Author Archives: Amanda Painter


Say What You Mean, Mean What You Say

This week’s astrology features Mercury and Mars in Cancer making a series of aspects throughout the week. Mercury in Cancer, particularly, can indicate a mind that’s very sensitive to others — to people’s moods, to what they say, to what they seem to leave unsaid. Which means that it becomes extra important to say what you mean, and mean what you say.


Photo by Amanda Painter.

As Eric suggested in an email about this astrology, “make actual statements of fact. Do not hedge or pussyfoot around the point.”

I recognize how incredibly difficult this can be for many people — especially in person.

Years ago, I remember a college professor of mine pointing out that, more and more, he was hearing students say, “I feel that…” when they were actually trying to express their thoughts about an academic topic, not describe their feelings.

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Cycles and Your Inner Sea: Cancer New Moon

By Amanda Painter

The sea is one of nature’s embodied paradoxes: though it is in one sense constant in its vastness and depth, it is also constantly changing — such as with the tides. True, storms and certain types of currents can seem to come up suddenly on the ocean, but the tides offer a cycle of continual shift that is dependable, and which fosters many kinds of life.

Solstice sunrise meditation, June 21, 2017; photo by Amanda Painter.

Solstice sunrise meditation, June 21, 2017; photo by Amanda Painter.

On Friday — just two days after yesterday’s solstice (when the Sun entered Cancer to begin the summer season) — the Sun and Moon will conjoin for a New Moon.

This Cancer New Moon, exact at 10:31 pm EDT on June 23 (2:31 UTC June 24), seems to emphasize the ocean’s particular flavor of constant change. I realize that “change” is kind of a trigger-word for some people. Not for everyone; there are those who thrive on continually reinventing themselves and their immediate environments.

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Mind-Mapping Your Approach to the Solstice

By Amanda Painter

Within a week, summer here in the Northern Hemisphere will begin, signaled by the Sun’s entrance into the sign Cancer on June 21. We’re almost at the solstice: that time of maximum daylight, when you may experience a sense of extending your energy out into the world more than usual as a result of the longer (and warmer) days. If you tend to be a natural extravert, it probably feels great to get out there and go, go, go from sunup to sundown, drinking it all in.

An example of mind-mapping, on the theme of health.

An example of mind-mapping, on the theme of health.

If you’re more of an energetic introvert it could be a little tougher to balance the desire to fully use these long days with a need to stay grounded, slow down, or in some other way nourish yourself.

Speaking to those themes as we approach the solstice are aspects involving the Sun, Mercury and Ceres in Gemini. Today, the Gemini Sun opposes Saturn and the centaur planet Ixion in Sagittarius (exact beginning with Saturn at 6:18 am EDT / 10:18 UTC). Tomorrow, Mercury makes a conjunction to Ceres in Gemini (exact at 4:55 pm EDT / 20:55 UTC), still square Neptune in Pisces.

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Dreams, Truth, Limitations and Negotiation

As we begin this week, Mercury and the Sun are moving into a set of interestingly coordinated aspects. Taken together, the message could be read as: Dream big, but recognize your actual limitations. Keep it real (and ethical) in your thoughts, words and actions.


Photo by Amanda Painter.

Getting the week rolling is Mercury in Gemini making a trine to Jupiter in Libra, exact Tuesday (11:45 am EDT / 15:45 UTC). At its simplest, this aspect is pure optimism.

According to Robert Hand, it’s great for making plans for the future, and for business and financial moves and contracts — in part, because it assists in seeing all the possibilities so that you can use them well.

Yet Jupiter is known for being all promise and no follow-through. Being intentionally disciplined will get you further than taking passive or ‘easier’ options. Mercury in this setup taps into the wisdom of Jupiter. You might ask yourself what wisdom is worth these days. More to the point, what is wisdom worth if you don’t act upon it?

Consider that Mercury is simultaneously square Neptune in Pisces (exact Wednesday, but in full effect now). This is a caution to beware of over-idealizing anything you might be doing some Jupiter-style planning around. As Eric put it, “make sure what you believe is really true, even if it’s inconvenient to find out that it’s not.”

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Sagittarius Full Moon: Recognizing Your Freedom to Care

By Amanda Painter

Have you thought much about the fact that you are just as free to care as you are free not to care? One reading of Friday’s Sagittarius Full Moon suggests this theme, which might emerge through your interaction with someone particular in your life.

Photo by Amanda Painter.

Photo by Amanda Painter.

The question of being free to care or not care applies to everything: from personal relationships and interactions, to political or social justice issues, to the latest consumer and celebrity trends.

Whether you think of “caring” as giving your mental attention to something or as actively taking care of something (or someone), you always have that choice to care or not.

Look around — at the state of the world, at the media’s focus, at your social circles (both online and in your bricks-and-mortar community), at your own choices and habits — and it’s clear that not everything we care about is necessarily healthy. It’s also clear that we often don’t actively take care of the people, places and things (including ourselves) that might best support and nurture us in return.

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Dharma 101: Assertive Caring and Emotional Accessibility

We begin this week with three personal planets on the move that represent some of our most palpable facets of personality. Broadly speaking, this is a reminder to notice what’s shifting — particularly within you, or in terms of your responses to your immediate environment. Yet it’s how things are shifting that really matters.


Spider monkey at the Belize Zoo, which cares for animals that have been injured, abandoned or rescued from the illegal pet trade. Photo by Amanda Painter.

The background context for this other astrology is that the Moon is approaching Full phase. On Friday, the Moon in Sagittarius will oppose the Sun in Gemini. Like all Full Moons, this one speaks of energy coming to a peak, particularly in interpersonal relationships. And as noted, the tone of ‘the personal’ is being modified.

First off, Mars ingressed Cancer earlier today (Sunday). On Tuesday, June 6, Venus enters its home sign of Taurus at 3:26 am EDT (7:26 UTC). Then later on Tuesday Mercury ingresses its own home sign of Gemini at 6:15 pm EDT (22:15 UTC).

Both Venus and Mars are entering ‘feminine’ (or more receptive) signs: Taurus and Cancer. (Gemini, like all air signs, gets called ‘masculine’, though astrologer Isabel Hickey points out that due to its dualistic nature, it’s rather neutral in terms of ‘gender’.)

In an email conversation about this cluster of planetary shifts, Eric wrote: “You might ask: if people suddenly seemed to be more emotionally accessible, and if you wanted to be more accessible, what would you do? How would you respond?”

For example, there’s the idea of allowing oneself to be more open with a partner: stating your feelings and listening to theirs. Or in social situations, being more receptive to simple gestures like eye contact. Making eye contact is such a powerful way of connecting with another human being. Yet in this era of the smartphone, people seem to avoid it like the plague with anyone they don’t already know.

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Mars, Venus and Learning to Trust Yourself

By Amanda Painter

In times of great stress or uncertainty, such as in our current cultural environment, people often cling even tighter to what feels familiar, sure or secure. Even if doing so causes more stress, tension and feelings of insecurity or doubt than before. It can be incredibly difficult to trust the universe — even when you say that’s what you want to do.

Interactive art at Burning Man 2012; photo by Amanda Painter.

Interactive art at Burning Man 2012; photo by Amanda Painter.

Perhaps that’s because when we say, “trust the universe,” what we often mean is, “trust myself.” But there are countless ways people grow up being told that they can’t or shouldn’t trust themselves.

You might have gotten the message as a child from an early caregiver that you can’t trust your preferences and desires (because they were ‘different’). Maybe when you started making friends or dating, painful experiences told you that you shouldn’t trust your judgment of others’ character. Possibly you’ve lived so well within the confines of ‘what everybody else does and thinks’ that you simply have never tested that boundary to learn how to trust your creativity.

Yet every once in a while there comes a time when, no matter how contrary it is to your usual desires, habits, sense of security or priorities, you feel yourself drawn to making a different choice. When this happens amid other pressures or a lack of clarity, or when the world around you seems to be going to shit, trusting that new inclination might not make much sense on the surface.

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It’s okay to be real (in fact, it’s necessary)

By Amanda Painter

This may not be a week known for celebratory fireworks displays, but you’ll want to watch for the metaphorical kind. Mars in Gemini opposite Saturn in Sagittarius, which was exact yesterday (2:55 am EDT / 6:55 UTC), speaks of confrontation and even conflict. But that’s not necessarily a bad thing.


Rotating fireworks in a wheel formation in the Netherlands, New Year, 2014. Photo by Peter van der Sluijs/Wikimedia Commons.

A little friction is often necessary in life. Sure, it’s uncomfortable. It can feel like heat, and “hot under the collar” is a term for losing one’s temper for a good reason. Enough friction can start a fire.

Yet the tension we often feel with interpersonal friction can actually push us toward a more honest resolution in a situation. After all, if you hold back your true feelings and thoughts because you’re afraid of upsetting others, how can true negotiation happen? Either you don’t get anywhere near what you want or need, or else you use manipulative tactics to get there.

Perhaps more importantly, how can anyone get to know, respect and appreciate the ‘real you’ if you keep hiding yourself away? Yet that question points to the heart of the matter: so many people fear that ‘who they really are’ is someone nobody could love — because they themselves are unable to see their own inherent worth, and aren’t even sure who they are. A little conflict can give you the opportunity to stand up for what you believe in; if you’re not sure who you are, that pressure can help you figure it out.

At the same time, notice when you’re arguing with someone who’s incapable of changing their opinion. Saturn in Sagittarius can be dogmatic that way; sometimes you have to learn to pick your battles.

However you handle what you meet this week, the sky is also cautioning that you be truthful. The Gemini Sun is approaching its square to Neptune in Pisces (exact Sunday, June 4 — but Neptune casts a wide orb of influence). Along the way, the Sun will also square Nessus — the ‘buck stops here’ centaur.

What exactly needs to stop? Eric’s suggestion is that it’s the pervasive habit of casual lying. It’s popular to take the whole ‘two sides of the story’ theme that Gemini represents and spin that into the idea that there’s no such thing as truth. Yes, everyone has their own personal perspective. But at a certain level there are basic facts that must be agreed upon: either Flynn and Trump (and whoever else) accepted money from Russian sources or not; either you dinged that other person’s car in the parking lot or not; either you followed through on the task you said you’d do or not.

It’s one thing not to be sure who you are; everyone is discovering that as they go. It’s another thing to deny clear facts or your real motivations.

Same with pretending that persistent emotions and desires don’t exist or mean nothing. That just causes another source of tension and restlessness — but one that’s contained wholly within you.

Speaking of which: this week Venus moves through the Uranus-Eris conjunction, first contacting Eris (exact today — Tuesday) and then Uranus (exact Saturday, June 3). This is the astrological picture of restlessness, particularly where love and relationships are concerned — so be real about it.

That doesn’t mean you need to throw out the baby with the proverbial bathwater or instigate a war to get the love you need. But it does suggest listening to any urge to shake things up, try something new, loosen what has gotten rigid or routine, or express that emotion or desire that feels too ‘out there’.

In the name of honesty and figuring out who you are, you could do a lot worse. You might even be relieved by the results.