The Jaglavak

Posted by Planet Waves

Member of Cameroon's Mofu tribe looking at a termite nest.

Using a documentary about the reciprocal relationship between the Mofu people of Cameroon and the Jaglavak ant as a starting point, guest writer Steve Guettermann discusses “sacred reciprocity.” That is, spoken and honest prayerful intent, offered from a place of gratitude and abundance (rather than “behaving to have”), even during a Dark Night of the Soul.

Return to the Great Mystery

Posted by Planet Waves


“I agree with your analysis and thoughts about what is fueling the social rupturing we are seeing today. I am an amateur student of history and there is a deep underlying pattern that I have seen that holds true for most of humanity’s experiments in social living, at least as we know of it.” Reader Sally responds to Eric’s letter about anger.

The laughing man and the search for Canadian sponsors

Posted by Amanda Painter

Marcy Franck, newly arrived in Chios, Greece on July 24. Photo by Marcy Franck.

Despite being met by laughter when Marcy Franck introduces herself to a Canadian man on the phone — she says she is an American trying to help get a Canadian sponsor group for a particular Syrian family to relocate — Marcy is persevering. Are you at all interested? Do you know any Canadians with a humanitarian streak? Marcy will be assisting the process every step of the way. (And we won’t tell Trump.)

Pulling Back the Veil: The Astrology of Modern Activist Culture and the Work Yet to be Done (Part 2 of 2)

Posted by Amy Jacobs


This year’s Democratic National Convention, with its masses of protesters angry at a “rigged system” and “the death of democracy,” came on the heels of the square between Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn, which was in play most intensely between 2012-2015. The timing parallels the infamous Chicago DNC of 1968, remembered for its anti-war protests and police violence, which occurred shortly after the Uranus/Pluto conjunction in Virgo from 1965-1966.

Understanding Trump’s Use of Language

Posted by Planet Waves


Part 2 of George Lakoff’s series on Trump. “Some in the media (Washington Post, Salon, Slate, Think Progress, etc.) have called Trump’s speeches “word salad.” Some commentators have even attributed his language use to “early Alzheimer’s,” citing “erratic behavior” and “little regards for social conventions.” I don’t believe it.”

Understanding Trump

Posted by Planet Waves


George Lakoff is Distinguished Professor of Cognitive Science and Linguistics Emeritus at the University of California at Berkeley. His website is In this first of two articles about Donald Trump, he ponders how the Republican presidential candidate fits in with the conservative worldview, how he charms his supporters — and how the Democrats can fight back.

Hospital Hotel Parts 3 and 4: Shopping Spree and Special Delivery

Posted by Planet Waves

Marcy in the amazing warehouse filled with clothing, shoes, toiletries, and snacks sent or purchased by private donors. Humanity lives in every box, piled high to the giant ceiling. Photo by Marcy Franck.

Freaking out because she cannot buy everything that’s needed despite generous donations, Marcy Franck calls a friend who has volunteered on Chios, Greece, and is told to look in Toula’s warehouse. Suddenly, the list of requests begins to feel manageable — although the delivery process makes Marcy question the unintended consequences and implications of her good intentions.