Author Archives: Planet Waves

Planet Waves Daily Oracle for Friday, June 7, 2019

Today’s Oracle takes us to the Libra weekly for January 14, 2000.


Revolution begins with words. Not “mere words,” but potent, clear words that convey ideas, necessities and allow us to engage with our fellow inhabitants of the universe. Words are often put down as some kind of substitute for action, but really they have the power to be the template for action. Words allow us to define our ideas, which allow us to define and create our reality. Remember what you have said and conceived in these very weeks, because it is far more important than you now realize, and will have a great bearing on what you are able to create as the next phase of your creative and intellectual development unfolds, as it is now poised to do.


Mars in Cancer is making some big-news aspects to many planets — particularly Saturn, Chiron, Pluto, and Eris. Eric has not covered these transits in any birthday reading or the INTELLIGENCE readings, but he just dove into 12 spirited, accessible, genuinely useful videos that put the movements of this key planet of desire, drive and aggression, into personalized context for you. These Spring Reading videos — titled Call the Astrologer! — are available for instant access in a 12-sign bundle, or by individual signs. You can see a video introduction here, and watch a sample video here.

The Day of the Visionary: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is June 6
The Day of the Visionary | Order Your 2019-20 Gemini Reading | All Other Signs

You may feel like you’re being tested at every turn — though the only real question is whether you’re being honest with yourself. There are times when self-doubt is debilitating and even toxic. There are times when, if used with focus, it can be the best tool you’ve got. So keep asking yourself: am I being real with myself about this? Then go to, why or why not? Be open to ideas that contradict what you believe. If you have a defensive reaction to something, pause and ask yourself why. You will find this empowering.
— by Eric Francis Coppolino
Hear Eric speak about your year in-depth in your 2019-20 Gemini Astrology Studio Reading.

Written in the Planets

Today’s Cancer Moon could keep moods changeable, and domestic or caring-related activities at the top of your to-do list for the first part of the day. Mercury in Cancer continues to make contact with other cardinal-sign objects, emphasizing how you play out family patterns (especially in how you perceive certain things). You may feel a little more compelled today to investigate or speak about how you came to your current situation or worldview.

As the Moon enters Leo later in the day (3:16 pm EDT), notice if anyone around you seems compelled to dramatize whatever thoughts and feelings Mercury’s been stirring up. Remember that just because you’re in touch with your own inner child does not mean you need to let that little one act out for attention; you can use this same energy to get creative and playful, or to generously offer someone else whatever it is they seem to need.
— by Amanda Painter

Did you know that Eric Francis has recorded new videos for all 12 signs, specifically investigating Mars interacting with some of astrology’s most influential planets this season? His Call the Astrologer readings are available individually or as a 12-sign set to share with your loved ones. Check out samples here and here.

Planet Waves Daily Oracle for Thursday, June 6, 2019

Today’s Oracle takes us to the Scorpio daily for April 21, 2018.


You need a break from your routine. Almost anything will do, though it’ll help, at least, to get away from your regular neighborhoods. Go as far from home as you conveniently can, and try to get near some water: a beach, a river or a reservoir will do. This will open your mind to new possibilities.


Mars in Cancer is making some big-news aspects to many planets — particularly Saturn, Chiron, Pluto, and Eris. Eric has not covered these transits in any birthday reading or the INTELLIGENCE readings, but he just dove into 12 spirited, accessible, genuinely useful videos that put the movements of this key planet of desire, drive and aggression, into personalized context for you. These Spring Reading videos — titled Call the Astrologer! — are available for instant access in a 12-sign bundle, or by individual signs. You can see a video introduction here, and watch a sample video here.

The Day of the Brilliant Path: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is June 5
The Day of the Brilliant Path | Order Your 2019-20 Gemini Reading | All Other Signs

This year will bring tests of your true priorities. You already know what they are; the question is whether you will exercise them like options. It’s too easy for people to subvert their most cherished desires to what they think is the will of others. Yet when one takes the chance and dares to stand up for oneself, there can be considerable pain and confusion. This is a temporary stage in the growth process, and one that at a certain point we must learn to push through. If you want to call this experience your life, that’s the necessary project.
— by Eric Francis Coppolino
Hear Eric speak about your year in-depth in your 2019-20 Gemini Astrology Studio Reading.

Written in the Planets

Mercury in Cancer opposing the centaur Pholus (along with Quaoar) in Capricorn could be focusing your attention on a ‘runaway emotions’ situation. Is it yours, or one that you’re witnessing? It could also feel more like your mind is getting carried off, or has been catalyzed into an ever-developing chain reaction of thoughts. If this describes you, however, you’ll want to consider whether any of these thought patterns and emotional habits are hand-me-downs from a past generation. Do you really need to burn up all that energy? Same if someone you know is currently mirroring a dynamic like that to you.

With Juno in Cancer also opposing Pluto in Capricorn, the question of emotional security in relationships arises. As much as it can seem like ‘stability’ is the key to that (that is, things staying the same), you may discover that flowing with the changes both you and a partner are experiencing offers the most comfortable (and honest) way to stay present — and connected.
— by Amanda Painter

Did you know that Eric Francis just recorded new videos for all 12 signs, specifically investigating Mars interacting with some of astrology’s most influential planets this season? His Call the Astrologer readings are available individually or as a 12-sign set to share with your loved ones. Check out samples here and here.

Planet Waves Daily Oracle for Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Today’s Oracle takes us to the Libra monthly for November 1, 2001.


God is not mad at you, and won’t ask you to sacrifice your favorite cow, your ideas or your ass. One scourge of institutional religion is that we’re all infected with a concept of “god,” supposedly the ultimate and original creative force, who has limited powers, who is stingy and worst of all, vengeful. If god = love, then love = revenge. This god-concept, which then runs our minds, is not real; the whole phenomenon is internal, but it doesn’t help that millions of other people fall for it, and that a mean world is used as substantiation for the existence of a mean cosmic intelligence. While this particular issue seems to be nagging you lately, you’re headed for a rare moment of clarity on the true nature of your higher being and its relationship to the universal creative force. The process involves not remembering anything, but rather forgetting. Can we consciously choose to forget something? I don’t know, but some strange astrology coming your way suggests you’ll have lots of help if you try.


Mars in Cancer is making some big-news aspects to many planets — particularly Saturn, Chiron, Pluto, and Eris. Eric has not covered these transits in any birthday reading or the INTELLIGENCE readings, but he just dove into 12 spirited, accessible, genuinely useful videos that put the movements of this key planet of desire, drive and aggression, into personalized context for you. These Spring Reading videos — titled Call the Astrologer! — are available for instant access in a 12-sign bundle, or by individual signs. You can see a video introduction here, and watch a sample video here.

Twitter for Introverts

By Jen Sorensen

By Jen Sorensen


Mars in Cancer is making some big-news aspects to many planets — particularly Saturn, Chiron, Pluto, and Eris. Eric has not covered these transits in any birthday reading or the INTELLIGENCE readings, but he just dove into 12 spirited, accessible, genuinely useful videos that put the movements of this key planet of desire, drive and aggression, into personalized context for you. These Spring Reading videos — titled Call the Astrologer! — are available for instant access in a 12-sign bundle, or by individual signs. You can see a video introduction here, and watch a sample video here.

Gemini New Moon Conjunct Magdalena

Use this link if you’re listening on an iOS or mobile device. Download MP3.

Dear Friend and Listener:

Tonight’s Planet Waves FM is ready. I take two different looks at the Gemini New Moon, exact Monday morning at 6:02 am ET. One look involves the New Moon opposite two deep space points; the other takes up the Magdalena aspect of things.

In a political segment of the program, I consider how 2nd Amendment advocates relate to the responsibilities involved in such an unusual right. And then I play the entire statement by Robert Mueller and give some analysis.

Continue reading

The Day of Critical Expertise: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is June 4
The Day of Critical Expertise | Order Your 2019-20 Gemini Reading | All Other Signs

You may need to let certain important situations play themselves out much longer than you would normally think is reasonable to get the best outcome. This will require a particular kind of trust that does not come naturally in the world. Therefore, delay important decisions till you have full confidence that you really understand what is happening. For this to work, you will have to know when you don’t know; you must be sensitive to when you are traveling through a fog. Awakening is a very different feeling from sleeping.
— by Eric Francis Coppolino
Hear Eric speak about your year in-depth in your 2019-20 Gemini Astrology Studio Reading.

Written in the Planets

Just a few hours after the Moon enters its home sign of Cancer today, Mercury also enters Cancer. Having the symbol of emotions and the symbol of the mind both in such an especially sensitive, receptive, cyclical sign could indicate a day when suddenly everyone seems to be feeling much more deeply than they were just a day or two ago. Yet those feelings and impressions could ebb and flow frequently. So it might be a wise idea to choose your environments, companions and other sensory inputs consciously, particularly if you’ve been feeling at all overwhelmed lately.

Over the course of today and tomorrow the Moon will echo the major aspects that Mars recently made to objects early in the cardinal signs; Mercury will do the same over the course of this week. This suggests an emotional-level and mental-level encounter with whatever issues of anger and desire came up for you in late May — and with the familial/generational and social/political layers of that material. With Mercury in the Moon’s sign, there could be an especially intuitive understanding that comes through, and listening (over reading) might play a bigger role.

Mercury in Cancer can also be an especially imaginative placement, with some fine print: it helps to find creative ways to express your mind’s meanderings. Give it a job, a purpose; this should help prevent your imagination from turning inward and growing small fears and problems into outsized versions of themselves. The Gemini Sun opposite the Great Attractor offers another reminder to keep perspective on anything that feels too large to understand clearly, especially if you find it particularly compelling in any way. There’s plenty else surrounding you to help you keep your bearings.
— by Amanda Painter

Did you know that Eric Francis just recorded new videos for all 12 signs, specifically investigating Mars interacting with some of astrology’s most influential planets this season? His Call the Astrologer readings are available individually or as a 12-sign set to share with your loved ones. Check out samples here and here.