good news for you. Jupiter offers protection, and knowledge, and — in your sign — a sense of fairness. Yet the real gift is one of abundance. You can afford to offer yourself to life without hesitation. You can afford to love whomever you want to love. You are free to take creative risks. Jupiter in your sign is designed to awaken something subtle in you, which is seeing the love and wisdom of the cosmos reflected in anything you perceive as beautiful. Too often the ‘divinity’ factor is assigned to dogma or books about being a better person. There’s something better, though. Yours is the sign that sees the beauty in everything, and is especially adept at bringing beauty into the world. This can come in any form: from thoughtfully arranging the cheese and crackers, to decorating a room, writing a song or making a sculpture. Beauty is your religion. Who needs any other?


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — It’s time to confront the dark side of your relationships: all the emotions that you don’t usually consider. This will, after a little while, have the desirable effect of setting you free. Now let’s consider a few possible emotions. To be clear, I am not proposing that you actually feel them, but I suggest you question whether you do. One is an entitlement to feel jealous, particularly in sexual situations. There’s no emotion more capable of shutting down the love that might flow between you and someone else. Yet you’re missing an opportunity to learn about yourself, and something profound about your existence, if you do. Another is the reluctance to state, in simple and honest terms, what you need — and to allow others the chance to respond. One last is projecting your struggle to love yourself onto others, pretending that for whatever reason they don’t love you. The moment you become aware of any of these (or any related scenarios) you also invoke the power to change them, if you want.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — You must be exceptionally careful when dealing with colleagues, as well as with bosses and superior officers. You might lose your temper at exactly the wrong moment, and cause a cascade of events that you truly regret. Therefore, keep a cool head, and keep your opinion to yourself for at least 48 hours after you decide you have one. This will give you time to cool down, and also an opportunity to see things from other points of view. After half that much time, you might decide you don’t even care. If you take that approach, you’ll allow everyone else to reveal their opinions and their psychology while you take it all in; make sure to take at least mental notes and remember what you learn. If you’re a keen observer and bide your time, you will discover opportunities for leadership. There would indeed seem to be some problem that you understand and nobody else does, but wait till they throw up their hands before saying a peep.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Aspects this week move boldly in favor of your career plans, and this will hold true for the next year. Yet the planets in their courses also remind you that bravado is the very last thing you want — that is, being a big shot at whatever you do, rather than someone who does it competently and on time. In one sense, we could say that you’re being given an opportunity to exceed your experience and your usual talent level. You’re likely to be more visible than you typically are, and that means being noticed. Therefore, understate your own case, and be careful never to presume knowledge that you don’t have. Take the ideas of others on board, and be fair-minded. You are, in a sense, a judge of all that you survey. You cannot avoid this, as the tendency of the mind is to assess, compare and evaluate. Yet you must seek balance and impeccable honesty as a conscious act of creative will.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — You of all people simply must have faith in humanity, or life isn’t worth living. Jupiter changing signs to Libra this week will help you with just that project. You might also discover that your sense of the future opens up like a window overlooking a vista. It’s there to be seen, to be discovered and to be embarked upon. Despite whatever petty complications you might be going through at the moment, keep your outlook both positive and, most of all, long. Dare to consider what you want to accomplish in a year, or in five or in ten years, knowing there are no guarantees. That’s the point of the adventure, isn’t it? You know, the bit about not being sure whether you can achieve or accomplish something, but aspiring to do it anyway. Dare to be optimistic, even when the world seems to be unraveling. The more you do this, the more likely whatever you’re negotiating or working out with a partner is likely to go brilliantly.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — This week Jupiter moves into Libra, your 8th house of shared finances, passionate sex and deep commitment. (The three are directly related in astrology.) This placement will last for the next year, and it’s an invitation to success. On the most basic level, this opens up a world of resources for you. You have the fully activated potential for your collaborations to be more mutually profitable than ever. Here is the catch: you must select those people with whom you feel the open flow of energy; people who offer themselves and their ideas to you. To gain the best benefits of this transit, that would exclude anyone to whom you have to plead or even ask for what you want. Focus on the people who know what you want, and who want a mutually beneficial relationship. Focus on those who understand that working together and playing together is the way to get there. Love, beauty, intelligence and Eros: let them flow.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Sept. 5, 2016

Monday Morning Horoscope for Sept. 5, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Aries (March 20-April 19) — Despite this being such a busy time at work for you, pay attention to your relationships. It would be too easy to let projects push people out of the way, when some of the best life has to offer is coming through them. So make sure that your work has a start time and a finishing time, or at least create some space where you can take it slow and get to know someone. There is also the potential for collaboration, which may come along with a personal encounter. Someone close to you may have ideas that will help you along, or might be available to work with you; or you might form a partnership based on both love and something that you want to create or accomplish. Because two people cannot live by majority rules, it’s important to have a consensus-based decision-making process: that means give-and-take, and sticking to your deeper purpose as the guiding idea.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — You might feel like circumstances are compelling you to make more alterations than a busy day in a tailor’s shop. However, you don’t need to renegotiate every agreement in your life. You can afford to slow down and see how things work out. However, remember that ultimately the people in your life are responsible for taking care of their own emotional needs, which might just mean stating them out loud. You could help the situation by encouraging people you care about to do just that: to speak up for themselves. You can set the example by doing so yourself. Speak for your needs calmly and clearly. Not only can you afford to skip any melodrama, you will get much better results if you do. Be patient, especially if the discussion involves sexual or emotional boundaries. This whole topic is more complex than it needs to be.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — You seem to be under the influence of a forgetfulness spell. Therefore, focus on remembering: remember your agenda, remember what you need to do and who you need to talk to, and remember your most basic needs. Most of all, remember your ideas. This is one of those weeks when a beautiful turn of phrase, a solution to a persistent problem, or an elegant chord progression can get lost between the moment you discover it and the time you get to your notebook. So be persistent about this, and trust you are having ideas that are worth remembering. Your chart shows you working toward some impressive goals; remember that the big achievements in life are always a mosaic of seemingly small goals met, combined with an overarching vision. Therefore, set out to accomplish those seemingly little things, and remember that you did, and why you did. And then pull back and size up the big picture at least twice a day.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Keep your focus on your immediate environment — in particular, getting yourself organized. You’ve probably been feeling the need for this already. If you have, it’s the right instinct. This may be more challenging than it seems, but the results will be worth it. Clear clutter out of the way, both mental and physical. Resolve past issues, and go looking for things left undone: leftover filing, mystery mail or nameless clumps of paper in the corner of your desk. Emphasize the physical plane first; the actual reality you inhabit in time and space is more important than anything in the cyber dimension. As one born under your sign, the quality of your working and living space is the single most influential factor affecting your state of mind. As you organize, begin sketching plans for future action. Insert a delay; for best results on new plans, move forward when Mercury stations direct on Sept. 22.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — You will make great strides in improving your financial situation if you take full responsibility for yourself in these weeks of your life. Depend first on your own resources. Rather than being independent as a matter of pride, do so as a matter of integrity. You can afford to be more generous with others than you think; part of improving your finances involves changing your attitude about money, and getting yourself out of scarcity consciousness. You would benefit from sidestepping the usual gossip about complaints, including avoiding people who are enamored of their own sense of lack. Teach yourself new habits by selecting friends who take a positive approach to money. And by all means get in the habit of voting with your dollars (or quid, or euros). Spend money where your need for some service or item meets someone in business who deserves your investment.

Planet Waves
Marble bust of Isis-Sothis-Demeter, Gregorian Egyptian Museum, Vatican City. Photo by Colin.

The audio segments of the 2016-17 Virgo Birthday Reading have been published and are available for instant access. The video Tarot section will follow soon. You can still get this excellent, friendly and helpful reading for the pre-order price of just $19.97. Order today for yourself or as a gift.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Mercury is retrograde in your sign in rather spectacular fashion. And you’re still reverberating with the effects of a total eclipse that happened several days ago. I suggest you get used to the feeling of nothing being settled, then take advantage of it. The molecules of your life are shaking and vibrating and forming themselves into new compounds. This is the perfect moment to inject your influence. Rather than retreat from any feeling of chaos or what cannot be explained, take advantage of it; things are more flexible right now, and the glue that usually binds patterns and people has not set. You can make adjustments, or easily pull things apart and put them back together. This is the last week of Jupiter in your sign, which is an indicator that you can tune into all that you’ve learned during the past 12 months, and put it to work for you. There is plenty.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Jupiter enters your birth sign this week, where it will remain for one year. More than anything, Jupiter is the planet of potential. It’s up to you to make that potential real. Jupiter grants its greatest rewards when we define a purpose and do the work, which usually means aspiring to a goal rather than hoping you’ll get there some day. One thing that Jupiter assures is that you’ll have the resources that you need to get the job done. One of those is talent; another is the ability to collaborate; another is the funding you will need. Yet another is your natural charm, which is a precious thing in the human world. Therefore, know your most important objectives and work toward them. Aspire to great things, and to modest ones as well, by taking action. You may have to consciously focus your mind; though when you do, you’ll discover an abundance of energy.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — There’s a line from a book that I’m reminded of often: “Beware of the temptation to perceive yourself as unfairly treated.” You might, instead, champion the causes of those who really need you. It’s a much better use of your energy, and will serve to remind you how good you have it. If you feel yourself encountering emotions on the jealousy and control side of the spectrum, take a breath and ask yourself whether you’re not really upset about something else. You are equally free to celebrate your own passion by celebrating that of everyone else. It’s a true fact that you cannot control other people. At best you could control yourself, but you don’t need to do much more than guide your thoughts and feelings in the direction of what is alive and life-affirming. When you honor love in any form, you also honor your own need and desire to be loved. Open up and you will feel just how much life is offering you.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Pay attention to when you say no but you mean yes. The world has become so enamored of the concept of boundaries that many seem to have forgotten that walls can have doors, and doors can have locks and doorknobs. The usual advice is to think long and hard about whether you mean yes. I would propose thinking carefully about whether you really mean to deny yourself or anyone some feeling, experience or thing you might share. Resistance is not integrity, nor is it a substitute for integrity. You don’t have anyone to impress with your purity. But you have a life to live, and the only way to actually proceed and progress is to say yes to whom and what you desire. That’s not a guarantee that you’ll get it, but it’s certainly an affirmation of openness and willingness. Here’s some astrological advice in the style of Mars square Chiron, your current aspect: get out of your own way.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Jupiter crosses the midheaven angle of your solar chart this week. That’s a fancy way of saying you’re moving up in the world. Yet your chart presents a puzzle. When you make a move, you might stir up a nest of anxiety. This, in turn, could stop you from stepping forward. The psychological setup is the classic fear of success masquerading as fear of failure. You might start on something worthwhile and decide that it’s never going to work. The question you might ask is: what if you get results? That would require prolonged commitment. You will need to keep developing your idea; you will need to increase your level of responsibility and visibility; you will need to maintain your devotion to quality. Most of all, there is such a thing as a community standard. You can deal with that by exceeding any standard you perceive, while still keeping your creative integrity. That takes courage and devotion. Get ready.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Turn your attention to sources of professional revenue. This angle of your chart is on fire lately, and you seem determined to resolve any lingering issue related to being well paid for what you do. Yet here is the caveat or the creative hint: work with your friends and your allies. Work with people in positions of authority. Recognize when someone is in a position to help you, and approach them in a cooperative manner. While you’re at it, take any opportunity to assist a deserving underdog. There’s a great tradition that I associate with the sign Aquarius, which is that of people seeking assistance from their peers and getting it, doing good turns for their peers, and everyone passing it forward. There’s a word for this in Sanskrit, which means “acting as if to hold the world together” — dharma. In times of such tremendous stress as we are currently living through, this means more than ever.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Keep challenging yourself to do more relevant, creative things. Remember your highest goals, the ones that seemed out of your reach, and get them into your plan of action. To do this, bear in mind that you depend on both structure and creativity to succeed. The two often contradict one another, but the true artist or engineer or self-visionary gets them working together. Beyond balancing the two, you have the ability to form a whole new substance that incorporates and accentuates both. You are in a truly unusual phase of life; one that may be pushing you to your limits, only to discover that it was time to exceed them. However, you must be cool about this. Despite your passion and ability, you must keep a cool head and err on the side of humility. This isn’t something one usually has to tell a Pisces, but it’s clear from your charts. Be a collaborator first and boss second.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Aug. 29, 2016


Aries (March 20-April 19) — Anything is possible, though usually you must do the work to make it happen. There are times when your efforts seem to count for more, and others when they seem to count for less. At the moment you can harvest the benefits of efficiency and leverage. You have a little something extra going for you. Investing relatively modest amounts of energy will get unusual results. Following your astrology, here is what I suggest: for the next couple of days, work on resolving old business at the same time you plant the seeds of new business. Tidy up the past and, in the same gesture, move any obstacles you find out of your way. This might include clearing physical space, commitments and lingering issues with others. At the same time, clear out your mental space. Make room for new ideas. Be happy to let go of what was not working, experiment with different approaches, and keep your focus on that one thing you know you want to make real.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — There is that moment in the course of any creative project, or work project, when it seems to take on a life of its own. At that moment it becomes woven into the organic pattern of your life. This usually makes things easier, simplifying the experience of commitment. It’s more of a mutual thing than something you have to push or make happen. What you must do, though, is give yourself over to the process. Said another way, you surrender to becoming someone new, because that’s the experience of creation or of truly mindful involvement in something. Many ingredients are currently brewing in your consciousness. New talents are emerging, which are made from combinations of previous experiments and discoveries, and something truly special about this moment. Note that as you get this going, you’re likely to turn on (as in: light up, provoke or arouse) the people around you. Accept that gift.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Mercury, your home planet, is about to station retrograde. Typically this is classified as the astrology of inconvenience. For you, and for those you influence, this will be an unusual one, rich with discoveries and a major personal breakthrough. For this to serve you best, you need to remember something you’ve learned many times, which is how to stay open-minded. This extends to being open to your own feelings, and to your feelings changing. Pay attention to your tendency to have to understand every single emotional impulse before you let it in. You’re likely to be feeling so much, particularly the next few days, there’s no accounting for it all. If you open up to your own mental and emotional flow, you’ll feel better, you’ll feel more grounded, and you’ll get more done. The one thing I suggest you give up on is control. This is the primary message coming from your chart: relax a little and let life happen.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — On the offhand chance you’re a writer or aspire to be one, sharpen your pencil. This is the perfect moment to commit yourself to an ambitious project — one that you may have thought was over your head or beyond your talent. For everyone else, I would remind you that our civilization was built on the written word. Our ideas about ourselves, and the communities that we live in, are based almost entirely on literacy. You’re a distinct individual before you’re a member of any tribe. You are a person with an inner sanctuary, a place in you that you know to be real. And you’re someone with a unique point of view that only gets stronger as you explore your own perspective — and physically move around and see things from as many angles as possible. All of these things relate to the power of the written word. When you take this skill into your hands, recognize its true role in society, and bring your full integrity to the task.

Planet Waves

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Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — This week’s unusual astrology is about your relationship to money. This theme has been coming up for you over and over again, though you may not trust the earning potential that you feel. That would call into question your relationship to all forms of your potential. It’s clear that you may be seriously underestimating your ability to convert your talent and ideas into money. You’re being invited to open your mind to those ideas, which is another way of saying that you must assess your value in a practical way. For most people accustomed to working for wages, this feels like manifesting something out of thin air. It’s nothing of the kind, though you must get over a tendency to think small; that’s another way of thinking bigger. You have many gifts and personal assets. Converting that into revenue is a matter of aligning your skills with the needs of others, and assessing a fair price. This will be approximately double what you would be likely to estimate in the first round.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — A total eclipse of the Sun takes place in your sign this week. This suggests a few possibilities. One is that you’ve reached a point of no return in your personal growth. You must now take the step that you know you’ve been looking toward, and be happy that there is no turning back. If you’ve been consciously working toward this, then now is the time to solidify your commitment, and fully live out, explore and embrace this new phase of what might feel like your destiny. Yet I don’t think this is a point of destination as much as it is one of embarking. You are at a beginning, and a beautiful one it is. You are in a position to connect with and acknowledge your innate gifts, which are one and the same as your sense of purpose. That’s another way of saying you really can live your life your way. It may take a little time to get there; but carry on, overcome any setbacks and keep going.

Virgo: A View From the Inside

“Thanks for putting your heart and soul into what you do. Without a doubt, your work and love enrich my life.” — Ellie

Dear Friend and Reader:

As a student of astrology, I know there is something to love about each of the signs; something unique and beautiful, a crucial piece of the picture. Yet I must confess that with Virgo, my rising sign, I enjoy an unusually profound connection.

Planet Waves
Our ruling planet Mercury, captured in a delightful false-color image by NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.

I’m not a Virgo Sun native, but I generally pay the most attention to Eric’s readings for this sign, because they seem to resound most powerfully for me. And as someone who identifies strongly with Virgo, I can tell you this: Eric understands us through and through, and his incredibly accurate readings reflect that.

The 2016-17 Virgo Birthday Reading will appear following the total solar eclipse in Virgo. This, paired with the imminent Mercury retrograde and Jupiter leaving our sign, means the forthcoming solar year could be a big one for us. And that makes Eric’s friendly and useful advice all the more important.

I heartily recommend you pre-order yourself a copy of this reading. As always, the pre-order price is the best one — just $19.97. Truly a great bargain to secure an invaluable guide for the year ahead.

With best wishes,

 Amy Elliott



Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — People are often mysteries to themselves, and you may be feeling some of this right now. Yet you don’t need to make sense to yourself. Who you are does not need to add up rationally. Rather, feel who you are, and let your intuition guide you from one discovery to the next. In time, and not so much time, a series of personal revelations will leave you with the feeling that who you are and what you’ve been doing have made sense all along. Until then, you truly can afford to trust this fact. What might confuse you is seeking answers and explanations in ways that are reasonable and logical by some exterior metric — such as you could ‘prove’ them to someone else. You don’t need to think that way. Hang loose, and give yourself a break from being linear. Let your life follow the logic of a dream. Be gentle reading the symbols. Stick close to how you feel rather than what you think something means.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Keep your focus on work. You may have lots of social opportunities, and by all means have some fun. Yet maintaining consistency and devotion to your professional activities, and to your professional image, are essential now. You’re at a turning point where many facets of life are concerned, though especially your work. This can turn out very well for you. Yet your success requires prolonged devotion and dedication. That means persistence, which includes sidestepping turbulence and unhelpful people, and staying on track. Be mindful of the fact that you are, in a sense, on public display at all times. People are looking to you for leadership and as an example. That makes you a focal point of your community, and someone whose ethics are an important part of the message that you send. Stay sober, negotiate rather than get involved in conflict, and at all times remember what you want.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — In astrology there are two houses devoted to one’s professional activities. One is the 6th house, which is about going to work every day and doing what you’re supposed to do. The other is the 10th house, which is about aspiring to do what you really want to do. Right now planets are collected in your solar 10th house, which is Virgo, and an eclipse is about to happen right there, this very week. This suggests that events at this time in your life are in some way indicative of your highest calling. The price of admission to the 10th is taking total responsibility for answering that calling, and for taking every step that must be taken to get you there. That might mean focusing on the details; it means keeping your mind on your vision for yourself; and most of all it means making decisions consciously. Most people never get as far as the 10th house. You’re there now. Accept your mission. Moreover, love your mission. It’s yours and yours alone.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — If you have spirituality on your mind, you might consider whether you actually have sex on your mind. This is a fairly typical reversal, and not everyone cares. From the look of your solar chart, you’re determined to find out the truth about something. Yet if that is coming up as the craving for mystical ideas or experiences, I would propose that what you truly want is something more emotional, biological and physically satisfying. That means self-discovery in reality rather than in abstract theory. Your body knows what is right for you, if you will only listen. Your dreams may also be telling you something. If stepping in this direction feels at all edgy, nerve-wracking or comes tinged with guilt, you can be sure you’re following your true calling. You have no need to be pure or holy, only real, which means real with yourself. This is a special moment for you to place your focus here: an excellent time to make friends with desire.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Try to keep things simple, especially where joint finances are concerned. You seem to have a lot of proposals on your desk, or maybe bills, or both. It will help significantly if you prioritize. That means recognizing what is the most important, the least important, and everything in between. As a great songwriter once said, you have to know your plastic from your cash. You might set a priority on being financially solvent (honorable enough), though you might set another one on figuring out how you can take advantage of your current situation to further your own goals. There are some potential partners with whom you can have a mutually profitable relationship. But check them out carefully first. Make sure that anyone you’re doing business with can actually keep their commitments, and — closer to the point — that they want to do so. Not everyone has your integrity, or your drive to succeed in an honest and meaningful way.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Amidst all that’s going on in your life, and the many people who surround you, one specific situation stands out as especially meaningful. Whatever it represents is an actual transition in your life. It includes an ending and a beginning. There is a review of the past, and an opportunity to explore the future. Take things one step at a time, though be aware that one step may come on the heels of another. It’s essential that you keep your focus and not lose yourself in anyone or anything. It will help if you give people plenty of room to make their own decisions, with as little attachment as possible to the choices they make. You may feel like you’re in a position only to respond, rather than be proactive. What’s emerging is the result of your being proactive in the past. Keep responding in a creative way, focus on collaboration, and be as patient with people as you can.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Aug. 22, 2016


Aries (March 20-April 19) — With the Sun moving into Virgo this week, you will now have the energy to accomplish some of the many goals on your list. I suggest, however, that you begin with what is the most difficult, which is likely to be the one you’re the most passionate about. It would be easy to get lost in many side-tasks and alternate projects, and lose sight of the thing you want to accomplish the very most. What could deter you is the feeling that it’s not possible. Let that thought go. Anything is possible; there’s nothing you can do that can’t be done. Yet you will need to focus your energy, and very likely neglect what seem like potentially relevant tasks. Even so, nothing is more meaningful than the one thing you know it’s time to do — and you’re finally in a position to do it. You might notice that when you gather your mind, your intentions and your energy, and stay at it, accomplishing this particular goal will be far easier than you imagined.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Current aspects are the perfect fertile ground for growing your blend of intellect, creativity and passion. The Sun is about to join many other planets in the most alive and dynamic angle of your chart, fellow Earth sign Virgo. You are about to figure out that you have everything you need to create anything you want. I know that’s a big statement; it’s tempered by your tendency to think on a small scale rather than a wider and deeper one. You might consider going up one or two orders of magnitude on your plans. Whatever you happen to be working on, ask yourself how this would look and feel were there a larger audience and more elaborate stage. What is the right scale on which to do the things you’re doing? One thing you may have to step over is the sense of limitation imposed by someone close to you, who is not accustomed to thinking in terms of the greatest potential. No offense to anyone, but you’re the one who actually grasps what is possible.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Let others lead the way, at least for themselves; they know best, or they think they do. If you stand back a few paces, you’ll succeed in doing two things: allowing close partners or loved ones to make their own decisions, and having some perspective so that you see where you fit in (or don’t). What I suggest you not do is intervene, or try to alter anyone’s trajectory — even if you don’t think they’re doing the right thing. You might be right; or alternately, they might know something you don’t know. There is plenty going on in your life that’s calling for your attention. You seem to be preparing for some emergence into a new phase of your talent. Stick to that. Take care of yourself. Leave the people close to you space to deal with their stuff, and give things a solid week or more to settle down and sort themselves out. You’ll save a lot of needless bother.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — It can take a long time and a lot of thankless work to reach the point of a breakthrough. You’re at that spot right now, and I suggest you proceed with persistence rather than with pressure or force. Gently guide the flow of energy, relying on the considerable momentum that you’ve accumulated. When you encounter resistance, use water rather than fire: that is, slow, gentle, rhythmic pressure rather than a siege or flare-up. The most valuable information you can have at any time is where you are in that moment, and what direction you’re headed. Resist or let go of any notion of planning the future and stick to right now. I don’t mean to get too Zen or New Agey on you, but that’s what your solar chart is suggesting: focus on the task at hand, and focus on doing it well. Tap into your abundant intelligence and think through every problem or puzzle at least three different ways. You will find out all you need to know.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — You have abundant resources to work with. Therefore you can go light on your own money and toil. Pause and take an inventory of what’s available. I assure you that anything you need, you or someone close to you already has. Proceed in the spirit of service without necessarily using that word. State clearly what you want to get done and by when. Remember that any project you’re involved with will have in equal measure creative potential, the ability to support others, and a visionary touch to it. You may be feeling that the time is now, though you don’t need to proceed with urgency or a sense of pressure. You’re fully connected to the best possible outcome, though you may need to work your way through some turbulence to get there. This is why I’m suggesting that you conserve your energy and use what you have wisely. Make a goal of never getting stressed. When in doubt, get out your sketchpad and draw something, or put on some music and dance around the room for a few minutes.

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Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — If you’re the kind of Virgo who often feels trapped in a world of imperfection, where everything needs to be improved, you can take a rest from all that. Stretch into this moment. Feel how it feels to be complete in yourself. I say this knowing that you may be facing what seem like intense emotional challenges. Yet you are larger than these issues, and remembering that is the most significant step toward resolving them. You seem determined to clear out your emotional body and no longer be a slave to the past, or to your family, or to your need for security. That takes some rebelling. The way out of your need for security is just that: to no longer need false reassurance, or father figures of any kind to lean on and ultimately deprive yourself of your independence. You have everything you need right now, though the only way to confirm that is to actually use your resources.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — For Libra, this is International Get Along With Your Neighbors Week. By that I mean your literal neighbors and housemates, and your sibs and cousins in all their forms, genetically real and metaphorical. There’s tension in this angle of your chart right now, and you’re the one who has the power to guide things to a higher plane of reality. You don’t need drama, and you know that nobody else does, either. You cannot control others, and you have only limited influence over them. What you can do is respond with kindness and concern, which is the missing piece in the world right now. Yet where care and gestures of love exist, it’s best to proceed without attachment. You won’t always get a positive response, though it will help if you continue to respond positively, or just step back until the dust settles. In a sense, what you’re learning is your independence; love must stand on its own, rather than get mired in need and complexity. This is considered impossible for most people, though not for you.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — You have a knack for holding the pieces together. Heck, you may be the one person on the planet who is capable of herding cats. Your first order of business is literally business: take care of money, keep the flow going, and allocate precious resources carefully. Make every decision count. You seem determined to work through one particular choke point to your cash flow. If astrology means anything, it looks like this: you have a lot of energy tied up in something that’s not easy to access or to put to use. In a sense you are blocking yourself. What you’re now trying to do is unravel that interference. You may be inclined to do so violently. What I suggest you do, rather than taking a hammer to anything, is to get out your magnifying glass and look closely at the details. There is some deception involved. It may be that you’re not leveling with yourself, or that someone is trying to get one over on you. Be open-minded. Figure this out and you will take many steps ahead.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — You’re about to experience a personal breakthrough that will, at first, take you by surprise. Then it will seem like you knew exactly what was about to happen, and knew how to respond and what you were going to do with the sense of release you knew you would feel. Take hold of the moment of mystery while it lasts, while the developments still hold their full potential. Stop and consider what you want to do with such a rare moment of transformation. You are setting something within yourself free. That something has a life of its own, which is your life, and you want to express yourself. Yet you no longer have any use for holding any aspect of yourself down. That seems to be the larger message of these events. Hang loose, relax and let the energy flow through you. If you have questions, take your sweet time answering them.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — If you can rise above your fear, you can do anything you want, and there is plenty that you want to do. I would remind you, though, that to most people, freedom ranges from scary to terrifying. Who would have thunk it? Yet humans invest vast amounts of energy in retreating from their potential rather than exploring it curiously and courageously. I suggest you go right in the direction of what makes you nervous, or gives you butterflies or goose bumps. Those things contain the experiences you seek. The fear is merely what you experience when the first blush of energy rises, though it’s partly about an ingrained habit. Face it: you see far more potential in yourself and to life than your parents did. You are willing to take greater risks for a greater reward. That is progress, if anything is.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Muster all your personal resources for the task at hand: your skills, your inventiveness, your bullshit-sniffer and your ability to get people cooperating. You’re in that moment when an ideal or fantasy is about to become a reality. There’s always a transformation involved; what you imagine rarely feels like what actually manifests. Yet it will help if you stick close to your core intent, which is to shake up belief in something that’s no longer working. This will require you to do that inside yourself, which in turn will open up the potential for something that gets the result that you want. Just remember, it’s unlikely to happen the way you were planning. Therefore, let go of your plan the moment you need to. Rather than adapt to the new conditions, create something you were not planning. A little turbulence and chaos will go a long way toward creativity and adventure.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — You know where you stand with yourself. Don’t forget. You know what you want to accomplish. Remember that every day, from hour to hour. The only way anyone can fool you is if you deceive yourself; therefore, be clear and real about your intentions and do not hesitate or doubt yourself. This is a moment that requires leadership — and in your life, you’re the one who’s going to provide that. No matter who may be involved, or how many people may be involved, the central organizing principle of your existence is your ability to keep your focus. This is a gentle process. People can feel the intensity and drive that you’re carrying now. Pay attention to who notices; observe who intuitively is drawn to what you’re doing and the way you’re doing it. Develop collaborations with those to whom you need to explain the least: those who already feel the rhythm and follow the melody.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Aug. 15, 2016


Aries (March 20-April 19) — You have some unusual and by all indications excellent opportunities to express yourself, in creativity, in love or both. What you might come up against, though, are some of your more rigid beliefs about life. These are likely to be values that were instilled in you when you were young, and which don’t serve you. Yet you seem to depend upon them, in a way, to protect you from your more exciting options and your true vitality. Now you’re pushing back against them; that is necessary, if you want any room to have some fun, which is another way of saying to get past the limits that were set upon your bliss. Look for examples of this if you decide you want to do something adventurous and then feel guilty about it, or you feel like something horrible might go wrong. That fear is a blockage, and it stands between you and the future. Now is the time to work it out.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — You cannot look to others for validation of your feelings, or not at this stage anyway. For you, there is no compromise between the past that you’re leaving behind and the life that you want. You must use your power of persuasion, seduction or some other influence to convince a partner to slow down enough and hear the other sides of an issue. This includes their having a sense of your growth trajectory. One thing you can do for yourself is to evaluate your own beliefs. If you notice that your beliefs are rigid, which means firmly held and not tending to flex or bend, you would do well to soften up. Setting that example will be good for everyone. Allow for change, and for the passage of time. Notice the subtle points, which means listen carefully.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Learning is discovering that something is possible. The next week or so will be rich with this energy: of self-discovery, of your learning potential, and most of all, figuring out how much you already know. Please don’t resist this. Slow down and take your time with everything that you’re doing and everything you’re feeling. We’re not talking about knowledge that’s limited to what you’re holding in your head. For you in particular, authentic knowledge is rooted in your feelings, your blood and your bones. Your body informs your mind, not the other way around, and this quality of your being is coming on strong now. Along with this process, pay attention to what you eat and how it makes you feel. Pay attention to your sleep patterns and dreams. And if you have any connection to your ancestors, particularly on your father’s side, consider what they have taught you and what they are offering you now.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Be ready to negotiate for what you want. That means three things mainly: preparation, knowledge and flexibility. You must be coming from an informed place, to the degree that you know more than anyone with whom you’re working out business or contractual arrangements. Powerful forces are at work in your life, and you must be their master, or you face the risk that they will master you. Therefore, I suggest you over-prepare on every subject, but don’t show off your knowledge. Rather, use what you know to ask the right questions. Listen carefully and figure out what other people know, revealing as little as possible. Your astrology reveals that you have a rare opportunity to crack the code of one particular puzzle involving sex, money or some combination of the two. This discovery will lead you to rethink your relationships, and put yourself on much firmer ground when you’re done.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Always remember that your intelligence is your most valuable resource. You may have finances on your mind, and the key to whatever you’re puzzling over or trying to figure out is the power of your mind. You are about to tap into a much wider and deeper source of mental power than you’re typically accustomed to. This will, in turn, help you tap into greater resources than you usually have. Yet this is not like getting a loan from a bank. Rather, it’s much closer to you making your resources available, and seeing what that attracts. The more generous you are, the more you will figure out how much that you have, and that you know. It may be popular to withhold knowledge, as if that makes it worth more. Often this is a mask for lacking confidence. Ideas increase by being given away. You will gain self-assurance as you share what you know, and base your relationships on that sharing.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Relationships are always more than the sum of their parts. Working with others in a harmonious way allows for greater creative flow than people working alone, and opens the way for ideas that never would have emerged otherwise. Therefore, you might want to seek collaboration and cooperation on anything you’re working with. Many hands make lighter work, if you can keep people coordinated, though this goes deeper, to the level of a real exchange. Yet you must be the director of any collaboration, proceeding gently and respectfully but with a degree of quiet authority. Mostly this means setting the agenda based on real goals, being aware of the many factors involved in your environment, and consulting with anyone you’re working with. This process of consultation — with lots of listening involved — is where you will demonstrate respect for the ideas of others, bring out your own best ideas, and then create that something extra.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Most arguments are a waste of time, and this will be especially true this week. I suggest you do that Libra thing and figure out how to sidestep conflict, or turn it into something productive. It’s true that you feel important principles are at stake, but are they really? And do principles really matter? Given the astrology, I would say that part of what you’re doing is re-evaluating your position on matters of deep personal importance that have little involvement with the lives of others. You must make up your mind about what works for you, and you can be more flexible with yourself. If you find yourself feeling certain about something, you might inquire whether that’s not a cover story for feeling utterly clueless. Knowing that you don’t know is a far better option than thinking you know and being wrong. And if someone has an opinion and is right, concede the point quickly and move on.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Finances remain an important theme for you now, and you need to get your house in order. The first thing to do is to prioritize, which is likely to involve making what seem like difficult choices. The question is, what exactly is the difficulty? You appear to be in conflict between what you want, and what you think other people think is right for you. This can be a subtle level of psychology, where you sort out the influence of authority figures in your thought process. Once you start setting your own priorities as a fundamental matter of living, it becomes easier to see where you’re letting others have an influence. I am speaking specifically about parents, siblings and various authority figures from your past who seem to be in a kind of inner debate. None of this is real unless you pretend that it is. What matters is what you say matters.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — You must work with your resistance rather than let it slow you down. The question, though, is what are you holding onto? You must beware of orthodoxy in any form. Checking the semantic roots of that word, we discover that it’s based on the idea of “straight, upright, rectangular, regular; true, correct, proper.” Seen another way, it means stuck in the past for its own sake. The allegedly proper way to do things back then may have little bearing on the way you need to do them today. That might mean breaking tradition, and you might worry this is going to offend people. That is irrelevant. What truly matters is that you understand the wisdom of the past and actually assess its value. It might be relevant; it might not be. Does it help you accomplish what you want to accomplish now, or does it get in your way? The creative process is based more on mistakes than it is on purity.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — You’re working to break free of something that has often hindered you in the past: a thought form, an idea about yourself, or an attachment to a belief. (Those are all ways of saying the same thing; choose which one you relate to.) What I suggest you notice is any time you take something on the level of a religious belief. I don’t mean religion per se but rather that style of ‘true believership.’ There are a few qualities that such might have, one of which is that it’s born of an attempt to simplify something complex. Another is that it’s a response to a fear, with a palliative value (it makes you feel better, or is supposed to). Last, it’s the kind of idea that leads you to avoid something rather than to engage it directly. In case nobody has told you yet, you have a bold, brilliant imagination, and you’re capable of coming up with ideas that far surpass any form of simplistic viewpoint. Those ideas have life and they have energy, and that’s what you’re feeling now.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — When one goes against popular opinion, one is often playing with fire. I suggest you switch ‘playing’ to ‘working’, and use fire carefully and consciously, as the tool that it is. Bucking popular trends or opinions can work well, if it’s done with a level of Jedi awareness. Our current environment is set up to feed counter-trends, and people love them. Remember that you cannot do this alone. You need allies; you need the experience and the wisdom of others who have done similar things before, and who are capable of studying the environment. This may be your friends, your clients, your colleagues or the general public (depending on what you do). The question to ask yourself is: what is the core belief that you’re working with? I could just as easily have said ‘working against’ but in fact you will be working with the very thing you’re working against. Figure out what that is, and you’re well on the way to succeeding.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — You might have the feeling that you’ve found the perfect relationship or the perfect person. You’re certainly being drawn in that direction. At the same time, you are being bold about focusing your purpose and your mission. It’s essential that these two seemingly different aspects of your life not conflict. That would be a waste of a phenomenal opportunity to create harmony between your personal involvements and your most important missions in life. Those missions all require cooperation with others; nearly everything does, though this particular fact is emphasized in your current solar chart. Yet you’re also in the position of setting your own agenda, rather than following what others think is the right thing to do. You must trust your own sense of mission; though remember that you need to reevaluate your goals constantly. There are certain items that have been on your to-do list for a while, and among them are a few that deserve a real investment of your time and your energy.