Category Archives: Columnist

Presence, and What We Birth with Uranus-Eris

By Amanda Painter

Tomorrow (Friday), we’ll experience the last of the three exact contacts in the Uranus-Eris conjunction in Aries, at 2:44 am EDT (6:44 UTC). Uranus-Eris is the overarching event that we can look to as representative of much of the surprise, chaos (political chaos and identity chaos) and upheaval we’re currently experiencing in our digital age. So what does it mean to have the third and final exact conjunction between these two unpredictable planets?

Total presence: baby and saxophonist connect in front of the New York City Library in Sept. 2014. Photo by Amanda Painter.

Total presence: baby and saxophonist connect in front of the NYC Library in 2014. Photo by Amanda Painter.

On one level, it’s yet another reminder to expect the unexpected. That has been the theme of the last year-plus, and it’s clear we’ll need to stay on our toes as this astrology ripples out and its repercussions take new shape.

So one mission, should you choose to accept it, is to keep striving to adapt to what the world throws at you, without getting jaded, exhausting yourself or going numb. Because once you give in to total cynicism, burn out or simply tune out entirely, you also lose touch with the passion and awareness necessary to create something new and vital with your life.

Some days, “new and vital” might simply be the ability to get up in the morning and do what must be done. Other days, “new and vital” could very well be something that refreshes your commitment to serving the highest good of humanity, or something that brings joy and inspiration to others.

Along with Uranus-Eris, tomorrow the Pisces Sun makes a square to Saturn and the Galactic Core (GC) in Sagittarius (just like Mercury did last week). The Sun equates to ‘conscious awareness’, which is a close cousin to the ‘intellect’ that Mercury represents. So I suspect that the Sun-Saturn-GC configuration plays a similar role in this week’s astrology.

That role is to remind you to get your facts straight in the face of all that’s happening around you — especially as you encounter it via online environments. Or perhaps more accurately, get your focus straight. Understand where your awareness gets drawn to; notice how you situate yourself (and your ego) in relation to the world around you. Own your perceptions, biases, blind spots and projections as best you can — and be open to how new information might necessitate a shift in any of those factors.

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Finding Yourself

The Moon moved on to Libra yesterday. Hours later, Mercury followed suit by leaving Pisces behind to enter Aries. So it is that the celestial field of activity has already started to shift since Sunday’s Full Moon in Virgo. Even so, some of the context in which the Virgo Full Moon took place still remains. By a week from today, however, a lot of new themes should begin to become apparent.


Yesterday, Eric pointed out how two conjunctions impending with Sunday’s Full Moon will become exact this week. Taking into account what’s in store for next week, it’s almost as if the Pisces Sun’s conjunction with Pallas and Chiron later today will be offering closure on the season about to end.

Expanding the temporal reach of the Sun’s Pisces conjunctions will be Uranus and Eris. On Friday, the final meeting of Uranus and Eris in Aries will indicate that closure on an entire era, perhaps spanning generations, is being made available. This week is thus an implicitly liminal period, between states of being. What you might want to consider in response is whether and how to participate in the flow.

As you know from your own life experiences, offers are options to be accepted or declined. You have to be conscious of the world and its events to recognize previously unavailable choices when they present themselves. It also takes self-awareness to make a decision appropriate for you. If you do anything this week, focus on those two essentials.

To begin with, inform yourself as best you can regarding your external environment. Start with the fundamentals, such as how the proportion of daylight relative to nighttime is changing. Notice how other beings are responding to that change. Then, evaluate what (if anything) you are doing in comparison.

You might be surprised by what is revealed about your own state of being in the world when you simply get current with what the Sun is doing. The same principle could very well apply if you observe, and compare notes with, other people.

Once you have oriented yourself relative to the external world, taking the next step will require you to set aside some time to be alone. Since your life is yours alone to live, it’s always important to know what you can live with, and what you can’t. Given how you are not immutable, it’s even more vital to stay in touch with how your desires and values might be changing — especially when you consider the current state of Venus and Mars.

Only weeks ago, Venus and Mars were very close to sharing the same degree of the same sign. Just as the Pisces Sun is now doing with Pallas and Chiron (and just as Uranus is in the process of doing with Eris in Aries), it seemed as if Venus and Mars were about to merge their energies and birth a new cycle. Then, Venus slowed down and stationed retrograde in Aries (a sign ruled by Mars) before it could catch Mars from behind.

For its own part, Mars kept moving forward, ultimately leaving Aries behind to enter Taurus (a sign ruled by Venus) only last week. As result, Venus (which, among other things, corresponds to values) and Mars (which has correlations that include desire) are now in a very different state relative to each other than they were only a short time ago.

First off, Venus and Mars are now in what astrologers call “mutual reception” because they currently occupy each other’s dominion. As a result, you can expect Venus (especially as it manifests inside you), to be more like Mars. Your inner Mars, in turn, will probably begin to resemble Venus. The result could be confusion regarding just who and what you are.

Fortunately, there is good news. Confusion is not inevitable. Much of of the implicit potential for inner disorientation in the near future can be headed off if you conduct an intentional survey of how your desires and values align with each other now. The key is to be honest with yourself about what you find. After that, you will almost certainly have some choices to make.

You may elect to accept something about yourself. You could opt to decline something being offered by others. So long as you consider whether most (if not all) of the possible consequences of such decisions are something you can live with, you will be equipped to know what’s right for you.

Based on what the sky is doing, it is almost as if you are now between lives. If you go through the rest of this week keeping that probable perspective in mind, what you find could just as probably be that you are anything but lost.

Offered In Service

Planet Waves

Our ‘Coming of Age’ Age

“Late in the night, I seemed to commune with entities of pure thought, beaming a message at me. Their words hovered in my mind, then scattered away. I retrieved my notebook and scrawled them down before they vanished from my memory. ‘You go deeper into the Physical to get to the Infinite.’”
— Daniel Pinchbeck; 2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl

By Steve Guettermann

Our time has many names, including New Age, Aquarian Age, Information Age and Computer Age. Those all sound positive. However, in other circles our time is known as Kali Yuga: the Age of Quarrel and Conflict, or the Iron Age. Whatever we call it, our time seems to be a Coming of Age age.

Brown bear having fun' photo by Beverly & Pack / flickr under Creative Commons license.

Brown bear (Ursus arctos) having fun; photo by Beverly & Pack via flickr, under a Creative Commons license.

Change is rapid and constant. We seem to be moving toward something positive, but that is paradoxically opposed by the Holocene Age of Extinction, otherwise known as the sixth great extinction, which many anthropologists and other scientists say is the current age.

The Holocene is also known as the Age of Man. In other words, the Age of Extinction is the Age of Man.

But it does not have to be that way. We can tip the scales in our favor and move away from the Age of Man toward the Age of Universal Man, or Homo universalis, as Barbara Marx Hubbard says. This is an age of conscious evolution rather than conscious extinction. We can start this move by realizing that not only do we lose a species in extinction, we lose its voice, its language, its way to communicate and its connection with the universe. That language is not only a gift from the Creator/Creatrix to that species, it is also a gift to us, as we learn how each species perceives and interacts with the world. To learn, we have to listen.

Some human language originated from sounds heard in nature, onomatopoeic sources: an ongoing orchestration of natural sound and vibration, especially from animals. Language will not evolve in the way it can when we no longer hear such sounds. I heard this in a catbird’s song one morning as I walked along Winter Ouzel Creek near my home. When birds and whales and frogs and crickets sing with all they’ve got, despite all that goes on around them, I sense how much they are doing to maintain the purity and evolution of the planet simply with their song.

As biologist E.O. Wilson asks, “Do we really want to live on a planet where one species cannot leave half of it for the other 8.9 million species?”

If we can leave half the planet intact, we may yet shape-shift into what don Oscar Miro-Quesada recommends: “…rather than being a dominating species we become an altruistic, interdependent presence within the great web of life.” This type of human presence can reverse the Holocene Age of Extinction and create the Age of Universal Man. This is to what the term “world reversal” refers. This is our choice.

Animal sounds became shamanic songs to call in animal allies — from this world and beyond — but these relationships are being lost through extinction. And it’s not just sounds; plants, animals, fungi and human cultures are leaving, along with their language, gifts, perceptions and wisdom. So we are left with less understanding of the natural world and a lessened opportunity to understand it because the orchestra is not complete. We originated within a symphony, but are forced to live in a cacophony.

As the natural world becomes less diverse, so does the human world. Both are less communicative, knowledgeable, wise and beautiful, as strands of the web of life are cut and dangle without connection. Rather than orchestrate repair by reflecting natural processes in how we support ourselves and evolve, we engage in biological book-burning and censorship, heralding not just a Silent Spring, but a Silent Millennium. Is this really the legacy we want to leave as the Age of Man?

Right now, much of the natural world hides from us, afraid we will find it. Beauty. Species. Sound. Going…going…almost gone. The thing is, Gaia’s magnificent creatures and creations do not want to leave the planet. They don’t want to exist just in the ethers. They want to live here, with us.

Fortunately, the planet still loves us as one of her own; but the reciprocity and decisions of the natural world are becoming like ours, based on fear rather than love. You see, there is a difference between Mother Earth/Gaia and the world. Gaia contains the world, but her consciousness is distinct from, although connected to, everything that lives here. This is why it is imperative we connect with both the Planet and the natural world, and listen to each while living our lives. Otherwise, while Mother Earth will try to support us, nothing else that lives here will. If this happens, our odds of surviving are going…going…too.

Some human behaviorists suggest we are attracted to beauty because we equate beauty with health. Beauty is a transformational and inspirational vibration. As the beauty and the diversity of life on our planet diminish, we don’t have beauty available to us to transcend and transform our consciousness. Without a foundation of natural beauty, it’s harder for us to recover once we get knocked down, so we stay stuck and we stay down. For sustenance, we prey on each other instead of praying with each other. Relatively speaking, things not in balance require more to subsist than those in balance.

The natural world of creative growth and evolution is orchestrated through the mantras of our animal allies and compadres. That is what a consistent nature song is, a mantra. They are beautiful and sacred sounds used as an object of concentration, and they embody some aspect of spiritual power. There is not just a predator-prey relationship; we seem to have reduced the natural world to that, being the reductionists we are. Natural world relationships are a shape-shifting cosmology of energy and consciousness through an evolutionary flow through consciousness. To experience this may be why we’re here.

We walk into the unknown every step of the way. This means the unknown is something with which we should be intimately familiar. Through planetary preservation we enter into sacred and appreciative relationship with the seen and unseen worlds that maintain life and foster conscious evolution. From awareness to connection, from connection to expansion and from expansion to a higher vibration — right relationship may lead to a quantum jump to greater and clearer manifestation from the love and joy of being and becoming. I suspect that right relationship will be appreciated and reciprocated in higher vibrational experiences, so it makes sense to learn it and practice it here.

There is no doubt that physical reality is a demanding, but beautiful, place. Earth is our mystery school. Here we experience cause and effect, and learn how to manifest desire in sacred relationship within sacred space. Were we to be placed in a space where manifestation of desire happens effortlessly without first learning to be responsible with this power, god/goddess only knows what we would do.

So maybe the Creator/Creatrix knows what he/she is doing after all, by testing us here. By choosing conscious evolution, an Age of Universal Man can become the time and space to remember our source, history and creative and loving power and how to use them. If we can effectively and compassionately manifest on the earth plane — by all accounts the most difficult plane of all — the joy and freedom awaiting us in more etheric realms must truly be remarkable. But first we have to know the joy and freedom that is here now. A Holocene Age won’t serve any of us.

Steve Guettermann is a freelance writer and “teaches” critical thinking at Montana State University. He is currently studying Peruvian shamanism under don Oscar Miro-Quesada, and published an article in last year’s Planet Waves annual edition, Vision Quest. Steve’s email is; you can also visit his website.

Planet Waves

Your Labors Found

Now that Mars is in Taurus, we are waiting on the Moon. After the waxing Moon moves from Leo to Virgo later today, the celestial chemistry will be pretty much set for the Full Moon on Sunday. How this upcoming opposition of the Sun and Moon manifests for you will depend upon your personal astrology. However, there is one complex yet dominant motif implicit in the symphonic score.


As noted by Amanda’s feature article in the Planet Waves subscribers weekly edition yesterday, one alignment stands out in the Full Moon chart. The featured aspect is called a quincunx. It’s a separation of 150 degrees on the zodiac wheel (or, as Amanda put it: “one sign off from an opposition”).

The prominent quincunx for Sunday’s Full Moon consists of the Virgo Moon in precise aspect to the era-defining conjunction of Uranus and Eris in Aries. But wait, there’s more; wherever you find a quincunx aspect, there is the distinct possibility that another, more complex ‘combined aspect’ is lurking in the cosmic woodpile: a yod.

An ordinary yod consists of three points. First, there must be a sextile (a separation of 60 degrees between two planets). Then, on the other side of the sky, precisely in quincunx aspect to both constituents of the sextile, there must be third object. If you connect the three objects by lines through the middle of the zodiac circle, the yod looks like the letter “Y” in upper case.

Occasionally, an even more complicated yod shows up with a fourth object precisely between the planets in sextile (which is therefore in precise opposition to the planet on the other side). The result is sometimes called a “boomerang yod,” and the connecting lines look like a peace symbol. Sure enough, the upcoming Full Moon will be distinguished by a four-point yod, which will be precise to the degree.

The sextile in question consists of Uranus and Eris sharing the same degree of Aries, and an asteroid called 5143 Heracles, 60 degrees away in Aquarius. Splitting the difference will be the Pisces Sun in exact opposition to the Virgo Full Moon.

You might say the luminaries (Sun and Moon) are the alpha pair of astrology. For its own part, the most straightforward correlation for the astrological Sun is the sort of conscious awareness necessary to make your way about in the external world. The Moon’s interpretation, in turn, includes the less-than-conscious awareness you employ when making your way through your inner world (such as when asleep and dreaming).

Hence, every Full Moon features an implicitly intense relationship between your two most prominent states of consciousness (as symbolized by the luminaries facing off against each other from opposite sides of the sky, with you in between). That’s a big part of the reason Full Moons feel like they do.

Astrology’s role for asteroids is often to fill in the detail sketched out by the luminaries and sign-ruling planets. The astrological interpretation of asteroids is thus highly contextual. Part of that context tends to include a serendipitous correspondence to the asteroid’s name.

Asteroid 5143 is named after one of the most famous characters in ancient mythology: Heracles (or Hercules if your are more of the Roman, rather than Greek, persuasion). By all accounts, he had a complex, compelling and sometimes troubling personality. Nonetheless, you must give Heracles credit for his legendary labors, for which he was often stiffed when it came to receiving his promised compensation.

Implicit as a big part of the big picture for Sunday’s Full Moon is thus a complicated (but nonetheless graspable) scenario. The most salient defining elements of our era are part of the motif, as are the complementary sides of your consciousness.

Filling in the detail are your labors, your motivation for performing them, and what you actually receive in exchange. Keep all of that in mind as you make your way through the weekend, and you could very well find yourself to be a more important detail than you ever gave yourself credit for.

Offered In Service

Planet Waves

Virgo Full Moon: You Get to Connect the Dots

By Amanda Painter

We’re building toward a Full Moon this Sunday, with the Moon in Virgo single-handedly opposing a whole school of fishy planets in Pisces (and that’s not all). If you feel like you’re trying to swim upstream; or like you’re caught in a whirlpool; or maybe like every time you turn around, some seemingly solid part of the world has melted and warped like a Salvador Dali painting, you’re not alone.

Photo by Amanda Painter

Photo by Amanda Painter

For example, just this week I’ve read about an uptick in Canadian citizens being turned away at the U.S. border — including one woman born in Canada to Indian parents, with no flags on her file, turned away while trying to visit a Vermont day spa with two white friends.

She’d had no previous difficulty visiting the U.S. Living as I do in a state sharing a significant border with Canada, and which depends heavily on tourism (especially Canadian tourism), I’m hearing a lot of people express concern about what this might mean for the local economy. I know a few frustrated Canadians scrapping their travel plans to the U.S.

Or I could point to an important article making the rounds about the truly horrific, racist cartoons and ads Theodor Geisel — the beloved Dr. Seuss — once drew. As in, he drew African-Americans like monkeys (or as being for sale), and depicted all Japanese-Americans as just waiting for their moment to attack the U.S. from within during WW II. I had an extensive, thoughtful and thought-provoking conversation on Facebook about what this means for us now in terms of how we regard Seuss’ later work.

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Check Up, Check In

When the Sun, Moon or a planet moves through a sign in direct motion, the traversal tends to proceed in stages. When an object first enters a new sign, its expression in the world often exhibits in a new way — much as you would after a makeover. With the newness, however, there is usually a bit of uncertainty that can only be resolved with experience.


By the time the Sun, Moon or a planet reaches the middle of a sign, the quotient of uncertainty has usually been reduced. Finally, when an object in direct motion approaches the latter degrees of a sign, one could very well observe that something akin to aging has taken place as regards to how the object’s nature evinces for you.

Sometimes (with red wine as a common example, up to a point) aging is often considered a good thing. Other times (as with salad greens), the fresher the better. In many cases (for clothing and automobiles, among other things) a middle ground between new and old will combine the familiar with what is comfortable. This week will provide you with some good — and probably discernible — examples of how luminary (Sun and Moon) and planetary journeys manifest.

Today will be the last full day of the waxing Moon in Cancer. Tomorrow, the Moon moves on to Leo, where it will remain all day Thursday and most of Friday. During the weekend, the Moon will be in Virgo up to (and in the hours immediately following) the Full Moon on Sunday. Consistent with the nature of how the Moon expresses, take note of how you feel this week, and you will have introduced yourself to a potentially valuable understanding of your inner workings.

Interestingly, while the Moon is moving towards its full phase, the Sun will be completing its tour of the middle third of Pisces. Congruent with the Sun’s customary connection to conscious awareness, it would probably be a useful exercise to compare your point of view on external events now to your perceptions during the last week of February.

Finally, there is Mars. The red planet has been moving through Aries (one of its two astrological dominions, along with Scorpio) since Jan. 28. Late Thursday (or early Friday, depending on your time zone), Mars will finally leave Aries behind and enter Taurus. When you consider how Mars corresponds to energy (especially that related to desire and any perceived imperatives), this week will provide you with an excellent opportunity to see how Mars ages for you.

The end of January is not all that long ago. With a little effort, you should be able to recall something of how your desires and priorities have evolved over the weeks since. With the benefit of reflecting on your experience up to this week, it should also be possible to assess your energetic inclinations during the next several days. In doing so, you can learn a little something of your relationship with Mars.

Once Mars does move on to Taurus, the process will implicitly start over. Therefore, in addition to observing how Mars has aged in its home sign this time around, you will also get a chance to see how it refreshes in a very different environmental signature under the light of what looks to be a discerning Full Moon.

Of course, it is yourself (rather than some far-away celestial object) that motions of the Moon, Sun and Mars will be allowing you to explore this week. Astrology simply uses the planets as devices to help you remember the manifold nature of both your existence within, and your connections to the universe. May you find your life to be enhanced as result.

Offered In Service


Planet Waves

In Quest of Comfort

All men want, not something to do with, but something to do, or rather something to be.
— Henry David Thoreau

Today is the last full day of the Moon in Taurus. Early tomorrow (less than an hour after Venus stations retrograde) the Moon moves to Gemini. Typically, a Gemini Moon means a lot of conversation. Add Mercury and Mars also making several meaningful aspects before the Moon enters its Cancer domain on Monday, and this weekend looks to be busy, one way or another.


For this reason, at the very least, give yourself something specific and constructive to do your best with over the next few days. It would be even better if you find a way to physically show up among others with an intent to be something specific as well.

The alternative to a self-directed and intentional weekend looks to be the energetic equivalent of being all dressed up with nowhere to go. In other words, there is nothing to fear. There is nothing intrinsically harmful about wearing an evening gown or tuxedo while remaining at home to binge-watch your favorite television series, for example. The prospect of doing so, however, seems like it would be a bit uncomfortable.

With Mercury moving through Pisces to catch up with the Sun early next week, an unoccupied mind at this time would likely be a restless one. Similarly, Mars laboring through the final degrees of its Aries domain over the next six days (and in the context of the rest of the zodiac) implies a distinct potential to be unsettled in an idle body.

It need not be complicated for you to enjoy the comfort you can make for yourself over the coming week. Everybody has something coming up that would benefit from a bit of planning and preparation. If your residence would benefit from some spring cleaning, for example, now would be a good time to occupy your mind by planning and scheduling whatever that would entail.

Occupying your body so as to find physical relaxation can be simple as well. If you are a parent of young children, being present just to play with them could do wonders for both of you. Even calling up a friend and arranging to go for a long walk would go a long way towards covering all the bases being implied by the sky.

Should your ambition be greater than simply finding comfort through doing and/or being, you could look to break some personal precedents. Take the captioned quotation from Thoreau as one instance.

Both the world and the English vernacular have changed a lot since Thoreau’s time. Were he alive and writing today, there is little doubt that he would have made the same observation regarding “all people” rather than “all men.” The gist of the quote, however, still rings true. The same broad principle applies to you.

Even as much as the world has changed in your lifetime, the fact that you are still here is a strong indication you belong here. You have something to do, if only to think through and schedule future actions. You have something to be, if only somebody a little different. Just as the language and earthly realities have changed with time, so can the ways you make yourself comfortable. Recognize only that, and you will make this next week a lot easier.

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Pisces1 meme

Find Your Freedom

By Amanda Painter

People define ‘freedom’ many different ways: as adult independence; as the liberty granted by a democracy; as a lack of responsibilities and obligations; as sexual openness; as having a choice, and so on. Yet none of those definitions means much if you are not free within your own mind — to think, feel, decide, fantasize, question, grow and love in the ways that are most true for you.

New growth on a Balsam fir; photo by Amanda Painter.

New growth on a Balsam fir; photo by Amanda Painter.

This week, the astrology points us toward a question of freedom; yet it does so with a clear emphasis on how free you feel within your own self.

Today, retrograde Jupiter opposes Uranus (and Eris) in Aries (exact at 8:15 pm EST / 1:15 UTC Friday). Generally speaking, Jupiter-Uranus oppositions are about independence, determination and a desire to release oneself from obligations or restrictions. The signs Aries and Libra emphasize the theme of ‘an individual in a relationship’.

One basic interpretation would be to notice where in your relationships you’re chafing to break away. Or, in projected form, to notice if any of your partners (romantic, business or other) seem to be pushing away or looking for a soft way out of some part of your agreement. Dragging your heels on making a decision could be a clue that you’re having trouble being forthright with yourself about the extra wiggle room you truly want or need.

Yet it’s worth noting that Jupiter is retrograde. This is one of the factors that underscores the idea of “freedom within your own self.” Retrograde planets often signal a phase of review or looking inward. How freely do you acknowledge to yourself your own urges to break away? How often and how strongly does guilt, or a fear of letting others down, overshadow your need to renegotiate duties to liberate some of your time or creative energy?

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